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Day after day, all news on the web about employee share ownership

13.03.2025: Employee ownership trusts: an employee ownership success story + foreword
05.03.2025: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2025
04.03.2025: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2025
27.02.2025: EFES Database of Employee Ownership Trusts in the UK
04.02.2025: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2025
08.01.2025: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2025
03.01.2025: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2024

03.12.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2024
08.11.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2024
16.10.2024: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2024
05.10.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2024
01.09.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July-August 2024
06.07.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2024
07.06.2024: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2024
07.06.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2024
28.05.2024: Update: Table of recent policy decisions in European countries
17.05.2024: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2024
17.05.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2024
07.04.2024: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2024
04.04.2024: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2023
04.03.2024: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2024
04.03.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2024
07.02.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2024
03.01.2024: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2024
03.01.2024: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2023
03.12.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2023
24.11.2023: Share Council - Dutch platform for empowering employees to become co-owners
23.11.2023: Echternach procession in Germany
03.11.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2023
12.10.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2023
12.10.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2023
30.09.2023: EFES Annual Report 2022
07.09.2023: New statutes of the European Federation of Employee Share Ownership
07.09.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2023
17.08.2023: EFES Barometer of Employee Share Ownership Policies in European Countries - August 2023
03.08.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July 2023
13.07.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2023
13.07.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2023
07.06.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2023
07.06.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2023
17.05.2023: Belgium - Proposition de loi instaurant un nouveau mécanisme d'actionnariat salarié
17.05.2023: België - Wetsvoorstel tot instelling van een nieuw fiscaal en sociaal mechanisme voor werknemersaandeelhouderschap
04.05.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2023
03.05.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2023
03.04.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2023
03.04.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2023
07.03.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2023
07.03.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2023
20.02.2023: AGP News 01/2023
01.02.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2023
05.01.2023: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2023
02.01.2023: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2022
12.12.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2022
07.11.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2022
25.10.2022: Graeme Nuttall - Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Nuttall Review
17.10.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2022
07.10.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2022
03.09.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2022
01.08.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July 2022
04.07.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2022
04.07.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2022
29.06.2022: AGP News 2022/2
Sami Adwan, Alaa Alhaj-Ismail, Ranko Jelic, Non-executive employee ownership and financial reporting quality: evidence from Europe, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2022.
This study provides new evidence on wether and how employee share ownership affects the quality of financial reporting. It confirms that firms with more employee share ownership have lower incentives to manipulate reported performance. That employee share ownership at present levels is large enough to drive employee incentives and affect corporate policies. That the firms tend to disclose more information when employees have larger stakes in the firm. This is thus underscoring the role employee share ownership can play in improving a firm's corporate governance, and reducing the incentives to manipulate financial statements.
10.06.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2022
07.06.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2022
11.05.2022: France - Panorama de l'actionnariat salarié ERES 2022
06.05.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2022
06.05.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2022
16.04.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2022
16.04.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2022
07.04.2022: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2021
03.03.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2022
03.03.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2022
04.02.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2022
07.01.2022: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2022
03.01.2022: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2021
02.12.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2021
08.11.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2021
09.10.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2021
04.10.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2021
01.10.2021: New link to The Ownership Hub (British workers' coops together with employee ownership organisations)
21.09.2021: The theme of employee share ownership in the 2021 German elections (AGP News 9/2021)
04.09.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July-August 2021
09.07.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2021
09.07.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2021
07.06.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2021
07.06.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2021
07.05.2021: A Stake in Success - Employee Share Ownership and the Post-Covid Economy - Social Market Foundation, UK. The report sets out the case for an expansion of employee share ownership in the UK, and for the share ownership agenda to form a key part of a "fair and strong economic recovery" narrative as we emerge from the Coronavirus crisis.
03.05.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2021
03.05.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2021
10.04.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2021
10.04.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2021
01.04.2021: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2020
06.03.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2021
06.03.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2021
06.02.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2021
04.01.2021: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2021
04.01.2021: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2020
15.12.2020: EFES Barometer of Employee Share Ownership Policies in European Countries - December 2020
15.12.2020: Update: Table of recent policy decisions in European countries
15.12.2020: The 2020 Shareholder Meetings harmed Shareholder Rights and often severely (Better Finance)
07.12.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2020
14.11.2020: Building an Employee Ownership Economy - Discussion Paper due to Social Capital Partners, Canada, October 2020
02.11.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2020
10.10.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2020
10.10.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2020
24.09.2020: All Talk, Little Action: European Commission releases watered down Capital Markets Union (CMU) Action Plan
09.09.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2020
04.08.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July 2020
14.07.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2020
12.07.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2020
20.06.2020: Ein ESOP-Modell Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung für Europa
17.06.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2020
17.06.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2020
15.06.2020: Un Piano ESOP di Azionariato dei Dipendenti per l'Europa
09.06.2020: Un plan ESOP de accionariado asalariado para Europa
29.05.2020: Vorschlag: Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung gegen die Krise - Die ESOP-Modell Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung für Europa

29.05.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - May 2020
29.05.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2020
22.05.2020: EFES publication: A Generic ESOP Employee Share Plan for Europe
22.05.2020: Better Finance, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users urges to put Employee Share
                     Ownership at the core of efforts to tackle the Corona-induced financial crisis - Press Release
12.05.2020: Proposal - Employee share ownership against the crisis: An employee share ownership fund to help companies
16.04.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2020
16.04.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2020
08.04.2020: Appeal to all European governments and institutions - Employee share ownership and the pandemic
18.03.2020: AGP News 1/2020
13.03.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2020
12.03.2020: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2019
09.03.2020: Trading platforms for non-listed shares & Employee share ownership for startups
02.03.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2020
14.02.2020: WARSAW CONFERENCE - 16 APRIL 2020, Under the patronage of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki
03.02.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2020
06.01.2020: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2020
06.01.2020: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2019
02.01.2020: EFES Research Paper- Shareholders and employee shareholders in European SMEs
20.12.2019: MitErfolg Newsletter 2019
14.12.2019: The 2019 Prize for Academic Research on Employee Share Ownership was awarded to Mrs. Djaoudhat Alidou and Imane Mohat
02.12.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2019
18.11.2019: Germany: The Coalition decides that fiscal incentives will be doubled
04.11.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2019
14.10.2019: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2019
08.10.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2019
11.09.2019: EFES Barometer of Employee Share Ownership Policies in European Countries - September 2019
06.09.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2019
04.09.2019: Update: Table of recent policy decisions in European countries (France, Serbia, Croatia, Denmark)
02.08.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July 2019
11.07.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2019
06.06.2019: Prize for academic research on employee share ownership
05.06.2019: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2019
05.06.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2019
24.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Tilly Metz
23.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Anthea McIntyre, Ernest Urtasun, Dara Murphy, Anne Sander, Terry Reintke
20.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Benedetto Della Vedova, Nico Cué, Alexandra Geese, Grace O'Sullivan
17.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Jutta Paulus, Ioan Bellin
14.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Jill Evans
09.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Bart Staes
07.05.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Gilles Vanden Burre, Petra De Sutter, Markus Ferber, Juan Manuel Sinde, Brando Benifei
03.05.2019: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2019
03.05.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2019
12.04.2019: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2019
12.04.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2019
11.04.2019: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2018
11.03.2019: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2019
11.03.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2019
12.02.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2019
07.02.2019: All presentations from the European Conference on 6 February in the European Parliament
02.02.2019: New link to the Employee Ownership Expansion Network (USA)
30.01.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Evelyn Regner (Austria)
18.01.2019: New responses to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Sirpa Pietikäinen (Finland), Izaskun Bilbao Barrandica (Spain)
08.01.2019: New reactions to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Elmar Brok, Polish Forum for Employee Ownership
07.01.2019: New reactions to our European Election Manifesto 2019: ETION (Belgium), Ecolo Party (Belgium), French Federation F2iC

03.01.2019: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2019
03.01.2019: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2018
13.12.2018: First reactions to our European Election Manifesto 2019: Renate Weber, Elena Gentile, Philippe Lamberts
04.12.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2018
28.11.2018: European Election Manifesto 2019 - We are million employee shareholders in Europe
28.11.2018: Employee Share Ownership - The European Policy, Report for the European Commission DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
05.11.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2018
10.10.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2018
05.10.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2018
03.09.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July/August 2018
11.07.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2018
05.07.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2018
03.07.2018: New website: Employee-Owned America - News and Views from the World of Employee Ownership
03.07.2018: US Employee Ownership Index
19.06.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2018
18.06.2018: EFES Barometer of Employee Share Ownership Policies in European Countries - June 2018
05.06.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2018
05.05.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2018
05.05.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2018
10.04.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2018
03.04.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2018
27.03.2018: Polish Law Project on employee share ownership programs
09.03.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2018
09.03.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2018
08.03.2018: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2017
08.02.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2018
05.01.2018: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2018
05.01.2018: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2017
04.01.2018: More Than a Paycheck, by Dennis Campbell, John Case, and Bill Fotsch, Harvard Business Review, January-February 2018
04.01.2018: Employee Ownership: Building a Better American Economy, John Case, NCEO, 2017 - Stories, research results, and easy-access explanations of employee ownership and its potential to make our economy better

15.12.2017: French Government will support the objective of 10% to be held by employees in French companies by 2030 (declaration)
15.12.2017: France: Objective 10% held by employees in French companies by 2030 (12 proposals by the French Federation of Employee Shareholders)
12.12.2017: UK: Employee Ownership Trust - Survey 2017
11.12.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2017
07.12.2017: EFES Barometer of Employee Share Ownership Policies in European Countries - December 2017
28.11.2017: Update: Table of recent policy decisions in European countries (Sweden, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Austria)
11.11.2017: Forum for Employee Share Ownership Development (Poland)
07.11.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2017
30.10.2017: Berliner Appeal for Employee Ownership
20.10.2017: Berlin - Dec 1, 2017 - Tag der Teilhabe
20.10.2017: Paris - 13 December 2017 - 13ème Grand Prix FAS de l'Actionnariat Salarié
05.10.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2017
05.10.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2017
19.09.2017: AGP Sondernewsletter zur Bundestagswahl 2017
06.09.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2017
31.08.2017: Comunicato Stampa: Azione MPS espone alla CONSOB le violazioni alla trasparenza informativa dei decreti governativi e le macroscopiche lesioni ai diritti dei Piccoli Azionisti
05.07.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2017
05.07.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2017
08.06.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2017
02.06.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2017
01.06.2017: EFES Barometer of Employee Ownership Policies in Europe - June 2017
31.05.2017: Better Finance Press Release: Azione MPS denounces the arbitrary intervention of the Italian State in Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Counterbalancing measures are required in compliance with market rules -
Lettera alle Autorità Europee
29.05.2017: Azione MPS Press Release: Azione MPS denounces the arbitrary intervention of the Italian State in Banca MPS
23.05.2017: Employee Ownership and Economic Well-Being, Nancy Wiefek, NCEO. This new research compares workers with employee ownership benefits to those without, and finds that those in the employee ownership group have 92% higher median household wealth, 33% higher income from wages, and 53% longer median job tenure.
23.05.2017: How Did Employee Ownership Firms Weather the Last Two Recessions? Fidan Kurtulus and Douglas Kruse, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Companies with employee stock ownership had only half as many layoffs as other companies during the last two recessions.
06.05.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2017
06.05.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2017
13.04.2017: Comunicato Stampa - E’ partita l’OPA inversa su MPS. Lo Stato si appropria della Banca senza pagare gli azionisti
10.04.2017: Annual Economic Survey 2016, some country files: Belgium, France, Germany
10.04.2016: New Global Share Plans website by Deloitte
05.04.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2017
05.04.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2017
30.03.2017: Berlin am 10. Mai 2017 - Tagung "Mehr Teilhabe am Kapital der Wirtschaft"
27.03.2017: Comunicato stampa - Banca MPS: i Piccoli Azionisti non si rassegnano
24.03.2017: Deutsches AktienInstitut - Employee Share Ownership as Pivotal Part of the Capital Markets Union
17.03.2017: EFES Response to the Public Consultation on the Capital Markets Union mid-term review 2017
08.03.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2017
08.03.2017: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2016
03.03.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2017
22.02.2017: Belgian Ministry of Economy: Call for tender for a study about how to develop employee ownership in SMEs (deadline 16.3.2017)
03.02.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2017
11.01.2017: Updated table of recent policy decisions in European countries - Norway doubling tax incentives on employee share plans
06.01.2017: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2017
02.01.2017: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2016
23.12.2016: Comunicato Stampa Azione MPS: I Piccoli Azionisti MPS rifiutano di farsi derubare senza motivo
15.12.2016: Germany: AGP News 05/2016
15.12.2016: EU presidency and Parliament agree on the final version of the new Shareholders Rights Directive: Limited improvements
14.12.2016: Ukrainian Parliament: Roundtable on "Cooperation and ESOP in Ukraine - on the way to inclusive economy"
12.12.2016: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2016
08.12.2016: Barometer of Employee Ownership Policies in Europe - December 2016
03.12.2016: New Ukrainian pages on the EFES website
02.12.2016: Premier Baromètre de l'Actionnariat Salarié dans les Sociérés non cotées en France
17.11.2016: New link to Mitarbeiteraktionärsverein Evonik e.V.
04.11.2016: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2016
02.11.2016: Information about Mr. Jens Lowitzsch
25.10.2016: New Global Equity Matrix available
20.10.2016: The European Parliament publishes a study on Spanish employee-owned "sociedades laborales"
18.10.2016: Ein Blog zum Thema Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung
06.10.2016: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2016
06.10.2016: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2016
27.09.2016: Kyoung Yong Kim and Pankaj C. Patel, Employee ownership and firm performance: A variance decomposition analysis of European firms", Journal of Business Research, August 2016
23.09.2016: Comunicato Stampa: MPS, manovre oscure per impadronirsene a basso costo
01.09.2016: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2016
02.08.2016: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July 2016
01.08.2016: Ricardo Machado, Participación de los trabajadores en el capital de la empresa: su implementación y viabilidad en Portugal
29.07.2016: The Determinants of Employee Ownership Plan Implementation in EU Countries - the Quest for Economic Democracy: a first Look at the Evidence, Ricardo Bahia Machado, Organizacija, May 2016. Results report a strong correlation between employee ownership incidence and the index of economic freedom.
19.07.2016: Does Employee Stock Ownership Work? Evidence from publicly-traded firms in Japan
04.07.2016: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2016
14.06.2016: Report of the European Conference on employee ownership policies
14.06.2016: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2016

09.06.2016: Barometer of Employee Share Ownership Policies in European Countries
20.05.2016: All information and pictures of the Tenth European Meeting of Employee Share Ownership
18.05.2016: Menschen machen Wirtschaft: Für eine neue Beteiligungskultur in Deutschland - 66. Jahrestagung Bundesverband Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - AGP, München, 02 June 2016

02.05.2016: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2016
20.04.2016: Etude Eres/BDO sur l'actionnariat salarié dans les PME françaises

06.04.2016: Recent politicy decisions in Europe are all in a favorable direction. In Denmark, awaited return to favorable tax regimes on employee share and option plans, as applied until 2011.
04.04.2016: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2016

04.03.2016: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2016

EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2016
03.03.2016: Now available: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share Ownership in European Countries in 2015
03.03.2016: Now available: Database of employee share ownership in European companies - 2016 Version
15.02.2016: Fortunately, the OECD heard our claims...
14.02.2016: Virginie Pérotin: What do we really know about worker co-operatives?
08.02.2016: New search function on this website  

EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2016
29.01.2016: ERES: Premiers résultats de l'édition 2016 de l'étude sur l'actionnariat salarié coté en France
12.01.2016: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2016

EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2015
11.12.2015: Germany: AGP News 06/2015

EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2015
10.11.2015: Major European events coming
                       La Rochelle - 19 November 2015 - Forum du Management 2015
                       Berlin - 20 November 2015 - Tag der Teilhabe 2015
                       Paris - 15 December 2015 - Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salarié 2015

EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2015
03.11.2015: New employee shareholders association for Siemens: "Wir für Siemens"
08.10.2015: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2015

EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2015
07.10.2015: Employee share ownership is not a cuckoo - Response to OECD consultation
16.09.2015: Assemblea Ordinaria della Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Spa del 16/4/2015- Intervento di Azione MPS

EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2015
25.08.2015: Update: Recent Policy Decisions Regarding Employee Share Ownership in European Countries
New Czech version: EFES NEWSLETTER - ČERVENEC 2015
10.06.2015: EFES/DAI Press Release - Employee share ownership: German politics finally needs to act
09.06.2015: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2015

28.05.2015: Für eine Agenda Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - Ein gemeinsamer Aufruf von zehn Verbänden
11.05.2015: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2015

08.05.2015: EFES Position Paper - Employee Share Ownership for Building the Capital Markets Union
07.05.2015: EFES Publications page
30.04.2015: Senato della Repubblica Italiana - DL 1051 Partecipazione - Contributo da Dircredito ed EFES
21.04.2015: Answering the European Commission’s Green Paper on the Capital Markets Union, EuropeanIssuers and others
                 published the EU IPO Report: "Rebuilding IPOs in Europe; Creating jobs and growth in European capital markets"

15.04.2015: Press release: European governments bet again on employee share ownership

21.05.2015: 65. Jahrestagung der AGP // Nürnberg
07.04.2015: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2015

03.04.2015: Recent policy decisions regarding employee share ownership in European countries
31.03.2015: Deutsches Aktieninstitut: Zeit zum Handeln – Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung und Belegschaftsaktien endlich fördern
31.03.2015: New s
tudy finds S ESOPs total return beats S&P 500 by 62% - Analysis of the economic impact of S corporation ESOPs in USA
12.03.2015: Employee share ownership in 2014 - France (visual)
10.03.2015: The EFES Press Book
09.03.2015: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2015

EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2015
05.05.2015: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2014
04.03.2015: Portugal: Comemorações Iº CENTENÁRIO DA COOPERATIVA dos PEDREIROS [1914 ª 2015]
03.03.2015: Japan Employee Ownership Association

EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2015
17.01.2015: In short: European Action Plan schemes
12.01.2015: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2015

EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2014
10.01.2015: New severe condemnation for Ecorys/Case/Lowitzsch/Hashi
05.01.2015: EFES Proposals for the European Action Plan

28.10.2014: European Commission: Final Report of the Pilot Project for the Promotion of Employee Ownership and Participation
16.12.2014: Bilfinger employee shareholders association

EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2014
17.11.2014: Renewed page "about employee share ownership"

EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2014
20.10.2014: Baker & McKenzie is pleased to provide its latest Global Equity Matrix. This document summarizes information on the key compliance issues for equity awards and covers tax and securities, exchange control, labor and data privacy issues in 50 countries.
06.10.2014: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2014

EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2014
03.10.2014: EFES Manifesto 2014: Fiscal incentives are indispensable prerequisites for the development of employee share ownership
01.10.2014: EFES Press Release: The EFES responds to European Commission Employee Share Ownership Plans
01.10.2014: Udeležba zaposlenih v lastništvu najveèjih evropskih podjetij med leti 2006 in 2013

22.09.2014: University of Oxford 10 week online course: "Employee Ownership for the 21st Century"
19.09.2014: Letter to President Jean-Claude Juncker

EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2014
Employee share ownership in Veidekke (Norway)
30.06.2014: Comunicato stampa di Conapa: l'imminente ondata delle nuove privatizzazioni

18.06.2014: World's First International Pogramme in a non-listed company combining a French FCPE and an American ESOP

30.05.2014: DEBORY ERES: 2014 Study on Employee Shareholding in France and in Europe
28.05.2014: Focus sur l'actionnariat salarié coté en France et en Europe
14.05.2014: The EFES is a partner member of BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Financial Services Users

07.04.2014: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2014

04.03.2014: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2014

EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2014
03.03.2014: Now available: Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2013
24.02.2014: Press release: The EFES welcomes the new Italian Government. It's time for employee participation.

24.02.2014: Comunicato Stampa: La EFES saluta il nuovo Governo Italiano: E' tempo di promuovere la partecipazione.
11.02.2014: Protocollo di intesa fra Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena e le Associazioni di Piccoli Azionisti

EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2014
14.01.2014: European Parliament - Report on financial participation of employees in companies' proceeds (2013/2127(INI))
06.01.2014: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2013
27.12.2013: Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria della Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Spa - Intervento di Azione MPS
13.12.2013: Comunicato Spampa - MPS: Oltre le formalità il mercato chiede chiarezza
07.12.2013: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2013
04.12.2013: Comunicato Stampa - In Banca MPS il buon senso ce l'hanno solo i Piccoli Azionisti
25.11.2013: The UK Employee Ownership Index has recently been re-launched
15.11.2013: Employee Representation on Boards in Large European Companies in 2013 - The Numbers
06.11.2013: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2013
07.10.2013: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2013
04.09.2013: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2013
10.07.2013: Rectification about the European Parliament's Study on "Employee Financial Participation and Companies' Proceeds"
04.07.2013: Call from Serbia

  Joseph Blasi, Richard Freeman, Douglas Kruse
        The Citizen's Share - Putting Ownership back into Democracy

        amazon.fr        amazon.uk

  Disponible el libro "La participación financiera de las personas trabajadoras"
Ya está disponible en la web de Confesal la versión en pdf del libro "La participación financiera de las personas trabajadoras en la empresa" financiado por Confesal y la EOI y elaborado por Asle. Se trata de una publicación derivada del estudio realizado por la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Euskadi, con el objetivo de poner en valor la cultura de la participación como medio para alcanzar una mayor cohesión social y favorecer el desarrollo y la competitividad de las empresas, así como incrementar el grado de conocimiento en España sobre la participación financiera de las personas trabajadoras. Leer más

11.06.2013: ETUC position on conditions for employee financial participation, as adopted on 5-6 March 2013
21.05.2013: Slovenia: Letter from Professor Gojko Stanic to the EFES - Why protests in Slovenia
29.04.2013: Assemblea di Bilancio 2012 Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena: Piccoli azionisti protagonisti

01.04.2013: New episode of the beautiful and wonderful story of the UK Employee Owned Business sector - April 2013
Comunicato Stampa CONAPA - L'ABI rimuova gli ostacoli burocratici alla partecipazione dei Piccoli Azionisti
09.04.2013: Guide 2013 de l'actionnariat salarié, de l'épargne et de la gouvernance      

04.04.2013: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2012 + Database + Top 100 rankings
02.04.2013: Australia: Employee share ownership weakened by government legislation
New episode of the beautiful and wonderful story of the UK Employee Owned Business sector - March 2013
23.03.2013: New page: What we do
20.03.2013: UK - Employee Ownership budget announcement
12.03.2013: Conference on employee ownership in Rome, March 12, 2013
EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2013
12.02.2013: Italy: Manifesto sulla promozione dell'azionariato dei dipendenti
05.02.2013: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2013

21.01.2013: Here is the beautiful and wonderful story:
How the UK Employee Owned Business sector succeeded to grow from £15-20 billion to over £30 billion in a few years
08.01.2013: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2013
08.01.2013: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2012
21.12.2012: La démocratisation de l'actionnariat salarié en France

14.12.2012: New link: Center for Employee Stock Ownership in Korea

05.12.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2012
03.12.2012: Germany: Stimmungsbarometer "Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung"
26.11.2012: New in Germany: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie - Informationsportal Mitarbeiterbeteiligung

14.11.2012: British Government response to the Nuttall Review: Next steps for employee ownership in the UK
08.11.2012: UK - ifs ProShare response to the consultation on implementing new "employee-owner" status (Osborne's plan)
07.11.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2012
31.10.2012: British Government's action to boost employee ownership sector approved
31.10.2012: Report on "Employee Financial Participation and Companies' Proceeds" - Economic & Scientific Policy Directorate of the European Parliament
03.10.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2012
25.09.2012: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
21.09.2012: British Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - Cass Business School Research: The employee ownership advantage
07.09.2012: Epargne salariale - nouvelle donne en France
04.09.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July-August 2012

31.08.2012: British HMRC consultation on employee share schemes: The EFES answer
Typology of employee ownership
02.08.2012: Rebranding from Norse Solutions to 'Accurate Equity' for administration, reporting, accounting and disclosure of share-based payment programs
17.07.2012: New link: California Center for Employee Ownership
06.07.2012: The Nuttall Review of Employee Ownership
                  The British Government adviser on employee ownership publishes its report, including his 28 recommendations
                  to promote employee ownership in the UK, in line with the British Governments' aim of shifting employee ownership
                  into the mainstream of corporate Britain.
05.07.2012: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2012
05.07.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2012
05.07.2012: France: Le projet de loi de finances rectificative pour 2012 présenté par le gouvernement le 4 juillet 2012 impacte l'épargne salariale, les retraites d'entreprise et l'actionnariat salarié
05.07.2012: New link: British Government's Department for Business, Innovation & Skills - Employee Ownership
02.07.2012: Comunicato Stampa - Avviare concretamente la partecipazione dei dipendenti
25.06.2012: France - UK: 2 - 1 The British legislation revealed itself to be much less effective than the French one
15.06.2012: Access to the database of employee ownership in European companies
12.06.2012: Comments by European companies about employee ownership
06.06.2012: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2012
03.05.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2012
01.06.2012: Letter from Graeme Nuttall
22.05.2012: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im Mittelstand - 21. Juni 2012 | 13.30 - 18.30 Uhr | Commerzbank, Frankfurt am Main
21.05.2012: UK: The HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)’s employment-related shares and securities unit has introduced a newsletter
15.05.2012: Lettre à Madame Pervenche Berès
05.05.2012: The new Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2011 is now available
05.05.2012: Employee Financial Participation in Public Services in the European Union

03.05.2012: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2012
03.05.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2012
30.04.2012: Report of the public hearing in the European Parliament on March 22
26.04.2012: Letter from Nicolas Sarkozy
25.04.2012: Netherlands Participation Institute - Newsletter 2/2012
20.04.2012: A letter from François Hollande (in French)
16.04.2012: USA: The United Steel Workers, Mondragon, and the Ohio Employee Ownership Center announced "The Union Co-op Model"
11.04.2012: Please note our new fax number: +32 (0)2
791 96 00
06.04.2012: The University of Aberdeen and the Co-operative Education Trust Scotland launch a new university resource
06.04.2012: Democratic Enterprise, Ethical business for the 21st century, by Diarmuid McDonnell, Elizabeth Macknight and Hugh Donnelly, Co-operative Education Trust Scotland & University of Aberdeen
05.04.2012: Photo album of the hearing in the European Parliament

05.04.2012: Pictures of the General Meeting of the EFES' members on March 22, 2012
05.04.2012: All pictures of the public hearing in the European Parliament
03.04.2012: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2012
03.04.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2012

26.03.2012: New EFES' Board of Directors
23.03.2012: Public hearing in the European Parliament on March 22: All presentations are now available
02.03.2012: Riccione 15.3.2012 - Tavola Rotonda Dircredito - Conapa - Fondazione Visentini
01.03.2012: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2012
01.03.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2012
29.02.2012: Economic survey of employee ownership in the European countries in 2011 - First indication
29.02.2012: In esito alla Consultazione sulle misure integrative e correttive del DLgs 27/1/2010 n. 27
09.02.2012: New website for the British ESOP Centre
09.02.2012: Netherlands Participation Institute - Newsletter 1/2012
03.02.2012: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2012
25.01.2012: Public Hearing in the European Parliament - March 22, 2012 (in place of February 28 as mentioned before)
16.01.2012: Employee share plans by
09.01.2012: Public Hearing in the European Parliament - February 28, 2012
19.12.2011: Letter to Commissioner Michel Barnier about the EU corporate governance framework
16.12.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2011
12.12.2011: Link to the new Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center
06.12.2011: Curriculum Library on Employee Ownership (CLEO)
Employee share ownership and corporate governance in the European Union
16.11.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2011
04.11.2011: Entrevista con Antonio Ferrer Sais, Secretario de Acción Sindical de UGT en el marco del Proyecto Partem sobre participación de trabajadores en el capital
28.10.2011: Sulla lettera del Governo italiano all'Unione Europea: Partecipazione si, ma quella vera?
26.10.2011: Ergebnisse der Umfrage über die Stellung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise
26.10.2011: Ekai Center: Participación financiera y politica fiscal
25.10.2011: Ekai Center: Participación financiera de los trabajadores en España - ¿Qué hacer?
21.10.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2011
17.10.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2011
14.10.2011: L'étude ASRA 2011: Actionnariat salarié dans les grandes entreprises françaises 2000-2010
03.10.2011: Umfrage Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im Umfeld drohender Finanzkrisen
28.09.2011: El proyecto PARTEM - una estructura de impulso de la participación de los trabajadores en el capital de las empresas en España
23.09.2011: Ekai Center - Acceso de los trabajadores al capital en España

22.09.2011: Miteinander - MitErfolg Newsletter Nr 2-2011
20.09.2011: Luboš Blaha - Spät k Marxovi? (sociálny štát, ekonomická demokracia a teórie spravodlivosti)
20.09.2011: Lubos Blaha - Back To Marx? Welfare State, Economic Democracy and Theories of Justice
13.09.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July/August 2011
16.08.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - AUGUST 2011
19.07.2011: Finland: The impact of Personnel Funds (doctoral thesis by Christina Sweins)
15.07.2011: Mit-Unternehmer.com - Newsletter 2011-02: Verwaltung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsmodellen
11.07.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2011
11.07.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May/June 2011
08.07.2011: El próximo 13 de julio Confesal organiza una jornada para abordar la participación financiera de los trabajadores en la UE
29.06.2011: France - Capital Ingenium publie son "Rapport 2010 de l'Actionnariat Salarié et de l'Epargne Salariale"
22.06.2011: From David Erdal: Sad news: Robert Oakeshott died on Monday night. He was pretty miserable these last months, after his strokes, so it was in my view a release for him. But sad. But he would have wanted us to have a good long lunch with a couple of bottles of red wine, and plenty of laughter. Followed by a new initiative to promote employee ownership. all the best David
07.06.2011: Exercising Employee Shareholders' Rights in European Companies - Dircredito European Project
27.05.2011: Universität Leipzig - Literaturangaben auf das Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligungsgesetz
16.05.2011: L'exercice des droits de vote de l'actionnariat salarié en France - Questions aux as
semblées 2011
13.05.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2011
13.05.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2011
04.05.2011: Deutschland-Konferenz zur Finanziellen Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - May 30-31, 2011 - Frankfurt/Oder
02.05.2011: 10th Chemnitz East Forum - Management and participation in Central and Eastern European countries
27.04.2011: European Top Executives and "common" employee owners in 2010
15.04.2011: Employee ownership in Australia
13.04.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2011
13.04.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2011
11.04.2011: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2010
06.04.2011: Milano Finanza: Un mercato unico europeo per l’azionariato dei dipendenti
28.03.2011: New topic in EFES' forum: Employee ownership and the "Big Society" in the UK
11.03.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2011
11.03.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2011
25.02.2011: Submission to ESMA's consultation concerning the Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC) as amended by the Directive 2010/73/EU
23.02.2011: Ordonnance de transposition de la Directive Droits des Actionnaires en France

23.02.2011: A European Single Market for Employee Ownership (answering the consultation on the Single Market Act)
18.02.2011: A significant step forward for employee shareholders' rights in France
11.02.2011: Netherlands Participation SNPI Award 2011
09.02.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2011
09.02.2011: Survey about new legislation in Germany
04.02.2011: Presidency of the EU Council 2010 - Report of the conference on employee ownership
28.01.2011: Updated links page
26.01.2011: Nieuwe dienstverlening Nederlands Participatie Instituut in de vorm van adviespakketten
24.01.2011: Die voestalpine-Mitarbeiterbeteiligung 2000-2010
18.01.2011: Golden parachute at Total - how the votes of employee shareholders were corrupted

18.01.2011: According to the Center for Strategic Analysis of the French Republic, the social performance of a company having employee share ownership is 52% higher than that of companies which have neither employee share ownership nor employee savings plan; the effectiveness of employee share ownership has to be reinforced by ensuring the representation of employee shareholders. More information
17.01.2011: Wir haben Unternehmen nach ihrer Einstellung zum Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligungsgesetz befragt, das im letzten Jahr seine erste Novelle erfahren durfte. Die befragten Unternehmen äußerten sich teils lobend, teilweise aber auch kritisch. Wir haben die Ergebnisse zusammen gefasst und übersenden Ihnen diese anliegend. Mehr
13.01.2011: Belgian Presidency of the EU - Pictures of the conference of November 26, 2010
10.01.2011: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2011
10.01.2011: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2010
17.12.2010: Welcome amendments to the Prospectus Directive for employee share plans will be in force by July 2011
16.12.2010: Twelve Bogus Reasons Not to Do an ESOP (and Seven Good Ones)
16.12.2010: ASRA Survey 2010 - Employee Share Ownership in French Annual Reports (Actionnariat Salarié dans les Rapports Annuels des grandes entreprises françaises) - Evolution 2000-2009
16.12.2010: MitErfolg GmbH - Experte für alle Fragen zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung jederzeit zur Verfügung
25.11.2010: Preview - Presentations of the Conference of the Belgian Presidency on November 26
13.11.2010: European Economic and Social Committee - Own-Initiative Opinion SOC 371 on Employee Financial Participation in Europe
13.11.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2010

08.10.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2010
08.10.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2010
06.10.2010: Invitation from Ekai Center - Spanish Experience on Co-operative Societies Accounting - October 21, 2010
20.09.2010: The EFES' Board of Directors following the General Meeting of members of September 17, 2010
15.09.2010: The European Employee Ownership TOP 100 rankings in 2009
10.09.2010: Geert Braam en Erik Poutsma - De invloed van financiële participatie door management en werknemers op financiële ondernemingsprestaties in Nederland 1992-2009
07.09.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2010
07.09.2010: Exercising employee shareholders' rights - Esercitare i diritti degli Azionisti dipendenti (32 pages in English and Italian)
01.09.2010: Link to the Australian Employee Buyout Centre
30.08.2010: The European Economic and Social Committee prepares a new own-initiative opinion
25.08.2010: New topic in the EFES Forum on the idea of "democratic firm"
11.08.2010: University of Aberdeen, Sept 30: Co-operatives, mutuals, and employee-owned business in a global context, organised by the Co-Operative Education Trust Scotland
10.08.2010: Milano Finanza: September in Rome - The European Conference on employee shareholders' rights
01.07.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2010
European conference in Rome, Sep 16-17, 2010 - Programme and participation form
18.06.2010: Le Centre d'Analyse Stratégique du Gouvernement français a publié son rapport "Améliorer la gouvernance d’entreprise et la participation des salariés"
Télécharger le rapport complet
14.06.2010: Un "cavalier" inconstitutionnel en France - à propos de la transposition de la Directive Droit des Actionnaires
11.06.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2010
11.06.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2010
10.06.2010: France - Projet d'Ordonnance sur la Directive droits des actionnaires - Les avis au 7.6.2010
02.06.2010: The new Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2009 is available
25.05.2010: Transparence et actionnariat salarié chez Total
21.05.2010: The database of employee ownership in European companies is available for research work and analysis
15.05.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2010
15.05.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in April 2010
14.05.2010: German Unions Confederation DGB: Belegschaftskapital als attraktiver Baustein einer Krisenlösung (employee ownership as a solution to the crisis)
14.05.2010: Commentaires sur les projets de transposition en France de la Directive 2007/36/CE sur les droits des actionnaires
11.05.2010: Commentaires sur les projets de transposition en France de la Directive 2007/36/CE sur les droits des actionnaires
15.04.2010: A cat is a cat. New forum on this website: Let's focus on employee ownership as the real question nowadays and forget the old concept of "employee financial participation" which is now obsolete and confusing
07.04.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2010
07.04.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2010
02.04.2010: Germany - GIZ Newsletter 1-2010
27.03.2010: EZAI Foundation newsletter from Mondragon on March 26, 2010
25.03.2010: Exercising employee shareholders' rights in European companies - dedicated website www.employeeshare.eu
11.03.2010: Incroyable intimidation de Total contre ses actionnaires salariés - l'avis de Proxinvest
08.03.2010: Élection de l'administrateur Air France-KLM représentant les salariés actionnaires
08.03.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2010
08.03.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2010
25.02.2010: Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2009 - first information
18.02.2010: New link to IBU NachfolgeManagement - Spezialisiert auf die Nachfolge durch Mitarbeiter/-innen
09.02.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2010
05.02.2010: Germany: INSM - Dossier Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
28.01.2010: McCreevy Directive in Italy - Conapa vince la battaglia per i piccoli azionisti
25.01.2010: Unimerco (Denmark) - Presentation by Ken Iversen on November 11, 2009 to the World Forum in Lille
08.01.2010: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2010
08.01.2010: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2009
06.01.2010: Best of humor
05.01.2010: Letter to Commissioner Laszlo Andor - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
05.01.2010: Letter to Commissioner Michel Barnier - Internal Market
05.01.2010: Letter to Commissioner Antonio Tajani - Industry & Entrepreneurship
01.01.2010: Jens Lowitzsch published the PEPPER IV Report "Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU-27"
23.12.2009: Message from the Staff of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center
14.12.2009: John Logue, our dear colleague of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center passed away on December 9
11.12.2009: A set of good company case studies - The new trade unions' vision about employee ownership by SindNova, Italian trade union confederation CISL (John Lewis Partnership, IsBank, Banca Popolare di Milano, Handelsbanken, Dexia, Total, AerLingus, Kardemir, Tullis Russell, Saf Tehnika, Eircom, Enel)
07.12.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2009
03.12.2009: New webpage: Exercising employee shareholders' rights

01.12.2009: Pictures of the Conference chaired by Lech Walesa in Warsaw on November 16, 2009
17.11.2009: You can support our information work with a donation
17.11.2009: Update - Employee Ownership Stock Indexes
16.11.2009: Employee Share Ownership for Poland and for Europe
12.11.2009: Corriere della Sera 11 Novembre 2009 - Tabacci alla guida dei piccoli azionisti
12.11.2009: Comunicato stampa 11 Novembre 2009 - CONAPA Bruno Tabacci nuovo Presidente, affianca Nesi Presidente onorario
12.11.2009: MF 11 Novembre 2009 - Battaglia per i diritti degli azionisti
12.11.2009: Il Sole 24 Ore 10 Novembre 2009 - Conapa rivedere legge
12.11.2009: MF Dow Jones 10 Novembre 2009 - Conapa - Bruno Tabacci nuovo presidente
05.11.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2009
02.11.2009: Proxy voting by Internet has been since ten years inexistent in France because of ...
26.10.2009: Pressemitteilung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Partnerschaft in der Wirtschaft e.V. (AGP) zu der im Koalitionsvertrag von Union und FDP vorgesehenen Ausweitung der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung
26.10.2009: Effervescence in Italy about Mc Creevy's Directive on shareholders' rights
14.10.2009: Employee ownership and corporate performance - renewed webpage
09.10.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2009
09.10.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2009
21.09.2009: Italy: Il governo avvia il tavolo della partecipazione - un progetto europeo
11.09.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - September 2009
11.09.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in August 2009
11.09.2009: Mit-Unternehmer.com - Newsletter 2009-07 - SPD plant Sonderförderung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Unternehmen in Krisensituationen

08.08.2009: German Ministy for Employment & Social Affairs: Website for Employee Ownership and dedicated folder
16.07.2009: Proposta al nuovo Parlamento Europeo 2009
06.07.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - July 2009
06.07.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2009
02.07.2009: Mit-Unternehmer.com - Newsletter 2009-06 - Bücher mit den Themen der Vergütung oder Beteiligung von Mitarbeitern
01.07.2009: Proposal to the new European Parliament
29.06.2009: New website for the Ohio Employee Ownership Center
24.06.2009: New topic in Discussion Forum: Seeling my company to employees in Italy
23.06.2009: Mit-Unternehmer.com - Newsletter 2009-05 - Strengere Regeln für Managergehälter
18.06.2009: Fra gli azionisti delle banche non trascuriamo i dipendenti. Come combattere la crisi e le sue cause: da Bruxelles DirCredito lancia l'iniziativa di un progetto europeo
18.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Syed Kamall
17.06.2009: Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2008 available in full electronic version
15.06.2009: Li Xing & Gorm Winther - Crisis, Opportunities and Alternatives. This book proposes an examination of how globalization and transnational capitalism have reshaped the terrain and parameters of social, economic and political relations both at the national and the global levels,  including a discussion about Mondragon's development.
15.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Michel Barnier
10.06.2009: Australia - Employee Share Ownership and the Progressive Economic Agenda
10.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Sajjad Karim
10.06.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - June 2009
10.06.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in May 2009

05.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Aleixo Vilas
05.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Astrid Lulling
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Antonio Cancian
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Eva Glawischnig
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Cathy Peattie
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Emilie Turunen
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Margrete Auken
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Bent Gravesen
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Steen Gade
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Renate Weber
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Arpád Gógl
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Elisabeth Delorme
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Sarah Ludford
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Corina Cretu
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Rainer Wieland
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jonathan Fryer
04.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Corrado Farina
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Tavish Scott
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Michael Cramer
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Joan Walley
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Hélène Flautre
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Erika Mann
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Norbert Glante
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: François Lamy
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Pietro Adami
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Algirdas Butkevicius
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Elaine Morrison
03.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Robert Rochefort
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Catherine Stihler
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Véronique De Keyser
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Margriet Hermans
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: George Lyon
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Elisabeth Schroedter
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Dino Cinieri
02.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Klaus-Heiner Lehne
01.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Nicolas Pélissier-Combescure
01.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Eva Selin Lindgren
01.06.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Mike Pringle
31.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Stéphane Jacquot
31.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Mary Honeyball
31.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Lorely Burt
31.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jacques Myard
31.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Sylvie Goulard
30.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jan Lindholm
30.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Mathieu Grosch
30.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Cathy Jamieson
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Gabriele Albertini
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Ramón Jáuregui
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Ian Hudghton
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Frédérique Ries
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Dirk Sterckx
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: José Daras
29.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Harlem Désir
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Bart Staes
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Petras Austrevicius
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Catherine Boursier
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Nicola Tranfaglia
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Janelly Fourtou
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Frieda Brepoels
28.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Philippe Juvin
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Edite Estrela
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Juan Antonio Barrio
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Alain Hutchinson
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Nigel Farage
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Struan Stevenson
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Robert Brown
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Iacopo Bojola
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Corinne Lepage
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Massimo Bernacconi
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Pervenche Berès
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Benoît Hamon
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Anne Laperrouze
27.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Christopher Harvie
26.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Françoise Grossetête
26.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jean-Luc Bennahmias
26.05.2009: The European Employee Ownership TOP 100 rankings 2008 are now available
25.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Diana Wallis
25.05.2009: Report of the Eighth European Meeting of Employee Ownership on 18 May 2009
23.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Kader Arif
21.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Giorgio Schultze
20.05.2009: Most presentations and documents of the Eighth European Meeting of Employee Ownership are now available
18.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Patrick Louis
16.05.2009: New page Questions & Answers

15.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jean Marie Beaupuy
15.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Alain Lamassoure
14.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Vincent Peillon
13.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Henri Weber
13.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jean-Christophe Cambadélis
07.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Antonio Di Pietro
07.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Niccolo Rinaldi
06.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Gianfranco Borghesi
05.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Lithuanian Shareholders Association
04.05.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Marielle de Sarnez
04.05.2009: Mit-Unternehmer.com - Newsletter 2009-04
01.05.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - May 2009
30.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jacques-Yves Henckes
30.04.2009: Nederland - Conferentie "Voorbij het snelle Geld" over financiële participatie en zeggenschap van werknemers 12 juni 2009 SER-gebouw (Den Haag)
30.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Anna Paola Concia
29.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Nessa Childers
29.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Inge Grässle
29.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Didier Migaud
28.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jean-François Copé
27.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Philippe Gosselin
18.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Umberto Guidoni
17.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Andreas Schwab
16.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Vaclav Exner
16.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Christiane Vienne
16.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Proinsias De Rossa
16.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Michael Cramer
16.04.2009: Programme of the Eighth European Meeting of Employee Ownership - Brussels 18 May 2009
15.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Sergio Marques
15.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Rebecca Harms
14.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Erik Meijer
14.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Brigitte Fouré
11.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Markus Ferber
09.04.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - April 2009
09.04.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2009
09.04.2009: GIZ Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Newsletter Nr 2-2009
09.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Joëlle Kapompole
08.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Guy Verhofstadt
07.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Catherine Trautmann
06.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Bernard Lehideux
02.04.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Charles de Courson
31.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Didier Reynders, Gérard Deprez
30.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Martin Andreasson
29.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: André Libert
27.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Gisella Kallenbach
26.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jean-Paul Gauzès
25.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jan Cremers
24.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Monica Frassoni
20.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Cristiana Muscardini
19.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Heide Rühle
18.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Jonathan Djanogly
18.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Satu Hassi
18.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Patrick Beauvillard
18.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Libor Roucek
17.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Stefano Chelodi
17.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Ieke van den Burg
17.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Chris Davies
17.03.2009: Many reactions to our Manifesto for the 2009 European elections: Ulrike Lunacek
06.03.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - March 2009
06.03.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2009
06.03.2009: Disegni di Legge nn. 803 e 964 in esame sulla Partecipazione dei Lavoratori - Audizione Comapa/DirCredito/EFES
The Eighth European Meeting of Employee Ownership will be held on May 18: Registration and pratical information
26.02.2009: The new Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2008 shows that employee ownership declined a bit on the threshold of the financial crisis.
Each European country can easily be compared to others regarding employee ownership in 2008, thanks to a set of 10 graphs, using fully comparable information. Download country files
21.02.2009: Mit-Unternehmer.com - Newsletter 2009-03
20.02.2009: Italy - The Italian Senate prepares a new unified legislation about employee ownership
20.02.2009: GIZ Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Newsletter Nr 1-2009 spezial
13.02.2009: Vor wenigen Minuten hat der Bundesrat der Neuregelung der steuerlichen Förderung der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung zugestimmt
05.02.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - February 2009
05.02.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2009
02.02.2009: New legislation voted in Germany
02.02.2009: Eighth European Meeting of Employee Ownership - Brussels 18 May 2009 - first information
01.02.2009: Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries in 2008 - soon published
27.01.2009: Jens Lowitzsch - PEPPER IV Report Summary - Benchmarking of Employee Participation in Profits and Enterprise Results in the Member and Candidate Countries of the European Union
27.01.2009: Jens Lowitzsch - PEPPER IV Report - Full Strasbourg Edition
16.01.2009: MANIFESTO FOR THE 2009 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS and questions to the candidates
09.01.2009: EFES NEWSLETTER - January 2009
08.01.2009: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2008
07.01.2009: New links to Mit-Unternehmer.com
01.01.2009: EPSINEO rating is the only rating agency dedicated to the quality of services in employee savings
01.01.2009: First benchmark of employee savings accounting in France
31.12.2008: Major stock indexes in the long term 1929-2008
24.12.2008: GIZ Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Newsletter 04-2008
19.12.2008: Complaint to the European Ombudsman
12.12.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - December 2008
09.12.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2008
05.12.2008: Milano Finanza: Partecipazione, un modello europeo
02.12.2008: New website for the Director representing employee shareholders in Air France-KLM
13.11.2008: Panic at the European Commission
06.11.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - November 2008
05.11.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2008
29.10.2008: A political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe (in the framework of the French Presidency of the EU)
27.10.2008: Confesal proposes fiscal measures to create employment in employee-owned companies
23.10.2008: GIZ Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Newsletter 03-2008
20.10.2008: 58. Jahrestagung der AGP e.V. 27.11.2008, Berlin
06.10.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - October 2008
06.10.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2008
05.09.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - September 2008
04.09.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in July and August 2008
04.09.2008: European conferences in 2009
23.07.2008: AGP Mitteilungen - Newsletter 02/08 - Ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung
07.07.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - July 2008
07.07.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in June 2008
02.07.2008: GIZ Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Newsletter 02-2008
30.06.2008: New research Confirms Majority-Owned ESOPs More Productive Than Non-ESOP Counterparts
23.06.2008: Milijoni delavskih lastnikov po Evropi in ZDA - Delo FT, Ljubljana
19.06.2008: I dipendenti azionisti sono pronti
19.06.2008: Antalet arbetarägda företag ökar inom Europa
16.06.2008: France - New President for the French Federation of Employee Shareholders' Associations
09.06.2008: US Retirement Plan Blog: Employee ownership in the global economy
09.06.2008: Austria: According to a survey, employee share ownership is more common than originally expected
27.05.2008: L'azionariato dei Dipendenti come motore per la ripresa economica
27.05.2008: Most presentations and documents of the Seventh European Meeting are now available
27.05.2008: The first Annual Economic Survey of Employee Ownership in European Countries is now available
27.05.2008: The European Employee Ownership TOP 100 rankings 2007 are now available
05.05.2008: EFES Position Paper on Prospectus Directive
16.04.2008: Die Koalititonsarbeitsgruppe hat sich auf eine Neuausrichtung der Förderung von Modellen der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung geeinigt
12.04.2008: Associazione Nazionale Piccoli Azionisti BNB Paribas
11.04.2008: Seventh European Meeting of Employee Ownership - Brussels 23 May 2008
09.04.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2008
06.04.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in March 2008
04.04.2008: GIZ Mitrbeiter-Beteiligung Newsletter 01-2008
04.04.2008: AGP Mitteilungen - Newsletter 01/08
31.03.2008: The New York Times - Europe Takes a Closer Look at Employee Stock Ownership
31.03.2008: International Herald Tribune: In Europe, some governments are encouraging employees to invest
26.03.2008: L'Actionnariat salarié, par Amélie Bruder, Editions Maurice Aumage, Paris 2008
19.03.2008: AGP - Treffpunkte 2008
11.03.2008: What do employee ownership and hedge funds have in common? - See the Retirement Plan Blog
06.03.2008: Anthony Jensen, University of Sydney - Spain pioneers Sustainable Democratic Corporate Governance Business Model with Sociedades Laborales
06.03.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2008
06.03.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in February 2008
05.03.2008: L'azionariato dei dipendenti è il grande assente dal dibattito...
04.03.2008: Congratulation and request to Slovenia
13.02.2008: Universität Chemnitz - Research Project: Business elements in the new payment policy, extent and effects of contingent compensation
06.02.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in January 2008
20.01.2008: 80% of all wide European groups had employee share plans in 2007, coming from 60% in 2001, 40% in 1998, 20% in 1994, 10% in 1986...
08.01.2008: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2008
08.01.2008: EFES PRESS REVIEW in December 2007
12.12.2007: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Partnerschaft in der Wirtschaft - AGP Mitteilungen Newsletter 04-2007
12.12.2007: Gesellschaft für innerbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit GIZ - Newsletter "Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung" Nr. 3/2007 und Pressespiegel Dezember 2007
11.12.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW in November 2007
21.11.2007: Picture of European employee share ownership in 2007 - Comparing 14 countries and Austria
07.11.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW in October 2007
29.10.2007: EFES President Cees Vos - Financial participation in a European perspective (PPT presentation in Berlin)
18.10.2007: Nieuw boek van August Van Put "Participatief ondernemen - De ontbrekende hoeksteen voor de Top van Lisabon"
18.10.2007: "Les effets de participation des salariés sur la performance des entreprises", Xavier Hollandts - thèse de doctorat soutenue à Lyon le 4.9.2007
12.10.2007: EFES answer to inquiry of the new British All Party Parliamentary Group on Employee Ownership
09.10.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2007
09.10.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW in September 2007
21.09.2007: Delo FT: Tokrat menda zares - zakon o financni participaciji zaposlenih
07.09.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - August 2007
06.09.2007: The NCEO released a new issue brief on Employee Ownership and Corporate Performance. They also updated the Web site's article on this subject.
24.08.2007: AGP Mitteilungen - Newsletter 03/07
27.07.2007: Berlin Conference on October 25, 2007: "Financial Participation in the EU-27"
25.07.2007: Positive answer from Poland
20.07.2007: Angela Merkel veut relancer l'actionnariat salarié en Allemagne (interview audio - format MP3)
06.07.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2007
06.07.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - June 2007
02.07.2007: Germany - Aus brandaktuellem Anlass ! SPD und CDU / CSU haben jüngst ihre Vorschläge zur Förderung der Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung in Deutschland vorgelegt. AGP und GIZ haben die Kernpunkte herausgearbeitet.
20.06.2007: Doors opening in Slovenia: Letter from Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, June 5, 2007
16.06.2007: Belgium - Participation law of 22 May 2001 was a failure (in Dutch)
15.06.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2007
15.06.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - May 2007
12.06.2007: Russia will set up a new Russian Employee Ownership Association
04.06.2007: Next EFES Newsletter will be disseminated round June 16
24.05.2007: New EFES call to the Governments of the European Union
A recent study funded by the European Commission enlightened the fact that 89% of all 2.000 widest European Groups (29 millions employees) have employee share ownership and 83% have plans to develop it more.
These Groups consider employee share ownership as one of the best ways for aligning employees and shareholders interests, motivating people, improving corporate performances and giving people the chance to share better corporate results.
They are used to offer annual share plans to their employees in all possible countries.
Unfortunately, the main obstacle in development of their common human resources policy is the lack of proper legislation in several Member States. This situation causes discrimination between their employees - people from various countries, and put a brake on their  development and investments abroad.
This is why we would like to trigger discussion about the most effective legislation. Our aim is to encourage all governments to introduce a dedicated legislation, allowing the following employee share plans, as the most used across the world, in the European Union and the United States as well:
   -  Employee Stock Purchase Plan, possibly annual
   -  Discount rate 20%, free of tax and social security, up to 10% of annual gross salary (or 5.000 Euro annually)
   -  Blockage period: 3 years (through deferred stocks, blocked stocks or options with vesting period).

10.05.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAI 2007
09.05.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - April 2007
27.04.2007: Assemblea BNL - Roma 27.4.2007
16.04.2007: I dipendenti azionisti hanno professionalità per azioni propositive in seno alle assemblee
14.04.2006: Report of the Sixth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, Brussels - 14-15 December 2006
13.04.2007: The Tribune debate is growing in USA: ESOPs in newspapers - what about Europe - The Retirement Blog of 12.4.2007
10.04.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2007
08.04.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - March 2007
15.03.2007: Zukunft Mittelstand - Erfolgsfaktor gesellschaftliches Engagement - Berlin 17.04.07
07.03.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - MARCH 2007 (including Press Review of February 2007)
07.03.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - February 2007
07.03.2007: The CoCo Report: Work, Happiness and Employee Ownership: Companies where workers have a say in decisions and a stake in ownership are more productive because staff are happier, according to a new report in the UK. The study found absence levels were lower and workers were more committed in "co-owned" companies. The British Government was urged to introduce tax incentives to encourage the launch of more co-owned companies. Download the full report
06.03.2007: Intervento assembleare Azione Banca Lombarda - 3 Marzo 2007
01.03.2007: Pressemitteilung: Investivlohn- / Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligungsmodelle in Deutschland Insgesamt 3.750 Unternehmen praktizieren in Deutschland Modelle zur Kapitalbeteiligung ihrer Mitarbeiter
09.02.2007: All pictures of the Sixth European Meeting of Employee Ownership - Brussels, December 14-15, 2006
06.02.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - January 2007
06.02.2007: France: La Missive de Gestion Attentive - Sixième Rencontre Européenne de l'Actionnariat Salarié (Missive n°24 - janvier 2007)
06.02.2007: Il movimento dei piccoli azionisti organizzati continua a crescere (Dircredito)
06.02.2007: Italy: Poche e di basso profilo le presenze italiane (La Newsletter del Centro Studi - 31 gennaio 2007)
06.02.2007: Belgium: Les champions de l'actionnariat salarié. En Belgique, seuls Colruyt et Dexia sortent du lot (Trends Tendances 25.1.2007)
26.01.2007: Spain: MCC encabeza el ranking europeo de empleo en las empresas de 'Accionariado Asalariado'
23.01.2007: The UK's Accounting Standard Board announced a major relaxation of the requirements for Share Based Payments for smaller companies (from Pinsent Masons)
17.01.2007: France: the new legislation for employee ownership - "Loi du 30.12.2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié"
10.01.2007: Italia: Bolletino Internazionale Brambilla - Gennaio 2007 - L'azionariato dei dipendenti
10.01.2007: Belgie: De Tijd - Weinig aandelen in handen van Belgische werknemers
09.01.2007: Österreich - Vorschläge der Österreichischen Sozialpartner in Dezember 2006
08.01.2007: 3 full pages about European employee ownership in the major Slovenian newspaper DELO of 8.1.2007
05.01.2007: EFES NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2007 (including Press Review of November/December 2006)
05.01.2007: EFES PRESS REVIEW - December 2006

03.01.2007: Thesis by Marco Caramelli: Effects of employee ownership in the context of the large multinational, an attitudinal cross-cultural approach (English summary)
22.12.2006: Pinsent Masons Share Pland Update (UK)
22.12.2006: Insolvency, Employee Rights & Employee Buyouts, A Strategy for Restructuring - Anthony Jensen, Ithaca Consultancy and The Common Cause Foundation, UK
22.12.2006: Job Ownership Ltd changed its name to Employee Ownership Association - the new website is on http://www.employeeownership.co.uk
22.12.2006: Thesis by Eric Kaarsemaker: Employee Ownership and Human Resource Management - theoretical and empirical treatise + Dutch context
21.12.2006: The European Employee Ownership TOP 100 in 2006 - the rankings of all widest European companies are now available on this website
21.12.2006: Short Analysis of The European Employee Ownership Top 100 in 2006 - Marc Mathieu, EFES
21.12.2006: Question by Mrs Catherine Stihler, MEP, to the European Commission
21.12.2006: Expert report: A European Commission's disaster
21.12.2006: Thesis by Marco Caramelli: Impact of employee ownership in multinational companies, an intercultural attitudinal approach
21.12.2006: Research report by Patrick Guiol & Jorge Munoz: Participative management contributes to better public health
21.12.2006: Pepper III Report by Jens Lowitzsch - Picture of employee financial participation in the new member countries of the European Union
19.12.2006: The European Employee Ownership Top 100 in 2006: CAP 100 ranking (capitalisation held by employees in widest companies)
                                                                                                EMP 100 ranking (majority-employee-owned companies)
18.12.2006: All presentations of the Sixth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, Brussels 14-15 December 2006
03.11.2006: EFES NEWSLETTER - NOVEMBER 2006 (including PRESS REVIEW - October 2006)
24.10.2006: New link to ESOP Institute - Diploma in employee ownership studies via the internet (UK)
07.10.2006: EFES NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2006 (including PRESS REVIEW - September 2006)
06.10.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - September 2006

27.09.2006: Registration form for the Sixth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, Brussels 14-15 December 2006
27.09.2006: Which companies will be at the top of the European Employee Ownership TOP 100 in 2006?
18.09.2006: Warsaw - November 23-24, 2006: XVth Anniversary of the Polish Association of Employee Ownership - Click here for information
18.09.2006: Birmingham (UK) - October 11, 2006 - Successful elected representatives and employee directors (JOL's seminar)
18.09.2006: Birmingham (UK) - October 10, 2006 - Successful management in EO businesses (JOL's seminar)
04.09.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - August 2006
28.08.2006: A new platform for employee ownership in Austria: Plattform Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Österreich
24.08.2006: Newsletter Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Nr.7 (Gesellschaft für innerbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit GIZ Gm)
07.07.2006: EFES NEWSLETTER - JULY 2006(including PRESS REVIEW - June 206)
06.07.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - June 2006
26.06.2006: Sixth European Meeting of Employee Ownership - 14-16 December 2006  Theme of the meeting: The European Employee Ownership TOP 100 - Year 2006. For the first time in 2006, we will rank and analyse all European largest companies regarding employee ownership, in a full systematic way. Ranking 2006 will be published during the Sixth European Meeting of Employee Ownership on 14-16 December 2006 in Brussels.
19.06.2006: Italy: Debates in favour of employee share ownership are relaunched (press release)
06.06.2006: EFES NEWSLETTER - JUNE 2006
06.06.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - May 2006
01.06.2006: Bologna - 14 giugno 2006 "Piccoli Azionisti" - le associazioni presentano le loro idee
01.06.2006: Düsseldorf - 14. Juni 2006 "56. Bundeskonferenz der AGP (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Partnerschaft in der Wirtschaft)" - Veranstaltung der AGP und dem Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 05.05.2006: new page in Finnish
04.05.2006: EFES NEWSLETTER - MAY 2006
03.05.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - April 2006
27.04.2006: PinsentMasons Share Schemes Roadshow 2006 (UK - 18 and 21 September, 10 and 111 October)

06.04.2006: new page for CEEEONet - Central and Eastern European Employee Ownership Network
                    new page in Bulgarian
                    new page in Czech
                    new page in Estonian
                    new page in Hungarian
                    new page in Lithuanian
                    new page in Latvian
                    new page in Polish
                    new page in Romanian
                    new page in Slovenian
                    new page in Slovakian
04.04.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - March 2006
04.04.2006: New link to The Esop Shop
(South Africa)
22.03.2006: Erik Poutsma and others: Changing Patterns of Employee Financial Participation in Europe 2006 - A survey among listed firms in Six European Member States
22.03.2006: Ireland - Annual Jack Fitzpatrick Lecture for 2006 on Thursday, 6 April
16.03.2006: Newsletter Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung Nr.6
16.03.2006: Centro Studi Sociali Pietro Desiderato: azionariato ai dipendenti in crescita
08.03.2006: new links to the Netherlands Institute for Cooperative Entrepreneurship www.nyenrode.nl/nice/
07.03.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - February 2006
03.03.2006: new link to EDF Actionnariat Salarié (new French association)
15.02.2006: new links to employee ownership organizations in South Africa (Employee Ownership Association Africa):
                       www.eoaa.co.za; www.ingolobane.org; www.ownershipsolutions.co.za; www.axiz.com
06.02.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - January 2006
06.02.2006: New link to Agio Greenland - Gorm Winther (Denmark)
26.01.2006: BT GROUP won the ifsProShare annual awards 2005 for the "best overall performance in fostering employee share ownership"
26.01.2006: Pinsent Masons' share schemes team: seminars and services in 2006

11.01.2006: European Commission proposals to make it easier for shareholders to exercise their rights within the EU
11.01.2006: EFES President Kees Vos' "liber amicorum" on theme "European social models at a cross-road" (partly in English, partly in Dutch)
04.01.2006: Sondernewsletter zum Köhler-Vorstoß
03.01.2006: Presseerklärung zum Vorschlag des Bundespräsidenten Horst Köhler, die Arbeitnehmer stärker an Gewinn und Kapital zu beteiligen
02.01.2006: EFES PRESS REVIEW - December 2005
30.12.2005: Links to German websites Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung in Bayern , Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung in Nordrhein-Westfalen , Gesellschaft für innerbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit 
22.12.2005: Nuove norme contabili e azionariato dei dipendenti + Picoli azionisti, grandi problemi
30.11.2005: EFES PRESS REVIEW - November 2005
25.11.2005: new pages in Deutsch, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
18.11.2005: FAS (the French Federation of Employee Shareholders' Associations) awarded the 6 best French employee ownership companies, through its "Grand Prix of Employee Ownership" in Paris
16.11.2005: The NCEO published its updated statistical profile of employee ownership in the USA
14.11.2005: New website for the French Federation of Employee Shareholders' Associations FAS
08.11.2005: THE EUROPEAN EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP TOP 100 (ranking of the 100 biggest European companies, regarding employee ownership)
08.11.2005: Employee Engagement, Conference in Brimingham on December 1, 2005
02.11.2005: Associazione dei Piccoli Azionisti del Gruppo BNL
31.10.2005: New website for the Polish Federation of Employee Ownership
31.10.2005: EFES PRESS REVIEW - OCTOBER 2005
17.10.2005: Participation, a stake for employment - Conference in the French Senate, November 7, 2005
Employee ownership and participation are now at the top of political and social debates in France.
Click here to get all information and registration form for the conference in the French Senate.
17.10.2005: Stock options: The European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry organised a study on employee stock options, leading to the conclusion in 2003 that: Employee stock options can help to promote entrepreneurship (click to get the full document)    This conclusion was based on a Final report by the Expert Group on Employee Stock Options  and on the DG Enterprise study on Employee Stock Options in the EU and USA
06.10.2005: New page on this website: Model Plans for employee ownership and financial participation in the European Union
06.10.2005: Las sociedades laborales y los ESOP, ejemplo de participación de los trabajadores
06.10.2005: Puntare sull'azionariato dei dipendenti, di Antonio Spinelli - Dircredito
05.10.2005: France: Report to the French Prime Minister by deputies Cornut-Gentille and Godfrain "une ambition: la participation pour tous"
05.10.2005: France: les propositions de la FAS
01.10.2005: EFES Board meeting in Brussels on September 30 - October 1
01.10.2005: picture of the IAFP conference in Brussels
26.09.2005: new link to the Carey Center for Democratic Capitalism (USA)
19.09.2005: Fachtagung zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
Das Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Partnerschaft in der Wirtschaft e.V. (AGP) und die saarländischen Wirtschaftskammern und -verbände veranstalten am 30. November 2005 von 10 bis 18 Uhr im Saarbrücker Schloss die Fachtagung „Ein Königsweg für mittelständische Betriebe: Mein Familienunternehmen durch Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zukunftssicher machen“. Die Teilnehmer erfahren aus Sicht der Tarifpartner, der Unternehmerfamilie und des Kreditgewerbes, welche Vorteile die Gewinn- und Kapitalbeteiligung bietet. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele ermöglichen es, von den Erfahrungen anderer Unternehmen mit der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zu lernen. Unternehmer, Banken, Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater und Wissenschaftler beantworten Fragen zum Thema. Weitere Informationen zur Fachtagung bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Partnerschaft in der Wirtschaft e.V. Tel. 0561/36044 info@agpev.de
15.09.2005: «Un statut peu connu et mal considéré» Libération - Paris,France ... Jean-Claude Mothié, président de la Fédération française des associations d'actionnaires salariés et anciens salariés, réagit. ...
31.08.2005: EFES Board Meeting in Brussels on September 30 - October 1, 2005: "EFES strategies"
31.08.2005: IAFP Conference in Brussels on September 28-29, 2005 "a model plan for financial participation in the European Union"
29.08.2005: The EUROPEAN EOLE REPORT is now available (Report of the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership)
23.08.2005: Next European Level Workshop on Financial Participation and HRM, Leiden (NL) October 14, 2005
22.08.2005: The new EU Prospectus Directive and Employee Share Incentives (Pinsent Masons - July 2005)
30.06.2005: Some pictures of rescued enterprises as sociedades laborales in the Basque Country
30.06.2005: The Mondragon Co-operative Research Conference 2005 was held in Mondragon on 28 June.
24.06.2005: First attempt of a European Employee Ownership TOP 100
22.06.2005: Report of EFES Annual General Meeting of members of 18 June 2005 (access to members only)
21.06.2005: Fifth European Meeting: 18 presentations are already available on this website
20.06.2005: EFES new Board of Directors for years 2005-2006, Executive Office and President elected in Brussels on June 18, 2005
10.06.2005: About the role of employee ownership in local economic development in Australia
17.05.2005: The Australian Government has introduced a "getting started" kit to promote employee share ownership
21.04.2005: Get the programme of the Fifth European Meeting and all practical info (pdf)
20.04.2005: next election to EFES Board of Directors: candidates
12.04.2005: Government of British Columbia (Canada) developed its own Employee Share Ownership Program
05.04.2005: 150 participants are already registered for the European Meeting in June (see details)
31.03.2005: Funny picture of EFES members in March 2005
14.03.2005: Facts about employee ownership in the Czech Republic, by Dr. Zdenek Srein, KSLP
12.03.2005: your travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by EFES, thanks to our sponsors
                       for the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, on June 16-17 in Brussels
05.03.2005: USA - The ESOP Association Urges President's Advisory Panel to Promote the Ownership Society Through Employee Ownership
28.02.2005: Committee for Effective Employee Ownership, the full document (49 pages, pdf)
24.02.2005: Question by Mrs Catherine Stihler, Member of the European Parliament, and answer by the European Commission
23.02.2005: thanks to our sponsors, EFES will be able to cover your travel and accommodation expenses
                       for the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, on June 16-17 in Brussels
18.02.2005: Committee for Effective Employee Ownership: practical guidelines for employee ownership
09.02.2005: a new organisation in Australia, the Employee Ownership Group and its EO Policy Flier (pdf)
26.01.2005: first draft programme of the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership on June 16-17, 2005
13.01.2005: access to EOLE database
12.01.2005: we have now 132 training and education programmes in our database EOLE
29.12.2004: we have now 86 training and education programmes in our database EOLE
23.12.2004: the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership will gather 350 people in Brussels on June 16-17, 2005
                       about EOLE (Employee Ownership Learning & Education)
01.12.2004: A New Approach to the Problem of the Relation Between the Trade Unions and Cooperatives, by Zvi Galor
30.11.2004: Het Groot Nederlands Participatieboek, Utrecht op 15 december 2004
30.11.2004: Tullis Russel's business game to learn how an employee ownership company works (video - 3.36")
26.11.2004: new EOLE website is now open on www.eole-efes.net for Employee Ownership Learning & Education
22.11.2004: we were in London for a meeting about our EOLE Project
16.11.2004: new link to British Business Succession www.business-succession.coop (UK)
10.11.2004: new link to The Union of Co-operative Enterprises www.cooperatives-uk.coop
28.10.2004: Report of EFES extraordinary General Meeting of members of September 25
08.10.2004: Pictures of EFES Board & General Meeting in Brussels on September 25, 2004
05.10.2004: Zamestnanecká participace - milióny pracovních míst v EU? pripravila Eva Krtková
17.09.2004: Report of the High Level Experts Group for the European Commission (de Foucauld)
04.09.2004: Both US Presidential candidates Kerry and Bush miss golden opportunity in ownership debate
03.09.2004: Research on Employee Buyouts granted in UK
31.08.2004: SAIC makes $4 million gift to The Beyster Institute at the Rady School of Management
21.07.2004: kick-off worshop of EOLE project on September 24
21.07.2004: an extraordinary general meeting of EFES members will be held in Brussels on September 25
15.07.2004: EO Learning & Education Programmes Database Form 1
15.07.2004: meeting with Belgian and Spanish trade unions in Brussels about employee buyouts
08.07.2004: EFES BELGIUM encourages transfers of businesses through employee ownership
06.07.2004: Llamamiento de la FEAA al Parlamento Europeo y a la Comision
02.07.2004: new project: "Defining European Programmes for Employee Ownership Learning and Education"
02.07.2004: new page update: EFES current and next activities
02.07.2004: EFES call to the new European Parliament and Commission
18.06.2004: our privilege offer for two main books for employee ownership and participation
15.06.2004: Robert Oakeshott's new book; Robert is Britain's leading expert on employee ownership; a must
09.06.2004: Bertie Ahern, chairing the EU as Irish Prime Minister, answers to EFES call
11.06.2004: new ESOP expert within EFES members: Johanson Berenson LLP
03.06.2004: Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament answers to EFES call
24.05.2004: UK Employee Ownership Index update
14.05.2004: employee ownership in the next European multiannual programme for Enterprise 2006-2010
12.05.2004: "Dee" Thomas was awarded for her unmatched commitment to the employee ownership world
06.05.2004: EFES General Meeting of members on April 30 in Paris
06.05.2004: EFES and IAFP held a common meeting in Paris on April 27
25.04.2004: in France, research on the impact of employee ownership on public health
23.04.2004: Yrittajapolvenvaihdos
23.04.2004: Reactivación de empresas por los empleados en Ohio y el Ohio Employee Ownership Center
22.04.2004: Fabrice Pourceau will leave EFES secretariat on May 1, going to work for the College of Europe
21.04.2004: Slovene organizations call on for the Government of Slovenia to bring into force the EU legislation on employee ownership
19.04.2004: Australian Government's Employee Share Ownership Project, very good website

02.02.2004: the Ford Foundation presented its prestigious award to our friend John Logue, Director of the OEOC .
24.03.2004: Scottish Government's Consultation Paper for a Co-operative Dvelopment Agency
23.03.2004: presentation of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center by Jacquelyn Yates, for a press confernce in Belgium on March 26
19.03.2004: letter to all European Governments, for the next renewal of the European Commission
12.03.2004: how transfers of businesses to employee owners are organized in the Ohio
10.03.2004: look at the education and learning programmes of The Co-operative College on www.co-op.ac.uk
04.03.2004: we invite you to a main European conference on employee financial participation in Paris 28-29 April 2004
26.02.2004: new Action Plan for Entrepreneurship of the European Commission, available in 11 languages
26.02.2004: Australian Government plans to double employee share ownership (see our daily news on the web)
24.02.2004: day after day, all news on the web about employee ownership
20.02.2004: Ryszard Stocki's proposal for "Competency Standards for Participative Management Education".
17.02.2004: employee buy outs, how it works, see on Baxi Partnership (UK)
13.02.2004: EFES Secretariat got the visit of 2 Polish students, Maja Bobruk and Ola Michalik
02.02.2004: new website for Mondragon Corporación Cooperativa, in Engliqh, French, German, Spanish and Basque
30.01.2004: EFES Belgium organizes its first breakfast meeting of employee ownership in Brussels
30.01.2004: the French Federation suggests a rating for companies about their employee shareownership (in French, pdf)
29.01.2004: new website for CONFESAL newspaper on the Spanish employee owned companies "Economia Social"
28.01.2004: a cross-cultural study of the attitudinal effects of employee stock ownership plans (Marco Caramellli)
22.01.2004: Conference on employee financial participation in Europe, Paris, April 28-29, 2004
17.01.2004: project SCOPE2 has its own website www.scope.coop
12.01.2004: recherche sur les facteurs de succès des plans d'actionnariat salarié (Marco Caramellli)
07.01.2004: Employee ownership continues to be widely growing in the US. 23.3% of all employees working for for-profit companies report owning stock in their companies
26.12.2003: update of EFES current and next activities
20.12.2003: we are very sorry to inform that our Czech Director Vlastimil Jakl died in November 2003
07.11.2003: new link to the Polish Association of Employee Ownership Unia Wlasnosci Pracowniczej
21.10.2003: new page: Real cases; employee ownership, what it is, really
01.10.2003: new link to the new website of FAS (the French Federation) (in French)
01.10.2003: Conference in Paris on October 30 for the 10th anniversary of FAS (the French Federation) (in French)
29.09.2003: one page report on the seminar on EO education & training (Bilbao Sept.7-14, 2003)
22.09.2003: new link to the Mondragon Management Research Center - MIK (Basque Country, Spain)
19.09.2003: final report of the European Commission on the transfer of businesses to third parties or employees
05.09.2003: the European Financial Services Regulation magazine analyses the many legal and political obstacles
---------------- for employee share ownership in Europe. It points the obstacle due to the dual management within
---------------- the European Commission (DG Enterprise on one hand and DG Employment & Social Affairs on the other).
---------------- This could be changed with the installation of the new Commission in 2004.
04.09.2003: n June 5, 2003, the EuropeanParliament adopted its new Resolution on employee financial participation;
----------------- it is here available in: DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV

02.09.2003: letter of Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt: Belgium will support the Spanish model of the
----------------- "sociedades laborales" (employee owned companies) (pdf, in 4 languages NL/EN/FR/ES)
09.07.2003: new EFES article on "Tax & law obstacles to employee financial participation schemes in the EU" (PDF)
08.07.2003: Report of the Fourth European Meeting Bilbao-Mondragon 2002 (64 pages, PDF)
04.07.2003: European Commission discrimination against Employee Financial Participation projects
04.07.2003: The good practice guide of the European Union for the transfer of businesses
26.06.2003: EFES Response to the Green Paper on Entrepreneurship in Europe (pdf)
23.06.2003: EFES draft response to the Green Paper on Entrepreneurship in Europe (pdf)
10.04.2003: negative opinion of the European Commission - DG Employment & Social Affairs on the project of European education and training programmes for employee share ownership (see details on page "next activities")
04.04.2003: new link to AGP website in Germany
03.04.2003: next EFES Board and annual General Meeting of members probably in Brussels on May 17, 2003
03.04.2003: temporary difficulties noted on EFES website due to change in hosting
18.03.2003: new e-mail address for EFES secretariat: marc.mathieu@pi.be (please note !!!)
17.03.2003: new link to The Dublin Foundation - on employee financial participation
15.03.2003: On March 19, 2003, the Commission for Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament will discuss its project report; it is available here in: DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV
12.03.2003: New Communication of the European Commission, focusing on "entrepreneurial innovation"
08.03.2003: Report of the European Meeting in Bilbao (French version): Part 1, Part 2 (PDF)
06.03.2003: Pictures of the Fourth Meeting of Employee Share Ownersgip, Bilbao, November 2002
05.03.2003: The European Economic and Social Committee, which represents the European Social Partners, adopted its opinion on Employee Financial Participation.
This very important document is here available in 11 languages : DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV

28.02.2003: Employee Participation... A Review of the Issues and Evidence, Report for the European Parliament
24.02.2003: programme of the EFES CEEONetwork Conference in Ljubljana, March 28-29, 2003
11.02.2003: new website www.sociedades-laborales.net
08.02.2003: new page on Employee Entrepreneurship and the Green Paper on Entrepreneurship in Europe
08.02.2003: new page on co-operatives in Europe
04.02.2003: Special flash SRIP - Transparency of the voting policy of American investment funds
29.01.2003: Brussels, Conference at Parliament's Hall: "Sociedades Laborales: un modèle à suivre pour la Belgique?"
20.01.2003: programme of the EFES Conference in Ljubljana, March 28-29, 2003
16.01.2003: law on Spanish Sociedades Laborales in English, in Italiano, in Deutsch , en français, en Español (PDF)
01.01.2003: the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee are now working on employee ownership
20.12.2002: Cahier de spécifications pour la formation à l'actionnariat salarié mis au point par la FAS France (PDF)
13.12.2002: new page for EFES' European Employee Ownership Training and Education Programme
13.12.2002: Miguel Millana lecture on Spanish employee owned Sociedades Laborales (PDF)
13.12.2002: Table of common European principles on employee share ownership
13.12.2002: presentation on Spanish Sociedades Laborales, in English (Powerpoint)
12.12.2002: workshops in Bilbao: Defining European training programmes for employee share ownership and participation
09.12.2002: Shann Turnbull on MCC presentation in Bilbao
09.12.2002: reports of workshops of the Meeting in Bilbao
09.12.2002: presentations in Bilbao: Mondragon's financial policy, corporate values
06.12.2002: new wonderful research report in UK "Employee ownership, motivation and productivity"
05.12.2002: Suez winner of the Proshare Award 2002
03.12.2002: new page on EFES next activities
29.11.2002: presentations in Bilbao: Sociedades Laborales and ASLE
29.11.2002: new page on: common European features on best practices
28.11.2002: presentations in Bilbao: Mondragon Corporacion Cooperativa
28.11.2002: presentations in Bilbao: Erik Poutsma, Deb Olson, Hugh Donnelly
27.11.2002: new EFES board of directors 2003-2004
27.11.2002: Report of EFES General Meeting of members 2002
19.11.2002: new Employee Ownership Legislation in UK
14.11.2002: new link to Baxi Partnership Ltd (invests in companies to help them develop in EO)
10.11.2002: new page on: employee ownership and public health
10.11.2002: new page on: employee ownership and corporate performance
09.11.2002: new page on: employee ownership and sustainable development
05.11.2002: how Belgium prepared its new EO legislation ("Report De Grauwe") (in English, pdf)

31.10.2002: new link to employee ownership in Egypt: Public Enterprise Office
19.10.2002: how Belgium prepared its new EO legislation ("Report De Grauwe") (in French, pdf)
15.10.2002: news from Washington, news from Italy
03.10.2002: new website of our member organisation in Slovenia www.dezap.si
20.09.2002: new link to Employees Direct (UK)
07.09.2002: BILBAO MONDRAGON 2002
----------------- Programme (pdf format) / Registration form (html format)
11.07.2002: new European Commission's Communication on Financial Participation of workers (11 languages)
08.07.2002: new links to Corporate Social Responsibility on links page
08.07.2002: new links to Social Dialogue on links page
04.07.2002: new links to co-operatives on links page
24.06.2002: new booklet by David Wheatcroft: "A workers introduction to the Share Incentive Plan" (PDF)
05.06.2002: Fallout from the Enron Debacle: how will EO be affected?
03.06.2002: dynamics of employee ownership in Spain
31.05.2002: discussion paper: Contribution of employee share ownership to the European Convention (see forum)
16.05.2002: discussion paper: Employee Ownership asks for its place in the social economy (see forum)
13.05.2002: new link to Belgian Employees Aviation Promotion (BEAP) (ex-Belgian Sabena)
10.05.2002: new link to SGAM - Société Générale Asset Management
09.04.2002: BILBAO MONDRAGON 2002
----------------- First flyer and registration form
(November 21-23, 2002) in html format / in pdf format
29.03.2002: EFES seeks financial partners
27.03.2002: New monthly electronic newsletter "Share - L'épargne salariale en action" (click to order) (in French)
21.03.2002: Report of Edinburgh EO Conference 2001 organized by Employee Ownership Scotland
19.03.2002: ENRON White Paper on employee ownership (Foundation for Enterprise Devlopment)
18.03.2002: Report of the Conference of the Presidency of the European Union on employee share ownership
08.03.2002: Success of the First Conference of the CEECs Employee Ownership Network in Budapest
06.03.2002: The new Belgian EO law (3 presentation pages in PDF in English)
27.02.2002: Participatory Ownership and Management in Greenland and Arctic, by Gorm Winther and others
20.02.2002: The new Belgian law: official publication ; practicalities 1 ; practicalities 2 ; practicalities 3
05.02.2002: French trade unions set up a committee to labellize employee share ownership funds (in French)

18.01.2002: new link to the new EGCI - European Corporate Governance Intitute
16.01.2002: new website for the Netherlands Participatie Instituut
14.01.2002: new link to Ownership Associates (Chris Mackin, Fred Freundlich)
02.01.2002: new link to Euroshareholders

What's new on this website in 2001 ?










For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30 - Fax: +32 (0)2 791 96 00
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.