Our selection / Notre sélection / Nuestra selección

  We made a selection of 33 remarkable articles in 9 countries in March 2012: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, South Africa, UK, USA.
Austria: New employee ownership foundation for the Österreichische Staatsdruckerei. Following voestalpine's CEO Wolfgang Eder, employee ownership is a good protection against hostile takeovers.
Canada: Various studies show 7 to 10 per cent of Canadian workers participate in some form of employee ownership.
France: French unions vote against the proposal of an employee share plan for La Poste. New employee share plans for Safran, for Schneider Electric and for Technip. French presidential election: Six proposals by the French confederation of workers' cooperatives to support employee buyouts and employee-owned companies.
Germany: Questions about employee ownership in Germany and the political scandal about the failure of Schlecker drugstore chain.
Poland: Privatisation of the Military Printing would bring 15% in employee shares.
South Africa: More than 33 000 employees of Harmony Gold will become owners of direct shares in the company through its employee share ownership plan (Esop).
UK: Calls for a dedicated minister for employee share ownership. Interview with Graeme Nuttall, the new British Government's adviser on employee ownership. The Budget should start a new wave of employee ownership in the UK.
USA: More businesses selling themselves to employees. Companies with employee stock ownership were four times less likely to lay off employees during the Great Recession than conventionally owned companies. Iowa lawmakers are considering legislation that would help make it easier for business owners to establish an ESOP.

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   Notre sélection propose 33 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en février 2012: Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Autriche, Canada, France, Italie, Pologne, Royaume Uni, USA.
Afrique du Sud: Plus de 33.000 salariés des mines d'or Harmony Gold vont devenir actionnaires de la société à travers un plan d'actionnariat salarié (Esop).
Allemagne: Questions sur l'actionnariat salarié en Allemagne à la suite du scandale politique autour de la faillite de la chaîne de magasins Schlecker.
Autriche: Nouveau fond d'actionnariat salarié pour Österreichische Staatsdruckerei. D'après le PDG de Voestalpine Wolfgang Eder, l'actionnariat salarié assure une bonne protection contre les OPA hostiles.
Canada: Diverses études indiquent que 7 à 10% des salariés canadiens ont accès à l'une ou l'autre formule d'actionnariat salarié, beaucoup moins qu'aux USA.
France: Les confédérations syndicales ont vote unanimement contre le projet d'actionnariat salarié à  La Poste. Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié chez Safran, Schneider Electric et Technip. Elections présidentielles: la confédération générale des Scop avance six propositions destinées à soutenir la création ou la reprise d’entreprises par les salariés.
Pologne: La privatisation de l'Imprimerie de l'Armée devrait réserver 15% des actions aux salariés. La même opération est en train de s'achever dans les mines de charbon de Silésie.
Royaume Uni: Appels pour désigner un ministre de l'actionnariat salarié. Interview avec Graeme Nuttall, le nouveau Conseiller à l'Actionnariat Salarié du Gouvernement britannique. Le prochain budget devrait provoquer une nouvelle montée de l'actionnariat salarié en Grande Bretagne.
USA: De plus en plus d'entreprises cédées aux salariés. A la suite de la "Grande Récession", les entreprises avec actionnariat salarié ont eu quatre fois moins recours aux licenciements que les entreprises sans. Encore sur la nouvelle législation destinée à encourager les plans ESOPs dans l'Etat de l'Iowa.
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  La nostra selezione include  33 importanti articoli da 9 Paesi nel mese di Marzo 2012:, Austria,  Canada, Italia, Francia, Germania Polonia, Regno Unito, Sud Africa, USA.
Austria: Nuovi fondi per la’azionariato ai dipendenti da parte di Österreichische Staatsdruckerei. Il CEO di Vvoestalpine, Wolfgang Eder, ritiene che l’azionariato ai dipendenti sia una buona protezione contro le scalate ostili.
Canada: Numerosi studi mostrano che dal 7 al 10% dei salariati canadesi  hanno accesso a qualche .formula di azionariato ai dispendenti.
Francia: Le confederationi sindacali  hanno votato unanimemente contro il progetto di azionariato diffuso alle poste. Nuovi piani di azionariato diffuso da  Safran, Schneider Electric et Technip. Elezioni presidenziali : la Confederatione Generale delle Cooperative Francesi (Scop) avanza sei  proposte destinate a supportare la creazione o  la ripresa dell’azienda da parte dei dipendenti.
Germania: Inchiesta sull’azionariato ai dipendenti in Germania in seguito allo scandalo politico detrminatosi in seguito al fallimento della catena dei magazzini  Schlecker.
Italia: Si è svolta a Riccione l il 15 Marzo la Tavola Rotonda organizzata dal Conapa  e dallo Studio Visentini dal titolo "Rappresentanza dei piccoli azioniati: Granzie, etica e partecipazione", moderata da Nicola Borzi de "ilsole24ore" e presieduta dall’on. Bruno Tabacci, Presidente del Conapa; numerosi gli addetti ai lavori.
Polonia: La privatizzazione del' « Military printing » dovrà riservare il  15% delle azioni ai dipendenti. Un operazione simile sta per essere realizzata nelle miniere di carbone della Slesia.
Regno unito: Appelli  per designare un ministro delll'azionariato ai dipendenti. Intervista con Graeme Nuttall, il Nuovo Consigliere per l’azionariato ai dipendenti del Governo Britannico;il futuro budget dovrà deterrminare una nuova fase di azionariato diffuso in Gran Bretagna.
Sud Africa: Più di 33.000 dipendenti delle miniere d'oro «  Harmony Gold »  aspirano a diventare azionisti  dell’ azienda per la quale lavorano per mezzo di un piano di azionariato diffuso (Esop).
USA: Sempre di più le aziende  cedono  quote ai dispendenti. In periodi di grande recessione. Le aziende con l’azionariato ai dipendenti ricorrono ai licenziamenti quattro volte in meno rispetto allae imprese che non lo praticano.  Gli avvocati dello Iowa stanno considerando un impianto legislativo che possa facilitare gli imprenditori nel realizzare un modello ESOP.
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We made a selection of 33 remarkable articles in 9 countries in Marh 2012: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, South Africa, UK, USA.

AT   1 - "Fairer Anteil am Erfolg" für die Mitarbeiter
             Wiener Zeitung - 30. März 2012vor 1 Tag
             Eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ohne Mitbestimmung und Gestaltungsmöglichkeit ... Eine generelle Empfehlung für Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen könne er nicht geben, ...
AT   2 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Den Stein ins Rollen brachte die Voestalpine
             Wiener Zeitung - 30. März 2012
             Die Rede ist von der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung des börsenotierten Linzer Stahlkonzerns Voestalpine. Einfach sei es nicht gewesen, Belegschaft, Betriebsräte und ...
CA   3 - Why you should give your employees piece of company
             Globe and Mail - March 22, 2012
             In Canada, a 26-year-old but oft-quoted study by the Toronto Stock Exchange found employee-owned public companies boasted 123 per cent higher five-year profit growth and 95 per cent higher profit margins than public companies without any kind of ...
FR   4 - Transmanche : la Scop des anciens de SeaFrance engrange les ...
             WK Transport-Logistique - 4 mars 2012
             Le projet de coopérative ouvrière constitué d'anciens marins de SeaFrance a reçu 457 candidatures. Jacques Gounon, le PDG d'Eurotunnel, confirme de son côté ...
FR   5 - Les postiers pourront bientôt devenir actionnaires de leur entreprise
             La Croix - 7 mars 2012
             C'est jeudi 8 mars que le conseil d'administration de La Poste doit examiner le projet d'actionnariat salarié que porte son patron depuis plusieurs années.
FR   6 - Les salariés reprennent leur société
             Le Parisien (Abonnement) - 8 mars 2012
             Hier, le tribunal d'Evry a donné son feu vert à la reprise en Scop (société coopérative et participative) de la société Adsa, spécialisée dans le service ...
FR   7 - Enquête : Jean-Paul Bailly, la réforme tranquille
             Les Échos - 8 mars 2012
             Aujourd'hui, il est intarissable lorsqu'il parle d'actionnariat salarié. Après avoir transformé La Poste en société anonyme, Jean-Paul Bailly, l'un des plus ...
FR   8 - La Poste : l'actionnariat salarié rejeté
             Le Figaro - 8 mars 2012
             L'ensemble des organisations syndicales de la Poste ont voté contre la poursuite du projet d'actionnariat salarié au sein du groupe, au cours d'un Conseil ...
FR   9 - Mue compliquée de La Poste vers l'actionnariat salarié
             Le Monde - 9 mars 2012
             Car, avec l'effondrement des marchés financiers depuis 2008, la promesse selon laquelle l'actionnariat salarié vise à se constituer un patrimoine a été ...
FR   10 - Les Scop interpellent les candidats à la présidentielle
             La Croix - 12 mars 2012
             Dans une lettre rendue public lundi 12 mars, la confédération générale des Scop avance six propositions destinées à soutenir la création ou la reprise ...
FR   11 - La campagne vue... d'une Scop de gémomètres
             Le Nouvel Observateur - 16 mars 2012
              Les salariés-actionnaires seraient donc tous des communistes ! Ces stéréotypes font sourire François Berger qui, depuis 2004, dirige Techniques Topo, ...
FR 12 - "2012 et 2013 seront difficiles pour France Télécom,...
             Capital.fr - 21 mars 2012
Président de l'Aftas (Association France Télécom des actionnaires salariés), Thierry Feurgard revient sur la perspective de baisse du dividende de ...
FR   13 - Safran met en place une opération d'actionnariat salarié pour les ...
             Daily Bourse - 21 mars 2012
             Paris, le 21 mars 2012 - Safran (NYSE Euronext : SAF, code ISIN : FR0000073272) met en place une opération d'actionnariat salarié intitulée " Leverage 2012 ...
FR 14 -  Schneider Electric: lance une opération pour les salariés
           Votre argent - 29 mars 2012
           Cette opération, qui s'inscrit dans la politique de développement de l'actionnariat salarié du groupe, couvrira vingt-six pays, dont la France.
FR 15 - TECHNIP : Augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés
           Zonebourse.com - 30 mars 2012
           ... prévoyant une exonération de prospectus pour les plans d'actionnariat salarié. Conformément à la 20ème résolution de l'assemblée générale mixte des ...
DE 16 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Fall Schlecker deckt Versäumnisse der ...
           Handelsblatt - 7. März 2012
           Es sind immer noch 40 Prozent weniger Belegschaftsaktionäre als vor 15 Jahren. Auch andere Beteiligungsmodelle bleiben Randerscheinungen.
IT  17 - Acea: Cremonesi, dubbi su dipendenti-azionisti, equilibrio difficile
            Corriere della Sera - 15 mar 2012
          ... perplessita' sull'ipotesi di riservare una quota del capitale della societa' - e di conseguenza una rappresentanza nel cda - ai dipendenti-azionisti.
IT 18   - Finanza: DirCredito, importante modifica Dlgs su diritti azionisti
          Borsa Italiana - 16 mar 2012
          ... del Ministero dell'Economia alla quale hanno partecipato congiuntamente al Dircredito ed alla Federazione Europea dell'Azionariato dei Dipendenti.
PL 19 - Bogdanka: Ostatni dzień, by odebrać akcje pracownicze
           Kurier Lubelski - 9 Mar 2012
           Kończy się proces udostępniania pracowniczych akcji Lubelskiego Węgla Bogdanka. Z możliwości wzbogacenia się skorzystali niemal wszyscy uprawnieni.
PL   20 - Wojskowa Drukarnia na sprzedaż
             NaszeMiasto.pl - 31 Mar 2012
             Zgodnie z zasadami prywatyzacji 15 procent zostanie zamienione na akcje pracownicze. Poprzednie trzy próby sprzedaży Wojskowej Drukarni zakończyły się ...
ZA   21 - R1bn for Harmony's golden staff
             Moneyweb.co.za - March 15, 2012
             The employee share ownership plan (ESOP) will be an equity-settled share incentive and share appreciation rights scheme, in terms of which 4.3m ordinary shares and 8.6m share appreciation rights have been offered to the 33 000 employees.
ZA   22 - Harmony announces Employee Share Ownership Plan
             Mineweb - March 15, 2012
             Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited ('Harmony' or the 'Company') today announced the launch of its employee share ownership plan (ESOP) which will see approximately 33000 employees participating in a direct ownership of the company.
ZA   23 - 33 000 workers become owners of Harmony Gold
             Creamer Media's Mining Weekly - March 15, 2012
             JOHANNESBURG (miningweekly.com) – More than 33 000 employees of JSE-listed miner Harmony Gold will become owners of direct shares in the company through its employee share ownership plan (Esop), it announced on Thursday. The Esop is an equity-settled ...
UK   24 - ESOP Centre backs Liberal Democrat calls for a minister dedicated to employee ...
             HRmagazine.co.uk - March 12, 2012
             The ESOP Centre gave its support to calls for a dedicated minister for employee share ownership. The idea has been tabled in a Centre Forum publication to be launched on today (9 March) at the Liberal Democrat spring conference in Gateshead.
UK   25 - Leading questions: Graeme Nuttall, Field Fisher Waterhouse
             The Guardian - March 14, 2012
             There is more on these ideas in 'How to become an employee owned mutual - an action checklist for the public sector' How important are employee-owned mutuals going to be for the future of public services and the economy? Cabinet Office minister Francis ...
UK   26 - Give John Lewis tax breaks, says Nick Clegg
             Telegraph.co.uk - March 15, 2012
             The John Lewis department store and other employee-owned companies could be given capital gains tax breaks, under plans being unveiled by Nick Clegg on Thursday. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will formally unveil the start of a Treasury review of ...
UK 27   - Whitehall in private sector shake-up plan
            The Independent - March 18, 2012
            It is the next step in the Government's vision to foster a "John Lewis economy" of employee-owned businesses and reduce the bloated public sector. Chancellor George Osborne is expected to talk up the progress made in Whitehall reforms in his Budget on ...
UK 28   - This Budget should start a new wave of employee ownership
            Financial Times - March 18, 2012
            Deep employee ownership works especially well in smaller knowledge-based companies, on which the UK increasingly relies. So what should we do? First, we need a new focus on collective employee share ownership within the tax system.
UK   29 - Coalition contemplating a cultural shift towards employee ownership?
             Slugger O'Toole - March 19, 2012
             It means measures that extend the core values and the culture of employee ownership. It is striking that the level of non-plc ownership in Germany is three times that in the UK. Such “deep” employee ownership is often indirect and collective.
UK   30 - Business succession 'timebomb' could damage the Welsh economy, report reveals
             Daily Post North Wales - March 21, 2012
             The study - 'Employee Ownership: Defusing the business succession time bomb in Wales' - highlights the dangers facing the Welsh economy of an ageing population of business owners. Owners generally do not prioritise time for succession planning and have ...
US   31 - More Businesses Selling Themselves to Employees
             CNBC.com (blog) - March 6, 2012
             Through something called an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Dansko is now a 100 percent-ESOP company. And that makes Dansko founder Peter Kjellerup very happy. "It's about the community, and sharing the wealth we create to build a community," he told ...
US   32 - The ESOP Association Submits Comments to House Ways and Means Committee on Tax ...
             MarketWatch (press release) - March 7, 2012
             Citing the 2012 General Social Survey evidencing that companies with employee stock ownership were four times less likely to lay off employees during the Great Recession than conventionally owned companies, ESOP Association President, ...
US   33 - Iowa View: Employee stock ownership plans build security
             DesMoinesRegister.com - March 19, 2012
             Representatives of Precision Pulley, a manufacturer in Pella, described how becoming an employee-owned company not only saved jobs but kept the company in Iowa when the owners decided to sell. Instead of potentially doing business with an out-of-state ...

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No full press review this month.
Pas de revue de presse complète ce mois-ci.

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EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.