Barnier: Employee ownership, symbol
of social cohesion |
Employee ownership is a symbol of the social cohesion
which Europe needs in this time. It has to be supported
at all levels. This was the conclusion expressed by
the European Commissioner for Internal Market Michel
Barnier and the President of the Commission for Employment
and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, Pervenche
Berès, after the public hearing held in the European
Parliament on March 22. A budget proposal was laid on
the table of the Parliament for supporting the development
of employee ownership in all European countries… More
information |
Employee ownership in European countries in 2011
Capital held by employee owners in European companies raised
to 232 billion Euro in 2011, not so far from its highest
in 2007, and the share held by employees in their companies
increased to 2.83%, going back to its positive trend (see
graph hereafter). More

We made a selection of 33 remarkable articles in 9 countries
in March 2012: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy,
Poland, South Africa, UK, USA.
Austria: New employee ownership foundation for the
Österreichische Staatsdruckerei. Following voestalpine's
CEO Wolfgang Eder, employee ownership is a good protection
against hostile takeovers.
Canada: Various studies show 7 to 10 per cent of
Canadian workers participate in some form of employee ownership.
France: French unions vote against the proposal of
an employee share plan for La Poste. New employee share
plans for Safran, for Schneider Electric and for Technip.
French presidential election: Six proposals by the French
confederation of workers' cooperatives to support employee
buyouts and employee-owned companies.
Germany: Questions about employee ownership in Germany
and the political scandal about the failure of Schlecker
drugstore chain.
Privatisation of the Military Printing would bring 15% in
employee shares.
South Africa: More than 33 000 employees of Harmony
Gold will become owners of direct shares in the company
through its employee share ownership plan (Esop).
UK: Calls for a dedicated minister for employee share
ownership. Interview with Graeme Nuttall, the new British
Government's adviser on employee ownership. The Budget should
start a new wave of employee ownership in the UK.
USA: More businesses selling themselves to employees.
Companies with employee stock ownership were four times
less likely to lay off employees during the Great Recession
than conventionally owned companies. Iowa lawmakers are
considering legislation that would help make it easier for
business owners to establish an ESOP.
The full press review is available
political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe
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