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Our selection / Notre sélection / Nuestra selección

  We have a selection of 30 remarkable articles in 9 countries in September 2014: Australia, Belgium, France, India, Italy, Morocco, Russia, UK, USA.
Australia: The Australian Government is close to finalising new employee share-ownership rules that will replicate key aspects of a British regime that seeks to encourage stock options in small companies and start-ups.
Belgium: The EFES urges the European Commission to retain European employee share ownership policy within the "Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness" responsibility.
France: Recent Finance Bills have demolished employee share ownership in France, with a 65% higher tax burden. First visit of the new Minister of Economy is for a large workers' cooperative. New employee share plans for GDF Suez, for Capgemini, for Peugeot.
India: What is ESOP in India?
Italy: New management for the employee shareholders' association of Telecom Italia.
Morocco: New employee share plan for Capgemini.
Russia: A Russian vision on Mondragon and ESOP plans.
UK:  New legal and tax environment encourages employee share ownership. Tax exemptions introduced in the UK Finance Act 2014 are encouraging employee ownership trust ("EOT") buy-outs and this successful UK business model could attract momentum internationally. New research confirms the benefits of employee share plans.
USA: Results from the 23rd Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) companies. Two short visions about ESOPs: The tax law provides a buyer for your business. A path to increasing a company’s sales, profitability, employee satisfaction and job security.
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   Une sélection de 30 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en septembre 2014: Australie, Belgique,  France, Grande Bretagne, Inde, Italie, Maroc, Russie, USA.
Australie: Le Gouvernement australien s'apprête à adopter de nouvelles règles pour l'actionnariat salarié sur le modèle du régime britannique qui encourage les stock options dans les PME et les nouvelles entreprises.
Belgique: La FEAS invite la Commission Européenne à intégrer la politique européenne de l'actionnariat salarié dans les compétences "Emploi, croissance, investissement et compétitivité".
France: Les lois de finances votées depuis deux ans ont démoli l'actionnariat salarié : les charges à payer ont augmenté de plus de 65%. La première visite d'entreprise du nouveau Ministre de l'Economie est pour une grande coopérative de salariés. Relancer l'économie française grâce à l'actionnariat salarié. Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour  GDF Suez, pour Capgemini, pour Peugeot.
Grande Bretagne:  Nouvel encadrement légal et fiscal pour encourager l'actionnariat salarié. Les exemptions fiscales introduites dans l'Acte de Finance 2014 encouragent la reprise d'entreprises par des trusts d 'actionnariat salarié ("EOT"). Une nouvelle recherche confirme les mesures d'impact de  l'actionnariat salarié.
Inde: Qu'est-ce qu'un ESOP en Inde?
Italie: Nouvelle direction pour l'association des actionnaires salariés de Telecom Italia.
Maroc: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Capgemini.
Russie: Une vision russe sur Mondragon et les plans ESOP.
USA: Résultats de la 23ème Etude Annuelle de Performance des sociétés d'actionnariat salarié ESOP. Deux façons de voir les plans ESOP: La loi fiscale vous procure un acheteur pour votre entreprise. Un moyen pour augmenter l'activité, la rentabilité, la satisfaction des salariés et la sécurité de l'emploi.

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Rassegna Stampa
La selezione di settembre 2014 è su 30 articoli di rilievo I 9 Paesi: Australia, Belgio, Francia, India, Italia, Marocco, Russia, UK, USA.
Australia: Il Governo è vicino al varo della normativa sull’azionariato Dipendenti, sulla falsariga di quanto presente in Gran Bretagna per la promozione delle stock options nelle piccole imprese e nelle start up.
Belgio: EFES sollecita la Commissione Europea a mantenere l’azionariato dei Dipendenti nelle competenze della Direzione "Impiego, Crescita, Investimenti e Competitività".
Francia: Le recenti leggi finanziarie hanno demolito l’azionariato dei Dipendenti aumentando l’onere fiscal del 65%. La prima visita del nuovo Ministro dell’Economia è ad una grande cooperativa di lavoro. Nuovi piani di azionariato per GDF Suez, Capgemini e  Peugeot.
India: Cos’è l’ ESOP in India?
Italia: Rinnovato il Consiglio di Amministrazione di ASATI, l’Associazione degli Azionisti Dipendenti di  Telecom Italia.
Marocco: Nuovo piano di Azionariato per Capgemini.
Russia: Una vision russa su Mondragon e i piani ESOP.
UK:  Il nuovo contest fiscal e legale incentive l’azionariato dei Dipendenti. Le esenzioni fiscali introdotte con il “UK Finance Act 2014” incentivano le acquisizioni tramite trusts di Azionisti dipendenti (“employee ownership trust - EOT") e questo modello di business di successo potrebbe diffondersi su scala internazionale. Una nuova ricerca conferma gli aspetti positive dei piani di Azionariato.
USA: I risultati del “23th Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) companies”, la rassegna annuale delle Società ESOP. Due punti di vista per i piani ESOP: gli incentivi fiscali procurano un compratore per la tua impresa e/o una via per aumentare vendite, redditività, soddisfazione dei dipendenti e stabilità dei posti di lavoro.
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We have a selection of 30 remarkable articles in 9 countries in September 2014: Australia, Belgium, France, India, Italy, Morocco, Russia, UK, USA.

AU   1 - PM to cut tax burden on employee share schemes
             The Australian - 15 sept. 2014
             Angela Perry, the chairwoman of Employee Ownership Australia, said government action could have a rapid impact on company growth. “If the 2009 changes ...
AU   2 - Australian Information Industry Association backs changes to ESOP
             ARNnet - 16 sept. 2014
             "Revising ESOPs will allow these businesses to attract, retain and reward employees for sharing the risk that comes with being innovative. We need to keep ...
BE   3 - EFES Press Release: The EFES responds to European Commission
             EFES - Sept 30, 2014
             The EFES has urged the European Commission to retain European employee share ownership policy within the "Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness" responsibility.
FR   4 - Cette Scop normande à qui Macron a réservé sa première visite ...
             Challenges.fr - 2 sept. 2014
             ... millions de chiffre d'affaires, elle est aujourd'hui l'une des plus importantes Scop de France et verse la moitié de ses dividendes à ses salariés actionnaires.
FR   5 - Réconcilier travail et capital
             Les Échos - 10 sept. 2014
             L'actionnariat salarié a fait ses preuves, il est reconnu que les entreprises ayant un large actionnariat salarié sont plus rentables que la moyenne et l'histoire a ...
FR   6 - News - DEBORY ERES devient Eres et franchit le milliard d'euros d ...
             Next Finance - 16 sept. 2014
             DEBORY ERES, premier acteur indépendant en épargne salariale, retraite et actionnariat salarié, annonce son changement de nom et devient Eres. DEBORY ...
FR   7 - GDF SUEZ : "Link 2014", nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié
             Boursier.com - 21 sept. 2014
             (Boursier.com) — GDF SUEZ a lancé "Link 2014", un plan d'actionnariat qui s'adresse à ses salariés présents dans 32 pays. Un maximum de 25 millions ...
FR   8 - Comment fonctionne l'actionnariat salarié ?
             Cafedupatrimoine - Sept 22, 2014
             Ainsi, pour relever de l'actionnariat salarié, l'actionnaire salarié qui vient à posséder des actions de l'entreprise qui l'emploie doit obligatoirement loger celles-ci ...
FR   9 - Le gouvernement rejette toute baisse généralisée du forfait social
             L'AGEFI - 23 sept. 2014
              ... de l'intéressement, de l'épargne salariale et de l'actionnariat salarié (Copiesas), le député socialiste Christophe Castaner. Le comité qui a été installé cet été, ...
FR   10 - Capgemini - Lancement d'un troisième plan d'actionnariat salarié
             Euroinvestor - 24 sept. 2014
             Paris, le 24 septembre 2014 - Capgemini annonce le lancement d'un troisième plan ESOP d'actionnariat salarié. Cette opération, proposée à environ 96% des ...
FR   11 - Relancer notre économie grâce à l'actionnariat salarié
             Les Échos - 25 sept. 2014
             Malheureusement, la fiscalité pesant sur l'actionnariat salarié a explosé ces trois ... il est plus qu'urgent de revenir à l'esprit originel de l'actionnariat salarié.
FR   12 - Peugeot : Accelerate, un vaste plan d'actionnariat salarié
             Boursier.com - 26 sept. 2014
              (Boursier.com) — Peugeot concrétise ses engagements de l'hiver dernier en officialisant ce matin "Accelerate", un programme d'actionnariat salarié, qui ...
FR   13 - Solium étend sa présence en Europe : Ouverture du bureau parisien
             Solium - Oct 1, 2014
             Solium, le premier fournisseur mondial de logiciel de gestion des plans d'actions (stock-options, AGA,...), continue l'expansion de ses opérations…
IN   14 - What is ESOP?
             Moneycontrol.com - Sept 9, 2014
             There are shares that are allotted by a company to employees as part of the Employees Stock Option Plan or scheme. There are two aspects to this ...
IT   15 - Asati, Lombardi confermato presidente. Nominato il nuovo consiglio ...
             Corriere delle Comunicazioni - 5 sept. 2014
             Cinque i consiglieri: Claudio Savina, Luigi Zarrillo e Mario Testini (dipendenti di TI) in rappresentanza dei piccoli azionisti dipendenti e quadri di Telecom Italia; ...
MA   16 - Capgemini Maroc: feu vert pour l'augmentation de capital réservée ...
             Médias 24 - 26 sept. 2014
             Selon la note d'information préliminaire, le plan d'actionnariat salarié ESOP de Capgemini vise à associer les collaborateurs au développement et à la ...
RU   17 - "Third Way" Co-operative
              Kommersant Chernozemye Voronezh - 14 sept 2014
              Researchers have drawn parallels between the Mondragon cooperative movement and ESOP plans ...

UK   18 - Value of share options granted through EMI schemes rises
             Employee Benefits - 1 sept. 2014
             “The government is very keen to promote higher levels of employee share ownership because of the positive impact it can have on company performance and ...
UK   19 - Fife textiles firm Scott & Fyfe look to future after unsatisfactory 2013
             The Courier - 5 sept. 2014
             The filings cover a period in which the company moved to anemployee ownership structure following a £5 million deal in late 2012 that saw it taken out of ...
UK   20 - Scottish civil engineering firm becomes employee owned
             Co-Operative News - Sept 22, 2014
             He thinks the employee ownership model will help secure a sustainable future for the enterprise. ... She is now one of the firm's 30 employee owners.
UK   21 - The Employee Ownership Business Model Is Incredibly Welcome ...
             Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - 23 sept. 2014
             Read all about it "The UK Government endorses tax free buy-outs". Employee ownership ("EO") is finally getting the headlines it deserves. Tax exemptions ...
UK   22 - New research confirms the benefits of employee share plans
             Computershare - Sept 29, 2014
             Employees who take part in a company share plan take less absence, are less likely to leave the firm, and work longer hours; as well as being more satisfied with their jobs.
US   23 - Time to consider employee-owner funds?
             Dubuque Telegraph Herald - 3 sept. 2014
             A Rutgers University comparison of benefits between ESOPs and non-ESOPs shows that employee-ownership plans are financially beneficial for workers.
US   24 - McKean Defense Group, LLC Announces Employee Stock ...
             PR Newswire (press release) - 4 sept. 2014
             ... McKean Defense Group, LLC is excited to announce that as of 27 August 2014, the company has established an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
US   25 - ESOP Companies Report Economic Growth in 2013
             PR Newswire (press release) - 15 sept. 2014
             Since the Employee Ownership Foundation's annual economic survey began 23 years ago, a very high percentage, 93% of survey respondents, have ...
US   26 - Delivering Responsible Capitalism - The Growth Of Employee ...
             Forbes - 25 sept. 2014
             With figures like these the business community is starting to pay more attention, but the employee ownership model has also increased its focus and support ...
US   27 - Borzi reminds owners of ESOP responsibilities
             BenefitsPro - Sept 25, 2014
             With approximately 6,800 companies having an ESOP, Borzi said that while the ESOP's advisor or valuation expert was responsible for valuing the ...
US   28 - ESOPs: The Tax Law Provides a Buyer for Your Business
             JD Supra (press release) - 28 sept. 2014
             As baby boomer business owners begin to retire, many will want to monetize the value they have created in their businesses. An employee stock ownership plan ...
US   29 - Op-ed: How to save capitalism
             Deseret News - 30 sept. 2014
             This is still the case, although in recent years we have seen the middle class, as well as the poorest of Americans, lose a portion of their share of the economic ...
US   30 - ESOPs: A Path To Increasing A Company's Sales, Profitability, Employee Satisfaction And Job ...
             Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - Sept 30, 2014
             Almost 17 percent of the companies had an ESOP and 9.1 percent were majority employee owned. The result is nothing short of astonishing, when ...

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EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.