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  Much new information about employee ownership in March 2007, with 2.910 articles in our press review (on which 951 about stock options and 307 about workers' co-operatives). We made a selection of 52 remarkable articles in 11 countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Ireland, India, Malta, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, USA.
Strong debate in USA: Would largest groups as the Chicago Tribune (21.000 employees, second national newspaper) or Chrysler be turned to employee ownership? (739 articles) "Bidding war for Tribune", "battle for Tribune", "battle of the billionaires" – 3 billionaires presenting offers based on employee ownership. Corey Rosen of the National Employee Ownership Center makes the point.
Rescuing failing enterprises through workers' cooperatives or other employee-owned solutions. Many cases occurring, successful or not, in Canada, France (Samsonite, Pamco Industries, "La solution SCOP", Lip), USA (300 employee-owned firms in Michigan), UK (Burberry).
Strange cases in France: Eiffage (22% employee owned, 50.000 employees) decided to block employees shares, while Air France-KLM (12% employee-owned) discourages employees to sell their shares, offering them a quote protection.
Netherlands: Arcadis (employee-owned, 9.000 employees) sells a subsidiary to Mott MacDonald (UK employee-owned, 9.000 employees).
Malta: General Workers' Union attacks the government who will tax employees share options.
India: Big national debate, much arguments about Minister of Finance's decision to tax stock options.
UK: Cooperatives pay big dividends, while it's commonly held that employee-owned firms are uncompetitive !?

The full press review lists 2.910 articles, on which 1.385 in the USA, 325 in France, 193 in UK, 177 in India, 162 in Canada, 160 in Argentina, 91in Spain, 72 in South Africa, 61 in Austria, 46 in Germany, 38 in Australia, 31 in Italy, 31 in Brazil,
20 in New Zealand, 19 in Ireland, 13 in Colombia, 9 in Greece, 8 in The Netherlands, 8 in Portugal, 5 in Finland, 4 in Mexico, 3 in Chile, 3 in United Arab Emirates, 3 in Peru, 3 in Switzerland, 3 in Romania, 3 in Singapour, 3 in Venezuela, 2 in Bangladesh, 2 in Cyprus, 2 in Hong Kong, 2 in Jordan, 2 in Kenya, 2 in Morocco, 2 in Malta, 1in Bahrain, Belgium, Bahamas, Georgia, Malawi, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Turkey, Taiwan, Uruguay and Vietnam.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en mars 2007, avec 2.910 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 951 à propos de stock options et 307  à propos de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires). Notre sélection propose 52 articles remarquables dans 11 pays: Australie, Autriche, Canada, France, Irlande, Inde, Malte, Pays-Bas, Espagne, Grande Bretagne, USA.
Grand débat aux USA: De grands groupes comme le Chicago Tribune (21.000 salariés, deuxième groupe de presse national) ou Chrysler vont-ils tourner à l'actionnariat salarié? (739 articles) "Bataille d'offres pour le Tribune", "guerre pour le Tribune", "guerre des milliardaires" – 3 milliardaires faisant  offres de reprise fondées sur l'actionnariat salarié. Corey Rosen du National Employee Ownership Centre fait le point pour nous.
Reprises d'entreprises par les salariés via une coopérative ou une autre solution d'actionnariat salarié. Nombreux cas relevés dans la presse, de succès ou d'échecs, au Canada, en France (Samsonite, Pamco Industries, "La solution SCOP", Lip), aux USA (300 entreprises au Michigan), Grande Bretagne (Burberry).
Situations curieuses en France: Eiffage (22% aux actionnaires salariés, 50.000 personnes) decide de bloquer les actions des salaries, tandis qu'Air France-KLM (actionnariat salarié: 12%) cherche à dissuader ses salariés de vendre leurs actions, en leur offrant une protection de cours.
Pays-Bas: Qui se ressemble s'assemble, Arcadis (sous contrôle de son actionnariat salarié, 9.000 employés) vend une filiale à Mott MacDonald (Grande Bretagne, sous contrôle de son actionnariat salarié, 9.000 employés).
Malte: Le syndicat General Workers' Union attaque le gouvernement qui a pris la décision de taxer les stock options des salariés.
Inde: Grand débat national et échanges d'arguments à la suite de la décision prise par le Ministre des Finances de taxer les stock options.
Grande Bretagne: Un rapport indique que les coopératives donnent de gros dividends ("Cooperatives pay big dividends"), alors qu'il est communément admis qu'elles sont peu compétitives !?
La revue de presse complète compte 2.910 articles, dont 1.385 aux USA, 325 en France, 193 en Grande Bretagne, 177
en Inde, 162 au Canada, 160 en Argentina, 91en Espagne, 72 en Afrique du Sud, 61 en Autriche, 46 en Allemagne, 38 en Australie, 31 en Italie, 31 au Brésil, 20 en Nouvelle Zélande, 19 en Irlande, 13 en Colombie, 9 en Grèce, 8 aux Pays-Bas, 8 au Portugal, 5 en Finlande, 4 au Mexique, 3 au Chili, 3 aux Emirats Arabes Unis, 3 au Perou, 3 en Suisse, 3 en Roumanie, 3 à Singapour, 3 au Venezuela, 2 au Bangladesh, 2 à Chypre, 2 à Hong Kong, 2 en Jordanie, 2 au Kenya, 2 au Maroc, 2 à Malte, 1à Bahrain, Belgique, Bahamas, Georgie, Malawi, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Russie, Sri Lanka, Arabie Saoudite, Suéde, Turquie, Taiwan, Uruguay et Vietnam.
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  Muchas nuevas informaciones sobre accionariado asalariado en marzo 2007, con 2.910 artículos en esta revista de prensa (cuyos 951 sobre stock options y 307 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores accionistas). Nuestra selección propone 52 artículos destacados en 11 países : Australia, Auatria, Canada, Francia, Irlanda, India, Malta, Países Bajos, España, Gran Bretaña , Estados Unidos.
Gran debate en Estados Unidos: Dos grandes grupos como el Chicago Tribune (21.000 asalariados, segundo grupo de prensa nacional) o Chrysler acabaran volcandose al accionariado asalariado? (739 articulos) "Batalla de ofertas para el Tribune", "guerra para el Tribune", "guerra de multimillonarios" – 3 multimillonarios haciendo ofertas de compra fundadas con accionariado asalariado.
Corey Rosen del National Employee Ownership Centre hace el punto para nosotros.
Recompras de empresas por los asalariados via una cooperativa o otra solución de accionariado asalariado. Nuevos casos destacados en la prensa, de exitos o fracasos, en Canadá, en Francia (Samsonite, Pamco Industries, "La solution SCOP", Lip), en EE.UU. (300 empresas en el Michigan), Gran Bretaña (Burberry).
Situaciones curiosas en Francia: Eiffage (22% de accionistas asalariados 50.000 personas) decide de bloquear las acciones de los asalariados, mientras que Air France-KLM (accionnariado asalariado: 12%) intenta disuadir sus asalariados de vender sus acciones ofreciendoles una protección de cotización.
Países Bajos: Cada oveja con su pareja, Arcadis (bajo control de su accionariado asalariado, 9.000 empleados) vende une filial a Mott MacDonald (Gran Bretaña   , bajo control de su accionariado asalariado, 9.000 empleados).
Malta: El sindicato General Workers' Union protesta contra el gobierno quien tomo la decisión de gravar los stock options de los asalariados.
India: Gran debate nacional y intercambio de argumentos despues de la decisión tomada por el Ministro de Hacienda de gravar los stock options.
Gran Bretaña: Un informe indica que las cooperativas dan grandes dividendos ("Cooperatives pay big dividends"), mientras que es comúnmente admitido que son pocas competitivas!?
La revista de prensa completa cuenta 2.910 artículos, cuyos 1.385 en Estados Unidos, 325 en Francia, 193 en Gran Bretaña, 177 en India, 162 en Canadá, 160 en Argentina, 91 en España, 72 en Africa del Sur, 61 en Austria,  46 en Alemania, 38 en Australia, 31 en Italia, 31 en Brasil, 20 en Nueva Zelandia, 19 en Irlanda, 13 en Colombia, 9 en Grecia, 8 en los Países Bajos, 8 en Portugal, 5 en Finlanda, 4 en Mejico, 3 en Chili, 3 en los Emiratos Arabes, 3 en el Perú, 3 en Suiza, 3 en Rumanía, 3 en Singapur, 3 en Venezuela, 2 en Bangladesh, 2 en Chipre, 2 en Hong Kong, 2 en Jordania, 2 en Kenya, 2 en Marruecos, 2 en Malta, 1 en Bahrain, Belgica, Bahamas, Georgia, Malawi, Malasia, Nepal, Filipinas, Rusia, Sri Lanka, Arabia Saudita, Suecia, Turquía, Taiwan, Uruguay y Vietnam.

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   52 selected articles in March 2007 about employee ownership in
Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Ireland, India, Malta, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, USA.

AT* 1556 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: AK skeptisch zu Plänen von SPÖ und ÖVP
             derStandard.at - 20. März 2007
             Diese unterscheiden sich jedenfalls von einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, die eigentlich Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung heißen müsste. ...
AU* 2172 - Babcock employees millionaires after cashing in
        Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 9, 2007
             B&B, which has been substantially controlled by its staff since its formation, will still be 40 per cent employee-owned after the latest share disposal. ...
CA* 2086 - Des employés d'Olymel manifestent
             Radio-Canada - 12 mar 2007
             On croit qu'en créant une coopérative de travailleurs, on pourrait venir à bout de notre relance », explique Patrick Cournoyer, président du syndicat des ...
CA* 1534 - Les facteurs de succès d'une coopérative de travail
             La Vie Rurale - 20 mar 2007
             Au delà de la gouvernance de la coopérative, certaines tâches propres à toute entreprise devront être réalisées. Les petites coopératives de travailleurs ...
CA*   1344 - Le projet de coopérative échoue
             Radio-Canada - 22 mar 2007
             Le projet de coopérative de travailleurs ne verra donc pas le jour. Le comité de relance voulait faire l'acquisition des équipements dans le but de devenir ...
ES* 2140 - Las sociedades laborales aumentan debido a la crisis de los ...
             El País (España) - 11 Mar 2007
             El número de sociedades laborales, empresas cuyos propietarios son sus mismos trabajadores, asciende ya en la Comunidad Valenciana a 1.852 firmas que ...
FR* 2797 - L'épargne salariale reste marginale
             Le Monde - 3 mar 2007
             Annoncée comme révolutionnaire, la nouvelle loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, publiée le 30 décembre 2006, ...
FR* 2416 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
             nouvelObs.com - 7 mar 2007
             La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2420 - Un Breton girondin
        Le Monde - 7 mar 2007
             Thierry Breton donne une liste de solutions concrètes : réformer le marché du travail pour travailler plus, diffuser l'actionnariat salarié, ...
FR* 2137 - Les ex de Samsonite refusent de faire leurs bagages
             Libération - 11 mar 2007
             Et une Scop, une coopérative ouvrière ? «Ça arrangerait les politiques, mais c'est pas avec notre prime [6 000 euros pour les plus anciennes, ...
FR* 1896 - Pamco Industries : l’entreprise aux mains des salariés
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 14 mar 2007
             Parallèlement, la Scop devra investir dans une station d’épuration. Cette dernière devrait être financée par différents collectivités, région, ...
FR* 1814 - La solution scop
             Politis - 15 mar 2007
             Pour éviter le pire, la Confédération générale des scop www.scop.coop(sociétés coopératives ouvrières de production) offre ses services pour mettre en place ...
FR* 1536 - Société Générale : nouvelle version de son site Internet www ...
             Voila.fr - 20 mar 2007
             Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1532 - "Ils voulaient un patron, pas une coopérative ouvrière"
             Le Monde - 20 mar 2007
       ... avait une section ; le parti a tenté de souffler aux employés de Lip que c'était le moment ou jamais de créer une coopérative ouvrière de production. ...
FR*   1259 - « C’est possible »
             LCR-Rouge - 23 mar 2007
             ... Du contrôle ouvrier à l’autogestion »), ni cédé à ceux qui les pressaient de créer une coopérative ouvrière et de reprendre la production à leur compte. ...
FR*   1035 - L'essentiel Entreprises
             nouvelobs.com - 26 mar 2007
             “Ils parient aussi sur l’attachement au modèle maison des actionnaires-salariés, qui détiennent toujours 8,4% du capital“.
FR*   724 - Un cas d'école pour la participation
             Le Monde - 29 mar 2007
             En moyenne, l'épargne salariale représente 3 % du capital des entreprises du CAC 40. Cela explique sans doute que, dans le cas de ce groupe de BTP, ...
FR*   714 - Eiffage veut bloquer l'épargne de ses salariés
             Le Monde - 29 mar 2007
             Jean-Claude Mothié, président de la fédération des actionnaires salariés (FAS), qui a soutenu la loi du 30 décembre 2006 censée développer l'actionnariat et ...
FR*   703 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Capital.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Eiffage (FGR) a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser ...
FR*   418 - BTP : Eiffage appelle ses salariés actionnaires à la rescousse
             Libération - 30 mar 2007
             «Cher salarié actionnaire» ... Qu'en termes affectueux ces appels aux employés d'Eiffage sont faits ! Ils émanent du PDG, de ce groupe, numéro 3 français ...
FR*   417 - Eiffage demande à ses actionnaires de contrer Sacyr
             EasyBourse.com - 30 mar 2007
             D’après La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés (qui représentent le deuxième actionnaire du groupe, avec 22,4% du capital), ...
FR*   413 - L'intersyndicale d'Eiffage met en cause la pression sur l ...
             La Tribune.fr - 30 mar 2007
             Dans une déclaration commune, les organisations syndicales du groupe Eiffage estiment que la direction du groupe "perd la raison", en demandant aux salariés ...
IE*   1122 - Time running out for Dempsey
             Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 24, 2007
             The 10000 trustees of the ESB employee share option plan (Esop) are likely to demand financial compensation from the exchequer for the loss of a €1 billion ...
IN* 2806 - Esop’s fable
             Financial Express, India - Mar 2, 2007
             A University of Michigan Research Centre study of 98 companies that have Esops concluded that, “Employee ownership may be associated with better attitudes ...
IN* 2728 - ESOPs to be a fable soon?
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 4, 2007
             What worries corporates is that FBT may be levied on the difference between fair market value as on the date of exercise and the ESOP issue price, ...
IN* 2037 - 10 reasons why FBT on ESOPs is wrong
             Rediff, India - Mar 12, 2007
             Clearly the true exercise price for the employee is the grant price plus the FBT which he or she will have to bear under the terms of most ESOP schemes. ...
IN* 1870 - FBT on Esops is devoid of logic
             Indiatimes, India - Mar 14, 2007
             In the case of an ESOP, the employee does not pay any option premium (except, of course, in the form of blood, sweat and tears at the workplace about which ...
IN* 1661 - For a comprehensive Esops policy
             Financial Express, India - Mar 16, 2007
             The world over, Esops stand for broadbased ‘employee share ownership plans’ and are different from equity-linked incentive or retention plans for executives ...
MT*   1253 - Government ‘ignoring’ bank employees – GWU
             Malta Independent Online, Malta - Mar 23, 2007
             The government is ignoring hundreds of bank workers who as a fringe benefit have share options, the General Workers’ Union said yesterday. ...
NL* 2173 - ARCADIS sells Euroconsult to Mott MacDonald
             Infrasite, Netherlands - Mar 9, 2007
             Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of $1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of its ...
UK* 2754 - John Lewis profit to breach £300m
             Times Online, UK - Mar 3, 2007
             He told Retail Week magazine: “If you ask me why we’ve been doing particularly well over the past two years, I’m sure it’sa result of our employee ownership ...
UK* 2491 - Al Fayed backs bid to form co-op in Burberry factory
             ic Wales, UK - Mar 6, 2007
             HARRODS boss Mohamed Al Fayed has backed Welsh Burberry workers in their bid to form a workers' co-operative if the factory closes. ...
UK* 2239 - ‘Excellent year’ for store group
             The Herald, UK - Mar 8, 2007
             The employee-owned department store and Waitrose supermarket group enjoyed "an excellent year", according to outgoing chairman Sir Stuart Hampson, ...
UK* 1795 - Black clouds
             Economist, UK - Mar 15, 2007
             Firms granting share options to employees stand accused of picking dates with particularly favourable prices. The latest twist is that some firms may have ...
UK*   237 - Cooperatives pay big dividends
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             It's commonly held that employee-owned firms are uncompetitive. But, finds Sue Norris, staff who have a stake in a business can give it a drive and ...
UK*   164 - 'Emotional' end to Burberry fight
             BBC News, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             There are hopes that a workers' co-operative, which could employ anything between 30 and 70 people, will be established in Treorchy. ...
UK*   163 - March marks the end for Burberry factory
             Yorkshire Post Today, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             "Thirty to 50 of them don't have other jobs to go to and are still hoping a workers' co-operative will be set up." The workers were joined by family, ...
US* 2587 - Employee Ownership Foundation Releases Data on Shared Capitalism
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
             WASHINGTON, March 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The Employee Ownership Foundation released data today on shared capitalism programs in the US. ...
US* 2112 - Gardening among the high rises with Heather Simon of Gardeners' Guild
             San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Mar 11, 2007
             We're an employee-owned company, which means that everybody that's been there more than a year owns a piece of it. Whatever percentage of the salary pool ...
US* 1847 - The Imperato-led Daimler-Chrysler Employee Owned Company Proposal
             openPR (press release), Germany - Mar 14, 2007
             (openPR) - Detroit – March 11, 2007 – Recently, an international business consortium led by Daniel Imperato, has proposed to make Chrysler an Employee Owned ...
US* 1759 - ESOP fables
             Michigan Business Review, MI - Mar 15, 2007
             Michigan has more than 300 employee-owned corporations, according to state government figures. Among the local companies to go to an ESOP format are ...
US*   1365 - New owners
              Salina Journal, KS - Mar 21, 2007
             The key to employee ownership is having a healthy company, he said, referring to the debt the ESOP is to repay through profits. ...
US*   914 - Tribune Favors Zell Bid; Rivals Cry Foul
             Smartmoney.com - Mar 26, 2007
             ... Broad say they can make a better offer if they can have access to the detailed information Zell used to set up the employee ownership proposal. ...
US*   879 - Closing details emerge for mill
             Berkshire Eagle, MA - Mar 27, 2007
             Bump added that her department was also looking into the possibility of an employee stock ownership program to keep the plant open, and will also ask Neenah ...
US*   644 - How Zell's offer for Tribune might work
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             The advantage of using an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, in a buyout is primarily that it would allow the new Tribune to escape taxes on principal ...
US*   377 - Tribune Gets New Bid From Burkle, Broad, Topping Zell (Update8)
             Bloomberg - Mar 30, 2007
             ``From an employee point of view, given the plight of the newspaper industry, putting all the pension funds into an ESOP is worrisome,'' Doctor said. ...
US*   362 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
             New York Post, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   170 - 2 Billionaires Make Offer for Tribune
             New York Times, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Once Mr. Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with Tribune, Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad recast their bid ...
US*   8 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. as deadline nears
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   4 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
US*   1 - Zell, ESOP Buy the Tribune Company
             NCEO, USA - Mar 31, 2007
             The proposal by Sam Zell to use an ESOP to purchase the Tribune Company has now been accepted. The deal must still pass a variety…

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

Articles are sorted by dates and countries:
Les articles sont classés par dates et par pays:

Los artículos están ordenados por fecha:

US*   1 - Zell, ESOP Buy the Tribune Company
             NCEO, USA - Mar 31, 2007
             The proposal by Sam Zell to use an ESOP to purchase the Tribune Company has now been accepted. The deal must still pass a variety…
IN*   2 - Tata Tea to restructure NIPO
             The Statesman, India - Mar 31, 2007
             “We believe that our unique business model involving partial employee ownership and participation, coupled with revenue streams, will enhance long-term ...
US*   3 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             Spartanburg Herald Journal (subscription), SC - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
US*   4 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
US*   5 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
US*   6 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             Tuscaloosa News (subscription), AL - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
US*   7 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
US*   8 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. as deadline nears
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
UK*   9 - Lord Foster's share move under scrutiny
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             The Employee Share Ownership (Esop) Centre, which lobbies for wider staff participation in company ownership, is seeking clarification about the extent to ...
US*   10 - Shareholders Service Group, Inc. and IPS AdvisorPro™ Partner to ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 31, 2007
             An employee-owned firm, the partners average more than 15 years of experience in providing independent RIAs with back-office, custody and brokerage services ...
US*   11 - Shareholders Service Group, Inc. and IPS AdvisorPro™ Partner to ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 31, 2007
             An employee-owned firm, the partners average more than 15 years of experience in providing independent RIAs with back-office, custody and brokerage services ...
US*   12 - Heard Off the Street: Weirton vote ends noble but outdated experiment
             Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             Their vote is a reluctant, belated acknowledgement that the stubborn sovereignty that so long governed what was once America's largest employee-owned ...
US*   13 - It’s Local 2911 at Weirton Mittal
             Wheeling News Register, WV - Mar 31, 2007
             WEIRTON — The Independent Steelworkers Union, which came to national prominence as Weirton Steel Corp. was formed as an employee-owned steelmaker when ...
US*   14 - Food Sales West moves to Livermore
             Phoenix Business Journal, AZ - Mar 31, 2007
             Food Sales West is an employee-owned food services company specializing in the sales and marketing of nationally branded food-service products throughout ...
US*   15 - Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans Are Growing, but Some Employees ...
             eMaxHealth.com, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 31, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
             ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
US*   20 - Food Sales West moves to Livermore
             Milwaukee Business Journal, WI - Mar 31, 2007
             Food Sales West is an employee-owned food services company specializing in the sales and marketing of nationally branded food-service products throughout ...
US*   21 - Food Sales West moves to Livermore
             Washington Business Journal, DC - Mar 31, 2007
             Food Sales West is an employee-owned food services company specializing in the sales and marketing of nationally branded food-service products throughout ...
US*   22 - Food Sales West moves to Livermore
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             Food Sales West is an employee-owned food services company specializing in the sales and marketing of nationally branded food-service products throughout ...
UK*   23 - Bill Amelio: The boss who's breaking free of a Big Blue shadow
              Independent, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             The Chinese government, through the Academy of Sciences, holds 15 per cent of the shares and an employee shareholder organisation a further 28 per cent. ...
IN*   24 - Lid on unrest over new Tata tea firm
             Calcutta Telegraph, India - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Tata Tea today put all speculation to rest over the new company it is floating in Assam and West Bengal with a large number of employee shareholders. ...
US*   25 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             The Casper Star Tribune, WY – Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   26 - Tribune's sale deadline passes with no deal
             Newsday, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             He also would create an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, to control Tribune and receive sizeable tax breaks as it pays off debt from the transaction. ...
US*   27 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WBAY, WI - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   28 - Talks over Tribune sale rest on 2 bids
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   29 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KSBY, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   30 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WLBT-TV, MS - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   31 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KBSD, KS - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   32 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   33 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KOIN.com, OR - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   34 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WKBT, WI - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   35 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KTRE, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   36 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KESQ, CA - Mar 31, 2007
              One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   37 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WALB-TV, GA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   38 - No deal yet for Tribune
             Team 4 News, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   39 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WLNS, MI - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   40 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WMC-TV, TN - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   41 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KFVS, MO - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   42 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KAIT, AR - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   43 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WREG, TN - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   44 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   45 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KLTV, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   46 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KOLD-TV, AZ - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   47 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KPLC-TV, LA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   48 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WBOC TV 16, MD - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   49 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WSTM-TV, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   50 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KTUU, AK - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   51 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KTVO, MO - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   52 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KVOA.com, AZ - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   53 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Bradenton Herald, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   54 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   55 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WHO-TV, IA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   56 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WOI, IA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   57 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KNDO/KNDU, WA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   58 - Investor Zell reaches for opportunities far beyond real estate
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 31, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   59 - No deal yet for Tribune
              KVIA, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   60 - No deal yet for Tribune
             Fox 12 Boise, ID - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   61 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WHNS - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   62 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KWWL, IA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   63 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   64 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KCAU, IA - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   65 - No deal yet for Tribune
             KRIS-TV, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   66 - Tribune's fate undecided
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   67 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WANE, IN - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   68 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   69 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WHBF, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half (b) billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   70 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   71 - No deal yet for Tribune
             WLOS, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             One of the offers is said to include a-half billion dollars in cash, plus money raised through an employee stock ownership deal. ...
US*   72 - Tribune's fate undecided
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   73 - With self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. continues to mull ...
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   74 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   75 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Carlisle Sentinel, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   76 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Central Florida News 13|, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   77 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   78 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             North County Times, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   79 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             The Times and Democrat, SC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   80 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             News & Observer, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   81 - With self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. continues to mull ...
             The Southern, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   82 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Wyoming News, WY - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   83 - Self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
UK*   84 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
DE*   85 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             FinanzNachrichten.de, Germany - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   86 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   87 - With self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. continues to mull ...
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   88 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Twin Falls Times-News, ID - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   89 - Self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   90 - Self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Fresno Bee (subscription), CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   91 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             In-Forum (subscription), ND - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   92 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   93 - Self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   94 - (AP) Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             WKRN, TN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   95 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   96 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
UK*   97 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   98 - Self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   99 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   100 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   101 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Hendersonville Times News, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   102 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             phillyBurbs.com, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   103 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Lexington Dispatch, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   104 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Bradenton Herald, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
UK*   105 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   106 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   107 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   108 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet - Yahoo! News
             SierraTimes.com - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   109 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   110 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Times Picayune, LA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   111 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             The Olympian, WA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   112 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   113 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Penn Live, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   114 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Denver Post, CO - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   115 - With self-imposed deadline passed, Tribune Co. continues to mull ...
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   116 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             BusinessWeek - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   117 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC - Mar 31, 2007
              The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   118 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   119 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Charlotte Observer, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   120 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             KTAR.com, AZ - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   121 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Town Hall, DC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   122 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Forbes, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   123 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Durham Herald Sun, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   124 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             FOX News - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   125 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   126 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   127 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   128 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             Washington Post, DC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   129 - Tribune Deadline Hits With No Sale Yet
             WRAL.com, NC - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   130 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   131 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Pioneer Press, MN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   132 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   133 - Tribune deadline hits with no sale yet
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. It is believed that Zell was ...
US*   134 - Tribune directors set to vote on offers
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   135 - Tribune's sale deadline passes with no deal
             Newsday, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             He also would create an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, to control Tribune and receive sizeable tax breaks as it pays off debt from the transaction. ...
DE*   136 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             FinanzNachrichten.de, Germany - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   137 - Tribune Co. may choose suitor on Sunday: report
             MarketWatch - Mar 31, 2007
             Both the Broad-Burkle and Zell offers propose transferring control of the company to an employee stock ownership plan, according to The Journal's report. ...
US*   138 - Verizon Communications Completes the Sale of Its Interest in ...
             WebWire (press release), GA - Mar 31, 2007
             ... and the company’s employee stock ownership plan, 7 percent. The transaction previously received the approval of the Federal Communications Commission. ...
US*   139 - Investors boost Tribune stock as company reviews offers
             Asbury Park Press, NJ - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   140 - Tribune's fate undecided Directors will resume talks over rival bids
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             Zell's bid became attractive to Tribune's board because it is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which creates certain tax ...
US*   141 - Tribune Co. ponders pair of bids as deadline nears
             Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
CA*   142 - As buyout deadline looms, Tribune mulls duelling bids
             ChronicleHerald.ca, Canada - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   143 - Battle of the billionaires
             Newsday, NY - Mar 31, 2007
             The duo, following Zell's lead, incorporated an employee stock ownership plan in their bid, according to sources familiar with the offers. ...
US*   144 - Tribune Co. mulls bids as deadline looms
             The Courier News, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   145 - Trib stock up amid bid war
             Chicago Sun-Times, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   146 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   147 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   148 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   149 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   150 - Bidding for Tribune Co. ratchets up
             Lansing State Journal, MI - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization, the person said. ...
US*   151 - As Tribune mulls bids, stock rises nearly 2%
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   152 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   153 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   154 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   155 - Tribune stock rises as panel looks at competing proposals
             Allentown Morning Call, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   156 - Tribune questions LA moguls on bid
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 31, 2007
             The duo, following Zell's lead, incorporated an employee stock ownership plan in their bid, according to sources familiar with the offers. ...
US*   157 - New bid boosts Tribune stock
             Long Beach Press-Telegram, CA - Mar 31, 2007
              The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   158 - Bid rises, but no word on Tribune sale
             Philadelphia Inquirer, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash, and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   159 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   160 - Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   161 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 31, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   162 - Tribune stock rises as panel looks at competing proposals
             Allentown Morning Call, PA - Mar 31, 2007
             Specific details of how the competing offers would create an ESOP were not available, but experts said it would allow some shareholders, ...
UK*   163 - March marks the end for Burberry factory
             Yorkshire Post Today, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             "Thirty to 50 of them don't have other jobs to go to and are still hoping a workers' co-operative will be set up." The workers were joined by family, ...
UK*   164 - 'Emotional' end to Burberry fight
             BBC News, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             There are hopes that a workers' co-operative, which could employ anything between 30 and 70 people, will be established in Treorchy. ...
UK*   165 - Doors finally close on Burberry in Treorchy
             ic Wales, UK - Mar 31, 2007
             'Thirty to 50 of them don't have other jobs to go to and are still hoping a workers' co-operative will be set up.' The workers were joined by family, ...
CA*   166 - Raise royalty rates
             Edmonton Sun, Canada - Mar 31, 2007
             ... Canadian oil companies made an incredible $37.6 million in salaries, bonuses, share options and perks last year based on securities commission filings. ...
ES*   167 - Tres de cada cien parados solicitan el pago único de las prestaciones
             Diario de Ávila – 31 Mar 2007
             ... por cuenta propia o en incorporarse como socio trabajador o de trabajo en cooperativas o sociedades laborales en funcionamiento o de nueva creación. ...
PT*   168 - Ségolène Blair e Nicolas Thatcher
             Esquerda - 31 Mar 2007
             A explosão das remunerações dos dirigentes, das stock options, dos dividendos e outras benesses exprime aos olhos deles a rapacidade sem limites dos que ...
CA*   169 - Garneau Inc. Annual Report 2006
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             (d) Employee Ownership Plan The Corporation has an Employee Share Ownership Plan in place under which employees may contribute 3% of eligible compensation ...
US*   170 - 2 Billionaires Make Offer for Tribune
             New York Times, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Once Mr. Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with Tribune, Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad recast their bid ...
US*   171 - Burkle, Broad make bid for LA Times owner
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   172 - Big Test for Workers as Owners
             New York Times, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Communications Workers of America, has started a Web site, www.tribunewatch.org, to try to address some of the questions about employee ownership. ...
IN*   173 - Governance guidelines for CPSEs
             Financial Express, India - Mar 30, 2007
             Hopefully, public and employee ownership of 15-25% of the company will not be opposed. Second, the Union Cabinet gave its approval to fresh guidelines on ...
US*   174 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   175 - 2 Billionaires Make Offer for Tribune
             Tuscaloosa News (subscription), AL - Mar 30, 2007
             Once Mr. Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with Tribune, Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad recast their bid ...
US*   176 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             AZ Central.com, AZ - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   177 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             North County Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   178 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wyoming News, WY - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   179 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   180 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Twin Falls Times-News, ID - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   181 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Times and Democrat, SC - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   182 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Carlisle Sentinel, PA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   183 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. as deadline nears
             Stamford Advocate, CT - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   184 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. as deadline nears
             amNewYork, New York - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
UK*   185 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. 'It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   186 - LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. as deadline nears
             Newsday, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   187 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   188 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             BusinessWeek - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   189 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
GR*   190 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Euro2day, Greece - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It''s interesting that the ESOP structure ...
US*   191 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   192 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   193 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             KOMO, WA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   194 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Kentucky.com, KY - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   195 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Town Hall, DC - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   196 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   197 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   198 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             The Southern, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   199 - 2 Billionaires Make Offer for Tribune
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 30, 2007
             Once Mr. Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with Tribune, Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad recast their bid ...
FR*   200 - Billionaires make a last-minute bid for Tribune Co.
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 30, 2007
             Once Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with the company, Burkle and Broad recast their bid to base ...
US*   201 - Zell bid beat by billionaires
             Long Island Business News (subscription), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   202 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bay News 9, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   203 - 2 Billionaires Make Offer for Tribune
             Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             Once Mr. Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with Tribune, Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad recast their bid ...
US*   204 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Columbian, WA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   205 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Carlisle Sentinel, PA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   206 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wyoming News, WY - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   207 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   208 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   209 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   210 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   211 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   212 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   213 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Akron Farm Report, NE - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   214 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   215 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             White Rock Reviewer, SD - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   216 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   217 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   218 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
CA*   219 - Garneau Inc. Annual Report 2006
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             (d) Employee Ownership Plan The Corporation has an Employee Share Ownership Plan in place under which employees may contribute 3% of eligible compensation ...
US*   220 - Tribune Board to Consider Offers
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Like Mr. Zell, they propose to use an employee-share-ownership plan to buy Tribune, according to a person familiar with their offer, and could work quickly ...
CA*   221 - Ryanair Accuses EU of Bias Over Report It Opposes Aer Lingus Takeover
             CanadianBusiness.com, Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             The government and employee share-ownership trusts hold more than 40 percent of shares and say they won't sell to Ryanair at any price. ...
US*   222 - Ryanair Accuses EU of Bias on Aer Lingus
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             The government and employee share-ownership trusts hold more than 40 percent of shares and say they won't sell to Ryanair at any price. ...
US*   223 - Ryanair accuses EU of bias on Aer Lingus
             BusinessWeek - Mar 30, 2007
             The government and employee share-ownership trusts hold more than 40 percent of shares and say they won't sell to Ryanair at any price. ...
US*   224 - Ryanair Accuses EU of Bias on Aer Lingus
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             The government and employee share-ownership trusts hold more than 40 percent of shares and say they won't sell to Ryanair at any price. ...
US*   225 - Ryanair Accuses EU of Bias Over Report
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             But the government and employee share-ownership trusts hold more than 40 percent of shares and say they won't sell to Ryanair at any price. ...
FR*   226 - Ireland's Ryanair accuses EU of bias over report it opposes Aer ...
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 30, 2007
             But the government and employee share-ownership trusts hold more than 40 percent of shares and say they won't sell to Ryanair at any price. ...
US*   227 - LA Billionaires Top Zell Bid for Tribune
             Smartmoney.com - Mar 30, 2007
             Tribune would create an employee share ownership plan, which would allow 401(k) contributions to be rolled into the ESOP, which, according to The Journal, ...
UK*   228 - Free shares in Aviva for Norwich Union employees
             Easier, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             ifs ProShare, a not for profit organisation concerned with the issues of employee share ownership and financial education in the workplace, have commended ...
US*   229 - Food Sales West to Livermore
             East Bay Business Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Food Sales West is an employee-owned food services company specializing in the sales and marketing of nationally branded food-service products throughout ...
US*   230 - Investment Professionals Discuss 2007 Stock and Bond Markets and ...
             WM Experts (press release), FL - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Capital Management LLC, an employee-owned investment firm headquartered in Oakland, Ca. which specializes in real estate securities and portfolios. ...
US*   231 - Use of consumer-driven healthcare plans is growing
             Reliable Plant Magazine, OK - Mar 30, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and fully ...
             ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
UK*   236 - Press Release: Fast-growing Jaama gives website a major makeover
             E-consultancy (press release), UK - Mar 30, 2007
             Risk Assistant - is the most advanced driver management web-based software currently available for company or employee-owned vehicles and is designed to ...
UK*   237 - Cooperatives pay big dividends
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             It's commonly held that employee-owned firms are uncompetitive. But, finds Sue Norris, staff who have a stake in a business can give it a drive and ...
UK*   238 - Purvin & Gertz Announces New Office in Dubai
             PR Newswire UK (press release), UK - Mar 30, 2007
             Purvin & Gertz is an employee-owned consulting company, independent of any parent company, engineering firm, equipment manufacturer or process licensor. ...
US*   239 - Antioch bank pairs loans with charities
             Waukegan News Sun, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             ANTIOCH -- An employee-owned bank based in Antioch is offering a unique home equity loan that benefits the borrower and the community. ...
AT*   240 - Purvin & Gertz Announces New Office in Dubai
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 30, 2007
             Purvin & Gertz is an employee-owned consulting company, independent of any parent company, engineering firm, equipment manufacturer or process licensor. ...
US*   241 - Purvin & Gertz Announces New Office in Dubai
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Purvin & Gertz is an employee-owned consulting company, independent of any parent company, engineering firm, equipment manufacturer or process licensor. ...
UK*   242 - AFX NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 BST
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to March 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 2.3 pct to 47.99 mln stg ...
US*   243 - Yes and no on UAW drive at Toyota
             Detroit Free Press, MI - Mar 30, 2007
             ... uaw thinks they can do it better I got an idea, pool your money from dues and fat retirement fund and buy chrysler make it an employee owned company." ...
             eFinancialCareers, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             An independent, employee owned investment banking firm with offices all around the world, our client advises corporations on private capital raises, ...
IN*   245 - Deep divide on Nipo stake
             Calcutta Telegraph, India - Mar 30, 2007
             As soon as a worker becomes an employee shareholder, he/she will have to shoulder the financial burden. Such workers will not be eligible for gratuity and ...
US*   246 - Ryanair's Aer Lingus Bid Harms Competition, EU Says (Update2)
             Bloomberg - Mar 30, 2007
             The Irish government and Aer Lingus employee shareholders, who together control almost 40 percent of the carrier, oppose the bid. Ryanair said Dec. ...
US*   247 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   248 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             The Southern, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   249 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   250 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   251 - Newspaper giant considers competing buyout offers
             Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   252 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   253 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   254 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   255 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             North County Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   256 - Tribune Co. mulls bids
             Bloomington Pantagraph, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   257 - Burkle, Broad make bid for LA Times owner
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization, the person said. ...
US*   258 - Race to beat Tribune's bid deadline
             MSN Money - Mar 30, 2007
             Both offers would use an employee stock ownership plan to finance the transaction, a structure that would help minimise tax liabilities, according to people ...
US*   259 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   260 - Tribune considers 11th-hour offer on company sale
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell proposes buying the company in partnership with an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which would allow a new, privately held Tribune to take a ...
US*   261 - Tribune shares rise amid bid reports
             Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   262 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             The Southern, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   263 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   264 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
              San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   265 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   266 - Tribune looks at competing offer
             Newsday, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             The duo, following Zell's lead, incorporated an employee stock ownership plan in their bid, according to sources familiar with the offers. ...
US*   267 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   268 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   269 - No word on Tribune buyout meeting
             Market-Day.net, AZ - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell's plan -- and now Broad and Burkle's -- would transfer control to an employee stock ownership plan, which has many tax benefits, The Wall Street ...
US*   270 - Race to beat Tribune's bid deadline
             MSNBC - Mar 30, 2007
             Both offers would use an employee stock ownership plan to finance the transaction, a structure that would help minimise tax liabilities, according to people ...
UK*   271 - No word on Tribune buyout meeting
             Monsters and Critics.com, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell`s plan -- and now Broad and Burkle`s -- would transfer control to an employee stock ownership plan, which has many tax benefits, The Wall Street ...
US*   272 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
RO*   273 - No Word On Tribune Buyout Meeting
             Playfuls.com, Romania - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell's plan -- and now Broad and Burkle's -- would transfer control to an employee stock ownership plan, which has many tax benefits, The Wall Street ...
US*   274 - No word on Tribune buyout meeting
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell's plan -- and now Broad and Burkle's -- would transfer control to an employee stock ownership plan, which has many tax benefits, The Wall Street ...
GE*   275 - No word on Tribune buyout meeting
             ImediNews, Georgia - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell's plan -- and now Broad and Burkle's -- would transfer control to an employee stock ownership plan, which has many tax benefits, The Wall Street ...
US*   276 - No word on Tribune buyout meeting
             United Press International - Mar 30, 2007
             Zell's plan -- and now Broad and Burkle's -- would transfer control to an employee stock ownership plan, which has many tax benefits, The Wall Street ...
US*   277 - Bidding war on for Tribune
             South Florida Business Journal, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             The rest of the money would come from an employee stock ownership plan. Broad and Burkle first made an offer for Tribune (NYSE: TRB) in November and ...
US*   278 - Tribune Silent on Deal as Intrigue Grows
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   279 - Bidding war on for Tribune
             Phoenix Business Journal, AZ - Mar 30, 2007
             The rest of the money would come from an employee stock ownership plan. Broad and Burkle first made an offer for Tribune (NYSE: TRB) in November and ...
CA*   280 - Business Browser: XXX Adult Site rejected (4 pm)
             Edmonton Journal (subscription), Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             A person familiar with the billionaires’ proposal said it was similar to that of Zell, who planned to use an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, ...
US*   281 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             The Southern, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   282 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   283 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
CA*   284 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids, stock rises
             Canoe.ca, Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   285 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   286 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   287 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   288 - Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to raise money for a buyout. ...
US*   289 - Investors send Tribune into weekend on up note
             MarketWatch - Mar 30, 2007
             Both the Broad-Burkle and Zell offers propose transferring control of the company to an employee stock ownership plan, according to The Journal's report. ...
US*   290 - Tribune Considers Hard Choices
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             ... the Chicago real estate mogul proposing to take control of the company through a recapitalization via an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   291 - CMS Bancorp, Inc. Announces Regulatory Approval to Consummate Its ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             CMS Bancorp will sell 1983750 shares of common stock to eligible depositors of Community Mutual Savings Bank and to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan of CMS ...
US*   292 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   293 - Tribune stock rises ahead of key decision
             Crain's Chicago Business, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   294 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   295 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   296 - Tribune Stock Goes Up As Sale Deadline Approaches
             WBBM780, Chicago - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   297 - As deadline looms, Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             The Southern, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle-Broad joint bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   298 - Verizon Communications Completes the Sale of Its Interest in ...
             TMC Net, CT - Mar 30, 2007
             ... and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7 percent. The transaction previously received the approval of the Federal Communications Commission. ...
US*   299 - Tribune Receives Higher Bid
             Market News First Financial News, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             The two investors said they would configure a deal based on an employee stock ownership plan, and would offer $34 a share. They also said they would put ...
NZ*   300 - Battle for Tribune
             New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Mar 30, 2007
             ... to the Tribune board offering US$34 ($48) per share in a recapitalisation scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, the source said. ...
US*   301 - A bidding war for Tribune?
             Blogging Stocks - Mar 30, 2007
             Both deals would be financed through employee stock ownership programs, according to the Los Angeles Times. Broad and Burkle will invest $500 million in ...
US*   302 - The Hillary Times
             National Review Online Blogs, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             A person familiar with the billionaires' proposal said it was similar to that of Zell, who planned to use an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, ...
US*   303 - Verizon Communications completes sale of its interest in Puerto ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Telephone Authority, which owned 28 pct; Popular, Inc. (nasdaq: BPOPO - news - people ), 13 pct; and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7 pct. ...
UK*   304 - Verizon Communications completes sale of its interest in Puerto ...
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             ... TELPRI included the Puerto Rico Telephone Authority, which owned 28 pct; Popular, Inc., 13 pct; and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7 pct. ...
UK*   305 - Verizon Communications completes sale of its
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             ... TELPRI included the Puerto Rico Telephone Authority, which owned 28 pct; Popular, Inc., 13 pct; and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7 pct. ...
US*   306 - Report: Burkle, Broad increase Tribune bid
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 30, 2007
             The Broad and Burkle deal would give the pair a 40 percent stake in the company, and would transfer a 60 percent stake to the employee stock ownership plan, ...
GR*   307 - Verizon Communications completes sale of its interest in Puerto ...
             Euro2day, Greece - Mar 30, 2007
             ... TELPRI included the Puerto Rico Telephone Authority, which owned 28 pct; Popular, Inc., 13 pct; and the company''s employee stock ownership plan, 7 pct. ...
US*   308 - Verizon Communications Closes Sale Of Its Interest In ...
             Trading Markets, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             ... were the Puerto Rico Telephone Authority, which owned 28 percent; Popular, Inc., 13 percent; and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7%. ...
US*   309 - Report: Burkle, Broad increase Tribune bid
             Los Angeles Business, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Broad and Burkle deal would give the pair a 40 percent stake in the company, and would transfer a 60 percent stake to the employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   310 - Verizon Communications Completes the Sale of Its Interest in ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             ... and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7 percent. The transaction previously received the approval of the Federal Communications Commission. ...
US*   311 - Verizon Communications Completes the Sale of Its Interest in ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Popular, Inc., 13 percent; and the company's employee stock ownership plan, 7 percent. The transaction previously received the approval of ...
US*   312 - Yet Another Dose of Tribune Fare
             Motley Fool - Mar 30, 2007
             Like Zell's proposal, it apparently involves the formations of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), given the tax advantages that such a formation would ...
AU*   313 - Billionaires combine in last-minute Tribune scramble
             The Australian, Australia - Mar 30, 2007
             The two billionaires also said in their letter that they would use an employee stock ownership plan to finance the bid - adopting the same relatively rare ...
US*   314 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             KOMO, WA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   315 - LA duo raises Tribune bid
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             ... and Burkle's new proposal is worth $34 per share and includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   316 - LA Duo Reenters Tribune Auction
             Los Angeles Business Journal (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             A person familiar with the billionaires' proposal said it was similar to that of Zell, who planned to use an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, ...
RO*   317 - Last-minute Bid For Tribune Company
             Playfuls.com, Romania - Mar 30, 2007
             In a letter to the company, Ronald Burkle and Eli Broad said they would like an employee stock ownership plan. They offered $34 per share, $1 more than Zell ...
US*   318 - Tribune Gets New Bid From Burkle, Broad, Topping Zell (Update8)
             Bloomberg - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle and Broad, both billionaires from California, changed their $34 a share offer to include an employee stock ownership plan, said the person, ...
US*   319 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   320 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   321 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co.
             The Southern, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   322 - Friday morning headlines
             LA Observed, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Broad/Burkle at $34 a share and that the two billionaires would be willing to structure the deal with an employee stock ownership plan, just like Zell. ...
US*   323 - New Wrinkle in Tribune Deal
             TheStreet.com - Mar 30, 2007
             His bid was perceived as the winner going into the final week of negotiations, partly because Tribune's board favored his employee stock ownership plan. ...
UK*   324 - Tribune shares rise on billionaires' bid
             Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             ... in a deal structured as an employee stock ownership plan and including $500 million from the two, according to a source familiar with the matter. ...
US*   325 - Business Briefs: March 30, 2007
             Record-Searchlight (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   326 - Tribune shares rise on billionaires' bid
             Reuters - Mar 30, 2007
             ... in a deal structured as an employee stock ownership plan and including $500 million from the two, according to a source familiar with the matter. ...
UK*   327 - Tribune shares rise on billionaires' bid
             Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             ... in a deal structured as an employee stock ownership plan and including $500 million from the two, according to a source familiar with the matter. ...
US*   328 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Reuters - Mar 30, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   329 - California billionaires submit new bid for Tribune
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             The source said Broad and Burkle's new proposal is worth $34 per share, includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership ...
US*   330 - Wall St set for higher start
             MSN Money - Mar 30, 2007
             ... an offer from Mr Zell ahead of a self imposed March 31 deadline. Both efforts to buy the company use an employee stock ownership plan to finance their bids.
US*   331 - Wall St set for higher start
             MSNBC - Mar 30, 2007
             ... an offer from Mr Zell ahead of a self imposed March 31 deadline. Both efforts to buy the company use an employee stock ownership plan to finance their bids.
US*   332 - Tribune Gets New Bid From Burkle, Broad, Topping Zell (Update7)
             Bloomberg - Mar 30, 2007
             Burkle and Broad, both billionaires from California, changed their $34 a share offer to include an employee stock ownership plan, said the person, ...
US*   333 - Suitors raise bid for Tribune
             Orlando Sentinel, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             The bid includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, and a cash investment of $500 million. ...
FR*   334 - Billionaires make a last-minute bid for Tribune Co.
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 30, 2007
             The two investors said that like Zell, they would structure a deal based on an employee stock ownership plan, but would offer $34 a share, more than Zell's ...
US*   335 - LA Billionaires Top Zell Bid for Tribune
             Smartmoney.com - Mar 30, 2007
             Both the Broad-Burkle and Zell offers propose transferring control of the company to an employee stock ownership plan, according to The Journal's report. ...
US*   336 - US: Battle over Tribune Co.
             editorsweblog.org - Mar 30, 2007
             Ronald W. Burkle and Eli Broad offered a deal based on employee stock ownership, as did Zell, but offered a dollar more a share and $500 million of their ...
US*   337 - Zell bid beat by billionaires
             Long Island Business News (subscription), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   338 - May Soon Try Its Employees
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             ... sell Tribune's newspapers, television stations and Internet businesses and who intended to structure the deal based on an employee-stock-ownership plan. ...
US*   339 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             MSNBC - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
IN*   340 - Last-minute bid for Tribune Company
             NewKerala.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             In a letter to the company, Ronald Burkle and Eli Broad said they would like an employee stock ownership plan. They offered $34 per share, $1 more than Zell ...
US*   341 - Last-minute bid for Tribune Company
             Market-Day.net, AZ - Mar 30, 2007
             In a letter to the company, Ronald Burkle and Eli Broad said they would like an employee stock ownership plan. They offered $34 per share, $1 more than Zell ...
US*   342 - Calif. billionaires submit 11th-hour bid for Tribune Co.
             PopMatters, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             The source said Broad and Burkle’s new proposal is worth $34 per share, includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell’s plan, by an employee stock ownership ...
US*   343 - Would Sam Zell sell the cubs?
             MarketWatch - Mar 30, 2007
             True, Zell has some tricks up his sleeve, like using an employee stock ownership plan that may bring down cash compensation costs and offer tax advantages. ...
US*   344 - Zell's Tribune bid topped by $1 a share
             CNNMoney.com - Mar 30, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
UK*   345 - Tribune auction
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             A person familiar with the billionaires' proposal said it was similar to that of Zell, who planned to use an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, ...
US*   346 - LA duo raises Tribune bid Billionaires Burkle, Broad making 11th ...
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             ... and Burkle's new proposal is worth $34 per share and includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   347 - Billionaires increase bid for Tribune
             Mohave Valley News, NV - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   348 - Billionaires increase bid for media firm
             Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   349 - Billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             Montgomery Advertiser, AL - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
             New York Post, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   351 - Two California billionaires top Zell in latest bid for Tribune
             Chicago Sun-Times, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   352 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   353 - California billionaires revise their offer for Tribune Co.
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 30, 2007
             The source said Broad and Burkle's new proposal is worth $34 a share, includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership ...
US*   354 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   355 - California billionaires submit last-minute bid for Tribune Co.
             Allentown Morning Call, PA - Mar 30, 2007
             The source said Broad and Burkle's new proposal is worth $34 per share, includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership ...
US*   356 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   357 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   358 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   359 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   360 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   361 - Business briefs
             Long Beach Press-Telegram, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   362 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Mar 30, 2007
              The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   363 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   364 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   365 - LA duo reenters Tribune auction
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 30, 2007
             A person familiar with the billionaires' proposal said it was similar to that of Zell, who planned to use an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, ...
US*   366 - GovernmentVAR of the Week: Abba Technologies
             CRN, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             That was the rationale of president and CEO Andrew Baba when he led an employee buyout in 2001. Now, his 48 employees are benefiting from their own success. ...
US*   367 - Tribune Co. mulls bids
             Bloomington Pantagraph, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             Specific details of how the competing offers would create an ESOP were not available, but experts said it would allow some shareholders, ...
US*   368 - Burkle, Broad make bid for LA Times owner
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 30, 2007
             "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is what has changed here," said Arnold, a founding partner of Colorado-based Summit Media Consultants. ...
US*   369 - Bidding war on for Tribune
             South Florida Business Journal, FL - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle first made an offer for Tribune (NYSE: TRB) in November and complained recently that Zell was given more information about the ESOP, ...
US*   370 - Tribune Silent on Deal as Intrigue Grows
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 30, 2007
             Specific details of how the competing offers would create an ESOP were not available, but experts said it would allow some shareholders, ...
US*   371 - Bidding war on for Tribune
             Phoenix Business Journal, AZ - Mar 30, 2007
             Broad and Burkle first made an offer for Tribune (NYSE: TRB) in November and complained recently that Zell was given more information about the ESOP, ...
US*   372 - Tribune Co. mulls competing bids
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 30, 2007
             Specific details of how the competing offers would create an ESOP were not available, but experts said it would allow some shareholders, ...
US*   373 - Tribune Considers Hard Choices
             Forbes, NY - Mar 30, 2007
             The Southern California billionaires modeled their latest bid on Zell's by structuring the offer as an ESOP recapitalization. Tribune reportedly preferred ...
US*   374 - Tribune stock rises ahead of key decision
             Crain's Chicago Business, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             An ESOP also allows both interest and principal debt payments to be tax-deductible and would create more leverage. "We think this benefit could be one of ...
US*   375 - Tribune Stock Goes Up As Sale Deadline Approaches
             WBBM780, Chicago - Mar 30, 2007
             An ESOP also allows both interest and principal debt payments to be tax-deductible and would create more leverage. ``We think this benefit could be one of ...
US*   376 - LA duo raises Tribune bid
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             17 deadline for final bids, Zell's plan to take the conglomerate private, using a ESOP and a contribution of around $300 million in capital, ...
US*   377 - Tribune Gets New Bid From Burkle, Broad, Topping Zell (Update8)
             Bloomberg - Mar 30, 2007
             ``From an employee point of view, given the plight of the newspaper industry, putting all the pension funds into an ESOP is worrisome,'' Doctor said. ...
IN*   378 - Wipro allots equity shares under ESOP
              Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             Wipro announced that the company has resolved to issue and allot 454971 equity shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of the stock options by the eligible ...
IN*   379 - Hexaware Technologies allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             Hexaware Technologies said that it issued and allotted 969885 equity shares of face value Rs 2 each under the ESOP schemes. ...
IN*   380 - Subex Azure to allot shares under ESOP
              Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             Subex Azure said that it approved the allotment of 73585 equity shares pursuant to exercise of ESOPs by eligible employees under the ESOP scheme 2000 and ...
US*   381 - New Wrinkle in Tribune Deal
             TheStreet.com - Mar 30, 2007
             The ESOP plan would put a majority of the company in the hands of its employees. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the letter to Tribune's board ...
IN*   382 - Matrix Labs allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             Consequent to the above allotment, the paid-up share capital of the company has increased to Rs 308215610. Matrix Laboratories reported consolidated net ...
US*   383 - LA duo raises Tribune bid Billionaires Burkle, Broad making 11th ...
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 30, 2007
             17 deadline for final bids, Zell's plan to take the conglomerate private, using a ESOP and a contribution of around $300 million in capital, ...
UK*   384 - Burberry workers march from closed factory
             ic Wales, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             “Thirty to 50 of them don’t have other jobs to go to and are still hoping a workers’ co-operative will be set up.” The workers were joined by family, ...
UK*   385 - March as Burberry factory closes
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             "Thirty to 50 of them don't have other jobs to go to and are still hoping a workers' co-operative will be set up." The workers were joined by family, ...
UK*   386 - 'Emotional' end to Burberry fight
             BBC News, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             There are hopes that a workers' co-operative, which could employ anything between 30 and 70 people, will be established in Treorchy. ...
UK*   387 - Burberry factory shuts today
             ic Wales, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             There is hope that a workers' co-operative can be established in Treorchy to partially fill the void left by Burberry's departure. ...
IN*   388 - 3i Infotech allots equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             30, 2007 to the applicants under employee stock option scheme, 2000 (ESOS). Recently, the company had introduced and priced a foreign currency convertible ...
IN*   389 - Cambridge Solutions approves allotment of shares
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             ... way of circular resolution has allotted 7291 equity shares under the Scandent Solutions Corporation - employee stock option plan 2005 (Program 1) Mar. ...
US*   390 - Global Payments Reports Third Quarter Earnings
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 30, 2007
             (2) Fiscal 2007 includes compensation expense resulting from employee stock options as a result of our adoption of FAS 123R. Fiscal 2006 does not include ...
US*   391 - Options errors slow Landry's
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             ... likely take an $8.6 million charge and delay the release of its annual report because an internal review found improperly dated employee stock options. ...
US*   392 - JCPenney Announces Share Repurchase Program and Dividend Increase
             Inside Collin County Business, TX - Mar 30, 2007
             Shares acquired through this program are expected to essentially offset new shares issued in connection with the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US*   393 - JC Penney shares up on buyback program
             BusinessWeek - Mar 30, 2007
             After the market closed on Thursday, the company said its new buyback program would offset new shares issued in connection with employee stock options. ...
IN*   394 - Wipro allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 30, 2007
             ... shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of the stock options by the eligible employees under the Wipro employee stock options plan, ie WESOP 2000 plan. ...
US*   395 - Market Report -- In Play (JCP)
             MSN Money - Mar 30, 2007
             Shares acquired through this program are expected to essentially offset new shares issued in connection with the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US*   396 - Tribune receives bid from two Los Angeles billionaires
             newratings.com - Mar 30, 2007
             According to Bloomberg, the latest offer includes $500 million in cash, and plans to use employee stock options to help finance the deal. ...
FR*   397 - Shakers: Isuzu promotes Susumu Hosoi after forming alliance with ...
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 30, 2007
             While the executive's base pay of 1.95 million francs is unchanged, a bonus of 40000 share options has been scrapped and he will instead receive 3000 new ...
CA*   398 - Great Plains Reports 2006 Year-End Reserves, Operational and ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             The estimated weighted average fair value of share options granted during 2005 was determined using the Black-Scholes model using the following weighted ...
SG*   399 - Bigger pay packet for new SingTel head
             TODAYonline, Singapore - Mar 30, 2007
             Ms Chua's estimated salary will also include bonuses and share options, and may rise further depending on her exceeding her preset performance targets, ...
CA*   400 - Molycor Gold Corp. Retains Agoracom Investor Relations and Grants ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             Although the share options vest in quarterly amounts over the next twelve months, AGORACOM has elected not to exercise any such options until after the ...
AU*   401 - TV titan has big ambitions
             The Australian, Australia - Mar 30, 2007
             It allows you to give your executives share options, so they can benefit if your stock is increasing in value through investor confidence." ...
ZA*   402 - EOH - EOH Holdings Limited - Dealings in securities by director
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Nature of transaction: Exercise of share options and sale of shares Sale price: R7,25 Strike price of share options: R0,72 Date share options granted: 1 ...
ZA*   403 - AFO - Aflease Gold - Group Financial Statements: Year Ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 30, 2007
             ... Average number of shares 443166965 339011680 Adjusted for: Unexercised share options 7809906 - Diluted average number of shares 450976871 339011680 2. ...
ZA*   404 - ANG - AngloGold Ashanti Limited - Dealings in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 30, 2007
             ... we give notice that the following director has exercised share options, after having received clearance to do so in terms of Listings Requirement 3.66. ...
CA*   405 - Great Plains Reports 2006 Year-End Reserves, Operational and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 30, 2007
             The estimated weighted average fair value of share options granted during 2005 was determined using the Black-Scholes model using the following weighted ...
US*   406 - 9. AOL Unit To Handle Ads For NBC U/News Corp. Video Service
             MediaPost Publications, New York - Mar 30, 2007
             ... the three other directors on Aegis' management team - Adrian Chedore, Robert Lerwill, and Mainardo de Nardos - own a combined 5487886 share options. ...
FI*   407 - Stock releases
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Mar 30, 2007
             The Series F share options that YIT Corporation issued in 2004 and the Series K and L share options issued in 2006 will be made available for trading on ...
UK*   408 - RPT GMO 6-mth audited profit cut by 59000 usd on director shr ...
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             ... with the unaudited figure published on Feb 9, due to a charge from share options granted to directors, resulting in an audited profit of 608000 usd. ...
UK*   409 - GMO 6-mth to end-Dec profit cut by 59000 on director share option ...
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - GMO Ltd said it's profits for the six-months to Dec 31 have been reduced by 59000 usd, due to a charge from share options granted to ...
UK*   410 - Transense Technology FY loss widens; sees large revenues in medium ...
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 30, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - Transense Technologies PLC posted a widened 2006 loss partly due to a new accounting charge on share options and a 178000 stg patent cost ...
ZA*   411 - MTN: What about Nhleko's remark?
             iAfrica.com, South Africa - Mar 30, 2007
             Plus there are the one or two share options. Yes there is certainly very significant wealth being generated over the last number of years for all the top ...
ZA*   412 - MRF - Merafe Resources Limited - Dealing in securities by a Director
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 30, 2007
             ... van der Walt Company : Merafe Resources Limited Date of transaction : 28 March 2007 Nature of transaction : Exercise of share options and sale of shares ...
FR*   413 - L'intersyndicale d'Eiffage met en cause la pression sur l ...
             La Tribune.fr - 30 mar 2007
             Dans une déclaration commune, les organisations syndicales du groupe Eiffage estiment que la direction du groupe "perd la raison", en demandant aux salariés ...
FR*   414 - Fonds commun de placement SONATEL : Les travailleurs de la SONATEL ...
             Le messager.sn - 30 mar 2007
             En effet, ce fonds a trois objectifs principaux qui sont de préparer la retraite, de renforcer l’actionnariat salarié et enfin de développer la culture de ...
FR*   415 - Eiffage : le titre reperd du terrain
             Voila.fr - 30 mar 2007
             ... qui parle "d'exubérance irrationnelle actuelle du cours de bourse" dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires-salariés ont tenté de calmer la spéculation. ...
FR*   416 - Eiffage : le titre reperd du terrain
             Boursier.com - 30 mar 2007
             ... qui parle "d'exubérance irrationnelle actuelle du cours de bourse" dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires salariés ont tenté de calmer la spéculation. ...
FR*   417 - Eiffage demande à ses actionnaires de contrer Sacyr
             EasyBourse.com - 30 mar 2007
             D’après La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés (qui représentent le deuxième actionnaire du groupe, avec 22,4% du capital), ...
FR*   418 - BTP : Eiffage appelle ses salariés actionnaires à la rescousse
             Libération - 30 mar 2007
             «Cher salarié actionnaire» ... Qu'en termes affectueux ces appels aux employés d'Eiffage sont faits ! Ils émanent du PDG, de ce groupe, numéro 3 français ...
CA*   419 - L'ange-gardien du phare de La Martre reçoit le prix de l ...
             Le Riverain - 30 mar 2007
             La coopérative de travail Aube Aventure de Cap-aux-Os a reçu le prix Écotourisme et tourisme d'aventure. Le prix Attractions touristiques moins de 100 000 ...
FR*   420 - Jeu de massacre à la tête de Take Twopar Benjamin Ferran
             L'Express - 30 mar 2007
             L'éditeur a dernièrement revu ses comptes sur plus de huit ans, pour un montant de 42 millions de dollars, suite à des anti-datages de stock-options. ...
FR*   421 - Take Two a pris sa décision...
             Nintendo-Master.com - 30 mar 2007
             Le nouveau PDG essayera de régler les conflits au niveau finances et d'enquêter sur une histoire de de stock-options frauduleuses. Allez, au travail !
FR*   422 - Jeu de massacre à la tête de Take Two
             LExpansion.com - 30 mar 2007
             L'éditeur a dernièrement revu ses comptes sur plus de huit ans, pour un montant de 42 millions de dollars, suite à des anti-datages de stock-options. ...
FR*   423 - La valeur du jour à Wall Street - DELL : le supplice continue
             Boursorama - 30 mar 2007
             ... le silence de Dell et la façon dont Apple avait apaisé les craintes des investisseurs il ya quelques mois pendant l'enquête menée sur ses stock-options. ...
FR*   424 - Wall Street : nouveau rebond après les statistiques
             Voila.fr - 30 mar 2007
             Les revenus des ménages ont grimpé quant à eux de 0,6% en février 2007, avec les bonus et les levées et cessions de stock options. ...
FR*   425 - Très légère hausse avant une série de statistiques
             Boursorama - 30 mar 2007
             ... a vu son bénéfice net diminuer de 25% à 21,5 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre en raison des coûts liés à l'attribution des stock-options. ...
FR*   426 - DELL : un audit interne pointe des dysfonctionnements comptables
             Capital.fr - 30 mar 2007
             ... le silence de Dell et la façon dont Apple avait apaisé les craintes des investisseurs il ya quelques mois pendant l'enquête menée sur ses stock-options.
AR*   427 - 15 Km de cordón cuneta para La Quiaca
             Jujuy al día - 30 Mar 2007
             Los encargados de la mano de obra, serán diez cooperativas de trabajo con asiento en La Quiaca, las cuáles también recibirán un subsidio para la compra de ...
AR*   428 - La CGTP respalda decisión del Ministerio de Trabajo de ordenar la ...
             Rebanadas de Realidad (Comunicados de prensa) - 30 Mar 2007
             Ante la campaña de desinformación que pretende iniciar la denominada Cooperativa de Trabajo y Fomento Santo Domingo y otras empresas contratistas para ...
AR*   429 - Desgarrador testimonio de una víctima del trabajo esclavo
             Noticias Urbanas - 30 Mar 2007
             La Unión de Trabajadores Costureros (UTC) y los trabajadores de la cooperativa de trabajo "20 de diciembre", que funcionan en el expropiado centro ...
CO*   430 - Nuevo trabajo asociado
             Diario Occidente - 30 Mar 2007
             El decreto 4588 de 2006 combate las entidades ilegales que se estaban valiendo de la figura de Cooperativa de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), para desacreditar el ...
PE*   431 - Ministerio de Trabajo defiende desarrollo de inspecciones laborales
             Radio Programas del Perú (RPP) - 30 Mar 2007
             La cooperativa de trabajadores inspeccionada expresó su disconformidad con la función fiscalizadora a través de un aviso publicado en un diario local.
ES*   432 - Hacienda amplía la exención por vales de comida y asociaciones
             Cinco Días - 30 Mar 2007
             ... el límite de aplicación de la reducción del 40% en caso de opciones de compra sobre acciones (stock options) o participaciones de los trabajadores. ...
ES*   433 - Avánzit sanea pérdidas y pide fondos para asegurar su futuro
             Cinco Días - 30 Mar 2007
             La tercera ampliación está destinada a un plan de stock options para consejeros y directivos. Por ahora se desconocen los detalles, pero se les reservarán 2 ...
CL*   434 - En Chile, por el momento, no hay voluntad de mostrar sueldos de ...
             Economía y Negocios online - 30 Mar 2007
             ... transparenten "golden parachutes" (indemnizaciones de salida a todo evento), beneficios de jubilación, stock options y otras formas de compensaciones. ...
ES*   435 - Rico, rico: sólo 560 españoles tienen más de 10 millones
             elEconomista.es - 30 Mar 2007
             ... el 32 por ciento de las fortunas, el 26 por ciento a los propietarios, el 16 por ciento por herencias y un 15 por ciento a las stock options. ...
ES*   436 - Avanzit: La Junta del 7 de mayo tratará la salida a Bolsa de Cecsa
             Bolsamania.com - 30 Mar 2007
             Cambio de los estatutos para que el Consejo de Administración puede percibir una parte de su retribución en stock options. ...
DE*   437 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen
             Businessportal24 (Pressemitteilung) - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
AT*   438 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen
             Web4Free.at - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   439 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen
             Informations und Marketing-Portal - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   440 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen – Aus dem betrieblichen Vorschlagwesen ...
             Live-PR.com (Pressemitteilung) - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   441 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen – Aus dem betrieblichen Vorschlagwesen ...
             Perspektive Mittelstand (Pressemitteilung) - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   442 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen – Aus dem betrieblichen Vorschlagwesen ...
             Firmenpresse (Pressemitteilung) - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   443 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen - Aus dem betrieblichen Vorschlagwesen ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   444 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen – Aus dem betrieblichen Vorschlagwesen ...
             Presse Mitteilung (Pressemitteilung) - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
DE*   445 - Mit Gedanken Geld sparen – Aus dem betrieblichen Vorschlagwesen ...
             NeueNachricht - 30. März 2007
             ... nach einem Zeitungsbericht in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, Verkehrsbetrieben und Krankenhäusern die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht so stark ausgeprägt ist. ...
IT*   446 - precario e nero
             Lavoce.info - 30 mar 2007
             ... impegnati nei servizi esternalizzati attraveerso le cooperative di produzione e lavoro: anche in quest'ambito sono molte le tipologie contrattuali, ...
BR*   447 - Fogo destrói material reciclável no Redentor
             Jornal da Cidade - Baurú - 30 Mar 2007
             Os recicláveis pertencem aos integrantes da cooperativa de trabalhadores. Também foram acionados um caminhão-pipa do Departamento de Água e Esgoto (DAE) e ...
BR*   448 - Diocese espera recolher R$ 7 mil durante dia de coleta nas igrejas
             Jornal da Paraíba - 30 Mar 2007
             Do total de recursos a serem arrecadados, 50% serão destinados à Cooperativa de Trabalhadores de Materiais Recicláveis (Contramare), que agrega os catadores ...
PT*   449 - Indemnizações milionárias na PT e na EDP
             Agência Financeira - 30 Mar 2007
             ... variáveis pelo cumprimento de objectivos de gestão que incluem o prémio anual em dinheiro e planos de compra de acções, stock options, da própria EDP. ...
PT*   450 - EDP e PT «pagam milhões» aos gestores que saem
             Diário Digital - 30 Mar 2007
             ... variáveis pelo cumprimento de objectivos de gestão que incluem o prémio anual em dinheiro e planos de compra de acções, stock options, da própria EDP. ...
US*   451 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Chandler News-Dispatch, MN - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   452 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             In-Forum (subscription), ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   453 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   454 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Meadow Free Press, ID - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   455 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Times and Democrat, SC - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   456 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Brocktown News, NV - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   457 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Ely Times, NV - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   458 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Jordan Falls News, IA - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   459 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   460 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Spokesman Review, WA - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
UK*   461 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. 'It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   462 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   463 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Twin Falls Times-News, ID - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   464 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   465 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             The State, SC - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   466 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             phillyBurbs.com, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   467 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Jackson News-Tribune, WY - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   468 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   469 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Olberlin, KS - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   470 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             The Kindred Times, UT - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   471 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Herald News Daily, ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   472 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Sky Valley Journal, WY - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   473 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             The Benton Crier, IA - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. Like most newspaper companies, ...
US*   474 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   475 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             The Southern, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   476 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   477 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   478 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   479 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   480 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             North County Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   481 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wyoming News, WY - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   482 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
GR*   483 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             Euro2day, Greece - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It''s interesting that the ESOP structure ...
US*   484 - LA Billionaires Up Bid for Tribune Co.
             Forbes, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   485 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune Co.
             BusinessWeek - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle incorporated employee ownership in a failed bid last year to buy the Knight Ridder Inc. newspaper chain. "It's interesting that the ESOP structure is ...
US*   486 - 2 Billionaires Make Offer for Tribune
             New York Times, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             Once Mr. Zell put forth the notion of an employee ownership plan, and it seemed to be winning favor with Tribune, Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad recast their bid ...
ZA*   487 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
US*   488 - Tribune Suitor Zell Is Used to Bucking Trends
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 29, 2007
             In the next step, Tribune would create an employee share ownership plan. Tribune's ESOP could then roll future company contributions to employee 401(k) ...
MW*   489 - Sunbird bosses eye stake in the group
             The Nation, Malawi, Malawi - Mar 29, 2007
             ... Stockbrokers (Malawi) Limited chief executive officer Armstrong Kamphoni said normally, employee share ownership is restricted to four percent. ...
US*   490 - Use of Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans is Growing, but Confusion ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
US*   491 - Use of Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans is Growing
             Newswise (press release) - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
US*   492 - NY Confernce Board
             Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
US*   493 - Alion heads to San Diego to be near Navy
             Charlotte Business Journal, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Alion Science and Technology, an employee-owned technology services provider, has opened a new office in San Diego to support the company's contracts there ...
US*   494 - Use of Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans is Growing, but Confusion ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
US*   495 - Use of Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans is Growing, but Confusion ...
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
AT*   496 - Use of Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans is Growing, but Confusion ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
US*   497 - Use of Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plans is Growing, but Confusion ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 29, 2007
             On the other hand, HSAs, which were created by the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, are employee-owned and ...
AT*   498 - Round Table Pizza Adds Miracles to the Menu
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 29, 2007
             Round Table Pizza, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned company with corporate offices based in Concord, California.
US*   499 - Round Table Pizza Adds Miracles to the Menu
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 29, 2007
             Round Table Pizza, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned company with corporate offices based in Concord, California.
US*   500 - Round Table Pizza Adds Miracles to the Menu
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 29, 2007
             Round Table Pizza, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned company with corporate offices based in Concord, California.
US*   501 - HomeStreet Bank Launches Fourth Annual "HomeStreet Community ...
             dBusinessNews San Jose (press release), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Family- and employee-owned HomeStreet Bank has assets of $2.4 billion and a network of 30 branches in the Northwest and Hawaii. HomeStreet Bank offers a ...
             Seattle Times, WA - Mar 29, 2007
             100% paid benefits, paid parking and the chance to work for a progressive, employee-owned Company. Call now to set your interview right away!
IN*   503 - Ramdin Sanga of WeP Peripherals Speaks about their Innovative UPS ...
             TechShout!, India - Mar 29, 2007
             WeP Peripherals Limited is one of India’s largest employee-owned companies. They recently launched the TOP.UPS, a unique first-of-its-kind UPS in India. ...
US*   504 - HomeStreet Bank Launches Fourth Annual "HomeStreet Community ...
             dBusinessNews Seattle (press release), WA - Mar 29, 2007
             Family- and employee-owned HomeStreet Bank has assets of $2.4 billion and a network of 30 branches in the Northwest and Hawaii. HomeStreet Bank offers a ...
US*   505 - Waste disposal talks nearing new contract
             Appeal-Democrat, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Even though it is employee-owned, some of the members are unionized, said Reed. Phil Graham, general manager of the Ostrom Road facility, ...
US*   506 - Tribune Gets New Bid From Burkle, Broad, Topping Zell (Update2)
             Bloomberg - Mar 29, 2007
             Like Zell's plan, Burkle and Broad would use the $1.76 billion in Tribune's employee pension to create an employee stock ownership program that would help ...
US*   507 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   508 - Eli Broad And Ron Burkle Sweeten Bid For Tribune, Reports Say - Update
             Trading Markets, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Their offer involves an employee stock ownership plan and they have also offered to contribute $500 million cash to the deal. The offer also proposes that ...
US*   509 - Broad, Burkle Up Offer for Tribune Co.
             Washington Post, DC - Mar 29, 2007
             ... $1 a share more than Zell, and propose to recapitalize the company by adding debt and implementing an employee stock-ownership plan, as Zell has. ...
US*   510 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   511 - Duo increases bid for Tribune Co.
             Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   512 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid - source
             Reuters - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   513 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   514 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   515 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             The Southern, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   516 - As deadline looms, LA billionaires boost bid for Tribune Co. to ...
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             The Burkle and Broad bid includes $500 million in cash and would use an employee stock ownership plan to aid the recapitalization. ...
US*   517 - LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             Northwest Herald, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   518 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             MSN Money - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   519 - Last-minute bid for Tribune Company
             United Press International - Mar 29, 2007
             In a letter to the company, Ronald Burkle and Eli Broad said they would like an employee stock ownership plan. They offered $34 per share, $1 more than Zell ...
US*   520 - Last-minute bid for Tribune Company
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 29, 2007
             In a letter to the company, Ronald Burkle and Eli Broad said they would like an employee stock ownership plan. They offered $34 per share, $1 more than Zell ...
UK*   521 - Last-minute bid for Tribune Company
             Monsters and Critics.com, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             In a letter to the company, Ronald Burkle and Eli Broad said they would like an employee stock ownership plan. They offered $34 per share, $1 more than Zell ...
US*   522 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             WIS, SC - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   523 - Billionaire pair makes bigger bid for Tribune
             St. Petersburg Times, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   524 - LA billionaires make new offer for Tribune Co.
             MarketWatch - Mar 29, 2007
             Both the Broad-Burkle and Zell offers propose transferring control of the company to an employee stock ownership plan, according to The Journal's report. ...
US*   525 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Columbian, WA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   526 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   527 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Kansas.com, KS - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   528 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune
             6abc.com, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   529 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             ABC News - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   530 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   531 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wyoming News, WY - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   532 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Durham Herald Sun, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   533 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Twin Falls Times-News, ID - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   534 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Times and Democrat, SC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   535 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             The Southern, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   536 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             North County Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   537 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   538 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             MyFox Washington DC, DC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   539 - LA billionaires vie for Tribune Co.
             Variety - Mar 29, 2007
             Burkle and Broad's latest offer includes a $500 million equity investment and incorporates an employee stock ownership plan, which offers significant tax ...
US*   540 - LA billionaires improve offer for Tribune Co.
             ABC7Chicago.com, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   541 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             The Spokesman Review, WA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
UK*   542 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   543 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Forbes, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             ... effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, said the person who was not authorized to disclose details and asked to remain anonymous. ...
US*   544 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   545 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             KPLC-TV, LA - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   546 - Pair of US billionaires up the bid for Tribune
             MSN Money - Mar 29, 2007
             The two billionaires also said in their letter that they would use an employee stock ownership plan to finance the bid - adopting the same relatively rare ...
US*   547 - Los Angeles Billionaires Increase Bid for Tribune
             CNBC, NJ - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   548 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             BusinessWeek - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   549 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   550 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   551 - Broad, Burkle Raise Bid For Tribune
             Forbes, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             ... board Thursday night, would value Tribune at $34 a share under a recapitalization through an employee stock-ownership plan, or ESOP, the source said. ...
US*   552 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   553 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   554 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Washington Post, DC - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   555 - 2 Billionaires Make Late Offer for Tribune
             New York Times, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             Although Mr. Burkle had backed an employee stock ownership plan last year in an attempt to acquire other newspapers, that option was not part of the earlier ...
US*   556 - LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune
             Crain's Chicago Business, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
CA*   557 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Canada.com, Canada - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   558 - Tribune Suitor Zell Is Used to Bucking Trends
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 29, 2007
             ... offer from Mr. Zell, who proposes buying the company and transferring control to an employee stock ownership plan, an approach rife with tax benefits. ...
US*   559 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
UK*   560 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             The deal would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan and include $500 million from the two, the source said. Further details were unavailable. ...
US*   561 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wyoming News, WY - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   562 - Pair of US billionaires up the bid for Tribune
             MSNBC - Mar 29, 2007
             The two billionaires also said in their letter that they would use an employee stock ownership plan to finance the bid - adopting the same relatively rare ...
US*   563 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS2 Chicago, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   564 - LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co. to $34 per share
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   565 - Bidding war for Tribune Co.
             Newsday, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             A source familiar with the situation said Broad and Burkle, both of California, had revised their earlier bid to include an employee stock ownership plan ...
US*   566 - LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             The source said that the duo's proposal would be similar to Zell's in that it would use an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, to fund much of the deal. ...
US*   567 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             North County Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*  568 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Reuters - Mar 29, 2007
             The bid by businessman and philanthropist Eli Broad and supermarket investor Ron Burkle would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   569 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             MSN Money - Mar 29, 2007
             The bid by businessman and philanthropist Eli Broad and supermarket investor Ron Burkle would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   570 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 29, 2007
             The bid by businessman and philanthropist Eli Broad and supermarket investor Ron Burkle would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan, ...
UK*   571 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid: source
             Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             The bid by businessman and philanthropist Eli Broad and supermarket investor Ron Burkle would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan, ...
UK*   572 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   573 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Miami Herald, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   574 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   575 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             WJZ, MD - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   576 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             In-Forum (subscription), ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   577 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             KGET 17, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... sent a letter to the Tribune board offering 34 dollars per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   578 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS 5, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   579 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   580 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS 42, TX - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   581 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             cbs4denver.com, CO - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   582 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             News & Observer, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   583 - Burkle, Broad Increase Tribune Offer to $8.2 Billion (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Mar 29, 2007
             Like Zell's offer, Burkle and Broad's plan would use the $1.76 billion in Tribune's employee pension to create an employee stock ownership plan that would ...
US*   584 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             KDKA, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   585 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS 4, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   586 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Sacramento Bee, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   587 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             In-Forum (subscription), ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   588 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             CBS 47, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... sent a letter to the Tribune board offering 34 dollars per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   589 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS 11, TX - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   590 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS2 Chicago, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   591 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Forbes, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             ... effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, said the person who was not authorized to disclose details and asked to remain anonymous. ...
US*   592 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   593 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             KUTV, UT - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   594 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   595 - LA Billionaires Increase Bid For Tribune Co.
             CBS 5 - Green Bay, WI - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
GR*   596 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Euro2day, Greece - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   597 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Anchorage Daily News (subscription), AK - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   598 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             phillyBurbs.com, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   599 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Press of Atlantic City, NJ - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   600 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             myfoxny.com, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   601 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
UK*   602 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   603 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Bradenton Herald, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   604 - New: LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             Northwest Herald, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   605 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   606 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   607 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   608 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization effort that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   609 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Macon Telegraph, GA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   610 - Now It Gets Fun: Burkle and Broad Up Bid for Tribune
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   611 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   612 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   613 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             amNewYork, New York - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   614 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             MyFox WGHP, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   615 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Charlotte Observer, NC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   616 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Town Hall, DC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   617 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Forbes, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             ... that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, said the person who asked to remain anonymous because they were not authorized to disclose details. ...
US*   618 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   619 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   620 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             Washington Post, DC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   621 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   622 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             BusinessWeek - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   623 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Kansas City Star, MO - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   624 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             KSBY, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... sent a letter to the Tribune board offering 34 dollars per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   625 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   626 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   627 - LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   628 - LA billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   629 - Billionaires raise bid for Tribune Co.
             Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   630 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             KESQ, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... sent a letter to the Tribune board offering 34 dollars per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   631 - Billionaires Raise Bid for Tribune Co.
             KTAR.com, AZ - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   632 - Eli Broad, Ron Burkle Up Bid For Tribune Company
             CBS 2, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan. ...
FR*   633 - Los Angeles billionaires increase bid for Tribune Co.
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   634 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   635 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   636 - LA billionaires offer new Tribune bid - source
             Reuters - Mar 29, 2007
             The bid by businessman and philanthropist Eli Broad and supermarket investor Ron Burkle would be structured as an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   637 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   638 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   639 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   640 - California billionaires submit new bid for Tribune
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 29, 2007
             The source said Broad and Burkle's new proposal is worth $34 per share, includes a recapitalization funded, like Zell's plan, by an employee stock ownership ...
US*   641 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of Los Angeles Times
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   642 - LA billionaires up bid for Tribune, owner of LA Times
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Broad and Burkle sent a letter to the Tribune board offering $34 per share in a recapitalization scheme that would involve an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   643 - Delanco Bancorp, Inc. Announces Regulatory Approval to Consummate ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... Federal Savings Bank, the Delanco Federal Savings Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and members of the general public at a price of $10.00 per share. ...
US*   644 - How Zell's offer for Tribune might work
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 29, 2007
             The advantage of using an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, in a buyout is primarily that it would allow the new Tribune to escape taxes on principal ...
US*   645 - LA Billionaires May Still Have Shot at Tribune Co.
             Media Buyer Planner, MD - Mar 29, 2007
             Zell's late bid for the company was based on an employee stock ownership plan. Broad and Burkle apparently expressed a complaint that Zell received ...
US*   646 - Thursday morning headlines
             LA Observed, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             Most of the LAT story focuses on how Zell's proposed employee stock ownership might work - and what the risks would be (mostly related to taking on too much ...
US*   647 - How Zell's Offer for Tribune Might Work
             Los Angeles Business Journal (subscription), CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... cash and become the minority partner of a newly created employee stock ownership plan that would buy up the company's shares and take Tribune private. ...
US*   648 - Two suitors show renewed interest in Tribune: New York Times
             MarketWatch - Mar 29, 2007
             Zell had based his proposal on an employee stock ownership plan, but Burkle and Broad complained to Tribune last week that Zell had received financial ...
US*   649 - Appleton executive joins Godfrey & Kahn
             Oshkosh Northwestern, WI - Mar 29, 2007
             He led a team at Appleton in 2001 that resulted in the $810 million purchase of the company through employee stock ownership.
US*   650 - Appleton executive joins Godfrey & Kahn
             Appleton Post Crescent, WI - Mar 29, 2007
             He led a team at Appleton in 2001 that resulted in the $810 million purchase of the company through employee stock ownership.
ZA*   651 - How Zell's offer for Tribune might work
             AND, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             Experts say an employee stock ownership plan could be key -- with some risk involved. As the clock ticks down on Tribune Co.'s self-imposed deadline of ...
US*   652 - Mystery surrounds lead bid for Tribune
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 29, 2007
             In exchange for its role as the borrowing vehicle, the new employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, would receive a significant ownership stake in the new ...
US*   653 - How Zell's offer for Tribune might work
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             The advantage of using an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, in a buyout is primarily that it would allow the new Tribune to escape taxes on principal ...
US*   654 - American Capital Invests $160 Million in Geosign
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 29, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US*   655 - Tribune Gets New Bid From Burkle, Broad, Topping Zell (Update2)
             Bloomberg - Mar 29, 2007
             ``From an employee point of view, given the plight of the newspaper industry, putting all the pension funds into an ESOP is worrisome,'' Doctor said. ...
US*   656 - Tribune Update: Zell, Burkle-Broad Revised Bids Force Last-Minute ...
             paidContent.org, CA - Mar 29, 2007
             ... attributed to someone familiar with their plans, a letter delivered Thursday night has the Bs promising their own ESOP deal worth $34 a share, ...
US*   657 - Broad, Burkle Raise Bid For Tribune
             Forbes, NY - Mar 29, 2007
             In addition, it structures the deal as an ESOP recapitalization, matching a feature of Zell’s offer that has reportedly found favor with Tribune’s board. ...
US*   658 - Tribune Suitor Zell Is Used to Bucking Trends
             Wall Street Journal - Mar 29, 2007
             Tribune's ESOP could then roll future company contributions to employee 401(k) funds into the ESOP, effectively providing capital for the buyout without ...
IN*   659 - Wipro to allot 1.65 mn shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 29, 2007
             Recently, the company had allotted around 11.3 million shares under the company`s restricted stock unit plan 2004, ESOP (employee stock option programme) ...
IN*   660 - Megasoft allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 29, 2007
             29, 2007, the board of directors of Megasoft (Q, N,C,F)* has approved allotment of 10925 equity shares of Rs 10 each on exercise of stock options under ESOP ...
UK*   661 - 'Emotional' end to Burberry fight
             BBC News, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             There are hopes that a workers' co-operative, which could employ anything between 30 and 70 people, will be established in Treorchy. ...
US*   662 - Welsh Assembly elections: Burberry closes its Treorchy plant in ...
             World Socialist Web Site, MI - Mar 29, 2007
             Even now, the GMB and Labour Party officials have mooted the setting up of a “workers’ co-operative,” after Burberry “donated” the abandoned factory to “the ...
US*   663 - TIBCO Software Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 29, 2007
             ... costs related to formal restructuring plans, stock-based compensation related to employee stock options, the amortization of purchased intangible assets ...
CA*   664 - Record production and 100% ownership of Harry Winston support ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 29, 2007
             ... 57957 57569 Dilutive effect of employee stock options 1019 864 1175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59276 ...
IN*   665 - Wipro to allot 1.65 mn shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 29, 2007
             Wipro said it has resolved to issue and allot 1652107 equity shares under the Wipro (Q, N,C,F)* employee stock options plan (WESOP) 2000 and 6520 equity ...
MY*   666 - Shareholders reject Esos for M3nergy officials
             Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Mar 29, 2007
             KUALA LUMPUR: M3nergy Bhd shareholders yesterday rejected the proposal to extend the company's employee share option scheme (Esos) to chairman Datuk ...
US*   667 - Spirent Communications PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 29, 2007
             The Company's executive directors are potential beneficiaries of the Trust (together with all other UK employee share option holders) and are, therefore, ...
ZA*   668 - MAS - Masonite - Audited results for the 12 months ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... 194 5 621 Employee share option scheme: Proceeds from shares issued 46 170 23 163 186 At December 2005 6 900 224 3 450 2 357 5 807 Employee share option ...
UK*   669 - Warnock exercises options amidst uncertain future
             CityWire.co.uk, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             Premier Asset Management’s UK Opportunities manager Kenneth Warnock has exercised his share options in the business as negotiations over his future at the ...
ZA*   670 - NED - Nedbank Group - Dealing in securities by director
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... the following information is disclosed in respect of the exercise of share options and the intended participation in an incentive scheme by an executive ...
CA*   671 - Richelieu achieves excellent first-quarter growth
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 29, 2007
             As at February 28, 2007, 688500 share options were outstanding (200 6- 552450) with exercise prices varying from $4.26 to $24.76 (2006 - $4.26 to $22.43) ...
CA*   672 - Serica Energy PLC Announces 2006 Full Year Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 29, 2007
             The increase from last year is due to share options granted in the second half of 2005 and early 2006 as the management team was built up. ...
UK*   673 - Link to this page: http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/2007/480 ...
             Socialist Party, UK - Mar 29, 2007
             But Diamond's £23 million, awarded for 2006, pales beside the extra £80 million this banker can reap in future share options and 'reward' schemes. ...
UK*   674 - Portrait Software reports rising sales in H1
             Finextra (press release), UK - Mar 29, 2007
             Proforma earnings (pre-tax result excluding goodwill amortisation, exceptional items and employee share options expense) returned to profitability in the ...
CA*   675 - Richelieu achieves excellent first-quarter growth
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 29, 2007
             As at February 28, 2007, 688500 share options were outstanding (200 6- 552450) with exercise prices varying from $4.26 to $24.76 (2006 - $4.26 to $22.43) ...
ZA*   676 - SXR - SXR Uranium One Inc - Consolidated financial statements for ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... plant and 5 11311 - equipment - Expensing of share options 14 10845 7240 - Expensing of restricted shares 14 1367 - Profit on disposal of property, ...
CA*   677 - Serica Energy PLC Announces 2006 Full Year Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 29, 2007
             The increase from last year is due to share options granted in the second half of 2005 and early 2006 as the management team was built up. ...
US*   678 - Oerlikon Chief's Pay Cut by $15 Million After Outcry (Update2)
             Bloomberg - Mar 29, 2007
             While the 39- year-old, Oerlikon's CEO for 18 months, still received base pay of 1.95 million francs, a bonus of 40000 share options was scrapped and he ...
ZA*   679 - SCN - Scharrig Mining Limited - Exercise of share options by Directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             SCN SCN - Scharrig Mining Limited - Exercise of share options by Directors SCHARRIG MINING LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ...
ZA*   680 - GFI - Gold Fields Limited - Dealing in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... Strike Date: 18 February 2005 Vesting Periods : Share options vest one year after allocation Nature of interest: Directly beneficial Interest In terms ...
ZA*   681 - AVI - AVI Limited - Director And Directors' Of Major Subsidiaries ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... 40919 Aggregate consideration : R390,776.50 Nature of transaction : Exercise of share options Extent of interest : Direct beneficial MAJOR SUBSIDIARY ...
ZA*   682 - TAW - Tawana Resources NL - Reviewed Results for the year ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             Share Options During the year 390000 options were issued to employees of the Company under the employees option scheme. These options were exercisable at 35 ...
ZA*   683 - CPI/CPIP - Capitec - Extracts from the audited financial ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 29, 2007
             ... 28 February Cents 3 700 3 105 19 1 490 580 * Market capitalisation at 28 February Rm 3 031 2 233 36 1 072 399 * Number of share options outstanding '000 ...
FR*   684 - Avec ou sans l’économie sociale ?
             Politis - 29 mar 2007
             Le gouvernement a en effet agi en catimini, en utilisant le projet de loi sur la participation et l’actionnariat salarié pour modifier le code du travail. ...
FR*   685 - Eiffage : 1% du capital traité !
             Voila.fr - 29 mar 2007
             ... Roverato qui parle "d'exubérance irrationnelle actuelle du cours de bourse" dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires salariés avaient pourtant mis la ...
FR*   686 - Eiffage : 1% du capital traité !
             Boursier.com - 29 mar 2007
             ... Roverato qui parle "d'exubérance irrationnelle actuelle du cours de bourse" dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires salariés avaient pourtant mis la ...
FR*   687 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Le Point - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*  688 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   689 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   690 - L'ANPE très mobilisée contre les risques de "démantèlement"
             LExpansion.com - 29 mar 2007
             ... délégué syndical central Sud chez APRR (Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône, filiale d'Eiffage), a accusé le PDG de "privilégier non les actionnaires salariés, ...
FR*   691 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             nouvelobs.com - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   692 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Capital.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   693 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   694 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Reuters.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   695 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   696 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   697 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mar 2007
             Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son ...
FR*   698 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Reuters.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal après la flambée du titre. ...
FR*   699 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mar 2007
             Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son ...
FR*   700 - Clôture Paris : le CAC40 remonte, le pétrole aussi
             Voila.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Les propos du PDG d'Eiffage Jean-François Roverato qui parle d'un cours de bourse actuel irrationnel dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires salariés ...
FR*   701 - Clôture Paris : le CAC40 remonte, le pétrole aussi
             Boursier.com - 29 mar 2007
             Les propos du PDG d'Eiffage Jean-François Roverato qui parle d'un cours de bourse actuel irrationnel dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires salariés ...
FR*   702 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Boursorama - 29 mar 2007
             Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son ...
FR*   703 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Capital.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Eiffage (FGR) a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser ...
FR*   704 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Reuters.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son ...
FR*   705 - Eiffage : le ramassage continue
             Voila.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Les propos du PDG d'Eiffage Jean-François Roverato qui parle d'un cours de bourse actuel irrationnel dans une lettre envoyée aux actionnaires salariés ...
FR*   706 - Eiffage repousse toujours les demandes de Sacyr
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   707 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             nouvelobs.com - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   708 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   709 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   710 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Boursorama - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   711 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   712 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Capital.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage (FGR) a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal ...
FR*   713 - Eiffage réitère son rejet des demandes de Sacyr
             Reuters.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Selon La Tribune, Eiffage a en outre annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin ...
FR*   714 - Eiffage veut bloquer l'épargne de ses salariés
             Le Monde - 29 mar 2007
             Jean-Claude Mothié, président de la fédération des actionnaires salariés (FAS), qui a soutenu la loi du 30 décembre 2006 censée développer l'actionnariat et ...
FR*   715 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son capital ...
FR*   716 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             nouvelobs.com - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son capital ...
FR*   717 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son capital ...
FR*   718 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             Capital.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son capital ...
FR*   719 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son capital ...
FR*   720 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             Reuters.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Le groupe a annoncé à ses actionnaires salariés qu'il bloquait les remboursements d'actions jusqu'au retour à un cours normal afin de maîtriser son capital ...
FR*   721 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mar 2007
             EIFFAGE interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à Sacyr, ...
FR*   722 - 29/03/2007 : Eiffage, Sacyr Vallehermoso, Enel, E.ON, Endesa, PAM ...
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mar 2007
             Jean-François Roverato, le patron d’Eiffage, vient d’interdire à ses salariés actionnaires de vendre leurs titres, rapporte l’ensemble de la presse ...
FR*   723 - La Bourse de Paris se reprend (+0,56%)
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mar 2007
             Les salariés actionnaires du groupe n'ont pas le droit de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale du 18 avril, qui promet d'être très tendue. ...
FR*   724 - Un cas d'école pour la participation
             Le Monde - 29 mar 2007
             En moyenne, l'épargne salariale représente 3 % du capital des entreprises du CAC 40. Cela explique sans doute que, dans le cas de ce groupe de BTP, ...
FR*   725 - Pierre Dinon (AGF AM) : « L’ISR ne s’appréhende pas dans une ...
             Boursorama - 29 mar 2007
             Le grand thème inclus cette année concerne les rémunérations et notamment le problème d’exercice des stock-options. Nous n’agissons jamais de manière ...
FR*   726 - Orco Property Group : Résultats annuels 2006
             Yacht Vacations & Charters Magazine (press release) - 29 mar 2007
             ... ajout des provisions liées au programme de stock-options pour EUR7,6 Millions et ajout des plus-values réalisées sur des actifs cédés qui avaient été ...
FR*   727 - Roche: acquisition dans le séquençage de l'ADN.
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mar 2007
             ... recevoir jusqu'à 14,9 millions de dollars supplémentaires en numéraire des détenteurs de stock options et warrants, en cas d'exercice des droits associés.
ES*   728 - El Ayuntamiento de Lora del Río informa sobre la publicación en el
             diariodigitalagrario.net - 29 Mar 2007
             ... SAT, cooperativas de trabajo asociado, empresas de servicio, cuya cuantía base de 80 euros por caballo de vapor achatarrada se podrá ver incrementada. ...
             ADN (Argentina) - 29 Mar 2007
             ... a las denominadas familiares, tributos impositivos y aportes a la seguridad social iguales a las cooperativas de trabajo, entre otros beneficios”. ...
AR*   730 - Cachalahueca en Córdoba
             Diario C - 29 Mar 2007
             La Cooperativa de Trabajo Cachalahueca Arte y Transformación Comunitaria llega a uno de los principales escenarios artísticos del interior del país. ...
AR*   731 - Varias escuelas equipadas con mobiliario adquirido a consorcios
             AbiertaTV - 29 Mar 2007
             ... Laguna Blanca, El Espinillo y Misión Taacaglé, sumándosele una Cooperativa de Trabajo de Comandante Fontana, que agrupa a carpinteros de dicha zona, ...
AR*   732 - Se solicitó la ampliación de la obra de los pozos de agua
             El Urbano - 29 Mar 2007
             ... relacionados con los contratos por la realización de cloacas en 25 aceras de la ciudad, que el martes firmó la cooperativa de trabajo “Los Topos”. ...
CL*   733 - Falabella abre opción de aumento de capital por unos US$ 1.080 ...
             Economía y Negocios online - 29 Mar 2007
             A esto se sumaría, según lo informado por Falabella a la Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, un plan de compensación para ejecutivos ("stock options"). ...
ES*   734 - Roche compra 454 Life Sciencies, filial de CuraGen, por 140 ...
             Terra España - 29 Mar 2007
             La multinacional helvética informó también de que los poseedores de opciones sobre acciones (stock options) y recibos de depósito que actualmente están en ...
AT*   735 - "Es kommt zusammen, was zusammen gehört"
             OÖNachrichten - 29. März 2007
             Er hoffe, dass künftig auch bei Böhler-Uddeholm das Modell der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung eingeführt werde. Positiv reagiert auch ÖGB-Landesvorsitzender Johann ...
AT*   736 - ÖIAG meldet 315 Millionen € Jahresüberschuss
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 29. März 2007
             Auch die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an ehemaligen Staatsbetrieben, etwa an der Post, sei eine "Erfolgsgeschichte". Die Nettoverschuldung der ÖIAG sei mit Juni ...
AT*   737 - ÖIAG-Chef Michaelis (r.) will Finanzminister Molterer durchaus ...
             Wiener Zeitung - 29. März 2007
             Und auch neue Dimensionen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung eröffnet: Mehr als 50 Prozent der Postler sind jetzt an "ihrem" Unternehmen auch als Aktionäre ...
AT*   738 - ÖIAG meldet 315 Millionen € Jahresüberschuss
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 29. März 2007
             Auch die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an ehemaligen Staatsbetrieben, etwa an der Post, sei eine "Erfolgsgeschichte". Die Nettoverschuldung der ÖIAG sei mit Juni ...
             Agipress - 29 mar 2007
             Per lo Stato italiano è un'associazione civile, una fondazione, organizzata sotto forma di cooperativa di lavoro. Per la Chiesa è una parrocchia comunitaria ...
IT*   740 - E’ ora di presentarlo ? – Quali sono le novità per il 2007 ? – La ...
             CONSULENZALAVORO.com - 29 mar 2007
             ... quali il trattamento di integrazione salariale el'indennità di mobilità; i soci di cooperative di produzione e lavoro, di servizi, agricole e di prima ...
PT*   741 - PT e EDP pagam milhões aos gestores que saem
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 29 Mar 2007
             ... variáveis pelo cumprimento de objectivos de gestão que incluem o prémio anual em dinheiro e planos de compra de acções, stock options, da própria EDP. ...
PT*   742 - PT e EDP pagam milhões aos gestores que saem
             Diário de Notícias - Lisboa - 29 Mar 2007
             ... variáveis pelo cumprimento de objectivos de gestão que incluem o prémio anual em dinheiro e planos de compra de acções, stock options, da própria EDP. ...
PT*   743 - Mexia pode ganhar até 4,2 milhões de euros na EDP
             Diário de Notícias - Lisboa - 29 Mar 2007
             ... na variável plurianual, que agora é atribuído em dinheiro e antigamente era entregue em stock options - opção de compra de acções da própria empresa. ...
US*   744 - 2 Suitors for Tribune Co. Renew Their Interest
             New York Times, NY - Mar 28, 2007
             ... Knight Ridder’s 32 daily papers and put 12 of them up for sale — prompting Mr. Burkle and the Guild to continue to pursue the employee ownership plan. ...
US*   745 - Software firm hopes to thrive again
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 28, 2007
             One expert with the Oakland-based National Center for Employee Ownership said companies turn to such programs. They seek to bolster morale and burnish the ...
ZA*   746 - Actis sells controlling stake in Lenco to Mondi Packaging South Africa
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Mar 28, 2007
             It is owned by the Mondi group (55%), Shanduka Resources (40%) and an employee share ownership plan (5%). The Mondi group is owned 100% by Anglo American ...
US*   747 - Beall's rings in new Outlet look
             Daytona Beach News-Journal, FL - Mar 28, 2007
             A family- and employee-owned corporation, Beall's was founded in 1915. The company operates more than 550 stores in Florida, Georgia and Arizona. ...
US*   748 - Alion heads to San Diego to be near Navy
             Washington Business Journal, DC - Mar 28, 2007
             Alion Science and Technology, an employee-owned technology services provider, has opened a new office in San Diego to support the company's contracts there ...
US*   749 - Lou-Rich to open its doors on Saturday
             Albert Lea Tribune, MN - Mar 28, 2007
             It acquired the Front Street building, also known as the Albert Lea division, in 1989 and became employee owned in 1992, after the original owners retired ...
US*   750 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Salary.com, Inc ...
             TMC Net, CT - Mar 28, 2007
             ... clients achieve their financial objectives. As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost.
US*   751 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Salary.com, Inc ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 28, 2007
             ... clients achieve their financial objectives. As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost.
US*   752 - Sirit Broadens Distribution Agreement with Component Distributors ...
             MoreRFID (press release), TX - Mar 28, 2007
             CDI is an employee owned enterprise, providing information-related services ensuring accurate and timely transactions between supplier and customer within ...
US*   753 - 2 Suitors for Tribune Co. Renew Their Interest
             New York Times, NY - Mar 28, 2007
             Mr. Zell, who made an 11th-hour bid for the company, had based his proposal on an employee stock ownership plan. But Mr. Burkle and Mr. Broad complained to ...
US*   754 - Former Appleton executive joins Godfrey & Kahn
             Oshkosh Northwestern, WI - Mar 28, 2007
             He led a team at Appleton in 2001 that resulted in the $810 million purchase of the company though an employee stock ownership plan from its European parent ...
US*   755 - Former Appleton executive joins Godfrey & Kahn
             Appleton Post Crescent, WI - Mar 28, 2007
             He led a team at Appleton in 2001 that resulted in the $810 million purchase of the company though an employee stock ownership plan from its European parent ...
US*   756 - Ownership of 2 dailies in play
             San Antonio Business Journal, TX - Mar 28, 2007
             The pair sent a letter to Tribune's board on Saturday, saying they want to see details of the employee stock ownership plan that would be created under ...
US*   757 - Tribune Suitors Renew Talks
             TheStreet.com - Mar 28, 2007
             Zell's offer, valued at $33 a share, uses an employee stock ownership plan that would take Tribune private and give employees a majority stake in the ...
US*   758 - Ownership of 2 dailies in play
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 28, 2007
             The pair sent a letter to Tribune's board on Saturday, saying they want to see details of the employee stock ownership plan that would be created under ...
US*   759 - Ownership of 2 dailies in play
             Washington Business Journal, DC - Mar 28, 2007
             The pair sent a letter to Tribune's board on Saturday, saying they want to see details of the employee stock ownership plan that would be created under ...
US*   760 - Ownership of 2 dailies in play
             Milwaukee Business Journal, WI - Mar 28, 2007
             The pair sent a letter to Tribune's board on Saturday, saying they want to see details of the employee stock ownership plan that would be created under ...
US*   761 - Tribune Favorable To Zell's New Bid
             MediaPost Publications, New York - Mar 28, 2007
             His proposal would take the company private by creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), shielding the company from taxes without selling off any of ...
US*   762 - Tribune Favorable To Zell's New Bid
             Mediapost.com, CT - Mar 28, 2007
             His proposal would take the company private by creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), shielding the company from taxes without selling off any of ...
US*   763 - Tribune Co. said to favor Zell plan
             Newsday, NY - Mar 28, 2007
             Zell, a Chicago native, proposed creating an employee stock ownership plan to help finance billions of dollars of debt for the acquisition. ...
US*   764 - American Capital Invests $74.5 Million in HomeAway
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 28, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN*   765 - Jupiter Bioscience allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2007
             28, 2007, approved allotment of 200000 equity shares under employee stock option plan to the eligible employees of the company as per the ESOP Guidelines. ...
IN*   766 - Retail finds merit in Esops
             Economic Times, India - Mar 28, 2007
             The finance minister’s decision to tax employee stock option plan (Esop) as a fringe benefit may have made it less attractive for companies to reward their ...
IN*  767 - India Infoline allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2007
             ... of directors of the company, allotted 296505 equity shares to the employees upon vesting and exercise of their options pursuant to ESOP Scheme, 2000. ...
IN*   768 - Moser Baer grants stock options
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2007
             The stock options were exercised in terms of the employee stock option plan 2004 (ESOP) of the company. The company, recently announced its plans to set up ...
IN*   769 - HLL allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 28, 2007
             Hindustan Lever (HLL) said that it allotted 46400 equity shares of Re 1 each under ESOP. The allotment was made by committee of the board at its meeting ...
             New York Post, NY - Mar 28, 2007
             ... hand over control of Tribune to company employees under a so-called ESOP, or employee stock-option plan, to help finance the debt for the acquisition. ...
US*   771 - Resources Connection, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 28, 2007
             The Company's effective tax rate, including the impact of the adoption of the requirement to recognize compensation expense related to employee stock option ...
CA*   772 - Gennum Reports 2007 First Quarter Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             Options issued outside the plan are governed by the same conditions as applicable to the employee stock option plan. A summary of the plan and changes ...
US*   773 - Cytyc Announces New Multi-Year Agreement with Quest Diagnostics
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 28, 2007
             ... the potential consequences of the Cytyc Audit Committee's voluntary review of circumstances relating to certain employee stock option exercises, ...
US*   774 - Resources Connection, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 28, 2007
             ... that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and employee stock purchases, and the income tax effects thereof. ...
CA*   775 - AGF Management Limited Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             ... 89190007 Dilutive effect of employee stock options 1165907 840994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted ...
CA*   776 - Northcore Reports Q4 and Year-End 2006 Financial Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             EBITDA loss is defined as losses before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, employee stock options, and discontinued operations. ...
CA*   777 - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. 2006 Year End Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             (b) Employee stock options: The Company has up to 10% of its issued and outstanding common shares available for issuance pursuant to its Stock Option Plan. ...
CA*   778 - Northcore Reports Q4 and Year-End 2006
             mediacaster, Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             EBITDA loss is defined as losses before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, employee stock options, and discontinued operations. ...
US*   779 - Rio Narcea Reports Record Year-End 2006 Results-Net Income of ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 28, 2007
             ... 347 333 Shareholders' equity Common shares 247092 237002 Contributed surplus 6240 3539 Employee stock options 5531 8423 Non-employee stock options and ...
AU*   780 - Resources Connection, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 28, 2007
             ... that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and employee stock purchases, and the income tax effects thereof. ...
CA*   781 - AGF Management Limited Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             ... 89190007 Dilutive effect of employee stock options 1165907 840994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted ...
US*   782 - 3Com: Recent Acquisition Weakens Cash Position
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 28, 2007
             123R, also known as FASB 123R, requiring companies to expense employee stock options. Companies with a June fiscal year-end began to report results ...
US*   783 - SuperGen Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Financial Results
             Drug Newswire (press release), CT - Mar 28, 2007
             ... Mayne Pharma offset by the inclusion of non-cash charges for the estimated fair value of employee stock options due to the adoption of SFAS 123R on Jan. ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 28, 2007
             ... for the listing of the company's shares on the SWX Swiss Exchange in September 2005, and the increased non-cash expensing of new share options in 2006. ...
CA   785 - AGF Management Limited Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             ... Number of exercise options price ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class B Share Options Balance outstanding, ...
UK*   786 - Former ITV boss given £4.2m pay-off
             Financial Director, UK - Mar 28, 2007
             ... who has replaced Allen - has a current remuneration package thought to be around £2m a year taking into account his basic salary, bonus and share options.
UK*   787 - Former ITV boss given £4.2m pay-off
             Accountancy Age, UK - Mar 28, 2007
             ... who has replaced Allen - has a current remuneration package thought to be around £2m a year taking into account his basic salary, bonus and share options.
NZ*   788 - Give executives cash incentives not share options
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 28, 2007
             Nothing gets up shareholders' noses faster. Executive share schemes have been a bone of contention for, well, it seems like forever. ...
NZ*   789 - Opus gets go-ahead for market listing
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 28, 2007
             A listing would allow staff, who have been issued 2.7 million share options since 2002, to exercise these options. Formerly Works Consultancy Services, ...
CA*   790 - AGF Management Limited Reports First Quarter Financial Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 28, 2007
             ... Number of exercise options price ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class B Share Options Balance outstanding, ...
ZA*   791 - LAF - Lonrho Africa - Preliminary results for the year ended ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 28, 2007
             ... Group 2005 2006 GBPm GBPm Recognised gains relating to the 0.6 3.0 year Shares issued in year 18.0 - Credit in respect of share options 0.1 - Demerger ...
FR*   792 - OPA : l'art de « bétonner » une défense
             Les Échos - 28 mar 2007
             Passées les premières réactions de colère, surtout dans une société ayant une forte culture d'actionnariat salarié, il n'est pas sain de continuer à refuser ...
FR*   793 - Le rapprochement de DCN et Thales entériné pour 569 millions d'euros
             Meretmarine.com - 28 mar 2007
             Comme prévu, l'actionnariat salarié fait également son entrée dans la vie des anciens arsenaux. 1.163 million d'actions sont réservées aux personnels. ...
FR*   794 - L'actionnariat salarié d'Eiffage sous pression
             La Tribune.fr - 28 mar 2007
             Dans une lettre aux actionnaires salariés, le président, Jean-François Roverato, propose de suspendre les rachats d'actions de leur Sicav qui regroupe en ...
FR*   795 - Epargne salariale, congé mobilité, chèque-transport : du nouveau ...
             Actualités service-public.fr - 28 mar 2007
             A la suite de la loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié, consultez sur le portail service-public.fr les fiches pratiques ...
FR*   796 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             nouvelobs.com - 28 mar 2007
             EIFFAGE interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à Sacyr, ...
FR*   797 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 28 mar 2007
             EIFFAGE interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à Sacyr, ...
FR*   798 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             EasyBourse.com - 28 mar 2007
             EIFFAGE interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à Sacyr, ...
FR*   799 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             Capital.fr - 28 mar 2007
             Eiffage (FGR) interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à ...
FR*   800 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 28 mar 2007
             EIFFAGE interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à Sacyr, ...
FR*   801 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             Reuters.fr - 28 mar 2007
             EIFFAGE interdit à ses actionnaires salariés de vendre leurs actions avant l'assemblée générale et veut faire approuver une pilule empoisonnée face à Sacyr, ...
FR*   802 - L'actionnariat salarié d'Eiffage sous pression
             La Tribune.fr - 28 mar 2007
             Dans une lettre aux actionnaires salariés, le président, Jean-François Roverato, propose de suspendre les rachats d'actions de leur Sicav qui regroupe en ...
FR*   803 - Eiffage:JF Roverato dénonce "exubérance irrationnelle"
             EasyBourse.com - 28 mar 2007
             FR), a estimé, mardi, dans une lettre adressée à ses salariés-actionnaires que la flambée récente de l'action du groupe de construction était attisée par ...
FR*   804 - Heureux les salariés qui épargnent dans leur entreprise
             Actusite - 28 mar 2007
             Le PEE peut être alimenté par la participation, l'intéressement, l'épargne salariale constituée chez un précédent employeur ou encore par des versements ...
FR*   805 - Epargne salariale, congé mobilité, chèque-transport : du nouveau ...
             Actualités service-public.fr - 28 mar 2007
             A la suite de la loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié, consultez sur le portail service-public.fr les fiches pratiques ...
FR*   806 - Apportez vos titres AGF à l'offre d'Allianz
             Capital.fr - 28 mar 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
FR*   807 - CAPEB-Ariège: les conjointes des artisans du bâtiment tiennent ...
             ariegeNews.com - 28 mar 2007
             Al'issue d'un repas particulièrement apprécié, il fut, en effet, question d'épargne salariale avec le «Plan Epargne Entreprise» et le «Plan d'Epargne ...
FR*   808 - Réponses de Marie-George Buffet au questionnaire des Etats ...
             Acrimed - 28 mar 2007
             Quelles dispositions envisagez-vous de prendre pour que les structures (entreprises, scop ou associations) qui éditent des sites internet d’informations et ...
FR*   809 - Bonus : nouveau record à la City, qui affirme sa suprématie sur ...
             Le Figaro - 28 mar 2007
             Le golden boy a aussi vendu pour plus de 11 millions d'euros de titres, une fraction de ses stock-options non levées, valorisées à 102 millions d'euros. ...
FR*   810 - Le cas du Lycée français de New York
             Les Échos - 28 mar 2007
             ... à l'image du Lycée français de New York (LFNY), l'Education nationale dégagerait des bénéfices et les professeurs toucheraient des stock-options ! ...
FR*   811 - Nouvelle baisse à Wall Street
             La Tribune.fr - 28 mar 2007
             Hors impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés, le résultat par action ressort à 18 cents. Le chiffre d'affaires est en hausse de 35% à 26.7 ...
FR*   812 - PRÉSIDENTIELLE 2007 : Marie-George Buffet déclinée en 24 lettres
             Noticias.info (Communiqués de presse) - 28 mar 2007
             Epargne : mise en place d’un système public d’épargne, suppression des stock-options. Famille : droit au mariage et à l’adoption pour les couples ...
MC*   813 - Convergence des banques vers les IFRS Douze mois pour convaincre
             L'Économiste - 28 mar 2007
             Deux normes sont à surveiller particulièrement: l’IAS 19 relatif aux avantages sociaux du personnel et la norme IFRS 2 qui traite de stock-options ...
MC*   814 - Convergence des banques vers les IFRS Cette «juste valeur» qui ...
             L'Économiste - 28 mar 2007
             Parmi les thèmes à analyser, il est possible de citer: Ouissam Achoughl, primes de fin de carrière, couverture santé des retraités, plans de stock-options, ...
FR*   815 - Communication financière : Innate Pharma vous a répondu en direct
             Boursorama - 28 mar 2007
             miomio : Bonjour, Combien de chercheurs de votre groupe sont actionnaires ou détenteurs de stock-options ? Stéphane Boissel : Tous nos salariés sont ...
BE*   816 - Emakina Group : croissance de 68% des ventes en 2006
             Euronext (persbericht) - 28 mar 2007
             Mise en place d'un plan de stock-options pour le personnel. Par exemple : après compétition, Proximus a décidé de confier à Emakina l'ensemble de ses ...
AR*   817 - Se vienen los Juegos Interministeriales
             La Opinión Austral - 28 Mar 2007
             De este modo se modifican hábitos equivocados insertos en la mayoría de la sociedad laboral, como inadecuada cantidad y calidad alimenticia, ...
AR*   818 - Colapsó la red de agua y se inundó Arturo Seguí
             El Día (Argentina) - 28 Mar 2007
             Las obras se enmarcaron en el Plan Agua Más Trabajo, que utilizó fondos nacionales y para las tareas se contrataron cooperativas de trabajo con personas de ...
AR*   819 - Frente Transversal define línea
             Aquí La Noticia - 28 Mar 2007
             ... con cooperadores, las cooperativas de trabajo, es decir, una infinidad de sectores que hasta ahora los grupos políticos los tienen descuidados”. ...
AR*   820 - Construyen el cordón cuneta en el CADAL
             La Verdad de Junín - 28 Mar 2007
             La Secretaría de Obras y Servicios Públicos y la Secretaría de Acción Social del Gobierno Municipal de Lincoln informaron que las cooperativas de trabajo ...
AR*   821 - Gas: ahora pagan bajo protesta
             Clarín.com - 28 Mar 2007
             ... hasta ahora se registraron tres medidas cautelares que ordenaron la suspensión del cargo tarifario a Papelera Tucumán; Cooperativa de Trabajo de San ...
AR*   822 - Una cooperativa de trabajo realizará cloacas en 25 aceras de la ciudad
             El Urbano - 28 Mar 2007
             (EL URBANO DE CHACABUCO) La Municipalidad de Chacabuco y la Cooperativa de Trabajo “Los Topos” firmaron ayer un convenio para la realización de cloacas en ...
             ADN (Argentina) - 28 Mar 2007
             El presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Instructores de Ski, Oscar Baruzzi, y varios empresarios y representantes de la Asociación Empresarial del ...
ES*   824 - Halliburton: ¿Por qué la multinacional de Dick Cheney abandona EEUU?
             elEconomista.es - 28 Mar 2007
             Además, el ojo derecho del presidente Bush cuenta con stock options en Halliburton por valor de ocho millones de dólares. Por supuesto, la polémica sobre ...
DE*   825 - Auch für 2007 wird zweistelliges Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum in ...
             GSC Research - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   826 - SolarWorld AG stellt auch fuer 2007 zweistelliges Umsatz- und ...
             SolarInfo.de (Pressemitteilung) - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   827 - SolarWorld AG will Umsatz und Gewinn auch 2007 zweistellig steigern
             Solarserver - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   828 - 28.3.2007: SolarWorld AG blickt zuversichtlich in die Zukunft ...
             ECOreporter.de (Pressemitteilung) - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine Prämie ...
AT*   829 - S&T hält an Wachstumskurs fest - Weiter keine Dividende
             derStandard.at - 28. März 2007
             Außerdem sei eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Österreich steuerlich "total unattraktiv", kritisierte Rosner. Das Unternehmen hatte zu Jahresende 2006 knapp ...
DE*   830 - SolarWorld AG: Auch 2007 zweistelliges Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum
             Solarportal 24 - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut ...
DE*   831 - DGAP-News: SolarWorld AG stellt auch für 2007 zweistelliges Umsatz ...
             Finanztreff - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   832 - DGAP-News: SolarWorld AG (deutsch)
             Geldidee - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   833 - SolarWorld AG stellt auch für
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   834 - DGAP-News: SolarWorld AG (deutsch)
             FinanzNachrichten.de - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   835 - DGAP-News: SolarWorld AG stellt auch für 2007 zweistelliges Umsatz ...
             Financial.de - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
DE*   836 - DGAP-News: SolarWorld AG stellt auch für 2007 zweistelliges Umsatz ...
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 28. März 2007
             An die Mitarbeiter der SolarWorld AG wird auf Basis des Programms der Gewinnorientierten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (GOMAB) für 2006 erneut eine hohe Prämie ...
AT*   837 - So lau das Wetter, so flau die Stimmung an der Börse
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 28. März 2007
             Das AUA-Management wird es demnach etwas schwieriger haben, den Stock Options-Plan zu erfüllen, der in rund einem Monat vom Aufsichtsrat abgesegnet werden ...
AT*   838 - S&T hält an Wachstumskurs fest - Weiter keine Dividende
             derStandard.at - 28. März 2007
             Stock Options - also Anteile am Unternehmen - seien dafür aber nicht der richtige Weg. Schließlich sei es sehr demotivierend, wenn der Kurs falle. ...
IT*   839 - Benefici dall’Italia per le PMI argentine
             News Italia Press - 28 mar 2007
             L'altra piccola impresa di Córdoba é una cooperativa di produzione di latte in polvere, che, insieme a quella di produzione di miele, ha l'appoggio della ...
PT*   840 - Portugal Telecom aperta nos salários dos quadros superiores
             DiarioEconomico.com - 28 Mar 2007
             ... substituindo os prémios monetários simples e as tradicionais ‘stock options’ por sistemas que façam depender a remuneração, não apenas da ‘performance’ ...
KE*   841 - Scangroup profits hit Sh278 million
             Kenya Times, Kenya - Mar 27, 2007
             ... the board had approved a plan to underpin the scheme through an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), subject to shareholder and regulatory approval. ...
US*   842 - Management, labor praise reforms
             Utica Observer Dispatch, NY - Mar 27, 2007
             Revere spends about $1.4 million a year for workers' comp to cover its 420 employee owners working in Rome. This is quite a burden. ...
CH*   843 - Alion Opens San Diego Office
             Epicos.com (press release), Switzerland - Mar 27, 2007
             Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
US*   844 - Alion Opens San Diego Office
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
CA*   845 - Manicouagan Minerals closes $6.2 million financing
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             About Research Capital Corporation Research Capital is an employee-owned, full service Investment Dealer focused on small to mid-cap growth companies. ...
CA*   846 - New CNQ Dealer - Orion Securities Inc
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             Orion Securities is employee-owned and functions with a partnership culture. Orion's Trading number is 11. By joining CNQ, Orion Securities also gains ...
CA*   847 - Sirit Broadens Distribution Agreement with Component Distributors ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             CDI is an employee owned enterprise, providing information-related services ensuring accurate and timely transactions between supplier and customer within ...
UK*   848 - Bank-owned dealers face threat from competition
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 27, 2007
             In the local market, employee-owned dealers consistently grab talent with the lure of equity and the potential to make a meaningful personal contribution to ...
CA*   849 - Manicouagan Minerals closes $6.2 million financing
             The Northern Miner (subscription), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             Research Capital is an employee-owned, full service Investment Dealer focused on small to mid-cap growth companies. Research Capital has a dedicated mining ...
CA*   850 - Manicouagan Minerals closes $6.2 million financing
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             About Research Capital Corporation Research Capital is an employee-owned, full service Investment Dealer focused on small to mid-cap growth companies. ...
CA*   851 - New CNQ Dealer - Orion Securities Inc
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             Orion Securities is employee-owned and functions with a partnership culture. Orion's Trading number is 11. By joining CNQ, Orion Securities also gains ...
US*   852 - Black & Veatch Adds Two Experienced Energy Executives to Growing ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             With more than $2 billion in revenue, the employee-owned company has more than 100 offices worldwide and has completed projects in more than 100 countries ...
US*   853 - Primitive Logic Launches Infrastructure Services Practice and ...
             TMC Net, CT - Mar 27, 2007
             SAN FRANCISCO --(Business Wire)-- Primitive Logic, a leading employee-owned business consulting and technology services firm, today announced the launch of ...
AT*   854 - Sirit Broadens Distribution Agreement with Component Distributors ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 27, 2007
             CDI is an employee owned enterprise, providing information-related services ensuring accurate and timely transactions between supplier and customer within ...
US*   855 - Primitive Logic Launches Infrastructure Services Practice and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Primitive Logic, a leading employee-owned business consulting and technology services firm, today announced the launch of ...
US*   856 - HomeStreet Bank Launches Fourth Annual "HomeStreet Community ...
             WM Experts (press release), FL - Mar 27, 2007
             Family- and employee-owned HomeStreet Bank has assets of $2.4 billion and a network of 30 branches in the Northwest and Hawaii. HomeStreet Bank offers a ...
US*   857 - SXSW: Spark Unlimited’s Allen On The Age Of Access
             Gamasutra, CA - Mar 27, 2007
             CA: We are an employee owned company, which I think is kind of unique, in that we set up the organization – kind of like we were saying in the digital ...
US*   858 - CALIBRE Awarded Contract for Cultural Resources Program Management ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             Established in 1989, CALIBRE is an employee-owned management and technology solutions company. CALIBRE builds and delivers practical, timely, ...
US*   859 - Alion Opens San Diego Office
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             BUSINESS WIRE)--Alion Science and Technology, an employee-owned technology solutions company, today announced the opening of a new office in San Diego to ...
US*   860 - Next Stop for Railroads: Hand-Held Computing
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             Farmrail System, Inc. is an employee-owned holding company for two Class III common-carrier railroads comprising “Western Oklahoma’s Regional Railroad. ...
US*   861 - Sirit Broadens Distribution Agreement with Component Distributors ...
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 27, 2007
             CDI is an employee owned enterprise, providing information-related services ensuring accurate and timely transactions between supplier and customer within ...
US*   862 - Sirit Broadens Distribution Agreement with Component Distributors ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 27, 2007
             CDI is an employee owned enterprise, providing information-related services ensuring accurate and timely transactions between supplier and customer within ...
US*   863 - Sirit Broadens Distribution Agreement with Component Distributors ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             CDI is an employee owned enterprise, providing information-related services ensuring accurate and timely transactions between supplier and customer within ...
US*   864 - Good deeds, a dark secret
             Philadelphia Inquirer, PA - Mar 27, 2007
             What it is: A national employee-owned rehabilitation organization for troubled youth, providing education, mental health, child welfare and juvenile justice ...
US*   865 - Tribune Said To Be Interested in Zell's Offer
             Broadcast Newsroom, CA - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell's offer, for all of Tribune's assets, including its TV stations, centers on the creation of a tax-friendly employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   866 - Tribune may be close to accepting Zell's $8 billion offer
             St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell, a native of Chicago, proposed creating an employee stock ownership plan to help finance billions of dollars of debt for the acquisition. ...
US*   867 - Zell likely to take Tribune
             Variety - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell's offer, which would make Tribune a private entity, would create an employee stock ownership program to help finance billions of dollars in debt.
US*   868 - Tribune Said To Be Interested in Zell’s Offer
             Broadcasting & Cable (subscription), NY - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell’s offer, for all of Tribune’s assets, including its TV stations, centers on the creation of a tax-friendly employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   869 - Ownership of 2 dailies in play
             South Florida Business Journal, FL - Mar 27, 2007
             The pair sent a letter to Tribune's board on Saturday, saying they want to see details of the employee stock ownership plan that would be created under ...
US*   870 - Report: Tribune to Accept Zell’s Offer
             Los Angeles Business Journal (subscription), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell, a Chicago native, has posed creating an employee stock ownership plan to help finance billions of dollars of debt for the acquisition while saving ...
US*   871 - Reports: Broad, Burkle may revise Tribune offer
             Orlando Business Journal, FL - Mar 27, 2007
             The pair sent a letter to Tribune's board Saturday, saying they want to see details of the employee stock ownership plan that would be created in Zell's ...
US*   872 - Tribune Watch: As Zell’s Bid Gains Preference, Burkle And Broad ...
             paidContent.org, CA - Mar 27, 2007
             ... and is structured around an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), which the management committee overseeing the strategic review have previously been ...
US*   873 - Tribune close to accepting Zell's offer
             Blogging Stocks - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell plans to create an employee stock ownership plan to finance the debt needed for the acquisition, Bloomberg says, adding that billionaire plans to keep ...
US*   874 - Tribune's Now Daily Direction Change
             Motley Fool - Mar 27, 2007
             But when it became known that the Zell proposal, which would involve the formation of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), apparently had won the favor ...
US*   875 - Tribune Close to Accepting Zell's $8 Billion Offer, People Say
             Bloomberg - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell, a Chicago native, proposed creating an employee stock ownership plan to help finance billions of dollars of debt for the acquisition. ...
US*   876 - Business Succession Planning: Prepare for Continued Success
             Rocklin and Roseville Today, CA - Mar 27, 2007
             There are a variety of options for funding buy-sells, from employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) to life insurance, and again, the best choice will depend ...
US*   877 - Zell to takeover Tribune Co.
             Examiner.com - Mar 27, 2007
             Zell said he would not sell any of Tribune’s 23 television stations or 11 newspapers, but would create an employee stock ownership plan to help finance the ...
CH*   878 - Time Inc. Tells US Newspapers – “It’s No Longer Appropriate To ...
             followthemedia.com (subscription), Switzerland - Mar 27, 2007
             ... or to accept an offer from Chicago billionaire Sam Zell worth around $33 a share structured around an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP -- there are ...
US*   879 - Closing details emerge for mill
             Berkshire Eagle, MA - Mar 27, 2007
             Bump added that her department was also looking into the possibility of an employee stock ownership program to keep the plant open, and will also ask Neenah ...
UK*   880 - A city of capital
             Prospect Magazine, UK - Mar 27, 2007
             It has sections on the furniture industry and how unemployment will be solved by workers' co-operatives in the Docklands. By the time Livingstone re-emerged ...
US*   881 - From Crimea to 9/11, Paris Photo Shows Divide Art From Snaps
             Bloomberg - Mar 27, 2007
             ... deities in the intellectual world and Ariane Mnouchkine, with her workers' cooperative drama group, Theatre du Soleil, was at the peak of her career. ...
AU*   882 - Billionaire duo make headlines with possible Tribune bid
             The Australian, Australia - Mar 27, 2007
             The key feature of the deal is that it would be funded by a yet to be established employee stock option plan, which would limit taxes. ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 27, 2007
             ... million) from the exercise of employee stock options; - Capital activities that used $162.3 million primarily for exploration and appraisal in Algeria; ...
CA*   884 - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. 2006 Year End Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             (b) Employee stock options: The Company has up to 10% of its issued and outstanding common shares available for issuance pursuant to its Stock Option Plan. ...
CA*   885 - Fronteer Reports Fiscal 2006 Results
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 27, 2007
             ... an additional private placement and financing in October and the exercise of underwriter warrants and the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US*   886 - QLogic SANblade 2400 Series 4Gb HBAs Enable Higher Server ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 27, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US*   887 - CAMEC acquires platinum stake in Bushveld Complex, South Africa
             Resource Investor, VA - Mar 27, 2007
             The Company also announces that it has raised £11000 following the exercise of 350000 options issued under the Company’s employee share option scheme. ...
JO*   888 - Venture Capital Bank announces dividend distribution of 12.5 per ...
             Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Jordan - Mar 27, 2007
             Furthermore, Dr. Al-Sulaiman announced that the EGM had approved the allocation of 10 per cent of paid up capital to an employee share option scheme to be ...
FR*   889 - Shakers: Barclays president paid more than bank's chief executive
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 27, 2007
             His pay included a salary of £888000, a cash bonus of £1.6 million, benefits of £15000 and share options valued at £699000. ...
IN*   890 - The politics of pay
             Financial Express, India - Mar 27, 2007
             Share options and pensions may also come under fire. Given the growing number of middle-class Americans who have to pay the higher alternative minimum tax, ...
SG*   891 - Barclays top performer received 5 times more than his boss last year
             TODAYonline, Singapore - Mar 27, 2007
             Mr Diamond's yearly salary is a "mere" £250000 and the bulk of his income came from his bonus of £10.4 million and share options valued at £4.5 million, ...
US*   892 - Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse Lift Top Executives' Pay (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Mar 27, 2007
             President Bob Diamond got 15.2 million pounds ($29.8 million) last year in salary, bonus, benefits and share options, and may get as much as 35.8 million ...
ZA*   893 - TPC - Transpaco Limited - Directors dealings
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 27, 2007
             ... the following information is disclosed: Director: HA Botha Date of transaction: 27 March 2007 Nature of transaction: Exercise of share options Class of ...
UK*   894 - HR, Sales and Marketing Recruiters
             Recruiter Magazine, UK - Mar 27, 2007
             In return you will receive a generous basic salary, quick career progression, share options and one of the most generous commission structures in this ...
ZA*   895 - FRT - Faritec - Unaudited interim results: six months ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 27, 2007
             ... increased from last year's 132,9 million due to the additional shares issued on the exercise of share options under the Faritec Share Option Scheme, ...
UK*   896 - Crowded trains boss is paid £1m
             This is London, UK - Mar 27, 2007
             ... sitting on a small fortune of executive perks: around £3 million of long term incentive shares from previous years and £750000 of outstanding share options.
ZA*   897 - FOS - Foschini Ltd - Director dealing in Securities
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 27, 2007
             1937/009504/06) Code: FOS ISIN: ZAE000031019 Director Dealing in Securities: Delivery and Sale of share options In compliance with the requirements of ...
FR*   898 - Comment sauver les filières littéraires ?
             Télérama - 27 mar 2007
             Même si, pour certains, passer de Phèdre à la gestion de l’épargne salariale oblige malgré tout à un travail de deuil sur leur vocation initiale. ...
FR*   899 - Quand Larcher recodifie...
             CGT - 27 mar 2007
             Que penser aussi du traitement du temps de travail dans une partie également consacrée aux salaires, à la participation et à l’épargne salariale ? ...
CA*   900 - Investissement Québec - Il faut assurer une relève pour garantir ...
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 27 mar 2007
             Une coopérative de travailleurs actionnaires (CTA) peut également obtenir du financement lié à un projet de relève par l'entremise du programme ...
FR*   901 - Sarkozy face à des ouvriers marseillais
             Les Échos - 27 mar 2007
             Je n'accepte pas les «golden parachutes» pour les patrons qui ont échoué, ni les stock-options si elles ne sont pas réparties entre tous, cadres comme ...
FR*   902 - Jean-François Théodore, le Gaulois de Wall Street
             Le Monde - 27 mar 2007
             ... primes comprises, sans compter les stock-options), pour le patron d'une société d'environ 1 120 salariés. De fait, avec ses éternels costumes fatigués, ...
FR*   903 - Completel Europe NV : L'assemblée générale annuelle se tiendra le ...
             Euronext (persbericht) - 27 mar 2007
             ... des acquisitions, renforcer le bilan de la Société, pour attribuer des droits pour le plan de stock options actuel, pour attribuer des actions dans le ...
AR*   904 - Lidia Nogueira dijo que “Cáceres debería leer más y capacitarse ...
             Análisis Digital - 27 Mar 2007
             ... a través de las cooperativas de trabajo capacitan a los beneficiarios de planes jefes de hogar y dan la oportunidad de construir sus propias casas. ...
AR*   905 - El Gobierno apela el freno judicial a suba del gas
             Clarín.com - 27 Mar 2007
             Las beneficiadas por los fallos judiciales son: Papelera Tucumán —del ex titular de la Cámara de Diputados, Alberto Pierri—; Cooperativa de Trabajo de San ...
AR*   906 - Mujeres al frente
             Página 12 - 27 Mar 2007
             También recibieron medallas Nelly Perinel, socia fundadora de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Química del Sur Limitada; Inés Dhighiam, dirigente de la ...
AR*   907 - La Justicia ordena no pagar los fuertes aumentos de gas para la ...
             Canal 26 - 27 Mar 2007
             Luego de los amparos judiciales obtenidos por una papelera (Papelera Tucumán) y una cooperativa de trabajo (Cooperativa de Trabajo de San Justo), ...
VZ*   908 - Buhoneros fueron a Miraflores
             El Tiempo de Venezuela - 27 Mar 2007
             ... Miraflores un grupo de buhoneros del municipio Bolívar, estado Anzoátegui, pertenecientes a la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Unidos del Parque Tucusito. ...
ES*   909 - Take-Two no tiene alternativas al cambio directivo
             Vandal - 27 Mar 2007
             ... en GTA: San Andreas, el escándalo de las stock options de la comopañía, y los cargos criminales presentados contra su ahora ex-presidente y fundador, ...
ES*   910 - Cintra ampliará capital en 5,15 millones para repartir una acción ...
             Estrategias De Inversíon - 27 Mar 2007
             Además, Cintra sometió a la aprobación de sus accionistas un plan de opciones sobre acciones ('stock options') para su consejero delegado, ...
IT*   911 - Intervento di rettifica Stock Option e Future su Fastweb
             Borsa Italiana - 27 mar 2007
             IA.9.1.10 comma 2, lettera b) (stock options) e IA. b) (stock futures), delle “Istruzioni al Regolamento dei mercati organizzati e gestiti da Borsa ...
BR*   912 - Justiça proíbe Unimed de limitar consultas e exames aos usuários em MT
             A Notícia - 27 Mar 2007
             A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Vale do Sepotuba foi condenada a declarar nula a ata de uma assembléia que estabeleceu metas referenciais limitando ...
IE*   913 - Aer Lingus share surge values firm at €1.71bn
             Irish Examiner, Ireland - Mar 26, 2007
             The Aer Lingus employee ownership trust’s 12.58% has grown in value to €211m. Ryanair has seen the value of its 25% stake rise to more than €420m, ...
US*   914 - Tribune Favors Zell Bid; Rivals Cry Foul
             Smartmoney.com - Mar 26, 2007
             ... Broad say they can make a better offer if they can have access to the detailed information Zell used to set up the employee ownership proposal. ...
US*   915 - Burkle, Broad miffed at Tribune: reports
             MarketWatch - Mar 26, 2007
             ... developer Broad said they could make a better offer if they had access to the detailed information Zell used to set up the employee-ownership proposal. ...
US*   916 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             dBusinessNews Cleveland (press release), OH - Mar 26, 2007
             ... several communications subcommittees and partnered with several remote branches to ensure that personnel remained updated on employee ownership issues. ...
US*   917 - Ziglar hands reins to son, son-in-law
             MSNBC - Mar 26, 2007
             Of course, even with the new business model and employee ownership, some still question whether the company can survive without Zig Ziglar's presence at the ...
US*   918 - Zig Ziglar hands reins to son, son-in-law
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 26, 2007
             Of course, even with the new business model and employee ownership, some still question whether the company can survive without Zig Ziglar's presence at the ...
ZA*   919 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification Of Interests Of Directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 26, 2007
             ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
CA*  920 - Gentry Announces 2006 Financial and Operational Results & New ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             ... while the remaining $108 thousand was the value of Gentry's portion of the shares issued under the Company's Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP). ...
CA*   921 - Gentry Announces 2006 Financial and Operational Results & New ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             ... while the remaining $108 thousand was the value of Gentry's portion of the shares issued under the Company's Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP). ...
RU*   922 - Democratic Local Firm Honored
             St.Petersburg Times.ru, Russia - Mar 26, 2007
             At Equal Exchange, the employee-owners elect their Board of Directors and hold six of the nine seats. GE Aviation’s Durham Engine Facility is structured ...
US*   923 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             dBusinessNews Cleveland (press release), OH - Mar 26, 2007
             Patio Enclosures, Inc. operates 28 branch locations across the United States and Canada and has more than 750 employee-owners. The company also operates ...
US*   924 - Economic development loans awarded to seven Ohio firms
             Nanotechnology News (press release) - Mar 26, 2007
             Appleton became 100 percent employee owned in November 2001 and is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2007. The company proposes to purchase and install ...
US*   925 - Upcoming Author Appearanc...
             Port Folio Weekly, VA - Mar 26, 2007
             On Mon., April 2 at 2 pm, Dr. Robert Beyster will be discussing The SAIC Solution: How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned Technology Company. ...
US*   926 - CH2M HILL Announces Expansion of its Enterprise-Wide IT ...
             GISuser.com (press release), MD - Mar 26, 2007
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
             ODOD (press release), OH - Mar 26, 2007
             Appleton became 100 percent employee owned in November 2001 and is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2007. Appleton will purchase new manufacturing ...
             ODOD (press release), OH - Mar 26, 2007
             Appleton became 100 percent employee owned in November 2001 and is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2007. The company proposes to purchase and install ...
US*   929 - Randy Keener joins YRG as Associate Creative Director
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 26, 2007
             An employee-owned company with global capabilities, YRG serves clients in electronics, software, transportation, education, manufacturing, healthcare and ...
US*   930 - CH2M HILL Announces Expansion of its Enteprise-Wide IT ...
             DirectionsMag.com (press release), IL - Mar 26, 2007
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US*   931 - Engineering Buyout
             NJBIZ, NJ - Mar 26, 2007
             Kevin McMahon, CEO of Edwards and Kelcey, says his employee-owned firm has received many buyout offers over several years “but this was too compelling†...
US*   932 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS’ Mike Lee Named to Federal 100 List for ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Founded in 1975, AMERICAN SYSTEMS is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States, generating 2006 revenues of approximately $231 ...
US*   933 - Augusta Chamber Recognizes CEMSI
             Harrisonburg Daily News Record, VA - Mar 26, 2007
             ... test equipment and provides repair services for the cable television industry. The company has operated under an employee stock ownership plan since 1975.
US*   934 - Augusta Chamber Recognizes CEMSI
             Rocktown Weekly, VA - Mar 26, 2007
             ... test equipment and provides repair services for the cable television industry. The company has operated under an employee stock ownership plan since 1975.
US*   935 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges beyond real estate
             Sioux City Journal, IA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
UK*  936 - Janus CEO receives $10.7M in 2006
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             Black received other compensation of $30504, which included $21780 in company contributions to a 401k, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans. ...
UK*   937 - Janus CEO receives $10.7M in 2006
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             Black received other compensation of $30504, which included $21780 in company contributions to a 401k, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans. ...
US*   938 - Janus CEO Receives $10.7M in 2006
             Forbes, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             Black received other compensation of $30504, which included $21780 in company contributions to a 401k, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans. ...
US*   939 - Janus CEO Receives $10.7M in 2006
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 26, 2007
             Black received other compensation of $30504, which included $21780 in company contributions to a 401k, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans. ...
US*   940 - Janus CEO receives $10.7M in 2006
             BusinessWeek - Mar 26, 2007
             Black received other compensation of $30504, which included $21780 in company contributions to a 401k, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans. ...
US*   941 - Tribune Favors Zell Bid; Rivals Cry Foul
             Smartmoney.com - Mar 26, 2007
             Zell's bid to take Tribune private would use an employee-stock-ownership plan to assume control of the company, a method that would offer certain tax ...
US*   942 - Burkle, Broad miffed at Tribune: reports
             MarketWatch - Mar 26, 2007
             Zell's bid to take Tribune private would use an employee-stock-ownership plan to assume control of the company, a method that would offer certain tax ...
US*   943 - Tribune Suitors Criticize Auction
             Los Angeles Business Journal (subscription), CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Mr. Zell's bid for Tribune proposes to use an employee stock-ownership plan to take a majority stake in the company, which owns the Los Angeles Times, ...
US*   944 - Tribune Heading in a New Direction?
             MSNBC - Mar 26, 2007
             The Zell proposal would involve the formation at Tribune of an employee stock-ownership plan, which would create an ownership bloc in concert with Zell. ...
US*   945 - Tribune Heading in a New Direction?
             Motley Fool - Mar 26, 2007
             The Zell proposal would involve the formation at Tribune of an employee stock-ownership plan, which would create an ownership bloc in concert with Zell. ...
US*   946 - Tribune Shares Rise on Reports of $8 Billion Zell Bid (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Mar 26, 2007
             The Zell proposal relies on creation of an employee stock ownership plan to help finance billions of dollars of debt for the acquisition. ...
US*   947 - Citigroup to cut 15000 jobs?
             MSN Money - Mar 26, 2007
             The billionaire bidders asked Tribune to give them the details of the employee-stock-ownership plan that would be created in a deal with Zell, ...
US*   948 - Tribune Seen Favoring $8B Bid by Zell
             Smartmoney.com - Mar 26, 2007
             Zell, a Chicago-based real estate executive, would form an employee stock ownership plan and partner with the plan to make his offer of $33 a share, ...
FR*   949 - Samuel Zell, 'grave dancer' sees profits in newspapers
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 26, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune Co. private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   950 - Tribune Shares Rise on Optimism Company May Sell to Sam Zell
             Bloomberg - Mar 26, 2007
             The Zell proposal relies on creation of an employee stock ownership plan to help finance billions of dollars of debt for the acquisition. ...
US*   951 - Tribune bidders ask for new data
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 26, 2007
             ... committee is leaning toward Zell's proposal, which is worth about $33 a share and is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   952 - Buyer of Distressed Properties Sees Opportunity in Newspapers
             New York Times, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. The Tribune committee is ...
US*   953 - Buyer of Distressed Properties Sees Opportunity in Newspapers
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 26, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. The Tribune committee is ...
US*   954 - Buyer of Distressed Properties Sees Opportunity in Newspapers
             Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL - Mar 26, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. The Tribune committee is ...
US*   955 - Wall Street Breakfast
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             Zell's plan involves the creation of an employee stock ownership plan [ESOP] with which he will partner to bring the bid to $33 per share, an 8% premium ...
US*   956 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Lompoc Record, CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   957 - Buyer of Distressed Properties Sees Opportunity in Newspapers
             Tuscaloosa News (subscription), AL - Mar 26, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. The Tribune committee is ...
US*   958 - Tribune bidders ask for new data
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 26, 2007
             ... committee is leaning toward Zell's proposal, which is worth about $33 a share and is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   959 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   960 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   961 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Biloxi Sun Herald, MS - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   962 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   963 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   964 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   965 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   966 - Zell sees challenges beyond real estate
             Waukegan News Sun, IL - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   967 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   968 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   969 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   970 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   971 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             The State, SC - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   972 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   973 - Shao-Lin Cheng
             Kitsap Sun (Subscription), WA - Mar 26, 2007
             ... provide consistent share value, demonstrated by steadily increasing independent appraisal values for shares held in the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   974 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             dBusinessNews Cleveland (press release), OH - Mar 26, 2007
             Patio Enclosures, Inc. was recognized for its commitment to advancing and exemplifying the “Vision of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Association” that ...
IE*   975 - Monday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Mar 26, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. The Tribune committee is ...
US*   976 - Complaints surface in Tribune auction
             Newsday, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             ... to Tribune alleging rival bidder Samuel Zell was given information exclusively in order to include an employee stock ownership plan in his buyout offer. ...
US*   977 - ’Opportunist’ Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Canton Repository (subscription), OH - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell’s ...
US*   978 - Burkle, Broad lodge complaint with Tribune
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 26, 2007
             ... Zell draft an offer that relied on forming a new employee stock ownership plan in an attempt to acquire the media company in a tax-efficient manner. ...
US*   979 - Challenge created on the homefront
             Seattle Times, WA - Mar 26, 2007
             "Building wealth" — increasing poorer Americans' assets through CDCs, employee stock ownership and similar devices — is America's best hope, argues social ...
US*   980 - Campaigns By the Numbers
             Edmond Sun, OK - Mar 26, 2007
             Competitive wages, excellent benefits, 401K, ESOP plan, health,...>MORE. Medical Assistant Needed for doctor’s office. Must type. Fax resume to 755-8999. ...
CA*   981 - ESI Announces Further Restructuring
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             Effective March 1, 2007, ESI has granted 1175000 stock options to directors, officers, employees and consultants from the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). ...
CA*   982 - Gentry Announces 2006 Financial and Operational Results & New ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             This compares to the prior year figures of $557 thousand from stock options and $87 thousand from the ESOP. A greater number of higher valued options ...
CA*   983 - ESI Announces Further Restructuring
             mediacaster, Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             Effective March 1, 2007, ESI has granted 1175000 stock options to directors, officers, employees and consultants from the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). ...
CA*   984 - ESI Announces Further Restructuring
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             Effective March 1, 2007, ESI has granted 1175000 stock options to directors, officers, employees and consultants from the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). ...
IN*   985 - High inflation likely to offset tax concessions in Budget
             Economic Times, India - Mar 26, 2007
             IT and ITeS companies are expected to face a lot of problems in advance payment of the fringe benefit tax (FBT) on Esop in the first year of introduction of ...
US*   986 - GAM Industry News
             Graphic Arts Monthly, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             ... lurching toward conclusion of a sale or restructure forced by minority stakeholders among former LA Times-owner Chandler family, sees an ESOP-based $33 ...
US*   987 - Tribune Suitors Criticize Auction
             Los Angeles Business Journal (subscription), CA - Mar 26, 2007
             They complain that the company favored Mr. Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for an ESOP structure. They note that if they had that ...
IN*   988 - Tech Mahindra`s board allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 26, 2007
             The company has issued and allotted 22290 equity shares, on exercise of stock options under employee stock option plan 2000 (ESOP 2000). ...
CA*   989 - Gentry Announces 2006 Financial and Operational Results & New ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             This compares to the prior year figures of $557 thousand from stock options and $87 thousand from the ESOP. A greater number of higher valued options ...
IN*   990 - FBT on Esops to hit small cos harder
             Indiatimes, India - Mar 26, 2007
             We have to see if we can counter this by passing on the costs to employees, which again will be an unpopular move," said Anil Bakht, CMD of ESS, where Esop ...
US*   991 - Tribune bidders ask for new data
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 26, 2007
             The company would then create an ESOP, which would borrow billions more to fund the buyout. The biggest difference between the Broad-Burkle proposal and ...
US*   992 - Tribune bidders ask for new data
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 26, 2007
             The company would then create an ESOP, which would borrow billions more to fund the buyout. The biggest difference between the Broad-Burkle proposal and ...
IN*   993 - FBT on Esops to hit small cos harder
             Economic Times, India - Mar 26, 2007
             We have to see if we can counter this by passing on the costs to employees, which again will be an unpopular move," said Anil Bakht, CMD of ESS, where Esop ...
             New York Post, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             Burkle and Broad sent a letter to Tribune's board saying they want to see details of the ESOP that would be cre ated in a Zell deal. ...
US*   995 - Complaints surface in Tribune auction
             Newsday, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             The Journal also said Broad and Burkle requested information about the proposed ESOP and suggested they might be able to improve their bid. ...
US*   996 - Billionaires might raise Tribune offer
             MSNBC - Mar 26, 2007
             The key feature of the deal is that it would be funded by a yet-to-be-established employee stock option plan, which would limit taxes. ...
IN*   997 - Public efficiency and fear of trying
             Financial Express, India - Mar 26, 2007
             ... fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock option programmes (Esops), as well as imposing service tax on leased property, but also failing to deal with ...
CA*   998 - redCity Search Company Inc. Announces Share Consolidation and ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             ... at the meeting to increase the number of common shares reserved for issuance under the redCity employee stock option plan (the "Plan") to 52092332. ...
US*   999 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
             Forbes, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan and keeps the company in one piece. JPMorgan's Frederick Searby kept a ...
US*   1000 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
             BusinessWeek - Mar 26, 2007
             Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan and keeps the company in one piece. JPMorgan's Frederick Searby kept a ...
US*   1001 - Mobius Webcast to Explore Best Practices for Procure-to-Pay Automation
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 26, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
CA*   1002 - Twin Butte Energy Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter Results & Year End ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             ... of dilutive securities: Employee stock options - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average number of ...
CA*   1003 - Somerset Entertainment Income Fund Reports Fourth Quarter and Year ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             These include non-recurring stock compensation costs associated with the purchase for cancellation of employee stock options outstanding under the former ...
US*   1004 - Delaware company will keep NameProtect here
             WTN News, WI - Mar 26, 2007
             Calandra, asked about complaints of current and former NameProtect employees who said employee stock options were cancelled by previous owners, ...
AT*   1005 - Mobius Webcast to Explore Best Practices for Procure-to-Pay Automation
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 26, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
US*   1006 - Integrated QLogic Products Now Shipping in Second Generation HP ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 26, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
BS*   1007 - Financial Services Laws Amended
             The Bahama Journal, Bahamas - Mar 26, 2007
             ... of a private trust company, for provision of an employee share option scheme, or for packaging financial instruments into marketable securities. ...
JO*   1008 - VCB declares 12.5% dividend - Bahrain
             Middle East North Africa Financial Network, Jordan - Mar 26, 2007
             The chairman announced that the EGM had approved the allocation of 10 per cent of paid-up capital to an employee share-option scheme to be set by the board ...
AU*   1009 - Natural Fuels to raise $124.3m in bonds issue
             WA Business News (subscription), Australia - Mar 26, 2007
             Shareholders are also being asked to consider resolutions to approve an employee share option plan and an employee share acquisition plan. ...
UK*   1010 - Barclays remuneration
             Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             Diamond’s pay package includes a salary of £250000, a bonus of £10.4m, benefits worth £17000 and share options for £4.5m. ...
US*   1011 - Election manifesto of the Socialist Equality Party of Britain
             World Socialist Web Site, MI - Mar 26, 2007
             ... wages are slashed, jobs are decimated and pension funds raided, whilst they award themselves record levels of pay, bonuses and share options. ...
UK*   1012 - BANKER'S £23M PAYDAY
             Glasgow Daily Record, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             The father-of-three also cashed in share options worth £7.7million and is due to receive another £14.8million "retained investment opportunity" next year. ...
ZA*   1013 - Jubilee Platinum posts bigger loss on back of more activity
             Mineweb, South Africa - Mar 26, 2007
             ... the $336484 in December 2005 as the company "experienced higher levels of activity" and paid a $210895 charge for qualifying share options in issue. ...
US*   1014 - Barclays Chief Places Third in Pay
             New York Times, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             Mr. Diamond’s pay package includes a salary of £250000, a bonus of £10.4 million, benefits worth £17000 and share options for £4.5 million. ...
CA*   1015 - Oilexco Announces Year End Results
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             As in 2006 and prior years, the Company continued its compensation policy of combining share options with competitive salaries and benefits packages to ...
AU*   1016 - Coles, Qantas await takeover approval
             ABC Online, Australia - Mar 26, 2007
             In his first five years, CEO John Fletcher earned $18.3 million cash, sold share options for a further $14 million, accrued more options for 14.5 million, ...
UK*   1017 - Barclays man earns record £22m
             BBC News, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             Mr Diamond's basic salary was just £250000 - with the rest made up of bonuses and cashed-in share options. Barclays defended the pay, saying his division ...
IN*   1018 - Standard Chartered raises chairman’s pay
             Financial Express, India - Mar 26, 2007
             Davies earned $2.4 million and Sands earned $1.3 million in share options, the bank also said. HSBC Holdings Plc Chairman Stephen Green earned $5.6 million ...
NZ*   1019 - ASB Business: March 27
             TVNZ, New Zealand - Mar 26, 2007
             The other big talking point lately has been Mark Weldon's share options package, now shelved. Business commentator Brian Gaynor gives Michael Wilson his ...
CA*   1020 - Sanatana Diamonds Inc. Commences 2007 Exploration Program
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 26, 2007
             ... and operational staff, exercisable for a period of five years at a price of CDN $0.75 per share. Options to Directors have been awarded as follows:
CY*   1021 - Marfin Popular EGM to approve 80 mln staff shares
             Financial Mirror, Cyprus - Mar 26, 2007
             The Board of Directors wants authorisation to issue within the framework of implementation of the Share Options Scheme which is issued with the First ...
UK*   1022 - Barclays board top fat-cat pay league
             This is Money, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             The bank's annual report and accounts reveal that Diamond also cashed in £7.76m of share options and will receive a further one-off payment worth £14.85m ...
ZA*   1023 - BRT - Brimstone - Dealing in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 26, 2007
             ... 264 099 Total value: R316 918.80 Nature of transactions: Exercise of share options granted through the Brimstone Share Trust and subsequent off-market ...
US*   1024 - Barclays pays investment bank chief Diamond 15.2 mln stg in 2006 ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 26, 2007
             Diamond's 2006 pay packet comprised a basic salary of 250000 stg plus a cash bonus of 10.425 mln stg, topped up with share options worth a further 4.518 mln ...
DE*   1025 - DGAP-News: Magix AG: Annual general meeting agrees to share buyback
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany - Mar 26, 2007
             The company can use or collect the shares that are bought back as a method of payment in the share options program within the framework of acquisitions. ...
UK*   1026 - Telegraph OnTheGo
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - Mar 26, 2007
             ... of approaches for its David Lloyd gym chain - a move that is likely to see the profit from chief executive Alan Parker's share options exceed £3.5m. ...
US*   1027 - Barclays Paid Diamond Almost Five Times as Much as CEO Varley
             Bloomberg - Mar 26, 2007
             Varley, 50, was paid 3.2 million pounds, including share options valued at 699000 pounds. Diamond, 55, is in charge of the investment banking, ...
ZA*   1028 - Jubilee operating loss widens
             Business Report, South Africa - Mar 26, 2007
             ... to end-December 2006 on the back of increased activity on the company's various projects and a £210 895 charge in relation to qualifying share options. ...
DE*   1029 - Magix AG Annual general meeting
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 26, 2007
             The company can use or collect the shares that are bought back as a method of payment in the share options program within the framework of acquisitions. ...
ZA*   1030 - Jubilee ups loss on exploration, options
             Sunday Times, South Africa - Mar 26, 2007
             ... 2006 on the back of increased activity on the company’s various projects and a 210895 sterling pound charge in relation to qualifying share options. ...
UK*   1031 - FRANCE: Rallye anticipates rise in Casino stock
             just-food.com (subscription), UK - Mar 26, 2007
             The life of the share options has not been disclosed, a Rallye spokesman told just-food, although the basis for their acquisition is the possibility that ...
ZA*   1032 - ADH - ADvTECH Limited - Audited Results for the year ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 26, 2007
             ... 1 119 (10 710) Share-based payment 568 expense Profit for the year Minority interest distribution Transfer from NDR to DR Share options exercised 1 847 ...
FR*   1033 - Mise en œuvre du plan national d’action pour l’emploi des seniors ...
             Emploi Stage Environnement - 26 mar 2007
             ... décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié, ont permis les adaptations nécessaires à la mise en œuvre du plan. ...
FR*   1034 - Motiver les salariés par la rémunération : outils individuels
             NetPME.fr - 26 mar 2007
             ... ce dispositif est repris par la récente loi du 30 décembre 2006 sur le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié. ...
FR*   1035 - L'essentiel Entreprises
             nouvelobs.com - 26 mar 2007
             “Ils parient aussi sur l’attachement au modèle maison des actionnaires-salariés, qui détiennent toujours 8,4% du capital“.
FR*   1036 - Election présidentielle : Les candidats et votre argent
             Publiciblog (Communiqués de presse) - 26 mar 2007
             Quel est votre programme concernant l’épargne salariale ? Etes-vous favorable à l’instauration d’une procédure de class action pour les actionnaires ? ...
FR*   1037 - FIP Social accueille son 1er Conseiller en protection sociale ...
             Publi-News - 26 mar 2007
             ... en ressources humaines en termes de prévoyance, santé, retraites et épargne salariale dans le cadre de la politique sociale de l’entreprise. ...
FR*   1038 - SeLoger.com: Nouvelle amélioration de la marge en 2006
             Les Infos - 26 mar 2007
             ... un taux de marge EBITDA de 45% après prise en compte du plan d'attribution de stock options et d'actions gratuites pour 0,8 million d'euros. ...
             Boursorama - 26 mar 2007
             ... EBITDA de 45% après prise en compte du plan d'attribution de stock options et d'actions gratuites pour 0,8 million d'euros", a indiqué le communiqué. ...
FR*   1040 - Après prise en compte du plan d'attribution de stock options et d ...
             Voila.fr - 26 mar 2007
             ... pour un taux de marge EBITDA maintenu à 45%, après prise en compte du plan d'attribution de stock options et d'actions gratuites pour 0,8 ME. ...
FR*   1041 - SeLoger.com : prévoit en 2007 un chiffre d'affaires de 56 ME
             Boursier.com - 26 mar 2007
             ... pour un taux de marge EBITDA maintenu à 45%, après prise en compte du plan d'attribution de stock options et d'actions gratuites pour 0,8 ME. ...
FR*   1042 - Piège chinois pour Largo Winch
             Les Échos - 26 mar 2007
             Après le contexte très financier du précédent récit qui s'ordonnait autour du problème des « stock options », Jean Van Hamme est revenu à un scénario ...
FR*   1043 - Marie-George Buffet déclinée en 24 lettres
             Bellaciao - 26 mar 2007
             Epargne : mise en place d’un système public d’épargne, suppression des stock-options. Famille : droit au mariage et à l’adoption pour les couples ...
FR*   1044 - Completel Europe NV : L'assemblée générale annuelle se tiendra le ...
             Francebourse.com - 26 mar 2007
             ... des acquisitions, renforcer le bilan de la Société, pour attribuer des droits pour le plan de stock options actuel, pour attribuer des actions dans le ...
FR*   1045 - SeLoger.com : vise un CA2007 de 56MlsE.
             Zonebourse.com - 26 mar 2007
             ... d′un taux de marge EBITDA de 45 % après prise en compte du plan d′attribution de stock options et d′actions gratuites pour 0,8 million d′euros. ...
FR*   1046 - Motiver les salariés par la rémunération : outils individuels
             NetPME.fr - 26 mar 2007
             Les stock options constituent une forme de rémunération versée par les entreprises généralement cotées en bourse. Ce système permet à des dirigeants et à ...
ES*   1047 - 75.050 Nuevas empresas fueron creadas en Cataluña durante 2006
             Terra España - 26 Mar 2007
             Los datos facilitados por la consellería incluyen a los autónomos (empresarios individuales), sociedades mercantiles, sociedades laborales y cooperativas y ...
AR*   1048 - El centro, al borde del incendio, por 50 cartoneros
             La Nueva Provincia - 26 Mar 2007
             Sobre las cooperativas de trabajo, la funcionaria indicó que se trabajará con miras a su formación. "Agredecemos enormemente la colaboración del padre Pablo ...
AR*   1049 - Construirán playones deportivos en cinco barrios de la ciudad
             AbiertaTV - 26 Mar 2007
             ... con un alto grado de avance, y son ejecutados por el sistema de cooperativas de trabajo que tan buenos resultados vienen dando en otros sectores", dijo. ...
PE*   1050 - Ordenan a Shougang poner en planilla a 163 trabajadores
             La República (Perú) - 26 Mar 2007
             Además de Shougang también fueron sancionadas las services Sercolima SAC, Cooperativa de Trabajo y Fomento al Empleo Santo Domingo y Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
CO*   1051 - Recicladores no quieren que los dejen por fuera del nuevo relleno ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 26 Mar 2007
             La carta, fechada el pasado 22 de marzo, es firmada por el alcalde Apolinar Salcedo, la Federación de Recicladores del Suroccidente, Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
AR*   1052 - Lunes, 26 de Marzo de 2007
             Diario Judicial - 26 Mar 2007
             El juez federal Carlos E. Luft hizo lugar a una medida cautelar solicitada por la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo y dispuso la suspensión de la resolución ...
AR*   1053 - Reconocerán a mujeres reivindicadoras de los derechos humanos
             TerritorioDigital.com - 26 Mar 2007
             ... representante de la Confederación de Empleados de Comercio y Nelly Perinel, socia fundadora de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Química del Sur Limitada. ...
AR*   1054 - Fallo judicial contra De Vido
             Momarandu.com - 26 Mar 2007
             Y también el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, hizo lugar a una medida cautelar similar de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo. ...
DE*   1055 - Bahn-Gewerkschaften fordern bis zu 31 Prozent mehr Lohn
             net-tribune.de - 26. März 2007
             Für die Beschäftigten hat das nach Angaben aus den Kreisen den Vorteil, dass die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für 2006 von 100 auf 200 Euro steigen könnte.
IT*   1056 - Nice: il Cda chiederà all’assemblea l’autorizzazione all’acquisto ...
             Trend-online.com - 26 mar 2007
             ... ed amministratori esecutivi di Nice e delle società da questa controllate, nell’ambito di piani di stock options per incentivazione agli stessi rivolti. ...
US*   1057 - Help Desk Support Professional
             Seattle Times, WA - Mar 25, 2007
             We have an employee ownership culture where we seek and value the ideas of employees and challenge each other to reach our greatest potential. ...
US*   1058 - Investors Continue to Challenge Dean Foods' Approach to Organics
             SocialFunds.com - Mar 25, 2007
             Boston Common Asset Management, LLC is a full-service, employee-owned US social investment firm dedicated to the pursuit of financial return and social ...
US*   1059 - Investors Continue to Challenge Dean Foods' Approach to Organics
             CSRwire.com (press release) - Mar 25, 2007
             Boston Common Asset Management, LLC is a full-service, employee-owned US social investment firm dedicated to the pursuit of financial return and social ...
ES*   1060 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 BST
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 25, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
UK*   1061 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 BST
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 25, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1062 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 BST
             Forbes, NY - Mar 25, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1063 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 BST
             ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 25, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1064 - Travel Agent
             Kingsport Times News, TN - Mar 25, 2007
             The Travel Authority, Inc., one of the nations' largest independent and employee- owned travel companies, seeks an experienced retail/ corporate travel ...
US*   1065 - Wealth building begins with homeownership for all
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 25, 2007
             "Building wealth"— increasing poorer Americans' assets through CDCs, employee stock ownership and similar devices — is America's best hope, argues social ...
US*   1066 - Tribune Suitors Criticize Auction
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 25, 2007
             Mr. Zell's bid for Tribune proposes to use an employee stock-ownership plan to take a majority stake in the company, which owns the Los Angeles Times, ...
US*   1067 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1068 - LA billionaires want back in Tribune mix
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 25, 2007
             ... committee is leaning toward Zell's proposal, which is worth about $33 a share and is structured around an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   1069 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1070 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             The Southern, IL - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
FR*   1071 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1072 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Michigan Business Review, MI - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1073 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1074 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             The Bay City Times, MI - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
UK*   1075 - Zell eyes new challenges; Tribune next?
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
UK*   1076 - Zell eyes new challenges; Tribune next?
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1077 - 'Opportunist' Zell embraces challenges far beyond real estate
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1078 - Zell Eyes New Challenges; Tribune Next?
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1079 - Zell eyes new challenges; Tribune next?
             BusinessWeek - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1080 - Zell Eyes New Challenges; Tribune Next?
             Forbes, NY - Mar 25, 2007
             Burkle and Broad say the company favored Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for the employee stock-ownership plan that is part of Zell's ...
US*   1081 - Buyer of Distressed Properties Sees Opportunity in Newspapers
             New York Times, NY - Mar 25, 2007
             His proposal, which would take Tribune private, would be financed by a combination of cash and an employee stock ownership plan. The Tribune committee is ...
US*   1082 - Zell leads pack for troubled Tribune
             The Australian, Australia - Mar 25, 2007
             Mr Zell's proposal could also founder over questions about the employee stock ownership plan. The plan would confer tax benefits on the partnership which ...
IN*   1083 - ESOP blues strike hotels
             Express Hotelier, India - Mar 25, 2007
             Employee stock option (ESOP) in the hotel industry is uncommon, but its scope has been thwarted by this year's annual budget by imposing fringe benefit tax ...
US*   1084 - Tribune Suitors Criticize Auction
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 25, 2007
             They complain that the company favored Mr. Zell by giving him detailed information necessary for an ESOP structure. They note that if they had that ...
US*   1085 - LA billionaires want back in Tribune mix
              Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 25, 2007
             The company would then create an ESOP, which would borrow billions more to fund the buyout. The biggest difference between the Broad-Burkle proposal deal ...
IN*   1086 - FBT on Esops to hit small cos harder
             Economic Times, India - Mar 25, 2007
             We have to see if we can counter this by passing on the costs to employees, which again will be an unpopular move," said Anil Bakht, CMD of ESS, where Esop ...
IN*   1087 - ‘The budget is a complete eyewash for hotels’
             Express Hotelier, India - Mar 25, 2007
             Similarly employee stock option plans should not have been brought under fringe benefit tax as the welfare of the employees will be negatively affected by ...
IN*   1088 - Lost opportunity?
             Express Pharma, India - Mar 25, 2007
             The industry too wasn't happy with shades of grey that the Budget has brough with it like the levy of fringe benefit tax (FBT) for employee stock options ...
BH*   1089 - Bank shareholders approve 12.5pc dividend
             Gulf Daily News, Bahrain - Mar 25, 2007
             He said the EGM had approved the allocation of 10 per cent of paid-up capital to an employee share option scheme, to be set by the board of directors. ...
AE*   1090 - Venture Capital Bank announces dividend distribution of 12.5 per ...
             AME Info (press release), United Arab Emirates - Mar 25, 2007
             Furthermore, Dr. Al-Sulaiman announced that the EGM had approved the allocation of 10 per cent of paid up capital to an employee share option scheme to be ...
US*   1091 - Management Reshuffles - Weekly Recap
             Trading Markets, CA - Mar 25, 2007
             She will be paid $2.05 million on May 1 and her share options would be fully vested. The company will pay Bokides' health benefits under COBRA through Dec. ...
UK*   1092 - Whitbread weighs offers for David Lloyd gym chain
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - Mar 25, 2007
             After last week's share price rise Mr Parker's share options would net him a profit of £3.47m if he chose to exercise them and sell them. ...
FR*   1093 - Un nouveau plan d'épargne retraite populaire
             Notre Temps - 25 mar 2007
             François Fillon a rappelé que l'actuel système d'épargne salariale demeurerait globalement inchangé mais que l'épargne collectée sur les plans d'épargne ...
FR*   1094 - Les Grands prix gaspésiens sont décernés
             Radio-Canada - 25 mar 2007
             ... événement touristique, alors que la Coopérative de travail Aube Aventure de Cap-aux-Os a reçu celui de la catégorie Écotourisme et tourisme d'aventure. ...
FR*   1095 - CMT Medical Technologies : léger tassement des bénéfices 2006
             Voila.fr - 25 mar 2007
             Le résultat d'exploitation hors stock-options s'est tassé de 3,9% à 2,3 ME. Le bénéfice net recule de 30% à 2,8 ME hors options, et de -65% à 1,4 ME en ...
FR*   1096 - « Les entreprises ont besoin d'actionnaires stables »
             Les Échos - 25 mar 2007
             Combien de dirigeants qui reçoivent aujourd'hui des stock-options gratuites accepteraient de payer pour leur système de rémunération et de perdre leur ...
AR*   1097 - Pronostican una caída en las ventas de madera a España
             Misiones OnLine - 25 Mar 2007
             ... para llegar una cifra realmente atractiva, y fomentado el asociativismo en formas como el cooperativismo, la sociedad laboral o los capitales de riesgo. ...
AR*   1098 - Otro fallo contra cargos específicos autorizados por Enargas
             Canal 26 - 25 Mar 2007
             ... cosa que en primera instancia se ha conseguido ahora puntualmente ante el reclamo elevado a la justicia por la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo Ltda. ...
AR*   1099 - Escándalo por el caso Skanska: para la Justicia, la fuente de ...
             Mega24 - 25 Mar 2007
             Y también el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, hizo lugar a una medida cautelar similar de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo. ...
AR*   1100 - Caso Skanska: para la Justicia la fuente de financiamiento de las ...
             Total News Agency - 25 Mar 2007
             Y también el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, hizo lugar a una medida cautelar similar de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo. ...
AR*   1101 - Caso Skanska: la Justicia dice que el financiamiento de las obras ...
             Rosario3 - 25 Mar 2007
             Y también el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, hizo lugar a una medida cautelar similar de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo. ...
AR*   1102 - Escándalo por el caso Skanska: para la Justicia, la fuente de ...
             Perfil.com - 25 Mar 2007
             Y también el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, hizo lugar a una medida cautelar similar de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo. ...
ES*   1103 - ¿Hay alternativas al capitalismo?: resumen para gente sin tiempo
             kaosenlared.net - 25 Mar 2007
             Toda la sociedad ha de convertirse en una cooperativa de trabajadores, […] en una asociación comunista de producción y consumo". ...
ES*   1104 - La compra solidaria
             El Comercio Digital (Asturias) - 25 Mar 2007
             Así, se ponen a la venta productos que, bajo el marchamo del comercio justo, certifican que han sido elaborados en cooperativas de trabajadores de los ...
US*   1105 - Business Honors for March 25, 2007
             2TheAdvocate, LA - Mar 24, 2007
             The award is presented annually to the company with the best overall program for communicating the values and benefits of employee ownership and ESOPs, ...
US*   1106 - Ellison Bronze Recognized By OSHA
             Jamestown Post Journal, NY - Mar 24, 2007
             Located at 125 W. Main St., Falconer, the employee-owned company manufactures formed stainless steel and bronze doors, extruded aluminum doors, ...
VN*   1107 - Mekong Capital to invest $400000 for best business idea
             VietNamNet Bridge, Vietnam - Mar 24, 2007
             VietNamNet Bridge - Mekong Capital, an employee-owned investment management company, will invest $400000 in an individual or group plan that wins the ...
ES*   1108 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1105 GMT
              FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 24, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1109 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1105 GMT
             Forbes, NY - Mar 24, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1110 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1105 GMT
             ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 24, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
UK*   1111 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1105 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 24, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1112 - Zell makes Tribune bid
             Long Island Business News (subscription), NY - Mar 24, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
DE*   1113 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             FinanzNachrichten.de, Germany - Mar 24, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1114 - Tribune considering $8 billion Zell bid
             MarketWatch - Mar 24, 2007
             Zell, a Chicago-based real estate executive, would form an employee stock ownership plan and partner with the plan to make his offer of $33 a share, ...
US*   1115 - Business Briefs
             Honolulu Star-Bulletin, HI - Mar 24, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1116 - Tribune bid put at $33 a share
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 24, 2007
             Zell would join with an employee stock ownership plan that he would form to make the offer, a $2.47 advance over the company's closing share price Friday of ...
US*   1117 - Tribune Co. still weighing its future
             Ithaca Journal, NY - Mar 24, 2007
             It also requires less debt to be assumed by a new employee stock ownership plan that would control Tribune, the sources added. ...
US*   1118 - Zell offers $33-a-share for Tribune: report
             Chicago Sun-Times, IL - Mar 24, 2007
             Zell declined earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune but confirmed that his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1119 - Chicago mogul prepared to pay $33 per share for Tribune Co.
             Allentown Morning Call, PA - Mar 24, 2007
             Zell would join with an employee stock ownership plan that he would form to make the offer, a $2.47 advance over the company's closing share price Friday of ...
US*   1120 - Tribune Co. weighs offer
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 24, 2007
             Zell would join with an employee stock ownership plan that he would form to make the offer, a $2.47 advance over the company's closing share price yesterday ...
US*   1121 - Business Honors for March 25, 2007
             2TheAdvocate, LA - Mar 24, 2007
             Acadian Ambulance Service has received the ninth annual Award for Best Communications from the Southwest Chapter of the ESOP Association. ...
IE*   1122 - Time running out for Dempsey
             Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 24, 2007
             The 10000 trustees of the ESB employee share option plan (Esop) are likely to demand financial compensation from the exchequer for the loss of a €1 billion ...
IN*   1123 - Budget 2007: Seeks to tax ESOPs as fringe benefits
             Financial Express, India - Mar 24, 2007
             It would follow from the above that you have exercised your option on March 2, 2007 when the law treating ESOP as FBT is not applicable. ...
CA*   1124 - BC prostitutes argue for business co-operative
             CTV.ca, Canada - Mar 24, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1125 - BC prostitutes want co-op
             Guelph Mercury (subscription), Canada - Mar 24, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1126 - Sex workers look into launching co-op
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 24, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1127 - Oldest profession eyes co-op in BC
             Canoe.ca, Canada - Mar 24, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex-workers co-operative, where the selling ...
IN*   1128 - Budget 2007: Seeks to tax ESOPs as fringe benefits
             Financial Express, India - Mar 24, 2007
             However, as per the Sebi (employee stock option scheme and employee stock purchase scheme) guidelines, 1999, the term "exercise" means making of an ...
IN*   1129 - On the virtues of selling
             Hindu Business Line, India - Mar 24, 2007
             ... IT companies may be vulnerable to the impact of the Budget proposals on Minimum Alternate Tax and Fringe Benefit Tax on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs). ...
US*   1130 - Valero paid CEO Klesse $7.8 million
             San Antonio Express, TX - Mar 24, 2007
             Likewise, Valero Chief Financial Officer Michael Ciskowski exercised 321744 share options that would translate to a gain of $18.6 million if sold. ...
US*   1131 - Fran O'Sullivan: Rejected NZX deal looked like a sweet tax offer
             New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Mar 24, 2007
             It was a pretty nifty deal when stacked up against best-practice share options deals that top-flight companies use as financial incentive for managers. ...
FR*   1132 - enfin on y voit clair
             Bellaciao - 24 mar 2007
             ... est aussi une réponse à Michel Rocard qui dans le monde du 21/03/07 déclare à propos des Lip :" Ils voulaient un patron pas une coopérative ouvrière". ...
FR*   1133 - DEPECHESarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             L'Express - 24 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
AR*   1134 - Noticias económicas
             La Gaceta Tucumán - 24 Mar 2007
             Así lo resolvió el juez federal de San Martín, Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo, ubicada en el partido bonaerense ...
AR*   1135 - Otro fallo contra los cargos específicos autorizados por el Enargas
             Canal 26 - 24 Mar 2007
             ... cosa que en primera instancia se ha conseguido ahora puntualmente ante el reclamo elevado a la justicia por la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo Ltda. ...
AR*   1136 - La Justicia frenó aumentos en el gas
             Canal 26 - 24 Mar 2007
             Así lo resolvió el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo, ubicada en el partido bonaerense de ...
AT*   1137 - Reflexionen zu den Aufregungen um Böhler
             be24 - 24. März 2007
             Obwohl Politiker immer wieder von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sprechen und es bereits einige vorzeigbare Modelle gibt, hat bei Böhler-Uddeholm weder das ...
IT*   1138 - Il mix tra pubblico e privato nel sociale
             BariLive.it - 24 mar 2007
             Inizialmente, era una cooperativa di produzione e lavoro, poiché non esisteva ancora una legge che regolamentasse le cooperative sociali. ...
              Seattle Times, WA - Mar 23, 2007
             We have an employee ownership culture where we seek and value the ideas of employees and challenge each other to reach our greatest potential. ...
US*   1140 - Osborne Industries now in employees’ hands
             Hays Daily News, KS - Mar 23, 2007
             Eakins said the transition to employee ownership brings with it only the debt of the buyout. The company is financially sound and operating well, ...
US*   1141 - Preparing for Ongoing Productivity
             TechLINKS (press release), GA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... objectives by incorporating a disaster management plan which will promote employee ownership, produce a better quality result, and improve productivity. ...
US*   1142 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... several communications subcommittees and partnered with several remote branches to ensure that personnel remained updated on employee ownership issues. ...
US*   1143 - Tribune Reportedly Favors Sam Zell Offer - Update
              Trading Markets, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             The committee was concerned about the amount of debt entailed in his proposal, some of which would be carried by an employee share-ownership plan he ...
US*   1144 - Tribune Seems to Favor Zell Offer
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 23, 2007
             The committee had been concerned by the amount of debt entailed in Mr. Zell's proposal, some of which would be carried by an employee share-ownership plan ...
US*   1145 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 23, 2007
             Patio Enclosures, Inc. operates 28 branch locations across the United States and Canada and has more than 750 employee-owners. The company also operates ...
US*   1146 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             Patio Enclosures, Inc. operates 28 branch locations across the United States and Canada and has more than 750 employee-owners. The company also operates ...
CA*   1147 - Haywood adds bench strength to UK management team; enhances mining ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             About Haywood Securities Inc. Founded in 1981, Haywood Securities is a private, 100 per cent employee-owned investment dealer with more than 250 employees ...
US*   1148 - Audit: State Employee Owned Stock In Companies He Regulated
             KCRA.com, CA - Mar 23, 2007
              A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
AT*   1149 - Haywood Adds Bench Strength to UK Management Team; Enhances Mining ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 23, 2007
             Founded in 1981, Haywood Securities is a private, 100 per cent employee-owned investment dealer with more than 250 employees and Canadian offices in ...
UK*   1150 - Haywood Adds Bench Strength to UK Management Team; Enhances Mining ...
             PR Newswire UK (press release), UK - Mar 23, 2007
             Founded in 1981, Haywood Securities is a private, 100 per cent employee-owned investment dealer with more than 250 employees and Canadian offices in ...
CA*   1151 - Haywood adds bench strength to UK management team; enhances mining ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             About Haywood Securities Inc. Founded in 1981, Haywood Securities is a private, 100 per cent employee-owned investment dealer with more than 250 employees ...
ES*   1152 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 GMT
             FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 23, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1153 - State employee favored stock trading over regulation, audit finds
             Orange County Register, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1154 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 GMT
             Forbes, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
UK*   1155 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
US*   1156 - AFX TOP STORIES UK 1605 GMT
             ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
UK*   1157 - AFX NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 15:45 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said sales in the week to March 17 climbed 8.4 pct to 47.8 mln stg, amid strong demand ...
CA*   1158 - California State Employee Favored Stock Trading Over Regulation ...
             CanadianBusiness.com, Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
UK*   1159 - Audit: Worker didn't disclose stocks
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
UK*   1160 - Audit: Worker didn't disclose stocks
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1161 - Audit: Worker didn't disclose stocks
             ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1162 - Audit: Worker Didn't Disclose Stocks
             Forbes, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1163 - Audit: Worker Didn't Disclose Stocks
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1164 - Audit: Worker didn't disclose stocks
             BusinessWeek - Mar 23, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1165 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Dade Behring ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
US*   1166 - Tribune Reportedly Favors Sam Zell Offer - Update
             Trading Markets, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             According to sources, Zell's proposal involved the purchase of the entire company with the participation of an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1167 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1168 - Around the nation
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1169 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1170 - Report: UM grad billionaire Zell bidding for Chicago Tribune ...
             South Bend Tribune, IN - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1171 - Zell of an Offer: Makes Strong Bid for Tribune
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1172 - Zell offers $33-a-share bid for Tribune
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 23, 2007
             Zell would join with an employee stock ownership plan that he would form to make the offer, a $2.47 advance over the company's closing share price today of ...
US*   1173 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1174 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             phillyBurbs.com, PA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1175 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Sacramento Bee, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
UK*   1176 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1177 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Press of Atlantic City, NJ - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1178 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             The Ledger, FL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1179 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             News & Observer, NC - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1180 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             The Southern, IL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1181 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1182 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             MLive.com, MI - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1183 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1184 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Forbes, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1185 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1186 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1187 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Wilmington Morning Star, NC - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1188 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             The Wichita Eagle, KS - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1189 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1190 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1191 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1192 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Town Hall, DC - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1193 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Macon Telegraph, GA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1194 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             KTAR.com, AZ - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1195 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Bradenton Herald, FL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1196 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             BusinessWeek - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1197 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1198 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1199 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1200 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1201 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1202 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1203 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1204 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
UK*   1205 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             Hemscott, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
UK*   1206 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
FR*   1207 - Report: Billionaire Sam Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1208 - Report: Zell bid for Tribune at $33 per share
             Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1209 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             MSN Money - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1210 - Report: Zell Offer $33/share for Tribune
             Forbes, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1211 - Report: Zell offer $33/share for Tribune
             BusinessWeek - Mar 23, 2007
             ... with the AP earlier this week to discuss the status of talks with Tribune, but confirmed his proposal calls for an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1212 - Sugar Creek Financial Corp. Announces Completion of Community Offering
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... approximately 408095 shares in the subscription and community offering, including shares to be purchased by the Company’s employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1213 - Zell offers $33-a-share bid for Tribune
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 23, 2007
             Zell would join with an employee stock ownership plan that he would form to make the offer, a $2.47 advance over the company's closing share price today of ...
US*   1214 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 23, 2007
              Patio Enclosures, Inc. was recognized for its commitment to advancing and exemplifying the “Vision of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Association” that ...
US*   1215 - Constantia Packaging to acquire a majority interest in AMAG
             Jobwerx, WA - Mar 23, 2007
             ... also remains open to the possibility of acquiring a portion of the 20% stake in AMAG held by the employee stock ownership program. ...
US*   1216 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 23, 2007
             Patio Enclosures, Inc. was recognized for its commitment to advancing and exemplifying the “Vision of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Association” that ...
US*   1217 - Patio Enclosures, Inc., Leading Sunroom Manufacturer, Named “ESOP ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             Patio Enclosures, Inc. was recognized for its commitment to advancing and exemplifying the “Vision of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Association” that ...
US*   1218 - Reef Point Raises $25 Million in Funding
             American Venture Magazine (press release), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US*   1219 - Ocwen Financial Corporation Vice President William E. Rinehart ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 23, 2007
             Among others also offering testimony at this hearing were Inez Killingsworth, President of ESOP and Calvin Bradford, Board Member of NTIC. ...
IN*   1220 - Wipro`s board to allot equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 23, 2007
             Wipro announced that the board of the company has resolved to issue and allot 1187082 equity shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of the stock options ...
CA*   1221 - BC prostitutes say sex co-op puts control over industry back in ...
             Brooks Bulletin, Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1222 - BC prostitutes say sex co-op puts control over industry back in ...
             940 News, Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1223 - BC prostitutes say sex co-op puts control over industry back in ...
             News1130, Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1224 - BC prostitutes say sex co-op puts control over industry back in ...
             Canada.com, Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
CA*   1225 - BC prostitutes say sex co-op puts control over industry back in ...
             Brandon Sun, Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the BC Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers co-operative, where the selling ...
NP*   1226 - A small, shrinking centre
             Nepali Times, Nepal - Mar 23, 2007
             Workers’ cooperatives would probably run such operations more efficiently and reliably. It’s time for political parties to include a socialist agenda in ...
US*   1227 - ^BC-NY--Canadian Briefs,1164<
             amNewYork, New York - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the British Columbia Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers cooperative, ...
US*   1228 - ^BC-NY--Canadian Briefs,1164<
             Newsday, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             Tired of unsafe working conditions, the British Columbia Coalition of Experiential Women is exploring the idea of starting a sex workers cooperative, ...
US*   1229 - Is Hugo Chávez Mr. Misunderstood?
             USA Today - Mar 23, 2007
             ... individual lives can be found at an abandoned fuel distribution center where the government has installed a workers' cooperative called Fabricio Ojeda. ...
US*   1230 - Notice of Annual General Meeting in Biotage AB
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 23, 2007
             Resolutions on (a) adoption of a global employee stock option program, and (b) authorization for the Board of Directors to issue warrants with the right to ...
US*   1231 - Omnicell Announces Adjustments to Previously Reported 2006 ...
             SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 23, 2007
             ... which represent the fair value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, as required under SFAS No. ...
US*   1232 - SRS Labs Q4 2006 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             An addition of $7.7 million of cash flows was provided from the exercise of employee stock options during the year, of which $2.1 million was used to retire ...
US*   1233 - Notice of Annual General Meeting in Biotage AB
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 23, 2007
             Employee stock options - It is proposed that the Board of Directors shall have the possibility to grant employee stock options to the CEO and other members ...
NZ*   1234 - Foodstuffs tops up stake in Warehouse
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             ... its percentage holding watered down slightly through a number of shares being issued to The Warehouse staff through an employee share option scheme. ...
CA*   1235 - Connacher reports 2006 results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             ... Surplus: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance, December 31, 2004 $ 535 Fair value of share options granted ...
CA*   1236 - Connacher reports 2006 results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             ... Surplus: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance, December 31, 2004 $ 535 Fair value of share options granted ...
NZ*   1237 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             Waikato Times, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1238 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             The Press, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1239 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             The Southland Times, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1240 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             Marlborough Express, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1241 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             Manawatu Standard, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1242 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             The Timaru Herald, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1243 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             Auckland stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1244 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             The Dominion Post, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1245 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             The Nelson Mail, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
NZ*   1246 - NZX drops $10m plan for Weldon share options
             Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 23, 2007
             By DAVID HARGREAVES - The Dominion Post | Saturday, 24 March 2007. New Zealand Exchange directors face a period of relationship rebuilding with shareholders ...
ZA*   1247 - ARI - African Rainbow Minerals Limited - Director's dealings in ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 23, 2007
             ... Executive Name of company African Rainbow Minerals Limited Date of transaction 22 March 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
US*   1248 - New Book Reveals the Secrets to Increased Employee Engagement in ...
             NewsReleaseWire.com (press release) - Mar 23, 2007
             "The primary reason leaders have failed to engage employees is because they think engagement can be bought through bonuses, benefits, and share options," ...
UK*   1249 - BW Offshore pays 3.8 bln nkr to hike stake in Prosafe to 24.33 pct ...
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 23, 2007
             BWO, which already had a holding of 12.3 mln shares, said it had acquired the additional stake through a combination of share options and direct purchases. ...
US*   1250 - BW Offshore pays 3.8 bln nkr to hike stake in Prosafe to 24.33 pct ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 23, 2007
             BWO, which already had a holding of 12.3 mln shares, said it had acquired the additional stake through a combination of share options and direct purchases. ...
ZA*   1251 - OML - Old Mutual Plc - Block Listing of Shares
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 23, 2007
             Participants in the Scheme have or will become entitled to these shares following the vesting and the exercise of share options under the Scheme. ...
FI*   1252 - YIT Oyj: Yit corporate action trading and share subscriptions with ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Mar 23, 2007
             YIT's Series E share options, issued in 2004, are listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange, and in 2007 shares can be subscribed for with them as from April 2. ...
MT*   1253 - Government ‘ignoring’ bank employees – GWU
             Malta Independent Online, Malta - Mar 23, 2007
             The government is ignoring hundreds of bank workers who as a fringe benefit have share options, the General Workers’ Union said yesterday. ...
ZA*   1254 - AVI - AVI - Dealings In AVI Shares By Company Secretary And Company
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 23, 2007
             ... Aggregate consideration : R154,251.60 Type of transaction : Exercise and sale of share options Extent of interest : Direct beneficial NAME OF SUBSIDIARY ...
CA*   1255 - High Arctic Announces 2006 Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 23, 2007
             The payments were made as consideration for the cancellation of share options held by these employees in the corporation that previously operated the ...
FR*   1256 - Royal veut financer les retraites grâce à "un fonds de pension ...
             Bellaciao - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce en faveur de l’actionnariat salarié : « Un moyen utile d’impliquer les salariés dans la gestion de l’entreprise et de relancer le pouvoir ...
             Boursorama - 23 mar 2007
             de la ratification de la cooptation et du renouvellement du mandat d'administrateur de M. Bernard CUSENIER, représentant les actionnaires salariés et ...
FR*   1258 - Les Français actifs souhaiteraient prendre leur retraite à 55 ans
             La Tribune.fr - 23 mar 2007
             Assurance vie, versements sur des dispositifs d'épargne salariale et immobilier sont les solutions les plus utilisées. ...
FR*   1259 - « C’est possible »
             LCR-Rouge - 23 mar 2007
             ... Du contrôle ouvrier à l’autogestion »), ni cédé à ceux qui les pressaient de créer une coopérative ouvrière et de reprendre la production à leur compte. ...
FR*   1260 - Les invités du 24 mars 2007
             La bande à Ruquier - 23 mar 2007
             ... d’une entreprise avec une merveilleuse retraite, l’autre tente d’arracher une prime nullement justifiée, une troisième " force " sur les stock-options. ...
FR*   1261 - "La France peut courir le marathon planétaire"
             Le Figaro - 23 mar 2007
             Certains dirigeants gèrent leurs entreprises comme un plan de stock-options. Pour exceptionnel qu'il soit, ce comportement jette l'opprobre sur tous les ...
FR*   1262 - Trois livres bien documentés pour faire bouger la France
             Le Figaro - 23 mar 2007
             Dans un chapitre intitulé « la grande faiblesse des patrons », il fustige les stock-options et les parachutes dorés, et n'hésite pas à démontrer que ...
FR*   1263 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             nouvelobs.com - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1264 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             Le Monde - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1265 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             La Tribune.fr - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1266 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             Reuters.fr - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1267 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             Capital.fr - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1268 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             L'Express - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1269 - Sarkozy et Royal se disputent l'identité nationale
             Boursier.com - 23 mar 2007
             Elle se prononce par ailleurs dans Le Journal des Finances pour une réforme de la fiscalité sur les stock-options afin de réduire les inégalités entre ...
FR*   1270 - Indécision initale, Nike baisse, ImClone bondit
             Boursorama - 23 mar 2007
             Hors éléments exceptionnels et charges liées à l'attribution de stock-options, le profit ressort à 16 cents par action, contre 12 cents anticipés par le ...
FR*   1271 - Cyril Zimmermann, PDG d'Hi Media :
             Boursier.com - 23 mar 2007
             La marge opérationnelle devrait être de 15% avant prise en compte des charges liées au stock options et aux actions gratuites. ...
             Diario Buenos Aires - 23 Mar 2007
             ... ministra Kirchner se trasladó a la localidad de Taboada, donde participó de la inauguración de viviendas rurales realizadas por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
ES*   1273 - Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado vascas aumentan su ...
             El Correo Digital (Álava) - 23 Mar 2007
             Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado vascas, integradas en su casi totalidad en la federación Erkide, elevaron su facturación el pasado año un 18%, ...
ES*   1274 - Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado vascas aumentan su ...
             El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) - 23 Mar 2007
             Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado vascas, integradas en su casi totalidad en la federación Erkide, elevaron su facturación el pasado año un 18%, ...
AR*   1275 - Reconquista - Aprueban resolución para creación de créditos ...
             Sin Mordaza - 23 Mar 2007
             ... para que se creé una línea de créditos especiales para quienes formen o se asocien en cooperativas de trabajo a los efectos de contribuir a la creación ...
AR*   1276 - Mín: 9º Máx: 19°
             Bariloche 2000 - 23 Mar 2007
             La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR*   1277 - Firmaron contratos para pavimentar nuevas calles en barrios
             AbiertaTV - 23 Mar 2007
             Al mismo tiempo, rubricó su firma en lo que será la prosecución de los desagues pluviales para el barrio Villa La Pilar, a cargo de cooperativas de trabajo ...
AR*   1278 - Sin Obeid, entregaron 62 viviendas
             Sunchales Hoy - 23 Mar 2007
             ... Plan Federal de Emergencia Habitacional y las 12 construidas por intermedio de las cooperativas de Trabajo, el mandatario santafesino canceló su visita. ...
ES*   1279 - La Junta fomenta la inserción laboral de la mujer en la ...
             Teleprensa World - 23 Mar 2007
             Asimismo, participan como socios la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción de Andalucía, la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, ...
ES*   1280 - Erkide prevé aumentar en 35 el número cooperativas y en 1.500 los ...
             Terra España - 23 Mar 2007
             La federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, Enseñanza y Crédito de Euskadi, Erkide, prevé aumentar en 35 el número de entidades integradas a lo largo ...
AR*   1281 - La Justicia frenó aumentos en el gas
             Lanacion.com (Argentina) - 23 Mar 2007
             La otra que tendrá suspendidos los pagos es Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo, por una medida dictada por el juez de San Martín Carlos Luft. ...
AR*   1282 - La Justicia suspendió los recargos en cobro de gas
             DERF - 23 Mar 2007
             Así lo resolvió el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo, ubicada en el partido bonaerense de ...
AR*   1283 - Suspendieron el cobro de cargos específicos para la ampliación de ...
             Cadena 3 - 23 Mar 2007
             Así lo resolvió el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo, ubicada en el partido bonaerense de ...
AR*   1284 - La Justicia suspendió los recargos en cobro de gas
             InfoBAE.com - 23 Mar 2007
             Así lo resolvió el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo, ubicada en el partido bonaerense de ...
AR*   1285 - Suspenden aumento de tarifas en gas destinado a obras de ampliación
             El Cronista (Suscripción) - 23 Mar 2007
             La medida fue resuelta por el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo ...
AR*   1286 - Suspenden los cobros de cargos específicos para gasoductos
             Lanacion.com (Argentina) - 23 Mar 2007
             La medida fue resuelta por el juez federal de San Martín Carlos Luft, ante una presentación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Justo. ...
AR*   1287 - La comunidad toba se conecta
             enREDando.org.ar - 23 Mar 2007
             Así, en la Cooperativa de Trabajo, se hizo necesaria la apertura de un comedor comunitario, una sala de atención médica primaria, una sala de apoyo escolar ...
AR*   1288 - La Justicia vuelve a condenar a un banco por empleados subcontratados
             infoBAE profesional - 23 Mar 2007
             Sin la vigilancia al corto tiempo dejaría de vender y la quiebra sería su destino manifeisto" ("Ibarra c/ Cooperativa de Trabajo EL Alcázar Ltda. y otro"). ...
             La Auténtica Defensa - 23 Mar 2007
             ... por cinco años la vigencia de las normas que fundamentaron expropiaciones de inmuebles en Berazategui, destinadas a la cooperativa de trabajo Mecber. ...
AR*   1290 - Ampliaron el plazo para que comunas definan su vínculo con la Ceamse
             Perspectiva Sur - 23 Mar 2007
             ... por cinco años la vigencia de las normas que fundamentaron expropiaciones de inmuebles en Berazategui, destinadas a la cooperativa de trabajo Mecber. ...
IT*   1291 - "Veneto servizi integrati", un consorzio a tutela del lavoro nel ...
             Padova News - 23 mar 2007
             L’iniziativa è promossa da Federlavoro e Servizi Veneto, l’organizzazione di rappresentanza delle cooperative di lavoro del Veneto che riunisce oltre 350 ...
BR*   1292 - Diretoria da Unimed visita presidente do Tribunal de Justiça
             O Documento - 23 Mar 2007
             ... recebeu na tarde desta sexta-feira (23) visita de cortesia de integrantes da diretoria da cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Cuiabá. ...
ZA*   1293 - BIL - BHP Billiton - Notification Of Interests Of Directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 22, 2007
             ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
US*   1294 - Employees now own Osborne company
             Topeka Capital Journal (subscription), KS - Mar 22, 2007
             ... ordinary people to do extraordinary things," he said. After posing for a photograph with his colleagues, employee/owner Don Riffel, 53, said he was pleased.
US*   1295 - Audit Finds Calif. Oil Regulator Owned Oil Stock
             CBS 5, CA - Mar 22, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1296 - State employee favored stock trading over regulation, audit finds
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Mar 22, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1297 - State employee favored stock trading over regulation, audit finds
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Mar 22, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1298 - State employee favored stock trading over regulation, audit finds
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Mar 22, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1299 - State employee favored stock trading over regulation, audit finds
             Fresno Bee (subscription), CA - Mar 22, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1300 - State employee favored stock trading over regulation, audit finds
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Mar 22, 2007
             A review of computer files revealed that the employee owned at least $2000 worth of stock in at least 10 companies but purposely sought to conceal the ...
US*   1301 - AIHA Awards Scientific Analytical Institute, Inc. Full Industrial ...
             SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 22, 2007
             Founded in September 2003, Scientific Analytical Institute, Inc. is a fully accredited commercial testing laboratory, employee owned, providing analytical ...
US*   1302 - AIHA Awards Scientific Analytical Institute, Inc. Full Industrial ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Mar 22, 2007
             Founded in September 2003, Scientific Analytical Institute, Inc. is a fully accredited commercial testing laboratory, employee owned, providing analytical ...
US*   1303 - BNA and Thomson Tax & Accounting Expand Agreement to Provide BNA ...
             SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 22, 2007
             BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
US*   1304 - SmithBucklin Promotes Buffy Levy to Director, Convention & Trade ...
             Exhibitor Online, MN - Mar 22, 2007
             ... more than $250 million in annual client budgets from offices in Chicago, Washington, DC, St. Louis and Durham, NC. SmithBucklin is 100% employee owned.
AT*   1305 - BNA and Thomson Tax & Accounting Expand Agreement to Provide BNA ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 22, 2007
             BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
US*   1306 - BNA and Thomson Tax & Accounting Expand Agreement to Provide BNA ...
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 22, 2007
             Headquartered in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area for more than 75 years, BNA is an independent publisher and the oldest wholly employee-owned company ...
US*   1307 - BNA and Thomson Tax & Accounting Expand Agreement to Provide BNA ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 22, 2007
             BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
US*   1308 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Brookdale Senior ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 22, 2007
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
NL*   1309 - Axiom Asia meldt sluiting van eerste op Azië gerichte fonds
             Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - Mar 22, 2007
             About Probitas Partners Probitas Partners, founded in 2001, is an employee-owned, independent provider of alternative investment solutions, headquartered in ...
US*   1310 - Dover Honda earns award
             Foster's Daily Democrat, NH - Mar 22, 2007
             Dover Honda is a division of Dover Auto World and International Cars, Ltd. International Cars is an employee owned company comprised of five New England ...
US*   1311 - Saint-Gobain: Final Results for 2006: Confirmation of the Figures ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 22, 2007
             ... representing current employee and former employee shareholders of Saint-Gobain (replacing Pierre Kerhuel); - the renewal of the terms of office as ...
US*   1312 - Argonaut Group, Inc. and PXRE Group Ltd. Merger Call - Final
             Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 22, 2007
             ... efficiently that we will continue to be able to grow and compound book value per share for our shareholders and our employee shareholders over time. ...
US*   1313 - Employees Now Run Osborne's Biggest Company
             WIBW, KS - Mar 22, 2007
             Ownership was transferred through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. The transfer to employees began in 2001, but was final until Monday.
US*   1314 - Zell's Tribune Co. Bid: It's Up, It's Down, It's Up Again
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 22, 2007
             Zell's bid at first attracted attention because of its proposal to take Tribune private by way of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) that would have ...
US*   1315 - Tribune focus returns to Zell Billionaire tweaks offer, sources say
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 22, 2007
             Zell has proposed taking the company private by investing alongside an employee stock ownership plan that would take on billions of dollars in debt. ...
US*   1316 - Delanco Bancorp, Inc. Announces Completion of Community Offering
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 22, 2007
             ... approximately 735626 shares in the subscription and community offering, including shares to be purchased by the Company’s employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1317 - Tribune focus returns to Zell Billionaire tweaks offer, sources say
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 22, 2007
             Zell has proposed taking the company private by investing alongside an employee stock ownership plan that would take on billions of dollars in debt. ...
US*   1318 - Tribune revenue slips 3.4 percent
             Barre Montpelier Times Argus, VT - Mar 22, 2007
             ... $13 billion deal and run it through an employee stock ownership plan, because they feared it was likely to burden the company with too much debt. ...
US*   1319 - Anyone need a story from the NJCAA men's basketball national ...
             Edmond Sun, OK - Mar 22, 2007
             Competitive wages, excellent benefits, 401K, ESOP plan, health,...>MORE. Need college or high school student, female, for before & after school child care ...
US*   1320 - Tribune focus returns to Zell Billionaire tweaks offer, sources say
             Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 22, 2007
             Because the deal would create an ESOP and change Tribune's corporate structure, the new company would enjoy substantial tax savings. ...
IN*   1321 - Subscribe to ICRA IPO: HDFC Securities
             Myiris.com, India - Mar 22, 2007
             The listing will enhance the brand name, provide liquidity to the existing shareholders & employees, who would be allotted equity shares under the ESOP ...
UK*   1322 - Quality control
             mad.co.uk, UK - Mar 22, 2007
             ... Wholefoods brand as 'clean, simple and pure', and one that has stuck to its roots as a workers' co- operative with an ethical standpoint on the world. ...
US*   1323 - Notice of Annual General Meeting in Orexo AB
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 22, 2007
             Proposal regarding the adoption of the employee stock option plan 2007/2017 and the issuance of warrants to subscribe for new shares, and approval of ...
US*   1324 - Chattem Posts Higher Q1 Adj. EPS As Revenues Increase; Boosts FY07 ...
             Trading Markets, CA - Mar 22, 2007
              The company said net income in the first quarter of fiscal 2007 included employee stock option expenses of $0.04 per share after taxes. ...
US*   1325 - Bombay Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2006 Operating Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 22, 2007
             ... borrowings 39265 --- Increase in outstanding checks in excess of cash balances 8496 --- Proceeds from the exercise of employee stock options 3 692 Sale ...
IN*   1326 - IT cos seek removal of FBT on ESOPs
             Times of India, India - Mar 22, 2007
             ... chairman Kiran Karnik met the revenue secretary in the capital to press its case against imposition of fringe benefit tax on employee stock options. ...
IN*   1327 - Options a specific type of capital assets
             Economic Times, India - Mar 22, 2007
             The budget proposal to tax employee stock options as fringe benefits is ill-conceived. True, the finance minister is spot on when he argues that Esops are ...
AT*   1328 - Bombay Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2006 Operating Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 22, 2007
             ... borrowings 39265 --- Increase in outstanding checks in excess of cash balances 8496 --- Proceeds from the exercise of employee stock options 3 692 Sale ...
ZA*   1329 - HWA - Hwange Colliery Company - The Company's Audited Results For The
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 22, 2007
             ... share capital under the employee share option scheme Balance at 50 933 462 941 25 812 128 110 (36 153 302 356) 40 592 288 695 31 December 2005 Balance ...
MT*   1330 - Govt ignores Bank workers
             maltaStar.com, Malta - Mar 22, 2007
             The Government ignored hundreds of bank workers that as fringe benefits have the option of receiving share options. These workers at the end of March will ...
UK*   1331 - Black's lawyers criticise his successor
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 22, 2007
             ... earned $15000 a day - and that he broke regulations by waiting 10 months to report a grant of share options to the Securities and Exchange Commission. ...
UK*   1332 - The politics of pay
             Economist, UK - Mar 22, 2007
             Share options and pensions may also come under fire. Given the growing number of middle-class Americans who have to pay the higher alternative minimum tax, ...
ZA*   1333 - BEL - Bell equipment - Audited results for the year ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 22, 2007
             ... capital distributable (accumulated R'000 reserves loss) Total Balance at 31 December 2004 224 414 33 147 443 901 701 462 Share options exercised 1 532 ...
ZA*   1334 - OMN - Omhold - Award of Share Options to a Director of a major ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 22, 2007
             OMN OMN - Omhold - Award of Share Options to a Director of a major subsidiary OMNIA HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ...
ZA*   1335 - BCX - Business Connexion Group Limited - Dealing in securities by ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 22, 2007
             ... Group Limited Nature of transactions: Exercise of share options and subsequent sale thereof Date of transaction: 20 March 2007 Number of share options ...
CA*   1336 - High Arctic Announces 2006 Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 22, 2007
             The payments were made as consideration for the cancellation of share options held by these employees in the corporation that previously operated the ...
US*   1337 - Xstrata executive director Zaldumbide exercises options over ...
             Forbes, NY - Mar 22, 2007
             LONDON (AFX) - Xstrata PLC said Xstrata Zinc chief executive Santiago Zaldumbide has exercised his 300488 share options under the Xstrata long term ...
UK*   1338 - Saint-Gobain -Résultats définitifs 2006 : Confirmation des données ...
             PR Newswire UK (press release) - 22 mar 2007
             de la ratification de la cooptation et du renouvellement du mandat d'administrateur de M. Bernard CUSENIER, représentant les actionnaires salariés et ...
FR*   1339 - Saint-Gobain -Résultats définitifs 2006 : Confirmation des données ...
             MobiFrance - 22 mar 2007
             de la ratification de la cooptation et du renouvellement du mandat d'administrateur de M. Bernard CUSENIER, représentant les actionnaires salariés et ...
FR*   1340 - Saint-Gobain -Résultats définitifs 2006 : Confirmation des données ...
             Euroinvestor - 22 mar 2007
             de la ratification de la cooptation et du renouvellement du mandat d'administrateur de M. Bernard CUSENIER, représentant les actionnaires salariés et ...
FR*   1341 - Saint-Gobain -Résultats définitifs 2006 : Confirmation des données ...
             Boursorama - 22 mar 2007
             de la ratification de la cooptation et du renouvellement du mandat d'administrateur de M. Bernard CUSENIER, représentant les actionnaires salariés et ...
FR*   1342 - Saint-Gobain -Résultats définitifs 2006 : Confirmation des données ...
             PDA France - 22 mar 2007
             de la ratification de la cooptation et du renouvellement du mandat d'administrateur de M. Bernard CUSENIER, représentant les actionnaires salariés et ...
FR*   1343 - Les facettes multiples du cinéma français
             l'Humanité - 22 mar 2007
             ... se mettre à vendre puis rouvrir l’entreprise en coopérative ouvrière, les conflits internes et méfiances réciproques entre directions syndicales ...
CA*   1344 - Le projet de coopérative échoue
             Radio-Canada - 22 mar 2007
             Le projet de coopérative de travailleurs ne verra donc pas le jour. Le comité de relance voulait faire l'acquisition des équipements dans le but de devenir ...
CH*   1345 - En Suisse, les millions valsent chez les grands patrons
             Tribune de Genève - 22 mar 2007
             Normal: Terry Semel a perçu en 2006, tout confondu (salaire, primes, stock-options encaissées etc.), plus de 200 millions de dollars. ...
FR*   1346 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq -0,17%; Dow Jones +0,11%
             Voila.fr - 22 mar 2007
             ... centre de distribution Internet, et 3-4,5 M$ environ de dépenses liées à la révision des pratiques de stock options de la société, soit 0,05$ par titre. ...
FR*   1347 - Jean Louis Gergorin : « l’hypercorruption se développe partout »
             Contre Info - 22 mar 2007
             Une part croissante des stock-options est accaparée par un petit nombre de dirigeants et de financiers. Précisément au détriment des forces vives de ...
FR*   1348 - Jean Louis Gergorin : « l’hypercorruption se développe partout »
             Bellaciao - 22 mar 2007
             Une part croissante des stock-options est accaparée par un petit nombre de dirigeants et de financiers. Précisément au détriment des forces vives de ...
FR*   1349 - Neurones : le titre sursaute
             Voila.fr - 22 mar 2007
             ... en haut de fourchette de la dernière prévision à 6,9% (7,4% avant actions gratuites et stock options et charges de dépréciation de fonds de commerce). ...
FR*   1350 - «Il suffirait que l'UE et les Etats-Unis s'entendent»
             20minutes.fr - 22 mar 2007
             Une part croissante des stock-options est accaparée par un petit nombre de dirigeants et de financiers. Précisément au détriment des forces vives de ...
AR*   1351 - Significativa ceremonia de entrega de viviendas
             La Opinión Rafaela - 22 Mar 2007
             Destacó que "vamos a inaugurar 12 viviendas, construidas por las cooperativas de trabajo, a ellos quiero agradecerles y felicitarlos por el proceso que ...
AR*   1352 - Mín: 9º Máx: 16°
             Bariloche 2000 - 22 Mar 2007
             La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR*   1353 - Dicen que el trabajo informal disminuyó en Río Negro
             El Ciudadano (Bariloche) - 22 Mar 2007
             También se realizó una fuerte tarea de fomento del diálogo a través de las paritarias, se impulsó un fuerte control sobre las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
UY*   1354 - Los caminos de salida de la superpoblación carcelaria
             El Espectador Uruguay - 22 Mar 2007
             Hay proyectos laborales en curso presentados por los propios reclusos, se apuesta también a la creación de cooperativas de trabajo y sociales. ...
AR*   1355 - Alicia Kirchner finalizó su visita a Santiago del Estero
             Nova - 22 Mar 2007
             Posteriormente se trasladó a la localidad de Taboada, donde participó de la inauguración de viviendas rurales realizadas por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
             ADN (Argentina) - 22 Mar 2007
             También se realizó una fuerte tarea de fomento del diálogo a través de las paritarias, se impulsó un fuerte control sobre las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR*   1357 - Sunchales - Entrega de viviendas en Barrio 9 de Julio
             Sin Mordaza - 22 Mar 2007
             ... también se inauguraron las 12 viviendas pertenecientes al Plan Federal de Emergencia Habitacional, construidas por Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
AR*   1358 - La marcha de las antorchas convocó a jóvenes y un amplio sector de ...
             Comercio On Line - 22 Mar 2007
             ... Jorge Ciconnetti, del Partido Comunista; Miguel Angel Alvarez, de la Cooperativa de trabajo, Nahuel Guazú, conformada por ex trabajadores de Astarsa. ...
CO*   1359 - Fortaleciendo la cultura ciudadana
             Diario Occidente - 22 Mar 2007
             El evento tendrá lugar en la oficina de la cooperativa de trabajo asociado Ufprame (Unidos hacia el Futuro Protegiendo El Medio Ambiente) de la cual hacen ...
AR*   1360 - Los expendedores de tarjeta aspiran a un salario de 900 pesos
             La Capital (Rosario) - 22 Mar 2007
             ... de pasajeros son 70 personas con diferentes capacidades que dependen de la cooperativa de trabajo La Unión, que será la encargada de pagar los aumentos. ...
ES*   1361 - La opa condiciona las «stock options» de los gestores de Altadis
             ABC - 22 Mar 2007
             Aparte de las «stock options», la tabaquera hispano-francesa ofrece una plan de retribución condicionado de acciones gratuitas. Este plan está sujeto a dos ...
DE*   1362 - RM-UNTERNEHMERGESPRÄCH / Loewe-Chef Rainer Hecker über die Rettung ...
             Rheinischer Merkur - 22. März 2007
             Öffnen Sie Ihr Unternehmen auch für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im Sinne des viel diskutierten Investivlohnes? Hecker: Ja, das kann ein nächster Schritt sein. ...
BR*   1363 - Unimed Cuiabá deve arcar com despesas de tratamento médico
             O Documento - 22 Mar 2007
             ... titular do Juizado Especial Cível do bairro Planalto, em Cuiabá, deferiu nesta quarta-feira liminar favorável a um usuário da cooperativa de trabalho ...
PT*   1364 - Trichet pede moderação nos salários dos executivos
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 22 Mar 2007
             Em França, Antoine Zacharias recebeu 13 milhões de euros de indemnização, mais 250 milhões em "stock options", quando abandonou o grupo de construção Vinci ...
US*   1365 - New owners
             Salina Journal, KS - Mar 21, 2007
             The key to employee ownership is having a healthy company, he said, referring to the debt the ESOP is to repay through profits. ...
US*   1366 - Axiom Asia Announces Final Closing of Its First Asia-Focused Fund ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 21, 2007
             Probitas Partners, founded in 2001, is an employee-owned, independent provider of alternative investment solutions, headquartered in San Francisco with ...
US*   1367 - Axiom Asia Announces Final Closing of Its First Asia-Focused Fund ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2007
             Probitas Partners, founded in 2001, is an employee-owned, independent provider of alternative investment solutions, headquartered in San Francisco with ...
US*   1368 - Prince George’s Names and Notes
             Business Gazette, MD - Mar 21, 2007
             ... our long-range succession plan to ensure the ongoing growth and seamless leadership transition for our employee-owned firm,” Healey said in a statement. ...
US*   1369 - Fitch Affirms 'CAM2-' US Leveraged Loan CAM Rtg for Aladdin ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2007
             Aladdin Capital Management LLC is an employee-owned registered investment advisor founded in 1999. Headquartered in Stamford, CT and with offices in London, ...
US*   1370 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Select Comfort ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2007
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
US*   1371 - Briefing.com Economist Named a Top Forecaster for Fourth ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2007
             Briefing.com is an employee-owned company headquartered in Chicago, with offices in Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area. Rated a “top site” by Barron’s ...
US*   1372 - Wilson’s book about Rolla stretches the truth, but only a little bit
             The Rolla Daily News, MO - Mar 21, 2007
             Founded in 1980, GeoEngineers is an employee-owned firm with 15 offices and more than 300 employees in eight states. SOS: The St. James band program has put ...
US*   1373 - Anchor Bay Yacht Sales Becomes Hunter Marine Select Dealer for the ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 21, 2007
             It is employee owned with US design and manufacturing facilities in Alachua, Florida. Hunter sailboats are marketed in over 45 countries throughout the ...
US*   1374 - Anchor Bay Yacht Sales Becomes Hunter Marine Select Dealer for the ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 21, 2007
             It is employee owned with US design and manufacturing facilities in Alachua, Florida. Hunter sailboats are marketed in over 45 countries throughout the ...
US*   1375 - Canuck named TCA vice chairman
             Today's Trucking News - Mar 21, 2007
             ... Mo., was elected the 2007-2008 chairman. Founded in 1981 as a transportation broker, O & S became employee-owned almost 20 years later.
US*   1376 - Equity Group Takes Majority Ownership of MC Assembly
             Circuits Assembly, GA - Mar 21, 2007
             ... provided $11 million in capital, in partnership with Cleveland-based Candlewood Partners, to help fund an employee stock ownership plan at MC Assembly. ...
US*   1377 - Sugar Creek Financial Corp. Announces Completion of Subscription ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2007
             The Company has received subscriptions for approximately 281000 shares, which excludes shares to be purchased by the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   1378 - Tribune still on target
             LA Observed, CA - Mar 21, 2007
             At this point, it still seems to be between Chicago real estate guy Sam Zell and his employee stock ownership plan or Tribune's own self-help plan that ...
US*   1379 - Bid for Tribune; Debt Is an Issue
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 21, 2007
             Details of Mr. Zell's revised offer aren't clear, although it was already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan taking on debt ...
US*   1380 - Tribune revenue slips 3.4% in February
             MarketWatch - Mar 21, 2007
             executives had become cool to Zell's bid to take the company private in a reported $13 billion deal and run it through an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   1381 - Bid for Tribune Still Alive, Zell Says
             Editor & Publisher - Mar 21, 2007
             He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US*   1382 - Zell negotiating revised Tribune offer: report
             Crain's Chicago Business, IL - Mar 21, 2007
             Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
US*   1383 - Zell Says He's Still Talking to Tribune About a Deal
             Fox 28, IN - Mar 21, 2007
             Zell says his plan would result in Tribune becoming a private company, adding part of its component would be an employee stock ownership plan.
US*   1384 - Garry Meier may be on way to WCKG gig
             Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 21, 2007
             ... which, fueled by an employee stock ownership plan, was seen as threatening to add too much debt and too little equity, according to sources. ...
US*   1385 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
             WIS, SC - Mar 21, 2007
             Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
US*   1386 - Zell says Tribune talks ongoing
             Chicago Sun-Times, IL - Mar 21, 2007
             He confirmed that the proposal calls for ''a significant ownership'' via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the ...
CA*   1387 - AP Interview: Zell says he's still talking to Tribune Co. about a deal
             Canoe.ca, Canada - Mar 21, 2007
             He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US*   1388 - Bid for Tribune still alive, Zell says
             Newsday, NY - Mar 21, 2007
             He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US*   1389 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
             KPLC-TV, LA - Mar 21, 2007
             Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
IN*   1390 - Offshore staff get Esop FBT breather
             Economic Times, India - Mar 21, 2007
             They point out that an Esop may get taxed twice, once at the hands of the employer in India and then at the hands of the employee in another country. ...
CA*   1391 - Claude Resources Announces Fourth Quarter Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 21, 2007
             ... 230000 and 140000 common shares pursuant to the Company's Employee Share Purchase Plan, employee stock option plan and warrants exercised pursuant to a ...
US*   1392 - Biotage: Proposals for Annual General Meeting
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 21, 2007
             Adoption of a global employee stock option program The Board has resolved to propose that the General Meeting shall resolve to adopt a global employee stock ...
US*   1393 - Biotage: Proposals for Annual General Meeting
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 21, 2007
             Adoption of a global employee stock option program The Board has resolved to propose that the General Meeting shall resolve to adopt a global employee stock ...
US*   1394 - Biotage: Proposals for Annual General Meeting
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 21, 2007
             Adoption of a global employee stock option program The Board has resolved to propose that the General Meeting shall resolve to adopt a global employee stock ...
US*   1395 - Biotage: Proposals for Annual General Meeting
             Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 21, 2007
             Adoption of a global employee stock option program The Board has resolved to propose that the General Meeting shall resolve to adopt a global employee stock ...
US*   1396 - Mobius to Host Webcast: 'Seamless Access to Enterprise Content via ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 21, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
US*   1397 - Avexa Raises $60.1M To Fund Phase III Trials Of HIV Agent
             BioWorld Online, GA - Mar 21, 2007
              ... of approximately 6.27 million warrants issued in prior equity financings and other transactions, and from the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US*   1398 - The Buyback Bonanza
             Forbes, NY - Mar 21, 2007
             A big criticism of share buybacks is that they are just used to counterbalance the increase in shares that results from granting employee stock options. ...
UK*   1399 - CytRx saw $10.6 million from warrants
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 21, 2007
             The warrants, about 6.3 million in all, were issued in prior equity financing and other transactions, and about 308000 employee stock options. ...
US*   1400 - Palm: Shareholders Eagerly Await Buyout News
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Mar 21, 2007
              Without the advantage of low priced employee stock options or a venture-connected investment at low valuations, potential shareholders should constantly ...
CA*   1401 - Eastshore increases year-end reserves by 37%, successfully ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 21, 2007
             Also at year-end 2006, the Company had 3040500 share options outstanding, at exercise prices ranging from $1.08 to $3.00 per share. ...
IE*   1402 - IN&M to seek acquisitions as Irish operations see profits rise by 4.2%
             Irish Examiner, Ireland - Mar 21, 2007
             It also emerged yesterday that Independent chief executive Tony O’Reilly had exercised share options to lift his stake to 26.2%. The move cost Dr O’Reilly ...
US*   1403 - 13 UBS Execs Earn $197.1M Between Them
             Forbes, NY - Mar 21, 2007
             ... who earned a total of 26.6 millions francs (then US$21.2 million; euro16.9 million) in base salary, bonus payments, benefits and share options in 2006. ...
US*   1404 - 13 UBS Execs Earn $197.1M Between Them
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 21, 2007
             ... who earned a total of 26.6 millions francs (then US$21.2 million; euro16.9 million) in base salary, bonus payments, benefits and share options in 2006. ...
AU*   1405 - Adland agog at looming court stoush
             The Australian, Australia - Mar 21, 2007
             ... Partners and a second series of secret payments was made to Keogh, Stephens and Rutherford from aa cash pool created by the sale of share options. ...
CA*   1406 - Eastshore increases year-end reserves by 37%, successfully ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 21, 2007
             Also at year-end 2006, the Company had 3040500 share options outstanding, at exercise prices ranging from $1.08 to $3.00 per share. ...
US*   1407 - 13 UBS Execs Earn $197.1M Between Them
             MSN Money - Mar 21, 2007
             ... raked in a total of 26.6 millions francs (then US$21.2 million; euro16.9 million) in base salary, bonus payments, benefits and share options in 2006. ...
US*   1408 - 13 UBS Execs Earn $197.1M Between Them
             Forbes, NY - Mar 21, 2007
             ... raked in a total of 26.6 millions francs (then US$21.2 million; euro16.9 million) in base salary, bonus payments, benefits and share options in 2006. ...
UK*   1409 - IHG profits fall but boss gets rise
             This is Money, UK - Mar 21, 2007
             He was awarded share options worth £1.2m under a short-term incentive scheme. The pay package of Richard Hartman, president of the IHG's European, ...
FR*   1410 - Top UBS executives received quarter billion Swiss francs last year
             International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 21, 2007
             ... who raked in a total of 26.6 millions francs (then US$21.2 million; €16.9 million) in base salary, bonus payments, benefits and share options in 2006. ...
AT*   1411 - Tullow Oil plc 2006 Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 21, 2007
             The number of shares outstanding, however, is adjusted to show the potential dilution if employee and other share options are converted into ordinary shares ...
CA*   1412 - Corruption and greed in high places
             The Guardian (Australia), Australia - Mar 21, 2007
             Another form of corruption is wrapped up in the “legal" share options and huge salaries paid to persons on the Boards of companies and corporations. ...
IE*   1413 - Wednesday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Mar 21, 2007
             The offer document shows that the MBO team has 227500 share options that expire this month. All of the options can be exercised at €5.30 a share. ...
US*   1414 - Tullow Oil plc 2006 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 21, 2007
             The number of shares outstanding, however, is adjusted to show the potential dilution if employee and other share options are converted into ordinary shares ...
FI*   1415 - UPM-Kymmene Oyj: Upm-kymmene changes in share capital and votes ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Mar 21, 2007
             A total of 1300 UPM Kymmene Corporation share options 2002E were used for the subscription of 2600 shares from December 9, 2006 to February 28, 2007. ...
FR*   1416 - L'épargne salariale, un dispositif encore plus intéressant
             Actusite - 21 mar 2007
             Même si elle ne modifie pas profondément le dispositif d'épargne salariale, la loi du 30 décembre 2006 sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié a ...
FR*   1417 - Vinci: Oddo relève son objectif sur fond de rumeurs
             Capital.fr - 21 mar 2007
             Néanmoins, Oddo ajoute des arguments mettant en doute la probabilité d'une OPA: Vinci (DG) a une bonne capacité de défense, par son actionnariat salarié ou ...
FR*   1418 - Un toit pour les exclus
             Politis - 21 mar 2007
             La sicav Choix solidaire, gérée par Ecofi, et le fonds commun de placement à risques Natexis solidaire, notamment destiné aux fonds d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1419 - Archos - Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1420 - ARCHOS : Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Capital.fr - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1421 - ARCHOS : Avis de réunion rectificatif
             BourSonews - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1422 - Avis de réunion rectificatif
             La Tribune.fr - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1423 - ARCHOS : Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Boursorama - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1424 - Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Francebourse.com - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1425 - Avis de réunion rectificatif
             newsinvest.fr - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1426 - Archos : Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Zonebourse.com - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1427 - Archos : Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Boursier.com (Communiqués de presse) - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1428 - Avis de réunion rectificatif
             Actusnews.com (Communiqués de presse) - 21 mar 2007
             4°) décide de supprimer, en faveur de ces salariés ou anciens salariés adhérents à un plan d’épargne entreprise ou plan partenarial d’épargne salariale ...
FR*   1429 - Prenez vos bénéfices sur AGF
             Capital.fr - 21 mar 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
CA*   1430 - Joseph Stiglitz
             Voir.ca - 21 mar 2007
             Le système des stock-options (options sur titres), qui, n'étant pas considérées comme des dépenses, n'apparaissaient pas comme telles sur le plan comptable, ...
FR*   1431 - Adobe fait mieux que prévu
             Silicon.fr - 21 mar 2007
             Si le chiffre d'affaires est inférieur aux attentes, le BPA, hors stock-options et coûts d'acquisitions, ressort à 30 cents, contre 29 attendus. ...
FR*   1432 - Orco Property: exercice de stock-options, conversion d'OCA.
             EasyBourse.com - 21 mar 2007
             (Cercle Finance) - Orco Property Group fait savoir que 'suite à l'exercice de 1.000 stock-options et à la conversion de 153.720 obligations convertibles (5 ...
FR*   1433 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
             Invest Valley - 21 mar 2007
             Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR*   1434 - Avec les patrons, en terrain conquis
             l'Humanité - 21 mar 2007
             Sa diatribe en 2006 contre les « patrons voyous », qui bénéficient de stock-options ou touchent de grosses indemnités de départ, n’a pas dû en inquiéter ...
ES*   1435 - Constituida en el Congreso la Subcomisión para estudiar la ...
             Diario Directo - 21 Mar 2007
             ... asuntos que integren a cooperativas y sociedades laborales, entre otras entidades complementarias a las tradicionales de la economía capitalista. ...
ES*   1436 - Economía/Empresas.- Constituida en el Congreso la Subcomisión para ...
             Hispanidad - 21 Mar 2007
             ... asuntos que integren a cooperativas y sociedades laborales, entre otras entidades complementarias a las tradicionales de la economía capitalista. ...
ES*   1437 - Constituida en el Congreso la Subcomisión para estudiar la ...
             Terra España - 21 Mar 2007
             ... asuntos que integren a cooperativas y sociedades laborales, entre otras entidades complementarias a las tradicionales de la economía capitalista. ...
ES*   1438 - Economía/Empresas.- Constituida en el Congreso la Subcomisión para ...
             elEconomista.es - 21 Mar 2007
             ... asuntos que integren a cooperativas y sociedades laborales, entre otras entidades complementarias a las tradicionales de la economía capitalista. ...
AR*   1439 - El Gobernador inaugurará 62 viviendas
             La Opinión Rafaela - 21 Mar 2007
             12 unidades habitacionales pertenecientes a la 2ø etapa del Plan Emergencia Habitacional construídas a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
AR*   1440 - Obras de infraestructura en la ciudad de La Quiaca
             Jujuy al día - 21 Mar 2007
             ... soluciones en materia de núcleos húmedos, todo esto encarado a través de la municipalidad de común acuerdo con las diferentes cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   1441 - Alicia Kirchner en Santiago del Estero
             Santiago al día - 21 Mar 2007
             Allí, junto con el gobernador Zamora, Alicia Kirchner participó de la inauguración de Viviendas construídas por cooperativas de trabajo, un Polideportivo y ...
AR*   1442 - Viviendas, entregan las primeras
             Sunchales Hoy - 21 Mar 2007
             ... de las 12 unidades habitacionales pertenecientes a la segunda etapa del Plan Emergencia Habitacional construídas a través de cooperativas de Trabajo. ...
AR*   1443 - Nubes por la mañana/sol por la tarde
             Bariloche 2000 - 21 Mar 2007
             La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR*   1444 - Alicia Kirchner recorre Santiago del Estero
             Nova - 21 Mar 2007
             Allí, junto al propio Zamora, participó de la inauguración de viviendas construidas por cooperativas de trabajo, un polideportivo y visitó la obra del ...
AR*   1445 - Abrió sus puertas el CIC de Alem
             OberaOnline - 21 Mar 2007
             ... de Asuntos Barriales, en la conformación de las Cooperativas de Trabajo, que para la concreción de este proyecto requirió tres cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR*   1446 - “El panorama en las plantas pesqueras se agravará”
             Puntonoticias - 21 Mar 2007
             El presidente de FECOOAPORT (Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Pesqueras, Navales y afines), Alberto Rosa, se refirió al duro ...
AR*   1447 - Alicia Kirchner viaja a Santiago del Estero
             Gente-BA - 21 Mar 2007
             ... las obras del Centro Experimental Máximo S Victoria e inaugurará viviendas construídas por cooperativas de trabajo en la ciudad de Fernández, ...
ES*   1448 - Idepa ratifica el convenio de colaboración empresarial entre el ...
             Terra España - 21 Mar 2007
             El fomento de la cultura emprendedora y el desarrollo de cooperativas de trabajo para mujeres, son otros dos aspectos en los que también se trabajará en el ...
AR*   1449 - Alicia Kirchner viaja a Santiago del Estero
             Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 21 Mar 2007
             ... las obras del Centro Experimental Máximo S Victoria e inaugurará viviendas construídas por cooperativas de trabajo en la ciudad de Fernández, ...
AR*   1450 - Alicia Kirchner viaja a Santiago del Estero
             Télam - 21 Mar 2007
             ... las obras del Centro Experimental Máximo S Victoria e inaugurará viviendas construídas por cooperativas de trabajo en la ciudad de Fernández, ...
AR*   1451 - Alta Gracia quiere bonos de carbono para convertir agua sucia en ...
             La Voz del Interior - 21 Mar 2007
             Si lo que por ahora es sólo un plan se concretara, el esquema permitiría: depurar los efluentes cloacales de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Aguas Sanitarias de ...
AR*   1452 - Vendedores de tarjetas magnéticas denuncian aprietes de sus superiores
             AbiertaTV - 21 Mar 2007
             Sandra contó que otra cosa que molestó a las autoridades de la cooperativa de trabajo La Unión, de la que dependen, es que se hayan reunido con el concejal ...
             ADN (Argentina) - 21 Mar 2007
             Bariloche (ADN).- El dirigente y asesor del Frente para la Victoria, Leandro Costa Brutten salió al cruce de las declaraciones de Diego Larreguy y afirmó ...
AR*   1454 - Vendedores de tarjetas magnéticas denuncian aprietes de sus superiores
             Rosario3 - 21 Mar 2007
             Sandra contó que otra cosa que molestó a las autoridades de la cooperativa de trabajo La Unión, de la que dependen, es que se hayan reunido con el concejal ...
AR*   1455 - Comienzo parcial de la planta de reciclado de residuos
             Puntonoticias - 21 Mar 2007
             La planta de separación y clasificación de residuos sólidos urbanos propiedad de la cooperativa de trabajo CURA (integrada por los mismos recuperadores que ...
PE*   1456 - Denuncian supuestas irregularidades en contratación de personal en ...
             El Regional - 21 Mar 2007
             ... por el artículo 3º de la Ley Nº 27626, Ley que regula la actividad de las empresas especiales de servicios y de las cooperativas de trabajadores. ...
ES*   1457 - Trichet hace un llamamiento a la moderación salarial de los ...
             El Confidencial - 21 Mar 2007
             ... Antoine Zacharias, más unos 250 millones en concepto de stock options, cuando fue expulsado de la presidencia de la constructora Vinci el pasado verano. ...
IT*   1458 - Largo Grotte e Monticelli: al via concorsi di idee e ...
             AndriaLive.it - 21 mar 2007
             Il Comune di Andria intende raccogliere manifestazioni di interesse da parte di proprietari, imprese edili, cooperative edilizie e cooperative di produzione ...
IT*   1459 - Tiscali approva il progetto di bilancio. Cristofori: ‘Per il 2008 ...
              Key4biz (Abbonamento) - 21 mar 2007
             Approvato il progetto di bilancio per l’esercizio 2006 di Tiscali e la proposta del piano di stock options per il management. ...
ZA*   1460 - AGL - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Mar 20, 2007
             ANAAL AGL - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc Incorporated in the United Kingdom (Registration number: ...
US*   1461 - CH2M HILL Reduces Environmental Impact
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US*   1462 - Neverfail Updates eLearning Programs for Both Customers and Partners
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
             "The NCA training provides superior content and delivery," said Mark Perry, IT Manager for Portfolio Advisors LLC, an employee-owned firm providing a full ...
US*   1463 - King Arthur Flour and Jacques Torres Chocolate Bring Indulgent ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
             Employee-owned since 1996, King Arthur Flour is the parent company of The Baker's Catalogue, which offers more than 1000 professional-grade baking tools, ...
CA*   1464 - Unitholders of Countryside Power Income Fund request replacement ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 20, 2007
             About Marret Asset Management Inc. Marret Asset Management Inc. is an employee-owned firm concentrating on analysis of higher yielding corporate securities. ...
CA*   1465 - Unitholders of Countryside Power Income Fund request replacement ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 20, 2007
             About Marret Asset Management Inc. Marret Asset Management Inc. is an employee-owned firm concentrating on analysis of higher yielding corporate securities. ...
AT*   1466 - The ACS Will see OpenEye Celebrate its First 10 Years
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 20, 2007
             Most remarkably, the company is still 100% employee-owned; it has grown without venture capital investment, government grants or bank loans, but solely on ...
US*   1467 - CH2M HILL Reduces Environmental Impact
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 20, 2007
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
UK*   1468 - Commuters make detour for Mott MacDonald
             Cambridge Evening News, UK - Mar 20, 2007
             The company is employee-owned, is in the Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For listing, and has broadly three arms, education, water and environment, ...
US*   1469 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Cellcom Israel Ltd ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2007
              As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
US*   1470 - Neverfail Updates eLearning Programs for Both Customers and Partners
             SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 20, 2007
             "The NCA training provides superior content and delivery," said Mark Perry, IT Manager for Portfolio Advisors LLC, an employee-owned firm providing a full ...
US*   1471 - The ACS Will see OpenEye Celebrate its First 10 Years
             Earthtimes.org - Mar 20, 2007
             Most remarkably, the company is still 100% employee-owned; it has grown without venture capital investment, government grants or bank loans, but solely on ...
US*   1472 - The ACS Will see OpenEye Celebrate its First 10 Years
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 20, 2007
             Most remarkably, the company is still 100% employee-owned; it has grown without venture capital investment, government grants or bank loans, but solely on ...
US*   1473 - The ACS Will see OpenEye Celebrate its First 10 Years
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
             Most remarkably, the company is still 100% employee-owned; it has grown without venture capital investment, government grants or bank loans, but solely on ...
AT*   1474 - Neverfail Updates eLearning Programs for Both Customers and Partners
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 20, 2007
       "The NCA training provides superior content and delivery," said Mark Perry, IT Manager for Portfolio Advisors LLC, an employee-owned firm providing a full ...
US* 1475 - Neverfail Updates eLearning Programs for Both Customers and Partners
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 20, 2007
       "The NCA training provides superior content and delivery," said Mark Perry, IT Manager for Portfolio Advisors LLC, an employee-owned firm providing a full ...
US* 1476 - Neverfail Updates eLearning Programs for Both Customers and Partners
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 20, 2007
       "The NCA training provides superior content and delivery," said Mark Perry , IT Manager for Portfolio Advisors LLC, an employee-owned firm providing a full ...
US* 1477 - Neverfail Updates eLearning Programs for Both Customers and Partners
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
       "The NCA training provides superior content and delivery," said Mark Perry, IT Manager for Portfolio Advisors LLC, an employee-owned firm providing a full ...
US* 1478 - Johnson Investment Counsel Advises Bigger May Not Be Better A Case ...
       dBusinessNews Cincinnati (press release), OH - Mar 20, 2007
       Johnson Investment Counsel is an employee-owned firm, offering a full range of fee-based comprehensive wealth management services, including: investment ...
US* 1479 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
       MSN Money - Mar 20, 2007
       Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
CA* 1480 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 20, 2007
       Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
US* 1481 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 20, 2007
       Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
US* 1482 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
       Washington Post, DC - Mar 20, 2007
       Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
US* 1483 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
       Reuters - Mar 20, 2007
       Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
UK* 1484 - Zell revising bid for Tribune: report
       Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       Details of Zell's revised offer weren't clear, the Journal said, although it is already known that his bid involved use of an employee stock-ownership plan ...
US* 1485 - IRS scrutinizes $1B in Marriott tax deductions
       Business Gazette, MD - Mar 20, 2007
       Marriott formed the employee stock ownership plan in 2000. The company claimed about $1 billion in federal income tax deductions for the forgiven principal ...
US* 1486 - Zell says he's still in talks with Tribune
       Crain's Chicago Business, IL - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1487 - AP Interview: Zell says still talking to Tribune Co. about a deal
       Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1488 - Zell Says He Is Still Talking to Tribune About a Deal
       CNBC, NJ - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1489 - Zell says still talking to Tribune about deal
       MarketWatch - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
UK* 1490 - Zell says he's still talking to Tribune
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for 'a significant ownership' via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1491 - Zell Says He's Still Talking to Tribune
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1492 - Zell Says He's Still Talking to Tribune
       Forbes, NY - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1493 - Zell says he's still talking to Tribune
       BusinessWeek - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1494 - AP Interview: Zell says still talking to Tribune about a deal
       WQAD, IL - Mar 20, 2007
       Zell says his plan would result in Tribune becoming a private company, adding part of its component would be an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 1495 - AP Interview: Zell says still talking to Tribune about a deal
       nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1496 - AP Interview: Zell says still talking to Tribune about a deal
       The Southern, IL - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1497 - Zell says he's still talking to Tribune
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1498 - AP Interview: Zell says still talking to Tribune about a deal
       Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, IL - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1499 - Zell says he's still talking to Tribune
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for 'a significant ownership' via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1500 - Zell Says He's Still Talking to Tribune
       Forbes, NY - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1501 - AP Interview: Zell says still talking to Tribune about a deal
       Belleville News-Democrat, IL - Mar 20, 2007
       He confirmed that the proposal calls for "a significant ownership" via an employee stock ownership plan and that he does not intend to break up the company. ...
US* 1502 - Good News about Retirement Savings
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2007
       ... covers the four most common retirement plan designs: defined contribution, defined benefit, nonqualified and employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). ...
US* 1503 - Spartan buys Felpausch stores for $38.5 million
       The Grand Rapids Press, MI - Mar 20, 2007
       Since the company's employees are part of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), they will benefit from the sale, Feldpausch said.
US* 1504 - HQ sale part of turnaround
       Birmingham News, AL - Mar 20, 2007
       The company, which he gave to employees in an employee stock ownership plan in 1987, is now the nation's 10th largest black-owned insurer, ...
US* 1505 - American Capital Prices Public Offering of Common Stock
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
       American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN* 1506 - i-flex to allot shares under ESOS
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 20, 2007
       i-flex Solutions informed that a meeting of the members of ESOP allotment committee of the company will be held Mar. 27, Mar. 28 and Mar. ...
IN* 1507 - Mastek allots shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 20, 2007
       Subsequent to the allotment of these shares, the paid up share capital of the company shall be 28383379 amounting to Rs 141916895. ...
IN* 1508 - `Toddy shops for cooperatives illegal'
       Hindu, India - Mar 20, 2007
       ... the running of toddy shops in some ranges in Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Ernakulam districts to toddy tappers' and workers' cooperative societies. ...
UK* 1509 - Genworth boosts buyback plan by $600M
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       ... treasury shares and could be used for general corporate purposes, such as acquisitions, employee stock option exercises or other employee stock plans. ...
US* 1510 - Javelin Pharmaceuticals Reports Results for The Year Ended 2006
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 20, 2007
       The $4.4 million increase was mainly due to expensing employee stock option awards, the addition of executive and managerial personnel, ...
US* 1511 - More Business Digest
       Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 20, 2007
       ... Communications Systems Inc. chief executive Gregory Reyes lost a bid for dismissal of charges that he improperly backdated employee stock-option grants. ...
US* 1512 - Boots & Coots Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2007
       ... for all share-based payment awards made to employees, consultants and directors; including employee stock options based on estimated fair values. ...
IN* 1513 - Aban Offshore`s board approves change in vesting period of ESOS
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 20, 2007
       Aban Offshore has announced that the board of the company has approved the change in vesting period of employee stock options scheme - 2005 (ESOS-2005). ...
US* 1514 - QLogic Certified as Five-Star Vendor From CMP's VARBusiness and ...
       Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 20, 2007
       ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US* 1515 - Sanmina-SCI offers swap of stock options
       Huntsville Times, AL - Mar 20, 2007
       Sanmina-SCI Corp. announced in a government filing Monday it will offer to exchange employee stock options for new options to better reflect the stock's ...
CA* 1516 - Rally Energy reports record production, revenue, cash flow and ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 20, 2007
        Non-cash expenses related to the valuation of share options granted during 2006 were $2.1 million as compared to $1.4 million for 2005. ...
CA* 1517 - Petrolifera Petroleum Limited reports 2006 year end results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 20, 2007
       Compensation costs attributed to share options granted are measured at fair value at the grant date and expensed over the vesting period with a ...
UK* 1518 - Bristol Rovers weigh up ground share options
       Saddlers MAD, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       Cheltenham Town's Whaddon Road could become a temporary home for Bristol Rovers while work is carried out on their Memorial Stadium. ...
CA* 1519 - Petrolifera Petroleum Limited reports 2006 year end results
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 20, 2007
       Compensation costs attributed to share options granted are measured at fair value at the grant date and expensed over the vesting period with a ...
UK* 1520 - Goldman shareholder alleges top bankers are overpaid
       Times Online, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       The lawsuit claims that Goldman has misapplied the Black-Scholes options pricing model, a standard calculation used to determine the value of share options ...
US* 1521 - ProLogis CFO departs; will get $2M
       Milwaukee Business Journal, WI - Mar 20, 2007
       The company also said her share options will be fully vested and it will pay Bokides' health benefits under COBRA through Dec. 31, 2008. ...
FI* 1522 - F-Secure Oyj: F-secure oyj minutes of annual general meeting ...
       Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Mar 20, 2007
       ... for the vice chairman EUR 30000 and 15000 (2005 C -series) share options and for chairman EUR 40000 and 20000 (2005 C -series) share options. ...
US* 1523 - ProLogis CFO departs; will get $2M
       San Antonio Business Journal, TX - Mar 20, 2007
       The company also said her share options will be fully vested and it will pay Bokides' health benefits under COBRA through Dec. 31, 2008. ...
AU* 1524 - Qantas to still call 51% of Australia home
       The Chaser (satire), Australia - Mar 20, 2007
       "And so will all the members of the Qantas family that have a generous share options package." The other sticking point over the deal is the airline's ...
ZA* 1525 - MUR - Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited - Directors Dealings
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 20, 2007
        ... sold at: R55.01 per share Option price: R13.04 Value: R 2 750 500 Interest: Direct beneficial - exercise of share options in the normal course Clearance ...
CA* 1526 - Rally Energy reports record production, revenue, cash flow and ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 20, 2007
       Non-cash expenses related to the valuation of share options granted during 2006 were $2.1 million as compared to $1.4 million for 2005. ...
US* 1527 - Newcourt Group FY06 Earnings Increase On 78% Revenue Growth ...
       Trading Markets, CA - Mar 20, 2007
       Earnings per share after once off costs, share options and warrants and goodwill amortization increased to 5.91 cents from 3.27 cents a year ago. ...
UK* 1528 - Costco Wholesale ratings, outlook unaffected by judicial probe ...
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 20, 2007
       ... impact on the rating and outlook of Costco Wholesale Corps 'A/A-1' following the news of judicial probe into the companys grant of share options. ...
US* 1529 - Costco Wholesale ratings, outlook unaffected by judicial probe ...
       Forbes, NY - Mar 20, 2007
       ... impact on the rating and outlook of Costco Wholesale Corps 'A/A-1' following the news of judicial probe into the companys grant of share options. ...
US* 1530 - Principal International Hosts Overseas Property Investment Open Day
       PR.com (press release), NY - Mar 20, 2007
       ... and others have excellent finance packages available which include 10% rent guarantees for 2 years after completion and 50/50 room rate share options. ...
FR* 1531 - INTERVIEW/Jean-Louis Autant, Claire Chaves d'Oliveira et Maud Minuit
       Capital.fr - 20 mar 2007
       Il n'ya pas de stars aux manettes", souligne Jean-Louis Autant, directeur de la gestion diversifiée et de l'épargne salariale, et "gérant-pilote" de ...
FR* 1532 - "Ils voulaient un patron, pas une coopérative ouvrière"
       Le Monde - 20 mar 2007
       ... avait une section ; le parti a tenté de souffler aux employés de Lip que c'était le moment ou jamais de créer une coopérative ouvrière de production. ...
FR* 1533 - Questions soumises aux formations politiques et aux candidats à l ...
       ATTAC France (Communiqués de presse) - 20 mar 2007
       Quelles dispositions envisagez-vous de prendre pour que les structures (entreprises, scop ou associations) qui éditent des sites internet d’informations et ...
CA* 1534 - Les facteurs de succès d'une coopérative de travail
       La Vie Rurale - 20 mar 2007
       Au delà de la gouvernance de la coopérative, certaines tâches propres à toute entreprise devront être réalisées. Les petites coopératives de travailleurs ...
FR* 1535 - Retard dans les ventes pour Adobe Systems
       La Tribune.fr - 20 mar 2007
       Hors stock-options et coûts d'acquisition, le résultat par action (BPA) ressort à 30 cents, alors que les analystes tablaient en moyenne sur un BPA de 29 ...
FR* 1536 - Société Générale : nouvelle version de son site Internet www ...
       Voila.fr - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1537 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
       Francebourse.com - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1538 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
       Capital.fr - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1539 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
       EasyBourse.com - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1540 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
       Euroinvestor - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d´accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1541 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
       Fininfo (Communiqués de presse) - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1542 - PROD interactive : Stock-options 2.0
        CompanynewsGroup (Communiqués de presse) - 20 mar 2007
       Grâce à une information pragmatique et vulgarisée, Stockoptions.fr se propose ainsi d'accompagner les détenteurs de stock-options dans les choix ...
FR* 1543 - Airbus et EADS : une industrie de souveraineté qui doit rester ...
       Revue républicaine - 20 mar 2007
       ... avec le scandale de ses stock-options, et des actionnaires attachés à leur 15 % de rentabilité annuelle qui est à l’origine de la crise. ...
ES* 1544 - Las Cortes aragonesas aprueban una ley contra la violencia de género
       Heraldo de Aragón (Suscripción) - 20 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades laborales y cualquier entidad que contrate a mujeres víctimas de violencia , y también a ellas mismas si deciden trabajar como autónomas. ...
ES* 1545 - CEPES celebra la puesta en marcha mañana de la Subcomisión para la ...
       Terra España - 20 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades laborales, mutualidades, empresas de inserción y centros especiales de empleo con más de 200 estructuras de apoyo a nivel autonómico. ...
ES* 1546 - RSC.-CEPES celebra la puesta en marcha mañana de la Subcomisión ...
       Europa Press - 20 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades laborales, mutualidades, empresas de inserción y centros especiales de empleo con más de 200 estructuras de apoyo a nivel autonómico. ...
ES* 1547 - Las Cortes aprueban la Ley contra la Violencia de Género, que ...
       El Periódico (Aragón) - 20 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades laborales y cualquier entidad que contrate a mujeres víctimas de violencia, y también a ellas mismas si deciden trabajar como autónomas. ...
CO* 1548 - La temida competencia desleal por costos laborales
       Portafolio - 20 Mar 2007
       Por ello, su interés se centró en conocer muy de cerca el funcionamiento de figuras como las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), las cooperativas, ...
ES* 1549 - Alicia Kirchner visitará Santiago del Estero
       Nova - 20 Mar 2007
       Asimismo, inaugurará viviendas construidas por cooperativas de trabajo en la ciudad de Fernández, y también entregará pensiones asistenciales a madres de 7 ...
AR* 1550 - La crisis de la merluza generó pérdidas de centenares de puestos ...
       0223 Vespertino Digital - 20 Mar 2007
       ... Cristian Alessandroni, directivo de Industrial Coop, una de las cooperativas de trabajo que más asociados tiene en la industria pesquera marplatense. ...
AR* 1551 - "Una revolución social en cada barrio"
        Aquí La Noticia - 20 Mar 2007
       El titular de la cartera sanitaria nacional hizo referencia así a la construcción del nuevo edificio, de la que participaron cooperativas de trabajo ...
AR* 1552 - Los expendedores de tarjetas magnéticas amenazan con un paro
       AbiertaTV - 20 Mar 2007
       Los trabajadores, que en su mayoría son personas con discapacidad, son miembros de una cooperativa de trabajo llamada La Unión que presta un servicio ...
AR* 1553 - Convenios con la Nación por emprendimientos productivos
       Salta al día - 20 Mar 2007
       Además, la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Martín del Norte recibió la suma de $ 200.066 destinados a proyectos tales como el armado de un taller de chapa y ...
AR* 1554 - Los expendedores de tarjetas magnéticas amenazan con un paro
       Rosario3 - 20 Mar 2007
       Los trabajadores, que en su mayoría son personas con discapacidad, son miembros de una cooperativa de trabajo llamada La Unión que presta un servicio ...
AR* 1555 - Desarrollo del turismo rural
       Diario de Cuyo - 20 Mar 2007
       Allí la cooperativa de trabajo local, con la excusa de la película, lanzó la propuesta de visitar esa localidad ignorada y durante un día para observar la ...
AT* 1556 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: AK skeptisch zu Plänen von SPÖ und ÖVP
       derStandard.at - 20. März 2007
       Diese unterscheiden sich jedenfalls von einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, die eigentlich Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung heißen müsste. ...
AT* 1557 - Österreicher gegen ausländische Kernaktionäre
        derStandard.at - 20. März 2007
       Auffallend ist, dass zwar 72 Prozent der Befragten für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sind, aber nur 57 Prozent auch Aktien ihres Unternehmens kaufen würden. ...
AT* 1558 - Böhler-Uddeholm: Steirer-ÖVP sieht Standorte nicht gefährdet
       Kleine Zeitung - 20. März 2007
       ... am wirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Unternehmen teilhaben zu lassen und die schon bestehenden Modelle der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung vermehrt anzuwenden. ...
IT* 1559 - Enel, via libera di Madrid Potrà salire al 25% di Endesa
       il Giornale - 20 mar 2007
       La Consob spagnola ha infatti chiesto ai singoli consiglieri di amministrazione che hanno una partecipazione azionaria (anche stock options) di pronunciarsi ...
IT* 1560 - DopoBorsa/ Nuovo finanziamento per FastWeb, Tiscali vede crescere ...
       Affari Italiani - 20 mar 2007
       ... dell’Isp sardo ha approvato oggi il progetto di bilancio per l’esercizio 2006 e la proposta del piano di stock options per il management. ...
IT* 1561 - Tiscali: risultato netto 2006 in perdita per 136,7 mln
       La Repubblica - 20 mar 2007
       ... di sottoporre all'Assemblea l'approvazione di un piano di stock options per l'Amministratore Delegato ed il management del Gruppo Tiscali in Italia. ...
BR* 1562 - Costureiras preparam-se para formar cooperativa de trabalho
       Cruzeironet - 20 Mar 2007
       ... a partir do estímulo e orientação que têm recebido para formarem uma cooperativa de trabalho, uma associação ou até mesmo uma microempresa. ...
CA* 1563 - PCL legend Bob Stollery passes away
       Journal of Commerce, Canada - Mar 19, 2007
       The employee ownership model in the PCL family of companies today is regarded as one of the best in North America. Bob continued to have an active role in ...
US* 1564 - Price Chopper Launches iSaveToday
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 19, 2007
       ... who collectively own 54% of the company's privately held stock, placing Price Chopper as one of the top 10 employee-owned companies in the nation. ...
US* 1565 - Crowley Settles Stockholder Lawsuit
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 19, 2007
       based Crowley Maritime Corporation, founded in San Francisco in 1892, is primarily a family and employee-owned company that provides diversified ...
US* 1566 - Crowley Settles Stockholder Lawsuit
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2007
       based Crowley Maritime Corporation, founded in San Francisco in 1892, is primarily a family and employee-owned company that provides diversified ...
US* 1567 - Finding a Niche
       American Journalism Review, MD - Mar 19, 2007
       Real estate magnate Mortimer B. Zuckerman, who also is chairman and copublisher of New York's Daily News, bought the formerly employee-owned magazine in ...
US* 1568 - Johnson Investment Counsel Advises Bigger May Not Be Better
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2007
       Johnson Investment Counsel is an employee-owned firm, offering a full range of fee-based comprehensive wealth management services, including: investment ...
AT* 1569 - Price Chopper Launches iSaveToday
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 19, 2007
       ... who collectively own 54% of the company's privately held stock, placing Price Chopper as one of the top 10 employee-owned companies in the nation. ...
US* 1570 - Price Chopper Launches iSaveToday
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 19, 2007
       ... who collectively own 54% of the company's privately held stock, placing Price Chopper as one of the top 10 employee-owned companies in the nation. ...
US* 1571 - Price Chopper Launches iSaveToday
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 19, 2007
       ... who collectively own 54% of the company's privately held stock, placing Price Chopper as one of the top 10 employee-owned companies in the nation. ...
US* 1572 - Fixing a Hole
       Connecticut Business News Journal, CT - Mar 19, 2007
       The new owners then created an employee stock ownership plan. Ladino's present company, Centerplan, is developing shopping centers and housing developments ...
US* 1573 - Hooker Looks Bad in Red
       Motley Fool - Mar 19, 2007
       ... a massive $18.4 million charge for terminating its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), and the write-off of $855000 in "related deferred tax assets," ...
US* 1574 - A Short Report for Hooker Furniture: Fool by Numbers
       Motley Fool - Mar 19, 2007
       The company recorded a net loss mainly because of charges related to terminating its employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) and restructuring charges.
US* 1575 - Hooker Reports 5.8% Sales Decline For Shortened Reporting Period
       Furniture World Magazine (press release) - Mar 19, 2007
       An $18.4 million non-cash, non-tax deductible charge related to the termination of the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP") effective January 26 ...
US* 1576 - Hooker Looks Bad in Red
       Motley Fool - Mar 19, 2007
       To the contrary, Toms cited the "declining warehousing and distribution costs," in conjunction with lower expenses from ESOP, lower operating costs from no ...
US* 1577 - Jack Nadel Employees Form Ownership Group
       Advertising Specialty Institute (press release), PA - Mar 19, 2007
       ... Robert Buckingham, Craig Nadel, the Canopus group and a group of 15 employees who were previously part of the company’s now-defunct ESOP program. ...
IN* 1578 - Hewlett-Packard plans share buyback
       ZDNetIndia, India - Mar 19, 2007
       HP said the buyback would help offset dilution created by shares from employee stock option plans and return cash to stockholders, according to a filing ...
CA* 1579 - Novadaq reports fiscal 2006 year-end and fourth quarter results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 19, 2007
        A total of 1704925 stock options were outstanding under the Company's employee stock option plan. Quarter Ended December 31, 2006 Compared to Quarter Ended ...
IN* 1580 - Silverbirch Launches silverbirchmobile.com
       TechWhack, India - Mar 19, 2007
       ... to grant stock options to each individual in accordance with the Employee Stock Option Plan previously approved by the shareholders on March 29, 2006. ...
US* 1581 - Auction Goes Nowhere: Third Tribune Bid Stalls
       MediaPost Publications, New York - Mar 19, 2007
       ... had several plusses: it would give ownership of the company to an employee stock-option plan, and unlike the earlier proposals from Los Angeles-area ...
UK* 1582 - Hewlett-Packard plans share buyback
       ZDNet UK, UK - Mar 19, 2007
       HP said the buyback would help offset dilution created by shares from employee stock option plans and return cash to stockholders, according to a filing ...
US* 1583 - Auction Goes Nowhere: Third Tribune Bid Stalls
       Mediapost.com, CT - Mar 19, 2007
       ... had several plusses: it would give ownership of the company to an employee stock-option plan, and unlike the earlier proposals from Los Angeles-area ...
IN* 1584 - 3i infotech allots equity shares under ESOS
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 19, 2007
       05, 2007 and 11625 equity shares to the applicants under the employee stock option scheme, 2000 (ESOS) Feb. 26, 2007. It has also allotted 26886 equity ...
NZ* 1585 - Steve Jobs cleared on options backdating
       Reseller News, New Zealand - Mar 19, 2007
       Walt Disney says its own internal probe had identified some cases in which Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before being ...
US* 1586 - Take-Two considers sale amid boardroom battle
       Hollywood Reporter, CA - Mar 19, 2007
       It has also restated results due to both inflated revenue and improper use of employee stock options, and grappled with related regulatory and legal matter. ...
US* 1587 - QLogic Achieves Largest Installed Base of 4Gb and 2Gb Fibre ...
       Embedded Computing Design (press release), MI - Mar 19, 2007
       ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US* 1588 - Apple/Pixar's Steve Jobs cleared on options backdating
       ITworld.com, MA - Mar 19, 2007
       ... Studios had backdated some employee stock options before being acquired by Disney (from Steve Jobs) in a US$7.4 billion all-stock deal last year. ...
US* 1589 - Disney Finds Pixar Options Backdated, Clears Current Execs of ...
       Digital Media Wire, CA - Mar 19, 2007
       The Walt Disney Company announced that an internal investigation found that employee stock options at Pixar, its digitally animated film studio, ...
US* 1590 - Mix: Mickey iPod, Apple TV, BusinessWeek 50, Pixar probe
       iLounge, CA - Mar 19, 2007
       A Disney investigation found that Pixar had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired, but that no one currently associated with the ...
UK* 1591 - Disney board declares some irregularities over options at Pixar ...
       Macworld UK, UK - Mar 19, 2007
       ... Studios had backdated some employee stock options before being acquired by Disney (from Steve Jobs) in a $7.4 billion all-stock deal last year. ...
US* 1592 - Metris FY06 Sales Up 235% to 62 Million Euros
       Ten Links (press release), CA - Mar 19, 2007
       ... since non-cash operational expenses BDA, such as the operational expense charge associated with employee stock options, are rather limited. ...
US* 1593 - Disney finds backdated Pixar options
        CNET News.com, CA - Mar 19, 2007
       Investigation finds that the animation studio founded by Steve Jobs had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney. By Reuters ...
US* 1594 - Disney finds backdated Pixar options
       ZDNet - Mar 19, 2007
       An investigation by Walt Disney Co. has found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney. ...
US* 1595 - Encorium Group Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year End Financial ...
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 19, 2007
       SFAS 123R requires the cost of all share-based payments, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized in the financial statements based on ...
UK* 1596 - Disney board clears Apple/Pixar's Steve Jobs on options backdating
       Macworld UK, UK - Mar 19, 2007
       ... Studios had backdated some employee stock options before being acquired by Disney (from Steve Jobs) in a $7.4 billion all-stock deal last year. ...
ZA* 1597 - CNL - Control Instruments Group Limited - Reviewed Provisional Results
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 19, 2007
       ... net of tax Impairment of "available-for-sale" financial asset Profit for the year Employee share option scheme: - Value of services provided Movement of ...
IE* 1598 - ICG shares chalk up further gain to close at nearly €20
       Unison.ie (subscription), Ireland - Mar 19, 2007
       This brings ICG's market cap to €466.6m before directors' share options are taken into account and marks a 7.3pc premium on the €18.50 a share being offered ...
US* 1599 - ProLogis CFO departs; will get $2M
       Charlotte Business Journal, NC - Mar 19, 2007
       The company also said her share options will be fully vested and it will pay Bokides' health benefits under COBRA through Dec. 31, 2008. ...
US* 1600 - ProLogis CFO departs; will get $2M
       Denver Business Journal, CO - Mar 19, 2007
       The company also said her share options will be fully vested and it will pay Bokides' health benefits under COBRA through Dec. 31, 2008. ...
US* 1601 - Publisher stars in case of the epic exec
       Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Mar 19, 2007
       ... former CEO of UnitedHealth Group Inc. Firms granting share options to employees stand accused of picking dates with particularly favorable prices. ...
US* 1602 - ProLogis CFO departs; will get $2M
       Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 19, 2007
       The company also said her share options will be fully vested and it will pay Bokides' health benefits under COBRA through Dec. 31, 2008. ...
US* 1603 - Conquest Drilling Results-King Bay
        WM Experts (press release), FL - Mar 19, 2007
       Conquest also announces that a total of 300000 incentive share options have been granted to a director of the company pursuant to its Share Option Plan. ...
CA* 1604 - Conquest Drilling Results-King Bay
       CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 19, 2007
       Conquest also announces that a total of 300000 incentive share options have been granted to a director of the company pursuant to its Share Option Plan. ...
ZA* 1605 - ARI - African Rainbow Minerals Limited - Director's dealings in ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 19, 2007
       ... Executive Name of company African Rainbow Minerals Limited Date of transaction 16 March 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
ZA* 1606 - NED - Nedbank Group Limited - Dealing In Securities by a Director
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 19, 2007
       ... the following information is disclosed in respect of the exercise of share options and the dealing in Nedbank Group ordinary shares by an executive ...
AU* 1607 - Abbott says his sacked colleague not a pariah
       The Australian, Australia - Mar 19, 2007
       Another Liberal senator, Ross Lightfoot, is also in the spotlight over undeclared share options he owned in a West Australian mining company Precious Metals ...
ZA* 1608 - CNL - Control Instruments Group Limited - Reviewed Provisional Results
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 19, 2007
       ... issue (excluding treasury shares) (000) 100 434 78 956 Weighted average number of shares in issue (000) 93 247 69 687 Adjustment for share options (000) ...
FR* 1609 - Raymond, Simone, François...
       Libération - 19 mar 2007
       ... que Minc incarne plus et mieux que tout autre et que les stock-options de l'ex-PDG de Vinci, Antoine Zacharias (notamment), révélèrent exemplairement. ...
FR* 1610 - Ségolène Blair et Nicolas Thatcher
       Journal du pays basque - 19 mar 2007
       L’explosion des rémunérations des dirigeants, des stock-options, des dividendes et autres golden parachutes exprime à leurs yeux la rapacité sans fard des ...
FR* 1611 - BOURSE DE PARIS - Les valeurs à suivre demain
       Boursorama - 19 mar 2007
       Ipsos avait invoqué le ralentissement de sa croissance, le coût croissant des plans de stock-options et d'actions gratuites et les coûts non récurrents liés ...
FR* 1612 - Disney et les stock-options de Pixar
       Mac Generation - 19 mar 2007
       ... sur les pratiques comptables de Pixar, l’autre société de Steve Jobs qu’elle a rachetée l’année dernière, en matière de stock-options antidatées. ...
AT* 1613 - Gusenbauer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Firmenpension
       derStandard.at - 19. März 2007
       Wien - Bundeskanzler Alfred Gusenbauer will die von Vizekanzler Wilhelm Molterer vorgeschlagene Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter am Betriebserfolg als Grundlage ...
AT* 1614 - Gusenbauer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Pension
       Aon - 19. März 2007
       Wien.- Bundeskanzler Gusenbauer will die von Vizekanzler Molterer vorgeschlagene Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter am Betriebserfolg als Grundlage für eine ...
AT* 1615 - Gusenbauer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung als Pension
       Neues Volksblatt - 19. März 2007
       Bundeskanzler Gusenbauer will die von Vizekanzler Molterer vorgeschlagene Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter am Betriebserfolg als Grundlage für eine Firmenpension ...
AT* 1616 - Gusenbauer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
       Vorarlberg Online - 19. März 2007
       Bundeskanzler Gusenbauer will die von Vizekanzler Wilhelm Molterer vorgeschlagene Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter am Betriebserfolg als Grundlage für eine ...
IT* 1617 - Disney: si conferma tonica dopo chiusura indagine su options Pixar
       La Repubblica - 19 mar 2007
       ... ha annunciato di aver positivamente portato a termine una indagine interna sulla controllata Pixar, relativa alle pratiche relative alle stock options. ...
IT* 1618 - Stock options, Apple offre un rimborso ai dipendenti
        Macity - 19 mar 2007
       Apple offre ai dipendenti coinvolti loro malgrado nel caso delle stock options di ripagare in contanti la differenza tra le azioni predatate e quelle in ...
IT* 1619 - Stock options, Disney assolve Jobs
       Macity - 19 mar 2007
       Disney termina l'esame della vicenda stock options in seno a Pixar. Nessuno dei manager della società acquistata lo scorso anno ha agito fraudolentemente. ...
US* 1620 - Horóscopo Espiritual
       El Diario (New York) - 19 Mar 2007
       Las sociedades laborales están propiciadas por los tránsitos planetarios pero deben tener un sustento legal. Haz todo con firma y sello. ...
CO* 1621 - Temporales pasarán a contrato indefinido
       La República (Colombia) - 19 Mar 2007
       ... la gran mayoría de trabajadores públicos que laboran de manera temporal o son contratistas fueron vinculados mediante cooperativas de trabajo asociado.
CO* 1622 - Freno a la informalidad laboral
       Portafolio - 19 Mar 2007
       Las entidades públicas no podrán contratar personal con cooperativas de trabajo asociado que desmejoren las condiciones laborales. ...
AR* 1623 - Firma de convenio
       Radio Salta - 19 Mar 2007
       Además, la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Martín del Norte recibió la suma de $ 200.066 destinados a proyectos tales como el armado de un taller de chapa y ...
ES* 1624 - El barrio jardín de los ingenieros de La Maruca
       La Nueva España - 19 Mar 2007
       Se hará sobre terrenos cedidos por Cristalería Española, con destino a una cooperativa de trabajadores de la compañía. ...
AR* 1625 - Inauguraran hoy el CIC paceño
       Aquí La Noticia - 19 Mar 2007
       Los CIC´s son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
ES* 1626 - Take-Two retrasa su reunión con los accionistas y considera su venta
       Vandal - 19 Mar 2007
        Después de cinco trimestres consecutivos con pérdidas y tras la polémica por la asignación impropia de stock options, un grupo de inversores con hasta el ...
US* 1627 - Two weeks out
       Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Mar 18, 2007
       Fabled ESOPs: Employee ownership truths and possibilities. 7:30 to 9 am, University of St. Thomas Opus Hall, room 201, 1000 LaSalle Av., Minneapolis. Free. ...
US* 1628 - Dynetics CEO Bendickson joins engineer Hall of Fame
       Huntsville Times, AL - Mar 18, 2007
       "It is a testament to the accomplishments of Dynetics and all Dynetics employee-owners. "I have been blessed in my career to be surrounded by men and women ...
US* 1629 - A scrape over scrap
       Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - Mar 18, 2007
       Founded in 1985 by Bob Hillis, the employee-owned company now sells equipment and information systems to more than 21000 nursing homes, assisted-living ...
US* 1630 - Is NUA a strategy for you?
       Portsmouth Herald News, NH - Mar 18, 2007
       A number of corporations also maintain Employee Stock Ownership (ESOP) plans. As a consequence of major corporate bankruptcies in the past several years and ...
US* 1631 - Two weeks out
       Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Mar 18, 2007
       Four expert panelists will cover a range of ESOP issues from the conceptual to the operational and more. Twin Cities Chapter of the International Society of ...
IN* 1632 - Finance Bill: more delegated powers
       Hindu, India - Mar 18, 2007
       Power to provide measure of value for FBT: An amendment to Fringe Benefits Tax, now proposes to be extended to cover Employees Stock Option (ESOP) Scheme, ...
IN* 1633 - Intent of taxing stock options not clear
       Business Standard, India - Mar 18, 2007
       The proposed legislation shall impose an obligation on the employers to pay FBT on the fair market value of ESOP at the time the employee exercises the ...
IN* 1634 - A well-rated issue
       Business Standard, India - Mar 18, 2007
       Along with this, a 9 per cent stake will be allotted to an employee welfare trust in order to administer employee stock option plans (ESOPs). ...
ZA* 1635 - ENL - Enaleni Pharmaceuticals Limited - Abridged Audited Group Results
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 18, 2007
       The dilution is related to 7,8 million (2005: 7,1 million) share options in issue to management and staff. HEPS for the year is 24,9 cents (2005: 9,0 cents) ...
UK* 1636 - BGC forges ahead with flotation
       Times Online, UK - Mar 18, 2007
       The managing partner Robert Chapman attacked eSpeed’s recent performance and a grant of share options to Howard Lutnick, its chief executive, ...
FR* 1637 - Question 24321 p 606 Compétitivité des clubs professionnels
       Infosport - 18 mar 2007
       La disposition contenue à l'article 68 de la loi n° 2006-1770 du 30 décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié et ...
FR* 1638 - Les mauvais calculs de Jobs... et de « Fortune »
       Les Échos - 18 mar 2007
       Steve Jobs at-il antidaté les stock-options qu'il avait reçues comme PDG d'Apple ? » Pour « Fortune », ce que le génial fondateur et réinventeur de la ...
       TeldeActualidad.com (Comunicados de prensa) - 18 Mar 2007
       ... de los tintes tuvo tan sólo dos décadas de rentabilidad y el posterior intento de la cría del gusano de seda no cuajó en la sociedad laboral canaria. ...
AR* 1640 - Mín: 11º Máx: 21°
       Bariloche 2000 - 18 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
CO* 1641 - Huellas, listas en el Municipio de La Virginia
       El Diario de Otún - 18 Mar 2007
       La Cooperativa de Trabajadores del Municipio de Pereira , Coomper, programó su Asamblea Ordinaria para el sábado 24 de marzo, a partir de la 1:00 de la ...
US* 1642 - Sales Manager
       Kingsport Times News, TN - Mar 17, 2007
       SALES MANAGER Holston Builders is an employee owned business founded in 1958 that has a long successful history of providing high quality products and ...
US* 1643 - Mike Dufour named to Allen Agency Board of Directors
       knox.VillageSoup.com, ME - Mar 17, 2007
       CAMDEN (March 17): The Allen Agency, the Camden-based, employee-owned insurance and financial services company, is pleased to announce the election of ...
US* 1644 - Mike Pierce named VP at Allen Agency
       VillageSoup Belfast, ME - Mar 17, 2007
       CAMDEN (March 17): The Allen Agency, the Camden-based, employee-owned insurance and financial services company, is pleased to announce the appointment of J. ...
US* 1645 - Hooker Furniture reports a loss of $18.4 million
       Winston-Salem Journal (subscription), NC - Mar 17, 2007
       It took an $18.4 million charge related to the ending of its employee stock-ownership plan, effective Jan. 26. The company also took a $3 million ...
SA* 1646 - Focus Softnet sees Saudi sales soar by 35% in 2006
       It-Arabia, Saudi Arabia - Mar 17, 2007
       Thanks to their stellar performance over the last year, Focus has also announced ESOPs (Employee stock ownership plans) for its employees. ...
IN* 1647 - Govt to go ahead with SEZs, says Nath
       The Tribune, India - Mar 17, 2007
       It would follow from the above that you have exercised your option on March 2, 2007, when the law treating ESOP as FBT is not applicable. ...
US* 1648 - Hooker Furniture reports a loss of $18.4 million
       Winston-Salem Journal (subscription), NC - Mar 17, 2007
       “In fact, the termination of the ESOP and closing of the Martinsville facility, combined with declining warehousing and distribution costs, should position ...
IN* 1649 - Govt to go ahead with SEZs, says Nath
       The Tribune, India - Mar 17, 2007
       However, as per SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme And Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, the term "exercise" means making of an application ...
IN* 1650 - Deserves a high rating
       Financial Express, India - Mar 17, 2007
       The company is also making a preferential offer of 9,06000 equity shares to employee stock options scheme at the offer price. ...
US* 1651 - Walt Disney absolves Steve Jobs of wrongdoing in Pixar backdating ...
       newratings.com - Mar 17, 2007
       NYS) Friday announced that its probe has revealed that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney ...
US* 1652 - HP board authorizes $8B buyback
       Phoenix Business Journal, AZ - Mar 17, 2007
       ... thousands in Roseville, said in a regulatory filing that the buyback would help offset dilution from shares distributed through employee stock options. ...
CA* 1653 - New allegations in RIM Stock option controversy
       570 News, Canada - Mar 17, 2007
       ... on the allegations-- which are just that--allegations. RIM is working to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago.
FR* 1654 - Stock-options antidatées: Disney blanchit Pixar, et Steve Jobs
       Le Monde - 17 mar 2007
       "Bien que les stock-options aient été antidatées chez Pixar avant l'acquisition" des studios d'animation par Disney, "personne, actuellement associé au ...
FR* 1655 - Sarkozy : Zéro pointé en économie
       Bellaciao - 17 mar 2007
       Il se dit réservé sur les “parachutes dorés” et souhaite introduire des stock-options pour tous. Le troisième point a trait aux impôts et aux dépenses. ...
FR* 1656 - Zéro pointé en économie
       Rouge Midi - 17 mar 2007
       Il se dit réservé sur les “parachutes dorés” et souhaite introduire des stock-options pour tous. Le troisième point a trait aux impôts et aux dépenses. ...
AR* 1657 - Comenzó el 2º Plenario Nacional del MUP
       Jujuy al día - 17 Mar 2007
       Integrantes de cooperativas de trabajo, radios comunitarias, funcionarios públicos y dirigentes juveniles que integran el MUP, discutirán la expansión de la ...
AR* 1658 - Alicia Kirchner inauguró centros integradores comunitarios en ...
       Nova - 17 Mar 2007
       La construcción de los Centros Integradores Comunitarios estuvo a cargo de cooperativas de trabajo compuestas por vecinos. ...
CA* 1659 - PCL legend, Bob Stollery, dies at 82
       Daily Commercial News, Canada - Mar 16, 2007
        “Bob’s foresight, generosity and commitment to sharing paved the way for our employee ownership model that we believe makes us so successful. ...
US* 1660 - Three-day employee ownership conference highlight's week
       San Diego Daily Transcript (subscription), CA - Mar 16, 2007
       ... named after the founder of what was once the largest employee-owned company, will co-host a conference dedicated to demystifying employee ownership. ...
IN* 1661 - For a comprehensive Esops policy
       Financial Express, India - Mar 16, 2007
       The world over, Esops stand for broadbased ‘employee share ownership plans’ and are different from equity-linked incentive or retention plans for executives ...
IE* 1662 - ESOP to oppose planned ESB curbs
       RTE.ie, Ireland - Mar 16, 2007
       The trustees of the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) says the Government's plans in the White Paper on energy earlier this week, will impose a major ...
US* 1663 - Graybar Achieves #1 Industry Ranking on the 2006 FORTUNE ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 16, 2007
       Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America, is a leader in the distribution of high quality ...
US* 1664 - Three-day employee ownership conference highlight's week
       San Diego Daily Transcript (subscription), CA - Mar 16, 2007
       The Beyster Institute, named after the founder of what was once the largest employee-owned company, will co-host a conference dedicated to demystifying ...
US* 1665 - Graybar Achieves #1 Industry Ranking on the 2006 FORTUNE ...
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 16, 2007
       Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America, is a leader in the distribution of high quality ...
AT* 1666 - Graybar Achieves #1 Industry Ranking on the 2006 FORTUNE ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 16, 2007
        Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America, is a leader in the distribution of high quality ...
US* 1667 - Graybar Achieves #1 Industry Ranking on the 2006 FORTUNE ...
       DMN Newswire (press release), CA - Mar 16, 2007
       Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America , is a leader in the distribution of high quality ...
US* 1668 - Raycom Media Installs Volicon Systems at 30 US Stations
       TV Technology, VA - Mar 16, 2007
       Raycom, an employee-owned station group in Montgomery, Ala., also has purchased a Volicon Observer Central Monitoring system to enable monitoring of all of ...
UK* 1669 - Tenaska sells half of marketing business
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
UK* 1670 - Tenaska sells half of marketing business
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
US* 1671 - Tenaska Sells Half of Marketing Business
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 16, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
US* 1672 - Tenaska sells half of marketing business
       BusinessWeek - Mar 16, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
US* 1673 - Tenaska Sells Half of Marketing Business
       Forbes, NY - Mar 16, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
US* 1674 - Tenaska Energy sells 50 percent of natural gas marketing business
       Wilton Villager, CT - Mar 16, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
US* 1675 - Business briefs
       Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 16, 2007
       WOONSOCKET, RI -- Scott Rossiter of Grafton, chairman of employee-owned Lampin Corp. in Uxbridge, has been given the Gerald L. Gaudette Community ...
UK* 1676 - Scottish Business Briefing – March 16
       Scotsman, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       The Edinburgh based, employee-owned business announced profits of £22.9m following what chief executive Willie Watt described as ‘an exceptional year’. ...
IE* 1677 - ESB employees condemn Eirgrid plan
       Irish Times, Ireland - Mar 16, 2007
       The representative body for employee shareholders at ESB has joined the main unions at company in condemning Government plans to move ownership of the ...
US* 1678 - Tribune, Heal Thyself
       Motley Fool - Mar 16, 2007
       ... Zell has advanced a scheme that would involve the creation at Tribune of an employee stock-ownership plan, with which he would share Tribune ownership. ...
US* 1679 - Report: Tribune likely to stick with 'self-help' plan
       MarketWatch - Mar 16, 2007
       ... company private in a reported $13 billion deal and run it through an employee stock ownership plan -- is considered by some insiders be too complicated, ...
US* 1680 - Friday morning headlines
       LA Observed, CA - Mar 16, 2007
       Zell's proposal for an employee stock ownership plan is losing steam because of concerns about the limited amount of equity Zell is putting down. ...
US* 1681 - Hooker Reports Sales, Loss for Transition Period
       Home Furnishings Business, PA - Mar 16, 2007
       ... Thursday: an $18.4 million non-cash, non-tax deductible charge related to the termination of Hooker’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan effective Jan. ...
US* 1682 - Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal ...
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 16, 2007
       (A) ESOP expense is a non-cash labor expense the Company incurs each year in connection with the Employee Stock Ownership Plan of the Company's parent. ...
US* 1683 - One-time charges leave Hooker with loss in two-month transition period
        Furniture Today (subscription), NC - Mar 16, 2007
       One-time charges for ending an employee stock ownership plan and for restructuring left Hooker Furniture with an $18.4 million loss in its two-month ...
US* 1684 - Hooker Furniture reports a loss of $18.4 million
       Winston-Salem Journal (subscription), NC - Mar 16, 2007
       “In fact, the termination of the ESOP and closing of the Martinsville facility, combined with declining warehousing and distribution costs, should position ...
IE* 1685 - ESOP against Eirgrid network
       Unison.ie (subscription), Ireland - Mar 16, 2007
       THE ESB employees share ownership scheme (ESOP) has come out strongly against any bid by the Government to give control of the transmission network to the ...
CA* 1686 - Kree Tech reports third quarter 2007 financial results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 16, 2007
       Furthermore, in accordance with its Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), the Corporation will grant 230000 additional options exercisable at an exercise price ...
US* 1687 - Stockwire.com: Speak with other shareholders about: (OTCBB: HFIT ...
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 16, 2007
       ... the market appreciation of $7000 relating to the release of ESOP shares, amortization of $34000 of unearned ESOP shares, amortization of $92000 of ...
US* 1688 - One-time charges leave Hooker with loss in two-month transition period
       Furniture Today (subscription), NC - Mar 16, 2007
       + An $18.4 million non-cash, non-tax deductible charge related to the termination of the ESOP effective Jan. 26. Hooker also wrote off a related deferred ...
IN* 1689 - Small-cap IT companies will face the heat of MAT: Analysts
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 16, 2007
       ... make it difficult for IT industry that uses ESOP as a major tool to attract talent, said Deepak Ghaisas, CEO-India Operations and CFO, I-Flex Solutions. ...
CA* 1690 - Kree Tech reports third quarter 2007 financial results
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 16, 2007
       Furthermore, in accordance with its Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), the Corporation will grant 230000 additional options exercisable at an exercise price ...
IE* 1691 - Clonmacnoise aims to become first Fairtrade diocese
       Offaly Independent, Ireland - Mar 16, 2007
       The Fairtrade organisation, backed by consumers making conscious purchasing choices, works worldwide with producers, workers, cooperatives in the food, ...
IN* 1692 - Jobs and Salaries Bread, butter & icing
       Financial Express, India - Mar 16, 2007
       Fringe Benefit Tax on employee stock option plans (ESOPs) may be a dampener though, says Sandeep Chaudhary, business leader of Hewitt's Talent and ...
IN* 1693 - Esops: FM likely to stick to Plan A and levy FBT
       Financial Express, India - Mar 16, 2007
       NEW DELHI, MAR 16: The finance ministry may finally place the burden of employee stock option plans (Esops) on employers as part of the fringe benefit tax ...
IN* 1694 - Small-cap IT companies will face the heat of MAT: Analysts
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 16, 2007
       Nasscom also asked the government to change the taxation procedures on Employee Stock Option (ESOPs) and said it should be levied at a maximum rate of 10% ...
US* 1695 - 24-hour WinCo to open
       Visalia Times-Delta, CA - Mar 16, 2007
       The store has 90000 square feet of space and will employ 225 employees, all of whom participate in an employee stock option plan making them all owners of ...
US* 1696 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       MSN Money - Mar 16, 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An investigation by Walt Disney Co. found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was ...
US* 1697 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       KPLC-TV, LA - Mar 16, 2007
       N) found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney, Chairman John Pepper said in a statement ...
US* 1698 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       WIS, SC - Mar 16, 2007
       N) found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney, Chairman John Pepper said in a statement ...
CA* 1699 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 16, 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An investigation by Walt Disney Co. found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was ...
US* 1700 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 16, 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An investigation by Walt Disney Co. found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was ...
UK* 1701 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       N: Quote, Profile , Research) found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney, Chairman John ...
US* 1702 - Disney probe finds Pixar backdated options
       Reuters - Mar 16, 2007
       N: Quote, Profile, Research) found that Pixar Animation Studios had backdated some employee stock options before it was acquired by Disney, Chairman John ...
US* 1703 - Cytyc to restate records, expenses
       Worcester Telegram, MA - Mar 16, 2007
       The actions come as a result of a voluntary review of employee stock options initiated by the company and conducted by Cytyc’s audit committee with the ...
UK* 1704 - Martin Sorrell: Goliath fights back
       Independent, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       These, added into a basic salary and cash bonus that was £2420000 last year, have given him £52m in share options, plus about £15m in options deferred till ...
UK* 1705 - £4m pay packet for RBS chief executive Goodwin
       Scotsman, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       ... and an award of £1m of shares in RBS, and a "golden hello" payment of £1.19m to compensate him for the loss of his share options with Citigroup. ...
UK* 1706 - Apple to unbackdate (some) stock options
       Register, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       ... has Steve Jobs was given share options on the basis of falsified documents which claimed to show the board of directors had approved the stock grant. ...
US* 1707 - Online Retailers Who Use Pay-for-Performance Marketing Discover ...
       Eworldwire (press release), NJ - Mar 16, 2007
       Net has been a national leader in performance-based marketing offering revenue share options to advertisers and publishers of all categories and tiers. ...
UK* 1708 - TechMARK movers: Vernalis stumbles, Xaar in blue
       ShareCast, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       ... for the year to 31 December dropped from £10.5m in 2005 and fell to £6.9m from £10m after providing for the cost of share options and non-recurring costs.
FI* 1709 - YIT Oyj: Yit minutes of annual general meeting resolutions passed ...
       Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Mar 16, 2007
       ... and it was decided that the full subscription price shall be entered into the share capital when shares are subscribed for with the share options; ...
UK* 1710 - He may, allegedly, be a rogue - but at least he is our accused rogue
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 16, 2007
       A mounting furore over misuse of executive share options now encompasses more than 100 companies, with big names such as Apple's Steve Jobs under close ...
US* 1711 - Tier One Media Agency is Forced to Launch Affiliate Network
       PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 16, 2007
       Net is a national leader in performance based marketing offering Revenue Share options to Advertisers and Publishers of all categories and tiers. ...
US* 1712 - Tier One Media Agency is Forced to Launch Affiliate Network
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 16, 2007
       Net is a national leader in performance based marketing offering Revenue Share options to Advertisers and Publishers of all categories and tiers. ...
FR* 1713 - Emploi des seniors : un premier bilan… mais la France a encore du ...
       Senior Actu - 16 mar 2007
       ... décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, ont permis les adaptations nécessaires à la mise en œuvre du plan. ...
FR* 1714 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 16 mar 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le président de Disney, John Pepper, annonce qu'une enquête interne a conclu que le studio Pixar a antidaté certaines stocks-options ...
FR* 1715 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       La Tribune.fr - 16 mar 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le président de Disney, John Pepper, annonce qu'une enquête interne a conclu que le studio Pixar a antidaté certaines stocks-options ...
FR* 1716 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       nouvelobs.com - 16 mar 2007
       Conformément à la loi "Informatique et Liberté" n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, nous nous engageons à ...
FR* 1717 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       EasyBourse.com - 16 mar 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le président de Disney, John Pepper, annonce qu'une enquête interne a conclu que le studio Pixar a antidaté certaines stocks-options ...
FR* 1718 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       Boursorama - 16 mar 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le président de Disney, John Pepper, annonce qu'une enquête interne a conclu que le studio Pixar a antidaté certaines stocks-options ...
FR* 1719 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       Capital.fr - 16 mar 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le président de Disney, John Pepper, annonce qu'une enquête interne a conclu que le studio Pixar (PIXR) a antidaté certaines ...
FR* 1720 - Pixar a antidaté des stock-options, dit le président de Disney
       Reuters.fr - 16 mar 2007
       LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le président de Disney, John Pepper, annonce qu'une enquête interne a conclu que le studio Pixar a antidaté certaines stocks-options ...
FR* 1721 - Hewlett-Packard va racheter 8 milliards de dollars d'actions
       Les Infos - 16 mar 2007
       Cette opération va ainsi lui permettre "de compenser l'effet de dilution lié aux programmes de stock-options des salariés et de redistribuer du cash aux ...
FR* 1722 - 16/03/07 12:04 ATMEL CORPORATION : Assemblée Générale ...
       Fininfo (Communiqués de presse) - 16 mar 2007
       Les conclusions finales de l'enquête du Comité d'Audit sur les conditions d'attribution des stock options (et le moment où ces conclusions seront ...
FR* 1723 - ATMEL CORPORATION : Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire des ...
       Francebourse.com - 16 mar 2007
       Les conclusions finales de l'enquête du Comité d'Audit sur les conditions d'attribution des stock options (et le moment où ces conclusions seront ...
       Journal de l'Automobile - 16 mar 2007
       Son salaire et ses stock-options lui conviennent. C'est encore un trait distinctif de Sergio Marchionne, à la fois proche des cols bleus et fort à son aise ...
ES* 1725 - Un estudio alerta de que las empresas de economía social necesitan ...
       El Norte de Castilla - 16 Mar 2007
       Las empresas del sector de la economía social de Castilla y León -cooperativas y sociedades laborales, centros especiales de empleo y firmas dedicadas a la ...
ES* 1726 - Un estudio concluye que las empresas «sociales» crecen pero ...
       ABC Castilla y León - 16 Mar 2007
       ... la salud de las empresas de economía social de la región -en especial, cooperativas y sociedades laborales y también centros especiales del empleo-. ...
AR* 1727 - Mín: 9º Máx: 22°
       Bariloche 2000 - 16 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR* 1728 - El PTR organiza a su juventud
       Misiones OnLine - 16 Mar 2007
       Alzarría destacó la necesidad de formalizar las cooperativas de trabajo que posibiliten el despegue económico de todos los sectores, incorporando cursos de ...
AR* 1729 - Martiarena anunció la creación de un Centro de Integración Comunitario
       Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 16 Mar 2007
       ... que van a traer grandes beneficios para todo el barrio Malvinas y barrios de influencia. Se va a construir a través de tres cooperativas de trabajo”.-
AR* 1730 - Alicia Kirchner inauguró dos centros de integración comunitaria en ...
       DERF - 16 Mar 2007
       La construcción de los CIC estuvo a cargo de cooperativas de trabajo compuestas por vecinos, señala un comunicado de Desarrollo Social. ...
AR* 1731 - Alicia Kirchner inauguró dos centros de integración comunitaria en ...
       Télam - 16 Mar 2007
       La construcción de los CIC estuvo a cargo de cooperativas de trabajo formadas por vecinos. La inversión social total de esta gestión en las localidades de ...
AR* 1732 - “La política social tiene que ser una política de derechos”
       El Urbano - 16 Mar 2007
       ... reunió con los integrantes de las cooperativas de trabajo que construyeron el edificio ubicado en Conte Veronelli, entre Italia y Santiago del Estero. ...
AR* 1733 - Alicia Kirchner inauguró centros comunitarios en Salto y Chacabuco
       Nova - 16 Mar 2007
       La construcción de los Centros Integradores Comunitarios estuvo a cargo de cooperativas de trabajo compuestas por vecinos, en su mayoría beneficiarios de ...
AR* 1734 - Baigorria – Bocco recibió un fuerte apoyo a su candidatura a la ...
       Sin Mordaza - 16 Mar 2007
       ... Agrupación 7 de Mayo - Partido Justicialista, Peronismo Revolucionario, Unión de Trabajadores Desocupados, Cooperativa de Trabajo Los Robles Limitada, ...
AR* 1735 - Tercerización: ahora la Justicia frena los reclamos por solidaridad
       infoBAE profesional - 16 Mar 2007
       Sin la vigilancia al corto tiempo dejaría de vender y la quiebra sería su destino manifeisto" ("Ibarra c/ Cooperativa de Trabajo EL Alcázar Ltda. y otro"). ...
IT* 1736 - Borsa: adesioni OPA Dea Capital al 16/03/2007
       La Repubblica - 16 mar 2007
       324.550 azioni ordinarie che potrebbero essere emesse durante il periodo di offerta in esecuzione dei piani di stock options). ...
BR* 1737 - Veto à emenda 3 pode prejudicar combate à informalidade, diz advogado
       G1.com.br - 16 Mar 2007
       Segundo ele, a emenda iria dificultar a fiscalização de fraudes envolvendo falsas cooperativas de trabalho, falsas parcerias na área rural, ...
BR* 1738 - Teste do Olhinho agora é obrigatório nas maternidades e hospitais ...
       Revista Fator - 16 Mar 2007
       ... com apoio da Federação das Unimeds do Estado de São Paulo (Fesp), que congrega 80 cooperativas de trabalho médico (Unimeds) no Estado. ...
BR* 1739 - Deputados formam Frente de Apoio às Cooperativas
       Página 20 - 16 Mar 2007
       A Assembléia Legislativa recebeu ontem a visita de representantes das cooperativas de trabalhadores instaladas em Feijó e Tarauacá. ...
US* 1740 - CBRE Memphis strengthens property management unit
       commercialappeal.com (subscription), TN - Mar 15, 2007
       In 2005, CBRE initiated an employee ownership plan that saw Blankenship and Adams sell their majority stake. Under the agreement, Adams and Blankenship sold ...
US* 1741 - Part of 'Self-Help' Plan
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 15, 2007
       What's more, the employee ownership plan would take on a heavy amount of debt and Tribune's special committee didn't feel comfortable with that scenario. ...
IN* 1742 - Homegrown companies outdo MNCs in salary hikes
       Indian Express, India - Mar 15, 2007
       ... equity-based compensation is an innovative way of retaining key employees, creating employee ownership and driving performance, and is increasingly ...
CA* 1743 - Alberta in brief
       Alberta Daily Herald Tribune (subscription), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       ''He ... started the employee ownership model so many businesses have adopted today,'' Grieve said. ''Allowing (salaried employees) to become shareholders ...
IN* 1744 - India leads in salary hike in Asia Pacific
       Financial Express, India - Mar 15, 2007
       Hewitt Associates' Sandeep Chaudhary said Indian companies are retaining key employees with equity-based compensation and creating employee ownership. ...
IN* 1745 - India tops salary hike in Asia Pacific
       Rediff, India - Mar 15, 2007
       Hewitt Associates' Sandeep Chaudhary said Indian companies are retaining key employees with equity-based compensation and creating employee ownership. ...
CA* 1746 - Stollery's people power at PCL
       Edmonton Sun, Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       It was one of the very first "employee ownership" buy-outs in North America. PCL Constructors is now the 10th largest construction company in North America. ...
CA* 1747 - City philanthropist mourned
       Edmonton Sun, Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       "He led 24 other men to buy out Poole, and started the employee ownership model so many businesses have adopted today," Grieve said. ...
AT* 1748 - WinCo Foods Announces Grand Opening of New Stores in Visalia and ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 15, 2007
       We encourage everyone to come in and see what makes WinCo Foods unique as our employee owners work hard to save you money on your food purchases. ...
US* 1749 - WinCo Foods Announces Grand Opening of New Stores in Visalia and ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 15, 2007
       We encourage everyone to come in and see what makes WinCo Foods unique as our employee owners work hard to save you money on your food purchases. ...
US* 1750 - WinCo Foods Announces Grand Opening of New Stores in Visalia and ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 15, 2007
       We encourage everyone to come in and see what makes WinCo Foods unique as our employee owners work hard to save you money on your food purchases. ...
US* 1751 - Tenaska Energy sells 50 percent of natural gas marketing business
       Stamford Advocate, CT - Mar 15, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
US* 1752 - Tenaska Energy sells 50 percent of natural gas marketing business
       Beatrice Daily Sun, NE - Mar 15, 2007
       Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers, with $10 billion in revenue in 2005. ...
UK* 1753 - Profits soar at Martin Currie
       The Herald, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       The employee-owned business yesterday published results for 2006 showing a rise of 122% in adjusted pre-tax profit to £22.9m, after generating £22.5m of ...
US* 1754 - SmithBucklin Promotes Ellen Brislin to Corporate Controller ...
       Exhibitor Online, MN - Mar 15, 2007
       ... more than $250 million in annual client budgets from offices in Chicago, Washington, DC, St. Louis and Durham, NC. SmithBucklin is 100% employee owned.
US* 1755 - Dedicated Server Colocation Web Host, ServePath, Garners SAS 70 ...
       TheHostingNews.com (press release), OR - Mar 15, 2007
       ... services through its ColoServe division. The employee-owned company has been in business for five years and operates its own San Francisco data center.
AT* 1756 - CH2M HILL Acquires Wade & Associates, Inc.
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 15, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
UK* 1757 - AIG Financial, Tenaska form partnership
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       ... with the physical natural gas marketing expertise of Tenaska. Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers.
UK* 1758 - AIG Financial, Tenaska form partnership
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       ... with the physical natural gas marketing expertise of Tenaska. Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers.
US* 1759 - ESOP fables
       Michigan Business Review, MI - Mar 15, 2007
       Michigan has more than 300 employee-owned corporations, according to state government figures. Among the local companies to go to an ESOP format are ...
US* 1760 - AIG Financial, Tenaska Form Partnership
       Forbes, NY - Mar 15, 2007
       ... with the physical natural gas marketing expertise of Tenaska. Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers.
GR* 1761 - AIG Financial, Tenaska form partnership
       Euro2day, Greece - Mar 15, 2007
       ... with the physical natural gas marketing expertise of Tenaska. Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation''s largest gas marketers.
US* 1762 - AIG Financial, Tenaska Form Partnership
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 15, 2007
       ... with the physical natural gas marketing expertise of Tenaska. Employee-owned Tenaska, based in Omaha, Neb., is one of the nation's largest gas marketers.
US* 1763 - WinCo Foods Announces Grand Opening of New Stores in Visalia and ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 15, 2007
       WinCo Foods is an employee owned company and is known primarily for being the supermarket low price leader in the markets where it operates. ...
US* 1764 - CH2M HILL Acquires Wade & Associates, Inc.
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 15, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 1765 - WinCo Foods Announces Grand Opening of New Stores in Visalia and ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 15, 2007
       WinCo Foods is an employee owned company and is known primarily for being the supermarket low price leader in the markets where it operates. ...
US* 1766 - CH2M HILL Acquires Wade & Associates, Inc.
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 15, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
CA* 1767 - Changes blowing through boardrooms
       Edmonton Journal (subscription), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       In 1977, he led a buyout that transformed Poole into employee-owned PCL Construction. He retired in 1988. In the years since, PCL has become one of the 10 ...
US* 1768 - Pantropic's heady deal
       Arizona Daily Star, AZ - Mar 15, 2007
       Founded in 1868, Bollman is considered America's oldest hat maker and is an employee-owned company. It owns several brands, including Bailey, ...
US* 1769 - CBRE Memphis strengthens property management unit
       commercialappeal.com (subscription), TN - Mar 15, 2007
       Over the past two years the company has experienced changes throughout its ranks, including an employee stock ownership plan, the retirement of Blankenship ...
US* 1770 - Part of 'Self-Help' Plan
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 15, 2007
       Mr. Zell proposed a buyout of the company partly financed by the creation of an employee stock-ownership plan. But that would involve most of Tribune's ...
US* 1771 - Hooker Furniture Reports Operating Results for Two-Month ...
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 15, 2007
       An $18.4 million non-cash, non-tax deductible charge related to the termination of the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP") effective January 26 ...
US* 1772 - Hooker Furniture posts loss for two-month transition period
       Reuters - Mar 15, 2007
       28, 2007 on restructuring and employee stock ownership plan termination charges. The short reporting period resulted from the company's transition to a ...
UK* 1773 - Hooker Furniture posts loss for two-month transition period
       Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       28, 2007 on restructuring and employee stock ownership plan termination charges. The short reporting period resulted from the company's transition to a ...
US* 1774 - SmithBucklin Promotes Ellen Brislin to Corporate Controller ...
       Exhibitor Online, MN - Mar 15, 2007
       In May 2005, Brislin returned to SmithBucklin as director of Corporate Finance and played a key role as a member of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) ...
US* 1775 - Report: Zell Bid For Tribune Co. Faltering
       Editor & Publisher - Mar 15, 2007
       ... Michael Oneal reported that Zell's $13 billion deal to take Tribune private through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) "may be losing momentum." ...
US* 1776 - Zell's bid for Tribune may fizzle
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 15, 2007
       A complex deal proposed by Chicago real estate magnate Sam Zell to take Tribune Co. private by forming an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, ...
IN* 1777 - ‘Tax stock options as perquisite’
       Financial Express, India - Mar 15, 2007
       In its post-Budget representation to the finance ministry, Nasscom has also recommended that the Esop taxation proposal must be prospective, ie, ...
US* 1778 - Tribune inducted into Hall of Shame
       LA Observed, CA - Mar 15, 2007
       Of course, should Tribune go private - through Sam Zell's ESOP or its own restructuring - it won't have to worry about Calpers kicking it around anymore. ...
US* 1779 - Report: Zell Bid For Tribune Co. Faltering
       Editor & Publisher - Mar 15, 2007
       CHICAGO The ESOP Chicago real estate billionaire Sam Zell proposed for taking Tribune Co. private is no longer the flavor of the month, according to a ...
IN* 1780 - NIIT allots 15200 shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 15, 2007
       ... allotment committee alloted 15200 equity shares of face value of Rs 10 each to the employees of the company in accordance with the terms of ESOP 2005. ...
ZA* 1781 - Implats wins BEE award
       Sunday Times, South Africa - Mar 15, 2007
       ... combined with our Employee Share Option Plan (Esop) is in our opinion the true spirit of transformation," said Implats chief executive, David Brown. ...
US* 1782 - One Proposal for Tribune Said to Lose Momentum
       New York Times, NY - Mar 15, 2007
       His proposal, worth $13 billion, would give majority control to an employee stock option plan; the company could then use tax deductions generated by that ...
IN* 1783 - Homegrown companies outdo MNCs in salary hikes
       Indian Express, India - Mar 15, 2007
       The government’s move to bring employee stock option plans (ESOPs) under the tax purview will, however, hit equity-linked sops. “Now with a Fringe Benefit ...
CA* 1784 - Canadian Helicopters reports record results in 2006
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       (3) Represent non-recurring employee compensation costs associated with the purchase for cancellation of employee stock options outstanding under the former ...
CA* 1785 - 180 Connect Inc. reports annual 2006 revenue of $335.4 million ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       (c) Employee stock options As of December 31, 2006, the Company has 583244 options outstanding to employees and directors of the Company (December 31, ...
US* 1786 - Cortex Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End Operating Results
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 15, 2007
       Under SFAS 123(R), expenses for grants of employee stock options are recorded in the financial statements based on their estimated fair values. ...
US* 1787 - Business Highlights
       Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise, OK - Mar 15, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 1788 - Stocks To Watch: Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Google, Gymboree ...
       Minyanville.com, New York - Mar 15, 2007
       Juniper has delayed filing several consecutive quarters of results, amid probes into its accounting practices for employee stock options. ...
US* 1789 - QLogic SANblade Fibre Channel and iSCSI HBAs Certified on Red Hat ...
       Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 15, 2007
       ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US* 1790 - Columbia Laboratories Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2006 ...
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 15, 2007
       As permitted under the Standard, the 2005 financial results do not include compensation expense for employee stock options. ...
US* 1791 - Source: The Children's Place Retail Stores, Inc.
       Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 15, 2007
       (b) Includes costs paid or accrued in connection with the stock option investigation and tax implications related to certain employee stock options totaling ...
ZA* 1792 - ARL - Astral Foods - Dealings by a Director
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 15, 2007
       ... transaction: Sale of shares in terms of employee share option scheme Date Options granted: 17 April 2001 Option Exercise price: R7.75 Value of options ...
ZA* 1793 - Implats wins BEE award
       Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Mar 15, 2007
       ... when combined with our employee share-option plan is, in our opinion, the true spirit of transformation," said Implats chief executive David Brown. ...
CA* 1794 - Real Resources announces 2006 financial and operating results and ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       Compensation costs attributable to share options granted are measured at fair value at the grant date and are expensed over the expected vesting time-frame ...
UK* 1795 - Black clouds
       Economist, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       Firms granting share options to employees stand accused of picking dates with particularly favourable prices. The latest twist is that some firms may have ...
US* 1796 - Today in Finance for March 15, 2007
       CFO.com Magazine, NY - Mar 15, 2007
       Firms granting share options to employees stand accused of picking dates with particularly favourable prices. The latest twist is that some firms may have ...
US* 1797 - Iamgold Q4 EPS Flat With Last Year, Misses Estimate; Net Income ...
       Trading Markets, CA - Mar 15, 2007
        ... Gold Limited for $202.3 million that included acquisition expenses of $2.5 million and the purchase of GGL common share options for $2.4 million. ...
US* 1798 - TOM Online Reports 2006 Net Profit of US$28.66 mn
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 15, 2007
       ... purchase consideration for acquisition of Puccini Group 304155503 390 47157 -- Issuance of shares on exercise of employee share options 24176602 31 4619 ...
UK* 1799 - Wincor Nixdorf details share buy-back
       Finextra (press release), UK - Mar 15, 2007
       The shares to be repurchased are to be used for the purpose of settling obligations arising from share options already issued or to be issued to members of ...
CA* 1800 - IAMGOLD 2006 Fourth Quarter and Record
       The Northern Miner (subscription), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       The purchase price has been determined to be $202.3 million, including acquisition expenses of $2.5 million and the purchase of GGL common share options for ...
UK* 1801 - Xaar profit fall 'in line'
       ShareCast, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       ... the year to 31 December dropped from £10.5m in 2005 and fell to £6.9m from £10m after providing for the cost of share options and non-recurring costs. ...
UK* 1802 - £2.5m pay packet bonanza for oil boss
       ic Liverpool, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       Gains from share options and pension contributions brought Mr van der Veer's total benefits to £3.7m for the year. The chief executive has also accrued a ...
ZA* 1803 - OMN - Omhold - Award Of Share Options To Directors And Company ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 15, 2007
       OMN OMN - Omhold - Award Of Share Options To Directors And Company Secretary OMNIA HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ...
ZA* 1804 - Markus exit may leave Impala short
       Mining MX, South Africa - Mar 15, 2007
       In-the-money share options, on the back of sky-high profits, are making executives richer, quicker. “A lot of executives are making bucket loads. ...
UK* 1805 - Xaar FY profit down on temporary setback in
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       Adjusted pretax profit -- stripping out the costs related to the failed takeover approach from Danaher and share options -- fell to 7.9 mln stg, ...
CA* 1806 - Real Resources announces 2006 financial and operating results and ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 15, 2007
       Compensation costs attributable to share options granted are measured at fair value at the grant date and are expensed over the expected vesting time-frame ...
UK* 1807 - Shell chief's pay jumps to £2.5m
       Manchester Evening News, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       Gains from share options and pension contributions brought Mr van der Veer's total benefits to £3.7m for the year. He has also accrued a total pension pot ...
DE* 1808 - Wincor Nixdorf AG: Capital increase through issuance of new shares ...
       PresseBox (Pressemitteilung)(abonnement), Germany - Mar 15, 2007
       The shares to be repurchased are to be used for the purpose of settling obligations arising from share options already issued or to be issued to members of ...
US* 1809 - TOM Group to buy out TOM Online
       America's Network - Mar 15, 2007
       The $200 million figure is based on the assumption that no outstanding TOM Online share options are exercised. If the options were to be exercised, ...
UK* 1810 - Wincor Nixdorf to buy back up to 370000 shares to pay staff share ...
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 15, 2007
       PADERBORN, Germany (AFX) - Wincor Nixdorf AG said it will buy back up to 370000 of its own shares to fund share options to be paid to executive board ...
DE* 1811 - Wincor Nixdorf AG: Share buyback to service share-based payment ...
       news aktuell (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Mar 15, 2007
       The shares to be repurchased are to be used for the purpose of settling obligations arising from share options already issued or to be issued to members of ...
FR* 1812 - Suppression définitive de la contribution Delalande à compter du ...
       NetPME.fr - 15 mar 2007
       La loi sur le développement de la participation et l’actionnariat salarié du 30 novembre 2006 prévoit la suppression définitive de la contribution Delalande ...
FR* 1813 - PERCO : multiplication par plus de deux des encours et du nombre d ...
       Indice RH - 15 mar 2007
       Depuis la loi n° 2006-1770 du 30 décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié, toute entreprise ayant mis en place ...
FR* 1814 - La solution scop
       Politis - 15 mar 2007
       Pour éviter le pire, la Confédération générale des scop www.scop.coop(sociétés coopératives ouvrières de production) offre ses services pour mettre en place ...
FR* 1815 - Atmel : A reçu un nouvel avertissement du Nasdaq
       Trading Sat - 15 mar 2007
       ... du Conseil d'Administration concernant les dates d'attribution de stock options précédemment octroyées et autres questions susceptibles d'y être liées. ...
FR* 1816 - Atmel : encore un avertissement du Nasdaq
       Voila.fr - 15 mar 2007
       ... les dates d'attribution de stock options précédemment octroyées et autres questions susceptibles d'y être liées", explique Atmel dans un communiqué. ...
FR* 1817 - Airbus... Quelle crise ?
       ATTAC France (Communiqués de presse) - 15 mar 2007
       ... avant l’annonce des retards de livraison, les hauts dirigeants font valoir leurs stock options et les actionnaires privés vendent une partie de leurs ...
ES* 1818 - El Ayuntamiento fomenta la calidad social en el empleo
       Huelva Información - 15 Mar 2007
       Por su parte, Ramón Moreno, presidente de la Federación Andaluza de Sociedades Laborales (Feansal), indicó que las empresas "están apostando en gran medida ...
ES* 1819 - Contar con una web actualizada y bien posicionada en Internet es ...
       Telcommunity - 15 Mar 2007
       ... Andalucía (FEPEAN), la Federación Empresarial Andaluza de Sociedades Laborales (FEANSAL) y la Confederación Empresarial de Comercio de Andalucía (CECA). ...
ES* 1820 - Valerio explica a un grupo de mujeres las ayudas existentes para ...
       Mi Ciudad Real - 15 Mar 2007
       En Castilla-La Mancha hay 3.250 empresas de economía social, 1.480 cooperativas y 1.770 sociedades laborales, que dan trabajo a cerca de 25.000 personas. ...
ES* 1821 - “Polígonos en Red” celebra en Cádiz una jornada formativa para ...
       Cibersur.com - 15 Mar 2007
       ... Andalucía (FEPEAN), la Federación Empresarial Andaluza de Sociedades Laborales (FEANSAL) y la Confederación Empresarial de Comercio de Andalucía (CECA). ...
ES* 1822 - La Guardia Civil detiene a once supuestos traficantesGuntiñas ...
       Europa Sur - 15 Mar 2007
       ... de la jornada Ley de dependencia y modelo cooperativo, organizada por la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (FAECTA). ...
CO* 1823 - Independientes podrán cotizar por Internet
       Portafolio - 15 Mar 2007
       No obstante, muchos vieron en esas organizaciones un negocio jugoso: nacieron cooperativas, cooperativas de trabajo asociado, fundaciones, en fin, ...
AR* 1824 - Fellner firmó acuerdo con ENOHSA por ampliación de redes de agua ...
       Jujuy al día - 15 Mar 2007
       ... que provee infraestructura genera puestos genuinos de empleo con cooperativas de trabajo formadas por beneficiarios del plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar. ...
AR* 1825 - Acuerdo para ampliación de las redes de agua potable
       Diario Jujuy - 15 Mar 2007
       Al mismo tiempo que provee infraestructura, también genera puestos genuinos de empleo con cooperativas de trabajo formadas por beneficiarios del plan Jefas ...
AR* 1826 - Fellner firmó acuerdos para la ampliación de redes de agua
       Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 15 Mar 2007
       ... que provee infraestructura genera puestos genuinos de empleo con cooperativas de trabajo formadas por beneficiarios del plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar. ...
AR* 1827 - Alicia Kirchner inaugura hoy el CIC del Barrio Los Pioneros
       El Urbano - 15 Mar 2007
       Además, Alicia Kirchner ofrecería una charla a los integrantes de las cooperativas de trabajo que construyeron el CIC. Si el tiempo acompaña, ...
ES* 1828 - PERDONEN LAS MOLESTIAS: Diógenes (por Aristóteles Moreno Villafaina)
       ABC Córdoba - 15 Mar 2007
       ... policía y los operarios descubren todo un espectáculo de relojes de platino, corbatas de seda, cotos privados, vehículos de alta gama y stock options. ...
ES* 1829 - Jazztel se asegura financiación para el móvil virtual y adquisiciones
       Cinco Días - 15 Mar 2007
       Ello, además de los planes de stock options que están en marcha en la compañía -los consejeros tienen 1,88 millones de opciones y en 2006 ejecutaron premios ...
BR* 1830 - Unimed é proibida de limitar consultas e exames
       Âmbito Jurídico (Assinatura) - 15 Mar 2007
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Vale do Sepotuba foi condenada a declarar nula a ata de uma assembléia que estabeleceu metas referenciais limitando ...
BR* 1831 - “Trabalho vive onda de precarização”
       Gazeta do Povo Online - 15 Mar 2007
       ... não sugere vínculo empregatício foi o suficiente para abrir a porteira para a criação de uma centena de cooperativas de trabalho fraudulentas. ...
CA* 1832 - PCL Construction Legend Bob Stollery Passes Away
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 14, 2007
       The employee ownership model in the PCL family of companies today is regarded as one of the best in North America. Bob continued to have an active role in ...
UK* 1833 - Miller ponders acquisitions as profits soar
       Scotsman, UK - Mar 14, 2007
       We believe that employee ownership provides a much greater buy-in and allows them to share in the company's success." MILLER Group has not been immune to ...
CA* 1834 - PCL Construction Legend Bob Stollery Passes Away
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 14, 2007
       The employee ownership model in the PCL family of companies today is regarded as one of the best in North America. Bob continued to have an active role in ...
US* 1835 - Gibraltar Industries buys three more companies
       Buffalo News, NY - Mar 14, 2007
       The purchase of the three West Coast companies from The Employee Ownership Holding Co. for an undisclosed price will add about 330 employees and roughly $60 ...
US* 1836 - Business Report for Wednesday, March 14, 2007
       WBEN 930, NY - Mar 14, 2007
       Buffalo , NY (WBEN) – Gibraltar Industries has bought three companies based out west from The Employee Ownership Holding Company. ...
US* 1837 - Mr. Mug is an expert on Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
       MediaSyndicate (press release) - Mar 14, 2007
       ... in St. Louis, will be an expert speaker at the 2007 Employee Ownership Conference hosted by The National Center for Employee Ownership and The Beyster ...
US* 1838 - Price Chopper Sets its Sights on Taking Leadership of Natural and ...
       Empire Information Services, Inc. (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
        ... own 51% of the company's privately held stock, earning the company an annual top 10 ranking on the list of American employee-owned companies. ...
AT* 1839 - CH2M HILL Appoints New Leader of Southwest Region
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 14, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 1840 - Spectra Interface™ and DataPro Solutions, Inc. Partner to Bring ...
       CRM Directory (press release), NJ - Mar 14, 2007
       Today, as an employee owned company, DataPro Solutions continues to help organizations with proven solutions in Labor Management, Information Management, ...
US* 1841 - Spectra Interface™ and DataPro Solutions, Inc. Partner to Bring ...
        Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 14, 2007
       Today, as an employee owned company, DataPro Solutions continues to help organizations with proven solutions in Labor Management, Information Management, ...
US* 1842 - CH2M HILL Appoints New Leader of Southwest Region
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 14, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 1843 - RBC Dain Rauscher to acquire New Jersey firm
       Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - Mar 14, 2007
       JB Hanauer, a privately held, employee-owned financial services firm, specializes in retail fixed income and wealth management services. ...
US* 1844 - CH2M HILL Appoints New Leader of Southwest Region
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 1845 - Share the Wealth: Summit Investment Management Takes the Hassle ...
       Wisbusiness.com, WI - Mar 14, 2007
       Summit Investment Management Ltd., founded in 1987, is a Milwaukee-based, independent, employee-owned registered investment advisor. ...
US* 1846 - John T. Wise, 89, business owner, loved to work, volunteered
       Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH - Mar 14, 2007
       It is employee-owned and does $200 million in business each year. "John Wise was a true gentleman, a kind and generous partner, a valued mentor, ...
DE* 1847 - The Imperato-led Daimler-Chrysler Employee Owned Company Proposal
        openPR (press release), Germany - Mar 14, 2007
       (openPR) - Detroit – March 11, 2007 – Recently, an international business consortium led by Daniel Imperato, has proposed to make Chrysler an Employee Owned ...
US* 1848 - Times Writers Group: Not all business transitions good
       St. Cloud Times, MN - Mar 14, 2007
       ... renamed Agency 128; and Meyer Teleservices was sold in two transactions that involved both a management buy-out and an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US* 1849 - ATW Daily News
       ATWOnline, MD - Mar 14, 2007
       The repurchased shares will be contributed to the carrier's employee stock ownership plan. TAM secured a $331 million syndicated loan led by Calyon and ...
US* 1850 - IRS questions $1 billion in Marriott tax deductions
       Business Gazette, MD - Mar 14, 2007
       Marriott formed the employee stock ownership plan in 2000. The company claimed about $1 billion in federal income tax deductions for the forgiven principal ...
US* 1851 - Frontier Airlines to buy back shares
       Denver Post, CO - Mar 14, 2007
       ... market or in private transactions at the discretion of management, and the shares will be placed in the employee stock ownership plan, the company said. ...
UK* 1852 - Renyi received $13.34 million in 2006
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 14, 2007
       ... perks that covered a car and driver, home security, life and disability insurance policies, and contributions to employee stock ownership plans. ...
US* 1853 - Renyi received $13.34 million in 2006
       BusinessWeek - Mar 14, 2007
       ... perks that covered a car and driver, home security, life and disability insurance policies, and contributions to employee stock ownership plans. ...
US* 1854 - Renyi Received $13.34 Million in 2006
       Forbes, NY - Mar 14, 2007
       ... perks that covered a car and driver, home security, life and disability insurance policies, and contributions to employee stock ownership plans. ...
GR* 1855 - Renyi received $13.34 million in 2006
       Euro2day, Greece - Mar 14, 2007
       ... perks that covered a car and driver, home security, life and disability insurance policies, and contributions to employee stock ownership plans. ...
US* 1856 - Frontier Airlines To Buy Back Up To 300000 Shares
       cbs4denver.com, CO - Mar 14, 2007
       ... market or in private transactions at the discretion of management, and the shares will be placed in the employee stock ownership plan, the company said. ...
US* 1857 - Register-Mail traces roots to 1866
       The Register-Mail, IL - Mar 14, 2007
       The Register-Mail continued to be owned by Custer's heirs until September 1990, when it was bought by the Journal Star's Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US* 1858 - Frontier Airlines to buy back shares
       Denver Post, CO - Mar 14, 2007
       ... market or in private transactions at the discretion of management, and the shares will be placed in the employee stock ownership plan, the company said. ...
US* 1859 - Frontier Airlines to buy back up to 300000 shares
       9NEWS.com, CO - Mar 14, 2007
       ... market or in private transactions at the discretion of management, and the shares will be placed in the employee stock ownership plan, the company said. ...
US* 1860 - Frontier Airlines to buy back up to 300000 shares
       The Coloradoan, CO - Mar 14, 2007
       ... market or in private transactions at the discretion of management, and the shares will be placed in the employee stock ownership plan, the company said. ...
US* 1861 - Frontier Airlines Announces Stock Repurchase Plan
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 14, 2007
       The repurchased shares will be contributed to Frontier's employee stock ownership plan. The repurchase plan does not obligate Frontier to acquire any ...
US* 1862 - The Principal Financial Group at Raymond James Institutional ...
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 14, 2007
       ... that have multiple benefit packages, so a defined contribution and a defined benefit or a defined contribution in an employee stock ownership program. ...
US* 1863 - Mixed start for airlines; Frontier buyback set
       MarketWatch - Mar 14, 2007
       said it would repurchase 300000 outstanding common shares for its employee stock ownership plan. The carrier's shares were up fractionally at $6.10. ...
US* 1864 - Frontier to buy back stock
       Rocky Mountain News, CO - Mar 14, 2007
       ... morning that it will buy back up to 300000 of its outstanding common shares, which the company will contribute to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 1865 - Frontier Airlines Announces Stock Repurchase Plan
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
       The repurchased shares will be contributed to Frontier's employee stock ownership plan. The repurchase plan does not obligate Frontier to acquire any ...
US* 1866 - ESOP Attorney Thomas H. Mug to Address 2007 Employee Ownership ...
       MediaSyndicate (press release) - Mar 14, 2007
       Mr. Mug, an expert on Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), will address the topic “The ESOP in Mid-Life” on March 21 with other speakers at the 2007 ...
AT* 1867 - Composite Technology Expands Domestic Cable Sales Force
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 14, 2007
       With employment of over 250, Rumsey is an ESOP company and is ISO 9001:2000 registered. Utility Specialist Inc., is in it's fiftieth year of serving the ...
US* 1868 - Canadian Solar Reports Fourth Quarter and Year 2006 Results and ...
       WM Experts (press release), FL - Mar 14, 2007
       ... Income Income (Loss) (Loss) (Loss) (Loss) US GAAP Amounts 12340 1180 (9503) 4808 3472 3116 Special items CN charge 8893 - - - ESOP charge 169 6145 6145 ...
US* 1869 - Composite Technology Expands Domestic Cable Sales Force
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
       With employment of over 250, Rumsey is an ESOP company and is ISO 9001:2000 registered. About Utility Specialist Inc.: Utility Specialist Inc., ...
IN* 1870 - FBT on Esops is devoid of logic
       Indiatimes, India - Mar 14, 2007
       In the case of an ESOP, the employee does not pay any option premium (except, of course, in the form of blood, sweat and tears at the workplace about which ...
AU* 1871 - Mine mirrors nation's descent into hell
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 14, 2007
       Along with other mines around the country, their communist-era workers' co-operative has been sold from under the Karkar workers to a Kabul-based investment ...
US* 1872 - The Principal Financial Group at Raymond James Institutional ...
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 14, 2007
       ... relates to our ability to a make a comprehensive seamless offering of defined benefit, defined contribution, employee stock option, non-qualified plans. ...
US* 1873 - Stage Stores Announces Fourth Quarter Results; Provides First ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 14, 2007
       ... time to time under its $50 million Stock Repurchase Program and as proceeds from employee stock option exercises become available in sufficient amounts.
US* 1874 - AFC Reports Financial Performance for Fiscal 2006
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
       ... (15.4) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 10.7 17.5 Excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation 1.8 - Decrease in bank overdrafts, ...
CA* 1875 - Sulliden reports third quarter and nine month results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 14, 2007
       ... is mainly attributable to the non cash charge in respect of stock based compensation arising on the grant during the period of employee stock options. ...
US* 1876 - SuperGen Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Financial Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
       ... Mayne Pharma offset by the inclusion of non-cash charges for the estimated fair value of employee stock options due to the adoption of SFAS 123R on Jan. ...
US* 1877 - Juniper to Part Ways with CFO, Top VP
       Circuits Assembly, GA - Mar 14, 2007
       ... statements for fiscal 2006 last Friday, following delays due to an internal probe into the network gear OEM's employee stock options disbursements. ...
US* 1878 - Cypress Bioscience, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year ...
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 14, 2007
       ... and year ended December 31, 2006 was partially offset by the recognition of share-based compensation expense for employee stock options during 2006. ...
ZA* 1879 - MTA - Metair - Abridged Audited Results for the Year Ended 31 ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 14, 2007
       ... Adjustment for dilution due to 79 125 share options (`000) Weighted average number of 6 129 6 109 ordinary shares in issue used for dilution calculation ...
IE* 1880 - It's coming up to decision time for the thousands of investors
       Unison.ie (subscription), Ireland - Mar 14, 2007
       Leaving the loan note offer to one side, what are shareholders to make of the €18.50 offer price which values the whole group at €471m (when share options ...
CA* 1881 - Flagship Energy Inc. provides first quarter 2007 activity update ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 14, 2007
       As of the date hereof, there are share options to purchase an aggregate of 3636000 Class A shares outstanding. In May 2006, Flagship granted share options ...
UK* 1882 - Miller ponders acquisitions as profits soar
       Scotsman, UK - Mar 14, 2007
       He added: "We have a very strong savings-related share options scheme. We believe that employee ownership provides a much greater buy-in and allows them to ...
UK* 1883 - Oil chief's pay hit £2.5m last year
       Metro, UK - Mar 14, 2007
       Gains from share options and pension contributions brought Mr van der Veer's total benefits to £3.7 million for the year. ...
CA* 1884 - Flagship Energy Inc. provides first quarter 2007 activity update ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 14, 2007
       As of the date hereof, there are share options to purchase an aggregate of 3636000 Class A shares outstanding. In May 2006, Flagship granted share options ...
US* 1885 - Photocure (NO) - Employee Share Options Excercised
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 14, 2007
        Based on the above-mentioned allotment, employees in Photocure have now exercised share options. The Board of Directors has therefore decided to increase ...
IE* 1886 - Shell boss' pay hits €3.7m
       Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 14, 2007
       Gains from share options and pension contributions brought Mr van der Veer’s total benefits to €3.7m for the year. The chief executive has also accrued a ...
IE* 1887 - Shell boss' pay hits €3.7m
       Ireland Online, Ireland - Mar 14, 2007
       Gains from share options and pension contributions brought Mr van der Veer’s total benefits to €3.7m for the year. The chief executive has also accrued a ...
IE* 1888 - Shell boss' pay hits €3.7m
       Irish Examiner, Ireland - Mar 14, 2007
       Gains from share options and pension contributions brought Mr van der Veer’s total benefits to €3.7m for the year. The chief executive has also accrued a ...
US* 1889 - New Century Insiders' Stock Sales Were Prime
       TheStreet.com - Mar 14, 2007
       Even after paying for share options, his net profit comes to about $32 million. Chief Executive Robert Cole cashed out $29.64 million. ...
AU* 1890 - Progen drops pay package
       Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Mar 14, 2007
       The concerns related to a strong price discount in the pay package which slotted the share options "well in the money". Shareholders were being asked to ...
AU* 1891 - Bitter pay pill for Progen chiefs
       Courier Mail, Australia - Mar 14, 2007
       The concerns related to a strong price discount in the pay package, which slotted the share options "well in the money". The Courier-Mail earlier this month ...
CA* 1892 - EcoMax Cancels Options
       CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 14, 2007
       ... a shift in the compensation of directors, the Company and its directors have agreed to cancel 1.1 million share options which were granted in June 2006. ...
TR* 1893 - Foreign firms turn Indian IT sector into employees
       Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey - Mar 14, 2007
       Other firms are already offering healthcare coverage, share options and bonuses. "The most preferred employers will not find [it] difficult to recruit ...
SE* 1894 - Employee Share Options Excercised
       Newsdesk, Sweden - Mar 14, 2007
       Based on the above-mentioned allotment, employees in Photocure have now exercised share options. The Board of Directors has therefore decided to increase ...
FR* 1895 - Conseil des ministres du mercredi 14 mars 2007
       TV 5 Monde (Communiqués de presse) - 14 mar 2007
       ... 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, ont permis les adaptations nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre du plan. ...
FR* 1896 - Pamco Industries : l’entreprise aux mains des salariés
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 14 mar 2007
       Parallèlement, la Scop devra investir dans une station d’épuration. Cette dernière devrait être financée par différents collectivités, région, ...
FR* 1897 - Selon que vous serez puissant ou misérable...
       Marianne2007.info - 14 mar 2007
       En sus, le conseil des prud'hommes a nommé un expert pour évaluer « la perte de chance du bénéfice des stock-options que Jacques Hérail n'a pas pu exercer ...
       Nouvel Observateur - 14 mar 2007
       ... augmentation des allocations chômage, 10 milliards pour la création d'une allocation en faveur des jeunes, interdiction des stock-options. ...
FR* 1899 - Léger rebond à New York après les prix à l'importation
       Boursorama - 14 mar 2007
       ... dernière d'une perte annuelle de 1 milliard de dollars et indiqué que certaines dates concernant l'attribution de stock-options avaient été falsifiées. ...
FR* 1900 - Oddo obtient le statut de banque
       Les Échos - 14 mar 2007
       ... financements adaptés aux problématiques des chefs d'entreprise et entrepreneurs (émission de garanties de passif, financement de levée de stock-options. ...
AR* 1901 - Mín: 10º Máx: 17°
       Bariloche 2000 - 14 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
       El Diario de Posadas - 14 Mar 2007
       ... que significo una inversión de cuatrocietos noventa mil pesos ($ 490.000) y la conformación de cinco cooperativas de trabajo, entre beneficiarios de ...
AR* 1903 - Municipio firma contratos cooperativas
       Diario C - 14 Mar 2007
       El intendente de la Municipalidad de San Fernando del Valle, Ricardo Guzmán, firmó ayer conjuntamente con la cooperativa de Trabajo “San Agustín Ltda” el ...
AR* 1904 - Alimentaria comenzaría a producir a fines de Marzo
       La Opinión Semanario - 14 Mar 2007
       La Cooperativa de Trabajo estima que a fines de Marzo Alimentaria San Pedro comenzará a producir. Previamente deben lograr diferentes habilitaciones, ...
MX* 1905 - Busca la Boing lugar en la Feria
       UnomásUno Morelos - 14 Mar 2007
       Explicó que desde hace varios años la cooperativa de trabajadores Pascual ha sido marginada de las ferias de Cuernavaca, pero una vez más ellos insistirán ...
ES* 1906 - Alierta y Botín, dos formas distintas de apostar por la acción ...
       Bolsacinco.com - 14 Mar 2007
       Pero sin coger como referencia al agresivo ejecutor de las stock options más generosas de la historia de la empresa en España, tampoco es que el reto del ...
DE* 1907 - »Sonst hätte es im Hafen heftig gerappelt«
       Junge Welt - 14. März 2007
       Außerdem wird zudem noch über eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung durch stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien verhandelt. Der Börsengang ist trotzdem nur die »zweitbeste ...
IT* 1908 - Fondo di garanzia in caso di insolvenza del datore di lavoro ...
       Milano Finanza - 14 mar 2007
       ... cooperative di lavoro; sono invece esclusi dall'intervento del Fondo gestito dall'INPS i giornalisti in quanto la prestazione è assicurata dall'INPGI. ...
       Lavori Pubblici - 14 mar 2007
       Il beneficio si applica soltanto agli operai con un orario di lavoro di 40 ore settimanali, nonché ai soci delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro, ...
BR* 1910 - Pesadelo da BenQ na telefonia móvel ainda não terminou
       Computerworld - 14 Mar 2007
       A procuradoria do distrito de Taoyuan alega que alguns executivos da companhia venderam as ações que tinham como parte do programa de stock options antes do ...
UK* 1911 - Gibraltar Industries buys several assets
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 13, 2007
       BUFFALO, NY (AP) - Metal and engineered products maker Gibraltar Industries Inc. said Tuesday it is buying several assets from the Employee Ownership ...
UK* 1912 - Gibraltar Industries buys several assets
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 13, 2007
       BUFFALO, NY (AP) - Metal and engineered products maker Gibraltar Industries Inc. said Tuesday it is buying several assets from the Employee Ownership ...
US* 1913 - Gibraltar Industries Buys Several Assets
       Forbes, NY - Mar 13, 2007
       Metal and engineered products maker Gibraltar Industries Inc. said Tuesday it is buying several assets from the Employee Ownership Holding Co. ...
US* 1914 - Gibraltar Industries Buys Several Assets
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 13, 2007
       BUFFALO, NY — Metal and engineered products maker Gibraltar Industries Inc. said Tuesday it is buying several assets from the Employee Ownership Holding Co. ...
US* 1915 - Gibraltar buying spree continues
       Buffalo News, NY - Mar 13, 2007
       The companies, which are being acquired from The Employee Ownership Holding Co. for an undisclosed price, have about 330 employees and about $60 million in ...
US* 1916 - Gibraltar Signs an Agreement to Purchase the Assets of NorWesCo ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 13, 2007
       ... from The Employee Ownership Holding Company, which is wholly owned by the Employee Ownership Holding Company Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust. ...
ZA* 1917 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification Of Interests Of Directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 13, 2007
       ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
US* 1918 - Aer Lingus finishes eventful year in the red
        ATWOnline, MD - Mar 13, 2007
       ... a €17 million payment to the Employee Share Ownership Trust related to the carrier's IPO and the €16.2 million spent to fend off Ryanair's hostile bid ...
US* 1919 - Jimmie Johnson’s Third Victory At Las Vegas Sets Historical 150th Win
       Auto Racing Daily - Mar 13, 2007
       I can’t thank all the Lowe’s employee owners for their support. Wish the Boss (Rick Hendrick) was here, this is the 150th win for Hendrick Motorsports, ...
US* 1920 - Small Business: Dealing with employee's death tough job for boss
       Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - Mar 13, 2007
       By Joyce M. Rosenberg, AP. NEW YORK -- When an employee at a small business dies, the company owner can suddenly be cast into roles that few entrepreneurs ...
US* 1921 - BNA Tax Products Now Available to Law Firms on CCH Tax Research ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2007
       BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
US* 1922 - Share the Wealth: Summit Investment Management Takes the Hassle ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2007
       Summit Investment Management Ltd., founded in 1987, is a Milwaukee-based, independent, employee-owned registered investment advisor. ...
US* 1923 - Share the Wealth: Summit Investment Management Takes the Hassle ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 13, 2007
       Summit Investment Management Ltd., founded in 1987, is a Milwaukee-based, independent, employee-owned registered investment advisor. ...
US* 1924 - City unveils unique playground at Sahuaro Ranch
       Glendale Star, AZ - Mar 13, 2007
       Landscape Structures is employee-owned, and has been in business since 1971. It is one of the nation’s leading designers and manufacturers of play equipment ...
US* 1925 - Share the Wealth: Summit Investment Management Takes the Hassle ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 13, 2007
       Summit Investment Management Ltd., founded in 1987, is a Milwaukee-based, independent, employee-owned registered investment advisor. ...
AT* 1926 - BNA Tax Products Now Available to Law Firms on CCH Tax Research ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 13, 2007
       BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
AT* 1927 - RBC Dain Rauscher to acquire JB Hanauer & Co.
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 13, 2007
       JB Hanauer, a privately held, employee-owned financial services firm, specializes in retail fixed income and wealth management services. ...
US* 1928 - ServePath Announces New EnterprisePath Dedicated Server Offering ...
       SBWire (press release), WI - Mar 13, 2007
       ... services through its ColoServe division. The employee-owned company has been in business for five years and operates its own San Francisco data center.
US* 1929 - Trolley no longer rolling
        Niles Daily Star, MI - Mar 13, 2007
       McDonald Transit is a national, employee-owned company that manages 27 other public transportation systems. The Fort Worth, Texas-based company was one of ...
US* 1930 - Appleton Names Two Finance Executives
       Wisbusiness.com, WI - Mar 13, 2007
       ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3200 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
US* 1931 - BNA Tax Products Now Available to Law Firms on CCH Tax Research ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 13, 2007
       BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
US* 1932 - RBC Dain Rauscher to acquire JB Hanauer & Co.
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 13, 2007
       JB Hanauer, a privately held, employee-owned financial services firm, specializes in retail fixed income and wealth management services. ...
US* 1933 - Market Report -- In Play (RY)
       MSN Money - Mar 13, 2007
       JB Hanauer, a privately held, employee-owned financial services firm, specializes in retail fixed income and wealth management services. ...
US* 1934 - BNA Tax Products Now Available to Law Firms on CCH Tax Research ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2007
       BNA is the oldest wholly employee-owned company in the United States, and produces more than 350 news and information services -- including Daily Labor ...
US* 1935 - RBC Dain Rauscher to acquire JB Hanauer & Co.
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2007
       JB Hanauer, a privately held, employee-owned financial services firm, specializes in retail fixed income and wealth management services. ...
US* 1936 - Lab shaking things up
       Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Mar 13, 2007
       ... the materials they use," said John Kahles, president of Metcut Research Inc. in Oakley, the employee-owned metals testing lab that acquired CTL in 1998. ...
US* 1937 - Gibraltar Signs an Agreement to Purchase the Assets of NorWesCo ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 13, 2007
       ... from The Employee Ownership Holding Company, which is wholly owned by the Employee Ownership Holding Company Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust. ...
US* 1938 - Silicon Bottle Stoppers meet Class VI and FDA standards.
       ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release), NY - Mar 13, 2007
       In 2006, NewAge initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. Glass Balls, Glass Beads, Micrometers ...
US* 1939 - South Jersey bank company selling shares
       Milwaukee Business Journal, WI - Mar 13, 2007
       It said it has received subscriptions for about 600000 shares, which excludes shares to be bought by the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 1940 - Plan for what you'll do
       CNNMoney.com - Mar 13, 2007
       When Braswell realized that he could live comfortably off the $2 million he had accumulated in Lowe's profit-sharing, employee stock-ownership and ...
US* 1941 - Tribune weighs bids, debt
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 13, 2007
       ... despite being buoyed by the tax benefits of an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, and investment of up to $300 million from Zell himself. ...
US* 1942 - South Jersey bank company selling shares
       Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 13, 2007
       It said it has received subscriptions for about 600000 shares, which excludes shares to be bought by the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 1943 - More Details Emerge About Zell's Bid For Tribune
       Hartford Courant, CT - Mar 13, 2007
       His proposed partner in the Tribune buyout is an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, that would be created as part of the deal, presumably to provide ...
US* 1944 - Zell wouldn't break up Tribune
       Newsday, NY - Mar 13, 2007
       The centerpiece of Zell's proposal is a new employee stock ownership plan that would control Tribune and be equipped with tax deductions from its principal ...
US* 1945 - Organic To Go expands with purchase of catering company
        Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - Mar 13, 2007
       "I'm 53, and I thought I would run this for another 10 years and do an employee buyout." The acquisition means Jackrabbit, which was serving up to 800 ...
IN* 1946 - FBT on Esops is devoid of logic
       Economic Times, India - Mar 13, 2007
       In the case of an ESOP, the employee does not pay any option premium (except, of course, in the form of blood, sweat and tears at the workplace about which ...
US* 1947 - Tribune weighs bids, debt
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 13, 2007
       Without an outside investor to help it, a management plan might not be able to enjoy the same tax benefits as Zell's proposed ESOP, a source close to the ...
US* 1948 - The struggle in Chávez’s Venezuela
       Socialist Worker Online, IL - Mar 13, 2007
       Chávez has also disparaged companies ostensibly operating as workers’ cooperatives for maintaining capitalist exploitation. ...
IN* 1949 - Budget 07 and how it affects SMEs
       Rediff, India - Mar 13, 2007
       The fringe benefit tax has been extended to employee stock option plans, and the service tax has been extended to several new areas including rent on ...
AT* 1950 - Boston Beer Reports 13% Increase in Fourth Quarter Net Revenue and ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 13, 2007
       ... (including employee stock option expenses due to performance-based stock options and the adoption of FASB 123R) and an increase in income taxes. ...
US* 1951 - Zell says he has had talks about buying Tribune
       nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 13, 2007
       A proposal to use an employee stock-option plan to acquire Tribune "has been received well by everyone," he said. Zell sold Equity Office Properties Trust, ...
US* 1952 - Stocks to Watch, March 14: Lehman Brothers Holdings, J. Crew
       FOX News - Mar 13, 2007
       Juniper has delayed filing several consecutive quarters of results, amid probes into its accounting practices for employee stock options. ...
US* 1953 - Juniper Networks CFO, other top exec resign
       MarketWatch - Mar 13, 2007
       The company had delayed filing those reports amid an internal probe into Juniper's accounting practices for employee stock options. ...
US* 1954 - Lipid Sciences, Inc. Reports Financial Results for the Fourth ...
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 13, 2007
       FAS 123(R) requires the recognition of the fair value of employee stock options in the income statement, rather than as a pro forma disclosure, ...
IN* 1955 - Oak & Jasmine: Creating synergies
       Indiatimes, India - Mar 13, 2007
       An example of this is the IT sector, where minimum alternative tax (MAT) and the fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) could affect ...
US* 1956 - Wireless Facilities now investigating backdated options
       San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Mar 13, 2007
       ... and year-end financial report will include a $9.2 million charge related to the accelerated vesting of employee stock options that began in December. ...
US* 1957 - Spirent Communications PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
       Market Wire (press release) - Mar 13, 2007
       The Company's executive directors are potential beneficiaries of the Trust (together with all other UK employee share option holders) and are, therefore, ...
ZA* 1958 - JSE Limited cashes in on booming market
       Business Report, South Africa - Mar 13, 2007
       Under the scheme, black shareholders who had bought shares on or before March 28 last year would be issued with share options instruments that give an ...
UK* 1959 - Wolfson chief’s salary package includes his wife’s flight costs
       The Herald, UK - Mar 13, 2007
        ... contingent share award worth 25% of salary, some £56250, under the company's long-term incentive plan, together with other share options worth £168750. ...
NZ* 1960 - Out to make a mint with investment
       Stuff.co.nz, New Zealand - Mar 13, 2007
       Share options meant that by the time the company was sold when she was 37 she was "well off by New Zealand standards", making £4 million from the sale. ...
UK* 1961 - Don't bust the boss
       Economist, UK - Mar 13, 2007
       Scandal over the backdating of share options to make top managers richer has reared its head again. This time greedy executives are accused of backdating ...
ZA* 1962 - NED - Nedbank Group - Lapsing of Share Options held by Directors,
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 13, 2007
       The abovementioned share options were linked to the group's achievement of predetermined financial targets, which have not been met. ...
AU* 1963 - Editorial: Sharing the pain the Liberal Party way
       The Australian, Australia - Mar 13, 2007
       Senator Lightfoot purchased share options in Precious Metals Australia, days after Mr Burke helped secure changes to a parliamentary report favourable to ...
UK* 1964 - 79: Brit Insurance Holdings
       Times Online, UK - Mar 13, 2007
       There are plenty of other reasons why employees like working for the firm, from the bonuses paid on passing exams to share options. ...
UK* 1965 - Pessina bid gets the boot
       This is Money, UK - Mar 13, 2007
       ... in taking Alliance Boots private, he is more then certain to remain in the driving seat - pocketing £4m in the process from share options and shares. ...
FR* 1966 - Retraite : les bons moyens pour toucher plus
       Réponse a Tout - 13 mar 2007
       Les dispositifs collectifs « Grâce à la participation financière de l’entreprise (abondement en épargne salariale et prise en charge partielle ou totale des ...
FR* 1967 - Orne: les salariés reprennent leur entreprise et sauvent 196 emplois
       La Tribune.fr - 13 mar 2007
       ... la forme juridique d'une société coopérative de production (SCOP) vont sauver 196 emplois, at-on appris mardi auprès du porte parole de ces derniers. ...
FR* 1968 - Orne: les salariés reprennent leur entreprise et sauvent 196 emplois
       Boursorama - 13 mar 2007
       ... la forme juridique d'une société coopérative de production (SCOP) vont sauver 196 emplois, at-on appris mardi auprès du porte parole de ces derniers. ...
FR* 1969 - «Seul le politique peut réagir contre la démesure du capital ...
       Libération - 13 mar 2007
       Cela tombe bien : le Slam, qui s'applique aussi aux stock-options, les y aidera. Elle n'en est qu'au stade du lancement. Je vois bien la longue série ...
FR* 1970 - CAC 40: 100 milliards de profit en 2006
       L'Express - 13 mar 2007
       Et pour une toute petite part aux salariés via des plan d'épargne d'entreprise, des programmes de stock-options ou encore de l'intéressement. ...
FR* 1971 - HI MEDIA : s'envole de 8% dopé par les prévis...
       Zonebourse.com - 13 mar 2007
       Le groupe a enregistré une rentabilité opérationnelle (avant valorisation des stock-options et actions gratuites) de 7 232 kE (10,1%) contre 1 458 kE (5,9%) ...
1972 - El SPEE registra un 25% más de solicitudes de Pago Único de la ...
       Melilla Hoy - 13 Mar 2007
       A su vez, la incorporación a una cooperativa o sociedad laboral, en calidad de socio trabajador o de trabajo estable durante un período que supere los 24 ...
ES* 1973 - El SPEE afirma que el pago único de la prestación fomenta el empleo
       El Telegrama - 13 Mar 2007
       ... abona al trabajador la aportación obligatoria que tenga que efectuar para entrar como cooperativista o como socio trabajador de una Sociedad laboral. ...
ES* 1974 - El servicio Público de Empleo Estatal registró en 2006 un 25 por ...
       InfoMelilla - 13 Mar 2007
       ... abona al trabajador la aportación obligatoria que tenga que efectuar para entrar como cooperativista o como socio trabajador de una Sociedad laboral. ...
ES* 1975 - Feria de Zaragoza muestra a los jóvenes 220 expositores de ...
       Heraldo de Aragón (Suscripción) - 13 Mar 2007
       ... representantes de cooperativas de trabajo, de empresarios autónomos y de integrantes de sociedades laborales que explicarán los caminos del autoempleo. ...
ES* 1976 - El delegado provincial de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa y el ...
       Andalucía24horas - 13 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades laborales y otras formas jurídicas, con especial atención a los jóvenes, mujeres y sectores desfavorecidos que habitan en zonas rurales, ...
ES* 1977 - Feria de Zaragoza muestra a los jóvenes 220 expositores de ...
       Heraldo de Aragón (Suscripción) - 13 Mar 2007
       ... Francia o Noruega, o bien a través del contacto con representantes de cooperativas de trabajo, de empresarios autónomos y de integrantes de sociedades ...
AR* 1978 - Autoridades inaugurarán un Centro Integrador Comunitario en Salto
       Nova - 13 Mar 2007
       Construido por cooperativas de trabajo locales, el CIC se trata de la primera experiencia de ese tipo para el municipio. Se espera la presencia de la ...
AR* 1979 - Sigue el enfrentamiento entre taxistas
       AbiertaTV - 13 Mar 2007
       Efectivamente, a fines de 2006 el Concejo Deliberante aprobó una ordenanza que admite la posibilidad de crear cooperativas de trabajo -sujetas obviamente a ...
ES* 1980 - Quintanilla expondrá las dificultades de la conciliación en Murcia
       Mi Ciudad Real - 13 Mar 2007
        ... numerosos expertos: responsables políticos, profesores de Universidad, representantes de cooperativas de trabajo y de distintas fundaciones así como ...
AR* 1981 - Mín: 11º Máx: 21°
       Bariloche 2000 - 13 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR* 1982 - Sigue el enfrentamiento entre taxistas
       AbiertaTV - 13 Mar 2007
       ... incluida frente a las oficinas de Taxicoop, en Juan B. Justo y 20 de Setiembre, donde según dijeron estaría funcionando una cooperativa de trabajo. ...
VZ* 1983 - Buhoneros de Alta Vista "a la expectativa"
       Correo del Caroní - 13 Mar 2007
       Unas 31 personas formaron su cooperativa de trabajo. No sólo hay vendedores de CD piratas, sino artesanos y expendedores de mascotas. ...
CL* 1984 - Los ataques coordinados contra Chávez son una parodia
       La Nación (Chile) - 13 Mar 2007
       Los enormes campamentos que recubren las laderas del cerro alrededor del centro cosmopolita borbotean con cooperativas de trabajadores, reuniones de ...
AR* 1985 - Inauguraron el Centro Integrador Comunitario
       La Verdad de Junín - 13 Mar 2007
       Los CIC son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
ES* 1986 - Take Two anuncia sus resultados fiscales
       Vandal - 13 Mar 2007
       ... sufrida por sus operaciones de stock options, los 6,1 millones en pagos por impuestos revisados y 2,2 millones por compensaciones de las stock options. ...
DE* 1987 - Hamburg will Hafenkonzern HHLA an die Börse bringen
       Geldidee - 13. März 2007
       Diese Mitarbeiterbeteiligung solle den Beschäftigten eine Teilhabe an der künftige Entwicklung. Die SPD-Bürgerschaftsfraktion wertete die Entscheidung als ...
DE* 1988 - Hamburg plant teilweisen Börsengang der Hamburger Hafen und ...
       AktienCheck - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den Mitarbeitern der HHLA einen ...
DE* 1989 - Hamburg plant teilweisen Börsengang der Hamburger Hafen und ...
       OptionsscheineCheck - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den Mitarbeitern der HHLA einen ...
DE* 1990 - Hamburg plant teilweisen Börsengang der Hamburger Hafen und ...
       FinanzNachrichten.de - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den Mitarbeitern der HHLA einen ...
DE* 1991 - Hamburg plant teilweisen
       Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den Mitarbeitern der HHLA einen ...
DE* 1992 - Hamburg will stadteigenen Hafenkonzern HHLA an die Börse bringen
       FinanzNachrichten.de - 13. März 2007
       Diese Mitarbeiterbeteiligung solle den Beschäftigten eine Teilhabe an der künftige Entwicklung sichern. Die SPD-Bürgerschaftsfraktion wertete die ...
DE* 1993 - Senat will Hafenbetrieb HHLA noch in diesem Jahr an die Börse ...
       Foerderland - 13. März 2007
       Außerdem sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den HHLA-Mitarbeitern einen Vermögensaufbau ...
DE* 1994 - HAMBURGER HAFEN Börsengang soll dringenden Ausbau ermöglichen
       Spiegel Online - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den HHLA-Mitarbeitern einen ...
DE* 1995 - Hamburger Hafen geht an die Börse
       Focus Online - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den Mitarbeitern einen Vermögensaufbau ...
DE* 1996 - Hamburger Senat plant Börsengang von Hafenunternehmen HHLA
       Foerderland - 13. März 2007
       Darüber hinaus sollen im Rahmen einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stimmrechtslose Vorzugsaktien ausgegeben werden, die den HHLA-Mitarbeitern einen ...
       Rete5.tv - 13 mar 2007
       ... chiudere gli stabilimenti e, se questo avvenisse, i dipendenti azionisti potrebbero vantare un diritto di prelazione nella gestione del sito produttivo. ...
IT* 1998 - Dedicato alla poesia "Canto a Fidel" il giorno della stampa a Matanzas
       Digitale Granma Internazionale - 13 mar 2007
       Il Giorno della Stampa Cubana, il 14 marzo, inizierà con un lavoro volontario nella Cooperativa di Produzione agricola "13 Marzo" e seguirà con conferenze e ...
IT* 1999 - Cofide: utile netto 2006 sale a 43,7 mln (+9,8%)
       La Repubblica - 13 mar 2007
       Il Cda ha deliberato di sottoporre all'approvazione dell'Assemblea degli Azionisti un piano di incentivazione (phantom stock options) per il 2007, ...
BR* 2000 - Unimed Paulistana oferece convênio com farmácias a seus clientes
       Portal Nacional de Seguros - 13 Mar 2007
       A Unimed Paulistana é uma cooperativa de trabalho médico sem fins lucrativos que presta serviços de assistência médica e gestão em saúde. ...
BR* 2001 - Unimed é proibida de limitar consultas e exames
       Diário de Cuiabá - 13 Mar 2007
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Vale do Sepotuba foi condenada a declarar nula a ata de uma assembléia que estabeleceu metas referenciais limitando ...
BR* 2002 - Unimed é proibida de limitar consultas e exames
       Gazeta Digital - 13 Mar 2007
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Vale do Sepotuba foi condenada a declarar nula a ata de uma assembléia que estabeleceu metas referenciais limitando ...
BR* 2003 - Justiça proíbe Unimed de limitar consultas e exames aos usuários em MT
       O Documento - 13 Mar 2007
       A cooperativa de trabalho médico Unimed Vale do Sepotuba foi condenada a declarar nula a ata de uma assembléia que estabeleceu metas referenciais limitando ...
BR* 2004 - Etanol virou ´experiência religiosa´ nos EUA, diz Post
        estadão.com.br - 13 Mar 2007
       Bush visitou uma escola construída com doações americanas, uma cooperativa de trabalhadores indígenas, e uma das mais importantes ruínas maias do país. ...
US* 2005 - The M&A Mix Tape
       Motley Fool - Mar 12, 2007
       His plan would be to take the company private using a good slug of debt and an employee ownership structure. Meanwhile, Tribune continued its efforts to ...
AT* 2006 - COLLINS STEWART PLC - Final Results
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       Also included in cash was £2.3m (2005: £nil) held by the Company's Employee Share Ownership Trusts, which can only be used for the benefit of staff. ...
ZA* 2007 - AGL - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 12, 2007
       ANAAL AGL - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc Incorporated in the United Kingdom (Registration number: ...
AT* 2008 - American Capital Provides Details of $68 Million of Total Net ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       "We wish the employee owners of SmithBuklin well." For more information on the SmithBucklin transaction, ...
US* 2009 - Team Chevrolet Las Vegas Post Race Notes and Quotes
       Backstretch Motorsports, NC - Mar 12, 2007
       I can't thank all the Lowe's employee owners for their support. Wish the Boss (Rick Hendrick) was here, this is the 150th win for Hendrick Motorsports, ...
US* 2010 - NAPL President & CEO Explores Best Practices in New Podcast
       What They Think, KY - Mar 12, 2007
       The 114-employee-owner company operates from a 70000 sq. ft. facility with room for expansion, and offers offset printing, digital and variable data ...
US* 2011 - Bond issue managers whittled to 3
        Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS - Mar 12, 2007
       Parsons is headquartered in Pasadena, Calif., and is an employee-owned engineering and construction company. Heery is a full-service design, engineering, ...
AT* 2012 - Appleton Names Two Finance Executives
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3200 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
UK* 2013 - The Imperato-led Daimler-Chrysler Employee Owned Company Proposal
       USPRwire (press release), UK - Mar 12, 2007
       Recently, an international business consortium led by Daniel Imperato, has proposed to make Chrysler an Employee Owned Company (EOC). ...
US* 2014 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Animal Health ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 12, 2007
       As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. William Blair & Company has offices in Chicago ...
US* 2015 - Movers & Shakers for March 12
       Lynchburg News and Advance, VA - Mar 12, 2007
       Wiley & Wilson, an employee-owned company, provides professional consulting services from its Lynchburg, Richmond, Alexandria, and New Bern offices. ...
US* 2016 - Appleton Names Two Finance Executives
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3200 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
AT* 2017 - CH2M HILL Lockwood Greene to Design Dial's Corporate Facility in ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 2018 - CH2M HILL Lockwood Greene to Design Dial's Corporate Facility in ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 12, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 2019 - CH2M HILL Lockwood Greene to Design Dial's Corporate Facility in ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 2020 - Alion Awarded $1M Contract For US Navy Submarine Conversion Program
       GovCon (press release), PA - Mar 12, 2007
       Mclean, VA - Alion Science and Technology, an employee-owned technology solutions company, recently announced it received a contract valued at $1M from ...
US* 2021 - Paramount Coffee keeps up with growing, changing tastes
       Lansing State Journal, MI - Mar 12, 2007
        Company officials now hope they can take Paramount, employee-owned since 2000, to another level. They recently hired Jacksonville, Fla. ...
US* 2022 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Fiscal 2007 First Quarter Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       ... non-operating income (expense), non-cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
TW* 2023 - Tribune offer has substantial borrowing
       China Post, Taiwan - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell would take Tribune private and turn over control to a newly created employee stock ownership plan, according to the source who is familiar with the ...
US* 2024 - New interested buyer wouldn't break up Tribune
       Newsday, NY - Mar 12, 2007
       The centerpiece of Zell's proposal is a new employee stock ownership plan that would control Tribune and be equipped with tax deductions from its principal ...
US* 2025 - South Jersey bank company selling shares
       Philadelphia Business Journal, PA - Mar 12, 2007
       It said it has received subscriptions for about 600000 shares, which excludes shares to be bought by the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2026 - TIDES OF COMMERCE: Pacific Wings takes place of Mesa in New Mexico ...
       Maui News, HI - Mar 12, 2007
       Maui Divers Jewelry has been named Employee Stock Ownership Plan Company of the Year by the Hawaii Chapter of the ESOP Organization. ...
US* 2027 - Delanco Bancorp, Inc. Announces Completion of Subscription ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 12, 2007
       The Company has received subscriptions for approximately 600000 shares, which excludes shares to be purchased by the employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2028 - Stocks on the move Monday
       CNNMoney.com - Mar 12, 2007
       ... proposing a $13 billion deal to take the Tribune (down $0.27 to $30.28, Charts) and broadcaster private through use of an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2029 - Zell proposing $13-bil. Tribune privatization: report
       Crain's Chicago Business, IL - Mar 12, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2030 - Monday morning headlines
       LA Observed, CA - Mar 12, 2007
       The plan, which Tribune directors could consider at a meeting on Saturday, involves Zell being in partnership with an employee stock ownership plan. ...
AT* 2031 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Fiscal 2007 First Quarter Results
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       ... non-operating income (expense), non-cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US* 2032 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Fiscal 2007 First Quarter Results
       MSN Money - Mar 12, 2007
       ... non-operating income (expense), non-cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US* 2033 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Fiscal 2007 First Quarter Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       ... non-operating income (expense), non-cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US* 2034 - Zell has $13 Billion Proposal for Tribune: Barron's
       CNBC, NJ - Mar 12, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2035 - Source: Zell offering $13B for Tribune
       Newsday, NY - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell would take Tribune private and turn over control to a newly created employee stock ownership plan, according to the source who is familiar with the ...
US* 2036 - Zell's past may hint at plan for Tribune
       Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 12, 2007
       His proposed partner in the Tribune buyout is an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, that would be created as part of the deal, presumably to provide ...
IN* 2037 - 10 reasons why FBT on ESOPs is wrong
       Rediff, India - Mar 12, 2007
       Clearly the true exercise price for the employee is the grant price plus the FBT which he or she will have to bear under the terms of most ESOP schemes. ...
IN* 2038 - Icra sets Rs 275-330 band
       Daily News & Analysis, India - Mar 12, 2007
       However, it is planning an employee stock option plan (ESOP) for its top management. “Our existing shareholder capital is Rs 8.80 crore. ...
IN* 2039 - Nasscom to meet FM on FBT on Esops
       Indiatimes, India - Mar 12, 2007
       Interestingly enough thanks to a severe shortage of skilled personnel, several sectors ranging from aviation to yarn makers have chosen the Esop route to ...
US* 2040 - Radford Surveys + Consulting Introduces Radford Valuation Services ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       Together with Aon, Radford Valuation Services has been doing significant work in the area of Employee Stock Option (ESO) valuation and accounting under FAS ...
CA* 2041 - TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. - For the three months and year ended ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       (d) Stock options The Company has an employee stock option plan under which employees and directors are eligible to receive option grants. ...
AT* 2042 - Nexia's Family of Companies Reaches Employee Milestone
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       Nexia is in the process of closing out its 2006 Employee Stock Option Plan and has filed a plan for 2007. The 2007 Benefit Plan registers 700 million shares ...
FR* 2043 - Radford Surveys + Consulting Introduces Radford Valuation Services ...
       Boursorama, France - Mar 12, 2007
       Together with Aon, Radford Valuation Services has been doing significant work in the area of Employee Stock Option (ESO) valuation and accounting under FAS ...
US* 2044 - Radford Surveys + Consulting Introduces Radford Valuation Services ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 12, 2007
       Together with Aon, Radford Valuation Services has been doing significant work in the area of Employee Stock Option (ESO) valuation and accounting under FAS ...
US* 2045 - Radford Surveys + Consulting Introduces Radford Valuation Services ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       Together with Aon, Radford Valuation Services has been doing significant work in the area of Employee Stock Option (ESO) valuation and accounting under FAS ...
US* 2046 - Sam Zell Says He Has Had Talks About Buying Tribune (Update1)
       Bloomberg - Mar 12, 2007
       A proposal to use an employee stock-option plan to acquire Tribune ``has been received well by everyone,'' he said. Shares of Chicago-based Tribune fell 9 ...
UK* 2047 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan. In exchange, the company would use tax deductions generated by the ...
UK* 2048 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan. In exchange, the company would use tax deductions generated by the ...
US* 2049 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
       Forbes, NY - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan. In exchange, the company would use tax deductions generated by the ...
US* 2050 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
       MSN Money - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan. In exchange, the company would use tax deductions generated by the ...
US* 2051 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune
       BusinessWeek - Mar 12, 2007
       Zell's plan gives majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan. In exchange, the company would use tax deductions generated by the ...
US* 2052 - Notice Convening the Annual General Meeting of AB Electrolux
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 12, 2007
       B. Transfer of own shares as a result of the Employee Stock Option Programs 2001 - 2003 and the Electrolux Performance Share Program 2005 ...
US* 2053 - Mobius to Showcase 'Best-in-Class' Solutions for Enterprise ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
CA* 2054 - Rand Worldwide(TM) Announces 2006 Financial Results
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       ... 501 91 Write-down of property and equipment - 1162 Equity in losses of ENGINEERING.com, net of dilution gain - 48 Employee stock options 654 392 Changes ...
AT* 2055 - WFI Announces Update on Strategic Actions Previously Announced
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       The accelerated vesting of stock options eliminates stock compensation expense associated with current outstanding employee stock options issued prior to ...
IN* 2056 - Oak & Jasmine: Creating synergies
       Economic Times, India - Mar 12, 2007
       An example of this is the IT sector, where minimum alternative tax (MAT) and the fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) could affect ...
AT* 2057 - Mobius to Showcase 'Best-in-Class' Solutions for Enterprise ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
CA* 2058 - Rand Worldwide(TM) Announces 2006 Financial Results
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       ... 501 91 Write-down of property and equipment - 1162 Equity in losses of ENGINEERING.com, net of dilution gain - 48 Employee stock options 654 392 Changes ...
SG* 2059 - Software Export in India to Plunge in The Long Run: Karnik
       SDA India Magazine, Singapore - Mar 12, 2007
       Besides, with Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) s being taxed under Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), companies will face immense pressure to retain skilled manpower. ...
US* 2060 - Orthovita Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Financial Results
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 12, 2007
       ... liability associated with non-employee stock options 1819761 --- Other long-term liabilities 8969653 8837681 ----------------- ----------------- Total ...
FR* 2061 - Li Ka-shing's Tom Group seeks more of Tom Online
       International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 12, 2007
       The cost of the buyout could increase to 1.77 billion dollars if Tom Online's outstanding share options are exercised, according to the statement. ...
US* 2062 - Australian Stocks Slide, Led by Qantas, Allco; Fortescue Falls
       Bloomberg - Mar 12, 2007
       The company, a manufacturer of motors for home appliances, said it approved a grant of about 5 million share options to 12 senior employees, at the price of ...
CA* 2063 - TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. - For the three months and year ended ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       ... Outstanding Securities Common Shares 46719972 46719972 46719972 Common Share options 2090000 2085000 2090000 Performance Shares 2272484 2272484 2272484 ...
CA* 2064 - Cork Exploration Inc. announces financial, reserve and operational ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       ... share options 3133333 450000 Common share warrants 5984990 6900000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diluted ...
US* 2065 - Billionaire boom
       Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PA - Mar 12, 2007
       The culprit in the last 15 years, the Economist said, was too many share options to too many people on overly generous terms, along with "foolish accounting ...
CA* 2066 - TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. - For the three months and year ended ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       ... Outstanding Securities Common Shares 46719972 46719972 46719972 Common Share options 2090000 2085000 2090000 Performance Shares 2272484 2272484 2272484 ...
UK* 2067 - Alliance Boots board risks hostile bid by spurning deputy ...
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 12, 2007
       Mr Baker and the other directors have a strong financial incentive to accept a takeover offer as share options would vest, handing them windfalls and stakes ...
US* 2068 - Hong Kong's TOM to Buy Out TOM Online
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 12, 2007
       The $200 million figure is based on the assumption that no outstanding TOM Online share options are exercised. If the options were to be exercised, ...
AU* 2069 - Minister had stake in arthritis company
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 12, 2007
       Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot was scrutinised for his share dealings, after he bought share options in Precious Metals Australia, a client of Mr Burke and ...
AU* 2070 - Minister had stake in arthritis company
       The Age, Australia - Mar 12, 2007
       Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot was scrutinised for his share dealings, after he bought share options in Precious Metals Australia, a client of Mr Burke and ...
AU* 2071 - Minister had stake in arthritis company
       Ninemsn, Australia - Mar 12, 2007
       Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot was scrutinised for his share dealings, after he bought share options in Precious Metals Australia, a client of Mr Burke and ...
UK* 2072 - Growing old gracefully
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 12, 2007
       When companies issue free shares and share options to company executives they should be required to issue them to pension schemes as well so that the ...
ZA* 2073 - Bateman recruits 100-plus professional from India, orders up 210%
       Mining Weekly, South Africa - Mar 12, 2007
       ... anticipated the skills demand two years ago and had put all specialists into the upper 90% remuneration tariff and offered the top people share options. ...
AU* 2074 - Minister says not declaring shares was an oversight
       ABC Online, Australia - Mar 12, 2007
       ... Senator Ross Lightfoot has been accused of abusing parliamentary privilege by attacking a company in a dispute with another in which he owns share options.
AT* 2075 - Mindray Medical International Announces Fourth Quarter and Full ...
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       The Company estimates total share-based compensation expenses in 2007 will be approximately RMB37.0 million based on the share options that have been ...
CA* 2076 - Cork Exploration Inc. announces financial, reserve and operational ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 12, 2007
       ... share options 3133333 450000 Common share warrants 5984990 6900000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diluted ...
ZA* 2077 - Asian Mineral Resources Ltd hires general manager and grants share ...
       Mineweb, South Africa - Mar 12, 2007
       ... will be taking up full-time duties on May 15, 2007 under an employment contract which includes the granting of 500000 ASN common share options, ...
AU* 2078 - Santoro fails to declare shares
       Courier Mail, Australia - Mar 12, 2007
       Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot was scrutinised for his share dealings, after he bought share options in Precious Metals Australia, a client of Mr Burke and ...
UK* 2079 - Alliance Boots meets over £10bn bid
       Belfast Telegraph, UK - Mar 12, 2007
       ... fact that the bidders want the existing management to stay on - the deal would be worth millions to them as it would crystallise their share options. ...
AT* 2080 - COLLINS STEWART PLC - Final Results
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 12, 2007
       ... borrowings to former parent company (12.8) - Capital contribution from former parent company 20.0 - Settlement of share options (2.7) - Costs of share ...
FR* 2081 - Wall Street : incertitude, sur des craintes concernant le marché ...
       Voila.fr - 12 mar 2007
       Zell voudrait créer dans un premier temps un plan d'actionnariat salarié (ESOP), avec lequel il contrôlerait Tribune. Zell veut également prendre la ...
FR* 2082 - Wall Street : incertitude, sur des craintes concernant le marché ...
       Boursier.com - 12 mar 2007
       Zell voudrait créer dans un premier temps un plan d'actionnariat salarié (ESOP), avec lequel il contrôlerait Tribune. Zell veut également prendre la ...
       Investir.fr - 12 mar 2007
       Enfin, Arnaud Lagardère est favorable au versement d'un dividende par EADS "dans l'intérêt des petits porteurs et notamment des salariés actionnaires. ...
FR* 2084 - AG2R - Lancement du PEI des Landes
       RiskAssur.com - 12 mar 2007
       Il simplifie l’accès à l’épargne salariale (PEI) et l’épargne retraite (PERCOI) des salariés et des chefs d’entreprises en leur offrant un dispositif clé en ...
FR* 2085 - Espoir d’une dynamique syndicale en France
       Monde Diplomatique - 12 mar 2007
       De plus, le développement des bonus, des primes, de l’intéressement et plus généralement de l’épargne salariale a déjà diminué la part du salaire négocié ...
CA* 2086 - Des employés d'Olymel manifestent
       Radio-Canada - 12 mar 2007
       On croit qu'en créant une coopérative de travailleurs, on pourrait venir à bout de notre relance », explique Patrick Cournoyer, président du syndicat des ...
FR* 2087 - Près de 100 milliards de profits pour le CAC 40 en 2006par ...
       L'Express - 12 mar 2007
       Et pour une toute petite part aux salariés via des plan d'épargne d'entreprise, des programmes de stock-options ou encore de l'intéressement. ...
FR* 2088 - Près de 100 milliards de profits pour le CAC 40 en 2006
       LExpansion.com - 12 mar 2007
       Et pour une toute petite part aux salariés via des plan d'épargne d'entreprise, des programmes de stock-options ou encore de l'intéressement. ...
FR* 2089 - 65 milliards d’euros d’aides de l’État aux entreprises en 2006
       Bellaciao - 12 mar 2007
       ... leurs fortunes, leurs salaires et autres stock-options se multiplier par 100, voire par 1.000, depuis le début de l’ère industrielle. ...
ES* 2090 - «Castilla-La Mancha cuenta con las mujeres para ganar el futuro»
       La Tribuna de Albacete - 12 Mar 2007
       ... por la contratación de empleados de hogar; o gastos por servicios de ayuda a domicilio, por trabajadores autónomos, sociedades laborales o mercantiles. ...
AR* 2091 - Se inicio el Ciclo Lectivo 2007 para el nivel medio y polimodal
       Jujuy al día - 12 Mar 2007
       Dijo que lo mismo pasó con las viviendas porque se ha creído en el sistema de cooperativas de trabajo, en las empresas jujeñas, por lo que estimó que con ...
AR* 2092 - Alicia Kirchner inaugurará en Chacabuco un Centro Integrador ...
       Diario Democracia - 12 Mar 2007
       Las instalaciones fueron construidas con fondos del gobierno nacional a través de tres cooperativas de trabajo formadas por el Municipio local para tal fin.
AR* 2093 - FOGABA ya garantiza préstamos a tres instituciones de microcréditos
       Impulso Baires - 12 Mar 2007
       ... y asistencia crediticia a microempresas o emprendedores de bajos recursos ya cooperativas de trabajo para que puedan incrementar su producción. ...
AR* 2094 - Quedó inaugurado el ciclo lectivo en el nivel medio
       Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 12 Mar 2007
       Dijo que lo mismo pasó con las viviendas porque se ha creído en el sistema de cooperativas de trabajo, en las empresas jujeñas, por lo que estimó que con ...
AR* 2095 - Más de 800 niños recibieron mochilas y útiles
       Gente-BA - 12 Mar 2007
       Mar del Plata - Como desde hace tres años, la Asociación Mutual AMCOOP junto a la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, ...
ES* 2096 - 48.000 euros para apoyar la economía social ya los autónomos
       SegundaMano Mercado Alarcón - 12 Mar 2007
       En la actualidad, Alcorcón cuenta con 24 cooperativas de trabajo asociado y ascienden a 1.416 los trabajadores autónomos en la ciudad.
AR* 2097 - Fogaba garantiza prestamos a entidades de microcréditos
       Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 12 Mar 2007
       ... y asistencia crediticia a microempresas o emprendedores de bajos recursos ya cooperativas de trabajo para que puedan incrementar su producción. ...
AR* 2098 - Garantizan préstamos a tres instituciones de microcréditos
        Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 12 Mar 2007
       ... y asistencia crediticia a microempresas o emprendedores de bajos recursos ya cooperativas de trabajo para que puedan incrementar su producción. ...
AR* 2099 - Discurso del Gobernador de la Provincia
       Jujuy al día - 12 Mar 2007
       “Y lo mismo nos pasó con las viviendas, creímos en el sistema de cooperativas de trabajo, creímos en nuestras empresas jujeñas. ...
AR* 2100 - 800 niños recibieron mochilas y útiles
       AbiertaTV - 12 Mar 2007
       Como desde hace tres años, la Asociación Mutual AMCOOP junto a la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Pesqueras, ...
CO* 2101 - Se avecina revolcón en el régimen de afiliación a ARP
       La República (Colombia) - 12 Mar 2007
       ... servicios domésticos o transporte público y de carga, así como los vinculados a algunas cooperativas de trabajo en donde les descuentan los parafiscales ...
AR* 2102 - Más de 800 hijos de trabajadores de la pesca recibieron mochilas y ...
       Puntonoticias - 12 Mar 2007
       La Asociación Mutual AMCOOP junto a la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Pesqueras, Navales y Afines (FECOOAPORT), ...
AR* 2103 - Mín: 8º Máx: 18°
       Bariloche 2000 - 12 Mar 2007
        La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR* 2104 - Disputa por la representación de consorcistas en paritarias
       La Capital Mar del Plata - 12 Mar 2007
       "Lo que existe es un fallo donde a unos empleados de cooperativa de Trabajo, de Bahía Blanca, los encuadraron como empleados de Suteryh, ...
ES* 2105 - Economía/Motor.- Volkswagen elevó un 25% la remuneración de ...
       Fuerteventura Digital - 12 Mar 2007
        ... comité de dirección de Volkswagen, un 8% más, con 814.883 euros de salario fijo, 1,08 millones de variable y 31.200 euros de "stock options" ejecutadas. ...
ES* 2106 - 48.000 euros para apoyar la economía social ya los autónomos
       SegundaMano Mercado Alarcón - 12 Mar 2007
       ... de la ciudad a través de un convenio suscrito con las entidades representativas del sector Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (ASALMA), ...
BR* 2107 - O paradoxo do executivo
       Baguete (liberação de imprensa) - 12 Mar 2007
       Bônus por performance, stock options, planos estratégicos agressivos, programas para aumento de produtividade, criatividade e inovação são os mecanismos ...
KE* 2108 - PwC issues tax guide for Kenyan businesses
       East African, Kenya - Mar 11, 2007
       Other areas covered include the taxation provisions on capital allowances, lease rentals and employee ownership plans. The guide also deals with value added ...
CA* 2109 - Las Vegas: GM Racing race notes
       Motorsport.com, Canada - Mar 11, 2007
       I can't thank all the Lowe's employee owners for their support. Wish the Boss (Rick Hendrick) was here, this is the 150th win for Hendrick Motorsports, ...
US* 2110 - Haier's Chairman On His Quest For a Global Brand
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 11, 2007
       Haier styles itself an employee-owned collective, with some listed assets on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges. But little is known about the ...
US* 2111 - Should Customers Own The Power Company?
       Honolulu Star-Bulletin, HI - Mar 11, 2007
       Some venture capitalists who specialize in buying companies to convert them into employee-owned firms also might be qualified to structure a customer buyout ...
US* 2112 - Gardening among the high rises with Heather Simon of Gardeners' Guild
       San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Mar 11, 2007
       We're an employee-owned company, which means that everybody that's been there more than a year owns a piece of it. Whatever percentage of the salary pool ...
US* 2113 - Passport UNIX Emulator Rings Up Real Savings for Clients of High ...
       Emediawire (press release), WA - Mar 11, 2007
       Headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, High Touch, Inc. is an employee-owned business that has created an environment where employees enjoy coming to work. ...
US* 2114 - Passport UNIX Emulator Rings Up Real Savings for Clients of High ...
       PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 11, 2007
       Headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, High Touch, Inc. is an employee-owned business that has created an environment where employees enjoy coming to work. ...
US* 2115 - TOM'S MARKET OUTLOOK, March 11
       Inside Futures, IL - Mar 11, 2007
       ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). This is a great first choice. A lot of fortune 500 companies offer their employees the ability to purchase stock ...
US* 2116 - TOM'S MARKET OUTLOOK, March 11
       Optionetics, CA - Mar 11, 2007
       ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). This is a great first choice. A lot of fortune 500 companies offer their employees the ability to purchase stock ...
UK* 2117 - Zell has $13 bln proposal for Tribune-Barron's
       Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2118 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       WIS, SC - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2119 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       KPLC-TV, LA - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
CA* 2120 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2121 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       MSN Money - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2122 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       Washington Post, DC - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
CA* 2123 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       Reuters Canada, Canada - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2124 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
UK* 2125 - Zell has $13 billion proposal for Tribune
       Reuters.uk, UK - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2126 - Zell has $13 bln proposal for Tribune-Barron's
       Reuters - Mar 11, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell, speaking at a real estate industry event, confirmed that his plan involved creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US* 2127 - Hitting the list of 'most admired'
       Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Mar 11, 2007
       He left the Pioneer Press in December after taking an employee buyout. Leaders in the Minnesota business community agreed last week to begin giving detailed ...
IN* 2128 - Over 200 companies outsmart FM with early dividends
       Financial Express, India - Mar 11, 2007
       The number of companies paying dividends and alloting shares under the ESOP plan in the current month is expected to be much larger. ...
IN* 2129 - FBT on stock option needs more clarity
       Hindu, India - Mar 11, 2007
       ESOP as an instrument to retain talent may not hold attraction for Indian firms in the wake of the budget-induced exercise on FBT. ...
IN* 2130 - `Get used to the pain'
       Hindu Business Line, India - Mar 11, 2007
       Companies like us will be forced to discontinue ESOP schemes now. This will only increase cost of labour. Government seems keen on `killing the golden ...
IN* 2131 - Over 200 cos announce dividend plans
       Economic Times, India - Mar 11, 2007
       Making things even merrier for the market, companies are also rushing in with announcements for allotment of shares under the employee stock option plan ...
US* 2132 - The Man Who Didn't Come to Dinner
       Barron's (subscription) - Mar 11, 2007
       Zell's plan would hand majority control of the company to an employee stock-option plan, in return for the company's being able to use the rich tax ...
US* 2133 - Nabors says it misdated stock option grants; firm finds no wrongdoing
       MyWestTexas.com, TX - Mar 11, 2007
       Nabors Industries said an internal investigation found the company misdated a number of employee stock option grants as far back as 1991, including options ...
UK* 2134 - Alliance Boots meets over £10bn bid
       Independent, UK - Mar 11, 2007
       ... fact that the bidders want the existing management to stay on - the deal would be worth millions to them as it would crystallise their share options. ...
UK* 2135 - Alliance Boots board faces decision whether to back £9.5bn buyout
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 11, 2007
       Mr Baker has share options worth some £1.3bn at Mr Pessina's proposed take-out price. There would also be payouts for former Alliance Unichem executive ...
FR* 2136 - Revue de presse des hebdomadaires
       RFI - 11 mar 2007
       ... dont 52 millions aux 67 300 salariés actionnaires... et, pour faire face à un opulent carnet de commandes de 18 milliards d'euros, 12 000 salariés vont ...
FR* 2137 - Les ex de Samsonite refusent de faire leurs bagages
       Libération - 11 mar 2007
       Et une Scop, une coopérative ouvrière ? «Ça arrangerait les politiques, mais c'est pas avec notre prime [6 000 euros pour les plus anciennes, ...
FR* 2138 - Usis: entreprise d'excellence cherche personnel compétent
       La Provence - 11 mar 2007
       En trois ans, la société coopérative ouvrière de production (Scop) de la route de Tarascon multiplie les records: une croissance à deux chiffres du chiffre ...
FR* 2139 - 65 milliards d’euros d’aides de l’État aux entreprises en 2006 ...
       Témoignages.re - 11 mar 2007
       ... leurs fortunes, leurs salaires et autres stock-options se multiplier par 100, voire par 1.000, depuis le début de l’ère industrielle. ...
ES* 2140 - Las sociedades laborales aumentan debido a la crisis de los ...
       El País (España) - 11 Mar 2007
       El número de sociedades laborales, empresas cuyos propietarios son sus mismos trabajadores, asciende ya en la Comunidad Valenciana a 1.852 firmas que ...
AR* 2141 - “Este mes va a ser decisivo”
       Jujuy al día - 11 Mar 2007
       ... destinada a emprendimientos pequeños mediante cooperativas de trabajo, ya que estas tienen la necesidad de contar con una marca para sus productos. ...
AR* 2142 - Más de 800 chicos recibieron mochilas y útliles
       0223 Vespertino Digital - 11 Mar 2007
       Como desde hace tres años, la Asociación Mutual AMCOOP junto a la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, Pesqueras, ...
AR* 2143 - Más de 800 niños recibieron mochilas y útiles
       Impulso Baires - 11 Mar 2007
       Mar del Plata - Como desde hace tres años, la Asociación Mutual AMCOOP junto a la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Actividades Portuarias, ...
       Corrientes Noticias - 11 Mar 2007
       ... cooperativas de trabajo y empresas recuperadas 'que se interesaron en esta lucha e incluso colaboran con aparato logístico, alimentos y medicamentos'.
US* 2145 - Production Supervisor
       Kingsport Times News, TN - Mar 10, 2007
       Production Supervisor Textile Finishing Employee owned company is seeking a high energy, hands-on manufacturing production supervisor. ...
US* 2146 - Imprinting Memories For Homesick Soldiers
       The Register-Guard, OR - Mar 10, 2007
       ... `We should be able to help with that, that's what we do,' " said John Boytz, vice president of Shelton Turnbull, an employee-owned company. ...
IN* 2147 - Rush outsmarts FM: Over 200 firms announce dividend plans
       Zee News, India - Mar 10, 2007
       ... for allotment of shares under the employee stock option plan (ESOP), an area that caught the FM's attention in this year's budget for collecting taxes. ...
IE* 2148 - State proposes transfer of ESB grid ownership
       Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 10, 2007
       Some 10000 ESOP trustees have a 5 per cent stake in the company, so their stake in the grid could be worth about 5 per cent of the asset - an estimated €50 ...
IN* 2149 - Overview of direct tax provisions: The key issues
       Financial Express, India - Mar 10, 2007
       The taxation of employee stock options (ESOP) is also set to change with the Budget proposing a fringe benefit tax (FBT) levy on the difference between the ...
IN* 2150 - Changes in ESOP taxation
       Financial Express, India - Mar 10, 2007
       The Union Budget 2007-2008 proposes to change the taxation of ESOP/ESOS and sweat equity shares with effect from assessment year 2008-2009 by levying fringe ...
IN* 2151 - The Fringe Seeks To Gain Width
       Outlook (subscription), India - Mar 10, 2007
       During post-budget meetings with the media and ceos, he said "once you concede that ESOP is a fringe benefit, it will have to attract the FBT. ...
IN* 2152 - Rush outsmarts FM: Over 200 firms announce dividend plans
       Zee News, India - Mar 10, 2007
       Making things even merrier for the market, companies are also rushing in with announcements for allotment of shares under the employee stock option plan ...
IN* 2153 - IPCL merger gets Reliance Ind nod
       The Tribune, India - Mar 10, 2007
       Q: Employee stock option schemes (ESOPs) have been brought under fringe benefit tax (FBT) in the Budget. What does this mean for the employee and will he or ...
US* 2154 - 'Backdating' bunkum
       Washington Times, DC - Mar 10, 2007
       The Fed's Survey of Consumer Finances reported, "In 2004, 9.3 percent of families reported having received [employee] stock options, a share 2.1 percentage ...
IN* 2155 - The Hindu Images
       Hindu Business Line, India - Mar 10, 2007
       The introduction of minimum alternate tax and the fringe benefit tax on employee stock options (ESOPs), announced in the Budget, are unlikely to materially ...
AU* 2156 - Bruised Kevin is one of us
       Courier Mail, Australia - Mar 10, 2007
       Then Liberal Senator Ross Lightfoot was found to have bought share options in a mining company that had just got the corrupt help of Burke to fight a rival ...
US* 2157 - COMPENSATION: US Steel pays well
       St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - Mar 10, 2007
       Surma's compensation included a base salary of $1.02 million, stock awards of $1.46 million and share options of $1.42 million, Pittsburgh-based US Steel ...
FR* 2158 - LE CREUSOT : Les délocalisations et le chômage...
       Creusot-infos.com - 10 mar 2007
       Elie Sadigh s’est ensuite prêté au jeu des questions réponses devant environ 120 personnes qui ont évoqué le commerce équitable, l’actionnariat salarié, ...
FR* 2159 - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : "les Allemands se sont mieux battus que ...
       Capital.fr - 10 mar 2007
       Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : Inciter les entreprises à développer l'actionnariat salarié jusqu’à 15% de leur capital, pour partager les fruits de la croissance ...
CA* 2160 - Gesta: Une entreprise structurée et structurante
       La Vie Rurale - 10 mar 2007
       Constitué en société en nom collectif en 1986, Gesta devient, sous l'égide de son président actuel, M. Bruno Fredettte, coopérative de travail en 1994 afin ...
ES* 2161 - El número de empresas de economía social descendió un 30,6 por ...
       Radio Granada - 10 Mar 2007
       Un total de 134 empresas de economía social (cooperativas y sociedades laborales) se crearon en 2005 en la provincia de Granada, lo que supone un 30,6 por ...
AR* 2162 - Mín: 9º Máx: 14°
       Bariloche 2000 - 10 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
BR* 2163 - Adesão à cooperativa não descaracteriza vínculo empregatício
       Correio Forense - 10 Mar 2007
       ... parte de suas atividades, conferindo-as por contrato a uma cooperativa de trabalho (segunda reclamada) reputo incorreto o entendimento da vara". ...
US* 2164 - FBS Data Systems named to list
       In-Forum (subscription), ND - Mar 9, 2007
       ... which we’ve achieved by providing an atmosphere of respect, freedom and opportunity through our 100 percent employee ownership.”
UK* 2165 - ESOP Attorney Thomas H. Mug to Address 2007 Employee Ownership ...
       ClickPress (press release), UK - Mar 9, 2007
       ... in St. Louis, will be an expert speaker at the 2007 Employee Ownership Conference hosted by The National Center for Employee Ownership and The Beyster ...
US* 2166 - ESOP Attorney Thomas H. Mug to Address 2007 Employee Ownership ...
       dBusinessNews St. Louis (press release), MO - Mar 9, 2007
       ... in St. Louis, will be an expert speaker at the 2007 Employee Ownership Conference hosted by The National Center for Employee Ownership and The Beyster ...
US* 2167 - ESOP Attorney Thomas H. Mug to Address 2007 Employee Ownership ...
       USPRwire (press release), UK - Mar 9, 2007
       ... in St. Louis, will be an expert speaker at the 2007 Employee Ownership Conference hosted by The National Center for Employee Ownership and The Beyster ...
US* 2168 - Willow Run wins Popeye's contract
       Press & Sun-Bulletin, NY - Mar 9, 2007
       As a result of the new agreement, Willow Run, an employee-owned company, will be adding 20 more truck drivers to its staff along with an undetermined number ...
US* 2169 - Master gardeners host design program
       Beaver Dam Daily Citizen, WI - Mar 9, 2007
       It is an employee-owned nursery. Meyer and Meinel will discuss the many facets of landscape design and show how they can be brought together in a cohesive, ...
US* 2170 - FBS Data Systems named to list
       In-Forum (subscription), ND - Mar 9, 2007
       “FBS’s success as an employee-owned company depends on our recruiting and retaining the best people, which we’ve achieved by providing an atmosphere of ...
NL* 2171 - US: Crowley names Sweeney as Vice President Safety and Health
       FreshPlaza, Netherlands - Mar 9, 2007
       Jacksonville-based Crowley Maritime Corporation, founded in 1892, is primarily a family and employee-owned company that provides diversified transportation ...
AU* 2172 - Babcock employees millionaires after cashing in
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 9, 2007
       B&B, which has been substantially controlled by its staff since its formation, will still be 40 per cent employee-owned after the latest share disposal. ...
NL* 2173 - ARCADIS sells Euroconsult to Mott MacDonald
       Infrasite, Netherlands - Mar 9, 2007
       Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of $1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of its ...
US* 2174 - kerem125 gsy by_emR3
       Central Penn Business Journal, PA - Mar 9, 2007
       The remainder of the company was owned by employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. HDH is also partly owned by an ESOP. ...
US* 2175 - Ferrellgas Partners Reports Improved Second-Quarter Results
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 9, 2007
       Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, employee stock ownership plan compensation charge, ...
US* 2176 - Ferrellgas Partners Reports Improved Second-Quarter Results
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 9, 2007
       Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2177 - Ferrellgas Partners Reports Improved Second-Quarter Results
       MSN Money - Mar 9, 2007
       Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2178 - Ferrellgas Partners Reports Improved Second-Quarter Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 9, 2007
       Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2179 - Business Briefs
       Honolulu Star-Bulletin, HI - Mar 9, 2007
       The Hawaii chapter of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Organization has named Maui Divers Jewelry its ESOP Company of The Year. The ESOP Association is the ...
IN* 2180 - Nasscom to approach FM for removing FBT on Esops
       Indiatimes, India - Mar 9, 2007
       Interestingly enough thanks to a severe shortage of skilled personnel, several sectors ranging from aviation to yarn makers have chosen the Esop route to ...
IN* 2181 - Nasscom to approach FM for removing FBT on Esops
       Economic Times, India - Mar 9, 2007
       Interestingly enough thanks to a severe shortage of skilled personnel, several sectors ranging from aviation to yarn makers have chosen the Esop route to ...
IN* 2182 - The Union Budget in gestalt view
       Financial Express, India - Mar 9, 2007
       The principle of equity demands that benefits under any employees’ stock option plan (Esop) is also subject to tax. It is the creamy layer of society that ...
IN* 2183 - Karnik says tax regime may slowdown IT sector
       domain-B, India - Mar 9, 2007
       ... (MAT) bracket while 'employee stock option plans' (ESOP), very popular with IT companies, have been brought under the purview of fringe benefit tax. ...
US* 2184 - Compliance Issues Allow Backdating of Stock Options
       Dark Reading, NY - Mar 9, 2007
       Options backdating is the dating of employee stock options with an earlier date than the actual date of the grant. The objective is to choose a date on ...
US* 2185 - SEC Charges Former Drug Manufacturer Executive with Unlawful ...
       Media Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 9, 2007
       ... Shah acquired Able common stock by exercising employee stock options and then sold the securities either immediately thereafter or within a few days, ...
CA* 2186 - The world's richest people
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       RIM’s reputation, however, was tarnished this week when an internal probe found errors around the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right ...
CA* 2187 - The world's richest people
       Global National, Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       RIM’s reputation, however, was tarnished this week when an internal probe found errors around the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right ...
NL* 2188 - SEC Charges Former Drug Manufacturer Executive with Unlawful ...
       PressZoom (press release), Netherlands - Mar 9, 2007
       ... Shah acquired Able common stock by exercising employee stock options and then sold the securities either immediately thereafter or within a few days, ...
CA* 2189 - The world's richest people
       Victoria Times Colonist, Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       RIM’s reputation, however, was tarnished this week when an internal probe found errors around the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right ...
CA* 2190 - The world's richest people
       Vancouver Sun (subscription), Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       RIM’s reputation, however, was tarnished this week when an internal probe found errors around the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right ...
US* 2191 - 'Backdating' Bunkum
       Human Events, DC - Mar 9, 2007
       The Fed's Survey of Consumer Finances reported, "In 2004, 9.3 percent of families reported having received (employee) stock options, a share 2.1 percentage ...
US* 2192 - SEC Charges Former Drug Manufacturer Executive with Unlawful ...
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 9, 2007
       ... Shah acquired Able common stock by exercising employee stock options and then sold the securities either immediately thereafter or within a few days, ...
CA* 2193 - The world's richest people
       Ottawa Citizen (subscription), Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       RIM’s reputation, however, was tarnished this week when an internal probe found errors around the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right ...
CA* 2194 - Black Berry billionaires
       National Post, Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       RIM's reputation, however, took a hit this week when an internal probe found errors in the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right to buy ...
CA* 2195 - ZCL Composites Inc. Reports Third Fiscal Quarter and Year End ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       Common shares were issued for cash of $1.6 million upon the exercise of share options and warrants this fiscal year compared to $2.1 million in the previous ...
AU* 2196 - Politicians on the nose as the brawling continues
       Border Mail, Australia - Mar 9, 2007
       Fellow WA Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot also came under the spotlight over his share options in another mining company that had employed Burke and his ...
UK* 2197 - Comments from a CEO of one of the worlds largest adult companies.
       ZDNet UK, UK - Mar 9, 2007
       I know quite a few adult companies pay top $ for highly qualified staff, and offer both share options and health insurance ;) High valued branded porn ...
ZA* 2198 - FOS - Foschini Ltd - Directors Dealing in Securities
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 9, 2007
       1937/009504/06 Code : FOS ISIN : ZAE000031019 Directors Dealing in Securities: Acceptance of share options In compliance with the requirements of paragraphs ...
CA* 2199 - RAMTelecom plans to issue private placement of 2.4M shares
       Ottawa Business Journal, Canada - Mar 9, 2007
       SkyPort will pay cash to buy all issued and outstanding common shares of RAMTelecom at 60 cents per share, and the holders of outstanding share options and ...
FR* 2200 - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : "les Allemands se sont mieux battus que ...
       Capital.fr - 9 mar 2007
       Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : Inciter les entreprises à développer l'actionnariat salarié jusqu’à 15% de leur capital, pour partager les fruits de la croissance ...
FR* 2201 - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : "les Allemands se sont mieux battus que ...
       Le Point - 9 mar 2007
       Nicolas Dupont-Aignan : Inciter les entreprises à développer l'actionnariat salarié jusqu’à 15% de leur capital, pour partager les fruits de la croissance ...
FR* 2202 - Airbus/EADS: Non à Power 8
       EditoWeb Magazine - 9 mar 2007
       Il est inacceptable de remettre en cause des emplois, des sites, des compétences avec en ‘plan de sauvetage' d'Airbus qui n'apportera aucune solution aux ...
FR* 2203 - Hausse des résultats média en 2005
       Le Fil Radio (Abonnement) - 9 mar 2007
       ... après prise en compte du poids de l’investissement dans la TNT (7,3 millions d’euros) et du demi-plan supplémentaire de stock-options. ...
FR* 2204 - Airbus : les patrons se goinfrent, les ouvriers trinquent
       Réponse a Tout - 9 mar 2007
       Mais Forgears et lagardère ne sont pas seuls dans la tempête, dans l’Etat-Major d’EADS, plusieurs responsables ont levés leurs stock-options trois mois ...
FR* 2205 - Présidentielles : les candidats brassent de l’Airbus
       Bakchich (satire) - 9 mar 2007
       Peu curieux, celui-ci a paru surpris d’apprendre, au printemps dernier, les retards de l’A 380, juste après qu’il ait vendu ses stock-options avec une belle ...
FR* 2206 - Pré-ouverture Wall Street : sans relief après le rapport mensuel ...
       Voila.fr - 9 mar 2007
       Le concepteur américain de jeux vidéo a dévoilé hier soir les conclusions de sa revue interne des pratiques d'attributions de stock options. ...
FR* 2207 - Pré-ouverture Wall Street : sans relief après le rapport mensuel de l
       Boursier.com - 9 mar 2007
       Le concepteur américain de jeux vidéo a dévoilé hier soir les conclusions de sa revue interne des pratiques d'attributions de stock options. ...
FR* 2208 - Quelle réforme pour la Sécurité sociale ?
       Bellaciao - 9 mar 2007
       ... (CPG) assise sur la masse salariale étendue aux éléments de rémunération aujourd’hui exonérés (intéressement, participation, stock-options, etc. ...
FR* 2209 - Vraiment gratuites les attributions gratuites d'actions ?
       Les Échos - 9 mar 2007
       Et pour ceux qui avaient accès aux stock-options, dans l'hypothèse où des titres gratuits leur sont proposés à la place de ces stock-options, ...
ES* 2210 - Lamata: "Castilla-La Mancha cuenta con las mujeres para ganar el ...
       Mi Ciudad Real - 9 Mar 2007
       ... por la contratación de empleados de hogar; o gastos por servicios de ayuda a domicilio, por trabajadores autónomos, sociedades laborales o mercantiles. ...
CO* 2211 - Sindicalismo alerta por reducción de trabajadores afiliados y ...
       El Tiempo (Colombia) - 9 Mar 2007
       ... la deslaborización de las relaciones con los empleadores, el empleo temporal, la explosión de cooperativas de trabajo asociado y las dificultades para ...
CO* 2212 - Caída récord de sindicalizados
       Portafolio - 9 Mar 2007
       ... intermediación laboral de cientos de cooperativas de trabajo asociado y aumento de los contratos a término fijo y por prestación de servicios. ...
AR* 2213 - Chubascos por la tarde
       Bariloche 2000 - 9 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
VZ* 2214 - Consulta popular posible solución en el caso Tucusitos
        El Nuevo Dia (Venezuela) - 9 Mar 2007
       Mirian Urbáez, representante de la economía informal, aseguró que desde el lunes pasado, la presidenta de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Unidos del Parque ...
AR* 2215 - Scioli: "con Kirchner bregamos por una Argentina más justa"
       Comercio On Line - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC. son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
AR* 2216 - Con Kirchner bregamos por una Argentina más justa, dijo Scioli
       La Prensa (Argentina) - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
AR* 2217 - Scioli: “Con Kirchner bregamos por una Argentina más justa”
       La Página de Tucumán - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC. son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
AR* 2218 - Scioli: “Con Kirchner bregamos por una Argentina más justa”
       DERF - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC. son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
AR* 2219 - Scioli: “Con Kirchner bregamos por una Argentina más justa”
       Télam - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC. son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
AR* 2220 - Scioli: "con Kirchner bregamos por una Argentina más justa"
       Gente-BA - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC. son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
AR* 2221 - Scioli: "Con Kirchner bregamos por un país más justo"
        Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 9 Mar 2007
       Los CIC. son espacios construidos por cooperativas de trabajadores conformados por Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, financiados por los ministerios de Desarrollo ...
DE* 2222 - Hafenboykott zunächst vertagt
       Hamburger Abendblatt - 9. März 2007
       Einen möglichen Kompromiss könnte aber ein Börsengang mit der Ausgabe von Vorzugsaktien und einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung darstellen.
AT* 2223 - Molterer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung begünstigen
       Neues Volksblatt - 9. März 2007
       Finanzminister Molterer macht auf EU-Ebene einen Vorstoß in Richtung Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen. Er will solche neuen Lohnmodelle begünstigen. ...
AT* 2224 - Molterer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung begünstigen
       Boerse-express.com - 9. März 2007
       In einem dem Blatt vorliegenden Papier wird die EU-Kommission aufgefordert, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Beschäftigten stärker am Erfolg der gut ...
AT* 2225 - Molterer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung begünstigen
       WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 9. März 2007
       Finanzminister Molterer macht auf EU-Ebene einen Vorstoß in Richtung Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen. Er will solche neuen Lohnmodelle begünstigen. ...
AT* 2226 - Molterer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung begünstigen
       OÖNachrichten - 9. März 2007
       Wien/Brüssel (APA) - Finanzminister Molterer macht auf EU-Ebene einen Vorstoß in Richtung Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen. Er will solche neuen Lohnmodelle ...
DE* 2227 - Containerstau abgewendet
       taz Hamburg - 9. März 2007
       ... Gewerkschaft ver.di mittragen würden, wenn der Anteil der stimmlosen Vorzugsaktien nicht 30 Prozent überstiege und es eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gäbe. ...
AT* 2228 - Molterer will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung begünstigen
       Tirol Online - 9. März 2007
       Durch eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung würde die Bevölkerung stärker am Ertrag in Wachstumsphasen mitnaschen. Im Fokus der Wirtschaftsexperten des ...
IT* 2229 - Problemi di controllo per Take Two
       GameStar Online - 9 mar 2007
       I motivi sarebbero legati a una serie di obiettiviti finanziari mancati negli ultimi anni, anni segnati tra l'altro da uno scandalo sulle stock options che ...
IT* 2230 - Il Sole 24 Ore: Cerutti, ci auguriamo ok Ipo da assemblea
       Borsa Italiana - 9 mar 2007
       Infine, sul tema della possibile distribuzione di stock options ai dipendenti, il presidente ha precisato "a queste cose in questo momento sinceramente non ...
ZA* 2231 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification Of Interests Of Directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 8, 2007
       ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
US* 2232 - Alion Awarded $1M Contract for US Navy Submarine Conversion Program
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 8, 2007
       Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
US* 2233 - Mass. is a hub of business democracy
       Boston Globe, MA - Mar 8, 2007
       At Continuum, WorldBlu noted, there are monthly "open town forums," and at Equal Exchange, employee-owners elect their board of directors and hold six of ...
US* 2234 - Home Mortgage Loan Officer
       Seattle Times, WA - Mar 8, 2007
       HomeStreet Bank is a family and employee owned organization where decisions are made locally. We are currently interviewing for an experienced Loan Officer ...
US* 2235 - Pair supporting Texas City strike
       Brazosport Facts (subscription), TX - Mar 8, 2007
       Industrial Specialists is an employee-owned contractor serving the chemical, petrochemical, industrial and paper mill industries along the Texas and ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       Wellington West is an employee-owned company. In the 13 years since its inception, Wellington West has become one of the largest and fastest growing ...
US* 2237 - Business Briefs
       TimesCommunity.com, VA - Mar 8, 2007
       American was founded about 30 years ago and is now one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States. It provides technical services to ...
NZ* 2238 - Campaign Finance Laws Violated By PBS&J Corporation Employees ...
       Lawfuel (press release), New Zealand - Mar 8, 2007
       PBS&J is an employee-owned company based in Florida with approximately 3900 employees in 80 offices throughout the United States. ...
UK* 2239 - ‘Excellent year’ for store group
       The Herald, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       The employee-owned department store and Waitrose supermarket group enjoyed "an excellent year", according to outgoing chairman Sir Stuart Hampson, ...
US* 2240 - Spotlight On Chatsworth Products
       Processor.com, NE - Mar 8, 2007
       As an employee-owned company, Chatsworth Products manufactures structural support systems that help enterprises organize, store, and secure computer, data, ...
UK* 2241 - PCG Asset Management names CEO
       Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       Last month PCG Group spun off PCG Asset Management, which was formed in 2005, as a separate, independent, employee-owned firm. ...
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
       ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
       FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
       Forbes, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
US* 2246 - Premera Introduces EAP Services for Small Employers
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 8, 2007
       Your Future: High-deductible PPO plans offering benefits for a wide range of services that are qualified to work with an employee-owned health savings ...
US* 2247 - Alion Awarded $1M Contract for US Navy Submarine Conversion Program
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 8, 2007
       BUSINESS WIRE)--Alion Science and Technology, an employee-owned technology solutions company, today announced it received a contract valued at $1M from ...
US* 2248 - Premera Introduces EAP Services for Small Employers
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 8, 2007
       Your Future: High-deductible PPO plans offering benefits for a wide range of services that are qualified to work with an employee-owned health savings ...
US* 2249 - Preferred Hotel Group Selects Active International as Preferred ...
       Hospitality Net (press release) - Mar 8, 2007
       Headquartered in Pearl River, NY, Active International is an employee-owned company. For more information, please visit: www.activeinternational.com. ...
US* 2250 - Premera Introduces EAP Services for Small Employers
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 8, 2007
       Your Future: High-deductible PPO plans offering benefits for a wide range of services that are qualified to work with an employee-owned health savings ...
UK* 2251 - John Lewis profits soar after "stunning"year
       ShareCast, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       John Lewis, an employee-owned partnership, lifted profits by 27% to £319m last year fuelled by a big increase in internet sales. ...
US* 2252 - ROUNDUP John Lewis continues to set UK retail pace with record results
       Forbes, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
UK* 2253 - ROUNDUP John Lewis continues to set UK retail pace with record results
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
UK* 2254 - ROUNDUP John Lewis continues to set UK retail pace with record results
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
CA* 2255 - Attention Business Editors:
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
        Wellington West is an employee-owned company. In the 13 years since its inception, Wellington West has become one of the largest and fastest growing ...
       Forbes, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
       FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
       ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
UK* 2259 - John Lewis sets £319m profits record
       Telegraph.co.uk, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       The company, an employee-owned partnership, announced a 29pc increase in the bonus payment up £35m to £155m which will see partners will receive a bonus ...
UK* 2260 - John Lewis employees get record £155m bonus
       The Observer Blog, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       Some 68000 employees - or "partners" as the employee-owned group likes to call them - will share in the record bonus. The payment is equivalent to 18% of ...
UK* 2261 - John Lewis FY pretax profit up 27 pct; staff get 155 mln stg bonus ...
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
UK* 2262 - John Lewis FY pretax profit up 27 pct; staff get 155 mln stg bonus ...
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
UK* 2263 - John Lewis employees get record £155m bonus
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       Some 68000 employees - or "partners" as the employee-owned group likes to call them - will share in the record bonus. The payment is equivalent to 18% of ...
US* 2264 - John Lewis FY pretax profit up 27 pct; staff get 155 mln stg bonus
       Forbes, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, has reported a 27 pct increase in full year pretax profit and said it will pay its 68000 ...
UK* 2265 - John Lewis employees get record £155m bonus
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       Some 68000 employees - or "partners" as the employee-owned group likes to call them - will share in the record bonus. The payment is equivalent to 18% of ...
       Euronext (persbericht), Netherlands - Mar 8, 2007
       Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of $1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of its ...
US* 2267 - “Pulse on America” Show to Feature NeoSystems
       PR.com (press release), NY - Mar 8, 2007
        The company is an employee-owned Managed Service Provider that specializes in accounting and financial management services to government contractors, ...
US* 2268 - IRS scrutinizes $1 billion in Marriott tax deductions
       Business Gazette, MD - Mar 8, 2007
       Marriott formed the employee stock ownership plan in 2000. The company claimed about $1 billion in federal income tax deductions for the forgiven principal ...
US* 2269 - Insurance brokerage finds merger partner
       Central Penn Business Journal, PA - Mar 8, 2007
       The remainder of the company was owned by employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. HDH is also partly owned by an ESOP. ...
US* 2270 - Tribune not looking to sell other papers
       Orlando Sentinel, FL - Mar 8, 2007
       Another is a bid from Chicago billionaire Sam Zell to take the company private in partnership with an employee stock ownership plan.
US* 2271 - Owner plans to keep The Sun
       Sun-Sentinel.com, FL - Mar 8, 2007
       Zell's proposal involves buying Tribune by creating an employee stock ownership plan. The Los Angeles Times reported that Zell's bid is getting serious ...
US* 2272 - Tribune not looking to sell other papers
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 8, 2007
       Another is a bid from Chicago billionaire Sam Zell to take the company private in partnership with an employee stock ownership plan.
US* 2273 - Tribune to keep 9 remaining papers
       Newsday, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       The directors committee is weighing Zell's bid, which involves the creation of an employee stock ownership plan, against a proposal from Tribune management ...
US* 2274 - Owner plans to keep The Sun
       Baltimore Sun, MD - Mar 8, 2007
       Zell's proposal involves buying Tribune by creating an employee stock ownership plan. The Los Angeles Times reported that Zell's bid is getting serious ...
ZA* 2275 - LBT - Liberty International Plc - Notification of transactions of PDMR
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 8, 2007
       As all Executive Directors of Liberty International PLC are potential beneficiaries of the ESOP the transfer from the ESOP is disclosable as a change in ...
IN* 2276 - Employees are valued customers
       Express Computers, India - Mar 8, 2007
        FTIL has an Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) scheme in place, wherein ESOPs are extended to all employees based on certain parameters like loyalty, ...
US* 2277 - Insurance brokerage finds merger partner
       Central Penn Business Journal, PA - Mar 8, 2007
       The Byerly ESOP also received a payment, but the two ESOPS were merged. The overall deal is legally a merger, not an acquisition, executives said. ...
US* 2278 - Cattolica Assicurazioni Strategic Plan 2007/ 2010 Conference Call ...
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 8, 2007
       As old players, it buys in the stock exchange, they declared that they wanted at least 10% to 15% stake in our capital and they submitted a demand to ESOP. ...
IN* 2279 - Karnik hints at slowdown in IT due to tax regime
       Business Standard, India - Mar 8, 2007
       Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP), very popular with IT companies, have been brought under the purview of fringe benefit tax. ...
IN* 2280 - NIIT Technologies allots 35250 shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 8, 2007
       02, 2007 has allotted 35250 equity shares of Rs 10/- each in accordance with the terms of ESOP 2005. NIIT announced a phenomenal jump in net profits for the ...
US* 2281 - "Backdating" Bunkum
       Town Hall, DC - Mar 8, 2007
       The Fed's Survey of Consumer Finances reported, "In 2004, 9.3 percent of families reported having received (employee) stock options, a share 2.1 percentage ...
CA* 2282 - CWB Reports Record Total Revenues and 6% Quarterly Loan Growth
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       Also outstanding were employee stock options, which are or will be exercisable for up to 5370800 common shares for maximum proceeds of $80.9 million. ...
IN* 2283 - Remove MAT, extend tax sops to IT cos: Karnik
       Zee News, India - Mar 8, 2007
       Karnik also said including the employee stock options under the fringe benefit tax will put a pressure on the companies to retain skilled manpower. ...
UK* 2284 - SEC Charges Former Drug Manufacturer Executive With Unlawful ...
       Exchange News Direct, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       ... Shah acquired Able common stock by exercising employee stock options and then sold the securities either immediately thereafter or within a few days, ...
CA* 2285 - The world's richest people
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       RIM’s reputation, however, was tarnished this week when an internal probe found errors around the way the company issued employee stock options -- the right ...
NZ* 2286 - SEC Charges Former Drug Manufacturer Executive With Insider ...
       Lawfuel (press release), New Zealand - Mar 8, 2007
       ... Shah acquired Able common stock by exercising employee stock options and then sold the securities either immediately thereafter or within a few days, ...
US* 2287 - SEC settles with quality control VP
       InvestmentNews, NY - Mar 8, 2007
       2004, Mr. Shah acquired Able common stock by exercising employee stock options and then sold the securities shortly after they were purchased. ...
IN* 2288 - GST to sail through in 4 yrs: Revenue secy
       Business Standard, India - Mar 8, 2007
       Chandrasekhar denied that imposition of fringe benefit tax on employee stock options (ESOPs) would lead to double taxation saying the portion of ESOPs ...
CA* 2289 - CWB Reports Record Total Revenues and 6% Quarterly Loan Growth
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       Also outstanding were employee stock options, which are or will be exercisable for up to 5370800 common shares for maximum proceeds of $80.9 million. ...
CA* 2290 - RIM granted report extension
       ChronicleHerald.ca, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2291 - Balsillie bullish on growth
       Toronto Sun, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... extension on filing its quarterly reports as it struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2292 - OSC panel grants extension
       Regina Leader-Post (subscription), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2293 - RIM gets extension on backlogged reports
       Montreal Gazette (subscription), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       RIM is racing to correct accounting errors for employee stock options. An Ontario Securities Commission panel gave Research In Motion Ltd. executives a bit ...
CA* 2294 - OSC gives RIM until June 1
       Vancouver Province (subscription), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... its quarterly reports as the BlackBerry maker struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2295 - Balsillie bullish on growth
       Winnipeg Sun, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... extension on filing its quarterly reports as it struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2296 - Balsillie bullish on growth
       Edmonton Sun, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... extension on filing its quarterly reports as it struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2297 - Balsillie bullish on growth
       Canoe.ca, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... extension on filing its quarterly reports as it struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
AU* 2298 - Heads roll and shares are questioned in a View from the Arch
       WA Business News (subscription), Australia - Mar 8, 2007
       Fellow WA Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot also came under the spotlight over his purchase of one million share options in Precious Metals Australia in 2004, ...
ZA* 2299 - McAfee lawyer charged with fraud
       Legalbrief (subscription), South Africa - Mar 8, 2007
       ... has been charged with fraud, becoming the third senior in-house lawyer to be indicted this year for misconduct relating to backdated share options. ...
ZA* 2300 - Group Five Limited - Dealing In Securities By A Director
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 8, 2007
       ... is disclosed: Executive director: Paul O'Flaherty Name of Company: Group Five Exercise price of share options: 81 250 @ R5.95 62 500 @ R12.55 Date of ...
ZA* 2301 - MRF - Merafe Resources Limited - Dealing In Securities By Directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 8, 2007
       ... Walt Company : Merafe Resources Limited Date of transaction : 7 March 2007 Nature of transaction : Exercise of share options and sale of shares Class of ...
CA* 2302 - Asian Mineral Resources Limited Hires General Manager and Grants ...
       CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... will be taking up full-time duties on May 15, 2007 under an employment contract which includes the granting of 500000 ASN common share options, ...
UK* 2303 - White Young Green CEO sells 100000 shares in co, COO sells 31000 ...
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 8, 2007
       In a separate statement, the group said chief operating officer Richard McCaffrey today exercised 31000 share options at a price of 152.5 pence each and ...
CA* 2304 - TLC Ventures Appoints New Senior Management
       CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       TLC Ventures has granted a total of 2500000, incentive share options to new senior officers of the Company at an exercise price of $0.44 per share. ...
CA* 2305 - Torch River Resources Ltd.: News Release
       CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       ... the Board of Directors approved the issuance of 600000 share options to certain directors and officers of Torch at an exercise price of $0.16 per share. ...
AU* 2306 - Rudd toughens up
       Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - Mar 8, 2007
       Then Liberal Senator Ross Lightfoot was found to have bought share options in a mining company that had just got the corrupt help of Brian Burke to fight a ...
CA* 2307 - Costco quarterly results fall
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 8, 2007
       NEW YORK (Reuters) - Costco Wholesale Corp. on Thursday said its quarterly profit fell, hurt by charges for expensing stock options. ...
FR* 2308 - PRESSE: Air France veut encourager l'actionnariat salarié
       EasyBourse.com - 8 mar 2007
       PARIS (Dow Jones)--Air France-KLM (3112.FR) a lancé un plan visant à encourager les salariés à garder les titres de la compagnie qu'ils détiennent, ...
FR* 2309 - Les quatre crises d’Airbus
       l'Humanité - 8 mar 2007
       Pour que vive l'Humanité et qu'elle puisse se développer, le nombre de ses lecteurs et de ses abonnés doit croître. Nous avons besoin de vous, ...
FR* 2310 - Les socialistes sous-estiment l'intelligence des citoyens
       Libération - 8 mar 2007
       ... préparer votre retraite, épargnez davantage», mais il fait voter une loi permettant de débloquer l'épargne salariale car «il faut consommer davantage». ...
FR* 2311 - Le Guide des Placements 2007 d’AG2R est disponible
       Publi-News - 8 mar 2007
       ... épargne entreprise (Epargne Retraite, Epargne Salariale, Compte Epargne Temps), assurance-vie, retraite & PERP, bourse, actions, obligations, OPVCM, ...
FR* 2312 - François Bayrou : l’intox 2007, c’est lui
       Betapolitique - 8 mar 2007
       ... peut-etre un plafonnement à cinq mille euros, pour éviter qu’il n’y ait des recyclages de stock-options qui puissent se faire sous cette forme. ...
       Bellaciao - 8 mar 2007
       Juste avant la chute du cours en bourse, Forgeard lui-même vend ses stock-options et empoche 3,75 millions d’euros de plus-values et le groupe Lagardère ...
FR* 2314 - La mi-séance à Wall Street
       Capital.fr - 8 mar 2007
        La distribution de stock-options ainsi que des provisions pour retour de matériel électronique ont handicapé le bénéfice de Costco Wholesale au deuxième ...
FR* 2315 - Bourse de Wall Street : Rebond attendu, Citigroup, McDonald's et ...
       Zonebourse.com - 8 mar 2007
       ... de son bénéfice net à 249,5 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre, affecté par l'augmentation des charges liées à l'attribution de stock-options. ...
FR* 2316 - Les valeurs à suivre sur les marchés américains
       nouvelobs.com - 8 mar 2007
       La société a précisé prévoir une charge exceptionnelle de 22 à 24 millions de dollars en raison de la réévaluation du coût des stock-options distribuées ...
FR* 2317 - Atmel: pas de comptes avant juin
       Voila.fr - 8 mar 2007
       ... de la Société a diligenté une enquête indépendante concernant les dates d'attribution de stock options et autres questions susceptibles d'y être liées. ...
ES* 2318 - Andalucía lidera la creación de empresas de economía social en ...
       Ideal Digital - 8 Mar 2007
       ... revela que el avance experimentado por cooperativas y sociedades laborales en el bienio 2004-2005 ha sido significativo y sitúa a la Comunidad Andaluza ...
ES* 2319 - Eseca constata un descenso de las mujeres cooperativistas
       Granada Hoy - 8 Mar 2007
       El número de cooperativas y sociedades laborales sigue creciendo pero el ritmo al que lo hace es un 30,6 por ciento inferior al que lo venía haciendo hasta ...
ES* 2320 - Ceballos apuesta por la competitividad de las cooperativas con la ...
       Panorama Actual - 8 Mar 2007
       En su intervención, el director general ha animado a las cooperativas y sociedades laborales a no tener miedo ante los retos de la globalización, ...
ES* 2321 - El Consorcio del Alto Guadalquivir creó 84 empresas y 92 puestos ...
       cordobainformacion.com - 8 Mar 2007
       Entre ellas, destacan especialmente las 12 nuevas iniciativas creadas bajo la forma de economía social, cooperativas o sociedades laborales, lo que supone ...
ES* 2322 - Su opinión sobre este artículo :
       Granada digital - 8 Mar 2007
       ... de trabajadores en economía social era Andalucía con 90.935, repartidos el 70 por ciento en cooperativas y el 30 por ciento en sociedades laborales. ...
AR* 2323 - Mín: 8º Máx: 16°
       Bariloche 2000 - 8 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
ES* 2324 - CEPES-Ay la Junta fomentarán las empresas culturales de economía ...
       Andalucía24horas - 8 Mar 2007
       ... Fundación INNOVES, -fundación promovida desde CEPES Andalucía y FAECTA (Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado de Andalucía). ...
ES* 2325 - La cooperativa regresará al mercadillo el próximo jueves
       La Voz de Galicia - 8 Mar 2007
       ?l portavoz de la cooperativa de trabajo asociado, Sinaí Giménez, anunció ayer que los vendedores de la etnia gitana volverán a colocar sus puestos en el ...
AR* 2326 - Desprocesan a dirigentes sociales
       Noticias Urbanas - 8 Mar 2007
       Esta semana el juzgado Correccional N° 2 sobreseyó de todos los cargos a Gustavo Vera, referente y presidente de la cooperativa de trabajo "20 de diciembre" ...
DE* 2327 - SPD fordert Gleichbehandlung der Chefärzte an Unikliniken
       Stuttgarter Zeitung (Abonnement) - 8. März 2007
       Ein Kollege in Heidelberg rechnete indes 4,2 Millionen Euro ab, wovon nach Abzug der Abgaben für Kliniknutzung und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung 1,99 Millionen ...
IT* 2328 - Il Consiglio di Stato con la decisione numero 7199 del 6 dicembre ...
       Diritto & Diritti - 8 mar 2007
        Consorzio fra Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro, in persona del legale rappresentante pro tempore avv. Mauro Pasolini, rappresentato e difeso dagli ...
BR* 2329 - Dez mentiras sobre o projeto que muda a fiscalização do trabalho
       Repórter Brasil - 8 Mar 2007
       Há também falsas cooperativas de trabalho utilizadas para mascarar trabalho escravo. É uma estratégia usada para burlar as obrigações trabalhistas", ...
BR* 2330 - Pesquisa IBRI FIPECAFI revela novo perfil do profissional de ...
       PR Newswire Brasil (liberação de imprensa) - 8 Mar 2007
       ... 43% Automóvel - 15% 11% Stock Options - 12% 10% Cursos no Exterior - 10% 7% Outros - 1% 10% (*) PL = Participação nos Lucros Faixa Salarial – Analista ...
BR* 2331 - A TI no espelho
       Info Corporate - 8 Mar 2007
       Um exemplo é a política de distribuição de stock options, modelo de benefícios para executivos largamente adotado no início dos anos 1990, nem sempre com ...
US* 2332 - Panel of ESOP legal experts to speak at Entre Today event March 23
       UST Bulletin Today, MN - Mar 7, 2007
       This month's Entre Today, "Fabled ESOPs: Employee Ownership Truths and Possibilities," is a just-in-time program about Employee Stock Ownership Plans. ...
IN* 2333 - IIT Kanpur confers entrepreneurship award to chairman of Kale ...
       Prdomain Business Register (press release), Maharashtra - Mar 7, 2007
       He has recognized and practiced the importance of the "value chain" and "Employee Ownership" long before they became widely used concepts. ...
UK* 2334 - Savings windfall for Sainsbury's staff
       Freshinfo, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       More than 8000 supermarket workers are among Sainsbury’s staff set to share in a £23 million payout after participating in its employee share ownership ...
AT* 2335 - Arcadis Agrees to Sell Euroconsult to Mott MacDonald
       PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Mar 7, 2007
       Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of US$1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of ...
US* 2336 - Arcadis Agrees to Sell Euroconsult to Mott MacDonald
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 7, 2007
       Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of $1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of its ...
UK* 2337 - Arcadis Agrees to Sell Euroconsult to Mott MacDonald
       PR Newswire UK (press release), UK - Mar 7, 2007
       Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of US$1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of ...
US* 2338 - Arcadis Agrees to Sell Euroconsult to Mott MacDonald
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned company with a turnover of $1.2 billion and 10000 staff. It considers the purchase of Euroconsult a strengthening of its ...
IT* 2339 - Consumer Spending Will Remain Strong as Customer Satisfaction Hits ...
       exduco.net, Italy - Mar 7, 2007
       The company is partly employee-owned and has a reputation for good customer service and a family-friendly atmosphere, Fornell said. ...
US* 2340 - Steel unions may merge
       nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 7, 2007
       "In just the past four years, our union members have gone from a local employee-owned steel mill to part of a national steel company with the International ...
RO* 2341 - “Pulse on America” show to feature NeoSystems
       PRLog.Org (press release), Romania - Mar 7, 2007
       The company is an employee-owned Managed Service Provider that specializes in accounting and financial management services to government contractors, ...
US* 2342 - ISU Eyes Union Merger
       Wheeling News Register, WV - Mar 7, 2007
       “In just the past four years, our union members have gone from a local employee-owned steel mill to part of a national steel company with the International ...
US* 2343 - ISU Eyes Union Merger
       Wheeling Intelligencer, WV - Mar 7, 2007
       “In just the past four years, our union members have gone from a local employee-owned steel mill to part of a national steel company with the International ...
US* 2344 - Business news briefs
       Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - Mar 7, 2007
       Weirton has been transformed in recent years from an employee-owned company to being a small part of the world's largest steelmaker. ...
US* 2345 - Preferred Hotel Group Selects Active International as Preferred ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       Headquartered in Pearl River, NY, Active International is an employee-owned company. For more information, please visit: http://www.activeinternational.com/ ...
US* 2346 - City OKs Farrar tax relief
       Manhattan Mercury, KS - Mar 7, 2007
       The family and employee-owned company specializes in ductile iron castings and other metal machining products for manufacturing purposes. ...
US* 2347 - Consumer Spending to Remain Solid in 2007
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       Founded in 1937, it is an independent employee-owned firm with nearly $23 billion in assets under management and more than 1200 employees in offices across ...
US* 2348 - HighRES Releases Direct Measurement and Inspection Features for ...
       MCADCafe (press release), CA - Mar 7, 2007
       Founded in 1980, Robert McNeel and Associates (McNeel) is a privately held company, employee owned self-funded corporation providing design, development, ...
US* 2349 - CNSNews.com Senior Editor
       CNSNews.com, VA - Mar 7, 2007
       Gore's London-based employee-owned company, Generation Investment Management (GIM), purchases -- but isn'ta provider of -- carbon dioxide (CO2) "offsets," ...
US* 2350 - CH2M HILL Lockwood Greene Designs Port of Long Beach Security ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 7, 2007
       Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US* 2351 - CH2M HILL Lockwood Greene Designs Port of Long Beach Security ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       Company Information Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and ...
US* 2352 - Engineered Homes kicks off sales in Seminole communities
       Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 7, 2007
       Both communities mark what is described as "a very active 2007" for the employee-owned company, according to a news release. The company plans to build more ...
US* 2353 - Don't Ignore Iranian Threat, Former Diplomat Warns
       CNSNews.com, VA - Mar 7, 2007
       Gore's London-based employee-owned company, Generation Investment Management (GIM), purchases -- but isn'ta provider of -- carbon dioxide (CO2) "offsets," ...
US* 2354 - BREAKING NEWS: Local Union May Merge With National Union
       WTOV9.com, OH - Mar 7, 2007
       "In just the past four years, our union members have gone from a local employee-owned steel mill to part of a national steel company with the International ...
US* 2355 - Gore's Company Says He's Not Profiting from 'Carbon Offsets'
       Crosswalk.com, VA - Mar 7, 2007
       Gore's London-based employee-owned company, Generation Investment Management (GIM), purchases - but isn'ta provider of - carbon dioxide (CO2) "offsets," ...
US* 2356 - Gore's Company Says He's Not Profiting from 'Carbon Offsets'
       CNSNews.com, VA - Mar 7, 2007
       Gore's London-based employee-owned company, Generation Investment Management (GIM), purchases -- but isn'ta provider of -- carbon dioxide (CO2) "offsets," ...
US* 2357 - HighRES Releases Direct Measurement and Inspection Features for ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 7, 2007
       Founded in 1980, Robert McNeel and Associates (McNeel) is a privately held company, employee owned self-funded corporation providing design, development, ...
US* 2358 - Essilor: 2006 FINANCIAL RESULTS
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 7, 2007
       Employee stock ownership plan costs of EUR4.8 million versus EUR4.2 million. - Restructuring costs of EUR2.7 million, corresponding mainly to the cost of ...
US* 2359 - Essilor: 2006 FINANCIAL RESULTS
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       Employee stock ownership plan costs of EUR4.8 million versus EUR4.2 million. - Restructuring costs of EUR2.7 million, corresponding mainly to the cost of ...
US* 2360 - Tribune to keep 9 remaining papers
       Newsday, NY - Mar 7, 2007
       The directors committee is weighing Zell's bid, which involves the creation of an employee stock ownership plan, against a proposal from Tribune management ...
US* 2361 - Tribune: 'no current plans' to sell more papers
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 7, 2007
       Another is a bid from Chicago billionaire Sam Zell to take the company private in partnership with an employee stock ownership plan.
US* 2362 - Wednesday morning headlines
       LA Observed, CA - Mar 7, 2007
       Zell is proposing to take the company private with the help of an employee stock ownership plan. That structure would do several things: limit his tax bill, ...
US* 2363 - Zell seen as strong contender for Tribune: report
       Reuters - Mar 7, 2007
       Zell's offer involves buying the entire company and creating an employee stock ownership plan to limit the tax bill, the LA Times said. ...
US* 2364 - Zell seen as strong contender for Tribune - report
       Reuters - Mar 7, 2007
       Zell's offer involves buying the entire company and creating an employee stock ownership plan to limit the tax bill, the LA Times said. ...
       San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Mar 7, 2007
       ... involving the creation of an employee stock-ownership plan, and a proposal from top management to split the 23 television stations from the 11 papers. ...
US* 2366 - Tribune to sell 2 Conn. newspapers
       Newsday, NY - Mar 7, 2007
       ... the creation of an employee stock-ownership plan, and a proposal from top management to split the 23 television stations from the 11 newspapers. ...
US* 2367 - American Capital Appoints Brendan Gallaher Managing Director ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 7, 2007
       American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US* 2368 - Panel of ESOP legal experts to speak at Entre Today event March 23
       UST Bulletin Today, MN - Mar 7, 2007
       A panel of four ESOP legal experts will discuss how you can increase your company's productivity, returns and sales, and answer your questions about ESOPs.
UK* 2369 - A factory for the workers?
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       The impending closure of Burberry's factory in Wales has triggered the idea of forming a workers' co-operative. Today the GMB union is meeting with Burberry ...
US* 2370 - NMHC Reports Fiscal Second Quarter 2007 Results
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       ... provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 4578 3592 Employee stock option compensation expense 2068 1264 Amortization of deferred ...
UK* 2371 - Bad news for web radio
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       ... reported that Zell had confirmed his plan to buy Tribune as a "longshot" but said an employee stock option programme would limit his tax bill. ...
US* 2372 - Descartes Reports Record Earnings for Fiscal 2007
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 7, 2007
       Descartes also assumed ViaSafe's employee stock option plan pursuant to which outstanding unvested options convert to options to purchase up to 60000 ...
US* 2373 - NBC woes aren't behind Williams' trip
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 7, 2007
       ... a committee of independent directors is a self-help remedy from management and a deal involving billionaire Sam Zell and an employee stock option plan. ...
IN* 2374 - Budget hammers ESOPs
       Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 7, 2007
       Thanks to Budget 2007-08, taxation of employee stock option plans (ESOPs) will deal a severe blow on the corporate cost structure. ...
CA* 2375 - CEO balks at queries about books
       London Free Press, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... extension on filing its quarterly reports as it struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2376 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers ...
       940 News, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2377 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers ...
       CBC News, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2378 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers ...
       680 News, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2379 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers ...
       570 News, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2380 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers ...
       News1130, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2381 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers ...
       Canoe.ca, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2382 - OSC panel grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports
       Toronto Star, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... deadline extension for its quarterly reports, as the company races to correct accounting errors for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2383 - Business Browser: Toronto Airports Authority increases revenue (5 ...
       Edmonton Journal (subscription), Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... its quarterly reports as the BlackBerry maker struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2384 - RIM gets new extension to file reports
       Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... its quarterly reports as the BlackBerry maker struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
CA* 2385 - OSC grants extension to RIM on quarterly reports, lawyers say ...
       Canada.com, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... its quarterly reports as the BlackBerry maker struggles to correct errors in the way it accounted for employee stock options issued several years ago. ...
US* 2386 - Cathay General to buy back 1M shares
       Milwaukee Business Journal, WI - Mar 7, 2007
       The repurchased shares are expected to be used for employee stock options and other purposes. Los Angeles-based Cathay General (NASDAQ: CATY) is the holding ...
IN* 2387 - Finmin could relent on Esops
       Financial Express, India - Mar 7, 2007
       NEW DELHI, MAR 7: The finance ministry appears to be favourably considering the demand of software companies not to tax employee stock options (Esops) ...
US* 2388 - Principal Financial Group: Silent but Steady
       Motley Fool - Mar 7, 2007
       When a business selects a provider like Principal to do its 401(k)s, employee stock options, and other services, it will probably stick with that provider ...
CA* 2389 - Advice to new employees: If it smells fishy, find another job
       Globe and Mail, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       ... even corporate practices that are not necessarily illegal -- such as backdating employee stock options -- should send a signal to prospective employees. ...
US* 2390 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Wyoming News, WY - Mar 7, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
ZA* 2391 - ADR - Adcorp - Reviewed Group Results for the year ended 31 ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 7, 2007
       ... (2 127) 2 379 Issue of ordinary shares under employee share option plan 20 8 951 - - Treasury shares sold - - 927 - Recognition of share-based payments ...
US* 2392 - Hurray! Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2006 Unaudited Financial ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 7, 2007
       As of December 31, 2006, the company had outstanding 21.5 million basic ADSs and 21.7 million fully diluted ADSs, excluding share options granted above the ...
UK* 2393 - This problems needs a Resolution soon
       Scotsman, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       He's going to seek new challenges or to spend more time with his golden goodbye and crystallised share options. It's all been very successful, ...
AU* 2394 - WA Senator denies dealing with Burke
       ABC Online, Australia - Mar 7, 2007
       Senator Lightfoot owned a large number of PMA share options and sold them a few months later. He says if he'd held onto the options he could have made ...
UK* 2395 - Resolution chief’s departure sparks takeover speculation
       The Herald, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       His pay-off includes 18 months' salary or almost £800000 but his share options could be worth another £7m. The shares rose 21p to 644p amid speculation that ...
US* 2396 - Ryanair director exercises options, sells shares
       Forbes, NY - Mar 7, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - Ryanair Holdings PLC said that director James Osborne has exercised 100000 share options at 1.85 eur per share and sold them at a price of ...
AU* 2397 - Whiff of Burke through Lib ranks
       The Australian, Australia - Mar 7, 2007
       Senator Lightfoot, who described himself in a statement as a "keen share trader" confirmed he bought share options in Precious Metals Australia (PMA), ...
ZA* 2398 - MUR - Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited - Allocation Of Share Options
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 7, 2007
       MUR MUR - Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited - Allocation Of Share Options Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ...
GR* 2399 - Eon may consider minority stake in Endesa
       Euro2day, Greece - Mar 7, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22 per cent of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25 per cent. ...
US* 2400 - Eon may consider minority stake in Endesa
       MSN Money - Mar 7, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22 per cent of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25 per cent. ...
ZA* 2401 - TAL - TiAuto - Unaudited Interim Group Results For The Six Months
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 7, 2007
       ... 152 448 At acquisition 153 320 Repurchase of shares for employee share options (872) Share based compensation reserve 1 067 Non-distributable reserves 1 ...
AU* 2402 - Rudd faces challenge from unions
       The Australian, Australia - Mar 7, 2007
       They want the ALP to examine closing a range of loopholes, including taxing trusts as companies and limiting share options for "high-income earners". ...
AU* 2403 - Big spender has Libs in bind
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 7, 2007
       The political future of the West Australian Liberal senator Ross Lightfoot, meanwhile, is bleak after it was revealed he dabbled in share options in a ...
AU* 2404 - Self-interest versus the public good
       The Age, Australia - Mar 7, 2007
       The senator bought share options in the company, which soared to a value of $50000, just days after the duo doctored a parliamentary report to favour their ...
AU* 2405 - Editorial: Two-speed economy finds its rhythm
       The Australian, Australia - Mar 7, 2007
       Senator Lightfoot purchased share options in Precious Metals Australia, days after Mr Burke helped secure changes to a parliamentary report to favour the ...
UK* 2406 - Recruitment Team Leader – Marketing
       Recruiter Magazine, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       In return you will receive a generous basic salary, quick career progression, share options and one of the most generous commission structures in this ...
ZA* 2407 - DLG - Dialogue Group - Abridged Audited Consolidated Financial ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 7, 2007
       ... ended Year ended 31 December 31 December 2006 20051 R'000 R'000 Opening equity (147) (6 459) Issue of shares 34 999 - Share options issued 101 - Share ...
UK* 2408 - Resolution chief executive quits
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       ... which is 1.5 times his base salary of £525000. In addition, he is entitled to an annual bonus and share options under the group's share plan.
CY* 2409 - Executive Compensation
       Financial Mirror, Cyprus - Mar 7, 2007
       Compensation, regardless of whether it is paid in cash, shares or share options, involves payment for services received and should appear as an expense on ...
CA* 2410 - RIM to account for share options
       Toronto Star, Canada - Mar 7, 2007
       In the wake of a $250 million (US) earnings hit over backdated stock options, Research In Motion Ltd. will appear before the Ontario Securities Commission ...
UK* 2411 - £5.3m for retiring BP chief
       ic Wales, UK - Mar 7, 2007
       After 40 years with the oil company, the 58-year-old will also enjoy a lucrative pension worth more than £1m a year - along with share options which could ...
FR* 2412 - La prochaine édition des Matinées des Universités de la Protection ...
       Publi-News - 7 mar 2007
       Cette loi transforme le champ d’application des systèmes d’épargne salariale et l’actionnariat salarié, en affine les contours tout en soulevant de ...
FR* 2413 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       La Tribune.fr - 7 mar 2007
       La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2414 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       nouvelobs.com - 7 mar 2007
        La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2415 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       EasyBourse.com - 7 mar 2007
       La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2416 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       Boursorama - 7 mar 2007
       La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2417 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 7 mar 2007
       La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2418 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       Reuters.fr - 7 mar 2007
       La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2419 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       Capital.fr - 7 mar 2007
       La compagnie aérienne veut ainsi enrayer la chute de l'actionnariat salarié dans son capital, conséquence du bond de l'action depuis plus d'un an, ...
FR* 2420 - Un Breton girondin
       Le Monde - 7 mar 2007
       Thierry Breton donne une liste de solutions concrètes : réformer le marché du travail pour travailler plus, diffuser l'actionnariat salarié, ...
FR* 2421 - Fonds d'investissement : profits contre salaires ?
        Le Monde - 7 mar 2007
       Par ailleurs, l'AFIC a proposé un amendement au projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, visant à faciliter ...
FR* 2422 - Le compte rendu du Conseil des ministres
       Profession Politique (subscription) - 7 mar 2007
       Cette ordonnance est prise sur le fondement de la loi du 30 décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié et portant ...
FR* 2423 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris.
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2424 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris.
       La Tribune.fr - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2425 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
       nouvelobs.com - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2426 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris.
       EasyBourse.com - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2427 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris.
       Capital.fr - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2428 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris.
       Boursorama - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2429 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris.
       Reuters.fr - 7 mar 2007
       La direction de la compagnie aérienne a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2430 - Air France-KLM : un plan pour retenir les actionnaires salariés !
       Voila.fr - 7 mar 2007
       Le beau parcours boursier d'Air France-KLM incite ses actionnaires-salariés à vendre leurs titres pour encaisser leurs profits. Leur part du capital de la ...
FR* 2431 - Air France-KLM : un plan pour retenir les actionnaires salariés !
       Boursier.com - 7 mar 2007
       (Boursier.com) - Le beau parcours boursier d'Air France-KLM incite ses actionnaires-salariés à vendre leurs titres pour encaisser leurs profits. ...
FR* 2432 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       La Tribune.fr - 7 mar 2007
       PARIS (Reuters) - La direction d'Air France-KLM a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2433 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       nouvelobs.com - 7 mar 2007
       PARIS (Reuters) - La direction d'Air France-KLM a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2434 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       EasyBourse.com - 7 mar 2007
       PARIS (Reuters) - La direction d'Air France-KLM a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2435 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       L'Usine Nouvelle - 7 mar 2007
       PARIS (Reuters) - La direction d'Air France-KLM a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2436 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       Reuters.fr - 7 mar 2007
       PARIS (Reuters) - La direction d'Air France-KLM a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs titres, ...
FR* 2437 - Air France-KLM tente de retenir ses actionnaires salariés
       Capital.fr - 7 mar 2007
       PARIS (Reuters) - La direction d'Air France-KLM (AF) a lancé un système de protection de cours pour inciter ses actionnaires salariés à conserver leurs ...
FR* 2438 - Les scop à l’école
       Politis - 7 mar 2007
       Entre le 12 et le 17 mars, des manifestations se dérouleront dans toute la France à l’occasion de la 5e Semaine de la coopération à l’école. ...
FR* 2439 - La marque « Savoir faire du Parc naturel régional du Queyras ...
       TV 5 Monde (Communiqués de presse) - 7 mar 2007
       ... entreprises de son territoire : La Boîte à Bois (Florent GAIFFE à Molines en Queyras) et Les jouets du Queyras (la SCOP L'Alpin chez lui à Arvieux). ...
CA* 2440 - Shermag refuse de maintenir l’usine de Disraeli
       Le Soleil - 7 mar 2007
       Même avec l’ajout de 1,5 million $ provenant d’une coopérative de travailleurs actionnaires, le fabricant de meubles Shermag a refusé de maintenir son usine ...
FR* 2441 - Les candidats au chevet d’Airbus
       Témoignage Chrétien - 7 mar 2007
       À l’instar d’autres dirigeants, Forgeard a également vendu des actions et des stock-options juste avant que la crise n’éclate, en retirant ainsi un profit ...
FR* 2442 - "La responsabilité du pouvoir est lourde" dans la situation d'EADS ...
       France 2 - 7 mar 2007
       ... seulement préoccupée de questions de personnes, sans parler des scandaleuses stock-options, la majorité sortante n'a pas servi l'intérêt de la France". ...
FR* 2443 - Jospin et Strauss-Kahn fustigent le gouvernement
       nouvelobs.com - 7 mar 2007
       ... seulement préoccupée de questions de personnes, sans parler des scandaleuses stock-options, la majorité sortante n'a pas servi l'intérêt de la France", ...
FR* 2444 - Airbus: Jospin et Strauss-Kahn fustigent l'Etat qui, depuis 2002 ...
       Boursorama - 7 mar 2007
       ... seulement préoccupée de questions de personnes, sans parler des scandaleuses stock-options, la majorité sortante n'a pas servi l'intérêt de la France", ...
FR* 2445 - Les principaux événements en 2006 : analyse IT Asset Management ...
       Agefi Luxembourg - 7 mar 2007
        Sur les marchés, le paroxysme est atteint durant l’été, quand est révélé que même Microsoft anti-datait ses attributions de stock-options. ...
FR* 2446 - La vérité sur EADS, par Lionel Jospin et Dominique Strauss-Kahn
       Le Monde - 7 mar 2007
       ... seulement préoccupée de questions de personnes, sans parler des scandaleuses stock-options, la majorité sortante n'a pas servi l'intérêt de la France. ...
FR* 2447 - ALTEN : Erosion des marges
       Boursorama - 7 mar 2007
       A ce résultat, il faut également ôter 2,5 millions du coût théorique de stock options (1,4 million en 2005) pour obtenir un résultat opérationnel courant de ...
ES* 2448 - Productividad y competitividad, claves para favorecer la conciliación
       La Crónica (Guadalajara) - 7 Mar 2007
       ... por la contratación de empleados de hogar; o gastos por servicios de ayuda a domicilio, por trabajadores autónomos, sociedades laborales o mercantiles. ...
ES* 2449 - Unas 7.000 familias se beneficiarán de las ayudas del Plan de ...
       La Tribuna de Albacete - 7 Mar 2007
       ... por la contratación de empleados de hogar; o gastos por servicios de ayuda a domicilio, por trabajadores autónomos, sociedades laborales o mercantiles. ...
ES* 2450 - Productividad y competitividad, claves del Plan Concilia
       Lanza Digital - 7 Mar 2007
       ... por la contratación de empleados de hogar; o gastos por servicios de ayuda a domicilio, por trabajadores autónomos, sociedades laborales o mercantiles. ...
ES* 2451 - Incrementar la productividad y la competitividad son objetivos del ...
       Mi Ciudad Real - 7 Mar 2007
       ... por la contratación de empleados de hogar; o gastos por servicios de ayuda a domicilio, por trabajadores autónomos, sociedades laborales o mercantiles. ...
CO* 2452 - Posible juicio contra Drummond en EU podría enredar más el trámite ...
       El Tiempo (Colombia) - 7 Mar 2007
       Y si bien en Colombia se impulsan reformas a las cooperativas de trabajo asociado, para el mejoramiento de la inspección laboral y para la aplicación de la ...
AR* 2453 - Mín: 9º Máx: 21°
       Bariloche 2000 - 7 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
AR* 2454 - Expertos asesoran a los socios de las cooperativas
       Europa Sur - 7 Mar 2007
       La Junta de Andalucía y la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (FAECTA) organizaron ayer en el Cade una jornada titulada Las ...
AR* 2455 - Crearán parques industriales en Balcarce y San Cayetano
       AbiertaTV - 7 Mar 2007
       ... productores rurales y las cooperativas de trabajo que se formaron con la participación de unas sesenta personas que se encontraban desempleadas. ...
AR* 2456 - Alicia Kirchner y Julio Pereyra inauguraron el segundo CIC de ...
       Perspectiva Sur - 7 Mar 2007
       Por su parte, la ministra de Desarrollo Social inició su mensaje resaltando la labor de los obreros varelenses, nucleados en tres cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR* 2457 - Un encuentro con los jóvenes
       El Diario de Otún - 7 Mar 2007
       ... que en su primer paso es de formación y el segundo es para crear una cooperativa de trabajo asociado en la cual ellos son dueños de su propia empresa. ...
ES* 2458 - Los inversores de Take Two quieren una nueva gestión
       Vandal - 7 Mar 2007
       ... como el escándalo del minijuego sexual en GTA: San Andreas, las prácticas con stock options, y los cargos criminales presentados contra su fundador. ...
IT* 2459 - Scandalo stock option, molti manager specularono sull'11/9
       APCom - 7 mar 2007
       (Apcom) - Pur di fare più soldi attraverso l'esercizio delle stock options, molti dirigenti della Corporate America specularono sulla tragedia dell'11 ...
IT* 2460 - La truffa dell'undici settembre
       Corriere della Sera - 7 mar 2007
       STATI UNITI - Si torna a parlare di stock options e retrodatazione. Questa volta lo scandalo interessa numerose società americane che, nel momento in cui ...
IT* 2461 - Bulgari: assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria convocata per fine aprile
       La Repubblica - 7 mar 2007
       ... la proposta di modifica a delibere assembleari per estendere il termine ultimo di sottoscrivibilità delle azioni al servizio dei piani di stock options. ...
BR* 2462 - Juiz condena Unimed a pagar despesas de paciente de MT em hospital ...
       O Documento - 7 Mar 2007
       O juiz Paulo de Toledo Ribeiro Júnior, da 16ª Vara Cível da Comarca de Cuiabá, condenou ontem (6) a Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico Unimed a pagar R$ 198.654 ...
BR* 2463 - Juiz condena cooperativa médica a pagar despesas
       Gazeta Digital - 7 Mar 2007
       O juiz Paulo de Toledo Ribeiro Júnior, da 16ª Vara Cível da Comarca de Cuiabá, condenou uma cooperativa de trabalho médico a pagar R$ 198.654,15 a um ...
BR* 2464 - As dez mentiras mais contadas sobre a emenda nº 3 à Super Receita
       Repórter Brasil - 7 Mar 2007
       Há também falsas cooperativas de trabalho utilizadas para mascarar trabalho escravo. É uma estratégia usada para burlar as obrigações trabalhistas", ...
US* 2465 - Durham firm lands $100M
       Durham Herald Sun, NC - Mar 6, 2007
       Piedmont, an employee-owned firm with 15 workers, has a range of equity and fixed-income products it manages, including a large-cap equity fund with 25 to ...
CA* 2466 - New CNQ Dealer - Paradigm Capital Inc.
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 6, 2007
       Paradigm Capital is employee owned, which has fostered an entrepreneurial focus and hard-working culture. Paradigm's product offering to clients is based ...
US* 2467 - Publix to open two stores this month
       Murfreesboro Post, TN - Mar 6, 2007
       The self-proclaimed largest and fastest-growing employee-owned supermarket chain in the United States plans to continue to expand in Murfreesboro and the ...
CA* 2468 - New CNQ Dealer - Paradigm Capital Inc.
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 6, 2007
       Paradigm Capital is employee owned, which has fostered an entrepreneurial focus and hard-working culture. Paradigm's product offering to clients is based ...
US* 2469 - Engineered Homes kicks off sales in Seminole communities
       Orlando Business Journal, FL - Mar 6, 2007
       Both communities mark what is described as "a very active 2007" for the employee-owned company, according to a news release. The company plans to build more ...
US* 2470 - McCarthy Building Companies' Project Manager Named Modern-Day ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 6, 2007
       Named one of the best companies to work for by Building Design Magazine, the 100 percent employee-owned firm provides construction management, design/build ...
US* 2471 - McCarthy Building Companies' Project Manager Named Modern-Day ...
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 6, 2007
       Named one of the best companies to work for by Building Design Magazine, the 100 percent employee-owned firm provides construction management, design/build ...
UK* 2472 - John Lewis staff to get 16% bonus
       Lancashire Evening Post, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       The employee-owned group, which announced in January it is to open a new department store in Preston, will announce bonuses of between £130m and £150m to be ...
US* 2473 - Handicapped-accessible baseball facility to be built in the spring
       Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - Mar 6, 2007
       KI manufactures furniture and wall systems for educational, health-care, government and corporate markets. The employee-owned company is based in Green Bay.
US* 2474 - Zell gains traction in bid for Tribune
       Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 6, 2007
       Zell acknowledged that he proposed buying the company by creating an employee stock ownership plan, which could limit his tax bill. ...
US* 2475 - CFS Bancorp Modifies ESOP Loan to Reduce Annual Benefits Expense
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 6, 2007
       ... Inc. (NASDAQ: CITZ) (the Company) today announced the modification of its loan to the CFS Bancorp, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the Plan). ...
US* 2476 - CFS Bancorp Modifies ESOP Loan to Reduce Annual Benefits Expense
       WM Experts (press release), FL - Mar 6, 2007
       ... Inc. (NASDAQ: CITZ) (the Company) today announced the modification of its loan to the CFS Bancorp, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the Plan). ...
UK* 2477 - Focus records 45% growth in 2006; Declares ESOPs for employees
       ClickPress (press release), UK - Mar 6, 2007
       Focus also announced ESOPs (Employee stock ownership plans) for its employees. “Focus Softnet has seen exceptional growth across markets in the Middle East ...
US* 2478 - Marriott hit with IRS audit
       MLive.com, MI - Mar 6, 2007
       The IRS is auditing Marriott's federal tax returns for fiscal 2000, 2001 and 2002, reviewing the leveraged employee stock ownership plan that Marriott ...
US* 2479 - CFS Bancorp Modifies ESOP Loan to Reduce Annual Benefits Expense
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 6, 2007
       The ESOP loan modification is part of our continuing effort to reduce expenses, improve profitability and position ourselves for future success in an ...
US* 2480 - Interview with Web Analyst Joel Collymore
       WebProNews, KY - Mar 6, 2007
       There I was working as a Business Analyst doing 401K and ESOP plan administration and quality assurance. There was nothing in common with the web analytics ...
US* 2481 - First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. Announces Fourth ...
       MSN Money - Mar 6, 2007
       ... (1565359) - Additional paid-in capital 24284607 23560462 Retained earnings 14576468 14703130 Unallocated ESOP (1059130) (1186940) Unearned Compensation ...
HK* 2482 - Staying competitive in India's over-brokered market
       FinanceAsia, Hong Kong - Mar 6, 2007
       We have one of the most widely distributed ESOP programmes in the financial services industry. Almost 30% of our employees have ownership interest in the ...
HK* 2483 - Staying competitive in India's over-brokered market
        Asian Investor (subscription), Hong Kong - Mar 6, 2007
       We have one of the most widely distributed ESOP programmes in the financial services industry. Almost 30% of our employees have ownership interest in the ...
US* 2484 - CFS Bancorp Modifies ESOP Loan to Reduce Annual Benefits Expense
       WM Experts (press release), FL - Mar 6, 2007
       The ESOP loan modification is part of our continuing effort to reduce expenses, improve profitability and position ourselves for future success in an ...
IN* 2485 - ESOPs make a great sob story
       Daily News & Analysis, India - Mar 6, 2007
       ESOP compensation would also suffer the same fate. In a country where less than 3% of the population actually pays taxes, here is a group in which 100% of ...
IN* 2486 - Govt to correct inverted duty structure: Revenue Secretary
       Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 6, 2007
       Clarification on FBT on ESOP was also sought, which will be applicable to all companies across the board and therefore would not lead to employee retention ...
IN* 2487 - Employees may have to pay ESOP tax
       Indiatimes, India - Mar 6, 2007
       New Delhi: The tax burden on benefits from employees’ stock option plan (ESOP) may be shifted on employees, treating it as perquisite in their hands. ...
IN* 2488 - Employees may have to pay ESOP tax
       Economic Times, India - Mar 6, 2007
       New Delhi: The tax burden on benefits from employees’ stock option plan (ESOP) may be shifted on employees, treating it as perquisite in their hands. ...
IN* 2489 - FM rules out cut in corporate tax
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 6, 2007
       The FM pointed out that taxing of ESOP would not affect a company`s ability to hire talent, as the proposed tax would apply across-the-board to all ...
UK* 2490 - Is Burberry to be saved by Harrods?
       ic Wales, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       'This could be as a stand-alone or as a workers' co-operative.' At the end of the month, production of polo shirts will be switched from Treorchy to China. ...
UK* 2491 - Al Fayed backs bid to form co-op in Burberry factory
       ic Wales, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       HARRODS boss Mohamed Al Fayed has backed Welsh Burberry workers in their bid to form a workers' co-operative if the factory closes. ...
CA* 2492 - Comaplex Minerals Corp. Announces Fourth Quarter and Annual 2006 ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 6, 2007
       ... costs - (30) Issue of shares under employee stock option plan 1104 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1104 ...
US* 2493 - CEC Entertainment, Inc. Reports Strong Preliminary Fourth Quarter ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 6, 2007
       Compensation attributable to stock options issued under the Company’s employee stock option plan meets the requirements for treatment as qualified ...
ES* 2494 - V. PHANI KUMAR'S THIS WEEK IN INDIA: Commentary: Budget ...
       FXstreet.com The Foreign Exchange Market, Spain - Mar 6, 2007
       The first is a proposal to impose a tax on employee stock option plans, or ESOPs. This tax, doled out by the industry to attract and retain star performers, ...
US* 2495 - RIM Details Stock Option Scandal
       xchange Magazine, AZ - Mar 6, 2007
       ... and volatile growth, its status as a pioneer in the field and a lack of corporate knowledge for the mistakes in employee stock option pricing. ...
IN* 2496 - Three bad ideas
       Business Standard, India - Mar 6, 2007
       The latest to join the list are the fringe benefit tax on ESOPs (employee stock option plans), service tax on commercial rent, and dual tax rate for cement. ...
IN* 2497 - Business Standard / New Delhi March 07, 2007
       Business Standard, India - Mar 6, 2007
       The latest to join the list are the fringe benefit tax on ESOPs (employee stock option plans), service tax on commercial rent, and dual tax rate for cement. ...
US* 2498 - TDS won't buy rest of US Cellular stock
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 6, 2007
       This move, which is supported by the TDS board, is intended to reverse the dilution created by employee stock-option programs offered by the company. ...
US* 2499 - — Full year net sales top 10 billion euro mark for the first time
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 6, 2007
       ... acquisition of Reebok International Ltd. (USA), paid on January 31, 2006, including the buyback of employee stock options and Reebok's convertible bond. ...
US* 2500 - adidas Group: Full Year 2006 Results: Net Income Attributable to ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... acquisition of Reebok International Ltd. (USA), paid on January 31, 2006, including the buyback of employee stock options and Reebok’s convertible bond. ...
       Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - Mar 6, 2007
       He's saying that deriving an "expense" for employee stock options does not disclose information meaningful for valuing a company's shares. Forget Brocade. ...
US* 2502 - Tapestry Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006 Results
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 6, 2007
       During 2006 the Company implemented SFAS 123( R ), which requires the expensing of employee stock options. As a result of this implementation, ...
US* 2503 - Mobius and Avitis to Feature Integration with Microsoft Office ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 6, 2007
       ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
US* 2504 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Central Florida News 13|, FL - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
UK* 2505 - Focus records 45% growth in 2006; Declares ESOPs for employees
       ClickPress (press release), UK - Mar 6, 2007
       ... it was important to reward them by making them partners in the business in the form employee stock options,” says Mr. Ali Hyder, CEO of Focus Softnet. ...
US* 2506 - Focus records 45 percent growth in 2006; Declares ESOPs for employees
       Express Press Release (press release), NV - Mar 6, 2007
       the form employee stock options,” says Mr. Ali Hyder, CEO of Focus Softnet. biggest brand names turning into satisfied customers. Recent successes of the ...
CA* 2507 - Stock Option Scandal Prompts Jim Balsillie to Step Down as RIM ...
       Teleclick.ca, Canada - Mar 6, 2007
       ... has agreed to step down from his position, while remaining co-CEO, after the company admitted to improperly accounting for employee stock options. ...
UK* 2508 - India's budget
       Economist, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       ... not cut the corporate tax rate, raises the dividend distribution tax from 12.5% to 15%, and makes employee stock options taxable as fringe benefits. ...
US* 2509 - ABM Industries Announces First Quarter Fiscal 2007 Financial Results
       Insurance News Net, PA - Mar 6, 2007
        ... due to the acceleration of price vested employee stock options and a $1.4 million ($0.8 million after-tax) litigation-related contingent loss provision. ...
US* 2510 - BlackBerry maker's chief to quit
       Bryan College Station Eagle, TX - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2511 - CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Reports Financial Results for the ...
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 6, 2007
       As allowed by the Standard, the 2005 financial results do not include compensation expense for employee stock options. Net loss for the fourth quarter of ...
US* 2512 - RIM chairman resigns as accounting probe continues
       America's Network - Mar 6, 2007
       ... identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company, an Associated Press report said. ...
US* 2513 - Dubai's Focus Softnet Reports Growth for Year
       TMCnet - Mar 6, 2007
       ... our hard-working team and we felt it was important to reward them by making them partners in the business in the form employee stock options," said Hyder.
US* 2514 - Plumbing supplier idles 10 in Ossian
       Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2515 - BlackBerry maker shakes things up
       News & Observer, NC - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal inquiry identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2516 - OPTIONS BACKDATING: RIM chairman will step down, return profit
       St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - Mar 6, 2007
       ... after an internal investigation identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
UK* 2517 - AFX NEWS BRIEFING: TMT highlights to 09
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       ... chairman's post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company.
US* 2518 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Wyoming News, WY - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2519 - Airline recovering after computer error
       Daily Press, VA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2520 - CRM's Focus Softnet Growth, Graham Technology, Nucleus Reports on ...
       TMCnet - Mar 6, 2007
       ... hard-working team and we felt it was important to reward them by making them partners in the business in the form employee stock options," said Hyder. ...
US* 2521 - BlackBerry jam: $250M 'error'
       Philadelphia Daily News, PA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... will give up the chairman's post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options. ...
US* 2522 - Premera nixes plan to convert to private firm
       HeraldNet, WA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2523 - RIM admits options improper
       Seattle Times, WA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile-device company. ...
US* 2524 - Chairman to quit post in RIM probe
       Boston Globe, MA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2525 - BlackBerry maker rocked by options scandal
       The Spokesman Review, WA - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2526 - Research in Motion co-CEO to give up chairman position
       Bradenton Herald, FL - Mar 6, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
AU* 2527 - Lightfoot dismisses Burke-linked shares
       The Age, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       Fairfax newspapers reported on Wednesday that Senator Lightfoot, from Western Australia, bought share options in Precious Metals Australia (PMA), ...
AU* 2528 - Lightfoot dismisses Burke
       The West Australian, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       Fairfax newspapers reported on Wednesday that Senator Lightfoot, from Western Australia, bought share options in Precious Metals Australia (PMA), ...
UK* 2529 - Eon's Endesa offer
       Financial News Online US, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22% of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25%. ...
AU* 2530 - Lightfoot trivialises PMA shareholding
       WA Business News (subscription), Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       Fairfax newspapers reported today that Senator Lightfoot, also from Western Australia, bought share options in Precious Metals Australia, ...
AU* 2531 - PM remains silent on future of Liberal MPs
       ABC Regional Online, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       While holding share options in Precious Metals Australia (PMA) in 2004, Senator Lightfoot criticised the mining company XStrata, which was locked in a ...
AU* 2532 - PM remains silent on future of Liberal MPs
       ABC Online, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       While holding share options in Precious Metals Australia (PMA) in 2004, Senator Lightfoot criticised the mining company XStrata, which was locked in a ...
AU* 2533 - Lightfoot 'holds no commercial sway'
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       Fairfax papers reported on Wednesday that West Australian senator Ross Lightfoot bought share options in Precious Metals Australia (PMA), ...
UK* 2534 - Eon drops condition on Endesa offer
       FT Alphaville, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22 per cent of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25 per cent. ...
UK* 2535 - Oil boss gets £5.3m golden handshake
       Glasgow Daily Record, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       The 58-year-old will also enjoy a pension worth more than £1million a year - along with share options which could net him £3million. ...
US* 2536 - Eon drops condition on Endesa offer
       MSNBC - Mar 6, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22 per cent of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25 per cent. ...
AU* 2537 - Liberal senator dragged into Burke scandal
        The Age, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       ... Precious Metals Australia (PMA), Liberal Senator Ross Lightfoot bought share options in the company that later soared $50000 in value. ...
GR* 2538 - Eon drops condition on Endesa offer
       Euro2day, Greece - Mar 6, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22 per cent of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25 per cent. ...
US* 2539 - Eon drops condition on Endesa offer
       MSN Money - Mar 6, 2007
       Enel now holds about 22 per cent of Endesa, some of that through share options, and has said it wants to raise its stake to just under 25 per cent. ...
AU* 2540 - Lightfoot dragged into Grill scandal
       WA Business News (subscription), Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       ... to favour their client, Precious Metals Australia, Liberal Senator Ross Lightfoot bought share options in the company that later soared $50000 in value. ...
AU* 2541 - Liberal senator dragged into Burke scandal
       Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Mar 6, 2007
       ... Precious Metals Australia (PMA), Liberal Senator Ross Lightfoot bought share options in the company that later soared $50000 in value. ...
UK* 2542 - BP chief pays price for spills with reduced £4.57m package
       The Herald, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       This includes share options that could net up to £3m based on previous awards and share performance. Despite record results at BP last year, Browne's bonus ...
NZ* 2543 - Options scandal hits Blackberry
       New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - Mar 6, 2007
       NEW YORK - The chairman of Research in Motion, the company which makes the BlackBerry, has given up his position after admitting his role in a share options ...
UK* 2544 - Huge Payoff For BP Boss
       Sky News, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       And after 40 years with the oil company, the 58-year-old will also enjoy a lucrative pension worth more than £1m a year - along with share options which ...
IE* 2545 - Retiring BP chief in line for £5.3m payment
       Ireland Online, Ireland - Mar 6, 2007
       And after 40 years with the oil company, the 58-year-old will also enjoy a lucrative pension worth more than £1m (€1.5m) a year – along with share options ...
IE* 2546 - Retiring BP chief in line for £5.3m payment
       Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 6, 2007
       And after 40 years with the oil company, the 58-year-old will also enjoy a lucrative pension worth more than £1m (€1.5m) a year – along with share options ...
IE* 2547 - Retiring BP chief in line for £5.3m payment
       Irish Examiner, Ireland - Mar 6, 2007
       And after 40 years with the oil company, the 58-year-old will also enjoy a lucrative pension worth more than £1m (€1.5m) a year – along with share options ...
UK* 2548 - BP chief exec will be first £1m-per-year pensioner
       This is London, UK - Mar 6, 2007
        Browne also owns shares, long-term bonuses and share options worth more than £50 million. Browne faced a mauling in the US courts in the autumn over the ...
UK* 2549 - BlackBerry chairman demoted over role in share option scandal
       Belfast Telegraph, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       The chairman of Research in Motion, the company which makes the BlackBerry, has given up his position after admitting his role in a share options scandal ...
UK* 2550 - RIM cuts profit over options error
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 6, 2007
       BlackBerry maker Research In Motion, yesterday admitted it underestimated the cost of share options issued to staff and senior executives over the past ...
UK* 2551 - HSBC exec may get £8m
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 6, 2007
        ... was promoted to group chief executive in May, received £2.8m in 2006 and was awarded £5m of share options and £2m in shares which are yet to pay out. ...
FR* 2552 - Dupont-Aignan et le débat politique
       Fairelejour.org - 6 mar 2007
       ... proposition de développement de l’actionnariat salarié pour éviter de placer les entreprises sous le joug de la finance internationale. ...
FR* 2553 - BNP Paribas Epargne & Retraite Entreprises lance EFFIGIE
       Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 6 mar 2007
       ... acteur français à avoir mis en place, depuis 2003, une approche globale de l'épargne salariale, de l'actionnariat salarié, et de l'assurance retraite. ...
FR* 2554 - Dupont-Aignan et le débat politique
       Revue républicaine - 6 mar 2007
       ... proposition de développement de l’actionnariat salarié pour éviter de placer les entreprises sous le joug de la finance internationale. ...
FR* 2555 - Dupont-Aignan écarté par Sarkozy? LEXPRESS.fr
       L'Express - 6 mar 2007
       ... favoriser l’actionnariat des salariés d’Airbus, "revoir la parité de l’Euro et régler les problèmes industriels en évitant une saignée". ...
FR* 2556 - Modifier le texte
       L'Express - 6 mar 2007
       ... favoriser l’actionnariat des salariés d’Airbus, "revoir la parité de l’Euro et régler les problèmes industriels en évitant une saignée". ...
FR* 2557 - BNP Paribas : lance une nouvelle gamme de produits d'épargne et de ...
        Boursier.com - 6 mar 2007
       Les solutions Epargne Salariale d'Effigie sont déjà commercialisées dans le réseau Cardif. - des services transactionnels permettant à l'entreprise et aux ...
FR* 2558 - Scop, une transmission d’entreprise économique et là humaine !
       NetPME.fr - 6 mar 2007
       Ainsi le statut choisi pour remplacer celui de SA ou de SARL est celui de Scop (société coopérative de production). Il s’agit d’une forme un peu ...
CA* 2559 - Les idées «solidaires» pour Beauce-Sud
       EnBeauce.com - 6 mar 2007
       Mme Bisson croit qu’avec l’entrepreneurship des Beaucerons, il serait facile de développer ici des coopératives de travail, des entreprises durables qui ...
CA* 2560 - L'AQRP et La Capitale développent leur offre de cours d ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release) - 6 mar 2007
       Mis sur pied grâce à l'appui de La Capitale groupe financier et avec la collaboration de la coopérative de travailleurs Atena, ce projet vise à améliorer le ...
CA* 2561 - L'AQRP et La Capitale développent leur offre de cours d ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 6 mar 2007
       Mis sur pied grâce à l'appui de La Capitale groupe financier et avec la collaboration de la coopérative de travailleurs Atena, ce projet vise à améliorer le ...
FR* 2562 - McAfee nomme un ancien d'EMC au poste de PDG
       Les Échos - 6 mar 2007
       ... des irrégularités comptables liées au scandale des stock-options antidatées, qui concernent également plusieurs centaines d'autres sociétés américaines. ...
FR* 2563 - Productivité en baisse et coût du travail en hausse pour l ...
       La Tribune.fr - 6 mar 2007
       L'augmentation des coûts salariaux des entreprises s'explique principalement par les bonus de fin d'année et les profits dus aux stock-options, ...
FR* 2564 - RIM : mauvaise gestion des stock-options et démissions en chaine
       Mobinaute - 6 mar 2007
       ... bien mal à l'aise depuis que son président a annoncé que n'étaient pas pris en compte dans ces chiffres les stock-options possédés par ses employés. ...
FR* 2565 - La valeur du jour à Wall Street - XILINX
       Boursorama - 6 mar 2007
       ... le fabricant de semi-conducteurs a maintenu sa prévision d'une marge brute d'environ 61%, qui intègre 2 millions de dollars de coûts de stock-options. ...
FR* 2566 - MM. Bayrou et Sarkozy se succèdent devant les salariés de l'avioneur
       Le Monde - 6 mar 2007
       Il a indiqué vouloir reposer la question de la parité euro-dollar, rendre illégaux les "golden parachutes" et faire en sorte "que les plans de stock-options ...
FR* 2567 - McAfee désigne Dave Dewalt comme nouveau président et CEO
       Génération NT - 6 mar 2007
       ... McAfee aura vu un chamboulement des responsables exécutifs suite à une enquête menée sur l'entreprise concernant ses pratiques de stock options. ...
FR* 2568 - RIM (BlackBerry) : Révision des comptes et démision du président
       Silicon.fr - 6 mar 2007
       Après Apple, IBM ou encore McAfee, c'est au tour du canadien RIM (Research In Motion) de reconnaître une gestion douteuse de ses stock-options. ...
FR* 2569 - McAfee reporte la publication de ses résultats
       Silicon.fr - 6 mar 2007
       La gestion opaque des stock-options continue à plonger les géants américains de l'économie dans l'expectative comptable. Après IBM, Apple et RIM, ...
FR* 2570 - Exonhit Therapeutics : trésorerie en forte augmentation.
       Zonebourse.com - 6 mar 2007
       ... 2006 suite à l′émission d′obligations convertibles pour 13,5 millions d′euros, l′exercice de BSA et de stock-options pour plus de 1,5 million d′euros. ...
ES* 2571 - Las cooperativas se interesan por el campo de la dependencia
       La Voz Digital (Jerez) - 6 Mar 2007
       La delegada de Igualdad y Salud, Margarida Ledo, y el presidente de la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (Faecta), ...
ES* 2572 - TOLEDO / Se buscan fórmulas para paliar la falta de mano de obra ...
       La Verdad (Albacete) - 6 Mar 2007
       Según el delegado del Gobierno, «una vía de trabajo es ver la posibilidad de que puedan agruparse en torno a cooperativas de trabajo asociado que como ...
ES* 2573 - Díaz-Cano baraja que los rumanos vengan como autónomos a vendimiar
       La Tribuna de Ciudad Real - 6 Mar 2007
       ... la posibilidad de que rumanos y búlgaros se constituyan en cooperativas de trabajo asociado como trabajadores autónomos para poder entrar en España a ...
ES* 2574 - Díaz-Cano baraja que los rumanos vengan como autónomos a vendimiar
       La Tribuna de Albacete - 6 Mar 2007
       ... la posibilidad de que rumanos y búlgaros se constituyan en cooperativas de trabajo asociado como trabajadores autónomos para poder entrar en España a ...
AR* 2575 - >> Alicia Kirchner inauguró otro CIC en Varela
       El Sol de Quilmes - 6 Mar 2007
       Por su parte, Alicia Kirchner inició su mensaje resaltando la labor de los obreros varelenses, nucleados en tres cooperativas de trabajo: "ellos sí que son ...
AR* 2576 - Programa mejor vivir en Tafí Viejo
       Tucumán Hoy - 6 Mar 2007
       El intendente Javier Pucharras presidió el acto de firma de los contratos con las primeras cuatro cooperativas de trabajo, que tendrán a sus cargo la ...
AR* 2577 - Pavimentarán 35 cuadras de seis barrios capitalinos
       Diario Jujuy - 6 Mar 2007
       Señaló Martiarena que por estas obras los frentistas no tienen que pagar ni un peso, y que se ejecutarán a través de cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR* 2578 - Alicia Kirchner inauguró un Centro Comunitario en el conurbano
       InfoBAE.com - 6 Mar 2007
       Alicia Kirchner inició su mensaje resaltando la labor de los obreros varelenses, nucleados en tres cooperativas de trabajo. "Ellos sí que son grandes. ...
AR* 2579 - Mín: 11º Máx: 23°
       Bariloche 2000 - 6 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
ES* 2580 - Visita a Villuerclaje
       Extremadura al día - 6 Mar 2007
       ... permitiendo ofrecer empleo a mujeres y la implantación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Asociado Villuerclaje, que actualmente cuenta con 20 trabajadores, ...
ES* 2581 - Castilla y León destina 454.600 euros para la renovación de ...
       Agroprofesional.com - 6 Mar 2007
       En el caso de tratarse de una cooperativa agraria, cooperativa de explotación comunitaria de la tierra, cooperativa de trabajo asociado cuya actividad ...
AR* 2582 - Andino – Ceden terrenos para la radicación de empresa láctea
       Sin Mordaza - 6 Mar 2007
       ... obligación y necesidad de asumir un rol protagónico tomando a su cargo, a partir de la creación de una cooperativa de trabajo, el manejo de la fábrica. ...
ES* 2583 - Dimite el CEO de RIM por irregularidades en stock-options
       idg.es - 6 Mar 2007
       ... Jim Balsillie, ha dimitido de su cargo asumiendo así la responsabilidad por su actuación durante una estafa de stock-options que obligará al fabricante ...
ES* 2584 - McAfee elige un ex-ejecutivo de EMC como su nuevo CEO
       Computer World España - 6 Mar 2007
       Sobre McAfee pesa un sumario en el que se la acusa de prácticas indebidas de backdating stock options durante 2000 y 2002.
DE* 2585 - Wenn Mitarbeiter ranklotzen
       Focus Online - 6. März 2007
       ... programmatische Stichwörter wie „Flexible Arbeitszeit“, „Mitarbeiterbeurteilung“, „Mitarbeiterbeteiligung“ oder „Qualifikation und Weiterbildung“. ...
BR* 2586 - Atividade ‘socialista’ ganhará impulso com planos do governo
       Agencia Carta Maior - 6 Mar 2007
       Algo que liberasse, por exemplo, cooperativas de trabalho. Hoje, elas são proibidas para que empresas não as usem a fim de burlar direitos trabalhistas. ...
US* 2587 - Employee Ownership Foundation Releases Data on Shared Capitalism
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
       WASHINGTON, March 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The Employee Ownership Foundation released data today on shared capitalism programs in the US. ...
US* 2588 - Employee Ownership Foundation Releases Data on Shared Capitalism
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 5, 2007
       WASHINGTON, March 5 -- The Employee Ownership Foundation released data today on shared capitalism programs in the US. The data was collected from a series ...
ZA* 2589 - BHP - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors or ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 5, 2007
       ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
CA* 2590 - 5 smart strategies of super startups
       Canadian Business, Canada - Mar 5, 2007
        "Right from the beginning, we've had group RRSPs, employee share ownership and a bonus scheme," she says. Cooke also practises open-book management: "You ...
NL* 2591 - UK: Sainsbury's staff to share £23m payout as employee share ...
       FreshPlaza, Netherlands - Mar 5, 2007
       More than 8000 supermarket workers are among the Sainsbury's staff set to share in a £23m payout after participating in its employee share ownership scheme. ...
US* 2592 - Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Werum's Increasing Market Share and ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
       While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the very few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2593 - Georgia insurance broker buys B'ham company
       Charlotte Business Journal, NC - Mar 5, 2007
       Founded in 1868, J. Smith Lanier is an employee-owned operation offering commercial and personal lines of insurance, employee benefits, third-party ...
US* 2594 - Georgia insurance broker buys B'ham company
       Birmingham Business Journal, AL - Mar 5, 2007
       Founded in 1868, J. Smith Lanier is an employee-owned operation offering commercial and personal lines of insurance, employee benefits, third-party ...
US* 2595 - Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Werum's Increasing Market Share and ...
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 5, 2007
       While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the very few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2596 - Legislative hearings schedule
       Billings Gazette, MT - Mar 5, 2007
       SB494, Perry, special capital gains tax rate on employee-owned Montana stock. SB515, Balyeat, contingent reduction of income tax rates based upon surplus ...
US* 2597 - Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Werum's Increasing Market Share and ...
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 5, 2007
       While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the very few employee owned vendors to have ...
UK* 2598 - Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Werum’s Capability to Create Customer ...
       Newswire Today (press release), UK - Mar 5, 2007
       While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the very few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2599 - Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Werum's Increasing Market Share and ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
       While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the very few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2600 - Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Werum's Increasing Market Share and ...
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 5, 2007
       While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the very few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2601 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS Continues to Build Out Critical Business Area ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2007
       BUSINESS WIRE)--AMERICAN SYSTEMS, an employee-owned government IT solutions provider, today announced the appointment of William Kemper to the position of ...
US* 2602 - Trace Systems Added to D&SCI Team for Army Worldwide Satellite ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2007
       D&SCI, founded in 1992 and based in Freehold, NJ, DSCI is an employee-owned products and services company that links systems engineering, simulation, ...
US* 2603 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS Continues to Build Out Critical Business Area ...
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 5, 2007
       Business Wire)-March 5, 2007 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS, an employee-owned government IT solutions provider, today announced the appointment of William Kemper to ...
AE* 2604 - Focus records 45 per cent growth in 2006
       AME Info (press release), United Arab Emirates - Mar 5, 2007
       Focus also announced ESOPs (Employee stock ownership plans) for its employees. 'Focus Softnet has seen exceptional growth across markets in the Middle East ...
UK* 2605 - Focus Records 45% Growth in 2006 - Declares ESOPs for Employees
       Newswire Today (press release), UK - Mar 5, 2007
       Focus also announced ESOPs (Employee stock ownership plans) for its employees. “Focus Softnet has seen exceptional growth across markets in the Middle East ...
US* 2606 - Employee Ownership Foundation Releases Data on Shared Capitalism
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
       These numbers cry out for more focus on expanding capitalism through employee ownership, especially employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), which are the ...
US* 2607 - Marriott hit with IRS audit
       Bizjournals.com, NC - Mar 5, 2007
       The IRS is auditing Marriott's federal tax returns for fiscal 2000, 2001 and 2002, reviewing the leveraged employee stock ownership plan that Marriott ...
US* 2608 - Marriott facing IRS audit
       New Mexico Business Weekly, NM - Mar 5, 2007
       The IRS is auditing Marriott's federal tax returns for fiscal 2000, 2001 and 2002, and reviewing the leveraged employee stock ownership plan that Marriott ...
US* 2609 - Marriott hit with IRS audit
       Baltimore Business Journal, MD - Mar 5, 2007
       The IRS is auditing Marriott's federal tax returns for fiscal 2000, 2001 and 2002, reviewing the leveraged employee stock ownership plan that Marriott ...
US* 2610 - Marriott hit with IRS audit
       Washington Business Journal, DC - Mar 5, 2007
       The IRS is auditing Marriott's federal tax returns for fiscal 2000, 2001 and 2002, reviewing the leveraged employee stock ownership plan that Marriott ...
US* 2611 - Employee Ownership Foundation Releases Data on Shared Capitalism
       Earthtimes.org - Mar 5, 2007
       These numbers cry out for more focus on expanding capitalism through employee ownership, especially employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), which are the ...
US* 2612 - The M&A Mix Tape
       Motley Fool - Mar 5, 2007
       ... of Equity Office to Blackstone, proposed to create a highly leveraged privately held company organized around an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). ...
US* 2613 - "Press Lords" Warned by Warren
       Motley Fool - Mar 5, 2007
       While speaking at a real estate industry event, Zell verified prior speculation that he would be interested in forming an employee stock ownership plan and ...
US* 2614 - US Stock-Index Futures Fall; GM, Caterpillar Drop in Europe
       Bloomberg - Mar 5, 2007
       The biggest US hotel operator said the Internal Revenue Service is challenging past deductions related to its employee stock ownership plan and has proposed ...
US* 2615 - American Capital Announces Formation of Second Lien Group
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
       American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN* 2616 - Esop pricing will decide the impact of FBT
       Economic Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       MUMBAI: With fringe benefit tax (FBT) being made applicable to employee stock options (ESOPs) issued in the current year and earlier years as well, ...
IN* 2617 - Employees may have to pay Esop tax
       Economic Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       NEW DELHI: The tax burden on benefits from employees’ stock option plan (ESOP) may be shifted on employees, treating it as perquisite in their hands. ...
IN* 2618 - 'FBT impact on Esops uncertain'
       Economic Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Confusion also surrounds the impact of the proposed law on Esop variants such as restricted stock units and stock appreciation rights and nothing has been ...
IN* 2619 - No final call yet on tax liability of Esops: FM
       Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Esop is a benefit to an individual and can be isolated,” said Gaurav Taneja of Ernst & Young. He said employees have long resisted a tax when Esops are ...
IN* 2620 - India Inc role in stock option tax
       Calcutta Telegraph, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Companies are worried that FBT may be levied on the difference between fair market value as on the date of exercise and the Esop issue price. ...
IN* 2621 - FBT on ESOPs retrograde step: FICCI
       CNN-IBN, India - Mar 5, 2007
       The FICCI on Monday said that Chidambaram’s proposal to impose FBT on ESOP was a ‘retrograde step’ and against the accepted canons of taxation. ...
IN* 2622 - ‘Effective tax rates lower than ASEAN’
       The Statesman, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Rejecting Ficci president, Mr Habil Khorakiwala’s plea to reconsider the Budget proposals on ESOP (employees’ stock option plan), dividend distribution tax ...
IN* 2623 - FM urges price restraint
       Navhind Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       “What has been stated (in the Budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2624 - Employees may have to pay ESOP tax
       Times of India, India - Mar 5, 2007
       NEW DELHI: The tax burden on benefits from employees' stock option plan (ESOP) may be shifted on employees, treating it as perquisite in their hands. ...
IN* 2625 - Withdrawal of tax benefits will have an adverse impact
       Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2007
       The proposed tax provision on ESOP’s, completely at variance with international practice, will effectively kill this value creation avenue for millions of ...
IN* 2626 - Govt not reinforcing price control on cement: FM
       Zee News, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Industry representatives can also discuss with the government whether ESOP should be taxed as fringe benefit or perquisites, the minister said. ...
BD* 2627 - Fringe benefit tax to be paid by company: Chidambaram
       Financial Express.bd, Bangladesh - Mar 5, 2007
       "What has been stated (in the budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2628 - Govt to correct inverted duty structure: Rev secy
       Economic Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Rules levying FBT on ESOP would be framed in consultation with the corporate sector, he said. On service tax he said it was clarified that service tax on ...
IN* 2629 - FBT on ESOPs retrograde step: FICCI
       Hindu, India - Mar 5, 2007
        Describing the current provisions in the Income Tax Act, 1961, FICCI said capital gains tax is imposed on employees whenever they sell the shares of an ESOP ...
IN* 2630 - 'Govt to correct inverted duty structure'
       Hindu, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Rules levying FBT on ESOP would be framed in consultation with the corporate sector, he said. On service tax he said it was clarified that service tax on ...
US* 2631 - US Cellular Left in the Lurch by TDS
       24/7 Wall St., NY - Mar 5, 2007
       This will also offset dilution from ESOP plans and from deconsolidation on a tax basis if TDS's ownership of USM drops to under 80%. ...
IN* 2632 - For lower taxes, exemptions must go first: FM
       Hindustan Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       "We think the Esop is a fringe benefit and therefore needs to be taxed. I do not think that imposing the fringe benefit tax on Esops affects the ability to ...
IN* 2633 - R Systems announces Q4 2006 & full-year sales
       Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 5, 2007
       The total number of shares in circulation increased by 2825006 on account of IPO done by R Systems in April 06 and by 47190 on account of ESOP allotment in ...
IN* 2634 - Companies rush with ESOPs to dodge FBT
       Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2007
       The ESOP wave comes at a time when the who’s who of corporate India, including Reliance Industries, have put their dividend payout decisions on a fast track ...
IN* 2635 - 'This Budget is good for banking'
       Rediff, India - Mar 5, 2007
       vinu asked, Dear Mr Vaidyanathan, does not charging FBT on ESOP amount to double taxaation? The emplyee who gets ESOPs already pays hefty capital gains tax ...
UK* 2636 - Harrods boss meets Burberry workers
       ic Wales, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       “This could be as a stand-alone or as a workers’ co-operative. “He (Mr al Fayed) was keen to meet with the Burberry workers to express his regret at what is ...
PH* 2637 - Angeleño's contribution to tourism cited
       Sun.Star, Philippines - Mar 5, 2007
       Jersey is the president of the Rotary Club of Angeles City Midtown and was inducted as chairman of the Former Base Workers Cooperative Inc. (FBWCI) on ...
IN* 2638 - Staff, not employers be taxed under ESOPs: Wipro
       Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 5, 2007
       The budget has given India's knowledge industry a sob story in the Employee Stock Option Scheme. The Finance Minister has decided to tax them as a fringe ...
US* 2639 - Ironclad Performance Wear Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 5, 2007
       On a non-GAAP basis, basic and diluted earnings per share excluding interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, employee stock option expense and the ...
US* 2640 - Brigham Exploration Reports Year-End and Fourth Quarter 2006 Results
       MSN Money - Mar 5, 2007
        ... expense associated with our 2006 adoption of SFAS 123R, which deals with the change in accounting methodology for employee stock option expense. ...
IN* 2641 - No final call yet on tax liability of Esops: FM
       Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2007
       ... MAR 5: Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday said he was open to meeting with industry to decide if the gains arising from employee stock option ...
US* 2642 - Budget punctuates investor woes
       MarketWatch - Mar 5, 2007
       The first is a proposal to impose a tax on employee stock option plans, or ESOPs. This tax, doled out by the industry to attract and retain star performers, ...
NL* 2643 - TDS abandons buy-out offer for US Cellular
       Telecom Paper (subscription), Netherlands - Mar 5, 2007
       ... a share buyback by US Cellular, which would offset its employee stock option scheme and help TDS avoid tax consequences if its stake falls below 80 percent.
IN* 2644 - Companies rush with ESOPs to dodge FBT
       Financial Express, India - Mar 5, 2007
       ... to be held on March 28, to issue 20,00000 stock options convertible into 20,00000 equity shares of the company under an “Employee Stock Option Scheme 2007”.
US* 2645 - Celadon Chairman and CEO Adopts 10b5-1 Plan
       dBusinessNews Indianapolis (press release), IN - Mar 5, 2007
       ... long-term financial plan for asset diversification and liquidity, as well as to fund the exercise of certain outstanding employee stock options. ...
US* 2646 - Business in Brief
       Arizona Daily Star, AZ - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2647 - RIM co-CEO out as chairman
       Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - Mar 5, 2007
        ... after an internal investigation identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
AE* 2648 - Focus records 45 per cent growth in 2006
       AME Info (press release), United Arab Emirates - Mar 5, 2007
       ... by our hard-working team and we felt it was important to reward them by making them partners in the business in the form employee stock options,' ...
UK* 2649 - Focus Records 45% Growth in 2006 - Declares ESOPs for Employees
       Newswire Today (press release), UK - Mar 5, 2007
       ... it was important to reward them by making them partners in the business in the form employee stock options,” says Mr. Ali Hyder, CEO of Focus Softnet. ...
US* 2650 - Business Briefs
       Amarillo.com (subscription), TX - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2651 - ABM Industries Announces First Quarter Fiscal 2007 Financial Results
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... due to the acceleration of price vested employee stock options and a $1.4 million ($0.8 million after-tax) litigation-related contingent loss provision. ...
IN* 2652 - Esop pricing will decide the impact of FBT
       Economic Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       MUMBAI: With fringe benefit tax (FBT) being made applicable to employee stock options (ESOPs) issued in the current year and earlier years as well, ...
       Charlottesville Daily Progress, VA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... will give up the chairman's post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options. ...
US* 2654 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
        Chippewa Herald, WI - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2655 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Bay News 9, FL - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2656 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Lompoc Record, CA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2657 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Durham Herald Sun, NC - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2658 - RIM Hit with Stock Option Scandal
       Brighthand, CA - Mar 5, 2007
       Research in Motion's Chairman is stepping down after his company admitted it has failed to properly account for employee stock options. ...
US* 2659 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Carlisle Sentinel, PA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2660 - (AP) RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       WKRN, TN - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
UK* 2661 - Business Highlights
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
UK* 2662 - Business Highlights
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2663 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Wyoming News, WY - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
GR* 2664 - Business Highlights
       Euro2day, Greece - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2665 - BlackBerry Maker's Chairman Steps Down
       ABC News - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2666 - Business Highlights
       BusinessWeek - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2667 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       The Times and Democrat, SC - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2668 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       nwitimes.com, IN - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2669 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       North County Times, CA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2670 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Twin Falls Times-News, ID - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2671 - Celadon Chairman and CEO Adopts 10b5-1 Plan
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... long-term financial plan for asset diversification and liquidity, as well as to fund the exercise of certain outstanding employee stock options. ...
UK* 2672 - RIM CEO out as chairman amid restatement
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
IN* 2673 - India Inc role in stock option tax
       Calcutta Telegraph, India - Mar 5, 2007
       New Delhi, March 5: The government will consult industry before formulating rules to tax Esops (employee stock options), which have been brought under the ...
US* 2674 - RIM CEO out as chairman amid restatement
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2675 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Bismarck Tribune, ND - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2676 - RIM CEO Out As Chairman Amid Restatement
       Forbes, NY - Mar 5, 2007
       ... post after an internal probe identified a quarter-billion dollars in improper accounting for employee stock options at the mobile device company. ...
US* 2677 - Celadon Chairman and CEO Adopts 10b5-1 Plan
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 5, 2007
       ... long-term financial plan for asset diversification and liquidity, as well as to fund the exercise of certain outstanding employee stock options. ...
US* 2678 - ADC Reports Results for First Fiscal Quarter 2007 Fiber-to-the-X ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2007
       Denominator equal to weighted average common shares outstanding for basic EPS plus employee stock options (where dilutive) plus 14.2 million shares assuming ...
IN* 2679 - FBT on ESOPs retrograde step: FICCI
       CNN-IBN, India - Mar 5, 2007
       New Delhi: Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Monday said that the fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) proposed in Union Budget will ...
IN* 2680 - FM urges price restraint
       Navhind Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Mr Chidambaram said the fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also ...
IN* 2681 - Aam aadmi is OK, just about
       Economic Times, India - Mar 5, 2007
       Employee stock options (Esops) will now come under the purview of the fringe benefit tax (FBT). Of course, there is that extra Rs 1000, with which you can ...
BD* 2682 - Fringe benefit tax to be paid by company: Chidambaram
       Financial Express.bd, Bangladesh - Mar 5, 2007
       NEW DELHI, Mar 5 (PTI): The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the budget will be payable by the company and will also ...
US* 2683 - QLogic Executives to Present at Citigroup's Small & Mid Cap Conference
       Primenewswire (press release), CA - Mar 5, 2007
       ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US* 2684 - Cascades, Solium Capital May Move: Canada Equity Market Preview
       Bloomberg - Mar 5, 2007
       Solium Capital Inc. (SUM CN): The provider of savings and employee stock options management said it received approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange to ...
IN* 2685 - Look, who is falling!
       Express Money, India - Mar 5, 2007
       There’s the proposal to tax employee stock options also in the hands of companies as fringe benefit tax (FBT). These three proposals apply for all companies ...
UK* 2686 - Tuesday newspaper round-up: HSBC, British Airways, Imperial Energy
       ShareCast, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       The chairman of Research in Motion, the company that makes the BlackBerry, has given up his position after admitting his role in a share options scandal ...
ZA* 2687 - SA commercial lawyers lured overseas
       Legalbrief (subscription), South Africa - Mar 5, 2007
       ... black and white – are being lured away not only by commerce, brandishing money and share options, but increasingly also by overseas legal practices. ...
UK* 2688 - BlackBerry chairman demoted over role in share option scandal
       Independent, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       The chairman of Research in Motion, the company which makes the BlackBerry, has given up his position after admitting his role in a share options scandal ...
UK* 2689 - Trainee Recruitment Consultant
       Recruiter Magazine, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       ... £5-10k car allowance, 25 days holiday (unlimited holidays for high performers), travel allowance, share options based on billings, private health, ...
UK* 2690 - Experienced Recruitment Consultant
       Recruiter Magazine, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       ... 25 days holiday (unlimited holidays for consistently high performers) healthcare, pension, mobile phone, work from home days and share options. ...
UK* 2691 - Why the bucks never stop
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       The HSBC annual report out today shows that he took home £2.8m in 2006 and made (some might say paltry) gains on share options of £1764. ...
UK* 2692 - Trainee Recruitment Consultant
       Recruiter Magazine, UK - Mar 5, 2007
       In addition, our benefits package includes £5k car allowance (£10k for consistently high performers), fuel card, share options, private health, pension, ...
ZA* 2693 - PET - Petmin - Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 5, 2007
       Six months ended 31 December 2006 Net Number Per income of shares share (R'000) ('000) (cents) Basic EPS 38 498 441 205 8.73 Share options and contingent ...
FR* 2694 - Question 111823 p 2226 sports - développement - perspectives
       Infosport - 5 mar 2007
       La création d'un dispositif d'épargne salariale permettant aux sportifs(ves) de haut niveau d'ouvrir un compte de trimestres donnant droit à pension de ...
FR* 2695 - France Active propose la création de fonds régionaux d ...
       Localtis.info - 5 mar 2007
       Ces ressources proviendront en tout premier lieu de l'épargne salariale solidaire que France Active souhaite voir se développer. ...
FR* 2696 - Forte croissance des capitaux gérés au sein des Perco et du nombre ...
       La Tribune.fr - 5 mar 2007
       Une goutte d'eau au regard des capitaux gérés dans l'ensemble des fonds d'épargne salariale (85 milliards d'euros au 31 décembre 2006) et plus encore face ...
FR* 2697 - Interview : Edmond Maire
       Le Magazine.info - 5 mar 2007
       Nous avons obtenu des accords de principe, et tous les candidats ont notamment manifesté un intérêt certain en faveur de l’épargne salariale solidaire. ...
FR* 2698 - Bourse de Wall Street : Wall Street : clôture proche des plus bas.
       Zonebourse.com - 5 mar 2007
       Le fabricant du BlackBerry a annoncé lundi le résultat de l′audit interne mené sur ses pratiques comptables en matière de stock options. ...
FR* 2699 - Les parachutes dorés ne se justifient pas, disent les experts
       Le Temps (Abonnement) - 5 mar 2007
       Il devrait être possible de rémunérer un CEO, même s'il était amené à quitter l'entreprise, par un droit sur les stock-options qui perdure au-delà de son ...
FR* 2700 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq -1,15%; Dow Jones -0,53%
       Voila.fr - 5 mar 2007
       ... que ceux du 1er trimestre fiscal de l'exercice en cours, afin de tenir compte des conclusions de sa revue des pratiques d'attributions de stock options. ...
FR* 2701 - Neurones: marge dans le haut de fourchette des prévisions.
       EasyBourse.com - 5 mar 2007
       Avant actions gratuites et stock options et charges de dépréciation de fonds de commerce, la marge est de 7,4%. Le groupe ajoute qu'il est actuellement sur ...
FR* 2702 - Marvell Technology : duel de courtiers
       Boursier.com - 5 mar 2007
       ... du Conseil d'administration, revue portant évidemment sur les pratiques historiques d'attributions de stock options et les problèmes comptables liés. ...
       ADN (Argentina) - 5 Mar 2007
       Un mes después –febrero- se concretó un operativo a cargo de 40 inspectores y 15 agentes de fiscalización, focalizado en 28 cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR* 2704 - Polémica por planes sociales.
       El Diario de Morón - 5 Mar 2007
       ... para reclamar alimentos para sus comedores escolares, que las tarjetas de ayuda directa “no sean entregadas a dedo”, y por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR* 2705 - Visita de titular de Salud nacional a Goya
       Momarandu.com - 5 Mar 2007
       ... “muy buen trabajo que se viene realizando” desde la Nación en las políticas de salud y agradeció aa "la Cooperativa de Trabajo, que construyó los CIC. ...
AR* 2706 - Breves de Bariloche
       El Ciudadano (Bariloche) - 5 Mar 2007
       Atendiendo el trabajo serio y permanente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Artístico Que Tren de Rio Colorado y la excelente predisposición y compromiso de la ...
AR* 2707 - En la fiesta de La Alameda estuvieron de todos los palos
       Noticias Urbanas - 5 Mar 2007
       Con la Alameda bajo utilidad pública el Ministerio de Producción prevé acondicionar el local donde se desarrolla una cooperativa de trabajo textil, ...
MX* 2708 - Protestan en Chicago indocumentados despedidos
       Todito.com - 5 Mar 2007
       Indocumentados despedidos de manera injusta promueven una protesta pacífica contra patrones, informó Martín Unzueta líder de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores ...
MX* 2709 - Anuncian indocumentados despedidos protestas en Chicago
       Diario Digital Juárez - 5 Mar 2007
       La Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Chicago y los 10 despedidos organizaron este lunes una manifestación afuera de la empresa Testa Produce, ...
MX* 2710 - Anuncian indocumentados despedidos protestas en Chicago
       El Universal (México) - 5 Mar 2007
       La Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Chicago y los 10 despedidos organizaron este lunes una manifestación afuera de la empresa Testa Produce, ...
AR* 2711 - Los escándalos agitan el capital de las compañías tecnológicas
       infoBAE profesional - 5 Mar 2007
       Durante el último trimestre, terminado el 31 de diciembre, la mayor parte de las empresas tecnológicas envueltas en el escándalo de las stock options ha ...
AT* 2712 - Energie AG: Börsegang oder Verbund?
       OÖNachrichten - 5. März 2007
       Das Kalkül, das hinter einem Börsegang steht: durch Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und den Einstieg etwa von Hypo und anderen oberösterreichischen Banken (ähnlich ...
AT* 2713 - Regierung "verkauft" Arbeit
       derStandard.at - 5. März 2007
       Es gelte die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung auszuweiten und "bessere" Jobs zu schaffen. Soll heißen: mehr unbefristete Vollzeitarbeitsverhältnisse. ...
AT* 2714 - Keine Prämie, sondern Beihilfe
       Kurier - 5. März 2007
       Allerdings könne Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kein anderer Name für Lohnerhöhung sein, weil es in jedem Unternehmen Gewinnschwankungen gebe. ...
AT* 2715 - Kontroverse um Mobilitätsprämie
       Vorarlberg Online - 5. März 2007
       Allerdings könne Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kein anderer Name für Lohnerhöhung sein, weil es in jedem Unternehmen Gewinnschwankungen gebe. ...
AT* 2716 - Österreich / oe24.at - Politik
       oe24.at - 5. März 2007
       Allerdings könne Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kein anderer Name für Lohnerhöhung sein, weil es in jedem Unternehmen Gewinnschwankungen gebe. ...
AT* 2717 - Bartenstein: Gute Arbeit heißt bessere und sichere Jobs
       oevp.at - 5. März 2007
       Einen Schwerpunkt, den Bartenstein in den Fokus seiner Arbeit stellen will, ist die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. "Mitarbeiter sollen an den Unternehmen bzw. am ...
AT* 2718 - Bartenstein: Nicht Mobilitätsprämie, sondern Übersiedlungsbeihilfe
       derStandard.at - 5. März 2007
       Allerdings könne Mitarbeiterbeteiligung kein anderer Name für Lohnerhöhung sein, weil es in jedem Unternehmen Gewinnschwankungen gebe. ...
IT* 2719 - Stock options, cade il chairman di Rim
       Macity - 5 mar 2007
       Lo scandalo stock options fa un'altra vittima eccellente: si dimette il chairman di Rim Jim Balsille. Una commissione d'inchiesta interna stabilisce che ...
BR* 2720 - Agripino revela fracasso de assentamento criado por Lula
       Agência Senado - 5 Mar 2007
       ... Fortes (PFL-PI) lamentou que Lula tenha optado pela desapropriação da Maysa em vez de recuperar o projeto e implantar uma cooperativa de trabalhadores. ...
ZA* 2721 - AGL - Anglo American plc - Employee Share Ownership Plan
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 4, 2007
       ANAAL AGL - Anglo American plc - Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc Incorporated in the United Kingdom (Registration number: 3564138) Short ...
US* 2722 - Nik Software and Phase One Team Up to Offer Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0 ...
       CameraTown.Com (press release), NH - Mar 4, 2007
       Phase One is an employee-owned company based in Copenhagen with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Cologne, and Shanghai. For more information about the ...
US* 2723 - Presidential long shot has Chrysler takeover plan
       Detroit Free Press, MI - Mar 4, 2007
       ... week when Daniel Imperato, a Florida businessman and independent candidate for US president, said he wanted to make Chrysler an employee-owned company. ...
US* 2724 - Foretravel sues former owners, claims financial misrepresentation
       News Journal, TX - Mar 4, 2007
       n The company's employee stock ownership plan had not been properly administered, which lead to $40000 in legal fees. n The company had not recorded $123950 ...
IN* 2725 - Moser Baer options under ESOP exercised
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 4, 2007
       Moser Baer India said Monday that in terms of the employee stock option plan 2004 (ESOP) of the company, seven employees of the company have exercised 6450 ...
ZA* 2726 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Transaction in shares
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 4, 2007
       ... 2007 it sold to Billiton ESOP Trust Ltd the following number of its ordinary shares of US$0.50 each, which were previously held as treasury shares. ...
IN* 2727 - Praj Industries board to consider second interim dividend
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 4, 2007
       ... equity shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of stock options by certain eligible employees under the company`s employee stock option plan (ESOP). ...
IN* 2728 - ESOPs to be a fable soon?
       Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 4, 2007
       What worries corporates is that FBT may be levied on the difference between fair market value as on the date of exercise and the ESOP issue price, ...
IN* 2729 - Cos will have to bear FBT liability on ESOPs: FM
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 4, 2007
       The gain is taxed only when the ESOP is exercised. When the ESOP is not exercised, there is no gain at all. Meanwhile, in a veiled warning to cement ...
IN* 2730 - Companies will have to bear FBT liability on ESOPs: FM
       Economic Times, India - Mar 4, 2007
       “What has been stated (in the Budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2731 - Impact on corporate taxation
       Hindu, India - Mar 4, 2007
       ... employers will be liable for the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) for any benefit given to employees under the Employees Stock Option (ESOP) scheme under Sec. ...
IN* 2732 - Bengal tops tea PF dues list
       Calcutta Telegraph, India - Mar 4, 2007
       It planned to revive them through new management mechanisms, such as women’s self-help groups or the workers’ cooperative system as started by Tata Tea, ...
ZA* 2733 - Sasol windfall tax report causes numbers to crunch, teeth to grind
       Business Report, South Africa - Mar 4, 2007
       This invitation is generally accompanied with generous, almost hard-to-refuse terms for exercising the existing share options in the executive share ...
US* 2734 - Budget punctuates to investors' woes
       MarketWatch - Mar 4, 2007
       The first is a proposal to impose a tax on employee stock option plans, or ESOPs. This tax, doled out by the industry to attract and retain star performers, ...
US* 2735 - Motorola Board Won't Endorse Seat for Icahn
       CNBC, NJ - Mar 4, 2007
       The company also proposed a vote to increase its authorized employee stock option repurchase limit by 50 million shares to 154.3 million shares as employees ...
        MarketWatch - Mar 4, 2007
       The first is a proposal to impose a tax on employee stock option plans, or ESOPs. This tax, doled out by the industry to attract and retain star performers, ...
IN* 2737 - Aam aadmi is OK, just about
       Economic Times, India - Mar 4, 2007
       Employee stock options (Esops) will now come under the purview of the fringe benefit tax (FBT). Of course, there is that extra Rs 1000, with which you can ...
IN* 2738 - A mixed bag
       Business Standard, India - Mar 4, 2007
       Also, the Budget has been harsh on companies that issue employee stock options by bringing it under fringe benefit tax. Construction companies have been ...
US* 2739 - Midlander finds the lighter side of Enron
       MyWestTexas.com, TX - Mar 4, 2007
       Fortunately, he took his employee stock options as a check. "It was a blessing in disguise. My buddies with Enron weren't quite that lucky," he said. ...
FR* 2740 - Sarbanes-Oxley, une loi pour une information financière plus fiable
       Les Échos - 4 mar 2007
       Néanmoins, des failles dans le système subsistent, comme en témoigne l'affaire des stock- options antidatées qui frappe près de 200 sociétés américaines et ...
FR* 2741 - Nouveau conseil d'administration décisif chez Baccarat
       Les Échos - 4 mar 2007
       Comme le projet de stock-options, qui avait été un point d'achoppement lors de l'assemblée générale de janvier, puisqu'il entraînait la dilution de la ...
FR* 2742 - Novell : le titre chutait de 3,9% à la veille du week-end
       TooLinux - 4 mar 2007
       Rappelons que les comptes de Novell font actuellement l’objet d’une révision : en cause, le dossier de l’attribution de stock options au troisième trimestre ...
FR* 2743 - credit agricole, spolie 5 millions de ses membres
       Bellaciao - 4 mar 2007
       Pendant que les sociétaires se laissent faucher leurs droits, des administrateurs nationaux moissonnent des salaires faramineux et des stock-options au sein ...
FR* 2744 - Royal souligne le rôle des États
       l'Humanité - 4 mar 2007
       caractère politique des dirigeants incompétents qui touchent « 2,3 millions d’euros par an, plus les stock-options et les actions ». ...
ES* 2745 - CANTABRIA. Ganadería convoca ayudas de desarrollo rural para ...
       AgroInformación (Comunicados de prensa) - 4 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades mercantiles, sociedades agrarias de transformación, cooperativas, sociedades laborales y cualquier otra entidad con personalidad jurídica, ...
ES* 2746 - La mesa para la economía social y el autoempleo alaba la evolución ...
       Extremadura al día - 4 Mar 2007
       Además, el número de sociedades cooperativas es de 742 y, el de sociedades laborales de 491. Las medidas que contiene este Primer Acuerdo para la Economía ...
AR* 2747 - Parcialmente nuboso/viento
       Bariloche 2000 - 4 Mar 2007
       La Municipalidad de San Carlos de Bariloche informa que las Cooperativas de Trabajo en Construcción Del Lago y Del Lago Gutiérrez necesitan personas de ...
CO* 2748 - Con ajustes a Cooperativas de Trabajo e impulso a justicia laboral ...
       El Tiempo (Colombia) - 4 Mar 2007
       Los estadounidenses ven a las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), que hacen intermediación laboral, como una competencia desleal de los empresarios ...
       El Diario de Paraná - 4 Mar 2007
       Fue en una caminata en el barrio Mosconi donde se comprometió a promover la creación de cooperativas de trabajo y autogestión para la construcción de ...
       Confederación General del Trabajo - 4 Mar 2007
       ... en la que participarán María Puerta (vicepresidenta y directora de la cooperativa de trabajo asociado de iniciativa social “Limpieza y ayuda a domicilio ...
AR* 2751 - San Luis del Palmar
       Corrientes Noticias - 4 Mar 2007
       Utrasa, la Cooperativa de trabajadores de la Ex Gaticc nuclea a más de doscientos socios en San Luís del Palmar, forma parte de un Proyecto integral ...
BR* 2752 - MERCADO - Iniciativa empreenderora é avaliada em simpósio
       Cruzeironet - 4 Mar 2007
       Convidada, também, a socióloga Maria Teresa Leal, co-fundadora e coordenadora executiva da Cooperativa de Trabalho Artesanal e de Costura da Rocinha ...
BR* 2753 - Unimed se renova em sua primeira eleição interna
       Jornal Pequeno - 4 Mar 2007
       23 anos vendendo Saúde – A Unimed de São Luís é uma cooperativa de trabalho médico fundada em 1983 por um grupo de médicos, para prestar serviços à ...
UK* 2754 - John Lewis profit to breach £300m
       Times Online, UK - Mar 3, 2007
       He told Retail Week magazine: “If you ask me why we’ve been doing particularly well over the past two years, I’m sure it’sa result of our employee ownership ...
IE* 2755 - Eircom owners could quadruple their investment
       Sunday Business Post, Ireland - Mar 3, 2007
       The refinancing allowed Babcock and the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot), which owns 35 per cent of Eircom, to strip out €425 million in equity. ...
US* 2756 - Imperato Proposes UAW Chrysler Buyout to Create America's First ...
       Fast Pitch! (press release) - Mar 3, 2007
       Today it was announced, that international businessman Daniel Imperato has been charged by a business consortium to proceed forward with a proposal for the ...
US* 2757 - AmSouth building adds 3 tech companies
       Huntsville Times, AL - Mar 3, 2007
       DPRA Inc., Defense Systems Group, is an employee-owned research and development and engineering company specializing in delivering creative information ...
US* 2758 - Business Line
       Muncie Star Press, IN - Mar 3, 2007
       Indiana's oldest and largest independent trust company, Indiana Trust and Investment Management Company is an employee-owned company chartered under Indiana ...
US* 2759 - Foretravel sues former owners
       Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel, TX - Mar 3, 2007
       The company's employee stock ownership plan had not been properly administered, which led to $40000 in legal fees. • The company had not recorded $123950 in ...
US* 2760 - Foretravel sues former owners, claims financial misrepresentation
       Lufkin Daily News, TX - Mar 3, 2007
       n The company's employee stock ownership plan had not been properly administered, which lead to $40000 in legal fees. n The company had not recorded $123950 ...
US* 2761 - Foretravel sues former owners, claims financial misrepresentation
       News Journal, TX - Mar 3, 2007
       n The company's employee stock ownership plan had not been properly administered, which lead to $40000 in legal fees. n The company had not recorded $123950 ...
US* 2762 - IRS challenges $1 billion in Marriott deductions
       MarketWatch - Mar 3, 2007
       Thursday over deductions related to the company's employee stock-ownership plan. The agency also said it would seek "substantial excise taxes and penalties. ...
IN* 2763 - Service tax will net the upwardly mobile
       Hindustan Times, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Yet another move in the budget to further tax the upwardly mobile is extending the fringe benefit tax (FBT) to employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) that ...
       Asbury Park Press, NJ - Mar 3, 2007
       (MAR): The biggest US hotel operator said the Internal Revenue Service is challenging past deductions related to its employee stock ownership plan and has ...
US* 2765 - Trib may sell Conn. papers
       Newsday, NY - Mar 3, 2007
       ... deal involving the creation of an employee stock-ownership plan, and a proposal from top management to split the 23 TV stations from the 11 newspapers. ...
US* 2766 - TAXES: Marriott deductions face IRS challenge
       St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - Mar 3, 2007
       The IRS is reviewing an employee stock ownership plan that was implemented in June 2000 and is auditing the company's federal tax returns from 2000 to 2002, ...
IN* 2767 - Steps to curb inflation: Chidambaram
       Hindu, India - Mar 3, 2007
       ``What has been stated is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of calculation has not been ...
IN* 2768 - Budget 2007 What next?
       Financial Express, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Sanket Shah, a software professional working with a leading software firm, says, “I am worried about ESOP in my company, as I am not sure what the tax ...
IN* 2769 - Equity Researchers’ Folio
       Financial Express, India - Mar 3, 2007
       ESOP brought under ambit of FBT. Implication negative. Neutral to TCS as no ESOPs. Overall marginally negative for sector. ...
IN* 2770 - FM warns cement firms on price hike
       Business Standard, India - Mar 3, 2007
       The gain is taxed only when the ESOP is exercised. When the ESOP is not exercised, there is no gain at all." Explaining the philosophy behind the Budget, ...
IN* 2771 - FBT payable by companies, says Chidambaram
       domain-B, India - Mar 3, 2007
       The gain is taxed only when the ESOP is exercised. When the ESOP is not exercised, there is no gain at all." Chidambaram strongly defended his budgetary ...
IN* 2772 - Companies to pay FBT on ESOPs: PC
       Zee News, India - Mar 3, 2007
       "What has been stated (in the budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2773 - Fringe benefit tax on ESOPs to be paid by company: PC
       Times of India, India - Mar 3, 2007
       "What has been stated in the Budget is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of calculation ...
IN* 2774 - FBT on ESOP payable by company
       Chennai Online, India - Mar 3, 2007
       "What has been stated (in the Budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2775 - FBT on ESOPs payable by the cos: FM
       Financial Express, India - Mar 3, 2007
       "What has been stated (in the budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2776 - Asked whether the company or the employee would be required to pay ...
       NDTV.com, India - Mar 3, 2007
       The gain is taxed only when the ESOP is exercised. When the ESOP is not exercised, there is no gain at all," he explained. In a strong defence of the budget ...
IN* 2777 - FBT on ESOPs payable by company: FM
       Hindu, India - Mar 3, 2007
       "What has been stated (in the budget) is that ESOP is a fringe benefit and it will be taxed. The rules have not been worked out and the method of ...
IN* 2778 - Budget 2007: The nitty-gritty
       Financial Express, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Employee stock option schemes (ESOPs) have been brought under fringe benefit tax (FBT) by the Budget. What does this mean for the employee and will he or ...
IN* 2779 - Taking the sop out of ESOPs
       Hindu Business Line, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Those of you waiting to make a quick buck on exercising your ESOPs (employee stock option plans) may have to share some of your profits with the taxman. ...
IN* 2780 - Look what the FM did
       Business Standard, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Employee stock option plans have been brought under the ambit of fringe benefit tax. If you have leased out your property for commercial use there might be ...
IN* 2781 - The hike in exemption limit on personal income tax
       Business Standard, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Employee stock option plans have been brought under the ambit of fringe benefit tax. If you have leased out your property for commercial use there might be ...
IN* 2782 - Steps to curb inflation: Chidambaram
       Hindu, India - Mar 3, 2007
       The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the budget was payable by the company and it would also apply to the ESOPs not ...
IN* 2783 - Five points someone overlooked
       Hindu Business Line, India - Mar 3, 2007
       ... application of the Minimum Alternate Tax on IT companies, extension of the Fringe Benefit Tax on employee stock options and increase in the dividend ...
IN* 2784 - FM warns cement firms on price hike
       Business Standard, India - Mar 3, 2007
       Chidambaram said the fringe benefit tax on employee stock options (ESOPs) proposed in the Budget would be payable by the company and also apply to ESOPs not ...
IN* 2785 - FBT payable by companies, says Chidambaram
       domain-B, India - Mar 3, 2007
       New Delhi: Finance minister P Chidambaram today said that the fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) proposed in the union budget would ...
IN* 2786 - tax on ESOPs to be paid by company: PC
       Times of India, India - Mar 3, 2007
       NEW DELHI: The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also apply to ...
IN* 2787 - Companies to pay FBT on ESOPs: PC
       Zee News, India - Mar 3, 2007
       New Delhi, Mar 03: The fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also ...
IN* 2788 - Fringe benefit tax on ESOPs to be paid by company: PC
       Times of India, India - Mar 3, 2007
       NEW DELHI: The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also apply to ...
IN* 2789 - FBT on ESOP payable by company
       Chennai Online, India - Mar 3, 2007
        New Delhi, March 3: The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also ...
IN* 2790 - Fringe benefit tax on ESOPs to be paid by company: PC
       Times of India, India - Mar 3, 2007
       NEW DELHI: The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also apply to ...
IN* 2791 - FBT on ESOPs payable by the cos: FM
       Financial Express, India - Mar 3, 2007
       NEW DELHI, MARCH 3: The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also ...
IN* 2792 - FBT on ESOPs payable by company: FM
       Hindu, India - Mar 3, 2007
       3 (PTI): The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) proposed in the Union Budget will be payable by the company and will also apply to ...
IN* 2793 - Company to pay FBT: FM
       Zee News, India - Mar 3, 2007
       New Delhi, Mar 03: The fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock options (ESOPs) proposed in the union budget will be payable by the company and will also ...
UK* 2794 - ‘Dream tie-up’ that was a flight of fancy
       Times Online, UK - Mar 3, 2007
       The share price was just over 120p and the company was so keen to hire him it loaded him with share options in the hope he would stay for the long haul. ...
UK* 2795 - Are you surfing comfortably?
       The Observer, UK - Mar 3, 2007
       ... believes one of the biggest challenges will be competing for production talent with outside companies, who can lure the best people with share options. ...
UK* 2796 - Dirty underwear could be the new deterrent to those who do the ...
       Sunday Herald, UK - Mar 3, 2007
       Workers at HBOS are to receive £7500 each in bonuses and share options. Money does not grow on trees, of course. To finance the windfall every bank worker ...
FR* 2797 - L'épargne salariale reste marginale
       Le Monde - 3 mar 2007
       Annoncée comme révolutionnaire, la nouvelle loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, publiée le 30 décembre 2006, ...
FR* 2798 - Le nouvel élan des FCPE
       Le Monde - 3 mar 2007
       "On dénombre un peu plus de 2 millions d'actionnaires salariés, ce qui représente environ 30 % des actionnaires individuels", précise Jean Claude Mothié, ...
FR* 2799 - La volonté d'associer capital et travail
       Le Monde - 3 mar 2007
       ... quelques années plus tard, de la création de l'intéressement et de la participation, les deux principales sources d'alimentation de l'épargne salariale. ...
FR* 2800 - Airbus : manifestation prévue mardi
       Europe 1 - 3 mar 2007
       Selon elle, "le pacte social est rompu" dans cette entreprise où les dirigeants "gagnent 2,3 millions d'euros par an, hors stock-options". ...
FR* 2801 - Discours de Ségolène Royal à Mont-de-Marsan
       Journal Chrétien - 3 mar 2007
       ... et les stock-options, alors je dis que le pacte social est rompu, et ce gouvernement n’a pas fait jouer à l’État son rôle d’actionnaire responsable. ...
FR* 2802 - La catastrophe à Airbus ne tombe pas du ciel
       Questions Critiques - 3 mar 2007
       ... des prix c'est à dire des rentiers et de leurs stock options parce que sans cette banque centrale, l'Europe protectrice ne mériterait pas ce nom. ...
AR* 2803 - Orellana resaltó la ayuda social y la ejecución de obras públicas
       La Gaceta Tucumán - 3 Mar 2007
       El jefe municipal anunció que a fin de mes comenzará la primera etapa del mejoramiento de 150 viviendas, mediante las cooperativas de trabajo integradas por ...
       APF Digital - 3 Mar 2007
       Por otra parte, recordó el gobierno nacional impulsó la creación de casi mil cooperativas de trabajo en todo el país, de las cuales 596 se constituyeron en ...
ES* 2805 - Take Two registra pérdidas millonarias
       Vandal - 3 Mar 2007
       Tras la investigación en torno a las prácticas con stock options de la compañía, que ha impedido que Take-Two anuncie sus resultados fiscales ...
IN* 2806 - Esop’s fable
       Financial Express, India - Mar 2, 2007
       A University of Michigan Research Centre study of 98 companies that have Esops concluded that, “Employee ownership may be associated with better attitudes ...
US* 2807 - The Need for a Wood River Valley Economic Partnership
       Sun Valley Online.com (press release), ID - Mar 2, 2007
       ... responding quickly to market demands (Heavenly Quiche); valuing employee-ownership (Webb, Engelmann Construction); and working with flat organizations, ...
LK* 2808 - Re-inventing public enterprises
       Columbo Daily News, Sri Lanka - Mar 2, 2007
       Accordingly, divesting shares of re-invented PEs can be undertaken to develop Stakeholder Economy by using employee share ownership plan (ESOP) to sell the ...
US* 2809 - Anglo to Sell 26% of Scaw in BEE Deal
       Resource Investor, VA - Mar 2, 2007
       The remaining 5% of Scaw will be transferred to an “employee share ownership plan” for 10 years at no cost to the company’s 5500 staff. ...
UK* 2810 - BT donates £45000 from staff share scheme to charities chosen by ...
       PersonnelToday.com, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       The BT Employee Share Ownership scheme offers employees the opportunity to buy BT shares at a discount using the proceeds of savings contracts with the ...
US* 2811 - South Africa: Anglo to Sell 26 Percent of Scaw in R1,3bn BEE Deal
       AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 2, 2007
       The remaining 5% of Scaw will be transferred to an "employee share ownership plan" for 10 years at no cost to the company's 5500 staff. ...
UK* 2812 - Sainsbury's staff to share £23m payout as employee share ownership ...
       PersonnelToday.com, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       More than 8000 supermarket workers are among the Sainsbury's staff set to share in a £23m payout after participating in its employee share ownership scheme. ...
ZA* 2813 - Anglo sells Scaw Metals stake for R1.4bn
       Business Report, South Africa - Mar 2, 2007
       The employee share ownership programme will benefit all of Scaw's workers who are not members of the Anglo American share incentive scheme, and includes an ...
US* 2814 - Employees take ownership of Patio Enclosures
       Casual Living, NC - Mar 2, 2007
       "This event was made possible by our employee-owners' commitment to delivering quality products and satisfying our customers." ...
CA* 2815 - Werum Software & Systems Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Company of ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 2, 2007
       "While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
CA* 2816 - Homeworks parent company eaga announces intent to float. Seeks ...
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Mar 2, 2007
       Formerly Terasen Homeworks, Homeworks is now an employee-owned company. For more information about Homeworks Services Inc. SOLACE Energy or Eaga visit ...
US* 2817 - Dexter Company newest inductee into hall of fame
       Washington Evening Journal, IA - Mar 2, 2007
       In 1987, Dexter changed to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan structure and it is now 100 percent employee-owned. It employs nearly 750 employees. ...
US* 2818 - the view from C level: interview with D. Beatty D'Alessandro
       DC Velocity, MA - Mar 2, 2007
       We have been in the business over 100 years and are one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States. Q: You said billion with a "B," right? ...
US* 2819 - Bad Web Hosts Are A Nightmare
       Windows & Net Magazine, OH - Mar 2, 2007
       They definitely know what they're doing, plus they are employee-owned and they own their own data centers. My recommendation doesn't come lightly - they've ...
CA* 2820 - Homeworks parent company eaga announces intent to float. Seeks ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 2, 2007
       Formerly Terasen Homeworks, Homeworks is now an employee-owned company. For more information about Homeworks Services Inc. SOLACE Energy or Eaga visit ...
US* 2821 - Employees take ownership of Patio Enclosures
       Casual Living, NC - Mar 2, 2007
       Patio Enclosures, Inc. announced it has become100% employee-owned as it passes its 40th year. The Macedonia, Ohio-based manufacturer and installer of ...
US* 2822 - Bad Web Hosts Are A Nightmare
       SQL Server Magazine (subscription), CO - Mar 2, 2007
       They definitely know what they're doing, plus they are employee-owned and they own their own data centers. My recommendation doesn't come lightly - they've ...
DE* 2823 - Werum Receives Frost & Sullivan MES Software Company of the Year Award
       openPR (press release), Germany - Mar 2, 2007
       “While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
DE* 2824 - Imperato Proposes UAW Chrysler Buyout to Create America's First ...
       openPR (press release), Germany - Mar 2, 2007
       (openPR) - Detroit - March 1, 2007 - Today it was announced, that international businessman Daniel Imperato has been charged by a business consortium to ...
US* 2825 - OC Systems Announces Response Time Instrumentation (RTI) for ...
       SYS-CON Media, NJ - Mar 2, 2007
       Founded in 1983, the employee-owned company is based in Fairfax, Virginia. More information may be obtained at http://www.ocsystems.com/.
US* 2826 - ServePath Receives SAS 70 Type II Report
       SBWire (press release), WI - Mar 2, 2007
       ... services through its ColoServe division. The employee-owned company has been in business for five years and operates its own San Francisco data center.
US* 2827 - Raycom Media Stations Purchase Bitcentral Oasis
       TV Technology, VA - Mar 2, 2007
       Raycom, an employee-owned broadcasting company, currently owns and/or operates more than 30 television stations in 17 states. ...
US* 2828 - The Will-Burt Co. Acquires Antenna Mast Inc.
       TV Technology, VA - Mar 2, 2007
       Will-Burt is an employee-owned company based in Orrville, Ohio. AMI will be integrated into the Mast Division of The Will-Burt Co., which manufactures ...
US* 2829 - Not only automated, automatically personal
       knox.VillageSoup.com, ME - Mar 2, 2007
       Serving Midcoast Maine and behond since 1866, the Allen Agency is an employee-owned company, providing insurance for individuals, families and businesses. ...
US* 2830 - Not only automated, automatically personal
       VillageSoup Belfast, ME - Mar 2, 2007
       Serving Midcoast Maine and behond since 1866, the Allen Agency is an employee-owned company, providing insurance for individuals, families and businesses. ...
US* 2831 - OC Systems Announces Response Time Instrumentation (RTI) for ...
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 2, 2007
       Founded in 1983, the employee-owned company is based in Fairfax, Virginia. More information may be obtained at http://www.ocsystems.com.
US* 2832 - Werum Software & Systems Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Company of ...
       American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 2, 2007
       "While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2833 - Werum Software & Systems Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Company of ...
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 2, 2007
       "While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2834 - Werum Software & Systems Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Company of ...
       Business Wire (press release), CA - Mar 2, 2007
       “While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2835 - Werum Software & Systems Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Company of ...
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 2, 2007
       "While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
CA* 2836 - Werum Software & Systems Receives 2007 Frost & Sullivan Company of ...
       Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Mar 2, 2007
       "While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2837 - Indiana Trust Marks Milestone
       Inside INdiana Business (press release), IN - Mar 2, 2007
       Indiana’s oldest and largest independent trust company, Indiana Trust and Investment Management Company is an employee owned company chartered under Indiana ...
UK* 2838 - John Lewis week to Feb 24 dept store sales up
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       LONDON (AFX) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to Feb 24 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 4.6 pct to 44.6 mln stg, ...
US* 2839 - Calibre acquires Unity Inc., service provider to the US Department ...
       Military & Aerospace Electronics, NH - Mar 2, 2007
       Calibre, an employee-owned management and technology services company, has closed its transaction to purchase all of the outstanding shares of Unity Inc., ...
US* 2840 - Codesic Consulting Releases IT Service Metrics Whitepaper Managing ...
       dBusinessNews Seattle (press release), WA - Mar 2, 2007
       Founded in 1994, Codesic Consulting is a privately held, employee owned company. We deliver IT project success to Pacific Northwest companies by offering ...
NL* 2841 - Werum ontvangt Frost & Sullivan MES Software Company of the Year Award
       Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - Mar 2, 2007
       "While there has been widespread consolidation in the MES area, Werum has differentiated itself by being one of the few employee owned vendors to have ...
US* 2842 - IRS Audits Marriott Over ESOP-Related Deductions
       Washington Post, DC - Mar 2, 2007
       ... federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the hotel chain took related to its employee stock-ownership plan. ...
US* 2843 - Trib may sell Connecticut papers
       Newsday, NY - Mar 2, 2007
       ... deal involving the creation of an employee stock-ownership plan, and a proposal from top management to split the 23 TV stations from the 11 newspapers. ...
UK* 2844 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       ... Inc.'s federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the company took related to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
UK* 2845 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       ... Inc.'s federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the company took related to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2846 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 2, 2007
       ... Inc.'s federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the company took related to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2847 - IRS Audits Marriott Over $1B Deductions
       Forbes, NY - Mar 2, 2007
       ... Inc.'s federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the company took related to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2848 - IRS Audits Marriott Over $1B Deductions
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 2, 2007
       ... Inc.'s federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the company took related to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2849 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       BusinessWeek - Mar 2, 2007
       ... Inc.'s federal tax returns for fiscal 2000 through 2002 over $1 billion in deductions the company took related to its employee stock ownership plan. ...
US* 2850 - Dexter Company newest inductee into hall of fame
       Washington Evening Journal, IA - Mar 2, 2007
       In 1987, Dexter changed to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan structure and it is now 100 percent employee-owned. It employs nearly 750 employees. ...
US* 2851 - Employees take ownership of Patio Enclosures
       Casual Living, NC - Mar 2, 2007
       ... and conservatories, joined the ranks of a small percentage of firms that have become 100% employee-owned through employee stock ownership plans. ...
US* 2852 - Zell Confirms Interest in Tribune Bid
       Smartmoney.com - Mar 2, 2007
       Without providing details, Zell confirmed that his plan involves creating an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) and that the ownership would be "a ...
IN* 2853 - IT dubs MAT a dampener
       Business Standard, India - Mar 2, 2007
       Further, there’s the fringe benefit tax proposal on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), where the offer price is lower than the market price. ...
US* 2854 - Tribune near deal to sell 2 small papers
       Chicago Tribune, IL - Mar 2, 2007
       The other is a bid from Chicago billionaire Sam Zell to take the company private in partnership with an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
IN* 2855 - Ray of hope for tea estates
       Hindu, India - Mar 2, 2007
       After trying with the cooperative model, the management decided to explore the `employee buyout' model. Employees became part-owners of the business ...
US* 2856 - American Capital Invests $31 Million in J-Pac
       Drug Newswire (press release), CT - Mar 2, 2007
       American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN* 2857 - Esop FBT for unlisted cos on Sebi rules
       Economic Times, India - Mar 2, 2007
       NEW DELHI: The fringe benefit tax (FBT) on unlisted companies granting stock options to their employees is likely to be based on Sebi norms for valuation of ...
US* 2858 - IRS Audits Marriott Over ESOP-Related Deductions
       Washington Post, DC - Mar 2, 2007
       The IRS is reviewing the ESOP feature of the company's "Employees' Profit Sharing, Retirement and Savings Plan and Trust" implemented on June 13, 2000. ...
US* 2859 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       Marriott said it received 'notices of proposed adjustment' from the IRS on Thursday that challenged most of the ESOP-related federal income tax deductions, ...
UK* 2860 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       Hemscott, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       Marriott said it received 'notices of proposed adjustment' from the IRS on Thursday that challenged most of the ESOP-related federal income tax deductions, ...
US* 2861 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       ForexTV.com, NY - Mar 2, 2007
       Marriott said it received "notices of proposed adjustment" from the IRS on Thursday that challenged most of the ESOP-related federal income tax deductions, ...
US* 2862 - IRS Audits Marriott Over $1B Deductions
       Forbes, NY - Mar 2, 2007
       Marriott said it received "notices of proposed adjustment" from the IRS on Thursday that challenged most of the ESOP-related federal income tax deductions, ...
US* 2863 - IRS Audits Marriott Over $1B Deductions
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 2, 2007
       Marriott said it received "notices of proposed adjustment" from the IRS on Thursday that challenged most of the ESOP-related federal income tax deductions, ...
US* 2864 - IRS audits Marriott over $1B deductions
       BusinessWeek - Mar 2, 2007
       Marriott said it received "notices of proposed adjustment" from the IRS on Thursday that challenged most of the ESOP-related federal income tax deductions, ...
IN* 2865 - Budget may rein in IT growth
       The Statesman, India - Mar 2, 2007
       The budget also brought employee stock option plans (ESOP) under the fringe benefit tax and taxed dividends. ESOPs and payment of dividends are a common ...
US* 2866 - Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Adds Three to Tax Practice in DC
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 2, 2007
       She is a member of the Virginia Bar Association, the District of Columbia Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the ESOP Association. ...
IN* 2867 - FM has been unfair to IT
       Indiatimes, India - Mar 2, 2007
       With the introduction of FBT on ESOP, the employer may end up paying 33.99% on an unrealized gain. The definition of cost of acquisition in the hands of the ...
IN* 2868 - Kotak Mahindra Bank allots equity shares under ESOP
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 2, 2007
       The above was allotted by the ESOP allotment committee of the bank at its meeting held Mar. 02, 2007. Kotak Mahindra Bank`s third quarter consolidated net ...
IN* 2869 - Decoding fringe benefit tax on ESOPs
        Moneycontrol.com, India - Mar 2, 2007
       Does it render the whole use of ESOP as a perk, completely redundant, useless, what would companies like you do? Would you go to the extent of maybe not ...
US* 2870 - Nabors says it misdated stock option grants
       Houston Chronicle, TX - Mar 2, 2007
       Nabors Industries said an internal investigation found the company misdated a number of employee stock option grants as far back as 1991, including options ...
US* 2871 - BankAtlantic closes Ryan Beck sale
       Washington Business Journal, DC - Mar 2, 2007
       Ryan Beck employee stock option holders separately get about 3.8 percent of the initial transaction consideration, BankAtlantic said.
IN* 2872 - IT dubs MAT a dampener
       Business Standard, India - Mar 2, 2007
       ... fringe benefit tax (FBT) on employee stock option plans (ESOPs), dividend distribution tax and levy of service tax on commercial leased space - all at a ...
       Media Newswire (press release), NY - Mar 2, 2007
       GAAP provided that a company was not required to record any compensation expenses for an employee stock option grant where, among other things, the exercise ...
US* 2874 - Nabors Industries Says Review Confirms Options Backdating
       CNBC, NJ - Mar 2, 2007
       ... historically used an incorrect "measurement date" in determining the amount of compensation expense to be recognized for employee stock option awards. ...
IN* 2875 - GTL Infrastructure allots equity shares
       Myiris.com, India - Mar 2, 2007
       ... allotted 25000 options at Rs 29.81 each by passing a resolution by circulation in terms of the employee stock option scheme 2005 (ESOS) of the company. ...
US* 2876 - BankAtlantic closes Ryan Beck sale
       South Florida Business Journal, FL - Mar 2, 2007
       Ryan Beck employee stock option holders separately get about 3.8 percent of the initial transaction consideration, BankAtlantic said.
IN* 2877 - Sensex, Nifty at 19-week low
       Financial Express, India - Mar 2, 2007
       In other negative proposals, Employee Stock Options (ESOPs) was brought under Fringe Benefit tax (FBT) and the dividend distribution tax was raised to 15 ...
US* 2878 - Mayflower Bancorp, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Earnings and Payment ...
       MSN Money - Mar 2, 2007
       ... is due to net income of $799000 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007 augmented by $110000 as a result of the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US* 2879 - HBIO Reports Record Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006 Results
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 2, 2007
       ... and directors including employee stock options and employee stock purchases related to the Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("employee stock purchases"). ...
US* 2880 - VIVUS Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Full-Year Financial Results
       Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - Mar 2, 2007
       123 (FAS 123R), Share Based Payment, which requires companies to expense the estimated fair value of employee stock options and similar awards. ...
UK* 2881 - New Tax Reporting For Employee Stock Options And Purchase Plans
       Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - Mar 2, 2007
       Congress recently passed the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 amending section 6039 of the Internal Revenue Code. The amendment is effective on ...
US* 2882 - Iowa Telecom Reports Results for Fourth Quarter and Year Ended ...
        American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Mar 2, 2007
       ... in revolving credit facility 17000 14500 (9000) (1507) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 123 222 1740 1417 Dividends paid (12836) (12666) ...
UK* 2883 - Bildt blogs back
       Guardian Unlimited, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       He resigned these seats when made foreign minister, but he still stood to make about £0.5m in share options. When news of this came out, there was a great ...
US* 2884 - Photocure Announces Allotted Share Options
       PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Mar 2, 2007
       Photocure has a share options program were each option gives the right to acquire one new share in the company. The subscription rights for 2006 can only be ...
ZA* 2885 - EXL - Excellerate - Unaudited Results for the six months ended 31 ...
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 2, 2007
       ... average number of 174 412 173 485 173 564 ordinary shares Share options 3 240 5 037 4 154 Compulsory convertible 47 273 47 273 47 273 debentures Fully ...
UK* 2886 - Cosmedia says percentage of shares in free-float to increase to ...
        Hemscott, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       ... from 7.7 pct following an exercise of share options and agreed share sale by executive chairman Stanley Kit Pong and broker Collins Stewart Europe Ltd. ...
UK* 2887 - PartyGaming's Garber exercises options and sells shares
       bettingmarket.com, UK - Mar 2, 2007
       The statement went on to say that during 2007; "Mr Garber intends to sell a proportion of the Shares he will receive as a result of exercising share options ...
ZA* 2888 - GND / GNDP - Grindrod Limited - Directors Share Dealings
       Finance24, South Africa - Mar 2, 2007
       Director : DA Rennie Nature of transaction : Exercise of share options Nature of interest : Indirect beneficial Date, price amount : As scheduled below ...
FR* 2889 - SNTPP, l'esprit scop dans les travaux publics
       Moniteur-Expert - 2 mar 2007
       De tous les chantiers de la SNTPP (Société nouvelle de travaux publics et particuliers), une Scop créée en 1922 par des compagnons paveurs limousins, ...
FR* 2890 - Les Scop interpellent les candidats sur la transmission d'entreprise
       Moniteur-Expert - 2 mar 2007
       La Confédération générale des sociétés coopératives ouvrières de production (CG-Scop) a demandé aux candidats à la présidentielle de promouvoir ce "modèle ...
FR* 2891 - Novell : en repli après des comptes déficitaires
       Boursier.com - 2 mar 2007
       Des comptes qui font actuellement l'objet d'une révision concernant l'attribution de stock options durant le troisième trimestre fiscal 2006. ...
FR* 2892 - Airbus : grèves et manifestations mardi
       Europe 1 - 2 mar 2007
       Selon elle, "le pacte social est rompu" dans cette entreprise où les dirigeants "gagnent 2,3 millions d'euros par an, hors stock-options". ...
FR* 2893 - Marchés / bilan hebdomadaire : le CAC plonge de 5% au terme d'une ...
       Voila.fr - 2 mar 2007
       Les revenus des ménages ont grimpé quant à eux de 1% en janvier 2007, avec les bonus et les levées et cessions de stock options. Hors éléments exceptionnels ...
FR* 2894 - Airbus : Royal veut
       nouvelobs.com - 2 mar 2007
       Selon elle, "le pacte social est rompu" dans cette entreprise où les dirigeants "gagnent 2,3 millions d'euros par an, hors stock-options". ...
FR* 2895 - Entretien avec Dominique Costantini et Nicolas Fellman
       Boursier.com - 2 mar 2007
       Je souligne également que les chiffres présentés sont consolidés et incluent donc des retraitements, liés aux normes IFRS, sur les stock-options, ...
FR* 2896 - Airbus, à qui la faute ?
       AgoraVox - 2 mar 2007
       La vente très opportune de stock-options avec une plus-value de 2,5 millions d’euros, par lui-même et les cadres de son entourage, avant l’annonce de ...
ES* 2897 - El Gobierno de Cantabria convoca ayudas para desarrollo rural en ...
       Agroprofesional.com - 2 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades mercantiles, sociedades agrarias de transformación, cooperativas, sociedades laborales y cualquier otra entidad con personalidad jurídica, ...
ES* 2898 - Ganadería convoca ayudas de desarrollo rural para determinadas ...
       cantabriaconfidencial.com - 2 Mar 2007
       ... sociedades mercantiles, sociedades agrarias de transformación, cooperativas, sociedades laborales y cualquier otra entidad con personalidad jurídica, ...
ES* 2899 - Colombia SA
       Rebelión - 2 Mar 2007
       En Uribe II logra tener a sus trabajadores a través de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado que evaden las obligaciones laborales, como hacen los grandes ...
AR* 2900 - Existe un 20% de trabajo no registrado en Río Negro
       Rio Negro On Line - 2 Mar 2007
       Más adelante el secretario explicó que el operativo tuvo como objetivo controlar algunas “falsas o pseudos cooperativas de trabajo”, porque se trata de ...
AR* 2901 - Gastaldi: “El intendente Lifschitz sigue sin poder disimular la ...
       Sin Mordaza - 2 Mar 2007
       ... a lo que hay que sumar las unidades edificadas a través de cooperativas de trabajo, en el marco del Plan Federal de Emergencia Habitacional, ...
       ADN (Argentina) - 2 Mar 2007
       Detalló que fueron relevadas 28 cooperativas de trabajo y 1.000 trabajadores del sector frutihortícola y, aunque aclaró que resta confirmar datos de acuerdo ...
        ADN (Argentina) - 2 Mar 2007
       Ledo informó que el operativo tuvo como objetivo controlar algunas “falsas o pseudos cooperativas de trabajo”, porque se trata de erradicar de las prácticas ...
AR* 2904 - El chiste del año
       Polí­tica y Desarrollo (Comunicado de prensa) - 2 Mar 2007
       Se crearon el año pasado 933 cooperativas de trabajo, de las cuales 596 se constituyeron en el marco de planes de emergencia nacional, en coordinación con ...
AR* 2905 - Rafaela - Quedó inaugurado el período de sesiones ordinarias del ...
       Sin Mordaza - 2 Mar 2007
        ... de nuestra ciudad; y la puesta en marcha de cooperativas de trabajo como las constituidas para la construcción del Centro Integrador Comunitario en Bº. ...
AR* 2906 - “El intendente Lifschitz sigue sin poder disimular la falta de ...
       RosarioNet - 2 Mar 2007
       ... a lo que hay que sumar las unidades edificadas a través de cooperativas de trabajo, en el marco del Plan Federal de Emergencia Habitacional, ...
AT* 2907 - Molterers "große Themen"
       derStandard.at - 2. März 2007
       Über Löhne allein ginge der Ausgleich nicht mehr, man müsse wieder an Mitarbeiterbeteiligung denken, allerdings nichts so sehr über Beteiligung an den ...
IT* 2908 - Economia e Finanza
       Grandain - 2 mar 2007
       In questi ultimi anni le realtà cuneesi aderenti a Federlavoro e servizi, Federazione di rappresentanza delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro della ...
BR* 2909 - OCB lança agenda legislativa de cooperativismo
       24Horas News - 2 Mar 2007
       ... são a Lei do Cooperativismo que está na Câmara dos Deputados para ser votada eo Projeto de Lei 4.622/04 que regulariza as Cooperativas de Trabalho. ...
BR* 2910 - OAB entrega à Câmara proposta de reforma política
       DireitoNet - 2 Mar 2007
       ... de suas próprias ações, assim como pela emissão maciça de opções de compra (stock options), distribuídas generosamente aos administradores. ...


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