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  Much new information about employee ownership in January 2007, with 1.581 articles in our press review (on which 815 about stock options and 240 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of 63 remarkable articles in 19 countries: Belgium, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, USA.
The scandals about stock options got new developments in several countries, while executives' remuneration was confirmed as a hot question in the political debate for the election of the next President in France.
Germany: New proposals for employee ownership came from the SPD and the Rheinland-Pfälz's Government.
India also asks questions about top executives' pay.
Jamaica: Unions representing air workers request new employee share ownership programmes.
Netherlands: New research about employee ownership: "it works!"
United Kingdom: New developments for workers' cooperatives, for instance in Scotland. Workers' coops could be the way for a rescue plan for Burberry. On the other hand, the Royal Mail's controversial plan for an employee share ownership scheme was blocked; a John Lewis-like scheme could be a better solution.
United States: New examples of companies shifting to employee ownership. An Employee Buyout was just finalized at Ohio's largest independent advertising agency. On the other side, Hooker has to stop with its ESOP. Wall Street had a big question about SAIC's employee shareholders: will they stay or will they go, now the company is listed? Finally, for the first time, the SEC approves market way to value options.
South Africa: Solidarity Union protests against racial discrimination in employee share ownership schemes.
Japan: A soon-to-be-published study of ESOPs in listed companies finds that these plans now have a mean ownership of about 7% of company stock.
The full press review lists 1.581 articles, on which 479 in the USA, 310 in France, 150 in UK, 87 in Spain, 80 in Argentina, 68 in Italy, 65 in India, 55 in Germany, 50 in South Africa, 48 in Canada, 39 in Brazil, 20 in Venezuela, 19 in Colombia, 11 in Australia, 11 in The Netherlands, 10 in Austria, 9 in Portugal, 8 in Ireland, 6 in Mexico, 5 in Sweden, 4 in Switzerland, 3 in Barbados, 3 in Jamaica, 3 in Romania, 3 in Singapore, 3 in Thailand, 3 in Vietnam, 2 in Chile, 2 in Finland, 2 in Israel, 2 in Luxemburg, 2 in Peru, 1 in United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Bermudas, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Hong Kong, Nigeria, South Korea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Taiwan and Trinidad & Tobago.

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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en janvier 2007, avec 1.581 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 815 à propos de stock options et 240 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires). Notre sélection propose 63 articles remarquables dans 19 pays: Belgique, Canada, Chine, Chypre, République Tchèque, France, Allemagne, Inde, Irlande, Italie, Jamaïque, Japon, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Afrique du Sud, Espagne, Sri Lanka, Grande Bretagne, USA.
Les scandales des stock options ont connu de nouveaux développements dans plusieurs pays, tandis que la rémunération des dirigeants d'entreprises se confirme comme une question brûlante du débat politique en vue de la prochaine élection du Président de la République en France.
Allemagne: Nouvelles propositions pour l'actionnariat salarié venant du SPD et du Gouvernement du Land de Rhénanie-Palatinat.
Inde:Ici aussi, la rémunération des dirigeants fait question.
Jamaïque: Les syndicats des transports aériens veulent un nouveau programme d'actionnariat salarié.

Pays-Bas: Nouvelle recherche sur l'actionnariat salarié: "ça marche!"
Grande Bretagne: Nouveaux développements pour les coopératives de travail associé, notamment en Ecosse. La coopérative pourrait être la solution pour un plan de sauvetage de Burberry. D'autre part, un point d'arrêt a été mis au projet controversé de plan d'actionnariat salarié pour la poste britannique; un modèle de type John Lewis pourrait être une meilleure solution.
Etats-Unis: Nouveaux exemples d'entreprises qui basculent vers l'actionnariat salarié. Une Reprise d'Entreprises par les Salariés (Employee Buyout) vient de se conclure dans la plus grande agence de publicité de l'Ohio. En sens inverse, Hooker a dû saborder son plan d'actionnariat salarié (ESOP). Grande question à Wall Street à propos des actionnaires salariés de SAIC: garder ou vendre, maintenant que la société est cotée? Enfin, une grande première: la SEC approuve une valeur de marché pour l'évaluation des options.
Afrique du Sud: Le syndicat Solidarité proteste contre une discrimination raciale dans les plans d'actionnariat salarié.
Japon: Une nouvelle étude à paraître sur les plans de type "ESOPs" dans les sociétés cotées indiquent que ces plans d'actionnariat salarié représentent maintenant 7% de la capitalisation des entreprises.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.581 articles, dont 479 aux USA, 310 en France, 150 en Grande Bretagne, 87 en Espagne, 80 en Argentine, 68 en Italie, 65 en Inde, 55 en Allemagne, 50 en Afrique du Sud, 48 au Canada, 39 au Brésil, 20 au Venezuela, 19 en Colombie, 11 en Australie, 11 aux Pays-Bas, 10 en Autriche, 9 au Portugal, 8 en Irlande, 6 au Mexique, 5 en Suède, 4 en Suisse, 3 à la Barbade, 3 en Jamaïque, 3 en Roumanie, 3 à Singapour, 3 en Thaïlande, 3 au Vietnam, 2 au Chili, 2 en Finlande, 2 en Israël, 2 au Luxembourg, 2 au Pérou, 1 aux Emirats Arabes Unis, Belgique, Bermudes, Bolivie, Bulgarie, Iles Cayman, Chypre, Republique Tchèque, Egypte, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Corée du Sud, Nouvelle Zélande, Nicaragua, Philippines, Porto Rico, Taiwan et Trinidad & Tobago.

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  Mucha nueva información sobre accionariado asalariado en enero 2007, con 1.581 artículos en esta revista de prensa (cuyos 815 en torno a los stock options y 240 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores accionistas).
Nuestra selección propone 63 artículos destacados en 19 países : Bélgica, Canadá, China, Chipre, República Tchequa, Francia, Alemania, India, Irlanda, Italia, Jamaica, Japon, Países Bajos, Portugal, Africa del Sur, España, Sri lanka, Gran Bretaña, EE.UU.
Los escandalos de los stock options conocieron nuevos desarrollos en varios países, mientras que la remuneración de los dirigentes de empresas se confirma ya como tema muy ardiente en vista de las proximas elecciones presidenciales en Francia.
: Nuevas proposiciones para el accionariado asalariado de parte del SPD y del Gobierno del Land de Renania-Palatinato.
India: Aquí también, la remuneración de los dirigentes plantea cuestión.
Jamaica: Los sindicatos de transportes aereos quieren un nuevo programa de accionariado asalariado.
Países Bajos: Nueva búsqueda sobre accionariado asalariado : « ¡funciona ! »
Gran Bretaña: Nuevos desarrollos para las cooperativas de trabajo asociado, principalmente en Escocia. La cooperativa podria ser la solución para un plan de rescate de Burberry. Por otra parte, se puso fín al proyecto controvertido del plan de accionariado asalariado de los Correos Británicos, un modelo de typo John Lewis podria ser una mejor solución.
EEUU : Nuevos ejemplos de empresas que van al accionariado asalariado. Una Retoma de Empresas para los Asalariados (Employee Buyout) viene de ser concluída en la más grande agencia de publicidad del Ohio. En sentido contrario, Hooker tuvo que dejar su plan de accionariado asalariado (ESOP). Grave cuestión en Wall Street en torno a los accionistas asalariados de SAIC : ¿conservar o vender, ahora que la empresas esta cotizada ? Por fin, grande estreno : la SEC aprueba un valor de mercado segun la evaluación de las opciones.
Africa del Sur : el sindicato Solidaridad protesta contra una discriminación racial en los planes de accionariado asalariado.
Japón: Un nuevo estudio que va ser publicado sobre los planes de typo « ESOP’s » en las empresas cotizadas en bolsa indica que los planes de accionariado asalariado representan ya un 7% de la capitalización de las empresas.
La revista de prensa completa cuenta 1.581 artículos, cuyos 479 en EE.UU, 310 en Francia, 150 en Gran Bretaña, 87 en España, 80 en Argentina, 68 en Italia, 65 en India, 55 en Allemania, 50 en Africa del Sur, 48 au Canadá, 39 en Brasil, 20 en Venezuela, 19 en Colombia, 11 en Australia, 11 en los Países Bajos, 10 en Austria, 9 en Portugal, 8 en Irlanda, 6 en Méjico, 5 en Suecia, 4 en Suiza, 3 en los Barbados, 3 en Jamaica, 3 en Rumania, 3 en Singapur, 3 en Tailandia, 3 en Vietnam, 2 en Chile, 2 en Finlandia, 2 en Israel, 2 en el Luxemburgo, 2 en Perú, 1 aux Emiratos Arabes Unidos, Belgica, Bermudas, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Isla Caimanes, Chipre, Republica Tchequa, Egypto, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Corea del Sur, Nueva Zelandia, Nicaragua, Filipinas, Porto Rico, Taiwan y Trinidad & Tobago.

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   63 selected articles in January 2007 about employee ownership in Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, USA.

BE   D    -  Les champions de l'actionnariat salarié
             Trends Tendances – Belgique, 25 jan 2007
             En Belgique, seuls Colruyt et Dexia sortent du lot ...
820 - Fondaction CSN et la coopérative actionnaire les Paramedics d ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release) - 17 jan 2007
             ... la relance de la CAM d'abord, puis la mise sur pied de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires dans ses filiales de l'Estrie et des Bois-Francs. ...
CY   514 - Bank of Cyprus share options to list
             Financial Mirror, Cyprus - Jan 23, 2007
             The new shares to be introduced have resulted from the exercise of 770.840 Share Options on 31 December 2006 by 1.211 beneficiaries (staff of the Bank of ...
CZ   899 - ČEZ: Money for nothing
             Czech Business Weekly, Czech Republic - Jan 15, 2007
             3, four current board members, including chairman Martin Roman, and one former board member, exercised a total of 600000 share options. ...
DE   876 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung soll zum Erfolgsmodell werden
             WirtschaftsWoche - 16. Jan. 2007
             Die große Koalition will die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg stärker forcieren. Bis Jahresmitte soll der Gesetzesentwurf für den so genannten ...
DE   570 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung soll verbessert werden
             SWR Nachrichten - 23. Jan. 2007
             Die rheinland-pfälzische Landesregierung will heute ein bundesweit einmaliges Konzept für mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Unternehmen vorstellen. ...
DE   480 - Mitarbeiter am Erfolg beteiligen
             ZDF - 24. Jan. 2007
             Beck verwies darauf, dass Union und SPD auf Bundesebene derzeit in getrennten Arbeitsgruppen über Investivlöhne und andere Formen von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
DE   316 - Hering: Erfolgreicher Start für rheinland-pfälzisches Programm ...
             Rheinland Pfalz - 25. Jan. 2007
             Die Informationen sind unter www.mwvlw.rlp.de, Wirtschaft, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung abrufbar. Für alle Fragen rund um das Thema stehen auch die Berater der ...
ES   738 - MCC encabeza el ránking de empleo entre empresas con accionistas ...
             Diario Vasco - 18 Ene 2007
             Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa encabeza el ranking europeo de empleo entre las 100 principales compañías con accionariado asalariado, ...
FR   A -  Le futur modèle de la société commerciale
             Les Échos – France, 5 jan 2007
             Ségolène Royal souhaite également développer l'actionnariat salarié. Tous les candidats, à l'exception de l'extrême gauche, s'accordent pour proposer des ...
1226 - Le capitalisme éthique, un principe fragile, par Michel Rocard
             Le Monde - 9 jan 2007
             C'est le fait que, salaires plus stock-options plus avantages divers, la rémunération des présidents et des deux ou trois plus hauts responsables des ...
FR   1223 - Salaire des patrons : naissance d'une charte de bonne conduite
             La Tribune.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Ces dernières années, les niveaux de salaires, de stock-options et le montant des parachutes dorés accordés à certains dirigeants de société démissionnés ...
             Sud Aérien (Communiqués de presse) - 9 jan 2007
             L’actionnariat salarié serait, selon la Direction, un moyen alléchant pour les employés de retirer une part des bénéfices de l’entreprise. ...
FR   1156 - Rémunérations des PDG : le Medef exclut toute loi mais appelle à ...
             Le Monde - 10 jan 2007
             En 2006, celle sur la participation intègre l'amendement Balladur sur les conditions de levée des stock-options. . Le "code" de l'Association française des ...
FR   1152 - En Europe, des approches culturelles diverses
             Le Monde - 10 jan 2007
             Au Royaume-Uni, rémunérations, stock-options ou primes sont acceptées tant qu'elles vont de pair avec la création de valeur à l'actionnaire. ...
FR   1067 - Generali France distribue des actions gratuites à ses salariés
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 11 jan 2007
             ... gratuites par une société non cotée française, s'inscrit dans le cadre de la loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié du 30 décembre 2006.
FR   971 - Dividende du travail, actions gratuites : les nouvelles règles de ...
             Le Monde - 13 jan 2007
             Publiée au Journal officiel le 31 décembre 2006, la loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié conforte, sans les bouleverser, les mécanismes ...
FR   730 - «Une transformation du capitalisme»
             Libération - 18 jan 2007
             On n'est pas en train de dire qu'il faut faire partout des coopératives ou partout de l'actionnariat salarié. Pour nous se pose la question de la ...
FR   633 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             nouvelobs.com - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   541 - Loi sur l'actionnariat salarié : les mesures phares
             Journal du Management - 23 jan 2007
             Voici les principales mesures instaurées par la toute récente loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. (23/01/2007) ...
FR   439 - «Leveraged Buy Out» ou LBO : c'est quoi ?
             Actuchomage.org - 24 jan 2007
             A Sublistatic, les projets de reprise par un entrepreneur ou sous forme d'une Scop sont évoqués. Mais peu y croient. Le dernier espoir qu'ils ont, ...
FR   G -  Sixième Rencontre Européenne de l'Actionnariat Salarié      
             La Missive de Gestion Attentive - 26 gennaio 2007
             La Fédération européenne de l'actionnariat salarié organisait ses sixièmes rencontres à Bruxelles en décembre
FR   236 - Nicolas Sarkozy propose des heures supplémentaires négociables
             Capital.fr - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   103 - Trop de Minc tue le Minc
             Libération - 30 jan 2007
             Il s'est prononcé contre la possibilité pour Zacharias de toucher ses stock-options. Il a approuvé le départ d'Alain Dinin et, surtout, il a voté en faveur ...
FR   39 - Le salaire des patrons est-il "juste" ?, par Daniel Cohen
             Le Monde - 31 jan 2007
             Pour moitié il s'agit de salaires, pour moitié de stock-options encaissées au cours de l'année, lesquelles expliquent quelques pointes au-dessus de 200 ...
IE    B -  And finally...
            The Sunday Times - UK
            ... To succeed in taking over Aer Lingus, O’Leary had to win over the employee share ownership trust (Esot). He said so much himself. So he offers cash. ...
1250 - Esops invaluable in retaining talent
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             Esop is an invaluable weapon in the fight to retain and attract talent, as long as markets don’t give way. That is clearly seen in the example of banks like ...
IN   220 - In the money
             Financial Express, India - Jan 26, 2007
             The chief mistake of the past 15 years was the granting of too many share options to too many people on terms that were too generous. ...
IT   757 - Liberalizzazioni, presto a cdm, Prodi attacca Confindustria
             Reuters Italia - 18 gen 2007
             E che si parli con tranquillità di 500 milioni di stock options solo nel corso del 2006? Se sollevo con serenità, ma con chiarezza, questi problemi debbo ...
IT     E -  Un codice di autoregolamentazione     
             Dircredito FD - 26 gen 2007
             Il movimento dei piccoli azionisti organizzati continua a crescere
IT     F -  European Employee Ownership Top 100   
             La Newsletter del Centro Studi - 31 gen 2007
             Poche e di basso profilo le presenze italiane nella speciale classifica elaborata dall'EFES relativa alla partecipazione dei dipendenti nel capitale delle aziende
JM   1111 - Unions representing Air J workers to present demands Wednesday
             radiojamaica.com, Jamaica - Jan 10, 2007
             An Employee Share Ownership Programme and a request that two worker representatives be appointed to Air Jamaica's Board top the list. ...
JM   203 - Digicel reports high Caribbean subscriber growth in 2006
             Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - Jan 27, 2007
             Digicel now employs 3000 people throughout its Caribbean operations and last year introduced a company-wide employee share option programme. ...
LK   121 - Central Bank of Sri Lanka
             Lanka Business Online, Sri Lanka - Jan 29, 2007
             The Ceylinco group, owns 19 percent of its voting sahres, while several employee share ownership trusts of Seylan hold 27 percent of its voting equity, ...
NL   1293 - Aandelen in eigen bedrijf: het werkt
             PWnet - 8 jan 2007
             In Nederland komt werknemersaandeelhouderschap nog niet vaak voor: bij nog geen 4 procent van de ondernemingen hebben de meeste of zelfs alle werknemers de ...
NL   1294 - Aandelen voor werknemers stimuleren motivatie
             Management Team - 8 jan 2007
             Dat concludeert bedrijfswetenschapper Eric Kaarsemaker, die in zijn proefschrift aantoont dat werknemersaandeelhouderschap kan werken als een instrument in ...
PT   183 - Líderes da banca recebem prémios milionários
             Portugal Diário - 29 Jan 2007
             «A tendência que se tem assistido em Portugal é uma redução dos planos associados às stock options, que estão a ser substituídos por planos associados às ...
UK   891 - Workers in co-op plan for Burberry
             ic Wales, UK - Jan 15, 2007
             He said a workers' co-operative would also depend on "a viable business plan, and whether Burberry was prepared to give support to the idea through business ...
UK   808 - City's 'biggest bike store' to open in March
             Manchester Evening News, UK - Jan 17, 2007
             Edinburgh Bicycle, with a total turnover of over £10m per year, is Scotland's longest established workers' cooperative, started 30 years ago. ...
UK   646 - Why risk-taking needn’t be a solitary game
             Sunday Herald, UK - Jan 20, 2007
             It is part of a commitment to enhance co-operation and employee ownership contained in the Executive's Smart Succcessful Scotland strategy. ...
UK   331 - Darling blocks Royal Mail share ownership
             Times Online, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Alistair Darling, the Trade and Industry Secretary, yesterday blocked Royal Mail’s controversial plans for an employee share ownership scheme because it ...
UK   327 - Royal Mail to get John Lewis-like scheme
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             "I could not agree to an employee share-ownership scheme," Mr Darling told the trade and industry committee. "I think the biggest thing in my mind was the ...
UK   69 - Investing in China
             Financial Times, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             The US company, with 4000 staff on the mainland, is putting the finishing touches on a plan to offer share options to all employees in the mainland cafés ...
US   1449 - Wall St. watching SAIC's workers
              San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 3, 2007
             So the big question that many Wall Street investors have about SAIC's employee owners is, to paraphrase The Clash, will they stay or will they go? ...
US   1396 - AMS gets judge's nod for loans
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Some Wall Street analysts had fretted that heavy selling by employee shareholders could depress SAIC's stock price. But the price increased by 39 cents, ...
US   1321 - Workers take ownership in Litehouse
             Bonner County Daily Bee, ID - Jan 6, 2007
             "Employee ownership of Litehouse has been a dream of mine for a long time, and it makes the fulfillment of my promise to keep Litehouse in the communities ...
US   1258 - Why Steve Jobs should be punished for the options backdating ...
             Slate - Jan 8, 2007
             18, 2001, when the stock stood at $21.01, the company gave Jobs a monster 7.5-million-share options grant dated Oct. 19, 2001, when the stock stood at ...
US   1061 - Stock options may cost shareholders much less than previously thought
             EurekAlert (press release), DC - Jan 11, 2007
             "Taking into account these factors has a significant bearing on how employee stock options are valued," said Leung. Leung and Sircar submitted a paper on ...
US   1041 - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 11, 2007
             CLEVELAND, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Wyse Advertising has been sold to a group of employees, led by Michael Marino, President and Chief Executive Officer. ...
US   1038 - Nursing home chain starts shift to employee ownership
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Jan 11, 2007
             The employee stock ownership plan will be rolled out during the first quarter of 2007, said Patrick Boyle, the family-owned company's president and chief ...
US   C -  New Study on "ESOPs" in Japan
             NCEO Email Bulletin, US, Jan 12, 2007
             A soon-to-be-published study by Takao Kato of "ESOPs" in listed companies in Japan finds that these plans now have a mean ownership of about 7% of company stock…
US   707 - Hooker closing local plant
             Martinsville Bulletin, VA - Jan 18, 2007
             ... employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the company’s retirement plans, including Hooker’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). ...
US   647 - Union Local Weighs Bid For Paper
             Hartford Courant, CT - Jan 20, 2007
             Doug Dalena, an Advocate reporter and local unit chairman of the union, said the union is pursing employee ownership or an ownership that will be favorable ...
US   588 - Inside Eileen Fisher's employee stock plan
             Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - Jan 22, 2007
             She set up an employee stock-ownership plan, or ESOP, for her 624 employees, transferring nearly a third of the shares of the company into it. ...
US   585 - Hooker Loses Last Shoe
             Motley Fool - Jan 22, 2007
             ... (in addition to the fact that Tom Gardner recommended the stock, of course), was that I really liked the idea of how Hooker was run by employee-owners. ...
US   373 - Broadcom Audit Faults Co-Founder
             Forbes, NY - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   138 - Buy These Stocks While They're New
             Morningstar.com, IL - Jan 29, 2007
             One of the reasons SAIC chose to go public was to create liquidity for employee stockholders. Employees have long received equity in the firm based on ...
US   128 - Hooker Furniture Discontinues Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             Furniture World Magazine (press release) - Jan 29, 2007
             ... new business model, Hooker Furniture announced it has terminated the Company’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the “ESOP”) effective January 26, 2007. ...
US   120 - A failure to understand
             Northwest Herald, IL - Jan 29, 2007
             Because they said employee ownership is the greatest idea since sliced bread. Oh, but forgive me, I will receive $347.92 a month after 29 years of service ...
US   58 - Genentech vendor draws union action
             San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Jan 30, 2007
             He said the union failed to note that the company is 93 percent employee-owned and its employee stock ownership plan, begun in 1988 and the 20th largest in ...
US   30 - SEC approves market way to value options
             Seattle Times, WA - Jan 31, 2007
             Companies can now have the market tell them what their [employee stock options] are worth." The SEC did attach some conditions to its approval of the ...
ZA   1034 - Botswana seeks advisers on telecoms
             Mining Weekly, South Africa - Jan 11, 2007
             ... firm through an employee share ownership programme and between 15% and 20% will be warehoused in a privatisation trust fund, to be sold at a later date. ...
ZA   361 - Solidarity to protest
             Sunday Times, South Africa - Jan 24, 2007
             Solidarity spokesperson, Jaco Kleynhans said: "We have always supported schemes to give company employees shareholding in the companies that employ them, ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

Articles are sorted by dates and countries:
Les articles sont classés par dates et par pays:

Los artículos están ordenados por fecha:

UK   1 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Daily Echo, UK – Jan 31, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
US   2 - WESTON to Restore Historic Former Ash Street School Property
             Business Wire (press release), CA – Jan 31, 2007
             Making a difference for 50 years -- Employee-owners building a better future for our clients and communities. (Graphic: Business Wire) ...
US   3 - Venoco, Inc. Announces CFO Changes
             Earthtimes.org – Jan 31, 2007
             "As one of the employee-shareholders, I have a vested interest in the continued success of Venoco and in making a smooth transition with a well-qualified ...
US   4 - Venoco, Inc. Announces CFO Changes
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 31, 2007
             "As one of the employee-shareholders, I have a vested interest in the continued success of Venoco and in making a smooth transition with a well-qualified ...
US   5 - Venoco, Inc. Announces CFO Changes
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 31, 2007
             "As one of the employee-shareholders, I have a vested interest in the continued success of Venoco and in making a smooth transition with a well-qualified ...
UK   6 - New Injection-molded Silicone Stoppers Provide Purity and ...
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - Jan 31, 2007
             In 2006, NewAge initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. ...
US   7 - Abington Community Bancorp, Inc. Announces Earnings for the Fourth ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 31, 2007
             Also contributing to the increase in salaries and employee benefits expense was an increase in the expense for our Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"), ...
NG   8 - Making sense of financial statements (1)
             Nigerian Tribune, Nigeria - Jan 31, 2007
             If your organisation has an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), do you have a criterion to determine its value to you in say 10 years’ time? ...
US   9 - Lancaster Colony Reports Second Quarter Sales and Earnings
             Autochannel (press release) - Jan 31, 2007
             ... income and from being able to deduct the portion of the company's special dividend paid in December 2005 to the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   10 - Investors Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Results
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 31, 2007
             ... 2006, respectively 532 532 Additional paid-in capital 526383 524962 Unallocated common stock held by the employee stock ownership plan (39705) (40414) ...
US   11 - Lancaster Colony Reports Second Quarter Sales and Earnings
             MSN Money - Jan 31, 2007
             ... income and from being able to deduct the portion of the company's special dividend paid in December 2005 to the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   12 - Lancaster Colony Reports Second Quarter Sales and Earnings
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 31, 2007
             ... income and from being able to deduct the portion of the company's special dividend paid in December 2005 to the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   13 - Lancaster Colony Reports Second Quarter Sales and Earnings
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 31, 2007
             ... income and from being able to deduct the portion of the company's special dividend paid in December 2005 to the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   14 - Lancaster Colony Reports Second Quarter Sales and Earnings
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 31, 2007
             ... income and from being able to deduct the portion of the company's special dividend paid in December 2005 to the company's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   15 - Interarchy, FTP software-maker for Mac, announces acquisition
             Ars Technica, MA - Jan 31, 2007
             Before one gets panties in a knot, one should note that this is basically an employee buyout. Longtime lead developer Matthew Drayton formed No Lobe ...
US   16 - Investors Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Results
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 31, 2007
             The three month period ended December 31, 2006 included a $536000 expense for the ESOP allocation for the quarter compared to the three month period ended ...
UK   17 - Smith & Nephew PLC announces Blocklisting Interim Review
             Market Wire (press release) – Jan 31, 2007
             To: The FSA Date: 24 January 2007 Name of applicant: Smith & Nephew plc Name of scheme: 1991 Overseas Employee Share Option Scheme Period of return: From: ...
UK   18 - I can wait for Vista - limited edition or not
             ic Birmingham.co.uk, UK - Jan 31, 2007
             It may be that Apple is trying to look whiter than white as they are already in a bit of a kerfuffle with the US government over employee share option ...
TT   19 - Digicel dials growth in 2006
             Trinidad News, Trinidad and Tobago – Jan 31, 2007
             Digicel now employs 3000 people throughout its Caribbean operations and last year introduced a company-wide employee share option programme, it was noted. ...
BM   20 - Digicel doubles subscriber number
             Royal Gazette, Bermuda – Jan 31, 2007
             The burgeoning company also went past the milestone of 3000 staff in 2006 and introduced a company-wide employee share option programme, designed to reward ...
UK   21 - UK small caps close lower, broader market weakens on US rate fears ...
             Hemscott, UK – Jan 31, 2007
             ... continue its on-market share buyback programme on a more pro-active basis to satisfy employee share option exercises and improve the capital structure. ...
IE   22 - Denis O'Brien's Digicel announces more than 100% subscriber growth ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland – Jan 31, 2007
             ... and South and Central America, Digicel reached a 3000 employee milestone and introduced the one-of-its-kind company-wide employee share option program, ...
UK   23 - Spirent Communications PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 31, 2007
             The Company's executive directors are potential beneficiaries of the Trust (together with all other UK employee share option holders) and are, therefore, ...
IN   24 - Au revoir Desai!
             CIOL, India - Jan 31, 2007
             ... first Indian IT company to offer ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plan); first IT Solutions company in the world to be assessed at P-CMM Level 3. ...
US   25 - SEC approves Zions' stock-option valuation system
             Salt Lake Tribune, UT – Jan 31, 2007
             In its system, Zions created ''tracking securities,'' called employee stock-option appreciation rights securities, that emulate the options it awards ...
CA   26 - Terra Energy Reprices Stock Options for General Staff
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Jan 31, 2007
             (TSX VENTURE:TTR) ("Terra Energy" or the "Company") announces, in accordance with the terms of the Company's Employee Stock Option Plan, and subject to ...
US   27 - Maxim Announces Results of Special Committee Review of Option Grants
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 31, 2007
             During its investigation, the Special Committee expanded the scope of its review to include director and non-officer employee stock option grants from mid ...
CA   28 - Entrust posts Q4 net loss despite 13% jump in revenues
             Ottawa Business Journal, Canada - Jan 31, 2007
             Entrust said its net losses were mostly as a result of employee stock option and acquisition expenses. "In the quarter, both Entrust IdentityGuard and our ...
CA   29 - Entrust has loss on acquisitions
             Ottawa Citizen (subscription), Canada - Jan 31, 2007
             But the Texas company, which develops products in Ottawa, still lost money as it absorbed employee stock option and acquisition expenses. ...
US   30 - SEC approves market way to value options
             Seattle Times, WA - Jan 31, 2007
             Companies can now have the market tell them what their [employee stock options] are worth." The SEC did attach some conditions to its approval of the ...
FR   31 - WestLB relève son objectif de cours sur AGF à 125 euros
             Capital.fr – 31 jan 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
CA   32 - Une contribution de 300 000 $ d'Investissement Québec - Le ...
             Gouv. du Québec (Communiqués de presse) – 31 jan 2007
             ... de l'entreprise de transport ambulancier qui les emploie par l'intermédiaire de leur coopérative de travailleurs, la CAPUBF», a fait savoir M. Bachand. ...
FR   33 - Une jeune coopérative au service des particuliers
             APCE – 31 jan 2007
             Seule la Scop, qui permet de placer les intérêts des clients et des salariés au dessus de ceux des financeurs, m'a semblé être adaptée aux objectifs que je ...
FR   34 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq +0,62%; Dow Jones +0,79%
             Voila.fr - 31 jan 2007
             Le Groupe n'a pas dévoilé ses bénéfices hier soir, attendant la finalisation des enquêtes en cours sur les stock options. Boeing (+4%). ...
FR   35 - EMME : Résultats semestriels 2006/2007. Un se...
             Zonebourse.com - 31 jan 2007
             ... moins favorable qu’au cours du 1er semestre 2005/2006 et de l’impact de la provision relative aux coûts des stock options et des actions gratuites. ...
FR   36 - Wall Street : incertitude avant la Fed ; PIB en forte croissance
             Boursier.com - 31 jan 2007
             Le Groupe n'a pas dévoilé ses bénéfices hier soir, attendant la finalisation des enquêtes en cours sur les stock options. Boeing (+4%). ...
FR   37 - ATMEL CORPORATION : Comité de Listing du NASDAQ
             Invest Valley - 31 jan 2007
             ... du 9 février 2007 afin de finaliser d'une part l'enquête indépendante en cours concernant les conditions d'attribution des stock options et d'autre part ...
FR   38 - Le débat sur les primes de départ des patrons relancé
             Le Monde - 31 jan 2007
             A ces "parachutes dorés", il faut souvent ajouter les "retraites chapeau" et de nombreuses stock-options. Ces "parachutes dorés" sont de plus en plus ...
FR   39 - Le salaire des patrons est-il "juste" ?, par Daniel Cohen
             Le Monde - 31 jan 2007
             Pour moitié il s'agit de salaires, pour moitié de stock-options encaissées au cours de l'année, lesquelles expliquent quelques pointes au-dessus de 200 ...
CO   40 - La oposición colombiana le apunta al TLC con EE.UU.
             ADN Mundo – 31 Ene 2007
             ... y que se le dé cumplimiento a lo acordado en diciembre sobre la eliminación de la intermediación laboral que hacen las cooperativas de trabajo asociado.
ES   41 - ¿Cuánto ganará Santander en 2006?
             Bolsamania.com – 31 Ene 2007
             ... de Chile e Intesa San Paolo (2.457 millones €) y restando los gastos extraordinarios de prejubilaciones, impuestos y ‘stock options’ (1.180 millones €). ...
DE   42 - CNET meldet Gewinneinbruch,
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 31. Jan. 2007
             Dabei enthält das Ergebnis Sondereffekte aus Stock-Options und dem Wiederaufrollen der Abschlüsse von 2003 bis 2005 in Höhe von 6,5 Mio. Dollar. ...
AT   43 - Telekom Austria will eigene Aktien einstampfen
             Boerse-express.com - 31. Jan. 2007
             Das ist insofern neu, als sich die Telekom Austria bei der Genehmigung des Programms sämtliche Wahlmöglichkeiten - Bedienung von Stock Options, ...
IT   44 - I piloti dell'Anpac contrari ad ingresso nel capitale Alitalia (2)
             TTG Italia – 31 gen 2007
             I piloti ribadiscono il loro rifiuto ad entrare nel capitale, sostenendo come l'azionariato dei dipendenti sia stato già sperimentato nel passato "con esiti ...
             ANSA – 31 gen 2007
             ''E' una cosa che l'Anpac non farebbe mai, l'esperienza dell' azionariato ai dipendenti si e' gia' chiusa ed e' stata negativa''.(ANSA). BRB.
IT   46 - Confcooperative verso l'assemblea annuale
             EmiliaNet – 31 gen 2007
             ... delle cooperative di lavoro e servizi (oltre 210 strutture con 17.000 soci e 9.500 dipendenti) in calendario il 15 febbraio insieme all’assemblea delle ...
UK   47 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Bradford Telegraph, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
ZA   48 - AGL - Anglo American Plc - Employee share ownership plan
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 30, 2007
             ANAAL AGL - Anglo American Plc - Employee share ownership plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 Share ...
US   49 - Alion Awarded $20M Office of Naval Research Contract
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 30, 2007
             Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
UK   50 - Press Release: Channel Intelligence plans 100% increase in ...
             E-consultancy (press release), UK - Jan 30, 2007
             For example, every new hire becomes an employee/owner, we offer 100 percent paid medical for employees and their families, and each employee has their own ...
US   51 - Yardville National Bancorp Announces Fourth Quarter and 2006 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             ... 10000 10000 Federal Home Loan Bank advances 324000 704000 Subordinated debentures 62892 62892 Obligation for Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) 1688 ...
US   52 - Yardville National Bancorp Announces Fourth Quarter and 2006 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             ... 10000 10000 Federal Home Loan Bank advances 324000 704000 Subordinated debentures 62892 62892 Obligation for Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) 1688 ...
US   53 - Yardville National Bancorp Announces Fourth Quarter and 2006 Results
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             ... 10000 10000 Federal Home Loan Bank advances 324000 704000 Subordinated debentures 62892 62892 Obligation for Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) 1688 ...
US   54 - Investors Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Results
             MSN Money - Jan 30, 2007
             ... 2006, respectively 532 532 Additional paid-in capital 526383 524962 Unallocated common stock held by the employee stock ownership plan (39705) (40414) ...
US   55 - Investors Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Results
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             ... 2006, respectively 532 532 Additional paid-in capital 526383 524962 Unallocated common stock held by the employee stock ownership plan (39705) (40414) ...
US   56 - Investors Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             ... 2006, respectively 532 532 Additional paid-in capital 526383 524962 Unallocated common stock held by the employee stock ownership plan (39705) (40414) ...
US   57 - Berkshire Hills Bancorp Reports 11% Increase in Annual Core Income ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 30, 2007
             Net income in 2005 was affected by non-core charges of $8.8 million related to the termination of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"), ...
US   58 - Genentech vendor draws union action
             San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Jan 30, 2007
             He said the union failed to note that the company is 93 percent employee-owned and its employee stock ownership plan, begun in 1988 and the 20th largest in ...
IN   59 - Engineering gains
             Daily News & Analysis, India - Jan 30, 2007
             Some of this was offset by a 29% rise in staff expenses to Rs 302.8 crore, led by a 23% rise in manpower strength, wage hikes and ESOP expenses. ...
IN   60 - United Phosphorus` board approves ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 30, 2007
             The board has also approved the scheme of employee`s stock option (ESOP), subject to the consent of the shareholders at the forthcoming general meeting. ...
US   61 - Provident New York Bancorp Announces Quarterly Earnings of $4.6 ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 30, 2007
             The Company maintains two ESOP loans, which release a total of 188000 shares per year. The Company's first ESOP loan will be paid off as of December 31, ...
US   62 - Magic Software Strengthens Board of Directors with New Appointments
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             Mr. Efrat is the founder and a member of the Board of Directors of ESOP-Excellence Trust Company. Mr. Efrat is a Certified Licensed Public Accountant and ...
IN   63 - Wipro to allot equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 30, 2007
             Wipro (Q, N,C,F)* has announced that it has resolved to issue and allot 152861 equity shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of stock options by the ...
UK   64 - US open: Retail cheer lifts Dow
             ShareCast, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             Apple also came under pressure on reports that Federal investigators are looking into share options awarded to chief executive Steve Jobs. ...
US   65 - EMI unveils management shake-up, warns on profits UPDATE
             Forbes, NY - Jan 30, 2007
             In addition he has share options worth just over 4 mln stg at the current share price. EMI, whose artists include Robbie Williams and Coldplay, ...
US   66 - Digicel Achieved More Than 100% Subscriber Growth in 2006
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             ... and South and Central America, Digicel reached a 3000-employee milestone and introduced the one-of-its-kind company-wide employee share option program, ...
CA   67 - Attention Business/Financial Editors:
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 30, 2007
             ... the Ubiquity Software Corporation Limited US Employee Share Option Plan; and (xi) the Ubiquity Software Corporation Share Savings Plan Ubiquity Shares ...
ZA   68 - ARL - Astral Foods Limited - Dealing In Shares By A Director
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 30, 2007
             ... January 2007 Nature of transaction: Sale of shares in terms of employee share option scheme Date Options granted: 17 April 2001 Option Exercise price: ...
UK   69 - Investing in China
             Financial Times, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             The US company, with 4000 staff on the mainland, is putting the finishing touches on a plan to offer share options to all employees in the mainland cafés ...
UK   70 - Applied Micro Circuits posts 3Q loss
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             By : Agencies. SUNNYVALE, Calif. (AFX) - Communications chip maker Applied Micro Circuits Corp. posted a fiscal third-quarter loss on Tuesday, ...
US   71 - Investors Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Results
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 30, 2007
             During the current quarter, the Company issued 1666959 shares of restricted stock and 4447401 share options representing 73% and 78%, respectively, ...
             What Investment, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             This section asks whether you received any taxable income from securities options, share options, shares or share related benefits in the tax year 2004/05. ...
TH   73 - Secrets to a trouble-free, anti-graft constitution
             Nation Multimedia, Thailand - Jan 30, 2007
             We wouldn't want an eternal debate on why they taxed me blind just because I "exercised" the share options given by my company, while the dizzying transfers ...
FI   74 - Teleste Oyj: Financial statement of teleste corporation 1 january ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Jan 30, 2007
             ... payments 1 017 1 017 Used share options 20 141 161 Exchange differences -5 -5 Equity 31.12.2006 6 955 1 417 65 29 224 37 661 BUSINESS SEGMENTS 2006, ...
ZA   75 - New Clicks under options fire
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 30, 2007
             Group CEO David Kneale, for instance, owns just 100 000 shares (just a tiny fraction of 1%) in the group and no share options. ...
IN   76 - ITC net rises 33.6% in Dec`06 qtr
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 30, 2007
             In December 2006, the company issued and allotted 2817390 ordinary shares of Re 1 each under the ITC Employee Stock Option Scheme. ...
TH   77 - LH Bank planning IPO by 2009
             Bangkok Post, Thailand - Jan 30, 2007
             ''After that, we will look to raise capital to five billion baht through an employee stock-option plan and private placements, with an IPO scheduled for ...
US   78 - Siliconware Precision Industries Reports 0.4% Revenues Sequential ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             ... from the exercise of employee stock option /other charges 12065 393552 321484 Net cash provided from financing activities (190272) (6206677) (5468006) ...
US   79 - Lake Shore Bancorp, Inc. Reports Results for the Fourth Quarter ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 30, 2007
             ... recorded for the employee stock option plan, and the stock options and restricted stock awards granted to directors and officers on November 15, 2006. ...
CA   80 - Attention Business/Financial Editors:
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 30, 2007
             ... before net change in non-cash working capital balances, and $1.7 million in the issuance of capital stock from the exercise of employee stock options. ...
CA   81 - Celestica announces fourth quarter and 2006 fiscal year end ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 30, 2007
             For awards granted in 2002, we have disclosed the pro forma earnings and per share information as if we had accounted for employee stock options under the ...
US   82 - Tenneco Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2006 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             Fourth quarter 2006 EBIT includes expenses of $3 million for restructuring, $2 million for an accounting charge for employee stock options and a $3 million ...
US   83 - CE Franklin Ltd. announces Net Income of $5.4 million or $0.29 per ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 30, 2007
             ... before net change in non-cash working capital balances, and $1.7 million in the issuance of capital stock from the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US   84 - Omnicell Announces Fourth Quarter 2006 Financial Results
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 30, 2007
             ... which represent the fair value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, as required under SFAS No. ...
US   85 - SMIC Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             ... of short-term debt (5000000) (149000934) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 1319483 990365 Repurchase of restricted ordinary shares (7922) ...
US   86 - SEC gives first approval to market-based method for options values
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 30, 2007
             Companies can now have the market tell them what their (employee stock options) are worth.” The SEC did attach some conditions to its approval of the ...
US   87 - Kyphon Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2006 Financial Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             FAS 123(R) requires the company to estimate the cost of all forms of employee stock-based compensation, including employee stock options and awards under ...
US   88 - Harris Corporation Second Quarter Revenue Increases 21%; GAAP Net ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             ... Financing Activities Proceeds from borrowings 11.0 321.1 Repayment of borrowings (12.9) (23.0) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 9.4 17.3 ...
UK   89 - SEC OKs Zions method for valuing options
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             The problem, Zions said, is there are key differences in mechanics and timing between employee stock options and publicly traded options. ...
US   90 - Tenneco Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2006 Results
             Autochannel (press release) - Jan 30, 2007
             Fourth quarter 2006 EBIT includes expenses of $3 million for restructuring, $2 million for an accounting charge for employee stock options and a $3 million ...
US   91 - Corinthian's profits plunge
             OCRegister, CA - Jan 30, 2007
             ... $3.5 million in legal expenses related to its investigation of employee stock options and $4 million in increased litigation reserves. ...
FR   92 - Stock options trouble drags down CNet profit by 70 percent
             International Herald Tribune, France - Jan 30, 2007
             ... internal investigation that uncovered mishandling of past employee stock options — a practice that has come back to haunt dozens of other US companies. ...
US   93 - Zions Bancorporation Receives SEC Clearance for Market-Based ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             ... security is the best way to obtain the fair market value of employee stock options," said W. David Hemingway, executive vice president at Zions. ...
US   94 - CNet absorbs millions in losses
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Jan 30, 2007
             ... rampant mishandling of past employee stock options -- a shady practice that has come back to haunt dozens of other companies across the country. ...
US   95 - Black & Decker Reports $1.38 Earnings Per Share From Continuing ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 30, 2007
             123R requires the Corporation to expense share-based payments, including employee stock options, based on their fair value. SFAS No. ...
SE   96 - [ skyscraper, skyscraper ad, skyscraper banner ]
             Internet Ad Sales (press release), Sweden - Jan 30, 2007
             Equity plan-related compensation expenses represent the fair value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, ...
US   97 - Juniper Bulls Await Red Cape
             TheStreet.com - Jan 30, 2007
             And of course a little accounting matter related to employee stock options created a distraction. By August, the stock hit a three-year low as many ...
IN   98 - Wipro to allot equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 30, 2007
             ... shares of Rs 2 each pursuant to exercise of stock options by the eligible employees under the Wipro employee stock options plans ie, WESOP 2000 plan. ...
US   99 - Stock-option scandal hammers CNet's earnings
             Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Jan 30, 2007
             ... would have been higher if not for a $6.5 million bill for an internal investigation that uncovered rampant mishandling of past employee stock options. ...
UK   100 - SEC stock options ruling
             Financial News Online US, UK - Jan 30, 2007
             The Securities and Exchange Commission for the first time has blessed a method for valuing employee stock options that relies on market forces rather than ...
FR   101 - Le Club de l'épargne salariale fait le point sur les retraites
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 30 jan 2007
             Pour son premier atelier de l'année, le Club de l'épargne salariale s'est penché sur la question délicate des retraites. A cet effet, Henri Alline, ...
FR   102 - Le Comité de Listing du NASDAQ accorde un sursis à Atmel ...
             newsinvest.fr - 30 jan 2007
             ... du 9 février 2007 afin de finaliser d'une part l'enquête indépendante en cours concernant les conditions d'attribution des stock options et d'autre part ...
FR   103 - Trop de Minc tue le Minc
             Libération - 30 jan 2007
             Il s'est prononcé contre la possibilité pour Zacharias de toucher ses stock-options. Il a approuvé le départ d'Alain Dinin et, surtout, il a voté en faveur ...
FR   104 - Colgate Palmolive: le quatrième trimestre sauve l'année
             La Tribune.fr - 30 jan 2007
             Le bénéfice 2006 a aussi été grevé par des dépenses de 48 millions (9 cents par action) pour la prise en compte des stock-options maison, mais a gagné 38 ...
FR   105 - 3M a publié des résultats trimestriels décevants
             Boursorama - 30 jan 2007
             ... y compris un produit de 0,60 à 0,70 dollar lié à la cession des activités pharmaceutiques en Europe et une charge de 0,21 dollar liée aux stock-options. ...
FR   106 - Ubisoft : 5ème séance de hausse
             Boursier.com - 30 jan 2007
             La société a revu également à la hausse son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options, qui devrait ainsi se situer aux environs de 4% du ...
ES   107 - "Un impulso al colectivo autónomo"
             El País (España) - 30 Ene 2007
             Incluso fija como objetivo básico incentivar especialmente a la pequeña empresa, la economía social -donde se enmarcan cooperativas y sociedades laborales- ...
ES   108 - La iglesia en el mundo del trabajo una pastoral imprescindible
             Revista Ecclesia - 30 Ene 2007
             Una pastoral de la Iglesia y desde la Iglesia para una sociedad laboral globalizada. Benedicto XVI, en su primer mensaje a los cardenales dijo: tenemos una ...
CO   109 - - “La idea no es acabar las CTA sino encausarlas”
             La Vanguardia Liberal - 30 Ene 2007
             Una revisión al decreto que reglamenta la operación de las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, CTA, pidieron cerca de 50 representantes de cooperativas a ...
AR   110 - Katz se reunió con fileteros y envasadoras
             AbiertaTV - 30 Ene 2007
             El intendente, Daniel Katz, visitó la planta frigorífica San Remo, de la cooperativa de trabajo "Industrial Coop", recorrió la planta, conoció detalles del ...
ES   111 - Ferrovial destina el 0,11% del capital a ‘stock options’
             Bolsamania.com - 30 Ene 2007
             ... a la CNMV la aprobación de un plan retributivo para 1.100 directivos que destina el 0,11% del capital social de la compañía a ‘stock options’. ...
ES   112 - En España esta mañana...
             Bolsamania.com - 30 Ene 2007
             (BMS) - Ferrovial destina el 0,11% del capital a ‘stock options’... [+]. (BMS) - El secretario consejero de Ferrovial vende 109 acciones a 73,5 euros... [+] ...
DE   113 - Senat bewegt sich im Streit über Privatisierung der HHLA
             Die Welt - 30. Jan. 2007
             Es gäbe aber die Bereitschaft zu Gesprächen über die Konditionen eines Börsenganges, bei denen auch die Möglichkeiten der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung erörtert ...
DE   114 - Bürgermeister in Sorge um Airbus-Standorte
             Die Welt - 30. Jan. 2007
             Nach Informationen von WELT.de hat Ole von Beust mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel telefoniert, um über eine Strategie zur Erhaltung deutscher ...
DE   115 - Deutschland: Unterredung der Bischöfe mit Vertretern der SPD
             Zenit - 30. Jan. 2007
             Ausdrücklich begrüßten die Bischöfe, dass eine schon frühe kirchliche Forderung, Modelle der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg einzuführen, ...
DE   116 - Gemeinsame Presseerklärung über das Gespräch zwischen dem ...
             Pressrelations (Pressemitteilung) - 30. Jan. 2007
             Ausdrücklich begrüßten die Bischöfe, dass eine schon frühe kirchliche Forderung, Modelle der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg einzuführen, ...
IT   117 - Il Tfr spiegato alle cooperative
              Libertà - 30 gen 2007
             ... senza fini di lucro, costituita dalle centrali cooperative e dai sindacati e riservata ai lavoratori, soci e dipendenti, delle cooperative di lavoro. ...
BR   118 - A culpa é dos escritores, também
             Digestivo cultural - 30 Jan 2007
             a formarmos uma cooperativa de trabalho. É possível conseguir publicar, divulgar, vender e ganhar algum dinheiro com isso. Como escritor (inédito) e editor ...
FR   119 - United States The employee stock-ownership plan : a way to save ...
             Seniorscopie.com, France - Jan 29, 2007
             ... million of the value of the company in cash without incurring a big tax bill, thanks to federal tax incentives designed to encourage employee ownership. ...
US   120 - A failure to understand
             Northwest Herald, IL - Jan 29, 2007
             Because they said employee ownership is the greatest idea since sliced bread. Oh, but forgive me, I will receive $347.92 a month after 29 years of service ...
LK   121 - Central Bank of Sri Lanka
             Lanka Business Online, Sri Lanka - Jan 29, 2007
             The Ceylinco group, owns 19 percent of its voting sahres, while several employee share ownership trusts of Seylan hold 27 percent of its voting equity, ...
US   122 - Safran shareholders to file complaint over accounting anomalies ...
             Forbes, NY - Jan 29, 2007
             PARIS (AFX) - Employee shareholders at Safran are to lodge a complaint with the AMF accusing board chairman Jean-Paul Bechat of providing inaccurate and ...
UK   123 - Safran shareholders to file complaint over accounting anomalies ...
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 29, 2007
             PARIS (AFX) - Employee shareholders at Safran are to lodge a complaint with the AMF accusing board chairman Jean-Paul Bechat of providing inaccurate and ...
US   124 - Verizon's 4Q 2006 Results Cap Strong Year of Organic Growth in ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (1871) (353) (1518) Deferred compensation - employee stock ownership plans and other 191 265 (74) Total shareowners' investment 48001 39680 8321 ...
KR   125 - [Promising IT Enterprise In 2007 by Electronic Times](1) 'Homecast ...
             Etnews, South Korea - Jan 29, 2007
             Recently, Mr. Lee secured 15.8% (1724880 shares) with the board of directors and also with 5.6% (610610 shares) of employee stock ownership association, ...
US   126 - Chicopee Bancorp, Inc. Reports Year End Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 29, 2007
             ... 2005, resulting from net proceeds of $67.0 million (including the contribution to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan) from the Company’s stock offering ...
US   127 - How 10 Companies Achieved Business Success Because of - Not in ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 29, 2007
             ITAGroup credits its employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) with helping the company achieve record performance in 2006--including record sales, ...
US   128 - Hooker Furniture Discontinues Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             Furniture World Magazine (press release) - Jan 29, 2007
             ... new business model, Hooker Furniture announced it has terminated the Company’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the “ESOP”) effective January 26, 2007. ...
US   129 - Hooker Furniture (HOFT) Terminates Company's Employee Stock ...
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Jan 29, 2007
             ... new business model, Hooker Furniture (NASDAQ: HOFT) announced it has terminated the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan effective January 26, 2007. ...
US   130 - Hooker Furniture scraps employee stock plan
             Reuters - Jan 29, 2007
             ... manufacturer that supplies home furnishings to retailers, said on Monday that it had halted its employee stock ownership plan in a move to cut costs. ...
US   131 - Hooker Furniture Discontinues Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 29, 2007
             ... Hooker Furniture (NASDAQ-CM: HOFT) today announced it has terminated the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP") effective January 26, ...
US   132 - Hooker Furniture Discontinues Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 29, 2007
             ... Hooker Furniture (NASDAQ-CM: HOFT) today announced it has terminated the Company’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the “ESOP”) effective January 26, ...
US   133 - How 10 Companies Achieved Business Success Because of – Not in ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 29, 2007
             ITAGroup credits its employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) with helping the company achieve record performance in 2006—including record sales, ...
US   134 - Verizon's 4Q 2006 Results Cap Strong Year of Organic Growth in ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (1871) (353) (1518) Deferred compensation - employee stock ownership plans and other 191 265 (74) Total shareowners' investment 48001 39680 8321 ...
US   135 - Verizon's 4Q 2006 Results Cap Strong Year of Organic Growth in ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (1871) (353) (1518) Deferred compensation - employee stock ownership plans and other 191 265 (74) Total shareowners' investment 48001 39680 8321 ...
US   136 - Verizon's 4Q 2006 Results Cap Strong Year of Organic Growth in ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (1871) (353) (1518) Deferred compensation - employee stock ownership plans and other 191 265 (74) Total shareowners' investment 48001 39680 8321 ...
US   137 - Verizon's 4Q 2006 Results Cap Strong Year of Organic Growth in ...
             MSN Money - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (1871) (353) (1518) Deferred compensation - employee stock ownership plans and other 191 265 (74) Total shareowners' investment 48001 39680 8321 ...
US   138 - Buy These Stocks While They're New
             Morningstar.com, IL - Jan 29, 2007
             One of the reasons SAIC chose to go public was to create liquidity for employee stockholders. Employees have long received equity in the firm based on ...
US   139 - American Capital Acquires Equity Interest in Explorer Pipeline Company
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 29, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US   140 - Superior Bancorp Earnings Increase 50% as Community Merger Completed
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (716) (341) Unearned ESOP stock (2086) (1543) Unearned restricted stock - Total stockholders' equity 275650 105065 Total liabilities and ...
US   141 - Hooker ends employee stock program
             Winston-Salem Journal (subscription), NC - Jan 29, 2007
             "Our decision to discontinue the ESOP was primarily based on the fundamental change in our company's business model over the last few years," Toms said in a ...
US   142 - Provident New York Bancorp Announces Quarterly Earnings of $4.6 ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 29, 2007
             The Company maintains two ESOP loans, which release a total of 188000 shares per year. The Company's first ESOP loan will be paid off as of December 31, ...
US   143 - Georgetown Bancorp, Inc. Reports Results for Quarter Ended ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (78000 shares at December 31, 2006) (751) - Unearned compensation - ESOP (696) (737) —————— —————— Total stockholders' equity 17960 18659 ...
UK   144 - Hooker to end employee stock program
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 29, 2007
             MARTINSVILLE, Va. (AFX) - Hooker Furniture Corp. on Monday said it stopped its stock-based retirement plan because the costs got prohibitive as the company ...
IN   145 - Subex Azure consolidated net up 65% in Dec`06 qtr
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 29, 2007
             The company has granted 1,53300 options under its ESOP 2005 during the quarter ended Dec 31, 2006. Recently, the company has signed a share purchase ...
UK   146 - Hooker to end employee stock program
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 29, 2007
             By : Agencies. MARTINSVILLE, Va. (AFX) - Hooker Furniture Corp. on Monday said it stopped its stock-based retirement plan because the costs got prohibitive ...
US   147 - Hooker to End Employee Stock Program
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Jan 29, 2007
             © 2007 AP. MARTINSVILLE, Va. — Hooker Furniture Corp. on Monday said it stopped its stock-based retirement plan because the costs got prohibitive as the ...
US   148 - Hooker to End Employee Stock Program
             Forbes, NY - Jan 29, 2007
             AP 01.29.07, 9:40 AM ET. Hooker Furniture Corp. on Monday said it stopped its stock-based retirement plan because the costs got prohibitive as the company ...
US   149 - Superior Bancorp Earnings Increase 50% as Community Merger Completed
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 29, 2007
             ... at cost (716) (341) Unearned ESOP stock (2086) (1543) Unearned restricted stock - Total stockholders' equity 275650 105065 Total liabilities and ...
IN   150 - Divi`s Laboratories Ltd (Q3 FY07): HOLD - Investment Update
             India Infoline.com, India - Jan 29, 2007
             Operating profit margin (OPM) remained flat for the quarter at 28.4% due to higher contribution from low margin generic API and ESOP charges of Rs60mn for ...
IN   151 - TV18 doubles revenues from Internet properties
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Jan 29, 2007
             Its Q3 consolidated PAT pre ESOP was at Rs 19.32 crore versus Rs 16.04 crore, QoQ. Its Q3 operating revenue was up at Rs 64.8 crore versus Rs 53 crore, QoQ. ...
ZA   152 - AFB - Alexander Forbes - Dealing in Securities
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 29, 2007
             OPTION GRANT DATE: 01 April 1999, 01 September 1999, 01 April 2002 VESTING PERIOD OF SHARE OPTIONS: Options vest over five years, at 25% per annum, ...
VN   153 - Dividends should be paid in shares, not cash: investor group
             Vietnam Economic Times, Vietnam - Jan 29, 2007
             ... planned to issue a 38 per cent dividend, 8 per cent of which would be issued in cash while the remaining 30 per cent would be through share options. ...
IN   154 - INOX Leisure grants stock option under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 29, 2007
             INOX Leisure (Q, N,C,F)* has announced that it has granted stock option under ILL - employee stock option scheme 2006 (ESOS) adopted at the extra ordinary ...
US   155 - Getty Images Reports Preliminary Financial Results for the Fourth ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 29, 2007
             ... 9519 Employee stock-based compensation 15068 1269 Reduction of income taxes paid due to the tax benefit from employee stock option exercises 8342 65034 ...
US   156 - US Xpress Enterprises, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter Results and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 29, 2007
             The repurchased shares will be held as treasury stock and may be used for issuances under the Company's employee stock option plan or for other general ...
IN   157 - Jhaveri Flexo Board declares 16% interim dividend
             Equity Bulls, India - Jan 29, 2007
             Constituted Compensation Committee to formulate Employee Stock Option Scheme for its employees and directors of the Company. ...
US   158 - Mobius Announces Expanded Alliance with Microsoft
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 29, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
US   159 - Stock options mess drags down CNet's 4Q profit
             The Ledger, FL - Jan 29, 2007
             ... rampant mishandling of past employee stock options - a shady practice that has come back to haunt dozens of other companies across the country. ...
US   160 - Majesco Entertainment Company Announces Fourth Quarter and Year ...
             MSN Money - Jan 29, 2007
             ... which exclude equity-based compensation related to employee stock options, to allow for a better comparison of results in the current period to those in ...
US   161 - Actuate Reports Record Fiscal 2006 Revenues and Earnings
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 29, 2007
             Equity plan-related compensation expenses represent the fair value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, ...
US   162 - IndyMac's loan volume up, profit margins down
             Inman.com (subscription), CA - Jan 29, 2007
             But earnings per share were down 8 percent to 97 cents per share after adjustments to reflect employee stock options exercised. ...
US   163 - QLogic Executives to Present at Thomas Weisel Partners Technology ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 29, 2007
              ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US   164 - Mobius Announces Expanded Alliance with Microsoft
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 29, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
FR   165 - BNP Paribas Epargne et Retraite Entreprises lance AMPLISSIM PEE ...
             Edubourse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 29 jan 2007
             ... acteur français à avoir mis en place, depuis 2003, une approche globale de l'épargne salariale, de l'actionnariat salarié, et de l'assurance retraite. ...
FR   166 - Safran : Des actionnaires réclament le départ de Béchat
             Trading Sat - 29 jan 2007
             (Tradingsat.com) - On apprend ce matin dans La Tribune que des actionnaires salariés du groupe Safran prévoient de déposer une plainte auprès de l'AMF et de ...
FR   167 - Emploi & Carrière Salaire des cadres
             Kompass.ma - 29 jan 2007
             En tout cas, la distribution de stock-options est encore une pratique rare dans l’entreprise marocaine. Dans l’enquête L’Economiste/Sunergia, on en retrouve ...
FR   168 - Attractivité de la France: Villepin fait le point sur les actions ...
             La Tribune.fr - 29 jan 2007
             De même, les stock-options qui leur ont été attribuées avant leur arrivée en France bénéficient d'un régime de non double-imposition. ...
AR   169 - Preocupa la falta de materia prima en plantas de pescados
             La Capital Mar del Plata - 29 Ene 2007
             El intendente, Daniel Katz, visitó la planta frigorífica San Remo, de la cooperativa de trabajo "Industrial Coop", recorrió la planta, conoció detalles del ...
AR   170 - Cooperativa de trabajo reclama pagos a Nación
             Misiones OnLine - 29 Ene 2007
             Integrantes de la Cooperativa de trabajo “El Compromiso” de esa ciudad, se reunieron ayer con el secretario de Desarrollo Humano Jorge Motta, ...
CO   171 - Anuncian sanciones a la intermediación laboral
             La Vanguardia Liberal - 29 Ene 2007
             A mitad de año, el Gobierno pasará revista a la forma como operan las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, CTA, en Santander y en todo el país. ...
AR   172 - Firman convenio para hacer 40 viviendas en San Lorenzo
             La Capital (Rosario) - 29 Ene 2007
             Mediante un convenio celebrado con la Municipalidad de esta ciudad cinco cooperativas de trabajo, conformada por beneficiarios de planes sociales, ...
CO   173 - El TLC: en la mira de la oposición
             Portafolio - 29 Ene 2007
             ... y que se le dé cumplimiento a lo acordado en diciembre sobre la eliminación de la intermediación laboral que hacen las cooperativas de trabajo asociado.
             Totana.com (Comunicados de prensa) - 29 Ene 2007
             ... que fue organizado por la Unión de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado de la Región de Murcia (Ucomur) y la colaboración del SEF y el Consistorio totanero. ...
AR   175 - Agresión contra un taxista que paró en la terminal de ómnibus
             La Capital (Rosario) - 29 Ene 2007
             Cabe recordar que en la terminal, unos 60 tacheros que integran la Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Taxis Mariano Moreno Limitada se adjudican la exclusividad ...
DE   176 - Bioweine aus fairem Handel
             Echo-online - 29. Jan. 2007
             Die Mehrheit der vorgestellten Weine wird vom Familienbetrieb Stellar Winery in Südafrika produziert, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, Bildungsmaßnahmen und ...
DE   177 - CNET meldet Gewinneinbruch, Umsatzerlöse
             AktienCheck - 29. Jan. 2007
             Dabei enthält das Ergebnis Sondereffekte aus Stock-Options und dem Wiederaufrollen der Abschlüsse von 2003 bis 2005 in Höhe von 6,5 Mio. Dollar. ...
DE   178 - CNET meldet Gewinneinbruch, Umsatzerlöse legen zu
             OptionsscheineCheck - 29. Jan. 2007
             Dabei enthält das Ergebnis Sondereffekte aus Stock-Options und dem Wiederaufrollen der Abschlüsse von 2003 bis 2005 in Höhe von 6,5 Mio. Dollar. ...
DE   179 - CNET meldet Gewinneinbruch, Umsatzerlöse legen zu
             FinanzNachrichten.de - 29. Jan. 2007
             Dabei enthält das Ergebnis Sondereffekte aus Stock-Options und dem Wiederaufrollen der Abschlüsse von 2003 bis 2005 in Höhe von 6,5 Mio. Dollar. ...
IT   180 - Il TFR di Cimoli
             Aprile Online - 29 gen 2007
             ... lo scandalo delle stock options dei supermanagers se poi si rimane inerti di fronte a un qualsiasi CdA che legifera a vantaggio di se steso e dei suoi ...
BR   181 - Cursos incentivam a profissionalização de pequenas
             Administradores - 29 Jan 2007
             ... foram fundamentais para que um grupo de trabalhadores do Jardim Silvina e vizinhanças criasse, em 2002, uma cooperativa de trabalho na construção civil. ...
PT   182 - Bónus duplicam salários dos CEO portugueses
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 29 Jan 2007
             ... banca nacional para reduzir os planos associados à atribuição de "stock options", substituindo-os pelos chamados planos de "performance related shares". ...
PT   183 - Líderes da banca recebem prémios milionários
             Portugal Diário - 29 Jan 2007
             «A tendência que se tem assistido em Portugal é uma redução dos planos associados às stock options, que estão a ser substituídos por planos associados às ...
US   184 - RS Investments Honored with Customer Service Award for Third ...
             dBusinessNews San Francisco (press release), CA - Jan 28, 2007
             Today RS is an independent subsidiary of Guardian Investor Services LLC and retains substantial employee ownership. The firm manages approximately $16 ...
US   185 - Fredrica Thorne Passes Away
             QSR magazine, NC - Jan 28, 2007
             She also sat on the Board of Directors for the National Center for Employee Ownership and HDOS Enterprises. Additionally, she held memberships with several ...
US   186 - A failure to understand
             Northwest Herald, IL - Jan 28, 2007
             Because they said employee ownership is the greatest idea since sliced bread. Oh, but forgive me, I will receive $347.92 a month after 29 years of service ...
ZA   187 - AGL - Anglo American - Employee Share Ownership Plan
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 28, 2007
             ANAAL AGL - Anglo American - Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 Share code: ...
US   188 - Ranpak Corporation to Expand to Kansas City Facility
             Kansas City infoZine, MO - Jan 28, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
ZA   189 - What you lose if you resign
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Jan 28, 2007
             He adds that companies traditionally dished out share options in order to retain or lock in key staff, providing a form of “golden handcuffs”. ...
UK   190 - Goodwin to miss bonus as RBS shares fail to perform
             Scotsman, UK - Jan 28, 2007
             Goodwin, who was paid £2.9m in 2005, is still expected to receive an annual bonus and share options after RBS is expected to report record pre-tax profits ...
US   191 - Hans Schultz: Competition for workers should be fierce in 2007
             Appleton Post Crescent, WI - Jan 28, 2007
             Discussions regarding paid time off, vacation, wages, health benefits, flexible work schedules or job share options and training provide attractive ...
TH   192 - Shareholders urged to query Esop plans
             Bangkok Post, Thailand - Jan 28, 2007
             Securities regulators urge investors to take greater interest in shareholder's meetings called to approve employee stock option programmes (Esop). ...
IN   193 - Opportunities for CAs in the capital market
             Hindu Business Line, India - Jan 28, 2007
             While CAs' certification is required for ESOP (employee stock options), preferential issue and so on, representation can be `before the investigative ...
FR   194 - Le coup de Trafalgar caché contre le Code du travail et le ...
             Démocratie et Socialisme - 28 jan 2007
             Fin 2006, c’est dans l’article 35 du « projet de loi pour le développement de la participation et de l’actionnariat salarié » qu’il est demandé au Parlement ...
FR   195 - Safran : la direction visée par une plainte des ex-Sagem
             EasyBourse.com - 28 jan 2007
             (Easybourse.com) Selon le quotidien La Tribune, des actionnaires salariés, dont ceux du Club Sagem, ont prévu de déposer une plainte auprès de l’AMF et de ...
FR   196 - Une semaine à la loupe [Dimanche 19:50]
             Mac Generation - 28 jan 2007
             L’affaire des stock-options irrégulière n’en finit pas de faire couler de l’encre. On apprenait cette semaine que Steve Jobs avait été entendu par une ...
ES   197 - Más de 19.000 trabajadores se beneficiarán de los cursos de ...
             La Crónica (Guadalajara) - 28 Ene 2007
             Para trabajadores de cooperativas o sociedades laborales se han aprobado 82 cursos, que beneficiarán a 875 alumnos en 25 especialidades diferentes (atención ...
ES   198 - Convocatoria de ayuda a mujeres empresarias
             Madrid Digital - 28 Ene 2007
             Podrán ser beneficiarias de las ayudas las empresarias individuales y las socias de cooperativas o de sociedades laborales que realicen su actividad en ...
AR   199 - En un año se crearon cerca de 1.500 cooperativas en la Argentina
             Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 28 Ene 2007
             En el ámbito de la provincia de Buenos Aires funcionan 3.350 cooperativas de trabajo, 634 de vivienda y 545 de servicios.
AR   200 - En un año se crearon cerca de 1.500 cooperativas en la Argentina
             Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 28 Ene 2007
             En el ámbito de la provincia de Buenos Aires, funcionan 3350 cooperativas de trabajo, 634 de vivienda y 545 de servicios. CUADRO: Sigue el crecimiento En ...
AR   201 - Perico: Pusieron en marcha el programa Federal de Viviendas II
             Diario Jujuy - 28 Ene 2007
             ... esta activando la segunda, de manera de darle la continuidad a los trabajos tanto por empresas constructoras como de cooperativas de trabajo, concluyó. ...
AT   202 - „Der 1.Oktober darf uns nicht mehr passieren“
             NÖN Online - 28. Jan. 2007
             Wir haben in diesem Regierungsprogramm die Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung festgeschrieben. Das halte ich für hoch spannend im Sinne einer modernen ...
JM   203 - Digicel reports high Caribbean subscriber growth in 2006
             Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - Jan 27, 2007
             Digicel now employs 3000 people throughout its Caribbean operations and last year introduced a company-wide employee share option programme. ...
UK   204 - Chief of RBS to miss out on £3m
             Times Online, UK - Jan 27, 2007
             Although Goodwin, who was paid £2.9m in 2005, is missing out on the medium-term plan, he is expected to receive an annual bonus and share options. ...
             Indice RH - 27 jan 2007
             ... les employeurs (artisans commerçants et milieu agricole) sur l'embauche, la rupture de contrat, l'épargne salariale et la gestion courante du personnel. ...
ES   206 - CEPES-Extremadura comienza un plan de formación del que se podrán ...
             Extremadura al día - 27 Ene 2007
             Los cursos más demandados por trabajadores de empresas cooperativas y sociedades laborales son Informática e Internet, Calidad EFQM, Salud Laboral y ...
ES   207 - Los puestos de la cooperativa reabren la guerra del mercadillo
             La Voz de Galicia - 27 Ene 2007
             ... de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado sobre las ferias, según se acordó en una reciente reunión de concejales de Mercados celebrada en Pontavedra. ...
AR   208 - » Perico: En marcha el Programa Federal II de viviendas
             Jujuy al día - 27 Ene 2007
             ... suscribieron los convenios respectivos para la ejecución de 100 viviendas en esa comuna y la refacción, por parte de las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR   209 - Los trabajadores de la Cooperativa 25 de Mayo toman sus primeras ...
             Perspectiva Sur - 27 Ene 2007
             Después de seis años de haberse conformado como cooperativa de trabajo, recién este verano el personal de la ex Hidrodinámica Vázquez está logrando un ...
IT   210 - Rimandi / L'Espresso. Romano Prodi: "Così si fa il vero riformismo"
             Agenzia Radicale - 27 gen 2007
             E che si parli con tranquillità di 500 milioni di stock options solo nel corso del 2006? Se sollevo con serenità, ma con chiarezza, questi problemi debbo ...
US   211 - A failure to understand
             Northwest Herald, IL - Jan 26, 2007
             Because they said employee ownership is the greatest idea since sliced bread. Oh, but forgive me, I will receive $347.92 a month after 29 years of service ...
US   212 - RS Investments Honored with Customer Service Award for Third ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 26, 2007
             Today RS is an independent subsidiary of Guardian Investor Services LLC and retains substantial employee ownership. The firm manages approximately $16 ...
US   213 - Wall Street Exhales With Broadcom’s $2.2B Tally
             Orange County Business Journal, CA - Jan 26, 2007
             “As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership,” Spiegel said in a statement. ...
US   214 - Cleco Corporation Declares Regular Common and Preferred Dividends
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 26, 2007
             Dividends were also declared on preferred stock held in the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan. The Company has a dividend reinvestment plan which ...
US   215 - CFS Bancorp, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Year End 2006 ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 26, 2007
             ... be released under the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan totaling $1.8 million; and -- proceeds from stock option exercises totaling $3.3 million. ...
US   216 - Dime Community Bancshares Reports Earnings
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 26, 2007
             ... respectively) 509 506 Additional paid-in capital 206601 204083 Retained earnings 285420 274579 Unallocated common stock of Employee Stock Ownership Plan ...
US   217 - Community Valley Bancorp Reports Earnings for 2006
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 26, 2007
             ... salaries paid to new employees, and increases in compensation costs related to the ESOP as well as depreciation expense on furniture, fixtures, ...
US   218 - American Bancorp of New Jersey, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2007 ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 26, 2007
             Additionally, ESOP costs increased $28000 due to an increase in share value. Finally, the variance also reflects the reversal of $131000 of profit sharing ...
IN   219 - When the game is rigged in favour of the boss
             Financial Express, India - Jan 26, 2007
             The effect cannot be explained simply by the increase in the value of managers’ share options: it also shows up in their base salaries and bonuses, ...
IN   220 - In the money
             Financial Express, India - Jan 26, 2007
             The chief mistake of the past 15 years was the granting of too many share options to too many people on terms that were too generous. ...
NL   221 - Novozymes Reports Satisfactory 2006
             Food Ingredients First (press release), Netherlands - Jan 26, 2007
             Adjusted for a negative effect relating to employee share options, net profit was 8% higher than in 2005. Earnings per share (diluted) were DKK 14.09, ...
UK   222 - Recruitment challenges intensify in 2007
             Management-Issues, UK - Jan 26, 2007
             "Whilst additional benefits such as healthcare, share options and season ticket loans are good incentives, they are unlikely to attract new recruits if ...
CA   223 - Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. - 4th Quarter 2006 Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 26, 2007
             ... to a Normal Course Issuer Bid in the first half of 2006 partially offset by the exercise of employee stock options primarily in the second half of 2006. ...
US   224 - Immunity Issues Tie Brocade Cases Into Knots
             Law.com (subscription), CA - Jan 26, 2007
             Since the SEC and San Francisco US Attorney's Office charged former Brocade executives with backdating employee stock options in July, the case has been a ...
US   225 - Concerns Mount for Amgen Drug
             San Fernando Valley Business Journal Online (subscription), CA - Jan 26, 2007
             The company said the lower results were related to employee stock options and expenses related to three biotech company acquisitions.
US   226 - MicroStrategy Announces Fourth Quarter 2006 Financial Results
              PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 26, 2007
             ... purchase plan and exercise of employee stock options 6094 5703 Excess tax benefits from stock- based payment arrangements 4479 - Purchases of treasury ...
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Jan 26, 2007
             If not for special expenses related to employee stock options and costs associated with three biotech acquisitions, Amgen said Thursday that it would have ...
US   228 - Prineville Bancorporation declares third consecutive record ...
             Bend Weekly, OR - Jan 26, 2007
             Total stockholders’ equity, equity per share, and shares outstanding were increased by the regular exercise of employee stock options and the 5% stock ...
DE   229 - Amgen's Fourth Quarter 2006 Revenue Increased 17% to $3.8 Billion ...
             boerse.de (Pressemitteilung), Germany - Jan 26, 2007
             1, 2006, Amgen began recording expense associated with employee stock options in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123R. ...
CA   230 - Attention Business/Financial Editors:
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 26, 2007
             ... and the 2006 Employee Stock Option Plan and the increase of the number of Common Shares reserved for issuance under the 2006 Employee Stock Option Plan ...
FR   231 - Coup d'envoi à l'introduction en Bourse de l'Olympique Lyonnais
              La Tribune.fr - 26 jan 2007
             S'inscrivant dans le cadre du projet de loi sur la participation et l'épargne salariale, il a ensuite été adopté par le parlement en décembre dernier. ...
FR   232 - Ubisoft : Grimpe de 6% après un CA bien meilleur
             Trading Sat - 26 jan 2007
             Son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options a également été revu à la hausse, aux environs de 4% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
FR   233 - Wall Street dans le rouge
             Journal des Finances - 26 jan 2007
             Le groupe a indiqué qu’il a enregistré des coûts de stock-options s’élevant à un penny par action, sur la période de décembre, et sur des ventes de 8,13 ...
FR   234 - Sarkozy: les heures sup à la carte
             L'Express - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   235 - Nicolas Sarkozy propose des heures supplémentaires négociables
             Le Monde - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   236 - Nicolas Sarkozy propose des heures supplémentaires négociables
             Capital.fr - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   237 - Nicolas Sarkozy propose des heures supplémentaires négociables
             L'Express - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   238 - Nicolas Sarkozy propose des heures supplémentaires négociables
             Boursier.com - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   239 - Nicolas Sarkozy propose des heures supplémentaires négociables
             Reuters.fr - 26 jan 2007
             "Je suis assez tenté d'aller vers une réglementation où les entreprises seraient libres de faire un plan stock-options - ce n'est pas l'Etat qui décide", ...
FR   240 - La mi-séance à Wall Street
             Le Point - 26 jan 2007
             L'éditeur de jeux vidéo a affiché un bénéfice par action, hors coûts liés aux stock-options, de 0,42 dollar, devançant de 0,14 dollar le consensus. ...
FR   241 - Les valeurs à suivre sur les marchés américains
             Euroinvestor - 26 jan 2007
             ... savoir jeudi que sa perte du quatrième trimestre serait plus importante que prévu du fait de charges liées à l'attribution de stock-options antidatées. ...
FR   242 - Wall Street : la hausse avec les commandes de biens durables
             Le Figaro - 26 jan 2007
             KB Home est la cible d’une enquête formelle par la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), au sujet de la politique de distribution de stock-options. ...
ES   243 - CEPES-Extremadura desarrolla un Plan de Formación que beneficiará a
             Región Digital - 26 Ene 2007
             Concretamente, los cursos más demandados por trabajadores de empresas cooperativas y sociedades laborales son Informática e Internet, Calidad EFQM, ...
CL   244 - Estudiantes del Campus Chillán de la UdeC conformarán Cooperativa
             La Discusión - 26 Ene 2007
             En proceso de conformación se encuentra la Cooperativa de Trabajo y Venta de Insumos Varios del Campus Chillán de la Universidad de Concepción, ...
AR   245 - Denuncian un robo de 40 mil pesos de una cooperativa
             Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 26 Ene 2007
             El robo fue descubierta a las 5.50 de hoy, cuando Angel Oscar Amaya ingresó a la Cooperativa de Trabajo Máximo Paz, ubicada en Suiza y Austria de Cañuelas, ...
VE   246 - Cemento Andino continúa respaldo a comunidades regionales
             Diario el Tiempo (Venezuela) - 26 Ene 2007
             ... de las comunidades organizadas, Consejos Comunales y Cooperativas de trabajo, a las cuales están dando un espaldarazo no sólo comercial, sino económico, ...
AR   247 - En marcha programa federal de viviendas
             Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 26 Ene 2007
             ... suscribieron los convenios respectivos para la ejecución de 100 viviendas en esa comuna y la refacción, por parte de las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR   248 - Anuncian construcción de casi 21 mil viviendas en 11 provincias
             Canal 26 - 26 Ene 2007
             ... parte del Plan Federal de Viviendas 1 y 2, que convive con el plan de emergencia habitacional que llevamos adelante con las cooperativas de trabajo". ...
AR   249 - Activision espera unas ventas de récord
             MeriStation - 26 Ene 2007
             Desgraciadamente, el cuarto trimestre fiscal no será tan bueno por la revisión de las stock options y por el retraso de Quake Wars: Enemy Wars al año fiscal ...
AT   250 - Börsegang in Österreich - Teil IV der Börse Express Serie
             Boerse-express.com - 26. Jan. 2007
             Auch die Gewährung von Stock-Options an Führungskräfte kann als Bestandteil eines mittel- bis langfristigen Incentive-Programms im Rahmen des ...
IT   251 - Domenica con Critical Mass in stazione
             Varese News - 26 gen 2007
             L’edicolante si dichiara disponibile a pagare per un nuovo locale; cooperative di lavoro non mancano, per garantire un lavoro a quattro persone almeno. ...
IT   252 - KB Home: in rosso dopo avvio formale inchiesta SEC su stock option
              La Repubblica - 26 gen 2007
             ... dopo aver annucniato che la SEC ha avviato una inchiesta formale sulla società, in merito a irregolarità contabili relative alle stock options. ...
IT   253 - Le Borse si confermano in rosso
             KataWeb News - 26 gen 2007
             ... (+4,34%) mentre è in corso il collocamento ai blocchi di circa 5 milioni di titoli relativi all’esercizio di stock options da parte del management. ...
IT   254 - Management vende ai blocchi 5,67 mln di titoli, ma Piaggio ...
             Milano Finanza - 26 gen 2007
             Sono infatti state vendute questa mattina sul mercato dei blocchi 5,67 milioni di titoli (1,45% del capitale) relativi all'esercizio di stock options al ...
IT   255 - Le Borse si confermano in rosso
             La Repubblica - 26 gen 2007
             ... (+4,34%) mentre è in corso il collocamento ai blocchi di circa 5 milioni di titoli relativi all'esercizio di stock options da parte del management. ...
ZA   256 - Pamodzi's Ntsele recalls Soweto teacher's lesson on Anglo as he ...
             Mining Weekly, South Africa - Jan 25, 2007
             Pamodzi eventually did a 100% buyout ofFoodCorp and involved its 3 500 personnelin an employee share-ownership programme. Workers received R400-million ...
US   257 - CFS Bancorp, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Year End 2006 ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
              ... be released under the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan totaling $1.8 million; and -- proceeds from stock option exercises totaling $3.3 million. ...
US   258 - Chartwell Financial Advisory, LLC and Capital Solutions, Inc. Merge
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 25, 2007
             "Chartwell's extensive experience with business valuation and employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), coupled with Capital Solutions' extensive experience ...
US   259 - TF Financial Corporation Announces 2006 Results and an Increased ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 25, 2007
             ... 189 172 (a) Excludes 171000 and 185000 unallocated employee stock ownership plan shares at December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively. ...
US   260 - Source: Chartwell Capital Solutions, Inc.
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
             "Chartwell's extensive experience with business valuation and employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), coupled with Capital Solutions' extensive experience ...
US   261 - Chartwell Financial Advisory, LLC and Capital Solutions, Inc. Merge
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             "Chartwell's extensive experience with business valuation and employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), coupled with Capital Solutions' extensive experience ...
US   262 - Central Bancorp Announces Employee Stock Ownership Plan Purchase ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 25, 2007
             SOMERVILLE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ Global Market: CEBK) -- Central Bancorp, Inc. announced today that the ESOP sponsored by its subsidiary, ...
US   263 - Astoria Financial Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter EPS of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             (6) Book value per share represents stockholders' equity divided by outstanding shares, excluding unallocated Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP, ...
US   264 - Source: Provident Financial Services, Inc.
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
             ... other comprehensive loss (7125) (8906) Treasury stock at cost (297036) (167113) Unallocated common stock held by Employee Stock Ownership Plan (70480) ...
US   265 - Provident Financial Services, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             ... other comprehensive loss (7125) (8906) Treasury stock at cost (297036) (167113) Unallocated common stock held by Employee Stock Ownership Plan (70480) ...
US   266 - Provident Financial Services, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and ...
             MSN Money - Jan 25, 2007
             ... other comprehensive loss (7125) (8906) Treasury stock at cost (297036) (167113) Unallocated common stock held by Employee Stock Ownership Plan (70480) ...
US   267 - Oritani shares have a huge day
             NorthJersey.com, NJ - Jan 25, 2007
             ... depositors on Tuesday for $10 a share, raising about $120 million for expansion and putting 1.6 million shares into an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   268 - Audit faults Broadcom ex-CEO on option dates
             Baltimore Sun, MD - Jan 25, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   269 - American Capital Invests $255 Million to Support Combination of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US   270 - American Capital Invests in Vision Solutions and iTera Merger
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US   271 - Dow Reports Fourth Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             ... Preferred Securities of Subsidiaries 1000 1000 Stockholders' Equity Common stock 2453 2453 Additional paid-in capital 830 661 Unearned ESOP shares - (1) ...
US   272 - Monroe Bancorp Reports 5.5 Percent Increase in Earnings Per Share ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
             ... of period shares issued and outstanding 6515342 6545342 6639842 Less: Unearned ESOP shares 22300 26125 28050 End of Period Shares Used to Calculate Book ...
US   273 - Astoria Financial Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter EPS of ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 25, 2007
             ... and benefits expense is due to the adoption of SFAS 123R, effective January 1, 2006, the granting of restricted stock and an increase in ESOP expense. ...
US   274 - First Niagara Financial Group Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Full ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
             (2) Excludes unallocated ESOP shares and unvested restricted stock shares. (3) Includes operating results for the banking activities segment as defined in ...
US   275 - Vineyard National Bancorp Reports Record Earnings for the Fourth ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
             (2) Number of shares of common stock outstanding at December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 excludes 245547 and 268487 unreleased and unallocated ESOP ...
US   276 - AMB Financial Announces Quarter Results and Payment of Cash Dividend
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 25, 2007
             In addition, staffing costs declined by $46000, primarily related to ESOP expenses, and professional fees declined by $29000 due, in part, ...
ZA   277 - Executive pay matters
             Business Day, South Africa - Jan 25, 2007
             LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Nick, in the past three schemes predominated - there were vanilla share options, deferred delivery options and finance share purchases ...
UK   278 - RAB Capital expects assets, turnover and profits to double in 2006
             HedgeWeek, UK - Jan 25, 2007
             ... statutory rate mainly due to the effect of allowances against the exercise of employee share options, a factor that is likely to recur in future years. ...
UK   279 - Compass vows to link future rewards to performance
             CatererSearch, UK - Jan 25, 2007
             ... been previously agreed, adding that there was no additional payment when he left and he waived his right to cash in the majority of his share options. ...
CA   280 - Ithaca Energy Issues Stock Options Under Stock Option Plan and ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Jan 25, 2007
             The Company also announces that its Board of Directors has approved the granting of 400000 share options to employees at an exercise price of CAD$2.32. ...
ZA   281 - EOH - EOH Holdings Limited - Dealings in securities by director
              Finance24, South Africa - Jan 25, 2007
             ... Nature of transaction: Exercise of share options and sale of shares Sale price: R6,80 Strike price of share options: R1,29 Date share options granted: 1 ...
SE   282 - Reinfeldt Calm Despite Slump in Polls
             SR International - Radio Sweden, Sweden - Jan 25, 2007
             ... in office and strong criticism of Foreign Minister Carl Bildt for accepting share options from a company he worked for before joining the government. ...
IE   283 - Who are Daiwa?
             Dundalk Argus, Ireland - Jan 25, 2007
             It also shows ‘both sides’ of share options ie statistics and trends that help decide if shares should be bought, sold or held on to. ...
UK   284 - European businesses lose money trying to find the right staff
             Online Recruitment, UK - Jan 25, 2007
             Whilst additional benefits such as healthcare, share options and season ticket loans are good incentives, they are unlikely to attract new recruits if ...
US   285 - CyberSource Announces Fourth Quarter 2006 Financial Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             The total includes $0.7 million in proceeds from employee stock option exercises and excludes $1.3 million in cash used to repurchase 136205 shares of the ...
US   286 - SVB Financial Group Announces 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year End ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             Prior to our adoption of SFAS 123( R ), we were not required to reflect employee stock option and employee stock purchase plan expenses in consolidated net ...
US   287 - Mercury Computer Systems Reports Second Quarter Revenues of $57.9 ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 25, 2007
             ... (used in) investing activities 11978 3012 14215 (26153) Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from employee stock option and purchase plans 586 ...
CA   288 - Shell to boost oilsands fivefold
             National Post, Canada - Jan 25, 2007
             ... period fell to $223-million, from $611-million in the same period in 2005, on lower natural gas prices and a charge for its employee stock option plan. ...
CA   289 - Kimberly-Clark Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006 Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 25, 2007
             ... about net income and earnings per share for 2005 as if the Corporation had applied fair value expense recognition to all employee stock options granted. ...
US   290 - Amgen's 4Q misses Wall Street outlook
             Examiner.com - Jan 25, 2007
             If not for special expenses related to employee stock options and costs associated with three biotech company acquisitions, Amgen said it would have earned ...
US   291 - When Do You Need a Financial Advisor?
             Motley Fool - Jan 25, 2007
             Employee stock options. What are the tax implications of exercising your options? If you're interested in finding a good financial advisor, ...
US   292 - Shares leap 12% on news of strong quarter
             MarketWatch - Jan 25, 2007
             Excluding the costs of employee stock options and other items, eBay said it would have earned 31 cents a share. In October, eBay forecast it would earn ...
US   293 - Covance Reports 4Q EPS of $0.59 & Sixth Consecutive Year of 25 ...
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Jan 25, 2007
             Under SFAS 123R, all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, are recognized in the financial statements based upon ...
US   294 - Teledyne Technologies Reports Fourth Quarter Results
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 25, 2007
             The company also received $1.2 million from the exercise of employee stock options in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with $1.4 million for the fourth ...
US   295 - EBay profit rises 24%; sales up 29%
             MarketWatch - Jan 25, 2007
             Excluding the costs of employee stock options and other items, eBay said it would have earned 31 cents a share. In October, eBay forecast it would earn ...
US   296 - Applied Biosystems Reports Fiscal 2007 Second Quarter Results
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Jan 25, 2007
             This increase was largely a result of cash flow from operations and proceeds from the exercise of employee stock options, offset by share repurchases. ...
US   297 - Kimberly-Clark Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 25, 2007
             ... about net income and earnings per share for 2005 as if the Corporation had applied fair value expense recognition to all employee stock options granted. ...
FR   298 - AG2R Prévoyance et Interexpansion signent un accord avec la ...
             RiskAssur.com - 25 jan 2007
             Dans le cadre de cet accord portant sur la mise en place d’un plan d’épargne salariale interentreprises, la profession de la coiffure a co-désigné AG2R ...
FR   299 - La France gagnée par le syndrome virginien
             Betapolitique - 25 jan 2007
             ... énergiquement l’actionnariat salarié comme dispositif anti-OPA au péril d’accroître l’exposition des employés aux risques qui pèsent sur leur employeur. ...
FR   300 - stage developpement
             LExpansion.com - 25 jan 2007
             ... service dépositaire, administration d’OPC et de portefeuilles institutionnels, et en gestion de plans de stock options et d’actionnariat salarié. ...
FR   301 - stage ingenieur salle de marches
             LExpansion.com - 25 jan 2007
             ... service dépositaire, administration d’OPC et de portefeuilles institutionnels, et en gestion de plans de stock options et d’actionnariat salarié. ...
FR   302 - Forum de la création d’entreprises.
             Réseaux Tee - Territoires environnement emplois - 25 jan 2007
             Parmi les Partenaires : DRTEFP ; ANPE ; AFPA ; Assédic ; Ministère de l'Economie ; PFIL ; CCIMP ; Pays d'Aix Développement ; SCOP Entreprises ; La Cité des ...
FR   303 - Novellus : trimestriels mitigés
             Boursier.com - 25 jan 2007
             ... ressortis à 79 M$ ou 63 cents par titre, bien au-dessus des dernières prévisions du management (54-57 cents), coûts liés aux stock options inclus. ...
FR   304 - Dell : moins de 3 mois pour rétablir sa situation au Nasdaq
             l'Informaticien - 25 jan 2007
             En fin d’année dernière, Dell avait été plongée dans une sombre affaire de stock options antidatées. Ainsi, l’américain a du retarder l’apport des rapports ...
FR   305 - eBay enregistre un chiffre d'affaire annuel en hausse de 31%
             LSA - 25 jan 2007
             Pour un bénéfice de 1,12 milliards de dollars ‘'seulement'' à + 3,9% à cause du coût des stock-options qui a décuplé. Pour 2007, eBay prévoit d'atteindre ou ...
FR   306 - Hi-Media: poursuit sa croissance externe.
             TF1 - 25 jan 2007
             Autre point positif, la prévision de 10% de marge opérationnelle pour 2006 (avant prise en compte des stock options et actions gratuites) n'est semble-t-il ...
FR   307 - eBay enregistre un chiffre d'affaire annuel en hausse de 31%
             LSA - 25 jan 2007
             Pour un bénéfice de 1,12 milliards de dollars ‘'seulement'' à + 3,9% à cause du coût des stock-options qui a décuplé. Pour 2007, eBay prévoit d'atteindre ou ...
FR   308 - Ubisoft publie son chiffre d’affaires du troisième trimestre
             Agence Française pour le Jeu Vidéo - 25 jan 2007
             La Société revoit également à la hausse son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options qui devrait ainsi se situer aux environs de 4% du ...
CO   309 - Así funcionarán las ayudas del programa Agro Ingreso Seguro para ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 25 Ene 2007
             ... nacionales o extranjeras inscritas en la Cámara de Comercio y las organizaciones de productores y cooperativas de trabajo de tipo agrícola. ...
AR   310 - Inician visitas a cooperativas para prevenir problemas por la ...
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 25 Ene 2007
             ... que parte de las becas estudiantiles que todos los años entrega la Provincia, recaiga en hijos de asociados en cooperativas de trabajo pesqueras. ...
CO   311 - Disputas en Cootragas de Girón pasaron de los papeles a las armas
             La Vanguardia Liberal - 25 Ene 2007
             ... y dirigente sindical, fue el gestor, hace ya casi veinte años, de Cootragas, una cooperativa de trabajo asociado que reunió a los damnificados de Gasan. ...
AR   312 - Artistas locales conformaron la cooperativa "Sapucay"
             Misiones OnLine - 25 Ene 2007
             La productora "Sapucay", conformada como cooperativa de trabajo desde hace unos meses, reúne a artistas misioneros que desarrollan su labor profesional en ...
ES   313 - Las instituciones aumentan sus participaciones en renta variable
             Expansión.com - 25 Ene 2007
             ... por la falsificación de la fecha de las stock options y los derechos de los accionistas alcancen los primeros puestos de la agenda de gobierno. ...
ES   314 - El nuevo CEO de Home Depot ganará u$s 9 millones al año
             infoBAE profesional - 25 Ene 2007
             Nardelli, que cvobraba u$s 24 millones al ño más stock options, recibirá ahora un paquete de indemnización valuado en 210 millones de dólares, según informó ...
ES   315 - Más anti-Oscars: los diez grandes patinazos de los jefes en 2006
             elEconomista.es - 25 Ene 2007
             El Wall Street Journal descubrió que había recibido stock options con fechas que se correspondían con momentos en que la compañía había alcanzado sus ...
DE   316 - Hering: Erfolgreicher Start für rheinland-pfälzisches Programm ...
             Rheinland Pfalz - 25. Jan. 2007
             Die Informationen sind unter www.mwvlw.rlp.de, Wirtschaft, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung abrufbar. Für alle Fragen rund um das Thema stehen auch die Berater der ...
DE   317 - Programm für Rheinland-Pfalz vorgestellt / 40 Prozent sollen ...
             Berliner Umschau - 25. Jan. 2007
              "Wir wollen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer dabei unterstützen, Modelle der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung auch im eigenen Betrieb anzuwenden und die damit verbundenen ...
DE   318 - Apple gerät zunehmend unter Druck seiner Aktionäre
             Computerwoche - 25. Jan. 2007
             Nach Angaben der Kanzlei Grant & Eisenhofer, die die Pensionskasse vertritt, wird Apple darin vorgeworfen, es habe mit seiner Vergabe von Stock Options an ...
IT   319 - Questa sera assemblea aperta dell’associazione Good Samaritan
             Localport - 25 gen 2007
             La Perenchio mostrerà le immagini dei campi profughi, dell’ospedale in cui ha operato, della cooperativa di lavoro e del centro dell’associazione Comboni ...
IT   320 - Wall Street indecisa, perdite record per Ford
             Milano Finanza - 25 gen 2007
             L'aumento dei ricavi è stato limitato dal rincaro del costo delle stock-options. Bene anche Qualcomm, uno dei maggiori produttori di chip per la telefonia ...
IT   321 - Sun, Yahoo e Ebay
             La Repubblica - 25 gen 2007
             L'aumento dei ricavi è stato limitato dal rincaro del costo delle stock-options. La compagnia, inoltre, ha annunciato un programma di acquisto di azioni ...
US   322 - RS Investments Expands Its Team of Investment Professionals
             dBusinessNews San Francisco (press release), CA - Jan 24, 2007
             Today RS is an independent subsidiary of Guardian Investor Services LLC and retains substantial employee ownership. The firm manages approximately $16 ...
US   323 - RS Investments Expands Its Team of Investment Professionals
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 24, 2007
             Today RS is an independent subsidiary of Guardian Investor Services LLC and retains substantial employee ownership. The firm manages approximately $16 ...
FR   324 - New Belgium Brewing's Springboard Launches into the Market ...
             Drinks Media Wire (Communiqués de presse), France - Jan 24, 2007
             Progressive programs like employee ownership, open book management and a trip to Belgium after five years employment are all part of the corporate culture. ...
US   325 - New Belgium Brewing's Springboard Launches into the Market ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Jan 24, 2007
             Progressive programs like employee ownership, open book management and a trip to Belgium after five years employment are all part of the corporate culture. ...
US   326 - New Belgium Brewing's Springboard Launches into the Market ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Jan 24, 2007
             Progressive programs like employee ownership, open book management and a trip to Belgium after five years employment are all part of the corporate culture. ...
UK   327 - Royal Mail to get John Lewis-like scheme
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             "I could not agree to an employee share-ownership scheme," Mr Darling told the trade and industry committee. "I think the biggest thing in my mind was the ...
UK   328 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Hemelhempstead Today, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   329 - Michael Harrison's Outlook: Governor fails to be boring as the ...
             Independent, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             The Royal Mail chairman Allan Leighton's ambitious plan to gift 20 per cent of the business to its workforce through an employee share ownership scheme will ...
UK   330 - Government gives green light to Royal Mail 'phantom' share sale
             Independent, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             "I couldn't agree to an employee share ownership scheme", Mr Darling said. However, he added that he backed moves to allow Royal Mail workers "to benefit ...
UK   331 - Darling blocks Royal Mail share ownership
             Times Online, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Alistair Darling, the Trade and Industry Secretary, yesterday blocked Royal Mail’s controversial plans for an employee share ownership scheme because it ...
UK   332 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Metro, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   333 - Royal Mail to get John Lewis-like scheme after shares plan is rejected
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             "I could not agree to an employee share-ownership scheme," Mr Darling told the trade and industry committee. "I think the biggest thing in my mind was the ...
UK   334 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Peterborough Evening Telegraph, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   335 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic North London Online, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   336 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Solihull.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   337 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Huddersfield.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   338 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Liverpool, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   339 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Newcastle.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   340 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Harrow.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   341 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Kent, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   342 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic NorthWales, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   343 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic SurreyOnline.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   344 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Hounslow.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   345 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Birmingham.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   346 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Essex.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   347 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Staines.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   348 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Scotland.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   349 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Coventry, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   350 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Ealing.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   351 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Uxbridge.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   352 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Croydon, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   353 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic Wales, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   354 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic CheshireOnline, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   355 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic theWarf.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   356 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             ic SouthLondon.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   357 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             icBerkshire, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   358 - Royal Mail share plan is rejected
             BBC News, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             We have decided not to go down the road of an employee share ownership scheme, but we want a scheme that will bring equivalent benefit. ...
UK   359 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Daily Star, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
UK   360 - Mail workers shares plan rejected
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling told MPs he could not agree to an employee share ownership scheme which could have been worth around £5000 to ...
ZA   361 - Solidarity to protest
             Sunday Times, South Africa - Jan 24, 2007
             Solidarity spokesperson, Jaco Kleynhans said: "We have always supported schemes to give company employees shareholding in the companies that employ them, ...
ZA   362 - Land affairs scheme is discriminatory, says union
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 24, 2007
             Solidarity spokesperson, Jaco Kleynhans said: "We have always supported schemes to give company employees shareholding in the companies that employ them, ...
US   363 - Hudson City Bancorp, Inc. Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Annual ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... expense of $1.4 million and a $664000 increase in expense related to our employee stock ownership plan, reflecting increases in our stock price. ...
UK   364 - Broadcom audit faults co-founder
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             'As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership,' the statement said. ...
US   365 - Broadcom Audit Faults Co-Founder
             Forbes, NY - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   366 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Lompoc Record, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   367 - Broadcom audit faults co-founder
             BusinessWeek - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   368 - Broadcom Audit Faults Co-Founder
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
UK   369 - Broadcom audit faults co-founder
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             'As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership,' the statement said. ...
UK   370 - Broadcom audit faults co-founder
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             'As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership,' the statement said. ...
US   371 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   372 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   373 - Broadcom Audit Faults Co-Founder
             Forbes, NY - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   374 - Broadcom Audit Faults Co-Founder
             MSN Money - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   375 - Broadcom audit faults co-founder
             BusinessWeek - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   376 - Broadcom Audit Faults Co-Founder
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   377 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   378 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             The Ledger, FL - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   379 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   380 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   381 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   382 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   383 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   384 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   385 - Broadcom audit says co-founder responsible in stock option case
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "As CEO, Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," the statement said. ...
US   386 - NY Community Bancorp profit jumps 44%
             Crain's New York Business, NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
US   387 - NYCB profit up
             Long Island Business News (subscription), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
UK   388 - New York Community Bancorp 4Q profit up
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
UK   389 - New York Community Bancorp 4Q profit up
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
US   390 - New York Community Bancorp 4Q Profit Up
             Forbes, NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
US   391 - New York Community Bancorp 4Q Profit Up
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
US   392 - New York Community Bancorp 4Q Profit Up
             MSN Money - Jan 24, 2007
             ... and senior lending consultant and a $5.4 million charge in connection with the merger-related allocation of employee stock ownership plan shares. ...
US   393 - Hudson City Bancorp, Inc. Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Annual ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 24, 2007
             ... expense of $1.4 million and a $664000 increase in expense related to our employee stock ownership plan, reflecting increases in our stock price. ...
US   394 - Hudson City Bancorp, Inc. Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Annual ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... expense of $1.4 million and a $664000 increase in expense related to our employee stock ownership plan, reflecting increases in our stock price. ...
US   395 - Ashland Inc. Reports Q1 Income of 81 Cents Per Share from ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 24, 2007
             ... tax rate includes the effect of tax deductions for the special dividend paid in October on shares held in Ashland's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   396 - Ashland Inc. Reports Q1 Income of 81 Cents Per Share from ...
             MSN Money - Jan 24, 2007
             ... tax rate includes the effect of tax deductions for the special dividend paid in October on shares held in Ashland's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   397 - Ashland Inc. Reports Q1 Income of 81 Cents Per Share from ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... tax rate includes the effect of tax deductions for the special dividend paid in October on shares held in Ashland's employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   398 - Broadcom's tab: $2.25 billion
             OCRegister, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             "Dr. Nicholas guided the company to record-setting growth and an unprecedented level of employee stock ownership," said attorney John W. Spiegel. ...
US   399 - European Capital Invests euro 19 Million In Alliance Industrie
              PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and ...
US   400 - American Capital Will Report Q4 2006 Results on February 13
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US   401 - Cabot Announces First Quarter Operating Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... 72 68 Stockholders' equity: Preferred stock: Authorized: 2000000 shares of $1 par value Series B ESOP Convertible Preferred Stock 7.75% Cumulative, ...
US   402 - Partners Trust Announces Fourth Quarter and 2006 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... including unallocated ESOP shares 11.19 10.87 Tangible book value per share 5.60 5.64 Tangible book value per share, including unallocated ESOP shares ...
US   403 - First Federal Bankshares, Inc. Announces Earnings
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
             ... at cost (26223) (25921) (24908) Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (79) (326) (120) Unearned ESOP (725) (786) (849) Total stockholders' ...
US   404 - First Commonwealth Announces 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year-End ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 24, 2007
             ... 2006 and 2005, respectively, at cost) (14953) (20214) Unearned ESOP shares (11600) (13600) Total shareholders' equity 571361 521045 Total liabilities ...
US   405 - Synergy Financial Group, Inc. Announces Annual and Fourth Quarter ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 24, 2007
             ... 85381 85959 Retained earnings 34582 32794 Unearned ESOP shares (4600) (5282) Unearned RSP compensation - (2567) Treasury stock acquired for the RSP, ...
US   406 - VSB Bancorp, Inc. Fourth Quarter 2006 Results of Operations
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 24, 2007
             ... 2005) 189 151 Additional paid-in capital 8667665 8742673 Retained earnings 11293200 8621693 Unallocated ESOP shares (1239905) (1408983) Accumulated ...
US   407 - Plans for M&A Activity On the Rise for Fast Growth Private ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 24, 2007
             Next, 28 percent will consider a management buyout or ESOP, while 20 percent expect a sale or transition to next generation family members. ...
UK   408 - Apple faces class action claim as options row
             Legal Week, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Computer giant Apple is facing a major class action in the latest episode of the backdating share options scandal that has hit more than 150 US companies ...
ZA   409 - What do you do when inflation and credit don't connect?
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 24, 2007
             Edgars Consolidated's employee share options scheme comes to mind. Massmart did an empowerment deal last year, which will cost R235 million over six years ...
US   410 - Evolution Petroleum to issue share options
             Houston Business Journal, TX - Jan 24, 2007
             Evolution Petroleum Corp. plans to offer 4.1 million shares of common stock as options and warrants to officers and directors of the company. ...
CA   411 - Metro: Let the grocery wars begin
             Montreal Gazette (subscription), Canada - Jan 24, 2007
             Lessard also has unexercized share options worth more than $29 million. Michaud's intervention drew scattered applause, before Metro chairman Maurice Jodoin ...
CA   412 - Gennum Reports 2006 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 24, 2007
             Options issued outside the plan are governed by the same conditions as applicable to the employee stock option plan. No options were exercised during the ...
US   413 - Yahoo Q4 profit declines by 61%, plans launch of new ad platform ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 24, 2007
             Inc.'s fourth quarter profit fell 61 per cent on account of higher employee stock option costs and lower investment gains. The search company said net ...
IN   414 - TI Reports 4Q06 and 2006 Financial Results
             TechWhack, India - Jan 24, 2007
             This was an increase of $157 million from the prior year, as 2006 was the first full year for employee stock-option expensing, which the company began in ...
US   415 - Shell Canada 4th-Quarter Net Falls to C$223 Million (Update3)
             Bloomberg - Jan 24, 2007
             ... from parent Royal Dutch Shell Plc, said fourth-quarter net income fell 64 percent on lower gas prices and a charge for its employee stock option plan. ...
US   416 - AFTER HOURS EBay shares jump 8% after results
             MarketWatch - Jan 24, 2007
             Excluding employee stock option costs, eBay said it would have earned 28 cents a share, in line with its own forecast. The company also said its board has ...
US   417 - eBay up some 9% in after-hours after it beats estimates
             Blogging Stocks - Jan 24, 2007
             Despite analysts expecting 28 cents, eBay said it would have earned that excluding employee stock option costs, representing a 35% growth. ...
IN   418 - HCL Infosystem net vaults 19.16% in Dec`06 qtr
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 24, 2007
             ... (at a premium of Rs 105.63 a share) to the employees on exercise of their stock options under HCL Infosystems - employee stock option scheme (ESOS). ...
CA   419 - Shell Canada Announces Earnings of $1.7 Billion
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 24, 2007
             ... 2007, the Company had 825662514 common shares outstanding (October 15, 2006 - 825541514 common shares) with 21365238 employee stock options outstanding, ...
US   420 - WellPoint Reports Results for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
              ... overdrafts 414.3 121.2 Repurchase and retirement of common stock (4550.2) (333.4) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options and employee stock ...
US   421 - Yahoo shares gain on Panama ad upgrade
             MarketWatch - Jan 24, 2007
             ... hurt by higher costs for employee stock options and slowing sales growth as it faces stiffer competition in the online ad market from Google. ...
US   422 - Jobs questioned, NY pension fund leading shareholder suit
             ZDNet.com blogs - Jan 24, 2007
             Steve Jobs was questioned by US investigators about the employee stock options backdating scandal at Apple according to several reports citing "unidentified ...
US   423 - Hershey Q4 Profit Falls 10%, Revenue Slackens, Backs FY07 Forecast ...
             Trading Markets, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             The results included employee stock options expense and other share-based compensation. Net income from operations, excluding net charges, ...
US   424 - Sun Micro and Yahoo Boost Tech Stocks
             123Jump.com, FL - Jan 24, 2007
             The Internet bellwether said Q4 results were also hurt by considerably higher costs for employee stock options. Fourth-quarter profit was higher than the ...
US   425 - Yahoo shares gain on Panama ad upgrade
             MarketWatch - Jan 24, 2007
             ... Yahoo late Tuesday reported a lower fourth-quarter profit, hurt by higher costs for employee stock options and slowing sales growth as it faces stiffer ...
US   426 - Stock Futures Predict Steady Opening
             123Jump.com, FL - Jan 24, 2007
             The Internet bellwether said Q4 results were also hurt by considerably higher costs for employee stock options. Fourth-quarter profit was higher than the ...
UK   427 - Software delays send Yahoo! profits tumbling
             Times Online, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             ... a year ago to $268.7 million - or 19 cents a share - because of the costs of employee stock options and strong gains last year from selling Yahoo! ...
US   428 - Yahoo Shares Rise on Optimism for Panama Software (Update1)
             Bloomberg - Jan 24, 2007
             Net income fell from a year ago because of the delays, costs for employee stock options and a gain last year from selling Yahoo's China unit to Alibaba.com. ...
             San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             The drop came amid increased employee stock options costs and a difficult comparison to a $310 million gain from investments in the fourth quarter of 2005. ...
US   430 - Yahoo profits take dip after ad software delay
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Jan 24, 2007
             Yahoo Inc. said fourth-quarter profit dropped 61 percent after delays in its newest Internet advertising software and costs from employee stock options. ...
US   431 - WellPoint Reports Results for Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 24, 2007
              ... overdrafts 414.3 121.2 Repurchase and retirement of common stock (4550.2) (333.4) Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options and employee stock ...
US   432 - City National Corp. Reports 2006 Net Income Of $233.5 Million, or ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 24, 2007
             Implementation of the required accounting change for employee stock options increased City National's noninterest expense by $6.9 million. ...
US   433 - Yahoo profit drops 61 percent
             SunJournal.com (subscription), ME - Jan 24, 2007
             ... hurt by higher costs for employee stock options and slowing sales growth as it faces stiffer competition in the online ad market from Google Inc. ...
IN   434 - TI Reports 4Q06 and 2006 Financial Results
             TechWhack, India - Jan 24, 2007
             The company began expensing employee stock options in the third quarter of 2005. “TI delivered important financial achievements in 2006,” said Rich ...
             Asbury Park Press, NJ - Jan 24, 2007
             Inc. said fourth-quarter profit dropped 61 percent after delays in its newest Internet advertising software and costs from employee stock options. ...
UK   436 - Yahoo! Q4 profits fatter than expected
             Silicon.com, UK - Jan 24, 2007
             Yahoo! posted fourth-quarter profits yesterday that were down more than 60 per cent from a year ago, on higher employee stock options costs and lower ...
UK   437 - Yahoo Suffers 61% Hit to Profits, but Panama Boosts Shares
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Jan 24, 2007
             Results reflected tough competition from Google as well as stratospheric costs for employee stock options, which were $56 million versus $11 million last ...
FR   438 - La profession de la coiffure met en place un plan d'épargne ...
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 24 jan 2007
             Dans le cadre de cet accord, signé par l'ensemble des fédérations patronales et des partenaires sociaux, la profession de la coiffure charge AG2R Prévoyance ...
FR   439 - «Leveraged Buy Out» ou LBO : c'est quoi ?
             Actuchomage.org - 24 jan 2007
             A Sublistatic, les projets de reprise par un entrepreneur ou sous forme d'une Scop sont évoqués. Mais peu y croient. Le dernier espoir qu'ils ont, ...
FR   440 - Yahoo! ampute ses bénéfices pour payer des stock-options
             Le Figaro - 24 jan 2007
             Cette baisse du résultat en fin d'année s'explique par les coûts liés à l'attribution de stock-options. Ils se sont élevés à 95 millions de dollars. ...
FR   441 - Yahoo! voit ses bénéfices chuter mais rassure les marchés
             L'Express - 24 jan 2007
             En cause : des dépenses publicitaires accrues et les stock-options distribuées à ses dirigeants. Alors que depuis quatre ans, Yahoo! doublait ses bénéfices ...
FR   442 - DEPECHENicolas Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             L'Express - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   443 - Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             nouvelobs.com - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   444 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Le Monde - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   445 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Reuters.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   446 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             L'Express - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   447 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Capital.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   448 - Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Capital.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   449 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Boursier.com - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   450 - Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Reuters.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   451 - Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             L'Express - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
FR   452 - Sarkozy veut s'inspirer du CNE pour un contrat unique
             Boursier.com (Communiqués de presse) - 24 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'est également dit en désaccord avec la distribution de stock options au seul niveau dirigeant - "La richesse d'une entreprise c'est tout ...
             Investir.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Cette prévision s'entend hors coûts des stock options et des actions gratuites. Ce soir, l'action Hi Media abandonne 3,27% à 7,40 euros.
FR   454 - Yahoo compte sur 2007 pour renouer avec des bénéfices en croissance
             ZDNet - 24 jan 2007
             La baisse du bénéfice s'explique, selon lui, par d'importantes dépenses en terme de marketing et au coût des stock-options attribuées à ses dirigeants (425 ...
FR   455 - Yahoo! voit ses bénéfices chuter mais rassure les marchés
             01net - 24 jan 2007
             En cause : des dépenses publicitaires accrues et les stock-options distribuées à ses dirigeants. Alors que depuis quatre ans, Yahoo! doublait ses bénéfices ...
FR   456 - La mi-séance à Wall Street
             Capital.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Hors ces charges et les coûts liés aux stock-options, le bénéfice par action serait ressorti à 0,01 dollar. Le consensus visait un bénéfice par action de 0 ...
FR   457 - Ubisoft : le titre flambe dans plus de 2% du capital
             Boursier.com - 24 jan 2007
             La société revoit également à la hausse son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options, qui devrait ainsi se situer aux environs de 4% du ...
FR   458 - La valeur du jour à Wall Street - YAHOO! protégé par son Panama
             Boursorama - 24 jan 2007
             En incluant une charge de 95 millions de dollars liée aux stock-options, le bénéfice net atteint 268,7 millions de dollars, soit 0,19 dollar par action, ...
FR   459 - Incapable de redresser Gap, le CEO part avec 14 millions de ...
             Tendances - 24 jan 2007
             Paul Pressler touchera environ 14 millions de dollars d'indemnités, dont 9,5 millions en stock-options au prix unitaire de 20 dollars. ...
FR   460 - Yahoo! enregistre une baisse de 61% de ses bénéfices au 4ème trimestre
             L'Atelier - 24 jan 2007
             Ces baisses sont à imputer à d'importantes dépenses de publicités et au coût des stock options attribuées à ses dirigeants (425 millions de dollars). ...
FR   461 - Les indices new yorkais progressent avec les technos
             Boursorama - 24 jan 2007
             ... une chute de 61% de son bénéfice net à 269 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre, affecté par les coûts liés à l'attribution de stock-options. ...
FR   462 - SUN MICROSYSTEMS a renoué avec les bénéfices
             Capital.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Le bénéfice par action a été affecté à hauteur de 0,02 dollar par une charge de restructuration et les coûts liés aux stock-options. ...
FR   463 - Alcatel-Lucent : UBS garde le cap, malgré la déception
             Voila.fr - 24 jan 2007
             La marge opérationnelle 2006 ajustée (ajustée des stock-options, synergies et restructuration est attendue à 6%, contre 8% auparavant par le spécialiste. ...
FR   464 - Ubisoft: grimpe de 6% après un CA bien meilleur que prévu.
             Boursorama - 24 jan 2007
             Son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options a également été revu à la hausse, aux environs de 4% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
FR   465 - A la Une
             Cercle Finance - 24 jan 2007
             Son objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options a également été revu à la hausse, aux environs de 4% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
FR   466 - Fonte des bénéfices de Yahoo!
             Silicon.fr - 24 jan 2007
             Le groupe a également été pénalisé par des coûts liés à son programme de stock-options. Pour le trimestre en cours, Yahoo! joue la carte de la prudence avec ...
FR   467 - Yahoo fait mieux que prévu
             LExpansion.com - 24 jan 2007
             Grévé par des attributions de stock options et des dépenses marketing accrues, son bénéfice net au 4e trimestre a certes chuté de 60,7% à 268 millions de ...
ES   468 - Franke ratifica al comité de empresa su decisión de cerrar Mepamsa ...
             Diario de Navarra - 24 Ene 2007
             ... en la fábrica con otro empresario o con la financiación de los propios trabajadores mediante una sociedad laboral, pero «sin concretar nada», insistió. ...
ES   469 - Franke buscará otros inversores para que desarrollen nuevos ...
             Noticias de Navarra - 24 Ene 2007
             ... de los propios trabajadores mediante una sociedad laboral, pero sin concretar nada", insistió Luis Soto, presidente del comité de empresa (UGT). ...
ES   470 - Un empresario queda en libertad tras declarar por blanqueo en la ...
             El País (España) - 24 Ene 2007
             ... edificado sobre zona verde según el Plan General vigente, así como otro relativo a la Fundación Sociedad Laboral, así como en un cuarto convenio. ...
AR   471 - Cooperativas construirán casas
             Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero - 24 Ene 2007
             En breve cuatro cooperativas de trabajo, integradas por desocupados y Jefes y Jefas de Hogar construirán 16 viviendas en el barrio 25 de Mayo. ...
AR   472 - Carta abierta a los congresistas de Estados Unidos
             Rebanadas de Realidad (Comunicados de prensa) - 24 Ene 2007
             Además, las formas desreguladas de contratación, como las agencias de empleo temporal, cooperativas de trabajo asociado, contratos de prestación de ...
CO   473 - A que te cojo, ratón
             Actualidad Colombiana - 24 Ene 2007
             ... convencionales son los que no permiten que la clínica esté bien; el ochenta por ciento de la operación la hace con Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado… ...
AR   474 - Hace más de un año y medio que es irregular el servicio del ...
             Primera Fuente - 24 Ene 2007
             Actualmente el servicio se presta en forma irregular por parte de cooperativas de trabajo y de particulares, mientras la inacción política sigue presente. ...
ES   475 - El beneficio neto de Yahoo! cae pero bate las previsiones
             elEconomista.es - 24 Ene 2007
             Esto se debe al resultado extraordinario que engordó los resultados de 2005 ya los gastos derivados del programa de stock options este año. ...
DE   476 - Beck baut Mitarbeiterbeteiligung aus
             wissen.de - 24. Jan. 2007
             Beck plant neben dem Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung noch ein staatliches Garantieprogramm für den Insolvenzfall. Rheinland-Pfalz übernimmt danach eine ...
DE   477 - Beck baut Mitarbeiterbeteiligung aus
             Financial Times Deutschland - 24. Jan. 2007
             Beck plant neben dem Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung noch ein staatliches Garantieprogramm für den Insolvenzfall. Rheinland-Pfalz übernimmt danach eine ...
DE   478 - Neues Segment für kleinere Firmen
             Die Presse.com - 24. Jan. 2007
             Von der Politik wünschen sich Buhl und Schaller einen weiteren Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. So sollte die Behaltefrist für Mitarbeiteraktien von fünf ...
DE   479 - Rheinland-Pfalz bringt Investivlohn auf den Weg
             Reuters Deutschland - 24. Jan. 2007
             Der rheinland-pfälzische Ministerpräsident stellte am Mittwoch in Mainz ein Programm zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für Unternehmen mit bis zu 250 Beschäftigten ...
DE   480 - Mitarbeiter am Erfolg beteiligen
             ZDF - 24. Jan. 2007
             Beck verwies darauf, dass Union und SPD auf Bundesebene derzeit in getrennten Arbeitsgruppen über Investivlöhne und andere Formen von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
DE   481 - Mitarbeiter am Erfolg beteiligen
             ZDFheute.de - 24. Jan. 2007
             Beck verwies darauf, dass Union und SPD auf Bundesebene derzeit in getrennten Arbeitsgruppen über Investivlöhne und andere Formen von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
DE   482 - Beck prescht bei Investivlohn vor
             Kölnische Rundschau - 24. Jan. 2007
             Der rheinland-pfälzische Ministerpräsident stellte am Mittwoch in Mainz ein Programm zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für Unternehmen mit bis zu 250 Beschäftigten ...
AT   483 - Wiener Börse rechnet heuer mit sieben Börsegängen
             derStandard.at - 24. Jan. 2007
             Weitere Anreize wären ein Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, eine kürzere vorgeschriebene Behaltefrist für Mitarbeiteraktien von fünf auf drei Jahre sowie ...
DE   484 - Neuland in der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 24. Jan. 2007
             Die Landesregierung hat ein Programm für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung aufgelegt, das speziell auf kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen zugeschnitten ist. ...
DE   485 - Rheinland-Pfalz will Mitarbeiter am Erfolg von Betrieben beteiligen
             Rheinland Pfalz - 24. Jan. 2007
             Mit der vorgesehenen Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an rheinland-pfälzischen Unternehmen mit bis zu 250 Beschäftigten sollen bei den Arbeitskräften die Motivation ...
DE   486 - Erfolgreiche Unternehmensführung durch Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
             openPR.de (Pressemitteilung) - 24. Jan. 2007
             (openPR) - Eigene Entscheidungsspielräume und eine Kultur der Wertschätzung kommen der Gesundheit, Motivation und Produktivität von Beschäftigten zugute. ...
DE   487 - Wall Street: Sun Micro und Yahoo! im Aufwind, McDonald's spürbar ...
             FinanzNachrichten.de - 24. Jan. 2007
             Das um Stock-Options bereiniget EPS beläuft sich auf 247 Mio. Dollar bzw. 16 Cents je Aktie. Die Analysten hatten im Vorfeld einen Gewinn von 13 Cents je ...
DE   488 - Wall Street: Sun Micro und Yahoo! im Aufwind, McDonald's spürbar ...
             OptionsscheineCheck - 24. Jan. 2007
             Das um Stock-Options bereiniget EPS beläuft sich auf 247 Mio. Dollar bzw. 16 Cents je Aktie. Die Analysten hatten im Vorfeld einen Gewinn von 13 Cents je ...
DE   489 - Backdating: Broadcom schreibt 2,24 Milliarden Dollar ab
             Computerwoche - 24. Jan. 2007
             Die Firma setzt sich damit an die traurige Spitze der aus dem Skandal um begünstigend umdatierte Stock Options resultierenden Bilanzrevisionen. ...
DE   490 - Yahoo! halten
             Finanztreff - 24. Jan. 2007
             Der um Stock-Options bereinigte Gewinn habe bei 247 Millionen USD oder 0,16 USD je Aktie gelegen. Die veröffentlichten Zahlen hätten insgesamt leicht über ...
IT   491 - Fine 2006 in calo per AMD
             Hardware upgrade.it - 24 gen 2007
             ... completatasi proprio nel quarto trimestre del 2006, oltre a 27 milioni di dollari di spese legate alle stock options per i propri dipendenti. ...
IT   492 - Broadcom: scandalo costa 2,22 mld dollari
             Studiocelentano.it - 24 gen 2007
             ROMA, 24 GEN - Costa la bellezza di 2,22 miliardi di dollari lo scandalo relativo alle stock options truccate all'azienda statunitense Broadcom. ...
IT   493 - Broadcom: scandalo costa 2,22 mld Vicenda relativa a ...
             Borsa Italiana - 24 gen 2007
             (ANSA) - ROMA, 24 GEN - Costa la bellezza di 2,22 miliardi di dollari lo scandalo relativo alle stock options truccate all'azienda statunitense Broadcom. ...
ZA   494 - Solidarity to protest share scheme
             Sunday Times, South Africa - Jan 23, 2007
             Solidarity spokesperson, Jaco Kleynhans said: "We have always supported schemes to give company employees shareholding in the companies that employ them, ...
ZA   495 - Govt share scheme 'racist'
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 23, 2007
             Solidarity spokesperson, Jaco Kleynhans said: "We have always supported schemes to give company employees shareholding in the companies that employ them, ...
IN   496 - Catchy acronyms, serious business
             Business Standard, India - Jan 23, 2007
             CEO is short for the 'Complete Employee Ownership' programme. Other programmes, such as LEAD ('Leadership Excellence Accreditation and Development') and ...
US   497 - Gold Price Shines Up Quarterlies
             Resource Investor, VA - Jan 23, 2007
             ... including tax provisions because of higher tax rates and gold prices as well as from its new employee share ownership plan and the potential vesting of ...
US   498 - Timberland Bancorp Reports Strong First Fiscal Quarter Earnings of ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 23, 2007
             ... 2005 - 3757037 shares issued and outstanding 37 38 38 Additional paid-in-capital 17380 20888 22013 Unearned shares- Employee Stock Ownership Plan (3239) ...
US   499 - Riverview Bancorp Third Quarter Profits Increase 18 Percent to ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 23, 2007
             ... Additional paid-in capital 57888 57316 58225 Retained earnings 41232 35776 34125 Unearned shares issued to employee stock ownership trust (1134) (1186) ...
US   500 - Naugatuck Valley Financial Corporation Reports 2006 Year End and ...
              Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 23, 2007
             ... 2005 Equity Incentive Plan and $221000 in capital adjustments related to the release of 19889 shares of the Company’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   501 - American Capital Invests $411 Million in One Stop Buyout(TM) of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 23, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US   502 - American Capital Joins Lincolnshire Management Inc. in Winning ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 23, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN   503 - NIIT Technologies allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 23, 2007
             NIIT Technologies (Q, N,C,F)* has announced that it has allotted 36850 equity shares of Rs 10 each in accordance with the terms of ESOP 2005. ...
US   504 - Arrow Reports Results of Operations for 2006
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 23, 2007
             ... 14300 14033 Surplus 150919 150660 143680 Undivided Profits 17619 16323 20751 Unallocated ESOP Shares (862) (862) (864) Accumulated Other Comprehensive ...
IN   505 - BAG Films seeks EGM approval for preferential issue
             Equity Bulls, India - Jan 23, 2007
             (a) To create, offer issue and allot in one or more trenches under the said proposed ESOP Scheme at any time to or for the benefit of employees and ...
US   506 - Columbus McKinnon Reports 13.6% Increase in Operating Income on ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 23, 2007
             ... Common stock 188 185 Additional paid-in capital 173595 170081 Retained earnings 74164 51152 ESOP debt guarantee (3558) (3996) Unearned restricted stock ...
US   507 - Avery Dennison Reports 4th Quarter and Year-End 2006 Earnings
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 23, 2007
             ... excess of par value 886.9 729.5 Retained earnings 2139.9 1945.3 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (51.6) (89.1) Cost of unallocated ESOP shares (5.7) ...
CH   508 - Atisreal uk : Manchester Letting
             Immo-news.net (Comunicados de prensa), Switzerland - Jan 23, 2007
             Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative first opened in 1977 and is Scotland's longest established workers' co-op. Since then they have expanded in to the North of ...
UK   509 - Steve Jobs questioned over Apple share options scandal
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 23, 2007
             Mr Jobs was granted 7.5m share options in 2001. Apple has since admitted that the options were backdated by two months to make them more valuable - and that ...
FR   510 - Star Cruises shares rise with investment from Stanley Ho
             International Herald Tribune, France - Jan 23, 2007
             It will also be granted another 120 million share options valued at around 360 million dollars, Star Cruises said. Four other investors including Leong ...
EG   511 - Commentary: Billionaires in a year
             Middle East Times, Egypt - Jan 23, 2007
             The culprit over the past 15 years, according to The Economist, was too many share options to too many people on terms that were too generous, ...
CA   512 - Grocery chain Metro's Q1 profit more than doubles as A&P deal pays off
             CBC News, Canada - Jan 23, 2007
             But he also has unexercised share options worth more than $29 million. Metro chairman Maurice Jodoin defended Lessard, saying Metro's CEO deserves his ...
US   513 - Today in Finance for January 23, 2007
             CFO.com Magazine, NY - Jan 23, 2007
             The effect cannot be explained simply by the increase in the value of managers' share options: it also shows up in their base salaries and bonuses, ...
CY   514 - Bank of Cyprus share options to list
             Financial Mirror, Cyprus - Jan 23, 2007
             The new shares to be introduced have resulted from the exercise of 770.840 Share Options on 31 December 2006 by 1.211 beneficiaries (staff of the Bank of ...
US   515 - Sun gives a solid report
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Jan 23, 2007
             Yahoo said its fourth-quarter profit dropped 61 percent after delays in its newest Internet advertising software and costs from employee stock options. ...
US   516 - Stocks to Watch: Yahoo, Advanced Micro Devices, Sun Microsystems
             FOX News - Jan 23, 2007
             The Internet bellwether was also hurt by higher costs for employee stock options. Adobe Inc. (ADBE) named Mark Garrett, an EMC Corp. ...
US   517 - Yahoo Shares Rise on Investor Optimism for New Search Software
             Bloomberg - Jan 23, 2007
             Net income fell from a year ago because of the delays, costs for employee stock options and a gain last year from selling Yahoo's China unit to Alibaba.com. ...
US   518 - Profit drops, still beats expectations
             San Francisco Chronicle, CA - Jan 23, 2007
             The drop came amid increased employee stock options costs and a difficult comparison to a $310 million gain from investments in the fourth quarter of 2005. ...
US   519 - Yahoo faults woes in options, software for plunge in profit
             AZ Central.com, AZ - Jan 23, 2007
             Inc. said fourth-quarter profit dropped 61 percent after delays in its newest Internet advertising software and costs from employee stock options. ...
US   520 - Bank of America Reports Record 2006 Earnings of $21.13 Billion, or ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 23, 2007
             Additionally, the company issued approximately 20 million common shares primarily related to employee stock options and ownership plans, and repurchased 60 ...
HK   521 - Yahoo profit drops but beats Street estimates
             ZDNet Asia, Asia - Jan 23, 2007
             Internet bellwether Yahoo posted fourth-quarter earnings on Tuesday that were down more than 60 percent from a year ago on higher employee stock options ...
SG   522 - Bank of America reports record 2006 earnings of $21.13 billion
             The Asian Banker (subscription), Singapore - Jan 23, 2007
             Additionally, the company issued approximately 20 million common shares primarily related to employee stock options and ownership plans, and repurchased 60 ...
US   523 - Yahoo profit drops 61% on costs; sales up 13%
             MarketWatch - Jan 23, 2007
             The Internet bellwether's fourth-quarter results were also hurt by higher costs for employee stock options, which skyrocketed to $56 million from $11 ...
US   524 - Yahoo Profit Falls 61%; Shares Rise on New Software (Update4)
             Bloomberg - Jan 23, 2007
             Net income fell from a year ago because of costs for employee stock options and a gain last year from selling Yahoo's China unit to Alibaba.com. ...
US   525 - Yahoo! Q4 2006 Earnings Call Transcript
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Jan 23, 2007
             In addition to our free cash flow from the quarter, we received $87 million from the proceeds of the exercise of employee stock options, bringing option ...
US   526 - Yahoo Revenues Rise But Profits Fall
             InformationWeek, NY - Jan 23, 2007
             Yahoo on Tuesday delivered slightly better than expected revenues, but its profit was hurt by the cost of employee stock options and delays in the company's ...
US   527 - Shore Financial Corporation Announces Earnings Increase
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 23, 2007
             ... the expensing of employee stock options granted to non- executive employees during March 2006 and general increases in other employee benefits. ...
US   528 - QLogic Reports Third Quarter Results for Fiscal Year 2007
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 23, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US   529 - Shore Financial Corporation Announces Earnings Increase
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 23, 2007
              ... the expensing of employee stock options granted to non- executive employees during March 2006 and general increases in other employee benefits. ...
US   530 - QLogic Reports Third Quarter Results for Fiscal Year 2007
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 23, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company’s employee stock ...
US   531 - Yahoo Profit Falls on Options Expenses; Sales Rise 15 Percent
             Bloomberg - Jan 23, 2007
             Inc. said fourth-quarter profit dropped 61 percent after delays in its newest Internet advertising software and costs from employee stock options. ...
US   532 - City National Corp. Reports 2006 Net Income Of $233.5 Million, or ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 23, 2007
             Implementation of the required accounting change for employee stock options increased City National's noninterest expense by $6.9 million. ...
SG   533 - TI Reports 4Q06 and 2006 Financial Results
             SDA India Magazine, Singapore - Jan 23, 2007
             ... 0.07 of additional expense compared with the prior year. The company began expensing employee stock options in the third quarter of 2005, the company said.
US   534 - Apple’s Jobs reportedly probed over options
             MSNBC - Jan 23, 2007
             Apple’s Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs was questioned by US government investigators about backdating of employee stock options grants at the company ...
US   535 - Bank of America Reports Record 2006 Earnings of $21.13 Billion, or ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 23, 2007
             Additionally, the company issued approximately 20 million common shares primarily related to employee stock options and ownership plans, and repurchased 60 ...
US   536 - SEC meets Apple CEO for stock options case
             TheNewsTribune.com (subscription), WA - Jan 23, 2007
             Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs was questioned by US government investigators about backdating of employee stock options grants at the company ...
             New York Post, NY - Jan 23, 2007
             January 23, 2007 -- Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs was questioned by US government investigators about backdating of employee stock options ...
US   538 - Apple CEO reportedly questioned on options
             Los Angeles Times, CA - Jan 23, 2007
             Apple Inc. Chief Executive Steve Jobs was questioned by US government investigators about backdating of employee stock option grants at the company, ...
FR   539 - Deux Commerciaux Epargne salariale (h/f)
             LExpansion.com - 23 jan 2007
             Vous contribuez au développement commercial de l’Epargne Salariale pour nos clients moyennes et grandes entreprises, sur vos régions d’intervention. ...
FR   540 - l'intéressement
             Journal du Management - 23 jan 2007
             La loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié permet désormais à l'employeur de verser, de façon unilatérale, un supplément ...
FR   541 - Loi sur l'actionnariat salarié : les mesures phares
             Journal du Management - 23 jan 2007
             Voici les principales mesures instaurées par la toute récente loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié. (23/01/2007) ...
FR   542 - ce qui va changer en 2007
             Journal du Management - 23 jan 2007
             Loi pour l'égalité des chances, décret Bertrand, loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié. ...
FR   543 - L'épargne salariale encouragée
             Centre de Gestion des Pharmaciens - 23 jan 2007
             La loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié et portant diverses dispositions d'ordre économique et social (non encore ...
FR   544 - Sacré Alain Minc !
             Bellaciao - 23 jan 2007
             Ceci dit, le système français retombe à peu près sur ses pieds grâce au développement de l’actionnariat salarié qui tempère les revendications salariales. ...
FR   545 - La Cgt actrice de l'économie sociale
             CGT - 23 jan 2007
             Au pouvoir des salariés actionnaires financiers que cherche à développer, dans des limites contenues, les entreprises capitalistes et, parfois, les pouvoirs ...
CA   546 - Bistro In Vivo
             Guide Montréal-Nord - 23 jan 2007
             In Vivo est une Coopérative de travail engagée socialement qui fait la promotion de produits équitables et locaux dans un espace original . ...
CA   547 - Bistro In Vivo
             Progrès St-Léonard - 23 jan 2007
             In Vivo est une Coopérative de travail engagée socialement qui fait la promotion de produits équitables et locaux dans un espace original . ...
CA   548 - Bistro In Vivo
             Avenir de l'Est - 23 jan 2007
             In Vivo est une Coopérative de travail engagée socialement qui fait la promotion de produits équitables et locaux dans un espace original . ...
CA   549 - Bistro In Vivo
             Flambeau de l'Est - 23 jan 2007
             In Vivo est une Coopérative de travail engagée socialement qui fait la promotion de produits équitables et locaux dans un espace original . ...
CA   550 - Bistro In Vivo
             Informateur de Rivières-Des-Prairies - 23 jan 2007
             In Vivo est une Coopérative de travail engagée socialement qui fait la promotion de produits équitables et locaux dans un espace original . ...
FR   551 - Steve Jobs interrogé par la SEC
             MacPlus - 23 jan 2007
             On en apprend un peu plus chaque semaine à propos du scandale des stock options chez Apple. Aujourd’hui, c’est la rencontre entre Steve Jobs, le CEO d’Apple ...
CH   552 - Les biotechs suisses attirent les investisseurs
             swissinfo.org - 23 jan 2007
             Les fonds dévolus à la recherche sont limités et les incitations financières, comme les stock options pour les cadres et les employés de ces jeunes sociétés ...
FR   553 - Yahoo rassure sur sa future plateforme Panama
             La Tribune.fr - 23 jan 2007
             ... l'ensemble de 2006, malgré des ventes en hausse, en raison de dépenses de publicité accrues et du coût des stock options distribuées à ses dirigeants. ...
FR   554 - Sarkozy : Pour une véritable révolution économique
             Cybermilitant - 23 jan 2007
             Je n’aime pas l’idée de stock options réservées à un petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis très tenté par l’idée de plans de stock options pour tous ou ...
FR   555 - La mi-séance à Wall Street
             Capital.fr - 23 jan 2007
             ... Robert Fisher, succèdera à Paul Pressler qui s'en va avec environ 14 millions de dollars sous forme de salaire, bonus et stock options. ...
FR   556 - A la Une
             Cercle Finance - 23 jan 2007
             L'objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options a également été revu à la hausse, aux environs de 4% du chiffre d'affaires, ...
FR   557 - Nouvelle plainte contre Apple
             Mac Generation - 23 jan 2007
             Les manipulations comptables d’Apple en matière de stock-options entre 1997 et 2001 ne sont pas du goût des actionnaires. Un fond de pension américain, ...
FR   558 - Des enquêteurs fédéraux auraient interrogé Steve Jobs
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 23 jan 2007
             NEW YORK (Reuters) - Steve Jobs, patron et co-fondateur d'Apple, a été interrogé la semaine dernière par des enquêteurs fédéraux au sujet de stock-options ...
FR   559 - Wall Street indécise à l'ouverture, Texas Instruments en vue
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 23 jan 2007
             Apple cède autour de 1,4% alors que son PDG Steve Jobs a été interrogé par des enquêteurs la semaine dernière au sujet de l'attribution de stock-options ...
FR   560 - Des enquêteurs fédéraux auraient interrogé Steve Jobs
             Capital.fr - 23 jan 2007
             NEW YORK (Reuters) - Steve Jobs, patron et co-fondateur d'Apple, a été interrogé la semaine dernière par des enquêteurs fédéraux au sujet de stock-options ...
FR   561 - Des enquêteurs fédéraux auraient interrogé Steve Jobs
             Reuters.fr - 23 jan 2007
             NEW YORK (Reuters) - Steve Jobs, patron et co-fondateur d'Apple, a été interrogé la semaine dernière par des enquêteurs fédéraux au sujet de stock-options ...
FR   562 - Steve Jobs interrogé
             Mac Generation - 23 jan 2007
             Ces derniers ont interrogé la semaine dernière Steve Jobs au sujet de l’affaire des stock-options. Rien n’a filtré de cet entretien. Par ailleurs, l’enquête ...
AR   563 - Teatro valletano se presentará en Sierra Grande
             Roca Digital - 23 Ene 2007
             El elenco está integrado por Rubén Patricio y Tatalo Muzzin, y la producción general está a cargo de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Artístico “La Hormiga ...
             Total News Agency - 23 Ene 2007
             El magistrado también enfrenta un pedido de juicio político presentado por el presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Alameda, Gustavo Vera, ...
AR   565 - Piden que el Concejo Deliberante se expida en favor de los ...
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 23 Ene 2007
             En el mencionado hotel, funciona desde hace pocos años una cooperativa de trabajo, creada por los mismos empleados ante el posible cierre del lugar, ...
AR   566 - Rosario: Sería de un pibe toba el cuerpo hallado en el río
             DERF - 23 Ene 2007
             ... y cinco hermanos en el barrio Toba de Travesía 2050 y Almafuerte en la primera casa del pasillo lindero con la Cooperativa de Trabajo Constructora. ...
PE   567 - Interrogan al consejero delegado de Apple por unas stock options
             24 Horas Libre - 23 Ene 2007
             El consejero delegado de Apple Steve Jobs fue interrogado por investigadores estadounidenses sobre la manipulación en la fecha de entrega de stock options ...
ES   568 - Interrogan al consejero delegado de Apple por unas stock options
             Reuters España - 23 Ene 2007
             ... de Apple Steve Jobs fue interrogado por investigadores estadounidenses sobre la manipulación en la fecha de entrega de stock options de la compañía, ...
ES   569 - Stock options: CEO de Apple interrogado por fraude
             infoBAE profesional - 23 Ene 2007
             La compañía sostuvo en diciembre de 2006 que había realizado una investigación interna y que el rol de Jobs en el escándalo de las stock options “había sido ...
DE   570 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung soll verbessert werden
             SWR Nachrichten - 23. Jan. 2007
             Die rheinland-pfälzische Landesregierung will heute ein bundesweit einmaliges Konzept für mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Unternehmen vorstellen. ...
DE   571 - Yahoo! meldet Gewinneinbruch, Umsatz steigt um 13 Prozent
             AktienCheck - 23. Jan. 2007
             Das um Stock-Options bereiniget EPS beläuft sich auf 247 Mio. Dollar bzw. 16 Cents je Aktie. Die Analysten hatten im Vorfeld einen Gewinn von 13 Cents je ...
IT   572 - Steve Jobs interrogato per le stock options
             La Stampa - 23 gen 2007
             L’ indagine interna di Apple ha accertato che circa 6.500 stock options erano state retrodatate in un periodo compreso fra il 1997 ed il 2002. ...
IT   573 - Steve Jobs interrogato per le stock options
             La Stampa - 23 gen 2007
             della Sec (l’Autorità di vigilanza sulla Borsa statunitense) e del Dipartimento di Giustizia Usa, in relazione alla vicenda delle stock-options irregolari ...
IT   574 - Tonfo di Alcatel-Lucent (-9%)
             Soldi Online - 23 gen 2007
             ... Security and Exchange Commission, in merito alla retrodatazione delle stock options assegnate sia a se stesso che al top-managment della sua società. ...
IT   575 - Steve Jobs è stato interrogato dalla SEC
             KataWeb News - 23 gen 2007
             «Steve Jobs, Ceo di Apple, è stato interrogato in relazione alla vicenda delle stock options retrodatate che coinvolge 200 aziende americane. ...
IT   576 - Apple: interrogato Steve Jobs
             Studiocelentano.it - 23 gen 2007
             ROMA, 23 GEN - Steve Jobs, Ceo di Apple, e' stato interrogato in relazione alla vicenda delle stock options retrodatate che coinvolge 200 aziende americane. ...
IT   577 - Apple: Steve Jobs finisce sotto interrogatorio
             Studiocelentano.it - 23 gen 2007
             ROMA, 23 GEN - Steve Jobs, Ceo di Apple, e' stato interrogato in relazione alla vicenda delle stock options retrodatate che coinvolge 200 aziende americane. ...
IT   578 - Apple: interrogato Steve Jobs Sec e Dipartimento Giustizia Usa lo ...
             Borsa Italiana - 23 gen 2007
             (ANSA) - ROMA, 23 GEN - Steve Jobs, Ceo di Apple, e' stato interrogato in relazione alla vicenda delle stock options retrodatate che coinvolge 200 aziende ...
IT   579 - Jobs interrogato sul caso stock options
             Macity - 23 gen 2007
             Steve Jobs è stato sentito dalla Sec e dal Dipartimento di giustizia americano sul caso delle stock options. A riportare la notizia, che confermerebbe la ...
IT   580 - Steve Jobs foi interrogado sobre stock options da Apple
             Info Corporate - 23 Jan 2007
             O presidente-executivo da Apple, Steve Jobs, foi interrogado por investigadores norte-americanos sobre opções de ações concedidas pela empresa com datas ...
US   581 - these guys couldn't hurt
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Jan 22, 2007
             Instead, think of the emotional investment that would result from the pro football equivalent of employee ownership. And the money you save by not paying a ...
US   582 - Hey, these guys couldn't hurt
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Jan 22, 2007
             Instead, think of the emotional investment that would result from the pro football equivalent of employee ownership. And the money you save by not paying a ...
US   583 - Patio Enclosures, Inc. Becomes 100 Percent Employee-Owned As ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 22, 2007
             "This event was made possible by our employee-owners' commitment to delivering quality products and satisfying our customers." ...
US   584 - Hooker Loses Last Shoe
             MSNBC - Jan 22, 2007
             ... (in addition to the fact that Tom Gardner recommended the stock, of course), was that I really liked the idea of how Hooker was run by employee-owners. ...
US   585 - Hooker Loses Last Shoe
             Motley Fool - Jan 22, 2007
             ... (in addition to the fact that Tom Gardner recommended the stock, of course), was that I really liked the idea of how Hooker was run by employee-owners. ...
US   586 - HMN Financial, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter Results
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 22, 2007
             (284421) (917577) Unearned employee stock ownership plan shares..................................... (4157698) (4350999) Unearned compensation restricted ...
US   587 - Citizens South Banking Corporation Announces Record Earnings of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 22, 2007
             ... 2005 91 91 Additional paid-in-capital 68578 68468 Unallocated common stock held by Employee Stock Ownership Plan (1430) (1613) Unearned compensation ...
US   588 - Inside Eileen Fisher's employee stock plan
             Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA - Jan 22, 2007
             She set up an employee stock-ownership plan, or ESOP, for her 624 employees, transferring nearly a third of the shares of the company into it. ...
US   589 - Omega Reports 2006 Earnings
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 22, 2007
             ... bearing 1093428 1185847 Total deposits 1325763 1422530 Short-term borrowings 65712 90153 ESOP debt 1481 1845 Junior subordinated debentures 56193 56692 ...
UK   590 - Bestinvest ushers in new chief with 5% handshake
             CityWire.co.uk, UK - Jan 22, 2007
             However, Barnes’s tenure at AWM ended in some controversy after he left the firm on its merger with Select Managed Funds with share options worth several ...
CA   591 - Skor acquires $12 million food manufacturing business
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 22, 2007
             Skor announces that the Directors of the corporation were collectively granted a total of 100000 share options on Dec. 28/06 having an exercise price of ...
ZA   592 - Sallies directors meet in bid to remedy shareholder discontent
             Engineering News (press release), South Africa - Jan 22, 2007
             He pointed out that, if either Sallies CE Izak Marias or FRM Securities decided to exercise their share options which they were entitled to do, ...
AU   593 - Motorizer's no joke, even to wisecracking Zander
             Australian IT, Australia - Jan 22, 2007
             "We got you a good stock price," he joked, referring to share options new executives typically receive. The lower the price of the options when issued the ...
IN   594 - Avoiding Apple's n-come tax
             ZDNetIndia, India - Jan 22, 2007
             ... to play it by the book as much as possible because of the ongoing Sox-based criminal investigation into the company's share options backdating scandal. ...
UK   595 - Former Coffee Republic boss cashes in shares worth more than £400000
             CatererSearch, UK - Jan 22, 2007
             Deposed Coffee Republic boss Bobby Hashemi has cashed in share options worth £412500 as part his severance package with the company. ...
IN   596 - ITC may get land in WB for IT park
             Indiatimes, India - Jan 22, 2007
             ... nod from shareholders on Monday for its plans to offer and issue shares to employees and directors under an Employee Stock Option (ESOP) scheme. ...
US   597 - After the Backdating Investigation, Don't Forget About the Taxes
             Law.com (subscription), CA - Jan 22, 2007
             There are two common types of employee stock options: nonstatutory stock options (NSOs) and incentive stock options (ISOs). ...
US   598 - Apple's Jobs Interviewed by US Lawyers in Stock Options Probe
             Bloomberg - Jan 22, 2007
             22 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs was questioned by US government investigators about backdating of employee stock options ...
US   599 - ADTRAN, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter 2006 Results and Declares ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 22, 2007
             These measures exclude the effect of stock compensation expense for employee stock options associated with the application of SFAS 123R, which ADTRAN ...
CA   600 - Energy Metals Corporation Completes Arrangement Agreement with ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Jan 22, 2007
             In addition Energy Metals will exchange all of the outstanding employee stock options and warrants of High Plains for employee stock options and warrants of ...
US   601 - Take-Two Investigation Uncovers Stock Option Irregularities
             Digital Media Wire, CA - Jan 22, 2007
             ... to have been involved in the "backdating," where the date on which employee stock options were granted is changed in order to increase their value. ...
US   602 - TI Reports 4Q06 and 2006 Financial Results
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 22, 2007
             The company began expensing employee stock options in the third quarter of 2005. "TI delivered important financial achievements in 2006," said Rich ...
US   603 - Probe of Apple options
             Newsday, NY - Jan 22, 2007
             The federal government's crackdown on backdated employee stock options took a high-profile turn when Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple Inc., ...
FR   604 - Epargne salariale : les opérations se généralisent dans les ...
             Boursorama - 22 jan 2007
             Il montre que toutes les grandes entreprises, à l’exception de La Poste, ont déjà mis en place des systèmes d’épargne salariale. Par contre, elles n’ont pas ...
FR   605 - AXA confirme ses objectifs pour 2012
             Boursorama - 22 jan 2007
             En assurance-vie collective, la mise en place d'une plate-forme regroupant l'épargne salariale et la retraite d'entreprise a permis à la société d'augmenter ...
FR   606 - AXA confirme ses objectifs pour 2012
             Capital.fr - 22 jan 2007
             En assurance-vie collective, la mise en place d'une plate-forme regroupant l'épargne salariale et la retraite d'entreprise a permis à la société d'augmenter ...
FR   607 - Le PDG de Gap remercié pour cause de mauvais résultats
             La Tribune.fr - 22 jan 2007
             En quittant le groupe, M. Pressler va percevoir 14 millions de dollars d'indemnités, dont 9,5 millions de dollars en stock-options au prix unitaire de 20 ...
FR   608 - Les retraités (CFR) veulent un «minimum vieillesse» à 90% du Smic
             Agevillage - 22 jan 2007
             ... retraite populaire), Perco (plan d'épargne pour la retraite collectif), l'intéressement, les plans d'épargne retraite d'entreprise et les stock-options. ...
FR   609 - Les réformes de Marianne (3/7) : restaurer la République
             Marianne2007.info - 22 jan 2007
             Les stock-options ne seront autorisées que comme forme de participation à la valorisation de l'entreprise. Tous les salariés d'une entreprise devront donc ...
FR   610 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             Eburnea News - 22 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
AR   611 - Primera Pasantía en la COPROE
             RufinoWeb - 22 Ene 2007
             ... su quinto aniversario al frente del Molino de la Escuela de Molinería, el lunes 15 de enero, la Cooperativa de Trabajo Productiva Educativa de Rufino ...
AR   612 - El Concejo Deliberante de Apóstoles se aumentó el presupuesto
             Misiones OnLine - 22 Ene 2007
             Entre ellos se encuentran el convenio para la construcción de veredas por un importe de 360.000 pesos que serán construidas por cooperativas de trabajo ...
             SNE (Comunicados de prensa) - 22 Ene 2007
             Pueden participar en la presente convocatoria pública personas naturales o jurídicas, cooperativas, organizaciones de productores y cooperativas de trabajo ...
AR   614 - Contrastes en negro
             Pesca & Puertos - 22 Ene 2007
             En esa misma página el Director General de Acción Cooperativa de esa ciudad analiza la situación de las cooperativas de trabajo en la pesca local, ...
AR   615 - “Terminar con el fraude depende de los propios trabajadores”
             Pesca & Puertos - 22 Ene 2007
             De acuerdo a su base de datos, desde 1990 a la fecha, el INAES entregó 195 matrículas a entidades cooperativas de trabajo vinculadas a las actividades ...
ES   616 - ¿Qué pasa con las Stock Options de Apple?, por Ana y Ramón
             faq-mac.com - 22 Ene 2007
             Para comprender esta situación, primero debemos comenzar por definir qué son las Stock Options y para qué se usan. Las Stock Options u opciones sobre ...
ES   617 - El Santander celebra su 150 aniversario y regala 100 acciones a ...
             AmericaEconomica.com - 22 Ene 2007
             Recientemente los 2.601 mayores directivos del banco presidido por Emilio Botín consiguieron tener acceso al mayor plan de stock options de la historia ...
ES   618 - Santander regalará 100 acciones a cada empleado para celebrar su ...
             Bolsacinco.com - 22 Ene 2007
             Recientemente los 2.601 mayores directivos del banco presidido por Emilio Botín consiguieron tener acceso al mayor plan de stock options. ...
DE   619 - Undank ist der Bank Lohn
             manager-magazin.de - 22. Jan. 2007
             Bislang verweigere der Senat jedes Gespräch über diese Form der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Finanzsenator Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) habe stattdessen in Aussicht ...
BR   620 - Novo capítulo de uma velha disputa
             Jornal do Meio Ambiente - 22 Jan 2007
             Logo depois, foi a vez de Winnie Overbeek, da Federação de Órgãos para Assistência Social e Educacional (Fase), e Helder Gomes, da Cooperativa de Trabalho ...
AU   621 - Raiders Need Some More Coaching Candidates
             International News Service, Australia - Jan 21, 2007
             Instead, think of the emotional investment that would result from the pro football equivalent of employee ownership. And the money you save by not paying a ...
US   622 - Raiders need some more coaching candidates
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Jan 21, 2007
             Instead, think of the emotional investment that would result from the pro football equivalent of employee ownership. And the money you save by not paying a ...
ZA   623 - Gold producers battle costs
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 21, 2007
             On a more company specific basis, another analyst pointed out that AngloGold can be expected to report impacts from a recent employee share ownership plan, ...
ZA   624 - AGL - Anglo American plc - Anglo American employee share ownership ...
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 21, 2007
             ANAAL AGL - Anglo American plc - Anglo American employee share ownership plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: ...
PH   625 - Arrastre takeover set
             Bohol Chronicle, Philippines - Jan 21, 2007
             The port workers' cooperative was already assured by some local banks to support the bidding requirements, such as cash bond, while they have the capability ...
UK   626 - Top tips to beat the tax man
             The Sun, UK - Jan 21, 2007
             There are drawbacks with the online service in that it does not cover areas such as share options, buy-to-let income, overseas holiday home rental income, ...
AU   627 - Enron survivor hunts for riches in Papua New Guinea
             The Age, Australia - Jan 21, 2007
             During that time InterOil insiders, including Mulacek and Byker, have exercised share options worth millions of dollars, and hedge funds have sold large ...
US   628 - Google gives more options with stock options
             Asbury Park Press, NJ - Jan 21, 2007
             ... is to be applauded for its ingenuity and, eventually, for helping all of us to see just how much some of those employee stock options are really worth. ...
US   629 - Google helps us see how much options are worth
             St. Louis Post-Dispatch, MO - Jan 21, 2007
             ... is to be applauded for its ingenuity and, eventually, for helping all of us to see just how much some of those employee stock options really are worth.
US   630 - Earnings Calls: Merrill Lynch Fourth Quarter Earnings Call
             123Jump.com, FL - Jan 21, 2007
             ... but up 1% sequentially, due primarily to the impact of the firm’s significantly higher average stock price on employee stock option exercise activity ...
FR   631 - Quelles innovations sociales pour quelle performance économique ...
             Indice RH - 21 jan 2007
             Les relations sociales, l’épargne salariale, la conciliation vie professionnelle/ vie privée, la flex sécurité, la santé au travail, la protection sociale, ...
FR   632 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut
             nouvelobs.com - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   633 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             nouvelobs.com - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   634 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             Le Monde - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   635 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             Capital.fr - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   636 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             La Tribune.fr - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   637 - DEPECHENicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             L'Express - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   638 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             L'Express - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   639 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             Boursier.com - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
FR   640 - Nicolas Sarkozy veut réduire la fiscalité sur le travail
             Reuters.fr - 21 jan 2007
             Il ajoute ne pas être en faveur de stock-options réservées à un "petit groupe de cadres dirigeants. Je suis tenté par l'idée des plans de stock options pour ...
AR   641 - El Concejo de Apóstoles aprobará hoy el presupuesto 2007
             Misiones OnLine - 21 Ene 2007
             Entre ellos se encuentran: "el convenio para la construcción de veredas en por un importe de 360.000 pesos que serán construidas por cooperativas de trabajo ...
ES   642 - EU acusa al Consell de "abandonar el textil"
             Panorama Actual - 21 Ene 2007
             ... la creación de cooperativas de trabajadores y trabajadoras y la imposición de aranceles sociales y medioambientales a los productos importados". ...
DE   643 - Streit zwischen Landesbank und Berliner Senat möglich
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) - 21. Jan. 2007
             Bislang verweigere der Senat jedes Gespräch über diese Form der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Finanzsenator Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) habe stattdessen per Interview in ...
DE   644 - Weiß in Fraktions-AG
             Rhein Main Presse - 21. Jan. 2007
             Für Weiß ist die Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung eine Herzensangelegenheit. Er begreift dieses Thema als eine "doppelte Chance" für Arbeitnehmer und für ...
DE   645 - Landesbank plant Sonderbonus für Mitarbeiter
             Berliner Zeitung - 21. Jan. 2007
             Bislang indes verweigert der Senat jedes Gespräch über diese Form der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Finanzsenator Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) stellte stattdessen jetzt ...
UK   646 - Why risk-taking needn’t be a solitary game
             Sunday Herald, UK - Jan 20, 2007
             It is part of a commitment to enhance co-operation and employee ownership contained in the Executive's Smart Succcessful Scotland strategy. ...
US   647 - Union Local Weighs Bid For Paper
             Hartford Courant, CT - Jan 20, 2007
             Doug Dalena, an Advocate reporter and local unit chairman of the union, said the union is pursing employee ownership or an ownership that will be favorable ...
US   648 - Business briefs
             Durham Herald Sun, NC - Jan 20, 2007
             Williams is a board member of Triangle Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Visions Inc. College Foundation Inc., a nonprofit corporation helping North ...
UK   649 - Scottish Power investors hope for more than romance this Valentine ...
             Sunday Herald, UK - Jan 20, 2007
             Well over half of Scottish Power's 9000 employees can expect a substantial windfall as members of the group's Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, ...
CA   650 - Bema Investor opposes Kinross takeover plan
             The Northern Miner (subscription), Canada - Jan 20, 2007
             ``This is, in my view, an arms-length negotiation between Kinross and B2Gold,'' said Johnson, who owns 104392 Bema shares and 5 million share options. ...
IN   651 - Getting into the core of fringe benefit tax
             Business Standard, India - Jan 20, 2007
             Employee stock options: Benefit provided by the employer to the employees by way of allotment of shares, debentures, or warrants directly or indirectly ...
CO   652 - A renegociar
             Semana - 20 Ene 2007
             Se va a pedir la desaparición -o reforma- de las cooperativas de trabajo que existen en el país. Estas se han convertido en una vía para que los empresarios ...
AR   653 - Tostado tuvo un 2006 con mucha obra pública y atención social
             El Litoral - 20 Ene 2007
             Vi ya existentes y otras cuatro ubicadas en calle 6 de Caballería construidas a través de las Cooperativas de Trabajo, metodología que ya tiene aprobada la ...
VE   654 - Discurso de Granier a diario brasileño es sólo un ardid ...
             RNV - 20 Ene 2007
             ... que sea asignada a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva ya una empresa de capital mixto público y privado”, ...
VE   655 - Discurso de Granier a diario brasileño es sólo un ardid ...
             Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias - 20 Ene 2007
             ... que sea asignada a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva ya una empresa de capital mixto público y privado», ...
VE   656 - Ministro Lara rechaza declaraciones de Granier a diario brasileño
             El Universal (Venezuela) - 20 Ene 2007
             ... es la asignación de la misma a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva ya una empresa de capital mixto público y privado.
VE   657 - Ministro Lara rechaza declaraciones de Granier a diario brasileño
             El Universal (Venezuela) - 20 Ene 2007
             ... es la asignación de la misma a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva ya una empresa de capital mixto público y privado.
VE   658 - Gobierno venezolano rechaza cuestionamientos a libertad de expresión
             Prensa Latina - 20 Ene 2007
             Entre ellas, señaló la posibilidad de que sea asignada a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva, a una empresa de capital ...
VE   659 - Lara: Granier cobea a los brasileños
             Unión Radio - 20 Ene 2007
             ... que sea asignada a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva ya una empresa de capital mixto público y privado. ...
VE   660 - Granier cobea a los brasileños
             Ministerio de Comunicación e Información de Venezuela (Comunicados de prensa) - 20 Ene 2007
             ... que sea asignada a un conjunto de cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva y a una empresa de capital mixto público y privado. ...
ES   661 - Una 'manzana' bajo sospecha
             El País (España) - 20 Ene 2007
             Pero ¿qué pasará con Apple si el escándalo de las stock options (opciones sobre acciones) le obliga a dejar el puesto de consejero delegado? ...
             AGI - Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - 20 gen 2007
             Nei giorni scorsi, alcuni rappresentanti degli azionisti-dipendenti e anche cinque componenti del Consiglio di amministrazione avevano chiesto che la ...
BR   663 - Novo Alerta: INSS de 15% s/ Faturas da UNIMED e/ou UNIODONTO é ...
             Jornal de Araraquara - 20 Jan 2007
             22, não basta que a contratada seja uma cooperativa de trabalho, exigido-se mais, que o objeto da contratação envolva - única e exclusivamente - cessão da ...
US   664 - Lampin Corp. completes buyout
             Worcester Business Journal, MA - Jan 19, 2007
             In addition to the numerous steps take on his checklist towards employee ownership, Rossiter had one last item to cross off: Removing himself from Lampin. ...
US   665 - Cowan steps down as CEO of Davey Tree Expert Co.
             Ravenna Record Courier, OH - Jan 19, 2007
             Employee ownership has been a real plus." After accepting a management trainee position with the corporate office, he was promoted to utility operations ...
ZA   666 - Gold price freeze has big costs
             iAfrica.com, South Africa - Jan 19, 2007
             On a more company specific basis, another analyst pointed out that AngloGold can be expected to report impacts from a recent employee share ownership plan, ...
US   667 - Costs May Catch Up as Gold Price Freezes
             Resource Investor, VA - Jan 19, 2007
             On a more company specific basis, another analyst pointed out that AngloGold can be expected to report impacts from a recent employee share ownership plan, ...
IE   668 - Friday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - Jan 19, 2007
             Australian investment fund Babcock & Brown owns the business with the Eircom Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot). Babcock has pledged to increase ...
UK   669 - Work-life balance key to being the best
             Management-Issues, UK - Jan 19, 2007
             ... best companies include increased racial and gender diversity, improved internal communications and increased use of employee stock ownership programs. ...
US   670 - Heritage Financial Group Announces Higher Fourth Quarter Earnings
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 19, 2007
             ... including costs related to the implementation of our stock option plan and ESOP, along with continued investments in our systems and start-up expenses ...
US   671 - Chávez's power likely to grow
             Miami Herald, FL - Jan 19, 2007
             ... of association'' [presumably workers' cooperatives] to engage in banking and insurance, as well as new and tighter regulations on foreign investment. ...
UK   672 - You can't put it off any longer!
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 19, 2007
             But the online service does not cover areas such as share options, buy-to-let income, overseas holiday home rental income, foreign dividend income and ...
UK   673 - Failed buyout at heart of Misys cull
             Financial Director, UK - Jan 19, 2007
             ... buyout by the founder, Kevin Lomax, could collect a total of up to £2m plus any cash they can extract from the company's share options scheme. ...
UK   674 - Avoiding Apple's n-come tax
             ZDNet UK, UK - Jan 19, 2007
             ... to play it by the book as much as possible because of the ongoing Sox-based criminal investigation into the company's share options backdating scandal. ...
ZA   675 - OMN- Omnia - Exercise and sale of options by a director of a major
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 19, 2007
             ... Omnia advises that options to purchase shares have been exercised by a director of a major subsidiary company and sold as follows: SHARE OPTIONS ...
US   676 - Opening View: Results From General Electric and Citigroup
             Schaeffers Research, OH - Jan 19, 2007
             By Mark Fightmaster (mfightmaster@sir-inc.com) 1/19/2007 7:25 AM ET. Many of our observations are now available as audio presentations that you can hear on ...
US   677 - Francisco Partners looks to acquire Mincom
             AltAssets - Jan 19, 2007
             Francisco said that they propose to acquire all shares and share options in Mincom via an arrangement that will see Mincom’s shareholders receiving A$8.77 ...
UK   678 - New Misys head clears away the last of the old guard
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 19, 2007
             Both have more than 1.2m share options. Mr Lawrie is bringing in the former UK head of LogicaCMG, Guy Warren, to lead the company's core banking software ...
US   679 - Prineville Bancorporation Declares Third Consecutive Record ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 19, 2007
             Total stockholders’ equity, equity per share, and shares outstanding were increased by the regular exercise of employee stock options and the 5% stock ...
US   680 - A Hot New Way To Price Options
             Forbes, NY - Jan 19, 2007
             It's been a year since companies have been required to report the cost of employee stock options as an expense--dinging their profits as much as, ...
FR   681 - "Prédateurs", l'éditorial de Bertrand Fabre
             Moniteur-Expert - 19 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale, pratiquée dans presque deux tiers des entreprises, vient compléter la situation. Cerise sur le gâteau: les avantages en nature, ...
FR   682 - JP Morgan abaisse son conseil sur AGF suite au rachat des minoritaires
             Capital.fr - 19 jan 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
FR   683 - Philippe de Villiers arbore un programme libéral pour tenter de ...
             Mouvement Pour la France (Communiqués de presse) - 19 jan 2007
             ... contrôle extérieure dans des secteurs stratégiques et de développer l'actionnariat salarié pour « faire face aux OPA et freiner les délocalisations ». ...
FR   684 - Le Pdg de Nexity renonce à ses stock-options
             Batiactu - 19 jan 2007
             Alain Dinin a donc décidé de renoncer à ses stock-options et aux actions gratuites qu’il pourrait obtenir de la part de son entreprise. ...
FR   685 - Le P-DG de Nexity renonce à ses stock-options
             Le Point - 19 jan 2007
             Le PDG de Nexity, premier groupe immobilier français, Alain Dinin, a indiqué jeudi qu'il renonçait aux stock-options et aux actions gratuites que pourrait ...
FR   686 - Le P-DG de Nexity renonce à ses stock-options
             Capital.fr - 19 jan 2007
             Le PDG de Nexity (NXI), premier groupe immobilier français, Alain Dinin, a indiqué jeudi qu'il renonçait aux stock-options et aux actions gratuites que ...
FR   687 - Logitech flirte avec les records financiers
             Génération NT - 19 jan 2007
             Les analystes avaient pronostiqué en moyenne un résultat de 87,0 millions stock options inclus, pour un bénéfice d'exploitation de 97,5 millions (de ...
AR   688 - SEOM:Seguirá el acampe en la plaza y comenzarán huelga de hambre
             Diario Jujuy - 19 Ene 2007
             ... realizadas por el gobierno, que pensaba otorgar a los despedidos planes PEC de 300 pesos por 120 días, o la de formar una cooperativa de trabajo. ...
AR   689 - El gobierno entregó aportes por más de 2.400.000 pesos
             El Litoral - 19 Ene 2007
             ... el Instituto Particular N° 1010, la Sociedad San Vicente de Paul, la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Agustín y la Alianza Francesa de Santa Fe.> ...
AR   690 - Entrega de fondos para los departamentos La Capital y San Cristóbal
             Sin Mordaza - 19 Ene 2007
             ... el Club de Niños Manuel Belgrano, el centro comunitario Bario San Lorenzo, el Liceo General Belgrano, la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Agustín, ...
AR   691 - Un hombre denunció haber sido secuestrado
             La Verdad de Junín - 19 Ene 2007
             Su madre, Nélida Caseri, es militante del Frente para la Victoria (FPV) de Chacabuco e integrante de una cooperativa de trabajo que recientemente tomó ...
AR   692 - Obeid entregará aportes a municipios, comunas, instituciones y ...
             DERF - 19 Ene 2007
             ... el Liceo General Belgrano, la Cooperativa de Trabajo San Agustín, la Casa del Obrero Estudiante, el Hogar María Auxiliadora y Fundación la Esperanza, ...
MX   693 - Ciencia y tecnología
             Crisis - 19 Ene 2007
             Sabía usted que en 2005, cuando el presidente Fox visitó una planta de la Sociedad Cooperativa de Trabajadores Pascual, exclamó: ‘¡Ah cabrón! ...
ES   694 - Logitech registra el mejor trimestre de su historia
             Vnunet.es (Comunicados de prensa) - 19 Ene 2007
             ... del 23 por ciento con respecto al tercer trimestre del pasado ejercicio, e incluye 4,6 millones ligados a los planes de participación (stock options). ...
IT   695 - Cuneo Carmagnola L'evoluzione del TFR
             Grandain - 19 gen 2007
             Flavio Casetti, Responsabile di COOPERLAVORO (Fondo di Previdenza Integrativo dei Soci e dei Dipendenti delle Cooperative di Lavoro e Sociali). ...
IT   696 - Cooperative toscane: i risultati economici del 2006
             Nove da Firenze - 19 gen 2007
             Interessante notare è che nelle cooperative di Lavoro la percentuale di dipendenti soci è la maggioranza (circa il 70% nel 2005, in crescita rispetto al ...
US   697 - 77% of Americans Say US Must Do More to Spur Green Technologies ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 18, 2007
             ... and ensure a high-skilled 21st century workforce; -- TechNet supports policies that spur entrepreneurship, employee ownership and small business growth; ...
ZA   698 - Loss of production and stock theft may be signs of staff addiction
             BusinessOwner.co.za, South Africa - Jan 18, 2007
             METHAMPHETAMINE or tik as it is most commonly known has hit the business world hard. Many business owners are having to deal with a loss of production and ...
US   699 - Jefferies Announces Second Best Quarterly Results Ever and Seventh ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 18, 2007
             “Jefferies has never had a stronger capital base, a more diversified business platform, or a more qualified group of employee-owners,” added Brian P. ...
US   700 - Hooker Furniture Exits Domestic Wood Furniture Manufacturing ...
             RTO Online, MO - Jan 18, 2007
             ... Martinsville employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the Company’s retirement plans, including Hooker’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   701 - IRS updates annual Revenue Procedures for 2007
             CCH - Jan 18, 2007
             ... stock bonus, annuity, and employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), and the status for exemption of any related trusts or custodial accounts. ...
US   702 - OceanFirst Financial Corp. Announces Quarterly Earnings and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 18, 2007
             ... was partly offset by net income, proceeds from stock option exercises and related tax benefit, and Employee Stock Ownership Plan amortization. ...
US   703 - Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. Announces First Quarter Earnings
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 18, 2007
             The increase was primarily the result of $5.7 million in net income for the period, $738000 in earned employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") shares and ...
US   704 - Hooker Furniture to Exit Domestic Wood Furniture Manufacturing
             Furniture World Magazine (press release) - Jan 18, 2007
             ... Martinsville employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the Company’s retirement plans, including Hooker’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   705 - Chamber honors civic, business leaders
              Quincy Herald Whig, IL - Jan 18, 2007
             He said 1600 Niemann Foods employees are co-owners through an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. "My wife, Connie, has been a part of the Niemann Foods ...
US   706 - Information Security Analyst
             Seattle Times, WA - Jan 18, 2007
             We offer competitive pay and generous benefits including 401(k) Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan, fully paid employee medical, dental, vision insurance.
US   707 - Hooker closing local plant
             Martinsville Bulletin, VA - Jan 18, 2007
             ... employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the company’s retirement plans, including Hooker’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). ...
US   708 - IN WINSLOW Johnny's, Orion prefer rent to purchase
             Central Maine Morning Sentinel, ME - Jan 18, 2007
             Johnny's employees -- about 120 in number -- started the process to purchase the company last fall through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   709 - Work-Family Benefits Improve Dramatically Among Best American ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Jan 18, 2007
             ... best companies include increased racial and gender diversity, improved internal communications, and increased use of employee stock ownership programs. ...
US   710 - Work-Family Benefits Improve Dramatically Among Best American ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Jan 18, 2007
             ... best companies include increased racial and gender diversity, improved internal communications, and increased use of employee stock ownership programs. ...
US   711 - American Capital Invests $41 Million in One Stop Buyout(TM) of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 18, 2007
             American Capital invests directly and through its asset management business is a global investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US   712 - Charter Financial Reports First Quarter Earnings; Announces ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 18, 2007
             ESOP shares are only considered outstanding for earnings per share calculations when the shares have been committed to be released. ...
US   713 - Horizon Bancorp Announces Record Earnings for 2006
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 18, 2007
             Fiduciary fees increased due to an increase in ESOP administration business. Also affecting non-interest income compared to 2005 was approximately $160 ...
US   714 - Eagle Bancorp Announces Second Quarter Earnings and Declares ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 18, 2007
             ... 2006 and June 30, 2006, respectively) 12 12 Additional paid-in capital 4330 4274 Unallocated common stock held by ESOP (110) (129) Treasury stock, ...
US   715 - The Bank of New York Company, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter Net ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 18, 2007
             ... 285692282 shares at 09/30/06 and 273662218 shares at 12/31/05), at cost 7576 7169 6736 Loan to ESOP (101753 shares at 12/31/06 and 203507 shares at ...
US   716 - Chávez granted power to rule by decree
             Miami Herald, FL - Jan 18, 2007
             ... of association'' [presumably workers' cooperatives] to engage in banking and insurance, as well as new and tighter regulations on foreign investment. ...
US   717 - Bill giving Chávez even broader powers gets preliminary OK
             Miami Herald, FL - Jan 18, 2007
             ... types of association'' (presumably workers' cooperatives) to engage in banking and insurance, as well as new and tighter regulations on foreign investment.
CA   718 - Champion Bear grants share options
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 18, 2007
             (TSX Venture: CBA) CALGARY, Jan. 18 /CNW/ - Champion Bear Resources Ltd. ("Champion Bear") announced today that it has granted options to acquire an ...
UK   719 - Great Britons Awards 2006
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - Jan 18, 2007
             ... bid from Philip Green in 2004 (when the price was £3.47), he kept his promise to give the difference in the value of his own share options to charity. ...
US   720 - Francisco Partners Makes Offer to Acquire Mincom Limited
             ARC Advisory Group (press release), MA - Jan 18, 2007
             Francisco Partners proposes to acquire all shares and share options in Mincom via a scheme of arrangement that sees Mincom’s shareholders receiving A$8.77 ...
UK   721 - In the money
              Economist, UK - Jan 18, 2007
             The chief mistake of the past 15 years was the granting of too many share options to too many people on terms that were too generous. ...
UK   722 - Clapham House bosses sell again
             ShareCast, UK - Jan 18, 2007
             Executive chairman David Page has now exercised 350000 share options and sold the lot at a price of 318p per share. The sale netted Page just over £1.1m ...
US   723 - Francisco Partners Makes Offer to Acquire Mincom Limited
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 18, 2007
             Francisco Partners proposes to acquire all shares and share options in Mincom via a scheme of arrangement that sees Mincom’s shareholders receiving A$8.77 ...
UK   724 - Senior Recruitment Consultants
             Recruiter Magazine, UK - Jan 18, 2007
             ... a competitive basic salary, options for car allowance and healthcare, uncapped commission, on going training and development and future share options.
UK   725 - Apple reports massive sales increase
             IT PRO, UK - Jan 18, 2007
             An internal investigation into the share options scandal, conducted by former US vice president Al Gore cleared Jobs of any wrongdoing at the end of ...
UK   726 - '£1m director' quits Misys
             Times Online, UK - Jan 18, 2007
             He and Ivan Martin, formerly head of its banking business, were in 2005 promised share options potentially worth £1.2 million. The proposal, which was later ...
US   727 - Harley-Davidson Reports Revenue and Earnings Growth for 2006
              Autochannel (press release) - Jan 18, 2007
             ... based payments 18933 6065 - Issuance of common stock under employee stock option plans 125801 31264 62171 Net cash used by financing activities (637023) ...
US   728 - Inside Entrepreneurship: Stock options not always the best choice ...
             Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - Jan 18, 2007
             Yesterday I was asked by a job candidate if our company has an employee stock-option plan. We don't, but should I? A: One of the primary reasons why ...
IN   729 - UltraTech Reports Results for Quarter Ended 31st December, 2006
             Business Wire India (press release), India - Jan 18, 2007
             During the quarter, the Board approved the formulating of an Employee Stock Option Scheme. The Company’s shareholders have also granted their approval for ...
FR   730 - «Une transformation du capitalisme»
             Libération - 18 jan 2007
             On n'est pas en train de dire qu'il faut faire partout des coopératives ou partout de l'actionnariat salarié. Pour nous se pose la question de la ...
FR   731 - L’intermédiation dans les opérations d’épargne collective se ...
             NewsManagers - 18 jan 2007
             "Al’occasion de la mise en place de produits de retraite, les entreprises s’interrogent sur l’optimisation des produits d’épargne salariale qu’elles ont ...
FR   732 - Bourse de Wall Street : Wall Street : Apple chute, le Nasdaq décroche.
             Zonebourse.com - 18 jan 2007
             ... comparés avec les performances passées, dans l′attente des résultats de l′audit comptable actuellement mené sur les pratiques liées aux stock-options. ...
FR   733 - le point sur les stock-options
             Mac Generation - 18 jan 2007
             Rester dans le cadre de la dépêche. Pour des discussions plus générales, vous pouvez utiliser nos forums. Développer son argumentation. ...
FR   734 - Stock-options, départ d’un procureur
             MacPlus - 18 jan 2007
             En Californie, le procureur responsable de la poursuite des entreprises ayant enfreint la loi sur les stock-options vient de quitter son poste. ...
FR   735 - Logitech publie des résultats trimestriels record
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 18 jan 2007
             Les analystes avaient pronostiqué en moyenne un résultat de 87,0 millions stock options inclus, pour un bénéfice d'exploitation de 97,5 millions. ...
FR   736 - Le plein de chiffres
             Mac Generation - 18 jan 2007
             Il a été question de Macintosh, iPod, des Apple Store, de la polémique avec Cisco au sujet d’iPhone, de l’affaire des stock-options et bien d’autres choses ...
FR   737 - Apple : profit en hausse de 78 %
             Présence PC - 18 jan 2007
             Steve Jobs de son côté, qui est suspecté d’avoir reçu illégalement des stock options, doit à tout prix éviter d’être contraint à la démission. ...
ES   738 - MCC encabeza el ránking de empleo entre empresas con accionistas ...
             Diario Vasco - 18 Ene 2007
             Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa encabeza el ranking europeo de empleo entre las 100 principales compañías con accionariado asalariado, ...
ES   739 - Explotación en taller clandestino de 'Cheeky' en Bs As
             ADN Mundo - 18 Ene 2007
             ... en el que han colaborado integrantes del Centro Comunitario 'La Alameda' y la Cooperativa de Trabajo '20 de Diciembre', indican que los trabajadores ...
ES   740 - Denuncian un taller clandestino de 'Cheeky' en Buenos Aires donde ...
             Terra España - 18 Ene 2007
             ... en el que han colaborado integrantes del Centro Comunitario 'La Alameda' y la Cooperativa de Trabajo '20 de Diciembre', indican que los trabajadores ...
ES   741 - RSC.- Denuncian un taller clandestino de la firma 'Cheeky' en ...
             elEconomista.es - 18 Ene 2007
             ... en el que han colaborado integrantes del Centro Comunitario 'La Alameda' y la Cooperativa de Trabajo '20 de Diciembre', indican que los trabajadores ...
ES   742 - RSC.- Denuncian un taller clandestino de la firma 'Cheeky' en ...
             Europa Press - 18 Ene 2007
             ... en el que han colaborado integrantes del Centro Comunitario 'La Alameda' y la Cooperativa de Trabajo '20 de Diciembre', indican que los trabajadores ...
AR   743 - Ceretto entregó un subsidio a la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Cabaña
             La Capital (Rosario) - 18 Ene 2007
             El ministro de la Producción Roberto Ceretto entregó esta mañana un subsidio de 31 mil pesos a la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Cabaña destinado a la compra de ...
AR   744 - El gobierno de Obeid entregó aporte a la Cooperativa La Cabaña
             NotiExpress - 18 Ene 2007
             El ministro de la Producción, Roberto Ceretto, entregó este jueves un subsidio de 31 mil pesos a la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Cabaña. ...
AR   745 - La provincia entregó un subsidio a la cooperativa La Cabaña
             Rosario3 - 18 Ene 2007
             Ceretto tiene prevista, además, la entrega de 10 mil pesos a la Cooperativa de Trabajo Puerto Rosario Ltda., que será destinado a la compra de nuevas ...
PR   746 - Católicos caen en redada mediática
             El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico) - 18 Ene 2007
             En los panfletos se instaba a sus trabajadores a organizarse en cooperativas de trabajo para convertir “al canal golpista en un medio de comunicación ...
AR   747 - Convenios por Agua y Electricidad para 20 viviendas en Rawson
             El Urbano - 18 Ene 2007
             Las casas serán construidas por las cooperativas de trabajo puesto que las licitaciones para llevarlas a cabo fueron declaradas desiertas. ...
AR   748 - Ceretto entregó aportes para la Cooperativa La Cabaña de Rosario
             Sin Mordaza - 18 Ene 2007
             El ministro afirmó también que “la relación de las cooperativas de trabajo y las entidades del gobierno provincial nos va a permitir ir mejorando los ...
MX   749 - Utopía/Eduardo Ibarra Aguirre Ciencia y tecnología
             EnLíneaDirecta.info - 18 Ene 2007
             Sabía usted que en 2005, cuando el presidente Fox visitó una planta de la Sociedad Cooperativa de Trabajadores Pascual, exclamó: ‘¡Ah cabrón! ...
ES   750 - Optimismo sobre el escenario argentino
             InvertirOnline - 18 Ene 2007
             Finalmente, los federales están intensificando sus pruebas criminales respecto de la manipulación de stock options en la compañía de empleos Monster ...
ES   751 - Apple crece y se enfrenta a nuevos problemas legales
             DealerWorld - 18 Ene 2007
             ... se enfrenta a una investigación que está siendo realizada por el distrito de California debido a un problema de fechas en stock options de la compañía.
ES   752 - Ganancias de Apple suben 78% en primer trimestre por iPod
             infoBAE profesional - 18 Ene 2007
             ... Steve Jobs, tuviera que abandonar su cargo por el escándalo sobre manipulación de stock options que salpica al ejecutivo ya la companía, el valor de la ...
DE   753 - Keine Einigkeit in Sachen Arbeitsmarktreform
             ZDF - 18. Jan. 2007
             Sie spricht sich vor allem für die Einführung von Mindestlöhnen, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und einen sozialen Arbeitsmarkt aus. Außerdem sollen Geringverdiener ...
IT   754 - BPI, verso esito fotofinish per Gronchi, attesi oltre 6.400 soci
             Reuters Italia - 18 gen 2007
             ... ormai scontato che verrà adottato il voto palese che potrebbe quindi scoraggiare alcuni azionisti dipendenti a esprimere una preferenza contraria. ...
IT   755 - Apple vola nel suo primo trimestre 2007
             Computer World Italia - 18 gen 2007
             ... del Distretto della California del Nord ha conferamto un'indagine sulla passata contabilizzazione delle stock options da parte della società. ...
             ANSA - 18 gen 2007
             E parla dei "500 milioni di stock options solo nel corso del 2006". "Se sollevo con serenità, ma con chiarezza, questi problemi - chiede - debbo davvero ...
IT   757 - Liberalizzazioni, presto a cdm, Prodi attacca Confindustria
             Reuters Italia - 18 gen 2007
             E che si parli con tranquillità di 500 milioni di stock options solo nel corso del 2006? Se sollevo con serenità, ma con chiarezza, questi problemi debbo ...
IT   758 - Liberalizzazioni, presto a cdm, Prodi attacca Confindustria
             Reuters Italia - 18 gen 2007
             E che si parli con tranquillità di 500 milioni di stock options solo nel corso del 2006? Se sollevo con serenità, ma con chiarezza, questi problemi debbo ...
IT   759 - Prodi: da Caserta decisioni forti e condivise. Nessun freno
             Ravennainforma.it - 18 gen 2007
             E che si parli con tranquillita' di 500 milioni di stock options solo nel corso del 2006? Se sollevo con serenita', ma con chiarezza, questi problemi debbo ...
NL   760 - End-to-End Program Helps to Provide Industry-Leading Data Solution ...
             PressZoom (press release), Netherlands - Jan 17, 2007
             The company has 111 stores and over 5000 employee owners throughout South Carolina and the southeastern regions of Georgia and North Carolina. ...
US   761 - Hooker Furniture to close last wood furniture plant in Martinsville
             WSLS.com, VA - Jan 17, 2007
             ... Martinsville employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the Company's retirement plans, including Hooker's Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   762 - Hooker Furniture to Exit Domestic Wood Furniture Manufacturing
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 17, 2007
             ... Martinsville employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the Company's retirement plans, including Hooker's Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   763 - Hooker Furniture to Exit Domestic Wood Furniture Manufacturing
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 17, 2007
             ... Martinsville employees will be entitled to receive distributions from the Company’s retirement plans, including Hooker’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   764 - Hampden Bancorp ready to go public
             The Republican, MA - Jan 17, 2007
             The bank reported that it sold 7.6 million shares at $10 apiece to its eligible depositors and to the employee stock ownership plan it is setting up as part ...
US   765 - Western Mass. bank goes public
             Eyewitness News, RI - Jan 17, 2007
             Bank officials say they sold 7-point-6 (m) million shares at ten dollars apiece to eligible depositors and to the employee stock ownership plan it is ...
US   766 - American Capital Appoints Dean Anderson Managing Director, Special ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 17, 2007
             American Capital invests directly and through its asset management business and is a global investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity ...
US   767 - Pilots attack executive pay at American
             MSN Money - Jan 17, 2007
             Pilots at American Airlines on Wednesday attacked the "windfall" share options being made to senior executives in a sign of lingering labour unrest at the ...
AU   768 - Francisco Partners makes offer to acquire Mincom Limited
             Queensland Business Review, Australia - Jan 17, 2007
             Francisco Partners proposes to acquire all shares and share options in Mincom via a scheme of arrangement that sees Mincom’s shareholders receiving A$8.77 ...
US   769 - Pilots attack executive pay at American
             MSNBC - Jan 17, 2007
             Pilots at American Airlines on Wednesday attacked the "windfall" share options being made to senior executives in a sign of lingering labour unrest at the ...
UK   770 - Can Apple manage without Steve Jobs?
             Register, UK - Jan 17, 2007
             Column CEOs have been fired for doing what Steve Jobs is supposed to have been caught doing at Apple: backdating their share options to a time when they ...
UK   771 - Mellon assets reach record level
             Financial News Online US, UK - Jan 17, 2007
             The Bank of New York has granted Renyi and president Gerald Hassell, president, nearly $50m in share options to integrate its merger with Mellon Financial. ...
UK   772 - Experienced Recruitment Consultants
             The Observer, UK - Jan 17, 2007
             ... 25 days holiday (unlimited holidays for consistently high performers) healthcare, pension, mobile phone, work from home days and share options. ...
CA   773 - US report fingers brass in BP's fatal refinery blast
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Jan 17, 2007
             Even leaving early, Lord Browne stands to collect pension and share options worth $127.5-million. He said he will become chairman of Apex Partners, ...
FR   774 - Xavier Huillard a vendu pour 3,6 MEUR de titres Vinci
             Capital.fr - 17 jan 2007
             Le 2 janvier, il aurait par ailleurs levé 25851 stock-options pour les revendre le même jour avec une plus-value de 1,69 million d'euros. ...
FR   775 - La grande Kermesse des candidats libéraux... par Yves Agapé.
             Le Grand Soir.info - 17 jan 2007
             ... libellées en « stock-options » qui fondent en moins de temps qu’il ne faut à un iceberg libéral pour fondre sous l’effet du réchauffement climatique. ...
FR   776 - BOURSE DE PARIS - Les valeurs à suivre demain
             Boursorama - 17 jan 2007
             Le 2 janvier, il aurait par ailleurs levé 25851 stock-options pour les revendre le même jour avec une plus-value de 1,69 million d'euros.
FR   777 - Xavier Huillard a vendu pour 3,6 MEUR de titres VINCI
             Boursorama - 17 jan 2007
             Le 2 janvier, il aurait par ailleurs levé 25851 stock-options pour les revendre le même jour avec une plus-value de 1,69 million d'euros. ...
FR   778 - Apple : au sommet avant les comptes
             Boursier.com - 17 jan 2007
             ... malgré les commentaires d'un spécialiste de Fortune concernant les investigations fédérales et celles de la SEC sur l'affaire des stock options. ...
FR   779 - Hôpital entreprise contre hôpital public, par Pr André Grimaldi.
             Le Grand Soir.info - 17 jan 2007
             Leur modèle est devenu le businessman ; ils rêvent de « stock options ». Les mandarins eux se prenaient pour des savants ou des philosophes. ...
FR   780 - Les retraités pour un minimum vieillesse à 90 % du smic
             Le Figaro - 17 jan 2007
             ... suggère d'« assujettir aux cotisations sociales tous les revenus, y compris l'intéressement, les stock-options, les plans d'épargne, Perp et Perco ».
ES   781 - Kamira, la primera cooperativa de iniciativa social navarra ...
             Diario de Navarra - 17 Ene 2007
             ... recalcó que las cooperativas y las sociedades laborales, frente a lo que sucede con otras empresas, se arraigan al territorio en su localización y sus ...
AR   782 - » En Libertador General San Martín el gobierno entrego viviendas ...
             Jujuy al día - 17 Ene 2007
             ... las primeras 50 viviendas de emergencia hídrica, 44 viviendas del programa Solidaridad Habitacional y otras 40 construidas por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR   783 - Libertador: El gobierno concretó la entrega de 134 viviendas
             Diario Jujuy - 17 Ene 2007
             ... las primeras 50 viviendas de emergencia hídrica, 44 viviendas del programa Solidaridad Habitacional y otras 40 construidas por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR   784 - El Gobierno entregó unidades habitacionales
             Diario El Independiente (Jujuy) - 17 Ene 2007
             ... las primeras 50 viviendas de emergencia hídrica, 44 viviendas del programa Solidaridad Habitacional y otras 40 construidas por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR   785 - prioridad de acción social
             Corrientes Noticias - 17 Ene 2007
             ... situación que habilitaría la posterior firma de convenio para la construcción de obras y la conformación de las cooperativas de trabajo que ejecutaran ...
AR   786 - Un lugar en todas partes
             La Gaceta Tucumán - 17 Ene 2007
             Todo este movimiento, casi fraternal y organizado como una cooperativa de trabajo y amistad, empezó a gestarse hace más de 10 años, cuando se formó Karma ...
AR   787 - Primer Pasantía en la Cooperativa Harinera de Rufino
             Rufino Ciudad - 17 Ene 2007
             ... día lunes 15 de enero de 2007 la actual Cooperativa de Trabajo Productiva Educativa Ltda ha recibido a un estudiante procedente del Instituto Superior ...
AR   788 - Kunkel y Spartacus sobre Oyarbide
             La Historia Paralela - 17 Ene 2007
             El magistrado también enfrenta un pedido de juicio político presentado por el presidente de la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Alameda, Gustavo Vera, ...
NI   789 - Venden en España café nicaragüense a precios justos
             La Gente - Radio La Primerísima - 17 Ene 2007
             Lo producen en Nicaragua los pequeños productores asociados en cooperativas de trabajadores, que son dueños de la tierra que cultivan y que participan en un ...
ES   790 - Pau i Solidaritat vende café de comercio justo de Nicaragua
             Periódico Mediterráneo - 17 Ene 2007
             Lo producen en Nicaragua los pequeños productores asociados en cooperativas de trabajadores, que son dueños de la tierra que cultivan y que participan en un ...
ES   791 - Stock options: partida de Steve Jobs haría caer 25% valor de Apple
             infoBAE profesional - 17 Ene 2007
             Apple Inc. podría descubrir que su activo más valioso es algo que no puede proteger con patentes o el secreto: su responsable ejecutivo, Steve Jobs. ...
ES   792 - Los resultados de Intel se ven afectados por la dura competencia
             Bolsamania.com - 17 Ene 2007
             La reducción de precios de la compañía se vio acompañada, además, por el impacto negativo de las stock options, que también lastraron las ganancias del ...
ES   793 - Los resultados de Intel se ven afectados por la dura competencia
             Bolsamania.com - 17 Ene 2007
             La reducción de precios de la compañía se vio acompañada, además, por el impacto negativo de las stock options, que también lastraron las ganancias del ...
ES   794 - Apple, investigada
             The Inquirer - 17 Ene 2007
             La empresa sigue en tela de juicio por otro hipotético escándalo de stock options del que podrían haberse aprovechado varios altos directivos de la empresa, ...
DE   795 - Stoiber geht auf Gewerkschaft zu
             Merkur Online - 17. Jan. 2007
             Zunächst soll die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmen bis 300 Euro im Jahr steuerfrei sein. In weiteren Schritten sollen Steuern und Sozialabgaben ganz ...
DE   796 - Stoiber geht auf Gewerkschaft zu
             Oberbayerisches Volksblatt (Abonnement) - 17. Jan. 2007
             Zunächst soll die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmen bis 300 Euro im Jahr steuerfrei sein. In weiteren Schritten sollen Steuern und Sozialabgaben ganz ...
IT   797 - Ma quanto vale Steve Jobs?
             Macity - 17 gen 2007
             Mentre proseguono le indagini e gli accertamenti finanziari sul tema delle stock options postdatate di Apple, c'è chi si è chiesto quale sia il valore del ...
PE   798 - Famílias de motorista e cobrador ganharão R$ 29 mil
             24Horas News - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), Paulo Roberto dos ...
BR   799 - Lama atrapalha tentativa de resgatar microônibus da cratera
             estadão.com.br - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), Paulo Roberto dos ...
BR   800 - Parentes das vítimas que estavam na van recebem apoio
             Bondenews - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), Paulo Roberto dos ...
BR   801 - Empresa responsável por van que caiu na cratera do Metrô garante ...
             Diário do Nordeste (Assinatura) - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), Paulo Roberto dos ...
BR   802 - Empresa responsável por van que caiu na cratera do Metrô garante ...
             Portal Verdes Mares - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), Paulo Roberto dos ...
BR   803 - Empresa que responsável por van garante apoio à parentes das vítimas
             Correio do Brasil - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), Paulo Roberto dos ...
BR   804 - Empresa do microônibus garante apoio a parentes das vítimas
             JC OnLine - 17 Jan 2007
             O vice-presidente da Transcooper (Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste), Paulo Roberto dos ...
US   805 - Hampden Bancorp, Inc. Announces Completion of Stock Offering and ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 16, 2007
             As a result, 6935323 shares will be allocated to them based on their deposits as of April 30, 2005 and the Hampden Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan will ...
US   806 - Sovereign Bancorp, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 17, 2007
             ... 6183281 6166992 6156925 Warrants and stock options 343391 338867 337637 Unallocated ESOP shares (19019) (21396) (21396) Treasury stock (49028) (57646) ...
IN   807 - NDTV Q3 PAT rises at Rs 4.82cr
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Jan 17, 2007
             The PAT before ESOP stood at Rs 9.95 crore as against Rs 3.72 crore (Rs 37.2 million) in the earlier quarter. The company registered income of Rs 79 crore ...
UK   808 - City's 'biggest bike store' to open in March
             Manchester Evening News, UK - Jan 17, 2007
             Edinburgh Bicycle, with a total turnover of over £10m per year, is Scotland's longest established workers' cooperative, started 30 years ago. ...
NL   809 - Logitech levert beste kwartaal ooit; verkoop 15 procent gestegen ...
             Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - Jan 17, 2007
             The adjustments between the GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures presented above consist of share-based compensation expense for employee stock options and ...
US   810 - Logitech Delivers Best Quarter Ever
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 17, 2007
             The adjustments between the GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures presented above consist of share-based compensation expense for employee stock options and ...
US   811 - Symantec Lacks Simpatico
             Barron's (subscription) - Jan 17, 2007
             We have revised our fiscal 2008 forecast to EPS (excluding employee stock options) of $1 per share on $5.24 billion in revenue, as compared to our previous ...
US   812 - Google Helps Us See How Much Options Are Worth
             Bloomberg - Jan 17, 2007
             ... is to be applauded for its ingenuity and, eventually, for helping all of us to see just how much some of those employee stock options are really worth. ...
US   813 - CEL-SCI Corporation Announces 2006 Financial Results
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - Jan 17, 2007
             ... and corporate presentation expenses, 3) an increase in filing and registration fees and 4) the employee stock option expense required by SFAS 123R. ...
IN   814 - JB Chemicals allots shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 17, 2007
             ... that it allotted 26925 shares of Rs 2 each to the employees who have exercised their option under the company`s employee stock option scheme (ESOS). ...
IN   815 - HCL Infosystems allots equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 17, 2007
             ... (at a premium of Rs 105.63 per share) to the employees on exercise of their stock options under HCL Infosystems - employee stock option scheme (ESOS). ...
FR   816 - Nominations au Comité de Direction Générale d’AGF
             RiskAssur.com - 17 jan 2007
             En 2002 elle participe à la création d’AGF Epargne Salariale en tant que Directeur Général Adjoint avant de rejoindre en 2003 AGF Calypso comme Directrice ...
FR   817 - Nominations au Comité de direction générale d'AGF
             Capital.fr - 17 jan 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
FR   818 - Nominations au Comité de direction générale d'AGF
             Boursorama - 17 jan 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
FR   819 - SIFA France active reçoit Mme Ségolène ROYAL
             Bio Frais - 17 jan 2007
             "Syndicats, impliquez-vous dans l'économie solidaire" : développer l'épargne salariale solidaire, assurer la même représentation des salariés dans les ...
CA   820 - Fondaction CSN et la coopérative actionnaire les Paramedics d ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release) - 17 jan 2007
             ... la relance de la CAM d'abord, puis la mise sur pied de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires dans ses filiales de l'Estrie et des Bois-Francs. ...
CA   821 - Fondaction CSN et la coopérative actionnaire les Paramedics d ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 17 jan 2007
             ... la relance de la CAM d'abord, puis la mise sur pied de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires dans ses filiales de l'Estrie et des Bois-Francs. ...
CA   822 - Le gouvernement soutient la création d’une coopérative de travailleurs
              La Nouvelle/L'Union - 17 jan 2007
             ... de l’entreprise de transport ambulancier qui les emploie par l’intermédiaire de leur coopérative de travailleurs, la CAPUBF», a fait savoir M. Bachand. ...
FR   823 - Les salariés de l’usine Sublistatic maintiennent la pression
             l'Humanité - 17 jan 2007
             Plusieurs pistes de poursuite de l’activité sont désormais explorées : un redémarrage en SCOP ou une reprise partielle par le groupe roumain Fian System. ...
FR   824 - Ces patrons qui dénoncent les abus
             Politis - 17 jan 2007
             Avec un salaire de 4,3 millions d’euros, une prime de départ de 13 millions, une retraite de 2,2 millions et des stock-options (actions de l’entreprise ...
FR   825 - L’homme qui valait 20 milliards ?
             MacPlus - 17 jan 2007
             Les problèmes de santé du CEO d’Apple il ya plusieurs mois et le récent scandale à propos des stock-options qui se rapproche de lui, remettent sans cesse ...
BR   826 - Empresa responsável por van soterrada garante apoio a parentes das ...
             Paraná-Online (Assinatura) - 17 Jan 2007
             São Paulo - O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), ...
BR   827 - Empresa responsável por van que caiu na cratera do Metrô garante ...
             Agência Brasil - 17 Jan 2007
             São Paulo - O vice-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper), ...
BR   828 - Red Bull faz marketing na tragédia
             Último Segundo - 17 Jan 2007
             Policiais militares, funcionários da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste (Transcooper) e ...
PT   829 - Steve Jobs, o CEO insubstituível
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 17 Jan 2007
             A Apple depende tanto do seu presidente que quando foi conhecido que Jobs poderia estar envolvido no caso das "stock options" falsificadas as acções caíram ...
CA   830 - Pacific Safety Products Inc. Announces Price Reservation for ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Jan 16, 2007
             The Employee Share Ownership Plan has been in place since 2001. A total of 421694 shares have been purchased by the employees for proceeds of $244145 and ...
IN   831 - Piggly Wiggly strives to meet payment card industry compliance ...
             Prdomain Business Register (press release), Maharashtra - Jan 16, 2007
             The company has 111 stores and over 5000 employee owners throughout South Carolina and the southeastern regions of Georgia and North Carolina. ...
US   832 - Alion Introduces Solution to Determine Survivability of Large ...
             Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 16, 2007
             Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
US   833 - Alion Introduces Solution to Determine Survivability of Large ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 16, 2007
             Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
US   834 - Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company Selects Stampede Technologies for ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 16, 2007
             The Company has more than 115 stores and over 5000 employee owners throughout South Carolina and the southeastern regions of Georgia and North Carolina. ...
US   835 - NWA unions want stock obligation to be settled
             Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - Jan 16, 2007
             ... but Northwest spokesman Bill Mellon noted that the employee stockholders "have a claim pending in the bankruptcy proceedings" that stems from a lawsuit. ...
IN   836 - Buy HCL Technologies: Edelweiss Research
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Jan 16, 2007
             The net profit, which shows a growth of 14.4% QoQ and 58.1% YoY, does not take into account the ESOP and restricted stock units (RSU) charges. ...
US   837 - LG.Philips LCD Reports Fourth Quarter 2006 Results
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 16, 2007
             ... financial interests 2121 2767 Pension expense 2268 509 Income tax effect of US GAAP Adjustments 3965 (573) ESOP (694) (694) Convertible bonds (including ...
UK   838 - A Taste of Scottish Cycling Comes to Manchester
             Singletrack, UK - Jan 16, 2007
             Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative is a workers' co-op: ie it is employee owned. Every time-served employee owns an equal share in the business. ...
US   839 - Seven pass latest Liberty Alliance conformance tests
             InfoWorld, CA - Jan 16, 2007
             ... tested in December, will be released this week, said Christophe Boutet, one of the six employees -- and shareholders -- of this workers' cooperative. ...
NL   840 - Seven pass latest Liberty Alliance conformance tests
             Infoworld, Netherlands - Jan 16, 2007
             ... tested in December, will be released this week, said Christophe Boutet, one of the six employees -- and shareholders -- of this workers' cooperative. ...
ZA   841 - Johncom disposal could call for R360m cash outlay
             AND, South Africa - Jan 16, 2007
             This will happen if all the executives and employees who hold share options accept the early-exercise offer that would allow them to cash in their options ...
UK   842 - BNY executives awarded $50m of stock Shanny Basar
             Financial News Online US, UK - Jan 16, 2007
             Two senior executives at Bank of New York have been awarded nearly $50m (€38.7m) in share options to integrate its merger with Mellon Financial, ...
UK   843 - Charltons in the Pink
             Cambridge Evening News, UK - Jan 16, 2007
             Venture does not offer its employees directorships, but would like to put share options on the table. Meanwhile, the man who used to run the PG and who is ...
ZA   844 - JDG - JD Group Limited - Dealings In Securities
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 16, 2007
             Name of director G Volkel Nature of interest Direct beneficial Date of transactions 12 and 15 January 2007 Nature of transactions Exercise of share options ...
ZA   845 - SARS looks at top earners
             Citizen, South Africa - Jan 16, 2007
             ... tax dodgers was based on public information on salaries, bonuses, share options and the sale and purchase of shares by directors of listed companies. ...
US   846 - Intel profit drops 39%
             Pioneer Press, MN - Jan 16, 2007
             But the fourth quarter of 2006 included the cost of employee stock options, while the year-earlier fourth quarter did not. ...
US   847 - News Category : PressRelease
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 16, 2007
             FAS123R requires the Company to estimate the cost of all forms of stock-based compensation, including employee stock options, and to record a commensurate ...
US   848 - Interactive Systems Worldwide Announces Fiscal 2006 Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 16, 2007
             The increase was primarily due to higher professional fees and increased non-cash compensation expense associated with employee stock options due to the ...
US   849 - Linear Technology reports revenue and net income similar to the ...
             MSN Money - Jan 16, 2007
             FAS123R requires the Company to estimate the cost of all forms of stock-based compensation, including employee stock options, and to record a commensurate ...
IN   850 - Ballooning wage bills: A new challenge for pvt, foreign banks
             Financial Express, India - Jan 16, 2007
              Bankers are increasingly creating a sense of ownership among their employees by giving them employee stock options (ESOPs) also. ...
US   851 - Symantec Reports Preliminary Fiscal Third Quarter 2007 Results
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 16, 2007
             Consists of expenses for employee stock options, restricted stock units, and employee stock purchase plan determined in accordance SFAS 123(R). ...
US   852 - Quest's options error will cost $150 million
             OCRegister, CA - Jan 16, 2007
             An internal investigation at Quest Software Inc. determined that most employee stock options granted from 1998 to 2002 were incorrectly dated and will ...
US   853 - DTCC AccuBasis Service to Provide Accurate Cost-Basis Information
             Securities Industry News (press release), NY - Jan 16, 2007
             ... company's own Website and can be customized to meet specific needs of customers such as portfolio managers and managers of employee stock option plans. ...
US   854 - DTCC Launches AccuBasis Service to Provide Accurate Cost-Basis ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 16, 2007
             ... company’s own Website and can be customized to meet specific needs of customers such as portfolio managers and managers of employee stock option plans. ...
US   855 - BUGS Reports 2006 Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 16, 2007
             In 2006 funds were raised by issuing stock under the Employee Stock Option Plan of $1297801 by the Company, as well as $446003 by a subsidiary. ...
FR   856 - Dominique de Villepin a présenté ses voeux à la presse
             Publiciblog Actualités - 16 jan 2007
             Intervenant également en 2007, l’augmentation de la prime pour l’emploi représente l’équivalent d’un treizième mois, et l’actionnariat salarié doit garantir ...
FR   857 - De moins en moins d'actionnaires en Allemagne
             LExpansion.com - 16 jan 2007
             ... les actions n'est toujours pas satisfaisante en Allemagne", regrette le DAI dans son étude, appelant en particulier à développer l'actionnariat salarié.
FR   858 - Allocution du Premier ministre, lors des voeux à la presse
             PM France (Communiqués de presse) - 16 jan 2007
             Je pense encore à la distribution d’actions gratuites pour tous les salariés : c’est la clé du développement d’un véritable actionnariat salarié. ...
FR   859 - Les vœux du Premier ministre à la presse
             PM France (Communiqués de presse) - 16 jan 2007
             Intervenant également en 2007, l’augmentation de la prime pour l’emploi représente l’équivalent d’un treizième mois, et l’actionnariat salarié doit garantir ...
FR   860 - La contribution d'Edmond Maire
              Le Figaro - 16 jan 2007
             ... nombre d'entreprises, et que les pouvoirs publics jouent leur rôle pour améliorer la diffusion et la réglementation de l'épargne salariale solidaire. ...
FR   861 - Intel: chiffres trimestriels en recul, revenus et résultat...
             Silicon.fr - 16 jan 2007
             Wall Street évoque également une charge exceptionnelle due à la réalisation de 'stock-options'. Les milieux financiers ne sont pas alarmistes pour autant: ...
FR   862 - Apple : toujours recherché, avant les trimestriels
             Boursier.com - 16 jan 2007
             ... malgré les commentaires d'un spécialiste de Fortune concernant les investigations fédérales et celles de la SEC sur l'affaire des stock options, ...
FR   863 - Ceram Sophia : un Executive Master in Financial Management en juillet
             Competence06 - 16 jan 2007
             Ce positionnement correspond à un salaire d’environ 60.000 € par an, avec de fortes perspectives d’évolutions (rétribution variable de type stock options, ...
ES   864 - Traballo financió a 809 autónomos en 2006 con medidas de autoempleo
             La Voz de Galicia - 16 Ene 2007
             ... de los cuales 1,8 corresponden a los 809 autónomos que han creado sus propias empresas, con 95 para sociedades laborales o cooperativas, mientras que ...
ES   865 - Sebastián destinaría el 3 por ciento del PIB local a I+D+i
             ABC Madrid - 16 Ene 2007
             Acompañado por varios representantes de la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (Asalma), Sebastián les transmitió su proyecto de incorporarles como ...
AR   866 - Denuncia contra los talleres clandestinos por explotación
             ComunicaRSE - 16 Ene 2007
             La recopilación de testimonios que posee la Defensoría y en la que colaboraron integrantes del Centro Comunitario La Alameda y la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 ...
AR   867 - Presentaron denuncias contra Cheeky
             Noticias Urbanas - 16 Ene 2007
             Tanto Enrique Rodríguez como Alicia Pierini reconocieron ante los medios de prensa el esfuerzo realizado por la cooperativa de trabajo "20 de diciembre" que ...
AR   868 - Ampliarán la denuncia contra los talleres clandestinos que ...
             Télam - 16 Ene 2007
             La recopilación de testimonios que posee la Defensoría y en la que colaboraron integrantes del Centro Comunitario La Alameda y la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 ...
AR   869 - Ampliarán la denuncia contra los talleres clandestinos que ...
             DERF - 16 Ene 2007
             La recopilación de testimonios que posee la Defensoría y en la que colaboraron integrantes del Centro Comunitario La Alameda y la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 ...
AR   870 - Amplian denuncia contra talleres clandestinos de costura
             Diario Hoy (Argentina) - 16 Ene 2007
             La recopilación de testimonios que posee la Defensoría y en la que colaboraron integrantes del Centro Comunitario La Alameda y la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 ...
AR   871 - Ceretto y Trincheri entregarán aportes a cooperativas de trabajos ...
             DERF - 16 Ene 2007
             Además, Ceretto y Trincheri harán entrega de 10 mil pesos a la Cooperativa de Trabajo Puerto Rosario Ltda., el cual será destinado a la compra de nuevas ...
ES   872 - La Justicia laboral volvió a disparar contra la tercerización
             infoBAE profesional - 16 Ene 2007
             Sin la vigilancia al corto tiempo dejaría de vender y la quiebra sería su destino manifeisto" ("Ibarra c/ Cooperativa de Trabajo EL Alcázar Ltda. y otro"). ...
ES   873 - Los resultados de Intel se ven afectados por la dura competencia
             Bolsamania.com - 16 Ene 2007
             La reducción de precios de la compañía se vio acompañada, además, por el impacto negativo de las stock options, que también lastraron las ganancias del ...
ES   874 - Renegociación salarial con retribuciones que no tributan
             e-Directivos - 16 Ene 2007
             ... para pago de comidas y, en ciertos casos, vehículo para uso mixto profesional y personal, entrega de acciones de la compañía o de stock-options. ...
ES   875 - Gusanos a la manzana
             metro (España) - 16 Ene 2007
             Supuestamente, su fundador, Steve Jobs, habría ordenado falsificar las fechas en un contrato de stock options (derechos de compra de acciones). ...
DE   876 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung soll zum Erfolgsmodell werden
             WirtschaftsWoche - 16. Jan. 2007
             Die große Koalition will die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg stärker forcieren. Bis Jahresmitte soll der Gesetzesentwurf für den so genannten ...
DE   877 - Regierung strauchelt bei eigenen Arbeitsmarkt-Reformen
             WirtschaftsWoche - 16. Jan. 2007
             Auch beim Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung arbeiten die Koalitionäre gut zusammen. Andererseits öffneten Union und SPD in den letzten Tagen gleich mehrere neue ...
DE   878 - Werte für den Wettbewerb - UnternehmerInnen in gesellschaftlicher ...
             natur&kosmos - 16. Jan. 2007
             Dazu gehörten unter anderem die Bereiche Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, Standortwahl, unternehmerische Verantwortung und familiengerechte Personalpolitik. ...
IT   879 - Giro di vite sulle società mutualistiche
             Il Denaro - 16 gen 2007
             Mentre la cooperativa di trasporto è una cooperativa di produzione e lavoro, la cui configurabilità postula il diretto espletamento dei servizi di trasporto ...
IT   880 - PENSIONI - Epifani: ''Contributo solidarieta' su stock options''
             Romagnaoggi.it - 16 gen 2007
             (Adnkronos) - ''Quando vedo tutte queste stock options mi viene da pensare se non si potesse mettere un contributo di solidarieta' anche sulle stock options ...
ZA   881 - Angloplat eyes R2.5bn BEE deals
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 15, 2007
             Deals to achieve this could include a possible employee share ownership programme (Esop). Angloplat spokesperson Trevor Raymond said the group calculated ...
CA   882 - Norsat Issues 1 Million Common Shares Under ESOP
             Filing Services Canada (press release), Canada - Jan 15, 2007
             ... shares and 532984 non-transferable common share purchase warrants in connection with its Employee Share Ownership Plan announced December 11th, 2006. ...
US   883 - Norsat Issues 1 Million Common Shares Under ESOP
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 15, 2007
             ... shares and 532984 non-transferable common share purchase warrants in connection with its Employee Share Ownership Plan announced December 11th, 2006. ...
US   884 - Cincinnati-based Messer opening Nashville office
             Nashville City Paper, TN - Jan 15, 2007
             Messer is a private company owned by its employees through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), which means the value of the company when an employee ...
US   885 - Federal IT Consolidation Spills Over into 2007
             Washington Technology, DC - Jan 15, 2007
             Strategic alternatives might include converting the company to an employee stock ownership plan, recapitalizing the company, selling to a high-net-worth ...
US   886 - First Defiance Announces 2006 Fourth Quarter and Annual Earnings
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 15, 2007
             ... net 117 117 Additional paid-in-capital 110285 108626 Stock acquired by ESOP (627) (1053) Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (671) (22) ...
US   887 - M&I Wealth Management to Acquire North Star Financial Corporation
             Wisbusiness.com, WI - Jan 15, 2007
             ... for both real and personal property, and ESOP Services, including consultative services relating to the transfer of small-business stock ownership. ...
US   888 - HDFC Managing Director Significantly Increases His Stake in the ...
             Seeking Alpha, NY - Jan 15, 2007
             Ideally, it would be from his own money, as an ESOP kind of a grant need not appear on a stock exchange's announcement list. ...
IN   889 - Geometric Software Solutions allots equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 15, 2007
             Geometric Software (Q, N,C,F)* Solutions Company has allotted 58990 equity shares on the exercise of vested stock options under ESOP Scheme 2001 and ESOP ...
UK   890 - Why low market volatility isn't such good news
             MoneyWeek (Subscription), UK - Jan 15, 2007
             ... was the sudden loss of appetite for a junk bond deal to fund UAL’s proposed buy-out of its ESOP that triggered a four-day, 7%, decline in the S&P Index. ...
UK   891 - Workers in co-op plan for Burberry
             ic Wales, UK - Jan 15, 2007
             He said a workers' co-operative would also depend on "a viable business plan, and whether Burberry was prepared to give support to the idea through business ...
IN   892 - Drop the Computer
             Financial Express, India - Jan 15, 2007
             The risk, rather, is that Apple will become more deeply mired in a financial scandal over the backdating of share options, a practice that it and more than ...
ZA   893 - Discovery booms in the UK
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Jan 15, 2007
             Gore’s share options are also modestly in the black to the tune of R9,1m. His 47,3m shares, though, are worth R1,28bn.
ZA   894 - ELH - Ellerine Holdings Limited - Dealing in securities by a director
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 15, 2007
             ... beneficial Nature of transaction: Exercise of share options Clearance to deal obtained: Yes Johannesburg 15 January 2007 Sponsor Nedbank Capital Date: ...
ZA   895 - Datatec Limited - Further Issue Of Shares
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 15, 2007
             ... the following information is disclosed: Datatec announces the allotment of 36 000 ordinary ZAR0.01 shares following the exercise of share options. ...
VN   896 - Bank revenues drive up dividends
             VietNamNet Bridge, Vietnam - Jan 15, 2007
             ... expected to issue a 38 percent dividend payment, 8 percent of which will be issued in cash while the remaining 30 percent will be through share options. ...
US   897 - Cyber Defense Systems share price forecast downgraded by Wasserman ...
             Flight International - Jan 15, 2007
             The analysts report also warns that the company is at risk of significant stock dilution as it continues to issues share options to cover debts and raise ...
UK   898 - Why low market volatility isn't such good news
             MoneyWeek (Subscription), UK - Jan 15, 2007
              Secondly, the March 17th 2006 Wall St. Journal article regarding the back-dating of share options. All companies were affected by a truly excellent and ...
CZ   899 - ČEZ: Money for nothing
             Czech Business Weekly, Czech Republic - Jan 15, 2007
             3, four current board members, including chairman Martin Roman, and one former board member, exercised a total of 600000 share options. ...
ZA   900 - Simmer And Jack Mines Limited - Director's Dealing In Securities
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 15, 2007
             In his personal capacity, Mr. Schumacher has exercised share options to purchase Simmers shares, which he was granted when he became a director of the ...
ZA   901 - Top 200 earners registered with Sars
             iAfrica.com, South Africa - Jan 15, 2007
             ... tax dodgers was based on public information on salaries, bonuses, share options and the sale and purchase of shares by directors of listed companies. ...
IN   902 - India Inc's bosses made Rs 12000 cr in ESOPs
             Rediff, India - Jan 15, 2007
             Top executives in 40 leading companies have received Rs 12000 crore (Rs 120 billion) worth of equity shares under employee stock options till March 2006. ...
IN   903 - India Inc`s bosses made Rs 12000 cr in ESOPs
             Business Standard, India - Jan 15, 2007
             Top executives in 40 leading companies have received Rs 12000 crore worth of equity shares under employee stock options till March 2006. ...
US   904 - Options to cost Quest Software $150 million
             OCRegister, CA - Jan 15, 2007
             An internal investigation at Quest Software Inc. determined that most employee stock options granted from 1998 to 2002 were incorrectly dated and will ...
FR   905 - PEE : Pour qui ?
             Actusite - 15 jan 2007
             Depuis la loi Fabius du 19 février 2001, le bénéfice de l'épargne salariale est ouvert aux dirigeants d'entreprise, au même titre que leurs salariés. ...
FR   906 - La Direction de La Poste signe deux accords pour la mise en place ...
             Indice RH - 15 jan 2007
             La mise en place de l’épargne salariale à La Poste est un signe fort de reconnaissance des efforts entrepris par chacun des postiers dans l’exercice de ses ...
CA   907 - Une coopérative de travailleurs verra le jour
             L'Étoile du Lac - 15 jan 2007
             Signe que les pistes de solution énoncées auront porté fruit, voilà qu'une nouvelle coopérative de travailleurs est sur le point de voir le jour. ...
FR   908 - Mauvaise impression chez Sublistatic
             Libération - 15 jan 2007
             Et si le repreneur renonçait, les salariés ne rejettent pas l'idée d'une société coopérative ouvrière de production (Scop). Dans la salle d'infographie, ...
FR   909 - Apple devant le Juge
             Liens-Utiles.org - 15 jan 2007
             Voici qu'une étrange affaire de Stock Options, antidatés intéresse la justice et monsieur le procureur qui va enquêter au sein même de Apple, Steve Jobs sur ...
FR   910 - Le service juridique d’Apple sur le pont
             MacPlus - 15 jan 2007
             ... le Département de la Justice américain s’intéresserait de plus en plus près à l’affaire des stock options reconditionnées distribuées par Apple à ...
FR   911 - Fraude aux stock options : la justice américaine fait d'Apple sa ...
             LeMondeInformatique - 15 jan 2007
             La justice américaine s'intéresse aux stock options antidatées distribuées par Apple à ses dirigeants, dont Steve jobs. Un procureur californien vient ainsi ...
FR   912 - Pour ou contre... un contrôle renforcé de la rémunération des patrons
             Le Figaro - 15 jan 2007
             Lorsqu’elles décident d’attribuer des stock-options, elles doivent le faire suivant des critères de performance clairement identifiables. ...
FR   913 - Equity gère la mise en conformité des groupes
             Silicon.fr - 15 jan 2007
             Les actions, les stock-options, les parachutes, tout cela milite pour des pratiques de bonne gouvernance." "La mise en place de ces pratiques est complexe. ...
ES   914 - Dichos decretos afectan a líneas de financiación, incentivos ...
             Región Digital - 15 Ene 2007
             ... también ha finalizado en la misma fecha la vigencia de los Decretos 169/2001 y 170/2001 que regulan las ayudas a las cooperativas y sociedades laborales.
ES   915 - Crecen las denuncias contra talleres clandestinos
             InfoBAE.com - 15 Ene 2007
             ... el ministro de Producción porteño, Enrique Rodríguez, e integrantes del Centro Comunitario La Alameda y la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 de Diciembre. ...
AR   916 - Talleres clandestinos: nuevas grandes marcas en la mira
             Gente-BA - 15 Ene 2007
             ... el ministro de Producción porteño, Enrique Rodríguez, e integrantes del Centro Comunitario La Alameda y la Cooperativa de Trabajo 20 de Diciembre. ...
VE   917 - Venezuela decidida a recuperar señal televisiva
             Rebelión - 15 Ene 2007
             ... participarán productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales, así como cooperativas de trabajadores del sector. ...
VE   918 - Minci reiteró que RCTV no será expropiada
             RNV - 15 Ene 2007
             ... participarán los productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales y cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva.
MX   919 - Realiza refresquera Pascual simulacro por fuga de químicos
             Diario de México - 15 Ene 2007
             La planta Sociedad Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Pascual realizó ayer un simulacro de emergencia por fuga de sustancia química, informó la Procuraduría ...
VE   920 - La magia de Apple se evapora
             Diario el Tiempo (Venezuela) - 15 Ene 2007
             WASHINGTON - El presidente de la compañía, Steve Jobs, se ve acorralado por un nuevo escándalo de 'stock options'. En abril de 2005, Steve Jobs, ...
ES   921 - La magia de Apple se evapora
             elmundo.es - 15 Ene 2007
             El diario The Wall Street Journal ha revelado que el Departamento de Justicia de EEUU está investigando a Apple por las 'stock options' de su fundador. ...
AT   922 - Arbeit für alle als erstes Ziel
             Neues Volksblatt - 15. Jan. 2007
             Als weiteren Schwerpunkte nannte Molterer eine faire Arbeitswelt mit 1000 Euro Mindestlohn und dem Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
DE   923 - Werte für den Wettbewerb - Unternehmerinnen in gesellschaftlicher ...
             natur&kosmos - 15. Jan. 2007
             Dazu gehörten unter anderem die Bereiche Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, Standortwahl, unternehmerische Verantwortung und familiengerechte Personalpolitik. ...
AT   924 - "Molterer ist weder eine Kopie noch ein Klon"
             derStandard.at - 15. Jan. 2007
             Es sind auch wesentliche soziale Punkte berücksichtigt, die der ÖVP wichtig sind, wie die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, oder die Klassenschülerhöchstzahl. ...
IT   925 - Stock options, scandalo di massa a Wall Street
             La Repubblica - 15 gen 2007
             Il sistema delle stock options è stato creato per incentivare gli executives e legare i compensi alle quotazioni del titolo in Borsa. ...
BR   926 - Cooperativa deve reativar plano de saúde cortado indevidamente
              O Documento - 15 Jan 2007
             A Unimed Cuiabá – Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico foi condenada a reativar o plano de saúde de uma cliente, que foi cortado indevidamente. ...
BR   927 - ACIDENTE - Assessoria da Defesa Civil nega localização de corpos
             Cruzeironet - 15 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Empresas de ...
ZA   928 - AGL - Anglo American plc - Employee Share Ownership Plan
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 14, 2007
             ANAAL AGL - Anglo American plc - Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 Share ...
US   929 - More employers cutting benefit costs with HSAs
             Huntsville Times, AL - Jan 14, 2007
             "(An HSA) gives an employee ownership in the health plan," said Hepler. The individual controls the money in an HSA, and makes decisions on how to spend the ...
US   930 - Quan Williams of Hillsborough nmed to College Foundation, Inc. Board
             Carolina Newswire (press release), NC - Jan 14, 2007
             Williams is a board member of Triangle Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Visions, Inc. College Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation serving North ...
BG   931 - Bulgaria Air’s new era
             Sofia Echo, Bulgaria - Jan 14, 2007
             In 1994, it became the first state-owned company in the country to be privatised by a management-employee buyout. In September 2000, British Virgin ...
UK   932 - Workers' co-op plan for Burberry but fight to save plant goes on
             ic Wales, UK - Jan 14, 2007
             WORKERS were last night warned to take care over their proposal to set up a co-operative clothing business if the threatened Burberry plant closes in March ...
UK   933 - Workers' co-op plan for Burberry
             BBC News, UK - Jan 14, 2007
             Plans are being drawn up to try to save the jobs of 50 workers at the closing Burberry factory in the Rhondda. Some of the workers may be helped to set up ...
AU   934 - Super returns
             Courier Mail, Australia - Jan 14, 2007
             "Australians whose superannuation was invested in share options, or multi-sector options with high weightings to local shares, did better in calendar 2006 ...
VN   935 - Bank revenues drive up dividends
             Vietnam Economic Times, Vietnam - Jan 14, 2007
             ... expected to issue a 38 percent dividend payment, 8 percent of which will be issued in cash while the remaining 30 percent will be through share options. ...
ZA   936 - Taxman corners 200 top earners
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 14, 2007
             ... tax dodgers was based on public information on salaries, bonuses, share options and the sale and purchase of shares by directors of listed companies. ...
UK   937 - US close: Oil strength boosts Wall Street
             ShareCast, UK - Jan 14, 2007
             Apple also came under pressure on reports that Federal investigators are looking into share options awarded to chief executive Steve Jobs. ...
ZA   938 - Sars registers 200 top earners and closes in on 300 more
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 14, 2007
             ... tax dodgers was based on public information on salaries, bonuses, share options and the sale and purchase of shares by directors of listed companies. ...
AU   939 - From golden parachute to platinum helicopter
             Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Jan 14, 2007
             But he was certainly unwilling to give away the most lucrative features of his contract - his pension or share options. ...
AU   940 - The prizes keep on getting bigger in CEO Lotto
             The Age, Australia - Jan 14, 2007
             It admitted that for 19 years until 2000, it had backdated share options for its executives, in the process understating expenses by $US200 million. ...
US   941 - Fortress America plans stock repurchase program
             Charlotte Business Journal, NC - Jan 14, 2007
             Common stock acquired may be used for general corporate purposes, including re-issuances in connection with acquisitions, employee stock option exercises or ...
FR   942 - PS: le désaccord permanent
             Libération - 14 jan 2007
             ... une politique plutôt libérale, à coups de privatisation, de mise en place d'une épargne salariale en matière de retraite... et de baisses d'impôts. ...
CA   943 - Le capitalisme éthique, un principe fragile
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 14 jan 2007
             C'est le fait que, salaires plus stock-options plus avantages divers, la rémunération des présidents et des deux ou trois plus hauts responsables des ...
FR   944 - Bourse : les technos en hausse malgré la déception SAP
             Silicon.fr - 14 jan 2007
             ... du Wall Street Journal qui a révélé que le groupe fait l'objet d'une enquête fédérale sur des stock-options octroyées à Steve Jobs mais antidatées...
VE   945 - Ministro Lara reiteró que RCTV no será expropiada
             Venevisión - 14 Ene 2007
             ... participarán los productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales y cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva.
VE   946 - Minci reiteró que Radio Caracas Televisión no será expropiado
             Unión Radio - 14 Ene 2007
             ... participarán los productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales y cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva.
VE   947 - Minci reiteró que RCTV no será expropiado
             El Universal (Venezuela) - 14 Ene 2007
             ... participarán los productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales y cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva.
BO   948 - Minci reiteró que Radio Caracas Televisión no será expropiado
             Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias - 14 Ene 2007
             ... participarán los productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales y cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva.
VE   949 - Venezuela decidida a recuperar señal televisiva
             Prensa Latina - 14 Ene 2007
             ... participarán productores nacionales independientes, televisoras comunitarias y regionales, así como cooperativas de trabajadores del sector. ...
VE   950 - Lara: El nuevo canal 2 estará al servicio de todo el pueblo
             El Nacional (Venezuela) - 14 Ene 2007
             ... cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva, incluyendo a quienes hoy laboran en RCTV; instituciones académicas, organizaciones sociales, ...
VE   951 - El nuevo canal 2 estará al servicio de todo el pueblo
             Ministerio de Comunicación e Información de Venezuela (Comunicados de prensa) - 14 Ene 2007
             ... televisoras comunitarias y regionales, cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva, incluyendo a quienes hoy laboran en RCTV ...
VE   952 - El nuevo canal 2 estará al servicio de todo el pueblo
             Ministerio de Comunicación e Información de Venezuela (Comunicados de prensa) - 14 Ene 2007
             ... cooperativas de trabajadores de la industria televisiva, incluyendo a quienes hoy laboran en RCTV; instituciones académicas, organizaciones sociales, ...
ES   953 - Los 2.601 directivos top de Santander, premiados con 200.000 euros ...
             Bolsacinco.com - 14 Ene 2007
             Vence el periodo de cómputo del mayor plan de stock options de la historia empresarial española y el resultado es notable. El buen comportamiento bursátil y ...
DE   954 - Kombilohn ist „tatsächlich unbefriedigend“
             WirtschaftsWoche - 14. Jan. 2007
             Es soll steuerliche Anreize geben für mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Es soll Agenturen geben, die behinderte Arbeitnehmer an Betriebe als Leiharbeiter ...
DE   955 - Kombilohn ist „tatsächlich unbefriedigend“
             Handelsblatt - 14. Jan. 2007
             Es soll steuerliche Anreize geben für mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Es soll Agenturen geben, die behinderte Arbeitnehmer an Betriebe als Leiharbeiter ...
             Portal Nacional de Seguros - 14 Jan 2007
             Elevando, assim, as vantagens de trabalhadores constituírem cooperativas de trabalho. Já que contam com lei específica e vantagens concernentes às ...
BR   957 - Assessoria da Defesa Civil nega localização de corpos
             JC OnLine - 14 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Empresas de ...
BR   958 - Assessoria da Defesa Civil nega localização de corpos
             Diário da Manhã - Goiânia - 14 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Empresas de ...
BR   959 - Assessoria da Defesa Civil nega localização de corpos
             Último Segundo - 14 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Empresas de ...
BR   960 - SP: Defesa Civil nega ter encontrado corpos sob escombros do metrô
             A Tarde On Line - 14 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Cooperativas e ...
BR   961 - Defesa Civil nega ter encontrado corpos em cratera
             Portal Verdes Mares - 14 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Cooperativas e ...
BR   962 - RO: Unimed não pode exigir exclusividade de médicos
             O Nortão Jornal - 14 Jan 2007
             Trata-se de Ação Ordinária, com pedido de antecipação de tutela, ajuizada por UNIMED RONDÔNIA — COOPERATIVA DE TRABALHO MÉDICO em desfavor do CONSELHO ...
BR   963 - Defesa Civil nega ter encontrado corpos em cratera
             Diário do Nordeste (Assinatura) - 14 Jan 2007
             Apesar da negativa, Alexandro Ponti, diretor-presidente da Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Especializados em Suporte e Apoio às Cooperativas e ...
PT   964 - CEO da Walt Disney ganha 13,16 M€ num ano
             Diário Digital - 14 Jan 2007
             Além destes montantes relativos ao exercíco de 2006, Iger beneficia de um incentivo de longo prazo que ascende a 4,3 milhões e stock options da companhia no ...
US   965 - Data storage, recovery firm gives its clients More
             SouthCoastToday.com, MA - Jan 13, 2007
             The company's almost 30 employees, all from Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, are employee-owners of the company. ...
BB   966 - Largest Credit union expands even further
             Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, Barbados - Jan 13, 2007
             This is one of the major decisions taken by the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited, during a special general meeting. ...
ZA   967 - PPC will import up to 10m bags of cement to cope with demand
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 13, 2007
             On close scrutiny, however, the annual report shows that Fenn exercised his share options in 2006, which netted him a little over R1 million. ...
US   968 - BP chief executive to retire at the end of July, earlier than expected
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 13, 2007
             He's entitled to a pension of around 1 million pounds ($2 million) each year, as well as share options. BP did not provide details on his retirement ...
IN   969 - Treschow all set to succeed Burgmans as Unilever chief
             Economic Times, India - Jan 13, 2007
             The Swedish Treschow, currently chairman of both Ericsson and Electrolux, will be paid a basic salary of GBP 475000, with no bonus or share options. ...
AU   970 - A new face for Jennifer-ST LVO 1811.2
             Sky News Australia, Australia - Jan 13, 2007
             The deal includes cash, share options and performance bonuses tied to sales. Signing the new contract has been a perfect 23rd birthday present for Jennifer, ...
FR   971 - Dividende du travail, actions gratuites : les nouvelles règles de ...
             Le Monde - 13 jan 2007
             Publiée au Journal officiel le 31 décembre 2006, la loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié conforte, sans les bouleverser, les mécanismes ...
FR   972 - Paris ouvrier, de Belleville au Mur des Fédérés
             Collectif Bellaciao - 13 jan 2007
             Et si l’on écoute aujourd’hui de la musique à la Bellevilloise, ancienne coopérative ouvrière du XXe arr., en attendant la réouverture d’un Centre d’art ...
FR   973 - Dividende du travail, actions gratuites : les nouvelles règles de ...
             Le Monde - 13 jan 2007
             Enfin, l'encadrement des stock-options est renforcé, le conseil d'administration (ou le conseil de surveillance) ayant désormais la possibilité soit de ...
ES   974 - ALBACETE / Se promoverán contactos para integrar en el mercado ...
             La Verdad (Albacete) - 13 Ene 2007
             Díaz Cano indicó que el objetivo es «dar información para poder impulsar la constitución de cooperativas de trabajo asociado entre ellos, ...
ES   975 - Díaz-Cano, por la integración laboral de rumanos y búlgaros
             ABC Toledo - 13 Ene 2007
             El objetivo es «dar información para poder impulsar la constitución de cooperativas de trabajo asociado entre ellos, que pudiesen atender las necesidades ...
AR   976 - Comenzó la extensión de agua potable en Ministro Rivadavia pero ...
             InfoRegión - 13 Ene 2007
             Las cooperativas de trabajo de tres módulos de Ministro Rivadavia, el ancestral barrio de Almirante Brown, ya están trabajando en la extensión de agua ...
IT   977 - Focus sulla settimana
             ilMac.net - 13 gen 2007
             Steve Jobs parla anche di stock options in una intervista a CNBC dedicata al MacWorld, mentre la borsa applaude alla presentazione dell'iPhone. ...
BR   978 - Unimed não pode exigir exclusividade de médicos
             Consultor Jurídico - 13 Jan 2007
             Trata-se de Ação Ordinária, com pedido de antecipação de tutela, ajuizada por UNIMED RONDÔNIA — COOPERATIVA DE TRABALHO MÉDICO em desfavor do CONSELHO ...
BR   979 - Motorista do microônibus pediu ajuda por rádio
             Paraiba.com.br - 13 Jan 2007
             ... de transporte para a qual trabalha, a Transcooper (Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais no Transporte de Passageiros em Geral da Região Sudeste). ...
US   980 - Oritani Financial Corp. Announces Completion Date of Minority ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 12, 2007
             THE TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON, NJ, Jan. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Oritani Financial Corp. (the "Company"), the holding company of Oritani Savings Bank, ...
US   981 - Employees to own cut of assisted living sites
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Jan 12, 2007
             He said the employee-ownership program has been well received at his location, which has about 90 employees. “Personally, and for the company, I think it’sa ...
IE   982 - Workers to gain in share scheme
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Jan 12, 2007
             Already approved profit-sharing, save-as-you-earn, share options and employee share ownership schemes benefit from tax breaks.
IE   983 - Workers to gain in share scheme
             Unison.ie (subscription), Ireland - Jan 12, 2007
             Already approved profit-sharing, save-as-you-earn, share options and employee share ownership schemes benefit from tax breaks.
ZA   984 - Cost threat for S.Africa gold firms
             Mining MX, South Africa - Jan 12, 2007
             An employee share ownership programme (ESOP) implemented by AngloGold Ashanti as part of an empowerment transaction will distort the company’s figures, ...
US   985 - Marshall & Ilsley to buy Chicago firm North Star
             Reuters - Jan 12, 2007
             North Star's services include wealth management, land trust, 1031 exchange, and employee stock ownership plan services. It has $1.6 billion of assets under ...
US   986 - Quan Williams of Hillsborough to CFI Board
             dBusinessNews Triangle (press release), NC - Jan 12, 2007
             Williams is a board member of Triangle Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Visions, Inc. College Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation serving North ...
US   987 - Quan Williams of Hillsborough Named to College Foundation, Inc ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 12, 2007
             Williams is a board member of Triangle Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Visions, Inc. College Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation serving North ...
US   988 - Quan Williams of Hillsborough Named to College Foundation, Inc ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 12, 2007
             Williams is a board member of Triangle Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Visions, Inc. College Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation serving North ...
ES   989 - Sección internacional
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 12, 2007
             (PRN) - Volvo S80 Holiday Gift Wrap Donation Presented to Charitable Organizations ... [+]. (PRN) - SC&H Group Adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan ... [+]
ES   990 - (PRN) - US Airways Fourth 2006 Financial Conference Call to Be ...
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 12, 2007
             (PRN) - Volvo S80 Holiday Gift Wrap Donation Presented to Charitable Organizations ... [+]. (PRN) - SC&H Group Adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan ... [+]
ES   991 - (PRN) - FRC Action Asks Miami Mayor to Clarify Position on ...
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 12, 2007
              (PRN) - Volvo S80 Holiday Gift Wrap Donation Presented to Charitable Organizations ... [+]. (PRN) - SC&H Group Adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan ... [+]
US   992 - SC&H Group Adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 12, 2007
             12 -- SC&H Group - a leading CPA and Management Consulting firm - has recently adopted an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for the firm. ...
US   993 - SC&H Group Adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 12, 2007
             12 /PRNewswire/ -- SC&H Group - a leading CPA and Management Consulting firm - has recently adopted an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for the firm. ...
US   994 - SC&H Group Adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 12, 2007
             12 /PRNewswire/ -- SC&H Group - a leading CPA and Management Consulting firm - has recently adopted an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for the firm. ...
US   995 - Oritani Financial Corp. Announces Completion Date of Minority ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 12, 2007
             ... to subscribers in the offering, including 1589644 shares of common stock to be purchased by the Oritani Savings Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   996 - Oritani Financial Corp. Announces Completion Date of Minority ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 12, 2007
             ... to subscribers in the offering, including 1589644 shares of common stock to be purchased by the Oritani Savings Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   997 - CEO, SCS Engineers
             Smart Business Network, OH - Jan 12, 2007
             While the company’s 530 employees work for Walsh, under the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, they are also in a position to throw their boss out if his job ...
US   998 - Employees to own cut of assisted living sites
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - Jan 12, 2007
             Miller’s Health Systems Inc. will go from a family-owned business to employee-owned as the company implements an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   999 - Briefcase: Jan. 12, 2007
             South Bend Tribune, IN - Jan 12, 2007
             The employee stock ownership plan will be rolled out during the first quarter of 2007, said Patrick Boyle, the family-owned company's president and chief ...
US   1000 - M&I Wealth Management to Acquire North Star Financial Corporation
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 12, 2007
             ... for both real and personal property, and ESOP Services, including consultative services relating to the transfer of small-business stock ownership. ...
UK   1001 - EMI shareholders voice doubts over changes
             Financial Times, UK - Jan 12, 2007
             The former Polygram executive stands to collect a £3m severance package, and stands to gain a further £4m from his share options.
IE   1002 - BP chief reveals early departure from oil giant
             Ireland Online, Ireland - Jan 12, 2007
             He is also entitled to one of Britain’s biggest pension pots of around £1m (€2.3m) a year, as well as millions of pounds worth of share options. ...
US   1003 - EMI Issues Profit Warning, Shakes Up Boardroom
             LinuxInsider.com, CA - Jan 12, 2007
             In addition, he has share options worth just over Pounds 4 million ($7.84 million) at the current share price. EMI, whose artists include Robbie Williams ...
AU   1004 - Hawko's $4m birthday present
             Townsville Bulletin, Australia - Jan 12, 2007
             Hawkins secured a $4 million, four-year deal with Myer, including share options to give her a direct equity stake, on her 23rd birthday on December 22. ...
ZA   1005 - Does marketing have a branding problem?
             Bizcommunity.com, South Africa - Jan 12, 2007
             Whether it be the money the company is making and has the potential to make, the financial packages of the Exco, the share options, etc., etc., ...
RO   1006 - Swedish Foreign Minister Cleared Over Russian Holdings
             Playfuls.com, Romania - Jan 12, 2007
             Last December, Bildt sold the share options worth some 4.8 million kronor (600000 dollars) and said they were compensation for his four years as board ...
IE   1007 - EMI chief's earnings hit £3.5m
             Irish Examiner, Ireland - Jan 12, 2007
             ... (€10.6m) as he stands to get one year’s salary worth £1m (€1.5m), plus the three-year average of his bonus entitlement and the payment of share options. ...
UK   1008 - EMI Music chief in line for £7m on exit
             Times Online, UK - Jan 12, 2007
             On top of the £3 million severance package, Levy is also entitled to 20 million share options, however only six million options are trading below this ...
SE   1009 - Prosecutors to announce Bildt decision
             The Local, Sweden - Jan 12, 2007
             He nonetheless held on to share options in the company, which he cashed in for 4.8 billion kronor in December. Vostok Nafta's assets are almost entirely ...
NL   1010 - Stock options may cost shareholders much less than previously thought
             PressZoom (press release), Netherlands - Jan 12, 2007
             "Taking into account these factors has a significant bearing on how employee stock options are valued," said Leung. Leung and Sircar submitted a paper on ...
US   1011 - Fortress America Acquisition Corporation Authorizes Stock ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 12, 2007
             ... for general corporate purposes, including reissuances in connection with acquisitions, employee stock option exercises or other employee stock plans. ...
CA   1012 - L'économie des TI en bref
             Direction Informatique - 12 jan 2007
             Capella Technologies est une coopérative de travail de Montréal qui offre des services de programmation avancée pour le développement d'applications ...
             Boursorama - 12 jan 2007
             ... après un article du Wall Street Journal selon lequel la justice fédérale enquête sur l'octroi de stock-options antidatées à son directeur général, ...
FR   1014 - Wall Street a clôturé à un nouveau record
              L'Usine Nouvelle - 12 jan 2007
             Apple a lui abandonné 1,23% à 94,62 dollars, après un article du Wall Street Journal selon lequel la justice fédérale enquête sur l'octroi de stock-options ...
FR   1015 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq +0,72%; Dow Jones +0,33%
             Voila.fr - 12 jan 2007
             Le Wall Street Journal est revenu en effet sur les investigations en cours concernant les attributions de stock options passées au sein du Groupe à la pomme ...
FR   1016 - La justice américaine enquêterait sur les stock-options d'Apple
             Capital.fr - 12 jan 2007
             NEW YORK (Reuters) - La justice fédérale américaine a ouvert une enquête sur l'octroi à Steve Jobs, le directeur général d'Apple, de stock-options ...
FR   1017 - La SEC enquête
             Mac Generation - 12 jan 2007
             L’affaire des stock-options, n’en déplaise à Apple, est loin d’être terminée. Le Wall Street Journal révèle que la SEC et les instances fédérales ...
FR   1018 - Apple : prises de profits ; la SEC inquiète
             Boursier.com - 12 jan 2007
             Le Wall Street Journal est revenu en effet sur les investigations en cours concernant les attributions de stock options passées au sein du Groupe à la pomme ...
ES   1019 - Concluye la vigencia de ciertas ayudas de la Junta
             El Periódico (Extremadura) - 12 Ene 2007
             ... también ha concluido en la misma fecha la vigencia de los Decretos 169/2001 y 170/2001, que regulan las ayudas a las cooperativas y sociedades laborales.
AR   1020 - Comenzó la extensión de agua potable en Ministro Rivadavia pero ...
             InfoRegión - 12 Ene 2007
             Las cooperativas de trabajo de tres módulos de Ministro Rivadavia, el ancestral barrio de Almirante Brown, ya están trabajando aunque las obras aún no ...
AR   1021 - Destacan nuevo pavimento y obras complementarias
             AbiertaTV - 12 Ene 2007
              ... correspondientes a la puesta a punto de desagües pluviales y la extensión del servicio de red cloacal realizados por las cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR   1022 - Dirigente de Libres del Sur asumió en el Gobierno porteño
             Noticias Urbanas - 12 Ene 2007
             ... ex secretario de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad; Osvaldo Onorati, de la Cooperativa de trabajo Mapro; Hector "Gallego" Fernández, del Peronismo Militante; ...
AR   1023 - Se blanquearon cerca de 1.700 puestos de trabajo en Esperanza ...
             Edición Uno - 12 Ene 2007
             ... principalmente después de lo ocurrido con la Cooperativa de Trabajo, donde las multas fueron bastante elevadas y los empleadores tomaron conciencia de ...
ES   1024 - Concesiones irregulares
             TeleVigo - 12 Ene 2007
             Ahora ha sido la Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Vitrasa la que ha decidido denunciar las irregularidades que a su entender se han cometido en la ...
VE   1025 - Traslado inmediato de buhoneros deciden en Charallave
             El Universal (Venezuela) - 12 Ene 2007
             Como se tenía previsto desde diciembre, este jueves las autoridades municipales y representantes de las cooperativas de trabajadores informales organizadas ...
ES   1026 - Tiene futuro Apple Inc. sin Steve Jobs
             Base Financiera - 12 Ene 2007
             Pero, ¿qué pasaría si el gobierno estadounidense implicara a Steve Jobs en el escándalo de las stock options de Apple? ...
IT   1027 - Bari - Artioli: specie al Sud il mercato premia le imprese che si ...
             La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - 12 gen 2007
             ... Ettore Artioli al convegno sulle opportunità delle pmi nel mezzogiorno promosso dalle cooperative di produzione e lavoro meridionali della Legacoop. ...
IT   1028 - Le autorità indagano sul caso stock options di Apple
             Macity - 12 gen 2007
             Le autorità federali americane aprono un fascicolo sul caso stock options. Previsto l'interrogatorio dell'avvocato che aveva redatto materialmente i ...
IT   1029 - Aiuti concreti alla nuova vitalità di Giovanni Tamburi
             Il Sole 24 Ore - 12 gen 2007
             Per contro la finanziaria ha commesso un errore nel demonizzare le stock options, strumento riconosciuto da tutti per una intelligente redistribuzione dei ...
IT   1030 - Cisco denuncia Apple per l'utilizzo del marchio iPhone
             Business Online - 12 gen 2007
             Il tutto è avvenuto, straordinariamente, senza che lo zio Steve desse la minima impressione di soffrire lo scandalo delle Stock Options retrodatate che ...
PT   1031 - Deputados fazem «pausa» para chá
              Portugal Diário - 12 Jan 2007
             ... e uma parte fixa da receita final é utilizada para programas sociais dentro da comunidade ou cooperativa de trabalhadores dos respectivos países produtores.
US   1032 - Nursing home chain starts shift to employee ownership
             Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Jan 11, 2007
             AP. WARSAW, Ind. - The Miller's Merry Manor nursing home chain is working on a change of ownership - shifting control to its employees. ...
BB   1033 - BEC head: Too few offer staff shares
             The Nation Newspaper, Barbados - Jan 11, 2007
             "The reason why we are not seeing more employee share ownership is because many of these owners don't want to share ownership of the companies. ...
ZA   1034 - Botswana seeks advisers on telecoms
             Mining Weekly, South Africa - Jan 11, 2007
             ... firm through an employee share ownership programme and between 15% and 20% will be warehoused in a privatisation trust fund, to be sold at a later date. ...
ZA   1035 - Botswana seeks advisers on telecoms privatisation
             Engineering News (press release), South Africa - Jan 11, 2007
             ... firm through an employee share ownership programme and between 15% and 20% will be warehoused in a privatisation trust fund, to be sold at a later date. ...
US   1036 - Michiana Nursing Home Ownership Change
             Fox 28, IN - Jan 11, 2007
             Patrick Boyle, the family-owned company's president and chief operating officer, says the employee stock ownership plan will be rolled out during the first ...
US   1037 - Nursing home chain starts shift to employee ownership
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Jan 11, 2007
             The employee stock ownership plan will be rolled out during the first quarter of 2007, said Patrick Boyle, the family-owned company's president and chief ...
US   1038 - Nursing home chain starts shift to employee ownership
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Jan 11, 2007
             The employee stock ownership plan will be rolled out during the first quarter of 2007, said Patrick Boyle, the family-owned company's president and chief ...
US   1039 - ComDoc employees take charge
             Crain's Cleveland Business, OH - Jan 11, 2007
             The Employee Stock Ownership Plan helps motivate employees and has played a key role in helping ComDoc revenues grow six fold since the program began in ...
US   1040 - Workers will own area nursing homes
             Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - Jan 11, 2007
             Warsaw-based Miller Health Systems Inc. has formed an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, to give its 3000 employees, and any future ones working 1000 ...
US   1041 - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 11, 2007
             CLEVELAND, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Wyse Advertising has been sold to a group of employees, led by Michael Marino, President and Chief Executive Officer. ...
ES   1042 - (PRN) - Court Permanently Halts Abbott's Sale of HCV Genotyping ...
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 11, 2007
             ... According to Census Bureau Report on 'A Child's Day' ... [+]. (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]
IN   1043 - NDTV allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 11, 2007
             At its meeting held Jan 09, 2007, the allotment committee of New Delhi Television (NDTV) allotted 39750 shares to the eligible employees of the company upon ...
IN   1044 - Nava Bharat Ventures grants options
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 11, 2007
             The remuneration committee (ESOP compensation committee) of Nava Bharat Ventures granted 600000 options to the employees of the company including working ...
US   1045 - Helvi Savola, Communist leader, 91
             People's Weekly World - Jan 11, 2007
             In 1937, she went to work in Superior, Wis., for the Farmers and Workers Cooperative Unity Alliance, and in September of that year received a call to work ...
US   1046 - Source: Avaya International Enterprises Limited
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 11, 2007
             ... (x) the Ubiquity Software Corporation Limited US Employee Share Option Plan; and (xi) the Ubiquity Software Corporation Share Savings Plan Ubiquity ...
CA   1047 - Attention Business/Financial Editors:
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Jan 11, 2007
             ... the Ubiquity Software Corporation Limited US Employee Share Option Plan; and (xi) the Ubiquity Software Corporation Share Savings Plan Ubiquity Shares ...
UK   1048 - Caribbean's Digicel Posts Record Growth
             Tax-news.com (subscription), UK - Jan 11, 2007
             ... and South and Central America, Digicel reached a 3000 employee milestone and introduced the one-of-its-kind company-wide employee share option program, ...
IN   1049 - World News
             Express Computers, India - Jan 11, 2007
             Some reports claimed that chief executive Jobs had received a grant of 7.5 million share options in 2001 without the required approval from the full Apple ...
US   1050 - Jobs Reportedly Gained From Converted Stock Sales
             InformationWeek, NY - Jan 11, 2007
             It also acknowledged in the filings that it faked documentation indicating that a grant of 7.5 million share options to Jobs was recorded at a special board ...
UK   1051 - Drop the Computer
             Economist, UK - Jan 11, 2007
             The risk, rather, is that Apple will become more deeply mired in a financial scandal over the backdating of share options, a practice that it and more than ...
US   1052 - Today’s Overview of Leading News & Views – 11 January 2007
             Israel Hasbara Committee (subscription), NY - Jan 11, 2007
             The Credit Suisse report cited reduced loan growth and the dilutive effect of employee share options. The target share price for 12 months was reduced from ...
UK   1053 - US: More Nasdaq trouble for Hansen Natural
             just-drinks.com (subscription), UK - Jan 11, 2007
             ... report of its performance during the third quarter of last year, once an investigation into the award of share options to its executives was complete. ...
ZA   1054 - ELH - Ellerine Holdings Limited - Dealing In Securities By A Director
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 11, 2007
             ... the vesting of share options at an offer price of R14.95 per share and 3 750 shares sold on the open market arising from the vesting of share options at ...
ZA   1055 - Trans Hex, Diamond Core shoot the lights out
             Mining MX, South Africa - Jan 11, 2007
             My share options are in the money,” quipped Theo Botoulas from Diamond Core. Trans Hex’s Llewellyn Delport, who is on leave, said while he kept in touch ...
ZA   1056 - BPL - Barplats - Grant and acceptance of share options by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 11, 2007
             BPL BPL - Barplats - Grant and acceptance of share options by directors Barplats Investments Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ...
CA   1057 - Loblaw's Leighton embroiled in UK tax spat
             Globe and Mail, Canada - Jan 11, 2007
              Asda is trying to recover £600000 (almost $1.4-million) it claims it paid by mistake in taxes on Mr. Leighton's share options when the former Asda chief ...
US   1058 - Source: Avaya International Enterprises Limited
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 11, 2007
             ... (vi) the Ubiquity Software Corporation Limited Canadian Employee Stock Option Plan; (viii) the Ubiquity Software Corporation PLC Savings- Related Share ...
CA   1059 - Uruguay Mineral Exploration Inc Announces Results for the Quarter ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 11, 2007
             (d) Employee Stock Options The Company has an option Plan for its officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries. ...
IN   1060 - Stock options may cost shareholders much less than previously thought
             SpiritIndia, India - Jan 11, 2007
             "Taking into account these factors has a significant bearing on how employee stock options are valued," said Leung. Leung and Sircar submitted a paper on ...
US   1061 - Stock options may cost shareholders much less than previously thought
             EurekAlert (press release), DC - Jan 11, 2007
             "Taking into account these factors has a significant bearing on how employee stock options are valued," said Leung. Leung and Sircar submitted a paper on ...
CA   1062 - Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. Issues Employee Stock Options
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - Jan 11, 2007
             TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 11, 2007) - The Board of Directors of Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PTU) has today approved the issuance ...
IN   1063 - TIBCO Software Reports Fourth Quarter Financial Results With ...
             TechWhack, India - Jan 11, 2007
             ... costs related to formal restructuring plans, stock-based compensation related to employee stock options, the amortization of purchased intangible assets ...
US   1064 - Tuesday Morning Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 11, 2007
             This accounting standard requires all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized in the financial ...
US   1065 - QLogic to Announce Third Quarter Results
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 11, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
US   1066 - STEVE JOBS: Apple visionary
             Boston Globe, MA - Jan 11, 2007
             Apple's acknowledged past practice of backdating employee stock options and the company's investigation into its own actions leave a lot of serious ...
FR   1067 - Generali France distribue des actions gratuites à ses salariés
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 11 jan 2007
             ... gratuites par une société non cotée française, s'inscrit dans le cadre de la loi sur la participation et l'actionnariat salarié du 30 décembre 2006.
FR   1068 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1069 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             Euroinvestor - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1070 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1071 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             La Tribune.fr - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1072 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             Capital.fr - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1073 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             Boursorama - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1074 - Nouvelle année faste pour les gérants d'actifs
             Reuters.fr - 11 jan 2007
             L'épargne salariale a quant à elle atteint un encours de 85 milliards d'euros (contre 69 milliards un an plus tôt), dont près d'un milliard pour les actifs ...
FR   1075 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1076 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             Boursorama - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1077 - Sur le site
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             D'autres pistes devront également être étudiées, telles que "l'élargissement de l'assiette des cotisations aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale", ...
FR   1078 - Réforme des retraites : il faudrait travailler plus longtemps et ...
             Senior Actu - 11 jan 2007
             examinées, entre autres l'élargissement de l'assiette des cotisations (...) aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale ».
FR   1079 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1080 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             Boursorama - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1081 - Record de collecte nette sur les OPCVM, avec 123 milliards d'euros ...
             La Tribune.fr - 11 jan 2007
             Les actifs gérés dans les fonds d'épargne salariale ont progressé de 20 % en 2006, passant de 69 milliards d'euros en 2005 à 85 milliards d'euros en 2006 ...
FR   1082 - Les pensions partout sous tension
             20minutes.fr - 11 jan 2007
             Les régimes de retraite d'entreprise sont toutefois en net déclin, d'où le développement de plans d'épargne salariale individuels, qui assurent ...
CA   1083 - La CSN fière partenaire de la Fiducie du Chantier de l'économie ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 11 jan 2007
             ... pied de coopératives de travail et à continuer à promouvoir auprès de ses organisations affiliées, le commerce équitable et la consommation responsable. ...
CA   1084 - La CSN fière partenaire de la Fiducie du Chantier de l’économie ...
             CSN (Communiqués de presse) - 11 jan 2007
             ... pied de coopératives de travail et à continuer à promouvoir auprès de ses organisations affiliées, le commerce équitable et la consommation responsable. ...
FR   1085 - SAP manque le consensus sur ses ventes de licences de logiciels
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 11 jan 2007
             ... à l'objectif interne de l'entreprise, situé entre 28,9 et 29,0%, ajusté des coûts relatifs aux acquisitions et des versements de stock-options. ...
FR   1086 - Ça ne sera peut-être pas un iPhone…
             Le Monde - 11 jan 2007
             Jobs de son côté est en difficulté avec la justice pour la façon dont ont été gérées (backdated) avec son accord certaines stock-options d’Apple (il s’est ...
FR   1087 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             Euroinvestor - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à lépargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1088 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1089 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             Boursorama - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1090 - Sur le site
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             D'autres pistes devront également être étudiées, telles que "l'élargissement de l'assiette des cotisations aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale", ...
FR   1091 - Réforme des retraites : il faudrait travailler plus longtemps et ...
             Senior Actu - 11 jan 2007
             examinées, entre autres l'élargissement de l'assiette des cotisations (...) aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale ».
FR   1092 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             Euroinvestor - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à lépargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1093 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1094 - Les principaux syndicats contestent les préconisations du Conseil ...
             Boursorama - 11 jan 2007
             aux stock options et à l'épargne salariale". Du côté du Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF), le son de cloche est différent. ...
FR   1095 - "Tous les Français devront faire des efforts"
             nouvelobs.com - 11 jan 2007
             Sinon, il faut élargir l'assiette des cotisations, et soumettre éventuellement à cotisation l'intéressement, les stock-options...
FR   1096 - Justice fiscale : ajuster l'effort de rééquilibrage
             Parti Radical de Gauche - 11 jan 2007
             ... l'application de la règle de progressivité à la taxation des plus-values financières (plus-values de levées de stock options comprises) et immobilières. ...
FR   1097 - Le MEDEF ne veut pas de loi
             l'Humanité - 11 jan 2007
             Au moment où les stock-options de Noël Forgeard (ex-patron d’EADS), l’affaire Zacharias (ex-patron de Vinci) et la retraite dorée de M. Bernard (Carrefour) ...
FR   1098 - La droite va-t-elle « moraliser » les rémunérations des patrons ?
             l'Humanité - 11 jan 2007
             ... Noël Forgeard, PDG, débarqué depuis lors d’EADS, qui vend pour 5,5 millions d’euros de stock-options à la veille d’une culbute du titre en Bourse, etc. ...
CO   1099 - Disputas alrededor del Hospital San Roque enfrentan a alcalde de ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 11 Ene 2007
             Además, apunta que entre los malos manejos se cuenta el cambio en menos de cuatro meses de cooperativas de trabajo y el despido injustificado de empleados. ...
ES   1100 - Steve Jobs, en el ojo del huracán por su política de 'stock options'
             Cinco Días - 11 Ene 2007
             La llegada del iPhone coincide con la polémica de las stock options de Steve Jobs. Un anuncio que habría llegado para dejar en un segundo plano el escándalo ...
AT   1101 - Regierung kein Stilbruch
             medianet.at - 11. Jan. 2007
             Weitere Wünsche: eine attraktivere Ausgestaltung der steuerlichen Begünstigungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, eine Verdoppelung des Freibetrages und ...
IT   1102 - Le nazionalizzazioni di Hugo Chavez
             Il Pane e le Rose - 11 gen 2007
             ... fondata cioè sulla produzione interna di beni agricoli e industriali da parte di cooperative di lavoratori, ma in cui lo spazio per gli imprenditori ...
IT   1103 - Venezuela, le nazionalizzazioni di Hugo Chavez
             Pagine di Difesa - 11 gen 2007
             ... fondata cioè sulla produzione interna di beni agricoli e industriali da parte di cooperative di lavoratori, ma in cui lo spazio per gli imprenditori ...
IT   1104 - Mercoledì in risultati fiscali di Apple
             Macity - 11 gen 2007
             Nel corso della presentazione dei risultati fiscali si parlerà molto probabilmente anche della vicenda stock options e, soprattutto, si avrà qualche altra ...
BR   1105 - A favor do trabalho: Supressão de contribuição deve fortalecer ...
             Portal Nacional de Seguros - 11 Jan 2007
             Trata-se da contribuição de 15% sobre o valor bruto da nota fiscal de serviços prestados por pessoa física através de cooperativas de trabalho. ...
BR   1106 - Supressão de contribuição deve
             Último Segundo - 11 Jan 2007
             Trata-se da contribuição de 15% sobre o valor bruto da nota fiscal de serviços prestados por pessoa física através de cooperativas de trabalho. ...
BR   1107 - Supressão de contribuição deve fortalecer cooperativas
             Consultor Jurídico - 11 Jan 2007
             Trata-se da contribuição de 15% sobre o valor bruto da nota fiscal de serviços prestados por pessoa física através de cooperativas de trabalho. ...
US   1108 - WinCo Foods Announces Top Management Changes
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 10, 2007
             ... from its founding family and set up the company with an employee ownership structure utilizing an ESOP as the primary ownership and pension vehicle. ...
US   1109 - WinCo Foods Announces Top Management Changes
             abc13.com, TX - Jan 10, 2007
             ... from its founding family and set up the company with an employee ownership structure utilizing an ESOP as the primary ownership and pension vehicle. ...
US   1110 - WinCo Foods Announces Top Management Changes
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 10, 2007
             ... from its founding family and set up the company with an employee ownership structure utilizing an ESOP as the primary ownership and pension vehicle. ...
JM   1111 - Unions representing Air J workers to present demands Wednesday
             radiojamaica.com, Jamaica - Jan 10, 2007
             An Employee Share Ownership Programme and a request that two worker representatives be appointed to Air Jamaica's Board top the list. ...
NL   1112 - US: organic growers co-op thrives
             FreshPlaza, Netherlands - Jan 10, 2007
             It has 21 grower-shareholders and 26 employee-shareholders. The company began as an agricultural marketing cooperative, marketing only locally grown produce ...
US   1113 - Kellen Company Names Peter Rush Chairman & CEO
             dBusinessNews Atlanta (press release), GA - Jan 10, 2007
             In his new role as chairman, he will also oversee Kellen Company’s Board of Directors and will remain as a trustee of the company’s Employee Stock Ownership ...
US   1114 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Record Earnings for Fiscal 2006
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 10, 2007
             ... non-operating income (expense), non- cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US   1115 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Record Earnings for Fiscal 2006
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 10, 2007
             ... non-operating income (expense), non- cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US   1116 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Record Earnings for Fiscal 2006
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 10, 2007
             ... non-operating income (expense), non- cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US   1117 - AEP Industries Inc. Reports Record Earnings for Fiscal 2006
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 10, 2007
             ... non-operating income (expense), non- cash share-based compensation expense and non-cash employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP") expense. ...
US   1118 - Kellen Company Names Peter Rush Chairman & CEO
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 10, 2007
             In his new role as chairman, he will also oversee Kellen Company’s Board of Directors and will remain as a trustee of the company’s Employee Stock Ownership ...
US   1119 - Lawsuit filed over retirement funds
             The Spokesman Review, WA - Jan 10, 2007
             The lawsuit alleges that former chief executive officers Michael Davis and Ric Odegard, as trustees of Tidyman's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), ...
ES   1120 - (PRN) - WM-Data Receives Extended Outsourcing Contract From Volvo ...
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 10, 2007
             (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]. (PRN) - Las Vegas Sands Corp. Announces Advancement of Hengqin ...
ES   1121 - Sección internacional
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 10, 2007
             (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]. (PRN) - Las Vegas Sands Corp. Announces Advancement of Hengqin ...
ES   1122 - (PRN) - ELAPRASE(R) for the Treatment of Hunter Syndrome Approved ...
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 10, 2007
             (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]. (PRN) - Las Vegas Sands Corp. Announces Advancement of Hengqin ...
ES   1123 - (PRN) - Following Is a Test Release ... [+]
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 10, 2007
             (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]. (PRN) - Las Vegas Sands Corp. Announces Advancement of Hengqin ...
US   1124 - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 10, 2007
             CLEVELAND , Jan. 11 PRNewswire — Wyse Advertising has been sold to a group of employees, led by Michael Marino , President and Chief Executive Officer. ...
ES   1125 - Sección internacional
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 10, 2007
             (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]. (PRN) - Las Vegas Sands Corp. Announces Advancement of Hengqin ...
ES   1126 - (PRN) - IFI Patent Intelligence Issues Annual Rankings of Top US ...
             Bolsamania.com, Spain - Jan 10, 2007
             (PRN) - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent Advertising Agency ... [+]. (PRN) - Las Vegas Sands Corp. Announces Advancement of Hengqin ...
US   1127 - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 10, 2007
             CLEVELAND, Jan. 11 -- Wyse Advertising has been sold to a group of employees, led by Michael Marino, President and Chief Executive Officer. ...
US   1128 - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 10, 2007
             CLEVELAND, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Wyse Advertising has been sold to a group of employees, led by Michael Marino, President and Chief Executive Officer. ...
US   1129 - Employee Buyout Finalized at Ohio's Largest Independent ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 10, 2007
             CLEVELAND, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Wyse Advertising has been sold to a group of employees, led by Michael Marino, President and Chief Executive Officer. ...
US   1130 - Hansen Natural (HANS) Violated Nasdaq Rule on 12K Share Options ...
              StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - Jan 10, 2007
             Hansen Natural (Nasdaq: HANS) said on January 4the they notified the Nasdaq Stock Market that the Company may have inadvertently violated Nasdaq Marketplace ...
US   1131 - Today’s Overview of Leading News & Views – 10 January 2007
             Israel Hasbara Committee (subscription), NY - Jan 10, 2007
             The Credit Suisse report cited reduced loan growth and the dilutive effect of employee share options. The target share price for 12 months was reduced from ...
UK   1132 - RE: Speculation on Punch bid
             Morning Advertiser, UK - Jan 10, 2007
             Makes it more interesting, especially when Giles & Fellow directors seem to be taking their share options, leaving before the fall? ...
ZA   1133 - Why Peter Flack jumped
             Mineweb, South Africa - Jan 10, 2007
             On the one side FRM was stuffed with share options (60m of them at an average of 30c a share) and as a result, has been handsomely rewarded for its efforts. ...
UK   1134 - After the iPod, Apple takes aim at the phone
             Belfast Telegraph, UK - Jan 10, 2007
             Jobs had been under pressure to announce a spectacular product amid a US Government investigation into the handling of executive share options at the ...
ZA   1135 - Why Peter Flack jumped
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Jan 10, 2007
             On the one side FRM was stuffed with share options (60m of them at an average of 30c a share) and as a result, has been handsomely rewarded for its efforts. ...
UK   1136 - Bell Micro beats the Street
             Register, UK - Jan 10, 2007
             But Bell is still investigating share options and accounting practises up until Q4 of 2005. In a statement the firm said: "The Company is unable at this ...
IN   1137 - Rel Comm board clears $1-b FCCBs
             Economic Times, India - Jan 10, 2007
             The company’s board also approved the implementation of the Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) and constituted an ESOS Compensation Committee of ...
IN   1138 - Reliance Communications Board reaffirms interest in Hutchinson ...
             Equity Bulls, India - Jan 10, 2007
             To Implement the Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) as approved by the Members of the Company through Postal Ballot, the results whereof were declared on ...
IN   1139 - RCOM Board Meet
             Moneycontrol.com (press release), India - Jan 10, 2007
             The Board also gave its approval on the Implementation of the Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) and constituted an ESOS Compensation Committee of ...
IN   1140 - Reliance Communications to issue FCCB
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 10, 2007
             The board of the company has decided to implement the employee stock option scheme (ESOS) as approved by the members of the company and also the ...
IN   1141 - Cambridge Solutions allots shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 10, 2007
             09, 2007, the allotment committee of Cambridge Solutions allotted 754 equity shares under Scandent employee stock option plan 2004 and 4500 equity shares ...
IN   1142 - HCL Infosystems allots share under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 10, 2007
             HCL Infosystems said Thursday that it credited 2400 equity shares of Rs 2 each on exercise of options under HCL Infosystem`s Employee Stock Option Scheme at ...
CA   1143 - Uruguay Mineral Exploration Inc Announces Results for the Quarter ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Jan 10, 2007
             (d) Employee Stock Options The Company has an option Plan for its officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries. ...
CA   1144 - Corus Entertainment announces first quarter results
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 10, 2007
             Share capital increased by $1.6 million as a result of the exercise of employee stock options, offset by the repurchase and cancellation of shares with a ...
CA   1145 - $74-million restatement for Applied Micro
             Ottawa Citizen (subscription), Canada - Jan 10, 2007
             ... has announced $74.3 million US in financial restatements following an investigation of backdating of employee stock options between 1999 and 2002. ...
NL   1146 - Reliance board approves debt financing for Hutch Essar bid
             Telecom Paper (subscription), Netherlands - Jan 10, 2007
             The Reliance board also approved an internal employee stock options scheme, after staff already passed the measure.
FR   1147 - Le PEE : un contrat à mettre à la portée de tous les salariés de PME
             NetPME.fr - 10 jan 2007
             ... en vue de l’exercice d’une autre profession non salariée ou à l’acquisition de parts sociales d’une société coopérative de production (SCOP). ...
FR   1148 - Marketing et Gestion
             Quotipharm - 10 jan 2007
             PLUSIEURS MESURES viennent d’être pri- ses pour encourager le développement de l’épargne salariale dans les petites entreprises (loi pour le développement ...
FR   1149 - AG2R Prévoyance aménage son offre pour les PME
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 10 jan 2007
             Baptisée Kit CET, la nouvelle prestation permettra aux PME de compléter leur dispositif d'épargne salariale en créant des passerelles entre compte épargne ...
FR   1150 - AGF : l'assureur de l'année 2007 ?
             Capital.fr - 10 jan 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
FR   1151 - Le PEE : un contrat à mettre à la portée de tous les salariés de PME
             NetPME.fr - 10 jan 2007
             Le PEE (Plan d’épargne entreprise) est un contrat souple d’épargne salariale, avec une échéance courte des sommes placées : 5 ans seulement, ...
FR   1152 - En Europe, des approches culturelles diverses
             Le Monde - 10 jan 2007
             Au Royaume-Uni, rémunérations, stock-options ou primes sont acceptées tant qu'elles vont de pair avec la création de valeur à l'actionnaire. ...
FR   1153 - L'entreprise dans le débat électoral : il ya du boulot (3) !
             Marianne2007.info - 10 jan 2007
             dans la régulation des plans de « stock-options », dans la résolution des conflits d'intérêt auxquels sont confrontés les commissaires aux comptes, ...
FR   1154 - La rémunération des dirigeants doit être mesurée
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 10 jan 2007
             Et rien ne dit en cette période pré-électorale et de scandales américains sur les stock options que le gouvernement ne voudra pas imposer une loi pour aller ...
FR   1155 - Steve Jobs sur les stock-options
             Mac Generation - 10 jan 2007
             Le PDG d’Apple a présenté dans les mêmes termes «sa dernière invention», mais s’est également exprimé au sujet de l’affaire des stock-options. ...
FR   1156 - Rémunérations des PDG : le Medef exclut toute loi mais appelle à ...
             Le Monde - 10 jan 2007
             En 2006, celle sur la participation intègre l'amendement Balladur sur les conditions de levée des stock-options. . Le "code" de l'Association française des ...
LU   1157 - La globalisation du marché des talents
             Agefi Luxembourg - 10 jan 2007
             ... système de stock options avantageux, de sorte que les gros salaires, comme leurs entreprises par ailleurs, n’ont jamais trouvé le chemin du Luxembourg. ...
FR   1158 - 10/01/2007 : Opep, Porsche, Volkswagen, Dassault Systems, Baccarat...
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 10 jan 2007
             Fini le versement de stock-options délirantes, terminées les accusations de « patrons voyous » ; c’est du moins ce que souhaiterait une majorité des ...
ES   1159 - El Consell regula las subvenciones al fomento del empleo entre ...
             Panorama Actual - 10 Ene 2007
             ... en tanto que las cooperativas y las sociedades laborales calificadas como I+E podrán demandar una ayuda de 4.808 euros por cada socio trabajador que ...
ES   1160 - La Fundación Almería Social y Laboral organiza diez nuevos cursos ...
             Teleprensa World - 10 Ene 2007
             ... cursos restantes de Gestor de Formación (240 horas), Agente Dinamizador del Medio Rural (350 horas) y Gestión Básica de Sociedades Laborales (74 horas). ...
ES   1161 - Fin de la vigencia de varios decretos de ayudas de la Junta
             Región Digital - 10 Ene 2007
             ... Comercio de Cáceres, en relación a subvenciones que afectan a las líneas de financiación, incentivos industriales, cooperativas y sociedades laborales. ...
AR   1162 - Cuestionan impuesto a cooperativas
             Misiones OnLine - 10 Ene 2007
             El proyecto generará 80 puestos de trabajo a través de las cooperativas de trabajo. El jefe comunal señaló que desde Provincia se exige a las cooperativas ...
ES   1163 - Polémica ante el nuevo reglamento municipal de venta ambulante
             La Voz de Galicia - 10 Ene 2007
             ... se podrán instalar tres de los trescientos puestos que pertenecen a miembros agregados a la cooperativa de trabajo asociado de vendedores ambulantes». ...
AT   1164 - Grundsätze unserer Politik für Österreich!
             oevp.at - 10. Jan. 2007
             Die Fortsetzung der Privatisierung und der Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sind für uns selbstverständlich. Beides stärkt den Finanz- und Börsenplatz ...
DE   1165 - Steve Jobs im Interview (Video)
             Mac Essentials - 10. Jan. 2007
             Zehnminütiges CNBC-Interview mit Steve Jobs nach der Keynote über iPhone und Stock Options [Newstipp von Oliver]. Der Macintosh ist katholisch: das Wesen ...
IT   1166 - Trasporti pubblici: una spina nel fianco della giunta Veltroni
             il Giornale - 10 gen 2007
             ... privatizzazioni fittizie dato che la flotta è ancora di proprietà comunale, tanto da caratterizzare questi gestori come semplici cooperative di lavoro. ...
IT   1167 - Steve Jobs e le Stock Options
             ilMac.net - 10 gen 2007
             E il Ceo di Apple ha detto la sua sull'affare delle stock-options retrodatate, che hanno attirato l'attenzione della SEC (la Consob statunitense). ...
IT   1168 - Jobs: "iPhone contro la frustrazione da cellulare"
             Macity - 10 gen 2007
             iPhone, la concorrenza, il problema delle stock options e il suo futuro. Jobs parla a tutto campo i un'intervista con Jim Goldman di Cnbc. Ecco, ...
IT   1169 - Steve Jobs alla CNBC
             melablog.it - 10 gen 2007
             ... chiesti commenti relativi ai nuovi prodotti e opinioni concernenti la situazione generale di Apple, relativamente ai problemi legati alle stock options. ...
CA   1170 - VenGrowth Funds invest in tarpaulin innovator Roll-Tite Inc.
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 9, 2007
             It also paves the way for wider employee ownership which is important to me. I certainly did not build this company from $3 million to $19 million in sales ...
US   1171 - Oppenheimer Investment Management Selects Satuit Technologies as ...
             Emediawire (press release), WA - Jan 9, 2007
             ... a foundation of the traditional investment firm culture with employee ownership, performance-based compensation and a horizontal management structure. ...
CA   1172 - VenGrowth Funds invest in tarpaulin innovator Roll-Tite Inc.
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - Jan 9, 2007
             It also paves the way for wider employee ownership which is important to me. I certainly did not build this company from $3 million to $19 million in sales ...
US   1173 - Oppenheimer Investment Management Selects Satuit Technologies as ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - Jan 9, 2007
             ... a foundation of the traditional investment firm culture with employee ownership, performance-based compensation and a horizontal management structure. ...
US   1174 - Working together is what works
             Mail Tribune, OR - Jan 9, 2007
             It has 21 grower-shareholders and 26 employee-shareholders. The company began as an agricultural marketing cooperative, marketing only locally grown produce ...
US   1175 - Nursing home employees eligible to own their company
             Gary Post Tribune, IN - Jan 9, 2007
             The nearly 3000 employees of Miller Health Systems Inc. will be eligible to become employee owners of the company as a result of an employee stock ownership ...
US   1176 - Showplace Wood Unveils Stock Ownership Plan
             Kitchen and Bath Design News, NY - Jan 9, 2007
             Harrisburg, SD — Showplace Wood Products, the Harrisburg, SD-based cabinet manufacturer, has created an employee stock ownership plan that will enable the ...
US   1177 - Heartland Brewery Introduces a New Brew for Its Employees: Part ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 9, 2007
             ... has announced a partial transfer of the restaurants' ownership to its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"). ...
US   1178 - Heartland Brewery Introduces a New Brew for Its Employees: Part ...
             abc13.com, TX - Jan 9, 2007
             ... has announced a partial transfer of the restaurants' ownership to its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"). ...
US   1179 - Heartland Brewery Introduces a New Brew for Its Employees: Part ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 9, 2007
             ... has announced a partial transfer of the restaurants' ownership to its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"). ...
US   1180 - Heartland Brewery Introduces a New Brew for Its Employees: Part ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 9, 2007
             ... has announced a partial transfer of the restaurants' ownership to its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"). ...
US   1181 - Heartland Brewery Introduces a New Brew for Its Employees: Part ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 9, 2007
             New York City's Microbrew Pioneer Implements an Employee Stock Ownership Plan NEW YORK, Jan. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Heartland Brewery, ...
US   1182 - National firm buys Nutting
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Jan 9, 2007
             The purchase price wasn't disclosed, but Jack Scott, Nutting's president, said shareholders in Nutting's employee stock ownership plan overwhelmingly ...
US   1183 - American Capital Provides One Stop Financing to Haband Company
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 9, 2007
             American Capital invests directly and through its asset management business is a global investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN   1184 - Suzlon Energy allots equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 9, 2007
             Suzlon Energy has announced that the ESOP-2005 committee of the board of the company has allotted 200 equity shares of Rs 10 each to the option grantees. ...
US   1185 - P&G Declares Common Stock Dividend
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 9, 2007
             ... ($0.31) per share on the Common Stock and on the Series A and Series B ESOP Convertible Class A Preferred Stock of the company, payable on or after Feb. ...
UK   1186 - Digicel Achieved More Than 100% Subscriber Growth In 2006
             ClickPress (press release), UK - Jan 9, 2007
             ... and South and Central America, Digicel reached a 3000 employee milestone and introduced the one-of-its-kind company-wide employee share option program, ...
KY   1187 - Digicel achieves more than 100 percent subscriber growth in 2006
             Caribbean Net News, Cayman Islands - Jan 9, 2007
             ... and South and Central America, Digicel reached a 3000 employee milestone and introduced the one-of-its-kind company-wide employee share option program, ...
US   1188 - Digicel Achieved More Than 100 Percent Subscriber Growth In 2006
             Hardbeatnews.com, NY - Jan 9, 2007
             ... and South and Central America, Digicel reached a 3000 employee milestone and introduced the one-of-its-kind company-wide employee share option program, ...
CA   1189 - Serica Energy plc announces exercise of share options by directors ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 9, 2007
             On 8 January 2007 Antony Craven Walker exercised 200000 share options and Neil Pike and Jim Steel each exercised 100000 share options. ...
AU   1190 - Seasonal cheer for directors
             WA Business News, Australia - Jan 9, 2007
             Mr Poli headed the WA Business News CEO salary review for 2006 with a total income of $6.6 million, consisting of a cash salary of $297000 and share options ...
UK   1191 - After the iPod, Apple takes aim at the phone
             Independent, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             Jobs had been under pressure to announce a spectacular product amid a US Government investigation into the handling of executive share options at the ...
ZA   1192 - Jacquie Archer: Divisional director for Financial Markets, D·A·V ...
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Jan 9, 2007
             ... sort of a more management level, anywhere from about R400 000 to R500 000 and upwards – that usually excludes things like bonuses and share options. ...
AU   1193 - A super 2006 for share options
             Money Management, Australia - Jan 9, 2007
             ... the researcher indicated that Australians whose superannuation was invested in share options also did better in calendar 2006 than super funds with more ...
UK   1194 - The people's store scores a victory
             Times Online, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             It is less than a fortnight since Apple’s own investigation found that Mr Jobs had participated in the (improper) backdating of share options. ...
US   1195 - Today’s Overview of Leading News & Views – 9 January 2007
             Israel Hasbara Committee (subscription), NY - Jan 9, 2007
              The Credit Suisse report cited reduced loan growth and the dilutive effect of employee share options. The target share price for 12 months was reduced from ...
UK   1196 - Serica Energy chairman Walker, CEO Ellis raise stakes
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             On Jan 8 Walker exercised 200000 share options and Pike and Steel each exercised 100000 share options. All options were exercised at 1.11 cad each. ...
UK   1197 - Recruitment Business Manager
             Recruiter Magazine, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             The company offers full support, superb direction & clear vision, along with opportunities to gain high earnings and share options. ...
UK   1198 - Swedish minister in shares probe
             BBC News, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             A Swedish prosecutor has begun an investigation into share options given to Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, to see if they could be construed as a bribe. ...
ZA   1199 - SA's hottest jobs
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Jan 9, 2007
             ... administrative managers and from R600 000 CTC upwards for other positions with incentives, bonuses, share options etc, over and above, added Archer. ...
UK   1200 - Lack of confidence in e-tax system is hitting businesses
             York Press, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             You are doomed if you've amassed huge share options. Too many digits cause submission failure . Multiple Capital Gains computations? Forget it . ...

UK   1201 - Apples, good and bad
             Economist, UK - Jan 9, 2007
             If so, he would be by far the most significant business leader yet felled by a scandal over the backdating of share options. ...
IN   1202 - Cambridge Solutions allots equity shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 9, 2007
             09 the allotment committee has allotted 754 equity shares under scandent employee stock option plan 2004. The company also allotted 45000 equity shares ...
US   1203 - McAfee Takes Charge to Extend Options Dates
             New York Times, NY - Jan 9, 2007
             ... it expected to record pretax charges of $25 million to $45 million related to the extension of expiration dates on some employee stock option grants. ...
US   1204 - Apple Expected to Launch New Product
             FOX News - Jan 9, 2007
             Wall Street's confidence in Apple has wavered slightly because of the possibility that improper handling of employee stock options would erase some of ...
NZ   1205 - BIBA Supports ‘Companies Amendment Act 2006’ - Company Law
             Lawfuel (press release), New Zealand - Jan 9, 2007
             ... of the grounds for being exempted from filing a prospectus where the offering is of a private nature with clear exclusion of employee stock options. ...
US   1206 - BIBA Supports ‘Companies Amendment Act 2006’
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 9, 2007
             ... of the grounds for being exempted from filing a prospectus where the offering is of a private nature with clear exclusion of employee stock options. ...
US   1207 - FactSet Research Systems First Quarter Earnings Call
             123Jump.com, FL - Jan 9, 2007
             There was cash inflow of $2.2 million from the exercise of employee stock options, offset by dividends paid of $2.4 million and capital expenditure of $1.4 ...
US   1208 - Stage Stores Announces 3-for-2 Stock Split, a $50 Million Stock ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 9, 2007
             In addition, the Company expects to continue to repurchase shares using the proceeds that it receives from the exercise of employee stock options under its ...
NL   1209 - BIBA Supports 'Companies Amendment Act 2006'
             Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - Jan 9, 2007
             ... of the grounds for being exempted from filing a prospectus where the offering is of a private nature with clear exclusion of employee stock options. ...
FR   1210 - AG2R Prévoyance lance un kit destiné aux PME
             RiskAssur.com - 9 jan 2007
             Avec cette nouvelle offre, AG2R Prévoyance permet à l’entreprise de compléter son dispositif d’épargne salariale en créant des passerelles entre compte ...
             Sud Aérien (Communiqués de presse) - 9 jan 2007
             L’actionnariat salarié serait, selon la Direction, un moyen alléchant pour les employés de retirer une part des bénéfices de l’entreprise. ...
FR   1212 - Ce qu'en pensent les principaux candidats
             Le Figaro - 9 jan 2007
             Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) : « Les stock-options » doivent être « étendues à tous les salariés de l'entreprise, pour que chacun soit partie prenante au succès de ...
FR   1213 - Les seniors devront travailler plus
             Le Figaro - 9 jan 2007
             En clair, il souhaite élargir l'assiette à la participation, l'intéressement, ou aux stock-options. Mais, le Conseil le répète depuis 2001 : tout cela ne ...
FR   1214 - Salaires : nouvelles règles pour les patrons
             La Tribune.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Et la recherche d'une plus grande mesure dans les pourcentages de stock-options attribués. Six mois après l'affaire Vinci, le patronat a publié hier un ...
FR   1215 - Dernière minute : Apple réinvente le téléphone portable avec iPhone
             Graphiline - 9 jan 2007
             Loin des problèmes de stock-options et des rumeurs de démission forcée de Steve Jobs, Apple s'attaque au marché de la téléphonie mobile et des pda. ...
FR   1216 - Le Medef pour l'autorégulation de la rémunération des patrons
             Euroinvestor - 9 jan 2007
             Ces préconisations ont été formulées alors que les niveaux de salaires, les stock-options ou les parachutes dorés octroyés à certains grands patrons ont ...
FR   1217 - Le Medef pour l'autorégulation de la rémunération des patrons
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 9 jan 2007
             Ces préconisations ont été formulées alors que les niveaux de salaires, les stock-options ou les parachutes dorés octroyés à certains grands patrons ont ...
FR   1218 - Le Medef pour l'autorégulation de la rémunération des patrons
             Boursorama - 9 jan 2007
             Ces préconisations ont été formulées alors que les niveaux de salaires, les stock-options ou les parachutes dorés octroyés à certains grands patrons ont ...
FR   1219 - Le Medef pour l'autorégulation de la rémunération des patrons
             Reuters.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Ces préconisations ont été formulées alors que les niveaux de salaires, les stock-options ou les parachutes dorés octroyés à certains grands patrons ont ...
FR   1220 - Le Medef pour l'autorégulation de la rémunération des patrons
             Capital.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Ces préconisations ont été formulées alors que les niveaux de salaires, les stock-options ou les parachutes dorés octroyés à certains grands patrons ont ...
FR   1221 - Le Medef pour l'autorégulation de la rémunération des patrons
             La Tribune.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Ces préconisations ont été formulées alors que les niveaux de salaires, les stock-options ou les parachutes dorés octroyés à certains grands patrons ont ...
FR   1222 - Apple : Steve Jobs propulse l'action vers ses sommets
             Boursier.com - 9 jan 2007
             Steve Jobs malmené dernièrement par la presse financière, après l'affaire des stock options. Le Conseil d'administration d'Apple a cependant confirmé son ...
FR   1223 - Salaire des patrons : naissance d'une charte de bonne conduite
             La Tribune.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Ces dernières années, les niveaux de salaires, de stock-options et le montant des parachutes dorés accordés à certains dirigeants de société démissionnés ...
FR   1224 - La charte sur la rémunération des dirigeants d'entreprises est née
             La Tribune.fr - 9 jan 2007
             Ces dernières années, les niveaux de salaires, de stock-options et le montant des parachutes dorés accordés à certains dirigeants de société démissionnés ...
FR   1225 - Google recrute par algorithme
             Infos-du-Net - 9 jan 2007
             ... goodies, repas gratuits en libre service, programmes de stock options, consultations médicales et coupes de cheveux à volonté, piscine et billards, etc. ...
FR   1226 - Le capitalisme éthique, un principe fragile, par Michel Rocard
             Le Monde - 9 jan 2007
             C'est le fait que, salaires plus stock-options plus avantages divers, la rémunération des présidents et des deux ou trois plus hauts responsables des ...
FR   1227 - Talbots Inc: prévient que son bpa sera nul au 4T.
             TF1 - 9 jan 2007
             En données ajustées des dépenses de stock-options, le bpa du 4T est attendu à 4 cents, en deçà des attentes des analystes. Déçue de la performance du groupe ...
FR   1228 - Du nouveau dans l’affaire des stock-options
             Mac Generation - 9 jan 2007
             ... dans cette histoire, il n’a jamais été question de Wendy Howell, qui était chez Apple responsable ds démarches administratives liées aux stock-options. ...
ES   1229 - El Gobierno regional sacará este mes a concurso el proyecto de la ...
             Gaceta de Canarias - 9 Ene 2007
             ... y que con esta iniciativa han tenido la oportunidad de formarse. En concreto se ha tratado de cursos de economía social, aerobic y sociedades laborales.
ES   1230 - La justicia obliga a indemnizar a un empleado de un servicio ...
             infoBAE profesional - 9 Ene 2007
             Sin la vigilancia al corto tiempo dejaría de vender y la quiebra sería su destino manifeisto" ("Ibarra c/ Cooperativa de Trabajo EL Alcázar Ltda. y otro"). ...
             Diario NP Provincial - 9 Ene 2007
             Muchos de los talleres se unificaron y tienen como meta formar cooperativas de trabajo. Se firmó un Convenio marco con el Ministerio de Salud de la ...
CO   1232 - Buscan a los evasores parafiscales
             Portafolio - 9 Ene 2007
             La CGT se comprometió con el Gobierno a vigilar y denunciar a las cooperativas de trabajo asociado que evaden los aportes parafiscales. ...
CO   1233 - En la mira 120 cooperativas por evasión de obligaciones laborales
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 9 Ene 2007
             El Estado es uno de los empleadores que más busca trabajadores a través de cooperativas de trabajo asociado. Gobierno y sindicatos tienen la intención de ...
AR   1234 - En abril se inauguraría la Planta de Reciclado de Residuos
             La Verdad de Junín - 9 Ene 2007
             ... la cinta se pretende trabajar con cooperativas de trabajo, brindando salida laboral a una cantidad de 30 a 36 personas divididas en distintos turnos. ...
ES   1235 - El trabajo en negro en cooperativas y pesqueras llega a 60%
             infoBAE profesional - 9 Ene 2007
             Industria pesquera: 88 emrpesas con 2.435 trabajadores controlados donde 172 manifestaron pertenecer a cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR   1236 - El empleo en negro en Mar del Plata alcanza el 33%
             AbiertaTV - 9 Ene 2007
             ... nacionales lamentaron que "las firmas de mayor magnitud continúan eludiendo su responsabilidad empresaria, haciéndose pasar por cooperativas de trabajo, ...
ES   1237 - "Hemos reinventado el teléfono", asegura Steve Jobs
             El País (España) - 9 Ene 2007
             Ni la coincidencia con la feria CES de Las Vegas, donde se presentan las últimas novedades en electrónica de consumo, ni el escándalo de las stock options ...
AT   1238 - Wiener Börse wünscht sich Stärkung des Kapitalmarkts
             derStandard.at - 9. Jan. 2007
             Die Wiener Börse wünscht sich auch eine attraktivere Ausgestaltung der steuerlichen Begünstigungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. ...
IT   1239 - Steve Jobs annuncia iPhone e Apple TV
             Corriere della Sera - 9 gen 2007
             Alla fine standing ovation e il titolo che, nonostante gli scandali sulle stock options che hanno coinvolto lo stesso Jobs, vola a + 7%.
IT   1240 - Apple, giornata da leone in borsa
              Macity - 9 gen 2007
             Le azioni di Cupertino da qualche giorno in cauto rialzo, dopo lo scivolone seguito alle voci su un possibile coinvolgimento di Jobs nel caso stock options, ...
BR   1241 - Lei que cria base de cálculo é inconstitucional, diz PGR
             Jornal do Comércio Manaus - 9 Jan 2007
             ... fiscal ou fatura de prestação de serviços, relativamente a serviços que lhe são prestados por cooperados por intermédio de cooperativas de trabalho”. ...
BR   1242 - Lei que cria base de cálculo é inconstitucional, diz PGR
             Consultor Jurídico - 9 Jan 2007
             ... fiscal ou fatura de prestação de serviços, relativamente a serviços que lhe são prestados por cooperados por intermédio de cooperativas de trabalho”. ...
BR   1243 - Lei que cria nova base de cálculo para contribuição social é ...
             Âmbito Jurídico (Assinatura) - 9 Jan 2007
             ... fiscal ou fatura de prestação de serviços, relativamente a serviços que lhe são prestados por cooperados por intermédio de cooperativas de trabalho”. ...
US   1244 - Human resources planning helps small businesses prepare for new year
             Miami Herald, FL - Jan 8, 2007
             Human resources planning can help small business owners prepare their companies for the coming year. BY JOYCE M. ROSENBERG. Associated Press ...
US   1245 - North Dakota company completes the purchase of Minnesota Electric ...
             West Central Tribune, MN - Jan 8, 2007
             Border States is owned by its employees under an employee stock ownership plan; it’s one of the 100 largest privately owned companies held by an employee ...
US   1246 - ComDoc Becomes 100 Percent Employee-Owned
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 8, 2007
             Previously, employees owned 42 percent of the company under an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) established in 1985; the sale transfers the remaining 58 ...
US   1247 - ComDoc Becomes 100 Percent Employee-Owned
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 8, 2007
             Previously, employees owned 42 percent of the company under an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) established in 1985; the sale transfers the remaining 58 ...
US   1248 - Linwood engineering firm acquired
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Jan 8, 2007
             The purchase price wasn’t disclosed, but Jack Scott, Nutting’s president, said shareholders in Nutting’s employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) ...
US   1249 - American Capital Prices Public Offering of Common Stock
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 8, 2007
             American Capital invests directly and through its asset management business is a global investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN   1250 - Esops invaluable in retaining talent
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             Esop is an invaluable weapon in the fight to retain and attract talent, as long as markets don’t give way. That is clearly seen in the example of banks like ...
IN   1251 - UBS likely to acquire Standard Chartered AMC- India
             Moneycontrol.com, India - Jan 8, 2007
             ... being the second highest bidder because amongst other things, it is likely to retain the Stanchart mutual fund team and also offer them an ESOP scheme. ...
IN   1252 - India Inc uses Esops as retention tool
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             Even otherwise, Esop is an invaluable weapon in the fight to retain and attract talent, as long as the markets don’t give way. ...
IN   1253 - Mid-day Multimedia to increase authorized share capital
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 8, 2007
             Further, the modification of ESOP Scheme 2005 and issue of further 300,00 equity shares to the trust for ESOP. The shares of the company were last trading ...
UK   1254 - Victory for Zanon (Fasinpat) workers in Argentina
             Socialistworker.co.uk, UK - Jan 8, 2007
             ... from creditors the Zanon ceramics factory in Neuquen Argentina has won a historic three extension of its license to operate as a workers cooperative. ...
IN   1255 - Esops invaluable in retaining talent
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             ICICI Bank seems to have a number of employees holding valuable share options, many of them crorepatis. Note that these shares are not free and employees ...
ZA   1256 - Phantom cash options help lift pay of Tiger Brands' chief to R43.8m
             Business Report, South Africa - Jan 8, 2007
             Johannesburg - Profits on share options that were exercised and the value of phantom cash options allocated brought the total remuneration received by Tiger ...
IL   1257 - Credit Suisse cuts Bank Leumi target price, forecasts
             Globes, Israel - Jan 8, 2007
              Credit Suisse cites the dilutive effect of employee share options and slow loan growth on the bank’s earnings per share. ...
US   1258 - Why Steve Jobs should be punished for the options backdating ...
             Slate - Jan 8, 2007
             18, 2001, when the stock stood at $21.01, the company gave Jobs a monster 7.5-million-share options grant dated Oct. 19, 2001, when the stock stood at ...
IN   1259 - India Inc uses Esops as retention tool
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             ICICI Bank seems to have a large number of employees holding valuable share options, many of them crorepatis. Note that these shares are not free and ...
US   1260 - Today’s Overview of Leading News & Views – 8 January 2007
             Israel Hasbara Committee (subscription), NY - Jan 8, 2007
             The Credit Suisse report cited reduced loan growth and the dilutive effect of employee share options. The target share price for 12 months was reduced from ...
SE   1261 - Bildt defends share dealings
             The Local, Sweden - Jan 8, 2007
             Bildt said he welcomed a new investigation by prosecutors into his share options in oil and gas investment company Vostok Nafta, but said that he had ...
RO   1262 - ROUNDUP: Foreign Minister Probed Over Holdings In Russian Company
             Playfuls.com, Romania - Jan 8, 2007
             Bildt said the share options in Russian oil and gas company Vostok Nafta that he sold last December for some 4.8 million kronor (600000 dollars) was ...
ZA   1263 - Hey Bossman, you’ve failed – here's another R1,5bn; please go
             Moneyweb, South Africa - Jan 8, 2007
             Between his appointment in 2000 through to 2005, and excluding the kicker of share options, Nardelli was paid a juicy $156m (R1,1bn) in salary and benefits ...
FR   1264 - Swedish prosecutors target Bildt shares
             Euronews.net, France - Jan 8, 2007
             Sweden's Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, is facing corruption allegations over his share options in a gas and investment company. ...
ZA   1265 - ATN - ATNP - Altron - Dealing In Securities By Directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 8, 2007
             ... Value of transaction: R46 800.00 Nature of transaction: Shares sold on the open market arising from the exercise of share options at a strike price of ...
US   1266 - Swedish FM Bildt faces probe over Vostok Nafta stake
             Forbes, NY - Jan 8, 2007
             STOCKHOLM (AFX) - Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt is to have his share options in oil and gas investment company Vostok Nafta AB investigated by the ...
US   1267 - Swedish FM Bildt faces probe over Vostok Nafta stake
             ForexTV.com, NY - Jan 8, 2007
             STOCKHOLM (AFX) - Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt is to have his share options in oil and gas investment company Vostok Nafta AB investigated by the ...
RO   1268 - Swedish Foreign Minister Probed Over Holdings In Russian Company
             Playfuls.com, Romania - Jan 8, 2007
             Bildt said Monday the share options - that he sold last December for some 4.8 million kronor (600000 dollars) - was compensation for his four years as board ...
SE   1269 - Prosecutor targets Bildt's shares
             The Local, Sweden - Jan 8, 2007
             Chief prosecutor Christer van der Kwast is to investigate the share options held by foreign minister Carl Bildt in the gas and oil investment company Vostok ...
IN   1270 - 3i Infotech allots equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 8, 2007
             08, 2007 to the applicants under the employee stock option scheme, 2000 (ESOS). Recently, the company had announced that it has partnered with Oracle, ...
IN   1271 - Geodesic Information to allot equity shares
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 8, 2007
             ... 150246 equity shares of Rs 2 each, upon exercise of 150246 options by optionees under the Geodesic employee stock option plan 2002 granted in 2005. ...
IN   1272 - They're talking crores with ESOPs
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             They pester this successful cement company executive to sell his employee stock option plan (Esop) shares; keeping all your eggs in one basket is risky, ...
US   1273 - OSI Restaurant Partners, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 8, 2007
             123R requires the fair value measurement of all stock-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, and recognition of those ...
TW   1274 - All eyes on Steve Jobs as Macworld conference opens
             Taipei Times, Taiwan - Jan 8, 2007
             Wall Street's confidence in Apple has wavered slightly due to the possibility that improper handling of employee stock options would erase some of Apple's ...
US   1275 - Team, Inc. Reports Strong Second Quarter Growth; Increases FY07 ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 8, 2007
             Under this standard, the cost of employee services received in exchange for equity instruments, including employee stock options, are measured on the ...
IN   1276 - India Inc uses Esops as retention tool
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             The stock market rally has not only turned company promoters into billionaires, but has also benefited employees, as their employee stock options (Esops) ...
SG   1277 - 28 US firms reveal options backdating
             Business Times Singapore, Singapore - Jan 8, 2007
             Employee stock options typically give recipients the right to purchase company stock at the price on the day they're granted. Because options increase in ...
IN   1278 - Reliance Communications to issue ESOP
             Economic Times, India - Jan 8, 2007
             The employee stock options would give the owner the right to purchase or subscribe equity shares or linked instruments including any depository receipts. ...
IN   1279 - Reliance Comm. gets shareholders nod to issue ESOP
             Hindu, India - Jan 8, 2007
             The employee stock options would give the owner the right to purchase or subscribe equity shares or linked instruments including any depository receipts. ...
FR   1280 - Barbouzerie au Safran
             Bakchich (satire) - 8 jan 2007
             Représentant des actionnaires salariés du groupe (19,2% des parts tout de même) et en poste à Sagem sécurité, Halary a eu la surprise un beau matin, ...
FR   1281 - Salaires : les dirigeants pour l'autorégulation
             La Tribune.fr - 8 jan 2007
             Le Parlement a voté cet automne un amendement Balladur durcissant les conditions d'exercice des stock-options par les mandataires sociaux. ...
FR   1282 - Google s'en remet à un algorithme pour recruter
             01net - 8 jan 2007
             ... forcément ailleurs (du temps pour un projet personnel, des goodies, des repas gratuits à volonté et des programmes de stock options), peut se targuer, ...
FR   1283 - Le ministre suédois des Affaires étrangères Carl Bildt sur la sellette
             EuroNews - 8 jan 2007
             ... une opération financière récente de Carl Bildt d'après un quotidien : celle de la vente de stock-options d'une société d'investissement Vostok Nafta. ...
CH   1284 - La présidente de Mozilla publie ses comptes
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 8 jan 2007
             Une stabilité financière qui permet «d'attirer et de retenir des talents, des gens qui ont voulu tourner le dos au monde des start-up et des stock-options ...
CH   1285 - Mozilla publie ses comptes... 2005 !
             Infos-du-Net - 8 jan 2007
             Voilà qui doit permetrre « d’attirer et de retenir des talents, des gens qui ont voulu tourner le dos au monde des start-ups et des stock options pour ...
ES   1286 - Protesta de UGT en defensa de los derechos sindicales
             Hoy Digital - 8 Ene 2007
             ... tomar medidas de presión de más envergadura, porque esta actitud no se debe permitir en el conjunto de la sociedad laboral que tenemos en Extremadura».
AR   1287 - El empleo "en negro" alcanza el 33 por ciento en Mar del Plata
             La Capital Mar del Plata - 8 Ene 2007
             ... nacionales lamentaron que "las firmas de mayor magnitud continúan eludiendo su responsabilidad empresaria, haciéndose pasar por cooperativas de trabajo, ...
AR   1288 - Inspeccionarán a más de 10.000 trabajadores
             La Capital Mar del Plata - 8 Ene 2007
             ... el trabajo "en negro", aunque al mismo tiempo apareció la modalidad "part time" o la utilización de cooperativas de trabajo como intermediarias. ...
ES   1289 - Los mercados se recuperan de la mano de las tecnológicas
             infoBAE profesional - 8 Ene 2007
             Incluso Apple, jaqueada últimamente por escándalos en la manipulación de la fecha de entrega de stock options fue bien valorada, gracias a sus mayores ...
ES   1290 - El Ministro de Exteriores sueco será investigado por un posible ...
             EuroNews - 8 Ene 2007
             El jefe de la diplomacia sueca ha realizado una venta de stock options de la compañía de inversiones Vostok Nafta, a cuyo consejo de administración ...
DE   1291 - Berlin setzt auf betriebliche Vermögensbeteiligung
             Handelsblatt - 8. Jan. 2007
             Im Zuge der hervorragenden Ergebnissituation vieler Betriebe in Deutschland hat das Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Fahrt gewonnen. ...
DE   1292 - Berlin setzt auf betriebliche Vermögensbeteiligung
             Handelsblatt - 8. Jan. 2007
             Der Staatssekretär bezog Stellung zu einer Anfrage des FDP-Abgeordneten Frank Schäffler zum Thema „Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung am Unternehmenskapital".
NL   1293 - Aandelen in eigen bedrijf: het werkt
             PWnet - 8 jan 2007
             In Nederland komt werknemersaandeelhouderschap nog niet vaak voor: bij nog geen 4 procent van de ondernemingen hebben de meeste of zelfs alle werknemers de ...
NL   1294 - Aandelen voor werknemers stimuleren motivatie
             Management Team - 8 jan 2007
             Dat concludeert bedrijfswetenschapper Eric Kaarsemaker, die in zijn proefschrift aantoont dat werknemersaandeelhouderschap kan werken als een instrument in ...
IT   1295 - Nasce il primo prodotto "Made in Repubblica Salentina"
             Sudnews - 8 gen 2007
             Ad ideare ea realizzare il nuovo calendario sono stati i giovani della cooperativa di lavoro "Arianoa" insieme all'Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "Costa" di ...
IT   1296 - Napolitano: Tricolore simbolo di libertà e democrazia
             EmiliaNet - 8 gen 2007
             Lo fece ai tempi del progetto riformista un secolo fa, costruendo scuole e ferrovie, aprendo farmacie e costituendo cooperative di lavoro e strutture ...
IT   1297 - Naplitano: Tricolore simbolo di libertà e democrazia
             EmiliaNet - 8 gen 2007
             Lo fece ai tempi del progetto riformista un secolo fa, costruendo scuole e ferrovie, aprendo farmacie e costituendo cooperative di lavoro e strutture ...
IT   1298 - Cooperative altoatesine in costante crescita
             Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige - 8 gen 2007
             Molto vari sono gli ambiti di attività nei quali le cooperative operano: 129 sono attive nel settore agricolo, 120 le cooperative di lavoro, ...
IT   1299 - La lunga marcia della Cina verso il capitalismo
             FalceMartello - 8 gen 2007
             Dovrebbe anzitutto creare le condizioni per l’emergere di agricoltori forti dai kolchoz deboli e trasformare i kolchoz ricchi in cooperative di produzione ...
IT   1300 - Stock options Apple, conflitto di interessi di un investigatore
             Macity - 8 gen 2007
             Apple già ha licenziato nei giorni scorsi l'avvocato interno incaricato materialmente di stendere i contratti per le stock options.
IT   1301 - Svezia: Bildt al centro di uno scandalo
             EuroNews - 8 gen 2007
             Tutto ruota intorno alla vendita di stock options della Vostok Nafta. Bildt è stato nel consiglio di amministrazione di questa società svedese per quattro ...
BR   1302 - Lei com base de cálculo para contribuição social é ...
             Última Instância - 8 Jan 2007
             ... fiscal ou fatura de prestação de serviços, relativamente a serviços que lhe são prestados por cooperados por intermédio de cooperativas de trabalho”. ...
BR   1303 - Lei que cria nova base de cálculo para contribuição social é ...
             Informe Sergipe - 8 Jan 2007
             ... fiscal ou fatura de prestação de serviços, relativamente a serviços que lhe são prestados por cooperados por intermédio de cooperativas de trabalho”. ...
BR   1304 - 08/01/2007 - Lei que cria nova base de cálculo para contribuição ...
             FISCOSoft - 8 Jan 2007
             ... fiscal ou fatura de prestação de serviços, relativamente a serviços que lhe são prestados por cooperados por intermédio de cooperativas de trabalho". ...
US   1305 - Staying true to its roots
             Salem Statesman Journal, OR - Jan 7, 2007
             It has 21 grower-shareholders and 26 employee-shareholders. The company began as an agricultural marketing cooperative, marketing only locally grown produce ...
US   1306 - Staying true to its roots
             Statesman Journal, OR - Jan 7, 2007
             It has 21 grower-shareholders and 26 employee-shareholders. The company began as an agricultural marketing cooperative, marketing only locally grown produce ...
US   1307 - Chicago-Based SmithBucklin Buys Chicagoland PR Firm Tech Image
             MidwestBusiness.com, IL - Jan 7, 2007
             Tech Image initially researched the opportunities of an employee stock-ownership plan (ESOP), which is a way in which employees of a company can own a share ...
US   1308 - Taking Over a Business You Work For
             BusinessWeek - Jan 7, 2007
             ... minority shareholders of the firm, either through receiving stock options or participating in a program such as an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). ...
US   1309 - Week in review
             The Spokesman Review, WA - Jan 7, 2007
             The privately held family firm sold 30 percent of its stock to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in December. •Spokane business veteran Paul Wham announced ...
US   1310 - Angelina Jolie Offended by Virgin Mary Wal-Mart Painting
             Postcards from the Pug Bus (satire), PA - Jan 7, 2007
             If that woman had painted me in a more representative setting—an orphanage in Calcutta or a workers' co-op in Costa Rica—I wouldn't have minded, ...
IL   1311 - Banks lead TA-25 to second day of declines
             Jerusalem Post, Israel - Jan 7, 2007
             Israel's second largest lender had its profit estimates and share-price target cut by Credit Suisse Group because of employee share options and slowing loan ...
AE   1312 - You’re fired and here’s £133 million, thank you very much
             Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates - Jan 7, 2007
             Both in America and in Britain, there has been an attempt to settle the pay of senior executives with very large share options. ...
US   1313 - Today’s Overview of Leading News & Views – 7 January 2007
             Israel Hasbara Committee (subscription), NY - Jan 7, 2007
             The Credit Suisse report cited reduced loan growth and the dilutive effect of employee share options. The target share price for 12 months was reduced from ...
IN   1314 - What Steve Jobs might unveil at Apple showcase?
             Hindu, India - Jan 7, 2007
             Mr Jobs does not need a hit merely in order to outmanoeuvre Apple's competitors but also to divert attention away from a share options scandal that has ...
CO   1315 - Agricultores: es el momento de crecer
             La Vanguardia Liberal - 7 Ene 2007
             También las organizaciones de productores y cooperativas de trabajo asociado de tipo agrícola. En riego, se pretende financiar sistemas de obras de ...
CO   1316 - Polémica por regulación de las CTA
             La Vanguardia Liberal - 7 Ene 2007
             Una fuerte polémica se desató con las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado, CTA, luego de la expedición del decreto 4588 del 27 de diciembre de 2006 del ...
AR   1317 - Teatro se busca debuta en la Feliz
             La Auténtica Defensa - 7 Ene 2007
             ... por lo cual fue reconocido el elenco como cooperativa de trabajo, nos aventuramos a cumplir con la gira pautada, la cual comenzamos en la costa con el ...
DE   1318 - Kinderbetreuung soll kostenlos werden
             Spiegel Online - 7. Jan. 2007
             ... Arbeitsmarkt" und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung zusätzlich zum Lohn - die in Bremen bekräftigten Reformvorhaben haben eines gemeinsam: Sie tun nicht weh. ...
IT   1319 - Primo licenziamento per il caso stock options
             Macity - 7 gen 2007
             Apple licenza il primo dipendente per le conseguenze del caso stock options. E' l'avvocato che ha redatto materialmente i documenti con cui venivano ...
BR   1320 - Feirantes da Feira do Bom Jesus clamam por ajuda do poder público
             Jornal Veja Agora - 7 Jan 2007
             ... da capital: retirou todo e qualquer investimento dos mercados e delegou as respectivas administrações às associações e cooperativas de trabalhadores. ...
US   1321 - Workers take ownership in Litehouse
             Bonner County Daily Bee, ID - Jan 6, 2007
             "Employee ownership of Litehouse has been a dream of mine for a long time, and it makes the fulfillment of my promise to keep Litehouse in the communities ...
US   1322 - One-time co-op thrives as it changes with times
             Capital Press (subscription), OR - Jan 6, 2007
             It has 21 grower-shareholders and 26 employee-shareholders. The company began as an agricultural marketing cooperative, marketing only locally grown produce ...
US   1323 - New ORDA chair anticipates Spitzer support
             Plattsburgh Press Republican, NY - Jan 6, 2007
             ... Barrett organized the company's buyout and subsequent sale to its employees, in what was then the largest industrial employee stock ownership program in ...
US   1324 - American Capital plans public offering of 6M shares
             Phoenix Business Journal, AZ - Jan 6, 2007
             The company, which has $12 billion in capital resources under management, invests in management and employee buyouts, private equity deals and early-stage ...
UK   1325 - Inside the City: St James’s boss is this year’s first FTSE scalp
             The Sunday Times, UK - Jan 6, 2007
             Instead Lund, who is in line for a pay-off of between £3m and £4m including share options, is understood to have lost the confidence of the powerful ...
UK   1326 - For my next trick ... devotees wait to see what Steve Jobs has up ...
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 6, 2007
             Mr Jobs does not need a hit merely in order to outmanoeuvre Apple's competitors but also to divert attention away from a share options scandal that has ...
US   1327 - Options charge at First American
             OCRegister, CA - Jan 6, 2007
             The First American Corp. has calculated the tab for incorrectly pricing employee stock options over the past 10 years: $35.7 million. ...
US   1328 - Staples discloses options grants
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Jan 6, 2007
             Employee stock options typically give recipients the right to purchase company stock at the price on the day they’re granted. Because options increase in ...
FR   1329 - "Libération": les actionnaires approuvent les changements de statuts
             EuroInvestor.com - 6 jan 2007
             La Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL), qui représente les actionnaires-salariés, renonce de son côté à son droit de veto sur des décisions ...
ES   1330 - Las empresas recibirán incentivos por mantener a los trabajadores ...
             El Comercio Digital (Asturias) - 6 Ene 2007
             Podrán ser beneficiarios de la reducción las empresas, además de trabajadores autónomos y sociedades laborales o cooperativas a las que se incorporen ...
             Impulso Baires - 6 Ene 2007
             Los mismos fueron llevados a cabo por empresas privadas, contratadas por licitación municipal y el hormigonado realizado por la Cooperativa de Trabajo Obras ...
AR   1332 - “El Festival fue ver, trabajar y luchar por abrir un espacio”
             OberaOnline - 6 Ene 2007
             Entonces, la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Comunicación Productora de la Tierra organizó y llevó adelante durante una semana el Festival Internacional de Cine ...
AR   1333 - Evalúan como "muy positivo" el trabajo de cooperativas
             AbiertaTV - 6 Ene 2007
             "Existe un balance positivo en lo que respecta a veredas comunitarias construidas por cooperativas de trabajo, porque en los distintos barrios se lleva un ...
ES   1334 - HP podría comprar BEA
             The Inquirer - 6 Ene 2007
             ... y habla de su intento de entrar otra vez en el software empresarial y BEA se encuentra revisando la contabilidad de sus concesiones de stock-options. ...
IT   1335 - Nuovi padroni per Libération. Arriva Caracciolo
             Media Watch - 6 gen 2007
             La Scpl, società dei lavoratori azionisti, scenderanno dal 18% all'1% delle azioni, mantenendo un posto nel Consiglio di sorveglianza. ...
IT   1336 - Focus sulla settimana
             ilMac.net - 6 gen 2007
             ... episodi singoli), della celebre serie televisiva. Ancora sulle stock options: anche Pixar (l'altra società di Steve Jobs), appare implicata nella faccenda.
US   1337 - Job Captain SERA Architects, Inc
             Archinect - Jan 5, 2007
             As an employee-owner, opportunities abound for staff to grow, learn and contribute. SERA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified candidates will have a ...
US   1338 - Project Architect SERA Architects, Inc.
             Archinect - Jan 5, 2007
             As an employee-owner, opportunities abound for staff to grow, learn and contribute. SERA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are currently hiring a senior ...
US   1339 - Tri-State Motor Transit Receives Logistics Service Awards
             Layover.com, PA - Jan 5, 2007
             Company drivers can also own part of the company with the Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP). Call 800-846-TSMT (8768) or visit www.tsmtco.com for more ...
US   1340 - New ORDA chair expects Spitzer support
             Plattsburgh Press Republican, NY - Jan 5, 2007
             ... Barrett organized the company’s buyout and subsequent sale to its employees, in what was then the largest industrial employee stock ownership program in ...
US   1341 - Miller's Health Systems creates employee stock ownership plan
             Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly (subscription), IN - Jan 5, 2007
             The company's board of directors decided to create an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). The nearly 3000 Miller's Health Systems employees will not be ...
             LaCrosse Tribune, WI - Jan 5, 2007
             D & S offers a competitive salary and benefits package, including health and dental insurance, vacation, 401K, and ESOP. Please send your resume by January ...
UK   1343 - UK small caps continue in positive territory at
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             ... continue its on-market share buyback programme on a more pro-active basis to satisfy employee share option exercises and improve the capital structure. ...
US   1344 - Spirent Communications PLC announces Director/PDMR Shareholding
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 5, 2007
             The Company's executive directors are potential beneficiaries of the Trust (together with all other UK employee share option holders) and are, therefore, ...
UK   1345 - UK small caps open the day in positive mood
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             ... continue its on-market share buyback programme on a more pro-active basis to satisfy employee share option exercises and improve the capital structure. ...
UK   1346 - UK smallcap opening - Dealogic up; 2006 results likely to be ahead ...
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             ... continue its on-market share buyback programme on a more pro-active basis to satisfy employee share option exercises and improve the capital structure. ...
UK   1347 - Dealogic sees 2006 results ahead of market hopes; to continue ...
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             ... continue its on-market share buyback programme on a more pro-active basis to satisfy employee share option exercises and improve the capital structure. ...
FR   1348 - Shakers: Embattled nominee vows to protect zloty
             International Herald Tribune, France - Jan 5, 2007
             ... said Thursday that it had filed a claim to recover £600000 that it said was mistakenly paid in tax on share options of the former chief executive, ...
UK   1349 - St James's Place chief executive is ousted
             Times Online, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             Mr Lund will be allowed to exercise share options vesting next month, netting him an estimated profit of £1.9 million. He is also expected to be given a ...
UK   1350 - For my next trick ... devotees wait to see what Steve Jobs has up ...
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             Mr Jobs does not need a hit merely in order to outmanoeuvre Apple's competitors but also to divert attention away from a share options scandal that has ...
UK   1351 - St James Place and Lund part
             Financial Times, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             He also has share options potentially worth £3m. Mr Wilson said: “There is no black hole or disagreement over strategy. The business is in good shape and ...
US   1352 - Adobe wraps options review with employee offer
             MarketWatch - Jan 5, 2007
             26, 2002 date with a price of $14.44 per share. Options granted May 19, 2004 with an exercise price of $21.78 per share have been revised to a May 26, ...
UK   1353 - Asda threatens to sue ex-boss over £600k
             ic Wales, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             It is thought Asda wants back the money which it paid in tax on his share options when the now Royal Mail and Bhs chairman left the firm in 2000. ...
UK   1354 - Senior IT Recruitment Consultant
             Recruiter Magazine, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             On top of this, my Client is open to offering share options and similar incentives. An opportunity for an experienced IT recruiter to further their ...
UK   1355 - Asda ready to take former boss to court over tax row
             Yorkshire Post Today, UK - Jan 5, 2007
              It is thought Asda wants back the money which it paid in tax on his share options when the now Royal Mail and Bhs chairman left the firm in 2000. ...
UK   1356 - RE: Punch directors get inflation-busting pay rise
             Morning Advertiser, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             If you are at the top of the tree £6000 per week and a big bonus plus share options is seen as "de-motivational" and isrewarded with an increased whilst, ...
UK   1357 - Punch directors get inflation-busting pay rise
             Morning Advertiser, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             He also exercised share options to make a gain of £981091 to bring his total Punch-related income to nearly £1.4m. Commercial director Jonathan Paveley had ...
UK   1358 - Former Rambus boss loses millions of share options
             Inquirer, UK - Jan 5, 2007
             By INQUIRER staff: Friday 05 January 2007, 08:14. Tate resigned from the Rambus board of directors on the 13th of August last, but struck a deal to extend ...
US   1359 - Global Payments Reports Second Quarter Earnings
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 5, 2007
             (2) Fiscal 2007 includes compensation expense resulting from employee stock options as a result of our adoption of FAS 123R. Fiscal 2006 does not include ...
US   1360 - Backdating Is Revealed by 28 Companies to Avoid Taxes (Update2)
             Bloomberg - Jan 5, 2007
             Employee stock options typically give recipients the right to purchase company stock at the price on the day they're granted. Because options increase in ...
US   1361 - Home Depot's New CEO Learned Skills From Legal Background
             Law.com (subscription), CA - Jan 5, 2007
             The company recently announced that it had backdated $200 million of employee stock options over 20 years. It faces shareholders angry about the ...
US   1362 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             KGET 17, CA - Jan 5, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were awarded improperly. ...
US   1363 - Options Backdating Is Revealed by 26 Companies to Avoid Taxes
             Bloomberg - Jan 5, 2007
             Employee stock options typically give recipients the right to purchase company stock at the price on the day they're granted. Because options increase in ...
US   1364 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             KESQ, CA - Jan 5, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were awarded improperly. ...
US   1365 - First American takes $35.7 million options charge
             OCRegister, CA - Jan 5, 2007
             The First American Corp. has calculated the tab for its mispricing of employee stock options over the last 10 years: $35.7 million. ...
US   1366 - Global Payments Reports Second Quarter Earnings
             MSN Money - Jan 5, 2007
             (2) Fiscal 2007 includes compensation expense resulting from employee stock options as a result of our adoption of FAS 123R. Fiscal 2006 does not include ...
IN   1367 - CEOs in the slammer
             Rediff, India - Jan 5, 2007
             ... scandal that has already claimed 15 CEOs, and several more senior executives, in the last two months alone -- employee stock option backdating. ...
US   1368 - PolyMet Grants Options to Officers & Consultants
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 5, 2007
             Under the terms of the TSX Venture Exchange's Director and Employee Stock Option Policy the Options herein described are subject to a four month hold period ...
US   1369 - Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation
             HULIQ, NC - Jan 5, 2007
             2006 based on Nokia's 2003 and 2005 employee stock option plans. This resulted in an increase of EUR 12 087.66 in Nokia's share capital and an increase of ...
FR   1370 - "Libération": les actionnaires approuvent les changements de statuts
             Euroinvestor - 5 jan 2007
             La Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL), qui représente les actionnaires-salariés, renonce de son côté à son droit de veto sur des décisions ...
FR   1371 - "Libération": les actionnaires approuvent les changements de statuts
              Boursorama - 5 jan 2007
             La Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL), qui représente les actionnaires-salariés, renonce de son côté à son droit de veto sur des décisions ...
FR   1372 - "Libération": les actionnaires approuvent les changements de statuts
             nouvelobs.com - 5 jan 2007
             La Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL), qui représente les actionnaires-salariés, renonce de son côté à son droit de veto sur des décisions ...
FR   1373 - Libération devrait faire des bénéfices en 2008, selon Edouard de ...
             La Tribune.fr - 5 jan 2007
             La Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL, représentant les actionnaires salariés), qui était jusqu'à présent le deuxième actionnaire du journal ...
FR   1374 - Ã Edouard de Rothschild"
             nouvelobs.com - 5 jan 2007
             Avant, Libé fonctionnait un peu comme une coopérative ouvrière. Le capital était, à ses débuts, détenu à 100% par les actionnaires salariés puis, ...
FR   1375 - Les actionnaires de "Libération", après les salariés, ont accepté ...
             TSR.ch - 5 jan 2007
             Les actionnaires de "Libération" ont accepté vendredi un changement de statut du journal et le principe de sa recapitalisation, tournant ainsi une page de ...
FR   1376 - Recapitalisation de Libération
             République des lettres - 5 jan 2007
             Les salariés actionnaires réunis au sein de la Société Civile des Personnels de Libération (SCPL, jusqu'à présent deuxième actionnaire du journal avec 18,4% ...
FR   1377 - Steve Jobs éclaboussé par le scandale des stock-options
             LExpansion.com - 5 jan 2007
             Jusqu'alors épargné, le patron d'Apple aurait bénéficié de stock-options attribuées illégalement. La SEC doit décider tout prochainement des suites ...
FR   1378 - Orco Property Group : Conversion d'obligations et exercice de ...
             TF1 - 5 jan 2007
             Suite à l'exercice de 10.000 stock-options, 10.000 actions supplémentaires ont été émises et créées (ISIN temporaire LU0282058568). ...
FR   1379 - L'ancien PDG de Rambus perd des millions de stock options
             The Inquirer - 5 jan 2007
             Rambus a annoncé que 2 736 800 stock options délivrées à son ancien PDG Geoff Tate avaient expiré. Tate a démissionné de ses fonction au sein du conseil ...
FR   1380 - Trois leçons sur la société post-industrielle
             AgoraVox - 5 jan 2007
             ... les managers ne sont plus salariés, ils deviennent actionnaires par l’octroi de stock-options - ils se comportent donc comme tel. ...
ES   1381 - El Consell destinó 3,6 millones de euros a fomentar las cooperativas
             Panorama Actual - 5 Ene 2007
             Ceballos explicó que "las cooperativas y sociedades laborales valencianas que se están adaptando a la competitividad del mercado actual, representan una de ...
CO   1382 - Pueden seguir prestando servicios por outsourcing
             La República (Colombia) - 5 Ene 2007
             Una fuerte polémica se desató con las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA), luego de la expedición del decreto 4588 del 27 de diciembre de 2006 hecha por ...
             SNE (Comunicados de prensa) - 5 Ene 2007
             También las organizaciones de productores y cooperativas de trabajo asociado de tipo agrícola. La estrategia Agro Ingreso Seguro, fortalece desde este año ...
AR   1384 - Convenio con cooperativas de trabajo
             El Urbano - 5 Ene 2007
             (EL URBANO DE CHACABUCO) La próxima semana se firmaría el convenido con 3 cooperativas de trabajo para la construcción de 12 viviendas. ...
AR   1385 - Salto: Burgos cumplió tres años al frente de la municipalidad
             Nova - 5 Ene 2007
             También se están concluyendo la construcción de un Centro Integrador Comunitario a cargo de Cooperativas de Trabajo integrada por hombres y mujeres ...
DE   1386 - Top-Stories - Die aktuellsten Veröffentlichungen
             boerse.de (Pressemitteilung) - 5. Jan. 2007
             Es ist paradox: Die Bundesregierung will künftig das Kapitalvermögen der Bürger zB durch den Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stärker förd... mehr ...
DE   1387 - DAI: Sparerfreibetrag - Weniger Spielraum für Anleger
             boerse.de (Pressemitteilung) - 5. Jan. 2007
             Es ist paradox: Die Bundesregierung will künftig das Kapitalvermögen der Bürger zB durch den Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stärker fördern. ...
DE   1388 - DAI: Sparerfreibetrag
             boerse.de (Pressemitteilung) - 5. Jan. 2007
             Es ist paradox: Die Bundesregierung will künftig das Kapitalvermögen der Bürger zB durch den Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung stärker fördern. ...
IT   1389 - Quetzal, una coop davvero Speziale
             PeaceLink - 5 gen 2007
             Ma la particolarità di Quetzal è che le suindicate materie prime sono trasformate in cioccolata da una cooperativa di lavoratori e soprattutto lavoratrici ...
BR   1390 - Maracaju sedia evento de tecnologia para agronegócio
             Portal Agrosoft - 5 Jan 2007
             ... (Fundação MS) e promovido pela Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária de MS (FAMASUL) e Cooperativa de Trabalhadores Rurais e Reforma Agrária (COAGRI). ...
BR   1391 - Maracaju sedia evento de tecnologia para agronegócio
             MS Notícias - 5 Jan 2007
             ... (Fundação MS) e promovido pela Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária de MS (FAMASUL) e Cooperativa de Trabalhadores Rurais e Reforma Agrária (COAGRI). ...
PT   1392 - Gestores à beira de um ataque de nervos
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 5 Jan 2007
             Como se não bastasse, os benefícios dos gestores, com os seus pacotes de "stock options", planos privados de reforma e compensações para cessação de ...
US   1393 - Photos of the year; diabetes awareness; city workers' charities
             Austin American-Statesman (subscription), TX - Jan 4, 2007
             The key to success has been not only the charitable choice but the employee ownership — it is truly the city employees' campaign, and the results reflect ...
US   1394 - TEOCO’s Atul Jain Awarded “Entrepreneur of the Year” Honors by ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 4, 2007
             “This achievement is a reflection of the support and dedication of many talented TEOCO employee-owners. This honor demonstrates that our commitment to a ...
US   1395 - MEC announces new board chair
             Beaver Dam Daily Citizen, WI - Jan 4, 2007
             "As for MEC and her employee shareholders, I feel the future is very positive and many exciting opportunities lie ahead." ...
US   1396 - AMS gets judge's nod for loans
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Some Wall Street analysts had fretted that heavy selling by employee shareholders could depress SAIC's stock price. But the price increased by 39 cents, ...
US   1397 - MSB Financial Corp. to Commence Trading on NASDAQ
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 4, 2007
             ... have been issued to subscribers in the offering, including 202342 shares purchased by the Millington Savings Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
US   1398 - MSB Financial Corp. to Commence Trading on NASDAQ
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 4, 2007
             ... have been issued to subscribers in the offering, including 202342 shares purchased by the Millington Savings Bank Employee Stock Ownership Plan. ...
UK   1399 - Wal-Mart to sue Leighton over tax
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             The dispute relates to Mr Leighton's tax liability on share options exercised in 2000. Owing to an administrative error Wal-Mart did not realise it was ...
UK   1400 - Asda in a £600000 fight with ex-boss
             This is London, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             As chief executive, he became a multi-millionaire on the back of a huge pay and perks package plus a series of highly lucrative share options. ...
UK   1401 - Lawyers doubt Asda tax fight will go to trial
             Times Online, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             The dispute dates back to November 2000 when Mr Leighton cashed in share options on quitting his role as chief executive. Asda claims that because of an ...
UK   1402 - Asda battles former ceo in tax dispute
             Freshinfo, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             He cashed in his share options on leaving in 2000. Asda claims that an administrative error meant it failed to deduct £600000 tax due on those options. ...
UK   1403 - Wal-Mart's Asda sues former CEO over tax payment
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             Asda has asked the UK's High Court if it could recover the 600000 stg in taxes it wrongly paid on Leighton's share options when he left the supermarket ...
UK   1404 - Apple in 2007 – the only way is up
             Macworld UK, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             Despite jitters over Apple's share options scandal, Wu sees the stock as one to buy and has set a $99 target price, with some of the strongest growth ...
UK   1405 - Asda set to sue ex-chief over shares tax
             Scotsman, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             ASDA is set to take legal action against its former chief executive to recover £600000 it claims was mistakenly paid in tax on his share options when he ...
UK   1406 - Asda issues £600000 tax claim against former CEO
             Financial Director, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             The windfall amount relates to the share options that the Royal Mail chairman cashed in when he left the Wal-Mart-owned chain in 2000. ...
UK   1407 - Asda threatens legal action over tax bill
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             It is thought Asda wants back the money which it paid in tax on his share options when the now Royal Mail and Bhs chairman left the firm in 2000. ...
UK   1408 - UK: Asda Threatening Legal Action Against Leighton To Recover ...
             Namnews (subcription), UK - Jan 4, 2007
             ... Leighton in an attempt to recover £600000 it claims it mistakenly paid in tax on share options when he quit the Wal-Mart-owned supermarket in 2000. ...
UK   1409 - AFX NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 GMT
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             ... paid in tax on the former chief executives share options when he quit the Wal-Mart Inc owned supermarket in 2000, the Financial Times reported. ...
UK   1410 - Asda takes former chief to court over tax
             This is Money, UK - Jan 4, 2007
             Leighton cashed in share options when he left Asda in November 2000, sparking a dispute when the chain said it had failed to deduct the tax due on the ...
US   1411 - Constellation Brands' Q3 Net Sales Up, Fueled by Imported Beer and ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 4, 2007
             ... of long-term debt 3695.0 - Net proceeds from notes payable 210.5 111.1 Exercise of employee stock options 51.3 21.0 Excess tax benefits from stock-based ...
US   1412 - Options Developments at 2 Companies
             New York Times, NY - Jan 4, 2007
             ... William W. McGuire, who is under investigation for backdating of employee stock options, entered into an options repricing agreement with the company to ...
US   1413 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Press-Enterprise (subscription), CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1414 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Examiner.com - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1415 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             The State, SC - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1416 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Times Daily (subscription), AL - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1417 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1418 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Worcester Telegram, MA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1419 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Monterey County Herald, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1420 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Lakeland Ledger, FL - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1421 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             San Luis Obispo Tribune, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1422 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1423 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Centre Daily Times, PA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1424 - VeriSign executives reprice more than 50000 stock options
             Contra Costa Times, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
UK   1425 - VeriSign execs reprice stock options
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 4, 2007
              Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1426 - VeriSign Execs Reprice Stock Options
             Forbes, NY - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1427 - VeriSign Execs Reprice Stock Options
             Houston Chronicle, TX - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1428 - VeriSign execs reprice stock options
             BusinessWeek - Jan 4, 2007
             Like more than 100 other companies nationwide, VeriSign has been examining whether past employee stock options were doled out improperly, either through ...
US   1429 - WFI Lays Out Restructuring Plan
             San Diego Business Journal, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Reduction of stock-based compensation expense by accelerating the vesting of all outstanding employee stock options issued prior to June 30, 2006. ...
US   1430 - SD wireless company plans restructuring
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 4, 2007
             Accelerating the vesting of employee stock options that are “under water” and taking a one-time charge of $7.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. ...
US   1431 - Market Report -- In Play (WFII)
             MSN Money - Jan 4, 2007
             The co also announced it will take a one time charge in Q4 of 2006 of approx $7.5 mln to remove the ongoing expense for employee stock options. ...
FR   1432 - La loi pour le développement de la participation et de l ...
             Net-Iris - 4 jan 2007
             La loi (n°2006-1770) du 30 décembre 2006 pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié incite et facilite le développement de la ...
FR   1433 - Libération dévoile son nouvel actionnariat
             La Tribune.fr - 4 jan 2007
             La Société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL, représentant les actionnaires salariés), qui était jusqu'à présent le deuxième actionnaire du journal ...
FR   1434 - "Libération" en voie de sauvetage
             Le Monde - 4 jan 2007
             La société civile des personnels de Libération (SCPL), qui représente les actionnaires salariés, abandonnera son droit de veto sur les grandes décisions, ...
FR   1435 - Vœux : Jacques Chirac présente des vœux – programme
             Francebourse.com - 4 jan 2007
             La participation, l’épargne salariale, sont enfin des instruments majeurs pour garantir la stabilité de nos grandes entreprises : alors que leur capital est ...
FR   1436 - Malgré le problème Airbus, l'avenir d'Eads reste prometteur
             Échos Judiciaires Girondins - 4 jan 2007
             ... contre Philippe Camus, candidat de Lagardère le plus puissant actionnaire, avant d'être remercié sur fond de crise et de scandale aux stock options. ...
FR   1437 - Levée de boucliers contre les DRM
             Radio France - 4 jan 2007
              Déjà que son PDG Steve Jobs se retrouve mis en cause dans une affaire de stock-options, voilà qu’en plus la firme à la pomme se prépare à une série de ...
FR   1438 - Une gestion de patrimoine assurée
             Commerce International - 4 jan 2007
             En ce qui concerne les dirigeants de grandes entreprises qui peuvent, par exemple, être bénéficiaires de stock options, nous leur proposons, entre autres ...
FR   1439 - Pour Firefox, tout va bien côté popularité et côté finances
             Vnunet.fr - 4 jan 2007
             Selon Mitchell Baker, le succès financier de Mozilla offre une alternative à tous ceux qui souhaitent s’échapper du monde des start-up et des stock options ...
FR   1440 - Mozilla publie enfin ses comptes 2005
             LeMondeInformatique - 4 jan 2007
             Une stabilité financière qui permet «d'attirer et de retenir des talents, des gens qui ont voulu tourner le dos au monde des start-ups et des stock options ...
FR   1441 - Stock options et Apple Steve Jobs est lavé de tout soupçon
             Référencement Internet-Web - 4 jan 2007
             Stock options, Apple vient de laver Steve Jobs de tout soupçon. En juin 2006, Apple annonçait que des irrégularités dans sa comptabilité avaient été ...
FR   1442 - Entreprise et morale !
             AgoraVox - 4 jan 2007
             ... d’exemple un droit au congés payés, aux allocations familiales, à la sécurité sociale, aux stock-options outre les législations tel le code du travail . ...
ES   1443 - Traballo invirtió en 2006 en Pontevedra 20 millones en autoempleo ...
             Terra España - 4 Ene 2007
             ... 42 de 11 Iniciativas de Empleo de Base Tecnológica (IEBTS) y 92 cooperativas y sociedades laborales, con 355 socios trabajadores. ...
AR   1444 - Ahora son 9.210.000 pesos: La Legislatura provincial aumentó el ...
             Sur54 - 4 Ene 2007
             El texto modificado del primero establece que la ley "tiene por objeto ceder los bienes expropiados a la 'Cooperativa de Trabajo Limitada Renacer ex- Aurora ...
AR   1445 - Florencio Varela: Ampliaran la red de agua potable
             AbiertaTV - 4 Ene 2007
             las obras además generarán 208 nuevos puestos de trabajo ya que hay un acuerdo con 13 cooperativas de trabajo, que capacitaron su mano de obra en el ...
ES   1446 - Comunidad Foral de Navarra
             vLex - 4 Ene 2007
             Se reducen de cinco a tres el número mínimo de socios para constituir cooperativas de trabajo asociado, facilitando de esa manera su constitución y la ...
BR   1447 - Praia Limpa dá Pé distribui sacolinhas na orla
             ClickLitoral - 4 Jan 2007
             O material reciclável recolhido será encaminhado para a Coopervida (Cooperativa de Trabalho de Coletores e Recicladores de Materiais Orgânicos e Inorgânicos ...
PT   1448 - Vencimentos de CEO na mira das autoridades após indemnização de ...
             Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 4 Jan 2007
             ... 210 milhões de dólares – que inclui 20 milhões em dinheiro, 77 milhões em "stock options", nove milhões em bónus e 32 milhões em benefícios de reforma. ...
US   1449 - Wall St. watching SAIC's workers
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - Jan 3, 2007
             So the big question that many Wall Street investors have about SAIC's employee owners is, to paraphrase The Clash, will they stay or will they go? ...
UK   1450 - China Resources Enterprise beer unit buys jv
             Hemscott, UK - Jan 3, 2007
             ... said in a statement that its unit will make a cash payment for Blue Sword, which is owned by 49 individuals and an employee shareholding association. ...
US   1451 - China Resources Enterprise beer unit buys jv partner for 2.5 bln ...
             Forbes, NY - Jan 3, 2007
             ... said in a statement that its unit will make a cash payment for Blue Sword, which is owned by 49 individuals and an employee shareholding association. ...
UK   1452 - China Resources Enterprise beer unit buys jv partner for 2.5 bln ...
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 3, 2007
             ... said in a statement that its unit will make a cash payment for Blue Sword, which is owned by 49 individuals and an employee shareholding association. ...
US   1453 - Litehouse to be employee-owned
             IdahoStatesman.com, ID - Jan 3, 2007
             In December, the family firm sold 30 percent of its stock to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP. The shares will be held in trust for workers, ...
US   1454 - Kellen Company Names Richard E. Cristol President
             dBusinessNews Atlanta (press release), GA - Jan 3, 2007
             Mr. Cristol continues to serve on Kellen Company's Board of Directors and as a trustee of the company’s Employee Stock Ownership Trust. ...
US   1455 - Ferrellgas Partners, LP Acquires Puget Sound Propane and Yankee Gas
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 3, 2007
             Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   1456 - Ferrellgas Partners, LP Acquires Puget Sound Propane and Yankee Gas
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 3, 2007
             Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   1457 - Kellen Company Names Richard E. Cristol President
             Business Wire (press release), CA - Jan 3, 2007
             Mr. Cristol continues to serve on Kellen Company's Board of Directors and as a trustee of the company’s Employee Stock Ownership Trust. ...
US   1458 - Carris Reels has been mainstay of Rutland's local economy
             Rutland Herald, VT - Jan 3, 2007
             Several years ago, Bill Carris began turning over ownership of the company to its employees through an ESOP, or employee stock ownership plan. ...
US   1459 - Litehouse is spreading the wealth
             The Spokesman Review, WA - Jan 3, 2007
             In December, the privately held family firm sold 30 percent of its stock to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP. The shares will be held in trust for …
US   1460 - American Capital Announces Public Offering of Common Stock
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 3, 2007
             American Capital invests directly and through its asset management business is a global investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
IN   1461 - Bharti Airtel issues 25350 shares under ESOP
             Myiris.com, India - Jan 3, 2007
             Bharti Airtel said Thursday that it issued 25350 equity shares of the company to the employees upon exercise of options granted under ESOP Scheme 2005. ...
BB   1462 - Young letter writers receive early Christmas gifts
             Barbados Advocate, Barbados - Jan 3, 2007
             ... thousand dollars in Cave Shepherd cash, sponsored by the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union, was shared among the three prize winners. ...
UK   1463 - Thursday's newspaper round-up: Vodafone, Lloyds, Teesland
             ShareCast, UK - Jan 3, 2007
             ... it claims it mistakenly paid in tax on the former chief executive’s share options when he quit the Wal-Mart-owned supermarket in 2000, reports the FT.
UK   1464 - Asda eyes suit against former chief executive in tax dispute - report
             ABCmoney.co.uk, UK - Jan 3, 2007
             ... paid in tax on the former chief executives share options when he quit the Wal-Mart Inc owned supermarket in 2000, the Financial Times reported. ...
ZA   1465 - AFO - Aflease Gold Limited - Dealing in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - Jan 3, 2007
             ... Name of company: Aflease Gold Limited Transaction date: 11 December 2006 Class of securities: Share options Strike price: R2.80 Number of share options: ...
UK   1466 - eg solutions goes in the opposite direction
             Consultant News, UK - Jan 3, 2007
             “The reason why it’s been so good is that we have been able to give the staff share options,” she says. “Our staff turnover is nine per cent—that’s mainly ...
US   1467 - Compiled from wire reports
             Newsday, NY - Jan 3, 2007
             RECKSON EXECS EXERCISE SHARE OPTIONS. The chief executive of Reckson Associates Realty Corp., which owns office and industrial properties, exercised options ...
US   1468 - Intervoice Announces Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2007
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - Jan 3, 2007
             (A) Stock-based compensation charges consist of non-cash charges relating to employee stock options determined in accordance with APB 25 and SFAS 123R, ...
US   1469 - Carrier Access Announces Preliminary Fourth Quarter 2006 Revenue ...
             Market Wire (press release) - Jan 3, 2007
             This release includes non-GAAP earnings per share data, which excludes the effect of stock compensation expense for employee stock options associated with ...
US   1470 - WFI Announces Final Collection of Amounts Due From Sale Of Mexico ...
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 3, 2007
             ... it will take a one time charge in the fourth quarter of 2006 of approximately $7.5 million to remove the ongoing expense for employee stock options. ...
US   1471 - Actions Focus on Minimizing Obstacles to Improving Profitability ...
             Yahoo! News (press release) - Jan 3, 2007
             ... it will take a one time charge in the fourth quarter of 2006 of approximately $7.5 million to remove the ongoing expense for employee stock options. ...
US   1472 - Mobius to Host Webcast on New Imperatives for E-Mail Management
             Earthtimes.org - Jan 3, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
US   1473 - Mobius to Host Webcast on New Imperatives for E-Mail Management
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 3, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
CA   1474 - Attention Business/Financial Editors:
       CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - Jan 3, 2007
       ... of the 2006 Employee Stock Option Plan and increase of C Level Shares reserved for issuance under the 2006 Employee Stock Option Plan to 9983333. ...
FI 1475 - Nokia Oyj: Exercises with stock options of nokia corporation
       Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - Jan 3, 2007
       2006 based on Nokia’s 2003 and 2005 employee stock option plans. This resulted in an increase of EUR 12 087.66 in Nokia’s share capital and an increase of ...
IN 1476 - Strides Arcolab to acquire securities of Akorn Strides, USA
       Myiris.com, India - Jan 3, 2007
       The board shall grant, issue, offer and allot, in pursuance of Strides Arcolab Employee Stock Option Plan (`Strides Arcolob ESOP – 2006` or the `Plan`) upto ...
US 1477 - Orthodontix Completes Acquisition of Protalix Ltd.
       PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 3, 2007
       ... of Protalix Ltd.'s outstanding warrants and options, including all of the outstanding options issued under Protalix Ltd.'s employee stock option plan. ...
UK 1478 - Philips announces 100% ownership of Lumileds
       LEDs Magazine, UK - Jan 3, 2007
       The 3.5% stake was related to an employee stock option program at Lumileds, which has now been replaced by a new incentive program. ...
US 1479 - Precis, Inc. Announces Special Shareholder Meeting to Approve ...
       Insurance News Net, PA - Jan 3, 2007
       ... shareholders will also be asked to vote on changing the company's name to "Access Plans USA, Inc." and to amend its 2002 Non-Employee Stock Option Plan. ...
FR 1480 - Société Générale renforce son soutien à l’association « Habitat et ...
       Publi-News - 3 jan 2007
       Habitat et Humanisme est par ailleurs bénéficiaire des fonds Société Générale d'épargne salariale solidaire ainsi que du service d'épargne-solidarité ...
BE 1481 - Edito du 16 novembre 2006
       Tendances - 3 jan 2007
       La France vient ainsi de moderniser sa loi relative à la participation et l'actionnariat salarié, dont les origines remontent au Général De Gaulle. ...
FR 1482 - Le Conseil constitutionnel censure une validation législative
       Publiciblog Actualités - 3 jan 2007
       ... Conseil constitutionnel a invalidé partiellement la loi relative à la participation à l'actionnariat salarié et à « diverses mesures d'ordre social ». ...
LU 1483 - Libération: les salariés approuvent le changement de statut
       Tageblatt (Abonnement) - 3 jan 2007
       Il conduira également à l'abandon par la SCPL (Société civile des personnels de Libération), qui représente les actionnaires-salariés, du droit de veto dont ...
FR 1484 - Libération : changement de statut voté
       France 2 - 3 jan 2007
       ... nomination du Pdg... dont dispose actuellement la SCPL (Société civile des personnels de Libération), qui représente les actionnaires-salariés. ...
CA 1485 - Collège de l'Estrie
       Voir.ca - 3 jan 2007
       Les gestionnaires du Collège de l'Estrie, une ancienne entreprise à propriétaire unique qui s'est récemment convertie en coopérative de travailleurs, ...
FR 1486 - La polémique enfle aux Etats-Unis sur les revenus des dirigeants d ...
       Le Monde - 3 jan 2007
       ... en vigueur en 2007 et qui contraindrait les entreprises cotées à publier le total et le détail des revenus (salaires, primes de retraite, stock-options. ...
FR 1487 - Un quart des sociétés américaines auraient triché sur les stock ...
       Le Monde - 3 jan 2007
       Les stock-options sont des options permettant d'acheter des actions d'une société à un cours fixé lors de leur attribution. Selon l'analyse statistique des ...
FR 1488 - iTunes-iPod : Apple est poursuivie pour vente liée aux Etats-Unis
       Vnunet.fr - 3 jan 2007
       D'une part, Steve Jobs est accusé d'avoir bénéficié de 7,5 millions de stock-options en 2001 sans l'accord du conseil d'administration selon le Financial ...
FR 1489 - L'écosystème iTunes-iPod poursuivi en justice
       01net - 3 jan 2007
       Elle s'appelle Melanie Tucker et après l'affaire des stock-options de Steve Jobs, c'est le nouveau « pépin » du service juridique d'Apple. ...
FR 1490 - Fraude aux stock options : Apple met Steve Jobs hors de cause
       Réseaux-Télécoms.net - 3 jan 2007
       Apple a ainsi mandaté une commission spéciale, présidée par Al Gore, chargée de faire la lumière sur la fraude aux stock options et ses implications sur les ...
FR 1491 - La valeur du jour à Wall Street - Nardelli
       Boursorama - 3 jan 2007
       Les derniers résultats trimestriels en baisse, pénalisés par le ralentissement du marché immobilier américain, conjugués à une affaire de stock-options ...
FR 1492 - La non-responsabilité de Steve Jobs mise en cause
       The Inquirer - 3 jan 2007
       S’il est encore trop tôt pour connaître le sort réservé à Steve Jobs dans l’affaire des stock-options antidatées, les spéculations vont bon train. ...
FR 1493 - Après la France, Apple est attaqué sur l'interopérabilité
       Journal du Net - 3 jan 2007
       Un envoi d'ailleurs retardé pour pouvoir y inclure les conclusions de l'enquête commandée par la société concernant des pratiques de stock-options ...
FR 1494 - Mozilla publie ses comptes 2005
       l'Informaticien - 3 jan 2007
       ... des gens qui ont volontairement tourné le dos aux start-up et à leurs stock options pour venir soutenir le choix et l'innovation dans l'Internet pour le ...
FR 1495 - Stock-options (suite…)
       Mac Generation - 3 jan 2007
       Les conclusions de l’enquête indépendante initiée par Apple sur ses pratiques comptables en matière de stock-options ont rassuré les marchés financiers. ...
AR 1496 - Aumentan monto para expropiar plantas de la ex Aurora
       Tiempo Fueguino - 3 Ene 2007
       El texto modificado del primero establece que la ley "tiene por objeto ceder los bienes expropiados a la 'Cooperativa de Trabajo Limitada Renacer ex- Aurora ...
AR 1497 - Procesaron al concejal Millaguán por feroz golpiza
       Rio Negro On Line - 3 Ene 2007
       Además indicaron que hay cosas que no reconoce. Nicolás trabajaba en la Cooperativa de Trabajo del Valle Inferior, encargada del barrido y limpieza de calles.
MX 1498 - ¿Hacia una nueva revolución mexicana?
       Diagonal (Suscripción) - 3 Ene 2007
       Javier Sigüenza, miembro de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Hormiga, del Distrito Federal, comenta: “No es que no hubiese antes en México esa situación de ...
ES 1499 - Qué mira el fisco para elegir a quién debe inspeccionar
       infoBAE profesional - 3 Ene 2007
       ... si éstos son discapacitados, si cobra por banco o en efectivo, si es socio de una cooperativa de trabajo, su nivel de educación, entre otros. ...
AR 1500 - Año Nuevo con chamamé y guaraní
       Momarandu.com - 3 Ene 2007
       Momarandú.com estuvo con Roque Gauna, fotógrafo profesional e integrante de una cooperativa de trabajo en construcción en Mburucuyá. ...
AR 1501 - Mburucuyá, donde los que se fueron vuelven para el festejo
       Momarandu.com - 3 Ene 2007
       Momarandú.com estuvo con Roque Gauna, fotógrafo profesional e integrante de una cooperativa de trabajo en construcción en Mburucuyá. ...
CO 1502 - Prohíben contratación de personal con CTA
       La República (Colombia) - 3 Ene 2007
       Las empresas del país que tengan contratado personal por intermedio de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA) tendrán que incorporar dichos trabajadores a ...
CO 1503 - Todas las empresas de servicios temporales deben contratar una ...
       Portafolio - 3 Ene 2007
       El artículo 10 del decreto es claro en advertir que ni las cooperativas de trabajo asociado, ni las precooperativas, ni las empresas asociativas de trabajo ...
VE 1504 - “El dictador en el patio trasero”
       El Impulso - 3 Ene 2007
       ... convirtiendo empresas privadas en cooperativas de trabajadores a través de una mezcla de incentivos fiscales, persuasión y belicosidad. ...
AR 1505 - Empresa rosarina se hará cargo del transporte de pasajeros villense
       V-Constitucion.com.ar - 3 Ene 2007
       Ese acuerdo aún no concretado contemplaba el retiro de la cooperativa de trabajadores Toc Bus -que tomó la concesión hace algunos años y en los últimos ...
ES 1506 - El presidente de Home Depot dimite y se embolsa 210 millones de ...
       Expansión.com - 3 Ene 2007
       Esta cifra incluye, entre otros conceptos, 20 millones de dólares en efectivo y opciones sobre acciones (stock options) valoradas en 77 millones de dólares. ...
MX 1507 - Apple investiga a ex empleados
       InfoChannel - 3 Ene 2007
       El centro de atención en la investigación sobre las “stock options” de Apple se está enfocando sobre dos ex ejecutivos de la compañía. ...
CL 1508 - Investigación de acciones de Apple se centra en dos ex empleados
       Mundo En Línea - 3 Ene 2007
       El centro de atención en la investigación sobre las 'stock options' de Apple Computer está recayendo en dos ex ejecutivos de la compañía, informó el The ...
ES 1509 - "Los Serrano" vuelven por la puerta grande
       20 minutos - 3 Ene 2007
       El trabajo será abolido, las máquinas se ocuparán de todo, los empresarios regalarán stock-options a todos y el Banco de España será transformado en una ...
DE 1510 - "Ich plädiere für den aktivierenden Sozialstaat"
       Weinheimer Nachrichten - Odenwälder Zeitung - 3. Jan. 2007
       Dr. Meister verdeutlichte gestern noch einmal die Eckpunkte: Es soll eine breite gesellschaftliche Debatte über die Vorteile der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
DE 1511 - Die Landtagswahl im Blick
       Echo-online - 3. Jan. 2007
       Später könnten Einzelheiten und Vorteile der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung diskutiert und insgesamt gesetzlich neu geregelt werden. Für Meister ist es unstrittig, ...
DE 1512 - Finanz-Debatte "ohne Tabus" Die Kreis-CDU braucht neue Kandidaten ...
       Lampertheimer Zeitung - 3. Jan. 2007
       Unter anderem forderten die Südhessen, eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung solle nur auf freiwilliger Basis vereinbart werden können. ...
DE 1513 - Investivlohn im Tiefschlaf
       Neues Deutschland - 3. Jan. 2007
       Darin wird beklagt, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sei »seit etwa 30 Jahren in einer Art Dornröschenschlaf gefangen«. Das mit dem Schlaf stimmt wenigstens. ...
AT 1514 - Gewinn & Verlust: Ein Volk von Aktionären
       Die Presse.com - 3. Jan. 2007
       Steuerlich geförderte Modelle zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gibt es bereits, sie werden aber bisher nur wenig genutzt. Was sich bald ändern könnte. ...
IT 1515 - Stock options, tocca alla Pixar
        ilMac.net - 3 gen 2007
       Mentre tiene ancora banco l'affare delle stock options di Apple retrodatate (la SEC, vale a dire la Consob americana, deve ancora esprimere il proprio ...
IT 1516 - Ricerca tra gli articoli
       La Voce di Fiore - 3 gen 2007
       I primi bloccati sotto il tetto dell’inflazione programmata, i secondi premiati con ricchissime stock options. Sulla condizione operaia l’economista ...
IT 1517 - Causa contro la Apple: il sistema iTunes-iPod 'crea un monopolio ...
       Rockol.it - 3 gen 2007
       L’azienda di Steve Jobs naviga ultimamente in un mare di carte bollate: oltre al noto scandalo dei bilanci gonfiati dalle “stock options” retrodatate ...
IT 1518 - Apple dovrà affrontare molte cause nel 2007
       Dinox PC Hardware - 3 gen 2007
       Apple sta attraversando un momento molto delicato in termini societari a causa non solo dello scandalo delle stock options "retrodatate" ma anche di altre ...
BR 1519 - Valmir Ortega assume a Secretaria Executiva de Meio Ambiente
       Governo do Estado do Pará - 3 Jan 2007
       Em 2001, presidiu a Cooperativa de Trabalho Sócio-Ambiental (OIKOS) e em 2002, o Conselho Diretor do Instituto de Gestão Pública do Mato Grosso do Sul ...
ZA 1520 - Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan
       Finance24, South Africa - Jan 2, 2007
       ANAAL Anglo American plc - Anglo American Employee Share Ownership Plan Anglo American plc (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) Registration number: 3564138 ...
       Euronext (persbericht), Netherlands - Jan 2, 2007
       Paris, January 2, 2007 - Générale de Santé has today announced the launch of an employee share ownership plan in conjunction with a capital increase ...
US 1522 - Crane Cams Returns as the Official Ignition Systems of the ASA ...
       WhoWon.com, NE - Jan 2, 2007
       The ESOP makes each one of the more than 200 Crane employees true employee-owners with a personal stake in their company's future and the personal ...
US 1523 - A one-time growers co-op thrives as it changes with
       News-Review, OR - Jan 2, 2007
       It has 21 grower-shareholders and 26 employee-shareholders. The company began as an agricultural marketing cooperative, marketing only locally grown produce ...
US 1524 - IRS final regs address requirements for ESOPs holding S ...
       CCH - Jan 2, 2007
       409(p) for employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) holding stock of Subchapter S corporations. Code Sec. 409(p)(1) requires that, for ESOPs holding employer ...
JM 1525 - Large trading in JMMB shares no need for alarm, says Williams
       Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - Jan 2, 2007
       "There are only three entities capable of making such large trades: Keith Duncan or Donna Duncan-Scott, the Employee Share Option Plan or Clico Investment ...
UK 1526 - Imprint sees FY adjusted pretax up 62 pct but below forecasts; to ...
       Hemscott, UK - Jan 2, 2007
       ... lower than expected effective tax rate for the period as a number of share options with low average grant prices were exercised during the second half. ...
ZA 1527 - EOH - EOH Holdings Limited - Dealings in securities by directors
       Finance24, South Africa - Jan 2, 2007
       ... sale of shares transaction: Selling price (per R6,70 share): Strike price of share R1,74 options (per share): Date share options 1 August 2004 granted: ...
UK 1528 - Senior SAP BW Analyst - Basingstoke
       ComputerWeekly.com, UK - Jan 2, 2007
       In return Shire offers a competitive base salary, performance related bonus and share options on joining. Our benefits package includes 25 days holiday, ...
IE 1529 - Apple to take USD84m hit in stock options saga
       ElectricNews.net, Ireland - Jan 2, 2007
       Other reports claimed Apple chief executive Steve Jobs had received a grant of 7.5 million share options in 2001 without the required approval from the full ...
UK 1530 - Academic Roundup
       Manifest, UK - Jan 2, 2007
       This paper follows on from earlier research by the authors on the practices relating to the granting of share options in the US. While prior research and ...
IN 1531 - ACC sales and production rise marginally
       Myiris.com, India - Jan 2, 2007
       Recently, it allotted 57545 shares against the exercise of employee stock options under various ESOS, pursuant to the resolutions passed by circular dated ...
US 1532 - QLogic Executives to Present at Needham Growth Conference
       Primenewswire (press release), CA - Jan 2, 2007
       ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
       Boursorama - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération, dans la continuité du premier plan d'actionnariat salarié proposé lors de l'introduction en Bourse, est destinée à l'ensemble des salariés ...
FR 1534 - Générale de Santé : conditions du projet d'augmentation de capital ...
       Voila.fr - 2 jan 2007
       Avec cette opération d'actionnariat salarié, le groupe entend ainsi développer le lien existant avec ses collaborateurs, en leur offrant la possibilité ...
FR 1535 - Générale de Santé : conditions du projet d'augmentation de capital ...
       Boursier.com - 2 jan 2007
       Avec cette opération d'actionnariat salarié, le groupe entend ainsi développer le lien existant avec ses collaborateurs, en leur offrant la possibilité ...
       Boursorama - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération, dans la continuité du premier plan d'actionnariat salarié proposé lors de l'introduction en Bourse, est destinée à l'ensemble des salariés ...
       Boursorama - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération, dans la continuité du premier plan d'actionnariat salarié proposé lors de l'introduction en Bourse, est destinée à l'ensemble des salariés ...
FR 1538 - Générale de Santé : plan d'actionnariat salari
       Journal des Finances - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération s’inscrit ainsi dans la continuité du premier plan d’actionnariat salarié proposé lors de son introduction en bourse". ...
FR 1539 - plan d'actionnariat salari
       Zonebourse.com - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération s’inscrit ainsi dans la continuité du premier plan d’actionnariat salarié proposé lors de son introduction en bourse". ...
       Zonebourse.com - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d′une opération d′actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d′une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1541 - GÉNÉRALE D : opération d'actionnariat salarié...
       Zonebourse.com - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d′actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d′une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1542 - BOURSE DE PARIS Les valeurs à suivre demain
       Boursorama - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération, dans la continuité du premier plan d'actionnariat salarié proposé lors de l'introduction en Bourse, est destinée à l'ensemble des salariés ...
FR 1543 - Générale de Santé: opération d'actionnariat salarié lancée.
       TF1 - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d'actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1544 - GENERALE DE SANTE lance une opération d'actionnariat salarié
       Boursorama - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération, dans la continuité du premier plan d'actionnariat salarié proposé lors de l'introduction en Bourse, est destinée à l'ensemble des salariés ...
FR 1545 - Générale de Santé: opération d'actionnariat salarié lancée.
       Boursorama - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d'actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1546 - Entreprise France
       Le Figaro - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d'actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1547 - Générale de Santé: opération d'actionnariat salarié lancée.
        Le Figaro - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d'actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1548 - Generale de Sante lance une opération d'actionnariat salarié
       Capital.fr - 2 jan 2007
       Cette opération, dans la continuité du premier plan d'actionnariat salarié proposé lors de l'introduction en Bourse, est destinée à l'ensemble des salariés ...
FR 1549 - Générale de Santé: opération d'actionnariat salarié lancée
       Cercle Finance - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d'actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1550 - A la Une
       Cercle Finance - 2 jan 2007
       (Cercle Finance) - Générale de Santé a annoncé mardi lancer une opération d'actionnariat salarié, via la mise en place d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1551 - Société : GENERALE DE SANTE
       newsinvest.fr - 2 jan 2007
       ... 2006 d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital réservée aux adhérents du plan d'épargne de groupe (PEG). ...
       Invest Valley - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
       Francebourse.com - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
       Le Figaro - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
       Capital.fr - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1556 - Générale de Santé : projet d'augmentation de capital réservée aux ...
        Voila.fr - 2 jan 2007
       Avec cette opération d'actionnariat salarié, le groupe entend ainsi développer le lien existant avec ses collaborateurs, en leur offrant la possibilité ...
       BourSonews - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d’une opération d’actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d’une augmentation de capital ...
       Fininfo (Communiqués de presse) - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
       Euroinvestor - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d´une opération d´actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d´une augmentation de capital ...
       TF1 - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1561 - Générale de Santé : projet d'augmentation de capital réservée aux ...
       Boursier.com - 2 jan 2007
       Avec cette opération d'actionnariat salarié, le groupe entend ainsi développer le lien existant avec ses collaborateurs, en leur offrant la possibilité ...
       Euronext (persbericht) - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 - Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
       Company newsgroup (persbericht) - 2 jan 2007
       Paris, le 2 janvier 2007 – Générale de Santé annonce ce jour le lancement d'une opération d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre d'une augmentation de capital ...
FR 1564 - Stock options : Apple lave Steve de tout soupçon
       PC Inpact - 2 jan 2007
       En juin dernier, Apple annonçait que des irrégularités dans la comptabilité avaient été découvertes, en référence à des mouvements anormaux entre 1997 et ...
FR 1565 - Steve Jobs bousculé par les stock-options d'Apple
       01net - 2 jan 2007
       Le problème porte sur une quantité importante de stock-options accordées à de hauts dirigeants d'Apple. Les dates d'émission de celles-ci auraient été ...
FR 1566 - Bourse de Wall Street : Wall Street : le Dow Jones a bondi de 16,3 ...
       Zonebourse.com - 2 jan 2007
       Il ressort finalement de l′enquête sur les pratiques comptables du groupe en matière de stock-options un impact évalué à 84 millions de dollars après impôts ...
FR 1567 - Apple : Steve Jobs profite d'une confiance totale
       Neteco - 2 jan 2007
       Le texte en question précisait qu'Apple aurait attribué de façon frauduleuse 7,5 millions de stock-options à son dirigeant en 2001 (voir Stock-options ...
FR 1568 - Steve Jobs bousculé par les stock-options d'Apple
       01net - 2 jan 2007
       Le problème porte sur une quantité importante de stock-options accordées à de hauts dirigeants d'Apple. Les dates d'émission de celles-ci auraient été ...
FR 1569 - Apple soutient son patron, Steve Jobs
        Silicon.fr - 2 jan 2007
       Embourbé dans une sombre affaire de stock-options antidatées, le p-dg d'Apple, Steve Jobs, bénéficie néanmoins du soutien du conseil d'administration de la ...
FR 1570 - 2007, l'année de tous les procès pour Apple
       The Inquirer - 2 jan 2007
       Ces derniers devront répondre de différents chefs d’accusation, notamment de manipulation dans l’attribution de stock-options, de fausse déclaration et de ...
ES 1571 - Siero organizará cursos de escaparatismo para autónomos
       La Nueva España - 2 Ene 2007
       ... de Siero ha recibido varias subvenciones para el fomento del empleo y la mejora de la competitividad en las cooperativas y sociedades laborales, ...
ES 1572 - “Se puede trabajar de forma autogestionada y dar servicios de calidad”
       Rebelión - 2 Ene 2007
       Las personas destacadas por la lucha al estar en las listas negras de la patronal y no poder trabajar, decidieron montar una cooperativa de trabajo. ...
CO 1573 - A intervención 64 hospitales del país
       La República (Colombia) - 2 Ene 2007
       ... proceso de reestructuración ha generado un conflicto laboral, pues se ha despedido gente para luego contratar mediante cooperativas de trabajo”, indicó. ...
AR 1574 - >> Varela: Más del 80% de los vecinos tendrá agua potable
       El Sol de Quilmes - 2 Ene 2007
       Las mismas emplean a 208 varelenses agrupados en 13 cooperativas de trabajo, que se capacitaron en el Instituto Leopoldo Marechal de Capital Federal. ...
AR 1575 - Empresa rosarina se hará cargo del transporte de pasajeros villense
        DERF - 2 Ene 2007
       Ese acuerdo aún no concretado contemplaba el retiro de la cooperativa de trabajadores Toc Bus -que tomó la concesión hace algunos años y en los últimos ...
AR 1576 - Investigación de acciones de Apple se centra en dos ex empleados
       Telcommunity - 2 Ene 2007
       ... citando fuentes familiares con el asunto, ha informado que el centro de atención en la investigación sobre las "stock options" de Apple Computer, ...
MX 1577 - Steve Jobs no dejará Apple
       InfoChannel - 2 Ene 2007
       Tras la investigación, se concluyó que no hubo malas prácticas de los actuales directivos en las gratificaciones con stock options, sin embargo Jobs sí ...
DE 1578 - Homag AG: Auszeichnung für Business Excellence
       ausbauGuide.de (Pressemitteilung) - 2. Jan. 2007
       Die Jury-Entscheidung machte deutlich, dass die bereits im Jahr 1974 durch die Firmengründer eingeführte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bei der Homag ein wichtiger ...
DE 1579 - Hey Boss, ich will mehr Geld!
       Berliner Kurier - 2. Jan. 2007
       Aber wir haben auch eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Und da werden wir für 2006 einen Punkt zusätzlich drauflegen." Es sieht also ganz danach aus, ...
PT 1580 - Apple iliba Steve Jobs na polémica com stock options
       Diário Digital - 2 Jan 2007
       A Apple Computer anunciou que ilibou o seu presidente executivo e fundador, Steve Jobs, de práticas ilícitas no caso das stock options adulteradas, ...
PT 1581 - Apple iliba Steve Jobs no caso das "stock options"
       Jornal de Negócios - Portugal - 2 Jan 2007
       A Apple Computer anunciou que ilibou o seu presidente executivo e fundador, Steve Jobs, de qualquer acto ilícito, no âmbito das "stock options" falsificadas ...

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