have a selection of 32 remarkable articles in
9 countries in October 2014: Australia, Denmark,
France, India, Italy, Poland, South Africa,
Australia: “We are reversing the changes
that the former government made in 2009 which
essentially stopped employee ownership in
this country,” Prime Minister Abbott said. New
legislation will replicate key aspects of the
British regime that seeks to encourage stock
options in small companies and start-ups.
Denmark: Legislative amendments due to
be presented to parliament this month will allow
employees to become partial owners of the enterprise.
France: Recent Government's order going
to demolish employee share ownership in France.
India: New ESOP regulation.
Italy: Minister Pier Paolo Baretta declares
it is time for employee share ownership in Italy.
Poland: Tax legislation in Poland doesn't
encourage employee share ownership.
South Africa: Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Employee Share-Ownership Schemes
(BBBEE) are hugely important concerns.
UK: New legal and tax environment encourages
employee share ownership. Tax exemptions
introduced in the UK Finance Act 2014 are encouraging
employee ownership trust ("EOT") buy-outs
and this successful UK business model could
attract momentum internationally. The economy
needs more employee-owned businesses because
employee owners think and act for the long term.
USA: Recognizing ESOPs as good public
policy: the tax status of ESOPs has to be preserved.
Only 8% of business owners are thinking of selling
to their employees, as in an Employee Stock
Ownership Plan, or ESOP.
--------> BACK TO TOP
Une sélection de 32 articles remarquables dans
9 pays en octobre 2014: Afrique du Sud, Australie,
Danemark, France, Grande Bretagne, Inde, Italie,
Pologne, USA.
Afrique du Sud: L'actionnariat salarié
pour "noircir" le pouvoir économique
(Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Employee
Share-Ownership - BBBEE).
Australia: Marche arrière toute. "Nous
effaçons les décisions prises par le précédent
gouvernement en 2009, qui ont pratiquement mis
fin à l'actionnariat salarié dans ce pays"
déclare le Premier Ministre Abbott. Le Gouvernement
australien adopte de nouvelles règles pour l'actionnariat
salarié sur le modèle du régime britannique
qui encourage les stock options dans les PME
et les nouvelles entreprises.
Danemark: Amendements législatifs au
Parlement pour réinstaller un régime d'actionnariat
France: Ordonnance surprise du Gouvernement
Hollande, une politique de démolition de l'actionnariat
salarié en France.
Inde: Nouvelle réglementation pour les
plans de stock options (ESOP).
Italie: Le Ministre Pier Paolo Baretta
affirme qu'il est temps pour l'actionnariat
salarié en Italie.
Pologne: La législation fiscale n'encourage
pas l'actionnariat salarié en Pologne.
Grande Bretagne: Nouvel encadrement légal
et fiscal pour encourager l'actionnariat salarié.
Les exemptions fiscales introduites dans l'Acte
de Finance 2014 encouragent la reprise d'entreprises
par des trusts d 'actionnariat salarié ("EOT").
USA: Tous les partis politiques favorables
à la poursuite de la politique d'actionnariat
salarié ESOP. 8% seulement des propriétaires
pensent aux salariés pour la cession de leur
entreprise, comme cela se pratique dans les
plans ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan).
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buscando un traductor.
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--------> BACK TO TOP
nostra selezione comprende 32 articoli in 9
Stati nel mese di Ottobre 2014: Australia, Danmarca,
Francia, India, Polonia, Sudafrica, UK, USA.
Australia: « Stiamo invertendo
i cambi che il precedente Governo ha introdotto
nel 2009, che hanno di fatto arrestato l’azionariato
dei dipendenti » ha dichiarato il Primo
Ministro Abbott. La nuova legislazione
replicherà i punti chiave del sistema britannico,
volto ad incentivare l’utilizzo generalizzato
di opzioni di acquisto azionario nelle piccole
imprese e nelle start-ups.
Danimarca: In Parlamento sono presenti
proposte di modifica, in discussione per il
prossimo mese, per consentire ai dipendenti
di diventare comproprietari parziali dell’impresa.
Francia: Il recente decreto del Governo
demolisce uno dei principi fondant dell’azionariato
dei dipendenti in Francia.
India: Nuova regolamentazione per gli
Italia: Il Sottosegretario al Tesoro
Pier Paolo Baretta dichiara che è l’ora dell’azionariato
dei dipendenti in Italia.
Polonia: La legislazione fiscale non
aiuta l’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Sudafrica: i “Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Employee Share-Ownership Schemes”
(BBBEE) sono molto importanti.
UK: Un nuovo quadro di riferimento legale
e fiscale promuove l’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Le esenzioni fiscali introdotte con il “UK Finance
Act 2014” stanno promuovendo l’acquisto di aziende
attraverso Trusts partecipati dai dipendenti
(“employee ownership trust” - EOT) e questo
modello di successo potrebbe fornire un asempio
a livello internazionale. L’economia ha bisogno
di un maggior numero di imprese partecipate,
perché i dipendenti azionisti ragionano e si
comportano con una visione di lungo termine.
USA: Gli ESOPs sono riconosciuti
come una buona politica pubblica: occorre mantenere
le agevolazioni fiscali attualmente in essere.
Solo l’8% degli imprenditori individuali pensano
di vendere ai dipendenti, attraverso un Employee
Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
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have a selection of 32 remarkable articles in
9 countries in October 2014: Australia, Denmark,
France, India, Italy, Poland, South Africa,
- Abbott
Is Fixing Up The Employee Share Options Taxation
Mess For ...
Business Insider Australia - 13 oct. 2014
“We are reversing the changes that the former government
made in 2009 which essentially stopped employee
ownership in
this country,” he said, adding the ...
- Startups
applaud death of Labor tax rules on employee
share options
Computerworld Australia - 14 oct. 2014
“I see Australian companies, whether startup or mature,
as well as foreign tech companies will now embrace employee ownershipincentive
plans to the benefit ...
- New
rules for employee share schemes: a guide for
BRW - 16 oct. 2014
Eight out of 10 start-ups said they would put in place an employee
stock ownership plan (ESOP) if the tax and cost
implications were lowered. Under the new ...
- Changes
to employee ownership rules may help
Qantas to a ...
The Age - 19 oct. 2014
My hope is that the Australian Government's changes to employee
ownership legislation, together with Qantas' willingness to
genuinely use the legislation to ...
- Denmark: New Legislation
Would Allow Employee Ownership of ...
Bloomberg BNA - 6 oct. 2014
Oct. 6—Legislative amendments due to be presented to parliament
this month will allow employees at the Danish
Crown meat packing plant to become partial ...
- Michel
Barnier: Europe can only gain if we embrace employee
share ownership
CITY A.M. - 28 oct. 2014
In the longer term, employee share ownership schemes could also be part of the reflection on harmonisation
of national taxes, especially for the euro area ...
- Michel
Barnier: L'actionnariat salarié, une
chance pour l'Europe
Libération - 28 oct. 2014
L’actionnariat salarié peut nous aider à retrouver
les fondements du modèle européen d’économie
sociale de marché compétitive ...
interpellée par la cession de parts du capital
d'Orange par ...
Euroinvestor - 3 oct. 2014
Association loi 1901, AASGO représente les actionnaires salariés et
anciens salariés d'Orange et défend leurs intérêts
dans le domaine de l'épargne salariale ...
- Les
entreprises françaises championnes de l'actionnariat
Les Échos - 8 oct. 2014
Non, l'actionnariat
salarié n'est
pas mort en France. Telle est la conclusion
d'une enquête menée par le cabinet de conseil
Altedia et par la Fédération française ...
- Etat
actionnaire : moins d'avantages pour le salarié
lors de cessions ...
www.lesechos.fr - 9 oct. 2014
Depuis l'ordonnance du 20 août 2014, l'Etat n'est plus contraint
de réserver une partie des titres qu'il cède
- Le
budget de la France en berne : Michel Sapin,
relancez l ...
Le Nouvel Observateur - 10 oct. 2014
LE PLUS. Alors que les prévisions de croissance pour la
France se font de moins en moins optimistes,
comment faire pour donner un nouvel élan à ...
- 6ème
opération d'actionnariat salarié international
pour les salariés ...
Euroinvestor - 13 oct. 2014
6ème opération d'actionnariat
salarié international
pour les salariés du ... le 15 mai 2014 la mise
en oeuvre d'une nouvelle opération d'actionnariat
- Thales:
les salariés-actionnaires et la CFDT
veulent un nouveau ...
lalibre.be - 16 oct. 2014
La CFDT et les salariés-actionnaires de Thales ont réclamé jeudi que leur futur PDG soit
issu du groupe, au lendemain de l'annonce de
la nomination surprise ...
- Scop
: quand les salariés prennent le pouvoir
la Nouvelle République - 18 oct. 2014
Alors, que reste-t-il vraiment de cette ode à ces Sociétés
coopératives et participatives, appelées jusqu'en
2010 Sociétéscoopératives ouvrières de
production ?
- Privatisation
: le gouvernement tue l'actionnariat salarié et
cède au ...
Marianne - 22 oct. 2014
Au cœur de l'été, François Hollande et Arnaud Montebourg
ont signé une ordonnance supprimant l'obligation
faite à l'Etat de réserver aux salariés 10 %
des ...
- Cette
ordonnance aberrante que le PS n'assume pas
Marianne - 29 oct. 2014
... le gouvernement et en contradiction avec la volonté
du président de la République de renforcer l'actionnariat
des salariés »
et demande au ministre « de bien ...
- La
Scop Arféo-Buroform est en cessation de paiement
L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 oct. 2014
Les quelque 170 salariés-actionnaires avaient réuni un capital d'1,3 million d'euros. Ils
avaient notamment bénéficié de prêts d'honneur
de diverses collectivités ...
- Sebi
notifies new ESOP regulations
Business Today - 29 oct. 2014
Market regulator Sebi has notified new ESOP regulations,
including for purchase of shares by employee
welfare trusts from the secondary market with
adequate ...
- Lavoro:
Baretta, momento positivo per azionariato
ArezzoWeb.it - 2 oct. 2014
Roma, 2 ott. (Adnkronos) – “Lo scenario è in movimento e
va colto con specificità”. Lo ha affermato il
sottosegretario al ministero dell'economia e
finanze, Pier ...
- Nuova
Commissione europea: le audizioni al PE
Unimondo.org - 6 oct. 2014
Sl portafoglio assegnato alla ceca interviene anche la Federazione
europea dell'azionariato
dei dipendenti (Efes),
che in una lettera aperta inviata a Juncker ...
- Azione
Mps (Associazione dei Piccoli Azionisti Mps)
contro autorità ...
SoldiOnline.it - 29 oct. 2014
I dipendenti
che hanno aderito all'aumento di capitale con
il proprio risparmio, in mancanza di un piano
di azionariato dipendenti organico, son quelli ...
- Prawo
w Polsce nie zachęca do sprzedaży
akcji pracownikom
GazetaPrawna.pl - 2 oct. 2014
Polskie prawo podatkowe nie zawiera przepisów, które rozwijałybyakcjonariat pracowniczy w Polsce, czy to w spółkach
z udziałem polskim, czy zagranicznym ...
- Employee
Ownership; a solution for succession planning
and a way to drive growth
bdaily - 2 Oct. 2014
Statistics suggest that employee owned businesses far
outperform more traditional structures: in Q1
2014 shares in quoted employee-owned ...
- Employee
Ownership Trusts could prove valuable for
succession ...
GrowthBusiness.co.uk - 8 oct. 2014
EOTs share similarities with other company share schemes
and although they operate quite differently,
are intended to be used to facilitate employee ownership ...
- Premier
Foods gives free shares to whole workforce
Workplace Savings & Benefits - 9 oct. 2014
Employee ownership lobby
group Ifs ProShare's results released in July
indicated that more than 1 million employees
are currently participating in a SIP.
- £100
became £603 in three years: Britain's best share
www.telegraph.co.uk - 12 Oct. 2014
Profits from Save as You Earn (SAYE) schemes have more than
doubled, but not for Tesco workers. We reveal
the winners and losers.
- Employee
gains from save as you earn soar
The HR Director Magazine - 17 oct. 2014
... Findley says: “The amount of money that employees are
now making through SAYE schemes brings to life
the concept of wideremployee share ownership.
- Sir
Charlie Mayfield
economia - 31 oct. 2014
The economy needs more employee-owned businesses because
employee owners think and act for the long term
and because employee ownership retains ...
- Recognizing
ESOPs as good public policy
BenefitsPro - 3 Oct. 2014
Employee-Owned S
Corporations of America recently held its annual
Federal Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.
ESCA speaks exclusively for ...
- Bettcher
Industries Inc. completes transition to Employee
Stock ...
Crain's Cleveland Business - 3 oct. 2014
Bettcher Industries Inc. completes transition to Employee Stock Ownership ... family-owned business to a 100% Employee
Stock Ownership Plan structure as the ...
- The
92% Opportunity: Exit Strategy You've Never
Fully Considered
Forbes - 9 oct. 2014
–And 8% are thinking of selling to their employees, as in
an Employee
StockOwnership Plan, or ESOP. I have spent my professional life,
more than 25 years, ...
- National
Railway Equipment Co. now 100% employee-owned
RailwayAge Magazine - 21 oct. 2014
... Mount Vernon, Ill., has completed transfer of the company
to the newly formed NRE–Global Holdings Inc.
(NRE), an Employee Stock Ownership Trust (ESOP).
- Woolworths
helps business culture evolve
Independent Online - 16 oct. 2014
The Woolworths Black Economic Empowerment Employee Share-Ownership Schemes, initiated in 2007, has already paid dividends
of more than R241m to our ...
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