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  Much new information  about employee ownership in May 2007, with 1.461 articles in this press review (on which 684 about stock options and 223 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  39 remarkable articles in 12 countries: Austria, Barbados, Botswana, Spain, France, India, Italy, Kenya, Morocco, UK, USA, South Africa.
Austria: Employee share ownership is the darling of new Minister of Finance Molterer.
Barbados: The People's Empowerment Party wants more employee share ownership programmes established by corporate Barbados.
Botswana: Government announces that employees would be given an opportunity to own shares in the newly privatised Air Botswana through an Employee Share Ownership Plan.
Spain: Bask Federation of Employee-Owned Companies (ASLE) celebrates its 25th anniversary. Josetxu Hernández assumes that "our companies couldn't be delocalised".
France: New developments in scandals about stock options: "Would stock options be forbidden?" Essilor wants employee share ownership going to 10% of capital and 20% of voting rights to block any hostile takeover. Employee buyouts are multiplying as workers' cooperatives (SCOP).
Italy: Employee shareholders' associations face mergers in the bank sector.
Morocco: New employee share ownership era in Morocco. 
USA: New developments about a possible employee buyout of Chrysler. Trade Unions' attitude got critics. The Chrysler Employee Buyout Committee is also considering filing a lawsuit against pending sale to Cerberus Capital Management. On the other hand, ESOPs fever is spreading as an increasingly popular option to do leveraged buyouts; in this context "employee-owners need a say to succeed". Finally, Publix Super Markets (31% employee-owned) are "the opposite of Wal-Mart".
South Africa: "Through privatisation and employee ownership, we can make black empowerment (BEE) truly broad-based".
The full press review lists 1.461 articles, on which 449 in the USA, 272 in France, 112 in Argentina, 101 in UK, 92 in Spain, 74 in South Africa, 66 in Canada, 52 in India, 41 in Italy, 40 in Austria, 31 in Brazil, 21 in Germany, 13 in Switzerland, 9 in Australia, 9 in Finland, 9 in Ireland, 9 in Barbados, 7 in Colombia, 7 in the Netherlands, 5 in Kenya, 4 in Portugal and Peru, 3 in Belgium, in Jamaica, in Morocco, in Singapore and Venezuela, 2 in Luxemburg and Uruguay, and 1 in Botswana, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Mexico, Malaysia, Malawi, Hong Kong, Israel, Ghana, China, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Romania.

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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en mai 2007, avec 1.461 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 684 à propos de stock options et 223  à propos de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires). Notre sélection propose 39 articles remarquables dans 12 pays: Autriche, Barbade, Botswana, Espagne, France, Inde, Italie, Kenya, Maroc, Grande Bretagne, USA, Afrique du Sud.
Autriche: L'actionnariat salarié est l'enfant chéri du nouveau Ministre des Finances Molterer.
Barbade: Le People's Empowerment Party appelle au développement des programmes d'actionnariat salarié dans les entreprises de la Barbade.
Botswana: Le Government annonce la mise en place d'un plan d'actionnariat salarié dans le cadre de la privatisation d'Air Botswana.
Espagne: La Fédération Basque des Sociétés de Travail Associé (ASLE) fête son 25è anniversaire. "Nos entreprises ne sont pas délocalisables" dit Josetxu Hernández.
France: Nouveaux rebondissements dans les scandales de stock options: "Faut-il interdire les stock options?" Essilor veut porter son actionnariat salarié à 10% du capital et 20% des droits de votes pour éviter toute prise de contrôle rampante. Les reprises d'entreprises par les salariés se multiplient sous forme de SCOP (coopératives).
Italie: Les associations d'actionnaires salariés prennent position dans les mouvements de fusions  bancaires.
Maroc: L'ère de l'actionnariat salarié s'ouvre au Maroc.
USA: Nouveaux développements pour le projet de reprise de Chrysler par les salariés. L'attitude syndicale est critiquée. Le Comité de Reprise de Chrysler (Employee Buyout Committee) envisage de porter l'affaire en justice, suite à la préférence donnée à la vente de Chrysler au fonds d'investissements Cerberus Capital Management. D'autre part, la fièvre des plans d'actionnariat salarié (ESOPs) s'amplifie en tant qu'option de plus en plus populaire pour la reprise d'entreprises; dans ce contexte, une condition de succès est que les actionnaires salariés puissent dire leur mot. Enfin, la chaîne de supermarchés Publix (avec une part de 31% pour l'actionnariat salarié) apparaît comme l'exact opposé de Wal-Mart.
Afrique du Sud: Les programmes d'actionnariat salarié prennent encore de l'ampleur, de pair avec le "black empowerment" (BEE).
La revue de presse complète compte 1.461 articles, dont 449 aux USA, 272 en France, 112 en Argentine, 101 en Grande Bretagne, 92 en Espagne, 74 en Afrique du Sud, 66 au Canada, 52 en Inde, 41 en Italie, 40 en Autriche, 31 au Brésil, 21 en Allemagne, 13 en Suisse, 9 en Australie, 9 en Finlande, 9 en Irlande, 9 à la Barbade, 7 en Colombie, 7 aux Pays-Bas, 5 au Kenya, 4 au Portugal et au Pérou, 3 en Belgique, en Jamaïque, au Maroc, à Singapour, et au Venezuela, 2 au Luxembourg et en Uruguay, et 1 au Botswana, en Tchéquie, Chypre, Grèce, Mexique, Malaisie, Malawi, Hong Kong, Israël, Ghana, Chine, Liechtenstein, Nouvelle Zélande et Roumanie.

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  Mucha nueva información sobre el accionariado asalariado en mayo 2007, con 1.461 artículos en esta revista de prensa (cuyos 684 sobre los stock options y 223 sobre cooperativas de trabajados accionistas). Nuestra selección propone 39 artículos destacados en 12 países : Austria, Barbados, Botswana, España, Francia, India, Italia, Kenya, Marruecos, Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos, Africa del Sur.
Austria: El accionariado asalariado es el ojo del nuevo Ministro de Hacienda Molterer.
Barbados: El People's Empowerment Party llama al desarrollo de programas de accionariado asalariado en las empresas de Barbados.
Botswana: El Gobierno anuncia la creación de un plan de accionariado asalariado en el marco de la privatización de Air Botswana.
España: AGRUPACION DE SOCIEDADES LABORALES DE EUSKADI (ASLE) festejo su 25 aniversario "Nuestras empresas no son deslocalizables » dijo Josetxu Hernández.
Francia: Nueva vuelta en los escandalos de los stock options: "¿Hay que prohibir los stock options?" Essilor quiere lleva su accionariado asalariado hasta el 10% del capital y 20% los derechos de votos para evitar las tomas de control rampante. Las nuevas tomas de empresas por los asalariados se multiplica bajo la forma de SCOP (cooperativas).
Italia: Las asociaciones de accionistas asalariados toman posiciones en las fusiones bancarias.
Marruecos: La era del accionariado asalariado se abre en Marruecos.
EE.UU.: Nuevos desarrollos para el proyecto de toma de Chrysler por los asalariados. La actitud sindical es criticada. El Comité de Toma de Chrysler (Employee Buyout Committee) piensa llevar el caso al tribunal, despues de la preferencia dada para la venta de Chrysler al fondo de inversión Cerberus Capital Management. Por otra parte, la fievre de los planes de accionariado asalariado (ESOPs) aumenta como opción popular para la retoma de empresas ; en ese contexto,una de las condiciones del exito es que los accionistas asalariados puedan decir algo. Por fín, la cadena de supermercados Publix (con el  31% para el accionariado asalariado) aparece como forma opuesta de Wal-Mart.
Africa del Sur: Los programas de accionariado asalariado cogen amplitud, corriendo parejas con el "black empowerment" (BEE).
La revista de prensa completa cuenta con
1.461 artículos, cuyos 449 en EE.UU, 272 en Francia, 112 en Argentina, 101 en Grand Bretaña, 92 en España, 74 en Africa del Sur, 66 en Canada, 52 en India, 41 en Italia, 40 en Austria, 31 en Brasill, 21 en Alemania, 13 en Suiza, 9 en Austria, 9 en Finlandia, 9 en Irlanda, 9 en Barbados, 7 en Colombia, 7 en los Países Bajos, 5 en Kenya, 4 en Portugal y en Perú, 3 en Belgica, en Jamaïca, en Marruecos, en Singapur, y en Venezuela, 2 en el Luxemburgo y en Uruguay, y 1 en Botswana, en Checía, Chipre, Grecia, Méjico, Malasia, Malawi, Hong Kong, Israel, Ghana, China, Liechtenstein, Nueva Zelandia y Rumanía.

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   39 selected articles in May 2007 about employee ownership in
Austria, Barbados, Botswana, Spain, France, India, Italy, Kenya, Morrocco, UK, USA, South Africa.

AT   882 - Mitarbeiter als Thema der Steuerreform Mitarbeiter als Thema der ...
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 14. Mai 2007
             Die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung wird als Liebkind von Finanzminister Molterer auch Thema der Steuerreform 2010 sein. Im Sommer könnten erste konkrete Entwürfe ...
BD   580 - 'Let workers buy in to company'
              The Nation Newspaper, Barbados - May 20, 2007
             THE SMALL but vocal People's Empowerment Party (PEP) wants more employee share ownership programmes established by corporate Barbados. ...
BW   1000 - Motsumi addresses Air Botswana staff
             Mmegi, Botswana - May 10, 2007
             Re-employed staff would be given an opportunity to own shares in the new airline through an Employee Share Ownership Plan. ...
ES   336 - «Nuestras empresas no se deslocalizan»
             El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) - 26 May 2007
             Josetxu Hernández tiene 54 años y su nombre está indisolublemente ligado a Asle ya las sociedades laborales. Prácticamente toda su vida profesional ha ...
ES   53 - Las 330 empresas asociadas a Asle facturaron 615 millones en 2006 ...
             Deia (Suscripción) - 31 May 2007
             "Ello ha permitido desterrar, de manera definitiva, la imagen de la sociedad laboral como una empresa vinculada a la crisis económica y la reconversión, ...
ES   59 - ASLE: sociedad laboral se ha consolidado como fórmula empresarial ...
             Invertia Venezuela - 31 May 2007
             La Asociación de Sociedades Laborales de Euskadi (ASLE), que mañana celebrará su XXV aniversario, considera que esta modalidad organizativa se ha ...
FR   976 - Essilor souhaite éviter une "prise de contrôle rampante
             Journal des Finances - 11 mai 2007
             "L'objectif est de porter, en sept ans, l'actionnariat salarié à environ 10 % du capital et 20 % des droits de vote" at-il indiqué. ...
FR   665 - Des tickets "épargne" pour les salariés
             Le Figaro - 17 mai 2007
             Quelque dix millions de Français profitent aujourd'hui des avantages de l'épargne salariale. Bien implantée dans les grandes entreprises, elle a marqué ...
FR   452 - Coopératives : une solution d’avenir pour le BTP ?
             CyberBTP.com - 23 mai 2007
             En France, il existe un peu plus de 1.700 Scop, dont près d’un tiers dans le secteur du BTP. Ce statut coopératif, qui présente plusieurs singularités, ...
FR   201 - SCOP : quand l'entreprise devient démocratique
             Actuchomage.org - 29 mai 2007
             Mise en liquidation par le fonds de pension qui l'avait rachetée, Ceralep est devenue une Société Coopérative Ouvrière de Production : désormais contrôlée ...
FR   241 - Les dirigeants d'EADS savaient-ils?
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 29 mai 2007
             85% des 800 plus hauts dirigeants du groupe exercent leurs stock-options. Le 20 mars suivant, les deux actionnaires principaux du groupe, Lagardère et ...
FR   104 - Epargne salariale : un résumé des nouvelles règles applicables
             Les Échos - 30 mai 2007
              Des précisions sur les nouvelles règles relatives à la participation, l'intéressement et l'épargne salariale ont été apportées par une circulaire du 15 mai ...
FR   44 - Faut-il interdire les stock-options ?
             Telos-eu - 31 mai 2007
             Les stock-options ont longtemps été défendues par les économistes qui y voyaient un moyen efficace pour aligner les intérêts des dirigeants et des ...
IT   1411 - Pop Milano, Pop Emilia Extend Merger Talks
             Reuters.uk, UK - May 2, 2007
             ... there were objections to the deal, which would create a bank worth about 10 billion euros ($13.64 billion), from associations of employee shareholders. ...
IT   827 - Comunicato Azione Bnl
             SoldiOnline.it - 15 mag 2007
             I dipendenti Azionisti di BNL si aspettano dall’Assemblea di BNP Paribas risposte concrete in merito all’avvio della distribuzione di azioni BNP Paribas ...
IT   390 - BPM's key employee shareholders group undecided on merger with ...
             Forbes, NY - May 24, 2007
             MILAN (Thomson Financial) - Banca Popolare di Milano's key employee shareholders group, the association Amici della Bipiemme, is still undecided on whether ...
IN   497 - Now, ESOPs for insurance co workers
             Times of India, India - May 22, 2007
             MUMBAI: Employee stock options (ESOPS) has been one of the most debated remuneration tools in recent times. Leaving the debate aside, for the first time in ...
KE   600 - Standard launches major transformation strategy
             Standard, Kenya - May 18, 2007
             Standard Group shareholders have approved an employee share ownership scheme to reward and retain talent as the company’s transformation powers on. ...
MC   795 - BMCE : Jackpot en vue pour le personnel
             Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - 15 mai 2007
             Une chose est sûre, l’institution dirigée par Othman Benjelloun ouvre la voie à l’ère de l’actionnaire-salarié. Une stock-option est une forme de ...
MC   45 - Titre BMCE : Échange de 1 milliard de DH
             Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - 31 mai 2007
             Pour rappel, lors de la première session en 2003, les employés avaient récolté trois ans après la souscription de rendements de 150% sur leur stock-options, ...
UK   326 - Foster’s staff force inquiry into trust fund
             Times Online, UK - May 26, 2007
             Six employees have complained to the Employee Share Ownership Centre, an employee rights organisation. They allege they were told little by the trust about ...
US   1330 - Employee-Owners Need A Say To Succeed
             Hartford Courant, CT - May 3, 2007
             My company is an example of the power of employee ownership. An ESOP was established in 1985 when founders Hugh and Bill Rowland of New Britain began to ...
US   1332 - The opposite of Wal-Mart
             Economist, UK - May 3, 2007
             They own 31% of the firm through an employee share-ownership plan, making Publix the largest employee-owned company in America. (The rest of Publix, ...
US   1271 - ESOP fever: Could it be spreading to Indiana?
             Indianapolis Star, IN - May 5, 2007
             The letters stand for Employee Stock Ownership Plan, an increasingly popular option to do leveraged buyouts. And if Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock has ...
US   959 - Magna good bet to buy Chrysler
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 11, 2007
             ... hired an investment banking firm to prepare a possible bid through an employee stock ownership plan that would give workers about a 70 percent stake. ...
US   962 - Chrysler workers hire bid adviser
             Reuters - May 11, 2007
             A group of Chrysler workers in Toledo, Ohio formed an "employee buyout committee" and sent a formal proposal to Chrysler last month.
US   893 - The Game of Options
             The Argus, CA - May 13, 2007
             Corey Rosen, executive director of the National Center for Employee Ownership in Oakland, which promotes stock ownership among employees, said statistically ...
US   895 - Cerberus faces tough test with unions
             DetNews.com, MI - May 13, 2007
             The group of about 25, which recently became registered as Employee Owned Co. LLC and hired private investor Morpheus Capital Advisors, has visited several ...
US   745 - Jeffrey York Named 2007 Employee Owner of the Year by The ESOP ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             He organizes and manages events during Employee Ownership Month, which is celebrated each October, and the company celebrates with several different events ...
US   748 - The Monroe Publishing Company Named 2007 ESOP Company of the Year ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             The company's ESOP Advisory Council has been active since the beginning of the ESOP and is the main liaison between the employee owners and management. ...
US   755 - Employee ownership at Cal-Tex works
             San Antonio Express, TX - May 15, 2007
             Workers at employee-owned Cal-Tex Protective Coatings Inc. will be heading to their stockholder meeting this Thursday feeling more optimistic about the ...
US   651 - Chrysler worker buyout group says Daimler, UAW ignored offer
             MarketWatch - May 17, 2007
             on Thursday accused the UAW and DaimlerChrysler of ignoring the group's offer to set up an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US   610 - Chrysler sale critics speak out
             Detroit Free Press, MI - May 18, 2007
             UAW members who wanted to take Chrysler private as an employee-owned company lashed out Thursday at their union's leadership for not aiding their efforts. ...
US   330 - By selling part of company to staff, Strem saves jobs
             The Daily News of Newburyport, MA - May 26, 2007
             Under a little-known federal program called Employee Stock Ownership Plans, Strem sold 25 percent of the company to his 50 employees. That way, he said, ...
US   17 - Chrysler workers will protest pending sale
             DetNews.com, MI – May 31, 2007
             The mainly blue-collar group of about 25 autoworkers who call themselves the Chrysler Employee Buyout Committee is also considering filing a lawsuit against ...
ZA   1254 - Zille to court partners for new-look opposition
             Business Day, South Africa - May 6, 2007
             “Through privatisation and employee ownership, we can make BEE truly broad-based,” Zille said. She urged South Africans to move beyond identity politics, ...
ZA   832 - First dividends on Da Gama shares paid out
             Dispatch Online, South Africa - May 14, 2007
             It created the first employee share ownership programme (Esop) in the South African textile industry. In response to international competition Da Gama had ...
ZA   643 - Wage talk clouds hangs over SA gold firms
             Mining MX, South Africa - May 17, 2007
             AngloGold Ashanti is hopeful its employee share ownership plan, agreed with unions last year, will give employees a new perspective. ...
ZA   533 - Woolworths to sell BEE shares to staff
             Business Report, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             The company said a maximum of 89.4 million shares would be issued at appropriate times to the Woolworths Employee Share Ownership Trust, which would hold ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

Articles are sorted by dates and countries:
Les articles sont classés par dates et par pays:

Los artículos están ordenados por fecha:

 ZA*   1 - Protector big nobs stole R50m for Glenrand
             Noseweek, South Africa - May 31, 2007
             ... Matemeku Investments with 5.8%, Hixonia Nyasulu’s Ayavuna Women’s Investments, also with 5.8%, and the Matemeku Employee Ownership Scheme with 4.9%. ...
ZA*   2 - Aluminium unbundling challenges stainless steel industry
             Engineering News (press release), South Africa - May 31, 2007
             A further 7% of Hulamin’s interests would be sold to its employees through an employee share ownership plan (Esop). Tongaat-Hulett and its subsidiaries ...
US*   3 - Fontana's Brutocao honored at small business conference
             Fontana Herald-News, CA - May 31, 2007
             ... on its core values of employee and public safety, the best quality and workmanship, client confidence in project delivery, and value for employee owners.
US*   4 - eSpeed and BGC to Coalesce
             Wall Street Activist, NY - May 31, 2007
             ... and strengthen our market position, serving the best long-term interests of eSpeed’s stockholders, both companies’ customers and BGC’s employee-owners.”
CA*   5 - Scotiabank's dealer acquisition continues to pay dividends in the ...
             Globe and Mail, Canada - May 31, 2007
             Not so long ago, the employee owners of FirstEnergy Capital donned kilts at a party to salute the 10th anniversary of their firm. Those assembled couldn't ...
US*   6 - CACI makes another local acquisition
             Washington Business Journal, DC - May 31, 2007
             CACI will pay an undisclosed sum for employee-owner Wexford, which provides management and technical consulting to government customers including the Army, ...
US*   7 - Morning Briefing
             Sun Publications Chicago, IL - May 31, 2007
             Jan Miller of RJN Group Inc. received the 2007 Illinois Employee Owner of the Year Award by a selection committee from the Illinois Chapter of the National ...
US*   8 - Chambers buys luxury-car group
             Boston Herald, MA - May 31, 2007
             Chambers is paying an undisclosed sum for employee-owned Foreign Motors West, which operates Rolls, Bentley, Land Rover, BMW and Mercedes franchises in ...
US*   9 - Killeen company plays a role in the new Iraq
             Austin American-Statesman (subscription), TX - May 31, 2007
             Proactive is a five-year-old employee-owned company that employs about 30 people and took in about $30 million in revenue last year. ...
US*   10 - Arlington’s CACI buying Wexford Group International
             TechJournal South, NC - May 31, 2007
             ARLINGTON, VA—CACI International Inc. (NYSE:CAI) says it is buying The Wexford Group International, an employee-owned consulting firm serving federal ...
US*   11 - Morning Briefing
             Sun Publications Chicago, IL - May 31, 2007
             Miller started working for the Wheaton engineering consulting firm 19 years ago, and since it became an employee-owned company in 1995, promoted education ...
US*   12 - Many factory jobs go unfilled
             Rockford Register Star, IL - May 31, 2007
             In Euclid, where factories line Interstate 90 for miles, hiring can be demanding for the employee-owned Marine Mechanical Corp., which makes electric ...
UK*   13 - Cyril Sweett to use AIM float to fund global expansion
             Building.co.uk (subscription), UK - May 31, 2007
             The consultant will hold an extraordinary general meeting this month to allow employee shareholders to vote on a proposal by senior management to join the ...
US*   14 - Vinci buys 41 pct of Entrepose Contracting; to launch bid for ...
             Forbes, NY - May 31, 2007
             ... been signed with shareholders including the Ciclad investment fund, Entrepose managers and the employee shareholding fund FCPE Entrepose Contracting. ...
US*   15 - An inventor uses grit and ingenuity to build a legacy
             Washington CEO, WA - May 31, 2007
             In 1994, the company instituted an employee stock ownership plan, and now the workers jointly hold a 46 percent stake in the company.
US*   16 - Morning Briefing
             Sun Publications Chicago, IL - May 31, 2007
             The award is given annually to one person in the state for promoting employee stock ownership plans. Miller started working for the Wheaton engineering ...
US*   17 - Chrysler workers will protest pending sale
             DetNews.com, MI – May 31, 2007
             The mainly blue-collar group of about 25 autoworkers who call themselves the Chrysler Employee Buyout Committee is also considering filing a lawsuit against ...
US*   18 - Tearing apart the LAT
             LA Observed, CA - May 31, 2007
             The urgency of our situation is heightened by the Zell/ESOP transaction. The future value of the company - and the ESOP - depends upon our cash flow results ...
US*   19 - Carver Bancorp, Inc. Announces Fiscal Year 2007 Results
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 31, 2007
             ... respectively) 25 25 Additional paid-in capital 23996 23935 Retained earnings 27436 25736 Unamortized awards of common stock under ESOP and MRP (4) (22) ...
US*   20 - Business Briefs
             Honolulu Star-Bulletin, HI - May 31, 2007
             The ESOP Association, Hawaii chapter, has elected Frieda S. Takaki as chair. She currently serves as president and CEO of CHART Rehabilitation of Hawaii ...
US*   21 - Gilead Sciences' Fair Valuation
             Barron's (subscription) - May 31, 2007
             If the group average P/E for 2007 of 27.8 times is applied to our 2007 EPS estimate and to consensus EPS (with an adjustment for employee stock-option ...
CA*   22 - Pacific & Western Credit Corp. announces results for its second ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 31, 2007
             Share capital and stock-based compensation Employee Stock Options ------------------------- Weighted- Common average shares exercise outstanding Number ...
US*   23 - AFC Reports Financial Performance for First Quarter 2007
             Earthtimes.org - May 31, 2007
             ... Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 3.1 5.7 Excess tax effects from stock-based compensation 0.9 1.2 Stock repurchases (6.8) (10.0) Other, ...
CA*   24 - Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. Issues Employee Stock Options
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 31, 2007
             TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - May 31, 2007) - The Board of Directors of Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PTU) has approved the issuance of a ...
US*   25 - Asia Buoys Demand for Europe's MBAs
             Wall Street Journal - May 31, 2007
             Ms. Purcell: We have noticed an increase in incentives -- in the use of sign-on bonuses and performance-related bonuses as well as share options. ...
CA*   26 - Algoma sale will bring big payday for Algoma 's top management
             Sault Star, Canada - May 31, 2007
             Five members have nearly 791000 share options valued at nearly $10 million by company auditors on Dec. 31, 2006, when company stock was trading at $33.26. ...
CA*   27 - Pacific & Western Credit Corp. announces results for its second ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 31, 2007
             Outstanding common share options totalled 1073078 at the end of the quarter compared to 1365700 a year ago. Our book value per common share at the end of ...
UK*   28 - Owner drivers
             Economist, UK - May 31, 2007
             Stuck in between these two extremes are corporate governance types who worry about issues like pay and share options, though from a long-term point of view. ...
ZA*   29 - ARI - African Rainbow Minerals Limited - Director's dealings in ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 31, 2007
             ... Executive Name of company African Rainbow Minerals Limited Date of transaction 29 May 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
ZA*   30 - JDG - JD Group Limited - Dealing in securities by a Director
             Finance24, South Africa - May 31, 2007
             ... 30 May 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ordinary shares Class of shares Ordinary shares Prices per share 1 091 @ R84-00; ...
ZA*   31 - Numbers game
             Noseweek, South Africa - May 31, 2007
             I would definitely question the prudence of company policy to issue share options in a year with such dismal results. First show the results and then issue ...
ZA*   32 - GND / GNDP - Grindrod Limited - Directors share dealings
             Finance24, South Africa - May 31, 2007
             Director : IAJ Clark Nature of transaction : Purchase of share options Nature of interest : Indirect beneficial Date, price amount : As scheduled below ...
FR*   33 - Le bouclier fiscal bientôt plus avantageux pour l’ISF ?
             Le Particulier – 31 mai 2007
             ... aux contribuables ayant déjà fait une déclaration en 2006, sauf s’ils possèdent certains biens exonérés, comme c’est le cas des actionnaires salariés ? ...
FR*   34 - Pour un pôle financier public
             Témoignages.re – 31 mai 2007
             Il ne faudrait pas que la critique - justifiée - des fonds de pension et de l’épargne salariale conduise à rejeter par principe toute forme d’épargne. ...
FR*   35 - Claire Le Merdy rejoint les équipes de MERCER INVESTMENT CONSULTING
             Boursorama – 31 mai 2007
             Plus récemment, elle était analyste en gestion d'actifs pour les dispositifs de retraite et d'épargne salariale chez Sanofi Aventis. ...
CA*   36 - Un défilé de mode éthique haut en couleur
             Montréal 24 heures – 31 mai 2007
             Dans le cadre de la deuxième édition du Salon national de l'environnement, la Coopérative de travail Terre Nouvelle a présenté en exclusivité un défilé de ...
CA*   37 - Neuf Phénix attribués à des artisans environnementaux des régions
             La Vie Rurale – 31 mai 2007
             ... le projet par la construction d'échohabitations et la mise en place d'activités gérées par les résidants, par l'entremise d'une coopérative de travail. ...
CA*   38 - Les Phénix de l'environnement 2007 - QUATORZE LAUREATS ONT ETE ...
             Gouv. du Québec (Communiqués de presse) – 31 mai 2007
             Salon national de l'environnement Coopérative de travail Terre Nouvelle, Montréal Le Salon national de l'environnement est un événement grand public qui ...
FR*   39 - Demain la gauche
             L'Agitateur de Bourges - 31 mai 2007
             ... de plus de quatre-vingts pour cent de nos concitoyens : ceux qui n’ont ni rentes, ni « stock options », et qui ne seront jamais assujettis à l’impôt sur ...
FR*   40 - Ouverture Paris : encore en hausse
              Le Revenu - 31 mai 2007
             ... président du conseil, ce qui constitue une exception dans les entreprises du CAC40" et qu'il a demandé à ne pas toucher de stock-options depuis 2005. ...
FR*   41 - « La prime que j'ai perçue en 2006 est la stricte application de ...
             Le Figaro - 31 mai 2007
             J'ai également souhaité ne plus toucher de stock-options depuis 2005. L'enjeu pour moi était de réussir à faire de ce groupe un numéro un mondial, ...
CH*   42 - Noël Forgeard, ancien PDG d’Airbus, refuse d’être un bouc émissaire
             Tribune de Genève - 31 mai 2007
             Lui qui avait vendu l’intégralité de ses stock-options – soit une plus value de 3,7 millions d’euros – juste avant l’annonce officielle des gros retards de ...
FR*   43 - Les «Petits Conseils» entre amis d'Alain Minc
             Libération - 31 mai 2007
             Ainsi l'épisode Vinci : président du comité des rémunérations du groupe de BTP, Minc avait accordé des centaines de millions d'euros en stock-options à son ...
FR*   44 - Faut-il interdire les stock-options ?
             Telos-eu - 31 mai 2007
             Les stock-options ont longtemps été défendues par les économistes qui y voyaient un moyen efficace pour aligner les intérêts des dirigeants et des ...
MC*   45 - Titre BMCE : Échange de 1 milliard de DH
             Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - 31 mai 2007
             Pour rappel, lors de la première session en 2003, les employés avaient récolté trois ans après la souscription de rendements de 150% sur leur stock-options, ...
FR*   46 - Noël Forgeard rend les Allemands responsables des problèmes d'Airbus
             Boursorama - 31 mai 2007
             Noël Forgeard réaffirme dans cet entretien qu'il ne savait rien des problèmes d'Airbus au moment d'exercer ses stock-options début mars 2006, ...
FR*   47 - interrogations sur une note
             nouvelobs.com - 31 mai 2007
             ... de stock-options en mars par les cadres de dirigeants du groupe, moins de trois mois avant que le groupe n'annonce de nouveaux retards de livraison. ...
FR*   48 - PRESSE: Forgeard rend Allemands responsables problèmes Airbus
             EasyBourse.com - 31 mai 2007
             Noël Forgeard a répété dans cet entretien accordé au magazine qu'il ne savait rien des problèmes d'Airbus au moment d'exercer ses stock-options début mars ...
FR*   49 - Délit d'initié EADS: débat autour d'une note d'un dirigeant de ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 31 mai 2007
              ... tout comme l'exercice de stock-options en mars par les cadres de dirigeants du groupe, moins de trois mois avant qu'EADS n'annonce de nouveaux retards ...
FR*   50 - PRESSE:Lagardère informé sur retard Airbus après cession 7,5%
             EasyBourse.com - 31 mai 2007
             ... eu lieu avant le conseil d'administration d'EADS le 7 mars 2006, au lendemain duquel les cadres dirigeants du groupe avaient exercé leurs stock-options. ...
FR*   51 - Rapport semestriel au 31 mars 2007
             Actusnews.com (Communiqués de presse) - 31 mai 2007
             Par ailleurs, LVL Médical Groupe a comptabilisé une charge de 0,4 M€ liée au plan de stock options voté en novembre 2006. Les structures de soins à domicile ...
FR*   52 - EADS : Louis Gallois se veut rassurant
             EasyBourse.com - 31 mai 2007
             L’affaire fait beaucoup parler d’elle : Noël Forgeard, ainsi que d’autres dirigeants, auraient exercé leurs stock-options à des cours avantageux, ...
ES*   53 - Las 330 empresas asociadas a Asle facturaron 615 millones en 2006 ...
             Deia (Suscripción) - 31 May 2007
             "Ello ha permitido desterrar, de manera definitiva, la imagen de la sociedad laboral como una empresa vinculada a la crisis económica y la reconversión, ...
ES*   54 - El Comité Económico pide más infraestructuras en la Comunitat para ...
             Las Provincias – 31 May 2007
             ... un 5,9% respecto a 2005, con un claro predominio de las pymes, mientras que disminuyó el número de cooperativas y creció el de sociedades laborales. ...
ES*   55 - Las sociedades laborales piden el mismo trato fiscal que tienen ...
             El Correo Digital (Álava) - 31 May 2007
              La Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Euskadi (Asle) pidió ayer a las administraciones que equiparen la fiscalidad de estas empresas con la de las ...
ES*   56 - Aparicio es premiado por las sociedades laborales por su ...
             Diario de Burgos - 31 May 2007
             En concreto, el galardón ha sido otorgado por unanimidad por la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (Asalma) y pretende reconocer el apoyo dado por ...
ES*   57 - Juan Carlos Aparicio recibe un premio de la asociación ASALMA por ...
             Radio Arlanzón - 31 May 2007
              ASALMA considera que Aparicio desarrolló una política activa para las sociedades laborales dentro de los problemas que había en aquella época. ...
ES*   58 - La economía valenciana creció un 4% en 2006
             Panorama Actual - 31 May 2007
             ... con un claro predominio de las pymes, mientras que disminuyó el número de Sociedades Cooperativas y creció el de Sociedades Laborales. ...
VZ*   59 - ASLE: sociedad laboral se ha consolidado como fórmula empresarial ...
             Invertia Venezuela - 31 May 2007
             La Asociación de Sociedades Laborales de Euskadi (ASLE), que mañana celebrará su XXV aniversario, considera que esta modalidad organizativa se ha ...
UY*   60 - Los gremios locales recibieron a Balla
             La Calle Online – 31 May 2007
             ... de la Dirección: el control del trabajo en negro, las cooperativas de trabajo y el accionar de la delegación Concepción del Uruguay, entre otros temas. ...
AR*   61 - NEUQUEN: A 2 DIAS DE LAS ELECCIONES :: Rioseco cerró con una gran ...
             Rio Negro On Line - 31 May 2007
             ... y en los que se hace referencia a la creación de un organismo municipal del agua, el fomento de la vivienda y la creación de cooperativas de trabajo.
AR*   62 - Plan de Urbanización de Villas
             Diario Buenos Aires - 31 May 2007
             Mensura, loteo y construcción de viviendas unifamiliares a través de cooperativas de trabajo. - Mejorar las condiciones ambientales: desarrollar espacios ...
ES*   63 - RSC.- INJUVE y Obra Social de Caixa Catalunya lanzan un Programa ...
             elEconomista.es - 31 May 2007
             ... Fundación Secretariado Gitano y la Unión Madrileña de Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (UMCTA)-- pretende asesorar y mejorar el acceso de los jóvenes ...
AR*   64 - Jornada de capacitación, cooperativismo y cooperativas de trabajo
             Puntonoticias - 31 May 2007
             ... Luro esquina Tres Arroyos, de 9 a 13 y participarán cooperativas de trabajo que se encuentran construyendo vivienda social en el Programa Federal de ...
AR*   65 - La Unidad Productiva Matadero y Frigorífico de la Cooperativa de ...
             enREDando.org.ar - 31 May 2007
             Luego de 3 meses de inactividad volvimos a reabrir las puertas de nuestra Unidad Productiva Matadero y Frigorífico de la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Foresta. ...
AR*   66 - La Justicia intima al gobernador Sobisch a informar el criterio ...
             Perfil.com - 31 May 2007
             La medida es consecuencia de una acción de amparo interpuesta por Convocatoria Neuquina por la Justicia y la Libertad, la Cooperativa de Trabajo (8300) y el ...
PE*   67 - Producción de minera Shougang se reduce en 40% por huelga
             Radio Programas del Perú (RPP) - 31 May 2007
             La huelga es acatada desde hace más 50 días por 300 trabajadores de la Cooperativa de Trabajo y Fomento del Empleo Santo Domingo, con la que Shougang ...
AR*   68 - Fedecoop Con Consejo Renovado
             Mi Mercedes - 31 May 2007
             Vocal Suplente 3º: Alfredo Billordo, Cooperativa de Trabajo “22 de Abril” Ltda. (Capital). Vocal Suplente 4º: Juan Acevedo, Cooperativa de Servicios ...
AR*   69 - La justicia obligó al gobierno neuquino a entregar información ...
             Diario Línea Capital - 31 May 2007
             El amparo había sido interpuesto por Convocatoria Neuquina por la Justicia y la Libertad, la Cooperativa de Trabajo (8300) y el Sindicato de Prensa de ...
AR*   70 - Fallo sobre publicidad oficial
             Momarandu.com – 31 May 2007
             ... la Asociación de los Derechos Civiles (ADC) y la Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Prensa 8.300, solicitaron oportunamente al gobierno de Jorge Sobisch que ...
ES*   71 - La SEC inicia la purga por las 'stock options'
             Cinco Días – 31 May 2007
             En el caso concreto de estas stock options las respuestas a estas preguntas no están del todo claras en todas las situaciones. En la de Brocade, ...
ES*   72 - Economía/Empresas.- Ex directivo de EADS Noel Forgeard niega que ...
             Finanzas.com – 31 May 2007
             ... que hizo "como el 75% de los directivos" del consorcio europeo, a saber, vender sus 'stock-options' "entre finales de 2005 y la primavera de 2006". ...
ES*   73 - Los sueldos de los directores generales españoles, los octavos ...
             elEconomista.es - 31 May 2007
             La razón, algo materialista, tenía su lógica y se conoció pasados unos años: buena parte de su sueldo se diseñaba con forma de stock options y dependía de ...
IT*   74 - Un sistema capitalistico simmetrico
             Terza Repubblica – 31 mag 2007
             Sono sicuro che Cuccia, da quell’aldilà in cui non si è portato stock options milionarie, fa voti perchè le sue creature trovino finalmente pace e ...
BR*   75 - Lei dos camelôs é suspensa pela Justiça da Paraíba
             Consultor Jurídico – 31 Mai 2007
              ... da lei, que determina ao Poder Executivo solicitar a proposta de localização do comércio informal à cooperativa de trabalhadores e outras entidades.
US*   76 - Cantor Fitzgerald Merges Brokers in $1.3 Billion Deal (Update4)
             Bloomberg - May 30, 2007
             Bringing ESpeed and BGC together ``offers the clearest and fastest path to value creation for both ESpeed shareholders and the employee owners of BGC,'' ...
UK*   77 - Bank retains role after Cantor U-turn
             Financial News Online US, UK - May 30, 2007
             ... described the move as “serving the best long-term interests of eSpeed’s stockholders, both companies’ customers and BGC’s employee-owners”. ...
US*   78 - Clinton police dogs fare well in trials
             Oak Ridger, TN - May 30, 2007
             Be a Part of Our Success EOD Technology, Inc. is a growing employee- owned company specializing in munitions response,... Full Time Environmental Service ...
US*   79 - Manufacturing demand
             St. Petersburg Times, FL - May 30, 2007
             In nearby Euclid, where factories line Interstate 90 for miles, hiring can be demanding for the employee-owned Marine Mechanical Corp., which makes electric ...
US*   80 - Allen Agency supports Relay For Life
             VillageSoup Belfast, ME - May 30, 2007
             Serving Midcoast Maine since 1866, the Allen Agency is an employee-owned insurance, employee benefits, and financial services company with offices in Camden ...
US*   81 - Round Table Pizza Raises the Stakes on Quality With the New ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 30, 2007
             Round Table Pizza, Inc. is a private, 100% employee-owned company with corporate offices based in Concord, California.
US*   82 - CACI to Buy Consulting Firm Wexford
             Forbes, NY - May 30, 2007
             Military technology contractor CACI International Inc. said Wednesday it agreed to buy Wexford Group International, an employee-owned government consulting ...
US*   83 - Caci Signs Definitive Deal To Acquire Stock Of Wexford Group ...
             Trading Markets, CA - May 30, 2007
             Wexford is an employee-owned consulting firm serving federal government clients in both domestic and international locations. Terms of the transaction were ...
US*   84 - Martek Biosciences Appoints Tim Fealey As SVP And Chief Innovation ...
             RTT News, NY - May 30, 2007
             Wexford is an employee-owned consulting firm serving federal government clients in both domestic and international locations. Terms of the transaction were ...
US*   85 - CACI Announces Intent to Acquire Wexford Group International
             Earthtimes.org - May 30, 2007
             Wexford is an employee-owned consulting firm serving federal government clients in both domestic and international locations. Terms of the transaction were ...
US*   86 - Story Achieves Safety Milestone
             Associated Construction Publications, GA - May 30, 2007
             Established in 1934, Story is a Merit Shop general contractor, construction manager and design-build company. The corporation is employee-owned with 28 key ...
US*   87 - Dr. Peter J. Mason Joins MWH
             Earthtimes.org - May 30, 2007
             Headquartered in Broomfield, Colo., MWH is a private, employee-owned firm with approximately 6000 employees worldwide. The company provides water, ...
US*   88 - CH2M HILL Announces Expansion of IT Help Desk Capabilities
             Earthtimes.org - May 30, 2007
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US*   89 - CH2M HILL Announces Expansion of IT Help Desk Capabilities
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 30, 2007
             About CH2M HILL Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and ...
US*   90 - An exclusive on Ky. beef
             Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - May 30, 2007
             Employee-owned Remke Markets plans to cut out the middleman by selling an assortment of aged Angus beef from central Kentucky farms directly to consumers. ...
US*   91 - Milan shares close flat; losers led by Alitalia, BPM - UPDATE
             Forbes, NY - May 30, 2007
             One broker said he dimissed worries about BPM employee shareholder opposition to the merger, saying the consolidation urge in the bank sector is too much of ...
US*   92 - Longtime banker retiring next month
             KC Community News, KS - May 30, 2007
             Gibson was among the founders of an employee stock ownership plan that bought Miami County National Bank from WC “Dub” Hartley in 1986 in a leveraged buyout ...
CA*   93 - Northern owner says he's close to reopening
             Sault Star, Canada - May 30, 2007
             Northern Breweries was formed in 1979 as a result of an employee buyout when Carling O’Keefe decided to sell its Northern operations.
JM*   94 - DB&G to pay out 38% net profit to shareholders
             Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - May 30, 2007
             Since the ESOP was established, five allotments of shares were made between 2002 and 2006, resulting in the issuing of 46.9 million shares, which make up ...
US*   95 - Companies mum on why they change auditors
             Daily Report, GA - May 30, 2007
             ... after the auditor had directed the company to disclose things about its employee stock-option plan that the company would rather have kept cloaked. ...
US*   96 - SEC Settles With Brocade Over Options Backdating, People Say
             Bloomberg - May 30, 2007
             ... biggest home-improvement retailer, to determine if grant dates on employee stock options were falsified to inflate their value at shareholders' expense. ...
US*   97 - Mobius to Demonstrate World-Class Insurance Solutions at IASA ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 30, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
UK*   98 - Germany: Lower Saxony lifts stake in Volkswagen to 20.36%
             Automotive World (subscription), UK - May 30, 2007
             Reuters notes Volkswagen employee share option plans had threatened to pull the state's stake below the 20% level that has until now guaranteed that it gets ...
AU*   99 - Red River to raise $6.9m for exploration
             WA Business News (subscription), Australia - May 30, 2007
             In the absence of any share options being exercised before the record date, it is estimated that a further 22861752 shares and 22861752 share options will ...
US*   100 - Shares Slide At Volkswagen
             Forbes, NY - May 30, 2007
             Volkswagen’s plans to issue share options to employees in July would have reduced the state’s holding to below this level. "Without buying the shares, ...
US*   101 - South Africa: Win the Best Staff With a Happy Hello
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - May 30, 2007
             The bonuses are often used to reimburse candidates who are sacrificing the annual bonus and share options they would receive if they remained with their ...
US*   102 - South Africa: There's More to Working Life Than Money
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - May 30, 2007
             Share options designed to lock people in often attract the wrong type who stay for the wrong reasons. "What keeps people and attracts them is who you are as ...
FR*   103 - Tirs croisés sur l'argent des PDG
             LExpansion.com - 30 mai 2007
             ... est emblématique de ces entrepreneurs à des années-lumière des managers-salariés-actionnaires qui mélangent les genres et gagnent à tous les coups. ...
FR*   104 - Epargne salariale : un résumé des nouvelles règles applicables
             Les Échos - 30 mai 2007
             Des précisions sur les nouvelles règles relatives à la participation, l'intéressement et l'épargne salariale ont été apportées par une circulaire du 15 mai ...
FR*   105 - Forgeard critique les Allemands et ne rendra pas ses indemnités
             Le Point - 30 mai 2007
             Dans une interview publiée jeudi dans l'hebdomadaire Le Point, il assure aussi avoir exercé ses stock-options (avec à la clé une plus-value avant impôts de ...
FR*   106 - EADS: Forgeard ne rendra pas ses indemnités
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 30 mai 2007
             Il s'y défend également de tout délit d'initié, affirmant avoir exercé ses stock-options entre les 9 et 17 mars "conformément aux bonnes pratiques de ...
FR*   107 - Peut-on interdire les "parachutes dorés" ?
             TF1 - 30 mai 2007
             Al'image d'Henri de Castries, le président d'Axa, qui a renoncé à ses stock-options au titre de l'année 2007, parce qu'il estimait en avoir suffisamment ...
FR*   108 - Turbulences autour d’EADS
             Radio France - 30 mai 2007
             Soupçonné de délit d'initié pour avoir exercé son droit aux stock-options le 7 mars 2006, trois mois avant l'annonce publique de nouveaux retards sur l'A380 ...
FR*   109 - Echos des entreprises: CAF, Renault, Banque de France, EDF...
             Lutte Ouvrière - 30 mai 2007
             Selon le principe des stock-options, il les a achetées 40,82 euros, sans débourser un centime, alors qu'elles valaient ce jour-là 87,55 euros. ...
FR*   110 - EADS: Forgeard nie le délit d'initié
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 30 mai 2007
             Noël Forgeard est soupçonné de délit d'initié pour avoir exercé ses stock-options le 7 mars, soit trois mois avant l'annonce publique de nouveaux retards ...
FR*   111 - EADS : Forgeard réfute les accusations de délit d’initié
             Le Figaro - 30 mai 2007
             Noël Forgeard est soupçonné de délit d'initié pour avoir exercé ses stock-options le 7 mars, soit trois mois avant l'annonce publique de nouveaux retards ...
FR*   112 - Tirs croisés sur l'argent des PDG
             LExpansion.com - 30 mai 2007
             Salaires fous, parachutes dorés, stock-options de milliardaires : tout le monde s'accorde à vouloir mettre un terme à ces excès patronaux. ...
FR*   113 - La fiscalité des revenus de placements : vos questions et les ...
             Les Échos - 30 mai 2007
             Nous comprenons qu'ils s'agit d'un plan de stock options qualifié d'un point de vue légal français. Néanmoins, en l'absence de documentation quant à votre ...
FR*   114 - Stock-options: magot d'un milliard d'euros pour les PDG du CAC 40 ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 30 mai 2007
             La répartition des stock-options est très inégalitaire selon les entreprises: 39,8% des salariés d'Alcatel-Lucent en bénéficient, contre 0,1% chez Peugeot ...
FR*   115 - Le Cac 40 se reprend en fin de séance, Michelin entouré
             Boursorama - 30 mai 2007
             ... le groupe confirme viser un chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de 800 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante avant stock-options d'au moins 8% ...
FR*   116 - Arnaud Lagardère au centre du scandale Airbus
             Monde Diplomatique - 30 mai 2007
             ... dont EADS est la maison-mère, M. Lagardère et plusieurs autres dirigeants du groupe ont exercé leurs options d’achat de titres (stock options). ...
FR*   117 - Noël Forgeard nie avoir
             nouvelobs.com - 30 mai 2007
             L'ex-coprésident, qui a vendu ses actions issues de stock-options trois mois avant l'annonce des retards de l'A380, défend également son bilan à la tête ...
FR*   118 - Des premiers retards à l'audition, deux ans de rebondissements
             Le Monde - 30 mai 2007
             Le coprésident d'EADS, Noël Forgeard, notamment, obtient l'autorisation de vendre ses stock-options. 8 mars : EADS annonce un bénéfice net record de 1,68 ...
FR*   119 - EADS : M. Lagardère conteste tout délit d'initié
             Le Monde - 30 mai 2007
             Il a déjà entendu une dizaine de dirigeants du groupe ayant exercé leurs stock-options entre le 9 et le 17 mars 2006, une fenêtre de tir fixée par la ...
FR*   120 - GDF se distingue dans un marché en berne
             Boursorama - 30 mai 2007
             ... le groupe confirme viser un chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de 800 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante avant stock-options d'au moins 8% ...
FR*   121 - UBI SOFT ENTERTAINMENT : 2007-2008 s'annonce comme un excellent ...
             Boursorama - 30 mai 2007
             Ainsi, Ubisoft table sur un chiffre d'affaire annuel proche de 800 millions d'euros et sur une marge opérationnelle courante avant stock options d'au moins ...
FR*   122 - Le Cac 40 en proie aux craintes concernant la Chine
             Boursorama - 30 mai 2007
             ... le groupe confirme viser un chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de 800 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante avant stock-options d'au moins 8% ...
FR*   123 - Revue de presse Economie
             RFI - 30 mai 2007
             Le journal affirme par ailleurs que l’ancien co-président d’EADS Noël Forgeard «avait prévu dès novembre 2005 de vendre ses stock-options après le conseil ...
FR*   124 - Départ surprise du patron de VeriSign
             Silicon.fr - 30 mai 2007
             Le problème est peut-être à chercher, encore une fois, du côté de la gestion des stock-options distribuées aux dirigeants. Comme beaucoup d'entreprises ...
FR*   125 - EADS: Arnaud Lagardère a été interrogé sur des délits d'initié
             Les Infos - 30 mai 2007
             Rappelons que certains dirigeants du groupe européen, maison mère d'Airbus, ont revendu un grand nombre de leurs actions ou stock-options avant que le cours ...
FR*   126 - 30/05/2007 : ABN AMRO, Société Générale, Casino, Leader Price, EADS...
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 30 mai 2007
             L’enquête de l'Autorité des marchés financiers porte sur des ventes d’actions provenant de plans de stock-options qui ont été réalisées entre mars et avril ...
FR*   127 - Le Cac 40 accentue ses pertes en milieu de matinée
             Boursorama - 30 mai 2007
              ... le groupe confirme viser un chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de 800 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante avant stock-options d'au moins 8% ...
FR*   128 - “Une nouvelle éthique du capitalisme est nécessaire”
             Metro France - 30 mai 2007
             Il faudrait également empêcher un dirigeant d’acheter ou de vendre des stock-options pendant l’exercice de son mandat. Enfin, l’Etat ne devrait plus être à ...
FR*   129 - Le doute plane sur EADS
             Metro France - 30 mai 2007
             C’est à partir de ce jour que ses dirigeants ont commencé à vendre leurs stock-options pour réaliser d’énormes bénéfices. Cette nouvelle information a été ...
FR*   130 - EADS : Le secret des dirigeants
             Francebourse.com - 30 mai 2007
             Ils ont alors décidé, en mars 2006, de vendre leurs stock-options. Une révélation du quotidien La Tribune dans son édition du jour. ...
ES*   131 - JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA: Los programas de fomento empresarial de ...
             noticias.info (Comunicados de prensa) - 30 May 2007
             La Fundación, que tradicionalmente ha estado centrada en el fomento de cooperativas y sociedades laborales, amplió en 2005 sus objetivos a todo el ámbito de ...
AR*   132 - Campo Ramon tendra un centro comunitario
              Misiones OnLine - 30 May 2007
             ... se comienza a construir el Centro Integrador comunitario en Campo Ramón a través de 3 cooperativas de trabajo conformada por productores locales. ...
AR*   133 - Piden extender expropiación de Cooperativa
             Nova - 30 May 2007
             “Miles de trabajadores han recuperado su derecho constitucional al trabajo, organizándose como cooperativas de trabajo”, manifestó Gurzi. ...
AR*   134 - Alzarría y su partido visitaron Bernardo de Irigoyen
             Misiones OnLine - 30 May 2007
             Destacó que es importante elaborar proyectos comunitarios e instrumentar cooperativas de trabajo con proyección de participación de toda la comunidad, ...
AR*   135 - El Consejo Pesquero de Madryn analiza futura ley unificada
             Diario de Madryn - 30 May 2007
             ... capitán Martín Olmo expresó que “Chubut tiene un claro manejo pesquero, y no existe el uso de cooperativas de trabajo (como sucede en Mar del Plata); ...
AR*   136 - Medidas conjuntas del Programa Emergencia Habitacional
             Diario C - 30 May 2007
             la ejecución de obras a través de Cooperativas de Trabajo que se conforman con 16 miembros c/u (12 Jefes y Jefas de Hogar y 4 Desocupados) quienes se ...
AR*   137 - Avanza la pavimentación con hormigón en avenidas en Olavarría
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 30 May 2007
             Por su parte, la cooperativa de Trabajo Obras Olavarría se encuentra hormigonando desde la avenida Alberdi, avanzando a paso lento producto de las ...
AR*   138 - La Cooperativa Posadas tiene la habilitación municipal
             Corrientes Online - 30 May 2007
             La Cooperativa de Trabajo y Consumo “Posadas”, dedicada al rubro de transporte, recibió ayer la resolución municipal que la habilita formalmente para ...
ES*   139 - Hesperia mantiene la tensión sobre NH y descarta lanzar una opa
             Cinco Días - 30 May 2007
             El texto dice que 'NH no ha explicado con claridad a quién benefician las stock options, ni por qué se referencian al valor de cotización exclusivamente y ...
ES*   140 - Opa por NH no está en agenda de Hesperia sino el devolver valor al ...
             elEconomista.es - 30 May 2007
             ... con el nuevo sistema de retribución de "stock options", vinculadas al valor de la cotización y no a la cifra de resultados de la compañía. ...
ES*   141 - Economía/Empresas.- Hesperia acusa al máximo ejecutivo de NH de ...
             Finanzas.com - 30 May 2007
             Asimismo, el grupo de Javier Illa asevera que NH "no ha explicado con claridad a quién benefician las 'stock options', ni por qué se referencian dichas ...
ES*   142 - Hesperia critica falta dividendos en NH y generosa retribución de ...
             elEconomista.es - 30 May 2007
             Según Hesperia, "NH no ha explicado con claridad a quién beneficien las 'stock options', ni por qué se referencian dichas opciones al valor de cotización ...
AR*   143 - IBM se endeuda en u$s11.500 M. recomprar acciones
             infoBAE profesional - 30 May 2007
             Este tipo de acciones hace que el valor de las acciones de la empresa suban en el mercado, y permite a IBM más acciones para distribuir en stock options. ...
AT*   144 - HV im Zeichen der Expansion nach Südosteuropa
             derStandard.at - 30. Mai 2007
             Gemäß der Anträge schließt die TA eine Bedienung von Stock Options ebenso wenig aus wie die Bedienung von Wandelschuldverschreibungen, die Verwendung zum ...
IT*   145 - Eads: Ceo Lagardere respinge accuse insider trading(stampa)
             Borsa Italiana - 30 mag 2007
             L'Amf ha gia interrogato circa 10 manager di Eads per gli incassi delle stock options effettuati tra il 9 e il 17 marzo 2006. Secondo il Le Monde, ...
BR*   146 - Volante do Timão doa cestas básicas e já pode jogar
             Futebolinterior - 30 Mai 2007
              A Instituição Cooperativa de Trabalho de Esportistas Práticos, assim como a maioria das instituições beneficentes, sobrevivem de doações. ...
BR*   147 - Básilio recebe doações de Carlos Alberto
             Timão Web - 30 Mai 2007
             A fundação escolhida foi a do ídolo corintiano, Basílio, que se chama "Cooperativa de Trabalho de Esportistas Práticos". ...
BR*   148 - Conselho da Cidade: eleição
             Gazeta de Piracicaba - 30 Mai 2007
             ... um do sindicato de trabalhadores urbanos, um do sindicato ou cooperativa de trabalhadores rurais e um do Conselho Coordenador das Entidades Civis; ...
BR*   149 - TJ-PB defere liminar à PMJP e suspende "Lei dos Camelôes"
             Jornal O Norte - 30 Mai 2007
             ... que impõe que o Poder Executivo solicite da cooperativa de trabalhadores informais e de outras entidades a proposta de localização do comércio informal.
US*   150 - SAIC founder isn't done yet
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - May 29, 2007
             Beyster's approach to employee ownership offered long-term benefits. As moderator Scott Horsley observed, an investment of $100 in SAIC shares when the ...
ZA*   151 - BIL - BHP Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors or ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 29, 2007
             ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
US*   152 - eSpeed and BGC to Combine
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 29, 2007
             ... and strengthen our market position, serving the best long-term interests of eSpeed’s stockholders, both companies’ customers and BGC’s employee-owners.” ...
US*   153 - Profile of Webb Nursery owner Steve Mills
             Sun Valley Online.com (press release), ID - May 29, 2007
             Steve Mills is one of 137 employee owners of Webb Nursery and acts as Chief Financial Officer. Steve says his life won't be complete until he "Wins another ...
US*   154 - ORAU and NEES pen agreement for earthquake engineering collaboration
             Oak Ridger, TN - May 29, 2007
             Be a Part of Our Success EOD Technology, Inc. is a growing employee- owned company specializing in munitions response,... APAC-Atlantic, Inc. Harrison ...
US*   155 - Financial managers build clientele on firm planning
             commercialappeal.com (subscription), TN - May 29, 2007
             Its 11 certified financial planners, portfolio managers and client service people turn out sophisticated plans and the employee-owned business manages $550 ...
US*   156 - UK small caps close up at session highs; Litcomp soars 36 pct on ...
             Forbes, NY - May 29, 2007
             Finally, the employee-owned retailer, John Lewis of Hungerford was down 0.30 at 2.65, after interim results showed an improving sales performance but still ...
US*   157 - PBS&J Releases New Flood Map Desktop™
             Amerisurv (press release), MD - May 29, 2007
             PBS&J (www.pbsj.com) is an employee-owned firm that provides infrastructure planning, engineering, environmental, construction management, architecture, ...
US*   158 - Getting differently abled all together
             Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - May 29, 2007
             Ann Meyer, AbleNet's director of research and development, said the 100 percent employee-owned company was built to meet disabled students' special needs. ...
US*   159 - SAIC founder isn't done yet
             San Diego Union Tribune, CA - May 29, 2007
             ... as Beyster and co-author Peter Economy signed copies of their book, “The SAIC Solution: How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned Technology Company.” ...
GR*   160 - UK small caps make early gains; with Formation Group firmer on M&A ...
             Euro2day, Greece - May 29, 2007
             Finally, the employee-owned retailer, John Lewis of Hungerford were down 0.30 at 2.65, after interim results showed an improving sales performance but still ...
UK*   161 - UK smallcap opening - John Lewis of Hungerford slides on H1 results
             Hemscott, UK - May 29, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - The employee-owned retailer, John Lewis of Hungerford were lower in early deals, down 0.2 pence at 2.75, after interim results ...
US*   162 - Milan shares close lower, led by banks - UPDATE
             Forbes, NY - May 29, 2007
             One broker compared the risk of BPM employee shareholders not backing the deal to similar mergers situations at other co-operative banks, where eventually ...
UK*   163 - Cyril Sweett to float on AIM
             Building.co.uk (subscription), UK - May 29, 2007
             The consultant will hold an EGM next month to allow its employee shareholders to vote on the issue. If the vote is carried, the company intends to list on ...
UK*   164 - NewAge Industries Announces Stock Availability of Three Styles of ...
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - May 29, 2007
             In 2006, NewAge Industries initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. ...
US*   165 - CSG Capital Partners Seeks Investment Opportunities in Moderate ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 29, 2007
             CSG Capital Partners frequently utilizes the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) structure to enhance its investments and cash flow characteristics and ...
US*   166 - Cooperating for Community Prosperity SNHU Hosts Cooperative ...
             Southern New Hampshire University, NH - May 29, 2007
             Experts in the development of group-based businesses, including employee stock-ownership plans, will discuss with the local business community both the ...
US*   167 - CSG Capital Partners Seeks Investment Opportunities in Moderate ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 29, 2007
             CSG Capital Partners frequently utilizes the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) structure to enhance its investments and cash flow characteristics and ...
US*   168 - ABRC-ESOP Marks 15th Anniversary in Business Implementing Employee ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 29, 2007
             Headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz., ABRC is the only company in the US focused 100% on S-Corp Employee Stock Ownership Plans. ...
DE*   169 - i1connect News Calls Imperato on Chrysler Based on London ...
             openPR (press release), Germany - May 29, 2007
             Imperato concluded the interview by stating, "I have committed to work with the employee buyout group and am awaiting a formal response from them. ...
             Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - May 29, 2007
             ... to administration, records management and employee counseling as it relates to 401K, FSA programs, health plans, ESOP and life/disability programs. ...
IN*   171 - Stock appreciation rights soften Esop blow
             Financial Express, India - May 29, 2007
             Popular abroad, the SAR option gives companies leeway to structure their Esop in a manner so that the tax liability is transferred to the employee from the ...
IN*   172 - Companies shy away from bonus shares
             Business Standard, India - May 29, 2007
             The trend of mid-cap companies rewarding bonus shares to their shareholders has hit the downward curve. In the first five months of the current year, ...
US*   173 - Market memo: May 29, 2007
             The Capital Times, WI - May 29, 2007
             Pamela Klute, vice president of human resources at Sun Prairie-based Trachte Building Systems, has been named 2007 Chapter Officer of the Year by the ESOP ...
GH*   174 - Year-To-Date Return On DSI Approaches 5 Per Cent
             Daily Graphic, Ghana - May 29, 2007
             These shares represent ESOP subscription of 1284449, which has been doubled as a result of the ETI share spilt of 1:1. The company also announced that Mr ...
US*   175 - CSG Capital Partners Seeks Investment Opportunities in Moderate ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 29, 2007
             Brand New Investment Fund Employs an Investment Strategy Utilizing the ESOP Structure NEW YORK, May 29 /PRNewswire/ -- CSG Capital Partners announces the ...
US*   176 - Xinhua Finance Media Board Authorizes $50 Million Share Buy Back
             Earthtimes.org - May 29, 2007
             The fact is that the entire ESOP allocation including my grant was approved by both of XFMedia's shareholders at that time--its parent, Xinhua Finance ...
IN*   177 - Bajaj Electricals Board recommends 1:1 bonus issue
             Equity Bulls, India - May 29, 2007
             Approved to issue 4,32144 equity shares of Rs 10/- each under ESOP, subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the ...
IN*   178 - Bajaj Electricals recommend bonus shares
             Myiris.com, India - May 29, 2007
             The board also approved to issue 4,32144 equity shares of Rs 10 each under ESOP. which seeks approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General ...
US*   179 - ABRC-ESOP Marks 15th Anniversary in Business Implementing Employee ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 29, 2007
             American Business Resource Corporation, a national ESOP consulting firm, celebrates 15 successful years of business this month. ...
US*   180 - Insider trading information is free, if you have the time
             USA Today - May 29, 2007
             Q: My sister's retirement has essentially vanished because it was tied to employee stock options at Lucent. How would she find out if any of the company's ...
US*   181 - WFI Announces Agreement to Sell US Wireless Engineering Business ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 29, 2007
             On March 12, 2007, WFI announced that it was conducting an internal review of its past practices for granting and pricing employee stock options. ...
US*   182 - How Steve Jobs Lost Over $4 Billion
             Seeking Alpha, NY - May 29, 2007
             However on 3/19/03 Steve Jobs relinquished 27500000 employee stock options (ESOs) on Apple in exchange for 5000000 shares of restricted stock valued at the ...
US*   183 - Outlook Engages Bio-fuels Business Development Manager
             WM Experts (press release), FL - May 29, 2007
             Outlook's Board of Directors has approved the issuance of 300000 Employee Stock Options @ $0.10 for 5 years to Mr Tyagi as part of his overall compensation ...
NL*   184 - Rogers board approves rise in annual dividend
             Telecom Paper (subscription), Netherlands - May 29, 2007
             The board has also approved the introduction of a cash settlement feature for employee stock options which is a tax efficient use of cash that will mitigate ...
US*   185 - Rogers Comm (RG) Raises Annual Dividend to C$0.50/Sh
             StreetInsider.com (subscription), MI - May 29, 2007
             Rogers also announced that its Board of Directors has approved the introduction of a cash settlement feature for employee stock options which is a tax ...
CA*   186 - Rogers slams auction foes
             Toronto Star, Canada - May 29, 2007
             Rogers' board also approved the introduction of a cash settlement feature for employee stock options that offsets the dilution effects that occur when ...
ZA*   187 - INL/INP - Investec - Recommended Share Offer For The Acquisition ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 29, 2007
             ... Kensington Share Schemes means the Kensington Inland Revenue Approved Executive Share Options Scheme 2000, the Kensington (Unapproved) Executive Share ...
CA*   188 - Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. Announces First Quarter 2007 ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 29, 2007
             Outstanding shares as of March 31, 2007 totaled 68072364 common shares, 6240000 class B shares, 5535556 common share options and 7000000 warrants. ...
CA*   189 - EcoMax Rescinds Option Cancellation
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 29, 2007
             ... announces that it has rescinded the previously announced cancellation of 1.1 million share options which were granted to directors in June 2006. ...
US*   190 - Glencar finds further drilling success at Kabaya South, Mali
             Forbes, NY - May 29, 2007
             The company earlier reported a wider pretax loss for the year, hit by an imputed cost relating to the issue of share options to directors and staff, ...
ZA*   191 - DTC - Datatec Limited - Further issue of shares
             Finance24, South Africa - May 29, 2007
             ... following information is disclosed: Datatec Limited announces the allotment of 88 552 ordinary ZAR0.01 shares following the exercise of share options. ...
ZA*   192 - PWK - Pick `n Pay Holdings Ltd - Director dealings in shares
             Finance24, South Africa - May 29, 2007
             ... pursuant to exercise of share options Nature of interest : Direct beneficial Approval : Approval obtained from executive director Sponsor: Investec Bank ...
IE*   193 - Glencar Mining reports 2006 loss but Mali gold project prospects ...
             FinFacts Ireland, Ireland - May 29, 2007
             This loss includes, for the first time, under new accounting rules, an imputed cost to the company of the issue of share options to Directors and staff. ...
ZA*   194 - AFT - Afrimat Limited - Reviewed condensed consolidated financial ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 29, 2007
             ... Decommissioning and quarry rehabilitation assets raised Restated balance at 1 March 2 000 - 2005 Changes Share options granted - Transfers - statutory ...
ZA*   195 - ERM - Enterprise Risk Management - Consolidated audited results; and
             Finance24, South Africa - May 29, 2007
             Stated Capital During the period under review, two former directors exercised their share options, resulting in the Company issuing 1,8 million shares, ...
US*   196 - Lower Saxony State Buys More VW Shares
             Houston Chronicle, TX - May 29, 2007
             Lower Saxony made its move ahead of a planned Volkswagen issue of share options to employees in July, which would raise the number of shares, thus reducing ...
IE*   197 - Glencar sees €1m loss
             Irish Examiner, Ireland - May 29, 2007
             Today's announced loss includes for the first time, under new accounting rules, an imputed cost to the company of the issue of share options to directors ...
AT*   198 - Germany's Lower Saxony state buys more VW shares to protect ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 29, 2007
             Lower Saxony made its move ahead of a planned Volkswagen issue of share options to employees in July, which would raise the number of shares, thus reducing ...
IE*   199 - Options costs widen Glencar loss
             RTE.ie, Ireland - May 29, 2007
             The loss includes, for the first time, an imputed cost to the company of the issue of share options to directors and staff. ...
US*   200 - Glencar FY loss widens; says has funds to start 2 drilling ...
             Forbes, NY - May 29, 2007
             ... widened to 1.45 mln usd from 731020 usd, hit by an imputed cost relating to the issue of share options to directors and staff and an exceptional cost. ...
FR*   201 - SCOP : quand l'entreprise devient démocratique
             Actuchomage.org - 29 mai 2007
             Mise en liquidation par le fonds de pension qui l'avait rachetée, Ceralep est devenue une Société Coopérative Ouvrière de Production : désormais contrôlée ...
CA*   202 - Et si le «monde ordinaire» avait raison?
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 29 mai 2007
             Des initiatives en ont résulté, qu'il s'agisse des coopératives de travail et de crédit, d'un code du travail, d'une loi contre la pauvreté ou sur l'équité ...
FR*   203 - MORNING MEETING AOF FRANCE/EUROPE - Une baisse venue d'Extrême Orient
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s'est établi à 38,3 millions d'euros, soit 5,6% du chiffre d'affaires contre 3,1 millions, ...
             Investir.fr - 29 mai 2007
             ... chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de 800 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante avant stock-options d'au moins 8%, contre 5,6% l'an dernier. ...
FR*   205 - Ubisoft :nouvelle hausse attendue après résultat net (+240%)
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant est multiplié par 12, à 38,3 millions d'euros avant stock options. Le chiffre d'affaires annuel s'est établi à 680,3 ...
FR*   206 - Arnaud Lagardère ou le soupçon de l'inconsistance
             Libération - 29 mai 2007
             Noël Forgeard est parti avec ses stock-options et ses indemnités. Et demain, ce sera le tour de Jean-Paul Gut, son ami et actuel numéro 2 d'EADS. ...
FR*   207 - EADS – Les cadres d’Airbus ont-ils déjà volé ?
             Le Petit Journal - 29 mai 2007
             ... par l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), dans le cadre d’une enquête sur l'exercice de stock-options et de possibles délits d'initié. ...
FR*   208 - IBM rachète 8% de ses actions pour 12,5 milliards USD, relève ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 29 mai 2007
             ... accroissent mécaniquement leur bénéfice par action et peuvent disposer de davantage d'actions à redistribuer dans leurs programmes de stock-options.
FR*   209 - EADS : les dirigeants de nouveau dans la tourmente
             Le Blog Finance - 29 mai 2007
             L’enquête vise d’une part l’exercice de stock-options et les plus-values immédiatement engrangées par les principaux cadres dirigeants du groupe dont ...
FR*   210 - Wall Street termine dans le vert
              Journal des Finances - 29 mai 2007
             La SEC, le gendarme de la Bourse américaine mène aussi une enquête sur des pratiques de stock-options antidatées, révélées au sein du groupe auparavant. ...
FR*   211 - Airbus: Lagardère entendu pendant neuf heures sur d'éventuels ...
             Libération - 29 mai 2007
             Selon la Tribune, des dirigeants d'EADS ont vendu des stock-options juste après avoir été informés des retards du programme A380. ...
FR*   212 - Ubisoft annonce ses résultats pour l'exercice 2006-07
             Euronext (persbericht) - 29 mai 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s'établit à 38,3 ME (5,6% du chiffre d'affaires), en nette amélioration par rapport aux 3,1 ME (0,6% du ...
CH*   213 - Délits d'initiés EADS: les dirigeants de nouveau sur la sellette
             Tribune de Genève - 29 mai 2007
             Ce conseil a ouvert une période réglementaire de trois semaines pendant laquelle les cadres dirigeants ont pu exercer leurs stock-options et revendre les ...
FR*   214 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             ... dans la production du gros porteur A380 de sa filiale Airbus début mars 2006, soit avant la levée de leurs stock options par plusieurs cadres du groupe. ...
FR*   215 - Ubisoft annonce des résultats records
             La Tribune.fr - 29 mai 2007
             ... un chiffre d'affaires annuel d'environ 800 millions d'euros et un résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options à au moins 8% du chiffre d'affaires.
FR*   216 - Les valeurs suivies à la clôture de la Bourse de Paris
             Capital.fr - 29 mai 2007
             ... dans la production du gros porteur A380 de sa filiale Airbus début mars 2006, soit avant la levée de leurs stock options par plusieurs cadres du groupe. ...
FR*   217 - Ubisoft:RN 06-07 plus que triplé, dopé par gains financiers-3
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mai 2007
             ... soit un chiffre d'affaires de 800 millions d'euros et une marge opérationnelle courante avant coût des stock options d'au moins 8%.
FR*   218 - Délit d'initiés : les dirigeants d'Airbus à nouveau sous ...
             L'Express - 29 mai 2007
             Selon La Tribune, les dirigeants ont commencé de vendre leurs stock-options le jour où ils ont appris les retards de l'A-380. Un quotidien allemand évoque ...
FR*   219 - Ubisoft:RN 06-07 plus que triplé, dopé par gains financiers-2
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mai 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant coût des stock-options est ressorti à 38,3 millions d'euros, contre 3,1 millions d'euros un an plus tôt, ...
FR*   220 - Ubisoft : bénéfice net annuel en forte hausse
             Journal des Finances - 29 mai 2007
             ... objectif de chiffre d'affaires d'environ 800 millions d'euros et un résultat opérationnel courant avant stock-options "d'au moins 8% du chiffre d'affaires".
FR*   221 - BOURSE DE PARIS - Les valeurs à suivre demain
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options s'est établi à 38,3 millions d'euros, soit 5,6% du chiffre d'affaires contre 3,1 millions, ...
FR*   222 - Ubisoft Entertainment: envolée des résultats en 2006/2007.
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             ... et un résultat opérationnel courant multiplié par 12, à 38,3 millions d'euros avant stock options, et ' en ligne avec les objectifs récemment revus à la ...
CH*   223 - L'affaire des éventuels délits d'initiés chez EADS a rebondi mardi ...
             TSR.ch - 29 mai 2007
             ... d'un bénéfice 2005 record, ils ont pu profiter d'une période réglementaire de trois semaines pour exercer leurs stock-options et revendre leurs titres. ...
CH*   224 - Délits d'initiés EADS: les dirigeants de nouveau sur la sellette
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 29 mai 2007
             Ce conseil a ouvert une période réglementaire de trois semaines pendant laquelle les cadres dirigeants ont pu exercer leurs stock-options et revendre les ...
FR*   225 - Ubisoft : objectifs confirmés pour l'exercice en cours
             Le Revenu - 29 mai 2007
             Le résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options est anticipé à au moins 8% du chiffre d'affaires contre 5,6% en 2006-2007. ...
FR*   226 - ANALYSE 17h30 WALL-STREET- Toujours dans le vert
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             Biomet a par ailleurs annoncé faire l'objet d'une enquête de la SEC au sujet de stock-options antidatés. Selon la presse britannique, Coca-Cola serait en ...
FR*   227 - Ubisoft annonce ses résultats pour l'exercice 2006-07
             Companynewsgroup (Comunicados de prensa) - 29 mai 2007
             Chiffres d'affaires 2007-08 d'environ 800 M€ et résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options à au moins 8% du chiffre d'affaires.
FR*   228 - Réussir la rupture
             Le Monde - 29 mai 2007
             Généraliser les stock-options ? Augmenter la participation aux bénéfices des entreprises ? Certes, mais ce n'est pas suffisant pour bloquer la menace qui ...
             nouvelobs.com - 29 mai 2007
             ... dirigeants d'EADS étaient informés des retards de l'A380 dès le 6 mars 2006, et ils ont reçu le lendemain le feu vert pour vendre leurs stock-options. ...
FR*   230 - Wall Street devrait débuter dans le vert
             Le Figaro - 29 mai 2007
             La SEC, le gendarme de la Bourse américaine mène aussi une enquête sur des pratiques de stock-options antidatées, révélées au sein du groupe auparavant. ...
FR*   231 - Wall Street : la tendance
             Capital.fr - 29 mai 2007
             Biomet a par ailleurs annoncé faire l'objet d'une enquête de la SEC au sujet de stock-options antidatés. Selon la presse britannique, Coca-Cola serait en ...
FR*   232 - Revue de presse Economie
             RFI - 29 mai 2007
             Noël Forgeard fait signer par (le) directeur financier d’EADS l’autorisation de vendre ses stock-options. A la suite, tous les responsables d’EADS, ...
BE*   233 - EADS et délits d'initié : nouvelles révélations et Lagardère entendu
             Levif - 29 mai 2007
             ... courant dès le 6 mars 2006 des retards du programme A380, et ont obtenu dès le lendemain le droit de vendre leurs stock-options, écrit mardi La Tribune. ...
FR*   234 - Les valeurs à suivre sur les marchés américains
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             Biomet a par ailleurs déclaré avoir informé la SEC, le gendarme de la Bourse, qu'une enquête interne avait mis en lumière des pratiques de stock-options ...
FR*   235 - EADS dément discussion retard A380 avant vente stock-options
             EasyBourse.com - 29 mai 2007
             Les ventes de stock-options par les membres du conseil d'administration d'EADS font l'objet d'enquêtes par les autorités françaises et allemandes, ...
FR*   236 - Soupçons de délit d'initiés chez EADS
             RTL.fr - 29 mai 2007
             Pourtant, dès le lendemain, les dirigeant du groupe, Noël Forgeard en tête, commencent à vendre massivement leurs stock-options, suivis par les principaux ...
FR*   237 - Les valeurs suivies à la mi-séance de la Bourse de Paris
             Boursorama - 29 mai 2007
             ... dans la production du gros porteur A380 de sa filiale Airbus début mars 2006, soit avant la levée de leurs stock options par plusieurs cadres du groupe. ...
FR*   238 - OFRBS Summary
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mai 2007
             ... par bon nombre d'autres dirigeants du groupe, a fait signer par Hans-Peter Ring, le directeur financier, l'autorisation de vendre ses stock-options. ...
FR*   239 - Nuit gravement...
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 29 mai 2007
             ... la direction d'EADS malgré ses déclarations était au courant des difficultés de livraison de l'airbus au moment de la vente de leur stock options, ...
FR*   240 - 29/05/2007 : EADS, Airbus, Alcan, Alstom, Bombardier, Renault, PSA ...
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 29 mai 2007
             ... dès le 6 mars 2006 des retards du programme A380, et ont obtenu dès le lendemain le droit de vendre leurs stock-options, révèle aujourd’hui la Tribune. ...
FR*   241 - Les dirigeants d'EADS savaient-ils?
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 29 mai 2007
             85% des 800 plus hauts dirigeants du groupe exercent leurs stock-options. Le 20 mars suivant, les deux actionnaires principaux du groupe, Lagardère et ...
FR*   242 - Magouilles libérales: Retards de l’A380, la direction d’EADS savait !
             Novopress - 29 mai 2007
             ... des retards du programme A380, incitant les dirigeants du groupe européen de défense et d’aéronautique à exercer leurs stock-options dès le lendemain. ...
FR*   243 - Nicolas Sarkozy tutoie
             RTL.fr - 29 mai 2007
             Le soir-même, Noël Forgeard, président d'Airbus, obtient du directeur financier du groupe EADS l'autorisation de vendre ses stock-options. ...
FR*   244 - Bourse de Paris : Ouverture en hausse du marché parisien
             Francebourse.com - 29 mai 2007
             ... de l’existence de retards dans la production du gros porteur A380 début mars 2006, avant la levée de leur stock options par plusieurs cadres du groupe. ...
FR*   245 - DELIT D'INITIES Retards de l'A380 :
             nouvelobs.com - 29 mai 2007
             Pendant une période autorisée pour la vente d'actions issues de stock options, entre le 8 et le 28 mars 2006, Noël Forgeard a réalisé une plus-value de 2,5 ...
FR*   246 - Les dirigeants d'EADS savaient pour l'A380 / presse
             Capital.fr - 29 mai 2007
             (AOF) - D'après "La Tribune", les dirigeants d'EADS (EAD) étaient au courant des retards du programme A380 avant la vente de leurs stock-options en mars ...
FR*   247 - Les dirigeants auraient connu les retards de l'A380 en mars 2006
             Capital.fr - 29 mai 2007
             ... par bon nombre d'autres dirigeants du groupe, a fait signer par Hans-Peter Ring, le directeur financier, l'autorisation de vendre ses stock-options. ...
AR*   248 - Reducirán la tasa impositiva a los hospitales Italiano y Español
             Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 29 May 2007
             ... distribuidas en 55 cooperativas de trabajo que contribuirán a que La Plata sea la única ciudad con el la totalidad de sus habitante con agua potable. ...
AR*   249 - Vanguardia Social presentó sus lineamientos políticos
             Datachaco.com - 29 May 2007
             ... continúa trabajando por los sectores más humildes, en el área social, deportiva y educativa y brindando mano de obra mediante cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   250 - Ampliarán la red de agua para dos barrios de La Plata
             Impulso Baires - 29 May 2007
             ... a la vez que empleará a 880 personas distribuidas en 55 cooperativas de trabajo que contribuirán a que La Plata sea la única ciudad con el la totalidad ...
AR*   251 - Monotributo social alcanza a artesanos y cooperativistas
             AbiertaTV - 29 May 2007
             ... la información necesaria referida a la implementación de este beneficio dirigido a artesanos; cooperativas de trabajo y pequeños productores, es decir, ...
PE*   252 - (08:58) Se informará sobre las planillas de pago
             Andina - 29 May 2007
             ... que cuenten a escala nacional con cinco o más trabajadores sujetos al régimen laboral de la actividad privada, incluidas las cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   253 - El IPACyM realizará las Jornadas de Capacitación y Educación a ...
             Edición Central (Radio LV12) - 29 May 2007
             ... 30 mayo, las Primeras Jornadas de Capacitación y Educación a Cooperativas de Trabajo de la Provincia bajo el lema "Inclusión Social y Calidad de Vida". ...
AR*   254 - Reducirán la tasa impositiva a los hospitales Italiano y Español
             Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 29 May 2007
             Las tareas serán ejecutadas por desocupados miembros del Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, reunidos en una cooperativa de trabajo que completará el tendido de ...
             Corrientes Noticias - 29 May 2007
             El intendente Carlos Vignolo se reunió con la Comisión Directiva de la Cooperativa de Trabajo y Consumo Posadas Limitada para hacerles entrega formal de la ...
ES*   256 - La plana mayor de EADS vendió sus acciones antes del retraso del ...
             ABC - 29 May 2007
             Los directivos de EADS vendieron sus «stock-options» (planes de acciones sobre acciones) entre el 7 de marzo y el 13 junio de 2006, sabiendo que habría ...
ES*   257 - Barclays aún no está fuera de la puja por ABN Amro
             La Gaceta de los Negocios - 29 May 2007
             El entonces co-consejero delegado Noel Forgeard también ejerció sus stock options, valoradas en más de dos millones de euros, en la fatídica primavera de ...
ES*   258 - Los directivos de EADS conocían los problemas del A380 cuando ...
             EuroNews - 29 May 2007
             Pues bien, según se sabe vendieron sus stock-options antes del desplome en las acciones de EADS, que se produjo tres meses después, o sea cuando se ...
ES*   259 - Breves económicos.-
             Finanzas.com - 29 May 2007
             Los directivos del consorcio aeroespacial europeo EADS vendieron sus 'stock-options' entre el 7 de marzo y el 13 junio de 2006, sabiendo que habría nuevos ...
ES*   260 - Los dirigentes de EADS sabían del nuevo retraso del A380 al vender ...
             Terra España - 29 May 2007
             Los dirigentes del consorcio aeroespacial europeo EADS vendieron sus 'stock-options' entre el 7 de marzo y el 13 junio de 2006, sabiendo que habría nuevos ...
IT*   261 - Conteggio disabili nella quota di riserva - computo numero dei ...
             CONSULENZALAVORO.com - 29 mag 2007
             ... i contratti a termine di durata inferiore o pari a nove mesi, i soci di cooperative di produzione e lavoro, i lavoratori temporanei utilizzati, ...
IT*   262 - La classe politica? Facciamogli l'esame "d'ammissione"
             Aprile Online - 29 mag 2007
             Quanto costano i giochi dei "top manager" per far salire il valore delle proprie azioni (stock options) prima di venderle,senza preoccuparsi degli interessi ...
IT*   263 - Successo di Beppe Grillo col suo 'Reset 2007': "Dopo aver ...
             Il Quotidiano - 29 mag 2007
             Sono stati tanti altri i temi trattati dal comico, non meno importanti, come il nepotismo in Rai, le stock options Fiat, i 40 milioni di euro sprecati per ...
BR*   264 - ‘Gato’ comemora o retorno
             Jornal A Cidade - 29 Mai 2007
             ... uma entidade assistencial - a escolhida foi a Cooperativa de Trabalho de Esportistas Práticos, de São Paulo, que receberá as cestas ainda esta semana. ...
BR*   265 - 'Gato' entrega cestas básicas à entidade
             GloboEsporte.com - 29 Mai 2007
             As cestas foram entregues ao ex-jogador Basílio, herói do Timão na conquista do título paulista e 1977 e atual vice-preisdente da Cooperativa de Trabalho de ...
BR*   266 - Carpegiani conta com Carlos Alberto para o clássico de domingo
             O POVO Online - 29 Mai 2007
             As cestas serão doadas para a Cooperativa de Trabalho de Esportistas Práticos, presidida pelo ex-jogador Basílio.
BR*   267 - Moradei e Carlos Alberto participam de coletivo no Timão
             Gazeta Esportiva - 29 Mai 2007
             ... que cometeu quando jogava no Figueirense. Serão entregues cem cestas básicas, no valor de R$ 100 cada, à Cooperativa de Trabalhadores de Esportes Práticos.
PT*   268 - Administradores da EADS sabiam de atrasos
             Euronews - 29 Mai 2007
             A venda, a 15 de Março, de 108.000 acções e 54.000 "stock options" rendeu-lhe mais de 2,5 milhões de euros. A Autorité des Marchés Financiers, ...
US*   269 - Man killed in van wreck
             Greenville Daily Reflector, NC - May 28, 2007
             Trades cmw "An Employee Owned Company" Carver Machine Works, Inc. ....(more). PORT Human Services, a behavioral healthcare provider, is seeking to fill. ...
US*   270 - Natural pet food sales booming after recall
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 28, 2007
             "It's very disturbing," said Jim Tofilon, president of the employee-owned firm. "You trust people to do the right thing, but people are unscrupulous." ...
US*   271 - Chrysler At The Gates Of Hell
             Huffington Post, NY - May 28, 2007
             ... especially the unions who claim they couldn't even get Daimler or its bankers on the phone to discuss an employee buyout option or its possible terms. ...
UK*   272 - Rogers Communications triples dividend
             Reuters.uk, UK - May 28, 2007
             ... said its board approved an amendment to its stock options plan, which introduces a cash settlement feature for the exercise of employee stock options. ...
CA*   273 - Rogers Increases Dividend Threefold
             Broadcaster, Canada - May 28, 2007
             ... of Directors has approved an amendment to RCI's stock option plans introducing a cash settlement feature for the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US*   274 - Rogers Head Told Firms Eyeing BCE Bid to `Go to Hell' (Update1)
             Bloomberg - May 28, 2007
             Today his company more than tripled its annual dividend and announced plans to book costs of C$380 million tied to its employee stock options program in the ...
CA*   275 - Rogers triples dividend; CEO decries rivals trying for exclusive ...
             CBC News, Canada - May 28, 2007
             The company said it will introduce a revised cash settlement feature for employee stock options, a tax-efficient use of cash that will offset the dilutive ...
IN*   276 - Former GIC, LIC nominees agree to return L&T Esops
              Financial Express, India - May 28, 2007
             MUMBAI, MAY 28: Two former nominee directors of LIC and GIC, who had triggered a legal battle after cornering employee stock options (Esops) of engineering ...
CA*   277 - Rogers boosts dividend and introduces cash settlement of stock options
             CBC News, Canada - May 28, 2007
             Rogers also announced its board has approved the introduction of a cash settlement feature for employee stock options, a tax-efficient use of cash that will ...
US*   278 - Rogers Substantially Increases Dividend and Introduces Cash ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 28, 2007
             Annual Dividend Increased from C$0.16 to C$0.50 per Share; Introduction of Cash Settlement Feature for Employee Stock Options will Tax Efficiently Mitigate ...
ZA*   279 - BVT - Bidvest - Directors' dealings in securities
             Finance24, South Africa - May 28, 2007
             ... of share options and sale of shares Nature of interest: Beneficial Clearance in terms of paragraph 3.66 was obtained from the CEO of The Bidvest Group. ...
ZA*   280 - JDG - JD Group Limited - Dealings in securities
             Finance24, South Africa - May 28, 2007
             ... A Neven Nature of interest Direct beneficial Date of transaction 24 May 2007 and 25 May 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
AU*   281 - Aspermont to increase Excalibur stake
             WA Business News (subscription), Australia - May 28, 2007
             ... 3 cent share options in Excalibur Mining Corporation Ltd. The acquisition and share issue will be subject to approval by the shareholders of Excalibur. ...
FR*   282 - C’est décidé, pour gagner plus je travail moins.
             Bellaciao - 28 mai 2007
             On oublie trop souvent que cela existe, les coopératives ouvrières en sont le meilleur exemple. Mais comme l’on peut observer de plus en plus leurs ...
FR*   283 - Economie politique - Joint-venture: on extrapole
             EditoWeb Magazine - 28 mai 2007
             Dans une scop, 1 associé = 1 salarié = 1 voix ( ou presque) et la plus-value reste dans le patrimoine de la SCOP. Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, ...
FR*   284 - Retards A380: les dirigeants d'EADS informés dès le 6 mars 2006 ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 28 mai 2007
             ... courant dès le 6 mars 2006 des retards du programme A380, et ont obtenu dès le lendemain le droit de vendre leurs stock-options, écrit mardi La Tribune. ...
FR*   285 - Point avant l'ouverture
             Capital.fr - 28 mai 2007
             L'actualité du jour est complètement éclipsée par l'information de La Tribune selon laquelle 85% des dirigeants d'EADS (EAD) ont exercé leurs stock-options ...
FR*   286 - Y at-il eu délit d'initiés à EADS ?
             France 2 - 28 mai 2007
             Ils ont obtenu dès le lendemain le droit de vendre leurs stock-options. Selon des informations publiées par le quotidien économique, un nouveau plan interne ...
FR*   287 - Les valeurs à suivre à la Bourse de Paris
             Capital.fr - 28 mai 2007
             ... de l'existence de retards dans la production du gros porteur A380 début mars 2006, avant la levée de leur stock options par plusieurs cadres du groupe. ...
CH*   288 - Retards A380: les dirigeants d'EADS informés dès le 6 mars 2006 ...
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 28 mai 2007
             ... incitant les dirigeants du groupe européen de défense et d'aéronautique à exercer leurs stock-options dès le lendemain, selon La Tribune de mardi. ...
FR*   289 - EADS : que s'est-il dit lors du conseil du 7 mars 2006 ? (correction)
              Le Revenu - 28 mai 2007
             ... Noël Forgeard fait signer par Hans-Peter Ring, directeur financier d'EADS, l'autorisation de vendre ses stock-options", écrit le quotidien financier, ...
FR*   290 - Arnaud Lagardère
             nouvelobs.com - 28 mai 2007
             L'AMF se penche d'une part sur l'exercice de stock-options et les plus-values immédiatement engrangées par les principaux cadres du groupe, ...
FR*   291 - BOURSE DE PARIS - Les valeurs à suivre demain
             Boursorama - 28 mai 2007
             confirmé l'objectif de résultat opérationnel courant avant stock options d'au moins 8% du chiffre d'affaires.
FR*   292 - Publication des termes de l'accord Microsoft Novell
             Clubic - 28 mai 2007
             Retardé de quelques mois par un examen relatif à l'attribution de stock-options, l'éditeur Novell vient d'adresser le rapport annuel de ses activités ...
FR*   293 - Actions : les conditions strictes de l'exonération
             Le Monde - 28 mai 2007
             "Quant aux salariés et dirigeants qui détiennent des stock-options, ils n'ont pas à les déclarer aussi longtemps qu'ils n'ont pas exercé leur option, ...
AR*   294 - El 6 de junio habrá un encuentro con todos los CIC de la provincia
             El Norte Digit@l - 28 May 2007
             Este centro fue construido en ese sector de la ciudad por cooperativas de trabajo social constituidas por beneficiarios de los planes sociales y gente ...
AR*   295 - Capacitación En Calidad Para Empresas De Software Y Servicios ...
             Mi Mercedes - 28 May 2007
             ... provinciales como cámaras empresarias, trabajadores de la construcción, universidades, cooperativas de trabajo, colegios profesionales, áreas sociales, ...
AR*   296 - Buscan fortalecer a las cooperativas de trabajo
             AbiertaTV - 28 May 2007
             ... de 16 localidades se realizó la Segunda Jornada de Trabajo con Tutores para el Fortalecimiento de Cooperativas de Trabajo de la Provincia de Santa Fe. ...
AR*   297 - Se inicia la ampliación de la red de agua en dos localidades de La ...
             Nova - 28 May 2007
             ... en 55 cooperativas de trabajo que contribuirán a que la capital bonaerense sea la única ciudad con la totalidad de sus habitantes con agua potable. ...
AR*   298 - Plan de Viviendas en barrio Colón
             La Opinión Rafaela - 28 May 2007
             ... Habitacional construido en Barrio Colón de nuestra ciudad y de la segunda etapa de las Cooperativas de Trabajo construidas en barrio 9 de Julio. ...
AR*   299 - Escrache por trabajo esclavo frente a un taller textil
             Télam - 28 May 2007
             Integrantes de la Cooperativa de Trabajo La Alameda realizaron hoy una protesta contra el trabajo esclavo frente a una firma en la que trabajan 25 ...
AR*   300 - Villa Iris festejó con la ampliación del hogar de ancianos
             La Nueva Provincia - 28 May 2007
             Asimismo, hay cuatro viviendas en marcha de la cooperativa de trabajo 28 de Julio. Chialva confía en que esta cifra cubrirá totalmente el déficit ...
AR*   301 - Alak firmará convenio de obras de red de agua potable
             Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 28 May 2007
             Las tareas serán ejecutadas por desocupados miembros del Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar, reunidos en una cooperativa de trabajo.
DE*   302 - "Anständiger Lohn für Arbeit"
             Rheinische Post - 28. Mai 2007
             Weiß Unser wichtigstes Anliegen ist eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Kapital der Unternehmen. Die Weichen dafür sind gestellt. Wir sind zuversichtlich ...
IT*   303 - Legalità, Don Ciotti: “Dai giovani palermitani uno schiaffo alla ...
             inToscana - 28 mag 2007
             E il segnale che siamo nel giusto arriva dalle finte cooperative di lavoro, finora la polizia ne ha scoperte tre, create dalla mafia con le compiacenze ...
IT*   304 - Il successo di Terra Futura
             La Nuova Ecologia - 28 mag 2007
             «Mi sembra che abbiamo dimostrato che i temi del cambiamento interessano moltissimo i cittadini, le cooperative di lavoro e le piccole e medie imprese ...
BR*   305 - Certo com a Justiça, Gatão do Timão sai do inferno!!!
             Chico Lang - 28 Mai 2007
             Ele comprou 100 cestas básicas, no valor de 100 reais cada, e doou para Cooperativa de Trabalho de Esportitas Práticos, cumprindo determinação do Superior ...
BR*   306 - Carlos Alberto: 'Saí do inferno'
             GloboEsporte.com - 28 Mai 2007
             Suspenso desde o ano passado por falsificação de documentos, o jogador comprou 100 cestas básicas, que serão entregues à Cooperativa de Trabalho de ...
BR*   307 - Mais de R$ 10 milhões foram quitados em acordos trabalhistas em MT
             24Horas News - 28 Mai 2007
             ... e atualmente disponibiliza R$ 270 mil mensais e um com a Sanecap/Cootrapuc (cooperativa de trabalho liquidada) no qual foram reunidos 97 processos. ...
BR*   308 - Unimed é condenada a pagar R$ 8.000 a cliente por não autorizar ...
             Última Instância - 28 Mai 2007
             ... que concedeu antecipação de tutela à empresária e determinou à Unimed Goiânia (Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico) que autorize sua cirurgia. ...
PT*   309 - Guerras de bancos
             Correio da Manhã - 28 Mai 2007
             O presidente do conselho executivo [Teixeira Pinto] ganhou três milhões de euros e ainda 800 mil stock-options que lhe dão mais dois milhões e meio. ...
BR*   310 - Com atraso, Novell torna públicos os termos do acordo com a Microsoft
             Computerworld - 28 Mai 2007
             Segundo a companhia, o relatórioo com os detalhes já deveria ter sido divulgado, mas sofreu atrasos por conta de uma revisão no programa de stock options da ...
US*   311 - Leader of the paca
             Annapolis Capital, MD - May 27, 2007
             An employee-owned company in Peru manufacturers her brand and provides fair wages to workers, she said. Her retail line has "quadrupled" production, ...
US*   312 - Can Xinhua Put Its House in Order?
             Barron's (subscription) - May 27, 2007
             His employee shareholdings and compensation package at the Xinhua Finance Media subsidiary were second only to hers. Bush knew that Singhal had been the ...
US*   313 - 401(k) key to obscure tax break
             Arizona Republic, AZ - May 27, 2007
             The rule allows participants in 401(k) and employee stock-ownership plans to pay lower long-term capital-gain rates on a portion of their holdings instead ...
US*   314 - Old hand on top
             Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription), MN - May 27, 2007
             ... and Cargill family members control the vast majority of company stock; the rest is held by an employee stock ownership plan and by senior management. ...
IN*   315 - FBT on Esops: Multidimensional view
             Economic Times, India - May 27, 2007
             In fact Esop shares sold post-IPO, after a year of holding, were the last significant form of tax-free employee remuneration in India. ...
IN*   316 - BPOs brace for tax axe
             Calcutta Telegraph, India - May 27, 2007
             Most BPOs are trying to analyse the impact of the proposed fringe benefit tax on employee stock option plans. They feel the legislation will have an adverse ...
US*   317 - TSMC Common Share Ex-dividend Date June 8th
             WebWire (press release), GA - May 27, 2007
             As a result of the employee stock options exercised between the day the Company’s board proposed said dividend distribution, and the record date of the ...
UK*   318 - Shareholder forces chief executive of LogicaCMG to resign
             Times Online, UK - May 27, 2007
             Dr Read was also awarded more than 3.5 million share options, the vast majority of which are worthless, vesting at prices ranging from 107.2p to £16.26. ...
FR*   319 - Safran : l'assemblée générale conforte le président du directoire
             Les Échos (Abonnement) - 27 mai 2007
             Partagé en début de semaine dernière sur l'opportunité de sonner l'hallali, Club Sagem, qui regroupe des actionnaires salariés, a finalement joué ...
FR*   320 - C'est aux actionnaires de décider des rémunérations des dirigeants
             Les Échos - 27 mai 2007
             De ce point de vue, il est nécessaire de distinguer la rémunération normale et périodique d'un dirigeant - son salaire - et l'attribution de stock-options ...
ES*   321 - Cooperativas de transporte de toda la región se unen para ocupar ...
             El Comercio Digital (Asturias) - 27 May 2007
             Y es que a ella pueden sumarse otras compañías que no sean cooperativas, como sociedades laborales, por lo que «la posibilidad de crecimiento es real», ...
ES*   322 - Economía destinó casi 13 millones para mejorar las condiciones ...
             Panorama Actual - 27 May 2007
             ... el fomento y la difusión de la economía social en la Comunitat Valenciana, así como para el fomento de las cooperativas y sociedades laborales, ...
AR*   323 - Vanguarda Social presenta sus lineamientos políticos
             Datachaco.com - 27 May 2007
             ... Social continúa trabajando por los sectores más humildes, en el área social, sanitaria y educativa brindando mano de obra mediante cooperativas de trabajo.
AR*   324 - “Porque el coqueo es un derecho que reafirma la identidad”
             Prensa de Frente (Comunicados de prensa) - 27 May 2007
             El proyecto de ley presentado al Congreso tiene el respaldo de ORCOPO, Minkakuy Tawantinsuyu, Centro Cultural Teófilo López y la Cooperativa de Trabajo de ...
ES*   325 - Las ventas de los insiders augura caídas de la bolsa en Europa y ...
             Cotizalia.com - 27 May 2007
             Además, según un informe publicado por Deutsche Bank, se han producido 10 ventas con volúmenes significativos después de stock options (opciones sobre ...
UK*   326 - Foster’s staff force inquiry into trust fund
             Times Online, UK - May 26, 2007
             Six employees have complained to the Employee Share Ownership Centre, an employee rights organisation. They allege they were told little by the trust about ...
US*   327 - Honda Gets It Right
             Seeking Alpha, NY - May 26, 2007
             Two years ago the walls were closing in on Anthony Chopp and the other employee-owners of Northwest Tool & Die. The tiny Walker, Mich. manufacturer had just ...
US*   328 - Some residents saving gas over Memorial Day weekend
             Greenville Daily Reflector, NC - May 26, 2007
             Trades cmw "An Employee Owned Company" Carver Machine Works, Inc. ....(more). PSYCHOLOGICAL/ OFFICE ASSISTANT BA in Psychology or other MH related field. ...
US*   329 - FLASH BACK | May 27
             Kansas City Star, MO - May 26, 2007
             The sale will trigger a $17 million windfall for bank employees, who own 23 percent of Metcalf Bank’s parent company through an employee stock ownership ...
US*   330 - By selling part of company to staff, Strem saves jobs
             The Daily News of Newburyport, MA - May 26, 2007
             Under a little-known federal program called Employee Stock Ownership Plans, Strem sold 25 percent of the company to his 50 employees. That way, he said, ...
US*   331 - Tribune debt may force asset sales
             Los Angeles Times, CA - May 26, 2007
             ... which utilizes more than $12 billion in debt to transfer control of the company from public shareholders to an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   332 - By selling part of company to staff, Strem saves jobs
             The Daily News of Newburyport, MA - May 26, 2007
             One of the largest ESOP companies in the Bay State is International Cars, which employs more than 280 people in Danvers. Mackin said it makes sense to sell ...
IN*   333 - Centurion Bank of Punjab to issue options under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - May 26, 2007
             ... 2007, approved a scheme for issue of up to 100 million additional stock options to the employees of the bank under the Employee Stock Option Plan 2007. ...
US*   334 - Reg Wydeven column: A time machine would be helpful to fix some ...
             Appleton Post Crescent, WI - May 26, 2007
             A standard employee stock option involves a corporation granting an employee the option to buy stock in the company at the closing price on the date of the ...
AU*   335 - Move over, Kylie, I'm the fund guy
             The Age, Australia - May 26, 2007
             Last financial year, the S&P/ASX 200 returned 24 per cent, while Australian share options of super funds averaged 21.6 per cent, according to Rainmaker ...
ES*   336 - «Nuestras empresas no se deslocalizan»
             El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) - 26 May 2007
             Josetxu Hernández tiene 54 años y su nombre está indisolublemente ligado a Asle ya las sociedades laborales. Prácticamente toda su vida profesional ha ...
ES*   337 - Las sociedades laborales baten récords de empleo al cumplir Asle ...
             El Correo Digital (Álava) - 26 May 2007
             Las sociedades laborales se han afianzado en Euskadi con un lento y sólido crecimiento del empleo que generan, que les ha permitido rebasar holgadamente los ...
AR*   338 - “Será más difícil incorporar a los desocupados al mercado”
             La Gaceta Tucumán - 26 May 2007
             ... tenían un subsidio estatal, sino también en los propios beneficiarios que encontraron un puesto formal o decidieron impulsar una cooperativa de trabajo. ...
ES*   339 - ¿El tanque o la comida?
             CanalSolidario - 26 May 2007
             (*) La Vaca es una cooperativa de trabajo argentina creada en 2001 para generar herramientas, información y vínculos que potencien la autonomía de las ...
US*   340 - Police Department issues press release
             Greenville Daily Reflector, NC - May 25, 2007
             Trades cmw "An Employee Owned Company" Carver Machine Works, Inc. ....(more). MEDICAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION INSTRUCTOR Seeking an Instructor in the Me. ...
US*   341 - City National to unveil new look, announce education-outreach programs
             Las Vegas Business Press, NV - May 25, 2007
             Republic Mortgage was Nevada's largest employee-owned mortgage company, with almost $1.1 billion in originated loans in 2006. It first opened in 1988. ...
US*   342 - UPDATE 2-Tribune holders tender more shares than expected
             Reuters - May 25, 2007
             Under the deal with Zell, Tribune would be largely employee owned and have $8.4 billion in new debt. Some analysts have said Tribune could have a tough time ...
US*   343 - Lemberg Electric to move from Tosa to Brookfield
             Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - May 25, 2007
             auwatosa-based Lemberg Electric Company Inc. plans to move by the end of September to a building that the employee-owned company recently purchased at 4085 ...
NL*   344 - Crowley Maritime Corporation Lists Schedules on OceanSchedules.com
             FreshPlaza, Netherlands - May 25, 2007
             Crowley Maritime Corporation, a family and employee-owned company that provides diversified transportation and logistics services in domestic and ...
UK*   345 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 BST
             Hemscott, UK - May 25, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to May 19 sales at its 26 UK department stores increased 2.9 pct ...
US*   346 - PBS&J Tapped as General Engineering Consultant for Grand Parkway
             Emediawire (press release), WA - May 25, 2007
             The employee-owned firm is ranked by Engineering News-Record as 25th among the nation's top consulting firms. PBS&J has 3900 employees and more than 75 ...
US*   347 - Milan shares close flat, off lows; Mediolanum gains offset Fastweb ...
             Forbes, NY - May 25, 2007
              Reports say a key employee shareholder group is reluctant to support BPM's planned merger with BPER, up 0.39 pct to 20.45. Fastweb fell 2.50 pct to 41.79. ...
IN*   348 - A drive to work-II
             GreaterKashmir.com (press release), India - May 25, 2007
             Bonus or profit sharing plans, such as Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), can be introduced in companies to increase job satisfaction. ...
US*   349 - Tribune says 92% of shares tendered in offer
             Orlando Business Journal, FL - May 25, 2007
             After the deal closes, an employee stock ownership plan will hold all of Tribune's stock, with Zell holding a subordinated note and warrant worth 40 percent ...
US*   350 - Lemberg Electric to move from Tosa to Brookfield
             Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - May 25, 2007
             In 1992, it became an employee-owned company through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). All non-union employees for the company are part owners. ...
US*   351 - Spirent Intends To Delist Its ADS From NYSE And To Deregister From ...
             RTT News, NY - May 25, 2007
             The Chicago, Illinois-based company made the tender offer as per a merger agreement among Tribune, the Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan, ‘ESOP', ...
US*   352 - Tribune Gets Big Response to Going-Private Tender Offer
             Editor & Publisher - May 25, 2007
             ... per share as the first step in the deal -- led by Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell -- to go private through an ESOP (employee stock ownership plan). ...
US*   353 - Market Report -- In Play (TRB)
             MSN Money - May 25, 2007
             ... disclosed merger agreement among TRB, the Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), the ESOP's merger subsidiary and an affiliate of Sam Zell. ...
US*   354 - Vimpel-Communications Q1 Earnings Per ADS Rises, Yet Misses ...
             RTT News, NY - May 25, 2007
             ... pursuant to the merger agreement among Tribune, the Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan, the plan's merger subsidiary and an affiliate of Sam Zell. ...
US*   355 - Tribune Announces Preliminary Results of Tender Offer
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 25, 2007
             the Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), the ESOP's merger subsidiary and an affiliate of Sam Zell. Because more than 126000000 shares were ...
             Coastweek, Kenya - May 25, 2007
             "The ESOP will enable us to do this.", said Mr. Thakrar. At the company's first Annual General Meeting following its successful Initial Public Offer of ...
IN*   357 - Godrej Industries board declares 100% final dividend
             Myiris.com, India - May 25, 2007
             ... the granting of 305000 options to the employees of the company and its subsidiaries in terms of Godrej Industries employee stock option plan (GIL ESOP). ...
IN*   358 - How to design a tax-smart salary package
             Rediff, India - May 25, 2007
             ESOP has been brought under the purview of FBT by Budget-07. (a). 40% of salary (50% for Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai). ...
US*   359 - Tribune tender offer oversubscribed
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 25, 2007
             Tribune announced in April that it had agreed to be taken private by billionaire Sam Zell in conjunction with an Employee Stock Option Plan. ...
UK*   360 - CalPERS Withholds Votes For Corporate Board Members Over Stock ...
             Exchange News Direct, UK - May 25, 2007
             ... today announced it is opposing the re-election of four more directors to the boards of companies named in the backdating of employee stock options. ...
US*   361 - 120 Year Old Beauty: Needs a Good Home
             Earthtimes.org - May 25, 2007
             "The AOL employee stock options were quickly converted into some major investments into antique stained glass," says Leonard. When it was time to retire ...
US*   362 - Bombay Announces First Quarter Results
             Earthtimes.org - May 25, 2007
             ... plans 4 4 Proceeds from the exercise of employee stock options -- 3 Net cash provided by financing activities 31516 19779 Effect of exchange rate change ...
UK*   363 - HSBC’s ‘no comment’ on bid for ABN Amro
             The Herald, UK - May 25, 2007
             Geoghegan, who was promoted to group chief executive in May, received £2.8m in 2006 and was awarded £5m of share options and £2m in shares which are yet to ...
             Recruiter Magazine, UK - May 25, 2007
             As well as fantastic career prospects, there are genuinely outstanding financial rewards, and benefits include pension, medical and share options. ...
ZA*   365 - JDG - JD Group Limited - Dealings in securities by a director of a ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 25, 2007
             ... VG Horn Nature of interest Direct beneficial Date of transaction 24 May 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ordinary shares ...
UK*   366 - Average City wage leaps £50000 barrier
             This is Money, UK - May 25, 2007
             Barclays Capital boss Bob Diamond last year earned a staggering £100m once bonuses and share options were taken into account. ...
FR*   367 - Le PERCO a le vent en poupe
             La Tribune.fr - 25 mai 2007
             La loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié du 30 décembre 2006 devrait encore améliorer sa promotion car elle prévoit ...
FR*   368 - Edf : "EDF n'est pas une entreprise comme les autres"
             Trading Sat - 25 mai 2007
             (Tradingsat.com) - Entretien accordé à la Vie Financière par Camille Planchet, le Président de l'association des actionnaires salariés d'EDF-EAS. ...
CH*   369 - Ouah ! Ouah !
             Le Jura Libertaire - 25 mai 2007
             La remise des loyers, la reprise par des coopératives ouvrières des ateliers abandonnés, une démocratie directe associée à un programme socialiste et ...
FR*   370 - Barnes & Noble : consolidation à la marge
             Le Revenu - 25 mai 2007
             Hors charges relatives à la fermeture du centre de distribution Internet de la compagnie (6 cents) et dépenses associées à l'attribution de stock options (7 ...
FR*   371 - Ingénieur expert C++ / J2EE - H/F
             LExpansion.com - 25 mai 2007
             ... administration d’OPC et de portefeuilles institutionnels, - Gestion de plans de Stock Options et d’actionnariat salarié SGSS est le 3ème conservateur ...
ES*   372 - La Junta fija un fondo de 300 millones para paliar los daños del ...
             La Tribuna de Ciudad Real - 25 May 2007
             En lo que se refiere al sector productivo, el ejecutivo regional ha establecido la creación de un fondo para cooperativas, sociedades laborales y ...
ES*   373 - (Amp)Lluvias.-Junta de C-LM aprueba fondo mínimo de 300 millones ...
             Hispanidad - 25 May 2007
             ... de un Plan Integrado de Empleo para los municipios afectados y la dotación de un fondo para cooperativas, sociedades laborales y trabajadores autónomos. ...
ES*   374 - La Junta aprueba un fondo extraordinario de 300 millones para ayudas
             El Día de Ciudad Real - 25 May 2007
             Dotación de un fondo para cooperativas, sociedades laborales y trabajadores autónomos, con la finalidad de subvencionar las inversiones para restituir los ...
AR*   375 - De barrio en barrio
             Clarín.com - 25 May 2007
             "La experiencia demuestra que, además de resolver el tema del techo para la gente, las cooperativas de trabajo son procesos que permiten la construcción de ...
             La Auténtica Defensa - 25 May 2007
             ... 20.337 las exclusiones decididas por el Consejo de Administración de Cooperativa de Trabajo Codeme (Cooperativa De Desocupados Metalúrgicos) Limitada, ...
ES*   377 - Los directivos españoles están bien pagados
             Expansión & Empleo - 25 May 2007
             ... como las phantom shares (dan derecho a ingresos futuros en base a los resultados de la empresa pero no tienen derecho a voto) o las stock options", ...
IT*   378 - Molto meglio delle mega liquidazioni
             TGCOM - 25 mag 2007
             Nella critica agli eccessi di compensi sono messe sotto accusa anche le stock options ai manager che partecipano al successo delle imprese che gestiscono. ...
IT*   379 - «Novello Savonarola, pensi ai costi di Confindustria»
             Libertà - 25 mag 2007
             ... aggiungo io, anche i costi del management del sistema delle imprese», dice il ministro delle Infrastrutture alludendo alle stock options. ...
IT*   380 - BORSA: i temi del giorno
             Borsa Italiana - 25 mag 2007
             Sorin: l'assemblea ha bloccato l'aumento di capitale da 19 mln a servizio delle stock options. Terna: guarda con attenzione ad alcune aree geografiche ed in ...
BR*   381 - Paulo Chaparro esta feira é realizada pela Vera Simões
             Diário de Cuiabá - 25 Mai 2007
             ... de prestação autônoma de serviços para o simples fornecimento de mão-de-obra, as falsas cooperativas de trabalho e os contratos simulados de sociedade. ...
BR*   382 - Carro de representante comercial pode ficar isento de IPI
             Última Instância - 25 Mai 2007
             A legislação atual (Lei 8.989/95) já concede o benefício a motoristas de taxis ea cooperativas de trabalho que sejam permissionárias ou concessionárias de ...
US*   383 - Rolling on at Red River depot
             Texarkana Gazette, TX - May 24, 2007
             ‘Motivation, employee ownership and increased per person productivity has resulted in a 75 percent reduction in labor cost per vehicle’ RRAD officials said. ...
ZA*   384 - BIL - Bhp Billiton Plc - Notification of interests of directors or ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 24, 2007
              ... by Billiton ESOP Trustee Limited as trustee of the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust, in Ordinary shares of US$0.50 of BHP Billiton Plc (Shares). ...
US*   385 - Who's Buying What: Recent Deals For Technology Software And Services
             Insurance Networking News, NY - May 24, 2007
             COSS is an employee-owned company that provides point-of-sale software. Coss solutions include product illustrations, electronic forms, worksite marketing, ...
IN*   386 - WeP Peripherals expanding Mysore facility
             Business Standard, India - May 24, 2007
             WeP Peripherals Ltd is one of the largest employee-owned companies providing IT peripherals products, solutions and printing services. ...
US*   387 - Curtis Rooney Joins SmithBucklin as Executive Director of Health ...
             Exhibitor Online, MN - May 24, 2007
             ... more than $250 million in annual client budgets from offices in Chicago, Washington, DC, St. Louis and Durham, NC. SmithBucklin is 100% employee owned.
US*   388 - How Maze CREW beat the clock
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - May 24, 2007
             The contractor, an employee-owned veteran road builder which did emergency highway work after the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes, also promised to ...
US*   389 - National Bancorp acquires Antioch bank
             Waukegan News Sun, IL - May 24, 2007
             ANTIOCH -- First National Bank-Employee Owned in Antioch has signed a definitive agreement to be acquired by National Bancorp Inc. of Schaumburg. ...
US*   390 - BPM's key employee shareholders group undecided on merger with ...
             Forbes, NY - May 24, 2007
             MILAN (Thomson Financial) - Banca Popolare di Milano's key employee shareholders group, the association Amici della Bipiemme, is still undecided on whether ...
US*   391 - Danaher acquires ChemTreat
             Charlottesville Daily Progress, VA - May 24, 2007
             In 2001, the founders completed the transfer of majority ownership to employees under an employee stock ownership plan. Simmons and Tyler retained a ...
US*   392 - Frontier Airlines Reports Fiscal Year 2007 Results
             MSN Money - May 24, 2007
             Executed a stock buy-back of 300000 shares of common stock to fund the 2007 Employee Stock Ownership Plan contribution. Potter concluded, "The demand in new ...
US*   393 - Mike Gibson Announces Retirement From Team Financial, Inc. After ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 24, 2007
             Mr. Gibson was one of the original founders of the Company which utilized the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) to purchase the bank from WC "Dub" ...
US*   394 - Foundation to tender all of its Tribune Co. shares
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 24, 2007
             To complete the deal, the Zell group is making use of newly formed employee stock-ownership plan. Under the debt-heavy plan, Tribune is offering to buy 126 ...
US*   395 - McCormick Tribune foundation to tender all Tribune shares
             MarketWatch - May 24, 2007
             The tender offer, which began April 25, was made as part of the merger agreement between Tribune, the Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan, the employee ...
US*   396 - Judge Won't Stop Sam Zell Deal For Tribune Co.
             Editor & Publisher - May 24, 2007
             When Zell's plan to take Tribune private with a leverage ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) was announced by the board this April 2, Garamella amended the ...
US*   397 - Danaher acquires ChemTreat
             Charlottesville Daily Progress, VA - May 24, 2007
             After the deal closes, ChemTreat will no longer be an ESOP but will operate as a stand-alone company within Danaher, with no job cuts expected. ...
IN *   398 - Matrix Laboratories` net jumps 77.09% in Mar`07 qtr
             Myiris.com, India - May 24, 2007
             The company also allotted 78420 equity shares of Rs 2.00 each under the ESOP-2004 scheme. Net profit of the company decreased 45.38% to Rs 996.13 million ...
US*   399 - Mentor Graphics Reports First Quarter Results; Bookings Up 15 ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 24, 2007
             Equity plan-related compensation expenses represent the fair value of all share-based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, ...
DE*   400 - TradeDoubler Annual General Meeting
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung), Germany - May 24, 2007
             Consequently theboard is authorised to allot up to 580000 employee stock options.These are the remaining of the total 1400000 employee stock optionsin the ...
US*   401 - Descartes Reports Fiscal 2008 First Quarter Financial Results
             Market Wire (press release) - May 24, 2007
             ... in proceeds from Mr. Mesher's and Mr. Ryan's exercise of employee stock options to satisfy their respective obligations under the over-allotment option. ...
UK*   402 - Zambezi Nickel puts on the shine
             Times Online, UK - May 24, 2007
             ... who found themselves sitting on an instant paper profit by yesterday agreeing share options packages in lieu of salary that were priced at 10p apiece. ...
US*   403 - Hurray! Reports First Quarter 2007 Unaudited Financial Results
             Earthtimes.org - May 24, 2007
             As of March 31, 2007, the company had outstanding 21.7 million basic ADSs and 21.8 million fully diluted ADSs, excluding share options granted above the ...
US*   404 - Daily Mail & General Trust Adjusted H1 Pre-tax Profit Up; Provides ...
             Trading Markets, CA - May 24, 2007
             It currently holds 5183906 shares in treasury in order to match share options and share awards. Looking ahead, the company said it is wary of the impact of ...
ZA*   405 - TBS - Tiger Brands - Group Results and distribution declaration
             Finance24, South Africa - May 24, 2007
             OTHER The main items included under this heading comprise the IFRS 2 accounting charges associated with share options granted to Tiger Brands management and ...
ZA*   406 - ALT - Allied Technologies - Share dealings
              Finance24, South Africa - May 24, 2007
             ... share Date of transaction: 23 May 2007 Nature of transaction: Direct beneficial interest -exercise of share options in the normal course of employment. ...
UK*   407 - Top FDs have £500m in shares
             Financial Director, UK - May 24, 2007
             Lough said that share options and LTIP packages of this scale played a key role in motivating FDs – but achieving a well-diversified investment portfolio ...
US*   408 - ZKB, Neue Zuercher, Deutsch Bank under investigation over Sulzer ...
             Forbes, NY - May 24, 2007
             Two weeks ago, ZKB chief executive Hans Voegeli had announced he will step down at the end of May, thus taking responsibility for the sale of share options ...
FR*   409 - Caisse des Depots : éventuelle procédure contre EADS
             Le Blog Finance - 24 mai 2007
             L’enquête vise d’une part l’exercice de stock-options et les plus-values immédiatement engrangées par les principaux cadres dirigeants du groupe dont ...
FR*   410 - Wall Street progresse prudemment
             Journal des Finances - 24 mai 2007
             ... les conclusions d'une enquête indépendante sur sa politique de stock-options, met en avant des erreurs passées lors de certaines distributions de titres.
FR*   411 - Vers un début de séance mitigé à Wall Street
             Le Figaro - 24 mai 2007
             La société Novell, spécialisée dans l'édition de logiciel, a annoncé que les conclusions d'une enquête indépendante sur sa politique de stock-options, ...
ES*   412 - Los cursos de formación continua de la Junta cuentan este año con ...
             Teleprensa World - 24 May 2007
             ... el Régimen Especial Agrario; autónomos, y socios trabajadores de las cooperativas, sociedades laborales y otras empresas y entidades de economía social. ...
ES*   413 - Oinarri ha avalado con un total de 210,5 millones de euros a pymes ...
             Deia (Suscripción) - 24 May 2007
             ... "se creó para dar servicio de aval financiero y técnico a la economía social", como cooperativas, sociedades laborales, autónomos corporativistas, ...
AR*   414 - Fortalecimiento de Cooperativas de Trabajo
             La Opinión Rafaela - 24 May 2007
             Jornada de Trabajo con Tutores para el Fortalecimiento de Cooperativas de Trabajo de la provincia de Santa Fe. La misma tuvo lugar el pasado martes en la ...
AR*   415 - Consorcio Prosperar entregará información para la tercera edad
             El Diario de Otún - 24 May 2007
             ... los discapacitados físicos, psíquicos y sensoriales, los miembros de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y otras formas asociativas de producción. ...
ES*   416 - La responsabilidad social de la empresa y la de los políticos
             Levante - 24 May 2007
             ... empleos estables y riqueza al haber de nuestra comunidad. * Presidente de la Federación Valenciana de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (Fevecta).
AR*   417 - Promulgan la ley de expropiación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo 7 de ...
             Semanario Parlamentario - 24 May 2007
             Respecto a esta situación, Gurzi expresó: "Los trabajadores que conforman la Cooperativa de Trabajo 7 de Septiembre Limitada constituyen un grupo social ...
AR*   418 - A 3 años de la recuperación de Maderera Córdoba
             Página 12 - 24 May 2007
             El Ministerio de Producción de la Ciudad tomó posesión judicial de un inmueble en el barrio porteño de Almagro, donde funciona la Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
AR*   419 - En muy pocas líneas
             El Urbano - 24 May 2007
             Está previsto que participen en la inauguración de un nuevo pozo de agua, en Junín y Cadelago; y que se reúnan con una cooperativa de trabajo que realiza un ...
PT*   420 - Daño patrimonial por $212 millones
             Diario de Xalapa - 24 May 2007
             ... Fideicomiso de la Ciudad Industrial Bruno Pagliai, Fideicomiso de Administración para la Sociedad Cooperativa de Trabajo, Unión de Obreros, Estibadores, ...
AR*   421 - Otra vez Taselli
             Semanario Parlamentario - 24 May 2007
             No olvido cuando desde el INAES esperaban ya como un triunfo la adjudicación a una Cooperativa de trabajadores de Santa Elena y luego el Secretario Parrilli ...
ES*   422 - Cómo un banquero de inversión puede vivir de su agenda
             La Gaceta de los Negocios - 24 May 2007
             El presidente de Axa, Henri de Castries, ha dicho que ya no aceptaría más stock options, afirmando que la acumulación de riqueza más allá de cierto punto ...
DE*   423 - Mitarbeiter übernehmen 10,6 Prozent des Grundkapitals / TechniData ...
             Pressrelations (Pressemitteilung) - 24. Mai 2007
             Markdorf, 24. Mai 2007. Die TechniData AG hat ein breit angelegtes Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramm erfolgreich gestartet. ...
DE*   424 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung per Wertguthaben empfehlenswert
             MittelstandsBlog.de - 24. Mai 2007
             Das Wertguthaben als Baustein der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ist im Mittelstand nahezu unbekannt. Dabei bietet es für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen ...
US*   425 - Transprint Agrees To Be Sold
             Harrisonburg Daily News Record, VA - May 23, 2007
             Transprint is an employee-owned company and the sale is subject to employee approval, said William Boyd, president and chief executive officer of Transprint ...
UK*   426 - Tank cleaning business has new owners
             Processing Talk, UK - May 23, 2007
             Sentry Equipment Corp is an employee-owned company that has been supplying engineered solutions since 1924. Since the acquisitions of Bristol Equipment Co ...
US*   427 - Primitive Logic Partners with SoftwareONE to Provide a “Total ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 23, 2007
             SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Primitive Logic, a leading employee-owned business consulting and technology services firm and Microsoft Gold Partner, ...
AT*   428 - CH2M HILL Lockwood Greene Reaches Construction Safety Milestone
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 23, 2007
             Employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global firm providing engineering, construction, operations, and related technical services to private and public clients. ...
US*   429 - CVG Acquires Avtec Systems, Inc.
             Market Wire (press release) - May 23, 2007
             Headquartered in Sterling, Virginia, employee-owned CVG provides secure, robust, deployable, satellite-based communications solutions to government and ...
US*   430 - New Benefits Bills In Congress
             CCH - May 23, 2007
             S. 1322: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code to improve the operation of employee stock ownership plans, and for other purposes. ...
US*   431 - Journal, Summit credit unions plan merger
             Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - May 23, 2007
             ... was prompted in part by changes in the Journal employee stock ownership loan program after Journal Communications Inc. became a public company in 2003, ...
US*   432 - American Capital acquires SMG
             Evansville Courier & Press (subscription), IN - May 23, 2007
             It is a publicly traded investment company that acts as a partner in management and employee buyouts, private-equity buyouts and investment in private and ...
US*   433 - Milan okays ‘bare bones' budget
             Monroenews.com, MI - May 23, 2007
             Leaders have implemented employee buyouts, cuts in service and elimination of many non-essential programs to make up the difference. ...
US*   434 - Dalton Investments to Oppose Fujitec’s Poison-Pill Defense Plan
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 23, 2007
             Dalton, which proposed a friendly management and employee buyout (MEBO) of Fujitec on April 23, said the company’s poison-pill defense would restrict ...
IN*   435 - NDTV consolidated earnings swing to a loss in Mar`07 qtr
             Myiris.com, India - May 23, 2007
             The company issued 1053125 and 1654375 shares respectively pursuant to the exercise of stock options by certain employees under the ESOP scheme. ...
US*   436 - Mesa Labs Reports Record Quarterly and Year End Sales and Earnings
             MSN Money - May 23, 2007
             These expenses included an expense for employee stock options of approximately $47000 and $216000 for the quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2007, ...
US*   437 - Advisors Score Big in Arbitration Study
             On Wall Street, NY - May 23, 2007
             ... NY, who nabbed a client a groundbreaking $3 million award from Merrill in 2002 for allegedly providing negligent advice on employee stock options. ...
IN*   438 - Jupiter Bioscience allots shares under QIP Issue
             Equity Bulls, India - May 23, 2007
             The Board has passed a resolution that up to 5% of the expanded paid up Equity capital can be allocated for employee stock option plan. ...
IN*   439 - Gujarat NRE Board to recommend dividend
             Equity Bulls, India - May 23, 2007
             To consider issuance of Grants to eligible employees under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007. 4. To apply for Delisting of Equity Shares from The ...
ZA*   440 - RBW - Rainbow - Abridged Audited Group Results for the year ended ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 23, 2007
             ... 845 398 845 year attributable to the equity holders of the Group Ordinary dividends (105 273) (105 273) paid Employee share option scheme: Proceeds from ...
US*   441 - Behind the $33.49 million salary package paid to Macquarie Bank’s ...
             World Socialist Web Site, MI - May 23, 2007
             Moss was paid $33.49 million, including $23 million in performance disbursements and $1.4 million in share options, or approximately 601 times the $55640 ...
AU*   442 - New boutiques turning to better processes
             The Financial Standard, Australia - May 23, 2007
             ... the small cap Australian equities sector which according SelectingSuper is now driving some of the top performing super fund Australian share options. ...
US*   443 - BioSyent Announces Q1 Results: Sales Increase 17%
             Market Wire (press release) - May 23, 2007
             The first quarter 2007 operating expenses also included $21535 of non-cash stock-based (share options) compensation expenses versus $0 in the comparable ...
ZA*   444 - ELH - Ellerine Holdings Limited - Dealing in securities by a director
             Finance24, South Africa - May 23, 2007
             ... of transaction: R747 500 Extent of interest: Direct beneficial Nature of transaction: Exercise and purchase of share options Clearance to deal obtained: ...
ZA*   445 - NED - Nedbank Group Limited - Dealing in Securities by Director
             Finance24, South Africa - May 23, 2007
             ... the following information is disclosed in respect of the exercise of share options and the dealing in Nedbank Group ordinary shares by an executive ...
ZA*   446 - ELH - Ellerine Holdings Limited - Dealing in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - May 23, 2007
             ... Share class: Ordinary shares Nature of transaction: 10 000 shares sold on the open market arising from the vesting of share options at an offer price of ...
UK*   447 - No quick route to success
             ic Birmingham.co.uk, UK - May 23, 2007
             "By providing them with share options we can make them feel part of the business and offer them a financial incentive to stay with us. ...
ZA*   448 - JDG - JD Group - Dealings in securities by a director of a major ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 23, 2007
             ... May 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ordinary shares Class of shares Ordinary shares Prices per share 15 000 @ R84-10; ...
ZA*   449 - ARI - African Rainbow Minerals Limited - Director's dealings in ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 23, 2007
             ... Executive Name of company African Rainbow Minerals Limited 1 Date of transaction 21 May 2007 Nature of transaction Exercise of share options and sale of ...
FR*   450 - Forum pour un syndicalisme de classe et de masse samedi 26 mai à Paris
             Bellaciao - 23 mai 2007
             La direction de la CGT se rallie au principe d’un actionnariat des salariés, à l’ouverture du capital (le privé à hauteur de 30 %) et à la transition vers ...
FR*   451 - Groupe Caisse d’Epargne
             Communiqué-de-presse.com (Communiqués de presse) - 23 mai 2007
             numéro 1 des banques en gestion d’actifs en France avec 584 Md€ d’actifs gérés, numéro 1 français en épargne salariale. Natixis est également reconnu pour ...
FR*   452 - Coopératives : une solution d’avenir pour le BTP ?
             CyberBTP.com - 23 mai 2007
             En France, il existe un peu plus de 1.700 Scop, dont près d’un tiers dans le secteur du BTP. Ce statut coopératif, qui présente plusieurs singularités, ...
FR*   453 - SCOP : Les mêmes attentes qu’une entreprise classique
             CyberBTP.com - 23 mai 2007
             Jean-Yves Lelièvre : En tant que patron d’une Scop, je suis redevable, plus encore que dans une entreprise classique, à tous les coopérateurs de la bonne ...
FR*   454 - Pourquoi créer (ou pas) une Scop ?
             CyberBTP.com - 23 mai 2007
             En 2005, il existait en France 1.707 Scop, dont un tiers dans le BTP, soit plus de 36.000 salariés, pour un CA global de 3,1 milliards d’euros. ...
FR*   455 - EADS : l'AMF auditionne les actionnaires privés
             Le Figaro - 23 mai 2007
             L'ENQUÊTE de l'Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) sur les ventes de stock-options effectuées par 800 hauts cadres d'EADS dont ses principaux dirigeants ...
FR*   456 - Bouclier fiscal à 50 % : Fillon accélère le rythme
             Le Figaro - 23 mai 2007
             Mettre un terme à ces pratiques détestables des parachutes dorés, mettre des règles plus éthiques à l'utilisation des stock-options. ...
FR*   457 - BT, de bons résultats et un optimiste d’airain
             YouVox Tech - 23 mai 2007
             ... peut être mise en question et où le management ne demande qu’à valoriser ses plans de stock options après avoir donné satisfaction sur la durée. ...
FR*   458 - L'AMF auditionne les principaux dirigeants d'EADS
             Le Monde - 23 mai 2007
             ... ayant vendu leurs titres entre le 9 et le 17 mars, une période fixée par la direction financière de l'entreprise pour pouvoir exercer ses stock-options. ...
FR*   459 - EADS/délits d'initiés: les dirigeants entendus par l'AMF d'ici au ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 23 mai 2007
             Pendant une période autorisée pour la vente d'actions issues de stock options, entre le 8 et le 28 mars 2006, Noël Forgeard avait réalisé une plus-value de ...
FR*   460 - L'AMF auditionne des dirigeants d'EADS, selon Le Monde
             La Tribune.fr - 23 mai 2007
             ... français et allemands, dont Jean-Paul Gut, avaient vendu des actions pour plusieurs millions d'euros, à la faveur de la levée de stock-options. ...
ES*   461 - Las sociedades laborales reclaman un cambio legal para que no se ...
             Las Provincias - 23 May 2007
             Los requisitos que la ley fijó en 1997 para regular las sociedades laborales frenan hoy su crecimiento. Especialmente uno de ellos: el que limita al 25% los ...
             Discapnet (Comunicados de prensa) - 23 May 2007
             Ceballos realizó estas declaraciones durante la apertura hoy en Valencia del VI Congreso de Sociedades Laborales, organizado por la Federación de Empresas ...
AR*   463 - Las viviendas van tomando forma
             Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero - 23 May 2007
             En el barrio 25 de Mayo se desarrolla la segunda etapa de la construcción de las viviendas llevadas a cabo por cooperativas de trabajo. ...
ES*   464 - El Ministerio incentivará que empresas, fundaciones y asociaciones ...
             La Verdad (Murcia) - 23 May 2007
             ... crearán alrededor de 300.000 nuevos puestos de trabajo, de los que más de 10.000 corresponderán a cooperativas de trabajo asociado de la Comunidad murciana.
AR*   465 - Alzarría sigue recorriendo Misiones
             Diario Línea Capital - 23 May 2007
             Destacó además la importancia de elaborar proyectos comunitarios e instrumentar cooperativas de trabajo con proyección de participación de toda la comunidad ...
AR*   466 - Suárez Arocena presentó el Consejo Social Ambiental
              Aninoticias (Comunicados de prensa) - 23 May 2007
             También concurrieron miembros de la Confederación Cooperativa de la República Argentina Limitada (COOPERAR), la Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo ...
AR*   467 - La Cooperativa ferroviaria de Junín suspendió al personal
             La Verdad de Junín - 23 May 2007
             Rodríguez indicó que “ante esta situación, queremos que nos digan cuál será la política oficial para las cooperativas de trabajo, porque ahora tuvimos que ...
AR*   468 - El Gobierno porteño tomó el inmueble de Maderera Córdoba
             Noticias Urbanas - 23 May 2007
             ... como tal hasta que la quiebra de la empresa impulsó a sus trabajadores a continuar con la unidad productiva bajo la forma de una Cooperativa de Trabajo. ...
AR*   469 - Planta de Reciclado: Denuncian irresponsabilidad, improvisación y ...
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 23 May 2007
             Pueyrredón, la Cooperativa de Trabajo CURA Ltda., Asociación Civil Rotary Club Aeropuerto de Mar del Plata y la Cooperativa de Trabajo Nueva Tecnología ...
AR*   470 - La Fábrica de Libros "Benteveo" y el taller "Cuentos con sol"
             Imaginaria - 23 May 2007
             El marco: la creación de una sencilla cooperativa de trabajo a través de la cual lo que pudiera recaudarse, fruto de la venta de los libros, se distribuiría ...
AR*   471 - La Legislatura prorrogó la expropiación de Mecber
             Impulso Baires - 23 May 2007
             La Plata - Con la ley 13.674 el Ejecutivo Provincial promulgó una prórroga por 5 años de la vigencia de la ley de expropiación de la Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
AR*   472 - La Cooperativa ferroviaria de Junín suspendió al personal
             La Verdad de Junín - 23 May 2007
             La Cooperativa de Trabajo Talleres Junín se encuentra atravesando nuevamente un difícil momento, a raíz de la falta de recursos económicos, que obligaron a ...
AR*   473 - Fedecoop realizó su asamblea anual
             Mega24 - 23 May 2007
             ... Cooperativa de Productores Laneros "Coprolan"; Cooperativa de Trabajo y Consumo "Posadas"; Cooperativa de Trabajo "22 de Abril"; Cooperativa de ...
ES*   474 - Francia.- Fillon asegura que el nuevo Ejecutivo practicará un ...
             Europa Press - 23 May 2007
             ... "poner fin a la práctica detestable de los paracaídas dorados" y establecer un marco de reglas "más ético para la utilización de las 'stock options'". ...
AT*   475 - Oberbank liegt derzeit vor Raiffeisen OÖ
             OÖNachrichten - 23. Mai 2007
              Verstärkt werden soll die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in der Bank. Derzeit halten 1400 der 1800 Oberbank-Beschäftigten 4,1 Prozent am Unternehmen. ...
AT*   476 - AUA: Neues Gehaltsschema erst 2008
             Die Presse - 23. Mai 2007
             Und drittens eine geförderte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung – beim Kauf von drei AUA-Aktien gibt es eine Gratisaktie dazu. Der Zeitplan sieht nun so aus: Nach dem ...
BR*   477 - Presidente da Abrate ministra palestra 19h em Campo Grande
             MS Notícias - 23 Mai 2007
             Ao contrário do que se alega, não teremos a criação de empregos, mas a substituição destes por falsas pessoas jurídicas, cooperativas de trabalho, ...
US*   478 - Primitive Logic Ranked Second in San Francisco Business Times ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 22, 2007
             The caliber of our people, clients and projects, and employee ownership and involvement in the direction of the company are factors that I have always ...
ZA*   479 - Woolies in R292m BEE deal
             Finance24, South Africa - May 22, 2007
             The firm said that at appropriate times it would issue these shares - up to a maximum of 89.4 million shares to the Woolworths Employee Share Ownership ...
CA*   480 - Westwind ropes Calgary bull rider
             Globe and Mail, Canada - May 22, 2007
             ... rodeos and stepped up as a colour commentator at past Stampedes. Westwind is a Toronto-based employee-owned brokerage house with offices in four cities.
US*   481 - Cadmus Announces $27.8 Million Contract with the US Environmental ...
             TMC Net, CT - May 22, 2007
             Founded in 1983, employee-owned Cadmus (www.cadmusgroup.com) helps government, nonprofit, and corporate clients address critical challenges in the ...
US*   482 - Gala Industries recognized for technology exchange
             OurValley.org, VA - May 22, 2007
             It is an employee-owned company that has been in operation since 1959. It is a leading manufacturer of centrifugal dryers and pelletizing systems worldwide, ...
US*   483 - Primitive Logic Ranked Second in San Francisco Business Times ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 22, 2007
             SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Primitive Logic, a leading employee-owned business consulting and technology services firm, today announced that it placed ...
US*   484 - Barkley Selects Accellion to Solve Inadequacy of Email File Transfer
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 22, 2007
             Barkley is the largest employee-owned agency of its kind with over 300 partners offering a full range of marketing communications services. ...
US*   485 - Fund Evaluation Group Chooses Satuit Technologies as Its Customer ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 22, 2007
             FEG is 100% employee owned and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio with offices in Indianapolis, Indiana; Detroit, Michigan; and Rexburg, Idaho. ...
AT*   486 - Thinstall Expands European Distribution and Sales Channel
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 22, 2007
             An IT solutions provider since 1996, Centralis remains independent, and wholly owned by employee shareholders. With corporate and software worldwide, ...
UK*   487 - LEBC aghast as Friends becomes shareholder
              Reuters.uk, UK - May 22, 2007
             He said he and LEBC's 18 other employee shareholders considered the firm to be "fiercely independent" and would seek to buy out Friends Provident at the ...
US*   488 - Ferrellgas Partners, LP Declares Third Quarter Distribution
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 22, 2007
             Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 20 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   489 - Illinois Senator Urges FCC on Tribune's Behalf
             Television Week, MI - May 22, 2007
             Tribune Company's purchase by an investor's group headed by Sam Zell and an employee stock ownership plan puts the company's ownership of WGN-TV and the ...
US*   490 - TRIBUNE CO. 14 state lawmakers push for FCC action
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 22, 2007
             Tribune last month announced that it intends to become a privately held company, institute an Employee Stock Ownership Plan and install Sam Zell as board ...
UK*   491 - A Fyne move for £1m Leith site
             Scotsman, UK - May 22, 2007
             Argyll-based Loch Fyne Oysters was the subject of an employee buyout in 2003 and the Loch Fyne Restaurants brand was acquired by four of its directors and ...
IN*   492 - Answered! Your queries on tax, ESOPs
             Rediff, India - May 22, 2007
             The Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) has come under the purview of the Fringe Benefit Tax from April 1, 2007. Some changes have been introduced in ESOPs in ...
US*   493 - Illinois Congressmen Ask FCC to Grant Tribune Co. Cross-Ownership ...
             Editor & Publisher - May 22, 2007
             ... estate mogul Sam Zell, to take Tribune private because it depends on transferring broadcast licenses to the new owner, an Employee Stock Option Plan. ...
CA*   494 - Open EC Technologies, Inc. Announces Michael Chen, MBA, CPA, to ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 22, 2007
             Following the granting of the options, the Company will have unexercised director and employee stock options totaling 2520000. ...
US*   495 - Analog Devices Q2 Profit Declines 14%, Non-GAAP EPS Tops Consensus ...
             Trading Markets, CA - May 22, 2007
             ... include $17.4 million of non-cash stock-based compensation expenses related to employee stock options, or $0.037 on a diluted earnings per share basis. ...
US*   496 - Crimson Exploration Inc. Announces First Quarter 2007 Financial ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 22, 2007
             ... approximately $0.3 million of which was related to non-cash compensation expense related to the 2006 adoption of SFAS 123R for employee stock options. ...
IN*   497 - Now, ESOPs for insurance co workers
             Times of India, India - May 22, 2007
             MUMBAI: Employee stock options (ESOPS) has been one of the most debated remuneration tools in recent times. Leaving the debate aside, for the first time in ...
US*   498 - Apollo adjusts previous reports
             East Valley Tribune, AZ - May 22, 2007
             ... said Monday it has met Securities and Exchange Commission requirements regarding the filing of delinquent financial reports and employee stock options. ...
US*   499 - Mobius User Interface Research Scientist Contributes Expertise to ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 22, 2007
             ... changes in accounting for employee stock options, general conditions in the economy and the impact of recently enacted or proposed regulations. ...
ZA*   500 - The Forecast Factory: Reunert results reflect cost of BEE deal
             Business Day, South Africa - May 22, 2007
             A share-based charge is transitory, normally charged on share options, which though granted, may not be exercised. Accounting standards require that the ...

ZA*   501 - Datacentrix considers offers from various suitors
             Business Report, South Africa - May 22, 2007
             Their remuneration included share options worth R6.8 million each. Chief operating officer Ahmed Mahomed received R2.9 million, up from R2.2 million in the ...
CA*   502 - RAMTelecom terminates takeover talks with SkyPort
             Ottawa Business Journal, Canada - May 22, 2007
             ... with the holders of outstanding share options and warrants being paid 10 cents and four cents respectively to cancel their options and warrants. ...
CA*   503 - Whitemud Resources announces 2007 first quarter results and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 22, 2007
             Diluted loss per share amounts have not been calculated as the effect of common shares issuable upon exercise of share options is anti-dilutive. ...
FI*   504 - Cramo Oyj: Cramo oyj quarterly report cramo's strong first-quarter ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 22, 2007
             ... by the dilution effect | | | | | of share options | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Adjusted ...
US*   505 - Uganda: Reasons Why Companies Buy Their Own Shares
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - May 22, 2007
             ... needs to build stock reserves to grant share options in the future or to increase the value of shares by canceling shares which have been bought back, ...
US*   506 - Nexit Ventures Exits Hantro; Shares Acquired by On2 Technologies
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 22, 2007
             ... On2 will acquire Hantro in a share exchange directly with the holders of all of Hantro's equity securities (including all outstanding share options) for ...
FR*   507 - Florence Legros, Professeur à l'université Paris-Dauphine
             Actusite - 22 mai 2007
             Par ailleurs, il faut développer en France l’épargne salariale et la retraite par capitalisation. Il faut sortir de l’idée que la capitalisation est ...
FR*   508 - Clôture Wall Street : Nasdaq +0,36%; Dow Jones -0,02%
             Le Revenu - 22 mai 2007
             ... de restructuration, dépenses relatives à des investigations (stock options) et impact des éventuels ajustements concernant les problèmes sur les impôts. ...
FR*   509 - Gallois et Sarkozy sur la même longueur d'onde?
             Le Figaro - 22 mai 2007
             Les stock-options sont remises en question dans de nombreux pays. Personnellement, je suis de moins en moins favorable à ce système, qui s'apparente à une ...
FR*   510 - Rémunération des patrons : Louis Gallois s'en prend à son tour aux ...
             Les Échos - 22 mai 2007
             Récemment, c'est le patron d'Axa, Henri de Castries, qui s'était fait remarquer sur le sujet en renonçant à ses stock-options. "Je veux démontrer qu'un ...
             Investir.fr - 22 mai 2007
             Enfin, le co-président exécutif d'EADS affirme son opposition au système des stock-options. " Ce n'est pas sain. Je préfère la distribution d'actions ...
FR*   512 - Forgeard: Le parachute illégal ?
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 22 mai 2007
             ... suite à la vente de stock-options. Le 15 mars 2006, quelques jours avant l'annonce des difficultés d'Airbus, qui allaient précipiter son départ, ...
FR*   513 - EADS: Gallois met en garde la BCE contre une nouvelle hausse des ...
             Boursorama - 22 mai 2007
             Interrogé sur les stock-options et l'affaire Forgeard, il se dit "personnellement (...) de moins en moins favorable à ce système, qui s'apparente à une ...
FR*   514 - Enquête sur les indemnités de Noël Forgeard
             Le Figaro - 22 mai 2007
             En effet, l’ancien patron a démissionné en juillet 2006, vendant quelques semaines plus tôt l’ensemble de ses stock-options, alors qu’Airbus allait annoncer ...
FR*   515 - Louis Gallois pour une révision du pacte d'actionnaire d'EADS
             La Tribune.fr - 22 mai 2007
             Louis Gallois se déclare en outre opposé au système des "stock options", et redoute une hausse des taux de la BCE. Allant dans la même direction que celle ...
FR*   516 - Ouverture d'une enquête sur les indemnités de Noël Forgeard
             nouvelobs.com - 22 mai 2007
             M. Forgeard a démissionné début juillet 2006 sur fond de scandale lié à la vente de stock-options quelques semaines avant l'annonce de nouveaux retards de ...
FR*   517 - EADS: Louis Gallois favorable à une révision du pacte d'actionnaires
              L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 22 mai 2007
             Louis Gallois évoque par ailleurs le débat sur les stock-options versées aux dirigeants du groupe, qui avaient permis à l'ancien co-président français Noël ...
FR*   518 - Airbus souffrirait d'une hausse des taux européens, dit Gallois
             Le Point - 22 mai 2007
             "Les stock-options sont remises en cause dans de nombreux pays. Personnellement, je suis de moins en moins favorable à ce système qui s'apparente à une ...
FR*   519 - EADS : Louis Gallois s'alarme d'une hausse des taux de la BCE
             Le Revenu - 22 mai 2007
             Louis Gallois se prononce égale ment dans les colonnes du quotidien plutôt contre le système des stock-options, "qui s'apparente à une loterie". ...
BE*   520 - Gérard Mestrallet se déleste d'actions Suez pour un montant de 1 ...
             Trends-Tendances - 22 mai 2007
             Rappelons que voici un mois, le PDG du groupe industriel et de services avait déjà cédé pour une partie de ses stock-options suite à l'échéance d'un plan de ...
FR*   521 - La République contre la société de marché
             Témoignages.re - 22 mai 2007
             Et c’est là où le bât blesse : l’exemple criant des “délocalisations” comme le scandale des “stock options” et des “golden parachutes” montre à quel point ...
ES*   522 - Sebastián asegura que en Madrid hay que desarrollar la Ley de Igualdad
             Madridiario - 22 May 2007
             ... (Asociación de Mujeres Empresarias de Sociedades Laborales), para conocer la labor que desempeñan y presentarles su programa en materia de igualdad. ...
AR*   523 - Darregueira espera novedades sobre el Centro Integrador
             La Nueva Provincia - 22 May 2007
             Para desarrollar la construcción de los CIC, el gobierno de la Nación exige la constitución de hasta tres cooperativas de trabajo, cada una de ellas ...
ES*   524 - El voto rebelde
             El País (España) - 22 May 2007
             ... "han conseguido el pleno empleo y alquileres a 15 euros gracias a recuperar la función social de la propiedad, a crear cooperativas de trabajo". ...
AR*   525 - Firmaron convenios para generar autoempleo
             Datachaco.com - 22 May 2007
             ... la Fundación para la Prevención de la Ceguera Precoz y la Cooperativa de Trabajo "Cinco Saltos" Limitada, la Cruz Roja y CONINAGRO, Fundación Elohim. ...
AR*   526 - El Gauchito: ejemplo para otras fábricas recuperadas
             Mega24 - 22 May 2007
             ... de una cooperativa de trabajo de la construcción en Reconquista (Santa Fe) e integrante de la Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores Autogestionados. ...
AR*   527 - Organizaciones sociales reclaman fondos para emprendimientos ...
             Página 12 - 22 May 2007
             ... varias rutas del interior provincial, en reclamo de la entrega de planes sociales y de fondos para las cooperativas de trabajadores desocupados, ...
IT*   528 - Jobs spinge Gore alla Casa Bianca
             Macity - 22 mag 2007
             Recentemente Gore è stato anche parte della commissione di saggi che ha indagato sulla vicenda delle stock options e ha anche pubblicato un libro, ...
US*   529 - Siebert Given ESOP Award
             National Underwriter (subscription), NJ - May 21, 2007
             Ms. Siebert in accepting the award said: “We are fortunate to live in a country which allows employee ownership. For Carl Warren as an ESOP, ...
UK*   530 - Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. Announces Employee Stock Ownership Plan ...
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - May 21, 2007
             “We believe that our employees play a critical role in the success of our Company and that employee ownership of our stock will only further strengthen our ...
US*   531 - Indiana Noteworthy
             Indianapolis Star, IN - May 21, 2007
             The ESOP Association selected Herff Jones as the winner of its 2007 Employee Ownership Month Poster Contest. Firestone Building Products Co. has named ...
ZA*   532 - Woolies airs R2,3bn staff equity plan
             Business Day, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             ... of 0,15c each called “Esos shares” and will issue up to a maximum of 89,4-million shares to the Woolworths’ Employee Share Ownership (Esos) Trust Deed. ...
ZA*   533 - Woolworths to sell BEE shares to staff
             Business Report, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             The company said a maximum of 89.4 million shares would be issued at appropriate times to the Woolworths Employee Share Ownership Trust, which would hold ...
ZA*   534 - Angloplat might be forging big BEE deal
             Business Report, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             ... Northam are all potentially involved in an Angloplat empowerment deal, while the group has said it could conclude an employee share ownership programme. ...
ZA*   535 - Woolworths in R292m BEE employee deal
             Business Day, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             Woolworths will at appropriate times issue ESOS shares, up to a maximum of 89,4m shares, to the Woolworths Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOS trust). ...
ZA*   536 - WHL - Woolworths - Black Economic Empowerment Transaction
             Finance24, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             Woolworths will at appropriate times issue these ESOS shares, up to a maximum of 89 400 000 ESOS shares, to the Woolworths Employee Share Ownership Trust ...
US*   537 - Global warming and the vision thing
             Grist Magazine, WA - May 21, 2007
             Imagine scores of new firms thereby created; these could be employee-owned and operated, rooted in their communities and immune from outsourcing. ...
US*   538 - MSC.Software Solutions Play Critical Role in Swales Aerospace ...
             MCADCafe (press release), CA - May 21, 2007
             Established in 1978, Swales Aerospace is an employee-owned company headquartered in Beltsville, MD that offers a full range of engineering capability to the ...
US*   539 - Hoyt Co. merges with HDR Inc.
             Sacramento Business Journal, CA - May 21, 2007
             HDR is an employee-owned architectural, engineering and consulting firm. It has a Sacramento office and was ranked 11th in terms of overall size of its ...
US*   540 - CH2M HILL to acquire VECO
             Boulder County Business Report, CO - May 21, 2007
             Employee-owned CH2M HILL provides engineering, construction and operations for clients in the areas of transportation, water, energy, environment, ...
US*   541 - Independence's Marquis Spas names president
             Statesman Journal, OR - May 21, 2007
             ... working for Marquis as the office manager I certainly didn’t think that I would be the President one day,” Schrenk added of the employee-owned operation.
US*   542 - Joint Venture of Hill International, LiRo Engineers, Lemley ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 21, 2007
             HDR is an employee-owned architectural, engineering and construction firm with approximately 6000 professionals in 140 locations worldwide. ...
UK*   543 - Illinois scheme hands fillip to Pacific Corporate
             Financial News Online US, UK - May 21, 2007
             PCG restructured in February and spun off a new employee-owned business, Pacific Corporate Group Asset Management, giving staff equity ownership to stave ...
US*   544 - MSC.Software Solutions Play Critical Role in Swales Aerospace ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 21, 2007
             About Swales Aerospace Established in 1978, Swales Aerospace is an employee-owned company headquartered in Beltsville, MD that offers a full range of ...
US*   545 - AMERICAN SYSTEMS Navy Support Center Takes Home Top Honor with ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 21, 2007
             Founded in 1975, AMERICAN SYSTEMS is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States, generating 2006 revenues of approximately $231 ...
UK*   546 - New Dates For Jaama's Fleet Management Workshops
             Transport News Network, UK - May 21, 2007
             In addition, we recognise and appreciate that operators of smaller or employee-owned fleets do not always have the luxury of a full time dedicated fleet ...
US*   547 - Moving up
             Arizona Daily Star, AZ - May 21, 2007
             ... Services Ltd. — now, Community Provider of Enrichment Services Inc. — which he then helped transform into a 100 percent employee-owned company in 1995. ...
US*   548 - United Financial Bancorp, Inc. Announces Adoption of Plan to ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 21, 2007
             ... (2) the Bank's employee stock ownership plan; (3) depositors of record as of the end of the calendar quarter immediately preceding the commencement of ...
US*   549 - Newspapers' Slips Still Showing
             Motley Fool - May 21, 2007
             The Zell plan includes the formation of a tax-advantaged employee stock ownership plan -- which will assume majority ownership at Tribune -- along with his ...
UK*   550 - Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. Announces Employee Stock Ownership Plan ...
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - May 21, 2007
             ... company for Tidelands Bank, a coastal South Carolina bank, announced the formation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”) for its employees. ...
US*   551 - Bill's proving ground
             Florida Times-Union, FL - May 21, 2007
             They said it made better business sense to close the company, with all its bills paid and its employees taken care of through an employee stock ownership ...
US*   552 - Space plentiful on Clements Ferry corridor
             Charleston Post Courier (subscription), SC - May 21, 2007
             Mount Pleasant-based Tidelands Bancshares Inc. said last week that it has formed an employee stock ownership plan, commonly called an ESOP. ...
AT*   553 - European Capital Underwriters Exercise Over-Allotment Option
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 21, 2007
             European Capital invests in and sponsors management and employee buyouts, invests in private equity buyouts and provides capital directly to private and ...
US*   554 - European Capital Underwriters Exercise Over-Allotment Option
             Earthtimes.org - May 21, 2007
             American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, ...
US*   555 - Cindy Ma Joins Houlihan Lokey to Head Derivatives Valuation
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 21, 2007
             ... of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Options Valuation Group where she examined the appropriate valuation framework for employee stock options. ...
US*   556 - QLogic SANbox 6140 Intelligent Storage Router Extends the Reach of ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 21, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the Company's employee stock ...
ZA*   557 - PWK / PIK - Pick `n Pay Holdings / Pick `n Pay Stores - Directors ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             ... purchase of shares pursuant to exercise of share options Nature of interest : Direct beneficial Approval : Approval obtained from executive director 2. ...
ZA*   558 - BRC - Brandcorp Holdings Limited - Firm intention and further ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             Assuming that all outstanding share options to acquire 316 658 Brandcorp shares in terms of the Brandcorp share incentive scheme will be cash settled, ...
ZA*   559 - DTC - Datatec Limited - Dealing in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             Director : Christopher Stefan Seabrooke Date of transaction : 18 May 2007 Nature of transaction : Exercise of share options and subsequent sale of shares ...
ZA*   560 - SAB - SABMiller Plc - Notification of transactions of directors ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 21, 2007
             Price per share or value of transaction EXERCISE OF 8673 SHARE OPTIONS @ GBP5.17 PER SHARE EXERCISE OF 18494 SHARE OPTIONS @ GBP4.11 PER SHARE EXERCISE OF ...
CY*   561 - Bank of Cyprus new shares from options
             Financial Mirror, Cyprus - May 21, 2007
             The new shares to be introduced have resulted from the exercise of 3.162.241 Share Options on 30 April 2007 by 4.229 beneficiaries (staff of the Bank of ...
UK*   562 - TSL journalists hit the jackpot following sale
             Press Gazette, UK - May 21, 2007
             Journalists at TSL Education are to cash in to the tune of nearly £9000 each on share options as a result of the takeover of the company by private equity ...
MC*   563 - France/Perco - Le nombre de salariés adhérents multiplié par 2
             Atlasvista Maroc - 21 mai 2007
             La loi pour le développement de la participation et de l'actionnariat salarié, votée en décembre 2006, devrait favoriser le développement de ce produit ...
FR*   564 - Safran : Club Sagem veut maintenir la pression sur
             Trading Sat - 21 mai 2007
             D'après le quotidien économique Les Echos, Club Sagem, regroupement de fonds communs de placements d`actionnaires salariés qui détient 11.3% des droits de ...
FR*   565 - PSA: la CGT "scandalisée" par les "propositions" faites aux ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 21 mai 2007
             ... jusqu'à 2.500.000 actions PSA sous forme de stock-options et de racheter en Bourse jusqu'à 16 millions d'actions PSA au prix maximum de 65 euros l'une, ...
FR*   566 - Steve Jobs est le patron le mieux payé aux USA selon Forbes
             LeMondeInformatique - 21 mai 2007
             Les plus values de ses stock options réalisées en 2006 représentent en effet près de 647 M$. Celui qui se classe à la 132e place du classement des hommes ...
ES*   567 - Las empresas de economía social exigen estar en el diálogo con ...
             El Correo Digital (Álava) - 21 May 2007
              Esta agrupación, que da cobertura a diez millones de personas, engloba a cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutualidades, centros especiales de empleo y ...
ES*   568 - La economía social exige su integración en el diálogo con las ...
             Noticias de Álava - 21 May 2007
             Ante ellos, el presidente de este colectivo exigió que la "voz" de la economía social -cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutualidades, ...
ES*   569 - Empresas economía social demandan integración sector en diálogo social
              Terra España - 21 May 2007
             De Castro demandó que la 'voz' de la economía social -cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutualidades, empresas de inserción o centros especiales de ...
ES*   570 - Las empresas de economía social demandan en Bilbao un "justo ...
             Deia (Suscripción) - 21 May 2007
             ... incidiendo en que "ahí hemos tenido una ayuda fundamental de la economía social, de las cooperativas y de las sociedades laborales", ha concluido.
AR*   571 - Carmen Godoy también lanzó candidatura a intendente
              Misiones OnLine - 21 May 2007
             A esto se le sumará además la puesta en marcha cooperativas de trabajo con las personas que hoy se dedican a la recolección de cartones, plásticos y otras ...
AR*   572 - Rosario - Levantan la protesta vecinos de Nuevo Alberdi
             Sin Mordaza - 21 May 2007
             ... obra de vecinos y vecinas de los barrios antes mencionados para la realización de las obras y también analizar la formación de cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   573 - Misión a Italia para captar nuevos mercados
             Pesca & Puertos - 21 May 2007
             ... contó Patricio Alessandroni, presidente de Industrial Coop, una de las cooperativas de trabajo que más asociados tiene en el puerto local. ...
AR*   574 - Empresas recuperadas reclamaron mayor apoyo del Estado nacional
             La Capital (Rosario) - 21 May 2007
             ... con el movimiento cooperativo, experiencias y perspectivas de la economía internacional, y aspectos sociales y contables de las cooperativas de trabajo. ...
ES*   575 - Pretenden republicanos frenar el voto latino, dice líder hispano
             Milenio - 21 May 2007
             Por su parte, Martín Unzueta, dirigente de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores, dijo que la ciudadanía se presenta en el acuerdo del Senado como un atractivo ...
DE*   576 - Landtags-SPD will Programm für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung initiieren
             Eichstätter Kurier - 21. Mai 2007
             München (dpa/lby) - Die Landtags-SPD will ein Programm für eine risikofreie Kapitalbeteiligung von Mitarbeitern an mittelständischen Unternehmen in Bayern ...
IT*   577 - Trevisan C.: ok Consob a documento Opa Ac Partners
             Borsa Italiana - 21 mag 2007
             ... pari al 50,01%, oltre a ulteriori massime 1.014.150 azioni, in caso di aumento del capitale dell'emittente a servizio dei piani di stock options. ...
IT*   578 - P.Barrai: Unicredito-Capitalia: felicità vera o apparente
             Trend-online.com - 21 mag 2007
             Arpe riceverà circa 50 milioni di euro di buonuscita fra stipendi e stock options. Il banco di Sicilia ha ricevuto garanzie di sviluppo. ...
BR*   579 - Unimed responde dúvidas sobre planos de saúde
             Jornal de Araraquara - 21 Mai 2007
             UNIMED DE ARARAQUARA - Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico vem prestar esclarecimentos a seus cooperados, beneficiários, credenciados, fornecedores e público em ...
BD*   580 - 'Let workers buy in to company'
             The Nation Newspaper, Barbados - May 20, 2007
             THE SMALL but vocal People's Empowerment Party (PEP) wants more employee share ownership programmes established by corporate Barbados. ...
MW*   581 - PC establishes loan fund for locals
             Malawi's Daily Times, Malawi - May 20, 2007
             ... percent of government stakes being offered to the public, while employees would be allocated 4 percent through an Employee Share Ownership Plan (Esop). ...
US*   582 - Rebate program is latest step for Hamacher's
             Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (subscription), WI - May 20, 2007
             The employee owners say a management buyback in 2001 saved Hamacher from further decline. Hamacher, based on the northwest side, is a business-to-business ...
US*   583 - Grassroots: Learn to turn animal manure into energy
             DesMoinesRegister.com, IA - May 20, 2007
             Asoyia was begun by 25 southeast Iowa farmers and is a farmer- and employee-owned company. Greg Keeley, Asoyia's chief executive officer, said the company ...
IN*   584 - Company carrots turn unprofitable
             Economic Times, India - May 20, 2007
             Says Sandeep Chaufla, director, BSR & Co, “If an employee exercises an option 4-5 years after the grant of ESOP, determining the exact value of the option ...
UK*   585 - TLRC Chairman to stand down
             Radio Today, UK - May 20, 2007
             ... goodwill amortisation and provision for share options under FRS 20 was reduced to £535000 compared to £594000 for the same period last year. ...
JM*   586 - Modern 'slavery' principles stifling workers, says Blair
             Jamaica Gleaner, Jamaica - May 20, 2007
             But Mrs. Hinchcliffe said that employers were not anxious over share options. Her own company, Manpower Services Limited, is considering such a move in the ...
UK*   587 - Rose’s lieutenant starts to bloom
             Times Online, UK - May 20, 2007
             Rose’s shares were worth £1.6m; his share options brought him a thumping £23m. Wilson did well, too: the Green takeover valued his shares at more than £2m; ...
             le Patriote - 20 mai 2007
             ... fonds de pension (dossier qui va revenir très vite dans l’actualité), actionnariat salarié, épargne-logement, assurance-vie, épargne-retraite… ...
ES*   589 - El Palacio Europa de Gasteiz acogerá el 23 de mayo el I Congreso ...
             Deia (Suscripción) - 20 May 2007
             FOARSE es un foro formado por la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Euskadi, el Ayuntamiento de Vitoria, la Caja Vital, la Cámara de Comercio e Industria ...
IT*   590 - Un post da 4 miliardi di dollari
             Pc Più F@cile - 20 mag 2007
             Neppure il caso delle stock options di Steve Jobs, ancora sotto analisi presso la Securities and Exchange Commission, aveva generato una conseguenza così ...
IT*   591 - Dominio Porn.com venduto per 10 milioni di dollari
             Webmaster Age - 20 mag 2007
              ... sempre a sfondo sessuale, sex.com aveva raggiunto la ragguardevole cifra dei 12 milioni di dollari misti però tra contanti e stock options. ...
US*   592 - Company’s success lit by employees, philanthropy
             Waco Tribune Herald, TX - May 19, 2007
             “Business is very good,” said Bracey, who wouldn’t give an exact sales figure because the company is employee-owned. Still, a magazine called Electrical ...
US*   593 - Highly skilled manufacturing jobs go begging
             The News Journal, DE - May 19, 2007
             In Euclid, Ohio, where factories line I-90 for miles, hiring can be demanding for the employee-owned Marine Mechanical Corp., which makes electric devices ...
US*   594 - Highland Global Business Valuations Announces Release of 1st ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 19, 2007
             ... mergers & acquisitions, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), financing/capital raising, divorce, shareholder issues, and litigation. ...
UK*   595 - EXCLUSIVE £205000 cost Privatisation fears
             Sunday People, UK - May 19, 2007
             United Health Care is being investigated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over the alleged granting of backdated share options. ...
UK*   596 - M&S chief bets on restaurants, revamps and foreign stores
             The Observer, UK - May 19, 2007
             At 56 years old, M&S marketing chief Steve Sharp is excluded on age grounds and is expected to follow Rose out the door when his share options mature. ...
UK*   597 - Prince Charles’s aide ‘trades’ on royal name
             Times Online, UK - May 19, 2007
             ... to be negotiating a package that could be worth up to £500000 over the next three to five years, if share options and director’s fees are included. ...
UK*   598 - £80m in bonuses awaits Marks & Spencer employees as annual profits ...
             Sunday Herald, UK - May 19, 2007
             Directors will not miss out on the generous treatment of employees and are in line for millions of pounds under incentive schemes and share options. ...
VZ*   599 - Se permiten sólo 200 buhoneros en bulevar
             El Tiempo de Venezuela - 19 May 2007
             Oscar Brusco, secretario de Finanzas de la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Bolivarianos de Los Tucusitos, aseguró que a pesar de que quieren “paz laboral”, ...
KE*   600 - Standard launches major transformation strategy
             Standard, Kenya - May 18, 2007
             Standard Group shareholders have approved an employee share ownership scheme to reward and retain talent as the company’s transformation powers on. ...
KE*   601 - Scangroup to increase shares by 21m
             Daily Nation (subscription), Kenya - May 18, 2007
             ... of 21 million new shares to finance the company’s future expansion, and a proposed Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), subject to regulatory approval. ...
US*   602 - Riverview Named One of Washington's Best 100 Companies to Work For
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 18, 2007
             "All of our employee-owners are responsible for these results and for creating a positive team environment dedicated to delivering on our brand promise to ...
UK*   603 - A tradition of difference
             The Herald, UK - May 18, 2007
             Another role model is employee-owned John Lewis, says Macdonald. But he says: "I am constantly very frustrated, not just here but in every country I visit, ...
US*   604 - CH2M HILL in Acquisition Discussions With VECO Corporation
             Earthtimes.org - May 18, 2007
             Headquartered in Denver, Colo., employee-owned CH2M HILL is a global leader in engineering, construction, and operations for public and private clients. ...
US*   605 - Latham Mall to Undergo Major Reconfiguration into 'Contemporary ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 18, 2007
             Founded in 1986, the employee-owned company has completed other mall projects in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Maryland. BL Companies has offices ...
US*   606 - Workers Boost Skills As Jobs Go Unfilled
             Houston Chronicle, TX - May 18, 2007
             In nearby Euclid, where factories line Interstate 90 for miles, hiring can be demanding for the employee-owned Marine Mechanical Corp., which makes electric ...
US*   607 - Virtually Speaking: The Future Looks Bright
             Server Watch, CT - May 18, 2007
             Each virtualized layer can be managed relatively independently or even owned by someone else, for example, streamed applications or employee-owned PCs. ...
US*   608 - Appreciating customers is an important part of business
             VillageSoup Belfast, ME - May 18, 2007
             Serving Midcoast Maine and beyond since 1866, the Allen Agency is an employee-owned company, providing insurance planning, investment and retirement ...
UK*   609 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 BST
             Hemscott, UK - May 18, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to May 12 sales at its 26 UK department stores increased 8.5 pct ...
US*   610 - Chrysler sale critics speak out
             Detroit Free Press, MI - May 18, 2007
             UAW members who wanted to take Chrysler private as an employee-owned company lashed out Thursday at their union's leadership for not aiding their efforts. ...
IN*   611 - Citigroup PE arm picks up 85% in Sharekhan
             Economic Times, India - May 18, 2007
             Employee shareholding stands at around 15%. The top management and other employees of Sharekhan are likely to get retention bonuses, which is an attempt to ...
US*   612 - Junginger foundation supports bridge project
             Watertown Daily Times, WI - May 18, 2007
             ... under his leadership at McKay Nursery, Junginger began its pension and profit-sharing plans in the 1960s and an employee stock ownership program in 1984 ...
US*   613 - DaimlerChrysler (DCX): What If The Deal Comes Undone?
             24/7 Wall St., NY - May 18, 2007
             A spokesperson for the Chrysler Employee Buyout Committee, a group of UAW workers told The Detroit Free Press: "Chrysler's management and union employees ...
US*   614 - Chrysler sale critics speak out
             Detroit Free Press, MI - May 18, 2007
             Mauder and her group, called Chrysler Employee Buyout Committee, emerged on the public scene April 4 when an ally in Germany read a letter during the ...
KE*   615 - Scangroup shareholders approve creation of 21 million new shares
             Capital FM, Kenya - May 18, 2007
             The ESOP scheme will take up 15 million out of the 21 million new shares. The group’s Chief Executive Officer Bharat Thakrar said that the company had ...
UK*   616 - Chile's LAN raises $181 mln in share offering
             Reuters.uk, UK - May 18, 2007
             ... to better-than-expected cargo and passenger traffic figures, and said the money would go to finance regional expansion plans and employee stock options.
US*   617 - Financial restatements can hurt or help
             USA Today - May 18, 2007
             Q: I own employee stock options in a company that is restating past results. Why do companies restate earnings and why am I prohibited from executing my ...
CA*   618 - Rothmans Inc. Delivers steady results in fiscal 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 18, 2007
             A summary of the status of the Company's employee share option plan as at March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, and changes during the years ending on those dates ...
ZA*   619 - IFW - Infowave Holdings Limited - Directors' Dealings In Securities
             Finance24, South Africa - May 18, 2007
             Number of options exercised: 24 769 Price: 49.0 cents per share Value: R 12 137 Nature: Exercise of share options and purchase of shares Exercise price: 70 ...
CA*   620 - Eurogas Corporation News Release
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 18, 2007
             In addition, the Committee approved the issue of share options in the amount of 200000 to each director including Mr. Jonathan Goodman, Mr. R. James Kirker, ...
ZA*   621 - ATN - Altron - Dealing In Securities By A Director
             Finance24, South Africa - May 18, 2007
             ... sold on the open market arising from the exercise of share options Nature of interest: Direct beneficial Name of director: JO Kidson Executive Director, ...
CA*   622 - Ithaca Energy Announces Awarding Of Share Options Under The ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 18, 2007
             ... in accordance with the Company's Stock Option Plan, the Board of Directors approved the granting of 1805000 share options to Directors and Employees at ...
ZA*   623 - BTG - BTG - Dealing in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - May 18, 2007
             ... transaction: Exercise of share options and subsequent sale of the shares granted in terms of the Bytes Technology Group Limited Share Incentive Scheme. ...
ZA*   624 - PIK - Pick `n Pay Stores Ltd - Director Dealings
             Finance24, South Africa - May 18, 2007
             ... transaction : Take-up and purchase of shares pursuant to exercise of share options Nature of interest : Direct beneficial Approval : Approval obtained ...
FR*   625 - Consultant en organnisation et assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage ...
             LExpansion.com - 18 mai 2007
             En particulier, vous avez acquis une bonne connaissance des produits (OPCVM, FCPE, SICAV, Multi-support, Epargne Salariale,...), des processus (Front ...
FR*   626 - ATMEL CORPORATION : Résultats de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire
             Le Revenu - 18 mai 2007
             L'enquête indépendante en cours concernant l'attribution de stock options par le passé a eu et est susceptible d'avoir un impact sur notre capacité à ...
FR*   627 - Marvell Technology : en retrait après les chiffres d'activité
             Boursier.com - 18 mai 2007
             ... revue portant évidemment sur les pratiques historiques d'attributions de stock options et les problèmes comptables liés, vient d'être terminée.
FR*   628 - Ghosn bien payé par Renault
              Planète Renault - 18 mai 2007
             Mais ce sont les stock options qui font véritablement de Carlos Ghosn l’un des patrons les mieux payés du Cac 40. Sur l'année 2006, il a perçu 350.000 stock ...
FR*   629 - Pré-ouverture Wall Street : tendance positive avant l'indice de ...
             Boursier.com - 18 mai 2007
             ... ailleurs des rectifications de comptes sur les exercices 2003 à 2006, afin de corriger notamment le traitement comptable des dépenses de stock options. ...
FR*   630 - PRE-OUVERTURE A WALL STREET - L'optimisme est de mise
             Boursorama - 18 mai 2007
             Autodesk n'a pas communiqué sur son bénéfice par action en raison de l'enquête en cours sur ses pratiques d'attribution de stock-options. ...
FR*   631 - Vous êtes ici > Accueil > Actualités > Carlos Ghosn - troisième ...
             Quotidien Auto - 18 mai 2007
             Mais ce sont les stock options qui font véritablement de Carlos Ghosn l´un des patrons les mieux payés du Cac 40. Sur l'année 2006, Carlos Ghosn a perçu ...
ES*   632 - 1,8 millones para pagar las ayudas al fomento del empleo
             Diario de Jerez - 18 May 2007
             ... con especiales dificultades y 224 por ayudas directas a la creación de empresas de economía social (autónomos, cooperativas y sociedades laborales). ...
ES*   633 - El Ayuntamiento liquida 1,8 millones de ayudas a la creación de ...
             La Voz Digital (Jerez) - 18 May 2007
             ... mercado de trabajo y los 224 restantes a ayudas directas a la creación de empresas de economía social (autónomos, cooperativas y sociedades laborales). ...
ES*   634 - Las más de 5.200 entidades del " sector no lucrativo" facturan 412 ...
             Diario de Navarra - 18 May 2007
             Por ejemplo, en cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutuas y centros especiales de empleo predomina la facturación propia. ...
AR*   635 - Después de cuatro días, hubo acuerdo
             Página 12 - 18 May 2007
             Analizar la factibilidad de la formación de cooperativas de trabajo. 5) Estudiar un proyecto de intervención en la zona con el objeto de mejora habitacional ...
AR*   636 - Extienden la red de agua para Lanús
             La Razón (Argentina) - 18 May 2007
             Allí formarán cooperativas de trabajo para que la propia gente construya la red bajo la organización y supervisión del municipio. ...
AR*   637 - El Municipio de Olavaria firmó el contrato con dos cooperativas ...
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 18 May 2007
             ... la Municipalidad de Olavarría firmó en el mediodía de hoy, el contrato con dos cooperativas de trabajo para la construcción de Muro Medianero. ...
AT*   638 - Gehaltskonflikt: Verhandlungen am Dienstag
             derStandard.at - 18. Mai 2007
             Der GPA-DJP-Vorsitzende zeigte sich gegenüber Plänen einer echten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gesprächsbereit, jedoch benötigten derartige Modelle eine ...
AT*   639 - AUA-Gehaltskonflikt
             ÖGB - 18. Mai 2007
             Der GPA-DJP-Vorsitzende zeigte sich gegenüber Plänen einer echten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gesprächbereit, jedoch benötigen derartige Modelle eine ...
IT*   640 - Al lavoro "custodi del proprio fratello"
             Gente Veneta - 18 mag 2007
             ... lamentando il fatto che «noi cattolici abbiamo lasciato cadere l'azionariato dei lavoratori», la partecipazione ai frutti del proprio lavoro, ...
IT*   641 - Cooperazione più robusta
             Il Nuovo Diario Messaggero - 18 mag 2007
             E’quello che accadrà venerdì 18 maggio quando alla Sacmi si svolgerà l’assemblea nazionale delle cooperative di produzione e lavoro. ...
AT*   642 - Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. Announces an Employee Stock Ownership ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 17, 2007
             our Company and that employee ownership of our stock will only further strengthen our Company's future and continued growth," said Robert E. Coffee, Jr., ...
ZA*   643 - Wage talk clouds hangs over SA gold firms
             Mining MX, South Africa - May 17, 2007
             AngloGold Ashanti is hopeful its employee share ownership plan, agreed with unions last year, will give employees a new perspective. ...
US*   644 - Conversation with a Leader: Rob Barrick
             Nashville City Paper, TN - May 17, 2007
             SSR is an employee-owned engineering design and facility consulting firm with approximately 480 employees in 10 offices throughout the United States. ...
US*   645 - Industry News
             Associated Construction Publications, GA - May 17, 2007
             Headquartered in Pittsfield, Maine, employee-owned Cianbro is one of the East Coast's largest civil and heavy industrial construction companies, ...
US*   646 - Joella Rossignol achieves certification designation
             VillageSoup Belfast, ME - May 17, 2007
             Serving Midcoast Maine and beyond since 1866, the Allen Agency is an employee-owned company, providing insurance for individuals, families and businesses. ...
US*   647 - Hy-Vee should be open here by this time next year
             Grand Island Independent, NE - May 17, 2007
             Hy-Vee is an employee-owned retail corporation, which began in 1930 as a partnership between Charles Hyde and David Vredenburg. ...
US*   648 - Satellite Receiver targets commercial radio broadcasting.
             ThomasNet Industrial News Room (press release), NY - May 17, 2007
             X-Digital is a privately held, employee-owned company headquartered in San Diego, CA with sales offices in Tokyo, Japan. For more information on the company ...
US*   649 - Tribune Co. enters $8.03B credit pact
             BusinessWeek - May 17, 2007
             ... which will give him the largest individual stake while Tribune employees own the rest under the employee stock ownership plan created by the agreement. ...
US*   650 - Tribune enters into $8.03 billion credit agreement
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 17, 2007
             ... with an $8.2 billion plan under which financier Sam Zell is planning to take the company private in conjunction with an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   651 - Chrysler worker buyout group says Daimler, UAW ignored offer
             MarketWatch - May 17, 2007
             on Thursday accused the UAW and DaimlerChrysler of ignoring the group's offer to set up an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. ...
US*   652 - Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. Announces an Employee Stock Ownership ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 17, 2007
             PLEASANT, SC, May 17 -- Tidelands Bancshares, Inc. , the holding company for Tidelands Bank, today announced the formation of an Employee Stock Ownership ...
UK*   653 - AdvantaPure Receives a Patent for its Hose Track Equipment ...
             Newswire Today (press release), UK - May 17, 2007
             In 2006, NewAge initiated an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) for the benefit of both its employees and customers. GammaTag™, Hose Track™, NewAge®, ...
IN*   654 - Is India's star finally dimming?
             ZDNet Asia, Asia - May 17, 2007
             ... service tax on lease rentals and "fringe benefit tax" on ESOPs (employee stock ownership plan), adding to the industry's existing list of woes that ...
ZA*   655 - LBT - Liberty International Plc - Notification of transactions of
             Finance24, South Africa - May 17, 2007
             As all Executive Directors of Liberty International PLC are potential beneficiaries of the ESOP the transfer from the ESOP is disclosable as a change in ...
US*   656 - First Albany Companies Inc. Announces Termination of Offer to ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 17, 2007
             ... LLC pursuant to which the Company agreed to terminate the Offer and its previously announced plans to reprice outstanding employee stock options. ...
US*   657 - US Stock-Index Futures Drop; Citigroup, Home Depot Decline
             Bloomberg - May 17, 2007
             The world's third-largest maker of server computers said it plans to buy back $3 billion of its stock to help offset the impact of employee stock options. ...
US*   658 - Tech briefs
             Chicago Sun-Times, IL - May 17, 2007
             ... the third-largest maker of server computers, will buy back $3 billion of its shares to help offset the impact of employee stock options. ...
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - May 17, 2007
             Sun Microsystems, the third-largest maker of server computers, will buy back $3 billion of its shares to help offset the impact of employee stock options. ...
UK*   660 - Icelandic bank to buy Bridgewell for £60.3m
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - May 17, 2007
             ... was the need to increase the remuneration needed to retain key staff who saw the value of their share options diminished by the fall in the share price. ...
UK*   661 - Regional law firm prepares itself for stock market listing
             Times Online, UK - May 17, 2007
             It is also a mechanism more fully familiar to non-lawyers, and as soon as you bring them into ownership you can offer share options — those type of ...
HK*   662 - Red chips eye A-share options
             The Standard, Hong Kong - May 17, 2007
             Many red chips are considering a return to the domestic equity markets to raise capital or as a way of supporting Beijing's policy to enhance the quality of ...
ZA*   663 - MUR - Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited - Share dealings by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - May 17, 2007
             ... Group Financial Director Date shares sold: 15 May 2007 Nature of transaction: Disposal of shares subsequent to the exercise of share options Number of ...
UK*   664 - Finance Director - South Wales
             Financial Times, UK - May 17, 2007
             ... must have a proven track record of success as an FD in a SME or Mid Market company. Salary package includes excellent base salary and share options.
FR*   665 - Des tickets "épargne" pour les salariés
             Le Figaro - 17 mai 2007
             Quelque dix millions de Français profitent aujourd'hui des avantages de l'épargne salariale. Bien implantée dans les grandes entreprises, elle a marqué ...
FR*   666 - Marvell Technology : revenus en croissance de 22% au premier
             Boursier.com - 17 mai 2007
             Ces résultats sont préliminaires car la compagnie fait actuellement l'objet d'une révision interne concernant les pratiques de stock options sur des ...
FR*   667 - Wall Street : consolidation modeste après les commentaires de Ben ...
             Boursier.com - 17 mai 2007
             Le résultat de cette revue demandera à BEA de modifier son traitement comptable pour certaines attributions de stock options, ce qui affectera les résultats ...
ES*   668 - Bilbao acoge la próxima semana una Jornada sobre el papel de la ...
             Terra España - 17 May 2007
             Estas empresas --cooperativas, sociedades laborales, mutualidades, empresas de inserción o centros especiales de empleo-- 'llevan años demostrando su ...
CO*   669 - A empresas que no despidan empleados pese a revaluación, Gobierno ...
             El Tiempo (Colombia) - 17 May 2007
             A los reclamos de las centrales obreras, Uribe dijo que se estudiaría nuevamente el caso de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y el de las Órdenes de ...
AR*   670 - Funcionarios de Desarrollo Social recorrieron las viviendas del ...
             La Capital Mar del Plata - 17 May 2007
             La particularidad de estas construcciones radica en que están siendo llevadas a cabo por ocho cooperativas de trabajo ligadas a distintas organizaciones ...
CO*   671 - 'Pliego' de peticiones de las centrales obreras al presidente Uribe
             Portafolio - 17 May 2007
             Siguiendo con la precarización, las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado continúan con la intermediación laboral afectando seriamente las organizaciones ...
             El Informante - 17 May 2007
             Las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado agrupadas en la Federación Nacional de Cooperativas, solicitaron al Congreso que se les incluya en el Consejo Nacional ...
AR*   673 - Pagan a molinos harineros, frigoríficos avícolas y tamberos
             El Diario de Paraná - 17 May 2007
             ... Cooperativa de Tamberos Valtelina Limitada, Cooperativa Tambera de Gualeguaychú Limitada, La Varense, Cooperativa de Trabajo Blaquier Limitada, Lahore, ...
AR*   674 - A la espera de los hombres del ENOSA
             El Urbano - 17 May 2007
             La visita de los miembros del ente nacional está relacionada con el plan de extensión de la red cloacal que debe llevar a cabo una cooperativa de trabajo. ...
AR*   675 - Cooperativa de trabajo expondrá en Buenos Aires
             La Opinión Austral - 17 May 2007
             Con el auspicio de la Secretaría de la Producción, la Cooperativa de Trabajo “Colección Santa Cruz Limitada”, participará en Buenos Aires de una muestra, ...
ES*   676 - Gallardón y la soberbia del PP
             La Estrella Digital - 17 May 2007
             Le ocurrió a Rodrigo Rato, que se pasó de frenada en su eficaz pero rumbosa vicepresidencia adornada por yuppies de stock options y otras andanzas, y Aznar, ...
LI*   677 - Gesundheit = Zufriedenheit = Erfolg
             Liechtensteiner Vaterland - 17. Mai 2007
             Die dazu notwendigen Massnahmen fokussieren auf die Optimierung der Arbeitsorganisation und -bedingungen, der Förderung einer aktiven Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ...
IT*   678 - Il vice ministro Visco a Imola il 18 all''assemblea nazionale dell ...
             Sabato Sera Online - 17 mag 2007
             All'ordine del giorno il programma delle iniziative a sostegno dello sviluppo dell'impresa cooperativa di produzione e lavoro. ...
US*   679 - Still opening doors
             News-Times, OR - May 16, 2007
             Calvin Oberg, who started working at Woodfold in 1974, called the employee ownership “a great idea” and wished it had started earlier. ...
US*   680 - New, moving or expanding: Automotive Parts buys Palmer
              St. Cloud Times, MN - May 16, 2007
             ... serves Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Michigan. Automotive Parts Headquarters is a family and employee-owned company headed by the Bartlett family.
US*   681 - Still opening doors
             News-Times, OR - May 16, 2007
             Today, the company is completely employee-owned, and Doran said it plays no small part in the fact that the average length of employment at Woodfold is 15 ...
US*   682 - The Right Tool for the Times
             Manufacturers' Blog, DC - May 16, 2007
              Penn United Technology, Inc., an employee-owned company based in Cabot, Penn., is known for its high-quality products, truly the competive edge in the tough ...
             Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - May 16, 2007
             Why you should check it out: It's hard to go wrong with almost anything from Oregon's employee-owned Full Sail Brewing Co., and its India pale ale, ...
US*   684 - Wheaton & Kensington chamber hosts breakfast
             Business Gazette, MD - May 16, 2007
             Founded in 1983, EMS is an employee-owned firm that specializes in assisting federal agencies with technical, policy, training, and administrative aspects ...
FR*   685 - Steria : Capital increase reserved for the employees of Groupe Steria
             Boursier.com (Communiqués de presse), France - May 16, 2007
             This transaction is in line with the Group's policy regarding employee shareholding. It strengthens the ties existing between the Group and its employees by ...
US*   686 - MSB Financial Corp. Announces Quarterly Results
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 16, 2007
             The increase for the March 2007 quarter as compared to the quarter ended December 31, 2006 resulted in part from the cost of the Employee Stock Ownership ...
US*   687 - Keller Rohrback LLP Announces Amended Complaint Filed On Behalf of ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 16, 2007
             If you are a member of the Oneida Ltd. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, you may contact paralegal Jennifer Tuato'o or attorneys, Britt Tinglum, Derek Loeser ...
US*   688 - Who's Really 'In Charge' When Making Energy Decisions at Home ...
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 16, 2007
             Ferrellgas employees indirectly own more than 18 million common units of the partnership through an employee stock ownership plan. ...
FR*   689 - We try harder, but what's the point?
             International Herald Tribune, France - May 16, 2007
             And then, in 1987, Wesray sold Avis to its employees under an employee stock ownership program. Wesray more than tripled its money in 14 months. ...
US*   690 - Baltimore Sun enters labor talks
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 16, 2007
             ... covered by the terms of the pending deal led by billionaire Sam Zell to take the company private in conjunction with an employee stock ownership plan. ...
US*   691 - Engadget Takes A Bite Out Of Apple
             DealBreaker.Com, NY - May 16, 2007
             (Apple had filed an 8-K today disclosing changes in it’s employee stock option plan and making no mention of product delays.) ...
US*   692 - Speedemissions First Quarter Sees Same Store Sales Increase
             WM Experts (press release), FL - May 16, 2007
             ... a new store currently under construction and the amortization of the new employee stock option plan all contributed to increased operating expenses. ...
US*   693 - Derma Sciences Announces Financial Results for the 2007 First Quarter
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 16, 2007
             ... first quarter of 2007 and 2006 includes share-based compensation expense of $178341 and $38625, respectively, related to employee stock option awards. ...
US*   694 - Safe Harbor Appeals to SNT Corp.'s Shareholders
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 16, 2007
             SNT has no employee stock option program at this time. In an environment where it is getting harder to hire and retain talented engineers and employees, ...
US*   695 - Chile LAN Airlines seen raising $300 mln in offer
             Reuters - May 16, 2007
             ... is expected to raise some $300 million in a stock offer this week, which it says will go to finance regional expansion plans and employee stock options. ...
US*   696 - Budget Talks Continue Amid (Mostly) Good Vibes
             Campaigns & Elections (press release) - May 16, 2007
             For starters, Rosen said the increase in tax collections may have resulted from employee stock options and bonuses. Other areas, however, such as the sales ...
IN*   697 - Bajaj Electricals to consider bonus issue
             Business Standard, India - May 16, 2007
             ... of Bajaj Electricals will be held on May 29, 2007, inter alia, to consider the issue of bonus shares and a proposal for employee stock options. ...
US*   698 - Officials: Budget in good shape
             Today's Sunbeam, NJ - May 16, 2007
             OLS Budget Officer David Rosen said the increase in tax collections may have resulted from employee stock options and bonuses. Other areas, however, such as ...
IN*   699 - Bajaj Electricals board to consider bonus
             Myiris.com, India - May 16, 2007
             The board at the same meeting will consider recommendation of dividend issue of bonus shares and decide upon a proposal for employee stock options. ...
ZA*   700 - David Sussman: Chairman, JD Group
             Moneyweb, South Africa - May 16, 2007
             MONEYWEB: Does it hold any shares or share options? DAVID SUSSMAN: No, no shares whatsoever. So this idea that is now being created that management are ...
UK*   701 - Comverse general counsel fined and
             Legal Week, UK - May 16, 2007
             The former general counsel at technology company Comverse has been sentenced to jail for a year and a day for backdating share options-related crimes. ...
UK*   702 - Sainsbury's three-year recovery plan is 'bang on track' according ...
             Scotsman, UK - May 16, 2007
             ... it was widely believed he would make millions of pounds more via private equity incentivisation schemes and crystallised share options than currently. ...
CA*   703 - Wrangler West Reports Natural Gas Production Growth in First Quarter
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 16, 2007
              SHARE CAPITAL (a) Stock options Common share options outstanding at March 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 ...
CA*   704 - Ithaca Energy Announces First Quarter 2007 Results
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 16, 2007
             During the quarter the Corporation issued 400000 share options, exercisable at C$2.32 per share. One half of these options vested immediately, the remainder ...
IN*   705 - UK : Clothing, fashion & personal care news roundup
             Fibre2fashion.com, India - May 16, 2007
             Richard Baker, chief executive of health and beauty retailer Alliance Boots, could receive GBP6.5 million through the exercise of share options if the ...
US*   706 - Qiao Xing Mobile Reports First Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 16, 2007
             ... compensation expenses associated with the share options which were granted on March 19, 2007 and which remain unexercised as of March 31, 2007. ...
FR*   707 - Augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés du GROUPE STERIA
             News Invest (Comuniqués de presse) - 16 mai 2007
             Cette opération s’inscrit dans la politique du Groupe eu égard à l’actionnariat salarié. Elle permet de renforcer le lien existant entre le Groupe et ses ...
FR*   708 - Face aux capitaux itinérants, la vigilance n'est pas du ...
             Le Figaro - 16 mai 2007
             Les actionnaires, salariés et clients qui resteront verront ensuite la qualité de leurs idées, mais eux seront loin. Une telle évolution est à nos portes. ...
FR*   709 - STERIA : augmentation de capital de 550 000 euros réservés aux ...
             Boursorama - 16 mai 2007
             ... de placement d'entreprise est un OPCVM réservé aux salariés d'une entreprise ou d'un groupe d'entreprises et destiné à recevoir leur épargne salariale. ...
FR*   710 - « Créer une agence de la reprise d’entreprises »
             Politis - 16 mai 2007
             Président de la Confédération générale des scop, Patrick Lenancker fait le point sur le développement des coopératives ouvrières, entre nécessité et ...
FR*   711 - Scop en stock
             Politis - 16 mai 2007
             J’avais entendu parler de la reprise en société coopérative ouvrière de production (scop) il ya quelque temps, par des amis syndicalistes. ...
FR*   712 - Du changement dans l’air
             Politis - 16 mai 2007
             Avec ses locaux flambant neufs situés dans une zone d’activité proche du site principal d’Airbus France à Toulouse, la coopérative (scop) Aerem n’a rien à ...
             Politis - 16 mai 2007
             Dante Sanjurjo raconte comment des employés de Montauban ont repris leur entreprise en Scop. Daniel Dupuis nous conte le désespoir d’un agriculteur bio ...
FR*   714 - PATRONAT - Laurence Parisot fulmine contre EADS
             Le Petit Journal - 16 mai 2007
             Et, pour donner l'exemple, il annonce de façon tout à fait inédite avoir décidé de ne pas recevoir d'actions et de stock-options cette année. ...
FR*   715 - Patron d'AXA - Être très riche sans trop le montrer
             Lutte Ouvrière - 16 mai 2007
             Henri de Castries, le patron d'AXA, renoncerait à ses stock-options en 2007, si l'on en croit ses déclarations à la presse. Il se prononce de plus pour la ...
FR*   716 - Alain de Benoist analyse l’Election Présidentielle
             Novopress - 16 mai 2007
             ... réussissant le prodige de séduire à la fois la droite sécuritaire et les cadres supérieurs gavés aux stock-options, les tenants de l’ordre moral et les ...
FR*   717 - CAC 40 : Qui sont les patrons les mieux payés ?
             Francebourse.com - 16 mai 2007
             ... qui arrive en quatrième position avec un salaire de 7 million d'euros, a déclaré mardi qu’il renonçait à ses stock-options pour l'année 2007. ...
FR*   718 - le 16/05/2007; Axa, EADS, Mercedes, Daimler, BMW, Eurotunnel ...
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 16 mai 2007
             Ce dernier a déclaré hier renoncer aux stock-options auxquelles il pouvait prétendre au titre de l’exercice 2006. Le groupe d’assurance qu’il dirige depuis ...
FR*   719 - Axa : Henri de Castries contre les stock-options et les parachutes ...
             Trends-Tendances - 16 mai 2007
             Henri de Castries, président et CEO d'Axa, a décidé de renoncer à son paquet de stock-options pour l'année 2007. Il est également hostile au principe des ...
FR*   720 - Tom Glocer, l'homme qui a réveillé Reuters
             Le Figaro - 16 mai 2007
             ... Reuters dans le monde virtuel de Second Life. Le gain tiré de ses stock-options après le rapprochement n'a, lui, rien de virtuel : 45 millions d'euros.
ES*   721 - Joaquín Hermoso propone un servicio de comida a domicilio
             Lanza Digital - 16 May 2007
             ... empresas de trabajo asociado de mujeres (cooperativas y sociedades laborales) en los ámbitos o sectores de actividad referidos a la Ley de Dependencia. ...
VZ*   722 - Inició recuperación y rescate en avenidas de Caroní
             El Progreso (Venezuela) - 16 May 2007
             ... CICPC, Gobernación y 964 venezolanos conformados en cooperativas de trabajo, quienes están dispersos en todo el entorno del estadio y las avenidas de la ...
AR*   723 - La Cooperativa Ferroviaria de Pérez en una grave crisis
             La Capital (Rosario) - 16 May 2007
             ... apoyo del Estado hacia la consolidación y crecimiento de las cooperativas de trabajo y el nivel histórico de reservas que actualmente dispone el país”. ...
AR*   724 - "Vamos a sacar a Río Negro de la decadencia"
             Rio Negro On Line - 16 May 2007
             ... personería gremial al sindicato de Empleadas Domésticas, el lanzamiento del seguro de Capacitación y Empleo y un encuentro con cooperativas de trabajo. ...
ES*   725 - Estudian duplicar el espacio del parque de cooperativas
             El Día de Córdoba - 16 May 2007
             ... La Carlota y la Federación Andaluza de Empresas Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (Faecta)- están estudiando incrementar la superficie de este polígono. ...
ES*   726 - Las cooperativas del Bierzo tienen un 81% de empleo estable
             elmundo-lacronica.com - 16 May 2007
             En el ámbito regional, las cooperativas de trabajo representan a 650 empresas, con un número de trabajadores que sobrepasan los 4.500, lo que significa una ...
AR*   727 - Presentó sus candidatos la Alianza Jubilados y Jóvenes
             El Litoral - 16 May 2007
             ... mediante la creación de cooperativas de trabajo, vamos a intentar desarrollar las actividades de los jóvenes que ya salen con determinada formación o ...
AR*   728 - La Cooperativa Ferroviaria de Pérez en una grave crisis
             La Capital (Rosario) - 16 May 2007
             La Cooperativa de Trabajo Ferroviaria Talleres de Pérez y la Cooperativa Coches y Vagones de Rosario atraviesan una gravísima crisis económica y financiera ...
MX*   729 - Hoy inicia Feria de Pescado y Mariscos en Iztapalapa
             Excelsior - 16 May 2007
             ... la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, Grupo Bimbo, Sociedad Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Pascual, Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma y Visión Musical.
ES*   730 - Alierta liquida definitivamente a Villalonga
             elplural.com - 16 May 2007
             ... punto estuvo de acabar con el dedo que le designó debido a sus escandalosas “stock options” ya la utilización descarada de la información privilegiada. ...
ES*   731 - Reuters tranquiliza a su plantel y asegura que no habrá despidos
             infoBAE profesional - 16 May 2007
             Glocer, que obtendrá stock options e incentivos por valor de 40 millones de euros si se lleva finalmente a cabo la fusión, ha asegurado que el ahorro por ...
DE*   732 - BEA Systems meldet Umsatzanstieg
             Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - 16. Mai 2007
             Mit Hinweis auf die interne Untersuchung der Stock Options-Praktiken wurden keine Ergebniszahlen veröffentlicht. Die Umsatzerlöse stiegen um 7 Prozent auf ...
IT*   733 - Aedes: attivato il programma di acquisto e disposizione di azioni ...
             La Repubblica - 16 mag 2007
             utilizzo delle azioni proprie al servizio di piani di stock options, cui si aggiunge, data la possibilità di dare in garanzia dette azioni proprie, ...
BR*   734 - Conselho deve conceder registro à farmácia da Unimed
             Consultor Jurídico - 16 Mai 2007
             Os ministros acolheram recurso da Unimed de Taubaté Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico para fornecer remédios aos cooperados. A cooperativa entrou com pedido de ...
BR*   735 - CRF deve emitir registro à farmácia de cooperativa de médicos
             Direito do Estado - Noticias - 16 Mai 2007
             Com esse entendimento, a Segunda Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) concedeu o pedido da Unimed de Taubaté Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico para ...
AT*   736 - Waite Dalrymple Receives Life Service Award
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 15, 2007
             The ESOP Association is the national trade association for companies with employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and the leading voice on employee ownership ...
US*   737 - Employee ownership at Cal-Tex works
             San Antonio Express, TX - May 15, 2007
             Barely a year old as an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, company, Cal-Tex recently won the National Center for Employee Ownership's grand prize for ...
US*   738 - Genesys Human Capital Management Trends Survey Reveals What Will ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - May 15, 2007
             Respondents saw the greatest benefits of self-service as: employee ownership of general data, online open enrollment, and the reduction of calls placed to ...
US*   739 - Vernon Saper of Warner Norcross & Judd Receives Membership ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             His commitment to employee ownership is evident in his work with ESOP companies and his diligence in promoting the Association and its work. ...
US*   740 - Hawaii Chapter Named 2007 ESOP Chapter of the Year by The ESOP ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             Founded in 1978, The ESOP Association represents over 1400 ESOP companies who believe that employee ownership will improve American competitiveness, ...
US*   741 - Joseph Cabral to Chair Employee Ownership Foundation
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             WASHINGTON, May 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Employee Ownership Foundation announced today that Joseph Cabral will take over as the new Chair of the ...
US*   742 - Carolyn Zimmerman Honored with Life Service Award
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             WASHINGTON, May 15 -- Based on her unmatched commitment to employee ownership and her immense contributions to The ESOP Association, Carolyn F. Zimmerman ...
US*   743 - Iowa/Nebraska Chapter of The ESOP Association Recognized for ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             "I'm very pleased to present the Chapter with this honor for all the work they have done to promote employee ownership in Iowa and Nebraska." ...
US*   744 - Herff Jones, Inc. Named 2007 Employee Ownership Month Poster ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             and will be used by the Association to promote employee ownership month, which takes place every October, and is a celebration of the incredible spirit of ...
US*   745 - Jeffrey York Named 2007 Employee Owner of the Year by The ESOP ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             He organizes and manages events during Employee Ownership Month, which is celebrated each October, and the company celebrates with several different events ...
CA*   746 - Gentry Announces First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 15, 2007
             Of this amount, $324 thousand related to the amortization and vesting of stock options and $28 thousand related to the Company's Employee Share Ownership ...
IE*   747 - Today in the press
             RTE.ie, Ireland - May 15, 2007
             RYANAIR SLOTS MOVE WOULD FACE OPPOSITION - The Irish Times reports that the Government and the Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot) are likely ...
US*   748 - The Monroe Publishing Company Named 2007 ESOP Company of the Year ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             The company's ESOP Advisory Council has been active since the beginning of the ESOP and is the main liaison between the employee owners and management. ...
US*   749 - Carolyn Zimmerman Honored with Life Service Award
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             Ms. Zimmerman, of Orange, Virginia, has been an active member of the Association since 1991 and has been actively involved with educating employee owners ...
US*   750 - Caryn Siebert Named 2007 Outstanding Board of Governors Member by ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             Under her leadership at Carl Warren & Company, she has advocated strongly to make the ESOP important to the company and its employee owners. ...
UK*   751 - Ocado booms but fails to break even
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - May 15, 2007
             The size of the pension and bonus could cause concern among John Lewis Partners, an employee-owned partnership. All partners receive the same bonus - 18pc ...
US*   752 - PCs and Pens Still Coming out of Businesses’ Pockets — for Now
             IT Business Edge, KY - May 15, 2007
             Ann reminded me that folks (including Gartner) have been discussing/predicting a shift to an employee-owned laptop model for years. ...
AT*   753 - Waite Dalrymple Receives Life Service Award
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 15, 2007
             the founders of the 100% employee owned company Parametrix, a leading engineering, environmental sciences, and architecture firm located in Sumner, ...
US*   754 - Camber Corporation and Virtual Heroes Inc. Sign Strategic Teaming ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 15, 2007
             Camber Corporation is an employee-owned company, headquartered in Huntsville, AL. From our founding in 1990, we have grown to over 26 Camber offices and ...
US*   755 - Employee ownership at Cal-Tex works
             San Antonio Express, TX - May 15, 2007
             Workers at employee-owned Cal-Tex Protective Coatings Inc. will be heading to their stockholder meeting this Thursday feeling more optimistic about the ...
US*   756 - Software Workflow: All-in-One Solution or Best-of-Breed Choice ...
             WM Experts (press release), FL - May 15, 2007
             Phase One is an employee-owned company based in Copenhagen with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Cologne, and Shanghai. ...
CA*   757 - Jennings Capital loses two research analysts
             Globe and Mail, Canada - May 15, 2007
             With these two departures, the employee-owned firm is home to six analysts. No word on why the pair departed, or where they might be headed. ...
US*   758 - Berry Tractor Celebrates 50 Years of Quality People and Quality ...
             24-7PressRelease.com (press release) - May 15, 2007
             Berry Tractor is a family and employee owned company emphasizing long-term relationships with customers, employees, and suppliers. Fred Berry, Jr. continues ...
BE*   759 - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Thomson
             Company newsgroup (persbericht), Belgium - May 15, 2007
             ... term of office of Mr. Eric Bourdais de Charbonnière, and the renewal of various delegations (especially financial and employee shareholder delegations). ...
RO*   760 - Imperato on Chrysler, Cerberus, Michele Mauder, UAW Workers, Kirk ...
             PRLog.Org (press release), Romania - May 15, 2007
             In addition, Imperato made a press statement for his ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Program) plan to publicly announce that his group came up with the ...
AT*   761 - Waite Dalrymple Receives Life Service Award
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 15, 2007
             The ESOP Association is the national trade association for companies with employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and the leading voice on employee ownership ...
US*   762 - Vernon Saper of Warner Norcross & Judd Receives Membership ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             The ESOP Association is the national trade association for companies with employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and the leading voice in America for ...
AT*   763 - Texas Petrochemicals Reports Fiscal 2007 Third Quarter Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 15, 2007
             ... in the Bankruptcy Court resolving for $300000 nearly all of the claims filed by participants in a pre-bankruptcy employee stock ownership plan ("ESOP"). ...
NL*   764 - United Internet launches share buyback program
             Telecom Paper (subscription), Netherlands - May 15, 2007
             The repurchased shares are to be used for current and future employee stock ownership plans and/or as an acquisition currency.
CN*   765 - Union in stunning Chrysler U-turn
             People's Daily Online, China - May 15, 2007
             Michele Mauder, a Chrysler worker who spearheaded a group of UAW workers that tried to get a hearing at Daimler for a proposed employee buyout, ...
US*   766 - Gettelfinger's no-win deal
             The Deal Blogs, NY - May 15, 2007
             Making matters worse is that Gettelfinger is endorsing the bid over a rival offer planned by UAW members who had hoped to lead an employee buyout of ...
US*   767 - Jeep employees pissed about Chrysler sale
             Autoblog, CA - May 15, 2007
             President of the Chrysler Employee Buyout Committee (CEBC) Michele Mauder also criticized Daimler for basically paying $650 million to get out from under ...
US*   768 - AECOM Technology IPO: Impressive Revenue Mix, Attractive Risk/Reward
             Seeking Alpha, NY - May 15, 2007
             This is a bit unusual and is a result of Aecom beginning life as an independent entity from an employee buyout in 1990. We are a leading global provider of ...
IN*   769 - ESOP’s fables and the big change therein
             Daily News & Analysis, India - May 15, 2007
             The Finance Bill, passed last week by the Parliament, incorporated a significant change pertaining to tax on employee stock option plans (ESOPs). ...
CA*   770 - Gentry Announces First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 15, 2007
             This compares to stock-based compensation of $159 thousand a year ago, $135 thousand of which related to stock options and $24 thousand to the ESOP. ...
US*   771 - Xinhua Finance Reports Strong Results for Q1 and Revises the Full ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             Proforma EBITDA under JGAAP is EBITDA plus non-cash ESOP expenses and recurring non operating income and excluding one time items. ...
US*   772 - Illinois Chapter of The ESOP Association Named Most Improved ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             WASHINGTON, May 15 -- The Illinois Chapter of The ESOP Association was named the 2007 Most Improved Chapter by The ESOP Association. ...
US*   773 - Iowa/Nebraska Chapter of The ESOP Association Recognized for ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 15, 2007
             WASHINGTON, May 15 -- The Iowa/Nebraska Chapter of The ESOP Association has been recognized for its commitment to membership development at The ESOP ...
AT*   774 - Texas Petrochemicals Reports Fiscal 2007 Third Quarter Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 15, 2007
             In addition to the resolution of the ESOP claims, the Company, along with many other companies with refining operations, has been named as a defendant in ...
IN*   775 - We are focusing only on three verticals
             Economic Times, India - May 15, 2007
             The fringe benefit tax on employee stock option plans (Esops) came as a rude shock. The IT industry is facing a talent crunch. Bigger brands offer 50-60% ...
US*   776 - Ironclad Performance Wear Reports First Quarter 2007 Results
             MSN Money - May 15, 2007
             Included in the first quarter net loss is approximately $194 thousand related to non-cash employee stock option expense and a favorable adjustment to income ...
IN*   777 - Oracle buys Agile Software
             NDTV.com, India - May 15, 2007
             Like a long list of other Silicon Valley companies, Agile recently ran into accounting trouble because the value of some employee stock options had been ...
CA*   778 - GeneNews reports first quarter 2007 results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 15, 2007
             ... FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 25459 85019 Repayments of long-term debt (37143) (33326) ...
US*   779 - Interactive Systems Worldwide Announces Fiscal Second Quarter 2007 ...
             MSN Money - May 15, 2007
             The decrease was primarily due to lower payroll costs, lower professional fees, and lower compensation expense relating to employee stock options due to ...
US*   780 - CompuMed, Inc. Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2007 Financial Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 15, 2007
             ... $142000 for the same period during the prior fiscal year due to increased General and Administrative costs and the expensing of employee stock options. ...
CA*   781 - Advantex announces results for Q3 2007 and continued improvement ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 15, 2007
             STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS As at March 31, 2007 there were 8145000 employee stock options outstanding at exercise prices between $0.055 to $0.25, ...
US*   782 - Earnings Preview: JC Penney
             Houston Chronicle, TX - May 15, 2007
             The buyback was expected to offset new shares issued in connection with employee stock options. In April, JC Penney unveiled long-term plans that included ...
US*   783 - Why the lawsuits over options backdating are failing
             Electronics Semiconductor (press release), IL - May 15, 2007
             SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The practice of pricing employee stock options after they've been granted may raise red flags among federal investigators and ...
US*   784 - QLogic Executives to Present at JPMorgan Technology Conference
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 15, 2007
             ... the ability to attract and retain key personnel; recognition of compensation expense related to employee stock options and the company's employee stock ...
US*   785 - LanOptics Announces Record 2007 First Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 15, 2007
             ... Accrued severance pay 2662 2464 Long-term loan 3398 3337 Total long-term liabilities 6060 5801 EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTIONS IN EZchip 751 557 PREFERRED SHARES ...
CA*   786 - DHX Media reports third quarter 2007 figures
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 15, 2007
             ... options On March 22, 2006, the Board of Directors approved an employee share option plan which provides for the issuance of up to 3500000 common shares. ...
IE*   787 - Anthony O'Reilly paid ¤1.81m last year
             RTE.ie, Ireland - May 15, 2007
             He also made a profit of ¤2.54m on the exercise of 2.65 million share options at a weighted average exercise price of ¤1.61. The average share price on the ...
US*   788 - Russel Metals' Executive Exercise of Stock Options
             WM Experts (press release), FL - May 15, 2007
             Bud Siegel, Chief Executive Officer, exercised 390000 common share options and sold an equal number of common shares. He currently holds 800000 common ...
ZA*   789 - IAMGold 1Q 2007 results
             Mineweb, South Africa - May 15, 2007
             The purchase price has been determined to be $202.3 million, including transaction costs of $2.5 million and the purchase of GGL common share options for ...
US*   790 - Algeta ASA (NO) - Exercise and Allotment of Employee Share Options ...
             PharmaLive.com (press release), PA - May 15, 2007
             The Board of Directors has also resolved to allot 98000 new share options to newly hired employees under the Company's Stock Option Plan. ...
UK*   791 - Saints directors to face the ultimate decision?
             this is hampshire.net, UK - May 15, 2007
             The dilemma facing all those currently holding large share options - including the Rupert Lowe camp, who still control some 26 per cent of the club shares ...
UK*   792 - Oxbridge sends down modernisation
             Financial Times, UK - May 15, 2007
             We are a very pure form of workers' co-operative and it is surprising that a Labour government finds this so obnoxious." ...
FR*   793 - Assemblée Générale Mixte des actionnaires du 15 mai 2007
             Le Revenu - 15 mai 2007
             ... de Monsieur Bourdais de Charbonnière, et le renouvellement de diverses délégations (notamment délégations financières et d'actionnariat salarié). ...
FR*   794 - Vous avez maintenant la possibilité d'imprimer PlaneteFacility ...
             Planetefacility - 15 mai 2007
             Il existe différents mode de rémunération : le salaire direct, l’intéressement, la participation, le plan épargne entreprise, l’actionnariat salarié, ...
MC*   795 - BMCE : Jackpot en vue pour le personnel
             Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - 15 mai 2007
             Une chose est sûre, l’institution dirigée par Othman Benjelloun ouvre la voie à l’ère de l’actionnaire-salarié. Une stock-option est une forme de ...
FR*   796 - BARBARA BUI : Avis de réunion valant avis de convocation et mise à ...
             Boursorama - 15 mai 2007
             Introduction dans les statuts d’une clause prévoyant la désignation d’administrateurs nommés parmi les salariés actionnaires. ...
FR*   797 - BARBARA BUI : Rapport du Président sur les procédures de contrôle ...
             Boursorama - 15 mai 2007
             L’assemblée générale du 25 juin 2007 est appelée à modifier les statuts pour fixer les conditions de désignation d’un salarié actionnaire aux fonctions ...
FR*   798 - NATIXIS : Informations narratives sur le 1er trimestre 2007
             Le Revenu - 15 mai 2007
             Quant à l'ingénierie sociale, elle progresse également à la fois en épargne salariale et sur les titres de services (progression du nombre de titres émis et ...
FR*   799 - Les patrons du CAC s'efforcent d'adopter des pratiques vertueuses
             Le Figaro - 15 mai 2007
             Henri de Castries, le président d'Axa, a abandonné ses stock-options pour 2007. D'autres groupes ont revu la politique de rémunération de leurs dirigeants. ...
FR*   800 - Moraliser le capitalisme
             Les Échos - 15 mai 2007
             Se pose enfin le problème des stock-options, si décriées en France. Sur le principe, il n'est pas illogique qu'un mandataire social soit actionnaire autant ...
FR*   801 - Henri de Castries renonce à ses stock-options pour 2007
             L'Argus de l'Assurance - 15 mai 2007
             Et veut aussi montrer par ce geste symbolique que les attributions de stock-options aux patrons de groupes ne doivent pas être systématiques, at-il expliqué ...
FR*   802 - Le président d'Axa renonce à ses stocks options
             Le Figaro - 15 mai 2007
             Henri de Castries, le président du directoire de l'assureur français Axa, a annoncé qu'il renoncerait à ses stock-options pour l'année 2007. ...
FR*   803 - La polémique repart sur les rémunérations des grands patrons
             La Tribune.fr - 15 mai 2007
             Ce mardi, le président du directoire de l'assureur français Axa, Henri de Castries, annonce qu'il va renoncer à ses stock-options pour l'année 2007, ...
FR*   804 - Laurence Parisot est "fumasse" contre EADS
             Le Figaro - 15 mai 2007
             «J’estime, avec le conseil de surveillance, que j’en ai déjà reçu un nombre suffisant et que cette distribution annuelle de stock-options pour les ...
FR*   805 - Le P-DG d`Axa renonce à 70 millions
             nouvelobs.com - 15 mai 2007
             Henri de Castrie renoncera à ses stock-options en 2007, mais reste opposé à toute limitation des salaires des dirigeants. ...
FR*   806 - Henri de Castries renonce à ses stock-options pour 2007
             La Tribune.fr - 15 mai 2007
             Ce mardi, le président du directoire de l'assureur français Axa, Henri de Castries, annonce qu'il va renoncer à ses stock-options pour l'année 2007. ...
FR*   807 - Le patron d'AXA renonce à son paquet annuel de stock-options
             LExpansion.com - 15 mai 2007
             Henri de Castries, le patron d'AXA, a décidé de renoncer à son paquet de stock-options pour l'année 2007. Il est également hostile au principe des ...
FR*   808 - PRESSE: Axa: H.de Castries renonce à stock-options pour 2007
             EasyBourse.com - 15 mai 2007
              "J'estime, avec le conseil de surveillance, que j'en ai déjà reçu un nombre suffisant et que cette distribution annuelle de stock-options pour les ...
FR*   809 - Les patrons américains ont gagné 38% de plus en 2006
             Novopress - 15 mai 2007
             ... le patron le mieux rémunéré des Etats-Unis, avec 646 millions de dollars sous forme de stock-options ou bonus, selon le classement du magazine Forbes. ...
FR*   810 - Genesys : les comptes trimestriels sont appréciés
             Le Revenu - 15 mai 2007
             Reflétant la réduction des charges opérationnelles, l'EBITDA, hors charges de rémunération liée au stock options, s'améliore à 6,1 ME au premier trimestre ...
FR*   811 - Axa:le président renonce à ses stock-options 2007
             France 2 - 15 mai 2007
             M. de Castries possède environ 900.000 actions en direct et près de 6 millions d'options, pour un prix d'exercice situé entre 10 et 40 euros. ...
FR*   812 - Genesys : +8% dans les 1ers échanges, retour au bénéfice
             Trading Sat - 15 mai 2007
             ... taxes, depreciation and amortization), hors charges de rémunération liée au stock options, s'améliore à 6.1 Millions d'euros au premier trimestre 2007 ...
ES*   813 - Ermua plantea la calificación I+E de 3 empresas locales
             El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) - 15 May 2007
             ... que contemplan la contratación de trabajadores o la incorporación de personas socias al proyecto de cooperativas o sociedades laborales. ...
             SNE (Comunicados de prensa) - 15 May 2007
             Los grupos beneficiarios seguirán siendo personas del sector informal urbano y rural, pertenecientes a las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y otras formas ...
AR*   815 - “Sigue habiendo prácticas fraudulentas en la contratación de personal”
             Puntonoticias - 15 May 2007
             Al respecto, Casas afirmó que más allá de las cooperativas de trabajo "genuinas y legítimamente constituidas, existen otras que se utilizan para ocultar o ...
AR*   816 - Comenzaron los talleres de trabajo y capacitación entre el ...
             Diario C - 15 May 2007
             ... remarcó que el taller no sólo esta dirigido a las cooperativas de trabajo sino también a otros rubros que actualmente se los desconoce en Catamarca ...
AR*   817 - Comenzaron las Jornadas Ferroportuarias en defensa del patrimonio ...
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 15 May 2007
             Al respecto, Casas afirmó que más allá de las cooperativas de trabajo "genuinas y legítimamente constituidas, que son verdaderas cooperativas" existen otras ...
CO*   818 - Aumentan en 400 mil cupos subsidios a adultos mayores
             La República (Colombia) - 15 May 2007
             Los beneficiarios seguirán siendo personas del sector informal urbano y rural, pertenecientes a las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y otras formas ...
AR*   819 - Aseguran que se pretende entregar la Planta de Reciclado al Banco ...
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 15 May 2007
             Eso no es así, somos una cooperativa de trabajo, al igual que CURA, que estamos saliendo adelante y regalamos un proyecto a Nación ya la Municipalidad y nos ...
CO*   820 - Colombia - Apropiación paramilitar de tierras*
             Adital - 15 May 2007
             Solamente seis años, desde el 13 de agosto de 1990 que se constituyó la Cooperativa de Trabajadores Agropecuarios de Blanquicet, Cootragloblan, ...
ES*   821 - Las cotizadas prefieren remunerar a sus directivos con títulos «en ...
             La Razón (España) - 15 May 2007
             El informe detalla que, en el año 2005, las «stock options» representaban el 87% de los planes de incentivos para directivos en las empresas cotizadas en el ...
ES*   822 - Las empresas del Ibex prefieren dar acciones que opciones a sus ...
             Terra España - 15 May 2007
             'La razón es la fiscalidad, porque las 'stock options' tienen limitado una parte del 40% de exención fiscal al salario medio de los españoles que publique ...
AT*   823 - AUA-Betriebsrat: „Akzeptieren das so nicht!“
             Die Presse - 15. Mai 2007
             Und drittens eine geförderte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Beim Kauf von drei AUA-Aktien gibt es eine Gratis-Aktie dazu. Im Vorjahr, wo die AUA 130 Mio. ...
AT*   824 - Angemerkt: Flexibles Gehaltssystem vor dem Absturz
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 15. Mai 2007
             Der Idee der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung tut AUA-Chef Alfred Ötsch damit allerdings nichts Gutes. Zudem hat der Vorstand eigene Bonuszahlungen an das Erreichen ...
AT*   825 - Betriebsrat will verhandeln
             derStandard.at - 15. Mai 2007
             "Wir brauchen einen professionell agierenden Vorstand", so Hengster, auch im Hinblick auf das genehmigte Stock-Options-Programm, für das sich der ...
AT*   826 - AUA-Boss Alfred Ötsch bietet einen Kompromiss an
             News Networld - 15. Mai 2007
             "Der Vorstand hat mit dem geplanten Stock-Options-Programm das eigene Einkommen in die Höhe gedrückt und will uns weiß machen, dass der angedachte variable ...
IT*   827 - Comunicato Azione Bnl
             SoldiOnline.it - 15 mag 2007
             I dipendenti Azionisti di BNL si aspettano dall’Assemblea di BNP Paribas risposte concrete in merito all’avvio della distribuzione di azioni BNP Paribas ...
IT*   828 - Thomson-Reuters: l'accordo è fatto!
             SoldiOnline.it - 15 mag 2007
             L’amministratore delegato di Motorola Ed Zander sta per essere “sorpreso” con un piano di stock options molto succulente: il manager avrà la possibilità di ...
BR*   829 - Comissão reúne-se para analisar projetos
             Folha de São Pedro - 15 Mai 2007
             ... cooperativas de trabalho e comunidades produtivas destinadas à população desempregada, a fim de amenizar a falta de emprego e renda no município. ...
AU*   830 - FICA supports regulatory checklist
             Money Management, Australia - May 14, 2007
             ... Law Council, Australian Employee Ownership Association, Australasian Investor Relations Association and Financial Services Institute of Australasia.
US*   831 - The ESOP Association Honors Members for Excellence in 'Employee ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 14, 2007
             ... each of whom has demonstrated active experience and interest in the field of ESOPs and employee ownership communications. Awards are based on: overall ...
ZA*   832 - First dividends on Da Gama shares paid out
             Dispatch Online, South Africa - May 14, 2007
             It created the first employee share ownership programme (Esop) in the South African textile industry. In response to international competition Da Gama had ...
US*   833 - Marketing Manager
             Seattle Times, WA - May 14, 2007
             Family and employee owned HomeStreet Bank is one of the largest private banks in the Northwest. As a full–service community bank, we offer a wide range of ...
UK*   834 - Providence expands investment horizons
             Financial News Online US, UK - May 14, 2007
             The employee owned company was formed in 1996 and is the largest supplier of background investigations to the US government. The sale of USIS is expected to ...
US*   835 - Appleton reports small net loss
             The Business Journal, WI - May 14, 2007
             The Appleton-based, employee-owned producer of carbonless, thermal, security and performance packaging products, reported a net loss of $100000 for the ...
US*   836 - What the Chrysler sale means for workers
             13abc.com, OH - May 14, 2007
             Last week, the group hired financial advisers and registered as the "Employee Owned Company." Today, DaimlerChrysler CEO Dieter Zetsche talked about the bid ...
US*   837 - STRICTLY BUSINESS: Wildhorse Resort & Casino rolls out $15 million ...
             Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, WA - May 14, 2007
             USKH is an employee-owned, full service design firm offering fully-integrated architectural, engineering, planning, and land surveying services to clients ...
AT*   838 - Appleton Reports First Quarter 2007 Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 14, 2007
             ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3100 people and is 100 percent employee owned. ...
US*   839 - Tech Image® Repeats as “Best Boutique PR Agency to Work For”
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 14, 2007
             ... company with more than 750 employees. SmithBucklin is 100% employee owned. Learn more at www.techimage.com or call 1-888-4-TECH-PR (1-888-483-2477).
US*   840 - GoldenTree Asset Management Adds Two New Members to Capital ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 14, 2007
             Mr. Bolt is a member of the Finance Committee of the ESOP Association, on the Advisory Board for ESCA (the Employee-owned S-Corporations of America), ...
US*   841 - Pacific Growth Equities Expands Clean Technology & Industrial ...
             dBusinessNews Los Angeles (press release), CA - May 14, 2007
             Employee owned, Pacific Growth Equities offers a full range of investment banking and brokerage services including public equity offerings, private equity ...
US*   842 - The ESOP Association Honors Members for Excellence in 'Employee ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 14, 2007
             ... DC to companies who have excelled in communicating the ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) and its meaning to the employee owners. ...
US*   843 - Firms' futures factor into mergers
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 14, 2007
             ... SmithBucklin on several projects, and Nikolich was interested in hearing how its chairman, Henry Givray, had created an employee stock ownership plan. ...
DE*   844 - DGAP-Adhoc: United Internet plans further repurchase of its own shares
             Arbeitsgemeinschaft Finanzen, Germany - May 14, 2007
             The repurchased shares are to be used for current and future employee stock ownership plans and/or as an acquisition currency. Marcus Schaps Press spokesman ...
US*   845 - GoldenTree Asset Management Adds Two New Members to Capital ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 14, 2007
             While there he headed a group recognized as the national leader in the design, structure and financing of leveraged ESOP transactions. ...
US*   846 - The ESOP Association Honors Members for Excellence in 'Employee ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 14, 2007
             WASHINGTON, May 14 -- The ESOP Association is pleased to announce the 2007 winners of the Annual Award for Communications Excellence (AACE). ...
CA*   847 - TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. - Q1 For the three months ended March 31, 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 14, 2007
             (d) Stock options The Company has an employee stock option plan under which employees and directors are eligible to receive option grants. ...
CA*   848 - Canadian Helicopters reports Q1 2007 results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 14, 2007
             ... which represents a non-recurring employee compensation cost associated with the purchase for cancellation of employee stock options outstanding under ...
US*   849 - Rio Narcea Announces First Quarter 2007 Results Record Revenues ...
             Market Wire (press release) - May 14, 2007
             ... 491 347 Shareholders' equity Common shares 250278 247092 Contributed surplus 6492 6240 Employee stock options 4667 5531 Non-employee stock options and ...
US*   850 - Agilent Technologies Reports Second Quarter 2007 Results
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - May 14, 2007
             123R of $40 million and $22 million, respectively, related to employee stock options and employee stock purchases. The preliminary income statement is ...
US*   851 - Interactive Intelligence Reports First Quarter Results
             CRM Today - May 14, 2007
             Net income includes expense for employee stock options of $668000 in 2007 and $489000 in 2006. Cash and short-term investments as of 31 March, 2007 totaled ...
CA*   852 - RAND Worldwide(TM) announces first quarter 2007 financial results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 14, 2007
             ... not affecting cash: Amortization of property and equipment 172 196 Amortization of intangibles 20 19 Employee stock options 159 163 Changes in operating ...
US*   853 - Stratex appointment Andrew Malim as Non-Exec
             Resource Investor, VA - May 14, 2007
             These options have been issued under the Company ' s unapproved Employee Share Option Scheme. These options are exercisable between one and ten years from ...
ZA*   854 - The Forecast Factory: There’s good growth potential in Altron
             Business Day, South Africa - May 14, 2007
             Headline earnings, excluding, in particular, the effect on earnings of subsidiaries by undiluted share options and empowerment transactions, ...
ZA*   855 - David Shapiro: Market watcher
             Moneyweb, South Africa - May 14, 2007
             The executives sometimes cause such chaos in such poor decisions - this has cost the company $30bn, and he doesn't have to repay any of his share options. ...
SG*   856 - Maybank records 9 months' pre-tax profit of RM3.03 billion
             The Asian Banker (subscription), Singapore - May 14, 2007
             This rise came mainly from the incorporation of MNI into the Group, cost of Employees Share Options Scheme (ESOS) and the operating cost of American ...
US*   857 - Endemol deal could trigger executive exit
             MSNBC - May 14, 2007
             Several executives received share options when Telefónica floated a 25 per cent stake in Endemol at €9 in 2005, which can now be cashed in. ...
US*   858 - Mindray Medical International Announces First Quarter 2007 Results
             MSN Money - May 14, 2007
             The Company estimates total share-based compensation expenses in 2007 will be approximately RMB55 million based on the share options that have been granted ...
CA*   859 - TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. - Q1 For the three months ended March 31, 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 14, 2007
             ... Outstanding Securities Common Shares 59527173 35925079 Common Share options 2160000 130000 Performance Shares 2257484 2272484 ...
UK*   860 - UK firms consider IPOs to retain staff
             The Lawyer, UK - May 14, 2007
             ... which conducted the survey, said a stock market listing could have the additional benefit of locking in key talent with share options. ...
US*   861 - Stratex appointment Andrew Malim as Non-Exec
             Resource Investor, VA - May 14, 2007
             Mr. Malim has been granted 500000 share options at an exercise price of 11.87p per ordinary share. These options have been issued under the Company ' s ...
CA*   862 - Rally Energy Reports Record Production and Earnings for First ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 14, 2007
             Non-cash expenses related to the valuation of share options vesting during the first quarter of 2007 were $295000 as compared to $282000 for the 2006 ...
US*   863 - South Africa: Does a Steinhoff Windfall Await JD Group's Newly ...
             AllAfrica.com, Washington - May 14, 2007
             ... through an anachronistic "management contract" with JD Group, collects all the salaries and share options paid to JD Group's top brass? ...
FI*   864 - UPM-Kymmene Oyj: Upm-kymmene corporate action change in the number ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 14, 2007
             A total of 2853645 UPM Kymmene Corporation share options 2002D was used for the subscription of 5707290 shares from April 1, 2007 to April 30, 2007. ...
BD*   865 - Sir George: Region needs health insurance plan
             The Nation Newspaper, Barbados - May 14, 2007
             ... human security," Sir George told an audience gathered for the 37th anniversary of the Barbados Public Workers' Cooperative Credit Union special lecture. ...
BD*   866 - Commercial credit union can thrive
             Barbados Advocate, Barbados - May 14, 2007
             Therefore, the efforts of the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited and the City of Bridgetown Co-operative Credit Union Limited, ...
BD*   867 - Three major health concerns affecting country
             Barbados Advocate, Barbados - May 14, 2007
             ... as he delivered the Olive Trotman Memorial Lecture, hosted by the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union at Sherbourne Conference Centre. ...
UK*   868 - Edinburgh Bicycle wheels out new shop
             Scotsman, UK - May 14, 2007
             Edinburgh Bicycle, which launched in 1977 with three staff, is Scotland's longest-established workers' co-operative and currently has a turnover of around ...
BD*   869 - Local News Story
             Nation News, Barbados - May 14, 2007
             ... striking," said Sir George, addressing the audience gathered for the 37th anniversary of the Barbados Public Workers' Co-operative Credit Union lecture.
FR*   870 - Axa veut séduire ses salariés
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 14 mai 2007
             Axa, qui compte un salarié actionnaire sur deux, a ainsi proposé lors de l'assemblée générale d'octroyer une centaine d'actions gratuites à chaque salarié ...
FR*   871 - Accor: retour aux actionnaires de 1,3 md d'euros voté par ...
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 14 mai 2007
             ... et une augmentation de capital portant sur environ 4 millions d'actions réservée aux salariés du groupe dans le cadre d'un plan d'épargne salariale. ...
             Business Wire (press release) - 14 mai 2007
             ... s’obtient par ajout au nombre moyen d’actions existantes sur la période, du nombre de stock options non exercées, calculé selon la méthode du rachat ...
FR*   873 - Le patron d'Axa renonce à ses stock-options
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 14 mai 2007
             Henri de Castries, patron d'Axa, annonce ce mardi dans un entretien accordé au Parisien, qu'il renonce à ses stock-options en 2007. "Je possède aujourd'hui ...
             Boursorama - 14 mai 2007
             ... taxes, depreciation and amortization), hors charges de rémunération liée au stock options, s’améliore à 6,1 millions d’euros au premier trimestre 2007 ...
FR*   875 - Le Club des one dollar
             Le Point - 14 mai 2007
             Ne vous laissez pas apitoyer par ces salaires riquiqui : à y regarder de plus près, le total des bonus, actions gratuites et stock-options met ces heureux ...
FR*   876 - Normes comptables internationales : le débat continue…
             Telos-eu - 14 mai 2007
             Lorsque la comptabilisation des stock-options comme charges a été rendue obligatoire, les attributions de stock-options ont diminué brutalement. ...
ES*   877 - Hermoso Murillo mantuvo su primer encuentro con colectivos
             Lanza Digital - 14 May 2007
             ... sobre los incentivos económicos para la constitución de Empresas de Trabajo Asociado de mujeres (cooperativas y sociedades laborales) en los ámbitos o ...
AR*   878 - El ENOSA anunció obras de cloacas para 3 barrios y de agua ...
             Perspectiva Sur - 14 May 2007
             Y serán los integrantes de la Federación los encargados de coordinar junto al Municipio el armado de las cooperativas de trabajo en cada uno de los barrios ...
AR*   879 - Ejecutan obras de agua y cloacas en algunos barrios de nuestra ciudad
             Diario Democracia - 14 May 2007
             Las mismas se están llevando a cabo en Ntra. Sra. de la Merced, 5 de Septiembre y en las viviendas que llevan a cabo cooperativas de trabajadores. ...
AT*   880 - ÖAAB will Familiensteuer und Absetzbarkeit für Pflegekosten
             Neues Volksblatt - 14. Mai 2007
             Außerdem drängt die ÖAAB-Koordinatorin auf steuerliche Verbesserungen bei der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Dabei müsse jedenfalls der arbeitsrechtliche Status ...
AT*   881 - Leitartikel: Schluss mit der Mogelpackung für Mitarbeiter
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 14. Mai 2007
             So ähnlich wie in Österreichs Küchen geht es beim Thema Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Österreichs Betrieben zu: Alle sind dafür, doch nur wenige setzen die ...
AT*   882 - Mitarbeiter als Thema der Steuerreform Mitarbeiter als Thema der ...
             WirtschaftsBlatt.at - 14. Mai 2007
             Die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung wird als Liebkind von Finanzminister Molterer auch Thema der Steuerreform 2010 sein. Im Sommer könnten erste konkrete Entwürfe ...
AT*   883 - Arbeitnehmer am Gewinn der Unternehmen beteiligen - BZÖ für ...
             Österreich Journal - 14. Mai 2007
             Eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Gewinn des Unternehmens würde deutlich mehr Gehalt für jeden einzelnen Arbeitnehmer bringen", so Westenthaler, ...
DE*   884 - 90% aller Emails sind Spam
             YooMe.de - 14. Mai 2007
             Diese werden "Penny-Stock-Options" genannt. In diesen E-Mails werden Benutzer zum Kauf von billigen, wertlosen Aktien angeregt. Also falls nun welche Aktien ...
AT*   885 - 90 Prozent aller E-Mails sind Spam
             wienweb.at - 14. Mai 2007
             Besonders häufig erhalten Benutzer derzeit die so genannten "Penny-Stock-Options". Sie sollen dazu verleiten, wertlose Aktien zu kaufen, damit diese im Wert ...
             ANSA Valle d'Aosta - 14 mag 2007
             ... seguono le 30 cooperative sociali che fatturano complessivamente 21,4 mln e le 60 cooperative di produzione lavoro e miste (16,6 mln di euro). (ANSA).
IT*   887 - AAPL tocca i 110$
             Macity - 14 mag 2007
             ... dal momento in cui è parso molto probabile che il problema stock options fosse stato superato e che, soprattutto, iPhone sarà lanciato nei tempi previsti.
BR*   888 - Agronegócios - Como montar uma cooperativa
             Jornal do Comércio Manaus - 14 Mai 2007
             A lei que regulamenta as cooperativas de trabalho é a Lei do Cooperativismo Brasileiro, que pode ser acessada no endereço eletrônico ...
BR*   889 - Dia Antimanicomial será lembrado com palestra, gincanas e brincadeiras
             24Horas News - 14 Mai 2007
             ... envolvia serviços de atenção comunitários, emergências psiquiátricas, cooperativas de trabalho e centros de convivência, além de moradias assistidas. ...
BR*   890 - Competência criminal da Justiça do Trabalho é específica, diz TST
             Última Instância - 14 Mai 2007
             ... praticava terceirização irregular contratando mão-de-obra por meio da Cooperblu (Cooperativa de Trabalhadores por Ofício de Blumenau). ...
BR*   891 - TST rejeita competência criminal da Justiça do Trabalho
             Âmbito Jurídico (Assinatura) - 14 Mai 2007
              ... de Indaial praticava terceirização irregular contratando mão-de-obra por meio da Cooperativa de Trabalhadores por Ofício de Blumenau (Cooperblu). ...
SG*   892 - Improving the regulation-making and review process – banking and ...
             The Asian Banker (subscription), Singapore - May 13, 2007
             ... Law Council, Australian Employee Ownership Association, Australasian Investor Relations Association and Financial Services Institute of Australasia. ...
US*   893 - The Game of Options
             The Argus, CA - May 13, 2007
             Corey Rosen, executive director of the National Center for Employee Ownership in Oakland, which promotes stock ownership among employees, said statistically ...
US*   894 - Better read than dead
             Newsday, NY - May 13, 2007
             New owners, like Samuel Zell, the billionaire real estate developer, think employee ownership may be the answer. Using an employee stock option plan to help ...
US*   895 - Cerberus faces tough test with unions
             DetNews.com, MI - May 13, 2007
             The group of about 25, which recently became registered as Employee Owned Co. LLC and hired private investor Morpheus Capital Advisors, has visited several ...
US*   896 - Panel splits on big-box debate
             Charlotte Observer, NC - May 13, 2007
             Hambro, an employee-owned company with about 300 workers in addition to those just hired in Lenoir, was founded in 1965 and now runs seven subsidiaries ...
US*   897 - Employee-employer partnership changing
             Ocala.com, FL - May 13, 2007
             The total reward strategy will put greater focus on long-term rewards with more use of plans such as employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). ...
IN*   898 - Govt mulls 'fair market value' Esops
             Economic Times, India - May 13, 2007
             NEW DELHI: In order to keep things simple, the government may prescribe the average stock price on the day Employee Stock Option Plan (Esop) vests with an ...
IN*   899 - Salary medians north bound, cash in!
             Economic Times, India - May 13, 2007
             Esop schemes and performance-related incentives are the way forward for us. Long-term benefits help in retaining talent and achieving set targets for the ...
IN*   900 - Genpact IPO = blowout gains for Oakhill, General Atlantic
             Daily News & Analysis, India - May 13, 2007
             The Genpact float will also throw up a clutch of names joining the list of Esop millionaires, such as Pramod Bhasin, the company’s head honcho. ...
IN*   901 - Taxation of ESOP scheme
             Hindu, India - May 13, 2007
             What is the change that has been effected in respect of taxation of ESOP (Employees Stock Option Scheme), which was proposed to be shifted from employees to ...
IN*   902 - Concessions for industries
             Hindu, India - May 13, 2007
             Apart from the changes regarding ESOP scheme and the valuation of housing perquisite for employees, there are other amendments too. ...
IN*   903 - ESOP: Changes beyond the fringe
             Hindu Business Line, India - May 13, 2007
              The value of the benefit was sought to be taxed as FBT in the hands of the employer at the time of exercise of ESOP. Therefore, options granted under an ...
US*   904 - Koor Industries' Affiliate Makhteshim Agan Industries Re-Examines ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 13, 2007
             TEL AVIV, Israel, May 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Koor Industries Ltd. (NYSE: KOR) ("Koor", "Company"), a leading Israeli holding company, announced today ...
US*   905 - Cellcom Israel Announces First Quarter 2007 Results With ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 13, 2007
             ... net Capital losses (gains) 1 - 4 *6 Amortization of compensation related to employee stock option grants 11 3 - - 185 45 197 707 Changes in assets and ...
US*   906 - Better read than dead
             Newsday, NY - May 13, 2007
             Using an employee stock option plan to help leverage the $8 billion purchase price of the Tribune Co. (which also owns the Los Angeles Times, ...
IN*   907 - Options for nominees: case could set precedent
             Livemint, India - May 13, 2007
             The two state-owned insurance firms claim that guidelines on employee stock options issued by stock market regulator Sebi prohibit nominee directors from ...
US*   908 - Koor Industries' Affiliate Makhteshim Agan Industries Re-Examines ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 13, 2007
             ... today in connection with its 2005 employee share option plan: On March 13, 2005, MAI's Board of Directors approved an employee share option plan. ...
US*   909 - Israel's MA Industries net profit rises
             Reuters - May 13, 2007
             It said the delay was due to questions arising from a meeting with the Israeli Securities Authority on May 8 regarding an employee share option plan ...
US*   910 - Makhteshim Agan reports Record Revenue and Profits in the First ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 13, 2007
             On March 13, 2005, the Company’s Board of Directors approved an employee share option plan, an immediate report and related description in respect of which ...
FI*   911 - Stockmann Oyj Abp: Stockmann corporate action stockmann plc ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 13, 2007
             A total of 2 500 000 new Series B shares with a par value of EUR 2.00 could be subscribed for with the 2000 A, B and C share options listed on the Helsinki ...
BD*   912 - Condom drive 'well done'
             The Nation Newspaper, Barbados - May 13, 2007
             ... his delivery of the Olive Trotman Memorial Lecture last Friday night to mark the 37th anniversary of Barbados Public Workers' Co-operative Credit Union. ...
FR*   913 - Une semaine à la loupe [Dimanche 16:03]
             Mac Generation - 13 mai 2007
              Relativement aux sujets qui fâchent - stock-options litigieuses et questions environnementales - l’homme fort de la Pomme s’est efforcé de balayer les ...
ES*   914 - El nuevo vivero de empresas tendrá seis mil metros cuadrados y 32 ...
             Terra España - 13 May 2007
             La Agencia de Desarrollo Económico 'Madrid Emprende' gestionará el centro en colaboración con la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (ASALMA), ...
AR*   915 - Rosario - Piden una expropiación a favor de la Cooperativa La Cabaña
              Sin Mordaza - 13 May 2007
             “Esto obligó a 43 de ellos a organizarse, conformando la Cooperativa de Trabajo ‘ La Cabaña ' decidiendo solidariamente afrontar la difícil situación por la ...
DE*   916 - E-Mail Spamflut hat sich verdoppelt
             Focus Online - 13. Mai 2007
             Danach hat vor allem die Werbeflut mit sogenannten Penny-Stock-Options zugenommen. Diese E-Mails sollen unbedachte Nutzer dazu bringen, wertlose Aktion zu ...
DE*   917 - E-Mails: 90 Prozent sind Spam
             Heise Newsticker - 13. Mai 2007
             Danach hat in den vergangenen Monaten vor allem der Spam mit Penny-Stock-Options stark zugenommen, berichten österreichische Medien. ...
AT*   918 - Spam sprunghaft angestiegen
             ORF.at - 13. Mai 2007
             Zugenommen haben in den vergangenen zwei Monaten auch Mails mit so genannte Penny-Stock-Options. In diesen Nachrichten sollen User zum Kauf von billigen, ...
IT*   919 - Laus, giù la maschera
             La Stampa - 13 mag 2007
             La regola, però, non vale per i presidenti di cooperative di produzione e lavoro. E la Rear è una cooperativa di persone. ...
             Seattle Post Intelligencer, WA - May 12, 2007
             We have an employee ownership culture where we seek and value the ideas of employees and challenge each other to reach our greatest potential. ...
US*   921 - Benefits help owners along with workers
             Houston Chronicle, TX - May 12, 2007
             ... minimize administrative costs or incorporate a vesting schedule that gradually transfers employee ownership of employer contributions? ...
UK*   922 - Business profile: Foster's design for his future
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - May 12, 2007
             The Employee Share Ownership Centre, which lobbies for wider staff participation in company ownership, is still seeking clarification about the extent to ...
IN*   923 - Virtualisation to drive IT infrastructure: Gartner
             Times of India, India - May 12, 2007
             Each virtualised layer can be managed relatively independently or even owned by someone else, for example, streamed applications or employee-owned PCs. ...
US*   924 - MaineJobs.com Network:
             Central Maine Morning Sentinel, ME - May 12, 2007
             Sebago Technics is a 25 year old employee-owned multi-disciplinary civil engineering and surveying firm offering responsibility and growth opportunity in a ...
US*   925 - Growing Davey Tree adds three new limbs
             Akron Beacon Journal, OH - May 12, 2007
             Davey, based in Kent, is a 127-year-old, employee-owned provider of arboricultural and horticultural services with operations in 43 states and six Canadian ...
US*   926 - Auctioning journalistic integrity at the Tribune Company
             Reclaim the Media, WA - May 12, 2007
             As an “S” corporation with a porous and powerless employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, “the company is treated, effectively, like a charity. ...
IN*   927 - Why should equity funds go into cash?
             Newindpress on Sunday, India - May 12, 2007
             ... is the difference between market price and the price at vesting (thankfully realised) not been extended to taxing ESOP as a perk, as the world does? ...
IN*   928 - GL Hotels to issue 74,09576 warrants at Rs.283.42
             Equity Bulls, India - May 12, 2007
             The Board has constituted a Compensation Committee as required under SEBI guidelines for administration and superintendence of the Employee Stock Option ...
US*   929 - Novel options defense falls flat
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - May 12, 2007
             "Employee stock option expenses are no more irrelevant to investors than the world is flat," the SEC wrote to the judge in response. ...
US*   930 - Business news in brief
             Philadelphia Inquirer, PA - May 12, 2007
             The Philadelphia biotechnology company attributed the improvement to lower general and administrative costs, primarily in employee stock-option expenses, ...
IN*   931 - Checks & balances hold the key
             Economic Times, India - May 12, 2007
             These nominee directors on the board of L&T, the engineering and construction major, received Esops (Employee Stock Options) worth Rs 4.5 crore and Rs 3.5 ...
US*   932 - Company OKs stock options for employees
             Worcester Telegram, MA - May 12, 2007
             ... Arrhythmia Research Technology Inc. will now have 200000 more shares of common stock to use for employee stock options, after shareholders approved an ...
JM*   933 - After strong first quarter run, LOJ issues more employee share options
             Jamaica Observer, Jamaica - May 12, 2007
             By Dennise Williams. In a move aimed at rewarding staff members for meeting critical targets set by the board of directors for the first quarter ended March ...
UK*   934 - Pay day for Reuters axe man
             The Observer, UK - May 12, 2007
             He has periodically dipped into the market since and now owns almost 10 million share options and a further 401345 shares outright. ...
UK*   935 - Noblelures richest to back 20% yield fund
             Scotsman, UK - May 12, 2007
             As well as interest payments, the fund seeks warrants or share options worth around 20% of the value of the loan. Noble's venture finance advisory board ...
UK*   936 - Reuters trust to give green light to £8.8bn Thomson bid
             Independent, UK - May 12, 2007
             He has nearly 10 million share options and owns a further 401345 shares. Not only will Glocer take the top seat at the new company, but Reuters will have a ...
BD*   937 - Need for behavioural change in chronic disease battle
             Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, Barbados - May 12, 2007
             ... Sir George Alleyne while delivering the Olive Trotman Memorial Lecture sponsored by the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited. ...
ES*   938 - Areces destaca el "valor" de la economía social y se compromete a ...
             El Comercio Digital (Asturias) - 12 May 2007
             Recordó que en Asturias operan en la actualidad 800 cooperativas y sociedades laborales, que emplean a más de 8.000 personas en los sectores agrario, ...
ES*   939 - Deuda pendiente
             Semana - 12 May 2007
             Pero de todos los temas, quizá el más espinoso es el de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado. El propio gobierno ha reconocido que no ha sido capaz de ...
IT*   940 - AAPL oltre ogni limite
             melablog.it - 12 mag 2007
             Merito delle vendite, giudicate ottime, ma soprattutto dell'annuncio dell'archiviazione del caso stock-options, che ha rassicurato non poco gli investitori ...
US*   941 - Dealership makes donation to baseball program
             Dover Community News, NH - May 11, 2007
             This type of involvement is an integral part of the success of employee ownership. For information on International Cars, contact Fran Williams at 742-1676 ...
US*   942 - Monroe Publishing Co. wins several industry awards
             Monroenews.com, MI - May 11, 2007
             "Once again, we're proud to be recognized as a sterling example of employee ownership," said Lonnie Peppler-Moyer, MPC president. "One small, but important, ...
US*   943 - Magna good bet to buy Chrysler
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 11, 2007
             Burnham Securities analyst David Healy called employee ownership of Chrysler "a very bad idea," noting that United Airlines fell into bankruptcy while ...
US*   944 - Exclusives in this week's SBT
             Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - May 11, 2007
             "Making employee owners in Hatco is my way of recognizing the many great people who have made this company successful," said Hatch. ...
US*   945 - Dealership makes donation to baseball program
             Dover Community News, NH - May 11, 2007
             The Employee Owners of International Cars, Ltd., take great pride in developing charitable based initiatives that will directly impact their local ...
US*   946 - Valley City crop consultant named 2006 Consultant of the Year
             Bismarck Farm & Ranch Guide, ND - May 11, 2007
             Centrol, which is an employee-owned company based in Twin Valley, Minn., currently has 27 field consultants based mainly in Minnesota and the Dakotas. ...
US*   947 - Private equity firm to buy USIS for $1.5B
             Washington Business Journal, DC - May 11, 2007
             USIS was established in 1996 as an employee-owned company. Carlyle Group invested in the company about seven years ago, while Welsh, Carson, ...
US*   948 - Exclusives in this week's SBT
             Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - May 11, 2007
             On May 9, Hatch sold the balance of his stock to the ESOP and that now makes Hatco 100 percent employee owned. Hatch will remain on the board of directors ...
US*   949 - Dealership makes donation to baseball program
             Dover Community News, NH - May 11, 2007
             Dover Auto World is part of International Cars, Ltd., an employee owned company comprised of five New England area dealerships. ...
US*   950 - Monroe Publishing Co. wins several industry awards
             Monroenews.com, MI - May 11, 2007
             The company, 100 percent employee-owned, shares its financial data with employees, has an employee council to enhance communication throughout the firm and ...
US*   951 - William Blair & Company Initiates Coverage of Anixter ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 11, 2007
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, our philosophy is to serve our clients' interests first and foremost. We place a high value on the enduring nature ...
US*   952 - Hatco employees complete buyout
             Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - May 11, 2007
             On Wednesday, owner David Hatch sold the balance of his stock to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, making Hatco employee-owned. ...
UK*   953 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 BST
             Hemscott, UK - May 11, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee-owned retailer, said week to May 5 sales at its 26 UK department stores increased 1.4 pct ...
US*   954 - Play ball!
             Foster's Daily Democrat, NH - May 11, 2007
             Dover Auto World is part of International Cars, Ltd., an employee owned company comprised of five New England area dealerships including Dover Auto World ...
CH*   955 - Proposed Tribune Buyout a Risky Investment for Workers
             Union Network International, Switzerland - May 11, 2007
             ... the company’s board of directors about major flaws in the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) takeover bid by Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell. ...
US*   956 - Exclusives in this week's SBT
             Milwaukee Small Business Times, WI - May 11, 2007
             On October 5, 2004, the owner, David G. Hatch created an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) for the employees and placed a portion of Hatco stock in the ...
US*   957 - Dealership makes donation to baseball program
             Dover Community News, NH - May 11, 2007
             International Cars has also earned several AACE (Annual Award for Communications Excellence) Awards through The National ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership ...
US*   958 - Monroe Publishing Co. wins several industry awards
             Monroenews.com, MI - May 11, 2007
             ESOP stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plan. "Once again, we're proud to be recognized as a sterling example of employee ownership," said Lonnie ...
US*   959 - Magna good bet to buy Chrysler
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 11, 2007
             ... hired an investment banking firm to prepare a possible bid through an employee stock ownership plan that would give workers about a 70 percent stake. ...
US*   960 - Hatco employees complete buyout
             Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - May 11, 2007
             On Wednesday, owner David Hatch sold the balance of his stock to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, making Hatco employee-owned. ...
US*   961 - Chrysler workers retain a bid adviser
             CNNMoney.com - May 11, 2007
             Employee buyout committee hires Morpheus Capital Advisors to advise them on a potential bid for the struggling auto unit. ...
US*   962 - Chrysler workers hire bid adviser
             Reuters - May 11, 2007
             A group of Chrysler workers in Toledo, Ohio formed an "employee buyout committee" and sent a formal proposal to Chrysler last month.
US*   963 - Monroe Publishing Co. wins several industry awards
             Monroenews.com, MI - May 11, 2007
             The Monroe Publishing Co., parent company of The Monroe Evening News, has been named ESOP Company of the Year for 2007 by the Michigan Chapter of The ESOP ...
CA*   964 - Magellan Aerospace Corporation - First Quarter Report - March 31, 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 11, 2007
             The Corporation's employee stock options are not transferable, cannot be traded and are subject to vesting restrictions and exercise restrictions under the ...
US*   965 - KKR can't resist First Data 'cash-flow machine'
             Green Sheet, CA - May 11, 2007
             Upper management may have needed little incentive to welcome the acquisition: All employee stock options will vest and be cashed out at $34 per share when ...
US*   966 - Saia, Inc. Chairman Adopts SEC Rule 10b5-1 Trading Plan
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 11, 2007
             ... Chairman, has established a pre-arranged stock trading plan to sell a portion of his company stock acquired upon the exercise of employee stock options. ...
US*   967 - FIRST WORD - FRIDAY: WWE VPs cash in, Impact review, weekend ...
             Pro Wrestling Torch - May 11, 2007
             ... 52-week high last week after WWE reported its first quarter earnings results, Laurinaitis and Dunn cashed in a portion of their employee stock options. ...
CA*   968 - Allen-Vanguard announces financial results for second quarter of ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 11, 2007
             The exercise of warrants and employee stock options provided cash of $12.0 million in YTD 2007, most of which related to the exercise in Q2 2007 of warrants ...
US*   969 - Editorial: Promising tool to value stock options
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - May 11, 2007
             Trying to predict the value of employee stock options is notoriously difficult. How do you put a price today on a grant that allows workers to buy shares of ...
CA*   970 - Abbastar Holdings Ltd. Obtains Conditional Approval Regarding the ...
             CCNMatthews (press release), Canada - May 11, 2007
             As it was announced on February 14, 2007, the Company has granted 275000 share options at a price of $0.30 per share to the new directors. ...
AU*   971 - Alinta price tag rises
             Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - May 11, 2007
             Under the Babcock & Brown consortium's revised deal, Alinta shareholders have four cash and share options. They can choose to receive the maximum cash ...
UK*   972 - Jobs under fire at Apple's annual meeting
             Pocket-lint.co.uk, UK - May 11, 2007
             ... and Exchange Commission) charging two former Apple executives for allegedly underhandedly backdating the price of share options to improve their price. ...
ZA*   973 - TNT - Tongaat-Hulett - Exercise of share options
             Finance24, South Africa - May 11, 2007
             THGL TNT - Tongaat-Hulett - Exercise of share options The Tongaat-Hulett Group Limited (Registration number 1892/000610/06) Share code: TNT Issuer Code: ...
UK*   974 - Adventis makes 1st >>
             Total Content + Media, UK - May 11, 2007
             The Company has also issued 157895 Shares to two former members of staff who have exercised their share options. Application for the admission of the 282895 ...
BD*   975 - New credit union offer
             The Nation Newspaper, Barbados - May 11, 2007
             THE BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' Co-operative Credit Union Limited (BPWCCUL) is doing all it can to elevate its service. That was the promise from the new chief ...
FR*   976 - Essilor souhaite éviter une "prise de contrôle rampante
             Journal des Finances - 11 mai 2007
             "L'objectif est de porter, en sept ans, l'actionnariat salarié à environ 10 % du capital et 20 % des droits de vote" at-il indiqué. ...
FR*   977 - Total : hausse du dividende de 15% ; important programme d ...
             Le Revenu - 11 mai 2007
             ... des actionnaires, et de mettre en place des programmes de stock-options et d'actionnariat des salariés par des augmentations de capital réservées.
LU*   978 - Phantom stock : une perspective nouvelle pour revitaliser la ...
             Agefi Luxembourg - 11 mai 2007
             Le contexte législatif luxembourgeois, caractérisé par l’absence de réglementation spécifique à l’actionnariat des salariés, autorise la mise en place de ...
FR*   979 - FLEURY MICHON : Rapport du Président sur le Contrôle Interne 2006
             Euroinvestor - 11 mai 2007
             Par ailleurs, conformément aux dispositions de l´article L 225-71 alinéa 1er du Code de Commerce, deux représentants des salariés actionnaires sont désignés ...
FR*   980 - Réunion d’actionnaires
             MacPlus - 11 mai 2007
             Steve Jobs a eu quelques mots à propos de son entreprise en plus du problème de stock-options, de Fred Anderson, de GreenPeace et de l’iPhone. ...
FR*   981 - Bourse de Wall Street : Wall Street clôture en hausse
             Zonebourse.com - 11 mai 2007
             Hors impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés, le résultat par action ressort à 15 cents, soit un penny de mieux que les attentes du marché. ...
FR*   982 - Steve Jobs contraint de se justifier devant ses actionnairespar ...
             L'Express - 11 mai 2007
             Pressé de s'expliquer sur l'affaire des stock-options antidatées, Steve Jobs a retracé le cours des événements et lu par deux fois le communiqué du gendarme ...
FR*   983 - Total : hausse du dividende de 15% ; important programme d ...
             Le Revenu - 11 mai 2007
             ... des actionnaires, et de mettre en place des programmes de stock-options et d'actionnariat des salariés par des augmentations de capital réservées.
LU*   984 - “Les professionnels des RH doivent faire preuve de plus en plus de ...
             Agefi Luxembourg - 11 mai 2007
             ... doivent faire preuve de plus en plus de créativité dans l’élaboration des packages, par exemple avec les plans de pensions ou les stock options. ...
ES*   985 - La UDC y la Consellería de Traballo editan una guía para promover ...
             La Voz de Galicia - 11 May 2007
             Asimismo, destacó que, en los últimos años, se registraron en Galicia nuevas cooperativas de trabajo asociado. LA VOZ DE GALICIA,SA se reserva todos los ...
ES*   986 - Promesa expone a quince empresarios las ventajas de invertir en ...
             El Faro de Ceuta y Melilla - 11 May 2007
             ... incluidos los socios de cooperativas de trabajo asociado que ostenten tal carácter y que desarrollen su actividad en los mismos sectores, ...
PE¨*   987 - MTPE revisa Ley General del Trabajo
             Coordinadora Nacional de Radio - 11 May 2007
             ... que otro punto álgido de la discusión de la LGT es el referido a los beneficios de los trabajadores que laboran en services o cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   988 - Bolivarianos, con Borello
             Noticias Urbanas - 11 May 2007
             Del encuentro participaron entre otras organizaciones, además de los anfitriones, la Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo, la Cooperativa de Trabajo Hotel ...
CH*   989 - A 20 meses de la ocupación de Impresos Vanni, sigue la lucha por ...
             Union Network International - 11 May 2007
             Los trabajadores se organizaron en cooperativa de trabajo a la que llamaron CoProGraf – Cooperativa de Producción Gráfica – intentando una salida. ...
US*   990 - Mejorando el medio ambiente
             El Diario (New York) - 11 May 2007
             Omar Freilla es director de Cooperativas de Trabajadores para el Medio Ambiente (conocido por su nombre en inglés, Green Worker Cooperatives).
ES*   991 - La industria se aprieta el cinturón Los sueldos de los jefes
             Autopista.es - 11 May 2007
             ... millones para compensar su salida de Boeing-, otros 14,4 millones de euros en stock options y 246.770 euros de gastos de mantenimiento y alojamiento. ...
AT*   992 - "Keiner soll den anderen dominieren"
             derStandard.at - 11. Mai 2007
             Man kennt den amerikanischen Brauch mit den Stock-Options. Diese Manager sind bei Problemen immer die ersten, die davonlaufen. Das gibt's bei uns nicht. ...
AT*   993 - AUA legt sich Latte bei SOP höher
             derStandard.at - 11. Mai 2007
             Für die erste Tranche des Stock Options-Programms (SOP) muss die AUA bei Ausübung im Geschäftsjahr 2009 unverändert einen Gewinn je Aktie von 30 Cent ...
AT*   994 - "Rückfall in den Klassenkampf"
             Kurier - 11. Mai 2007
             Ich werde mit dem Aufsichtsratspräsidium über die Stock-Options noch Gespräche führen. Für 2008 ist die Schwelle ein Ergebnis von 30 Cent pro Aktie. ...
IT*   995 - Sia fatta la volontà degli azionisti
             Vision Blog - 11 mag 2007
             Protagonista indiscusso dell'incontro è stato il caso stock options. Il Ceo di Apple, con sapiente arte comunicativa, parla bene del suo principale ...
IT*   996 - La SEC archivia il caso stock-options
             melablog.it - 11 mag 2007
             Stamane l'ANSA ha riportato che il caso delle stock-options retrodatate è stato dichiarato chiuso dalla SEC, accertata la mancanza di addebiti contro Apple ...
US*   997 - UAW Group Hires Advisers
             Wall Street Journal - May 10, 2007
             The UAW's leadership and legal team have reviewed the worker-group's employee-ownership bid, but the union has not officially backed an ESOP. ...
US*   998 - Bid efforts from Chrysler Group workers encountering troubles ...
             MarketWatch - May 10, 2007
             ... a Connecticut investor retained by the Chrysler Employee Ownership Committee to help put together a deal, told the Detroit Free Press. ...
US*   999 - Workers say their DCX bid rebuffed
             Detroit Free Press, MI - May 10, 2007
             ... anyone," Richard Caires, a Connecticut investor retained by the Chrysler Employee Ownership Committee to help put together a deal, told the Free Press. ...
BO*   1000 - Motsumi addresses Air Botswana staff
             Mmegi, Botswana - May 10, 2007
             Re-employed staff would be given an opportunity to own shares in the new airline through an Employee Share Ownership Plan. ...

US*   1001 - Alion Schedules Second Quarter/ First Half Year Financial Results ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 10, 2007
             Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion employee-owners are located at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide. ...
US*   1002 - Rare Marin firm outgrows its roots
             Marin Independent-Journal, CA - May 10, 2007
             Gardener's Guild Inc., a longtime Marin presence that is one of the county's few employee-owned businesses, is moving across the bay next year. ...
US*   1003 - Auto briefs
             DetNews.com, MI - May 10, 2007
             The group, which has become registered as a legal entity known as Employee Owned Co. LLC , has hired Morpheus Capital Advisors to arrange financing and ...
US*   1004 - IBM, SAIC Help Clients Meet Compliance Conditions
             TMCnet - May 10, 2007
             SAIC is the second largest employee-owned research and engineering firm in the United States working with various government agencies to help them solve ...
US*   1005 - Possible tornado has El Reno cleaning up
             NewsOK.com (subscription), OK - May 10, 2007
             Woolery said the employee-owned business, which employs about 100 people, should be up and running this week. A nearby strip mall lost most of its roof, ...
US*   1006 - Chrysler Workers In Ohio Hire Financial Adviser For Possible Bid
             WDIV, MI - May 10, 2007
             The group is legally known as Employee Owned Company LLC. It has hired Morpheus Capital Advisors in New York to arrange financing and consult on the sales ...
US*   1007 - Retired Lieutenant General Huly Joins EODT's Board of Advisors
             Earthtimes.org - May 10, 2007
             The employee-owned company is an industry leader for Munitions Response, Security Services, and Critical Mission Support.
US*   1008 - Alion Schedules Second Quarter/ First Half Year Financial Results ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 10, 2007
             (BUSINESS WIRE)--Alion Science and Technology, an employee-owned technology solutions company, announced today that it will host a conference call on May 17 ...
US*   1009 - IPO REPORT Aecom Tech IPO raises $700 mln
             MarketWatch - May 10, 2007
             Aecom Tech, which traces its roots to 1990, marks the second major employee-owned firm to go public in recent months. SAIC
US*   1010 - Auto briefs
             DetNews.com, MI - May 10, 2007
             DETROIT -- A group of United Auto Workers employees in Ohio who are proposing an employee stock-ownership plan for Chrysler Group have hired financial ...
US*   1011 - Chrysler Workers In Ohio Hire Financial Adviser For Possible Bid
             WDIV, MI - May 10, 2007
              Some United Auto Workers members in Ohio have hired financial advisers in their bid for employee stock-ownership for Chrysler. ...
US*   1012 - Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. Reports First Quarter 2007 Results
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - May 10, 2007
             (A) ESOP expense is a non-cash labor expense the Company historically incurred each year in connection with the Employee Stock Ownership Plan of the ...
US*   1013 - UAW Group Hires Advisers
             Wall Street Journal - May 10, 2007
             A group of United Auto Workers employees in Ohio who are proposing an employee stock-ownership plan for the Chrysler Group have hired financial advisers in ...
US*   1014 - Tribune Co. welcomes Zell to board; Chandlers exit
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 10, 2007
             Tribune's plan to go private in partnership with Zell and an employee stock ownership plan will rid the company of a major irritant in the Chandlers, ...
US*   1015 - Trib CEO touts 'new beginning'
             Newsday, NY - May 10, 2007
             Under the complex deal announced last month, assets will be transferred to an employee stock ownership plan and Chicago real estate mogul Samuel Zell. ...
US*   1016 - United pilots protest high executive salaries
             ABC7Chicago.com, IL - May 10, 2007
             Cameras were not allowed in the shareholders meeting where some employee stockholders ripped Tilton, one saying, "We have lost all confidence in your ...
US*   1017 - Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2007 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 10, 2007
             ... net of ESOP shares 6727500 6727500 Shares issued to EHC shareholders 3876048 3876048 Weighted average ESOP shares 49765 18688 Weighted average ...
US*   1018 - Survey: Indiana Companies Contribute to Employees Retirement
             Inside INdiana Business (press release), IN - May 10, 2007
             ESOP plans were offered by 6.7 percent of companies reporting. Matching formulas remain popular with employers, as 75.2 percent use them to determine the ...
CA*   1019 - Twin Butte Energy Reports 2007 First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 10, 2007
             ... of dilutive securities: Employee stock options - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average number of ...
US*   1020 - Market Report -- In Play (BDOG)
             MSN Money - May 10, 2007
             ... purchased from officers of the Co all of the vested employee stock options held by them that would otherwise expire within one year of the current date. ...
US*   1021 - Big Dog Holdings, Inc. Repurchases a Block of Options for 245000 ...
             WM Experts (press release), FL - May 10, 2007
             ... today reported that on May 9 it purchased from officers of the Company all of the vested employee stock options held by them that would otherwise expire ...
CA*   1022 - Flint Energy Services Ltd. announces Q1 2007 results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 10, 2007
             ... 2006 47168794 $ 569096 Shares issued in conjunction with: Exercised employee stock options 130668 1538 Transfer from contributed surplus for stock ...
IN*   1023 - FIs remove 2 L&T nominee directors
             Rediff, India - May 10, 2007
             ... major Larsen & Toubro for failing to comply with the June 2006 directive on not exercising the employee stock options granted by the company. ...
US*   1024 - American Oil & Gas Reports 1st Quarter 2007 Results
             Earthtimes.org - May 10, 2007
             ... due to additional personnel and (iii) a reduction of approximately $218000 in share-based compensation expense attributable to employee stock options. ...
CA*   1025 - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. 2007 First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 10, 2007
             (b) Employee stock options: The Company has up to 10% of its issued and outstanding common shares available for issuance pursuant to its Stock Option Plan. ...
US*   1026 - Natural Gas Services Group, Inc. Announces Record First Quarter ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 10, 2007
             ... net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 1267 1717 Deferred taxes 834 (1479) Employee stock options expensed 73 97 Gain ...
US*   1027 - ParkerVision Reports First Quarter 2007 Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 10, 2007
             ... exercise of warrants and employee stock options, offset somewhat by cash used for operating and investing activities during the first quarter of 2007. ...
US*   1028 - Perficient Reports First Quarter 2007 Results
             TMC Net, CT - May 10, 2007
             Accordingly, management excludes stock-based compensation related to employee stock options and restricted stock awards, the amortization of purchased ...
US*   1029 - Cortex Reports First Quarter Operating Results
             Genetic Engineering News (press release), NY - May 10, 2007
             SFAS 123R requires all share based payments to employees, including grants of employee stock options, to be recognized in the financial statements based on ...
US*   1030 - EXL Reports 2007 First Quarter Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 10, 2007
             ... EXL's management uses financial statements that do not include stock-based compensation expense related to employee stock options and amortization of ...
UK*   1031 - Barclays is axing 1100 jobs in Dorset
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - May 10, 2007
             He will not be entitled to a year's salary, of €660000, and will have to negotiate a settlement for his 376000 share options, which are heavily in the money ...
US*   1032 - Apple Meeting Will be Marred by Stock Option Anxiety
             PC World - May 10, 2007
             ... safeguards in place to protect the company from any further irregularities when it offers executives share options as part of its compensation package. ...
IN*   1033 - FIs remove 2 L&T nominee directors
             Rediff, India - May 10, 2007
             ... institutions in June 2006 that had clarified that no nominee-director would exercise the share options granted to them by their respective companies. ...
SG*   1034 - SGX planning changes to listing rules
             Channel News Asia, Singapore - May 10, 2007
             A new rule will require a listed company to make an immediate announcement when employee share options are granted. Other rules planned will clarify the ...
CA*   1035 - GMP Capital Trust reports results for first quarter 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 10, 2007
             The first plan, the trust unit option plan, governs the options issued in exchange for share options as part of the conversion of GMP Capital Corp. into the ...
UK*   1036 - UK: Fears Over Alliance Boots Financing As KKR Takes Out £8.2bn Loan
             Namnews (subcription), UK - May 10, 2007
             ... executive of Alliance Boots, will receive £6.54m through the exercise of share options, whilst deputy chairman Stefano Pessina will receive £820539. ...
ZA*   1037 - ALT - Allied Technologies Limited - Directors dealings
             Finance24, South Africa - May 10, 2007
             ... share Date of transaction: 9 May 2007 Nature of transaction: Direct beneficial interest -exercise of share options in the normal course of employment. ...
BD*   1038 - New offers for BPWCCUL members
             Barbados Advocate, Barbados - May 10, 2007
             FUTURE plans of the Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited (BPWCCUL) to improve membership service include the introduction of small ...
US*   1039 - Bhutan: Film Awards
             Global Voices Online, MA - May 10, 2007
             “Situated in the heart of Calcutta, opposite the Presidency College, commissioned in 1942 by The Indian Coffee Workers’ Co-operative Society, ...
UK*   1040 - Summer school set to focus on
             Ulster Herald (subscription), UK - May 10, 2007
             ... while Sean Regan, the National Co-ordinator of Community Workers Co-operative Ireland will discuss community development and change with perspectives on ...
UK*   1041 - In pictures: Argentina's workers' revolution (8 pictures)
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - May 10, 2007
             ... the lights and starting up the machines again. Run as workers' cooperatives, many of them are once again successful enterprises. Photographs: Diego Giudice.
FR*   1042 - Eiffage : Sacyr veut une enquête de l'AMF sur l'autocontrôle
             Trading Sat - 10 mai 2007
             Cette opération renforcerait aux yeux de Sacyr l'action de concert existant entre Eiffage, son actionnariat salarié (Eiffage 2000) et celui de ses cadres ...
FR*   1043 - Linedata Services : chiffre d'affaires trimestriel de 40,9 ME, en ...
             Le Revenu - 10 mai 2007
             ... Management France progresse de 13,2%, porté principalement par le surcroît d'activité lié à la mise en place de la solution NOEE en épargne salariale. ...
FR*   1044 - Chargé(e) d'Affaires h/f
             LExpansion.com - 10 mai 2007
             Au sein du pôle « Vente France », l'équipe Epargne Entreprise promeut les produits d'épargne salariale à destination des entreprises et de leurs salariés. ...
FR*   1045 - Les patrons américains des sociétés technologiques très bien payés ...
             Miti News - 10 mai 2007
             Le patron d'Apple affiche un revenu annuel de 646 millions de dollars, essentiellement perçus via l'exercice de stock-options. ...
FR*   1046 - Apple et ses actionnaires [Vendredi 07:32]
             Mac Generation - 10 mai 2007
             Il a toutefois expliqué que le conseil d’administration avait approuvé l’attribution des stock-options en août 2001, à un moment où le titre était très bas. ...
FR*   1047 - Steve Jobs, l'homme qui valait 2 millions de dollars par jour
             Echosdunet - 10 mai 2007
             En revanche, la rémunération sous forme d'intéressement sur les profits d'Apple est bien plus appétissante : Stock options, notes de frais associées à ...
FR*   1048 - Steve Jobs, le PDG le mieux payé avec un salaire d'un dollar
             Vnunet.fr - 10 mai 2007
             Si le PDG d'Apple affiche un salaire a minima d'un dollar, il dispose en revanche d'une réserve de stock-options évaluée l'année dernière à 647 millions de ...
FR*   1049 - Orco Property Group: Exercice de stock-options
             Boursorama - 10 mai 2007
             LUXEMBOURG, May 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Suite à l'exercice de 9.000 stock-options, 9.000 actions nouvelles (ISIN LU0122624777) ont été créées. ...
FR*   1050 - Martine AUBRY : "pour moi, un échec est toujours collectif".
             Réformer - 10 mai 2007
             Si les Français sont choqués quand certains patrons partent avec des stock-options importants après avoir mis leur entreprise en difficulté alors qu’on ...
FR*   1051 - PRESSE: Eiffage: Sacyr a demandé une enquête à l'AMF
             EasyBourse.com - 10 mai 2007
             De son côté, Eiffage affirme qu'il s'agit d'une opération technique sur ses stock options : l'autocontrôle ayant été constitué en partie pour satisfaire les ...
ES*   1052 - Economía social en Andalucía
             Granada Hoy - 10 May 2007
             ... económico andaluz, la evolución de las empresas cooperativas y sociedades laborales en los últimos años y el análisis comparativo a nivel nacional. ...
AR*   1053 - Denuncian "aprietes" a beneficiarios de planes sociales
             Roca Digital - 10 May 2007
             ... de los distintos planes sociales administrados desde este Municipio (Plan Familia, Nutri Roca, Cooperativas de Trabajo, Mini Emprendimientos, PEM, etc. ...
AR*   1054 - Capitán Bermúdez - Firman convenios para la construcción de veredas
             Sin Mordaza - 10 May 2007
             El intendente municipal, Dr. Fabián Varela, firmó convenios con las cooperativas de trabajo que construirán veredas en los barrios Villa Margarita, ...
             APF Digital - 10 May 2007
             Esto es posible tras la conformación de las dos cooperativas de trabajo integradas en total por 32 personas, la mayoría de ellas hasta hace poco sub ...
IT*   1056 - Gli "Scrigni" della Musica: il Teatro "Sangiorgi" a Catania
             Teatro.org - 10 mag 2007
             L’appalto, aggiudicato al "Consorzio Nazionale Cooperativa di Produzione e Lavoro Ciro Menotti" di Bologna, costato 12 miliardi e 776 milioni di lire, ...
IT*   1057 - Cooperazione: Cfi investe 800 mila euro in Fraternità Edile
             Qui Brescia - 10 mag 2007
             Cfi è una società finanziaria di partecipazione al capitale di rischio di imprese cooperative di produzione lavoro attive nel settore industriale, ...
IT*   1058 - All'assemblea degli azionisti Jobs bacchetta Greepeace
             Macity - 10 mag 2007
             Il Ceo affronta tutti i temi più d'attualità, dalle stock options al ritardo di Leopard, e non manca di bacchettare Greenpeace: "ragionano sui massimi ...
IT*   1059 - Gli azionisti attivi contro Apple
             SoldiOnline.it - 10 mag 2007
             ... hanno proposto: la datazione della stock options nel giorno stesso in cui vengono accordate, la possibilità per gli azionisti di approvazione dei premi ...
IT*   1060 - Una scelta giusta ma insufficiente
             MegaChip - 10 mag 2007
             ... dividendi agli azionisti, di riacquistare azioni proprie per difendersi dalle scalate e di incrementare le stock options per il management*2. ...
IT*   1061 - AAPL, altro record storico aspettando la riunione degli azionisti
             Macity - 10 mag 2007
             Ricordiamo anche che Jobs entrerà nell'assemblea virtualmente assolto da parte di Apple da ogni responsabilità nel caso stock options, ma ancora di fatto ...
BR*   1062 - Municípios do semi-árido são beneficiados com cisternas
             Jornal Pequeno - 10 Mai 2007
             ... e é executado pela Cooperativa de Trabalho para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável - COODESU e tem parcerias com os sindicatos, diocese e prefeituras locais. ...
US*   1063 - Venture firm puts its green in ‘green’
             Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN - May 9, 2007
             It provides free counseling to young businesses on issues including raising capital and broadening employee ownership, such as by establishing stock options ...
US*   1064 - The opposite of Wal-Mart
             Financial Express, India - May 9, 2007
             They own 31% through an employee share-ownership plan, making Publix the largest employee-owned company in America. (The rest of Publix, established in 1930 ...
AT*   1065 - CEO Insecurity Jeopardizes Investment in Capital Equipment
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 9, 2007
             Founded in 1937, it is an independent employee-owned firm with 1200 employees in offices across the country. With expertise in Investment Management, ...
CA*   1066 - Odyssey Resources retains leading investor relations firm
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 9, 2007
             Equicom is an employee-owned firm whose principals include Barry Hildred, President and Jason Hogan, Executive Vice President. ...
US*   1067 - Blaze leaves door maker with minor damage
             News-Times, OR - May 9, 2007
             Woodfold is one of the city’s largest employers, with 125 employees, who are also shareholders in the employee-owned company. ...
US*   1068 - First Horizon Acquires Las Vegas-Based Republic Mortgage
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 9, 2007
             Founded in 1988, Republic Mortgage is Nevada's largest employee-owned mortgage company, with $1.092 billion in originated loans in 2006. ...
US*   1069 - IBM and SAIC Help Clients Meet Compliance Mandates
             Market Wire (press release) - May 9, 2007
             SAIC is the second largest employee-owned research and engineering firm in the United States working with a variety of government agencies to help them ...
UK*   1070 - Virtualisation top IT trend, says Gartner
             IT PRO, UK - May 9, 2007
             It will make the trend towards employee-owned notebooks more manageable, flexible and secure." Still, the growth in virtualisation will reduce the number ...
UK*   1071 - Automated, all-hazard risk assessment tool launched
             Continuity Central (press release), UK - May 9, 2007
             Alion, an employee-owned, technology solutions company, and ASME-ITI have automated the manual, paper-based RAMCAP process and extended the methodology with ...
US*   1072 - leadership lessons
             Kentucky.com, KY - May 9, 2007
             The employee-owned company has women in 27 percent of its administrative positions, and women make up 104 of its 389 salaried employees. ...
UK*   1073 - Booker set for stock market return
             Financial Times, UK - May 9, 2007
             Mr Wilson will own 8.1 per cent and other Booker employee shareholders will have a 14.4 per cent interest. Mr Wilson said: “Booker has made great progress ...
US*   1074 - Tribune CEO Touts Acquisition
             Forbes, NY - May 9, 2007
             Under the complex deal announced last month, assets will be transferred to an employee stock ownership plan and Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell. ...
US*   1075 - Tribune Shareholders Recommend Annual Board Elections
             Editor & Publisher - May 9, 2007
             Chicago real estate magnate Zell is leading the $8 billion transaction to take Tribune private through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) plus a $350 ...
US*   1076 - Tribune Annual Meeting Held in Chicago
             Earthtimes.org - May 9, 2007
             The review process concluded April 2 when Tribune announced a transaction that will take the company private through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan and an ...
US*   1077 - Hypertherm Announces More than 57 Percent Increase in Stock Valuation
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 9, 2007
             The 2006 share price for the privately-held ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) company was determined by independent appraisal. The appraisal, by New York ...
US*   1078 - Tribune CEO peppered with questions on Zell deal
             Crain's Chicago Business, IL - May 9, 2007
             Mr. Zell’s proposal would create an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), put $8.4 billion in new debt on Tribune’s books and buy out public shareholders at ...
US*   1079 - Tribune's FitzSimons sees 'new beginning' in Zell transaction—
             WMDT, MD - May 9, 2007
             He reiterated that the deal transferring ownership to an employee stock ownership plan and Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell should close in the fourth ...
US*   1080 - As Tribune Annual Meeting Gets Underway, Teamsters Oppose Zell's ...
             Editor & Publisher - May 9, 2007
             ... the occasion to point to "major flaws" in the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) that is key to Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell's takeover plan. ...
AT*   1081 - Proposed Tribune Buyout a Risky Investment for Workers
              PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 9, 2007
             ... the company's board of directors about major flaws in the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) takeover bid by Chicago real estate mogul Sam Zell. ...
US*   1082 - Ahead of the Bell: Tribune Meeting
             Houston Chronicle, TX - May 9, 2007
             Some Tribune employees have expressed wariness over the unusual arrangement that gives them majority ownership, as employee stock ownership plans are rarely ...
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 9, 2007
             The complex accord will transfer ownership of the Chicago media company to real estate financier Sam Zell and an employee stock ownership plan. ...
IN*   1084 - Half-baked Esops won't escape FBT
             Economic Times, India - May 9, 2007
             NEW DELHI: This could come as a dampener to all those companies that rushed their employee stock option plan (Esop) offers before March 31 to avoid fringe ...
US*   1085 - Tribune Annual Meeting Held in Chicago
             Earthtimes.org - May 9, 2007
             The first stage of the ESOP/Zell transaction includes the stock tender offer launched April 25 to purchase up to 126 million common shares for $34 per share ...
IN*   1086 - GIC moves HC to recover Esop money from nominee
             Financial Express, India - May 9, 2007
             On Monday, the court restrained LIC's nominee in L&T Kranti Sinha to exercise his Esop till the court decides the matter. Sinha had received 20000 L&T ...
US*   1087 - Clifton Savings Bancorp, Inc. Announces 4 th Quarter and Year End ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 9, 2007
             ... a net decrease in unrealized losses of $849000 on the available for sale securities portfolios, ESOP shares committed to be released of $830000, ...
IN*   1088 - LIC drags L&T to court in Esop row
             Business Standard, India - May 9, 2007
             The Larsen and Toubro (L&T) employee stock option controversy is becoming a major face-off between the financial institutions and the construction major. ...
US*   1089 - As Tribune Annual Meeting Gets Underway, Teamsters Oppose Zell's ...
             Editor & Publisher - May 9, 2007
             Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa says Zell's ESOP would place a "disproportionate amount of the financial risk" on employees without giving them "any ...
US*   1090 - Tri-S Security Announces Results for the 1st Quarter Ended March ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - May 9, 2007
             ... Non-cash employee stock option expense 76 55 Non-cash interest expense 48 738 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Trade accounts receivable, ...
IN*   1091 - A better deal for NRIs
             Hindustan Times, India - May 9, 2007
             Employee Stock Option is considered as the preferred option to retain talent. Recently, the Finance Minister had brought the stock option granted to ...
FI*   1092 - Nokia Oyj: Nokia corporate action exercises with stock options of ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 9, 2007
             2007 based on Nokia's 2003 and 2005 employee stock option plans. This resulted in an increase of EUR 193 904.82 in Nokia's share capital and an increase of ...
US*   1093 - Jupitermedia Corporation Reports Results for Its First Quarter ...
             American Digital Networks (press release), MD - May 9, 2007
             ... does not include estimated non-cash stock- based compensation expense relating to employee stock options in the amount of $0.01 per share for Q2 2007. ...
CA*   1094 - Northcore reports first quarter 2007 financial results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 9, 2007
             EBITDA loss is defined as losses before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, employee stock options, and discontinued operations. ...
US*   1095 - Borland Reports Financial Results for the First Quarter of 2007
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 9, 2007
             These expenses consist of expenses for employee stock options and employee stock purchases under SFAS 123R. Prior to the adoption of SFAS 123R in fiscal ...
US*   1096 - Whole Foods Market Reports Second Quarter Results
             Earthtimes.org - May 9, 2007
             ... of assets 2710 (1243) Share-based compensation 6519 3074 Excess tax benefit related to exercise of employee stock options (9384) (43063) Deferred income ...
US*   1097 - MIND CTI Reports EPS of 5 Cents for the First Quarter of 2007
             Market Wire (press release) - May 9, 2007
             ... activities (117) (142) 19664 ----------- ----------- ------------- CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Employee stock options exercised and paid 81 60 ...
US*   1098 - Big Blue Bounces Back
             Barron's (subscription) - May 9, 2007
              While a portion of the share repurchases will be used to offset dilution from employee stock options, we think the vast majority of the repurchases (92% in ...
US*   1099 - Five BenQ Execs Indicted on Embezzlement, Money Laundering and Forgery
             Circuits Assembly, GA - May 9, 2007
             The three allegedly violated securities laws in the sale of $24 million of shares designated for employee stock options in 2003. ...
US*   1100 - EA Q4 loss widens to $25M
             Los Angeles Business, CA - May 9, 2007
             Excluding items, including $24 million in expenses from employee stock-options, the company earned 6 cents a share, less than half of the 14 cents a share ...
US*   1101 - Discovery Holding Company First Quarter Earnings Release
             MSN Money - May 9, 2007
             ... outstanding shares of DISCA and DISCB and 4.9 million shares of DISCA and DISCB reserved for issuance pursuant to warrants and employee stock options. ...
IN*   1102 - BenQ top brass charged of fraud
             Economic Times, India - May 9, 2007
             The three had allegedly violated securities laws in the sale of 800 million Taiwan dollars (24 million US) of shares designated for employee stock options ...
IE*   1103 - ::IN THE PAPERS
             ElectricNews.net, Ireland - May 9, 2007
             The latest quarter included USD24 million in expenses from employee stock-options. Revenue fell 4.4 percent to USD613 million, compared with USD641 million ...
UK*   1104 - SGX Issues Consultation Paper On Proposed Amendments To Trading ...
             Exchange News Direct, UK - May 9, 2007
             Announcement of Grant of Employee Share Option: A new rule will be introduced to require the issuer to make an immediate announcement when employee share ...
UK*   1105 - Alliance Boots directors will make more than £10m from sale of the ...
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - May 9, 2007
             Mr Pessina will also receive £830000 from the payout of his share options and other incentives. Co-director Ornella Barra, Mr Pessina's girlfriend, ...
FI*   1106 - Stock releases
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 9, 2007
             ... Number of share options | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Number of shares | - | 82 314 ...
UK*   1107 - Boots deal to generate bonanza for execs
             FT Alphaville, UK - May 9, 2007
             Richard Baker, chief executive of Alliance Boots, will gain £6.5m through the exercise of share options he has accrued in 3½ years at the helm of the retail ...
UK*   1108 - Unions criticise Alliance Boots bosses for 'cashing in on buyout'
             Independent, UK - May 9, 2007
             Richard Baker, the chief executive, will receive £6.5m through the exercise of share options if the agreed £11.1bn takeover of the chain by Kohlberg Kravis ...
UK*   1109 - Pessina and KKR shore up Boots bid
             Financial Times (subscription), UK - May 9, 2007
             Alliance Boots also gave details of payments to executives through share options once the takeover of the group goes ahead. Richard Baker, chief executive ...
ZA*   1110 - BTG - BTG - Dealing In Securities By Directors
             Finance24, South Africa - May 9, 2007
             ... Nature of transaction: Exercise and subsequent sale of share options granted in terms of the Bytes Technology Group Limited Share Incentive Scheme. ...
UK*   1111 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Mergers and acquisitions highlights to 15:50 BST
             Hemscott, UK - May 9, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Richard Baker, chief executive of Alliance Boots PLC, will receive 6.54 mln stg through the exercise of share options if the ...
ZA*   1112 - ATN/ATNP - Allied Electronics Corporation Limited - Sale of Shares
             Finance24, South Africa - May 9, 2007
             ... Nature of transaction: Direct beneficial interest - exercise of share options in the normal course of employment Clearance to deal: This was obtained in ...
ZA*   1113 - JDG - JD Group limited - Reviewed interim results for the six ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 9, 2007
             ... after considering the dilutive impact of share options and the cash value to be received in future, in respect of unissued shares granted to employees. ...
ZA*   1114 - CLH - City Lodge - Grant of share options to directors and company
             Finance24, South Africa - May 9, 2007
             The share options will lapse to the extent that they are not exercised by the tenth anniversary of the date of grant. In accordance with Section 3.66 of the ...
NZ*   1115 - Financial bonuses gain preference in employee rewards
             Computerworld New Zealand, New Zealand - May 9, 2007
             On top of their salary packages, share options and profit-sharing, Altium employees enjoy the benefits of free meals, gym memberships, mobile phone plans ...
CA*   1116 - Connacher Reports Record First Quarter
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 9, 2007
             ... of share options granted 3492 Assigned value of options exercised (105) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance, ...
US*   1117 - Bluephoenix Solutions Reports Q1 Record Revenues of $20 Million ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 9, 2007
             ... 14140 convertible debentures and warrants Debentures -- (655) issuance costs Exercise of 1189 730 employee share options and warrants Sale of shares 534 ...
ZA*   1118 - SUI - Sun International Limited - Directors dealing in securities
             Finance24, South Africa - May 9, 2007
             ... 2005 Nature of transaction : Sale of shares pursuant to exercise of share options under share incentive scheme Nature and extent of director's interest ...
UK*   1119 - First with the news but late with a bid
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - May 9, 2007
             On his first day as chief executive in June 2001, Reuters' share price was 862p, meaning his original share options are still out of the money - with ...
FI*   1120 - INCAP CORPORATION: Incap Group Interim Report January-March 2007
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 9, 2007
             Share options The Incap Group currently runs a share option scheme that was introduced in 2004 and that commits key employees to long-term share ownership. ...
UK*   1121 - Two sued in Dow Jones share trade
             BBC News, UK - May 9, 2007
             The SEC, the New York Attorney General and the Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into trading patterns in share options ahead of the buyout ...
UK*   1122 - Reuters and Thomson outline £8.8bn deal
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - May 9, 2007
             Mr Glocer, who became Reuters chief in 2001, would make £35m from the deal, according to some City estimates, as he has almost 10m share options and owns a ...
UK*   1123 - Hilton appeal offers 'doing 45 days behind bar' instead of jail
             The Spoof (satire), UK - May 9, 2007
             "The alternative sentence of spreading beauty, hope, charm and cleavage to underpriviledged drinkers at the LA DownTown Charity Workers Co-Op Bar should be ...
FR*   1124 - Sacyr relance le dossier Eiffage devant l'Autorité des marchés ...
             Les Échos - 9 mai 2007
             Cela renforcerait, à ses yeux, l'action de concert existant entre Eiffage, son actionnariat salarié (« Eiffage 2000 ») et celui de ses cadres (« Eiffaime ...
FR*   1125 - GdF: les salariés proposeront à l'AG de limiter le dividende
             EasyBourse.com - 9 mai 2007
             PARIS (Dow Jones)--Un fond commun de placement entreprise, ou FCPE, composé d'actionnaires salariés de Gaz de France (1020848.FR) a déposé une résolution ...
FR*   1126 - Transmettre le savoir-faire paulois en Équateur
             Journal L'Action - 9 mai 2007
             Nous voulons créer un coopérative de travail », raconte Sophie Bettez. « Là-bas, il n'ya pratiquement aucun travail. Nous voulons donc permettre au gens de ...
FR*   1127 - L'ISF, l'impôt repoussoir qui a fait fuir deux contribuables par ...
             Le Figaro - 9 mai 2007
             D'ancien anciens présidents de grands groupes quittent la France, une fois cédé leur fauteuil au conseil d'administration et réalisées leurs stock-options ...
             Investir.fr - 9 mai 2007
             Hors éléments exceptionnels et impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés, le résultat par action ressort à 34 cents, soit un penny de mieux que les ...
FR*   1129 - EADS - Airbus : parler des « petits actionnaires » pour cacher de ...
             Lutte Ouvrière - 9 mai 2007
             Cela, malgré le scandale des révélations sur les sommes énormes empochées, sous forme de stock-options et autres parachutes dorés, par des membres de la ...
FR*   1130 - Steve Jobs gagne 2 millions de dollars par jour
             Emploi Stage Environnement - 9 mai 2007
             Alors pourquoi ? tout simplement parce que Steve Jobs est fait rémunéré avec ses notes de frais et surtout son jet privé, ainsi que 120.000 stock-options, ...
FR*   1131 - Steeve Jobs, le PDG le mieux payé en 2006
             WPC - 9 mai 2007
             On trouve aussi dans ses revenus les stock options. Il en a reçu récemment 120 000 en cadeau. Et pour finir, il suffit de rajouter ses 5,4 millions ...
FR*   1132 - Rémunération des dirigeants : quelles sont les limites imposées ...
             NetPME.fr - 9 mai 2007
             ... mais aussi des primes de bienvenue (golden hello), des stock options et des actions gratuites, des bonus attribués en fonction des objectifs atteints, ...
ES*   1133 - Un nuevo CIEES propiciará que los emprendedores hagan sus proyectos
             Lanza Digital - 9 May 2007
             ... de economía social: cooperativas o sociedades laborales; están destinados a jóvenes a los que se les proporciona un lugar donde instalar su negocio, ...
AR*   1134 - La Cooperativa Textiles Pigüé será propietaria de su fábrica
             El Distrital - 9 May 2007
             Nacía así, la "Cooperativa de Trabajo Textiles Pigüé Ltda." Hoy, luego de dos años y medio de transitar un arduo camino de trabajo para que la fábrica ...
AR*   1135 - Inició su actividad la Cooperativa 22 de Agosto Ltda. en Mercedes
             Mega24 - 9 May 2007
             Así ya funciona la Cooperativa de Trabajo de Servicios Múltiples "22 de Agosto" Limitada. Un servicio de mercedeños para los mercedeños ...
AT*   1136 - "Börsegang macht Land nicht reicher"
             OÖNachrichten - 9. Mai 2007
             Zusammen mit den Anteilen der Linz AG, der geplanten Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Anlegern aus Oberösterreich würden die Landesinteressen gewahrt bleiben. ...
DE*   1137 - intelligent investieren und gemeinsam gewinnen ...
             openPR.de (Pressemitteilung) - 9. Mai 2007
             Berlin, 9. Mai 2007 - Die aktuelle Studie „Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Familienunternehmen“ des Instituts für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn ...
DE*   1138 - Der Funke will nicht überspringen
             Rheinischer Merkur - 9. Mai 2007
             ... Öl gesalbt: Mit einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ebenso wie mit den Jürgen-Rüttgers-Vorschlägen für die verlängerte Bezugsdauer des Arbeitslosengeldes II. ...
DE*   1139 - Wall Street: Zinsentscheidung mit Spannung
             AktienCheck - 9. Mai 2007
             Bereinigt um Einmaleffekte und Stock Options belief sich das EPS auf 34 Cents. Die Analysten hatten im Vorfeld ein EPS von 33 Cents erwartet. ...
IT*   1140 - Taxi, scioperano in 3 mila. Governo pronto a trattare
             Il Denaro - 9 mag 2007
             Tre consorzi (Taxivagando, Consortaxi e Cnet), quindici cooperative di lavoro e sei strutture radiotaxi per un totale di 3 mila licenze, di cui 2.370 solo a ...
IT*   1141 - Cisco Systems: utile terzo trimestre +34% a 1,9 mld USD
             Businessportal24.com - 9 mag 2007
             Al netto di alcune voci straordinarie e dei costi sostenuti per l'esercizio delle stock-options, l'utile netto risulta pari a 2,1 miliardi, ...
US*   1142 - Citrix fatura US$ 308 milhões no trimestre
             ti inside - 9 Mai 2007
             ... aproximadamente US$ 6 milhões em honorários contábeis, legais e tributários associados com a revisão voluntária de suas opções de ações (stock options). ...
US*   1143 - President of The ESOP Association Urges Congress to Enact the ESOP ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 8, 2007
             "S. 1322 contains provisions clarifying current law that impacts S corporations sponsoring employee ownership through ESOPs as well as C corporations ...
US*   1144 - Employee-ownership makes Allen Agency unique
             VillageSoup Belfast, ME - May 8, 2007
             By Allen Agency Insurance. CAMDEN (May 8): The Allen Agency held its annual Employee Stock Ownership Plan Luncheons recently. The company is one of the few ...
IN*   1145 - Why Murdoch wants the WSJ
             Financial Express, India - May 8, 2007
             ... Times and Chicago Tribune—which was eventually sold cheaply last month to Sam Zell, a property mogul, and the company’s employee share-ownership plan. ...
IE*   1146 - Virtualisation to top IT agenda until 2010
             Siliconrepublic.com, Ireland - May 8, 2007
             “Each virtualised layer can be managed relatively independently or even owned by someone else, for example streamed applications or employee-owned PCs. ...
AU*   1147 - Virtualisation Drives, Automation Steers
             IDM.net.au, Australia - May 8, 2007
             “Each virtualised layer can be managed relatively independently or even owned by someone else, for example, streamed applications or employee-owned PCs. ...
AT*   1148 - Appleton to Release First Quarter 2007 Financial Results
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 8, 2007
             ... operations in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and the United Kingdom, employs approximately 3100 people, and is 100 percent employee-owned. ...
AT*   1149 - Dynetics and AIC Join Forces to Pursue Effort to Support and ...
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 8, 2007
             Headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama, Dynetics is an employee-owned company. For more information, visit http://www.dynetics.com/. ...
US*   1150 - John Upton/Tracy Press Tuesday, 08 May 2007
             Tracy Press, CA - May 8, 2007
             The council voted 3-2 on April 3 to allow employee-owned WinCo to build its proposed 96000-square-foot grocery store at the southeast corner of Pavilion ...
AU*   1151 - Publix Supermarkets adopts RedPrairie’s Workforce Optimisation Suite
             Ferret, Australia - May 8, 2007
             They are the largest and fastest-growing employee-owned supermarket chain, so getting the workforce equation right is a key component of their continued ...
US*   1152 - Abt Associates Extends Voice Contract With AT&T, Awards Another ...
             Earthtimes.org - May 8, 2007
             Abt Associates, a private, employee-owned company, applies scientific research and technical assistance expertise to a wide range of social, economic and ...
US*   1153 - Lennar tops in revenue
             Orlando Sentinel, FL - May 8, 2007
             Brevard County-based Mercedes Homes, an employee-owned builder, came in 28th with $1.2 billion. That was down from about $1.4 billion in 2005, ...
US*   1154 - Supervisors learn of business status
             Mohave Valley News, NV - May 8, 2007
             Most businesses in Mohave County are privately owned; others are public companies or family or employee owned. The businesses employ fewer than 100 people ...
US*   1155 - Candidates discuss health care
             Staunton News Leader, VA - May 8, 2007
             ... had benefited his own company, where long-term disability and life insurance benefits are paid for from the profits of employee-owned vending machines. ...
US*   1156 - Sanderson Farms' Waco operation to open soon
             Waco Tribune Herald, TX - May 8, 2007
             The company pays 75 percent of the health insurance premiums for individuals and families, and offers a 401(k) program and an employee stock ownership plan ...
US*   1157 - Teamsters to question Tribune board about ESOP
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 8, 2007
             ... accord announced recently will transfer ownership of the Chicago media company to real estate financier Sam Zell and an employee stock ownership plan. ...
AT*   1158 - Zions Bancorporation Announces Successful Completion of ESOARS Auction
             PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - May 8, 2007
             SALT LAKE CITY, May 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Zions Bancorporation announced today that it has successfully completed its auction of Employee Stock Option ...
US*   1159 - Cathay General Bancorp Authorizes Additional Stock Repurchase
             Earthtimes.org - May 8, 2007
             Shares repurchased are expected to be used for employee stock options and other business purposes. Cathay had 51177824 shares of common stock outstanding at ...
US*   1160 - Electronics Arts Sales Slip
             Wall Street Journal (subscription), NY - May 8, 2007
             The latest quarter included $24 million in expenses from employee stock-options. Revenue fell 4.4% to $613 million, compared with $641 million last year. ...
US*   1161 - NMHC Reports Fiscal Third Quarter 2007 Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 8, 2007
             ... quarter ended March 31, 2007 offset by lower pre-tax income combined with the effects of expensing employee stock options in accordance with SFAS No. ...
FI*   1162 - Sampo Oyj: Sampo quarterly report sampo group's results for ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 8, 2007
             ... equity-settled share options | 0 | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Granted cash-settled share ...
ZA*   1163 - The Forecast Factory: There’s still plenty of gas left in Afrox
             Business Day, South Africa - May 8, 2007
             Particular note has been taken in this column of the diluting effect of share options on headline earnings per share. Afrox’s number of shares in issue in ...
CZ*   1164 - Managers earn on shares of their comps in particular--press
             Prague Daily Monitor, Czech Republic - May 8, 2007
             Prague, May 7 (CTK) - Top managers of successful companies are not so much interested in their salaries but rather in shares or share options they get ...
UK*   1165 - Restaurant firm tucks into profits
             Manchester Evening News, UK - May 8, 2007
             Last week the John Dalton Street-based company granted share options to its management team. Founder and chief executive Steven Walker was granted 830000 ...
US*   1166 - The Rise Of Reuters' Tom Glocer
             Forbes, NY - May 8, 2007
             ... meaning that he stands to make just over £5 million ($9.9 million) from the sale, while his 7.2 million share options could be worth tens of millions more.
US*   1167 - TrackNet Takes Another Shot from Youbet
             BloodHorse, KY - May 8, 2007
             “No one felt this more painfully than I did last year,” said Champion, noting he personally controls 1.7 million shares and share options. ...
UK*   1168 - Probe into Dow Jones options
             Scotsman, UK - May 8, 2007
             REGULATERS are looking into trading of Dow Jones share options in the days leading up to the US media company receiving a £2.5 billion takeover bid this ...
UK*   1169 - Qantas puts on a brave face after the bid
             Financial Times (subscription), UK - May 8, 2007
             Both had agreed to run the airline for APA, albeit with the added motivation of share options likely to yield each tens of millions of dollars, ...
UK*   1170 - BenQ managers indicted for insider trading
             Financial Times (subscription), UK - May 8, 2007
             The accused executives said the transactions were conducted to help overseas employees execute share options. A senior BenQ executive told the Financial ...
UK*   1171 - Bus boss’s 'pension plan’ homes raise concerns
             Inverness Courier, UK - May 8, 2007
             ... forced Mr Rapson to cut £200000 from his salary to help his company’s cashflow, however he was able to take more than an extra £130000 in share options.
UK*   1172 - Biometrics/Biostatistics expert
             UK Bioinformatics Forum (press release), UK - May 8, 2007
             ... desire to apply their skills to the development of novel therapeutics and biomarkers. We offer an excellent package including share options and healthcare.
UK*   1173 - Q&A: Proposed Reuters sale
             BBC News, UK - May 8, 2007
             ... New York Attorney General and the Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into trading patterns in share options ahead of News Corp's surprise bid.
US*   1174 - Tyco Reports Second Quarter Earnings from Continuing Operations of ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 8, 2007
             ... Flows from Financing Activities: Net proceeds (repayments) of debt 197 (1197) 191 (1206) Proceeds from exercise of share options 92 68 212 129 Dividends ...
UK*   1175 - Probe into Dow Jones share trade
             BBC News, UK - May 8, 2007
             The New York Attorney General and the Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into trading patterns in share options ahead of News Corp's shock bid. ...
UK*   1176 - United Kingdom: Good Leavers, Bad Leavers And Age Discrimination
             Mondaq News Alerts (subcription), UK - May 8, 2007
             For example, employees must have 10 years’ service in order to qualify for share options. Younger employees are unlikely to have the necessary service to ...
UK*   1177 - Deutsche Bank profits jump on M&A boom
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - May 8, 2007
             The business has also benefited from greater demand for equity derivative products, such as share options, from retail investors. Increasing activity in the ...
ZA*   1178 - GND - Grindrod Limited - Directors Share Dealings
             Finance24, South Africa - May 8, 2007
             Director : IAJ Clark Nature of transaction : Exercise of share options Nature of interest : Indirect beneficial Date, price amount : As scheduled below ...
FR*   1179 - AGF: hausse de 2,3% du chiffre d'affaires au premier trimestre
             Boursorama - 8 mai 2007
             Le groupe veut également devenir un " acteur majeur " de l'épargne salariale. -AGF défend son statut de valeur de rendement. ...
FR*   1180 - Electronic Arts: résultat annuel divisé par trois
             La Tribune.fr - 8 mai 2007
             Le bénéfice du quatrième trimestre a aussi été réduit par une charge de 24 millions liées au plan de stock-options. Sur l'ensemble de l'année le plan de ...
FR*   1181 - Apple: Steve Jobs gagne 2 millions de dollars par jour !
             Net-Actuality - 8 mai 2007
             Des centaines de milliers de stock-options dans la société, et un montant de 5,4 millions en parts qu'il possède chez Apple constituent une sécurité ...
FR*   1182 - Electronic Arts plombé par l'arrivée des nouvelles consoles
             L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 8 mai 2007
             Le bénéfice du 4e trimestre a aussi été réduit par une charge de 24 millions liées au plan de stock-options. Sur l'ensemble de l'année le plan de stock ...
             Investir.fr - 8 mai 2007
             ... de 20% du chiffre d'affaires à 8.76 milliards de dollars pour un résultat par action hors impact des stock-options distribuées aux salariés de 33 cents. ...
FR*   1184 - de PDG en 2006
             nouvelobs.com - 8 mai 2007
             Paru jeudi 3 mai, le magazine annonce un revenu de 646 millions de dollars pour le PDG, sous forme de stock-options ou bonus. ...
FR*   1185 - Steve Jobs vaut 2 millions de dollars... par jour
             TF1 - 8 mai 2007
             Jobs est en fait rémunéré grâce à des bonus, dont des notes de frais, ainsi que des stock-options. A regarder sa fiche de paie, on pourrait croire que Steve ...
FR*   1186 - Réduire (enfin) la fracture sociale
             Le Monde - 8 mai 2007
             Les autres rémunérations (stock-options, actions gratuites, parachutes dorés) n'ont pas encore été synthétisées. Le sentiment d'injustice sociale se diffuse ...
FR*   1187 - Un Matin Dans La France D'Après
             20minutes.fr - 8 mai 2007
             Ce matin, la France d'après, lourdement hérissée d'uniformes et de stock-options, commence à mieux nous apparaître pour ce qu'elle est. ...
ES*   1188 - En Espagne, les fonds de pension sont déductibles à 100% des ...
             Le Courrier d'Espagne - 8 mai 2007
             Critiqués en France au même titre que les stock options, car venant des Etats-Unis, les FP représentent néanmoins un des meilleurs produits pour préparer sa ...
FR*   1189 - La Bourse indifférente à la victoire de Sarkozy
             RTL.fr - 8 mai 2007
             ... l'ex président de Siemens : démissionné après une série de scandales de corruption, il vient tout de même d'empocher 6 millions d'euros de stock options.
CH*   1190 - Démission surprise à la tête de OC Oerlikon
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 8 mai 2007
             La publication d'un revenu 2006 de plus de 26 millions de francs, puis le lendemain l'annonce du renoncement au volet stock-options de la rémunération ...
CH*   1191 - Le départ abrupt du patron d'OC Oerlikon
             swissinfo.org - 8 mai 2007
             Le lendemain, il renonçait à tout le volet stock-options de la rémunération, contre des actions. Ce geste, effectué face aux critiques des médias ...
CH*   1192 - Thomas Limberger, le patron d'Oerlikon critiqué pour son salaire ...
             TSR.ch - 8 mai 2007
             Th.Limberger avait renoncé fin mars à tout le volet stock-options de son salaire, le ramenant de 26 mio à 7,7 mio, devant les critiques de la presse. ...
AR*   1193 - Reinauguraron el Hospital Vecinal de Llavallol
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 8 May 2007
             El Hospital reconocido por el Ministerio bonaerense como propiedad de la “Cooperativa de Trabajo Hospital de Llavallol Limitada” tiene como director al ...
ES*   1194 - Nuestro homenaje a todas las Madres en su Día
             La Tribuna Hispana - 8 May 2007
             Después de eso se vinculó al Centro de Derechos Laborales donde fundó la Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Limpieza, donde actualmente cuentan con 132 socios y ...
CO*   1195 - Isagen ofrece acciones a los colombianos
             La F.M. - 8 May 2007
             ... Escandia, Horizontes y Colfondos fueron los mayores compradores, proceso en el que los acompañaron algunos sindicatos y la cooperativa de trabajadores.
DE*   1196 - Wenn Chef und Mitarbeiter an einem Strang ziehen
             MittelstandsBlog.de - 8. Mai 2007
             Große Unternehmen praktizieren sie schon lange, im Mittelstand aber ist die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (MAB) wenig bekannt oder sogar verpönt. ...
AT*   1197 - Molterer für Wahlmöglichkeit bei Gewinnbeteiligung
             Die Presse - 8. Mai 2007
             "Ein Ansatzpunkt ist, sich mit der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an diesem Prozess zu beteiligen", unterstrich der Finanzminister. ...
DE*   1198 - Gemeinsame Erklärung nach dem Gespräch des Ministerrats mit dem ...
             Rheinland Pfalz - 8. Mai 2007
             Weitere Themen waren das Programm „Mitarbeiterbeteiligung RLP plus“, das für Arbeitnehmer in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen entwickelt wurde, ...
BR*   1199 - Cooperativa Educacional: Declarado vínculo por fraude à legislação
             24Horas News - 8 Mai 2007
             As cooperativas de trabalho que não atuem efetivamente dentro dos princípios que regem o sistema cooperativista e as usam apenas para auferir vantagem ...
US*   1200 - As Deal Barriers Fall,
             Wall Street Journal - May 7, 2007
             Chief among these was the buyout of publishing giant Tribune Corp., which relied on a highly leveraged employee-ownership plan to buy the company from its ...
US*   1201 - Discover campus seeks identity with loyal staff
             Arizona Republic, AZ - May 7, 2007
             Workers play a key part in the equation. "We're trying to build a sense of employee ownership down to the lowest levels," Heckel said.
NL*   1202 - Vooraanstaande private equity directeuren vormen Leucadia Capital ...
             Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - May 7, 2007
             The firm is independent, 80% owned by its employees and founded on the principle that offering broad employee ownership and operational participation will ...
US*   1203 - Q&A: Lean manufacturing keeps KI employees in the loop
             Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - May 7, 2007
             A. Dick Resch has established a culture at KI where every person who works here is an employee-owner and empowered to make decisions that contribute to the ...
US*   1204 - Branch campus will help fill a big concern
             HeraldNet, WA - May 7, 2007
             Of those surveyed, 29 were public companies, 1 was employee owner, 69 were private and 9 were family owned. One-fourth of the participants said they ...
US*   1205 - Turner Appoints Director in Intermediary Distribution Team
             MutualFundWire.com (subscription), NY - May 7, 2007
             Headquartered in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, Turner is employee-owned and was founded in 1990. Ms. Benner is based in Berwyn and reports to John P. Lehning, ...
US*   1206 - San Francisco exports compassion in 5-gallon buckets
             CNN International - May 7, 2007
             Norcal, an employee-owned company, foots the bill for the sturdy 5-gallon buckets and the shipping costs, which can be substantial. ...
UK*   1207 - Ex-PCG executives launch private equity consultancy
             Financial News Online US, UK - May 7, 2007
             In February, PCG restructured and spun off its asset management business into a separate employee-owned firm following a string of staff departures.
US*   1208 - Crews fight 3-alarm fire in Forest Grove
             kgw.com (subscription), OR - May 7, 2007
             Woodfold, an employee-owned company, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The window shutter and door manufacturer employees about 125 people, according to ...
US*   1209 - Merrick & Company Provides GIS Database Update Services City of ...
              Spatial News (press release), FL - May 7, 2007
             The employee-owned company provides these services to municipal, state, federal, and private-sector clients. With approximately 400 employees, ...
US*   1210 - Fairfax County EDA works with 16 companies that will create 625 jobs
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 7, 2007
             AMERICAN SYSTEMS, one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States, is adding 215 jobs. Snap Inc., an SBA-certified 8(a) small disadvantaged ...
US*   1211 - TEOCO Brings Powerful Network Cost Management, Revenue Assurance ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 7, 2007
             Founded in 1994, TEOCO (The Employee Owned Company) is the recognized leading provider of network cost management, revenue assurance and additional business ...
US*   1212 - Thoma Cressey Bravo Leads Recapitalization of Midwest Dental ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 7, 2007
             As an independent, employee-owned firm, William Blair & Company’s philosophy is to serve its clients’ interests first and foremost. ...
US*   1213 - Q&A: Lean manufacturing keeps KI employees in the loop
             Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - May 7, 2007
             Q. How does working in a private, employee-owned company affect the way the business is run, as compared, say, with a publicly traded company? ...
US*   1214 - Atlantic Coast Federal Announces Adoption of Plan to Conduct ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 7, 2007
             ... 2006; (2) the Bank's employee stock ownership plan; (3) depositors of record as of the end of the calendar quarter preceding the commencement of the ...
US*   1215 - Fox Chase Bancorp Announces Earnings for the First Quarter
             Earthtimes.org - May 7, 2007
             ... the spring of 2006 and the adoption of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in September 2006 in conjunction with the Bank's conversion to a public entity. ...
US*   1216 - Sonus Networks and $366 Million in Cash
             Von Magazine - May 7, 2007
             ... a previously announced restatement of its earlier financial statements due to a review of how it granted and accounted for employee stock option grants. ...
US*   1217 - Dutch auction of stock options seems promising
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - May 7, 2007
             Bidders in the four-day Dutch auction paid $12.06 for the so-called Employee Stock Option Appreciation Rights Securities, or ESOARS. ...
CA*   1218 - Claude Resources Announces First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 7, 2007
             The decrease reflects a net loss of $40000, a decrease to share capital of $0.8 million that was due primarily to employee stock option and warrant ...
IN*   1219 - LIC moves HC to restrain from selling Esops
             Economic Times, India - May 7, 2007
             ... Court restraining its nominee director on the board of Larsen & Toubro from dealing in shares of L&T acquired under an employee stock option scheme. ...
IN*   1220 - Court stays LIC nominee`s L&T Esops claim
             Business Standard, India - May 7, 2007
             ... entitled to such a benefit and a financial institution nominee certainly could not acquire these under the Sebi Employee Stock Option Guidelines 1999, ...
US*   1221 - Five-Year Results of Cytyc’s MammoSite ® Radiation Therapy System ...
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 7, 2007
             ... the potential consequences of the Cytyc Audit Committee's voluntary review of circumstances relating to certain employee stock option exercises, ...
IN*   1222 - 3i Infotech allots equity shares under ESOS
             Myiris.com, India - May 7, 2007
             3i Infotech said that the company allotted 20170 equity shares May 7, 2007 to the applicants under employee stock option scheme(ESOS), 2000. ...
NL*   1223 - Partner Communications maakt eerste kwartaalcijfers 2007 bekend
             Netherlands Corporate News (persbericht), Netherlands - May 7, 2007
             ... operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 151092 161435 36364 Amortization of deferred compensation related to employee stock option grants, ...
US*   1224 - American Tower Corporation Reports First Quarter 2007 Financial ...
             TMC Net, CT - May 7, 2007
             ... 2006 424.7 Shares repurchased (12.6) Shares issued - convertible note inducements and warrant exercises 4.8 Shares issued - employee stock option ...
CA*   1225 - Ensign Energy Services Reports 2007 First Quarter Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 7, 2007
             ... 2007 152267928 $ 154838 Issued under employee stock option plan 104800 1964 --------------------------- Balance at March 31, 2007 152372728 $ 156802 ...
ZA*   1226 - APK - Astrapak Limited - Reviewed Results: Year Ended 28 February 2007
             Finance24, South Africa - May 7, 2007
             (2) Capital reserve The capital reserve relates to employee share options valued using the Black Scholes method. Additional information Capital expenditure ...
US*   1227 - CanAfrican Metals and Mining Corp. Announces Agreement to Acquire ...
             WM Experts (press release), FL - May 7, 2007
             The Company has paid US$100000 on the signing of this agreement and on closing will pay US$5500000 and will issue 300000 share options for the interests set ...
AU*   1228 - Google talent search fails your say | Opinion from AustralianIT ...
             Australian IT, Australia - May 7, 2007
             I'll bet you sleep well at night with your share options and benefits, but I wish you didn't. HAVING been a recipient of the axe today in South Australia, ...
FR*   1229 - GDF: Un FCPE veut limiter le dividende 2006
             Le journal du dimanche en ligne - 7 mai 2007
             Le conseil de surveillance du FCPE "Action Gaz 2005", qui regroupe des actionnaires salariés, veut amender la 3e résolution présentée par la direction de ...
             Patrimoinorama - 7 mai 2007
             Lire également " Panorama de l'épargne salariale ". RAPPEL :en cas de non utilisation du maximum de déduction, l'excédent peut être reporté sur l'une des ...
FR*   1231 - Accor : la Commission européenne valide l'arrivée de Groupama au ...
             Le Revenu - 7 mai 2007
             ... est une société active dans le domaine de la gestion d'actif, amenée, à terme, à se spécialiser dans la distribution de produits d'épargne salariale. ...
FR*   1232 - Le livret d'épargne salariale bientôt sur les rails
             Le Figaro - 7 mai 2007
             Dans quelques jours, tout nouveau salarié d'une entreprise disposera d'un outil de gestion de son patrimoine : le livret d'épargne salariale ! ...
FR*   1233 - /REPRISE/ - Invitation médias - Conférence de presse - Dévoilement ...
             CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse) - 7 mai 2007
             LUNDI 7 MAI 10H30 / Coeur des sciences de l'UQAM >> MONTREAL, le 1er mai /CNW Telbec/ - Les citoyens membres de la Coopérative de travail Terre Nouvelle ...
CH*   1234 - OC Oerlikon: démission du CEO Thomas Limberger
             Le Temps (Abonnement) - 7 mai 2007
             ... 2006 de plus de 26 millions de francs, puis le lendemain l'annonce du renoncement à tout le volet stock-options de la rémunération, contre des actions. ...
FR*   1235 - Bourse de Wall Street : Wall Street clôture en hausse
             Zonebourse.com - 7 mai 2007
             La société n'a pas communiqué sur ses bénéfices en raison d'un audit portant sur les stock-options attribuées à ses salariés. Sur le marché des changes, ...
FR*   1236 - Que mille Starbucks fleurissent !
             Nouvel Observateur - 7 mai 2007
             Insigne honneur : les employés chinois vont même bientôt tous recevoir... des stock-options, un privilège incongru dans l'ex-patrie de Mao. ...
FR*   1237 - Steve Jobs est le mieux payé de la planète IT
             The Inquirer - 7 mai 2007
             Bien que son salaire soit d'un dollar, son plan de stock options lui a rapporté 646 millions de dollars. Ces derniers temps Steve est allergique au mot ...
FR*   1238 - Apple : Steve Jobs est le PDG le mieux payé des Etats-Unis
             PC Inpact - 7 mai 2007
             ... convertibles en argent liquide : salaire, bonus et dédommagements divers, ventes de parts, mais pas de stock options non exploitées, par exemple. ...
ES*   1239 - HELLÍN / Los nuevos empresarios dispondrán de naves para 'incubar ...
             La Verdad (Albacete) - 7 May 2007
             ... destinadas a jóvenes empresarios menores de 35 años, teniendo prioridad la mujer emprendedora, así como cooperativas, sociedades laborales y autónomos. ...
ES*   1240 - Sanz anuncia una Ley de Familias Numerosas y un plan de atención ...
             El Correo Digital (Vizcaya) - 7 May 2007
             Además, dará a luz un pacto para la economía social dirigido a consolidar cooperativas, sociedades laborales y centros especiales de empleo, y, ...
ES*   1241 - Sabanés impulsará la participación de cooperativas en la Ley de ...
             Madridiario - 7 May 2007
             ... de Trabajadores Autónomos (ATA), la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (ASALMA) y la Unión de Profesionales y Trabajadores Autónomos (UPTA), ...
AR*   1242 - Exigimos solución al pliego de peticiones de los trabajadores de ...
             Rebanadas de Realidad (Comunicados de prensa) - 7 May 2007
             ... imponer la proscripción de las relaciones laborales recurriendo a las empresas contratistas y subcontratistas y las Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado. ...
AR*   1243 - La Plata: Masivo encuentro del cooperativismo por el Día del ...
             Nova - 7 May 2007
             Con una concurrencia de más de mil asistentes, integrantes de cooperativas de trabajo y organizaciones sociales festejaron un nuevo aniversario de la ...
AR*   1244 - Inició Sus Actividades La Cooperativa “22 De Agosto Ltda.”
             Mi Mercedes - 7 May 2007
             Luego de presentarse formalmente al Intendente Jorge Luis Molina, los miembros de la Cooperativa de trabajo de servicios múltiples “22 de agosto Ltda. ...
AR*   1245 - Línea 111 contaría con apoyo para subsidios
             Mega24 - 7 May 2007
             ... formaron una cooperativa de trabajo y continuaron con el servicio de transporte urbano en los barrios 17 de Agosto, Bancarios, Villa Dolores, Loma Alta, ...
AR*   1246 - Informe de pavimentación del mes de abril en Olavarría
             168 Horas (Comunicados de prensa) - 7 May 2007
             Los sectores en donde se realizó la pavimentación, dependiendo el método de trabajos son: Pavimentación con Hormigón: a través de la Cooperativa de Trabajo ...
ES*   1247 - Los directivos top de NH Hoteles se juegan 25 millones en los ...
             Bolsacinco.com - 7 May 2007
             El motivo no es otro que un plan de stock options (derechos sobre acciones) que está a punto de finalizar en su primer tramo. Mediante este plan, los 78 ...
ES*   1248 - Economía/Empresas.- Abertis da entrada en su consejo a Florentino ...
             Finanzas.com - 7 May 2007
             Entre los puntos del orden del día de la asamblea también destaca la aprobación de un plan de opciones sobre acciones ('stock options') que una vez abordado ...
ES*   1249 - Cecsa centrará la Junta de Avanzit, que Bolsamania seguirá en directo
             Bolsamania.com - 7 May 2007
             Cambio de los estatutos para que el Consejo de Administración puede percibir una parte de su retribución en stock options. ...
DE*   1250 - Ein zweistelliges Umsatzwachstum erzielte die Firma Weber ...
             Heilbronner Stimme - 7. Mai 2007
             Seit Juni gibt es im Stammwerk Güglingen eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - und sie konnte gleich zum ersten Mal ausgeschüttet werden. ...
AT*   1251 - „Gute Arbeit“ ein ÖVP Schlüsselprogramm
             oevp.at - 7. Mai 2007
             Erstens die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, zweitens die Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Erfolg eines Unternehmens und drittens die Bedeutung einer ...
IT*   1252 - Steve Jobs è il più pagato di tutti
             Quomedia - 7 mag 2007
             Nonostante il suo stipendio ammonti soltanto a un dollaro l’anno, Jobs ha ricevuto, tra bonus e stock options, complessivamente 646 milioni di dollari. ...
BR*   1253 - Varjão comemora aniversário com preservação ambiental e melhoria ...
             ABN - 7 Mai 2007
             A iniciativa permitirá a geração de 100 empregos, por meio da formação de cooperativas de trabalhadores da área de reciclagem de lixo. ...
ZA*   1254 - Zille to court partners for new-look opposition
             Business Day, South Africa - May 6, 2007
             “Through privatisation and employee ownership, we can make BEE truly broad-based,” Zille said. She urged South Africans to move beyond identity politics, ...
IL*   1255 - When mom replaces the school lunch
             Ha'aretz, Israel - May 6, 2007
             Marshak says that creating cooperatives characterized by democratic partnership and employee ownership is "the message for life." ...
ZA*   1256 - The opposition's new leader
             Moneyweb, South Africa - May 6, 2007
             Through privatisation and employee ownership, we can make BEE truly broad-based. In Cape Town we are showing how much more effective the DA's approach to ...
US*   1257 - Vestmark Brings Vision of Unified Managed Households to Reality
             dBusinessNews Boston (press release), MA - May 6, 2007
             Baird is an employee-owned, international wealth management, capital markets, private equity and asset management firm with offices in the United States, ...
CA*   1258 - Everything’s Gone Green - Including Us!
             Taste T.O., Canada - May 6, 2007
             This, in addition to the fact that they’re employee-owned and just seem like a fun bunch of folks to hang out with, make us very happy to give them our ...
US*   1259 - Schreiber president wins Rotary Club's Free Enterprise Award
             Green Bay Press Gazette, WI - May 6, 2007
             Schreiber, an employee-owned company headquartered at 425 Pine St., Green Bay, has more than 5000 employees at more than 30 facilities worldwide. ...
US*   1260 - Plan Your Exit
             Hartford Business - May 6, 2007
             Employee buyout. An excellent way to keep your company together and to retain the jobs you’ve created is to structure a way for management or employees to ...
IN*   1261 - Sop opera: How FBT on Esops will work
             Economic Times, India - May 6, 2007
             ... last week, when he retained the original Budget proposal to levy a fringe benefit tax (FBT) on companies offering employee stock option plans (Esops). ...
ZA*   1262 - Standard boss offloads stock
             Finance24, South Africa - May 6, 2007
             What's more, that represented most of his direct holdings in the group, apart from a few outstanding share options. Santam's high share price also tempted ...
ZA*   1263 - Mampeule 'failed to disclose
             MyADSL, South Africa - May 6, 2007
             According to Manyatshe's lawyer, Barry Aaron, the amount included the share options that Manyatshe forfeited at MTN when he was forced to resign from the ...
CO*   1264 - Formalización será decidida por Comisión
             La República (Colombia) - 6 May 2007
             El decreto hace especial énfasis en la contratación que hacen las entidades públicas por intermedio de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y las empresas ...
AR*   1265 - "Salta tiene clima de negocios"
             El Tribuno - 6 May 2007
             Efectivamente, una de las experiencias que analizamos en la convención fue la creación masiva de cooperativas de trabajo, como parte de una reflexión social ...
ES*   1266 - El PSPV promete conexión a internet gratis para universitarios
             Panorama Actual - 6 May 2007
             ... ayudas a las cooperativas de trabajo para jóvenes y está prevista la firma de convenios con las universidades para "potenciar la cultura emprendedora de ...
AR*   1267 - La Cooperativa Posadas espera el permiso precario para subsistir
             Diario La República - 6 May 2007
             Los integrantes de la Cooperativa de Trabajo y Consumo Posadas Ltda., actualmente a cargo de la línea 111, solicitan a la Municipalidad definiciones acerca ...
ES*   1268 - El odio a Mayo del 68
             kaosenlared.net - 6 May 2007
             Como si fuera Mayo 68, y no la bulimia de la ganancia, el responsable del escándalo de la quiebra del Crédit Lyonnais, de las stock options, ...
IE*   1269 - Eircom pushes banks for better deal on €3bn debt
             Sunday Business Post, Ireland - May 5, 2007
             Babcock, together with Eircom co-owner the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot), has already moved to increase the company’s debt levels following last ...
US*   1270 - Outlet store opens at Eastdale Square
             Montgomery Advertiser, AL - May 5, 2007
             Burke's Outlet Stores are a division of a family and employee owned corporation of over 550 department and outlet stores. ...
US*   1271 - ESOP fever: Could it be spreading to Indiana?
             Indianapolis Star, IN - May 5, 2007
             The letters stand for Employee Stock Ownership Plan, an increasingly popular option to do leveraged buyouts. And if Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock has ...
UK*   1272 - Does Brown have a trick up his sleeve?
             Telegraph.co.uk, UK - May 5, 2007
             Old Labour's rising power was recently manifested at Royal Mail, where management efforts to issue share options were blocked by a union campaign against ...
UK*   1273 - 'BP should have rejected Lord Browne's resignation'
             Independent, UK - May 5, 2007
             But because of his resignation, he forfeits a year's salary and a bonus, and future share options worth about £15m. Other shareholders were also largely ...
FR*   1274 - La compulsion de répétition
             Oulala.net - 5 mai 2007
             ... de la monnaie unique façon Delors à l’actionnariat salarié façon Fabius, en passant par les privatisations Jospin et les stock-options Strauss-Kahn, ...
FR*   1275 - Microsoft lorgnerait de nouveau sur le moteur de recherche Yahoo
             Le Monde - 5 mai 2007
             Si les principaux cadres de Yahoo quittaient la société après avoir empoché des millions de dollars en vendant leurs stock-options, Microsoft risquerait ...
ES*   1276 - Innovación agilizará los registros de sociedades laborales
             Huelva Información - 5 May 2007
             La Junta de Andalucía ha puesto en marcha un programa pionero en la Administración autonómica para que los emprendedores de sociedades laborales puedan ...
ES*   1277 - Apuntes para la discusión del proceso de nacionalización minera
             Rebelión - 5 May 2007
             ... el terrible abismo de la desocupación, conformando cooperativas de trabajo autogestionado, desafiando quijotescamente a las décadas neoliberales. ...
AR*   1278 - Buscan institucionalizar la producción de las organizaciones sociales
             Nova - 5 May 2007
             ... entre los que se encontraban integrantes de microemprendimientos consolidados y cooperativas de trabajo de empresas productivas recuperadas, ...
AR*   1279 - Construcción de 16 viviendas del IPRODHA proveerá empleos en Alberdi
             Misiones OnLine - 5 May 2007
             ... donde participan el Gobierno Nacional, Provincial y Municipal, junto a las Cooperativas de Trabajo de las comunas beneficiadas. ...
ES*   1280 - Enel y Telecom, las dos caras del "amigo italiano"
             ABC - 5 May 2007
             ... de euros y ha logrado sacar 295 a base de sueldos y «stock options» como manager, mientras que los accionistas de Pirelli sencillamente han perdido. ...
CH*   1281 - Usa: Steve Jobs (Apple) è il manager più pagato
             SwissInfo - 5 mag 2007
             Jobs, nonostante il suo stipendio sia soltanto di un dollaro l'anno, ha ricevuto, tra bonus e stock options, complessivamente circa 646 milioni di dollari. ...
UK*   1282 - Qualified Accountants
             Financial Times, UK - May 4, 2007
             This is underpinned by an exceptionally high degree of employee ownership (circa 30%) and a strong central risk management and control. ...
US*   1283 - Publix beating Wal-Mart at its own game?
             Blogging Stocks - May 4, 2007
             Publix take your groceries to the car and refuse tips -- and they also own 31% of the firm through an employee share-ownership plan. This is no Wal-Mart. ...
IE*   1284 - A narrow view of broadband
             ElectricNews.net, Ireland - May 4, 2007
             ... exchanges and support installations, netting its employee share ownership scheme and Aussie investors bucketloads of Celtic Tiger property market cash. ...
ZA*   1285 - LBT - Liberty International PLC - Directors' and PDMRS' Shareholdings
             Finance24, South Africa - May 4, 2007
             ... were transferred from LI Share Plan (Jersey) Limited as trustee for the Liberty International employee share ownership plan ("ESOP") on 2 May 2007. ...
US*   1286 - The Times Record launches 'customer service' initiative with five ...
             Brunswick Times Record, ME - May 4, 2007
             Across the river in Topsham, located at 99 Main St., Wright-Pierce is an employee-owned civil and environmental engineering company that marks its 60th year ...
US*   1287 - Cii Associates, Inc. of Raleigh Celebrates 25 Years of Information ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 4, 2007
             Computer Intelligence, Inc. became an employee- owned company in 1998 and was renamed Cii Associates, Inc. Cii provides IT staffing services, ...
UK*   1288 - Retirement village plan for Milton of Leys site
             Inverness Courier, UK - May 4, 2007
             ... of Leys is currently favoured by developer Highland Future Care, a joint venture between Tulloch Homes and the employee-owned Highland Home Carers. ...
UK*   1289 - TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Consumer and retailing highlights to 09:15 BST
             Hemscott, UK - May 4, 2007
             LONDON (Thomson Financial) - John Lewis Partnership, the employee owned retailer, said week to April 28 sales at its 26 UK department stores rose 3 pct ...
NL*   1290 - UBISOFT : Capital increase project reserved to certain employees ...
             Euronext (persbericht), Netherlands - May 4, 2007
             In addition, the Board of Directors has approved the regulations of the 2007 Canadian employee's shareholding Plan that sets out the characteristics of the ...
US*   1291 - Best Employers
             Business Tennessee, TN - May 4, 2007
             ... have an average of 15 years of experience, and can access unique benefits such as tuition reimbursement programs and employee stock ownership plans. ...
US*   1292 - Intarome boss accused of attack
             NorthJersey.com, NJ - May 4, 2007
             The lawsuit also claims that when Intarome instituted its Employee Stock Ownership Plan, it gave every shareholder except Zarkades the right to sell their ...
US*   1293 - Resolutions from Biovitrums AGM
             WebWire (press release), GA - May 4, 2007
             The AGM approved the Board’s proposals regarding the guidelines for remuneration etcetera for the Management, employee stock option and the issuance of ...
CA*   1294 - Breakwater Resources Ltd.'s First Quarter 2007 Financial and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 4, 2007
             ... of CICA accounting policy 3804 7689 17199 Value ascribed to options exercised under stock-based compensation - - 0 Employee share option plan - proceeds ...
ZA*   1295 - 'Bring machines, and we will fight'
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - May 4, 2007
             ... whether directors would receive share options, and whether Xolco and the trusts would follow corporate governance rules providing for the removal of ...
CA*   1296 - Breakwater Resources Ltd.'s First Quarter 2007 Financial and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 4, 2007
             ... the Company issued the following Common Shares: 1041131 following the exercise of employee share options; 36990 pursuant to the Company's employee share ...
ZA*   1297 - ALT - Allied Technologies Limited - Directors dealings
             Finance24, South Africa - May 4, 2007
             ... share Date of transaction: 4 May 2007 Nature of transaction: Direct beneficial interest - exercise of share options in the normal course of employment. ...
CA*   1298 - The Churchill Corporation Reports Record First Quarter Revenue and ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 4, 2007
             During the period from March 31, 2007, to May 2, 2007, no new share options were issued; and no share options were exercised. ...
FR*   1299 - UBISOFT: Projet d'augmentation de capital à certains salariés des ...
             Euronext (persbericht) - 4 mai 2007
             Le règlement du Plan d'actionnariat salarié canadien 2007 décrivant les caractéristiques du projet d'augmentation de capital réservée à certains salariés ...
FR*   1300 - Livre : la Nouvelle Imprimerie Laballery (58) investit
             Graphiline - 4 mai 2007
             Entreprise familiale fondée en 1924 à Clamecy, l'Imprimerie Laballery est devenue une SCOP, Société Coopérative de Production Anonyme à Capital Variable, ...
FR*   1301 - La grande distribution flaire un nouveau marché
              Le Monde - 4 mai 2007
             En une semaine, douze ont dit oui", se souvient Rémi Roux, qui codirige la SCOP Ethiquable. Il n'en faut pas davantage pour encourager ces créateurs ...
FR*   1302 - Un Master I en 1 an après un Bac + 2 avec ESCAIA
             Studyrama - 4 mai 2007
             ... et aux intervenants professionnels de l’ESCAIA, mon ambition professionnelle en travaillant au sein d’une SCOP dans le secteur du commerce équitable. » ...
CA*   1303 - La Relance Outaouais souffle 25 bougies!
             Info 07 - 4 mai 2007
             En préparation depuis plus d'un an, ce document de 105 pages, rédigé par la Coopérative de travail Interface, présente des témoignages de personnes qui ont ...
CA*   1304 - En bref - Jobs était le patron le mieux payé des États-Unis en 2006
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 4 mai 2007
             ... en 2006 le patron le mieux rémunéré des États-Unis, avec 646 millions $US sous forme de stock-options ou bonus, selon le classement du magazine Forbes. ...
FR*   1305 - Pour François Hollande, voter blanc, c'est voter Nicolas Sarkozy
             L'Express - 4 mai 2007
             Puis la tentative de camouflage de la situation, y compris par le gouvernement, ainsi que le versement de stock-options et d'indemnités à Noël Forgeard ...
FR*   1306 - Dividende aux actionnaires d'EADS: "une provocation", selon M ...
             France 3 - 4 mai 2007
             y compris par le gouvernement", les stock-options et l'indemnité de départ de Noël Forgeard ainsi que la prime de 2,88 euros aux salariés. ...
FR*   1307 - Activision : le marché peu sensible aux perspectives prometteuses ...
             Boursier.com - 4 mai 2007
             L'éditeur prévoit d'enregistrer des charges de compensation actions d'environ 67 M$ avant impôts, au titre des stock options accordées entre 1994 et 2006. ...
FR*   1308 - Mai 68, bouc émissaire, par Henri Weber
             Le Monde - 4 mai 2007
             Il lui impute la responsabilité de tous les maux qui nous assaillent, jusqu'à, et compris, la pratique des stock-options, des parachutes en or et des ...
FR*   1309 - Le patron sortant de Siemens vend de stock-options
             Le Matin.ma - 4 mai 2007
             Le directeur du personnel de Siemens, Jürgen Radomski, a exercé quant à lui pour 2,7 millions d'euros de stock-options, selon le communiqué boursier. ...
FR*   1310 - Pré-ouverture Wall Street : la spéculation autour de Microsoft et ...
             Le Revenu - 4 mai 2007
             Ce résultat sera en outre affecté par des dépenses relatives à la révision de ses pratiques de stock options. Activision indique enfin que les résultats du ...
FR*   1311 - Salauds de patrons !
             L'Entreprise - 4 mai 2007
             CPE, bonus salariaux, stock-options... Quand les PDG des grands groupes se défilent, lui répond présent. Et le fondateur de The Phone House et de Virgin ...
FR*   1312 - En prime, le mépris
             LCR-Rouge - 4 mai 2007
             Forgeard a encaissé 8,5 millions d’euros, plus 2,5 millions de stock-options. Les salariés, eux, 5 euros. Voilà sans doute ce que Sarkozy et ses amis ...
FR*   1313 - Steve Jobs est (très) bien payé
             Mac Generation - 4 mai 2007
             En effet, le cofondateur d’Apple a perçu la somme de 646 millions de dollars grâce à ses stock-options. Rappelons qu’il touche un salaire annuel de 1 $. ...
ES*   1314 - El Vivero de Empresas de Carabanchel estará terminado en 2008
             Madridiario - 4 May 2007
             Las asociaciones que has suscrito el acuerdo son la Agrupación de Sociedades Laborales de Madrid (ASALMA); la Asociación de Trabajadores por cuenta propia ...
AR*   1315 - Furmento: "Si alguien ha asumido la responsabilidad es este gobierno"
             La Voz del Pueblo - 4 May 2007
             En el ámbito social, a través de la generación de oportunidades a la gente excluida socialmente con la conformación de distintas cooperativas de trabajo, ...
UY*   1316 - Estudiantes conocieron experiencias de cooperativismo
             La Discusión - 4 May 2007
             Cristian Ortiz destacó la importancia de las cooperativas de trabajo que existen en Uruguay, ya que a raíz de empresas que han quebrado, ...
             El Diario de Posadas - 4 May 2007
             Los presidentes de las cooperativas de trabajo de la zona de General San Martín se dirigieron —a través de una nota— al titular del Instituto Provincial de ...
AR*   1318 - Los vecinos no bajan los brazos
             Diario Judicial - 4 May 2007
             ... trabajan en el barrio, así como diversas cooperativas de trabajo, emprendimientos productivos, una biblioteca y actividades vinculadas a la educación. ...
AR*   1319 - Buscan institucionalizar la producción de las organizaciones sociales
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 4 May 2007
             ... cooperativas de trabajo de empresas productivas recuperadas quienes al finalizar manifestaron su aprobación a la iniciativa de la legisladora. ...
AR*   1320 - El director del Bapro se reúne con los sectores empresarios en MDP
             Impulso Baires - 4 May 2007
             ... Federación de Cámaras Microempresariales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (FECAMI)- Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires ...
AR*   1321 - La imagen no es todo
             Clarín.com - 4 May 2007
             También formaron una cooperativa de trabajo. ¿Y qué historia cuenta la obra? La de un príncipe convertido en monstruo por un hechizo. ...
AR*   1322 - Planta de Reciclado: Desde el Municipio le apuntan a Nación
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 4 May 2007
             ... la Asociación Civil Rotary Club Aeropuerto Mar del Plata, la Cooperativa de Trabajo CURA Limitada y la Cooperativa de Trabajo Nueva Tecnología Argentina ...
AR*   1323 - ¿Cooperativa de cartoneros?
             La Nueva Provincia - 4 May 2007
             ... aseguró que la Municipalidad les ofreció colaborar para conseguir un galpón y los insumos y máquinas necesarios para crear una cooperativa de trabajo y, ...
AR*   1324 - Ejecutivos en la mira: los escándalos que hacen tambalear a los CEO
             infoBAE profesional - 4 May 2007
             La partida se produjo en el marco de una investigación regulatoria que afecta a la empresa, acerca de sus prácticas de fijación de precios de stock options. ...
DE*   1325 - Huber: Arbeitnehmer am Aufschwung beteiligen
             csu.de - 4. Mai 2007
             Eine stärkere Mitarbeiterbeteiligung müsse auf freiwilliger Basis, ohne gesetzlichen oder tariflichen Zwang erfolgen. Die Teilhabe der Arbeitnehmer am ...
DE*   1326 - ots.CorporateNews: DIE ZEIT / Susanne Klatten will Rekorddividen...
             Finanzen.net - 4. Mai 2007
             Die Frage der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung war aufgekommen, nachdem die Monheimer Familie Schwarz-Schütte nach dem Verkauf ihres Anteils an Schwarz Pharma Ende ...
IT*   1327 - Borsa Italiana: ad aprile nuovo record storico scambi azionari
             La Repubblica - 4 mag 2007
             I prodotti che più degli altri stanno guidando la crescita dell'IDEM sono le opzioni sull'indice S&P/MIB e le stock options, la cui media gionaliera degli ...
BR*   1328 - Projeto FISCOSoft Universitário
             FISCOSoft - 4 Mai 2007
             Regida pelo princípio da auto-gestão, a cooperativa de trabalho tem gerado polêmica no mundo das relações trabalhistas. Afinal, elas são uma forma lícita de ...
PT*   1329 - Economia social em debate
             Diário do Alentejo - 4 Mai 2007
             Actualmente, o município trabalha com cooperativas de trabalho associado em temas de serviços sociais, programas de lazer/cultura para jovens e construção ...
US*   1330 - Employee-Owners Need A Say To Succeed
             Hartford Courant, CT - May 3, 2007
             My company is an example of the power of employee ownership. An ESOP was established in 1985 when founders Hugh and Bill Rowland of New Britain began to ...
CA*   1331 - Bioniche Reports Third Quarter Results for Fiscal 2007
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 3, 2007
             ... 336730 (7881) Stock-based compensation 55242 92130 166264 202839 Share compensation - - 81000 90002 Employee share ownership plan 146256 137080 358918 ...
UK*   1332 - The opposite of Wal-Mart
             Economist, UK - May 3, 2007
             They own 31% of the firm through an employee share-ownership plan, making Publix the largest employee-owned company in America. (The rest of Publix, ...
ZA*   1333 - Tongaat-Hulett to list Hulamin on June 25
             Engineering News (press release), South Africa - May 3, 2007
             A further 7% interest would be sold to employees through an employee share ownership plan (Esop). Tongaat-Hulett and its subsidiaries would contribute some ...
US*   1334 - How airline workers' savings were hijacked by ESOPs
             Workers World - May 3, 2007
             And what did United’s “employee-owners” receive for these concessions? In the late 1990s, some workers received a few dividend payouts, ranging from a few ...
US*   1335 - Hobbico purchases Revell Monogram
             Urbana/Champaign News-Gazette, IL - May 3, 2007
             In November 2005, Hobbico became employee-owned through an employee stock-ownership plan. Atkins remains the chairman of Hobbico and also operates The ...
UK*   1336 - British qualified civil engineers in high demand ‘down under’
             Online Recruitment, UK - May 3, 2007
             As one of the largest New Zealand employee owned engineering and related consultancy services group, they are well placed to utilise Icerecruit. ...
US*   1337 - Mayline officials: No change due to sale
             Sheboygan Press, WI - May 3, 2007
             Baird is an employee-owned, international wealth and asset management firm established in 1919. The Mayline Group is comprised of Mayline Co., Kwik-File and ...
US*   1338 - PBS&J Fights Climate Change With Deconstruction of Habitat House
             PR Web (press release), WA - May 3, 2007
             PBS&J (www.pbsj.com) is an employee-owned firm that provides infrastructure planning, engineering, environmental, construction management, architecture and ...
ZA*   1339 - DBSA invests $9.5m in Zambia's Livingstone Hotel
             eProp.co.za, South Africa - May 3, 2007
             Part of the loan will be used for an Employee Shareholder Trust to provide employees with an opportunity to own 9.9 % of the company. ...
UK*   1340 - Score Group thrives under Ritchie’s guiding hand
             The Herald, UK - May 3, 2007
             Last year, the firm created another 97 employee shareholders, took on 68 apprentices and opened offices in Aberdeen, London and Milan. ...
US*   1341 - Chrysler workers must choose: ESOPs or workers' control?
             Workers World - May 3, 2007
             They have proposed an Employee Stock Ownership Plan—ESOP—in which Chrysler workers would trade concessions in health benefits for a 70-percent “ownership” ...
US*   1342 - Share and share alike: Plan gives workers piece of action
             Boston Herald, MA - May 3, 2007
             If all goes as planned, over the next 10 years, the workers will become the majority shareholders in Infoscitex Corp. through an Employee Stock Ownership ...
US*   1343 - Corporate asset strippers vie for Chrysler
             World Socialist Web Site, MI - May 3, 2007
             The UAW has already expressed interest in an employee stock ownership plan included by billionaire Kirk Kerkorian’s Tracinda Group as part of its bid for ...
US*   1344 - Fitch cuts Tribune's debt deeper into junk territory
             Reuters - May 3, 2007
             Under the deal, Tribune would be privately held with an employee stock ownership plan holding all outstanding common stock, and Zell with a subordinated ...
US*   1345 - Kearny Financial Corp. Reports Third Quarter 2007 Operating Results
             Market Wire (press release) - May 3, 2007
             ... Employee Stock Ownership Plan shares and $825000 of restricted stock plan shares and an adjustment to equity of $498000 for expensing stock options. ...
US*   1346 - Tribune's New Owners Ask for Cross-ownership Pass From FCC
             AdAge.com (subscription) - May 3, 2007
             WASHINGTON (AdAge.com) -- The Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan asked the Federal Communications Commission to let it keep its newspapers in major ...
US*   1347 - Hobbico purchases Revell Monogram
             Urbana/Champaign News-Gazette, IL - May 3, 2007
             In November 2005, Hobbico became employee-owned through an employee stock-ownership plan. Atkins remains the chairman of Hobbico and also operates The ...
US*   1348 - Waivers requested on cross-ownership
             Chicago Tribune, IL - May 3, 2007
             Tribune last month accepted real estate magnate Sam Zell's $8.2 billion plan to take the company private with an employee stock ownership plan, ...
US*   1349 - Wal-Mart Releases Figures On 401k, Profit Sharing
             Springdale Morning News, AR - May 3, 2007
             Wal-Mart releasing information about its employee contributions and bonuses "shows that while Wal-Mart employee stockholders have really seen their stock ...
US*   1350 - Airbus workers protest against cutbacks
             Flight International - May 3, 2007
             Under Power8 Airbus is considering a sale, management or employee buyout or merger of St Nazaire Ville, part of the St Nazaire site. ...
US*   1351 - Options experiment watched closely by Valley companies
             San Jose Mercury News, CA - May 3, 2007
             Last year, Zions tested its idea with a similar auction of "Employee Stock Option Appreciation Rights Securities," or ESOARS, but the SEC wouldn't allow the ...
IN*   1352 - Will IT firms bear Esop tax burden?
             Financial Express, India - May 3, 2007
             NEW DELHI, MAY 3: Finance minister P Chidambaram stuck to his ground by retaining the fringe benefit tax on employee stock option plans. ...
US*   1353 - Royal Gold Reports Increased Net Income and Free Cash Flow for ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 3, 2007
             ... depletion and amortization 5750412 2934936 Deferred tax benefit (1167177) (921168) Non-cash employee stock option compensation expense 1724753 2008584 ...
             Market Wire (press release) - May 3, 2007
             ... share capital of 613430 shares with a nominal value of CHF 2 per share, mainly to cover the convertible bond and the company's employee share option plan.
MY*   1355 - MAS rewards high-flyers
             Business Times - Malaysia, Malaysia - May 3, 2007
             Other forms of rewards include incentive programmes, promotions and employee share option scheme. Baggage handlers, for example, received incentives for ...
CA*   1356 - Wireless, Internet quarterly revenues soar at Telus
             Vancouver Sun (subscription), Canada - May 3, 2007
             ... period in 2006 because of a non-cash charge of $173.5 million associated with the company's employee share option plan, the company announced Wednesday. ...
CA*   1357 - Telus chief sees boom in wireless for 6 years
             Ottawa Citizen (subscription), Canada - May 3, 2007
             The latest quarter included a $173.5-million special charge for employee share-option accounting changes. These will reduce share dilution and create up to ...
ZA*   1358 - ANG - AngloGold - Report To Shareholders For The Quarter Ended 31 ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 3, 2007
             ... 600219 304280 Weighted average number of shares 281194070 276676498 Dilutive potential of share options 641741 - Diluted number of ordinary shares (1) ...
ZA*   1359 - BFS - Blue - Issue Of Debentures And Granting Of Share Options
             Finance24, South Africa - May 3, 2007
             Salient features of the share options Strike price R3.00 Expiry 30 April 2010 Type American Blue is able to force the exercise of the share options if its ...
CA*   1360 - The finest days of your life . . . can begin with M Private Residences
             Business Edge, Canada - May 3, 2007
             We're talking about a secured share in a solid portfolio of homes, for which there are two different types of share options available to purchase ($465000 ...
CA*   1361 - Northgate first quarter gold production on plan; Kemess South mine ...
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 3, 2007
             The fair value of the share options granted during the three months ended March 31, 2007 was estimated using the Black-Scholes pricing model with the ...
UK*   1362 - Policing pay
             IR Magazine, UK - May 3, 2007
             This may bring with it the more objectionable US-style bonus and share options packages. But corporate social responsibility (Csr) expert Paul Toyne from ...
ZA*   1363 - PIK - Pick `n Pay Stores Ltd - Directors Dealings
              Finance24, South Africa - May 3, 2007
             The share options are of a direct beneficial nature and the granting thereof was approved by an executive director. Cape Town 3 May 2007 Sponsor: Investec ...
US*   1364 - Lexington Realty Trust Reports First Quarter 2007 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 3, 2007
             ... 2007 and assuming the conversion of all operating partnership units and share options to common shares, the liquidation preference of preferred shares, ...
US*   1365 - Fortis Earns Record First Quarter Earnings of $41.5 Million
             Market Wire (press release) - May 3, 2007
             As at May 2, 2007, the number of Common Shares that would be issued upon conversion of share options, convertible debt, First Preference Shares, Series C, ...
ZA*   1366 - EOH - EOH Holdings Limited - Dealings in securities by directors
             Finance24, South Africa - May 3, 2007
             ... Nature of transaction: Exercise of share options and sale of shares Sale price: R7,81 Strike price of share options: R1,41 Date share options granted: 1 ...
US*   1367 - Telus posts revenue increase, announces wireless investment
             TeleGeography, DC - May 3, 2007
             ... excluding a charge associated with the introduction of a new cash settlement feature for employee share options granted prior to 2005. ...
US*   1368 - Royal Dutch Shell plc : 1st Quarter 2007 Results
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - May 3, 2007
             In addition to the share purchase price, $0.4 billion of Shell Canada share options were exchanged for a corresponding amount of RDS share options. NOTE 7. ...
US*   1369 - Liberty Global eyeing Telenet board majority - report
             Forbes, NY - May 3, 2007
             ... pct from 30.0 pct over the past few months. If the group decides to exercise its share options, it could increase its stake to 48.5 pct, De Standaard says.
FI*   1370 - SanomaWSOY Oyj: Sanomawsoy quarterly report sanomawsoy's interim ...
              Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 3, 2007
             ... total Profit for the period 32.5 -3.6 28.9 TOTAL RECOGNISED INCOME AND 30.7 -3.6 27.1 EXPENSES Conversion of capital notes Usage of share options 0.0 ...
UK*   1371 - US cable TV firm and owner of New York Knicks goes private in ...
             Guardian Unlimited, UK - May 3, 2007
             More recently, Cablevision has been one of dozens of companies embroiled in a scandal over the misuse of executive share options. ...
FR*   1372 - Sous les sifflets, le patron de Telekom renonce à deux mois de salaire
              L'Agefi (Abonnement) - 3 mai 2007
             Le patron de Deutsche Telekom a décidé jeudi de renoncer à deux mois de salaire, soit environ 150.000 euros, un signe de solidarité avec les salariés ...
FR*   1373 - Societe Generale : renouvellement de plusieurs certifications
             Le Revenu - 3 mai 2007
             ... tant en France qu'à l'étranger : ALD Automotive, Epargne salariale, Franfinance, ECS, Sogecap, Sogessur, CGA, Service Cartes, SGMB. ...
FR*   1374 - “Aider les pays du Sud à transformer leurs produits”
             Metro France - 3 mai 2007
             Une de nos spécificités est notre statut de Scop (société coopérative de production) : pas de pression financière, pas de spéculation sur les parts des ...
CA*   1375 - Coopérative De Travail Les Katacombes
             Montréal Plus - 3 mai 2007
             ... et de salles de spectacles à Montréal, la Coopérative de Travail Les Katacombes constitue une manière de remercier ceux qui ont cru en leurs projets. ...
FR*   1376 - Les amis des puissants....
             SCERAO - 3 mai 2007
             Quant les entreprises coulent, les salariés trinquent, les patrons se gavent d’intéressements, d’augmentations et se "shootent" aux stock-options. ...
FR*   1377 - Atmel : le Comité d'Audit charge l'ancien président et son ...
             Le Revenu - 3 mai 2007
             L'enquête du Comité d'Audit a porté sur 112 opérations d'attribution de stock-options, qui se sont traduites par plus de 10.000 attributions de stock ...
FR*   1378 - Atmel Corporation fait part des conclusions de l'enquête du comité ...
             Le Revenu - 3 mai 2007
             concernant les dates d'attribution de stock options et autres questions susceptibles d'y être liées. Le 30 octobre 2006 la Société avait indiqué que les ...
FR*   1379 - Ghosn reste optimiste pour Renault
             Planète Renault - 3 mai 2007
             S'il n'est pas atteint en 2009, tout le plan de stock-options lié au contrat 2009 tombe à l'eau", a poursuivi Carlos Ghosn. "La baisse des ventes en Europe ...
FR*   1380 - Neurones : chiffre d'affaires trimestriel en hausse de 25%.
             Boursorama - 3 mai 2007
             ... 2007 à environ 6,8% du chiffre d'affaires (après 0,4% de charges liées aux actions gratuites et stock options) à comparer à 5,7% réalisés un an auparavant.
FR*   1381 - Neurones : le titre flambe !
             Le Revenu - 3 mai 2007
             ... (après 0,4% de charges liées aux actions gratuites et stock options) à com parer à 5,7% pour le 1er trimestre 2006 et 5% pour le 1er trimestre 2005.
FR*   1382 - Neurones: CA en croissance de + 25,1% au T1
             Les Infos - 3 mai 2007
             ... (après 0,4% de charges liées aux actions gratuites et stock options) à comparer à 5,7% pour le 1er trimestre 2006 et 5% pour le 1er trimestre 2005. ...
             Discapnet (Comunicados de prensa) - 3 May 2007
             Simancas explicó que "la economía social representada por cooperativas, sociedades laborales y autónomos es una baza magnífica para el aumento de la ...
ES*   1384 - Rafael Simancas: ‘Vamos a impulsar la creación de nuevas empresas ...
             Madrid Digital - 3 May 2007
             Madrid, 03/05/07- “La economía social representada por cooperativas, sociedades laborales y autónomos es una baza magnífica para el aumento de la ...
ES*   1385 - El 72 por ciento de las empresas de economía social está a favor ...
             Teleprensa World - 3 May 2007
             Según este estudio, las empresas de economía social de la provincia de Almería, con 1.293 cooperativas y sociedades laborales y 15.170 empleos, muestran una ...
ES*   1386 - Andalucía encabeza la economía social nacional
             Diario de Cádiz - 3 May 2007
             El año pasado se crearon en Andalucía 902 empresas de economía social, de las cuales 262 fueron cooperativas y 640 sociedades laborales, que generaron más ...
ES*   1387 - Cooperativas de trabajo asociado, sector en alza
             Periódico Mediterráneo - 3 May 2007
             Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado de la provincia de Castellón crecieron en número en 2006, hasta sumar un total de 134 empresas, 10 más que en 2005, ...
AR*   1388 - Stefani respondió críticas de Cóccaro y Arcando: "Me gustaría que ...
             Sur54 - 3 May 2007
             Generamos cooperativas de trabajo, les dimos empleo con contraprestación en el municipio, hacemos capacitación. Hablamos de una ciudad y una provincia que ...
AR*   1389 - Acción Cooperativa y Mutual inaugura oficina
             0223 Vespertino Digital - 3 May 2007
             ... FECOOAPORT (Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo Portuario), FEMBA (Federación de Entidades Mutualistas de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires); IMFC (Instituto ...
AR*   1390 - Programa "Ciudad Microfinanzas"
             Gente-BA - 3 May 2007
             ... grupos asociativos o cooperativas de trabajo y organizaciones comunitarias, cuyas actividades se encuentren radicadas –prioritariamente- en el ámbito de ...
AR*   1391 - Activision mejora sus cifras fiscales
             Vandal - 3 May 2007
             La compañía no ha podido desvelar todavía todos los datos referentes al año fiscal 2006/2007 debido a operaciones con las stock options.
ES*   1392 - Sueldos mínimos, retribuciones millonarias
             El País (España) - 3 May 2007
             Terry Semel, consejero delegado de Yahoo, tiene un sueldo de un dólar, pero cobró 29 millones de euros en 2006 gracias a las 'stock options', ...
AT*   1393 - Windtner drängt auf raschen Börsegang der Energie AG
             Neues Volksblatt - 3. Mai 2007
             Rund 42 Prozent könnten an die Börse gebracht werden, wobei eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nach dem Vorbild der voestalpine angestrebt wird. ...
AT*   1394 - Nächste Runde im Energie AG Verkauf
             ORF.at - 3. Mai 2007
              Neben einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung würden 51 Prozent und damit eine einfache Mehrheit beim Land Oberösterreich verbleiben. Damit sei sichergestellt, dass in ...
             IMGpress - 3 mag 2007
             ... la convenzione a SSR per motivi di ordine burocratico, il mancato accreditamento presso la ASL della SSR società mista ASL/cooperative di lavoratori. ...
IT*   1396 - Borse Asia-Pacifico ancora in spolvero, piatta Bombay
             Reuters Italia - 3 mag 2007
             ... su una decisione del tribunale che le impedisce di vendere gas a terzi ei tech frenati dalla mancata eliminazione delle imposte sulle stock options. ...
IT*   1397 - Indesit: l'assemblea degli azionisti approva il bilancio separato 2006
             Trend-online.com - 3 mag 2007
             L’Assemblea ha altresì prorogato l’incarico alla società di revisione, KPMG, fino all’approvazione del Bilancio 2012; ha revocato i piani di stock options ...
IT*   1398 - Indesit: ok assemblea bilancio e dividendo di 0385 euro
             La Repubblica - 3 mag 2007
             L'Assemblea ha altresì prorogato l'incarico alla società di revisione, KPMG, fino all'approvazione del Bilancio 2012; ha revocato i piani di stock options ...
CA*   1399 - Veneer mill and property for sale
             Robson Valley Times, Canada - May 2, 2007
             Former McBride Forest Industries employee Steve Stapley isn’t sure if employee ownership is an option or a good idea. Stapley said that employees attempted ...
KE*   1400 - Mortgage firm plans to list more shares in the market
             Daily Nation (subscription), Kenya - May 2, 2007
             The 5.7 million shares will be awarded to employees through Employee Share Ownership Plan. The scheme was set up during last year’s AGM but no shares were ...
CA*   1401 - GENIVAR Income Fund Acquires Nove Environment Inc.
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 2, 2007
             ... Boisvert and eight additional Nove shareholders will become members of GENIVAR Inc., the group of shareholders consisting of over 200 employee-owners. ...
US*   1402 - Quick-change artist steals money
             Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel, TX - May 2, 2007
             Brookshire Brothers Food & Pharmacy "Proud To Be Employee Owned" (EO....(more). PINECREST RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Due to Growth and Expansion on our campu. ...
US*   1403 - A look back at the presidency of Lew Collens
             IIT Tech News, IL - May 2, 2007
             (a for-profit, employee owned spin-off of the IIT Research Institute). “Lew Collens is responsible for bringing $404 million in private gifts (and still ...
US*   1404 - Chamber honoring 3 executives at dinner
             Lancaster Newspapers, PA - May 2, 2007
             Nolt has been chairman of Murray, an employee-owned independent insurance agent and brokerage firm, since 1983. A trustee of Franklin & Marshall College and ...
US*   1405 - Newcastle’s Lynch Road Open; Station Road Up for Bid
             Lincoln County News, ME - May 2, 2007
             “I also learned that they are an employee-owned company,” noted Blake. All the contractors received bid packages from Woodard & Curran and have until May 10 ...
US*   1406 - Mayline sold to Baird affiliate
             Sheboygan Press, WI - May 2, 2007
             Baird is an employee-owned, international wealth and asset management firm established in 1919. Mayline was founded in Two Rivers in 1938 and moved to ...
UK*   1407 - US: Publix sees Q1 earnings rise
             just-food.com (subscription), UK - May 2, 2007
             Publix is the largest employee-owned supermarket chain in the US and operates over 900 stores in the south-east of the country. ...
US*   1408 - EDITORIAL: School Board
             Lufkin Daily News, TX - May 2, 2007
             Brookshire Brothers Food & Pharmacy "Proud To Be Employee Owned" (EO....(more). Driver CMC Recycling seeking Class A Driver. Local runs. Home every night. ...
US*   1409 - Business Briefs
             Honolulu Star-Bulletin, HI - May 2, 2007
             Headquartered in Omaha, HDR is an employee-owned firm with about 6000 professionals in 141 locations worldwide. Under the new corporate structure, ...
CA*   1410 - Wellpoint Systems retains leading investor relations firm
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 2, 2007
             Equicom is an employee-owned firm whose principals include Barry Hildred, President and Jason Hogan, Executive Vice President. About WellPoint Systems Inc. ...
UK*   1411 - Pop Milano, Pop Emilia Extend Merger Talks
             Reuters.uk, UK - May 2, 2007
             ... there were objections to the deal, which would create a bank worth about 10 billion euros ($13.64 billion), from associations of employee shareholders. ...
US*   1412 - Riverview Bancorp Net of $11.6 Million Up 19 Percent in Fiscal ...
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 2, 2007
             ... 11545372 outstanding 117 114 Additional paid-in capital 58438 57259 Retained earnings 42848 35776 Unearned shares issued to employee stock ownership ...
US*   1413 - Tribune Petitions FCC for Waiver
             Television Week, MI - May 2, 2007
             The Tribune Employee Stock Ownership Plan is asking the Federal Communications Commission to let it keep the Chicago Tribune, Newsday and the Los Angeles ...
NL*   1414 - Tele Atlas Reports First Quarter Revenues of EUR 64.0 Million
             Euronext (persbericht), Netherlands - May 2, 2007
             Operating expenses excluding cost of revenues, depreciation, amortization, capitalization and employee stock option expense ("Adjusted Operating Expenses"), ...
IN*   1415 - Outstanding stock options to bear the brunt of FBT
             Financial Express, India - May 2, 2007
             NEW DELHI, MAY 2: With the finance ministry deciding to retain employee stock option plans (Esops) under the fringe benefit tax (FBT), employers are gearing ...
US*   1416 - Source: Klayman & Toskes PA
             Primenewswire (press release), CA - May 2, 2007
             Attention All InfoSpace, Inc. Employee Stock Option Plan Participants and Holders of Control and Restricted InfoSpace, Inc. Securities Who Maintained ...
US*   1417 - Regeneron Reports First Quarter Financial and Operating Results
             Business Wire (press release), CA - May 2, 2007
             ... of $6.6 million and $3.9 million, respectively, of non-cash compensation expense related to employee stock option awards (Stock Option Expense), as follows:
             Hamilton Spectator, Canada - May 2, 2007
             ... smaller first-quarter profit, compared with a year ago, as the telecom took a one-time charge related to the way it accounts for employee share options. ...
ZA*   1419 - The Forecast Factory: BTG has sound fundamentals for growth
             Business Day, South Africa - May 2, 2007
             Whether diluted or undiluted, headline earnings per share take into account the effects of profits and losses that may, such as the cost of share options, ...
FI*   1420 - Affecto Oyj: Affecto oyj quarterly report affecto plc's interim ...
             Kauppalehti (press release), Finland - May 2, 2007
             Shareholders' 5 105 25 404 1 960 11 -106 6 717 0 39 092 equity 1 January 2007 Translation -433 -433 differences Share options 3 3 Result for the 1 438 1 438 ...
CA*   1421 - Algoma Steel Inc. Announces First Quarter 2007 Results
             Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - May 2, 2007
             Earnings per share Diluted net income per common share assumes the exercising of any dilutive share options and restricted share units (note 7). ...
UK*   1422 - BP chief's 'white lie' over gay escort agency
             Times Online, UK - May 2, 2007
             Lord Browne is believed to have lost a £3.5million leaving package and a potential £12million in share options by quitting earlier than his scheduled July ...
UK*   1423 - TELUS 1Q Net Slips But Non-GAAP Earnings Rise; Revenue Up 6%
             Cellular-News, UK - May 2, 2007
             ... which excludes a non-cash charge associated with the introduction of a new cash settlement feature for employee share options granted prior to 2005. ...
ZA*   1424 - SBG - Simeka BSG - Directors' Dealings In Securities - Correction
             Finance24, South Africa - May 2, 2007
             ... 2007 in respect of Mr M Papiyana's exercise of 1100000 share options, on 20 April 2007, in terms of the Simeka BSG Employee Share Incentive Scheme. ...
UK*   1425 - Battle lines drawn for top job at Alliance Boots
             Times Online, UK - May 2, 2007
             Mr Baker has been awarded a total of 372461 share options worth £4.1 million valued on today's share price. So far, two tranches of his share options have ...
ZA*   1426 - IFW - InfoWave - 2007 Audited Results and Final Distribution ...
             Finance24, South Africa - May 2, 2007
             Share capital 1 208 817 (2006: 1 167 029) shares were issued in respect of share options exercised by employees in the year under review. ...
UK*   1427 - Browne could face £15.5m loss and charges of perjury
             Glasgow Evening Times, UK - May 2, 2007
             Lord Browne who has lost a £3.5m leaving package and a potential £12m in share options, said: "I have always regarded my sexuality as a personal matter, ...
UK*   1428 - Enjoying a strong run
             Recruiter Magazine, UK - May 2, 2007
             Chief executive Steve Ingham exercised 140510 share options. This allowed him to buy shares at £1.75 and then immediately sell them for £5.60. ...
UK*   1429 - Lord Browne could lose prestigious posts
             This is Money, UK - May 2, 2007
             Despite being stripped of up to £15m of benefits by BP yesterday, Lord Browne still owns BP shares and share options worth millions of pounds. ...
ZA*   1430 - Solidarity: 2007 could be a tough wage-talks year
             Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - May 2, 2007
             ... released during the May Day rallies across the country, showed that earnings of the ten highest paid chief executives, inclusive of share options, ...
UK*   1431 - Business genius who lost the Midas touch
             This is Money, UK - May 2, 2007
             Browne was so powerful that he managed to negotiate an extension to his contract as chief executive which would yield huge new share options and keep him in ...
CA*   1432 - De nouvelles cibles de développement pour le CLD des Etcchemins
             La Voix du Sud - 2 mai 2007
             ... de la création d'un fonds de développement économique, d'un comité Taxi-Bus et d'une coopérative de travailleurs forestiers agricoles et acéricoles, ...
FR*   1433 - Ségolène Royal - Nicolas Sarkozy : leurs programmes pour l'économie
             EasyBourse.com - 2 mai 2007
             Enfin, le candidat de l’UMP souhaite le déblocage des fonds de participation et l’extension des plans de stock-options à tous les salariés de l’entreprise. ...
FR*   1434 - La France de Sarkozy et de Bigard
             Politis - 2 mai 2007
              Celle des tontons flingueurs, des séries télévisées et des samedis soirs de TF 1, celle des nouveaux riches, des gros cachets et des stock-options, ...
FR*   1435 - Neurones : annonce rehausser sa prévision de chiffre d'affaires à ...
             Boursier.com - 2 mai 2007
             ... (après 0,4% de charges liées aux actions gratuites et stock options) à comparer à 5,7% pour le 1er trimestre 2006 et 5% pour le 1er trimestre 2005.
FR*   1436 - Quand les travailleurs deviennent capitalistes
             Les Échos - 2 mai 2007
             Le site de rencontres Meetic.com illustre bien ce qui peut être fait en la matière : « Si l'on convertit les stock-options, les bons de souscription de ...
FR*   1437 - Petits conseils
             Alternatives Économiques - 2 mai 2007
             ... d'un système colbertiste, très centré sur l'Etat, à un capitalisme prédateur fait d'OPA hostiles, de LBO et, bien sûr, de stock-options pharaoniques. ...
FR*   1438 - Renault reste optimiste sur ses objectifs de rentabilité
             Capital.fr - 2 mai 2007
             S'il n'est pas atteint en 2009, tout le plan de stock-options lié au contrat 2009 tombe à l'eau", a poursuivi Carlos Ghosn. ...
FR*   1439 - NEURONES: 1er trimestre 2007 : CA en croissance de + 25,1 ...
             Boursorama - 2 mai 2007
             ... (après 0,4% de charges liées aux actions gratuites et stock options) à comparer à 5,7% pour le 1er trimestre 2006 et 5,0% pour le 1er trimestre 2005.
FR*   1440 - Neurones : hausse de l'activité au T1
             Boursier.com - 2 mai 2007
             ... (après 0,4% de charges liées aux actions gratuites et stock options) à comparer à 5,7% pour le 1er trimestre 2006 et 5,0% pour le 1er trimestre 2005. ...
FR*   1441 - Le groupe américain pourrait être contraint de sortir du Nasdaq
             Le Monde - 2 mai 2007
             D'autres sont, ou ont été, sous le coup d'une enquête de la SEC, comme Novell ou Apple qui sont impliqués dans le scandale des stock-options antidatées.
FR*   1442 - Le discours de Charléty de Ségolène Royal : l’intégrale
             Betapolitique - 2 mai 2007
             La valeur travail ne peut pas non plus se satisfaire de ce système de stock-options sans limite, de bonus ou de retraites chapeaux que la droite a organisés ...
FR*   1443 - Avec lui, tout est passible
             Nouvel Observateur - 2 mai 2007
             Une loi de la jungle y règnera, trafic de stock-options dans les caves, tournantes d'héritage au tir au pigeon du bois de Boulogne. ...
FR*   1444 - Deux visions de la modernité
             Nouvel Observateur - 2 mai 2007
             C'est beaucoup plus important, ça, que de s'occuper des stock-options ! Autre atout de Royal, son ouverture à des solutions non conventionnelles. ...
FR*   1445 - Profession : chasseur de stars
             Nouvel Observateur - 2 mai 2007
             ... le train de vie apparent (voitures de luxe, villas somptueuses), les gains médiatisés (indemnités de départ, plus-values boursières, stock-options. ...
FR*   1446 - Baccarat : les héritiers face aux cow-boys
             Nouvel Observateur - 2 mai 2007
             ... augmentation du capital de Baccarat de 40 millions d'euros, ainsi qu'un plan de stock-options et une distribution d'actions gratuites pour le personnel. ...
FR*   1447 - De la Nation à la République
             Nouvel Observateur - 2 mai 2007
             Il ya une façon de stigmatiser certains et beaucoup moins d'autres, par exemple les milieux financiers, les détenteurs de stock-options ou les auteurs de ...
ES*   1448 - El Fogasa condona la deuda histórica de 30 millones a las ...
             Levante - 2 May 2007
             En la C. Valenciana, según Millana, el número de sociedades laborales afectadas por esta condonación de «números rojos» es muy reducido. ...
ES*   1449 - Amusal, 20 aniversario y nueva sede
             acceso.com (Comunicados de prensa) - 2 May 2007
             Porque Amusal, organización empresarial que representa a las Sociedades Laborales y otras empresas propiedad de sus trabajadores trabaja, desde 1987, ...
AR*   1450 - Remodelan parques
             Canal 26 - 2 May 2007
             Andrili explicó que "hoy estamos con un esquema de mantenimiento de contratación a cooperativas de trabajo" y que la idea es que en los polideportivos ...
AR*   1451 - Créditos a tasa fija para sectores de escasos recursos
             VillaLugano.com (Comunicados de prensa) - 2 May 2007
              ... grupos asociativos o cooperativas de trabajo y organizaciones comunitarias, cuyas actividades se encuentren radicadas prioritariamente en la Ciudad de ...
AR*   1452 - Andrili, en la Legislatura
             Noticias Urbanas - 2 May 2007
             ... el mantenimiento de los polideportivos, a lo cual respondió que "hoy estamos con un esquema de mantenimiento de contratación a cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   1453 - Diputada provicial estuvo presente en un Encuentro de trabajadores ...
             Impulso Baires - 2 May 2007
             ... organismo estatal dependiente del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación y que nuclea a distintas cooperativas de trabajo. ...
AR*   1454 - Resumen de Noticias Nacionales
             Comercio On Line - 2 May 2007
             El objetivo final será beneficiar a personas, grupos asociativos o cooperativas de trabajo con dificultades para acceder al crédito. ...
ES*   1455 - Críticas al Gobierno durante el acto por el Día de los Trabajadores
             Diario de la República (Suscripción) - 2 May 2007
             A diferencia del clima político de la Plaza de Mayo, un grupo de dirigentes de cooperativas de trabajo y empresas recuperadas celebraron ayer al mediodía el ...
ES*   1456 - Las 'stock options' disparan el salario de los tecnólogos
             Cinco Días - 2 May 2007
             Las opciones sobre acciones (stock options en la terminología anglosajona) volvieron a ser el pilar central de las millonarias retribuciones obtenidas por ...
DE*   1457 - Bundesjustizministerin Zypries zu Besuch bei Danet: Zypries ...
             Firmenpresse (Pressemitteilung) - 2. Mai 2007
             Rund 50 Prozent der Mitarbeiter nutzen bei Danet die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. "Der Besuch bei Danet in Weiterstadt war überaus interessant und ...
AT*   1458 - Rund 100.000 bei Maikundgebung am Rathausplatz - Bundeskanzler ...
              Österreich Journal - 2. Mai 2007
             Der Zukunftsplan "Gute Arbeit" - mit seinen drei Hauptteilen Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung und Wachstum und Beschäftigung ...
DE*   1459 - Juristische Winkelzüge machen Novell angreifbar
             Linux-Magazin Online - 2. Mai 2007
             Den so genannten "Stock Options"-Skandal hatte die Financial Times Ende 2006 aufgedeckt. Anlass war, dass Apple-Chef Steve Jobs 7,5 Millionen Aktienoptionen ...
BR*   1460 - Cooperativas aparecem como alternativa ao desemprego
             Último Segundo - 2 Mai 2007
             É cada vez mais comum um grupo de profissionais de uma mesma área se juntarem para fundar uma cooperativa de trabalho. As empresas começaram a contratar ...
BR*   1461 - CEOs dos EUA procuram candidatos estrangeiros
             Computerworld - 2 Mai 2007
             A pesquisa mostra que a necessidade de equipes qualificadas fez com que cerca de 70% dos CEOs adotassem compensações ou programas de stock options para os ...

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