Participants to the conference “DOES THE ACCESSION OF SLOVENIA REPRESENT PROGRESS IN THE SPHERE OF EMPLOYEE SHARE-OWNERSHIP AND IN THE CO-OPERATIVE SPHERE” which took place at Brdo in Slovenia on 14 April 2004, just before Slovenia's entry into the EU, declare the following:


“In accordance with the objectives of the Lisbon Declaration, many EU legal documents in the field of financial participation and co-operatives consider financial participation, including employee share-ownership, and the development of co-operatives as a contribution to the development of the civil society and the economy. Therefore the undersigned participants call on the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to: 


-         continue with the work on the legal regulation of financial participation and the organisation of employee ownership

-         incorporate the European co-operative society statute into the Slovenian legislation and provide a co-operative-friendly environment

-         bring into force the European Commission Communication on the promotion of co-operative societies in Europe (COM (2004)18) which stimulates the development of financial participation and employee share-ownership and the co-operatives in the Republic of Slovenia.”





Undersigned participants of the conference










Zvone Zupan (SITEEP d.d., Združenje DEZAP)

mag. Aleksander Igličar (ISKRAEMECO d.d., Združenje DEZAP)

Janko Pučnik (DEZAP)

mag. Božidar Lednik (DEZAP)

dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela (FDV, Združenje DEZAP)

Petra Kozel (Združenje DEZAP)

mag. Jakob Kokalj (ETIKETA d.d.; Združenje DEZAP)

Olga Peciga (PUP d.d., Združenje DEZAP)

Jože Mraz (PUP d.d., Združenje DEZAP)

Janez Frelih (DOMPLAN d.d., Združenje DEZAP)

Boža Jazbec (ETI d.d., Združenje DEZAP)

Karmen Potokar (Združenje kooperativ)

Jadranka Vesel (Združenje kooperativ)

Robert Levičar (Agencija za razvojne iniciative)

Polona Skledar (Zavod Naš laz, Združenje kooperativ)

Štefan Skledar (Zavod Naš laz, Združenje kooperativ)

Marija Serdoner-Lavrenčič (Racio d.o.o.)

Jana Pahovnik (IPAK Velenje)

Marko Pogačnik (Jelovica d.d.)

Jiri Svoboda (SČMVD – Češka Zveza za proizvodne kooperative)

Sergej Sidorko (Združenje stanovanjskih kooperativ, Latvija)

Bruno Roelants (generalni sekretar CECOP, Bruselj)

Daniela Tillova (Generalno združenje kooperativnih zvez, Češka)

Anna-Lena Heydar (Švedska)

Pekka Pattiniemi (Finska)

Nikola Andreev (Delavske in proizvodnje kooperative, Bolgarija)