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  Much new information about employee ownership in December 2008, with 1.130 articles in this press review (on which 313 involving stock options and 214 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  47 remarkable articles in 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, UK, USA, Zambia.
Austria: The new government seems giving lower attention to employee ownership compared to its predecessor.
Germany: IG Metall union calls for employee ownership in the context of the automotive crisis.
France: 67% of all large French groups are already preparing new employee share plans for 2009. No crisis for employee savings which increased strongly in October. A first benchmark for employee savings accounts. Success for new employee share plans in large groups: Vallourec, Vinci; however Rexel postpones. New workers cooperatives for bailouts: Cepam, Couture Venise Verte.
Ireland: Ryanair looks for employee owners' support for its takeover bid on Aer Lingus.
Spain: The legislation on employee-owned companies should be corrected.
UK: What now for stock options under water? Going to a repricing wave?
USA: Three main topics in the US, while the National Center for Employee Ownership is launching its new "employee ownership blog": Tribune bankruptcy, employee ownership to face the Auto crisis, and a repricing wave for stock options. Following Corey Rosen, at least Tribune employees won't be losing anything from the company's employee ownership stock plan.  
The full press review lists 1.130 articles, on which 378 in USA, 160 in France, 106 in Argentina, 100 in Germany, 98 in the UK, 45 in India, 41 in Spain, 31 in Italy, 24 in Canada, 17 in Brazil, 16 in Ireland, 15 in Austria, 14 in Colombia, 11 in Belgium, 9 in Australia, 8 in South Africa, 6 in Switzerland, 6 in Mexico, 5 in Netherlands, 4 in New Zealand, 4 in Paraguay, 3 in Arab Emirates, 3 in China, 3 in Ecuador, 2 in Bahamas, 2 in Georgia, 2 in Sri Lanka, and 1 in Barbados, Chile, Ghana, Israel, Micronesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Korea, Venezuela and Zambia.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en décembre 2008, avec 1.130 articles dans notre revue de presse (dont 313 à propos de stock options et 214 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs). Notre sélection propose 47 articles remarquables dans 15 pays: Australie, Belgique, Canada, Chine, France, Allemagne, Inde, Irlande, Italie, Pays-Bas, Russie, Espagne, Royaume Uni, USA, Zambie.
Autriche: Le nouveau gouvernement semble prêter moins d'attention à l'actionnariat salarié que le précédent.
Allemagne: Le syndicat IG Metall avance l'idée de l'actionnariat salarié dans le contexte de la crise de l'industrie automobile.
France: 67% des grands groupes français s'apprêtent à lancer de nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié en  2009. En octobre en tout cas, les versements des salariés se sont massivement portés sur leurs plans d'épargne salariale. EPSINEO rating publie le premier benchmark des relevés de comptes d'épargne salariale. Succès pour les nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié dans les grands groupes: Vallourec, Vinci. Par contre Rexel postpose. Sauvetages d'entreprises sous forme de nouvelles coopératives de travail: Cepam, Couture Venise Verte.
Irlande: Ryanair courtise l'actionnariat salarié pour réussir son offre de reprise de Aer Lingus.
Espagne: La législation sur les sociétés de travail associé doit être révisée.
Royaume Uni: Vers une vague de réétalonnement des stock options dépréciées.
USA: Trois grands sujets aux USA au moment où le National Center for Employee Ownership lance son nouveau "blog de l'actionnariat salarié": La faillite du Chicago Tribune, l'actionnariat salarié pour faire face à la crise de l'automobile, une vague de "repricing" pour les stock options.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.130 articles, dont 378 aux USA, 160 en France, 106 en Argentine, 100 en Allemagne, 98 au Royaume Uni, 45 en Inde, 41 en Espagne, 31 en Italie, 24 au Canada, 17 au  Brésil, 16 en Irlande, 15 en Autriche, 14 en Colombie, 11 en Belgique, 9 en Australie, 8 en Afrique du Sud, 6 en Suisse, 6 au Mexique, 5 aux Pays-Bas, 4 en Nouvelle Zélande, 4 au Paraguay, 3 aux Emirats Arabes, 3 en Chine, 3 en Equateur, 2 aux Bahamas, 2 en Géorgie, 2 au Sri Lanka, et 1 à la Barbade, Chili, Ghana, Israël, Micronésie, Népal, Pakistan, Pérou, Philippines, Portugal, Porto Rico, Russie, Sierra Leone, Singapour, Corée du Sud, Vénézuela et Zambie.
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Muchas nuevas informaciones sobre accionariado asalariado en diciembre 2008, con 1.130 artículos en nuestra revista de prensa (cuyos 313 sobre stock options y 214 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores). Nuestra selección propone 47 artículos destacados en 15 países : Australia, Bélgica, Canadá, China, Francia, Alemania, India, Irlanda, Italia, Países Bajos, Rusia, España, Reino Unido, USA, Zambia.
Austria: El nuevo gobierno da la impresion de interesarse menos que el anterior al accionariado asalariado.
Alemania: El sindicato IG Metall avanza la idea de accionariado asalariado en el contexto de la crisis de la industria del automovil.
Francia: 67% de los grandes grupos franceses listos para lanzar nuevos planes de accionariado asalariado en 2009. En octubre, por lo menos, los pagos de los asalariados fueron masivamente para los planes de ahorro asalariado. EPSINEO rating publica el primer benchmark de las cuentas de ahorro asalariado. Exito para los nuevos planes de accionariado asalariado en los grandes grupos: Vallourec, Vinci. Sin embargo, Rexel pospone. Rescates de empresas en modo de nuevas cooperativas de trabajo: Cepam, Couture Venise Verte.
Irlanda: Ryanair corteja el accionariado asalariado para lograr su oferta de compra de Aer Lingus.
España: La legislación sobre las sociedades de trabajo asociado debe ser revisada.
Reino Unido: Hacia una ola de « repricing » de los stock options despreciados.
EEUU: Tres grandes temas en EE.UU y el National Center for Employee Ownership lanza su nuevo « blog de accionariado asalariado »: La quiebra del Chicago tribune, el accionariado asalariado como respuesta a la crisis del automovil, la ola de « repricing » de los stock options.
La revista de prensa completa cuenta con 1.130 artículos, cuyos 378 en EE.UU, 160 en Francia, 106 en Argentina, 100 en Alemania, 98 en el Reino Unido, 45 en India, 41 en España, 31 en Italia, 24 en Canadá, 17 en Brasil, 16 en Irlanda, 15 en Austria, 14 en Colombia, 11 en Bélgica, 9 en Australia, 8 en Africa del Sur, 6 en Suiza, 6 en Méjico, 5 en Países Bajos, 4 en Nueva Zelandia, 4 en Paraguay, 3 en los Emiratos Arabes, 3 en China, 3 en Equador, 2 en Bahamas, 2 en Georgia, 2 en el Sri Lanka, y 1 en Barbados, Chili, Gana, Israel, Micronesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Perú, Filipinas, Portugal, Porto Rico, Rusia, Sierra Leone, Singapur, Corea del Sur, Venezuela y Zambia.
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1.130 articoli (di cui 313 sulle stock options e 214 sulle cooperative di lavoro) nel Dicembre 2008. Abbiamo selezionato  47 articoli in 15 Paesi : Austria, Belgio, Canada, Cina, Francia, Germania, India, Irlanda, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Russia, Spagna, UK, USA, Zambia.
Austria: Il nuovo governo sembra assegnare meno attenzione alla partecipazione rispetto al precedente.
Germania: il sindacato IG Metall si interessa dell’azionariato dei dipendenti nel contest della crisi automobilistica
Francia: il 67% delle grandi aziende francesi sta già preparando nuovi piani azionari per il 2009. In ottobre i piani sono cresciuti con forza, a dispetto della crisi. Un benchmark per I conti di risparmio salariale. Successo dei piani nei grandi gruppi: Vallourec, Vinci; peraltro Rexel rimanda. Nuove cooperative per le acquisizioni: Cepam, Couture Venise Verte.
Irlanda: Ryanair cerca l’appoggio degli azionisti dipendenti per l’acquisizione di Aer Lingus.
Spagna: La legislazione sulle imprese possedute dai dipendenti dovrebbe essere modificata.
UK: Che fare con le stock options “sott’acqua”? un’ondata di rideterminazione dei prezzi?
USA: Tre argomenti principali negli Stati Uniti, mentre il National Center for Employee Ownership lancia il nuovo "employee ownership blog":fallimento del Tribune, azionariato dei dipendenti per fronteggiare la crisi dell’Auto, e la rideterminazione dei prezzi delle Stock options. Secondo Corey Rosen, almeno i dipendenti del Tribune dovrebbero non perdere nulla dal loro ESOP.  
La rassegna stampa completa comprende 1.130 articoli, di cui 378 negli USA, 160 in Francia, 106 in Argentina, 100 in Germania, 98 nel Regno Unito, 45 in India, 41 in Spagna, 31 in Italia, 24 in Canada, 17 in Brasile, 16 in Irlanda, 15 in Austria, 14 in Colombia, 11 in Belgio, 9 in Australia, 8 in Sudafrica, 6 in Svizzera, 6 in Messico, 5 nei Paesi Bassi, 4 in Nuova Zelanda, 4 in Paraguay, 3 negli Emirati Arabi, 3 in Cina, 3 in Ecuador, 2 nelle Bahamas, 2 in Georgia, 2 in Sri Lanka, e 1 in Barbados, Cile, Ghana, Israele, Micronesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Perù, Filippine, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sud Korea, Venezuela e Zambia.
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remarkable articles in 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, UK, USA, Zambia.

AT*   270 - Sozialminister Rudolf Hundstorfer kündigt im "Wiener Zeitung ...
             Wiener Zeitung - 9. Dez. 2008
             Der Ausbau der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung scheint gebremst zu sein. Die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ist grundsätzlich okay, darf aber kein Ersatz für Lohnrunden sein ...
BE*   471 - Duitse vakbond IG Metall bereid tot inlevering
             De Tijd - 12 dec 2008
             Voorts is er sprake van werknemersparticipatie. (belga) - IG Metall en de ondernemingsraad van Opel zijn bereid om Opel tegemoet te komen voor een ...
CA*   897 - EllisDon Is Canada's Number One Employer For Second Consecutive Year!
             CNW Telbec (Communiqué de presse), Canada - Dec 24, 2008
             About EllisDon EllisDon is a leading employee-owned global company delivering construction expertise, services and specialized support to clients throughout ...
CN*   784 - Huawei lashes out at charges linking it to Chinese military and govt
             TelecomTiger, India - Dec 21, 2008
             "Huawei is privately held and 100 percent owned by its employees, administered through an employee share ownership plan," the company said. ...
DE*   457 - Autokrise: Gescheiterter Rettungsplan lässt Opel zittern
             FOCUS Online - 12. Dez. 2008
             Die IG Metall denkt an eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Experten sehen schwarz. Mit großer Enttäuschung reagierte die europäische General Motors-Tochter auf die ...
DE*   1001 - Köhler fordert mehr Beteiligung für Arbeitnehmer
             Netzeitung - 28. Dez. 2008
             IG-Metall-Chef Berthold Huber begrüßte Köhlers Wunsch nach einer stärkeren Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. «Wir sind für Erfolgsbeteiligungen, sie werden auch in ...
ES*   449 - Murcia / Las sociedades laborales reclaman al gobierno medidas ...
             webmurcia.com - 12 Dic 2008
             El sector de la economía social española, compuesto por sociedades cooperativas y sociedades laborales, ha puesto de manifiesto su dinamismo empresarial en ...
ES*   612 - Confesal solicita a Vara ponga en marcha medidas para potenciar ...
             Extremadura al día - 16 Dic 2008
             Millana, en la asamblea de AEXEL, ha analizado junto a los empresarios extremeños de economía social el modelo empresarial de la sociedad laboral, ...
FR*   1 - Premier benchmark des relevés de compte d'épargne salariale
             EPSINEO rating - 1 déc 2008
             EPSINEO rating est la seule agence de notation dédiée à la qualité des services dans les domaines de l’Epargne d’entreprise et de la Protection Sociale ...
FR*   3 - Feu vert pour la reprise de CEPAM par ses salariés
             La Nouvelle République - 4 déc 2008
             Le tribunal de commerce a validé hier la reprise par ses salariés de la Compagnie Européenne de Produits pour l’Agencement et le Meuble
FR*   13 - Une majorité de grands groupes français ...
             La Tribune - 5 déc 2008
             EXCLUSIF Une majorité de grands groupes français comptent lancer en 2009 un plan d'actionnariat salarié · 67% des grands groupes devraient lancer un nouveau ...
FR*   46 - Épargne salariale : les salariés ont fortement versé en octobre
             Les Échos - 7 déc 2008
              En octobre en tout cas, les versements des salariés se sont massivement portés sur leurs plans d'épargne salariale. Mieux, les salariés ont même recommencé ...
FR*   392 - Crise: Rexel reporte le lancement de son plan d'actionariat salarié
             Daily Bourse - 11 déc 2008
             Le distributeur de matériel électrique Rexel a reporté le lancement de son plan d'actionnariat salarié, en raison de "la forte volatilité des marchés ...
             Sud Aérien (Communiqué de presse) - 15 déc 2008
             La direction nous vend depuis des années par le biais d’une propagande acharnée, l’actionnariat salarié ainsi que l’intéressement comme rémunérations de ...
FR*   606 - Vallourec annonce le succès de son opération d'actionnariat salarié
             TF1 - 16 déc 2008
             Enfin, elle permettra de construire avec les actionnaires salariés une relation pérenne contribuant à stabiliser l'actionnariat du Groupe. ...
FR*   609 - Quand les salariés se substituent à l'actionnaire pour sauver leur ...
             Rue89 - 16 déc 2008
             Ils en ont fait une Scop ou Société coopérative de production. Le tribunal de commerce a en effet agréé la reprise des activités de la Cepam par cette Scop, ...
FR*   909 - L'épargne salariale
             Le Figaro - 24 déc 2008
             Adoptée fin novembre, la loi en faveur des revenus du travail va-t-elle favoriser le développement de l'épargne salariale (87 % des salariés des entreprises ...
FR*   924 - Emission d’actions nouvelles de VINCI réservée aux salariés du ...
             Euroinvestor - 25 déc 2008
             Le FCPE « Castor » est un OPCVM d’épargne salariale et d’actionnariat salarié exclusivement investi en actions VINCI. Il est l’un des instruments principaux ...
FR*   1072 - Six mois après sa fermeture elles rouvrent leur usine
             Site internet de La Nouvelle République du Centre Ouest - 30 déc 2008
             ... la dernière usine de confection niortaise – lancent Couture Venise Verte, leur propre entreprise, sous forme de coopérative ouvrière de production. ...
GE*   806 - Bank Republic Answers Standard Questions on CSR
             The FINANCIAL, Georgia - Dec 22, 2008
             The desire to purchase the shares was quite high among employees and GESOP (the Global Employee Ownership Programme) implementation was rather successful. ...
IE*   7 - Aer Lingus says investors will back it vs Ryanair
             Reuters - Dec 5, 2008
             The Employee Shareholder Ownership Trust (ESOT), which administers Aer Lingus employees' shareholdings and is a separate entity to the unions, ...
IE*   24 - Ryanair woos pilots' vote
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Dec 6, 2008
             Its offer to recognise the traditional Aer Lingus unions is a bid to woo the Employee Share Ownership Trust which holds 14 percent of the votes, ...
IE*   1104 - Aer Lingus staff trust talks to Ryanair
             Irish Times, Ireland - Dec 31, 2008
             THE AER Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot), which administers the shareholding in the company owned by the staff, yesterday met representatives of ...
IN*   704 - Easy steps to navigate through the ESOP tangle
             Sify, India - Dec 18, 2008
             Chances are the ESOPs could be re-priced to the current levels 4. Don't forget to carefully plan your tax liability on ESOPs as the new fringe benefit tax ...
IT*   479 - Pop Milano shareholders approve governance changes
             Forbes, NY - Dec 13, 2008
             Its governance structure is strongly influenced by employee shareholders and the central bank had asked Pop Milano to change it. ...
IT*   490 - Passa il nuovo statuto, svolta alla Bpm
             il Giornale - 13 dic 2008
             Determinante è stata l’assenza in assemblea della principale associazione di dipendenti-azionisti: solo così, con questa sorta di assenza-assenso costato ...
IT*   859 - Azionariato operaio alla Umbra Cuscinetti
             Tam Tam - 22 dic 2008
             L’azionariato dei dipendenti, soluzione che qualcuno propugna per ridurre i conflitti sociali tra lavoratori ed aziende, ha avuto un’applicazione pratica in ...
NL*   590 - Vallourec announces the success of its employee share offering
             Euronext (persbericht), Netherlands - Dec 16, 2008
             Employee shareholders today represent 1.55% of the Group's share capital (compared to 0.14% prior to the offer). "The operation has been a great success, ...
RU*   226 - Gazprom Neft incentive program to cover all employees
             RosBusinessConsulting, Russia - Dec 9, 2008
             Gazprom Neft has postponed the launch of its employee stock option plan from 2008 until 2009, and intends to involve all its employees in the plan, ...
UK*   871 - Evolve triumphs in takeover battle for Blue Oar
             Times Online, UK - Dec 23, 2008
             Evolve said last night: “The board of Evolve is especially appreciative of employee shareholder support under what must have been challenging circumstances. ...
UK*   35 - Options under water
             Times Online, UK - Dec 6, 2008
             However, its latest method for motivating staff through incentive schemes that offer them share options is more out of the ordinary. ...
US*      - ESOP Foundation's Employee Ownership Blog
             Employee Ownership Foundation - Jan 6, 2009
             New US Congress: Uncertainty for ESOPs. Never has the ESOP position, since the retirement of former ESOP godfather Senator Russell Long retired, been “won” in Washington, DC ...
US*      - NCEO Launches the Employee Ownership Blog
             NCEO - Dec 31, 2008
             The first post is from Corey Rosen on employee ownership in the auto industry and whether ESOPs should be part of an auto industry bailout ...
US*   2 - Is Maumee Authority the future of automotive suppliers?
             WTOL - Toledo,OH,USA - Dec 4 2008
             Maumee Authority Stamping is an employee-owned company that just opened in October at the old Ford Stamping Plant. Right now, 45 people work there. ...
US*   29 - Companies breathe life into options
             Investment News - Dec 7, 2008
             Repricing Wave? Lots of companies are looking at some form of repricing their underwater stock options ...
US*   32 - Silicon Valley companies looking to reprice underwater stock options
             San Jose Mercury News,  USA - Dec 6, 2008
             ... stocks has plummeted in recent months, thousands of Silicon Valley workers have seen the value of their employee stock options sink rapidly underwater. ...
US*   62 - How badly did Sam Zell stick it to Tribune Co. employees?
             TIME - Dec 8, 2008
             Rosen runs the National Center for Employee Ownership and has written at length about employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), including the one they have at ...
US*   63 - Tribune Co. files for bankruptcy
             The Associated Press - Dec 8, 2008
             ... many employees have separate 401(k) programs, said Corey Rosen, executive director for the nonprofit research group National Center for Employee Ownership.
US*   103 - Tribune’s Woes Could Bring Another ESOP Flop
             New York Times Blogs, NY - Dec 8, 2008
             Because of the unusual structure of Tribune’s $8 billion buyout, Tribune’s employee stock-ownership plan holds 100 percent of Tribune’s common equity, ...
US*   172 - Zell could recoup investment, but employees likely won't
             Chicago Tribune, United States - Dec 9, 2008
             "Employees are marginally worse off now than before the ESOP," said Corey Rosen, executive director of the National Center for Employee Ownership. ...
US*   223 - Tribune Filing Exposes Risks of ESOPs
             Wall Street Journal - Dec 9, 2008
             One big potential exposure came via the employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which the company set up in 2007. Under the ESOP, Tribune was planning to ...
US*   497 - In their own hands: Employees run the business at a Collier company
             Naples Daily News, FL - Dec 14, 2008
             Lakeland-based Publix, however, employs more than 140000 and is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the country, some listings show. ...
US*   522 - What Will Happen to the ESOP in the Tribune Bankruptcy?
             NCEO - Dec 15, 2008
             In 2007, the Tribune was acquired by billionaire investor Samuel Zell in conjunction with an ESOP. On December 8, 2008, the Tribune filed for bankruptcy protection
US*   680 - Employees get stake in furniture maker McCreary Modern
             Furniture Today, NC - Dec 18, 2008
             "Being employee owned will allow us to be even more efficient while navigating our way through the current economic situation," added Coffey. ...
US*   685 - Sixty years of innovation at YSI
             Yellow Springs News, OH - Dec 18, 2008
             Now one of the oldest and most established employee-owned businesses, or ESOPs, the structure has contributed to YSI’s success, Miller believes. ...
US*   1015 - Kiewit Acquires TIC-The Industrial Company
             istockAnalyst.com (press release), OR - Dec 29, 2008
             The two employee-owned companies were well known to each other, having worked successfully together on many projects over the past 20 years. ...
US*   1103 - Democratizing the economy through employee ownership received many votes
             NCEO - Dec 24, 2008
             Change.org (not to be confused with the official Obama site change.gov) is a nonprofit that is gathering ideas on policy to present to the new administration
US*   1112 - SEC Forms Help Investors Investigate
             MSNBC - Dec 31, 2008
             We can also check out the details and cost of employee stock option plans. Foreign companies listed on US exchanges (including most American depositary ...
ZM*   1055 - CTI: Perfect addition to tourism sector
             Times of Zambia, Zambia - Dec 30, 2008
             Mr Vlahakis said the gesture was in line with the principle of empowering locals to own shares through the employee share ownership plan (ESOP). ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

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