Our selection / Notre sélection / Nuestra selección

  We made a selection of 56 remarkable articles in 14 countries in October 2012: Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.
Austria: Vice Chancellor Michael Spindeleggers promotes employee ownership in his "25 ideas for Austria".
Canada: New investment fund for promoting employee buyouts through workers' shareholding cooperatives in Quebec.
Finland: Personnel funds are a good way for employee ownership in Finland; foreign participants cannot be discriminated in taxation, compared to Finnish ones, the Court decided.
France: Successful new employee share plan for Capgemini whose employees are now the biggest shareholder with 7%. Higher taxation will discourage employee ownership in new start-ups. Employee savings are growing in 2012 but higher taxation will certainly not help. Free shares are increasingly used rather than stock options. It is time for employee buyouts. A number of new companies to be rescued as workers' cooperatives.
Germany: Catholic Bishop Losinger for employee ownership. RWE Group has a long tradition in employee ownership.
Ireland: ESB workers value their 5pc stake in the semi-state at half what the government thinks it is worth.
Italy: General Assembly in Monte dei Paschi di Siena: ADAMP shares the views of Azione MPS, voting a different proposal in opposition to the management. More than 3.500 proxies in a system based on individual share ownership: It is time for a specific law in Italy.
Morocco: New legislation encouraging Employee Savings Plans in 2013.
Netherlands: Arcadis (20.000 employees in 20 countries) changes its mind about multinational employee share plans: Too difficult and too expensive to adapt our plans to multiple state legislations.
Poland: Ports Authorities want to buy back shares held by employees.
Spain: Sociedades laborales are an effective model for starters as well as for business transfers; a good description in French.
UK: Chancellor George Osborne announces the new "employee-owner" contract: Employees could be given shares in their companies in exchange for giving up certain employment rights under plans for a new type of employment contract. Storm of controversy! Would you trade your employment rights for shares?
On the other hand, British Government announces its plans to boost employee ownership sector. The plans include assessing whether to establish an independent Institute for Employee Ownership, an ‘off the shelf’ model for setting up an employee owned business, work to examine the guidance on tax issues relating to employee ownership, a guide for staff and employers to request and agree an employee ownership takeover and work with the John Lewis Partnership to examine the barriers to funding for private sector employee owned companies.
USA: Some new ESOP companies. Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) companies saw an economic upturn in 2011, with continued increased share value, support among company leaders and better productivity.
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   Notre sélection propose 56 articles remarquables dans 14 pays en octobre 2012: Allemagne, Autriche, Canada, Espagne, Finlande, France, Irlande, Italie, Maroc, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Royaume Uni, USA, Zimbabwe.
Allemagne: L'Evêque Losinger pour l'actionnariat salarié. Le Groupe RWE a une longue tradition d'actionnariat salarié depuis 1958.
Autriche: Le Vice Chancelier Michael Spindeleggers met l'actionnariat salarié en avant dans ses "25 idées pour l'Autriche".
Canada: Nouveau fond d'investissement spécialisé pour la reprise d'entreprises sous forme de coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires.
Espagne: Les sociedades laborales sont des entreprises d'actionnariat salarié qui ont fait leurs preuves pour la création et pour la reprise d'entreprises.
Finlande: Les fonds d'actionnariat salarié en Finlande: par décision de justice, les régimes de taxation appliqués par les différents pays européens ne peuvent pas créer de discrimination entre les participants en Finlande et hors Finlande.
France: Succès pour le nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié de Capgemini, les salariés deviennent le plus important actionnaire du groupe avec 7%. Les hausses d'impôts vont décourager l'actionnariat salarié dans les start-ups. L'épargne salariale continue à monter en 2012 mais les hausses d'impôts n'aideront pas. Les actions gratuites de plus en plus préférées aux stock options. La crise multiplie les appels aux reprises d'entreprises sous forme de coopératives de salariés.
Irlande: Les salariés d' ESB évaluent leur part dans le groupe semi-public à la moitié de sa valeur estimée par le gouvernement.
Italie: Assemblée Générale chez Monte dei Paschi di Siena: les associations d'actionnaires salariés s'entendent pour voter une proposition en opposition au management. Il est temps pour l'Italie de se doter d'une législation adaptée.
Maroc: Nouvelle législation pour les plans d'épargne salariale en 2013.
Pays-Bas: Arcadis (20.000 salariés dans 20 pays) change son fusil d'épaule pour ses plans d'actionnariat salarié multinationaux: trop compliqué et trop coûteux d'adapter les plans aux multiples législations nationales, désormais ce sera la même chose pour tous.
Pologne: Les Autorités Portuaires veulent racheter les actions détenues par les salariés.
Royaume Uni: Le Chancelier George Osborne lance l'idée d'un nouveau type de contrat de "salarié-propriétaire" ("employee-owner"): les salariés recevront  des actions de leur entreprise à condition de renoncer à une série de dispositions du droit du travail, dans le cadre de ce contrat d'emploi d'un nouveau type. Tempête de polémiques! Réduire les droits du travail en échange d'actions?
D'autre part, le Gouvernement a annoncé une foule de décisions pour renforcer le secteur sous contrôle d'actionnariat salarié. L'établissement d'un Institut pour l'Actionnariat Salarié, un modèle "prêt à l'emploi" pour les entreprises sous contrôle d'actionnariat salarié, un travail de révision des incitants fiscaux pour l'actionnariat salarié, un guide pratique pour faciliter les reprises d'entreprises par les salariés, une évaluation des obstacles au financement des entreprises sous contrôle d'actionnariat salarié.
USA: L'enquête annuelle révèle une progression des entreprises d'actionnariat salarié de type ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) en 2011.
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  Für Oktober 2012 trafen wir eine Auswahl von 56 bemerkenswerten Artikeln aus 14 Ländern: Österreich, Kanada, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Irland, Italien, Marokko, die Niederlande, Polen, Spanien, Großbritannien, USA, Zimbabwe.
Österreich: Vizekanzler Michael Spindeleggers will die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im Rahmen seiner "25 Ideen für Österreich" fördern.
Kanada: Ein neuer Investmentfond zur Förderung von Mitarbeiter-Buyouts über Genossenschaften in Quebec.
Finnland: Private Vermögen sind gut für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Finnland; Ausländer dürfen steuerlich gegenüber Finnen nicht benachteiligt werden, urteilt ein Gericht.
Frankreich: Ein erfolgreicher neuer Beteiligungsplan bei Capgemini, wo die Mitarbeiter mit 7% Anteilsvolumen größter Gesellschafter sind. Höhere Besteuerung wird Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bei Start Ups erschweren. Die Mitarbeiterersparnis steigt 2012, aber die höhere Besteuerung wird negativ wirken. Die kostenlose Ausgabe von Aktien ist begehrter als Aktienoptionen. Es ist an der Zeit für Mitarbeiter-Buyouts. Eine große Anzahl von Unternehmen wurde durch Mitarbeiter-Genossenschaften gerettet.
Deutschland: Der katholische Bischoff Losinger spricht sich für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung aus. Die RWE- Gruppe hat eine lange Tradition der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung.
Irland: Arbeiter der ESB messen ihrem 5%-Anteil den halben Wert zu, den die Regierung ansetzt.
Italien: Hauptversammlung bei Monte dei Paschi di Siena: ADAMP teilt die Sichtweise von Azione MPS und stimmt für einen anderen Vorschlag als das Management. Mehr als 3.500 Stimmen für ein System der individuellen Beteiligung: Es ist an der Zeit für ein gesondertes Gesetz in Italien.
Marokko: Eine neue Gesetzgebung ermutigt die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung für 2013.
Niederland: Arcadis (20.000 Mitarbeiter in 20 Ländern) ändert seine Sichtweise über multinationale Beteiligungsmodelle: Es ist zu schwierig und zu teuer, Beteiligungsmodelle auf die Rechtsverhältnisse in unterschiedlichen Staaten auszurichten.
Polen: Die Hafenbehörden wollen Aktien von den Mitarbeitern zurückkaufen.
Spanien: Sociedades laborales sind ein effektives Modell für Neugründungen und für Unternehmensübergaben: eine gute Darstellung auf Französisch.
Großbritannien: Kanzler George Osborne kündigt einen neuen "Mitarbeiter-Gesellschafter"-Vertrag an: Mitarbeiter sollen Anteile erhalten und dafür auf Arbeitnehmerrechte verzichten. Ein Sturm der Entrüstung! Würden Sie auf Ihre Rechte zu Gunsten von Beteiligungen verzichten?
Auf der anderen Seite will die britische Regierung die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung fördern. Die Pläne beinhalten, ob ein unabhängiges Institut für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung gegründet werden soll, einen Generalplan für ein Beteiligungsmodell, Handlungsempfehlungen der steuerlichen Behandlung von Beteiligungsmodellen, ein Leitfaden für Mitarbeiter auch zu Fragen der Unternehmensübernahme durch Mitarbeiter zu erarbeiten und gemeinsam mit der John Lewis-Gesellschaft die Hindernisse zur Unterstützung der Privatwirtschaft von Unternehmen in Mitarbeitereigentum zu untersuchen.
USA: Einige neue Unternehmen mit ESOP. Unternehmen mit Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) sahen 2011 einen Aufschwung, mit steigenden Aktienkursen, Unterstützung der Unternehmenslenker und höherer Produktivität.
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56 articoli in 14 Paesi nella rassegna di Ottobre 2012: Austria, Canada, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Marocco, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Spagna, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.
Austria: Il Vice Cancelliere Michael Spindeleggers promuove l’azionariato dei dipendenti nelle sue "25 idee per l’Austria".
Canada: Nuovo fondo di investimento per la promozione dell’acquisizione di imprese attraverso cooperative di lavoratori nel Quebec
Finlandia: I fondi di azionariato dipendenti sono un buon veicolo per la partecipazione: il Tribunale ha stabilito che I partecipanti esteri non devono essere dicriminati fiscalmente.
Francia: Nuovo piano azionario di successo in CAP Gemini, I cui dipendenti sono or ail maggior azionista con il 7%. Maggiori imposte disincentivano la partecipazione nelle nuove start-ups. Si distribuiscono sempre più azioni gratuite invece di stock options. Sono tempi di acquisizioni da parte dei dipendenti: varie operazioni di salvataggio con cooperative di lavoro.
Germania: Il vescovo cattolico Losinger a favore dell’azionariato dipendenti. RWE Group ha una lunga tradizione nell’azionariato dipendenti.
Irlanda: I dipendenti ESB valutano la loro quota del 5% nella società partecipata dallo stato la metà di quanto la valuta il governo.
Italia: Assemblea Straordinaria del Monte dei Paschi di Siena: l’associazione dei dipendenti ADAMP condivide l’intervento di Azione MPS, e vota una proposta contraria a quelle del Consiglio di Amministrazione. Più di 3500 deleghe di voto, un sistema basato sull’azionariato individuale: è ora che in Italia si faccia una legge.
Marocco: Nuove leggi per la promozione di Employee Savings Plans nel 2013.
Paesi Bassi: Arcadis (20.000 dipendenti in 20 stati) cambia idea sui piani di azionariato multinazionali: troppo difficile e troppo costoso adattarsi alle diverse legislazioni nazionali.
Polonia: Le Autorità Portuali vogliono ricomprarsi le azioni dei dipendenti
Spain: Sociedades laborales sono un modello che funziona sia per nuove attività che per trasferire le aziende; una buona descrizione in francese.
Regno Unito: Il Cancelliere George Osborne ha annunciate il nuovo contratto "employee-owner": si danno azioni ai dipendenti in cambio della rinuncia ad alcuni diritti in un nuovo inquadramento contrattuale. Polemiche a valanga! Chi vorrebbe scambiare diritti di lavoro per azioni?
Il Governo britannico annuncia i suoi piani per il rilancio del settore delle imprese partecipate dai dipendenti come motore della ripresa. L’istituzione di un “Centro per l’azionariato dei dipendenti” non governativo, un modello “pronto all’uso” per costituire imprese possedute dai dipendenti, l’esamen delle politiche di incentivo fiscale, una guida per dipendenti e datori di lavoro per richiedere e concordare l’acquisizione di aziende da parte dei dipendenti, e la valutazione degli ostacoli al finanziamento di questo tipo di imprese nel settore privato.
USA: Le società ESOP (Employee stock ownership plan) vedono un miglioramento nel 2011, con migliorati valori azionari e miglioramento di produttività.

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We made a selection of 56 remarkable articles in 14 countries in October 2012: Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.

AT   1 - 25 Ideen für Österreich
             format.at - 30 oct. 2012
             Wirklich innovativ sind seine Vorstellungen von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, F&E-Förderung oder intelligenter Privatisierung nicht. Radikale Entstaubung und ...
CA   2 - Executives' rich pay raises concerns about stock options
             Globe and Mail - Oct 7, 2012
             Corporate executives, despite fancy titles like CEO and CFO, are really just hired help for the owners of companies. So here is a question: Are the hired help at the top of the corporate food chain helping themselves to too much of the wealth that ...
CA   3 - Coopération et mutualité - À la rescousse des PME
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 5 oct. 2012
             ... peu connue qu'est la coopérative de travailleurs-actionnaires où des employés deviennent actionnaires de leur entreprise avec un ou des partenaires privés.
CA   4 - Création de Co-investissement coop
             Courrier Sud - 18 oct. 2012
             Elle s'adresse aux coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires, aux coopératives de travailleurs et de producteurs, aux coopératives de solidarité et à celles de ...
DE   5 - Weihbischof Losinger für Belegschaftsaktien
             domradio - nachrichten - 8 oct. 2012
             Belegschaftsaktien könnten zu mehr Gerechtigkeit beitragen. ... Als ein nachahmwürdiges Beispiel nennt er Belegschaftsaktien, bei denen Mitarbeiter die Aktien ...
DE   6 - „Es spielt keine Rolle, ob die Aktie 80 oder 35 EUR kostet“
             GoingPublic - 16 oct. 2012
             So wollte man vermeiden, dass die Essener Grugahalle als Ort der Hauptversammlung für die Belegschaftsaktionäre nicht genügend Platz bieten würde.
ES   7 - Espagne: la Sociedad Anónima Laboral (SAL) comme inspiration ...
             Recma - 8 oct. 2012
             Le modèle des SAL est adapté à la création de petites et moyennes entreprises. C'est aussi une formule favorisant la reprise d'entreprises par les salariés.
FI   8 - Foreign Personnel Fund Cannot Be Discriminated In Taxation
             Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - 9 oct. 2012
             A personnel fund (in Finnish "henkilöstörahasto") is often a functional and tax efficient way to reward employees. The use of personnel funds in ...
FR   9 - Succès du deuxième plan d'actionnariat salarié de Capgemini
             TF1 - 4 oct. 2012
             Succès du deuxième plan d'actionnariat salarié de Capgemini ... désormais parmi les toutes premières sociétés du CAC 40 en termes d'actionnariat salarié ».
FR   10 - Les salariés de Capgemini, premiers actionnaires du groupe
             L'Usine Nouvelle - 4 oct. 2012
             "Nous figurons désormais parmi les toutes premières sociétés du CAC 40 en terme d'actionnariat salarié", s'est félicité le PDG Paul Hermelin dans un ...
FR   11 - Face aux «pigeons», Bercy recule mais pas trop
             Le Figaro - 4 oct. 2012
             Le gouvernement promet par ailleurs de réfléchir aux conséquences de ces mesures sur l'actionnariat salarié et les stock-options. «On a eu l'impression que les ...
FR   12 - Transmission : la reprise en crise
             L'Union - 9 oct. 2012
             Le contexte de crise favorise plutôt les reprises d'entreprises par les salariés. Du coup, les prix ont tendance à baisser », souligne l'expert-comptable Frédéric ...
FR   13 - Epargne salariale: "Les entreprises vont réduire leurs efforts"
             La Tribune.fr - 15 oct. 2012
             INTERVIEW -Guillaume Prache, vice-président de la Fédération des associations indépendantes de défense des épargnants pour la retraite (FAIDER), réagit à ...
FR   14 - Epargne salariale : les encours continuent de progresser
             Boursorama - 16 oct. 2012
             Les encours des fonds d'actionnariat salarié, stables au cours du premier semestre, représentent les 36,5 % restants. L'AFG souligne une progression toujours ...
FR   15 - Les actions gratuites de plus en plus préférées aux stock-options
             Les Échos - 18 oct. 2012
             L'actionnariat salarié reste plébiscité mais son essor souffre de la crise. L'âge d'or des stock-options est bien révolu. Selon une enquête menée par le cabinet ...
FR   16 - France Telecom-Orange : Résultats financiers S3 2012
             Espace Datapresse - 25 oct. 2012
             La CFE-CGC/UNSA et l'ADEAS (Association pour la Défense de l'Épargne et de l'Actionnariat des Salariés de France Télécom-Orange) l'ont régulièrement ...
FR   17 - A Corbeil-Essonnes, les relations ambiguës de la mairie et de l ...
             Blog Le Monde (Blog) - 25 oct. 2012
             En six mois, ce que les dirigeants du groupe Québécor qualifiaient de "marmite rouge socialiste" tenue par la CGT, est devenue une Scop détenue à 51 % par ...
FR   18 - Fontanille : un pas de plus vers la SCOP
             Zoomdici.fr - 26 oct. 2012
             La situation est donc limpide, il ne reste plus qu'un projet concret dans les tuyaux, c'est celui de la Société Coopérative et Participative (ndlr : SCOP), à l'initiative ...
FR   19 - Bataille autour d'un projet de Scop : Hamon soutient les salariés de ...
             Les Échos - 28 oct. 2012
             Le projet des salariés de la SET est soutenu par la région, à travers un fonds spécialisé dans la reprise d'entreprise par les salariés, mais aussi par Oséo et ...
FR   20 - L'administrateur salarié peut-il devenir la nouvelle coqueluche des ...
             Les Échos - 29 oct. 2012
             Avec le développement de l'actionnariat salarié - aujourd'hui ils sont 3,5 millions d'actionnaires salariés français de sociétés cotées, soit 3 fois plus qu'il y a dix ...
FR   21 - Les actionnaires salariés de France Télécom s'alarment des ...
             Tout sur les placements - 29 oct. 2012
             Ils les qualifient de « fortement dissuasives » et les considèrent comme une véritable menace contre l'actionnariat salarié en France. A l'image du mouvement ...
IE   22 - Workers halve ESB's value with €94m stake price
             Irish Independent - Oct 29, 2012
             Now new figures show that trading in ESB shares held by around 10,000 workers and pensioners through an employee share participation programme (ESOP) has cast serious doubts on the value of the business. Employees were prepared to pay just €1 a ...
IT   23 - Ass. Consumatori Utenti: la Provincia venda le azioni di Marche ...
             Vivere Pesaro - 7 oct. 2012
             ... pubblicati nel 2011 nello studio promosso dall'European Federation of Employee Share Ownership (la Federazione europea dell'azionariato dei dipendenti), ...
IT   24 - Azione banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
             Conapa MPS - 8 oct. 2012
             In questa Assemblea i Piccoli Azionisti hanno per la prima volta utilizzato le nuove norme del TUF derivanti dalla Direttiva Europea "Diritti degli Azionisti", presentando una proposta concorrente con quella del Consiglio di Amministrazione...
IT   25 - MPS in odore di grandi cambiamenti. Count down all'Assemblea di ...
             Teleborsa - 8 oct. 2012
             Ma ora è sul piede di guerra anche Azione MPS, che aderisce al Coordinamento Nazionale delle Associazioni di Piccoli Azionisti, Conapa.
IT   26 - Mps: da piccoli azionisti no a poteri straordinari al Cda
             Agenzia di Stampa Asca - 8 oct. 2012
             (ASCA) - Roma, 8 ott - Azione Mps, aderente al Coordinamento Nazionale delle Associazioni di Piccoli Azionisti, Conapa, sara' presente ...
IT   27 - Assemblea del Monte dei Paschi, sindacati in protesta
             La Nazione - 9 oct. 2012
             Applauditissimo anche l'intervento del rappresentante dell'Adamp, l'associazione che raccoglie i dipendenti-azionisti e pensionati-azionisti, e anche quello ...
IT   28 - Produttivita': imprese, incentivare azionariato dipendenti
             Agenzia di Stampa Asca - 11 oct. 2012
             Produttivita': imprese, incentivare azionariato dipendenti. 11 Ottobre 2012 - 13:06. (ASCA) - Roma, 11 ott - Incentivare l'azionariato dei dipendenti. I datori di ...
MA   29 - Plans d'épargne entreprise : les spécialistes s'attendent à peu d ...
             La Vie Éco - 31 oct. 2012
             A ce titre, 38 opérations pour encourager l'épargne salariale ont été réalisées sur le marché marocain de 2004 à 2011. 36 d'entre elles ont été effectuées par ...
NL   30 - ARCADIS kiest wereldwijd voor 1 regeling
             SNPI - 19 oct. 2012
             Arcadis heeft werknemers in twintig landen, en bij de nieuwe regeling voor werknemersaandeelhouderschap heeft het bedrijf ervoor gekozen om het overal ...
PL   31 - Port Szczecin-Świnoujście zamierza wykupić akcje pracownicze spółki
             Puls Biznesu - 11 oct. 2012
             "Przeprowadzona w ostatnim czasie analiza możliwości finansowych ZMPSiŚ pozwala określić datę rozpoczęcia szerokiego programu wykupu przez spółkę ...
UK   32 - Chancellor announces new tax-advantaged employee ownership regime
             Out-Law.com - Oct 8, 2012
             Under the new regime, employers will be able to give shares to employee-owners with a value of between £2,000 and £50,000. In exchange, the employee could be asked to give up rights in relation to unfair dismissal, redundancy, the right to request ...
UK   33 - No capital gains tax on employee share ownership in new scheme
             MyIntroducer.com - Oct 8, 2012
             Employee-owners receiving full capital gains tax relief on the shares awarded as part of their contract will still be eligible for existing employee share ownership schemes such as the Enterprise Management Incentive. George Osborne said of the scheme, ...
UK   34 - Employee-owners contract: would you trade your employment rights for shares?
             Real Business - Oct 9, 2012
             Presenting the employee-owners contract in a keynote speech at the Conservative Party conference on Monday, the chancellor promoted the idea of a “fair” society where, “those who put something in should get something out.” Osborne outlined a “radical ...
UK   35 - The fundamental problem with Osborne's employee ownership plan
             FT.com (blog) - Oct 9, 2012
             When the company is sold, or floated, there would be a bonanza for the employee-owners. But how many companies end up on the stock market? A tiny, tiny minority. Others may be bought by private equity or a bigger rival; then there could also be a ...
UK   36 - CBI and Sainsbury bosses slam chancellor's employee ownership
             FoodManufacture.co.uk - Oct 9, 2012
             Major manufacturing firms are unlikely to be tempted by chancellor George Osborne's flagship employee ownership policy announced at the Conservative Party Conference, says the UK's leading business organisation. Sainsbury's chief executive Justin King ...
UK   37 - J Sainsbury chief executive calls for simple share plans
             Employee Benfits - Oct 10, 2012
             Share plans should be made as simple and straightforward as possible, said Justin King, chief executive at J Sainsbury, during the keynote address at the IFS Proshare employee share plans conference...
UK   38 - Osborne's announcement is a big boost to employee ownership scheme
             The Guardian - Oct 10, 2012
             Employee ownership is now being embraced as the most prominent alternative to the over-dominant PLC model and its inherent short-termism. It is a growing economic force in the UK. More businesses are pursuing this option – with the number doing so up ...
UK   39 - US group criticises shares-for-rights plan
             Financial Times - Oct 12, 2012
             Corey Rosen, the group's founder, told the Financial Times he was an “unabashed advocate of employee ownership” who spent his career making the case for workers to own stock and options. “There is a lot of employee ownership in our country,” he said.
UK   40 - Jeff Salway: Osborne's employee share ownership scheme a no-brainer
             Scotsman - Oct 13, 2012
             While employee share ownership has plenty going for it, the risks are considerable. Putting your savings and employment in the same basket has obvious dangers, but it was startling in the wake of the 2008 bailouts how many staff had done exactly that.
UK   41 - The case against Osborne's employee-owners
             London Loves Business - Oct 15, 2012
             The Tories have come up with a plan to reduce the burden of employment law on businesses. Their grand ideas is a 'shares for rights' swap, which means employers can offer workers shares in the business if they accept reduced protections covering things ...
UK   42 - Dangers lurk in new contracts
             The Lawyer - Oct 15, 2012
             Chancellor George Osborne last week unveiled proposals to increase employee share ownership by enabling employers to offer a new kind of employment contract called an employee-owner. Under the ... We will not know the full story until the details are ...
UK   43 - Laywers dismiss Osborne's shares for rights plans
             Workplace Savings & Benefits - Oct 19, 2012
             Employee ownership proposals that would take away some workers' rights in exchange for company shares have been widely criticised by leading law firms. The first full consultation on the plans has been released by the Department for Business Innovation ...
UK   44 - BIS consults on Osborne's employee ownership proposals
             Workplace Savings & Benefits - Oct 25, 2012
             The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has opened a consultation on implementing the contract, in which employees would be given between £2,000 and £50,000 worth of shares in return for giving up certain employment rights. It stated: "This ...
UK   45 - Employee ownership organisation rejects "employee-owner" plans
             New Statesman - Oct 30, 2012
             The Employee Ownership Organisation, which represents employee-owned businesses "contributing some £30bn to the UK economy each year", has written an open letter to Jo Swinson, the incoming Minister for Employment Relations, Consumer and Postal ...
UK   46 - British Government's action to boost employee ownership sector approved
             Department for Business, Innovation & Skills - Oct 30, 2010
            The Government wants to help boost the size of the employee-owned sector, by ensuring employee ownership is more widely understood and easier to establish...
UK   47 - Government to support more businesses to become employee-owned
             HRmagazine.co.uk - Oct 31, 2012
             Responding to recommendations made by independent Government advisor Graeme Nuttall in his independent review of the sector, the Government has approved plans for a range of activity that will help to grow the number of businesses that convert to the ...
UK   48 - Government sets out plans to boost employee ownership
             Employee Benefits - Oct 31, 2012
             An off-the-shelf model for setting up an employee-owned business. Work to examine the guidance on tax issues relating to employee ownership. A guide for staff and employers to request and agree an employee-ownership takeover. Work with the John ...
UK   49 - Fife paper firm Tullis Russell targets global growth
             BBC News - Oct 31, 2012
             The employee-owned group said it was seeking to "steadily increase" its current annual turnover of £166m. It aims to target core markets in Europe and secure more business in the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. The group employs ...
UK   50 - Government launches new employee ownership plans
             Financial Times - Nov 2, 2012
             ... for employment relations, on October 30, include the establishment of an “implementation group”, a consultation on the viability of an independent institution for employee ownership, and the development of “off-the-shelf” templates for employee ...
US   51 - Wawa Celebrates 20th ESOP Anniversary
             CSPnet.com - Oct 1, 2012
             WAWA, Pa. -- Wawa Inc. has announced it will celebrate its commitment to employee ownership through a variety of activities during October's National Employee Ownership Month; 2012 is a milestone year for Wawa, marking 35 years since it began sharing ...
US   52 - Shawver family transfers Shawver Well ownership to ESOP
             The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines (blog) - Oct 8, 2012
             The founding family of one of Iowa's largest and oldest water well companies has transferred ownership to employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Shawver Well of Fredericksburg is 75 years old, and employs 35 owner-stockholders at three ...
US   53 - ESOP Companies Report 2011 Economic Upturn
             Planadviser.com - Oct 15, 2012
             October 15, 2012 --- Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) companies saw an economic upturn in 2011, with continued increased share value, support among company leaders and better productivity. ---. Since the Employee Ownership Foundation's first ...
US   54 - Vubiz Launches Employee Share Ownership Plan Elearning
             PR Web (press release) - Oct 18, 2012
             Vubiz has created three new programs covering this important issue: The Fundamentals of Employee Share Ownership Plans for Owners; The Fundamentals of ESOP for Advisers; The Fundamentals of Ownership Thinking. The Fundamentals of Ownership Thinking ...
US   55 - Now Is the Best Time for an ESOP
             CFO.com Magazine - Oct 19, 2012
             Now Is the Best Time for an ESOP. The higher capital-gains tax rate expected to take effect January 1 means that creating an employee stock ownership plan before year-end will produce significant savings. David McCann. Article; Comments (0) ... The ...
ZW   56 - FMI Indigenised - Govt
             AllAfrica.com - Oct 25, 2012
             Contrary to the workers' claims - that FMI Zimbabwe failed to establish an Employee Share Ownership Scheme as part of the terms for the sale agreement with BP-Shell - Government has said a trust was registered. Government said this in an opposing ...

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EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.