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  Much new information about employee ownership in September 2011, with 1.466 articles in this press review (on which 414 involving stock options and 389 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of 41 remarkable articles in 11 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, India, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.
Canada: The model of "employee shareholders cooperatives" for business transmissions in SMEs.

France: Bouygues' share repurchase offer will benefit to employees which hold 20% of the company's share capital. New employee share plan for Suez Environnement. British-based Gripple successfully promotes employee ownership in its French subsidiary. Tenth issue of the French Annual Barometer of Employee Savings published by Altedia and BNP Paribas: 82% of employees and 88% of enterprises in 2011 consider employee share ownership positively. CFDT Union proposes to set up a workers cooperative to rescue SeaFrance ferries.
Germany: Two new research works about employee ownership and participation in Germany, in Austria and Switzerland.
India: A recent report reveals that ESOPs are being increasingly used by Indian companies.
Ireland: Possible changes for Aer Lingus, the Irish State retaining a 25 per cent stake while the employee share ownership trust owns a further 14 per cent of the shares.
Italy: Italy's central bank criticised the excessive influence employee shareholders held over the mutual bank's strategy in Banca Popolare di Milano. On the other hand, Italy was still unable to implement adequate legislation for employee ownership as other European countries did, which fragilizes Italy's position.
Spain: A Basque Country-based cooperative of the Mondragon Group manufacturing polymer automotive components has announced its agreement to buy a 50% stake into Indian business. Employee shareholders of Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) hold 30% of the fifth world producer of railway systems.
Tunisia: Tunisian Minister of Finance pleads for employee ownership.
UK: Employee-owned John Lewis group battered by financial crisis. Education and training provider Prospects Group is to become an employee-owned mutual. Since the UK employee ownership index (EOI), which monitors the share price performance of listed companies that are over 10% owned by employees, started in 1992, employee-owned companies have outperformed FTSE All-Share companies by an average of 11% each year. Labour and Conservatives singing the praises of employee owned businesses as the future of British enterprise.
USA: Pro-ESOP bill introduced in Senate. Results from the 20th Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) companies show that ESOPs have seen an upturn over the past year, even amid slow economic recovery.
Zimbabwe: Debates about "indigenisation" plans through employee share ownership: Defy to understanding or boost workers incomes in the long run?
The full press review lists 1.466 articles, on which 400 in the USA, 207 in Argentina, 168 in France, 149 in the UK, 98 in India, 91 in Spain, 53 in Germany, 50 in Italy, 50 in Colombia, 24 in Brazil, 23 in Canada, 16 in South Africa, 14 in Jordan, 12 in Ireland, 12 in Zimba bwe, 10 in Poland, 8 in Australia, 8 in Pakistan, 7 in Chile, 6 in The Netherlands, 5 in Austria, 5 in Belgium, 5 in New Zealand, 4 in Switzerland, 3 in Mexico, 3 in Norway, 3 in Paraguay, 3 in Peru, 3 in Russia, 2 in China, 2 in Costarica, 2 in Finland, 2 in Malaysia, 2 in Philippines, 2 in Sweden, and 1 in Arab Emirates,  Barbados, Cuba, Egypt, Jamaica, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Taiwan, Tanzania, Trinidad, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en septembre 2011, avec 1.466 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 414 impliquant les stock-options et 389 sur les coopératives de salariés).  Notre sélection propose 41 articles remarquables dans 11 pays: Allemagne, Canada, Espagne, France, Irlande, Inde, Italie, Royaume Uni, Tunisie, USA, Zimbabwe.
Allemagne: Deux nouvelles études sur l'état de l'actionnariat salarié en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Autriche.

Canada: Le modèle des "coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires" pour la transmission d'entreprises dans les PME.
Espagne: Une coopérative basque du Groupe Mondragon spécialisée dans l'automobile prend une participation de 50% dans un équipementier indien. Les actionnaires salariés de Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) détiennent 30% du cinquième producteur mondial de matériel de chemins de fer.
France: Offre de rachat d'actions chez Bouygues: une bonne affaire pour les salariés qui détiennent 20% du groupe? Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Suez Environnement. Le britannique Gripple élargit l'actionnariat salarié dans sa filiale française. Dixième édition du Baromètre Annuel de l'Epargne Salariale par Altedia et BNP Paribas: l'actionnariat salarié plébiscité en 2011. Le syndicat  CFDT Union propose une coopérative de travailleurs pour le sauvetage de SeaFrance.
Inde: Un rapport récent montre que les plans de stock options sont de plus en plus utilisés par les entreprises indiennes.

Irlande: Possible changement en vue pour Aer Lingus, l'Etat irlandais détenant toujours 25% et le trust d'actionnariat salarié 14% des actions.
Italie: La Banque d'Italie a critiqué l'influence excessive des actionnaires salariés sur la stratégie de Banca Popolare di Milano. D'autre part, l'Italie s'est montrée incapable jusqu'ici de mettre en place une législation favorable à l'actionnariat salarié, ce qui fragilise sa position.
Royaume Uni: Le groupe John Lewis rattrapé par la crise financière. Le groupe Prospects spécialisé dans les services de formation et d'éducation va passer sous le contrôle des salariés. Depuis le lancement en 1992 de l'Indice boursier de l'actionnariat salarié (Employee Ownership Index - EOI), celui-ci surperforme l'indice FTSE All-Share de 11% en moyenne chaque année. Parti Conservateur et Travaillistes se rejoignent pour voir dans l'actionnariat salarié le futur de l'entreprise britannique.
Tunisie: Le Ministre des Finances plaide pour l'actionnariat salarié.
USA: Une nouvelle proposition de législation pro-ESOP introduite au Sénat. 20ème rapport annuel sur les résultats des entreprises d'actionnariat salarié ESOP: redressement en 2010, en dépit de la faiblesse générale.
Zimbabwe: Débats à propos des plans d'"indigénisation" à base d'actionnariat salarié: vers une catastrophe économique ou des nouveaux lendemains qui chantent?
La revue de presse complète compte 1.466 articles, dont 400 aux USA, 207 en Argentine, 168 en France, 149 en Grande Bretagne, 98 en Inde, 91 en Espagne, 53 en Allemagne, 50 en Italie, 50 en Colombie, 24 au Brésil, 23 au Canada, 16 en Afrique du Sud, 14 en Jordanie, 12 en Irlande, 12 au  Zimba bwe, 10 en Pologne, 8 en Australie, 8 au Pakistan, 7 au Chili, 6 aux Pays-Bas, 5 en Autriche, 5 en Belgique, 5 en Nouvelle Zélande, 4 en Suisse, 3 au Mexique, 3 en Norvège, 3 au Paraguay, 3 au Pérou, 3 en Russie, 2 en Chine, 2 au Costa Rica, 2 en Finlande, 2 en Malaisie, 2 aux Philippines, 2 en Suède, et 1 aux Emirats Arabes, Barbade, Cuba, Egypte, Jamaïque, Kenya, Rwanda, Sénégal, Taiwan, Tanzanie, Trinidad, Tunisie, Uruguay, Venezuela.
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  Mit 1.488 Artikeln gibt es wieder viele neue Informationen über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im September 2011 in dieser Presseschau (von denen 414 über Aktienoptionen und 389 von Arbeitnehmer-Genossenschaften handeln). Wir haben eine Auswahl von 41 bemerkenswerten Artikel aus 11 Ländern: Kanada, Frankreich, Deutschland, Irland, Indien, Italien, Spanien, Tunesien, Großbritannien, USA, Zimbabwe.
Deutschland: Es gibt zwei neue Forschungsarbeiten über die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Deutschland, in Österreich und der Schweiz.
Frankreich: Das Aktienrückkaufangebot von Bouygues an die Mitarbeiter, die 20% des Aktienkapitals halten, lässt diese profitieren. Ein neues Beteiligungsprogramm bei Suez Umwelttechnik. Das englische Unternehmen Gripple fördert die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in seiner französischen Tochtergesellschaft. Es wurde die zehnte Ausgabe des französischen jährlichen Barometers über Mitarbeiterersparnisse von Altedia und BNP Paribas veröffentlicht: 82% der Beschäftigten und 88% der Unternehmen im Jahr 2011 betrachten die Kapitalbeteiligung positiv. Die Gewerkschaft CFDT schlägt die Einrichtung eines Arbeiter-Genossenschaft zur Rettung von SeaFrance Fähren vor.
Indien: Ein kürzlich veröffentlichter Bericht zeigt, dass ESOPs zunehmend durch indische Unternehmen eingesetzt werden.
Irland: Mögliche Änderungen für Aer Lingus: der irische Staat behält seinen 25 Prozent-Anteil, während die Kapitalbeteiligung der Mitarbeiter um weitere 14 Prozent ansteigt.
Italien: Italiens Zentralbank kritisiert den übermäßigen Einfluss von Belegschaftsaktionären auf die Rentenstrategie der Banca Popolare di Milano. Was die italienische Position schwächt: Italien war immer noch nicht in der Lage, eine ausreichende Gesetzgebung für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, wie in anderen europäischen Ländern geschehen, umzusetzen.
Kanada: Das Modell der "Belegschaftsaktionäre in Genossenschaften" zur Übertragungen von Geschäftsanteilen an KMU.
Spanien: Eine baskische Genossenschaft, die Teil der Mondragon-Gruppe ist und polymere Teile für die Automobilwirtschaft fertigt, will eine 50%-Beteiligung an einer indischen Unternehmung erwerben. Mitarbeiteraktionäre der Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) halten 30% der Gesellschaft, die weltweit den fünften Rang in der Herstellung von Eisenbahnsystemen belegt.
Tunesien: Tunesiens Finanzminister setzt sich für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung ein.
UK: Die im Mitarbeiterbesitz befindliche John Lewis Gruppe ist durch die Finanzkrise angeschlagen. Der Anbieter von Dienstleistungen im Bereich Aus-und Weiterbildung Prospects Group ist in Mitarbeitereigentum übergegangen. Der Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsaktienindex (Employee ownership index / EOI), der die Kursentwicklung von börsennotierten Unternehmen mit über 10% Mitarbeiteranteil seit 1992 betrachtet, hat den FTSE All-Share-Index um durchschnittlich 11% pro Jahr übertroffen. Labour und die Konservativen singen ein Loblied auf Mitarbeiter geführte Unternehmen als Zukunft britischer Unternehmen.
USA: Der Pro-ESOP Gesetzentwurf wurde im Senat eingebracht. Ergebnisse aus dem 20. Wirtschaftsgutachten über ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) Unternehmen zeigen, dass ESOPs einen Aufschwung im vergangenen Jahr erfahren haben, auch wenn sich die Wirtschaft nur langsam erholt.
Zimbabwe: Debatten über "Naturalisierungspläne“ durch Belegschaftsaktien: Dem Verständnis trotzen oder Arbeitnehmereinkünfte auf lange Sicht stärken?
Der vollständige Pressespiegel beinhaltet 1.466 Artikel, von denen 400 aus den USA, 207 aus Argentinien, 168 aus Frankreich, 149 aus Großbritannien, 98 aus Indien, 91 aus Spanien, 53 aus Deutschland, 50 aus Italien, 50 aus Kolumbien, 24 aus Brasilien, 23 aus Kanada, 16 aus Südafrika, 14 aus Jordanien, 12 aus Irland, 12 aus Zimbabwe, 10 aus Polen, 8 aus Australien, 8 aus Pakistan, 7 aus Chile, 6 aus den Niederlanden, 5 aus Österreich, 5 aus Belgien, 5 aus Neuseeland, 4 aus der Schweiz, 3 aus Mexiko, 3 aus Norwegen, 3 aus Paraguay, 3 aus Peru, 3 aus Russland, 2 aus China, 2 aus Kostarika , 2 aus Finnland, 2 aus Malaysia, 2 aus Philippinen, 2 aus Schweden und 1 aus den Arabischen Emiraten, Barbados, Kuba, Ägypten, Jamaika, Kenia, Ruanda, Senegal, Taiwan, Tansania, Trinidad, Tunesien, Uruguay, Venezuela stammen.
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   1466 articoli nel mese di Settembre, di cui 414 sulle stock options e 389 sulle cooperative di lavoro. La nostra selezione è di 41 articoli in 11 Stati: Canada, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, India, Italia, Spagna, Tunisia, Regno Unito, USA, Zimbabwe.
Canada: Il modello delle “cooperative di azionisti dipendenti” per la succession di impresa nelle PMI.
Francia: L’acquisto di azioni proprie di Bouygues: un buon affare per i dipendenti che detengono il 20% del capitale? Nuovo piano azionario per Suez Environnement. La società britannica Gripple promuove con successo l’azionariato dei dipendenti nella sua filiale francese. Decima edizione del “Barometro Annuale francese del risparmio dei dipendenti” pubblicato da Altedia e BNP Paribas:l’ 82% dei dipendenti e l’88% delle Società considerano positivamente l’azionariato dei dipendenti nel 2011. Il sindacato CFDT propone la costituzione di una cooperativa per il salvataggio dei traghetti SeaFrance ferries.
Germania: Due nuove ricerche su azionariato dei dipendenti e partecipazione in Germania, Austria e Svizzera.
India: ESOP in costante crescita presso le Società indiane.
Irlanda: Cambi in vista per Aer Lingus, lo Stato ha ancora il 25% mentre il Trust dei dipendenti ne detiene il 14.
Italia: Bankitalia ha criticato l’eccessiva influenza dei dipendenti nella strategia dell Banca Popolare di Milano. D’altra parte in Italia non si riesce a mettere in piedi una legislazione  adeguata sull’azionariato dei dipendenti e la sua rappresentanza, come negli altri principali Stati Membri, indebolendo il Sistema Paese.
Spain: Cooperative basca del Gruppo Mondragon che opera nel settore auto ha annunciate l’acquisto del 50% di una società Indiana. I dipendenti azionisti della Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) detengono il 30% del quinto produttore mondiale di sistemi ferroviari.
Tunisia: Il ministro delle Finanze tunisino chiede l’azionariato dei dipendenti.
UK: Il gruppo John Lewis (100% proprietà dei dipendenti) alle prese con la crisi finanziaria. Prospects Group, società di formazione, diventerà una mutua fra dipendenti. Dall’istituzione dell’EOI, indice della performance borsistica delle imprese con oltre 10% di proprietà dei dipendenti, avviata nel 1992, risulta una sovra performance media annua dell’11% rispetto all’indice FTSE All-Share. Laburisti e conservatori cantano le lodi dell’azionariato dei dipendenti e delle cooperative come futuro dell’impresa britannica.
USA: Progetto di legge a favour degli ESOP in Senato. I risultati dal 20 ^ ”Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP companies” mostrano una ripresa, nonostante la debole ripresa economica.
Zimbabwe: Dibattito sulla “indigenizzazione” attraverso piani di azionariato collettivo: catastrophe economica o luminoso avvenire?
Gli articoli nella rassegna stampa complete sono  1.466 , di cui 400 negli USA, 207 in Argentina, 168 in Francia, 149 nel Regno Unito, 98 in India, 91 in Spagna, 53 in Germania, 50 in Italia, 50 in Colombia, 24 in Brasile, 23 in Canada, 16 in Sudafrica, 14 in Giordania, 12 in Irlanda, 12 in Zimba bwe, 10 in Polonia, 8 in Australia, 8 in Pakistan, 7 in Cile, 6 nei Paesi Bassi, 5 in Austria, 5 in Belgio, 5 in Nuova Zeland, 4 in Svizzera, 3 in Messico, 3 in Norvegia, 3 in Paraguay, 3 in Perù, 3 in Russia, 2 in Cina, 2 in Costarica, 2 in Finlandia, 2 in Malaysia, 2 nelle Filippine, 2 in Svezia, e 1 in Arab Emirates,  Barbados, Cuba, Egitto, Giamaica, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Taiwan, Tanzania, Trinidad, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela.

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remarkable articles in 11 countries in September 2011: Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, India, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.

CA   153 - Le patrimoine entrepreneurial en mutation
             Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 29 sept. 2011
             Desjardins veut intensifier ses efforts afin de se rallier l'appui financier du personnel de management et des coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires. ...
CA   66 - Le salut dans le capital collectif
             LesAffaires.com - 30 sept. 2011
             Luc Fournier demeure convaincu que le modèle des coopératives de travailleurs actionnaire (CTA), qui se veut un hybride entre l'entreprise incorporée et la ...
DE   1438 - Einkommen: Nur eine Minderheit der Mitarbeiter wird am Gewinn ...
             FOCUS Online - 5. Sept. 2011
             Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen bald wichtiger Die IAB-Forscher gehen davon aus, dass die Diskussion um Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen in Zukunft eine wichtigere Rolle ...
DE   192 - 9 Prozent der Mitarbeiter am Unternehmens-Gewinn beteilgt
             TarifeVerzeichnis - 29. Sept. 2011
             In der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise 2008/2009 wurde abgesehen von einzelnen Fällen die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung nicht verstärkt. ...
DE   90 - Großes Angebot an Mitarbeiteraktien
             VisAvis (Pressemitteilung) - 30. Sept. 2011
             Diese Angaben sind das Ergebnis der Studie „Aktienbasierte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz“. ...
ES   124 - Spanish auto supplier buys into Indian business
             ‎European Plastics News - Richard Higgs - 29 Sep 2011
             Employee-owned Cikautxo counts a number of global car manufacturers and component suppliers including VW, Daimler, Ford, Renault, Nissan, GM-Opel, ...
ES   237 - CAF: un groupe «stable» de 7500 salariés
             MaCommune.info - 28 sept. 2011
             Les bénéfices sont au rendez-vous et redistribués en partie aux 80% des salariés-actionnaires qui sont les premiers propriétaires du groupe avec 30% du ...
1257 - PSE : les syndicats ont aussi des idées de relance
             WK-CE - 8 sept. 2011
             Pour mettre à flot une société coopérative (Scop), chaque salarié sera invité à miser l'équivalent d'un mois de salaire. Mais le compte n'y sera pas. ...
FR   1251 - Bouygues: un rachat d'actions en béton armé
             Libération - 8 sept. 2011
             ... avant qu'ils ne puissent revendre) aux actionnaires: ceux qui ont acheté les titres en bourse, les salariés-actionnaires et ... les Bouygues eux-mêmes. ...
FR   1108 - SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT - Offre d'actionnariat réservée aux salariés
             Enviro2B - 12 sept. 2011
             ... entend profiter d'un titre ayant perdu 30% de sa valeur au premier semestre 2011 pour développer la politique d'actionnariat salarié du groupe. ...
FR   675 - Synthèse 2011 du Baromètre « Tendances épargne & Retraites ...
             News banques - 20 sept. 2011
             Désormais, 41% des salariés se disent bien informés sur l'actionnariat salarié. Ce résultat est le fruit d'une progression continue depuis l'origine du ...
FR   54 - Obernai Gripple Europe Les salariés adhèrentà l'actionnariat
             DNA - Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - 30 sept. 2011
             En dépit des revers boursiers de ces dernières semaines, l'actionnariat salarié fait son chemin. En Alsace, à Obernai, c'est un patron anglais qui fait ...
IE   1161 - Why EasyJet may bid for Aer Lingus
             Irish Independent - 10 Sep 2011
             In an unsuccessful effort to have the best of both worlds the State retained a 25 per cent stake while the employee share ownership trust owned a further 14 ...
IN   1191 - Raising their stock among employees
             Indian Express - 9 Sep 2011
             The software sector was one of the pioneers to introduce Employees Stock Options (Esops) in the 90s and, later, a host of sectors, such as financial ...
IN   600 - Not a soppy story
             Times of India - 21 Sep 2011
             A recent KPMG ESOP survey report titled 'Employee Stock Options/Equity Incentives-Industry Insights'reveals that ESOPs are being increasingly used as a ...
IT   1025 - BPM aims for cap hike, new governance by year-end
             Reuters - 13 Sep 2011
             After an inspection at the bank earlier this year, Italy's central bank had criticised the excessive influence BPM's employee shareholders held over the ...
IT   933 - All'Italia servono imprenditori che credono nelle proprie aziende
             Il Sole 24 Ore - 15 set 2011
             Lo stesso avviene a Londra, Francoforte e Parigi, mercati dove tra l'altro le imprese nazionali hanno un consistente azionariato dei dipendenti. ...
TN   1426 - Tunisie: Jalloul Ayed, «Une commission a été chargée de démanteler ...
             webmanagercenter - 5 sept. 2011
             Des salariés actionnaires, il n'ya rien de plus utile pour une entreprise qui veut percer. Ce modèle a réussi surtout dans les pays anglo-saxons et il ...
UK   1301 - New prospectus and certification for SAYE savings arrangements
             Out-Law.com - 7 Sep 2011
             SAYE is an HMRC-approved all-employee share option scheme that can be offered by employers to their employees. Participating employees make a fixed monthly ...
UK   945 - John Lewis battered by financial crisis
             The Guardian - 14 Sep 2011
             Charlie Mayfield, the employee-owned group's chairman, blamed discounting by rivals, increased capital expenditure on new stores and weak sentiment among ...
UK   879 - Field Fisher Waterhouse research: Employee-owned organisations are ...
             Employee Benefits - 15 Sep 2011
             Since The UK employee ownership index (EOI), which monitors the share price performance of listed organisations that are over 10% owned by employees, ...
UK   481 - Prospects Group becomes employee-owned
             ‎Children & Young People Now - Janaki Mahadevan - 23 Sep 2011
             ... so it is logical that all the shares in the newly created share company should be allocated to managers and staff, creating an employee-owned mutual. ...
UK   380 - Is employee ownership the answer to the skills shortage?
             ‎OilVoice (press release) - Maureen Burnside - 26 Sep 2011
             With both Labour and Conservatives singing the praises of employee owned businesses as the future of British enterprise, does this model ...
UK   216 - Halcrow bought by CH2M Hill
             ‎KHL Group - Sandy Guthrie - 28 Sep 2011
             Halcrow has 6000 employees and is owned by the Halcrow Trust and employee shareholders. Among its signature projects are High Speed 1 in the UK (also known ...
US   1274 - Senators Introduce Bill to Promote S-ESOPs
             ‎Accounting Today - Michael Cohn - 7 Sep 2011
             The bill aims to eliminate the barriers faced by businesses and their owners when establishing a new S corporation ESOP or expanding the employee ownership ...
US   1275 - Senate Introduces Bill to Grow Jobs, Retirement Savings & Employee ...
             PR Newswire (press release) - 7 Sep 2011
             7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- New legislation to spur employee-ownership of private companies was introduced late Tuesday by Senate Finance Committee Members Ben ...
US   1276 - Pro-ESOP Bill Introduced in Senate
             MarketWatch (press release) - 7 Sep 2011
             For additional information about S. 1512, please visit The ESOP Association's website, http://www.esopassociation.org/ and the Employee Ownership Blog, ...
US   1164 - Jeld-Wen's financial problems spill over on shareholders, past ...
             ‎OregonLive.com - Richard Read - 10 Sep 2011
             Since 1978, Jeld-Wen has maintained an "employee stock ownership plan," or ESOP -- enabling employees to buy company stock through paycheck deductions -- as ...
US   937 - ESOP Companies Report Positive 2010 Even Amid Slow Economic Recovery
             PR Newswire (press release) - 14 Sep 2011
             14, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Results from the Employee Ownership Foundation's 20th Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee stock ...
US   773 - Employee ownership offers pride, roots
             ‎Hartford Business - Brad Kane - 18 Sep 2011
             Standard-Knapp's employee ownership is set up differently than an ESOP. Employees pay a certain amount depending on their position to buy part-ownership of ...
US   607 - L.S. Starrett: A Cheap Company, Owned And Operated By Employees
             ‎Seeking Alpha - Saj Karsan - 21 Sep 2011
             Depending on the ESOP's rules, this could result in large stock sales that badly hurt the stock price. I also wouldn't go so far as to say there is perfect ...
US   300 - Spur U.S. retirement security, preserve and expand S-ESOPs
             The Hill (blog) - 27 Sep 2011
             A 2010 study I co-authored for the Employee-owned S Corporations of America (ESCA) found that S-ESOP firms were more resilient through 2008 in the face of ...
US   134 - 7 Common Questions About Startup Employee Stock Options
             ‎Mashable - Jim Wulforst - 29 Sep 2011
             Employee stock options are the most common among startup companies. The options give you the opportunity to purchase shares of your company's stock at a ...
US   18 - Retirement planning options for business owners
             Scottsboro Daily Sentinel - 30 Sep 2011
             There are numerous types of stock plans that you can offer to your employee, including employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), restricted stock plans, ...
ZW   1219 - Nestlé 'indigenisation' plan rejected
             Business Day - 8 Sep 2011
             ... the Nestlé Zimbabwe Pension Fund, while the remaining equity would go to the firm's employees under an employee ownership and empowerment scheme. ...
ZW   1014 - Zimbabwe: Indigenisation - Guarantee of a People's Human Rights
             AllAfrica.com - 13 Sep 2011
             Indigenisation laws seek to economically empower ordinary Zimbabweans through such mechanisms as community/employee share ownership schemes guaranteeing ...
ZW   775 - Zimbabwe gets ready for “indigenisation”
             ‎Financial Times (blog) - Tony Hawkins - 18 Sep 2011
             The insistence on majority local ownership, however it is achieved (whether through employee share ownership, community share ownership or even listing on ...
ZW   472 - Zimbabwe Companies Facing Indigenization Move to Empower Workers
             Voice of America - 23 Sep 2011
             Bulawayo Chamber of Commerce Chairman Isaac Mabuka said proposed employee share ownership schemes will boost worker incomes in the long run. ...
ZW   290 - Cleaning corporate culture
             New Zimbabwe.com - 27 Sep 2011
             We are keen advocates of employee ownership schemes. The colonial system dehumanised the working class in Zimbabwe. They were to be used and discarded when ...
ZW   109 - Aquarius Platinum To Submit New Zimbabwe Indigenization Plan This ...
             ‎Fox Business - Robb M. Stewart - 29 Sep 2011
             ... for foreign mining companies to sell at least 51% of shares in local assets to designated government entities or an employee share-ownership scheme. ...
ZW   108 - Zimbabwe: Indigenisation a Success - Chapfika
             ‎AllAfrica.com - Golden Sibanda - 29 Sep 2011
             ... has visited some of the mining communities to educate them on how they stand to benefit under community and employee share ownership schemes. ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien, néerlandais, polonais et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

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Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.