employee shareholders' rights in European companies
Which are the good practices? Which models, which obstacles
across Europe? Could it be more effective? A European Report
will be written with the support of the European Commission,
and a European Conference will be held in Rome in June 2010.
Employee Buyout Centre
The Australian Employee Buyout Centre is in the process
of starting up. Its mission is to preserve, protect and
enhance jobs through employee ownership. More
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Conference chaired by Lech Walesa in Warsaw
Employee ownership is back on the agenda in Poland.
A conference was held in Warsaw with the European Federation
of Employee Share Ownership on November 16. Pictures
of the conference
Walesa with Jacek Lipinski, President of the Polish Employee
Ownership Association

Much new information about employee ownership in November
2009, with 1.414 articles in this press review (on which
442 involving stock options and 392 about workers' cooperatives).
We made a selection of 45 remarkable articles in 13 countries:
Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy,
Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, UK, USA, South Africa.
Setting up a new Employee Shareholders' Co-operative.
Estonia: "Australia syndrome" in Estonia.
The government is preparing to change the way employee shares
and share options are taxed and make it much less attractive.
Several inquiries confirm that the crisis does not really
affect employee share plans; most companies maintain or
develop new plans. Growing interest about workers' co-operatives.
Schneider Electric, Vivendi, Poclain and others are the
winners of the "2009 Grand Prize of Employee Ownership".
Pressures on the new government, from companies as well
as from unions. Daimler renounces to launch a new employee
share plan, while IG Metal sees General Motors' new position
regarding Opel as a declaration of war. Tax benefits could
be increased from 360 € to 2.600 € annually on employee
Ireland: Aer Lingus pilots seek for 4% stake in company
in return for agreeing to generate savings of up to €30
million as part of an overall recovery deal at the airline.
If the stake sought by the pilots was granted, Aer Lingus
staff could end up owning about 23 per cent of the airline.
Government and social partners still discussing about employee
share ownership to be promoted in Italy.
Pakistan: So far seven Benazir Employees Stock Option
Scheme trusts have been established in different State Owned
Enterprises, to extend the benefits of privatisation to
the workers.
Poland: New privatisation phase based on employee
ownership together with local government units.
"John Lewis Policies" are in store. All main political
parties calling for wider employee share ownership and home
ownership, referring to John Lewis Partnership's model.
first employee buyout in the Scottish local press.
Staffers at the now-defunct gay newspaper Washington
Blade say they will regroup and try to continue as
an employee-owned company.
information about the United Steelworkers' plan to create
worker co-operatives in North America, which overturn the
traditional workplace division between workers and bosses,
in partnership with the Mondragon co-operatives in Spain.
Employee ownership makes a difference.
The full press review is available
free German data base with articles dealing with employee
ownership, most in German, some in English
political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe
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