have a selection of 36 remarkable articles in
10 countries in September 2013: Austria, Canada,
France, Germany, India, Italy, Pakistan, UK,
USA, South Africa.
Austria: ÖVP wants employee financial
participation to be on top of new government's
Canada: Success-story about employee
ownership: Harmac mill was as good as gone,
until workers rallied to buy it, and their jobs,
France: New employee share plan for Rexel.
Amundi becomes number one in employee savings
management. 20th anniversary for
employee share ownership in GT Location. Controversy
about French Government's project to ease employee
Germany: Stihl Group considered for the
high attractiveness of employee share ownership
India: New web based platform for managing
ESOP Plans of companies.
Italy: Fitch criticizes Banca Popolare
di Milano and Banca Carige for giving too much
place to employee share ownership. Employee
shareholders call for new plan and transparency
for MPS Bank.
Pakistan: Pakistan International Airlines'
strongest union has thrown its weight behind
an employee buyout of the cash-strapped carrier.
ESOP Centre condemns recommendations to abolish
most popular employee share plans. Chancellor
George Osborne's new Employee Shareholder Status
is naïve faux Marxism. Royal Mail will launch
the largest free employee share scheme to take
place in a major UK privatisation for more than
30 years.
USA: Broad-based employee stock ownership
plans, if properly designed, are the best way
to ramp up productivity, new research finds.
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are a
viable business succession alternative. Results
from the Employee Ownership Foundation's 22nd
Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee
stock ownership plan) companies show that ESOPs
saw increased economic growth over the past
South Africa: Rentokil Initial South
Africa launches employee share ownership plan.
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sélection de 36 articles remarquables dans 10
pays en septembre 2013: Afrique du Sud, Allemagne,
Autriche, Canada, France, Grande Bretagne, Inde,
Italie, Pakistan, USA.
Afrique du Sud: Rentokil Initial lance
un nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié.
Allemagne: Le Groupe Stihl considéré
comme un modèle pour les formules d'actionnariat
Autriche: Le Parti Populaire Autrichien
ÖVP veut mettre la participation financière
des travailleurs au plus haut de l'agenda du
prochain gouvernement.
Canada: Une success-story: la scierie
Harmac était bonne à jeter avant d'être reprise
par les salariés.
France: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié
pour Rexel. Amundi se propulse à la première
place pour la gestion de l'épargne salariale.
20ème anniversaire pour l'actionnariat
salarié chez GT Location. Controverse autour
du projet du Gouvernement Hollande pour encourager
la reprise d'entreprises par les salariés.
Bretagne: Le ESOP Centre condamne les recommandations
d'un think tank visant à supprimer les principaux
plans d'actionnariat salarié. Le nouveau statut
de "salarié actionnaire" du Chancelier
George Osborne est un produit du marxisme primaire.
La privatisation de Royal Mail va voir le plus
grand plan d'actionnariat salarié des 30 dernières
Inde: Nouvelle plate-forme Internet pour
gérer en ligne les plans ESOP des entreprises.
Italie: L'agence Fitch critique la place
exagérée de l'actionnariat salarié dans la gouvernance
de Banca Popolare di Milano et de Banca Carige.
Les actionnaires salariés demandent un nouveau
plan et plus de transparence pour la Banque
Pakistan: Les syndicats de Pakistan International
Airlines poussent à une reprise de la compagnie
par les salariés.
USA: Une nouvelle recherche montre que
les plans d'actionnariat salarié sont le meilleur
chemin pour une meilleure productivité, à condition
d'être bien organisés. Le plan ESOP est une
formule de transmission d'entreprise. Les résultats
de la 22ème Enquête Economique Annuelle
de la Employee Ownership Foundation montrent
une croissance des sociétés ESOP durant l'année
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buscando un traductor.
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haben eine Auswahl von bemerkenswerten Artikel
aus 10 Ländern getroffen, die im September 2013
erschienen: Österreich, Kanada, Frankreich,
Deutschland, Indien, Italien, Pakistan, Großbritannien,
USA, Südafrika.
Österreich: Die ÖVP will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
zum Topthema der neuen Regierung machen.
Kanada: Erfolgsgeschichte der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung:
Harmac Mill war fast insolvent, bis sich die
Arbeiter entschieden, das Unternehmen zurück
zu erwerben und die Arbeitsplätze zu retten.
Frankreich: Ein neues Beteiligungsangebot
bei Rexel. Amundi wird die führende Gesellschaft
zur Verwaltung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen.
Der 20. Geburtstag des Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsmodells
von GT Location. Kontroverse über das Projekt
der Regierung, Mitarbeiter-Buyouts zu erleichtern.
Deutschland: Belegschafsaktienprogramm
der Stihl Gruppe von hoher Attraktivität.
Indien: Neue webbasierte Plattform zur
Verwaltung von ESOP-Modellen.
Italien: Fitch kritisiert Banca Popolare
di Milano und Banca Carige, der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
zu viel Raum zu gewähren. Mitarbeiteraktionäre
fordern einen neuen Plan und eine höhere Transparenz
bei der Bank MPS.
Pakistan: Die stärkste Gewerkschaft von
Pakistan International Airlines hat sich für
ein Mitarbeiter-Buyout des finanzschwachen Unternehmens
stark gemacht.
ESOP Centre verdammt Empfehlungen zur Abschaffung
populärer Beteiligungsmodelle. Die Einstellung
von Kanzler George Osborne zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
ist naiver künstlicher Marxismus. Royal Mail
wird das größte im Rahmen einer Privatisierung
stattfindende Beteiligungsmodell der letzten
30 Jahre auflegen.
USA: Neue Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen,
dass breit aufgestellte Beteiligungsmodelle,
wenn sie sorgfältig aufgebaut sind, der beste
Weg sind, um die Produktivität zu steigern.
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP) sind eine
brauchbare Alternative zur Erlangung wirtschaftlichen
Erfolgs. Die Ergebnisse des jährlichen ESOP-Untersuchungsberichtes
der Employee Ownership zeigen, dass ESOP-Modelle
in den letzten Jahren wirtschaftliches Wachstum
Südafrika: Rentokil Initial South Africa
legt ein Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsmodell auf.
--------> BACK TO TOP
selezione di Settembre 2013 è su 36 articoli
in 10 Paesi: Austria, Canada, Francia, Germania,
India, Italia, Pakistan, UK, USA, Sudafrica.
Austria: Il Partito Popolare Austriaco
- ÖVP vuole la Partecipazione finanziaria dei
Dipendenti in cima all’agenda del nuovo governo.
Canada: Una storia di successo per l’azionariato
dei Dipendenti: la segheria Harmac era da chiudere,
fino all’intervento dei Dipendenti che se la
sono comprata. E i posti di lavoro sono stati
Francia: Nuovo piano di Azionariato per
Rexel. Amundi diventa il numero uno nell’amministrazione
del “risparmio salariale”. 20th anniversario
per l’azionariato dei dipendenti presso GT Location.
Controversie sul progetto governativo di agevolare
gli “employee buyouts”.
Germania: Il Gruppo Stihl è considerato
un modello virtuoso nell’ambito dei piani di
Azionariato dei Dipendenti.
India: Nuova piattaforma web dedicate
per amministrare i piani di Azionariato ESOP
delle Società.
Italia: Fitch critica Banca Popolare
di Milano per l’eccessivo spazio alla rappresentanza
dei Dipendenti Azionisti. Gli azionisti dipendenti
di Azione MPS reclamano un nuovo piano e maggior
trasparenza per Banca MPS
Pakistan: Il maggior sindacato in Pakistan
International Airlines ha mess oil suo peso
in favore di un “employee buyout” della compagnia
priva di liquidità.
ESOP Centre condanna le raccomandazioni ad abolire
I piani di Azionariato più apprezzati. Lo “Statuto
dell’azionista dipendente” del Cancelliere George
Osborne's è vetero-marxismo. Royal Mail lancerà
il maggior piano di Azionariato dei Dipendenti
nell’ambito di un’importante privatizzazione,
in oltre 30 anni.
USA: Piano di Azionariato generalizzati,
se correttamente strutturati, son oil miglior
strumento per fa decollare la produttività.
Lo dice uno studio recente. Employee Stock Ownership
Plans (ESOPs) sono una forma efficient per gestire
la succession di impresa. I risultati della
22a Rassegna Annuale sulla Performance economica
delle società ESOP (employee stock ownership
plan) dimostrano una crescita supplementare
nello scorso anno.
Sudafrica: Rentokil Initial South Africa
lancia un piano di Azionariato dei Dipendenti.
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made a selection of 36 remarkable articles in
10 countries in September 2013: Austria, Canada,
France, Germany, India, Italy, Pakistan, UK,
USA, South Africa.
- Spindelegger in Oberösterreich: Familien entlasten und Mitarbeiter ...
APA OTS (Pressemitteilung) - 11 Sept. 2013
... Plan für
die Zukunft Österreichs: "In den ersten
hundert Tagen als Bundeskanzler führe ich die
freiwillige Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am
Unternehmensgewinn ein.
- BC's Worker-Owned Mill Success Story
TheTyee.ca - 23 Sept. 2013
"When we started up this employee
owned model, most of the media was writing
us off -- most of the analysts as well,"
said Sampson.
erwartet neues Rekordjahr
agrarheute.com - 20 Sept. 2013
... und
die "vorbildhafte" Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung mit
den "AGP Sternen 2013" ausgezeichnet.
Das Gesamtkapital der Genussrechteinhaber
liegt mittlerweile ...
- Rexel:
lance un plan d'actionnariat salarié.
BFMTV.COM - 3 Sept. 2013
(CercleFinance.com) - Rexel, spécialiste de la distribution
de matériel électrique, annonce le lancement
d'un nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié,
intitulé ...
- La
transmission en Scop au-delà des idées
Décideurs en région - 3 Sept. 2013
Le 24 juillet dernier, Benoît Hamon a présenté son projet
de loi sur l'économie sociale et solidaire en
Conseil des ministres. Cette loi vise à développer
le ...
- Le
gouvernement veut-il tuer la cession d'entreprise
FUSACQ - 5 Sept. 2013
... je n'ai
jamais trouvé trace d'une étude sérieuse qui
donnerait le nombre RES (Reprise d'Entreprise
par les Salariés) observée chaque année
en France.
- Palmarès épargne
salariale. Amundi décroche la première place
L'Express - 19 Sept. 2013
Palmarès épargne
salariale. ... l'an
dernier, Amundi franchit encore une étape et
s'arroge cette fois la première place de la
Corbeille de l'Epargne salariale.
- GT
Location poursuit le développement de l'actionnariat
salarié ...
WK Transport-Logistique - 22 Sept. 2013
Engagé dans le programme "Grandir tous ensemble",
le groupe GT célèbre les vingt ans de son actionnariat salarié.
Avec succès, semble-t-il. L'apport des ...
- "L'actionnariat
salarié est la mesure la plus rentable
pour créer de l ...
Daf-Mag.fr - 30 Sept. 2013
Pour Pierrick Turpin, Daf de Cetih, l'ouverture du capital
aux collaborateurs est la meilleure piste pour
fidéliser les collaborateurs. Témoignage d'un expert dont ...
- MyESOPs – Available on Subscription through SaaS Model
Business Wire India (press release) - 1 Sept. 2013
ESOP Direct,
India's leading service provider in the Equity
Compensation space has launched the SaaS version
of MyESOPs, its proprietary web based platform ...
- All you want to know about ESOP, ESPP and RSU
Moneycontrol.com - 18 Sept. 2013
Ramalingam K of holisticinvestment.in explains the meaning
of ESOPs, ... and use terms like RSU, ESPP and ESOP,
to describe the components of the package.
- Muthoot Finance launches maiden ESOP
Equity Bulls - 30 Sept. 2013
Muthoot Finance Ltd has announced plans to launch of its
maiden Employee Stock Options Plan (ESOP). The plan was approved as a special resolution in the ...
- Fitch invita le banche italiane a cambiare la governance
Teleborsa - 3 Sept. 2013
Nella prima, spiega l'agenzia americana, "un piccolo
gruppo di dipendentiazionisti e pensionati aventi stretti legami con i sindacati
hanno a volte bloccato ...
- Mps: piccoli azionsti, piano credibile per renderla una public company
Agenzia di Stampa Asca - 9 Sept. 2013
La coesione interna, da rilanciare anche mediante un moderno
e trasparente piano generalizzato di azionariato dei dipendenti, dovra' costituire l'elemento ...
- “Azioni contro diritti”, l'esperimento britannico
- 16 Sept. 2013
Le aziende avranno benefici fiscali per l'emissione di azioni
riservate ai dipendenti-azionisti, e quest'ultimi saranno esenti dalla tassazione della plusvalenza ...
- Telecom Italia: la rabbia dei piccoli azionisti
WebNews-De Filippo
Vendrame - 26 Sept. 2013
Non si placano le polemiche sull'operazione Telefonica –
Telecom Italia e a parlare questa volta è ASATI,
l'associazioni che racchiude tutti i piccoli
azionisti di ...
- Emergency brakes: PIA unions set eyes on employee buyout
The Express Tribune - 14 Sept. 2013
Pakistan International Airlines' (PIA)
strongest union has thrown its weight behind
an employee buyout of the cash-strapped
carrier, which has become a burden for the current
government. “The government should give us the
first right of refusal of ...
- ESOP Centre condemns recommendations to abolish SAYE, EMI and CSOPs ...
Workplace Savings & Benefits - 2 Sept. 2013
"The UK government uses tax relief to incentivise employee
ownership, but it is skewed towards direct ownership and towards
high earners," the report noted.
- George Osborne's Employee Ownership Scheme Is 'Naive Faux Marxism ...
Huffington Post UK - 2 Sept. 2013
George Osborne's "employee ownership"
scheme, which came into effect on Sunday, has
been criticised by legal experts in droves.
The Chancellor's "shares for rights"
... Zero percent capital gains tax for
these new employee-owners. "Get
shares and ...
- Employee shareholders
Lexology (registration) - 6 Sept. 2013
Whilst these issues will be nothing new for larger employers
with share option and otheremployee
ownership mechanisms
already in place, for smaller ...
- Government confirms employee shares as part of Royal Mail flotation
Workplace Savings & Benefits - 12 Sept. 2013
Widely welcomed by the employee share ownership industry, it is the largest free share scheme to take
place in a major UK privatisation for more than
30 years.
- Moving the family business forward - selling to your employees
Herald Scotland - 12 Sept. 2013
Direct Employee
Ownership where
employees own the business directly ... Combined
Direct and Indirect Employee Ownership a
hybrid model where some of ...
- Labour minister recognises strong case for extending SAYE limits
Workplace Savings & Benefits - 13 Sept. 2013
Praising the impact of employee ownership on
engagement levels, Leslie pointed out that there
was "clear correlation if not causation
between the attitude and ...
- Employee-owned firms must offer more than shares
Telegraph.co.uk - 14 Sept. 2013
The idea of employee
ownership is
enjoying a moment in the spotlight thanks to
the perceived benefits that it can bring a business,
particularly in tough times.
- Employee ownership only works with HR input
CIPD (blog) - 17 Sept. 2013
The Treasury is currently consulting on ways of encouraging employee ownership. The government believes this business
model can deliver resilience during ...
- Scott & Fyfe back in the black last year
Herald Scotland - 20 Sept. 2013
During 2012 Scott & Fyfe made its first steps into employee
ownership with Hamish Tough, who had 26% of the business, and
sons Richard and David, who ...
- Turnberry Rug workers take control of company
Scotsman - 21 Sept. 2013
John McKerchar was drafted in as managing director after
the death of the company's founder, with a remit
to take the business towards employeeownership.
- Baxter Caulfield reports demand for employee share ownership ...
Huddersfield Examiner - 24 Sept. 2013
“We are committed to making direct employee ownership more
attractive, cutting red tape for companies and
promoting new and more responsible ways of ...
- Indirect Employee Ownership
Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - 25 Sept. 2013
Following the findings of the Nuttall Review and in order
to support this sector, the Government has decided
to introduce two tax reliefs to encourage, promote ...
- MWH Global One of America's Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies
Virtual-Strategy Magazine - 3 Sept. 2013
Company ranks 15th largest majority
employee-owned company in the
US, according to the National Center for Employee
Ownership's (NCEO) new Employee ...
- Russell Belden Electric acquired by employee-owned company
Joplin Globe - 5 Sept. 2013
Russell Belden Electric, which had been
in business for nearly 84 years in Joplin, has
been acquired by ...
- Study shows employee stock ownership plans boost productivity
CPA Practice Advisor - 6 Sept. 2013
Broad-based employee
stock ownership plans,
if properly designed, are the best way to ramp
up productivity, new research finds.
Companies Report Economic Growth in 2012
SYS-CON Media (press release) - 10 Sept. 2013
Results from the Employee
Ownership Foundation's
22nd Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP
(employee ...
- ESOPs As A Business Succession Tool For Small Or Mid-Sized ...
Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - 21 Sept. 2013
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are a viable business succession alternative.
In concept, sale to an ESOP is simple. Instead
of selling to a third party, ...
Named a Top 100 Majority Employee-Owned U.S.
PR Web (press release) - 26 Sept. 2013
The annual ranking is compiled by the National Center for Employee
Ownership, a national nonprofit information and membership organization
designed to ...
- Rentokil Initial
South Africa launches employee share ownership ...
DigitalJournal.com - 16 Sept. 2013
“Rentokil Initial SA has always prided itself on excellence,
whether focusing on the services we offer our
customers, the way we treat our colleagues,
or the ...
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