have a selection of 31 remarkable articles in
8 countries in October 2015: Austria, Finland,
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, USA.
Austria: Voestalpine celebrates the 20th
anniversary of its IPO, 14.7% being held by
Finland: Finnish personnel funds expand
again, after fiscal incentives have been increased
since 2011.
France: New employee share plan for Thales.
The new legislation ("Loi Macron")
comes back to higher tax incentives for free
employee share awards. Some typical cases about
employee-owned companies in France: Nice-Matin,
La Redoute, Essilor, Cetil.
Germany: New employee shareholders association
for Siemens. New study from the University of
Göttingen on the impact of employee share ownership
plans, using the example of Siemens.
Italy: IPO for Poste Italiane
and a missed opportunity for employee share
ownership in Italy.
Spain: The new law on employee-owned
and participative companies. About half of Spanish
listed companies have employee share plans.
Sociedades laborales employee-owned companies
in Valencia.
UK: New companies sold to Employee Ownership
Trusts. The song of John Lewis.
USA: New companies turning to ESOP control.
New report focusing on risks associated with
retirement-based employee ownership. An American
vision about the John Lewis model compared to
workers' cooperatives.
sélection de 31 articles remarquables dans 8
pays en octobre 2015: Allemagne, Autriche, Espagne,
Finlande, France, Grande Bretagne, Italie, USA.
Allemagne: Nouvelle association d'actionnaires
salariés chez Siemens. Nouvelle étude de l'Université
de Göttingen sur l'impact des plans d'actionnariat,
à partir des données de Siemens.
Autriche: Voestalpine fête le 20ème anniversaire
de son entrée en bourse, avec 14.7% aux mains
des salariés.
Espagne: La nouvelle loi sur les sociétés
participatives. Plus de la moitié des sociétés
cotées espagnoles ont des plans d'actionnariat
salarié. Les sociedades laborales dans
la Communauté de Valence.
Finlande: Les "fonds de personnel"
se multiplient à la suite de la nouvelle législation
adoptée en 2011.
France: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié
pour Thales. Avec la "Loi Macron",
retour à plus d'incitants fiscaux pour les attributions
gratuites d'actions. Quelques cas typiques de
l'actionnariat salarié en France: Nice-Matin,
La Redoute, Essilor, Cetil.
UK: Nouvelles entreprises vendues à des
trusts d'actionnariat salarié (Employee Ownership
Trusts). La chanson de John Lewis, encore.
Italie: Entrée en bourse de Poste
Italiane, une occasion ratée pour l'actionnariat
salarié en Italie.
USA: Une série de nouvelles entreprises
passent sous le contrôle de plans d'actionnariat
salarié ESOP. Un nouveau rapport analyse le
risque associé aux plans de pensions à base
d'actionnariat salarié. Une vision américaine
sur le modèle John Lewis et les coopératives
de salariés.
buscando un traductor.
31 articoli in 8 Stati nel mese di ottobre 2015:
Austria, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Italia,
Spagna, UK, USA.
Austria: Voestalpine celebra il ventennale
dell suo collocamento in Borsa. Il 14,7% è detenuto
dai dipendenti.
Finlandia: I fondi del personale finlandesi
crescono ancora, dopo l’aumento degli incentive
fiscali varato nel 2011
Francia: Nuovo piano di azionariato per
Thales. La nuova legislazione ("Loi Macron")
torna a maggiori agevolazioni fiscali per
l’assegnazione gratuita di azioni adi dipendenti.
Alcuni casi particolari di società partecipate
in Francia: Nice-Matin, La Redoute, Essilor,
Germania: Nuova associazione di dipendenti
azionisti presso Siemens. Un nuovo studio dell’Università
di Göttingen sugli effetti dei piani di azionariato
dei dipendenti, analizzando il caso Siemens.
Italia: IPO per Poste Italiane,
occasione mancata per promuovere l’azionariato
dei dipendenti in Italia.
Spagna: Nuova legge sulle società possedute
e participate dai dipendenti. Circa la metà
delle Società quotate in Spagna presentano piani
di azionariato. Le Sociedades laborales
a Valencia.
UK: Nuove società vendute a Trust di
dipendenti ((Employee Ownership Trusts).
Il ritornello di John Lewis.
USA: Nuove società passano sotto il controllo
ESOP. Un nuovo studio analizza i rischi associati
all’azionariato dei dipendenti strutturato come
fondo pensionistico. Un visione statunitense
sul modello “John Lewis” ed il modello cooperativo.
have a selection of 31 remarkable articles in
8 countries in October 2015: Austria, Finland,
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, USA.
AT 1 - voestalpine
feiert 20 Jahre an der Börse
Boerse-express.com - 9 Oct
Durch die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sind sie alle in einem gewissen Ausmaß selbst Unternehmer
geworden – und sie haben diese Rolle schätzen
gelernt“, betont ...
DE 2 - Neue Studie belegt positive Auswirkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
openPR.de (Pressemitteilung) - 6 Oct 2015
Am Beispiel der Siemens AG analysiert die Studie erstmalig
die Wirkungsmechanismen der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung innerhalb eines Unterneh-mens. Dabei stand ...
DE 3 - Siemens: Kleinaktionäre wollen Einfluss auf Geschäftspolitik
DIE WELT - 18 Oct 2015
... die Zielgröße von 200.000 Belegschaftsaktionären erreicht.
Schon jetzt ist Siemens in Deutschland der Primus
unter den Firmen mitBelegschaftsaktien.
ES 4 - Cuando el empleado se convierte en accionista
Cinco Días - 6 Oct 2015
el plan de adquisición de acciones 2013-2015,
los directivos y restos de empleados que quieran
acogerse al plan pueden recibir una parte de
su ...
ES 5 - El
BOE publica la ley de sociedades laborales,
que entrará en vigor ...
La Vanguardia
- 15 Oct 2015
Madrid, 15 oct (EFECOM).- El Boletín
Oficial del Estado (BOE) ha publicado hoy la
ley de sociedades
laborales y participadas, que clarifica y actualiza la ...
ES 6 - Feves
trabaja por dar a conocer un modelo de empresa
diferente a ...
- 28 Oct 2015
El sector empresarial de las sociedades
laborales en
la Comunidad Valenciana lo componen, según datos
de la AEAT, 2.228 sociedades con un volumen ...
FI 7 - Henkilöstörahastojen
suosio lähti kasvuun
Sanomat - 25
Oct 2015
Henkilöstörahasto voidaan perustaa, kun yrityksen tai tulosyksikön henkilöstön
määrä on vähintään kymmenen ja yrityksen liikevaihto
on 200 000 euroa tai ...
FR 8 - Nice
Matin doit faire des économies pour ''passer
un cap difficile''
News - 1 Oct
Pastorino, nouveau patron de la coopérative
Nice-Matin, a incité jeudi les salariés-actionnaires aux économies lors de sa première assemblée ...
FR 9 - Macron Law gives employee share ownership a shot in the arm
International Law Office (registration) - 6 Oct 2015
The aim was to boost employee share ownership at a time when a stagnant stock market made stock
options less attractive. While free shares were
linked to the ...
FR 10 - Il faut sauver l'actionnariat salarié
Les Échos
- 8 Oct 2015
l'actionnariat salarié
est une belle idée, mais son développement est
freiné par le fait que, pour les fidèles, le
dividende net d'impôt ne couvre pas ...
FR 11 - La
Redoute ou la stratégie de la dernière chance
- 9 Oct 2015
une star déchue de la VPC: même sans débourser
un euro, le pari était osé. Nathalie Balla et
Eric Courteille ont franchi le Rubicon: de salariés, ...
FR 12 - Les Scop,
ça marche Cetil l'a prouvé
Nouvelle République -
14 Oct 2015
défi relevé il y a trente-cinq ans est désormais
gagné. Depuis qu'elle s'est constituée en Scop, l'entreprise de Montbazon a plus que doublé ses effectifs.
FR 13 - Thales:
lancement d'un plan d'actionnariat salarié.
Figaro - 23 Oct 2015
a annoncé ce jeudi la mise en place d'un plan
d'actionnariat salarié
proposé aux collaborateurs du groupe en France,
Afrique du Sud, ...
INTL : Entré en bourse il y a 40 ans, Essilor
célèbre un ...
- 28 Oct 2015
au sein de Valoptec Association, les actionnaires
présents au Conseil d'administration au travers
de 3 représentants. Ils participent à la ...
IT 15 - Poste
I.: Furlan a Renzi, anche lavoratori azionisti
ma in Cda
della Sera - 29 Sept 2015
partecipare anche i lavoratori alla governance
dell'azienda postale attraverso l'azionariato
collettivo... E' quanto scrive il segretario
generale della Cisl, Annamaria Furlan…
IT 16 - Lettera
aperta al presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi
- 29 Sept 2015
E' quanto scrive il segretario
generale della Cisl, Annamaria Furlan, in una
lettera aperta al presidente del Consiglio Matteo
IT 17 - Poste: Todini, momento storico. Dipendenti possono essere azionisti
Il Ghirlandaio - 27 Oct
Sono "26mila" i dipendenti azionisti dell'azienda
ha puntualizzato Todini. Raffaele Jerusalmi,
Ad di Borsa Italiana, ha ricordato che "l'operazione
e' la piu' ...
18 - Debutto in chiaroscuro in Borsa per Poste
Stampa - 27 Oct 2015
ha voluto poi ringraziare, in particolare, i
26 mila dipendenti delle Poste che hanno scelto
di sottoscrivere le azioni.
UK 19 - Employee Ownership Is A Versatile Business Model
Mondaq News Alerts (registration) - 8 Oct 2015
The transformation from a traditional architectural partnership
into a 280-strong employee-owned company is momentous but exciting... with every ...
UK 20 - John Lewis partners demonstrate benefits of employee ownership
Scotsman - 24 Oct 2015
Employee-owned businesses
are more resilient during economic downturns.
They have more engaged employees who benefit
from higher levels of ...
UK 21 - European patent firm set for employee ownership
Insider Media - 30 Oct 2015
"We are keen to grow the business and believe we will
be the first in our sector to adopt an employee-owned business model.” AEOTL has received ...
US 22 - Employee Ownership
Month -- Month-Long Celebration Begins October
Digital Journal - 1 Oct 2015
Employee Ownership
Month is an opportunity for ESOP (employee
stock ownership plan) companies across
the nation to educate employee owners, ...
US 23 - Newport Avenue Market Becomes Employee Owned
Gourmet Retailer - 5 Oct 2015
Newport Avenue Market has implemented an employee stock
ownership plan, making the Bend, Ore., store
the first employee-owned grocery
store in ...
US 24 - Maine-based Daigle Oil hands ownership to employees
Bangor Daily News - 15 Oct 2015
Daigle Oil Co. announced this week the company is now in
the hands of its employees after forming an
employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP.
US 25 - Boldt creates employee ownership plan
Appleton Post Crescent - 19 Oct 2015
The Boldt Co. is creating an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and equivalent management plan (MSOP) starting
in 2016 that will eventually ...
US 26 - Financial Business Group Holdings: Empowerment Through 100% Employee-Ownership
Business Wire (press release) - 22 Oct 2015
BUSINESS WIRE)--This past June, Financial Business Group
Holdings (FBG), a financial services conglomerate,
became an employee-owned ...
US 27 - Lawrence Fabric implements ESOP
Specialty Fabrics Review magazine - 22 Oct 2015
Lawrence Fabric & Metal Structures Inc., St. Louis,
Mo., has implemented an Employee Stock Ownership
Plan (ESOP) and is now
owned by its ...
US 28 - This is our chance to keep Maine businesses locally owned as owners
Bangor Daily News - 23 Oct 2015
LD 1300, An Act to Create and Sustain Jobs Through Cooperative
and Employee Owned Business Development, adopts some of the best
strategies ...
US 29 - John Lewis Partnership is onto something with employee ownership
Deseret News - 26 Oct 2015
Employee ownership
works when the company shares knowledge, power
and profits among partners. Knowledge is shared
by openly publishing data ...
US 30 - Mitigating Risk to Maximize the Benefits of Employee Ownership
Center For American Progress - 28 Oct 2015
In fact, policies such as better targeting of DOL audits
hold the promise of reducing burdens for employee-owned companies with few risk factors.
US 31 - Lee Family selling Eureka Casino to Employees
Mesquite Local News - 29
Oct 2015
... is selling their interest in the Eureka Casino Resort
to its employees in what's called an Employee
Stock Ownership Plan
(ESOP). This transaction
is subject to ...