pour ce rapport trčs clair et complet !"
what a great work. Congratulations. That's
very helpful for our activities!"
vi invio la mia tesi magistrale sull'azionariato
dei dipendenti in Italia e vi ringrazio perché
dal vostro lavoro ho potuto prendere spunti
thanks to you and your hard work, and your
wonderful reports - I am an associate professor
now, so thank you very much for your help.
Now I am preparing this version in English,
so I try to put the most recent data."
really great work! Congratulations and thank
you. I think the survey is very helpful for
the discussion here in Germany. We will publish
it on our homepage and distribute the paper
in our network. Best wishes"
pour ce travail récurrent si précieux !"
work ! Thanks and congratulation".
sommes en phase de finalisation du texte concernant
une saisine au CESE en France. Votre publication
pourrait nous ętre fort utile."
gracias por la información y felicitaciones..."
"I would be very eager to update my analysis
based on new data."
you provide data on individual companies,
e.g. in an excel spread sheet, so we can see
which companies have stock options? This would
be very useful for our statistical analysis."
votre soutien précieux, en m'aidant ŕ constituer
la base de données statistiques ayant permis
la réalisation des deux études quantitatives
longitudinales de l'impact de l'actionnariat
salarié sur la performance des grandes entreprises
françaises cotées, ma thčse n'aurait pas pu
voir le jour."