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European Programme for Employee Ownership Learning & Education
Programme Européen de Formation et d'Education à l'Actionnariat Salarié







26.01.2006: Pinsent Masons' share schemes team: seminars and services in 2006
31.08.2005: The EUROPEAN EOLE REPORT and all presentations are available
05.04.2005: 150 people have now registered, from 24 countries (see details)
31.03.2005: Funny picture of EFES members in March 2005

23.02.2005: thanks to our sponsors, EFES will be able to cover your travel and accommodation expenses
                       for the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, on June 16-17 in Brussels

27.01.2005: first draft programme of the Fifth European Meeting of Employee Ownership, June 16-17, 2005
12.01.2005: EOLE database is now available on this website
12.01.2005: we have now 132 training and education programmes in the database
29.12.2004: we have now 86 training and education programmes in the database
27.12.2004: we have now 70 training and education programmes in the database
30.11.2004: Tullis Russell's business game to learn how an employee ownership company works (video - 3.36")

11.10.2004: Report of EOLE Kick-Off Seminar, Brussels, September 24, 2005
: The kick-off meeting will be held on September 24, 2004 in Brussels
15.07.2004: EO Learning & Education Programmes Database Form 1

02.07.2004: EFES will organize a one-year project for years 2004-2005, with the support of the European Commission.
First stage, this project will help to collect and to describe existing education and training programmes in various countries.
Secondly, the project will have to define common specifications and contents for European programmes.
Thirdly, we shall go to a set of specifications for certifying education and learning programmes which will be developped localy within the various countries.

The kick-off meeting will be held on September 24, 2004 in Brussels, with some 30 experts.
A synthesis meeting will be held round April 15, 2005 in Brussels, with some 30 experts.
A final conference will be held round June 15, 2005, hopefully in Torino (Italy) or Brussels.
Click here for the detailed description of the project
Click here for a first PowerPoint presentation of the project


20.02.2004: Ryszard Stocki's proposal for "Competency Standards for Participative Management Education".
14.09.2003: A full one-week seminar was held on the topic from Sept 7 to 14, 2003, in Bilbao: here the report of the seminar (1 page).
23.11.2002: A first discussion on the project was held in Bilbao on Nov 23, 2002 through a dedicated workshop: here the report of the seminar (PDF).

Comments, suggestions or proposals: which existing programmes are available in your own countries? Which experts could take part? Etc... Please send your message to


10.04.2004: look at the education and learning programmes of The Co-operative College on
01.01.2003: de la FAS France. Voyez le cahier de spécifications pour la formation à l'actionnariat salarié mis au point par la FAS (PDF)
31.12.2002: From David Wheatcroft. I would like to join the group on EO Training. I have been interested in educating the workers in Employee Ownership and have wrote 2 booklets targeted at workers as well as sets of Newsletters on the basics. I believe it is important that we not only educate key people but we also give the masses the basic information so that they will become more involved in the workings of EO. After all it is they who will make the whole thing work with greater commitment and not just with monetary reward.
18.12.2002: From Ryszard Stocki (Poland). I am very happy such a big priority was given the educational effort. I am in the process of convincing my Institute to run specialized curriculum devoted to open book management and ownership culture. In 2004 I would like to start studies for graduates, a kind of MBA for employee owned companies. Dan Bell agreed to start a working group working on the structure of curriculum of such studies. Please tell anyone interested about it.



For more information :
Marc Mathieu
Secretary General
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32(0)2 242 64 30


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