Our selection

A selection of 48 remarkable articles in 9 countries in July-August 2024: Australia, Canada, Czechia, France, Poland, Slovenia, UK, USA, Vietnam.
Australia: A dentist practice is the second case of an Employee Ownership Trust in Australia.
Canada: Employee Ownership Trusts take shape: Federal government passed new rules and incentives for EOTs in June.
Czechia: The new tax rules for employee share ownership in the Czech Republic.
France: New employee share plans for Société Générale, for TotalEnergies. Business rescues through workers' cooperatives for Wehr, for Meusienne, for Duralex.
Poland: Auchan is the flagship model of employee share ownership in Poland.
Slovenia: Slovenian government gives the green light to the preparation of new legislation for employee ownership.
UK: Valloop Exchange platform aims to help accelerate the transition of Small to Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) businesses from privately owned to employee owned through innovative use of AI. Thanks to the Employee Ownership Trust formula, one or two new SMEs are transferred to their employees every day. This summer, among others, the case of: Anderson Clark Motor Repairs, Brazen Public Relations, R&W Scott Bakery, Sevenoaks Sound & Vision, Spawforths Architectural, Gusto Construction Group, HeartVets Cardiology, Standguide Education & Training, Cardinal Global Logistics, Strategic Workforce Solutions Group, Network Design & Marketing, Engage Interactive, Graystons Medical, BI Catering Equipment, Conlon Construction, RA Information Systems, Total Recruitment Group, McKinlay Kidd Tour Operator.
USA: The Menke Group celebrates 50 years of advising companies on designing and managing ESOPs. New report identifies funds focused on investing in employee-owned companies. New business transfers through ESOP plans.
Vietnam: Liberalization of Vietnam’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan regulations.
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Une sélection de 48 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en juillet-août 2024: Australie, Canada, Tchéquie, France, Pologne, Slovénie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.Australie: Un cabinet dentaire offre à l'Australie son deuxième cas de transmission d'entreprise à une fiducie d'actionnariat salarié.
Canada: Les fiducies d'actionnariat salarié prennent forme: le gouvernement fédéral a adopté les nouvelles règles et incitations pour les fiducies d'actionnariat salarié en juin.
Tchéquie: La nouvelle fiscalité de l'actionnariat salarié en Tchéquie.
France: Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Société Générale, pour TotalEnergies. Sauvetages d'entreprises sous forme de coopératives de salariés pour Wehr, pour la Meusienne, pour Duralex.
Pologne: Auchan est le modèle-phare de l'actionnariat salarié en Pologne.
Slovénie: Le gouvernement donne son feu vert à la préparation d'une nouvelle législation pour l'actionnariat salarié.
Royaume Uni: La plateforme Valloop Exchange vise à accélérer la transition des PME en entreprises détenues par leurs employés grâce à une utilisation innovante de l'IA. Grâce à la formule de la Fiducie d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trust), chaque jour une ou deux nouvelles PME transférées aux salariés. Cet été entre autres les cas de: Anderson Clark Motor Repairs, Brazen Public Relations, R&W Scott Bakery, Sevenoaks Sound & Vision, Spawforths Architectural, Gusto Construction Group, HeartVets Cardiology, Standguide Education & Training, Cardinal Global Logistics, Strategic Workforce Solutions Group, Network Design & Marketing, Engage Interactive, Graystons Medical, BI Catering Equipment, Conlon Construction, RA Information Systems, Total Recruitment Group, McKinlay Kidd Tour Operator.
USA: Le Groupe Menke célèbre ses 50 ans de conseil aux entreprises en matière de conception et de gestion de plans ESOP. Un nouveau rapport identifie les fonds axés sur l'investissement dans des entreprises détenues par leurs salariés. Nouveaux cas de transferts d'entreprises par le biais de plans ESOP.
Vietnam: Libéralisation de la réglementation des plans d'actionnariat salarié au Vietnam.

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Nuestar seleccion propone 48 artículos destacados en 9 países en julio-agosto de 2024: Australia, Canadá, Chequia, Francia, Polonia, Eslovenia, Reino Unido, EE.UU., Vietnam.
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  Eine Auswahl von 48 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 9 Ländern im Juli-August 2024: Australien, Kanada, Tschechien, Frankreich, Polen, Slowenien, Großbritannien, USA, Vietnam.
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  48 articoli selezionati per luglio-agosto 2024 in 9 Stati:
Australia, Canada, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Polonia, Slovenia, Regno Unito, USA, Vietnam.
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V cervenci až srpnu 2024 máme výběr 48 pozoruhodných článků ve 9 zemích: Austrálie, Kanada, Cesko, Francie, Polsko, Slovinsko, Velká Británie, USA, Vietnam.
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2024 július-augusztusban hónapban 48 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 9 országból: Ausztrália, Kanada, Csehország, Franciaország, Lengyelország, Szlovénia, Egyesült Királyság, USA, Vietnam.
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Mamy wybór 48 niezwyklych artykulów w 9 krajach w lipcu-sierpniu 2024: Australia, Kanada, Czechy, Francja, Polska, Slowenia, Wielka Brytania, USA, Wietnam.
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Een selectie van 48 opmerkelijke artikelen in 9 landen in juli-augustus 2024: Australië, Canada, Tsjechië, Frankrijk, Polen, Slovenië, VK, VS, Vietnam.
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Ett urval av 48 anmärkningsvärda artiklar i 9 länder i juli-augusti 2024: Australien, Kanada, Tjeckien, Frankrike, Polen, Slovenien, Storbritannien, USA, Vietnam.
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AU      1 - Exit strategy: How this company sold itself to its workers
             Forbes Australia - 9 Aug 2024
             ... employee-owned trusts. But when the Meld owners told their lawyers and accountants they wanted to set up such a trust, they were told it couldn't ...
AU      2 - Employee Ownership Trusts: an alternative business model
             Bite Magazine - 19 Aug 2024
             Dr O'Malley says because there are currently no specific laws for employee-owned businesses in Australia, there ended up being 15 separate steps ...
CA      3 - Employee ownership trusts take shape
             Investment Executive - 12 July 2024
             They all get a cut because they're all owners. The company based in the small town of Altona, Man. is set up as an employee ownership trust, which, ...
CA       4 - Employee ownership trusts taking shape in Canada
             Benefits Canada.com - 17 July 2024
             They all get a cut because they're all owners. The company, based in the small town of Altona, Man., is set up as an employee ownership trust, which, ...
CZ      5 - Zaměstnanecké akcie z pohledu daní. Komu se vyplatí a proč o nich přemýšlet?
             Finmag.cz - 17 July 2024
             Zaměstnanecké akcie, lépe řečeno zaměstnanecké akciové opční pány (ESOP – Employee Stock Option Plan), si čím dál častěji nacházejí cestu i k menším českým...
FR      6 - Wehr reprise par ses salariés
             L'Ami hebdo - 1 July 2024
             Placée en redressement judiciaire le 31 janvier dernier, l'entreprise Wehr, fabricante de portes et fenêtres PVC, installée à Lutterbach, a été reprise par...
FR      7 - Le plan d’actionnariat salarié, comment ça marche en trois points clés
             Les Echos - 11 July 2024
             Succès Les annonces de plans d'actionnariat salarié ont fleuri en nombre depuis le printemps, le plus souvent de la part de grandes entreprises du Cac 40,...
FR      8 - La Meusienne reprise par ses salariés en Société coopérative de production
             Le Figaro - 11 July 2024
             L'entreprise centenaire La Meusienne, spécialisée dans la fabrication de tubes en acier, a été reprise sous forme de société coopérative de...
FR      9 - Societe Generale: success of the 2024 Global Employee Share Ownership Programme
             Nasdaq - 25 July 2024
             ... 812035548 shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.25 per share. Employee share ownership is a long-term collective commitment mechanism regularly...
FR      10 - TotalEnergies SE UK Regulatory Announcement: Half-year Report
             Business Wire - 26 July 2024
             ... European Federation of Employee Share Ownership; Deployment of a generative artificial intelligence tool for all TotalEnergies' employees; Ambition ...
FR      11 - La verrerie Duralex reprise par les salariés
             Le Monde.fr - 28 July 2024
             Le tribunal d'Orléans valide le projet de SCOP des salariés de Duralex, dans l'agglomération d'Orléans. Avec ses 228 salariés, cette usine de verres réputés...
FR      12 - «L’actionnariat salarié a-t-il le vent en poupe au sein des sociétés du CAC 40?»
             MSN - 31 July 2024
             Mais selon la Fédération européenne de l'actionnariat salarié (FEAS), «l'actionnariat salarié est de moins en moins démocratique en Europe». D'un ...
FR      13 - Comment la verrerie Duralex a été sauvée par ses salariés
             Forbes France - 3 Aug 2024
             Après plusieurs mois d'incertitude, l'illustre verrerie Duralex a échappé à la fermeture et appartient désormais à ses salariés. Quelques jours après le...
FR      14 - Les Scop, un modèle d’avenir ?
             La Vie - 23 Aug 2024
             Au milieu de l'été 2024, l'entreprise de verres Duralex a été sauvée de la faillite par ses salariés, autorisés à se constituer en société coopérative et...
PL      15 - Akcjonariat pracowniczy, program poleceń, szkolenia - ta sieć chce być pożądanym pracodawcą
             DlaHandlu.pl - 25 July 2024
             W Polsce ponad 96 proc. wszystkich uprawnionych pracowników Auchan partycypuje w programie akcjonariatu pracowniczego. Akcjonariat pracowniczy, program...
SI      16 - Vlada potrdila izhodišča zakona o lastniški zadrugi delavcev
             rtvslo.si - 10 July 2024
             Vlada je potrdila izhodišča za pripravo zakona o lastniški zadrugi delavcev. Jedro in smisel zakona bodo po pojasnilih ministrstva za solidarno prihodnost...
UK      17 - Anderson Clark Motor Repairs moves to employee ownership
             Motor Trader - 1 July 2024
             Research from Co-operative Development Scotland shows that the number of employee-owned businesses in Scotland now sits at 286, up 47% since 2022.
UK      18 - Brazen becomes employee-owned
             PR Week - 3 July 2024
             Manchester-based consumer PR agency Brazen has become majority employee-owned. ... Brazen owners Nina and Tom Webb have sold 85 per cent of their shares ...
UK      19 - Bakery ingredients supplier R&W Scott transitions to employee-owned model
             Scottish Financial News - 9 July 2024
             This form of ownership is gaining popularity – there are now over 200 employee-owned companies in Scotland – and there is strong evidence to show ...
UK      20 - Sevenoaks Sound and Vision becomes an employee-owned business
             What Hi-Fi? - 10 July 2024
             Sevenoaks Sound and Vision, one of the largest hi-fi and home cinema retailers in the UK, has announced that it is now an employee-owned business.
UK      21 - Planning and architectural consultancy becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 10 July 2024
              A Yorkshire planning, masterplanning and architectural consultancy has become an employee-owned business. Wakefield-based Spawforths works on a ...
UK      22 - Gusto Group to become 100% employee owned
             Employee Benefits - 12 July 2024
             Gusto Group to become 100% employee owned ... Manufacturing, construction and architecture business Gusto Group will transition to an employee ownership ...
UK      23 - R&W Scott transitions to employee ownership
             Food Manufacture - 12 July 2024
             Premium bakery and confectionery ingredients supplier R&W Scott has transitioned to employee ownership. The group now operates under an Employee ...
UK      24 - HeartVets becomes first referral practice to become an Employee Owned Trust
             VetSurgeon.org - 19 July 2024
             HeartVets, the UK's largest cardiology referral practice has become an Employee Owned Trust (EOT). The practice, which has nine clinicians ...
UK      25 - Ashton-Under-Lyne training firm transfers to employee ownership
             Business Sale Report - 23 July 2024
              Standguide Group, a training firm based in Ashton-Under-Lyne, has become 100 per cent employee-owned. The company's move to employee ownership was ...
UK      26 - Making our employees our partners the right call for growth, says Cardinal CEO
             The Loadstar - 24 July 2024
             Speaking to The Loadstar on the anniversary of the decision by its directors to sell 68% of Cardinal's stock to an employee-owned trust, CEO Brian ...
UK      27 - Major temporary staff provider becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 24 July 2024
             Yorke added: "The Employee-Owned Trust model will give employees a sense of ownership, responsibility, and pride in their work, ultimately driving ...
UK      28 - Proserv completes management buyout and introduces employee ownership
             Scottish Financial News - 24 July 2024
             Aberdeen-headquartered Proserv has undergone a sponsor-backed management buyout (MBO), and is introducing an employee ownership scheme, ...
UK      29 - Leeds creative agency becomes employee owned
             Prolific North - 26 July 2024
             Leeds creative agency becomes employee owned ... Leeds-based Network Design & Marketing has become an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT). It means that ...
UK      30 - Engage Interactive becomes employee-owned
             Prolific North - 30 July 2024
             Leeds-based digital marketing agency Engage Interactive has announced its transition to becoming employee owned, with 100 percent of the ...
UK      31 - Union Industries celebrates 10 years as an Employee-Owned Trust with record success
             Business Up North - 30 July 2024
             Union Industries, the UK's leading manufacturer of high-speed industrial roller doors, is celebrating its 10th anniversary as an Employee-Owned ...
UK      32 - Medical negligence specialist firm becomes employee-owned
             Legal Futures - 31 July 2024
             Medical negligence specialist firm becomes employee-owned. 31 July 2024. Posted by Nick Hilborne. Grayston: Firm can go from strength to strength. A ...
UK      33 - Cambridgeshire dealer embarks on new future as an EOT
             Catering Insight - 31 July 2024
             Cambridgeshire-based BI Catering Equipment Services is set to become a 100% employee-owned business, it can be revealed.
UK      34 - SWS becomes Employee-Owned
             The Global Recruiter - 6 Aug 2024
             Strategic Workforce Solutions Group Ltd (SWS) has become an Employee-Owned Business. Under the new structure, companies forming the SWS Group ...
UK      35 - Conlon Group becomes an employee-owned business
             The Business Desk - 8 Aug 2024
             Conlon Group becomes an employee-owned business ... Preston-based construction business Conlon has moved from family ownership to an Employee-Ownership ...
UK      36 - Valloop partners with GFT to build platform that helps accelerate and scale employee ownership
             Yahoo Finance - 13 Aug 2024
             Bespoke Valloop Exchange platform aims to help accelerate the transition of Small to Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) businesses from privately owned to employee owned through innovative use of AI.
UK      37 - RA Information Systems Announces Its Transition To Employee-Owned Business Via EOT
             UKSPA - 16 Aug 2024
             RA Information Systems, software company and IT solutions providers, announced its transition to an employee-owned business through an Employee ...
UK      38 - Preston City Council praise Conlon Group
             Preston City Council - 21 Aug 2024
             21 August 2024: Preston based construction company, Conlon Group, becomes an employee-owned business.
UK      39 - Brabners helps recruitment agency become employee owned
             Lancashire Business View - 28 Aug 2024
             Phill Bateman, founder and director, TRG, said: “Completing our transition to being employee owned is a huge moment in our existence. While nothing ...
UK      40 - UK and Ireland specialist McKinlay Kidd becomes employee-owned
             Travel Weekly - 29 Aug 2024
             UK and Ireland specialist operator McKinlay Kidd has become an employee-owned firm as co-founders Heather McKinlay and Robert Kidd take a step ...
UK      41 - Scots tour operator McKinlay Kidd becomes employee-owned
             Scottish Financial News - 30 Aug 2024
             Glasgow-based tour operator McKinlay Kidd, which projects turnover in excess of £8 million this year, has become employee-owned.
US      42 - Balls Food Stores transfers company ownership to workers
             Grocery Dive - 2 July 2024
             The 25-store Midwestern chain has formed an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), which lets employees gain an ownership interest through shares of ...
US      43 - Rovers North sells to employees, creating a path to a better future for employee owners
             Vermont Business Magazine - 22 July 2024
             ... Employee Stock Ownership Plan, the most common broad-based employee ownership business model in the United States. The company's founders Mark and ...
US      44 - Run for, by its employees: Paragus IT completes 8-year transition to being 100% employee-owned
             Amherst Bulletin - 24 July 2024
             The company is officially 100% employee-owned, an eight-year ... employee-owned, with ...
US      45 - A primer for investors branching into employee ownership
             ImpactAlpha - 8 Aug 2024
             These funds are focused on market-rate returns and occasionally invest in employee ownership transactions, in particular Employee Stock Ownership ...
US      46 - New Report Identifies Funds Focused on Investing in EO Companies
             NCEO - 14 Aug 2024
             A new report identifies 53 funds in the U.S. and Canada that invest entirely or partly in employee-owned companies. [More...]
US       47 - The Menke Group Celebrates 50 Years of ESOP Excellence
             PR Newswire - 28 Aug 2024
             Menke has helped more than 4,000 companies become employee owned and has designed and installed ESOPs all over the United States, serving companies ...
VN      48 - Liberalization of Vietnam's Employee Stock Ownership Plan [ESOP] Regulations
             Lexology - 9 Aug 2024
             On June 28, 2024, the State Bank of Vietnam (“SBVN”) issued Circular 23/2024/TT-NHNN, with new rules governing employee stock ownership plans…

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.