Our selection

We have a selection of 28 remarkable articles in 9 countries in November 2023: Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, UK, USA.
Belgium: Technord is a pioneering company for employee ownership in Belgium.
Canada: Employee ownership is coming to Canada.
Germany: Echternach procession for employee ownership in Germany.
France: Successful employee share plans for Renault, for Softfluent, for Axa, for Capgemini.
Hungary: Tax exemption for employee share plans in startups from January 1, 2024.
Italy: New global employee share plan for Ferrari.
Slovenia: Towards new laws for employee share ownership and for employee ownership in Slovenia.
UK: Thanks to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme, every day a new SME is transferred to employees. This month, among others, the case of: Raynor Foods, Pratap Recruitment, East on Media Solutions, Miller Research, True Fostering, Goodman Nash, Generation Media, 2LK Marketing, Acme Architects, ABC Glass Processing, Swift Research.
USA: Five things employee owners need to know about their ESOP.

Une sélection de 28 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en novembre 2023: Belgique, Canada, Allemagne, France, Hongrie, Italie, Slovénie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Belgique: Technord est une entreprise pionničre de l'actionnariat salarié en Belgique.
Canada: Transmission de PME aux salariés: L'actionnariat salarié arrive au Canada.
Allemagne: Une procession d'Echternach pour l'actionnariat salarié en Allemagne.
France: Succčs des plans d'actionnariat salarié chez Renault, chez Softfluent, Chez Axa, chez Capgemini.
Hongrie: Détaxation des plans d'actionnariat salarié dans les startups ŕ partir du 1er janvier 2024.
Italie: Nouveau plan mondial d'actionnariat salarié pour Ferrari.
Slovénie: Vers de nouvelles lois pour l'actionnariat salarié en Slovénie.
Royaume Uni: Grâce ŕ la formule du Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trust), chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres les cas de: Raynor Foods, Pratap Recruitment, East on Media Solutions, Miller Research, True Fostering, Goodman Nash, Generation Media, 2LK Marketing, Acme Architects, ABC Glass Processing, Swift Research.
USA: Cinq choses que les actionnaires salariés doivent savoir sur leur plan ESOP.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 28 artículos destacados en 9 países en noviembre de 2023: Bélgica, Canadá, Alemania, Francia, Hungría, Italia, Eslovenia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 28 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 9 Ländern im November 2023: Belgien, Kanada, Deutschland, Frankreich, Ungarn, Italien, Slowenien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  28 articoli selezionati per novembre 2023 in 9 Stati:
Belgio, Canada, Germania, Francia, Ungheria, Italia, Slovenia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
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V listopadu 2023 máme výběr 28 pozoruhodných článků ve 9 zemích: Belgie, Kanada, Nemecko, Francie, Madarsko, Itálie, Slovinsko, Velká Británie, USA.
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2023 novemberében hónapban 28 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 9 országból: Belgium, Kanada, Németország, Franciaország, Magyarország, Olaszország, Szlovénia, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 28 niezwyklych artykulów w 9 krajach w listopadzie 2023 r: Belgia, Kanada, Niemcy, Francja, Wegry, Wlochy, Slowenia, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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Een selectie van 28 opmerkelijke artikelen in 9 landen in november 2023: België, Canada, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Hongarije, Italië, Slovenië, VK, VS.
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Ett urval av 28 anmärkningsvärda artiklar i 9 länder i november 2023: Belgien, Kanada, Tyskland, Frankrike, Ungern, Italien, Slovenien, Storbritannien, USA.
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BE      1 - 250 collaborateurs vont devenir actionnaires de Technord
             L'Echo - 18 Nov 2023
             L'électricien industriel wallon s'engage avec son personnel dans un programme d'actionnariat salarié original: le but n'est ni la succession, ni de lever...
CA      2 - Transferring a family business? New tax laws coming in January
             CPA Canada - 2 Nov 2023
             The attraction of having an employee-owned business is that it allows for a wider distribution of ownership and wealth. One major stumbling block ...
CA      3 - Employee ownership is coming to Canada!
             Social Capital Partners - 21 Nov 2023
             We were calling for three things: a dedicated Employee Ownership Trust in the income tax act that would provide ownership benefits to all employees at no cost to them, a regulatory structure that ensured benefits would go to workers and tax incentives to encourage owners to sell to their employees, as they do in the US and the UK. In today’s Fall Economic Statement, the Federal government delivered meaningful tax incentives, and their policy now includes all three.
CA      4 - Employee Ownership Trusts Update – The Tax Incentives that Everyone was Hoping For
             JD Supra - 22 Nov 2023
             Employee Ownership Trusts Update – The Tax Incentives that Everyone was Hoping For ... The Canadian Government released its Fall Economic Statement …
DE      5 - German startup community rejoices over passage of new reforms to employee stock ...
             Sifted - 17 Nov 2023
             The Future Financing Act, passed by the Bundestag on Friday, includes provisions to ease the tax burden of employee stock ownership programmes in ...
DE      6 - Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Deutschland bleibt unvollendet
             AGP News 03/23 - 24 Nov 2023
             Unterm Strich sind die neuen Regelungen ein guter Schritt nach vorne, aber nicht ganz der große Wurf, um ein deutliches Zeichen für eine politisch gewollte Beteiligungskultur zu senden…
DE      7 - Heute wird die neue Förderstruktur für Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen verabschiedet!
             Mit-unternehmer.com - 24 Nov 2023
             Wir sehen hierin einen deutlichen Fortschritt für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, auch wenn im Diskussionsprozess Abstriche zu verzeichnen waren…
FR      8 - Renault : Succčs de son plan d'actionnariat salarié
             BFM Bourse - 7 Nov 2023
             Renault Group fait part du succčs de son plan d'actionnariat salarié 'Renaulution Shareplan 2023', qui s'est déroulé du 18 septembre...
FR      9 - Le bel itinéraire de Softfluent et de ses 70% de salariés-actionnaires
             Daf-Mag.fr - 22 Nov 2023
             Et parmi ces nouveaux « Softfluentees », possiblement autant d'actionnaires de la société. Engagée depuis 2018 dans l'actionnariat salarié, l'entreprise en a...
FR      10 - AXA : succčs de l'offre d'actionnariat salarié
             Zonebourse - 24 Nov 2023
             AXA annonce avoir finalisé avec succčs son offre d'actionnariat salarié ' Shareplan 2023 ' réservée ŕ ses collaborateurs tant en France qu'ŕ l'international...
FR      11 - Capgemini : plus de 50.000 salariés ont souscrit au plan d'actionnariat ESOP
             Boursier.com - 29 Nov 2023
             (Boursier.com) — Le 10e plan d'actionnariat salarié de Capgemini a rencontré un fort succčs. Le plan 'ESOP' (Employee Share Ownership Plan) a été ...
HU      12 - Adómentes lesz a tulajdonszerzés startupokban
             Economx - 29 Nov 2023
             Ezen vállalkozások ugyanis továbbra is létrehozhatnak munkavállalói résztulajdonosi programot (MRP), amelyen keresztül a munkavállalók tőkejövedelemként adózó...
IT      13 - Ferrari, 250 assunzioni entro il primo semestre del 2024. Varo piano azionariato diffuso
             Sky TG24 - 13 Nov 2023
              Verrŕ poi avviato un piano di azionariato diffuso per gli oltre 5000 dipendenti del gruppo. Inoltre previsto un nuovo accordo per il premio di competitivitŕ...
SI      14 - Solastništvo zaposlenih: Zanj so se že odločila tudi nekatera ...
             Večer.com - 3 Nov 2023
             Čeprav je lahko zelo uporabno orodje za podjetja, tega modela niti ne bi poimenoval lastništvo zaposlenih, rajši delničarstvo zaposlenih. Nekaj podobnega...
UK      15 - Raynor Foods shifts to employee ownership model
             The Grocer - 1 Nov 2023
             By law, employees must have a say in how an employee-owned business is run, as well as having a financial stake in the company. According to the ...
UK      16 - Recruitment business becomes employee owned
             The Business Desk - 8 Nov 2023
             Recruitment business becomes employee owned ... A recruitment specialist based in Wakefield and Nottingham has made the move to employee ownership.
UK      17 - East On Media Solutions becomes employee-owned
             Broadcast - 13 Nov 2023
             East On Media Solutions becomes employee-owned ... East On Media Solutions has transferred ownership to its employees, becoming an Employee Ownership ...
UK      18 - Abergavenny firm becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 13 Nov 2023
             Abergavenny firm becomes employee-owned ... An Abergavenny company which undertakes research, consultancy, and evaluation work across a range of sectors ...
UK      19 - TRUE Fostering transitions to full employee ownership
             LaingBuisson News - 14 Nov 2023
             TRUE Fostering has become an employee-owned trust (EOT) structure as it look to set the benchmark for a people-first, benefit-driven approach.
UK      20 - Property audit firm Goodman Nash moves to employee ownership ahead of 30th anniversary
             The Business Magazine - 16 Nov 2023
             Now as the company enters its 30th year, the people at the heart of Goodman Nash are taking over the business through an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) ...
UK      21 - Generation Media Becomes first major media agency to announce employee ownership
             Bdaily - 17 Nov 2023
             ... Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) scheme. Its new EOT status is a significant milestone in the evolution of Generation Media and a decision taken by ...
UK      22 - Meet The Marketing Agency Celebrating Its 30th Birthday By Selling To Its Workers
             The Drum - 21 Nov 2023
             Farnham, Surrey-based brand experience shop 2LK has become the latest agency to go employee-owned. We sat down with its co-owners (now two among ...
UK      23 - ACME is latest practice to become employee-owned
             The Architects' Journal - 24 Nov 2023
             ACME Overlord will be overseen by the ACME Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), led by a trust board formed of five trustees. These comprise two ...
UK      24 - Glass processing firm becomes employee owned
             Insider Media - 27 Nov 2023
             Glass processing firm becomes employee owned ... A Portsmouth-based glass processing specialist has moved to employee ownership in a deal supported by ...
UK      25 - Swift Research shifts to employee ownership
             Research Live - 29 Nov 2023
             Yorkshire-based market research agency Swift Research has become 100% employee-owned after 38 years in business.
US      26 - Sullivan Tire owners to sell auto shop chain to employees
             The Boston Globe - 3 Nov 2023
             The deal will make the ubiquitous auto shop chain one of New England's largest employee-owned companies.
US      27 - Five Things Employee Owners Need to Know About Their ESOP
             Kiplinger - 7 Nov 2023
             Now that you've read about the benefits of company paid contributions, learned the advantages of working for an employee-owned company and know ...
US      28 - Ologie Becomes a 100% Employee-Owned Company
             PR Newswire - 14 Nov 2023
             ... employee owned. The company's shareholders and board of directors, including original founder Bev Ryan and partner Bill Faust, approved the ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.