
have a selection of 34 remarkable articles in
6 countries in September 2022: Spain,
France, Ireland, Italy, UK, USA.
France: Complaint in court at EDF. New
employee share plans for Engie, for Léon Grosse,
for Veolia Environnement, Michelin, Capgemini,
Valeo, Spie. Receivership for Scopelec, the largest
workers' cooperative in France. Involving employees
in corporate governance, a French (and not German)
Ireland: Ireland lags behind rivals for
employee share schemes.
Italy: The various forms of employee share
Spain: New employee share plan for Michelin.
UK: Every day a new SME is transferred
to employees. This month, among others, the cases
Highland Ecology and Development, Shuttle Buses,
Britsafe, ShapeBlue. Share options explained:
the essential guide for UK startups.
USA: What is an ESOP? Can employee ownership
help save capitalism from itself? Employee ownership
programmes are gaining traction in the private
equity industry.
sélection de 34 articles remarquables dans 6 pays
en septembre 2022: Espagne,
France, Irlande, Italie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Espagne: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié
pour Michelin.
France: Plainte chez EDF. Nouveaux plans
dractionnariat salarié pour Engie, pour Léon Grosse,
pour Veolia Environnement, Michelin, Capgemini,
Valeo, Spie. Scopelec, la plus grande coopérative
de salaries en France placée en redressement judiciaire.
Associer les salariés à la gouvernance d'entreprise,
une invention française (et pas allemande).
Irlande: L'Irlande est à la traîne de ses
rivaux pour les régimes d'actionnariat salarié.
Italie: Les différentes formes de l'actionnariat
Royaume Uni: Chaque jour une nouvelle PME
transférée aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres,
les cas de: Highland Ecology and Development,
Shuttle Buses, Britsafe, ShapeBlue. Le guide des
stock options pour les startups.
USA: Qu'est-ce qu'un ESOP? L'actionnariat
salarié peut-il aider à sauver le capitalisme?
Les programmes d'actionnariat salarié gagnent
du terrain dans l'industrie du capital-investissement.
seleccion propone 34 artículos destacados en 6
países en septiembre de 2022: España, Francia,
Irlanda, Italia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
Auswahl von 34 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 6 Ländern
im September 2022: Spanien, Frankreich, Irland,
Italien, Großbritannien, USA.
34 articoli selezionati per
settembe 2022 in 6 Stati: Spagna,
Francia, Irlanda, Italia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
Citazione in Tribunale di EDF. Nuovi piani presso
Engie, Léon Grosse, Veolia Environnement, Michelin,
Capgemini, Valeo, Spie. Scopelec, la più grande
cooperative di lavoro francese, è in amministrazione
controllata. Il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti
nella corporate governance è un’invenzione francese,
non tedesca.
L’Irlanda è in ritardo sui piani di azionariato
dei dipendenti rispetto ai rivali.
Le varie forme di azionariato dei dipendenti.
Nuovo piano di azionariato presso Michelin.
Ogni giorno un nuovo trasferimento di PMI ai dipendenti.
Questo mese, fra gli altri: Highland Ecology and
Development, Shuttle Buses, Britsafe, ShapeBlue.
La guida alle “Share options”, fondamentale per
le start ups britanniche.
Cos’è un ESOP? Può essere lo strumento per proteggere
il capitalism dai suoi eccessi? I programmi di
azionariato dei dipendenti prendono piede anche
nel settore del Private Equity.
zárí 2022 máme výběr 34 pozoruhodných článků
ve 6 zemích: Španelsko,
Francie, Irsko, Itálie, Velká Británie, USA.
2022 szeptemberében hónapban 34 figyelemre méltó
cikket találtunk 6 országból: Spanyolország, Franciaország,
Írország, Olaszország, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
Mamy wybór 34 niezwyklych artykulów w 6 krajach
we wrzesniu 2022: Hiszpania,
Francja, Irlandia, Wlochy, Wielka Brytania, USA.
Een selectie van 34 opmerkelijke artikelen in
6 landen in september 2022: Spanje, Frankrijk,
Ierland, Italië, VK, VS.
1 - Conoce
el nuevo plan de acciones para empleados de Michelin
GeekZilla - 27 Sept 2022
Conoce el nuevo plan de acciones
para empleados de Michelin · El plan propuesto por
Michelin es el siguiente: · Términos y condiciones
· ...
FR 2 - EDF
: des actionnaires salariés portent plainte pour
contester la gestion par l'État
Connaissance des énergies -
1 Sep 2022
Une association d'actionnaires
salariés d'EDF a déposé une plainte judiciaire
contre X pour contester la gestion par l'Etat du
groupe depuis son ...
FR 3 - Engie
: Mise en oeuvre d'un plan mondial d'actionnariat
salarié "Link 2022"
Bourse Direct - 6 Sep 2022
Engie annonce la mise en oeuvre
d'un nouveau plan mondial d'actionnariat salarié
"Link 2022"...
FR 4 - Lancement
réussi de l'actionnariat salarié pour les Savoyards
de Léon Grosse
Journal du BTP - 7 Sep 2022
100 % des salariés désormais
actionnaires de Léon Grosse. L'opération
d'actionnariat salarié s'est déroulée sur
la période du 10 juin au 1er ...
FR 5 - Veolia
Environnement : launches a new employee stock ownership
plan offered …
MarketScreener - 9 Sept 2022
Veolia Environnement : launches
a new employee stock ownership plan offered
to 180,000 Group employees.
FR 6 - Michelin:
Lancement du nouveau plan mondial d'actionnariat
salarié : BIB'Action 2022
Zone Bourse - 12 Sept 2022
Cette augmentation de capital
a été autorisée par la 26ème résolution de l'Assemblée
générale des actionnaires du 13 mai 2022...
FR 7 - Capgemini
lance son neuvieme plan d'actionnariat salarie
Yahoo Finance - 13 Sept 2022
... plan d'actionnariat salarié
ESOP (Employee Share
FR 8 - Valeo
renouvelle son offre de souscription d'actions réservée
aux salariés du Groupe
Valeo - 19 Sept 2022
La souscription des actions
est mise en œuvre en application de la 24e
résolution de l'Assemblée générale des actionnaires
du 26 mai 2021. Les ...
FR 9 - Associer
les salariés à la gouvernance d'entreprise, une
invention française (et pas allemande)
Yahoo Actualités - 27 Sept 2022
Avec la loi Pacte, la codétermination,
c'est-à-dire la détermination en commun des décisions
par les salariés et les actionnaires,
se manifeste ...
FR 10 - Scopelec,
la plus ancienne Scop de France, placée en …
Actu.fr - 27 Sept 2022
Scopelec, la plus ancienne Scop
de France, placée en redressement judiciaire : 2600
emplois menacés. Mardi 27 septembre 2022, le tribunal
de commerce de Lyon a...
FR 11 - SPIE
lance son opération d'actionnariat salarié SHARE
FOR YOU 2022
SPIE - 28 Sept 2022
Du 29 septembre au 20 octobre
2022, les collaborateurs auront la possibilité de
devenir actionnaires du Groupe ou de renforcer
leur position dans le ...
IE 12 - Ireland
Lags Behind Rivals for Employee Share Schemes
Business Plus - 21 Sept 2022
IPSA said the employee share
ownership offers ways to improve productivity,
alleviate hiring challenges and assist in the recruitment
and ...
IT 13 - Partecipazione
all'azionariato dei dipendenti
CSSPD.it - 8 Sept 2022
Nella Newsletter di Settembre
2022, la EFES descrive il significato di azionariato
ai dipendenti applicato nelle sue varie forme
UK 14 - Renewables
and eco consultancy HED becomes employee-owned
Scottish Construction Now -
7 Sep 2022
Renewables and eco consultancy
HED becomes employee-owned. Top (from left)
Vicki Rennie (office administrator), Imogen Young
(senior ecologist and ...
UK 15 - Shuttle
Buses: Independent transport company is sold to
its staff
Irvine Times - 8 Sep 2022
Shuttle Buses, who are based
in Kilwinning, have now become employee owned,with
all 70 of its staff being given a stake.
UK 16 - Forward-thinking
boss transfers company to employees to provide job
Business Matters Magazine -
9 Sep 2022
“This research expands the growing
knowledge that employee-owned businesses
excel at surviving the most difficult economic conditions
while also ...
UK 17 - Britsafe
becomes employee owned
Employee Benefits - 13 Sept
Britsafe becomes employee
owned ... Oldham-based security and cleaning
firm Britsafe has transferred ownership of the business
to its workforce, in a ...
UK 18 - Share options
explained: the essential guide for UK startups
SeedLegals - 21 Sept 2022
A share option scheme
is a way to distribute share options to employees,
advisors, freelancers and consultants. Team members
who receive share ...
UK 19 - DAY
latest to become employee owned
Place North West - 26 Sept 2022
DAY latest to become employee
owned. 26 September 2022 13:30 Sarah Townsend
Comments (0). The Manchester-based architectural
practice has changed ...
UK 20 - Staff
take ownership at engineering and manufacturing
The Business Desk - 27 Sept
The Challenger Group, an engineering
and manufacturing business based in Yorkshire, has
become employee owned. The first of the group's
businesses ...
UK 21 - ShapeBlue,
the CloudStack company, has become an Employee Owned
PR Newswire - 29 Sept 2022
PRNewswire/ -- ShapeBlue, the
CloudStack company, today announced that it has
become a 100% employee-owned business: owned
by all of its employees ...
UK 22 - ShapeBlue,
la société CloudStack, est devenue une entreprise
détenue par ses salariés
PR Newswire - 29 Sept 2022
Ce passage à l'actionnariat
salarié est un moyen de protéger la mission
à long ... James de le Vingne, directeur général
de l'Employee Ownership ...
UK 23 - Employee
Ownership Trusts (“EOTs”) as a succession option
Alvarez & Marsal - 30 Sept
In addition, the employee-owned
company can award income tax free bonuses to employees
of up to £3,600 per year. The transaction can be
structured to ...
US 24 - SEL
Listed as One of the Nation's Largest Employee-Owned
Big Country News - 1 Sep 2022
PULLMAN - Schweitzer Engineering
Laboratories (SEL) is the 22nd largest employee-owned
company in the United States, according to the National ...
US 25 - The
differences between ESOP transactions and common
exit strategies
The Business Journals - 1 Sep
An ideal owner for an ESOP
exit strategy typically has several motives with
their exit. In addition to financial considerations,
the selling owner ...
US 26 - The
Transformative Power of Worker Ownership
Nonprofit Quarterly - 7 Sep
Often used to create 100% employee-owned
companies, Limited voting rights are built in for
plan participants (major corporate decisions like
sale, ...
US 27 - Can
Employee Ownership Help Save Capitalism from Itself?
Counterpunch - 8 Sep 2022
... most will end up being 100%
employee owned. ESOPs are created by companies,
which fund them out of pre-tax profits (not employee
money), ...
US 28 - Stewart's
Ambulance to become employee owned in effort to
recruit and keep workers
Yahoo News - 11 Sept 2022
The Meredith-based company expects
to become the only employee-owned emergency
medical service in New England by the end of the
year. The company — ...
US 29 - The
iconic Astor Wines & Spirits is now owned by
its employees
Time Out - 14 Sept 2022
"By becoming an employee-owned
business, we ensure that Astor Wines & Spirits
will maintain our qualitative standards in selection
and service ...
US 30 - What
Is an ESOP?
US News Money - 16 Sept 2022
Some employers offer an Employee
Stock Ownership Plan as part of their retirement
plan options. An ESOP allows workers to have
shares of the ...
US 31 - Securing
Europe's competitiveness: Addressing its technology
McKinsey - 22 Sept 2022
National Center for Employee
Ownership in the United States; European Federation
of Employee Share Ownership. The largest European
tech companies ...
US 32 - Employee
ownership provides an option for retiring small-business
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - 26
Sept 2022
Statewide, there are about 300
employee-owned companies, according to consulting
firm Business Transaction Advisors. Advertisement.
In Pittsburgh, all ...
US 33 - Employee
Ownership Programmes: How do they affect returns
for LPs?
Private Equity International
- 30 Sept 2022
Employee-owned companies
also protected their workers' jobs at a rate four
times higher than that of traditionally owned companies
during the ...
US 34 - Employee
ownership could be the future of capitalism–but
it doesn't work unless workers earn it
Fortune - 30 Sept 2022
Corey Rosen notes in his Harvard
Business Review piece, “How Well Is Employee
Ownership Working?,” “ESOP (Employee Stock
Ownership Plan) companies ..