Our selection

We have a selection of 29 remarkable articles in 7 countries in October 2022: Australia, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, UK, USA.
Australia: How employee shares can revitalise workers and firms.
France: Save Scopelec, the largest workers' cooperative in France.
Italy: Industria Vetraria Valdarnese is one of the main and very few remaining glassworks that still produce in Italy.
Poland: Stock options plans have been growing in popularity for a dozen years.
Romania: A first ESOP Guide for Romania.
UK: Every day a new SME is transferred to employees. This month, among others, the cases of: JDDK Architects, Lyneal Group, Planit-IE, Linear Recruitment, Intec Systems, Dent Instrumentation, Medstrom Beds, Shedkm Architects, Oliver & Co. Solicitors, Your Equipment Solutions, NE Components, RJ Lifts Services.
USA: KKR 2021 Sustainability Report: Employee Ownership at Work. Experts predict "the decade of employee ownership". There are many forms of employee ownership.

Une sélection de 29 articles remarquables dans 7 pays en octobre 2022: Australie, France, Italie, Pologne, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Australie: L'actionnariat salarié pour revitaliser le travail et les entreprises.
France: Il faut sauver Scopelec, la plus grande coopérative de salariés en France.
Italie: Coup d'arręt pour la fameuse coopérative de verrerie Industria Vetraria Valdarnese.
Pologne: La popularité des programmes de stock options ne cesse de croître depuis une douzaine d'années.
Roumanie: Un premier Guide ESOP en Roumanie.
Royaume Uni: Chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres, les cas de: JDDK Architects, Lyneal Group, Planit-IE, Linear Recruitment, Intec Systems, Dent Instrumentation, Medstrom Beds, Shedkm Architects, Oliver & Co. Solicitors, Your Equipment Solutions, NE Components, RJ Lifts Services.
USA: KKR – Rapport de développement durable 2021: focus sur l'actionnariat salarié. Les experts annoncent "la décennie de l'actionnariat salarié". Il y a plusieurs formes d'actionnariat salarié.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 29 artículos destacados en 7 países enoctubre de 2022: Australia, Francia, Italia, Polonia, Rumania, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 29 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 7 Ländern im Oktober 2022: Australien, Frankreich, Italien, Polen, Rumänien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  29 articoli selezionati per ottobre 2022 in 7 Stati:
Australia, Francia, Italia, Polonia, Romania, Regno Unito, USA.
Australia: L’azionariato dei dipendenti puň rivitalizzare tanto I lavoratori quanto le imprese.
Francia: Occorre salvare Scopelec, la piů grande cooperative di lavoro francese.
Italy: Industria Vetraria Valdarnese č una delle maggiori fra le poche imprese rimaste nel settore vetrario italiano.
Polonia: La popolaritŕ dei piani di stock option continua a crescere da una dozzina d’anni.
Romania: Una prima guida ESOP per la Romania.
UK: Tutti I giorni una nuova PMI č trasferita ai dipendenti. Questo mese, fra le altre: JDDK Architects, Lyneal Group, Planit-IE, Linear Recruitment, Intec Systems, Dent Instrumentation, Medstrom Beds, Shedkm Architects, Oliver & Co. Solicitors, Your Equipment Solutions, NE Components, RJ Lifts Services.
USA: KKR Rapporto 2021 di crescita sostenibile: attenzione all’azionariato dei dipendenti. Gli esperti annunciano “il decennio dell’azionariato dei dipendenti”. Sono varie le forme di azionariato dei dipendenti.
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V ríjnu 2022 máme výběr 29 pozoruhodných článků ve 7 zemích: Austrálie, Francie, Itálie, Polsko, Rumunsko, Velká Británie, USA.
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2022 októberében hónapban 29 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 7 országból: Ausztrália, Franciaország, Olaszország, Lengyelország, Románia, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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Mamy wybór 29 niezwyklych artykulów w 7 krajach w pazdzierniku 2022: Australia, Francja, Wlochy, Polska, Rumunia, Wielka Brytania, USA.
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Een selectie van 29 opmerkelijke artikelen in 7 landen in oktober 2022: Australië, Frankrijk, Italië, Polen, Roemenië, VK, VS.
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AU      1 - How employee shares can revitalise workers and firms
             AFR - 27 Oct 2022
             ... Skills Summit was any meaningful discussion of employee share ownership. ... The idea behind employee ownership is simple: give employees a ...
FR      2 - Fibre : Carole Delga presse l'Etat d'agir pour sauver Scopelec ...
             La Tribune - 29 Oct 2022
             La premičre Scop de France, spécialisée dans l'entretien et l'installation de réseaux de télécommunications, a été placée en redressement judiciaire en...
FR      3 - L'actionnariat salarié gagne du terrain dans les PME
             Le Journal des Entreprises - 20 Oct 2022
             Selon les chiffres de la Fédération européenne de l'actionnariat salarié, les salariés actionnaires français représentent, en effet, ...
IT      4 - San Giovanni Valdarno: Quali prospettive per l’IVV? Risponde Antonio Mazzeo
             ArezzoWeb.it - 25 Oct 2022
             San Giovanni Valdarno: Quali prospettive per l'IVV? Risponde Antonio Mazzeo · “L'azienda č stata fondata nel 1952, come Cooperativa di Lavoratori. · “Dal 1952 l'...
PL      5 - Analiza rynku programów motywacyjnych opcji na akcje w Polsce w 2021 r.
             Księgowość - 26 Oct 2022
             Dzięki programom motywacyjnym opcji na akcje polskie firmy mogą skutecznie realizować założone cele, a interesy pracowników i pozostałych akcjonariuszy...
RO      6 - ANIS şi bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ lansează Ghidul ESOP în România
             Ziarul BURSA - 5 Oct 2022
              Potrivit unui studiu efectuat de European Federation of Employee Share Ownership, procentul societăţilor europene care au lansat astfel de noi ...
RO      7 - ANIS și bpv Grigorescu Ștefănică lansează Ghidul ESOP în România
             Curierul National - 5 Oct 2022
             Potrivit unui studiu efectuat de European Federation of Employee Share Ownership, procentul societăților europene care au lansat astfel de noi ...
UK      8 - Newcastle practice joins growing employee owned movement
             The Architects' Journal - 3 Oct 2022
             Newcastle-based JDDK Architects has become the latest architecture practice to become employee-owned. The 35-year-old studio has joined the ...
UK      9 - Lyneal Group establishes employee ownership trust
             Employee Benefits - 3 Oct 2022
             The trust will have ownership of the entire issued share capital of Lyneal Group, with all 28 employees having a beneficial interest.
UK      10 - UK – Linear Recruitment becomes employee-owned
             Staffing Industry Analysts - 4 Oct 2022
             UK – Linear Recruitment becomes employee-owned. 04 October 2022. Linear Recruitment, a UK-based recruitment firm, announced that the current ...
UK      11 - Planit-IE transitions to employee-owned model
             Place North West - 4 Oct 2022
             Planit-IE transitions to employee-owned model.  ...architecture practice has transferred two-thirds of its shares to an employee ownership trust.
UK      12 - Intec Systems enters into employee ownership
             Consultancy.uk - 6 Oct 2022
             Over the last decade, the number of employee-owned businesses has grown to 1,030, with a record 285 businesses choosing employee ownership in 2021 ...
UK      13 - Manufacturer transitions to become employee-owned
             Insider Media - 12 Oct 2022
             A Lancashire-based specialist in yarn sensor design and manufacture has transitioned to become an employee-owned business.
UK      14 - Medstrom employee ownership trust announcement
             Nursing Times - 11 Oct 2022
             The shareholders of the company entered into an agreement to sell the entire share capital to an employee ownership trust.
UK      15 - Shedkm becomes employee-owned
             Place North West - 17 Oct 2022
             The Liverpool and London-based architecture firm is kicking off its 25th anniversary by transitioning to an employee-owned trust model.
UK      16 - Shedkm switches to employee ownership
             The Architects' Journal - 17 Oct 2022
             Liverpool and London-based practice shedkm has announced it is becoming an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), the latest in a growing number of ...
UK      17 - North west firm becomes latest to hand ownership to employees
             The Law Society Gazette - 19 Oct 2022
             Becoming employee owned takes that a step further and gives our people a stake in the business and an equal share in our profits, no matter what their ...
UK      18 - Oliver & Co Solicitors moves to employee ownership in a bid to future-proof the business
             Business Lancashire - 20 Oct 2022
             Kay Cook explains why employee ownership made sense for Oliver & Co: ... Oliver & Co's employees will be eligible to become employee owners after ...
UK      19 - Shaw Healthcare CEO's 'multi-million pound' Real Living Wage commitment
             Care Home Professional - 24 Oct 2022
             When it first made the move to being employee-owned, 51% of shares were distributed among its 3,200 or so employees.
UK      20 - Equipment hire company becomes employee owned
             Deadline News - 25 Oct 2022
             Equipment hire company becomes employee owned. Plant and tool hire company says Y.E.S to employee ownership. A SCOTTISH ...
UK      21 - Machining firm becomes Employee Ownership Trust
             Production Engineering Solutions - 25 Oct 2022
             ... where there are now more than 1,000 employee-owned businesses, with the sector more than doubling in the past three years.
UK      22 - Lift maintenance group moves to employee ownership
             Insider Media - 25 Oct 2022
             Simon Clewlow, director, growth capital, Santander UK, said: "Santander UK is well positioned to support employee-owned businesses and we are ...
US      23 - Employees at Crawford County's Acutec gain ownership stake in company
             GoErie.com - 3 Oct 2022
             Chris Wagner, 48, Acutec's tool grind lead, has some insight after working at an employee-owned company in Idaho. Wagner said he loves his job at ...
US      24 - KKR 2021 Sustainability Report: Employee Ownership at Work
             Yahoo Finance - 3 Oct 2022
             Since 2011, we have focused on employee ownership and engagement as key ... I was fortunate enough to work on an employee stock ownership plan 25 ...
US      25 - Employee Ownership Expert Sees Four Factors That Could Make The 2020s 'The Decade …
             Forbes - 11 Oct 2022
             As these stories become more common, other business owners will find selling to an ESOP company – and getting a fair price and making their employees ...
US      26 - DiNapoli: New York's Employee Stock Ownership Plans Lead Nation in Assets
             New York State Comptroller - 18 Oct 2022
             ... hold equity shares in the companies they work for, and only 12% of the U.S. workforce is employed in companies that are employee owned.
US      27 - The CEO Letter To Shareholders: A Great Vehicle To Convey Your Corporate Narrative
             Forbes - 19 Oct 2022
             According to the European Federation of Employee Share Ownership, in 2021, 88% of all large European companies had employee share plans of all ...
US      28 - Why the Employee Ownership Model Works for My Company
             Real Leaders - 19 Oct 2022
             There are many forms of employee ownership ranging from stock grants to more complex plans like an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), ...
US      29 - Lemberg celebrates 30 years as an employee-owned company
             GMToday.com - 26 Oct 2022
             The electrical contracting firm functions under the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Association and has a designed retirement plan where ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.