Our selection

We have a selection of 29 remarkable articles in 8 countries in October 2021: France, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, UK, USA.
France: NGE Group is majority owned by its founders, managers and employees. New employee share plan for Dassault Systčmes. In search of employee ownership in SMEs. Alkar is a large workers' cooperative in the Basque country.
Hungary: New ESOP plan for OTP Bank.
Italy: The "miscusi stock" distributes 5% of the company to employees. Campari: Turning point for employee share ownership, with the green light from unions coordination.
Netherlands: The 1,000 employees of Alfa Accountants own their company through a private foundation.
Norway: Kantega is 100% employee-owned.
Slovenia: Introducing ESOP-like plans in Slovenia.
UK: Every day a new SME is transferred to an Employee Ownership Trust as for instance this month: Christie Gillespie, DXW, The HR Dept, STB Graphic, Jee, Go Ape, Hollis, JF Plastics.
How does management continue to effectively run a company when it is owned by the employees?
USA: What Is an ESOP? How employee owned businesses flourished during the pandemic and continue to grow in popularity.

Une sélection de 29 articles remarquables dans 8 pays en octobre 2021: France, Hongrie, Italie, Pays-Bas, Norvčge, Slovénie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
France: Le groupe NGE est majoritairement détenu par ses fondateurs, managers et collaborateurs. 
Nouveau plans  d'actionnariat salarié pour Dassault Systčmes. A la recherche de l'actionnariat salarié dans les PME. Alkar est une grande coopérative de salariés du pays basque.
Hongrie: Nouveau plan ESOP pour OTP Bank.
Italie: Miscusi distribue 5% de l'entreprise aux salariés. Campari: tournant décisif pour l'actionnariat salarié, avec le feu vert de la coordination syndicale.
Pays-Bas: Les 1.000 salariés d'Alfa Accountants sont propriétaires de leur entreprise via une fondation privée.
Norvčge: Kantega est détenue ŕ 100% par ses salariés.
Slovénie: Introduire le plan de type ESOP en Slovénie.
Royaume Uni: Chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée ŕ un Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié. Ce mois-ci entre autres, les cas de Christie Gillespie, DXW, The HR Dept, STB Graphic, Jee, Go Ape, Hollis, JF Plastics. Comment on dirige efficacement une entreprise lorsqu'elle appartient aux salariés.
USA: Qu'est-ce qu'un plan ESOP? Comment les entreprises appartenant aux salariés ont prospéré pendant la pandémie.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 29 artículos destacados en 8 países en octubre de 2021: Francia, Hungría, Italia, Países Bajos, Noruega, Eslovenia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 29 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 8 Ländern im Oktober 2021: Frankreich, Ungarn, Italien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Slowenien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  29 articoli selezionati per ottobre 2021 in 8 Stati:
Francia, Ungheria, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Slovenia, Regno Unito, USA.
Francia: NGE Group č posseduto in maggioranza dai fondatori,managers e dipendenti. Nuovi piani di azionariato presso Dassault Systčmes. In cerca di partecipazione per I dipendenti delle PMI. Alkar č una grande cooperative di lavoro nella regione Basca.
Ungheria: Nuovo piano ESOP presso OTP Bank.
Italia: Il "miscusi stock" distribuisce il 5% della societŕ Miscusi ai dipendenti. Campari: punto di svolta per l’azionariato dei dipendenti, con il via libera del coordinamento intersindacale.
Paesi Bassi: I 1,000 dipendenti di Alfa Accountants possiedono la loro Societŕ attraverso una fondazione privata.
Norvegia: Kantega č al 100% dei dipendenti.
Slovenia: Introdurre piani ESOP in Slovenia.
UK: Ogni giorno una PMI č trasferita ad un Employee Ownership Trust; Per esmpio in questo mese:  
Christie Gillespie, DXW, The HR Dept, STB Graphic, Jee, Go Ape, Hollis, JF Plastics. Come si dirige efficacemente una Societŕ quandoi dipendenti ne sono I proprietary?
USA: Cos’č un ESOP? Come hanno fatto le imprese possedute dei dipendenti a prosperare durante la pandemia?
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V ríjnu 2021 máme výběr 29 pozoruhodných článků ve 8 zemích: Francie, Madarsko, Itálie, Nizozemsko, Norsko, Slovinsko, Spojené království, USA.

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2021 októberében hónapban 29 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 8 országból: Franciaország, Magyarország, Olaszország, Hollandia, Norvégia, Szlovénia, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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FR      1 - L'actionnariat du groupe NGE chamboulé avec l'entrée du fonds Montefiore au capital
             La Tribune - 9 Oct 2021
             Paradoxalement, l'arrivée de ce nouvel actionnaire va aller de pair avec une ... dont 21 % d'actionnariat salarié au sein d'un fonds commun de placement ...
FR      2 - Dassault Systčmes : Lance une offre d'actionnariat salarié
             BFM Bourse - 11 Oct 2021
            Dassault Systčmes annonce le lancement d'une offre d'actionnariat salarié. L'offre sera proposée ŕ environ 98% des collaborateurs...
FR      3 - Associer un salarié : une stratégie gagnante ?
             Les Affiches de Grenoble - 20 Oct 2021
            La France figure parmi les pays européens dans lequel le dispositif d'actionnariat salarié est le plus développé, notamment grâce ŕ des mesures d'incitation...
FR      4 - A Mauléon, la Scop Alkar fourmille de projets
             PresseLib - 27 Oct 2021
             A Mauléon, la Scop Alkar fourmille de projets. Spécialisée dans les constructions métalliques, elle s'est progressivement muée en un groupe de poids ŕ l'...
FR      5 - Actionnariat salarié : ŕ quand le tour des PME et ETI ?
             La Tribune - 28 Oct 2021
             Actionnariat salarié : ŕ quand le tour des PME et ETI ? OPINION. La France est le leader européen avec 3 millions d'actionnaires-salariés, mais seules 4% des...
HU      6 - Munkavállalói résztulajdonosi program indul az OTP Banknál
             gondola.hu - 15 Oct 2021
             Az OTP Bank rendkívüli közgyűlésén döntött munkavállalói résztulajdonosi program létrehozásáról és támogatásáról - mondta Csányi Sándor,...
IT      7 - miscusi distribuisce ai dipendenti il 5% della societŕ con le “miscusi stock”
            Foodaffairs - 8 Oct 2021
             L'impegno sociale di miscusi parte dalla comunitŕ aziendale, che si chiama “miscusi family”, con un piano di azionariato diffuso “miscusi stock” che prevede...
IT      8 - Azionariato ai dipendenti, la svolta del gruppo Campari
             Avvenire - 13 Oct 2021
             Via libera dal coordinamento sindacale, coinvolti circa 4mila lavoratori in tutta Italia. Fai Cisl: un passo importante, speriamo venga introdotto da altre...
NL      9 - Bij dit accountantskantoor zijn alle werknemers mede ...
             Business Insider - 25 Oct 2021
             De financiële werknemersparticipatie en de focus op duurzaamheid zorgden er in 2014 al voor dat Alfa als enige accountancykantoor in Nederland een B-Corp...
NO      10 - Deler ut 320.000 kroner hver til alle ansatte
            Nettavisen - 6 Oct 2021
             En rapport utgitt av European Federation of Employee Share Ownership tidligere i ĺr viser at i norske břrsnoterte selskaper eier vanlige ansatte bare 1,14 ...
NO      11 - Vil řke ansattes eierskap
             FinansFokus - 27 Oct 2021
             Vil řke ansattes eierskap. Finansforbundet vil řke de ansattes eierskap. I forslaget til neste ĺrs statsbudsjett kommer flere nyheter som peker i riktig retning...
SI      12 - Podjetja v lasti zaposlenih so bolj stabilna
             Večer - 4 Oct 2021
             Uspešna praksa lastništva zaposlenih, ki paradoksalno cveti prav v neoliberalnih zibelkah, je pred nekaj leti pritegnila pozornost ustanoviteljev Inštituta...
UK      13 - Employee ownership: Scottish engineering consultancy Christie Gillespie realises ambition ...
             HeraldScotland - 4 Oct 2021
             TWO owners of a Scottish civil and structural engineering consultancy have realised their ambition of adopting employee ownership, just six years after ...
UK      14 - Digital consultancy dxw becomes employee-owned
            Consultancy.uk - 6 Oct 2021
             Leeds and London based digital consultancy dxw has transitioned to employee-ownership. Dave Mann, Managing Director at dxw, said the business' leaders feel ...
UK      15 - Lindsays: Scottish investment deals worth Ł3.5m highlight employee ownership potential ...
             Scottish Legal News - 8 Oct 2021
             “Funding is often an issue for employee owned businesses due to the focus on employees, something which C4C both understands and encourages.
UK      16 - Bristol human resources company to become employee owned
             Business Live - 11 Oct 2021
              Bristol human resources company to become employee owned. The HR Dept franchise has more than 100 branches across the UK, Ireland and Australia.
UK      17 - STB Graphic Designers becomes an Employee Owned Trust
             Bdaily - 21 Oct 2021
             With 730 businesses in the UK currently employee owned, their economic contribution is already significant, 4 per cent of the UK's annual GDP and ...
UK      18 - Jee Limited becomes employee-owned
             World Pipelines - 22 Oct 2021
            World-renowned for engineering and training in the offshore sector, Aberdeen/Tonbridge-based Jee Ltd, the UK's longest-established independent ...
UK      19 - Go Ape adopts John Lewis employee-owned model
             Financial Times - 23 Oct 2021
             The husband and wife founders of Go Ape have handed ownership of the treetop adventure business to the company's 1,000 employees by turning into a ...
UK      20 - UK: How Does Management Continue To Effectively Run A Company When It Is Owned By ...
            Mondaq - 25 Oct 2021
             A look at the key structuring and decision making processes which are put in place for a successful employee owned business.
UK      21 - Real estate giant becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 29 Oct 2021
             One of the largest independent real estate consultancies in the UK and Europe has switched from a limited liability partnership to an ...
UK      22 - West Yorkshire manufacturer becomes employee-owned
             Insider Media - 29 Oct 2021
             The founder of a West Yorkshire manufacturer has transferred ownership of the business to its staff in a deal advised by the corporate finance ...
US      23 - Blueberry farm transitions to employee-owned enterprise
             Wallace's Farmer - 1 Oct 2021
             AgriCare CEO Gunnar Avinelis is helping to oversee the transition of a business model from ...
US      24 - Old Town Ace Hardware Is Now Employee-Owned
             The Zebra Press - 4 Oct 2021
             Old Town Ace is just one of 13 stores amongst AFCHS now being transferred to employee ownership.
US      25 - How employee owned businesses flourished during the pandemic and continnue to grow in ...
             ideastream - 4 Oct 2021
             As you're learning about a company, it's become more and more common to come across the phrase 'employee owned'. But that concept still remains fairly ...
US      26 - RSG celebrates 35 years: Employee-owned company continues to help clients understand ...
             vtdigger.org - 8 Oct 2021
             In 1986, RSG's founders conceived of a new model of consulting to help governments and businesses. Their idea? Combine academic rigor with serious data analysis ...
US      27 - CEO Transfers 100% Ownership of Company to Employees Through ESOP
             WWSB - 20 Oct 2021
             ... with wide-ranging job flexibility, and now we're one of the few agencies in the United States to be 100% employee owned," Sheryl Lewis said.
US      28 - ESOPs as a Succession Plan
             JD Supra - 20 Oct 2021
             Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) can be a valuable, but often overlooked, succession strategy. What Is an ESOP? As the name indicates, an ESOP ...
US      29 - Ownership America Releases Inaugural Publication "Turning Employees into Owners"
             WCAX - 21 Oct 2021
             The report reviews the extensive track record of employee-owned businesses in creating high-quality jobs that build substantial retirement wealth for ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.