
have a selection of 29 remarkable articles in
8 countries in October 2021: France, Hungary,
Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, UK, USA.
NGE Group is majority owned by its founders, managers
and employees. New employee share plan for Dassault
Systčmes. In search of employee ownership in SMEs.
Alkar is a large workers' cooperative in the Basque
Hungary: New ESOP plan for OTP Bank.
Italy: The "miscusi stock" distributes
5% of the company to employees. Campari: Turning
point for employee share ownership, with the green
light from unions coordination.
Netherlands: The 1,000 employees of Alfa
Accountants own their company through a private
Norway: Kantega is 100% employee-owned.
Slovenia: Introducing ESOP-like plans in
UK: Every day a new SME is transferred
to an Employee Ownership Trust as for instance
this month: Christie Gillespie, DXW, The HR Dept,
STB Graphic, Jee, Go Ape, Hollis, JF Plastics.
How does management continue to effectively run
a company when it is owned by the employees?
USA: What Is an ESOP? How employee
owned businesses flourished during the pandemic
and continue to grow in popularity.
sélection de 29 articles remarquables dans 8 pays
en octobre 2021: France, Hongrie, Italie,
Pays-Bas, Norvčge, Slovénie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Le groupe NGE est majoritairement détenu par ses
fondateurs, managers et collaborateurs.
Nouveau plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Dassault
Systčmes. A la recherche de l'actionnariat salarié
dans les PME. Alkar est une grande coopérative
de salariés du pays basque.
Hongrie: Nouveau plan ESOP pour OTP Bank.
Italie: Miscusi distribue 5% de l'entreprise
aux salariés. Campari: tournant décisif pour l'actionnariat
salarié, avec le feu vert de la coordination syndicale.
Pays-Bas: Les 1.000 salariés d'Alfa Accountants
sont propriétaires de leur entreprise via une
fondation privée.
Norvčge: Kantega est détenue ŕ 100% par
ses salariés.
Slovénie: Introduire le plan de type ESOP
en Slovénie.
Royaume Uni: Chaque jour une nouvelle PME
transférée ŕ un Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié.
Ce mois-ci entre autres, les cas de Christie Gillespie,
DXW, The HR Dept, STB Graphic, Jee, Go Ape, Hollis,
JF Plastics. Comment on dirige efficacement une
entreprise lorsqu'elle appartient aux salariés.
USA: Qu'est-ce qu'un plan ESOP? Comment
les entreprises appartenant aux salariés ont prospéré
pendant la pandémie.
seleccion propone 29 artículos destacados en 8
países en octubre de 2021: Francia, Hungría, Italia,
Países Bajos, Noruega, Eslovenia, Reino Unido,
Estados Unidos.
Auswahl von 29 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 8 Ländern
im Oktober 2021: Frankreich, Ungarn, Italien,
Niederlande, Norwegen, Slowenien, Großbritannien,
29 articoli selezionati per
ottobre 2021 in 8 Stati: Francia,
Ungheria, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Slovenia,
Regno Unito, USA.
NGE Group č posseduto in maggioranza dai fondatori,managers
e dipendenti. Nuovi piani di azionariato presso
Dassault Systčmes. In cerca di partecipazione
per I dipendenti delle PMI. Alkar č una grande
cooperative di lavoro nella regione Basca.
Ungheria: Nuovo piano ESOP presso OTP Bank.
Italia: Il "miscusi stock" distribuisce
il 5% della societŕ Miscusi ai dipendenti. Campari:
punto di svolta per l’azionariato dei dipendenti,
con il via libera del coordinamento intersindacale.
Paesi Bassi: I 1,000 dipendenti di Alfa
Accountants possiedono la loro Societŕ attraverso
una fondazione privata.
Norvegia: Kantega č al 100% dei dipendenti.
Slovenia: Introdurre piani ESOP in Slovenia.
UK: Ogni giorno una PMI č trasferita ad
un Employee Ownership Trust; Per esmpio in questo
Christie Gillespie, DXW, The HR Dept, STB Graphic,
Jee, Go Ape, Hollis, JF Plastics. Come si dirige
efficacemente una Societŕ quandoi dipendenti ne
sono I proprietary?
USA: Cos’č un ESOP? Come hanno fatto le
imprese possedute dei dipendenti a prosperare
durante la pandemia?
ríjnu 2021 máme výběr 29 pozoruhodných článků
ve 8 zemích: Francie, Madarsko, Itálie, Nizozemsko,
Norsko, Slovinsko, Spojené království, USA.
2021 októberében hónapban 29 figyelemre méltó cikket
találtunk 8 országból: Franciaország, Magyarország,
Olaszország, Hollandia, Norvégia, Szlovénia, Egyesült
Királyság, USA.
1 - L'actionnariat
du groupe NGE chamboulé avec l'entrée du fonds Montefiore
au capital
La Tribune - 9 Oct 2021
Paradoxalement, l'arrivée
de ce nouvel actionnaire va aller de pair
avec une ... dont 21 % d'actionnariat salarié
au sein d'un fonds commun de placement ...
FR 2 - Dassault
Systčmes : Lance une offre d'actionnariat salarié
BFM Bourse - 11 Oct 2021
Dassault Systčmes annonce le
lancement d'une offre d'actionnariat salarié. L'offre
sera proposée ŕ environ 98% des collaborateurs...
FR 3 - Associer
un salarié : une stratégie gagnante ?
Les Affiches de Grenoble -
20 Oct 2021
La France figure parmi les pays
européens dans lequel le dispositif d'actionnariat
salarié est le plus développé, notamment grâce ŕ
des mesures d'incitation...
FR 4 - A
Mauléon, la Scop Alkar fourmille de projets
PresseLib - 27 Oct 2021
A Mauléon, la Scop Alkar fourmille
de projets. Spécialisée dans les constructions métalliques,
elle s'est progressivement muée en un groupe de
poids ŕ l'...
FR 5 - Actionnariat
salarié : ŕ quand le tour des PME et ETI ?
La Tribune - 28 Oct 2021
Actionnariat salarié : ŕ quand
le tour des PME et ETI ? OPINION. La France est
le leader européen avec 3 millions d'actionnaires-salariés,
mais seules 4% des...
HU 6 - Munkavállalói
résztulajdonosi program indul az OTP Banknál
gondola.hu - 15 Oct 2021
Az OTP Bank rendkívüli közgyűlésén
döntött munkavállalói résztulajdonosi program létrehozásáról
és támogatásáról - mondta Csányi Sándor,...
IT 7 - miscusi distribuisce
ai dipendenti il 5% della societŕ con le “miscusi
Foodaffairs - 8 Oct 2021
L'impegno sociale di miscusi
parte dalla comunitŕ aziendale, che si chiama “miscusi
family”, con un piano di azionariato diffuso “miscusi
stock” che prevede...
IT 8 - Azionariato
ai dipendenti, la svolta del gruppo Campari
Avvenire - 13 Oct 2021
Via libera dal coordinamento
sindacale, coinvolti circa 4mila lavoratori in tutta
Italia. Fai Cisl: un passo importante, speriamo
venga introdotto da altre...
NL 9 - Bij
dit accountantskantoor zijn alle werknemers mede
Business Insider - 25 Oct
De financiële werknemersparticipatie
en de focus op duurzaamheid zorgden er in 2014 al
voor dat Alfa als enige accountancykantoor in Nederland
een B-Corp...
NO 10 - Deler
ut 320.000 kroner hver til alle ansatte
Nettavisen - 6 Oct 2021
En rapport utgitt av European
Federation of Employee Share Ownership tidligere
i ĺr viser at i norske břrsnoterte selskaper eier
vanlige ansatte bare 1,14 ...
NO 11 - Vil řke
ansattes eierskap
FinansFokus - 27 Oct 2021
Vil řke ansattes eierskap.
Finansforbundet vil řke de ansattes eierskap. I
forslaget til neste ĺrs statsbudsjett kommer flere
nyheter som peker i riktig retning...
SI 12 - Podjetja
v lasti zaposlenih so bolj stabilna
Večer - 4 Oct 2021
Uspešna praksa lastništva
zaposlenih, ki paradoksalno cveti prav v neoliberalnih
zibelkah, je pred nekaj leti pritegnila pozornost
ustanoviteljev Inštituta...
UK 13 - Employee
ownership: Scottish engineering consultancy Christie
Gillespie realises ambition ...
HeraldScotland - 4 Oct 2021
TWO owners of a Scottish civil
and structural engineering consultancy have realised
their ambition of adopting employee ownership,
just six years after ...
UK 14 - Digital
consultancy dxw becomes employee-owned
Consultancy.uk - 6 Oct 2021
Leeds and London based digital
consultancy dxw has transitioned to employee-ownership.
Dave Mann, Managing Director at dxw, said the business'
leaders feel ...
UK 15 - Lindsays:
Scottish investment deals worth Ł3.5m highlight
employee ownership potential ...
Scottish Legal News - 8 Oct
“Funding is often an issue
for employee owned businesses due to the
focus on employees, something which C4C both understands
and encourages.
UK 16 - Bristol
human resources company to become employee owned
Business Live - 11 Oct 2021
Bristol human resources company
to become employee owned. The HR Dept franchise
has more than 100 branches across the UK, Ireland
and Australia.
UK 17 - STB
Graphic Designers becomes an Employee Owned Trust
Bdaily - 21 Oct 2021
With 730 businesses in the
UK currently employee owned, their economic
contribution is already significant, 4 per cent
of the UK's annual GDP and ...
UK 18 - Jee
Limited becomes employee-owned
World Pipelines - 22 Oct 2021
World-renowned for engineering
and training in the offshore sector, Aberdeen/Tonbridge-based
Jee Ltd, the UK's longest-established independent ...
UK 19 - Go Ape
adopts John Lewis employee-owned model
Financial Times - 23 Oct 2021
The husband and wife founders
of Go Ape have handed ownership of the treetop adventure
business to the company's 1,000 employees by turning
into a ...
UK 20 - UK:
How Does Management Continue To Effectively Run
A Company When It Is Owned By ...
Mondaq - 25 Oct 2021
A look at the key structuring
and decision making processes which are put in place
for a successful employee owned business.
UK 21 - Real
estate giant becomes employee-owned
Insider Media - 29 Oct 2021
One of the largest independent
real estate consultancies in the UK and Europe has
switched from a limited liability partnership to
an ...
UK 22 - West
Yorkshire manufacturer becomes employee-owned
Insider Media - 29 Oct 2021
The founder of a West Yorkshire
manufacturer has transferred ownership of the business
to its staff in a deal advised by the corporate
finance ...
US 23 - Blueberry
farm transitions to employee-owned enterprise
Wallace's Farmer - 1 Oct 2021
AgriCare CEO Gunnar Avinelis
is helping to oversee the transition of a business
model from ...
US 24 - Old
Town Ace Hardware Is Now Employee-Owned
The Zebra Press - 4 Oct 2021
Old Town Ace is just one of
13 stores amongst AFCHS now being transferred to
employee ownership.
US 25 - How
employee owned businesses flourished during the
pandemic and continnue to grow in ...
ideastream - 4 Oct 2021
As you're learning about a
company, it's become more and more common to come
across the phrase 'employee owned'. But that
concept still remains fairly ...
US 26 - RSG
celebrates 35 years: Employee-owned company continues
to help clients understand ...
vtdigger.org - 8 Oct 2021
In 1986, RSG's founders conceived
of a new model of consulting to help governments
and businesses. Their idea? Combine academic rigor
with serious data analysis ...
US 27 - CEO
Transfers 100% Ownership of Company to Employees
Through ESOP
WWSB - 20 Oct 2021
... with wide-ranging job
flexibility, and now we're one of the few agencies
in the United States to be 100% employee owned,"
Sheryl Lewis said.
US 28 - ESOPs
as a Succession Plan
JD Supra - 20 Oct 2021
Employee stock ownership plans
(ESOPs) can be a valuable, but often overlooked,
succession strategy. What Is an ESOP? As
the name indicates, an ESOP ...
US 29 - Ownership
America Releases Inaugural Publication "Turning
Employees into Owners"
WCAX - 21 Oct 2021
The report reviews the extensive
track record of employee-owned businesses in creating
high-quality jobs that build substantial retirement
wealth for ...