
have a selection of 30 remarkable articles in
10 countries in December 2021: Canada, France,
Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK,
USA, Vietnam.
Canada: Looking for an employee ownership
trust scheme in Canada.
France: New employee share plan for Worldline,
for Veolia. Difficulties for employee ownership
in startups. How to advance employee share ownership
in France?
Germany: Magic in Germany, after the entry
into force of the new legislation on July 1, 2021,
the number of employee shareholders suddenly increased
by more than 50% during the year 2020. Magic,
we tell you!
India: Stock options au pays des startups.
Italy: Growing interest for employee share
plans in Italy. New employee share plan for EssilorLuxottica.
Netherlands: Anger for startups.
Spain: New information campaign on the
sociedades laborales scheme.
UK: One in 20 of all business transmissions
is now to an Employee Ownership Trust. Every day
a new SME is transferred to employees, as for
instance this month: Nabco, Folio Society, Greentech
Sportsturf, Zaha Hadid Architects, HR Essentials,
RocketMill, Clear Marketing, HLM Architects.
USA: Business transmission to employees
for Stubbe, WG&R Furniture, Wells Media, Optimax.
The three tools for employee takeovers: ESOP Plan,
Workers' Cooperative, Employee Ownership Trust.
Vietnam: Employee ownership in Vietnamese
sélection de 30 articles remarquables dans 10
pays en décembre 2021: Canada, France,
Allemagne, Inde, Italie, Pays-Bas, Espagne, Royaume-Uni,
États-Unis, Vietnam.
Magie en Allemagne, après l'entrée en vigueur
de la nouvelle législation le 1er juillet 2021,
le nombre d'actionnaires salariés a soudain augmenté
de plus de 50% pendant l'année 2020. Magique,
on vous le dit!
Canada: A la recherche d'une formule de
trust d'actionnariat salarié pour le Canada.
France: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié
pour Worldline, pour Veolia. Difficultés pour
l'actionnariat salarié dans les startups. Comment
faire progresser l'actionnariat salarié en France?
Inde: Employee stock options in startupland.
Italie: Intérêt grandissant pour les plans
d'actionnariat salarié en Italie. Nouveau plan
d'actionnariat salarié pour EssilorLuxottica.
Pays-Bas: La colère des startups.
Espagne: Une nouvelle campagne d'information
sur les avantages des sociedades laborales.
Royaume Uni: Aujourd'hui, une transmission
d'entreprise sur 20 est faite à un Trust d'Actionnariat
Salarié. Chaque jour une nouvelle PME transférée
aux salariés. Ce mois-ci entre autres, les cas
de Nabco, Folio Society, Greentech Sportsturf,
Zaha Hadid Architects, HR Essentials, RocketMill,
Clear Marketing, HLM Architects.
USA: Transmissions d'entreprises aux salariés
pour Stubbe, WG&R Furniture, Wells Media,
Optimax. Les trois outils pour la reprise d'entreprises
par les salariés: Plans ESOP, Coopératives de
salariés, Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié.
Vietnam: Actionnariat salarié à la sauce
seleccion propone 30 artículos destacados en 10
países en diciembre de 2021: Canadá, Francia,
Alemania, India, Italia, Países Bajos, España,
Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Vietnam.
Auswahl von 30 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 10
Ländern im Dezember 2021: Kanada, Frankreich,
Deutschland, Indien, Italien, Niederlande, Spanien,
Großbritannien, USA, Vietnam.
30 articoli selezionati per
dicembre 2021 in 10 Stati: Canada,
Francia, Germania, India, Italia, Paesi Bassi,
Spagna, Regno Unito, USA, Vietnam.
prosinci 2021 máme výběr 30 pozoruhodných
článků ve 10 zemích: Kanada, Francie,
Nemecko, Indie, Itálie, Nizozemsko, Španelsko,
Velká Británie, USA, Vietnam.
2021 decemberében hónapban 30 figyelemre méltó cikket
találtunk 10 országból: Kanada, Franciaország, Németország,
India, Olaszország, Hollandia, Spanyolország, Egyesült
Királyság, USA, Vietnam.
1 - Toronto's
Juno College planning to move to 100% employee-ownership
Benefits Canada.com - 13 Dec
The Toronto-based college,
formerly known as Hacker U, was established by Heather
Payne (pictured) nearly 10 years ago to transition
workers into ...
DE 2 - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung:
Ampel auf Grün stellen
GoingPublic.de - 9 Dec 2021
Diesen muss der Arbeitnehmer
versteuern. Ist der steuerliche Freibetrag, der
diesen geldwerten Vorteil steuerfrei stellt, zu
niedrig, muss er direkt Aktien bei...
DE 3 - 2021
– das Jahr der Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogramme
Unternehmeredition - 31 Dec
Im selben Zuge stieg analog
erfreulicherweise die Zahl der Belegschaftsaktionäre
um mehr als 50% auf circa 1,6 Millionen. Doch die
nach wie vor überbordende...
lanza "Nuestra" una nueva campaña para
dar a conocer las oportunidades de las sociedades
Deia - 29 Dec 2021
"Nuestra" es la
nueva campaña publicitaria de LABORPAR, la organización
empresarial que representa y defiende los intereses
de las sociedades laborales en...
FR 5 - Worldline
lance un plan 2021 d'actionnariat salarié
Bourse Direct - 8 Dec 2021
Le Conseil d'administration
de Worldline, agissant dans le cadre de la 26ème
résolution de l'assemblée générale mixte des actionnaires
de la Société ...
FR 6 - Pourquoi
l'heure est venue de recourir à l'actionnariat salarié
Aleteia - 8 Dec 2021
Dans le système capitaliste
classique, c'est l'actionnaire qui le porte
: le salaire est payé même si les affaires
sont mauvaises. En compensation, l' ...
FR 7 - Veolia
: vif intérêt pour l'opération d'actionnariat salarié
Bourse Direct - 9 Dec 2021
Réservée à plus de 150.000
salariés cette opération d'augmentation de
capital a atteint un taux de souscription de 40%,
FR 8 - Développer
l'actionnariat salarié au bénéfice de tous
Polytechnique Insights - 9
Dec 2021
Pour cela, il faut accroître
le poids des catégories d'actionnaires qui
partagent cette conviction : actionnariat
familial des entreprises de taille ...
FR 9 - Fiscalité
: la France affole les startups avec l’actionnariat
Maddyness - 10 Dec 2021
Fiscalité : la France affole
les startups avec l'actionnariat salarié. Ni le
projet de loi de finances pour 2022 ni l'administration
fiscale n'ont clarifié...
FR 10 - Les
salariés actionnaires des sociétés de gestion dans
le viseur de la justice européenne ...
Boursorama - 27 Dec 2021
Les versements aux salariés
actionnaires, déclarés comme rémunération, s'élevaient,
eux, à 17 et 10 millions de forints hongrois (46.000
et 27.000 ...
IN 11 - The
shares that bind: employee stock options in startupland
The Business Times - 15 Dec
ONE of the few upsides of
working in a technology startup is the possible
pot of gold at the end of the road, in the form
of lucrative piles of ...
IN 12 - Creating
Wealth with ESOPs: What you need to know
The Financial Express - 27
Dec 2021
Employee Stock Option Plan,
ESOP, start-ups, retain talent, senior management
The key to wealth creation with ESOPs is to understand
them well.
IT 13 - Quando
i lavoratori preferiscono il capitale - la Repubblica
La Repubblica - 13 Dec 2021
Una volta c'erano le stock
option per i manager. Adesso invece a volere le
azioni sono anche i dipendenti. Un modello che piace
alle aziende.
IT 14 - EssilorLuxottica,
ecco come i dipendenti sono diventati azionisti
Nordest Economia - 22 Dec
... di dipendenti azionisti
conferma con la sua vitalità il ruolo attivo a supporto
del successo futuro dell'azienda e della sua crescita
NL 15 - Startupsector
boos dat ze niet met aandelen kan strooien
Quote - 3 Dec 2021
'Een aantrekkelijker systeem
van medewerkersparticipatie leidt niet alleen tot
meer innovatieve ondernemingen, maar ook tot spreiding
van de winsten over...
UK 16 - Shelving
firm becomes employee-owned
Insider Media - 1 Dec 2021
A St Albans-headquartered independent
provider of shelving products and shopfitting accessories
has become employee-owned.
UK 17 - Folio
Society moves to employee-owned model ahead of 75th
The Bookseller - 2 Dec 2021
The Folio Society has become
an Employee Owned Trust (EOT) following five
years of "consistent growth and publishing".
UK 18 - La
Folio Society devient propriété de ses salariés
ActuaLitté - 2 Dec 2021
C'est sa PDG, Joanna Reynolds
et l'actionnaire et présidente du conseil
... passera ainsi au statut britannique d'Employee
ownership trust (EOT).
UK 19 - Sports
surface firm that's worked on Gleneagles and Hampden
Park moves to employee ...
The Scotsman - 6 Dec 2021
Greentech Sportsturf becomes
the latest business to set up an employee ownership
trust (EOT) to hold 100 per cent of the firm and
put it into the ...
UK 20 - Zaha
Hadid Architects announces its transition to an
employee-owned enterprise
Archinect - 7 Dec 2021
Five years after the tragic
passing of its eponymous founder, Zaha Hadid Architects
has announced its transition to an employee-owned
firm in a ...
UK 21 - Recruitment
business becomes employee owned
East Midlands Business Link
- 7 Dec 2021
HR Essentials Ltd, trading
as Essential Recruitment, is now wholly owned by
its employees.
UK 22 - Chesterfield
company becomes employee owned as workers buy out
former owners ...
Derbyshire Times - 9 Dec 2021
Chesterfield company becomes
employee owned as workers buy out former
owners. A recruitment company based in Chesterfield
is now fully owned by ...
UK 23 - 'Nobody
disrupts anything anymore': RocketMill's CEO on
growth and employee ownership ...
The Drum - 14 Dec 2021
Sam Garrity is chief exec
and co-founder of Brighton-based digital agency
RocketMill. Earlier this year, he and his brother
sold most of the ...
UK 24 - Clear
Marketing completes employee ownership sale
Employee Benefits - 15 Dec
Creative agency Clear Marketing
has finalised its employee ownership sale
as founder Jim Smith steps down after nearly 20
UK 25 - HLM
Architects' Employee Ownership Journey
Business News Wales - 20 Dec
HLM Architects is about to
celebrate its first anniversary as an Employee
Ownership Trust (EOT) on the 23rd December.
The HLM team have always ...
US 26 - Stubbe
& Associates to Become Stubbe Case Management
GlobeNewswire - 2 Dec 2021
Stubbe & Associates to Become
Stubbe Case Management - a 100% Employee Owned
Company. Company delivers on people-first philosophy
with first ...
US 27 - WG&R
Furniture becomes employee owned
FOX 11 - 3 Dec 2021
After three generations of
family ownership,WG&R Furniture is now employee
owned. The CEO and owner Jim Greene announced
the ...
US 28 - Wells
Media Group Transitions Ownership to Its Employees
PR Newswire - 13 Dec 2021
Wells Media Group, Inc announced
last week that it has become a 100% employee-owned
firm via the launch of an Employee Stock ...
US 29 - Employee
Ownership Through the Lens of Two Glass Manufacturers
IndustryWeek - 28 Dec 2021
A large manufacturer of optical
components and a small scientific glass company
take different paths to the same conclusion: handing
the reins to ...
VN 30 - Liệu
ESOP còn được ưa chuộng
khi áp dụng Chuẩn mực Báo cáo
Tài Chính Quốc tế
Thời báo tài chính Việt
Nam - 17 Dec 2021
Tại châu Âu, theo báo
cáo của Hiệp hội về Quyền
sở hữu Nhân viên tại châu Âu (European
Federation Of Employee Share Ownership - EFES), ...