Our selection

We have a selection of 20 remarkable articles in 6 countries in January 2020: Burkina Faso, France, Germany, Spain, UK, USA.
Burkina Faso: First employee share plan for Orange Burkina.
France: France improves stock options policies for startup employees. Successful employee share plan for Suez. Historical leader of the French socialist party, Jean Jaurčs defended funded pension schemes.
Germany: What to do with economic inequality? - Make it easier to establish employee-owned businesses. New calls for legislation dedicated to the development of employee share ownership also in Germany.
Spain: New employee share plan for Repsol.
UK: Six new firms moving to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme, the highest number in a single month. Presenting itself as the best example for employee share schemes in the UK, John Lewis department stores chain today faces the biggest crisis in its 156-year history.
USA: When New Belgium Brewing — the largest Colorado craft brewery and the first brewery in the state to move to the employee-ownership model in 2013 — announced that it was being acquired by an Australian conglomerate, questions arose about not only how this would affect the state’s independent beer scene but how this would impact government push to increase employee-owned companies.
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Une sélection de 20 articles remarquables dans 6 pays en janvier 2020: Burkina Faso, France, Allemagne, Espagne, Royaume-Uni, USA.
Burkina Faso: Premier plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Orange Burkina.
France: La France donne un coup de pouce ŕ sa politique de stock options pour les startups. Succčs pour le nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié de Suez. Dirigeant historique du parti socialiste, Jean Jaurčs était aussi le promoteur des retraites par capitalisation.
Allemagne: Que faire pour contrer les inégalités économiques? - faciliter le développement de l'actionnariat salarié. Nouveaux appels ŕ une législation dédiée au développement de l'actionnariat salarié aussi en Allemagne.
Espagne: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Repsol.
UK: Six nouvelles entreprises passées le mois dernier sous le régime du Trust d'Actionnariat Salarié, le nombre le plus élevé en un mois. Alors qu'elle se présente elle-męme comme le meilleur exemple des formules d'actionnariat salarié, la chaîne de grands magasins John Lewis fait face ŕ la plus grave crise de son histoire.
USA: Depuis que la Brasserie New Belgium Brewing — la plus grande brasserie artisanale du Colorado et la premičre ŕ adopter le modčle de l'actionnariat salarié en 2013 — a annoncé son acquisition par un conglomérat australien, les questions se multiplient sur l'impact ŕ prévoir pour le marché des brasseries artisanales et sur la politique visant ŕ promouvoir l'actionnariat salarié dans l'Etat du Colorado.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 20 artículos destacados en 6 países en enero 2020: Burkina Faso, Francia, Alemania, Espańa, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos.
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  Eine Auswahl von 20 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 6 Ländern im Januar 2020: Burkina Faso, Frankreich, Deutschland, Spanien, UK, USA.
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  20 articoli selezionati per gennaio 2020 in 6 Stati: Burkina Faso, Francia, Germania, Spagna, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.

Burkina Faso: Primo piano di azionariato dipendenti presso Orange Burkina.
Francia: Impulso alle politiche in favore delle stock options per I dipendenti delle start up. Piano azionario di successo presso Suez. Lo storico leader del socialismo francese Jean Jaurčs fu promotore dei sistemi pensionistici a capitalizzazione.
Germania: Che fare contro le diseguaglianze economiche? Rendere piů semplice avviare attivitŕ participate dai dipendenti. Un nuovo appello a favore di una legislazione dedicate all’azionariato dei dipendenti anche in Germania.
Spagna: Nuovo piano azionario presso Repsol.
UK: Sei nuove imprese adottano la forma societaria di Employee Ownership Trust. Pur presentandosi come il miglior esempio britannico della partecipazione dei dipendenti, punto chiave della sua strategia di business, la catena di grandi magazzini John Lewis č alle prese con la peggior crisi dei suoi 156 anni di storia.
USA: Quando New Belgium Brewing — la birreria artigianale piů grande del Colorado e la prima in quello Stato ad adottare il modello ESOP di partecipazione dei dipendenti nel 2013  — ha annunciato di essere stata acquisita da una conglomerata Australiana, si č sviluppato un dibattito non solo sulle ricadute dell’operazione nel settore delle birrerie indipendenti, ma anche sugli effetti di questa situazione riguardo la spinta delle autoritŕ del Colorado in favore dell’incremento delle imprese partecipate dai dipendenti.
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V lednu 2020 máme na výběr 20 pozoruhodných článků v 6 zemích: Burkina Faso, Francie, Německo, Španělsko, Velká Británie, USA.
Burkina Faso: První plán zaměstnaneckých podílů společnosti Orange Burkina.
Francie: Francie vylepšuje možnosti akciových opcí pro začínající zaměstnance. Úspěšný plán podílu zaměstnanců pro Suez. Jean Jaurčs, historický vůdce francouzské socialistické strany, hájil financované důchodové systémy.
Německo: Co dělat s ekonomickou nerovností? - Usnadnit zakládání podniků vlastněných zaměstnanci. Nové výzvy k legislativě zaměřené na rozvoj vlastnictví akcií zaměstnanců také v Německu.
Španělsko: Nový plán podílu zaměstnanců společnosti Repsol.
UK: Šest nových firem se stěhuje do schématu zaměstnaneckého vlastnictví, nejvyšší počet za jediný měsíc. Obchodní řetězec John Lewis, který se prezentuje jako nejlepší příklad pro zaměstnanecké podílové programy ve Velké Británii, dnes čelí největší krizi ve své 156leté historii.
USA: Když New Belgium Brewing - největší Coloradský řemeslný pivovar a první pivovar ve státě, který vstoupil do modelu zaměstnaneckého vlastnictví v roce 2013 - oznámil, že jej získal australský konglomerát, vyvstaly otázky nejen o tom, jak by to ovlivnilo nezávislou pivní scénu státu, ale jaký by to mělo dopad na vládní tlak na zvýšení zaměstnaneckých společností.
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2020 januárjában hónapban 20 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk hat országból: Burkina Faso, Franciaország, Németország, Spanyolország, Egyesült Királyság, Egyesült Államok.
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BF      1 - Téléphonie mobile: Orange Burkina ouvre son capital social ŕ ses salariés
             Fasozine.com - 27 Jan 2020
             Ambition stratégique majeure du P-DG du groupe Orange, Stéphane Richard, l'actionnariat salarié est maintenant une réalité pour le personnel de ...
DE      2 - What to do about economic inequality?
             Social Europe - 9 Jan 2020
             Those who care about this issue have good reasons to support systems and legislation that make it easier to establish employee-owned businesses, ...
DE      3 - Wie können Mitarbeiter an Unternehmen besser beteiligt ...
             Handelsblatt - 27 Jan 2020
             Der Bundesverband Mitarbeiterbeteiligung (AGP) schätzt, dass 1,3 Millionen Mitarbeiter der rund 700 börsennotierten Unternehmen und etwa 900.000 ...
ES      4 - Repsol lanza plan de adquisición de acciones para ...
             Europa Press - 14 Jan 2020
             Repsol ha puesto en marcha el plan de adquisición de acciones 2020 para empleados, por el que el total de los trabajadores participantes en él podrán ...
FR      5 - Suez : offre d'actionnariat salarié souscrite ŕ prčs de 21%
             Boursorama - 17 Jan 2020
             Suez : offre d'actionnariat salarié souscrite ŕ prčs de 21% ... environ 4% du capital et représentent le troisičme actionnaire du groupe de services aux ...
FR      6 - Quand Jean Jaurčs défendait les retraites par capitalisation
             Slate.fr - 18 Jan 2020
             Bien au contraire, il y voit une preuve de bonne gestion prolétarienne: «Quand les coopératives ouvričres, et męme communistes […] ont en banque des ...
FR      7 - France improves stock options policies for startup employees
             TechCrunch - 19 Jan 2020
             Employees based in France can now receive stock options even if the ... to overhaul stock option policies across Europe by lobbying policymakers.
FR      8 - France announces major changes to stock options and visas for start-ups
             Siliconrepublic.com - 20 Jan 2020
             Today the French president will announce the expansion of France's stock option scheme, entitled BPSCE, to foreign businesses with employees ...
FR      9 - Intéressement des salariés: pour le gouvernement, « le compte n'y est pas encore »
             Mieux Vivre Votre Argent - 28 Jan 2020
             La France est « championne d'Europe » de l'actionnariat des salariés, ... européenne, selon la Fédération européenne de l'actionnaire salarié.
FR      10 - Intéressement: pour le gouvernement, «le compte n'y est pas encore»
             Le Figaro - 28 Jan 2020
             La France est «championne d'Europe» de l'actionnariat des salariés, ceux-ci ... européenne, selon la Fédération européenne de l'actionnaire salarié.
UK      11 - BritainThinks moves to employee ownership
             Research Live - 6 Jan 2020
             UK – Insight and strategy consultancy BritainThinks has announced it will be passing the majority ownership of the business to a trust set up on behalf ...
UK      12 - LUC becomes employee owned
             Environment Analyst - 7 Jan 2020
             London-headquartered environmental consultancy LUC has become a fully employee-owned business following the creation of an employee ...
UK      13 - John Lewis Department Store Boss to Go After Woeful Christmas
             The New York Times - 9 Jan 2020
             John Lewis is an employee-owned business which usually rewards staff with an annual payout equivalent to a percentage of their salary. The last time ...
UK      14 - North Sea engineering specialist goes into employee ownership
             insider.co.uk - 9 Jan 2020
             By becoming employee-owned, the company is safeguarding highly skilled jobs and retaining specialist skills. Employee ownership is a succession ...
UK      15 - UK government services group Seetec becomes employee owned
             Financial Times - 10 Jan 2020
             Seetec, a provider of probation and state training services, has become one of the UK's largest employee-owned companies, a transition that its ...
UK      16 - What next for John Lewis? Could it ditch the price promise, abandon the mutual status, or sell ...
             Telegraph.co.uk - 10 Jan 2020
             Twenty years ago, when the employee-owned mutual was still hailed as the model for the future, some partners called for it to be demutualised in the ...
UK      17 - John Lewis . . . never knowingly in such trouble
             The Times - 12 Jan 2020
             White, new chairwoman of the employee-owned retail empire, laid out her plans to visit a call centre in Hamilton, a distribution centre in Milton Keynes, ...
UK      18 - Emperor staff to own 67% stake under new employee-ownership model
             Employee Benefits - 22 Jan 2020
             Creative consultancy Emperor is transitioning to employee ownership through an employee ownership trust (EOT), affecting 200 employees in six ...
UK      19 - Bannockburn battlefield archaeology firm becomes employee owned to 'protect jobs'
             Edinburgh News - 24 Jan 2020
             Guard Archaeology, which has offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh, has transferred 100 per cent of its shares to 32 staff via an Employee Ownership ...
US      20 - How will New Belgium's sale reverberate with employee-ownership movement, craft-beer sector?
             Denver Business Journal - 6 Jan 2020
             How will New Belgium's sale reverberate with employee-ownership ... from current stockholders and established an employee stock ownership plan to give ... Not everyone associated with the employee-ownership movement was as ...


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Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30    Fax: +32 (0)2 791 96 00
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.