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 We have a selection of 24 remarkable articles in 7 countries in October 2016: Australia, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, UK, USA.
Australia: Taxation “handbrakes” on employee involvement in financing startups are now removed.
France: One year after being voted, the new (quite favorable) fiscal regime of free shares could already be removed. France is number one for employee share ownership in Europe but quickly declining.
Israel: Recent Israeli tax rulings relating to share and option plans.
Italy: A new government fund to support employee share ownership.
Poland: Minister of Development Morawiecki plans to promote employee ownership in Poland.
UK: The employee share ownership industry is well-prepared to face any economic uncertainty thrown up by the Brexit . New firms turning to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme.
USA: October is the Employee Ownership Month in the US. Proposed changes to the tax code could soon provide greater benefits from stock options to startup employees. Employee ownership for all: How to finance it.

  Une sélection de 24 articles remarquables dans 7 pays en octobre 2016: Australie, France, Grande Bretagne, Israel, Italie, Pologne, USA.
Australie: Maintenant que les obstacles fiscaux à la participation des salariés dans les startups ont été levés...
France: Un an après, le nouveau régime fiscal favorisant les distributions d'actions gratuites mis en place par la loi Macron est déjà en passe d'être raboté.  La France est numéro un pour l'actionnariat salarié en Europe mais la dégringolade est rapide.
Israël: Etat des tax rulings récents sur les plans d'actions et les options.
Italie: Un nouveau fond gouvernemental pour soutenir l'actionnariat salarié.
Pologne: Le Ministre du Développement Morawiecki préconise de promouvoir l'actionnariat salarié en Pologne.
Royaume Uni: L'industrie des plans d'actionnariat salarié se prépare à affronter les incertitudes du Brexit. Nouvelle série d'entreprises passées sous contrôle de trusts d'actionnariat salarié.
USA: Octobre est le Mois de l'Actionnariat Salarié aux Etats-Unis. Les changements prévus au code fiscal vont bientôt favoriser les stock options pour les salariés des startups. L'actionnariat salarié pour tous: comment ça se finance.

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La nostra selezione di Ottobre 2016 presenta 24 articoli di rilievo in 7 Stati: Australia, Francia, Israele, Italia, Polonia, UK, USA.
Australia: Il freno fiscale sul coinvolgimento dei Dipendenti nelle start ups è stato rimosso.
Francia: Un anno dopo la votazione, il regime fiscale favorevole  sull’assegnazione di azioni gratuite potrebbe già essere tolto. La Francia resta al primo posto per l’azionariato dei dipendenti, ma in rapida contrazione.
Israele: Modifiche fiscali recent per piani azionari e stock options.
Italia: Un nuovo fondo governativo per il sostegno dell’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Polonia: Il ministro dello Sviluppo Economico Morawiecki prevede di promuovere l’azionariato dei dipendenti in Polonia.
UK:l’industria della Partecipazione dei Dipendenti è ben preparata a gestire le incertezze derivanti dalla Braxit. Nuove società adottano lo schema Employee Ownership Trust.
USA: Ottobre è il mese dell’azionariato dei Dipendenti. Le proposte alla normative fiscale  in discussione dovrebbero presto agevolare le stock options per I Dipendenti delle start up. Azionariato dei dipendenti per tutti: come finanziarlo.
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AU      1 - Making a Start With Employee Ownership – Startups and Employee Share Schemes
             Pro Bono Australia - 5 Oct 2016
             Employee owned companies are 25 per cent more likely to survive than comparable non-employee owned companies. Employee-owners were four ...
FR      2 - Les évolutions de l'actionnariat salarié au Royaume-Uni: vers un modèle porteur d'une plus ...
             Les Échos - 4 Oct 2016
             Le modèle d'actionnariat salarié qui se développe actuellement au Royaume-Uni et est soutenu par le gouvernement britannique est en ce sens riche ...
FR      3 - 77% des grandes entreprises proposent de l'actionnariat salarié
             TV Finance - 4 Oct 2016
             Alors que le nombre d'actionnaires individuels a été divisé par deux depuis la crise de 2008, l'actionnariat salarié se porte bien : 37% des salariés en ...
FR      4 - Actions gratuites : la majorité commence le détricotage de la loi Macron
             La Tribune.fr - 12 Oct 2016
             ... selon ce que nous a confié Jérôme Dedeyan, co-fondateur d'Eres, société de gestion de l'épargne salariale et de l'actionnariat salarié
FR      5 - Actionnariat d'entreprise: la France n°1 en Europe
             myEurop.info - 14 Oct 2016
             Malgré ces bons chiffres et la bonne place de la France, la tendance de l'actionnariat salarié est à la baisse : si 82% des entreprises françaises ...
IL      6 - Your Taxes: Recent rulings on share options
             Jerusalem Post Israel News - 25 Oct 2016
             To give the employees an incentive, it was proposed to bolt onto the existing share-option plan an additional new plan relating to preferred shares with ...
IT      7 - Azioni dell'impresa ai dipendenti, istituito un Fondo ministeriale
             Fiscoetasse - 14 Oct 2016
             ... agevolare la partecipazione dei lavoratori al capitale e agli utili delle imprese, oltre che per diffondere piani di azionariato specifici per i lavoratori dipendenti.
IT      8 - Fondo per la promozione della partecipazione dei dipendenti agli ...
             Blasting News - 14 Oct 2016
             ... di accesso al fondo per incentivare la partecipazione dei #Lavoratori agli utili d'impresa e per la diffusione dei piani di azionariato riguardanti i dipendenti.
PL      9 - Akcjonariat pracowniczy nie spodoba się związkowcom
             Bankier - 01 Oct 2016
             A jednak akcjonariat pracowniczy, którego pan jest propagatorem, polega na tym, że z robotników robi się kapitalistów. Zakłada się, że gdy otrzymują oni udziały ...
PL      10 - Corey Rosen: Cała własność w ręce mas
             GazetaPrawna.pl - 06 Oct 2016
             Na początek musimy dokonać pewnych wyjaśnień. Akcjonariat pracowniczy może przyjąć wiele form, ale pan razem ze współautorami „Własności ...
PL      11 - Własność pracownicza antidotum na nierówności? Już 14 mln ...
             Forsal.pl - 16 Oct 2016
             Jedna z jej form to akcjonariat pracowniczy. I świetnie się składa, że akurat – jakby na zawołanie – dostajemy po polsku książkę „Własność pracownicza.
UK      12 - Employee Share Ownership Braced to Face Brexit Challenge
             Buzz Recruitment - 6 Oct 2016
             The employee share ownership industry is well-prepared to face any economic uncertainty thrown up by the Brexit referendum result…
UK      13 - How Britain could benefit by bringing workers into the boardroom
             The Conversation UK - 12 Oct 2016
             Jonathan Michie was a member (unpaid) of the Ownership Commission, and is Director (unpaid) of the Oxford Centre for Mutual & Employee-owned ...
UK      14 - New directors plan for next generation for Attleborough engineer consultancy
             Diss Express - 21 Oct 2016
             “By becoming employee owned, we have found a succession plan which will benefit all our employees and provide a stable future for the company.”.
UK      15 - Employee ownership: A post Brexit business culture bonus
             Real Business - 24 Oct 2016
             It is one of the UK's leading firms in terms of employee ownership, with "partners" that actively participate in the business and receive the same ...
UK      16 - Resort moves to employee ownership
             Herald Scotland - 28 Oct 2016
             Shareholders of the family-run Auchrannie hotel and spa say they will hand all their shares into an Employee Ownership Trust, to "protect" the ...
US      17 - ESOP Association Starts Employee Ownership Month by Celebrating 9650 Years of ESOP ...
             Yahoo Finance - 4 Oct 2016
             "Research has shown that employee-owned companies are more likely to provide sustainable jobs and to outperform conventionally-owned ...
US      18 - How To Lay The Foundation For An Employee-Owned Business
             Forbes - 5  Oct 2016
             The evidence continues to mount that employee-owned companies simply perform better than their peers. They create more jobs, generate more ...
US      19 - Brinkman Partners adopts employee ownership
             The Coloradoan - 6 Oct 2016
             Brinkman Partners, a Fort Collins construction and real estate development company formed by brothers Paul and Kevin Brinkman, is now fully owned ...
US      20 - Should employees buy the company?
             Washington Business Journal - 13 Oct 2016
             Will the employee-owned company have more debt than the company currently has? If so, what specific plans are in place to increase both revenues ...
US      21 - A family affair: Crystal Flash opts for ESOP to pass business to employees
             MiBiz - 18 Oct 2016
             During that process, Fehsenfeld came across employee stock ownership plans (ESOP), which seemed to cut the best balance between value and ...
US      22 - Business Ownership For The 99%: How To Finance It
             Forbes - 19 Oct 2016
             Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). Through this model, entrepreneurs sell ownership in their company to their employees. ESOP shares are ...
US      23 - Startup Employees Soon Could See Greater Benefits From Stock Options
             The Advocate - 27 Oct 2016
              Stock options allow employees to buy shares of their company's stock at a fixed price -- called the strike price. When employees exercise this option to ...
US      24 - SC&H Group Announces Transition to 100 Percent Employee-Owned Company
             Benzinga - 31 Oct 2016
             The SC&H Group ESOP, a retirement benefit plan, was established in 2006 ... The move to 100 percent ESOP ownership will make new shares of ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.