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 We have a selection of 25 remarkable articles in 9 countries in January 2016: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, USA.
Austria: Employee share plans in Austrian SMEs and start-ups provide exemption from income tax up to EUR 3,000 annually.
Canada: Liberal government urged to reconsider stock option tax proposals.
France: France should promote business transmission to employees, as it is for a long time in the USA and more recently in the UK. How Spie opened its capital to employees.
Germany: Employee share ownership in Graepel Group.
India: Effective use of ESOPs in India.
Pakistan: How ESOPs are designed in Pakistan.
South Africa: The Democratic Alliance calls for significant weight to Employee Share Ownership Schemes (ESOS), so that employees as a group become substantial stakeholders in the business.
Spain: The new law on employee-owned and participative companies opens debates on employee participation. New employee share plan for Repsol.
USA: With an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), employee participants literally buy into the business through a retirement savings arrangement. ESOPs may help reduce income inequality among workers. Employee ownership in the Presidential election campaign.

   Une sélection de 25 articles remarquables dans 9 pays en janvier 2016: Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Autriche, Canada, Espagne, France, Inde, Pakistan, USA.
Afrique du Sud: L'Alliance Démocratique appelle à donner un poids suffisant aux plans d'actionnariat salarié de manière que les salariés prennent une part significative dans l'entreprise.
Allemagne: L'actionnariat salarié dans le Groupe Graepel.
Autriche: Les plans d'actionnariat salarié dans les PMEs et les startups prévoient des exemptions d'impôts jusqu'à 3.000 € par an pour les salariés.
Canada: Le nouveau Gouvernement libéral pressé de revoir ses projets de taxation des stock options.
Espagne: La nouvelle loi sur les entreprises participatives ouvre le débat sur la participation des salariés en Espagne. Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Repsol.
France: La transmission d'entreprises aux salariés devrait être encouragée en France comme c'est le cas depuis longtemps aux USA et plus récemment en Grande Bretagne. Comment Spie a ouvert son capital aux salariés.
Inde: L'usage efficace des plans ESOP en Inde.
Pakistan: Comment les plans ESOP sont mis en place au Pakistan.
USA: Avec un plan d'actionnariat salarié ESOP, les salariés participants font l'acquisition de leur entreprise au moyen d'une formule d'épargne retraite. Les plans ESOPs pour réduire les inégalités de revenus. L'actionnariat salarié s'invite comme thème de la campagne pour l'élection présidentielle.
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25 articoli selezionati in 9 Paesi per il mese di Gennaio 2016: Austria, Canada, Francia, Germania, India, Pakistan, Sudafrica, Spagna e  USA.
Austria: I piani di Azionariato dei Dipendenti nelle PMI e start up austriache prevedono l’esenzione dalle imposte sul reddito fino a 3.000 euro annui.
Canada: Il governo liberale sollecitato a riconsiderare le proposte sulla fiscalità delle stock options.
Francia: La Francia dovrebbe promuovere la successione di impresa in favore dei Dipendenti, come succeed da tempo negli USA, e, più di recente, nel Regno Unito. La  Spie ha aperto il suo capital ai Dipendenti. Ecco come.
Germania: Azionariato dei Dipendenti nel gruppo Graepel.
India: Uso efficiente degli ESOP in India.
Pakistan: Come funzionano gli ESOP in Pakistan.
Sudafrica: La Democratic Alliance reclama un peso significativo per gli Employee Share Ownership Schemes (ESOS), per fare in modo che la collettività dei Dipendenti sia riconosciuta come stakeholder rilevante.
Spagna: La nuova legge sulle società participate apre il dibattito sulla Partecipazione dei Dipendenti. Nuovo piano di azionariato per Repsol.
USA: Con il ricorso ad un “Employee stock ownership plan” (ESOP), I Dipendenti compartecipanti acquistano l’azienda attraverso un fondo di accumulazione assimilato ad un fondo pensionistico. L’azionariato dei dipendenti in campagna elettorale.
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We have a selection of 25 remarkable articles in 9 countries in January 2016: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, USA.

AT      1 - Employee Incentive Schemes in Austrian SME and Start-Ups
             Lexology (registration) - 12 Jan 2016
              One way to achieve this is to grant employees a participation in the shareholder value. Such schemes are commonly referred to as Employee Stock Ownership ...
CA      2 - Liberals urged to reconsider stock option tax proposals
             The Globe and Mail - 10 Jan 2016
             Currently, employees with stock options can claim deductions that effectively cut the tax rate on stock-option income in half. The Liberals ...
DE      3 - Vergütung einmal anders: Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung
             HR Performance - 2016
             Bereits zu Zeiten der Industrialisierung wurden in Deutschland die ersten Belegschaftsaktienmodelle praktiziert…
DE      4 - Wo Mitarbeiter auch Miteigentümer sind
             Nordwest-Zeitung - 15 Jan 2016
             Die Konstruktion für die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sieht so aus: Es wurde eine Beteiligungsgesellschaft, die Graepel-Mitarbeiter-Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, kurz ...
ES      5 - Con la nueva ley se abre el debate sobre la participación en ...
             Expansión.com - 10 Jan 2016
             La filosofía de la participación "funciona muy bien", ya que modifica las relaciones laborales, evita deslocalizaciones y mejora la autoestima, ...
ES      6 - Repsol repartirá 8,4 millones de euros en acciones a sus empleados
             RRHHDigital - 16 Jan 2016
             Repsol repartirá hasta un máximo de 8,4 millones de euros en acciones a sus empleados en el marco del Plan de Adquisición de Acciones 2016 aprobado en ...
FR      7 - Faciliter la transmission d'entreprise aux salariés
             Les Échos - 07 Jan 2016
              Par exemple, le Royaume-Uni (avec les « employee ownership trusts) et les Etats-Unis (avec les « employee stock ownership plans »). Pas la France, qui s'est ...
FR      8 - Comment Spie a associé ses employés au capital
             Les Échos - 10 Jan 2016
             Business case Après son introduction en Bourse, la société d'ingénierie électrique a lancé une opération d'actionnariat salarié de plus de 53 millions d'euros.
FR      9 - L'actionnariat salarié : un dispositif à encourager davantage ?
             Focus RH - 11 Jan 2016
             L'actionnariat salarié concerne aujourd'hui en France plus de 3,5 millions de personnes. Créée par la loi de 1967, la participation des salariés au capital de leur ...
FR      10 - Sociétés coopératives : quand les salariés sont aussi les patrons
             RTL.fr - 21 Jan 2016
             Mais qu'en pensent les salariés qui sont également patrons, ces fameux travailleurs en SCOP (Société de coopération et de participation) ? En France, ces ...
FR      11 - Actionnariat salarié : moins d'opérations dans les sociétés du SBF ...
             Tout sur les placements - 28 Jan 2016
             Selon les premiers résultats de l'édition 2016 de l'étude sur l'actionnariat salarié menée par la société Eres, 23 opérations d'augmentation de capital réservées ...
IN      12 - Effective Use of Employee Stock Option Plan
             The New Indian Express - 12 Jan 2016
             Employee Stock Option Plan, popularly known as ESOP, was the favourite of IT companies, especially during the period when IT sector saw a ...
PK      13 - Private companies' Employees Stock Option Plans – Part 1
             Pakistan Today - 20 Jan 2016
             How Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP) evolved as a corporate incentive for employees…
PK      14 - Private companies' Employees Stock Option Plans – Part 2
             Pakistan Today - 21 Jan 2016
             In Part 1, we discussed how Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP) evolved as a corporate incentive for employees. In this part, we will get into the ...
US      15 - Burns & McDonnell CEO Greg Graves Announces Retirement at End of 2016
             SYS-CON Media (press release) - 4 Jan 2016
             The number of employee-owners has more than tripled from approximately 1,500 to more than 5,300 today. Burns & McDonnell's world headquarters ...
US      16 - Heritage Aviation announces transition to employee ownership
             Vermont Biz - 6 Jan 2016
             Company owner Robert Stiller had long expressed a vision that, one day, Heritage Aviation would be employee-owned as a way to reward employees ...
US      17 - Column: A fresh take on employee stock ownership plans
             Westfair Online - 11 Jan 2016
             With an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), employee participants literally buy into the business through a retirement savings arrangement.
US      18 - Golden Valley Company Taking Bold Step, Becoming Employee-Owned
             CBS Local - 13 Jan 2016
             Solution Design Group announced Wednesday they are 100 percent employee-owned. SDG is an IT consulting firm with about 150 workers. Over the ...
US      19 - Creating ESOPs: 6 Essential Questions For Successful Employee Stock Ownership Plans
             JD Supra (press release) - 13 Jan 2016
             The answer varies in every situation, but for many closely held businesses, an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is worth exploring. It's a path for ...
US      20 - How Does a Stock Bonus Plan Work?
             Motley Fool - 16 Jan 2016
             An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is a similar type of plan, but ... are offered by many private companies to promote employee ownership.
US      21 - Bernie Sanders is the hero Democrats need: Look past the “socialist” label see him for what he ...
             Salon - 19 Jan 2016
             ... company through an employee stock ownership plan or an eligible worker-owned cooperative, which shall be at least 51 percent employee owned.”.
US      22 - ESOPs May Help Reduce Income Inequality Among Workers
             ThinkAdvisor - 27 Jan 2016
             The paper, “Employee Ownership, ESOPs, Wealth and Wages,” was sponsored by the Employee-Owned S Corporations of America, an advocate for ...
US      23 - Making Every Man a King…and Philanthropist
             WealthManagement.com - 27 Jan 2016
             Championed by the son of Huey Long, employee stock ownershipplans (ESOPs) have made that possible since their adoption in 1974. The approximately ...
US      24 - Democratic politican and Republican businessman co-author book ...
             NJ.com - 28 Jan 2016
             ... because capital ownership contributes to rapid wealth creation One can address the access to wealth creation through increasedemployee ownership.".
ZA      25 - The DA wants to change BEE laws - here's how
             BusinessTech - 29 Jan 2016
             Award significant weight to Employee Share Ownership Schemes (ESOS), so that employees as a group become substantial stakeholders in the business.






For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.