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  We have a selection of 44 remarkable articles in 10 countries in December 2013: Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, UK, USA.
Austria: New Government: Tax encouragements on employee share plans will be doubled.
France: Employee share ownership going to be killed in France? New employee share plans for Axa and for Vallourec. STEF was a winner of the "Grand Prix 2013" of employee share ownership.
Germany: Grünbeck is one the best renowned companies regarding employee share ownership in Germany. Tax regime on employee share plans is seriously discriminating in Germany compared to pension savings and to other European countries.
India: Tax regime of employee share plans in India.
Italy: Employee shareholders asking for reliable employee share plan for MPS Bank. Privatisation of the Italian Post: Employee share ownership or German co-determination model?
Slovenia: Looking for new ways to develop employee ownership in Slovenia, the legislation of 2008 was not successful.
Spain: Minister of Employment announces higher public support for new employee-owned companies. The collapse of Fagor Electrodomésticos is the most serious crisis to face Mondragón workers-owned cooperatives for many years.
UK: Tax support for employee share plans will be doubled. Fantastic news for the millions of employee shareholders. Policy makers are increasingly embracing employee ownership as a key sustainable business model.
USA: The Iowa Economic Development Authority is starting a string of education sessions on employee stock ownership plans. A major boost to employee-ownership came from passage in 1974 of federal legislation providing special tax benefits to ESOPs, - the legal structure which most firms now use for worker ownership.

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   Une sélection de 44 articles remarquables dans 10 pays en décembre 2013: Allemagne, Autriche, Espagne, France, Grande Bretagne, Inde, Italie, Slovénie, Tchéquie, USA.
Allemagne: En Allemagne, Grünbeck est une des entreprises les plus fameuses pour son actionnariat salarié. Le régime fiscal des plans d'actionnariat salarié est très discriminatoire en Allemagne comparé à celui de l'épargne retraite ou à celui d'autres pays européens.
Autriche: Nouveau gouvernement: les encouragements fiscaux aux plans d'actionnariat salarié vont être doublés.
Espagne: La Ministre de l'Emploi annonce des aides supplémentaires pour la création des entreprises d'actionnariat salarié, coopératives de travail et Sociedades Laborales. La faillite de Fagor Electrodomésticos marque la crise la plus profonde depuis de nombreuses années pour les coopératives de Mondragon.
France: Va-t-on tuer l'actionnariat salarié en France? Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Axa et pour Vallourec. STEF est un des gagnants du "Grand Prix 2013 de l'Actionnariat Salarié" organisé par la FAS.
Grande Bretagne: Les avantages fiscaux des plans d'actionnariat salarié les plus populaires vont être doublés. "Fantastique nouvelle" pour des millions d'actionnaires salariés. Pour les décideurs politiques, l'actionnariat salarié devient un élément clé d'un modèle économique durable.
Inde: Le régime fiscal des plans d'actionnariat salarié en Inde.
Italie: Les actionnaires salariés proposent  un plan 'actionnariat salarié sérieux pour le sauvetage de la banque MPS. Le choix du Gouvernement Letta pour la privatisation de la Poste italienne: actionnariat salarié ou codétermination à l'allemande?
Slovénie: A la recherche de nouvelles voies pour promouvoir l'actionnariat salarié en Slovénie, la législation de 2008 a été un échec.
USA: La Iowa Economic Development Authority lance un programme d'éducation aux plans d'actionnariat salarié. Le vrai coup d'envoi de l'actionnariat salarié remonte à l'adoption en 1974 d'une législation fédérale donnant un fort avantage fiscal aux plans ESOP, la forme juridique la plus typique de l'actionnariat salarié aux USA.
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La nostra selezione per Dicembre 2013 è su 44 articoli in 10 Stati: Austria, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Germania, India, Italia, Slovenia, Spagna, UK, USA.
Austria: Nuovo governo. Gli incentive fiscali sui piani di Azionariato saranno raddoppiati.
France: Vogliono uccidere l’azionariato dei Dipendenti in Francia? Nuovi piani di azionaiato per AXA e Vallourec. STEF è stato fra I vincitori del "Grand Prix 2013" dell’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Germania: Grünbeck è una delle più note società tedesche per l’azionariato dei Dipendenti in Germania. Il trattamento fiscale dei piani di Azionariato in Germania è decisamente discriminatorio, rispetto al risparmio pensionistico e agli altri Paesi europei.
India: Regime fiscal dei piani di Azionariato in India.
Italia: Gli Azionisti Dipendenti di Azione MPS chiedono un moderno piano di Azionariato dei Dipendenti, nel momento in cui la Banca lancia un importante aumento di capital. Privatizzazione delle Poste Italiane: azionariato dei dipendenti o modello tedesco di co-determinazione?
Slovenia: In cerca di nuove strade per lo sviluppo dell’azionariato dei Dipendenti in Slovenia. La legge del 2008 non ha funzionato.
Spagna: Il Ministero del Lavoro annuncia un maggior supporto pubblico per le nuove imprese participate dai Dipendenti. Il fallimento di  Fagor Electrodomésticos è la peggior situazione di crisi che il sistema cooperativistico di Mondragon si sia trovato ad affrontare.
UK: L’incentivazione fiscale per il piani di Azionariato dei Dipendenti sarà raddoppiata. Ottima notizia per milioni di azionisti dipendenti. I responsabili politici stanno sempre più identificando l’azionariato dei dipendenti come chiave per un modello di business sostenibile.
USA: La  Iowa Economic Development Authority avvia una serie di seminari formative sui piani di Azionariato dei Dipendenti. La spinta principale è stata la legislazione federale del 1974 con speciali incentivi fiscali per gli ESOPs, la forma giuridica adottata oggi dalla maggior parte delle imprese partecipate.
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We have a selection of 44 remarkable articles in 10 countries in December 2013: Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, UK, USA.

AT   1 - Das Paket wird aufgeschnürt
             Wiener Zeitung - 12  Dec. 2013
             Ansonsten soll eine Gebührenreform kommen, detto die Anhebung des Freibetrags für die Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung auf von 1460 auf 3000 Euro.
CZ   2 - Pomůže s příjmy „občanský kapitalismus“?
             Patria.cz - 2  Dec. 2013
             Asi 10 milionů zaměstnanců pracuje pro firmy s programem vlastnictví akcií ESOP. V současné době jsou podíly na společnostech držené zaměstnanci ...
DE   3 - Grünbeck erfolgreich mit Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung
             B4B Schwaben - 20  Dec. 2013
              Losinger hat sich konkrete Vorstellungen zur Vermögensbildung und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung erarbeitet. Gerade die Bundesrepublik als wohlhabender Staat, ...
DE   4 - "Mitarbeiter zu Mitunternehmern machen"
             manager-magazin.de - 23  Dec. 2013
             Riekhof: Völlig richtig, Zuwendungen seitens der Unternehmen für eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung sollten ausnahmslos erst bei der Ausschüttung steuerlich und ...
ES   5 - Las cooperativas y las sociedades laborales dan empleo directo a ...
             Hispanidad - 3  Dec. 2013
             Fátima Báñez anuncia una nueva línea de ayudas para contribuir a sufragar los gastos de constitución de cooperativas y sociedades laborales. Durante la ...
ES   6 - Faillite de Fagor-Brandt: le modèle Mondragon en cause?
             BFMTV.COM - 5  Dec. 2013
             Fagor Electrodomesticos a déposé le bilan le 13 novembre. Le modèle coopératif unique au monde du mastodonte Mondragon, dont fait partie la scop ...
ES   7 - Mondragon feels pain as it cuts off its own arm
             Financial Times - 9  Dec. 2013
             The decision to cast aside the loss making Fagor, Europe's fifth biggest white goods manufacturer, which employs 5,600 workers, has caused a rift within the ...
ES   8 - Recession Frays Ties at Spain's Co-ops
             Wall Street Journal - 25  Dec. 2013
             The failure of home-appliance maker Fagor has shaken Spain's Mondragón network. Shown, workers outside Mondragón headquarters in November.
FR   9 - Pourquoi tuer l'actionnariat salarié ?
             Les Échos - 6  Dec. 2013
             Autre coup porté à l'actionnariat salarié, l'augmentation des taux de l'ISF et des impôts sur les dividendes. C'est la double peine : le plus souvent, le dividende ...
FR   10 - AXA : succès du plan d'actionnariat salarié
             Capital.fr - 9  Dec. 2013
             AXA : succès du plan d'actionnariat salarié ... plus de 19 % de l'effectif salarié concerné, ont souscrit à "Shareplan 2013", son offre d'actionnariat salarié.
FR   11 - VALLOUREC : Vallourec annonce la finalisation de son plan d ...
             Zonebourse.com - 10  Dec. 2013
             ... dans neuf pays, représentant 68% des effectifs éligibles, ont souscrit à cette sixième opération mondiale d'actionnariat salariéproposée par le Groupe.
FR   12 - STEF a reçu le Prix de de l'évolution de l'actionnariat salarié sur le ...
             FAQ Logistique (Communiqué de presse) - 11  Dec. 2013
              Organisé par la FAS (Fédération Française des Associations d'Actionnaires Salariés), le Grand Prix de l'Actionnariat Salariérécompense les sociétés qui ...
FR   13 - Le déblocage exceptionnel de l'épargne salariale a fait un flop
             Le Figaro - 24  Dec. 2013
             Le 28 mars dernier, lors d'une interview télévisée, François Hollande annoncait le déblocage de l'épargne salariale
FR   14 - A la Snat, « être coopérateur, c'est un état d'esprit »
             maville.com - 28  Dec. 2013
             Michel Mézard (à droite) et une partie des actionnaires et salariés de laScop de transport. L'échelle des salaires variede 1 à 4. « Être coopérateur, c'est un état ...
IN   15 - Willing to dole out equity-linked perks?
             Hindu Business Line - 23  Dec. 2013
             Equity incentive plans commonly include Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), Restricted Stock Units/ Awards (RSU), ...
IT   16 - Mps: Piccoli azionisti, ricapitalizzazione scaglionata per avere ...
             Agenzia di Stampa Asca - 4  Dec. 2013
             ... la coesione sociale con un moderno piano di azionariato dei dipendenti, e confermando la contrarieta' all'esternalizzazione dei servizi amministrativi, sulla cui ...
IT   17 - In Banca MPS il buon senso ce l'hanno solo i Piccoli Azionisti
             www.soldionline.it  - 4 Dec. 2013
             I Piccoli Azionisti di Azione MPS, aderente al CONAPA, prendono atto che ... sociale con un moderno piano di azionariato dei dipendenti, e confermando la ...
IT   18 - Il Governo apre al modello tedesco
             la voce d'italia - 11  Dec. 2013
             ROMA – Letta apre all'azionariato ai dipendenti nelle aziende, a partire dalle Poste, ma sul tema arriva a stretto giro il no della Fiom-Cgil perché c'è il rischio ...
IT   19 - Poste privatizzata al 30/40% e dipendenti azionisti
             Blitz quotidiano - 12  Dec. 2013
             Poste privatizzata al 30/40% e dipendenti azionisti. ROMA - Poste privatizzata al 30/40% e dipendenti azionisti. Lo ha annunciato in Parlamento il presidente del ...
IT   20 - MPS, i piccoli azionisti vanno tenuti in considerazione. Comunicato ...
             www.investireoggi.it - 10 Dec. 2013
             Azione MPS, associazione di piccoli azionisti aderente al Conapa, in una nota, “prende atto delle modalita' di dialogo e confronto finalmente adottate, alla luce  ...
IT   21 - Azione Mps, ci sia tranche aumento agevolata per i dipendenti
             www.newsit24.com - 13 Dec. 2013
             Lo chiede l'associazione di piccoli azionisti 'Azione Mps' che ribadisce la proposta ... 10 dic - Azione Mps, associazione di piccoli azionisti aderente al Conapa...
IT   22 - Azione Mps chiede chiarezza su questione aumento - Economia ...
             finanza.tgcom24.mediaset.it - 13 Dec. 2013
             Azione Mps, l'associazione di piccoli azionisti aderente al Conapa, chiede chiarezza sulla questione Banca Monte dei Paschi di. Siena e il ...sarebbe l'ulteriore schiaffo ai dipendenti che hanno investito al triplo delle attuali  ...
IT   23 - L'azienda chiude? Gli operai diventano imprenditori
             Today - 23  Dec. 2013
             ... realizzato dai dipendenti dell'impresa target attraverso l'intervento dei fondi pensione e il ricorso ad un Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) ovvero a un ...
IT   24 - Banca Monte Paschi di Siena
             Azione MPS - 27 Dec 2013
             Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria della Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Spa - Intervento di dipendenti azionisti
SI   25 - Ekonomska demokracija (1): Z lastništvom zaposlenih lažje iz krize
             Delo - 28 Dec. 2013
             Samo zaradi krize se podjetništvo v lasti zaposlenih ne bo okrepilo. Obeta se strateški svet za vprašanja o ekonomski demokraciji.
SI   26 - Ekonomska demokracija (2): V družbi Datalab tretjina dobička za nagrajevanje zaposlenih
             Delo - 30 Dec. 2013
             V Datalabu zaposleni in vodilni obvladujejo 64 odstotkov podjetja...
SI   27 - Ekonomska demokracija (3): Evropsko lastništvo zaposlenih se k...
             Delo - 31 Dec. 2013
             V Evropi je čedalje več podjetij z delavsko lastniško shemo. Krka deli dobiček zaposelnim.
UK   28 - Autumn Statement 2013: employees can save twice as much in ...
             Telegraph.co.uk - 5  Dec. 2013
             Malcolm Hurlston, chairman of the Esop Centre, another campaign group, said: "The Chancellor's changes to SIP and SAYE limits can help millions of ...
UK   29 - Tax exemption on bonuses under employee ownership
             Employee Benefits - 5 Dec 2013
             Employee-owned [organisations] are very much part of this long-term agenda now, but could, and should, play an even bigger role. ”Employee ownership ...
UK   30 - Autumn Statement: More money to support employee-ownership
             Real Business - 6  Dec. 2013
             Policy makers are increasingly embracing employee ownership as a key sustainable business model, and over the last 18 months we have seen a significant ...
UK   31 - Autumn Statement announcements show Government's commitment ...
             Out-Law.com - 9  Dec. 2013
             As part of his Autumn Statement, the Chancellor of the Exchequer allocated an additional £25 million annually to support employee ownership, following the ...
UK   32 - The benefits of employee share ownership
             Real Business - 10  Dec. 2013
             In recent months, it has been impossible to watch the news without hearing about the privatisation of Royal Mail. Indeed, such was the interest and demand for ...
UK   33 - Osborne's welcome boost for employee owned business
             HRmagazine.co.uk - 10 Dec 2013
             This demonstrates the Government's seriousness about encouraging more companies to embrace an employee owned model. They really have put their money ...
UK   34 - Share model that makes perfect sense
             Herald Scotland - 11  Dec. 2013
             With employee ownership, however, all parties have a genuine say in how a business is operated, giving everyone a meaningful stake in their organisation.
UK   35 - Royal Mail share scheme delayed
             Workplace Savings & Benefits - 17  Dec. 2013
             The ESOP Centre said this meant at least three million more shares were put into employee ownership. The free shares must be kept in the plan trust for a ...
UK   36 - Incentivising employee ownership
             economia  - 19 Dec 2013
             In his Autumn Statement, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced significant tax initiatives aimed at encouraging employee ownership, which are ...
US   37 - Roeslein & Associates forms ESOP
             STLtoday.com - 3 Dec 2013
              Roeslein & Associates, a manufacturer and engineer of plant equipment, will soon begin offering shares to employees through an employee stock ownership ...
US   38 - Iowa Economic Development Authority launches ESOP sessions
             DesMoinesRegister.com - 5  Dec. 2013
             ... to sell their companies to employees, the Iowa Economic Development Authority is starting a string of education sessions on employee stock ownership plans.
US   39 - MSA Security Celebrates 10 Years of Empowering Employee ...
             Sacramento Bee - 7 Dec 2013
             ... an employee-owned company through its Employee Stock Ownership Program ... dedicated employee owners that go above and beyond what is expected of ...
US   40 - Workers unite! (So you can become capitalists)
             NBCNews.com - 13 Dec 2013
             The National Center for Employee Ownership says there can be big ... work for it -- so-called ESOP's, or firms with Employee Stock Ownership Plans.
US   41 - Workers unite! Then become the owners
             CNBC.com-De Mark Koba - 13  Dec. 2013
             In 1999, there were 9,400 firms with employee stock ownership plans (ESOP). Currently, there are at least 11,500 such firms with assets totaling $400 billion and ...
US   42 - Helping business owners sell a life's work
             BenefitsPro - 18  Dec. 2013
             It is this desire for flexibility and control that makes Employee Stock OwnershipPlans (ESOPs) a good succession strategy for many business owners. In fact ...
US   43 - How ESOPs Let Employees Take Stock In Your Retirement
             Forbes - 27  Dec. 2013
             According to the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), the set-up cost for a simple ESOP can run in the range of $40K and thousands more each ...
US  44 - How Great Western Brewing has benefited from its employee-owned ...
             Financial Post - 31 Dec. 2013
             The U.S.-based National Center for Employee Ownership reported companies with employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) have 6.2% greater productivity than ...

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No full press review this month.
Pas de revue de presse complète ce mois-ci.

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