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  Much new information about employee ownership in August 2010, with 1.200 articles in this press review (on which 370 involving stock options and 301 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of 46 remarkable articles in 13 countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, India, Italy, Poland, Trinidad, UK, USA, South-Africa.
Canada and Germany: Employee ownership in small and medium sized companies.
France: New employee share plans in large companies: Axa, EADS, Rexel, and some news from workers' coops.
Ghana: Mineworkers call on government: The existing arrangements where share options are paid only to selected management staff should be extended to the ordinary mineworker as well.
India: ESOPs back in vogue in IT companies.
Ireland: Worker shareholders hire consultants about the Government's proposal to split the Electricity Supply Board and transfer ownership of the national grid.
Italy: "È l'ora dei dipendenti azionisti" – It's time for employee ownership.
Poland: Polish Treasury approves employee buyout of Famed Lodz.
Trinidad: ArcelorMittal workers demonstrate, asking to settle an Employee Share Ownership Plan.
UK: The recession has sparked renewed interest in share incentive plans as a tax-efficient investment option for staff. David Cameron's "Big Society" on the way: The first wave of John Lewis-style "employee-owned" public services are given the green light by ministers; the Coalition announces 12 "pathfinders". Employee ownership plan for Royal Mail. Good news for employees about capital gain tax.
USA: ESOPs: Some real cases. Get capital through employee ownership. The ESOP Association and the Employee Ownership Foundation release results of the 2010 ESOP Company Survey. "The data from the survey, which is done every five years, proves the case for more employee ownership," said Michael Keeling. The eye-opening statistics of the 2010 survey are the increase in age of the ESOP and account balances. Senator Sanders promotes a bill that would establish state programs that support the move to employee ownership. A second bill would create a United States Employee Ownership Bank that would lend out money when employees of a business are considering taking over a company from its original owner.
The full press review lists 1.200 articles, on which 426 in the USA, 174 in Argentina, 107 in France, 98 in India, 87 in the UK, 38 in South Africa, 34 in Spain, 28 in Germany, 23 in Canada, 23 in Italy, 22 in Colombia, 21 in Poland, 16 in Brazil, 9 in Australia, 9 in Ireland, 6 in Paraguay, 4 in China, 4 in Portugal, 4 in Zimbabwe, 3 in Bahamas, 3 in Mexico, 3 in New Zealand, 3 in Trinidad & Tobago, 2 in Belgium, 2 in Pakistan, 2 in Kenya, 2 in Malaysia, 2 in Singapore, 2 in Uruguay, 2 in Venezuela, and 1 in Arab Emirates, Barbados, Botswana, Ghana, Israel, Jamaica, Nigeria, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Porto Rico, Santo Domingo, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan.

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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en août 2010, avec 1.200 articles dans cette revue de presse (dont 370 impliquant des stock-options et 301 sur les coopératives de salariés).  Notre sélection propose 46 articles remarquables dans 13 pays: Australie, Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Canada, France, Ghana, Irlande, Inde, Italie, Pologne, Trinidad, Royaume Uni, USA.
Allemagne et Canada: Actionnariat salarié dans des PME.
France: Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat chez Axa, EADS, Rexel, et des nouvelles de différentes coopératives de salariés.
Ghana: Les syndicats de mineurs en appellent au gouvernement: des stock-options pour tous !!
Inde: Retour en vogue des plans de stock-options dans les entreprises high-tech.
Irlande: Les actionnaires salariés désignent un consultant pour évaluer le projet du gouvernement en vue de scinder la production d'électricité et le réseau de distribution.
Italie: "È l'ora dei dipendenti azionisti" – C'est l'heure de l'actionnariat salarié.
Pologne: Le Ministère du Trésor approuve la cession de l'entreprise Famed Lodz aux salariés.
Trinidad: Manifestation des travailleurs d'ArcelorMittal pour obtenir la mise en place du plan d'actionnariat salarié promis lors de la privatisation.
Royaume Uni: La récession a provoqué un regain d'intérêt pour les plans d'actionnariat salarié SIP. La "Grande Société" de David Cameron est sur les rails: une première vague de services publics convertis en actionnariat salarié "style John Lewis", la Coalition annonce 12 projets pilotes. Plan d'actionnariat salarié pour la privatisation de la Poste. Bonnes nouvelles pour les salariés à propos de taxation des plus-values.
USA: ESOPs: différents cas vécus. Financer l'investissement via l'actionnariat salarié. La ESOP Association publie les résultats de l'enquête 2010. D'après Michael Keeling, les résultats de l'enquête quinquennale apportent la démonstration de la vitalité de l'actionnariat salarié. Ce qui est le plus frappant dans ces nouvelles données statistiques, c'est l'allongement de la durée de vie moyenne des plans ESOPs et la croissance de leurs bilans. Le Sénateur Sanders propose une législation pour des programmes publics de promotion de l'actionnariat salarié. Une deuxième législation vise à créer une Banque Américaine de l'Actionnariat Salarié (United States Employee Ownership Bank) destinée à faciliter le financement de la transmission d'entreprises aux salariés.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.200 articles, dont 426 aux USA, 174 en Argentine, 107 en France, 98 en Inde, 87 au Royaume Uni, 38 en Afrique du Sud, 34 en Espagne, 28 en Allemagne, 23 au Canada, 23 en Italie, 22 en Colombie, 21 en Pologne, 16 au Brésil, 9 en Australie, 9 en Irlande, 6 au Paraguay, 4 en Chine, 4 au Portugal, 4 au Zimbabwe, 3 aux Bahamas, 3 au Mexique, 3 en Nouvelle Zélande, 3 à Trinidad & Tobago, 2 en Belgique, 2 au Pakistan, 2 au Kenya, 2 en Malaisie, 2 à Singapour, 2 en Uruguay, 2 au Venezuela, et 1 aux Emirats Arabes, la Barbade, Botswana, Ghana, Israël, Jamaïque, Nigeria, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pérou, Philippines, Porto Rico, Saint Domingue, Corée du Sud, Suisse, Taiwan.

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  Es gab viele neue Informationen über Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im August 2010. Insgesamt konnten wir 1.200 Artikel verzeichnen (von denen sich 370 mit Aktienoptionen und 301 mit Mitarbeiter-Genossenschaften befassen). Wir trafen mit 46 Artikel aus den 13 folgenden Ländern eine Auswahl: Australien, Kanada, Frankreich, Deutschland, Ghana, Irland, Indien, Italien, Polen, Trinidad, Großbritannien, den USA und Südafrika.
Kanada und Deutschland: Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in kleineren und mittleren Unternehmen.
Frankreich: Neue Mitarbeiter-Aktienbeteiligungsmodelle in großen Unternehmen, Axa, EADS, Rexel, und Nachrichten aus Mitarbeiter-Genossenschaften.
Ghana: Mitarbeiter von Bergbauunternehmen wenden sich an die Regierung: Die bestehenden Regelungen, nach denen Aktienoptionen nur ausgewählten Managern gewährt werden, sollen auf alle Mitarbeiter ausgeweitet werden.
Indien: ESOPs sind wieder in Mode in  IT-Unternehmen.
Irland: Mitarbeiteraktionäre engagieren Berater zur Prüfung von Regierungsvorschlägen zur Zerschlagung der Elektrizitätswerke.
Italien: "È l'ora dei dipendenti azionisti" – Die Zeit ist reif für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung.
Polen: Das polnische Finanzministerium schlägt ein Mitarbeiter-Buyout für Famed Lodz vor.
Trinidad: Mitarbeiter von ArcelorMittal demonstrieren und verlangen nach einem Mitarbeiter-Aktienbeteiligungsmodell.
Großbritannien: Die Rezession hat neues Interesse an Aktienanreizplänen als steuereffiziente Investitionsmöglichkeit für Mitarbeiter gefördert. David Camerons "Big Society" nimmt Form an: Im ersten Schritt hat der öffentliche Dienst in Mitarbeitereigentum im Stil von John Lewis-style “grünes Licht" von den zuständigen Ministern erhalten. Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bei Royal Mail. Gute Nachrichten für Mitarbeiter betreffend die Besteuerung von Kapitalerträgen.
USA: ESOPs: Reale Fälle. Kapitalgewinnung durch Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Die ESOP Association und die Stiftung Employee Ownership veröffentlichen Untersuchungsergebnisse aus der Befragung von 2010 Unternehmen. "Die Daten der Untersuchung, die im Abstand von fünf Jahren durchgeführt wird, bestätigen, dass die Zahl an Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsmodellen zunimmt," sagt Michael Keeling. Bemerkenswert ist der Anstieg der Bestandsjahre und die Steigerung der Guthaben. Senator Sanders legt einen Gesetzesentwurf vor, auf dessen Grundlage in den Bundesstaaten Programme zur Unterstützung von Beteiligungsmodellen aufgelegt werden können. Ein zweiter Gesetzentwurf dient der Gründung einer Förderbank zur Finanzierung von Beteiligungsmodellen mit dem Fokus der Übernahme von Unternehmen durch die Mitarbeiter.
Der vollständige Bestand an Pressemeldungen umfasst 1.200 Artikel, von denen 426 die USA, 174 Argentinien, 107 Frankreich, 98 Indien, 87 Großbritannien, 38 Südafrika, 34 Spanien, 28 Deutschland, 23 Kanada, 23 Italien, 22 Kolumbien, 21 Polen, 16 Brasilien, 9 Australien, 9 Irland, 6 Paraguay, 4 China, 4 Portugal, 4 Zimbabwe, 3 die Bahamas, 3 Mexiko, 3 Neuseeland, 3 Trinidad & Tobago,  2 Belgien, 2 Pakistan, 2 Kenia, 2 Malaysia, 2 Singapur, 2 Uruguay, 2 Venezuela und und 1 die Arabischen Emirate, Barbados, Botswana, Ghana, Israel, Jamaika, Nigeria, die Niederlande, Norwegen, Peru, die Philippinen, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Süd Korea, die Schweiz und Taiwan betreffen.
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   Molte notizie nel mese di Agosto 2010 sulla partecipazione dei dipendenti, con 1.200 articoli nella rassegna stampa (dei quali 370 riguardanti le”stock options” e 301 le Cooperative di lavoratori). Abbiamo selezionato 46 interessanti articoli di 13 paesi: Australia, Canada, Francia, Gerrmania,  Ghana, Olanda, India, Itala, Polania, Trinidad, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, Sud Africa.
Canada e Germania: Proprietà dei lavoratori in piccole e medie imprese.
Francia: Nuovi piani di azionariato diffuso ai dipendenti in grandi aziende: Axa, EADS, Rexel, e nuove notizie dalle Cooperative di Lavoratori.
Ghana: I Sindacati dei minatori chiamano in causa il Governo: Gli accordi esistenti, in virtù dei quali le opzioni in azioni sono erogate selettivamente allo staff manageriale,dovrebbero essere estese anche ai lavoratori ordinari.
India: Piani di azionariato diffuso (ESOP) di nuovo in voga in aziende di “Information Technology”.
Irlanda: I dipendenti azionisti assumono Consulenti in merito alla Proposta Governativa di dividere l’Ente per la fornitura di elettricità e trasferire la proprietà della rete nazionale di distribuzione.
Italia: "È l'ora dei dipendenti azionisti".
Polonia: Il tesoro Polacco approva l’azionariato ai dipendenti di Famed Lodz.
Trinidad:  Dimostrazione dei I lavoratori di Arcelor-Mitta, che richiedono un Piano di Azionariato ai Dipendenti (ESOP).
Regno Unito: La recessione ha diffuso un rinnovato interesse nei piani di incentivazione in azioni, come una possibilità di investimento a tassazione agevolata”per i dipendenti. Nella “Grande Società” di David Camerun, il modello di John Lewis per la “Proprietà dei dipendenti nei Servizi pubblici” “ha ricevuto la luce verde dai Ministri; la Coalizione annuncia 12 “progetti pilota”;Piano di azionariato diffuso per  la “Royal Mail”, buone notizie per i dipendenti sulla tassa sul guadagno di capitale.
Stati Uniti: ESOPs: Alcuni casi reali. Ottenere capitali attraverso la proprietà dei dipendenti L’associazione per i piani di azionariato diffuso (ESOP) e la Fondazione dei Dipendenti Proprietari hanno diffuso i risultati della ricerca del 2010. "I dati della ricerca, ripetuta ogni 5 anni, mostrano una maggiore diffusione “della proprietà dei dipendenti," ha detto Michael Keeling, rilevate anche attraverso le statistiche sui bilanci. Il Senatore Sanders promuove una legge per elaborare programmi Statali a supporto della proprietà ai dipendenti. Una seconda legge  punta a costituire una banca Americana per la proprietà dei dipendenti, (“United states Employee Ownership Bank"), al fine di prestare fondi qualora i dipendenti di una azienda decidessero di acquisirla.
La rassegna stampa completa include 1.200 articloli: 426 negli  Stati Uniti,174 in Argentina,107 in Francia, 98 in India, 87 nel regnoUnito, 38 in Sud Africa, 34 in Spagna, 28 in Germania, 23 in Canada, 23 in Itala, 22 in Colombia, 21 in Polonia, 16 in Brasile, 9 in Australia, 9 in Irlanda, 6 in Paraguay, 4 in Cina, 4 in Portogallo, 4 in Zimbabwe, 3 in Bahamas, 3 in Messico, 3 in Nuova Zelanda, 3 in Trinidad & Tobago, 2 in Belgio,2 in Pakistan, 2 in Kenya, 2 in Malaysia, 2 in Singapore, 2 in Uruguay, 2 in Venezuela, e 1 in: Emirati Arabi, Barbados, Botswana, Ghana, Israele, Jamaica, Nigeria, Olanda, Norvegia,Peru, Filippine, Porto Rico, Santo Domingo,Corea del Sud, Svizzera e Taiwan.
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remarkable articles in 13 countries from June to August 2010: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, India, Italy, Poland, Trinidad, UK, USA, South Africa.

AU   9 - Staff get chance to buy workplace
             Cumberland Courier Newspapers - June 19, 2010
             Chris Bowen and Michael Johnston from the Australian Employee Buyout Centre want workers to own a slice of their business. PROSPECT Federal Labor MP Chris ...
CA   3 - Investors seek disclosure on stock options
             CTV.ca - June 1, 2010
             The Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, which represents most of Canada's largest institutional investors, says disclosure of stock option gains allows ...
CA   15 - Employee-owned company marks 100-year milestone
             Globe and Mail, July 20, 2010
             Mr. Newcomb says many firms that describe themselves as employee-owned fall in the 20-per-cent to 25-per-cent ownership cent range. ...
DE   14 - AIRSHOW-EADS to give staff 10 shares each
             Reuters - July 18, 2010
             The shares will be delivered "in the later part of this year" and replace the 2010 instalment of an Employee Share Ownership Plan, or ESOP, according to an ...
DE   338 - Die Leistungsträger im Fokus
             Computer&Automation - 11.08.2010
             Sie planen also lediglich eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung, keinen Gang an die Börse? John: Nein, eine Beteiligung firmenferner Aktionäre streben wir definitiv ...
FR   391 - 39 emplois supprimés chez les Transports Genty
             la Nouvelle République - 12 août 2010
             Quatre ans après la reprise des Transports Genty, la Scop traverse une nouvelle période très difficile. - (Photo archives NR) - Photo NR Coup dur pour Scop ...
FR   518 - Lancer un plan d'actionnariat salarié
             L'Expansion - 16 août 2010
             Pourquoi et avec quelle stratégie mettre sur pieds un plan d'actionnariat salarié ? Le point en quatre questions avec Joël Réthoré, en charge du département ...
FR   755 - Le mareyeur haut de gamme a redressé la barre
             Ouest-France - 22 août 2010
             En coopérative ouvrière, chaque salarié compte pour une voix. Une égalité qui conduit le PDG, Patrice Lorillon,à reprendre sa place sur la chaîne de ...
FR   878 - Actualité - Axa: lance son plan d'actionnariat salarié 2010.
             Bolsamania.fr - 24 août 2010
             24/08/2010 - 09:41 - (CercleFinance.com) - Axa annonce aujourd'hui qu'il propose, comme chaque année, à ses collaborateurs, tant en France qu'à ...
             Marketwire (press release) - Aug 31, 2010
             In most of the eligible countries, subscription will be through employee shareholding funds ("fonds communs de placement d'entreprise", or "FCPE") which ...
             TF1 - Aug 31, 2010 
             Rexel, leader mondial de la distribution de matériel électrique, annonce le lancement d'un nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié en proposant à ses ...
GH   317 - Mineworkers call on government to establish fund for mining communities
             Ghana News Agency - Aug 11, 2010
             "The existing arrangement where share options are paid only to selected management staff as a means of retaining and securing their future should be ...
IE   13 - Transfer of ESB's grid may cost up to €150m
             Irish Times - July 5, 2010
             After meeting opposition from a number of quarters, including the State body's group of unions and its employee share option (Esop) trust, which owns 5 per ...
IN   240 - ESOPs back in vogue in IT companies
             Rediff - Aug 10, 2010
             Employee stock option plans seem to be back in action, as the domestic information technology industry is witnessing an upsurge in attrition rate. ...
IN   256 - Staff participation in PSU divestment is low
             Hindu Business Line - Aug 10, 2010
             With top management precluded from participating in follow-on public offers and IPOs of CPSEs, the ESOP route could be the best way for them to own shares ...
IT   62 - È l'ora dei dipendenti azionisti
              Il Sole 24 Ore - 05/ago/2010
             Telecom Italia ha portato a termine nelle settimane scorse un piano di azionariato riservato ai suoi collaboratori. All'offerta hanno aderito circa 10mila ...
PL   680 - Załoga inwestorem w Famedzie
             Rzeczpospolita - 19-08-2010
             Na finiszu rozmów jest też spółka Zremb Akcjonariat Pracowniczy, której skarbu wydłużył do 27 sierpnia wyłączność negocjacyjną na zakup Strzegomskich ...
TT   1049 - ArcelorMittal workers demonstrate in Trinidad and Tobago
             SteelGuru - Aug 27, 2010
             Employees are also expected to benefit from an ESOP and are waiting for government to decide on a share price and other issues concerning the plan. ...
UK   2 - Fresh growth for share incentive plans
             Employee Benefits - June 1, 2010
             Fresh growth for share incentive plans. 2010-06-01. If you read nothing else, ... Share incentive plans (Sips) celebrate their tenth anniversary next month. ...
UK   5 - Co-operatives: Profit by pulling together
             packagingnews.co.uk - June 3, 2010
             In fact, co-operatives are just one form of employee ownership. While few employee-owned companies will share the democratic rigour typical of co-operatives ...
UK   10 - Budget 2010: Higher rate capital gains tax to increase from midnight
             Employee Benefits - June 22, 2010
             Julie Richardson, head of employee share ownership at Ifs Proshare, added: "Ifs Proshare is pleased the 18% capital gains tax rate remains unchanged for ...
UK   12 - Employee ownership plan for Royal Mail
             Belfast Telegraph - July 1, 2010
             By Andrew Woodcock Legislation to privatise the Royal Mail could come as early as this autumn and could give postal workers a stake in the company in a John ...
UK   300 - Mutuals given go-ahead as Cabinet Office confirms initial pilots
             Public Finance - Vivienne Russell - Aug 11, 2010
             The first wave of John Lewis-style 'employee-owned' public services were given the green light by ministers today. ...
UK   349 - Mutuals will empower public sector
             The Guardian - Aug 12, 2010
             They are very different in ambition and range: from NHS staff wanting to launch an employee-owned social enterprise to help homeless patients, to employees ...
UK   467 - Circle is at the cutting-edge of reshaping healthcare for the future
             Telegraph.co.uk - Rachel Cooper - Aug 15, 2010
             Parsa believes that part of the solution could lie in Circle's model of employee-ownership. "We're the agent of our patients and that almost defines who ...
UK   579 - Mutuals 'not vehicles for making cuts'
             Public Finance - Jaimie Kaffash - Aug 18, 2010
             Employee-owned organisations are not an easy way of making savings, according to the head of a think-tank that will be working closely ...
UK   853 - Will public-sector co-ops work?
             People Management Magazine Online (blog) - Aug 24, 2010
             While the exact structure of each is unclear (they are, after all, experimental), they are united in the aspiration to be part employee-owned and/or ...
US   4 - Kocolene Announces ESOP
             CSP Daily News - June 2, 2010
             The Myers family is retaining 60% of the company through the ESOP. Kocolene and its wholly owned subsidiaries—Ranger Enterprises, ...
US   6 - Washington Post fields several bids for Newsweek
             Reuters - June 3, 2010
             Employee stock ownership plans, known as ESOPs, put the stock of companies in the hands of their workers, making them the effective owners. ...
US   7 - Cashing in
             Lawn & Landscape - June 16, 2010
             While perhaps the most maligned and misunderstood of the three options, the ESOP might be the only choice for some companies, and the best choice for those ...
US   8 - ESOP plans let founders cash out and employees cash in
             CNNMoney - June 17, 2010
             "These results tell us what workers in ESOP companies already know," says Mark Lewis, president of employee-owned Woodfold, Inc., and chairman of industry ...
US   11 - Clif Bar Now 20 Percent Employee Owned
             Bicycle Retailer - June 29, 2010
             BERKELEY, CA (BRAIN)—Clif Bar & Company has begun selling family-owned common stock to its employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). ...
US   65 - Worker reluctance to invest leads PBSJ to new ownership
             Tampa Bay Business Journal - Margie Manning - Aug 6, 2010
             “We get capital through employee ownership. Over the years it's been more and more difficult to keep up with that as baby boomers retire and younger folks ...
US   76 - Finding an Alternative to Selling and Retiring
             New York Times - Paul Sullivan - Aug 6, 2010
             One solution for the owner who needs to sell at least part of his business is to use an employee stock ownership plan, said Ed Mooney, senior vice president ...
US   279 - The ESOP Association and the Employee Ownership Foundation Release Results of ...
             PR Newswire (press release) - Aug 11, 2010
             "The data from the Association's company survey, which is done every five years, proves the case for more employee ownership," said J. Michael Keeling, ...
US   281 - Average ESOP account balance triples since '05, survey finds
             Pensions & Investments - Timothy Inklebarger - Aug 11, 2010
             ... to an average $195222 from roughly $70000, according to a joint survey released Wednesday by The ESOP Association and the Employee Ownership Foundation. ...
US   361 - Org teaches how to create, run coops
             ABJ Enrepreneur (blog) - Sandra Zaragoza - Aug 12, 2010
             “Where you see a concentration in workers' co-ops is generally in the Northeast or West Coast,” Perez de Alejo said. “In the South, it's really lacking. ...
US   469 - The scoop on our 125-year-old story
             Omaha World-Herald - Mike Reilly - Aug 15, 2010
             We are the largest employee-owned newspaper in the United States. The newspaper has about 760 full- and part-time employees, including 253 employee-owners. ...
US   906 - Employee pride Chroma rep goes to Statehouse for special hearing on worker ...
             Brattleboro Reformer - Howard Weiss-Tisman - Aug 25, 2010
             Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who has introduced two bills that aim to increase and support employee ownership in the United States. The Senate is considering a ...
US   980 - Taunton workers, state Senator urge Esterline to 'do the right thing'
             Taunton Daily Gazette - Charles Winokoor - Aug 26, 2010
             Knowlton says the 85 union workers and 15 front-office and management non-union workers in Taunton deserve a chance to create an employee-owned business ...
US   1004 - Sundt exec's focus is on owners
             AZ Central.com - Craig Anderson - Aug 26, 2010
             "There are 11000 companies with ESOPs in the country, and I think there should be a lot more," she said. "I think it's capitalism at its finest."
US   1023 - Sanders: Worker-owned businesses can save economy
             Barre Montpelier Times Argus - Daniel Barlow - Aug 27, 2010
             One would create an office for employee-owned companies within the US Department of Labor and offer grant opportunities for states to create local ...
ZA   16 - Gold Fields' earnings up, gets South Deep mining right
             Creamer Media's Mining Weekly - Chanel de Bruyn - Aug 5, 2010
             Firstly, the miner would establish an employee share ownership plan (esop) to transfer a 10,75% stake in the holding company which controls its South ...
ZA   212 - ArcelorMittal South Africa to sell 26pct stake to fulfill BEE rule
             SteelGuru - Aug 10, 2010
             ... stake to its employee share ownership program, in order to fulfill its obligations under South Africa's black economic empowerment or BEE legislation. ...
ZA   251 - Arcelor's BEE deal with 'Zuma allies'
             Moneyweb.co.za - Aug 10, 2010
             ... ordinary share capital of OPCO will be held as to 74% by ArcelorMittal South Africa, 21% by a BEE SPV (special purpose vehicle), and 5% by ESOP Newco. ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien, néerlandais, polonais et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

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