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  Much new information about employee ownership in January 2009, with 1.397 articles in this press review (on which 546 involving stock options and 219 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  57 remarkable articles in 12 countries: Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Spain, UK, USA.
Canada: Repricing stock options or not? Answer could be positive or not. This is a discussion in Canadian press as in many other countries: India, USA, UK, etc.
Netherlands: Adjusting options is even a point in Government's new economic plan.
China: Government asks finance firms to suspend stock option incentives.
Germany: Finally they did !! The Bundestag voted the new legislation for the promotion of employee ownership on January 22. Detailed information
Spain: A new step forward for Mondragon Cooperative Group: Eroski (supermarkets) will change its statute from plc to cooperative.
France: New legislation in force on 1st of January. New successful employee share plans in large companies. Employee buyouts as workers' cooperatives and distressed companies. The French Asset Management Association presents its 10 priorities for 2009, including employee share ownership. EPSINEO rating prepares a new benchmark.
Ireland: Key position for the Employee Share Ownership Trust in Aer Lingus.
UK: Employee shareholders in the bank industry are the forgotten losers in the credit crisis, while FTSE 100 chiefs lose millions on company stakes. How battle its way through recession, pay cuts + stock options? – Workers of the world, unite to stave off job cuts? New serious debate (in USA as well).
USA: Is employee ownership still a good thing or just too risky? Which priorities for Obama? Study after study shows that employee-owned companies perform better than companies that are not. Widespread employee ownership will have a huge, positive impact. Employee-owned companies abound and become more prominent on Fortune Magazine's Top 100 List for 2009.
The full press review lists 1.397 articles, on which 479 in USA, 204 in France, 153 in Germany, 122 in the UK, 92 in Argentina, 60 in Spain, 55 in India, 42 in Canada, 22 in Italy, 20 in Austria, 19 in Brazil, 16 in Ireland, 13 in Colombia, 12 in The Netherlands, 11 in Switzerland, 10 in Paraguay, 8 in Venezuela, 8 in South Africa, 7 in Australia, 7 in Arab Emirates, 7 in Philippines, 4 in China, 4 in New Zealand, 3 in Chile, 2 in Belgium, 2 in Israel, 2 in Malaysia, and 1 in Bermuda, in Barbados, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka and Trinidad & Tobago.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en janvier 2009, avec 1.397 articles dans notre revue de presse (dont 546 à propos de stock options et 219 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs). Notre sélection propose 57 articles remarquables dans 12 pays: Canada, Chine, France, Allemagne, Inde, Irlande, Italie, Maroc, Pays-Bas, Espagne, Royaume Uni, USA.
Canada: Rééchelonner les stock options ou non? Des réponses positives, d'autres pas. Discussion dans la presse canadienne et dans beaucoup d'autres pays: Inde, USA, Royaume Uni, etc.
Pays-Bas: L'allongement de la durée des options est même un point du nouveau plan de relance.
Chine: Le Gouvernement force les sociétés financières à suspendre les incitants sous forme de stock options ou d'actions.
Allemagne: Finalement c'est fait !! Le Bundestag a voté la nouvelle législation pour la promotion de l'actionnariat salarié le 22 janvier. Information détaillée
Espagne: Un pas en avant pour Mondragon: Eroski (les supermarchés) va changer son statut de société anonyme en coopérative.
France: Nouvelle législation en vigueur au 1er janvier. Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié dans plusieurs grands groupes. Reprises d'entreprises par les salariés sous forme de coopératives et faillites d'entreprises. L'Association de la Gestion Financière annonce 10 priorités pour 2009, y compris l'actionnariat salarié. EPSINEO rating prépare un nouveau benchmark.
Irlande: Position-clé pour le Trust de l'Actionnariat Salarié chez Aer Lingus.
Royaume Uni: Les actionnaires salariés de l'industrie bancaire sont les oubliés de la crise du crédit, tandis que les grands patrons du FTSE 100 ont perdu des millions sur leurs actions. Comment survivre à la récession, restrictions des salaires + stock options? – Travailleurs de tous les pays, unissez-vous pour éviter les pertes d'emplois? Un nouveau débat de fond (de même aux USA).
USA: Est-ce que l'actionnariat salarié reste un bon choix ou bien tout simplement trop risqué? Quelles priorités pour Obama? Recherches après recherches montrent que les entreprises d'actionnariat salarié marchent mieux que les autres. Etendre l'actionnariat salarié aura un effet positif fort. Les entreprises d'actionnariat salarié abondent et sont en progression dans le Top 100 du Magazine Fortune en 2009.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.397 articles, dont 479 aux USA, 204 en France, 153 en Allemagne, 122 au Royaume Uni, 92 en Argentine, 60 en Espagne, 55 en Inde, 42 au Canada, 22 en Italie, 20 en Autriche, 19 au Brésil, 16 en Irlande, 13 en Colombie, 12 aux Pays-Bas, 11 en Suisse, 10 au Paraguay, 8 au Vénézuela, 8 en Afrique du Sud, 7 en Australie, 7 aux Emirats Arabes, 7 aux Philippines, 4 en Chine, 4 en Nouvelle Zélande, 3 au Chili, 2 en Belgique, 2 en Israël, 2 en Malaysie, et 1 aux Bermudes, à la Barbade, Danemark, Equateur, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jordanie, Kenya, Mexique, Russie, Sri Lanka et Trinidad & Tobago.
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Muchas nuevas noticias sobre accionariado asalariado en enero 2009, con 1.397 artículos en nuestra revista de prensa (cuyos 546 sobre stock options y 219 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores). Nuestra selección propone 57 artículos destacados en 12 países: Canadá, China, Francia, Alemania, India, Irlanda, Italia, Marruecos, Paises Bajos, España, Reino Unido, USA.
Canadá: ¿Reprogramar los stock options o no? Respuestas positivas, otras no. Discusiones en la prensa canadiense y en otros países : India, USA, Reino Unido, etc.
Países Bajos: La prolongación de la duración de los options es un punto mismo del nuevo plan de reactivación.
China: El Gobierno fuerza las sociedades financieras en suspender los incentivos stock opcions o acciones.
Alemania: ¡¡Por fin, hecho !! El Bundestag votó la nueva legislación para la promoción del accionariado asalariado el 22 de enero. Información detallada
España: Un paso mas para Mondragon: Eroski (los supermercados) van a cambiar de estatuto de sociedead anónima en cooperativa.
Francia: Nueva legislación en vigor el 1 de enero. Nuevos planes de accionariado asalariado en varios grandes grupos. Compras de empresas por parte de asalariados en forma de cooperativas y quiebras de empresas. La Association de la Gestion Financière anuncia 10 prioridades para 2009, incluso el accionariado asalariado. EPSINEO rating prepara un nuevo benchmark.
Irlanda: Posición clave para el Trust del Accionariado Asalariado en Aer Lingus.
Reino Unido: Los accionistas asalariados de la industria bancaria son los olvidados de la crisis del credito, mientras que los grandes patrones del FTSE 100 perdieron millones con sus acciones. ¿Como sobrevivir a la recesión, restricción de los salarios + stock options? – ¿Trabajadores de todos los países, uniros para evitar perdidas de empleos? Un nuevo debate de fondo (igualmente en los USA).
USA: ¿Sigue siendo el accionariado asalariado una buena elección o bien sencillamente demasiado arriesgado ? ¿Cuales son las prioridades de Obama? Informes tras informes muestran que las empresas de accionariado asalariado funcionan mejor que las otras. Seguir el accionariado asalariado tendría un efecto positivo fuerte. Las empresas de accionariado asalariado abundan y estan en fuerte progresión en el Top 100 del Magazine Fortune en 2009.
La revista de prensa completa cuenta con 1.397 artículos, cuyos 479 en EE.UU, 204 en Francia, 153 en Alemania, 122 en el Reino Unido, 92 en Argentina, 60 en España, 55 en India, 42 en Canadá, 22 en Italia, 20 en Austria, 19 en Brasil, 16 en Irlanda, 13 en Colombia, 12 en los Países Bajos, 11 en Suiza, 10 en paraguay, 8 en  Venezuela, 8 en Afriqua del Sur, 7 en Australia, 7 en los Emiratos Arabes, 7 en Filipinas, 4 en China, 4 en Nueva Zelanda, 3 en Chile, 2 en Bélgica, 2 en Israel, 2 en Malasia, y 1 en Bermudas, Barbados, Dinamarka, Equador, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jordania, Kenya, Méjico, Rusia, Sri Lanka y Trinidad & Tobago
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1.397 articoli (di cui 546 sulle stock options e 219 sulle cooperative) nella rassegna stampa dell’Azionariato dei dipendenti nel Gennaio 2009. La nostra selezione ne comprende 57 in 12 Stati: Canada, Cina, Francia, Germania, India, Irlanda, Italia, Marocco, Paesi Bassi, Spagna, UK, USA.
Canada: Rinegoziare o no le stock options? La risposta potrebbe essere positive o negative. E ‘ un dibattito aperto in Canada ma anche in molti altri stati: India, USA, UK, etc.
Paesi Bassi: Il riesame delle opzioni è addirittura uno dei punti del nuovo piano economico del Governo.
Cina: Il Governo chiede alle Società finanziarie di sospendere l’incentivazione con stock options.
Germany: Ce l’hanno fatta! Il Bundestag ha votato la nuova legge per la promozione dell’azionariato dei dipendenti il 22 Gennaio. Dettagli
Spagna: Un altro passo avanti per il Gruppo delle Cooperative di Mondragon: Eroski (supermarkets) cambierà la sua forma giuridica da srl a cooperativa.
Francia: Nuova legislazione dal 1 Gennaio. Nuovi piani di azionariato di successo nei grandi gruppi. Riprese di aziende in crisi da parte di cooperative di dipendenti. La French Asset Management Association presenta le sue 10 priorità per il 2009, che comprendono l’azionariato dei dipendenti. L’agenzia di rating EPSINEO prepara un nuovo benchmark.
Irlanda: Il Trust Employee Share Ownership ha un ruolo chiave in Aer Lingus.
Gran Bretagna I dipendenti azionisti del settore bancario sono i perdenti dimenticati nella crisi del credito, mentre il FTSE 100 perde milioni sulle partecipazioni azionarie. Come sopravvivere a recessione – tagli di stipendio – stock options? Lavoratori di tutto il mondo, unitevi contro i tagli occupazionali? Nuovi approfonditi dibattiti (anche negli USA).
USA: L’azionariato dei dipendenti è ancora una cosa buona o è semplicemente troppo rischioso? Quali priorità ha Obama? Uno studio dopo l’altro dimostra che le Società di proprietà dei dipendenti funzionano meglio. Un diffuso azionariato dei dipendenti avrebbe un elevato impatto positive. La lista delle Top 100 Società della rivista Fortune abbonda di Società possedute dai dipendenti, sempre più importanti.
La rassegna stampa completa consiste di 1.397 articloli, di cui 479 negli USA, 204 in Francia, 153 in Germania, 122 nel Regno Unito, 92 in Argentina, 60 in Spagna, 55 in India, 42 in Canada, 22 in Italia, 20 in Austria, 19 in Brasile, 16 in Irlanda, 13 in Colombia, 12 nei Paesi Bassi, 11 in Svizzera, 10 in Paraguay, 8 in Venezuela, 8 in Sudafrica, 7 in Australia, 7 in Emirati Arabi, 7 nelle Filippine, 4 in Cina, 4 in Nuova Zelanda, 3 in Cile, 2 in Belgio, 2 in Israele, 2 in Malaysia, e 1 in Bermuda, in Barbados, Danimarca, Ecuador, Ghana, Hong Kong, Giordania, Kenya, Messico, Russia, Sri Lanka e Trinidad & Tobago.
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remarkable articles in 12 countries: Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Spain, UK, USA.

CA   1 - Edmonton's PCL shines as HR example
             iNews880.com, Canada - Jan 5, 2009
             Grieve adds the vast majority of their employees are also shareholders, counting employee ownership as a reason for PCL's success.
CA   160 - Pension plan urges boards to avoid changes to stock option plans
             Stockhouse, Canada - Jan 8, 2009
             TORONTO - One of Canada's largest pools of investment capital says it's against the practice of adjusting employee stock options plans in response to ...
CA   581 - La coopération : une formule moderne et d’avenir
             Journal L'Action - 17 jan 2009
             Que peut faire une coopérative de travailleurs actionnaire ? Ce type de coopérative permet au propriétaire d’avoir des investisseurs pour le développement ...
CN   1042 - China asks finance firms to suspend stock options
             Reuters - Jan 26, 2009
             ... financial institutions to suspend stock option incentives for managers and employee stock ownership plans during the global financial crisis. ...
DE   656 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung: Der Bundestag stimmt am Donnerstag
             Erfassung und Verbreitung von Pressemitteilungen aus allen Branchen (Pressemitteilung) - 19. Jan. 2009
             Der Bundestag stimmt am Donnerstag über ein Gesetz ab, mit dem die Bundesregierung die Beteiligung von Mitarbeitern an deren Unternehmen fördern will. ...
DE   775 - Regierung erwartet Ja des Bundestages Mehr Kapital für Mitarbeiter
             taz - 21. Jan. 2009
             Das meint zumindest die Bundesregierung, über deren Gesetzesentwurf zur Förderung der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung am Mittwoch im Bundestag abgestimmt wird ...
DE   868 - Bundestag beschließt bessere Förderung von Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 22. Jan. 2009
             BERLIN (Dow Jones)--Der Deutsche Bundestag hat am Donnerstag dem Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligungsgesetz zugestimmt. Die Billigung erfolgte mit den Stimmen der ...
ES   852 - La asamblea general de Eroski aprueba el proyecto de transformación  en cooperativa…
             Observatorio - 22 Ene 2009
             La asamblea general de Eroski (Mondragon Group) aprueba el proyecto de transformación de sus sociedades anónimas en cooperativas
FR   35 - Atos Origin va modifier sa gouvernance
             LeMagIT - 5 jan 2009
             Le conseil de surveillance propose enfin de confier le douzième siège du futur conseil d'administration à un représentant des salariés actionnaires.
FR   88 - Fabrice Chardon dirige une Scop qui prospère à Genlis
             Bien Public - 6 jan 2009
             Quand tout le monde y croit Le dossier de coopérative ouvrière fut monté en six mois, en privilégiant la menuiserie alu prête à poser pour les ...
FR   122 - Intéressement et participation: Ce qui change au 1er janvier 2009
             La Tribune.fr - 7 jan 2009
             La loi institue enfin quelques changements concernant le mode d'attribution des stock options accordées aux dirigeants. Pas de taxation au programme, ...
FR   316 - Vallourec: Succès de l'augmentation de capital réservée aux ...
             La Vie Financière - 12 jan 2009
             L'actionnariat salarié représente ainsi aujourd'hui 1,55 % du capital du Groupe (contre 0,14 % avant l'opération). « L'opération est un large succès, ...
FR   381 - Le gaullisme d'"actualité" (Alliot-Marie)
             Le Figaro - 13 jan 2009
             Martelant sa volonté de promouvoir dans l'UMP les principes économiques chers au gaullisme, elle a évoqué "l'actionnariat salarié, l'intéressement aux ...
FR   388 - Parachutes dorés : les excès continuent
             Le Monde - 13 jan 2009
             Ils citent "la part variable annuelle de leur rémunération, les actions de performance et les stock-options". Pour Jean Lambrechts, qui dirige le pôle ...
FR   544 - Épargne salariale : toutes les nouveautés 2009
             Les Échos - 16 jan 2009
             Nicolas Sarkozy s'était exprimé à dessein lorsqu'il avait affirmé au début de son mandat que l'épargne salariale constituerait le socle des rémunérations de ...
FR   629 - Devoteam: Avec l'acquisition de Danet en Allemagne, Devoteam s ...
             Zonebourse.com - France - 19 jan 2009
             La transaction est soumise à l′accord de l′Assemblée Générale des salariés-actionnaires de Danet ainsi qu′à l′approbation des autorités anti-trust. ...
FR   941 - Les employés de Google peuvent échanger leurs stock-options
             The Inquirer - 23 jan 2009
             Le moteur de recherche Google autorise les employés qui possèdent des stock-options de les échanger contre des toutes neuves qui seraient plus à même de ...
FR   1189 - Alstom: Actionnariat salarié
             Euroinvestor - 28 jan 2009
              ALSTOM (Paris:ALO) va mettre en œuvre un nouveau plan d’actionnariat réservé aux salariés du groupe dans 22 pays dont la France, soit environ 90% de ...
FR   1193 - Les salariés de Lyon Mag veulent reprendre leur magazine
             Lyon Mag - 28 jan 2009
             ... soutenue par les salariés pourra alors se concrétiser. Ce qui débouchera probablement sur la création d’une SCOP qui garantira l’indépendance de Lyon Mag”.
FR   1267 - Les dix priorités de l'AFG pour 2009
             Boursorama - 29 jan 2009
             Mettre en place un statut européen incitatif pour l'épargne salariale, l'actionnariat salarié et les produits de retraite complémentaire ; 6. ...
FR   1268 - L'industrie européenne de la gestion d'actifs veut se réformer en 2009
             E24 - 29 jan 2009
             L'AFG a en outre insisté sur la nécessité de la mise en place d'un statut européen pour l'épargne salariale et les produits de retraite complémentaire. ...
FR   1390 - Google retarde son programme d'échange de stock-options
             nouvelobs.com - 31 jan 2009
             Google devait lancer hier un programme d'échange de stock-options, permettant à ses salariés de substituer celles qu'ils détiennent contre de nouvelles à ...
FR   1397 - EPSINEO rating lance le premier benchmark des sites internet epargne salariale
             EPSINEO rating - 23 jan 2009
             En épargne salariale et épargne retraite, les sites internet sont des éléments clés d’information et de traitement des demandes des salariés et des entreprises
IE   52 - Ryanair extends deadline on takeover offer for Aer Lingus
             International Herald Tribune, France - Jan 6, 2009
             The Aer Lingus Employee Share Ownership Trust did not comment on its talks with Ryanair last week. Unions representing workers at Aer Lingus, ...
IE   195 - Aer Lingus ESOT Opposes EUR2.8 Million CEO Package
             EasyBourse.com, France - Jan 9, 2009
             DUBLIN -(Dow Jones)- The Employee Share Ownership Trust of Aer Lingus Group PLC (EIL1.DB) said Friday it is opposed to a EUR2.8 million departure package ...
IE   256 - U-turn on €3m payoffs
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Jan 10, 2009
             Some 3500 Aer Lingus workers and former staff, who hold 15pc of the company in the Employee Share Ownership Trust (Esot), were also furious over the payment ...
IE   446 - Four Aer Lingus chiefs had lucrative exit deals
             Irish Times, Ireland - Jan 15, 2009
             The Employee Share Ownership Trust also indicated it would support a call to hold a shareholder meeting to debate and vote on the issue. ...
IE   1055 - Recession stories: taking an unfair share of the pain
             Irish Independent, Ireland - Jan 26, 2009
             Both husband and wife took their share options every year and their dividends rolled over into additional shares. While many of their friends were dabbling ...
IN   153 - Employees restive, fear for jobs
             Trading Markets (press release), CA - Jan 8, 2009
             Senior company officials who earned a major part of their salaries through the employee stock option plan (ESOP) are likely to be severely hit as Satyam's ...
IN   380 - Geojit Finance to re-price stock options
             Economic Times, India - Jan 13, 2009
             When contacted, CJGeorge, MD, Geojit Financial, told ET that the ESOPs are being re-priced to reflect the current market price of the company's stock. ...
IN   1048 - CEOs made to sweat more for money: Spencer Stuart
             Business Standard, India - Jan 26, 2009
             Employee stock options, which had disappeared from the scenario, are back with a bang. With stock markets down more than a half from their peaks about a ...
IT   679 - BPM admits investment funds to shareholder meeting
             Reuters - Jan 20, 2009
             Its governance has been strongly influenced by employee shareholders and underwent reform last year at the central bank's request. ...
IT   1317 - Abolizione del regime fiscale delle stock option - Parte I
             Eurogroup - 29 gen 2009
             Il termine stock option viene utilizzato come sinonimo di azionariato ai dipendenti. È infatti interesse delle società non solo incentivare la ...
MA   425 - La Snep fait une fleur à ses salariés
             L'Économiste - 14 jan 2009
             DU nouveau pour les actionnaires salariés de la Snep (société nationale d’électrolyse et de pétrochimie). Le CDVM vient de viser un avenant à la note ...
NL   566 - Economisch relanceplan
             Presscenter.org (persbericht) - 16 jan 2009
             Aandelenopties: verlenging van de uitoefening van de aandelenoptieplannen afgesloten tussen 1 januari 2003 en 31 augustus 2008 voor zover die niet meer ...
UK   75 - FTSE 100 chiefs lose millions on company stakes
             Wealth Bulletin, UK - Jan 6, 2009
             Over a third of assets are currently held as shares in chief executives’ own names and the balance of 66% as share options or in Long Term Incentive Plans, ...
UK   145 - Workers of the world, unite to stave off job cuts!
             Financial Times, UK - Jan 8, 2009
             The fate of one or two high-profile employee stock ownership plans, linked in the US to daring buy-outs, may make some nervous about even modest incentive ...
UK   286 - Tribal drums up sharesave
             Employee Benefits, UK - Jan 12, 2009
             Colin Woods, reward and recognition leader at the Tribal Group, said he hoped the changes would continue to improve employee share ownership, ...
UK   376 - NUJ rejects Irish Independent pay cuts
             guardian.co.uk, UK - Jan 13, 2009
             The NUJ wants to reject the company's offer of share options, saying it would be cheaper for employees to buy shares on the open market. ...
UK   904 - Embattled Preston Bus gives way to Stagecoach
             Times Online, UK - Jan 23, 2009
             Staff at Preston Bus, Britain's last employee-owned bus company, will receive windfalls of about £16000 after selling their business to Stagecoach for about ...
UK   910 - Comment: Employee shareholders are the forgotten losers in the ...
             Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - Jan 23, 2009
             Spare a thought for some of the biggest victims of the credit crunch so far: hundreds of thousands of bankers. By Ian Cowie, Personal Finance Editor Spare a ...
US   341 - VT Edition: Don Jamison & John Abrams on employee ownership
             Vermont Public Radio, VT - Jan 13, 2009
             Employee ownership is a business alternative that's been used to keep companies and jobs in local communities and give workers a deeper stake in their work ...
US   346 - Employee-owned Companies in the Economic Downturn
             Vermont Public Radio - Colchester,VT,USA
             Do you work at an employee-owned company? Would you like to know more about forming or transitioning to one? You can email us before the show by clicking ...
US   400 - Weitman: Hightower wrong about Zell
             Daily News Tribune, MA - Jan 14, 2009
             The company is, in fact, 100 percent employee-owned. In addition, absolutely NO employee pension money was used to finance the transaction, ...
US   403 - Newberry out as CEO of Newberry Group
             Bizjournals.com, NC - Jan 14, 2009
             Earlier this year, The Newberry Group converted to employee-owned, said Newberry, who founded the company in 1996 and also served as chairman. ...
US   528 - Group tries to save Flint Hills
             Odessa American, TX - Jan 16, 2009
             With an employee stock ownership plan, the employees would have a right to approach Flint Hills officials in order to negotiate, DeShazo said. ...
US   569 - Being their own bosses
             The Keene Sentinel, NH - Jan 17, 2009
             By David P. Greisman Whereas some companies grapple with the idea of employee ownership — of employees buying into the company’s philosophy, ...
US   576 - Osborne Industries' employees take stock of business company
             Salina Journal, KS - Jan 17, 2009
             The employee stock ownership plan was launched in 2000 when 30 percent of the company was sold to the ESOP trust. It jumped to 100 percent in March 2007. ...
US   609 - Can we start new employee-owned companies in Ohio on a mass scale ...
             OpEdNews, PA - Jan 19, 2009
             One of the big holes in American employee ownership is the absence of employee-owned start ups. ESOPs are far too expensive for start ups. ...
US   719 - Radian Research gives workers the reins
             Journal and Courier, IN - Jan 21, 2009
             "One of the best reasons to help Indiana companies become employee-owned is that no group of employee-owners have ever, ever, ever, ever moved their company ...
US   729 - Local company becoming employee-owned
             WLFI.com, IN - Jan 21, 2009
             "Having Radian Research become an employee owned business is huge, not just for the employees who work there and now own the place but I think for the ...
US   730 - Obama’s top-three priorities: the economy, the economy, and the ...
             Xconomy, MA - Jan 21, 2009
             Study after study shows that employee-owned companies perform better than companies that are not. Widespread employee ownership will have a huge, ...
US   815 - Google offers employees with underwater options a new option
             VentureBeat, CA - Jan 22, 2009
             It also does not include the estimated $460 million modification charge related to our employee stock option exchange.
US   895 - Is Employee Ownership Still a Good Thing or Just Too Risky?
             NCEO - Jan 23, 2009
             Employees need to have enough diversified assets for retirement. But employee ownership presents a more complex story than simple issues of diversification…
US   1031 - Employee-Owned Companies Abound on Fortune Magazine's Top 100 List ...
             PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jan 26, 2009
             26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The recently released list of top 100 companies by Fortune magazine shows that employee owned companies in the US are becoming ...
US   1037 - Wawa Reveals How to Survive a Recession
             CSNews Online, NY - Jan 26, 2009
             However, he noted the company is 28 percent employee-owned, and "you never want to put your company or associates at risk." When making any budgetary ...
US   1144 - Flint Hills
             Odessa American, TX - Jan 28, 2009
             Efforts to reach Kenneth Winslow with Benefit Capital, a company that assists employee ownership plans, were unsuccessful Wednesday. ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

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Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.