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  Much new information about employee ownership in February 2009, with 1.584 articles in this press review (on which 670 involving stock options and 325 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  44 remarkable articles in 12 countries: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Netherlands, UK, USA.
Austria: Capital increase for Voestalpine in order to further expand its employee share ownership scheme.
Canada: The employee-shareholders may have established the new model for the pulp and paper industry, says Forests Minister.
France: National debate: Which profit sharing? Which new social deal? Which place for employee ownership? On the other hand, with 30% held by 57.000 employees, employee ownership is a pillar for Eiffage since its employee buyout in 1989.
Germany: That's it !! Following the Bundestag, the Bundesrat has also voted the new legislation for the promotion of employee ownership, it can now come into force. Opel bailout: Employee ownership could be a key-point.
India: Do employee stock option plans make sense in economic meltdown?
Ireland: Bank employees who have worked in the sector for a long time have suffered huge losses as they were paid bank share options and these share funds being now practically worthless. Fears for job cuts in Eircom (35% employee-owned).
Italy: A new unified legislation about employee share ownership is now discussed in the Senate.
Netherlands: A majority of workers at chip machinery maker ASML has rejected company plans to delay paying their 13th month bonus and replace it with share options.
UK: Almost three-quarters of FTSE-100 companies' employee share options are now underwater. Bankers are as much victims of the financial crisis as their customers, according to leading lawyers.
USA: Employee ownership growing in popularity. The percentage of workers receiving stock options in 2008 was unchanged from previous years, which suggests that broad-based equity plans, contrary to conventional wisdom, are not a relic of the past… Newspapers crisis: Union to discuss possible employee buyout in Seattle.
The full press review lists 1.584 articles, on which 572 in USA, 186 in France, 169 in Germany, 140 in Argentina, 104 in the UK, 105 in Spain, 61 in Austria, 35 in Canada, 34 in Italy, 32 in India, 22 in Brazil, 20 in Ireland, 13 in Switzerland, 12 in Australia, 12 in Colombia, 11 in Paraguay, 10 in South Africa, 5 in Malaysia, 4 in Chile, 4 in The Netherlands, 3 in Mexico, 3 in New Zealand, 3 in Venezuela,  2 in Belgium, 2 in China, 2 in Jamaica, 2 in Philippines, and 1 in Algeria, Arab Emirates, Barbados, Cuba, Hong Kong, Iceland, Kenya, South Korea, Pakistan, Portugal, Senegal, Trinidad & Tobago and Zimbabwe.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en février 2009, avec 1.584 articles dans notre revue de presse (dont 670 à propos de stock options et 325 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs). Notre sélection propose 44 articles remarquables dans 12 pays: Autriche, Canada, France, Allemagne, Inde, Irlande, Italie, Jamaïque, Kenya, Pays-Bas, Royaume Uni, USA.
Autriche: Augmentation de capital chez Voestalpine pour permettre l'extension du plan d'actionnariat salarié aux filiales hors d'Autriche.
Canada: L'actionnariat salarié est peut-être le nouveau modèle de référence pour l'industrie du papier, selon le Ministre de la Forêt.
France: Débat national: Quelle répartition pour le profit? Un nouveau partage social? Quelle place pour l'actionnariat salarié? Par ailleurs, avec 30% aux mains de 57.000 salariés, l'actionnariat salarié est un pilier pour Eiffage depuis sa reprise par les salariés en 1989.
Allemagne: Et de deux !! Après le Bundestag, c'est le Bundesrat qui a voté la nouvelle législation pour la promotion de l'actionnariat salarié, celle-ci va pouvoir entrer en vigueur. Opel: l'actionnariat salarié pourrait être une des clés pour le sauvetage de l'automobile.
Inde: Que faire des plans de stock option dans une économie en débâcle?
Irlande: Les travailleurs de banques ont subi de lourdes pertes sur leurs stock options qui sont à présent pratiquement sans valeur. Craintes de pertes d'emploi chez Eircom  (contrôlée à 35% par l'actionnariat salarié).
Italie: Un nouveau projet de législation unifiée sur l'actionnariat salarié entame son parcours en commissions du Sénat.
Pays-Bas: Les salariés de ASML rejettent le plan qui visait à remplacer le 13è mois par des options sur actions.
UK: Pour trois quart des sociétés du FTSE-100, les stock options sont maintenant sans valeur (underwater). Les banquiers sont tout autant victimes de la crise financière que leurs clients…
USA: L'actionnariat salarié gagne en popularité. Le pourcentage des salariés qui ont reçu des stock options en 2008 est inchangé par rapport aux années précédentes, ce qui indique que, contrairement aux idées reçues, les plans d'actions ne sont pas à ranger parmi les reliques du passé… Crise de la presse: le syndicat ouvre la porte à une reprise par les salariés à Seattle.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.584 articles, dont 572 aux USA, 186 en France, 169 en Allemagne, 140 en Argentine, 104 au Royaume Uni, 105 en Espagne, 61 en Autriche, 35 au Canada, 34 en Italie, 32 en Inde, 22 au Brésil, 20 en Irlande, 13 en Suisse, 12 en Australie, 12 en Colombie, 11 au Paraguay, 10 en Afrique du Sud, 5 en Malaisie, 4 au Chili, 4 aux Pays-Bas, 3 au Mexique, 3 en Nouvelle Zélande, 3 au Venezuela,  2 en Belgique, 2 en Chine, 2 en Jamaïque, 2 aux Philippines, et 1 en Algérie, Emirats Arabes, la Barbade, Cuba, Hong Kong, Islande, Kenya, Corée du Sud, Pakistan, Portugal, Sénégal, Trinidad & Tobago et Zimbabwe.
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Mucha nueva información sobre accionariado asalariado en febrero de 2009, con 1.584 artículos en nuestra revista de prensa (entre los cuales 670 sobre stock options y 325 sobre cooperativas de trabajadores). Nuestra selección propone 44 artículos notables en 12 países: Austria, el Canadá, Francia, Alemania, la India, Irlanda, Italia, Jamaica, Kenia, Países Bajos, el Reino Unido, los EE.UU.
Austria: Aumento de capital en Voestalpine para permitir la extensión del plan de accionariado asalariado a las filiales fuera de Austria.
Canadá: El accionariado asalariado es el nuevo modelo quizás de referencia para la industria papelera, según el Ministro del Bosque.
Francia: Debate nacional: ¿Qué distribución para el beneficio? ¿Una nueva división social? Qué lugar para el accionariado asalariado? Por otra parte, con un 30% entre las manos de los 57.000 asalariados, el accionariado asalariado es un pilar para Eiffage desde su compra por los asalariados en 1989.
Alemania:  ¡Y de dos! Después del Bundestag, le toca al Bundesrat que votó la nueva legislación para la promoción del accionariado asalariado, ésta vez podrá entrar en vigor. Opel: el accionariado asalariado podría ser una de las claves para el rescate del automóvil...
India: Que hacer con los stock opcions en una economía hundida.
Irlanda: Los trabajadores del sector bancario perdieron muchisimo con sus stock options que hoy en día quedaron sin valor. Temor de perdidas de empleo en Eircom (controlado al 35% por el accionariado asalariado).
Italia: Un nuevo proyecto de legislación unificada sobre accionariado asalariado inicia su curso en comisiones del senado.
Países Bajos: Los asalariados de ASML rechazan el plan destinado en cambiar el 13 mes por opciones sobre acciones.
UK: Para los tres cuarto de las empresas del FTSE-100, los stocks options carecen de valor (underwater). Los banqueros tambien son tan victimas de la crisis financiera que sus clientes...
USA: El accionariado asalariado gana en popularidad. El porcentaje de los asalariados que han recibido stock options en 2008 quedó sin cambios en comparación con los años precedentes, lo que indica que contrariamente a los prejuicios, los planes de acciones siguen vigentes.  Crisis de la prensa : el sindicato abre la puerta para una compra de los asariados en  Seattle.
La revista de prensa completa cuenta con 1.584 artículos destacados, cuyos 572 en EE.UU, 186 en Francia, 169 en Alemania, 140 en Argentina, 104 en el Reino Unido, 105 en España, 61 en Austria, 35 en Canadá, 34 en Italia, 32 en India, 22 en Brasil, 20 en Irlanda, 13 en Suiza, 12 en Australia, 12 en Colombia, 11 en el Paraguay, 10 en Africa del Sur, 5 en Malasia, 4 en Chile, 4 en los Países Bajos, 3 en Méjico, 3 en Nueva Zelandia, 3 en Venezuela,  2 en Belgíca, 2 en China, 2 en Jamaica, 2 en Filipinas, y 1 en Argelia, Emiratos Arabes, Barbados, Cuba, Hong Kong, Islandia, Kenya, Corea del Sur, Pakistan, Portugal, Senegal, Trinidad & Tobago et Zimbabwe.

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1.584 articoli (di cui 670 sulle stock options e 325 sulle cooperative) nella rassegna stampa dell’Azionariato dei dipendenti nel Febbraio 2009. La nostra selezione ne comprende 44 in 12 Stati: Austria, Canada, Francia, Germania, India, Irlanda, Italia, Giamaica, Kenia, Paesi Bassi, UK, USA.
Austria: Aumento di capital per Voestalpine per allargare il piano di azionariato dei dipendenti.
Canada: Il Ministro delle Foreste afferma che I dipendenti azionisti potrebbero essere il nuovo modello per l’industria della cellulose e carta.
France: Dibattito nazionale: quale suddivisione dei profitti? Quale nuovo contratto sociale? Quale ruolo per l’azionariato dei dipendenti? Su un altro fronte, con il 30% in mano ai 57000 dipendenti fin dall’acquisizione nel 1989, l’azionariato dei dipendenti di Eiffage è un pilastro..
Germany: Ci siamo! Dopo il Buntestag, anche il Bundesrat ha votato la legge sull’azionariato dei dipendenti, che ora può essere promulgate. Acquisizione di Opel: l’azionariato dei dipendenti potrebbe essere un punto chiave.
India: Che senso hanno le stock options nel tracollo economico?
Irlanda: I dipendenti di banca con maggiore anzianità hanno sofferto gravi perdite dale loro opzioni di acquisto (che oggi non valgono nulla) con cui sono stati in parte remunerati. Timori per le riduzioni di organico in Eircom (35% di proprietà dei dipendenti)
Italy: In discussione un testo unificato per l’azionariato dei dipendenti nelle Commissioni Riunite Finanze e Lavoro del Senato
Paesi Bassi: La maggioranza dei dipendenti della fabbrica di “chip” ASML ha bocciato il piano aziendale di rimandare il pagamento della tredicesima e sostituirlo con opzioni di acquisto azioni.
UK: Per quasi tre quarti delle Società quotate del FTSE-100 le opzioni di acquisto delle azioni dei dipendenti stanno sott’acqua. Secondo eminenti avvocati, i banchieri sono vittime della crisi finanziaria quanto i clienti.
USA: In aumento la popolarità della partecipazione dei dipendenti. La percentuale di dipendenti beneficiary di stock options è invariata rispetto agli anni precedenti: i piani di azionariato generalizzato no sono allora un relitto del passato, contrariamente a quello che ci sente dire… Crisi della stampa: il Sindacato discute la possibilità di un’acquisizione a Seattle.
Rassegna completa: 1.584 articoli, di cui 572 negli USA, 186 in Francia, 169 in Germania, 140 in Argentina, 104 nel Regno Unito, 105 in Spagna, 61 in Austria, 35 in Canada, 34 in Italia, 32 in India, 22 in Brasile, 20 in Irlanda, 13 in Svizzera, 12 in Australia, 12 in Colombia, 11 nel Paraguay, 10 in Sudafrica, 5 en Malaysia, 4 in Cile, 4 nei Paesi Bassi, 3 nel Messico, 3 in Nuova Zelanda, 3 in Venezuela,  2 in Belgio, 2 in Cina, 2 in Giamaica, 2 nelle Filippine, e 1 in Algeria, Emirati Arabi, Barbados, Cuba, Hong Kong, Islanda, Kenya, Corea del Sud, Pakistan, Portogallo, Senegal, Trinidad & Tobago et Zimbabwe.
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remarkable articles in 12 countries: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Netherlands, UK, USA.

AT   1333 - Voestalpine AG
             news aktuell Schweiz (Pressemitteilung) - ‎Feb 25, 2009‎
             The purpose of issuing the new shares is to further expand and safeguard voestalpine´s employee shareholding scheme. The subscription rights of all other ...
AT   1376 - Voestalpine Kapitalerhöhung für Mitarbeiterstiftung
             derStandard.at - ‎25.02.2009‎
             Derzeit hält die voestalpine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Privatstiftung 10,79 Prozent des Grundkapitals. Nach der Kapitalerhöhung steigt dieser Anteil auf 12,54 ...
CA 1549 - Harmac plan is way of future: Minister
             Canada.com - ‎Feb 28, 2009‎
            I would hate to bet against a company that has employee ownership in it. I think it is a great model. In some ways, it might be the model for the future. ...
DE   744 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung wird künftig stärker gefördert
             T-Online - ‎13.02.2009‎
             Arbeitnehmer können sich künftig stärker steuerbefreit an ihren Unternehmen beteiligen. Der Bundesrat stimmte am Freitag dem so genannten ...
DE   746 - Bundesrat macht Weg frei für mehr Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung
             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - ‎13.02.2009‎
             Die mit dem Gesetz erleichterte und gestärkte Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung stehe für Unternehmen und Beschäftigte, die vorausschauend denken und wissen, ...
DE   1151 - ROUNDUP/Zukunft von Opel:Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung und China-Partner ...
             FinanzNachrichten.de - ‎20.02.2009‎
             Ins Gespräch gebracht werden Optionen von der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung bis zum Einstieg eines chinesischen Partners. NRW-Ministerpräsident Jürgen Rüttgers, ...
DE   1154 - Bodo Ramelow: Aus der Marke Opel eine eigenständige europäische ...
             FinanzNachrichten.de - ‎20.02.2009‎
             Dafür muss eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung von bis zu 49 Prozent aufgebaut werden. Als eigenständiges Unternehmen könnte Opel die Kooperation mit GM fortsetzen ...
DE 1467 - Hahn für Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an Opel
            derNewsticker.de (Pressemitteilung) - ‎26.02.2009‎
            Rüsselsheim (ddp-hes). Hessens Justizminister Jörg-Uwe Hahn (FDP) unterstützt die Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter an einem aus dem US-Konzern General Motors ...
DE 1470 - Vizekanzler will an Opels Seite kämpfen Bei Kundgebung viel Lob ...
            Rhein Main Presse - ‎26.02.2009‎
            ... im Automobilbereich" Neue Strukturen forderte der IGM-Chef für die Zukunft und vor allem auch eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung mit erweiterter Mitsprache. ...
FR   169 - L'Allemagne et les Pays-Bas les plus en pointe en Europe
             Les Échos - ‎4 févr. 2009‎
             SPD et CDU sont d'accord pour allonger le délai d'exercice des stock-options. En revanche, la CDU refuse l'idée du SPD de ne plus autoriser les entreprises ...
FR   376 - Le gouvernement consulte tous azimuts avant le sommet social du 18 ...
             Les Échos - ‎8 févr. 2009‎
             L'instauration d'un seuil minimum d'actionnariat salarié pourrait être proposée afin de mieux répartir les profits. L'UMP veut réduire les écarts de ...
FR   826 - Répartir les bénéfices en trois tiers égaux
             Le Monde - ‎16 févr. 2009‎
             ... M. Sarkozy doit réussir à convaincre les entreprises de payer davantage leurs salariés, de développer l'actionnariat salarié et de réinvestir. ...
FR   829 - Avec Ségolène Royal c'est le retour du pouvoir politique.
             Le Post - ‎16 févr. 2009‎
             ... elle s'est portée caution auprès des banques pour favoriser le rachat des entreprises en difficulté par les salariés (SCOP), elle a instauré une charte ...
FR   831 - La Scop, un modèle idéal d'entreprise ?
             L'Entreprise - ‎16 févr. 2009‎
             Apparue au XIXe siècle, la Scop (Société Coopérative de Production) attire aujourd'hui encore de nombreux entrepreneurs et permet d'inventer de nouveaux ...
FR   921 - Partage des profits: les dispositifs montrent leur limite en temps ...
             LaDépêche.fr - Toulouse,France - 17 févr. 2009
             Dans des sociétés prospères comme Total, la direction revendique une "équité des rémunérations", en favorisant notamment l'actionnariat salarié. ...
FR   1126 - Pierre-Yves Gomez : « il n'y a pas de règle universelle de partage ...
             L'Usine Nouvelle - ‎20 févr. 2009‎
             Cela est donc vrai pour le salarié actionnaire. Plus on donne de capital aux salariés, plus ils doivent avoir de pouvoir. Je ne suis pas sûr que toutes ...
FR 1569 - Roverato : «Je remercie les institutions de la République»
            Le Figaro - ‎28 févr. 2009
            L’actionnariat salarié, qui représente près de 30 % du capital, est l’un des piliers d’Eiffage. Le rachat de l’entreprise par les salariés remonte à 1989. ...
IE   1061 - Bank workers fear attacks from customers fighting debts crisis
             Herald.ie - ‎Feb 19, 2009‎
             It also said that bank employees who have worked in the sector for a long time have suffered huge losses as they were paid bank share options as part of ...
IE   1391 - Value of Eircom cut by more than €700m
             Irish Times - ‎Feb 26, 2009‎
             BCM and its affiliates own 65 per cent of Eircom and members of the Eircom employee share ownership trust (Esot) own the remaining 35 per cent. ...
IE 1550 - Fears for 1000 Eircom jobs in debts struggle
            Herald.ie - ‎Feb 28, 2009‎
            The other shareholder in Eircom is the Employee Share Ownership Trust (ESOT), with 35pc of the company. Meanwhile, it has emerged that the number of people ...
IE 1567 - Anglo staff were offered shares deal after bailout
            Irish Independent - ‎ Feb 28, 2009‎
            Senior sources at the bank insisted that the manner of the share options scheme was totally appropriate and that nothing inappropriate was done. ...
IN   696 - Do ESOPs make sense in economic meltdown?
             Economic Times - ‎Feb 13, 2009‎
             What does an ‘employee stock option’ mean? In common parlance, it is when the employer gives the employee an option to purchase shares in the company (ie ...
IN   784 - Budget: FM says global economy may worsen in '09
             CIOL - ‎Feb 15, 2009‎
             ... to five years and secondly we need to make Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP)'sa more attractive and flexible retention strategy for the management. ...
IT 1583 - Azionariato dipendenti, le proposte in discussione
            Milano Finanza - 6 Feb 2009
            Di Nerio Nesi - E in discussione presso le Commissioni congiunte Finanze/tesoro e Lavoro del Senato un progetto unificato di legge sull'azionariato dei dipendenti...
IT 1584 - L'azionariato dei dipendenti è politica gestionale "alta" e non strumento di risparmio
            Milano Finanza - 27 Feb 2009
            Di Guido Antolini - Miglior coesione, condivisione e produttività
JM   547 - TCL considers buying back Cemex's stake
             Jamaica Observer - ‎Feb 11, 2009‎
             Whether TCL's Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) should acquire the shares for the benefit of employees or for future divestment in order to spread the ...
KE   818 - AccessKenya gets shares nod
             Daily Nation - ‎Feb 16, 2009‎
             “We intend to use the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) to attract and retain top achievers,” he said. According to an advertisement in the Press on ...
NL   292 - ASML staff reject pay changes
             DutchNews.nl - ‎Feb 6, 2009‎
             A majority of workers at chip machinery maker ASML has rejected company plans to delay paying their 13th month bonus and replace it with share options and a ...
UK   88 - FTSE share options tumble
             Employee Benefits - ‎Feb 3, 2009‎
             Almost three-quarters of FTSE-100 companies' employee share options are now underwater, according to research published by law firm Norton Rose. ...
UK   153 - Obama's bank error: it is boards that should determine pay not ...
             Telegraph.co.uk - ‎Feb 4, 2009‎
             Executives at those companies were paid in millions of share options, and were therefore incentivised to manipulate their companies' share prices and ...
UK   267 - Why you shouldn't bank on your job
             Scotsman - ‎Feb 6, 2009‎
             Julie Richardson, head of employee share ownership at ifs ProShare, said: "ifs ProShare has always recommended that employee share plans should form a ...
UK   786 - Brown under siege as Congress caps bankers' bonuses
             guardian.co.uk - ‎Feb 15, 2009‎
             Cash bonuses would be banned in favour of long-term share options, with the restrictions extending beyond a handful of top executives to senior brokers and ...
UK   788 - Bankers are just as much victims, says two leading Birmingham lawyers
             Birmingham Post - ‎Feb 15, 2009‎
             ... share prices mean their pensions are decimated, and a big slice of their remuneration package, paid in share options over the years, is now of no value. ...
US   1 - Checks and Balances -- and Bailouts
             GreenBiz - ‎Feb 2, 2009‎
             ... would involve some hybrid of founders stakes, say a third of the company, outside investors another third and employee ownership the remainder. ...
US   5 - TEOCO Wins 2009 SmartCEO / BDO Seidman Future 50 Award
             SYS-CON Media - ‎Feb 2, 2009‎
             Founded in 1994, TEOCO (The Employee Owned Company) has twice been ranked in Inc. Magazine's List of 500 of the fastest growing privately held companies. ...
US   76 - Capital loss on ESOP stock? Maybe...
             USA Today - ‎Feb 3, 2009‎
             Q: Can I take a capital loss on my shares in an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) if the company was bought out while under bankruptcy protection? ...
US   120 - Curtailing executives' pay? Good luck with that
             San Francisco Chronicle - ‎Feb 4, 2009‎
             "It was thought this would rein in the excessive use of options," says Corey Rosen, executive director of the National Center for Employee Ownership. ...
US   683 - Employee Ownership Growing in Popularity
             San Diego Business Journal - ‎Feb 13, 2009‎
             The concept of employee ownership isn’t new, but is gaining more adherents as companies seek ways to motivate and retain workers. ...
US   918 - Union sets meeting on possible PI buyout
             Seattle Post Intelligencer - ‎Feb 17, 2009‎
             By DAN RICHMAN The union representing most Seattle PI workers is scheduled to meet next week to discuss an employee buyout of the newspaper. ...
US   980 - BLS Data on Stock Option Participation Show Little Change
             NCEO Bulletin - ‎Feb 18, 2009‎
             The percentage of workers receiving stock options in 2008 was unchanged from previous years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics… That suggests that broad-based equity plans, contrary to conventional wisdom, are not a relic of the past…
US   998 - Newspaper Guild to Discuss Possible Employee Buyout of Seattle 'P-I'
             Editor & Publisher - ‎Feb 18, 2009‎
             ... meeting next Tuesday to discuss whether Seattle Post-Intelligencer workers are interested in investigating a possible employee buyout of the newspaper. ...
US   1212 - Why don't we just hand the UAW the keys to GM and Chrysler?
             BloggingStocks - ‎Feb 23, 2009‎
              Back in June, the National Center for Employee Ownership published a list of the top-100 employee-owned companies in the United States. ...
US   1386 - The Capitalist Catch (2)
             American Chronicle - ‎Feb 26, 2009‎
             So, how can we restructure such an entrenched economic system to curb its excesses while providing a greater measure of employee ownership and control? ...
US 1554 - No fable: ESOP a great incentive for employees
            Atlanta Journal Constitution - ‎ Feb 28, 2009
            The acronym stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plan. But, during this financial downturn, you might want to think of it as an Economic Stimulus Offering ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

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