EFES PRESS REVIEW - AUGUST 2009 (+ some selected articles in July)

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  Much new information about employee ownership in August 2009, with 1.412 articles in this press review  (on which 497 involving stock options and 349 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of  60 remarkable articles in 15 countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, United Kingdom, USA, South Africa.
Australia: Senate report on employee share schemes slammed by the federal government as an idea that would put workers' savings at risk.
Austria: Trade union pleading for employee ownership and capital anchoring.
Belgium: Press' drivels.
Canada: Closure announcement prompts employees to seek an employee ownership plan to save CHEK TV station from closing. Employee-owned media models may be new to television but not to newspapers.
France: "Le salarié actionnaire, nouveau chouchou des entreprises" (employee shareholders are the new companies' pets). New successful employee share plans for Publicis, Société Générale, Vivendi, Pierre Fabre, Axa, Vinci.  Altedia-BNP Paribas' Annual Inquiry 2009 confirms trust in employee savings and employee ownership.
Germany: German trade unions are discovering employee ownership as a tool against the financial crisis. Demanding a capital stake in a troubled company is fast becoming a powerful rallying cry for German workers. The idea of Mitarbeiterbeteiligung — employee participation in either the capital or the profits of their company — is catching on among trade unions. "Arbeitnehmer sind die besseren Aktionäre" (the best shareholders are employees !)
India: How to encourage employee ownership? Recent budget proposals by Finance Minister includes a requirement for listed companies to have public shareholding of at least 25%; broad-based employee ownership seems a good way in this sense. "No bonus? Give us shares instead !" Labour Minister suggests companies give employees stock options if they can't afford to give raises or incentives.
Japan's Financial Services Agency plans to make it easier for workers to invest in their employers through trusts.
Prime Minister Gilani  launch the Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme as a way to empower workers of State Owned Entities.
UK: Just before the crisis occurred, the number of employees participating in share option schemes was at its lowest level in 16 years.
USA: A new survey of companies with employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) show few changes to plans. On the other hand, ESOP companies outperformed Stock Market in 2008. Finally, American newspapers tell a number of employee ownership stories in various firms.
The full press review lists 1.412 articles, on which 408 in the USA, 255 in Argentina, 161 in France, 110 in Germany, 96 in Spain, 88 in the United Kingdom, 51 in Canada, 43 in India, 28 in Pakistan, 25 in Brazil, 24 in Italy, 21 in Austria, 16 in Colombia, 16 in Australia, 9 in Belgium, 8 in South Africa, 6 in Switzerland, 6 in China, 6 in Ireland, 5 in Trinidad & Tobago, 4 in New Zealand, 3 in Venezuela, 3 in Chile, 2 in Barbados, 2 in Mexico, 2 in Philippines, 2 in Portugal, 2 in Singapore,  and 1 in Bahamas, Bermuda, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Jersey, Malaysia, Netherlands, Paraguay, Zimbabwe.
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   Beaucoup d'informations nouvelles sur l'actionnariat salarié en août 2009, avec 1.412 articles dans notre revue de presse (dont 497 impliquant les stock options et 349 à propos de coopératives de travailleurs). Notre sélection propose 60 articles remarquables dans 15 pays: Argentine, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, France, Allemagne, Inde, Italie, Japon, Nouvelle Zélande, Pakistan, Royaume Uni, USA et Afrique du Sud.
Australie: Le Gouvernement fédéral s'oppose au Rapport du Sénat sur les plans d'actionnariat salarié parce qu'ils pourraient mettre l'épargne des salariés sous risque.
Autriche: Plaidoyer syndical pour l'actionnariat salarié et l'ancrage des entreprises.
Belgique: Radotages chez Trends-Tendances.
Canada: L'annonce de fermeture pousse les salariés de CHEK TV à mettre en place un plan d'actionnariat salarié pour sauver la station. Les modèles d'actionnariat salarié dans les médias sont peut-être une nouveauté pour la télévision mais pas pour la presse écrite.
France: "Le salarié actionnaire, nouveau chouchou des entreprises". Succès des nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié chez Publicis, Société Générale, Vivendi, Pierre Fabre, Axa, Vinci.  Le baromètre 2009 d'Altedia-BNP Paribas confirme la confiance dans l'épargne salariale et l'actionnariat salarié en dépit de la crise financière.
Allemagne: Les syndicats allemands sont en train de découvrir l'actionnariat salarié comme un outil contre la crise financière. Demander une participation dans le capital d'entreprises en difficultés est vite devenu un cri de ralliement pour les salariés allemands. L'idée d'actionnariat salarié - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung – est en train de devenir populaire dans les syndicats. "Arbeitnehmer sind die besseren Aktionäre" (le meilleur actionnaire, c'est le salarié !)
Inde: Comment encourager l'actionnariat salarié? Le nouveau projet de budget proposé par le Ministre des Finances prévoit l'obligation pour les sociétés cotées d'avoir au moins 25% de leurs actions dans le public; l'actionnariat salarié à large échelle paraît le meilleur moyen d'aller dans ce sens. "Pas de bonus? Donnez-nous des actions à la place!" Le Ministre du Travail invite les entreprises à distribuer des stock options aux salariés si elles ne sont pas capables de distribuer des augmentations ou des primes.
Japon: L'Agence des Services Financiers (
Financial Services Agency) va faciliter l'actionnariat salarié sous forme de fondations ou de trusts.
Pakistan: Le Premier Ministre Gilani  lance le "Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme" en vue de  donner plus de poids aux travailleurs dans les entreprises publiques.
Royaume Uni: Juste avant le déclenchement de la crise, le nombre de salariés participants aux plans de stock options était à son niveau le plus bas depuis 16 ans.
USA: Une nouvelle étude montre qu'il y a eu peu de changement dans les plans d'investissement en actions (Employee Stock Purchase Plans - ESPPs). D'autre part, les entreprises d'actionnariat salarié (ESOP companies) se sont à nouveau mieux tenues que les marchés d'actions en 2008. Enfin, au fil de la presse américaine, des récits de toutes sortes de cas typiques de l'actionnariat salarié dans différentes entreprises.
La revue de presse complète compte 1.412, dont 408 aux USA, 255 en Argentine, 161 en France, 110 en Allemagne, 96 en Espagne, 88 au Royaume Uni, 51 au Canada, 43 en Inde, 28 au  Pakistan, 25 au Brésil, 24 en Italie, 21 en Autriche, 16 en Colombie, 16 en Australie, 9 en Belgique, 8 en Afrique du Sud, 6 en Suisse, 6 en Chine, 6 en Irlande, 5 à Trinidad & Tobago, 4 en Nouvelle Zélande, 3 au Venezuela, 3 au Chili, 2 à la Barbade, 2 au Mexique, 2 aux Philippines, 2 au Portugal, 2 à Singapour,  et 1 aux Bahamas, Bermudes, Finlande, Hong Kong, Japon, Jersey, Malaisie, Pays-Bas, Paraguay, Zimbabwe.
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Anche in Agosto 2009 c’è molta nuova informazione sull’azionariato dei dipendneti,con 1.412 articoli (di cui 497 sulle Stock options e 349 sulle Cooperative). La nostra selezione vede 60 articoli di rilievo in 15 Stati: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgio, Canada, Francia, Germania, India, Italia, Giappone, Nuova Zelanda, Pakistan, Regno Unito, USA, Sudafrica.
Australia: Il Governo federale si oppone al rapporto del Senato sull’azionariato dei dipendenti, come idea che metterebbe a rischio i risparmi dei lavoratori.
Austria: Sindacati rivendicano azionariato dei dipendenti.
Canada: Annunci di chiusura stimolano i dipendenti a cercare un piano di azionariato per impedire la chiusura di CHEK TV. I modelli di imprese controllate dai dipendenti sono nuovi per la TV, ma non per i giornali.
France: "Le salarié actionnaire, nouveau chouchou des entreprises" (gli azionisti dipendenti, i nuovi « cocchetti » delle imprese). Nuovi piani di successo per l’azionariato presso Publicis, Société Générale, Vivendi, Pierre Fabre, Axa, Vinci.  Il rapporto annuale Altedia-BNP Paribas 2009 conferma la fiducia nel risparmio salariale ed azionariato.
Germany: I Sindacati tedeschi scoprono l’azionariato dei dipendenti come strumento contro la crisi finanziaria. Chiedere una quota di capitale in un’azienda in crisi sta diventando un potente grido di battaglia. L’ idea di Mitarbeiterbeteiligung — partecipazione dei dipendenti sia nel capital che nei profitti della loro azienda si sta diffondendo presso i Sindacati. "Arbeitnehmer sind die besseren Aktionäre" (i dipendenti sono i migliori azionisti!).
India: Come incoraggiare l’azionariato dei dipendenti? Recenti proposte di bilancio del Ministro delle Finanze comprendono l’obbligo di avere azionariato diffuso almeno per il 25%; piani generalizzati di azionariato dei dipendenti sembrano essere una buona risposta. "Niente bonus? Allora dateci azioni!" Il Ministro del Lavoro suggerisce alle Aziende di distribuire opzioni azionarie, se non si possono permettere aumenti o incentivi.
Japan: Japan's Financial Services Agency prevede di agevolare i dipendenti nell’investimento nelle Aziende con l’utilizzo dei Trusts.
Pakistan: Il Primo Ministro Gilani lancia il Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme per potenziare i dipendenti di Aziende Pubbliche.
UK: Appena prima dell’inizio della crisi il numero dei dipendenti partecipanti a piani di azionariato era al minimo in 16 anni.
USA: Nuova rassegna di Società con employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs – Piani di acquisto azioni dei dipendenti) mostra pochi cambiamenti nei piani. D’altro canto le Società con azionariato ESOP hanno sovraperformato il mercato azionario nel 2008. Infine i giornali americani raccontano parecchie storie di azionariato dipendenti in varie aziende.
La rassegna stampa completa presenta 1.412 articoli, di cui 408 negli USA, 255 in Argentina, 161 in Francia, 110 in Germania, 96 in Spagna, 88 nel Regno Unito, 51 in Canada, 43 in India, 28 in Pakistan, 25 in Brasile, 24 in Italia, 21 in Austria, 16 in Colombia, 16 in Australia, 9 in Belgio, 8 in Sudafrica, 6 in Svizzera, 6 in Cina, 6 in Irlanda, 5 in Trinidad & Tobago, 4 in Nuova Zelanda, 3 in Venezuela, 3 in Cile, 2 in Barbados, 2 in Messico, 2 nelle Filippine, 2 in Portogallo, 2 in Singapore,  and 1 in Bahamas, Bermuda, Finlandia, Hong Kong, Giappone, Jersey, Malaysia, Paesi Bassi, Paraguay, Zimbabwe.
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remarkable articles in 15 countries in July/August: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, UK, USA, South Africa.

AR   848 - Argentina: Zanon workers win major legal battle
             Infoshop News - ‎Aug 20, 2009‎
             The provincial legislature voted in favor of expropriating the ceramics factory and handing it over to the workers cooperative to manage legally and ...
AU   640 - Govt slams Senate shares scheme report
             Brisbane Times - ‎Aug 17, 2009‎
             Australian workers should be allowed to divert up to a fifth of their superannuation into a share scheme run by their employer, a report says. ...
AT   878 - Spindelegger: ÖAAB startet im Herbst Diskussion über Zukunft der ...
             APA OTS (Pressemitteilung) - ‎20.08.2009‎
             Wir wollen daher die Idee einer Mitarbeiterbeteiligung am Erfolg der Firma vorantreiben“, skizziert Spindelegger das Vorhaben des ÖAAB. ...
AT   1035 - AMAG: Pühringer muss aus der Krise lernen
             Live-PR.com (Pressemitteilung) - ‎24.08.2009‎
             Sicherheit kann es nur dann geben, wenn das Land bereit ist, gemeinsam mit der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung der AMAG einen stabilen Kernaktionär zu formen", ...
BE   1210 - L'actionnariat salarié est une mauvaise idée... pour 3 raisons
             Trends-Tendances - ‎27 août 2009‎
             L'idée de rendre les salariés actionnaires de leur entreprise, en effet, est a priori séduisante. Qui crée de la richesse dans une entreprise, ...
CA   494 - Employees making bid for CHEK-TV
             Canada.com - ‎Aug 14, 2009‎
             That prompted staff to seek an employee ownership plan like Harmac, which was saved from closing by a group of workers and investors. ...
CA   777 - Opportunity in crisis
             Victoria News - ‎Aug 19, 2009‎
             Employee-owned media models may be new to television but not to newspapers. In Atlantic Canada, the St. Croix Courier newspaper ran as a co-operative for ...
CA   1248 - Employees seek to buy CHEK TV
             Canada.com - ‎Aug 28, 2009‎
             The closure announcement prompted CHEK staff to seek an employee ownership plan, inspired by the Harmac pulp mill near Nanaimo, which was saved from closing ...
DE   5 - German Employees Exchange Wage Cuts for Equity...
             Spiegel online - 4 Aug 2009
             German trade unions are discovering part-ownership as a tool against the financial crisis. They hope that accepting wage cuts in return for ...
DE   11 - VW/Porsche - IG Metall will Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - FOCUS Online ...
             Focus online - Jul 23, 2009
             Die Arbeitnehmervertreter befürworten den neuen Autogiganten aus VW und Porsche. Sie wollen aber am künftigen Konzern beteiligt sein.
DE   59 - FTD: So greift die IG Metall nach mehr Macht
             Finanztreff - ‎05.08.2009‎
             Auch die Bundesregierung fördert Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligungen seit April mit Steuererleichterungen: Der "Investivlohn" sollte den Belegschaften einen ...
DE   621 - Berlin durcit à son tour les règles
             Les Échos - ‎16 août 2009‎
             Elle est parvenue à faire approuver par le Parlement, avant la pause estivale, une loi sur la gouvernance qui durcit les règles d'exercice des stock-options ...
DE   635 - FTD: Mitarbeiter werden Kapitalisten
             Finanztreff - ‎16.08.2009‎
             Doch wie es aussieht, kann das Management auf seine Mitarbeiteraktionäre als Schutzschild zählen. Auch "Spiegel"-Gründer Rudolf Augstein handelte nicht ...
DE   823 - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Ein Stück vom Unternehmen für die Angestellten
             WirtschaftsWoche - ‎19.08.2009‎
             In der Krise hat die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Konjunktur. Eine Mitarbeiterbeteiligung von bis zu fünf Prozent wollen die Gewerkschaften bei Volkswagen ...
DE   987 - IG-Metall: Gewerkschaftschef Huber will mehr Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
             FOCUS Online - ‎23.08.2009‎
             "Arbeitnehmer sind gute Aktionäre“, sagte IG-Metall-Chef Berthold Huber und sprach sich für eine stärkere Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter an ihren Unternehmen ...
DE   1109 - "Arbeitnehmer sind die besseren Aktionäre"
             Siemens Dialog - ‎25.08.2009‎
             Trotz aller Erklärungen mag die FAS offenbar nicht ganz von der Befürchtung lassen, dass über die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung letztlich die "Neutralisierung der ...
FR   2 - Le Grand Prix de l'actionnariat salarié fait peau neuve
             La Tribune - 3 juil 2009
             Il se tiendra le 20 novembre au salon Actionaria, sous la présidence de Christine Lagarde, un signal politique important.
FR   3 - Publicis : récompensé pour son plan d'actionnariat salarié ...
             Boursier.com - 1 juil 2009
             Actualité, information, news sur Publicis : récompensé pour son plan d'actionnariat salarié par Boursier.com.
FR   4 - L'actionnariat salarié confirme cette année encore une popularité ...
             Zonebourse - 7 juil 2009
             L'actionnariat salarié confirme cette année encore une popularité très élevée…
FR   7 - Le salarié actionnaire, nouveau chouchou des entreprises
             L'Expansion - 27 juil 2009
             Depuis lundi, 8,2% du capital de la Société Générale sont détenus par les salariés de la banque. En cette période de crise, l'actionnariat ...
FR   8 - SOCIETE GENERALE : Plan Mondial d'Actionnariat Salarié 2009 ...
             Yahoo - 27 juil 2009
             Plan Mondial d'Actionnariat Salarié 2009 : bilan de la 22e augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés. Comme chaque année le groupe ...
FR   113 - Augmentation de capital: Pari réussi pour Vivendi
             L'Économiste - ‎6 août 2009‎
             ... dans le cadre du fameux plan d'épargne mis en place par Vivendi depuis 1995, et qui vise au développement de l'actionnariat salarié au sein du groupe. ...
FR   242 - La réapropriation argentine de l'outil de travail
             Bellaciao - ‎9 août 2009‎
             Dans plus de 200 cas ces occupations ont conduit les salariés à reprendre l'activité de l'usine, sous forme de coopérative ouvrière. ...
FR   346 - Gérard Jodar, syndicaliste, indépendantiste et emprisonné
             Le Matin Online - ‎11 août 2009‎
             Syndicaliste passionné, ce père de trois enfants est aussi administrateur de la TAS (assistance aéroportuaire), où il représente les salariés-actionnaires, ...
FR   804 - Pierre Fabre : la fin du paternalisme
             Les Échos - ‎19 août 2009‎
             Avec l'élargissement de l'actionnariat salarié aux 130 pays dans lesquels le groupe est présent (il n'est pour le moment effectif que dans 7 pays), ...
FR   907 - « Rendre capitaliste, c'est rendre économe »
             Chrétienté.info - ‎21 août 2009‎
             J'ai souhaité ensuite rapidement institutionnaliser l'actionnariat salarié. A partir de 1976, les collaborateurs d'Auchan sont aussi devenus actionnaires. ...
FR   1043 - AXA Launches Its 2009 Employee Share Offering (SharePlan 2009)
             PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Aug 25, 2009‎
             ... in favor of members of an employee savings scheme pursuant to the provisions of Article L.225-138-1 of the French Commercial Code. ...
FR   1141 - AXA lance son opération d'Actionnariat Salarié 2009
             RiskAssur-Hebdo.com - ‎26 août 2009‎
             Comme chaque année, le Groupe AXA propose à ses collaborateurs, tant en France qu'à l'international, de souscrire à une augmentation de capital qui leur est ...
FR   1174 - PRESS RELEASE: Issue of New VINCI Shares, Reserved for Group ...
             Wall Street Journal - ‎Aug 27, 2009‎
             The "Castor" mutual fund is an employee savings and employee shareholder UCITS invested exclusively in VINCI shares. It is one of the principal instruments ...
FR   1208 - Vinci : émission d'actions nouvelles réservée aux salariés
             Boursier.com - ‎27 août 2009‎
             ... fondement et sur le fondement de la 25ème résolution en faveur de l'actionnariat des salariés résidant dans certains pays étrangers ne peut excéder 1,5% ...
IN   6 - How to encourage employee ownership - Economy and Politics ...
             Livemint - 31 Jul 2009
             How to encourage employee ownership, Public offer of the existing shares by the promoters (or the government in case of PSUs) or of fresh ...
IN   599 - No bonus? Give us shares instead!
             Mid-Day - ‎Aug 15, 2009‎
             If the recession has affected them and they can't pay anything to the employees, then let them give out shares like Employee Stock Options (ESOPS), ...
IT   255 - PROGRAMMA PROGRESS. Progetti entro il 1 settembre
             Basilicata Press - ‎09/ago/2009‎
             3) Promozione della partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori come incontri, seminari e conferenze ed attività di formazione. Possono presentare domanda le ...
JP   9 - FSA to promote trusts for employee stock-owning plans - Nikkei ...
             Reuters - 24 Jul 2009
             Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) plans to make it easier for workers to invest in their employers through trusts, ...
NZ   944 - Craig McIvor: If you want your employees to care, give them a share
             New Zealand Herald - ‎Aug 22, 2009‎
             One option is to establish a separate employee shareholders' scheme and appoint a trustee who holds the shares on their behalf. The shareholding should be ...
PK   438 - Gilani to launch BESOS today
             Daily Times - ‎Aug 13, 2009‎
             ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani will today (Friday) launch the Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme (BESOS) that will benefit around 0.5 ...
PK   618 - PPP proves its love for workers
             The News International - ‎Aug 16, 2009‎
             ... is one of the remarkable accomplishments of Pakistan People's Party-led government as Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme comes into practice with ...
PK   1264 - 'Empowerment of workers receiving encouraging response'
             Daily Times - ‎Aug 28, 2009‎
             ISLAMABAD: The empowerment of the workers of State Owned Entities (SOEs) under Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme (BESOS) was receiving encouraging ...
UK   1 - Tesco investors vote against management share option plan
             Telegraph - 3 Jul 2009
             Tesco shareholders fired a warning shot across the supermarket's bow on Friday over the retailer's plans to alter a management share option ...
UK   70 - Employee share ownership falls to lowest level for 16 years
             Telegraph.co.uk - ‎Aug 6, 2009‎
             ... have less faith in the stock market investment, the Government needs to take active steps to promote and revive the employee share ownership scheme. ...
UK   269 - Employee share ownership take-up falls to 16 year low
             Employee Benefits - ‎Aug 10, 2009‎
             UHY Hacker Young said that this dramatic decline is of great concern, as broader employee share ownership is generally recognised as positive for the UK ...
UK   857 - Small businesses to keep employee tax break
             Computing - ‎Aug 20, 2009‎
             Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) provide a tax break on share options offered by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to their employees, ...
UK   1333 - Inside story of workers' famous fight to save Triumph's Meriden plant
             BirminghamMail.net - ‎Aug 30, 2009‎
             WELDER-turned-businessman John Rosamund has written the first inside account of the famous workers' co-operative that took over the Triumph motorcycle works ...
US   10 - U.S. Labor in Crisis
             Counterpunch - Jul 24, 2009
             But even the best labor law reforms won't overcome the crisis of organized labor. As U.S. labor history demonstrates, unionization has increased not in ...
US   12 - ESPP Survey Results Show Few Changes to Plans
             NCEO - Aug 4, 2009
             The NCEO and CEP Institute at Santa Clara University jointly sponsored a survey of companies with employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs). The results indicate…
US   143 - Platinum Bidding for Globe, May Want Business Week
             San Diego Reader - ‎Aug 7, 2009‎
             Would employee ownership work in the case of a newspaper? 3. Could employees absorb the huge losses the Globe has been throwing off? ...
US   144 - Teamster Freight Members Ratify YRCW Job Security Plan
             PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Aug 7, 2009‎
             The plan also provides for the issuance of options for YRCW stock to Teamster members that would lead to employee ownership of an additional 20 percent of ...
US   173 - The ESOP Association Hails Introduction of S.1612, the ESOP ...
             PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Aug 7, 2009‎
             7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The ESOP Association hails the introduction of S. 1612, the ESOP Promotion and Improvement Act of 2009, introduced by Senator ...
US   236 - Profits and tempers rise at Hawkins
             Minneapolis Star Tribune - ‎Aug 9, 2009‎
             Last week's annual meeting was attended by dozens of employee-shareholders, none of whom had governance-related questions. Employees and directors of the ...
US   267 - Watchdog: Will bankruptcy pay off for Mercedes employees?
             Florida Today - ‎Aug 10, 2009‎
             Employee-ownership plans serve double-duty as retirement savings as well as incentives for workers to boost profits and, consequently, the value of the ...
US   315 - Union names two to papers' board
             MaineToday.com - ‎Aug 11, 2009‎
             Mackin is president of Ownership Associates Inc., a Massachusetts consulting firm that advises labor and management in the field of employee ownership. ...
US   330 - Epic Aircraft workers retrieve tools; some have vision for reopening
             KTVZ - ‎Aug 11, 2009‎
             ... other employees and some of Epic's investors to eventually get it back up and running again, possibly as an employee-owned or cooperative type company. ...
US   496 - Lease Crutcher Lewis shifts to ESOP
             Bizjournals.com - ‎Aug 14, 2009‎
             After 123 years as a family-owned firm, Seattle-based Lease Crutcher Lewis is shifting to employee ownership. Earlier this month, the general contractor ...
US   594 - ArcelorMittal Weirton Steel Mill Celebrates Century of Operations
             Industrial Laser Solutions - ‎Aug 15, 2009‎
             1984 -- Weirton Steel employees form Employee Stock Ownership Plan, giving workers 100 percent ownership of plant. 1989 -- Employees approve initial public ...
US   636 - ESOP Companies Outperform Stock Market in 2008
             PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Aug 17, 2009‎
              17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Results from the Employee Ownership Foundation's 18th Annual ESOP Economic Performance Survey show that 88.5% of ESOP ...
             New York Post - ‎Aug 19, 2009‎
             "That's the typical scenario for bankruptcy," said Corey Rosen, executive director of the National Center for Employee Ownership. ...
US   787 - Employees Swapping Underwater Stock Options Get Help From ...
             Emediawire (press release) - ‎Aug 19, 2009‎
             "The general economic malaise has depressed many company stock prices and pushed a lot of employee stock options underwater," explains Mr. Brumberg. ...
US   897 - Work for these companies and never get laid off.
             Examiner.com - ‎Aug 21, 2009‎
             There has not been a layoff in the 77year history of Publix. Publix is employee owned. The company philosophy is to never layoff an owner.
US   1358 - Comment and Debate: Why companies leave Vermont and what we can do ...
              BurlingtonFreePress.com - ‎ Aug 31, 2009‎
             The Vermont Employee Ownership Center (www.veoc.org) can tell why this works so well. Another innovation that has yet to come to Vermont is a corporate ...
ZA   15 - Retailers embrace change
             Mail & Guardian Online - ‎Aug 5, 2009‎
             A big difference between the employee share-ownership schemes, which companies introduced in the past, and the BEE staff share deals in the retail sector is ...

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Monthly press review covering following items in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese:
Revue de presse sur les thèmes suivants en anglais, français, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais:

acionistas assalariados - accionariado asalariado - actionnaires salariés - actionnariat salarié - Arbeitnehmerkapitalbeteiligung - azionariato dei dipendenti - azionisti dipendenti - employee buyouts - employee owners - employee ownership - employee share ownership - employee stock ownership - ESOP - financiele werknemersparticipatie - finanzielle Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung - Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung - partecipazione finanziaria dei lavoratori - participación financiera de los trabajadores - participation financière des travailleurs - salariés actionnaires - sociedades laborales - werknemersaandeelhouders - werknemersparticipatie - coopératives ouvrières de production - SCOP - coopératives de travailleurs actionnaires - cooperativas de trabajo - cooperative di lavoro - workers cooperatives - cooperativas de trabalho

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Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.