Employee Financial
Participation and Corporate Social and Environmental
Performance: Evidence from European Panel Data,
Braam, G., Poutsma, E., Schouteten, R. & Heijden, B.V.D., British
Journal of Industrial Relations, January
2024, 1–29.
our findings show positive and significant lagged
effects of share ownership plans on CSP. The findings
also show that the positive effect of broad-based
employee share ownership on CSP is magnified when
the employees own a larger stake of the company,
indicating that employee share ownership increases
a company's orientation on long-term sustainable
value creation.
and non-executive employee ownership and bank
risk: Evidence from European banks, Laetitia
Lepetit, Phan Huy Hieu Tran, Thu Ha Tran, Université
de Limoges and Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté,
France, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Volume 92, December 2023, Pages 291-31992
(2023), Elsevier.
mesurer l’impact de l’actionnariat salarié des
dirigeants et des non-dirigeants sur le risque
bancaire, ainsi que pour explorer les différents
canaux sous-jacents, on a utilisé les informations
de la base de données de la Fédération Européenne
de l’Actionnariat Salarié (FEAS). En utilisant
les données de 2005 à 2019, on constate que l’actionnariat
des dirigeants et des non-dirigeants est associé
à un risque bancaire plus faible, en fonction
de la capacité des salariés et de leurs
incitations à prendre des risques. On constate
qu’une augmentation de l’actionnariat salarié
des dirigeants et des non-dirigeants entraîne
une diminution du risque d’insolvabilité et du
risque bancaire global. Par conséquent, les résultats
montrent que la détention d’actions incite les
employés dirigeants et non-dirigeants des banques
à poursuivre des stratégies réduisant les risques.
Nos résultats indiquent que les décideurs politiques
devraient encourager des plans d’actionnariat
salarié à grande échelle dans le secteur bancaire.
Adwan, Alaa Alhaj-Ismail, Ranko Jelic, Non-executive
employee ownership and financial reporting quality:
evidence from Europe, Review of Quantitative Finance
and Accounting, 2022.
This study provides new evidence on wether and
how employee share ownership affects the quality
of financial reporting. It confirms that firms
with more employee share ownership have lower
incentives to manipulate reported performance.
That employee share ownership at present levels
is large enough to drive employee incentives and
affect corporate policies. That the firms tend
to disclose more information when employees have
larger stakes in the firm. This is thus underscoring
the role employee share ownership can play in
improving a firm's corporate governance, and reducing
the incentives to manipulate financial statements.
K. Y., & Patel, P. C., A multilevel contingency
model of employee ownership and firm productivity:
The moderating roles of industry growth and instability.
Organization Science, 32(3), 625-648, 2021
K. Y., & Patel, P. C., Broad-based employee
ownership and labour productivity during the 2008
recession: Evidence from public firms in Europe.
British Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(2),
396-423, 2020
Geurts, L’actionnariat des salariés : Un moyen
efficace en vue d’améliorer le rapport conflictuel
entre les actionnaires et les salariés, UCL Louvain
School of Management, 2018
Yong Kim and Pankaj C. Patel,
" Employee ownership and firm performance: A variance
decomposition analysis of European firms", Journal
of Business Research, August 2016
Bahia Machado, The Determinants of Employee
Ownership Plan Implementation in EU Countries
- the Quest for Economic Democracy: a first Look
at the Evidence, Organizacija, May 2016
Richter & Susanne Schrader, Levels of
Employee Share Ownership and the Performance of
Listed Companies in Europe, British Journal of
Industrial Relations, January 2016
Eres Actionnariat Salarié 2015 en France
et en Europe
économique annuel de l'actionnariat salarié
dans les pays européens
sur les informations de la base de données,
le recensement annuel est publié depuis
Eres, Etude Actionnariat Salarié 2014,
Paris, Mai 2014.
Richter & Susanne Schrader, Reported levels
of employee share ownership and the performance
of listed companies in Europe, University of Liverpool
& EBS Business School, 2013.
Moskalu, Une analyse socio-cognitive de l'impact
de l'actionnariat salarié sur la création de valeur
des entreprises françaises cotées, Université
de Lorraine - Cerefige, December 2012.
Martes, Employee Ownership and Firm Performance,
Performance of Employee-Owned Firms in Europe,
Tilburg University, November 2012.
Parliament - DG Internal Policies of the EU,
Employee Financial Participation in Companies'
Proceeds, September 2012.
Schrader, Antecedents and Effects of Broad-based
Employee Ownership in Organizations, EBS Business
School, 2012.