con il sostegno



Per la prima volta nel 2006, ordinerà ed analizzerà tutte le maggiori Società europee, in modo pienamente sistematico. La classifica 2006 sarà pubblicata nel corso del Sesto Convegno Europeo dell’Azionariato dei Dipendenti, che si terrà a Bruxelles dal 14 al 16 Dicembre 2006.

  All presentations of the Conference
Here are all presentations made during the conference. Missing presentations will be added in coming days.
- Brève analyse du Top 100 Actionnariat Salarié Europe en 2006 - Marc Mathieu, FEAS
- Press presentation - The European Employee Ownership Top 100 in 2006
- Présentation de presse - Le Top 100 Actionnariat Salarié Europe en 2006
- The European Employee Ownership Top 100 in 2006, full presentation - Marc Mathieu, EFES
- Obstacles to employee ownership multinational plans - Marc Mathieu, EFES
- Eircom - A presentation of the Eircom ESOP - Maoiliosa O'Culachain, Global Shares, Ireland
- Société Générale - Global Employee Share Ownership Program - Denis Auxenfans, Société Générale, France
- Voestalpine - Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Voestalpine AG - Max Stelzer, Voestalpine, Austria
- British Telecom All-Employee Share Plans - Alan Scott, BT, UK
- Total - Social partners involvement for efficient employee share ownership plans - François Vincent, Total, France
- Ireland - Employee share ownership in Ireland, a trade union perspective - Bernard Daly, Ireland
- Österreich - Vorschläge der Österreichischen Sozialpartner in Dezember 2006 - Laura Pretterebner, Austria
- Insolvency, Employee Rights & Employee Buyouts, A Strategy for Restructuring - Anthony Jensen, UK
- France - The French Indice de l'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Share Index) - Nelly Voyeux, France
- USA - Employee Ownership Indices and Investment Funds in the USA, 1992 to present - John Hoffmire, USA
- Israel - Stock Options in Israel - Simon Lavee, Lavee Law & GEO, Israel
- Belgium - Employee ownership as a mean to optimize executive's variable pay - Françoise Platteborse, ING Bank, Belgium
- Netherlands - Monidee Finance software solutions for employee ownership plans, Hans Van Tol
- LawInContext - Online database on law and tax regulation for employee ownership plans in all countries in the world (coming soon)

 Full report and pictures of the conference
- All pictures of the conference
- Report of the conference

 Press information
- France: La Missive de Gestion Attentive - Sixième Rencontre Européenne de l'Actionnariat Salarié (Missive n°24 - janvier 2007)
- Italia: Poche e di basso profilo le presenze italiane (La Newsletter del Centro Studi - 31 gennaio 2007)
- Belgium: Les champions de l'actionnariat salarié. En Belgique, seuls Colruyt et Dexia sortent du lot (Trends Tendances 25.1.2007)
- Spain: MCC encabeza el ranking europeo de empleo en las empresas de 'Accionariado Asalariado'
- USA: Employee ownership not just for US workers (The retirement plan blog)
- Italia: Bolletino Internazionale Brambilla - Gennaio 2007 - L'azionariato dei dipendenti
- 3 full pages in the major Slovenian newspaper DELO of 8.1.2007
- Belgie: De Tijd - Weinig aandelen in handen van Belgische werknemers
- Union Network International: mployee Ownership: Few IT companies among the top 100
- België kent relatief lage werknemersparticipatie
- België kent relatief lage werknemersparticipatie

 Programma del Incontro
Programma del incontro: Cliccate qui





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