Our selection

We have a selection of 28 remarkable articles in 12 countries in February 2020: Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, UK, USA.
Australia: Are Mondragon's cooperative ideas transferable to Australia?
Belgium: The Minister of SMEs wants to revive employee share ownership.
China: Employee share plans in Shenzhen stock exchange.
Denmark: New employee share plan for Jyske Sparekasse.
France: Vinci's 100.000 employees in France become Group shareholders. New employee share plans for Eiffage, for Schneider Electric. Eres reveals fresh information about employee share plans in 2019.
Germany: New calls for legislation of employee share ownership for startups.
India: Stock option plans in India and new incentives for startups.
Netherlands: Two noteworthy SMEs for employee share ownership in The Netherlands.
Serbia: New incentives for stock options in Serbia.
Spain: New employee share plan for Repsol.
UK: New plea for a "John Lewis style" economy despite the crisis of the model.
USA: ESOP plans explained. Employee share ownership for startups.
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Une sélection de 28 articles remarquables dans 12 pays en février 2020: Australie, Belgique, Chine, Danemark, France, Allemagne, Inde, Pays-Bas, Serbie, Espagne, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Australie: Le coopérativisme de Mondragon est-il transférable en Australie?
Belgique: Le Ministre des PME veur relancer l'actionnariat salarié.
Chine: Les plans d'actionnariat salarié à la bourse de Shenzhen.
Danemark: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Jyske Sparekasse.
France: Les 100.000 salariés de Vinci en France vont tous devenir actionnaires du Groupe. Nouveaux plans d'actionnariat salarié pour Eiffage, pour Schneider Electric. Eres révèle que les opérations d'actionnariat salarié du SBF 120 sont revenues au plus haut en 2019.
Allemagne: Nouveaux appels pour une législation en faveur de l'actionnariat salarié pour les startups.
Inde: Les plans de stock options en Inde et nouveaux incitants pour les startups.
Pays-Bas: Deux PME remarquables pour l'actionnariat salarié aux Pays-Bas.
Serbie: Nouveaux incitants pour les stock options en Serbie.
Espagne: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Repsol.
Royaume Uni: Tandis que la chaîne de grand magasins est en crise, nouveau plaidoyer pour une économie "en mode John Lewis".
USA: Les plans ESOP pour les nuls. L'actionnariat salarié pour les startups.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 28 artículos destacados en 12 países en febrero 2020: Australia, Bélgica, China, Dinamarca, Francia, Alemania, India, Países Bajos, Serbia, España, Reino Unido, EE. UU.
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  Eine Auswahl von 28 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 12 Ländern im Februar 2020: Australien, Belgien, China, Dänemark, Frankreich, Deutschland, Indien, Niederlande, Serbien, Spanien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  28 articoli selezionati per febbraio 2020 in 12 Stati: Australia, Belgio, Cina, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, India, Paesi Bassi, Serbia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.

Australia: L’idea di cooperative sviluppata a Mondragon è trasferibile all’Australia?
Belgio: Il ministro delle PMI vorrebbe sviluppare l’azionariato dei dipendenti.
Cina: Piani di azionariato alla Borsa di Shenzhen.
Danimarca: Nuovo piano di azionariato presso Jyske Sparekasse.
Francia: 100.000 dipendenti di Vinci in Francia diventano dipendenti del Gruppo. Nuovi piani di azionariato presso Eiffage e Schneider Electric. Eres reveals fresh information about employee share plans in 2019.
Germania: Ancora appelli per legislazioni di azionariato dipendenti nelle startups
India: Piani di Stock option in India e nuovi incentive per le startups.
Paesi Bassi: Due PMI rilevanti per l’azionariato dei dipendenti nei Paesi Bassi.
Serbia: Nuovi incentive per le  stock options in Serbia.
Spagna: Nuovo piano di azionariato presso  Repsol.
UK: Ancora argomentazioni in favore di un’economia "John Lewis style" nonostante la crisi del modello.
USA: Spiegazioni del modello ESOP. Piani di azionariato per le startups.
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V únoru 2020 máme na výběr 28 pozoruhodných článků v 12 zemích: Austrálie, Belgie, Cína, Dánsko, Francie, Nemecko, Indie, Nizozemsko, Srbsko, Španelsko, Velká Británie, USA.
Austrálie: Jsou Mondragonovy kooperativní nápady přenositelné do Austrálie?
Belgie: Ministr malých a středních podniků chce oživit vlastnictví akcií zaměstnanců.
Čína: Plány zaměstnaneckých akcií na burze cenných papírů Shenzhen.
Dánsko: Nový plán podílu zaměstnanců pro Jyske Sparekasse.
Francie: 100 000 zaměstnanců Vinci ve Francii se stalo akcionáři skupiny. Nové plány podílů zaměstnanců pro Eiffage, pro Schneider Electric. Eres odhalil nové informace o plánech zaměstnaneckých podílů v roce 2019.
Německo: Nové výzvy k právní úpravě vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií pro začínající podniky.
Indie: Akční plány akci USA: Vysvětlení plánů ESOP. Vlastnické sdílení zaměstnanců pro startupy.í v Indii a nové pobídky pro začínající podniky.
Nizozemsko: Dva významné malé a střední podniky pro vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií v Nizozemsku.
Srbsko: Nové pobídky pro akciové opce v Srbsku.
Španělsko: Nový plán podílu zaměstnanců společnosti Repsol.
UK: Nová výzva k ekonomice „stylu Johna Lewise“ navzdory krizi jeho modelu
USA: Vysvětlení plánů ESOP. Vlastnické sdílení zaměstnanců pro startupy.

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2020 februárjában hónapban 26 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 12 országból: Ausztrália, Belgium, Kína, Dánia, Franciaország, Németország, India, Hollandia, Szerbia, Spanyolország, Egyesült Királyság, USA.
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AU      1 - Building community wealth: Are Mondragon's cooperative ideas transferable to Australia?
             Pro Bono Australia - 4 Feb 2020
             Alan Greig looks at what we can learn from the successful Mondragon model and the impact of employee ownership. Much has been written about the ...
BE      2 - Comment redonner du tonus à l'actionnariat salarié
             L'Echo - 21 Feb 2020
             Selon la Fédération européenne de l'actionnariat salarié (FEAS), l'impact de ce type de participation sur la performance de l'entreprise est mesurable ...
CN      3 - Overview Of Equity Incentive Plans And Employee Stock Ownership Plans Of Shenzhen Stock ...
             Exchange News Direct - 5 Feb 2020
             Equity incentive plans and employee stock ownership plans are important benefit sharing mechanisms of listed companies and significant institutional ...
DA      4 - Ansatte i Den Jyske Sparekasse kan se frem til ...
             JydskeVestkysten - 28 Feb 2020
             Grindsted: De ansatte i Den Jyske Sparekasse kan se frem til at købe aktier for en del af deres løn i andet halvår af 2020. Bestyrelsen har nemlig truffet ...
DE      5 - Bundesländer wollen Steuerlast für Startups senken
             Gründerszene - 10 Feb 2020
             Newsartikel. Beteiligungsprogramme für ihre Mitarbeiter kosten Startups bisher viel Steuergeld. Zwei Landeswirtschaftsminister setzen sich jetzt dafür ein, das ...
DE      6 - Anteile statt Gehalt: Funktioniert Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in ...
             t3n Magazin - 18 Feb 2020
             Es ist das Thema der Stunde in der Startup-Welt: Mitarbeiterbeteiligungen. Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Und kommt gerade wirklich Schwung in die politische ...
ES      7 - Repsol lanza un plan de compra de acciones para sus 4.166 empleados
             Público - 18 Feb 2020
             Repsol ha puesto en marcha el plan global de adquisición de acciones Tu Repsol, donde los 4.166 empleados del grupo podrán comprar títulos de la ...
FR      8 - Vinci's 100.000 employees in France become Group shareholders...
             GlobeNewswire (press release) - 06 Feb 2020
             ... contribution amounting to €400, enabling them to become Group shareholders; It is strengthening employee share ownership through the Group savings plan.
FR      9 - Tous les salariés de Vinci en France vont devenir actionnaires du groupe
             BFMTV.COM - 6 Feb 2020
             "Il est important de jeter des passerelles entre le monde du salariat et le monde du capital" a expliqué le patron du groupe, Xavier Huillard, sur BFM ...
FR      10 - Favoriser l'épargne salariale dans les TPE/PME
             Gouvernement.fr - 07 Feb 2020
             Les dispositifs d'épargne salariale - intéressement, participation, prime, actionnariat salarié - sont autant de leviers susceptibles de permettre aux entreprises ...
FR      11 - SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC lance une augmentation de capital ...
             Capital.fr - 24 Feb 2020
             Cette opération, qui s'inscrit dans la politique de développement de l'actionnariat salarié du constructeur électrique, couvrira quarante pays, dont la France, soit ...
FR      12 - Eiffage va lancer son augmentation de capital réservée aux ...
             Bourse Direct - 26 Feb 2020
             Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre de sa politique d'actionnariat salarié. Le Conseil d'administration d'Eiffage a donc décidé de l'émission d'actions ordinaires au profit ...
FR      13 - Les opérations d'actionnariat salarié du SBF 120 ont augmenté en 2019, selon Eres
             La Tribune de l'assurance - 27 Feb 2020
             " Pierre-Emmanuel Sassonia, Directeur associé d'Eres, a déclaré: " L'actionnariat salarié est aujourd'hui un enjeu national avec l ...
IN      14 - [Budget 2020] Seed Funds, ESOP Tax Deferral By 5 Years Announced For Start-ups
             Entrepreneur - 1 Feb 2020
             The government has proposed to provide seed funding to early-stage start-ups and deferred tax payment on the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) ...
IN      15 - All you need to know about ESOPs in India
             YourStory.com - 16 Feb 2020
             ESOPs stands for Employee Stock Ownership Plans. An employee stock ownership plan gives workers ownership interest in the company. There are ...
LU      16 - Le bien-être au travail, c'est du «gagnant-gagnant»
             Le Quotidien.lu - 14 Feb 2020
             Sven Clement veut faire un pas de plus en faveur de l'actionnariat salarié pour éviter que «les employés se sentent comme esclaves». «Travailler 40 ...
NL      17 - Is het een goed idee om werknemers mede-eigenaren van ...
             Vrij Nederland - 21 Feb 2020
             In het Verenigd Koninkrijk zet New Economics Foundation, de denktank van Labour, werknemersaandeelhouderschap op de kaart als de belangrijke stap ...
18 - Serbia: Employee stock options in limited liability companies
             Lexology - 27 Jan 2020
             Serbia has recently amended the Companies' Act to introduce a legal framework for employee stock option plans (“ESOPs“) in limited liability ...
UK      19 - Altec & Victoria becomes employee owned
             Business Cornwall Magazine - 6 Feb 2020
              A small family-run business based in Victoria near St Austell is the latest Cornish firm to become employee owned. The 25 staff now own 100% of the ...
UK       20 - When staff run the show: the true benefits of employee ownership
               The Guardian - 29 Feb 2020
               Under a more conventional business structure, the bonus might have disappeared altogether, but John Lewis Partnership is an employee-owned ...
US      21 - Seeking a More Worker-Friendly Economy, Some States Push Employee Ownership
             The Pew Charitable Trusts (blog) - 3 Feb 2020
             Polis and others who back employee-ownership — a term that can mean ... Employee ownership has a history of bipartisan support. ... models: worker-owned cooperatives and Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).
US      22 - Business bests: Employee stock ownership plans explained
             Total Landscape Care - 3 Feb 2020
             There are a lot of myths and mysteries that surround employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and some of these misconceptions can scare ...
US      23 - Cornerstone Systems announces 100 percent employee owned
             American Journal of Transportation - 3 Feb 2020
             Memphis, TN – Memphis-based third-party logistics provider, Cornerstone Systems, Inc. announced that it is now a 100 percent employee owned ...
US      24 - EquityBee Raises $6.6M For Launching Employee Stock Options Funding Solution in the US
             Yahoo Finance - 11 Feb 2020
             Startup Employees in the U.S. are losing $30B every year in unexercised stock options, as 50% do not exercise their stock options. EquityBee is ...
US      25 - OTC Markets Group Applauds the Introduction of ESOP Fairness Act Legislation
             Yahoo Finance - 12 Feb 2020
             NEW YORK, Feb. 12, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), operator of financial markets for 10,000 U.S. and global ...
US      26 - SCS Engineers Becomes 100% ESOP Owned
             Yahoo Finance - 17 Feb 2020
             An Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP, gives employees a stake in the ... the opportunity to spread the wealth among our employee-owners,” he said. ... According to the National Center for Employee Ownership, there are ...
US      27 - ESOP Association Statement Regarding Employee Ownership in Democratic Debate
             Yahoo Finance - 20 Feb 2020
             The ESOP Association is pleased that employee ownership arose in the Democratic party Presidential debate last night and ...
US         28 - Equity and stock options, shared vision and experience: How early employees get ownership in ...
                Technical.ly - 25 Feb 2020
                Through equity and stock options, companies are offering employees the chance to become shareholders. In tech, this became among the features of ...


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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30    Fax: +32 (0)2 791 96 00
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.