Our selection

We have a selection of 24 remarkable articles in 7 countries in December 2020: Belgium, China, Germany, France, Italy, UK, USA.
Belgium: The most effective employee share plans for startups are stock options, even in Belgium.
China: Essilor and John Lewis are the two benchmarks for employee share ownership at Huawei.
Germany: Special issue on employee share ownership in Germany.
France: New employee share plan for EssilorLuxottica. Most business transfers to employees in France take the form of a workers' co-operative.
Italy: New employee share plan for Inwit.
UK: Many new business transfers to Employee Ownership Trusts. Turn covid emergency debt into employee share ownership urges SMEs.
USA: New York City launches new employee-owned business transition hotline. There are a number of different ways by which firms may adopt employee share ownership, such as an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), worker cooperatives and even stock-options. Do you want to never pay taxes ever again? - Consider an employee stock ownership plan.
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Une sélection de 24 articles remarquables dans 7 pays en décembre 2020: Belgique, Chine, Allemagne, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis.
Belgique: Les plans d'actionnariat salarié les mieux adaptés aux startups sont les stock options. Męme en Belgique.
Chine: Essilor et John Lewis sont les deux références de l'actionnariat salarié pour Huawei.
Allemagne: Edition spéciale sur l'actionnariat salarié en Allemagne.
France: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour EssilorLuxottica. La plupart des transmissions d'entreprises aux salariés en France prennent la forme de coopératives de salariés.
Italie: Nouveau plan d'actionnariat salarié pour Inwit.
Royaume Uni: Nombreuses transmissions d'enteprises ŕ des Trusts d'Actionnariat Salarié (Employee Ownership Trusts - EOT). Il est urgent pour les PME de pouvoir convertir les dettes d'urgence covid en actionnariat salarié; le mécanisme du EOT s'y prętera parfaitement.
USA: New York City lance une nouvelle plate-forme de transmission d'entreprises aux salariés. Il y a différentes maničres d'introduire l'actionnariat salarié dans les entreprises, comme le plan ESOP, la coopérative de salariés ou les stock options. Vous ne voulez plus jamais d'impôt? - Essayez le plan ESOP.
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Nuestar seleccion propone 24 artículos destacados en 7 países en diciembre de 2020: Bélgica, China, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido, EE. UU.
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  Eine Auswahl von 24 bemerkenswerten Artikeln in 7 Ländern im Dezember 2020: Belgien, China, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Großbritannien, USA.
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  24 articoli selezionati per dicembre 2020 in 7 Stati:
Belgio, Cina, Germania, Francia, Italia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti.
Belgio: Nelle le start up lo strumento piů confacente per l’azionariato dei dipendenti sono le stock options, anche in Belgio.
Cina: Essilor e John Lewis sono iI due benchmark per l’azionariato dei dipendenti presso Huawei.
Germania: Edizione special e sull’azionariato dei dipendenti in Germania.
Francia: Nuovo piano di azionariato presso  EssilorLuxottica. La gran parte dei trasferimenti di impresa ai dipendenti in Francia utilizza la forma di cooperative di lavoro.
Italia: Nuovo piano di azionariato presso  Inwit.
UK: Numerose acquisizioni di impresa tramite  Employee Ownership Trusts. E’ urgente trasformare i finanziamenti Covid nelle PMI in partecipazione dei dipendenti.
USA: New York City lancia una nuova piattaforma di trasmissione di impresa ai dipendenti.Ci sono varie modalitŕ a disposizione delle imprese per introdurre la partecipazione dei dipendenti, come gli ESOP, le cooperative di lavoro o anche le stock options. Non vuoi pagare piů le imposte? Consider ail modello ESOP.
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V prosinci 2020 máme na výběr 24 pozoruhodných článků v 7 zemích: Belgie, Cína, Nemecko, Francie, Itálie, Velká Británie, USA.
Belgie: Nejúčinnější plány sdílení zaměstnanců pro začínající podniky jsou akciové opce, dokonce i v Belgii.
Čína: Essilor a John Lewis jsou dvě měřítka pro sdílení akcií zaměstnanců v Huawei.
Německo: Zvláštní vydání týkající se vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií v Německu.
Francie: Nový plán sdílení zaměstnanců pro EssilorLuxottica. Většina převodů podniků zaměstnancům ve Francii má formu dělnického družstva.
Itálie: Nový plán sdílení zaměstnanců pro Inwit.
UK: Mnoho nových obchodních převodů do Trustů zaměstnaneckého na vlastnictví.  Proměnit nouzový dluh covid   na vlastnictví zaměstnaneckých akcií naléhají  malé a střední podniky.
USA: New York City zavádí novou horkou linku pro přechod na podnikání ve vlastnictví zaměstnanců. Existuje celá řada různých způsobů, kterými mohou společnosti převzít vlastnictví akcií zaměstnanců, jako je plán vlastnictví akcií zaměstnanců (ESOP), pracovní družstva nebo dokonce možnosti akcií. Chcete už nikdy neplatit daně? - Zvažte zaměstnanecký plán vlastnictví akcií.

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2020 decemberében hónapban 24 figyelemre méltó cikket találtunk 7 országból: Belgium, Kína, Németország, Franciaország, Olaszország, Egyesült Királyság, Egyesült Államok.
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BE      1 - Aandelenopties: een belangrijke hefboom voor start-ups
             Trends - 18 Dec 2020
             Het werknemersaandeelhouderschap is bij ons eerder de uitzondering dan de regel. De geopolitieke situatie van ons continent - 27 landen en minstens ...
CN      2 - Jiang Xisheng : « Huawei n'appartient qu'ŕ ses employés »
             Agence Ecofin - 18 Dec 2020
             Sans ces pressions externes, Huawei peut maintenir son focus ŕ long terme sur la recherche et le développement, tandis que les employés actionnaires ...
DE      3 - Unternehmeredition Magazin - Spezial "Mitarbeiterbeteiligung" 2020
             Unternehmeredition - 22 Dec 2020
             Spezial „Mitarbeiterbeteiligung“. Im inzwischen 6. Jahrgang ist auch das Spezial „Mitarbeiterbeteiligung“ in Kooperation mit dem GoingPublic Magazin als Beilage ...
FR      4 - Le Rachat D’Une Société Par Ses Salariés : Coup De Génie Ou Coup De Folie ?
             Forbes France - 2 Dec 2020
             L'un des exemples les plus récents est celui de l'entreprise XL Groupe, spécialisée dans le conseil et la formation qui a été racheté par 7 des 30 salariés. Selon le ...
FR      5 - EssilorLuxottica : Capital Increase Reserved for Employees of French companies participants in ...
             GlobeNewswire - 7 Dec 2020
             Capital Increase Reserved for Employees of French companies participants in the employee stock ownership plans ...
FR      6 - Depuis sa reprise par ses salariés, il y a 7 ans, le laboratoire ne connaît plus la crise
             Presselib - 17 Dec 2020
             Entre 2018 et 2019, le chiffre d'affaires de la scop luzienne a grimpé de 20%, pour franchir la barre des 10 millions d'euros...
FR      7 - Puy-de-Dôme : un projet de SCOP pour reprendre Dietal
             France 3 Régions - 28 Dec 2020
             Ce sont les parts sociales des futurs sociétaires salariés de la SCOP Dietal ... Ce projet de reprise des salariés permettrait de conserver 113 emplois dans les ...
IT       8 - Inwit, il 98% dei dipendenti sposa il piano di azionariato diffuso
             CorCom - 23 Dec 2020
             Circa l'80% dei dipendenti, inoltre, ha scelto di investire ulteriormente in Inwit usufruendo dell'acquisto a prezzo scontato, mentre l'85% degli investitori ha ...
UK      9 - Leeds architects' practice becomes employee owned
             Insider Media - 1 Dec 2020
             Leeds architects' practice becomes employee owned. 1 Dec 2020 Yorkshire Deals, Property Stephen Farrell. Leeds architects' practice becomes ...
UK      10 - Claremont Becomes Employee Owned as Turnover Hits Ł34.5m
             Business Up North - 2 Dec 2020
             Claremont Becomes Employee Owned as Turnover Hits Ł34.5m. December 2, 2020. The new cafe which is part of Claremont's Ł10m+ refurbishment ...
UK      11 - Employees buy minority stake in safety consultant
             The Construction Index - 5 Dec 2020
             12 hours Latest construction industry business to join the ranks of the employee owned – at least partially – is safety specialist Safer Sphere.
UK      12 - New fund comes out of stealth to radicalise SME buy-outs through employee ownership
             Private Equity Wire - 7 Dec 2020
            Research carried out by the Employee Ownership Association has proven that employee owned businesses achieve higher productivity, greater ...
UK      13 - How Wales can learn from Scotland on employee-owned businesses
             Business Live - 11 Dec 2020
             A white paper published this week by the Wales Co-operative Centre outlined five recommended steps to help double the number of employee-owned ...
UK      14 - Cheshire-based Life IT becomes employee-owned as firm celebrates 20th year
             Business Live - 11 Dec 2020
             A Cheshire-based managed IT services, support and consultancy firm has become employee-owned. Life IT is a Ł4m-turnover business based in ...
UK      15 - Lindsays extols the benefits of employee ownership in succession planning
             Scottish Legal News - 11 Dec 2020
            Lindsays extols the benefits of employee ownership in succession planning ... EOT deals, Douglas Roberts knows exactly how to approach this to ensure the best outcome for the seller, the company and the new employee owners.”.
UK      16 - Insolvency and debt business becomes employee owned despite the pandemic
             insider.co.uk - 14 Dec 2020
             Insolvency and debt business becomes employee owned despite the pandemic. The creation of an Employee Ownership Trust gives 17 employees ...
UK      17 - Edinburgh architects become employee-owned
              The Edinburgh Reporter - 22 Dec 2020
             One of Scotland's most highly regarded architectural practices has set out its blueprint for the future by entering into an employee ownership trust ...
UK      18 - Turn Covid emergency debt into shared ownership, urges small business
             Smallbusiness.co.uk - 29 Dec 2020
             Famous employee-owned businesses include John Lewis and, most recently, Richer Sounds, which was taken over by its employees in May last year.
US      19 - Addressing One Root Of Wealth Inequality Through Employee Ownership
             Forbes - 30 Nov 2020
            ESOP as an ownership structure was created by Louis O. Kelso in 1965. It was passed through the Employee Retirement Income Security Act in 1974.
US      20 - New York City launches new employee-owned business transition hotline
             amNY - 2 Dec 2020
             ... struggling local businesses survive the remainder of the pandemic by converting them from a single-owner model into employee-owned businesses ...
US       21 - New Partnership Launched to Amplify the Awareness of Employee Ownership as ...
             Benzinga - 2 Dec 2020
             Through hands-on consulting and support to companies that want to transition to employee ownership, as well as to the new employee-owners, Project ...
US      22 - Kitware Becomes a 100 Percent Employee-Owned Company
             Business Wire - 8 Dec 2020
             Kitware announces they are a 100% employee-owned company. On 11/30, Kitware transferred all of its stock into an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ...
US      23 - New York City Launches Employee Ownership Conversion
             Shorefront News - 13 Dec 2020
             Employee owned firms are better for communities, employees, and businesses themselves. Research shows that since the onset of COVID-19, ...
US      24 - Allen Harris | Mind Your Business: Never pay taxes again
             Berkshire Eagle - 26 Dec 2020
             An ESOP is an employee benefit plan that turns your workers into business owners. Employees can buy shares directly or through payroll deductions, ...

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For information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.