are the good practices? Which models, which obstacles
across Europe? Could it be more effective? A European
Conference was held in Rome on September 16-17,
2010 with the support of the European Commission.
This project was led by the Italian DirCredito,
the EFES being a partner as well as many other organisations
and companies across Europe. This contributes to open a new door for social dialogue and corporate governance
items, giving employee owners the chance to improve
their involvement in companies’ strategic decisions.
website www.employeeshare.eu
15.12.2020: The
2020 Shareholder Meetings harmed Shareholder Rights
and often severely (Better Finance)
15.12.2016: EU
presidency and Parliament agree on the final version
of the new Shareholders Rights Directive: Limited
29.02.2012: In
esito alla Consultazione sulle misure integrative
e correttive del DLgs 27/1/2010 n. 27
26.08.2011: Answer
to the consultation on the Green paper on the EU
corporate governance framework
26.08.2011: DirCredito
- Libro verde sul Governo di Impresa - Risposta
alla Consultazione
07.06.2011: From Guido Antolini, Dircredito Project
Dear Friends,
For all of you who participated to the project or
attended to our Conference in Rome, let me give
my warmest thank you.
As many among you already know, we agreed that it
could be useful to disseminate the contents of our
project as much as possible, by leaving on the Internet
also the complete filings of the Conference, by
text as well as on Audio Video uploaded on You Tube.
This way those who could not attend may receive
the same information, and feel the mood from this
unique meeting.
Go on www.employeeshare.eu
and surf! You can find and download also the "INCONTRI"
special issue as well as the articles published
by Italian Press.
Time flows: it has been very interesting to meet
in Rome in September 2010 in order to exchange experiences,
nine months later it could be even more interesting
to listen again to our presentations and to the
Round Table debate, keeping in mind the evolution
of facts in this period.
A special thank to all of our speakers for giving
the authorization to publish texts and Audio Video,
thus making it possible to build this unique long
time lasting file.
16.05.2011: L'exercice
des droits de vote de l'actionnariat salarié
en France - Questions aux assemblées 2011
23.02.2011: Ordonnance
de transposition de la Directive Droits des Actionnaires
en France
18.02.2011: A
significant step forward for employee shareholders'
rights in France
29.01.2011: France
- Propositions de la FAS en matière de Droits
des Actionnaires (2.10.2009)
07.09.2010: Esercitare
i diritti degli Azionisti dipendenti (32 pages in
English and Italian)
10.08.2010: Milano
Finanza: A settembre il Convegno Europeo DirCredito
in Roma sui diritti degli azionisti dipendenti
18.06.2010: Le
Centre d'Analyse Stratégique du Gouvernement français
a publié son rapport "Améliorer
la gouvernance d’entreprise et la participation
des salariés"
le rapport complet
14.06.2010: Un
"cavalier" inconstitutionnel en France
- à propos de la transposition de la Directive
Droit des Actionnaires
10.06.2010: France
- Projet d'Ordonnance sur la Directive droits des
actionnaires - Les avis au 7.6.2010
25.05.2010: Transparence
et actionnariat salarié chez Total
14.05.2010: Commentaires
sur les projets de transposition en France de la
Directive 2007/36/CE sur les droits des actionnaires
11.03.2010: Incroyable
intimidation de Total contre ses actionnaires salariés
- l'avis de Proxinvest
08.03.2010: Élection
de l'administrateur Air France-KLM représentant
les salariés actionnaires
financial participation for corporate governance
and social dialogue" - the new trade union
vision and strategy about employee share ownership,
Report by SindNova, Italian trade union confederation
CISL, including a set of good company case studies
(John Lewis Partnership, IsBank, Banca Popolare
di Milano, Handelsbanken, Dexia, Total, AerLingus,
Kardemir, Tullis Russell, Saf Tehnika, Eircom, Enel)
03.12.2009: Conflict
about employee shareholders' representation at French
group Total
information and contact
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30 - Fax: +32 (0)2 808 30 33
E-mail: efes@efesonline.org
Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization
of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade
unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking
to promote employee share ownership and participation
in Europe.