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10 APRIL 2025

Anställdas aktieägande i Europa 2024   

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Ett urval av 25 anmärkningsvärda artiklar i 10 länder i februari 2025: Belgien, Kanada, Tjeckien, Tyskland, Finland, Italien, Sydkorea, Nederländerna, Storbritannien, USA.
Belgium: Saving the May 2001 law, a good idea?
Canada: The law of June 21, 2024 introduced the Employee Ownership Trust scheme for business transmission to employees. Grantbook is one of the first companies transferred to an Employee Ownership Trust in Canada. The range of legal services and specialist firms is increasing to organise such business transfers.
Czech Republic: To correct the failure of the 2024 law, a new law again for employee share ownership before the next elections?
Germany: Employee share plans have a long tradition at Allianz.
Finland: The Social Democratic Party wants to introduce employee savings funds into public services as well.
Italy: Forty years after the first major European countries, Italy wants to introduce its own version of national employee share ownership. The bill continues its parliamentary journey.
South Korea: Yidun Food's innovative shift towards employee ownership marks a significant shift in corporate governance practices.
Netherlands: First employee share plan at Concordia.
UK: Thanks to the Employee Ownership Trust formula, two new SMEs are transferred to their employees every day now. This month, among others, the case of: The Frameworks marketing consultancy, Williamsons Law firm, Kingfisher Funeral Services, Core Digital, RBH Creative agency, MechTech Recruitment, Optagon Roofing Materials, Butler Consulting.
USA: ESOP transmission for Sentry Equipment.

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Marc Mathieu
EFES - European Federation of Employee Share Ownership
EFAA - Europeiska Federationen för Anställdas Aktieägande
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30 - Fax: +32 (0)2 791 96 00
Web site:
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee share ownership and participation in Europe.