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                                                                                              Přeložil. Ing. Petr Navrátil - KSLP Česká Společnost pro Zaměstnaneckou Participaci


Employee share ownership for SMEs

Worldwide, there is a model for employee share ownership plans for SMEs a thousand times more effective than all the others. It is the ESOP. It is very suitable for SME owners, as well as for employees.

Why? Because it is based on today's financial techniques, not those of past centuries.

In this model, employees do not have to find the money, sacrifice their savings, take the risk.
Indeed, just as can be seen in the leveraged buyout techniques, it is the company and its shareholders that  provide the financing and the guarantees.

How can we introduce this type of employee share ownership plan in every European country? A group of European and American experts explains how in this publication

Press review
We have a selection of 26 remarkable articles in 9 countries in June 2020: Australia, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, UK, USA.
Australia: The European Federation of Employee Share Ownership calls for a public aid plan to develop employee share ownership.
Czechia: The EFES calls on governments to support a model that leads to a more democratic solution to the economic crisis.
Denmark: Let employees take over bankrupt companies after the corona crisis.
France: Many voices calling for massive development of employee share ownership. ERES study shows that employee share ownership is little affected by the crisis. New employee share plans for Atos, for Sanofi, for Saint-Gobain, for Verallia.
Germany: The Federal Government has committed to increasing employee share ownership. An attractive share ownership scheme is to be created for start-ups.
Italy: Questions on public aid against the crisis. Which place for  employee share ownership?
New Zealand: Multiplicity of employee share ownership schemes.
UK: Coronavirus will fuel revolution in employee ownership. A set of new firms owned by Employee Ownership Trusts.
USA: With ESOP plans, employees become part of the leadership.

Plný přehled tiskových zpráv je k dispozici na našich webových stránkách na:
              http://www.efesonline.org/PRESS REVIEW/2020/June.htm 


     Česká Společnost pro

A political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe

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Marc Mathieu
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Web site: www.efesonline.org
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.