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  What's going on with the European Commission

The main obstacle to the development of employee share ownership across Europe is the lack of information about its benefits and how manage risks.

In a letter to European Commissioner it is recalled that the Commission is committed to launch a European information plan to raise awareness in this sense. A section on the promotion of employee share ownership has also been added to the Capital Markets Union Action Plan.

However, when it came time to vote on a budget to materialize, some surprising objections have emerged within the Commission.

The letter to Commissioner Marianne Thyssen calls on the Commission to fulfill its commitments. More

Marianne Thyssen

Press review
We have a selection of 37 remarkable articles in 11 countries in October 2017: France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Morocco, Poland, Swiss, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.
France: Why the democratization of employee share ownership is declining in France. Taxation on employee share plans is dissuasive in France. New employee share plan for Bouygues, for Thales. Alpine Aluminium is now a workers' co-operative.
Germany: Prominent German companies and organizations launch the "Berlin Appeal for more Employee Share Ownership".
Ireland: Boost for Ireland's start-ups as income tax is removed from share options.
Italy: Employee share plan for Alitalia?
Luxemburg: Finance minister has abandoned his proposal to reform the stock options regime.
Morocco: New employee share plans for Suez and for Cap Gemini.
Poland: On the road to legislation for employee ownership in Poland.
UK: New companies turning to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme.
Swiss: Employee share ownership is more and more in use in Swiss startups.
USA: New study shows dramatic impact of employee ownership on economic well-being. Both Republicans and Democrats collaborated on creating a series of extensive tax breaks for Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). New companies sold to ESOPs.
Zimbabwe: Barclays employees to get 15% share.

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