We have a selection of 34 remarkable articles in 10 countries
in February 2015: Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Poland, South Korea, Spain, UK, USA.
Australia: New legislation will replicate key aspects
of the British regime that seeks to encourage stock options
in small companies and start-ups.
Belgium: British policy would be a good example for
employee ownership in Belgium.
Germany: The German Share Institute (DAI) points out
the dramatic drop in the number of employee shareholders in
Germany. A call for renewed fiscal incentives.
France: 2014 was not a good year for employee share
ownership in France. Orange: Employee shareholders want their
stake raising to 10% in 2020. Workers co-operatives in France:
some typical cases. The view from Xavier Collot, Amundi.
Poland: Employee share ownership was not a success
for Kielce Mines.
South Korea: New government plans announced to encourage
stock ownership mean that workers who purchase shares of their
own companies will get tax deductions.
Spain: Javier San José is the Spanish Member of the
EFES Board of Directors.
UK: The Labour Party has its own plans to promote employee
ownership. Hayes Davidson becomes employee-owned business.
USA: The ESOP Association submits comments to the House
Ways and Means Committee regarding the state of the U.S. economy
and policies that can promote job creation and economic growth.
"Most relevant to the review of jobs and wealth creation
for all who work is that shared ownership through the ESOP
model is an excellent jobs policy."
The full press review is available
political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe
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