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European Trade Union Institute
A dedicated Internet site was set up as "the gateway to information on worker participation issues in Europe", a remarkable work by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI). It is about employee participation which includes the following pieces: Trade unions, collective bargaining, workplace representation, board-level representation, European-level representation, representation in the area of health and safety, and finally employee financial participation. In the European unions' vision, employee share ownership belongs to employee financial participation, which has two main branches: Profit-sharing and employee share ownership. Profit-sharing is considered as "the simplest form of financial participation. This can be understood as a collective regulation that, in addition to the stipulated wage, provides a variable income dependent on enterprise profits" – Variable pay, in fact. Finally, employee share ownership appears in the European unions' vision as the last piece of this participative building. More information

Press review
We have a selection of 36 remarkable articles in 10 countries in September 2013: Austria, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Pakistan, UK, USA, South Africa.
Austria: ÖVP wants employee financial participation to be on top of new government's agenda.
Canada: Success-story about employee ownership: Harmac mill was as good as gone, until workers rallied to buy it, and their jobs, back.
France: New employee share plan for Rexel. Amundi becomes number one in employee savings management. 20th anniversary for employee share ownership in GT Location. Controversy about French Government's project to ease employee buyouts.
Germany: Stihl Group considered for the high attractiveness of employee share ownership schemes.
India: New web based platform for managing ESOP Plans of companies.
Italy: Fitch criticizes Banca Popolare di Milano and Banca Carige for giving too much place to employee share ownership. Employee shareholders call for new plan and transparency for MPS Bank.
Pakistan: Pakistan International Airlines' strongest union has thrown its weight behind an employee buyout of the cash-strapped carrier.
UK: ESOP Centre condemns recommendations to abolish most popular employee share plans. Chancellor George Osborne's new Employee Shareholder Status is naïve faux Marxism. Royal Mail will launch the largest free employee share scheme to take place in a major UK privatisation for more than 30 years.
USA: Broad-based employee stock ownership plans, if properly designed, are the best way to ramp up productivity, new research finds. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are a viable business succession alternative. Results from the Employee Ownership Foundation's 22nd Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) companies show that ESOPs saw increased economic growth over the past year.
South Africa: Rentokil Initial South Africa launches employee share ownership plan.

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Marc Mathieu
Secretario General
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Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30 - Fax: +32 (0)2 808 30 33
El objetivo de EFES es actuar como la organización federativa de los accionistas asalariados, de empresas y de todas las personas, sindicatos, expertos, investigadores o instituciones que actuan para promover el accionariado asalariado y la participación en Europa.

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