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The European Parliament at work
During the public hearing we organised in the European Pa rliament on March 22, we asked for a dedicated budget heading of 2.5 million Euro for the promotion of employee ownership across Europe. A clear, simple, cheap proposal. It will allow information centers about employee ownership to be organised in every member state of the EU. This is the key-point to combat obstacles to multinational employee share plans, a condition for "a single market for employee ownership". Now the Parliament is working. We hope an effective decision will be taken. More information

Democratization rate of employee ownership in Europe
The democratization rate of employee ownership is calculated as the proportion of employee owners among all employees. It was continuously rising in European companies for 30 years and even through the recent financial crisis (see graph). It was 30.1% in 2011, which means that one-third of all employees are now co-owners of their company. This rate of democratization should still increase to 50-60% in the near future. More information

Press review
We made a selection of 46 remarkable articles in 11 countries in May 2012: Austria, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.
Austria: The Austrian People's Party asks for higher tax benefits to promote employee financial participation. Telekom Austria: Employee shareholders ask for full voting rights.
France: New employee share plans for Vinci, for Nexans. France Telecom: Employee shareholders want voting rights to be exercised by employee shareholders themselves and not by employers or by unions. Multiple voices calling for employees and employee shareholders to get wider place in corporate governance. Some typical workers cooperatives. Business transfer through workers coops.
Ireland: Eircom: Game over for employee ownership.
Italy: New law proposal for employee share ownership.
Netherlands: Witteveen+Bos is a remarkable case regarding employee ownership in The Netherlands.
Spain: The Basque Federation of sociedades laborales (ASLE) is going to open its doors to all kinds of employee-owned companies. Mondragon's Fagor Group: The 8.900 employee owners approve a further reduction in wages.
Switzerland: UBS' annual shareholders meeting combats employee share plans.
UK: A leading Scottish specialist manufacturer confirming that it has become employee-owned. It seems the potential of owning a stake in your own company at the current time is not enough to motivate and engage UK workers. UK workers are not motivated by Government-backed employee ownership business models, and instead want greater focus on a bonus culture, a new poll suggests.
USA: Employee ownership brightens jobs outlook. The Foundation for Enterprise Development launches trailer for "We the Owners: Employees Expanding the American Dream". Why We Need More Employee-Owned Businesses: The John Lewis case.
Zimbabwe: Indigenisation boon for workers: The Government has approved over 100 ESOPs proposals by foreign mining firms operating in the country.

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Marc Mathieu
Secretario General
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 (0)2 242 64 30 - Fax: +32 (0)2 808 30 33
El objetivo de EFES es actuar como la organización federativa de los accionistas asalariados, de empresas y de todas las personas, sindicatos, expertos, investigadores o instituciones que actuan para promover el accionariado asalariado y la participación en Europa.

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