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Public policies for employee ownership in Europe
You are invited to attend the conference on November 26 in Brussels. With European Commissioner Michel Barnier, Pervenche Béres from the European Parliament and many other high representatives. The conference is organized by the EFES for the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. Practical information

European Economic and Social Committee
The European Economic and Social Committee is the body that gives representatives of Europe's social partners and civil society a formal platform to express their points of views on European issues. It has a key role to play in the Union's decision-making process. It is now preparing an own-initiative opinion on Employee Financial Participation. This SOC/371 draft opinion can be downloaded in all languages The Report calls for a Council of Ministers' Recommendation. It promotes the "building block approach" and an optional simple, uniform incentive model, with the same tax arrangements and incentives throughout the European Union. The draft Report was amended and voted in Section Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship. This new version is available as well as  our own comments on request to the EFES' Secretariat.

Australian Employee Buyout Centre
The Australian Employee Buyout Centre was set up by the Australian Government to preserve, protect and enhance jobs through employee ownership. More

Press review
Much new information about employee ownership in August 2010, with 1.200 articles in this press review (on which 370 involving stock options and 301 about workers' cooperatives). We made a selection of 46 remarkable articles in 13 countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, India, Italy, Poland, Trinidad, UK, USA, South-Africa.
Canada and Germany: Employee ownership in small and medium sized companies.
France: New employee share plans in large companies: Axa, EADS, Rexel, and some news from workers' coops.
Ghana: Mineworkers call on government: The existing arrangements where share options are paid only to selected management staff should be extended to the ordinary mineworker as well.
India: ESOPs back in vogue in IT companies.
Ireland: Worker shareholders hire consultants about the Government's proposal to split the Electricity Supply Board and transfer ownership of the national grid.
Italy: "È l'ora dei dipendenti azionisti" – It's time for employee ownership.
Poland: Polish Treasury approves employee buyout of Famed Lodz.
Trinidad: ArcelorMittal workers demonstrate, asking to settle an Employee Share Ownership Plan.
UK: The recession has sparked renewed interest in share incentive plans as a tax-efficient investment option for staff. David Cameron's "Big Society" on the way: The first wave of John Lewis-style "employee-owned" public services are given the green light by ministers; the Coalition announces 12 "pathfinders". Employee ownership plan for Royal Mail. Good news for employees about capital gain tax.
USA: ESOPs: Some real cases. Get capital through employee ownership. The ESOP Association and the Employee Ownership Foundation release results of the 2010 ESOP Company Survey. "The data from the survey, which is done every five years, proves the case for more employee ownership," said Michael Keeling. The eye-opening statistics of the 2010 survey are the increase in age of the ESOP and account balances. Senator Sanders promotes a bill that would establish state programs that support the move to employee ownership. A second bill would create a United States Employee Ownership Bank that would lend out money when employees of a business are considering taking over a company from its original owner.

The full press review is available on:

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A political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe

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   With best regards



Marc Mathieu
Secretary General
Avenue Voltaire 135, B-1030 Brussels
Tel/fax: +32 (0)2 242 64 30
Web site:
EFES' objective is to act as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions looking to promote employee ownership and participation in Europe.

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