Board and General Meeting of members, The Hague 28 April 2001
Conseil d’administration et assemblée générale des membres
8 May 2001
The meeting was prepared through working documents on following points:
Les réunions ont été préparées au moyen de documents de travail sur les points suivants:
1. Agenda + Attendance / Présences
2. Report of the Executive Office and Board / Rapport du bureau et du conseil d’administration
3. Membership / Membres
4. Financial accounts 2000 and budget 2001 / Comptes 2000 et budget 2001
English Index
1. Operating account year 2000 in Euro
2. Balance
Sheet on 31.12.2000 in Euro
3. Report of the chartered accountant
4. Budget 2001 in Euro
Index français
1. Compte de résultats de l’année 2000 en Euro
2. Bilan au 31.12.2000 en Euro
3. Rapport de l’expert comptable
4. Budget 2001 en Euro
Detailed accounts / Comptabilité détaillée
1. Compte de résultats de l’année 2000 en BEF
2. Bilan au 31.12.2000 en BEF
3. Balance générale des comptes au 31.12.2000
4. Balance des comptes de clients
5. Balance des comptes de fournisseurs
6. Mouvements analytiques
For information / Pour information
EFES BELGIUM / FEAS BELGIQUE Balance Sheet (Bilan) on 3112.2000
EFES BELGIUM / FEAS BELGIQUE Operating account 2000 (compte de résultats)
                        (provisory, not audited; provisoires, non audités)
5. Board and Executive Office / Conseil d’administration et bureau exécutif
Proposals / propositions
Letter of resignation of Walter Cerfeda / Lettre de démission de Walter Cerfeda
6. Next action programme / Programme d’activités à venir
Letters of Belgian Ministers for a Belgian EU Presidency conference supporting PEPPER policies
Lettres de ministres belges pour une conférence de la Présidence belge de l’UE soutenant les politiques PEPPER

1. Agenda + Attendance / Présences
            Report of EFES Board of Directors / Rapport du conseil d’administration
            Admission of new members / Admission de nouveaux membres
            Accounts 2000 / Comptes 2000
            Budget 2001
            Action programme / Programme d’activités
            Board of Directors and Executive / Conseil d’administration et exécutif
            Board approval / Décharge aux administrateurs





FEE 2001





1.       BARETTA Pier Paolo (CISL)





2.       BELL Dan (COG)





3.       BIOT Géraldine (EFES)





4.       BIOT Myriam (EFES)





5.       BOSSOLA Mauro (FIADA)





6.       CIMMATI Serge (FAS FRANCE)





7.       DE RUYTER Arie (NPI)





8.       DI FILIPPO Emanuela (CISL)





9.       ERDAL David (JOL)





10.   GUILLAUME Raymond (France)





11.   GUIOL Patrick (FRANCE)










13.   KOOL Henk (NPI)










15.   LEDNIK Bozo (DEZAP)





16.   LIPINSKI Jacek (UNIA)





17.   LIPINSKI’s assistant (UNIA)





18.   LUKACS Janos (SPF)










20.   MATHIEU Marc (EFES)





21.   VANRIJKEL Pierre (BBL)





22.   WATTIER Laurence (EFES)





23.   ZOLEZZI Gérard (Univ.Aix-Marseille 3)










2. Report of the Executive Office and Board / Rapport du bureau et du conseil d’administration
We discussed the future, our relations with EU institutions and EFES organization.
The Third European Meeting was a good meeting. It is a good step forward. We are now starting a new EU funded project : an employee ownership network in the CEEC. We now have an office in Budapest and Janos will co-ordinate this network. Another project is an international conference on 23 November with the next Belgian Presidency of the European Union. It is important that many EU governments would be represented in that meeting. It is mainly a political event.
A fourth project is a research project. We all would like to promote the good practices in EO and so a main step would be to identify the practices and to clarify which are the good and bad practices and why. We would make 100 case studies in about 10 countries and then go to models of good practices.
About the EU: We visited the Dublin Foundation. We must now lobby the Parliament again for a budget and if we can, secure a budget for our functioning.
About the board: Walter Cerfeda of CGIL asks to resign and they decided to switch with the CISL, so Pier Paolo Baretta will represent the CISL in the board of EFES
About sponsoring and membership : We must develop our funding and have more members. In this sense I ask you to take a few membership form and help find members. About sponsoring :we need professional help. If you can help, please do.
About the team of EFES secretariat : I am the main person to work; it is practically a full time, and Laurence and Myriam are helping for precise works.
About the accounts and budget : we have 3 parts English accounts, in Euros; same in French; detailed accounts in French and BF. Now there is EFES International and the former EFES which we called EFES Belgium. The accounts of EFES Belgium must be passed on to EFES international and we decided to ask to an external auditor to check the accounts. We have his report on EFES international and we are waiting for his report on EFES Belgium accounts. Also about the meeting of Warsaw in 1999 : we ask UNIA Unia to send justifying invoices so that we could decide on what to do.
The budget for 2001 is based on a 1 year programme as submitted to the Commission. Now there is another project, the CEEC network project, that we should add.
We also decided that there should be a surplus.
We have also the project of a conference in November with the Belgian Presidency of the European Union: the letters form the Belgian Ministers are included for your information.
3. Membership / Membres
The first general meeting of members was held in Warsaw on 13 November 1999 and 30 members were admitted. Now we have a list of 88 new observatory members (including Italian CISL). They will be admitted as new members (statutory, associate or supporting) when their fee will be in order.
La première assemblée générale des membres s’était tenue à Varsovie le 13 novembre 1999 et 30 premiers membres avaient été admis. Nous avons maintenant une liste de 87 nouveaux membres observateurs (y compris la CISL italienne); ceux-ci seront admis en qualité de membres statutaires, associés ou adhérents, à condition de se mettre en règle de cotisations.
Mauro Bossola was pleased to tell that the Italian federation FIADA has just decided to join EFES completely. We are very pleased to have CISL as a new member, because we will be stronger if we have a strong cooperation with the Unions. We are now entering new duties for EFES and we must have a reflection on the approach to be more effective than we are.
4. Financial accounts 2000 and budget 2001 / Comptes 2000 et budget 2001
            See working documents / Voir documents distribués
5. Board and Executive Office / Conseil d’administration et bureau exécutif
1. The board was elected on 13.11.1999 for a 2 years term and legally, the association began to exist on 18.6.2000 (ten days after that the Moniteur belge published the statutes). Thus, the 2 years term will go to mid-2002, and on the next general meeting of members, we will have to elect a new board.
Le conseil d’administration de la FEAS a été élu le 13.11.1999 pour un terme de 2 ans et légalement, l’association existe depuis le 18.6.2000 (dix jours après la publication au Moniteur belge). Donc, le terme de 2 ans court jusque mi-2002 et la prochaine assemblée générale annuelle aura à élire un nouveau conseil.
2. Composition of the board :
-          Proposal 1: to act Walter Cerfeda’s resign and to thank him for his support.
-          Proposal 2: to elect Pier-Paolo Baretta to follow Walter Cerfeda in his mandate.
-          Proposal 3: to elect Dr. Mahmoud Salem to the board, representing Egypt.
-          Proposal 4: ask George Tuthill to join the board, representing Ireland.
-          Proposal 5: ask IAFP to join the board.
Composition du conseil:
-          Proposition 1 : acter la démission de Water Cerfeda et de le remercier pour son soutien.
-          Proposition 2 : élire Pier-Paolo pour achever le mandat de Walter Cerfeda.
-          Proposition 3 : ouvrir le conseil au Dr. Mahmoud Salem, représentant l’Egypte.
-          Proposition 4 : demander à George Tuthill de joindre le conseil, représentant l’Irlande.
-          Proposition 5 : proposer à l’IAFP de joindre le conseil.
3. Executive office :
Proposal that Serge Cimmati will now take his right place in the office, all conditions being completed. Patrick Guiol will stay as invited member.
Composition du bureau exécutif :
Proposition que Serge Cimmati siège désormais à part entière, toutes les conditions étant remplies. Patrick Guiol continuera à siéger comme invité.
4. Presidency : Pierre Vanrijkel was proposed for a provisory term of 3 months. Proposal to confirm Pierre in the role of President.
Présidence: Pierre Vanrijkel avait été désigné pour un mandat provisoire de 3 mois. Proposition de confirmer Pierre dans son mandat de Président.
6. Next action programme / Programme d’activités à venir
David Erdal would like to congratulate Marc in getting us to this much stronger position. The different countries have different approaches and we are building a political alliance between everybody. We have to think now of a structure to develop the organization in a way that is both professional and effective.
Pier Paolo Baretta would like to thank Cerfeda from CGIL. In Italy,  there are constant relations between CGIL and CISL : even if we have some political differences we always agree on the rights of workers. I will do all my best to contribute to EFES and to develop a good cooperation with trade unions.
Serge Cimmati remercie Marc Mathieu pour ce qu’il a fait depuis le début de cette fédération et I apologize for France and the problems it causes at the beginning. I am very happy to be a full participant in the board. I talk on behalf of France and I am probably very “franco-français”. Comme en Grande-Bretagne, nous avons fait un grand pas and we are going to pass this new law which will be a step forward. Since yesterday and since I heard Mr Baretta opinion, my views on EO in Europe have opened up. I will soon approach the trade union organizations in France, in order to have a European approach for the subject.
Pierre Vanrijkel: The board ask me to take the presidency and I realise I am restricted in my possibilities. I put all my weight to convince the Belgian government to support us.
David Erdal: Mauro’s proposal to discuss the structure is a good one : I think we shall discuss how to insure representativeness.
Janos Lukacs: We should be aware of time : we have tasks at this meeting. Last year we had a very intense and productive discussion about the organization but we did not discuss what type of structure. Now we can not do it because we do not have a proposal. We could propose to the executive office to think about the structure and come up for the next date with a proposal to the board and then we could go deeper into what kind of structure serve the best those aims we identified as the most important tasks.
Mauro Bossola: We have to set up a strategy and after that find out what kind of organization tools could support that strategy.
Patrick Guiol: I have a proposal for the board. Some associations like the French launched indexes on EO; we have seen another one yesterday. We could also reach the public at large with something else, we could launch a label such as the one on biological farming.
Jacek Lipinski: I would like to thank the board for the decision to partly fund the Warsaw conference in 99. We have the project of a conference in Poland in September.
Marc Mathieu : The board meeting is coming to a close. Now there will be the general meeting. I would like you to agree on the report and proposals and to present them to the general meeting. We will discuss Jacek’s proposal in the executive office and in relation with the CEEC network project.
Everyone in the board agrees with the report and proposals.
- Agree with the new members: ok
- Agree on the accounts for 2000: ok
- Budget for 2001: ok
- Proposals on point 5 ok : Walter Cerfeda resign and thank you, Pier Paolo Baretta,
     Mahmoud Salem, George Tuthill, IAFP
- Executive: Serge Cimmati + Patrick Guiol: ok
- Presidency: ok
- To discuss a label: ok
- Approval of the board: ok
Janos Lukacs: We should together plan for this year : what and how we process. Not to go deep in the design such as the invitations for that November conference but have a joint thinking to generate ideas and give advices. Do we plan an executive office meeting and when and what calendar? Do we have any joint contributions to the preparation of this November conference? How to prepare ourselves for  strategy as Mauro raised it and structure? I think our strategy has a basis. It can be based on our strategy meeting in Paris. There is a need to have an executive office about the priorities. Then there is the Presidency :we should get prepared and how.
Marc Mathieu : I’d like to hold one or 2 meetings in September and October and 1 every months as netmeetings. This could be combined with other elements of the agenda, for example the conference in September in Warsaw.
Dates in the agenda:
Netmeeting late in May : 22 May on 10:00
Netmeeting 20 June 16:00-18:00
Netmeeting August 16, 10:00
28 September Warsaw : meeting to be confirmed.
Netmeeting October 26 10:00
Board meeting 24 November in Brussels
Janos Lukacs: If we can design a good programme and marketing to sell the event of November, then maybe we can attract companies to pay to speak there.
Mauro Bossola: I looked at the figures and I think the idea from Janos is very good. It is possible to have presentations from multinational or European companies who could afford to support the event and give some supply to us.
Issues to discuss:
- EFES Label
- Belgian conference
- Polish proposal
- EFES strategy
- EFES organization
- EFES presidency
The EFES label is a good idea but not so urgent.
For the first executive : Polish proposal and Belgian conference.
David Erdal: For the netmeeting we should record the minutes and make them available to EO members of EFES. It would also be an area of the site where to put some documents. Let’s ask Dan Bell how to do this.
Janos Lukacs: There are several topics. I propose that we share responsibilities and I propose to drive the debate on the strategy.
Mauro Bossola: My favourite field is the organization : what kind of organization for the future?
Marc Mathieu will coordinate November conference in Brussels
Marc Mathieu, Secretary General