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The Coalition decides that tax incentives will be doubled

Germany is finally moving. In the course of the negotiations on the basic pension, the Coalition has agreed to increase the tax-free allowance for employee participation in working capital from 360 euros to 720 euros. The Coalition Resolution of 10 November 2019 states: "Employee share ownership contributes to the accumulation of wealth of employees. In order to increase their attractiveness, the maximum tax-exempt amount will be increased from the current 360 euros to 720 euros." Thus, the coalition takes up a long-standing demand of the German Association for Employee Participation (AGP) to improve the tax environment for employee capital participation.

With the increase in the allowance, AGP expects a significant effect on the accumulation of assets of employees who can already make use of the corresponding investment offers of their company. "To what extent more companies will offer participation programs for their employees in the future, remains to be seen, however, since the allowance in comparison to other European countries remains low. The European experience here shows a clear correlation between the level of support and the degree of penetration of employee capital participation" says AGP Managing Director, Heinrich Beyer.
The association therefore pleads for a further gradual expansion of the tax subsidy. A further increase could also strengthen the German start-up companies in the international location competition for qualified specialists.
For their part, the opposition parties (FDP and Grünen) want an exemption up to 7,500 euros comparable to other major European countries.

Press review
We have a selection of 30 remarkable articles in 8 countries in November 2019: Denmark, France, Germany, Croatia, Italy, Poland, United Kingdom, USA.
Denmark: The new social democratic government could open the way for the introduction of the ESOP model in Europe.
France: New employee share plans for Alstom, for CagGemini, for Veolia, for Soitec. Employee share ownership in SMEs: Artelia, Telelogos, StellaGroup. Workers cooperatives for business transmission.
Italy: Employee share plan for Luxottica.
Poland: In his investiture speech, Prime Minister Morawiecki  confirms employee share ownership as a priority, with the goal of building the Polish welfare state and making Poland "the best place to live in Europe".
UK: Some new firms moving to the Employee Ownership Trust scheme. The "Equity for All Report" recommends a new range of tax incentives.
USA: Menke & Associates is the Nation's Premier ESOP Advisor. Comments about the iconic  employee-owned New Belgium Brewery which could be sold to a larger company. Employee are often the losers when the ownership of their employers changes hands. They almost never benefit from a transaction... unless the company has broad-based ownership by its employees. The existence of an ESOP means that the sale price is divided among many people, rather than a single person taking the entire profit from the sale.

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