half as many layoffs |
with employee stock ownership had only half as many
layoffs as other companies during the last two recessions.
A new study co-authored by Rutgers School of Management
and Professor Douglas Kruse establishes the first
conclusive link between broad-based employee stock
ownership and increased employment stability in the
"If good-paying, stable jobs are the economy’s
goal, then encouraging employee stock ownership in
companies makes a lot of sense," said Douglas
"Employee ownership is often seen primarily as
a way to improve employee relations and increase productivity,
but these results show there is an important add-on
effect on job stability".
More information

We have a selection of 25 remarkable articles in 9 countries
in April 2017: Australia, Austria, Finland, France, Germany,
Italy, South Africa, UK, USA.
Australia: Employee ownership is beginning to take
off in Australia.
Austria: Income tax exemption on employee share plans
increased from 1.460 to 3.000 € per year in 2016; Minister
of Finance Schelling plans to double it again to 6.000€.
Finland: New employee share plan for Nixun.
France: Employees become majority shareholders of
GA Group. A picture of workers cooperatives in France. Eleven
proposals from the French Federation of Employee Shareholders
Associations to promote employee ownership.
Germany: Why employee share ownership should be encouraged
in Germany. Employee share ownership and pension savings
are not in competition.
Italy: Assonline wants to shorten the distance that
still separates employee ownership in Italy compared to
the rest of Europe.
South Africa: Black Mountain Mining has established
an employee share ownership plan through consultation between
mine management and the National Union of Mineworkers.
UK: The fall of Anton Group.
USA: For more than a decade, equity compensation
where average employees get to own shares of the companies
they work for through restricted stock or stock options
has declined dramatically in many large publicly-traded
corporations. Companies with employee stock ownership had
only half as many layoffs as other companies during the
last two recessions. Now firms turning to ESOPs.
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