share ownership should be a pivotal part of the Capital
Markets Union, - this is the position of the
German Share Institute (Deutsches Aktieninstitut
- DAI), responding to the public consultation
organized by the European Commission. The Capital
Markets Union (CMU) is a plan of the European Commission
to mobilize capital in Europe. "Employee share
ownership helps to stabilize the European economy
as a whole" tells the DAI. "Studies from
the US clearly show that companies offering their
employees a stake of the business capital create more
jobs than companies that do not have the same instruments
in place. Employee shareholders accumulate more assets
for retirement purposes, get better wages and are
less likely to become unemployed compared to other

income of private households currently depends highly
on wages, employee shareowners benefit from raising
capital incomes, which decreases wealth inequality in
the society." More
for a European Action Plan |
its response to the public consultation on the Capital
Markets Union, the European Federation of Employee
Share Ownership points out the fact that the EU is
strongly underdeveloped compared to the US considering
employee share ownership, which contributes much more
to the solidity and to the stability of capital markets
in the US than it does in Europe. The underdevelopment
of employee share ownership hampers also Europe in
terms of productivity, growth, job creation, as well
as in the fields of pensions or business transmission,
especially considering SMEs.

CMU Action Plan should face this through two new measures:
First, a dedicated European Action Plan should be set
up to promote European convergence in this field. Secondly,
the ignorance of the ESOP scheme is a dramatic handicap
for Europe, leading to the fact that employee ownership
in SMEs is practically unknown in Europe compared to
the US. The CMU Action Plan should remedy this. More
We have a selection of 29 remarkable articles in 8 countries
in March 2017: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,
Poland, UK, USA.
Austria: New capital increase for Voestalpine employees.
Europe: Annual Economic Survey of Employee Share
Ownership in European Countries in 2016. French socialist
Members of the European Parilament calling for support for
employee share ownership.
Finland: New employee share plan for Solteq.
France: Big change for Orange: For the first time,
employee shareholders' representatives to be (partly) elected,
- and the employee shareholders association won the election.
New employee share plans for Schneider Electric, for Sopra
Steria, for Total. Employees become majority shareholders
of GA Group. New stories from workers cooperatives.
Germany: Employee share ownership is growing in Europe.
Italy: Employee ownership in European countries.
Poland: Why employee share ownership has to be promoted
in Poland.
UK: New firm turning to the Employee Ownership
Trust scheme.
USA: Why business owners should consider ESOPs when
exiting their business.
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