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The study entitled "Employee Financial Participation in Companies' Proceeds" was published by the European Parliament in September 2012. Authors of the study were severely condemned by the Court of Justice of Brussels and the study had to be definitely removed by the European Parliament. Authors of the study are a consortium made of Ecorys and Case, represented by Professors Jens Lowitzsch and Iraj Hashi. In addition, the study seriously misled the Parliament on two major points. More information

Back to fiscal incentives
It is well known that fiscal incentives are the key point for the development of employee share ownership. Australia: The Labor Government decided in 2009 to cut fiscal incentives for share option plans, leading to a disaster for employee ownership and entrepreneurship in Australia. Now they're back:  “We are reversing the changes that the former government made in 2009 which essentially stopped employee ownership in this country,” Prime Minister Abbott said. Denmark: Fiscal incentives on employee share plans were removed in 2012. Now they're back: Legislative amendments are presented in this sense to the Parliament. The Netherlands and Greece: Fiscal incentives were removed in 2012. When will reason come back there? France: Surprising Government's order removes the whole legislation which formerly encouraged employee share ownership in case of privatisations. At the same time, the British Government recently doubled fiscal incentives for employee share plans in the UK, as a key element of recovery. And former European Commissioner Michel Barnier just launched a call in the British and French press, telling that "Europe can only gain if we embrace employee share ownership", and calling the new European Commission to bring support in this sense. More information in our press review

Press review
We have a selection of 32 remarkable articles in 9 countries in October 2014: Australia, Denmark, France, India, Italy, Poland, South Africa, UK, USA.
Australia: “We are reversing the changes that the former government made in 2009 which essentially stopped employee ownership in this country,” Prime Minister Abbott said. New legislation will replicate key aspects of the British regime that seeks to encourage stock options in small companies and start-ups.
Denmark: Legislative amendments due to be presented to parliament this month will allow employees to become partial owners of the enterprise.
France: Recent Government's order going to demolish employee share ownership in France.
India: New ESOP regulation.
Italy: Minister Pier Paolo Baretta declares it is time for employee share ownership in Italy.
Poland: Tax legislation in Poland doesn't encourage employee share ownership.
South Africa: Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Employee Share-Ownership Schemes (BBBEE) are hugely important concerns.
UK: New legal and tax environment encourages employee share ownership. Tax exemptions introduced in the UK Finance Act 2014 are encouraging employee ownership trust ("EOT") buy-outs and this successful UK business model could attract momentum internationally. The economy needs more employee-owned businesses because employee owners think and act for the long term.
USA: Recognizing ESOPs as good public policy: the tax status of ESOPs has to be preserved. Only 8% of business owners are thinking of selling to their employees, as in an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP.

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