Typologie der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung
Basierend auf empirischen Untersuchungen kann eine Typologisierung
der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung vorgenommen werden: Bis
zu 1% Beteiligungsquote ist Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung
nicht signifikant, über 1% erlangt sie Signifikanz, über
6% erhält sie eine strategische Bedeutung, über 20% wirkt
sie bestimmend und ab 50% kontrollierend. Selbstverständlich
gibt es hier einen starken Bezug zu Fragen der Unternehmensführung.
Bemerkenswert ist, dass Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung nicht
nur in KMU, sondern auch bei einer Vielzahl der größten
Unternehmen Europas zumindest eine strategische Bedeutung
annimmt. Mehr Informationen
Strong development in European companies
ownership was strongly growing in European companies during
the last decade. 83% of all large companies have employee
share plans now, compared to 40% ten years ago and only
10% in 1986.
In most cases, such plans are now designed for all employees
rather than just for a small number. Ten million European
employees hold shares in their company.
This is much money for employees – over 200 billion Euro,
over 20.000 Euro for each.
Things are also changing about corporate governance: Employee
ownership is now in a strategic, determining or controlling
position in over 25% of all largest European companies.
to enlarge

The European Federation of Employee Ownership (EFES) acts
as the umbrella organization of employee owners, companies
and all persons, trade unions, experts, researchers, institutions
looking to promote employee ownership and participation
in Europe.
With the help of experts, lawyers and economists, the EFES
is setting up a European centre for information, meeting,
research, training, advice and representation about employee
ownership and participation. It also organises many events and meetings in Europe.
EFES' monthly newsletter and press review are addressed
to 200.000 people across Europe and abroad.
political roadmap for employee ownership in Europe
needs more members.
Download the EFES membership form
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